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Unicorn Overlord a masterpiece you should not buy Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 08:42:07 Id: 05097a No. 958103
/v/ I'm here to say after playing it via emulation of the Switch version that Unicorn Overlord is a masterpiece , 10/10 and as the kids would say GOAT. If not for the fact Elden Meme's DLC is coming out and the potential of Metaphor: ReFantazio, I would say this is JPRG of 2024 hands fucking down. This might even surpass Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir , Dragon's Crown and 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim as Vanillaware's best game, it's that fucking good. <But anon you just spend the first bit of this post practically on the knees sucking it off why are you saying not buy it? The localisation of this game is not great and if you're a Vanillaware fag like I am you should not support the English version of this game period, if you want to support Vanillaware go buy a JP copy of this from Amazon jp or other moon storefront. Yes it's not totally pozzed like say FE or others have been but it still changes the tone and intent of the game >WHO CARES IF THE DIALOGUE IS FLOWERY ANON? You should care as it's still an alter of the original work and an utter disrespect of Vanillaware >WHERE IS THE PC VERSION YOU NIGGER? There is none as for whatever reason the CEO of Vanillware is super butthurt towards PC as platform, which is a shame as the mods of this game would be amazing and patches to unfuck the localisation would also be very welcomed. I think this would've added another 500k sales or even more if it was on steam as let's face it consoles are pretty much dying, even in Japan PC has gotten pretty big (not big enough where it's fully taken over like the west and Slavland), even Atlus was scratching their heads on why Vanillaware asked them to not allow a PC version. >DOES THIS GAME HAVE WAIFUS? Yes it does and they are all amazing but if you're a hag lover like myself Yahna is best girl. >WHERE CAN ONE EUMLATE IT? Ryujinx is what I used and I'm unsure if there are others, so perhaps a kind anon could correct me. <Closing notes If you're looking for something that beats modern FE(FE: Three Houses wasn't too bad but I understand why people might not care for it) this next to StellaGlow will fill that Strategy JRPG niche. How many hours you anons put into it and and who were your favourites? Also SCARLETT A SHIT!
>>967248 Final Fantasy Tictacs PSP port, the Tactics Ogre psp port is readable.
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>>966994 >>967048 >>967078 It's not just the faux shakespeare language being an issue, it's the extra lines appearing out of nowhere in the English translation and altered details that can change the personality of characters. Like the prologue part where young Alain is telling the guard captain Joseph to not worry over him and go help his mother instead. Whereas in English, young Alain is asking why Joseph is not helping Mother. The implications are different. Japanese Valmore is also more noble and gracious in victory than the localized one who has just become a saturday cartoon evil villain.
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>>967246 >>967546 Sorry, but outside of the Beaumont example, I don't feel those are substantially different from the original text. The general tone and meaning appear to be intact, just more verbose than necessary. Also, your Valmore example is missing an alternate translation.
>>967593 >clear expressions of obvious fear and vulnerability got changed to aloof dismissal and violent resistance with talking shit Nah, you're a disingenuous retard who doesn't know how language works. Fuck off.
>Is shown blatant evidence and still is trying to be dishonest Fuck off.
Here's your reply
>>967644 Dark Elf and Witch are better.
Great game ruined by localization.
>>967646 kemono is better
After some more time I finished the game at about 52 hours. After mulling it over for some time I haven't really decided if it is a 8/10 or a 9/10. I like the game quite a bit. the combat was very fun and made me think quite a bit about my set up and what characters I should bring. I normally do not like this type of strategy games as it usually feels like its more about effect stacking and stats instead of actual maneuvering but it managed to keep me engaged. The part I dislike about the game is the difficulty curve. I complained earlier about losing a match and being under leveled. Looking back on it I kinda wish I had kept being under leveled because the difficulty falls off a cliff by level 25 and never goes back up. I had 1 unit that was just Clive, Adel and some Cleric girl. They started out as a really strong unit that wrecked a fair number of units and by level 30 they were dominating everything and everyone. I stopped using any sort of tactics and just used the cavalry for almost everything. the 1 or 2 unit that are specifically designed to kill knights usually just required me to swap my knights position until the dice rolls favoured me. By the time I had promoted them to great knights the game was pretty much beat. For some battles I tried to beat them without using the knights with some success. The problem got even worse when Alain, Hodrick, Yahna, Scarlett and Auch all got together and managed to become almost as busted as the great knights had become. I had also added Miriam and Josef to their units. Josef really fell off. I thought that he was going to die at some point in the story so i tried not to use him much early game. Turns out he doesn't die he just becomes a support unit instead of a hard carry. At this point I had 2 units that could both solo entire armies and I just felt stupid not using them. The story is something that is hard to judge. Not just because the translation fucks with the meaning and intent of certain words. The narrative is rather simple and straight forward. There are some minor twists and interesting world building along the way. I do like how its vaguely implied humans aren't native at all to the continent. The story being simple wouldn't be a problem on its own but having played 13 sentinels not too long ago and knowing how that game was a bit of a flop (In terms of sales and not in terms of quality), A part of me wonders if George isn't a little bit bitter about it. I wouldn't blame him for it. I would be too if I wrote a masterpiece of science fiction which was then completely ignored. Despite my suspicions I did like the story and the characters in it. The MC is just a self insert, who gives a shit. but all the side characters are good. I particularly like the dynamic around Travis, Berengaria and Bruno. I also really find Melisandre funny. First thing she does is thirst over the MC and asking to join his harem. Unfortunately for her I decided to marry big titty white mage Scarlett. I kinda regretted it though, I should have married Eltolinde instead. She was talking about elves and humans having a long and fruitful relationship and I am absolutely going to make hear "bear fruit", If you know what I mean. Or at least I would have if I hadn't married Scarlett. At least i will never run out of milk. has anyone else seen ladies versus butlers? Drill girl in this game reminds me of Drill girl from that anime. There is a few instances where I wish I had a choice. There is a part where A previous villain re appears and is kidnapping orphans to sell as slaves, You cannot execute him and he instead ends up guarding that orphanage. I thought it was really stupid but thankfully moments like that are rare. Meta knowledge might have stopped me from making a really funny mistake too. When the shrine starts talking about giving the ring to the one you trust the most my immediate thought was to give it to Lex. Lex is my bro, he wouldn't betray me. Then I remembered that this game is supposed to have marriage and this was it. This is how you marry people. I still considered giving it to lex. Summary: A good strategy game with a disappointing difficulty curve. A straightforward and simple story with a lot of interesting bits along the way. Absolutely fantastic art as is expected of vanillaware. 8.5/10. Side note: While playing the game I had a thought about how I wish more game had hand drawn art instead of pixel art. The side effect of this is thinking about skullgirls, unfortunate. That got me thinking about a vanillaware fighting game and now I really want it. Original Ip or just a cross over fighter, Either way it would be fucking sick.
Is there any re-translation attempts going on?
>>968614 Glad to hear your review of it. I agree with a lot of your thoughts on it. >I kinda wish I had kept being under leveled because the difficulty falls off a cliff by level 25 and never goes back up. This is a huge one, I personally wish there was an "insane" or very difficult game mode option that was available from the beginning. In my experience, once I had a squad that was maybe 2 levels higher than the enemies on the field, it could basically kill all of them. I do find it interesting that Adel is so good, my brother is playing the game and also said Adel is scaling pretty well. For me, he was one of my least used characters besides Hodrick and the other healers. I found the furries to be really fun to use and they were strong. The one person who disappointed me the most was Lex. I wanted Alain's bro to be competitive in the game but he just sucked ass the entire game, never useful at all. Even at max level, completely useless. >The Story I agree with your thoughts on the story also, but bear in mind that I dont think Kamitani wrote the story for this. Usually, hes the main force/director/writer/etc. for Vanillaware stuff but this time he let another guy take a stab and it and just supported him whole-heartedly while giving advice/feedback. Here's the english translated one if you want to take a look at an interview with the director. https://web.archive.org/web/20240312073718/https://personacentral.com/unicorn-overlord-developer-interview/ (regular archive isn't working for me) I felt the same way with the characters in that while the story wasn't that impressive for me, I really liked most of the characters/their relationships with others. Part of me wishes that it could've went deeper with them but I assume there were budget constraints. I am curious though about how well you fared at the final boss. I remember that even at level 40, I was still getting my ass handed to me on that map. Took me a lot of tries/combinations to finally win it. >>968618 Not that im aware of
>>968622 >Not that im aware of Guess I'll never get around to playing this then. I tried it out, but every time there was some flowery nonsense dialog it left a real bitter taste.
>>968626 imo the story isn't that impressive anyways so I would say if you wanted to play for the other elements (gameplay, music/art, women) and just skip the story you could. if its that bad then I'd say just wait for the fan translation
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>>968622 Their ownership by Sega and Atlus is the biggest double-edged sword. On one hand, they're so utterly close to the Western (((pozz))) they hate so much, especially with the lolcowlulzer intentionally massacring their work. On the other, it's clear there's a certain degree of respect and freedom granted to them by their corporate owners that *they can choose not to release on PC,* likely because of the old JP mentality that releasing your work on the internet=devaluation, dissolution, destruction of creative control. And yet with them being assailed on all sides when they just want to uphold their artistic pursuits, I think PC is the way out where they can fully connect with their fanbase and be free of financial and artistic constraints from Kusony's Western censorship board. TL;DR I wish Kamitani can meet with Inti Creates and "get the idea" to go independent like they did.
>>968622 >I am curious though about how well you fared at the final boss. I started the final battle at level 40. I finished it first try and was now 45. Like the battles before all of the opponents just melted in front of clive and adel. Alain also did most of the work on Galerius but Adel ended up bringing him down. The necromancer was a bit of a surprise but once I figured out I had to swap one of the 3 attacks for the super special game ender to finally finish him it was over. You did get your grand dads sword before going to the final battle right?
>>968622 >>968634 >Nigel and Sanatio have the same voice actors as Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tsukasa Okino from 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. Was this intentional casting? Oh my god how did I not notice that? I was even playing with JP voices. That is fucking hilarious.
>>968626 This isn't really on the same level as something like Eyuden Chronicles where the translation is outright disrespectful to it's creator and hostile to it's audience. It's well in "acceptable to pirate" territory I'd say.
>>968636 I did not realize that. They definitely did it on purpose.
>>968640 I couldn't stand it, it felt like I was reading some cock sucker's creative writing homework, like I said it's more knowing that they messed with it.
>>968640 It’s pretty bad when paired with jap audio. You can tell the difference even if you barely understand the language
>>968614 >Clive, Adel and some cleric girl They should've been having issues with wyverns and other fliers in the midgame though? (but I guess level 30 is pretty much late game) But yes I generally agree, cavalry are pretty ridiculous in this game, but that's the case in most strategy/tactics games. I'll post my thoughts after I'm finished with the game myself but I generally agree with what you've said in this post, though in my case it was different units and different power curves.
>>969942 Wyverns are super rare though. I barely ran into any of them. Super disappointing too, I thought they were cool looking units but I practically never saw them. Something else that I should have mentioned is that Rolf and his generic archer friend was also really dominant. He is supposed to counter thieves and fliers but in my experience he countered most other things really well too.
It occurs to me that you mentioned other fliers. Gryphons weren't that common for me either. I do not recall the enemy using a whole lot of them. There were occasional flying units being sent directly to my base but I just parked any character on HQ and that made the problem go away. Albion on the other hand is full of fliers but by the time I reached Albion the knights had already gotten so fucking strong Rolf was no longer needed to deal with fliers.
>>968618 I hope they do so in the future.
>>962909 The devs started a new project already, so if it does happen, it will be SEGA making a small team for it
>>973193 I wonder what it will be. I am still hoping for a fighting game.
Just finished the game. Played on the highest difficulty. Game's way too damn easy. Past the first two hours, I never once felt challenged or had any issues progressing. The only times I lost were due to "save the surrounded friendly AI unit" scenarios, and that was mostly due to my cheap lazy ass not using feathers to get my army into position. The game becomes trivial once you realize Unicorn Overlord isn't a tactical or strategy game, it's Tic-Tac-Toe. Almost every enemy unit is compromised of one archetype with one to three support units. If you fight that unit with something which can counter its archetype, you're pretty guaranteed to win with minimal damage taken. Fight cavalry with gryphons or wyverns, fight light infantry with cavalry or armoured infantry, fight armoured infantry with casters or flyers, fight flyers with archers, fight casters with anything, laugh at fighters and thieves. Keep an archer doomstack and a caster doomstack behind your fighting units to assist: the damage is great, but the real strength is the three combat result rerolls. By the end of the game, my two archer unit was hitting squishy targets for 30-40, while my four caster unit was assisting for 50+ damage. Overall, I'd say the game's good (7), would have been an 8 if there had been a higher difficulty setting and if the translation wasn't ass. Some random tips for people struggling: >wizards suck, use witches instead >fighters are worthless, thieves are only good for pilfer >guard stacking is incredibly powerful against almost every unit >druids/vikings provide physical team a massive damage multiplier, guard seal and defense down are incredibly powerful >evasive units are best paired with bishops that can revive >gryphons are busted, get two of them with Lucky Coin and the reins that give true strike and watch them tear shit up, see the bishop tip above >true strike attacks paired with gambler's coin are dirty >anything that can freeze the back row will be strong >>968614 >>968622 >>968634 For the final stage, half my units were 40-41, the rest were 35-36. The last boss felt like an annoying gimmick fight. I just threw units at it with archer/caster supports until it died, then I sent in Alain to finish it off.
>>974247 >he game becomes trivial once you realize Unicorn Overlord isn't a tactical or strategy game, it's Tic-Tac-Toe. Almost every enemy unit is compromised of one archetype with one to three support units. If you fight that unit with something which can counter its archetype, you're pretty guaranteed to win with minimal damage taken. That's rock paper scissors, not tic-tac-toe and that's a pretty common occourence in strategy games. FE is built on that shit pretty much exclusively.
>>974247 A higher difficulty gets unlocked after you beat the game.
>>974249 Tic-Tac-Toe is a solved, perfect information game where losing is impossible as long as you counter your opponent's movements. Which is also what Unicorn Overlord is. The AI's 5 cavalry unit will always lose to your flyer formation, assuming you play well. >>974252 Yeah I saw, looked it up and it's some sort of fake ironman mode where you can still load your saves if you fail. I'll give it a shot eventually as I do think the game is worth another playthrough. The thing I'm most disappointed about is how easy the bosses were compared to Ogre Battle MotBQ.
>StellaGlow mentioned Alright, you got me there. Can i emulate the game with a 7gb ram PC? it doesnt seem the game would be very heavy, the problem is the emulation process.
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>>974284 >StellaGlow
Recently finished the game, here's my thoughts on it: Its a great game, as expected of Vanillaware. There are some flaws and things that could have been better of course, largely to do with the writing more than anything else, but I highly recommend it to anyone who even slightly enjoys this kind of game. >Gameplay Outstandingly fun, though I can't help but wonder if part of it ended up sacrificing story aspects for its incredible freedom to approach the game. Somehow, exploring the overworld and doing shit like mining and treasure-hunting was actually fun and enjoyable, which I did not expect at all. The level of customization for combat is shocking for a game like this, though I wish there was a tactics option for Rosalinde and Eltolinde with the number of fairies, because its not like you can predict the exact number of actions they will take if they perform actions such as healings. The game starts out pretty difficult in the early stages (and at the beginning of each arc with a difficulty spike), but you eventually get so many tools, resources, abilities, and customization/freedom to do things the way you want that it eventually starts getting pretty "easy". Though that's a weird way to put it. I played it on Expert, and I pretty much never lost except once or maybe twice by accident when I wasn't paying attention. Doesn't mean it wasn't difficult mind you, but the game gives you a lot to handle everything. I didn't use 90% of my consumable resources and I cleared the game without issue, though I do have a decent amount of experience with tactical/strategy games at this point. So many fun mechanics and stuff. The colliseum was a good time. I beat Amalia pretty early on, and I beat Gerard at low-level 30s which was nice. There was so much to find and/or unlock in this game, figuring out and fine-tuning combat was generally a blast, especially with all the items and abilities and whatnot. It is interesting to see how much my squads changed over the course of the game (and how much they didn't too) >Aesthetics and Presentation Vanillaware is above reproach. Most of the characters in this game are at least A-tier designs by Vanillaware standards. However, I do wish they had more S-tier character designs in this game, like what you'd see in Dragon's Crown or Muramasa. You could tell they were constrained by the nature of the game (having to make "standard" characters since you had to control and fight whole damn armies), and maybe the fact that Kamitani wasn't at the head of this game also influenced that. Still, Vanillaware made some incredible stuff as they usually do. The artwork was beautiful as a whole. Animations were good, though a lot of attack styles were pretty standard. I wish there was more flash to them, akin to GBA Fire Emblem animations if possible. >Music Was good. Could have been better but it was fine. I can't complain from what I remember. >Plot/Story writing Eh.. could have been a lot better, this is easily the weakest part of the game, which is unfortunate. Each story arc's "conclusion" generally coincided with a quality spike in terms of writing and storytelling, but it ends abruptly in each arc's conclusion. This basically amounts to the game feeling more like a few scattered events with a lot of gameplay stuff in-between for recruitment purposes rather than a full, cohesive story. It makes sense from a gameplay perspective (in the sense that if you can do many parts of the game out of order or in the way you want) but makes the game's pacing and overall cohesion suffer from an immersion and impact perspective. Its funny how the plot basically turned into Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood at the end there though, but yeah, minus that part it was pretty... I don't want to call it "standard", but... its more like lacking in meat. Its like a T-bone steak where most of it has already been eaten and you only get enough beef on there to have a few bites of, making you just wish you had more. >Character writing There were some flashes of great character writing, and the general characterization for a lot of characters is good. It generally just needs a lot more. A lot of the Rapport conversations felt like they were just the beginnings of something interesting, and then they just as abruptly come to a close. As a result, a lot of them feel rather "standard" because they weren't able to go to more interesting places. Still,there were funny ones, emotional ones, wholesome ones, and interesting ones. The characters themselves are generally likable and interesting right from a surface level, but unfortunately it doesn't progress much farther than that in most cases. Part of me wonders if it has to do with Alain as a character. He is basically built to be a character that everybody likes and as a result, everyone else's problems usually have to do with themselves dealing with Alain rather than Alain himself or anything he's done that's actually wrong. Its hard to have a good character relationship if it feels largely one-sided. The Rapport conversation I enjoyed most from the ones I actually saw was Tatiana's A-rank with Alain, where he's forced to deal with someone who actually feels hostile and frustrated towards him and his actions which have had brutal consequences. Even though Alain is still "in the right", its not as simple as it is with a lot of others, and it forces them both to introspect and express their feelings about this issue (and grow as a result). If more rapports in this game were like this, I think it could've been amazing. Though I did enjoy most of Alain's romance options that I saw in terms of the scenes, many were hilarious, some were more "generic" but pretty much all were enjoyable. The epilogue (or lack thereof in my case) was irritating, it was just a long sentence given and nothing else. IMO the conclusion deserved a whole scene dedicated to it (or at least multiple paragraphs or hell, just even 1), but I digress. I can understand if there are issues since they have to write and create a scene for every girl and that doesn't sound fun at all. Still though, it was a bit irritating. >Closing thoughts The sum of this game is greater than its parts. Its just so damn fun throughout pretty much the entire game. Overall, by my standards I'd give this game a low 9 out of 10. However, by normal people's standards, this is a 10/10 game and deserves to be played. As for the translation, it had its issues. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting, but there was still a good amount of places where its easy to notice the blatant changes or the fact that they basically did dubtitle """translation""". Plus some of the word choices they employed were just comical. I never thought I'd see the word "frippery" being used unironically (or at all) but I found it here, and it was as bad as you'd expect. I'd probably give it like a 6/10 or so. I will say, one major missed opportunity in my eyes was not allowing Alcina to be recruited (as an actual character, not postgame bullshit), maybe as a secret character or something. If you really want to make it difficult, maybe have Alain beat Gerard before fighting her (hell you can even lock it behind other things too like conversations with Alain, and/or a high rapport rank with Yahna) to unlock the ability to recruit her. It could've been great. She was such an interesting-seeming character with a fantastic design. A lot of other major characters have this issue too, maybe not recruiting them per se but at least having more from them would have been good. Nigel's story is basically finished very quickly after you meet him which is a shame because he both looks and seems very cool. Same for characters like Elgor and, well, basically every major Drakenhold character that I can think of anyways. There needed to be more meat at, before, and after these parts imo.
>>958153 this. you have A waifu. Not waifus. Polygamy is degeneracy

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