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Helldivers will require a PSN account going forward because of ///toxic gamers\\\ Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 11:14:54 Id: ec24e2 No. 964915
I don't know if this is worth its own thread but because of how crazy it is, I'm making it anyway. Sony is forcing a bait and switch with Helldivers 2. Basically as of May 6th, people who purchase the game will be required to connect their Steam and PSN accounts with everyone else being forced to do it on May 30th. The reason they're doing this is because of ///toxic gamers\\\ as seen in the announcement here >Account linking plays a critical role in protecting our players and upholding the values of safety and security provided on PlayStation and PlayStation Studios games. This is our main way to protect players from griefing and abuse by enabling the banning of players that engage in that type of behaviour. It also allows those players that have been banned the right to appeal. Personally I find it hilarious that Sony is basically trying to kill one of their most popular games considering that all they had to do was update the game, and people would continue playing for more MGSV style action. Instead Sony is forcing gamers to create and link a PSN account effectively blocking people who may not want a PSN account, out of the game.
>>966542 >You literally gave one about the government and industry colluding to invade people's privacy. And you declared that I was "unable" to cut myself off, which I have. And then you proceeded to go off on some tanget about companies "expanding power" despite the fact that I am quite literally no longer a apart of their industry. So, again, what are you talking about?
>>966271 nigger look at the flag next to its name
>>966543 I guess you missed the bits about being isolate but again if you aren't playing game at all fuck off. As for expanding power if specific to the gaming industry the practices of selling then reclaiming games at a whim are seen as acceptable then the companies will only seek to expand their draconian and anti consumer policies.
>>966549 Again, what are you talking about? Be specific instead of speaking in generalizations.
>>966553 Of what, companies engaging in anti consumer practives, consumer response repealing some of these practices? You've given nothing you want specifics on.
<‘Helldivers 2’ Community Manager Spitz Fired https://archive.is/J1wxr
>>966556 >oops all my community mangers are terminally online, literal Reddit transsexuals >haha my game died!
>>966556 Maybe they shouldn't hire redditors and discord trannies to fill these positions.
>>966573 Good fucking luck when that's 100% of the applicants.
>>966574 You'd need to be a neet or someone excessively concerned with their own e-peen to apply. This is why usually 4chan janitors or discord moderators or reddit managers are all un-hirable smelly NEET drains on society doing it entirely for free - they don't need the money anyways since they are on benefits and leeching off their parents.
>>966539 perhaps but does it automatically scan your computer every second for unlicensed software and then make a lawsuit against you?
>>966556 Don't celebrate so quickly. Spitz wasn't even the tranny CM, he was also a clown because he had a meltie and deleted the hell divers 1 discord because everyone the trannies banned were filtering into there to complain, but firing him and no one else is 100% scapegoat. Purpelegion the tranny flag mod who had a meltie over grumz posting about the drama on twitter literally slanderously accused him being a sexual abuser and is still a moderator. Baskinator the tranny CM who gloated about how PSN was literally just so they could more easily ban people is also still a CM. Nothing has actually been solved until they uproot the entire tree of trannies running the show there.
>>966586 Nothing will be solved even if they do uproot the tree, because the only seeds there are to plant in the field of cummunity managwhores are more tranny seeds.
>>966578 It scans the software when you launch it and then locks it down and Microsoft logs the report in their system to be given to the appropriate authority.
>>966587 Not entirely true, twinbeard the dev now turned part time CM was the only motherfucker there who used his braincells before saying anything. If they ripped out everyone else but him they could survive.
>>966587 a janny will always be a janny even if they're not a tranny, danny
>>966586 >Scapegoat him just to fire the remaining "normal" CM >Only tranny remains >Tranny HR will replace him with a new tranny recruit
>>966588 Is that archived anywhere? I'm curious how it looks like
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>>966556 Guess he should have put she/her and a bunch of tranny and pro-palestine/communist icons in his bio. They wouldn't have dared fired him then. Did he forget who the fuck he was working for?
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>>966177 Yeah I meant at large i.e. normalfags or at least not here >>966278 Because I'm too optimistic and easily taken advantage of
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>>966556 top kek
>>966090 Pretty good
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Update, it seems that the game is still banned from sale in those countries without PSN, oh and somehow the lead balancing dev is the same motherfucker from Hello Neighbor 2. >>964933 Game is already starting to drop off in playerbase after the Sony PSN bullshit, but it still averages in 150k+ on a weekday, so it won't die anytime soon.
>>968487 >Game is already starting to drop off in playerbase after the Sony PSN bullshit, but it still averages in 150k+ on a weekday, so it won't die anytime soon. Sure, but it's still trailing off of being the flavor of the month game in addition to being in the news pretty consistently since it became popular. Where is it going to be 3 months from now?
>>968490 >Where is it going to be 3 months from now? Probably still alive and kicking but never being able to reach it's release peak ever again. As in, like all multiplayer games out there. For all the fault Helldivers 2 has, it is leagues above the rest of the Live Service goyslop for two simple reasons: 1. It's fun to play 2. It's doesn't force FOMO (yet) Of course, these all can change drastically in a few month or so, but the devs so far seem to be more interested in the game rather than pushing microtransactions on the players. But what can i say, Arrowhead signed a deal with the devil, and they're already paying the price for it.
>>968492 The "rebalancing" of solo mode to give single players the same patrol spawn rates as a full party is utterly nonsensical - unless you realize that the entire goal of it is to push players into the fullest size team possible so that warbond gear will get in front of more people's eyes and encourage players to just buy them and keep up with the new meta. Pretty confident that the entire reason why AH is constantly fucking with the weapons isn't to make them all more well balanced or fix bugs - it's to keep people rotating gear. The result is that everything fun ends up getting neutered to the point that the whole game is just a fucking slog.
>>968487 It's been dropping since release. But the PSN account fiasco didn't actually affect player count at all. The real reason the player count is dropping is because there's a fixed amount of content in the game that people more and more people have reached. Once you've played a bunch of missions against robots and bugs and unlocked a bunch of gear, you've basically completed everything the game has to offer. Small additions like new weapons, cosmetics or upping the level cap, doesn't do anywhere near enough to re-engage people once slaughtering bugs and robots becomes routine. But I suspect they're working on adding that 3rd faction of Illuminate into the game, since they were in the 1st game. If they do, that will get a lot of people back into the game.
>>968514 Is the player count dropping like other games drop or is the player count dropping faster?
>>968523 You have to consider that Helldivers 2 was part of the normalfag hype sphere, and like all normalfags, they moved on to newer stimuli dispensers. Palworld, Lethal Company, Call of Duty, etc.
>>968529 There's a difference between Helldiver and Pallword's numbers. While Palword had a massive bump in the start, most of those players left immediately, whereas Helldivers 2 has a slow burn out as players run out of content. Now to be fair, Palwords has a similar player count in the last 24 hours as Valheim, which also had a massive drop, but at least Valheim is a much more "complete" game and it's been out for several years.
>>968530 I'm surprised Palworld dropped off so hard, I wonder what happened.
>>968534 It's a very rough and unfinished game.
>>968534 It's early access and people got through the content that was there. It's pretty simple. Anyone left is either new or grinding 'mons extremely high. As new content arrives, it'll bump back up.
>>968559 There was that pokemon mmo, every content update people would get on, catch everything in under 5 hours, and quit. Pokemon has a more ubiquitous playerbase among local kids and enough content churn for people to rebuy the game every few years.
>>968514 It looks like the controversy did temper weekend bumps but yeah, looks it didn't have a huuuge effect. Honestly those numbers are still pretty good, using 80/20 rule you could conservatively estimate that maybe a couple hundred thousand people still play the game regularly. Not going like "guize the gaem is so popular look!!!" but I dunno anything over 1000 seems healthy and active to me.

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