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Helldivers will require a PSN account going forward because of ///toxic gamers\\\ Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 11:14:54 Id: ec24e2 No. 964915
I don't know if this is worth its own thread but because of how crazy it is, I'm making it anyway. Sony is forcing a bait and switch with Helldivers 2. Basically as of May 6th, people who purchase the game will be required to connect their Steam and PSN accounts with everyone else being forced to do it on May 30th. The reason they're doing this is because of ///toxic gamers\\\ as seen in the announcement here >Account linking plays a critical role in protecting our players and upholding the values of safety and security provided on PlayStation and PlayStation Studios games. This is our main way to protect players from griefing and abuse by enabling the banning of players that engage in that type of behaviour. It also allows those players that have been banned the right to appeal. Personally I find it hilarious that Sony is basically trying to kill one of their most popular games considering that all they had to do was update the game, and people would continue playing for more MGSV style action. Instead Sony is forcing gamers to create and link a PSN account effectively blocking people who may not want a PSN account, out of the game.
>>964915 Hopefully the playerbase drops enough that they reconsider.
>>964918 Agreed
>>964915 Everyone everywhere has become completely 'tarded in 2024. From gaming to domestic and international politics.
>>964915 >PC players who are already eating rootkit bullshit are now supposed to follow Soy Knee's TOS in order to play PC People should have seen this shit coming since Arrowhead were bit Sony cocksuckers back then.
Also just in time to boost EDF6 sales on PC so that's cool.
Hold up, it needs a Steam AND PSN account? Not one or the other?
Can't wait to see the player count steadily drop off, followed by devs quitting, community drama, forced microtransactions and probably a server shutdown in like 2 years.
>Due to technical issues at the launch of Helldivers 2, we allowed the linking requirements for Steam accounts to be temporarily optional >That grace period will now expire The absolute SPIN holy shit
I wonder how long until the LGBT capes appear in the game.
>>964932 If you don't have a PSN account, you get banned. This sets a massive precedent where a company can decide to lock out two thirds of the world out of a game AFTER having received payment. I hope Valve goes fucking nuclear on this, and I hope the countries that both are 1) excluded from making PSN accounts and 2) have customer protection laws go scorched earth on this.
>>964942 >I hope Valve goes fucking nuclear on thi They won't, games requiring multiple accounts to work are already a thing for years. The account thing was disclosed since launch but not enforced. The usual approach on those issues from Valve is hands off.
>>964942 Valve doesn't care. Laws don't exist.
Recent reviews already flipped from very positive to mostly positive. The community discussions are also on fire.
>>964915 >sony pulled the rug out from people again Everyone who bought a sony product got what they deserved. Fucking retards on both sides of this. >>964930 Best part of this. I wish them well (assuming they also don't do something retarded) >>964942 The most valve would do is possibly offer refunds if the backlash is severe enough. Even that requires a ton of effort to get them to actually do.
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You want to know something funny? PSN isn't even available in like, over 120 countries. >Live in Estonia or the Philippines? Eat shit t. Sony
>>964915 Sony makes nothing and still ruins everything
>>964959 >Dump it
>>964959 >Sony makes nothing and still ruins everything Perfect representation of an interventionist state
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>>964959 lol lmao
>had a fat fuck fedora wearing local "stage actor" convince me to play this a month ago because I can "roleplay" as a WW2 era German infantry >told him I don't like rootkits or his implication he was trying to push in front of our boss >this happens a month later Of course that fat fuck and his walking soyjack friend was pushing this shit. Why do the most limp wristed liberal faggots in the west eat soyny shit? I loved them during the ps1 and 2 era but it's clear they will never go back. I hate the people I work with.
>>964969 >Why do the most limp wristed liberal faggots in the west eat soyny shit For a lot of fags out there, vidya is just a community event to take part in. They will ignore the cancer because they want to be part of the big thing everyone is currently into, so of course they spread it to everyone near them as well. >>964959 I wonder how far down this will go.
>>964959 What is this, an off-topic review period? And it's gone, gg
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Some of the recent reviews are quite amusing.
>>964986 Haha Waaw
>>964986 >shitposting in public forums Nothin' finer. It does light a spark of hope in me when I see the normalfags get it right every once in a while.
Worth noting that this will predictably lose them money (even if nobody refunds, a sizable fraction will just stop playing rather than make PSN accounts and thus won't spend any more in the cash shop), and they're doing it anyway because what they're really after is control.
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>>964990 >because what they're really after is control. >when most of your userbase will dump the game afterwards brilliant move
I'm amazed the community managers keep doing this. You'd think they would learn that being cunts is not the winning move to deal with an angry customer.
>>964988 This is one of the rare times it's actually funny and informative. Most Steam reviews trying to be funny are some retard going >haha I voted positive for this literally unplayable piece of shit aren't I hilarious? or something equally less than worthless.
>Steller Blade gets bait & switched with the censorship >then this happens with helldivers Did the same grifters that shilled SB as 'that vidya who will fight against the woke' also happen to do the same with Helldivers?
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>he bought it You faggots deserve all the pain in the world for falling into this trap, I hope you regret your retarded decisions and have some actual fucking fun this July. FUCK DEMOCRACY MOTHER EARTH NEEDS YOU COCKSUCKER!!! ARE YOU READY TO ANSWER THE CALL???
>>965028 Should've been: >It's all so tigersome
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>>965030 >still didn't correct the image
>>965024 I just hope that SB gets ported to PC after all >>965014 >You'd think they would learn that being cunts is not the winning move to deal with an angry customer. That's customer service 101, but these buffoons skipped class and then payed the professor to pass >>965031 Fern sexo
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>>965025 >///localizers\\\ having their way with a nip game A pirate at best. I'm not about to give money to faggots that can't even speak the language they are translating. I'm not giving money to a company that employs low skilled people that hate me for existing. Give me a freakin' sec here, I'm multitasking. That, and the file name was too good to pass up. Thanks for the wit, m8.
>>965034 Then play it in Japanese
>>965031 >>965033 >Fern sexo hard agree
>>964915 >indie game dev makes successful game >makes mistake of doing it under Sony >Sony sees this and ~6 months later promptly ruins it (because of course) wew >>965031 >>965033 I want fern to give me a handjob while glaring in disgust at me. >>965039 Dubtitles or actual subtitles? If its the latter, then its probably completely fine.
>>965041 I can't lewd anything on that show outside of the smug combat elf and the smug pit slut.
>>965034 Anytime m8
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>>965024 >Did the same grifters that shilled SB as 'that vidya who will fight against the woke' also happen to do the same with Helldivers? Yes, they did. Helldivers 2 was an "anti-woke" game that got heavily shilled in the grifter circle. Including that nigger Sargay of Cukkad. Imagine my shock this morning when I read the news lmao.
>>965025 I've thought about giving EDF a try after playing DynaMarisa years ago but I just can't handle the spiders and the spider den levels. Shame too cuz the game seems really damn fun. >>965024 Not really, but it was really popular in such circles for being a very good 'murican style game with all the "freedom" talk and other shit, plus people making political memery related to it and the bots being commies. You might be onto something there anon. >>965014 The kinds of retards hired for such positions rarely understand proper customer interaction. Such assholery is to be expected, but I'm surprised they're doubling and tripling down on it, even telling people who own the game in countries that can't register for PSN to "get fucked". With the devs making the excuse that this is for security and account banning processes, as well as for cracking down on toxicity, I wonder if this is because they were going to put out faggot pride cosmetics and the game as it is and with the current fanbase would leave the devs unable to deal with the Friendly Fire epidemic that would occur as people rightfully smite their faggot flag wearing allies instead of the bots or bugs.
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>>965059 >I've thought about giving EDF a try after playing DynaMarisa years ago but I just can't handle the spiders and the spider den levels Play through these and get through your fear you fucking pussy.
Supposedly the "PSN required" info was just a blurb on the store page and a closeable popup once you started the game, and there was no actual mention of a "grace period" previously (which is the excuse the developers are now using). Does anyone have any more concrete info regarding those claims?
>>965064 I bought it on launch and they did mention it would be taken down temporarily during launch issues devlogs, probably to reduce infrastructure complexity during fixes. Can't be arsed to read every piece of news from the devs to link it though, and dunno what new players would have seen.
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>>965059 >>965058 I'll admit my only frame of reference is endymiontv but I just remembered him talking about helldivers 2 <those overwhelming thumbnails though
>>965064 There was a big fuckoff disclaimer on the store from day one saying "REQUIRES 3RD-PARTY ACCOUNT: PLAYSTATION NETWORK" right below the disclaimer that stated "INCORPERATES 3RD-PARTY DRM" and above the disclaimer that said "REQUIRES AGREEMENT TO EULA CONTRACT". Everybody who bought the game had to look at these disclaimers, they had to look at the fuckoff huge popup on their screen telling them all god damn about it, then they had to click the big legal contract "I consent" box when it blocked them from getting past the menu and NOW they're all in a fucking angry huff over the fact that they agreed to some nigger bullshit they don't really like and don't actually agree to; the devil has come to collect on the deal but it's far too late for them to go back now. And so their souls are lost to damn nation thanks to being brainless faggots.
>>965071 I guess only soyny trannies will play it now, what a self-fulfilling prophecy if they add fag capes.
>>965073 >damn nation I knew the government had something to do with this.
>>965073 You forgot one final term to that deal with the devil. The game has an anticheat program that gets embedded into your computer kernel. A game that is that ties down to Sony having ring zero access. May god have mercy on their souls because soyny will not.
>>964942 >This sets a massive precedent where a company can decide to lock out two thirds of the world out of a game AFTER having received payment. Anon, here is the Helldivers 2 EULA that was available as on March 4: Here is point NUMBER FUCKING 2 of the damn agreement: https://archive.ph/XeqmD <This Agreement will apply to all Software updates, including all downloadable content for the Software. SIE may, by automatic update or otherwise, modify the Software at any time for any reason. If the Software uses online servers, SIE makes no commitment to continue to make those servers available and may terminate online features at any time. People did it to themselves.
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>>965078 Sony is their God now
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>>965087 >b-but the game is good! Not only should companies suffer for pushing this shit but so should every fucking retard that enables them.
>>964943 The secondary launcher/login isn't the problem. The problem is that Steam sold the game to 60+ some odd countries in which PSN isn't available - so now those customers are about to get their access to the game nuked. If this had always been planned from the beginning, then they should have given Steam a list of countries which weren't eligible to buy the game from due to not having access to PSN. Now Valve has a massive headache on their hands refunding games that Sony just broke... because they want to make sure nobody is saying "faggot". Easy way to solve this would be to just disable cross-play without account linking - but Sony doesn't want to do that because, A. The game is a live service and they want to consolidate the community to maximize Super Credit sales, and B. The PC version is by a wide margin the platform with the most players. It's like a 60/40 split or greater. If they let PC players just cut off the PS5 players to avoid PSN login, then the PS5 version will die overnight.
>>965087 EULAs are almost never actually read and are never held up in court. You should know this. They're just big scary blocks of legal jargon the average consumer is too stupid to understand and are unenforceable due to such. Of course people are going to react like this is new despite being in there because NOBODY READS EULAS. >>965071 Yeah that's what I mean. It was popular in those circles, but it wasn't shilled as some grand savior like Stellar Blade was.
>>965087 >EULA can disobey the law and there's nothing you can do about it Why are these people coming here (((all of a sudden)))? We're never going to believe your shit.
>>965091 >EULAs are almost never actually read and are never held up in court. Careful, the last time I made that claim someone went on for like ten posts explaining why I was wrong.
>>965093 EULAs should have a small clause hidden in the middle stating "You will give your first born child as slave to the company" or similar really.
Reminder that there is legal precedence in that the EULA does NOT apply to children, which is probably the majority of this game's audience. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=dff7sHUzDww
>>965095 >children, which is probably the majority of this game's audience <the majority of this game's audience in reality
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Not inherently a deal breaker for me. Game is fun as fuck and this is just sony nigger shit trying to inflate their PSN numbers for investor meetings. But I will say if the tranny jannies and tranny CM's have even the slightest fucking say in any increase of in game moderation. I'll quit.
>>965094 >Implying people playing current year video games are reproducing They’re either chemically sterilized soykin, lardasses with berry’s induced erectile dysfunction, or jaded at the modern world to the point of vowing celibacy.
>>965103 It's not even the tranny jannies and CMs, it'll be an AI algorythm always listening in to your text and voice communication for any signs of bad think, and to top it off, it'll even recognize your emotional state and will dole out bans for getting too sweaty during a match. Want to chill with your buddy and call him a faggot while throwing around the bants - that gets flagged as "non-aggressive" and sent to a bit database where "patterns of targeted harassment" can be nebulously put together until it triggers a ban. Get frothy mouthed and call some cocky little piece a shit a fucking nigger faggot for constantly team killing you by dropping orbitals at his feet? Instant ban. Too scared to go online and risk a wayward comment nuking your entire game library? That's fine. Sony has a new patent to allow an AI to play your games for you. Just boot the game, enable auto-play with certain parameters, and then go bed, or go to work, or get drunk and beat your wife and kids - the Playstation will scour hundreds of hours of content for your chosen game and learn how to play and unlock all those trophies it by itself. When you get back it'll give you a summary of what happened while you were gone.
>>965110 Related, easier to catch with headline
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Whose apart of the lineup, /v/?
>>965103 I hope they add tranny capes to this and every other game so people stop buying them.
>>965110 If it happens I'll quit, but frankly I like the game enough to wait and see. If shame on me then such is life.
>>965114 Golden age Guts
hey wouldn't it be funny if stellar blade angry class action against sony and this wwre made into real gaymergate2
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>>965126 It doesn't matter, you already bought it you dumbshit, you're part of the problem.
>>965153 Dumb fucking tranny
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>>965153 >Oh woe is me, I'm throwing myself on the grenade~ >P.S. no refunds No violin is small enough to play for this faggot.
>>965089 >The game is good Completely fair argument, but that doesn't change that if a dev does something like this they should not be supported, no matter how good a game is. Pirate at worst. I fucking hate corporations and the government.
>>965173 How will you pirate an mmo?
>>965179 There’s offline copies of dozens of MMOs. Even some with mods to make them into RPGs where you control multiple characters for your party. Do you a retarded?
Good, I'm glad it's dead. Now we can all move on to the superior game, Earth Defense Force 6.
>>965087 >>965092 It's a general difference bettwen USA law and European Union consumer laws, by broad terms: In USA the contract is "above" the law with how many of your rights you can sign away. While in the EU if what is in the EULA is illegal bullshit it doesn't aplly because such a contract cannot be legally biding to begin with.
>Need to show some growth to keep getting money from investors >Ask people to create accounts to show some engagement They should just fake numbers outright really.
>>965186 A EULA isn't a contract.
>>965126 I legitimately fucking hate you. You come to this place with the knowledge of the industry's corruption, you acknowledge the tranny problem, you know what that it inevitably escalates the longer it is tolerated, and you still choose to ignore shit until it affects you personally, because you do not want to sacrifice your momentary enjoyment. You are niggercattle, just the same as those who abide it.
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>>965199 Based, without subhumans there wont be a need for anticheat drm.
>>965203 That's a spambot you fucking newfag, a really well known one that typically replies to entirely random posts with the same string of insults, with very little variation.
>>965203 Remember to screenshot it and post it on your subreddit for that sweet karma, you fucking asshole, better to have the love from strangers instead of the one that you won't ever get in your house
>>965186 >While in the EU if what is in the EULA is illegal bullshit it doesn't aplly because such a contract cannot be legally biding to begin with. The problem I have with this kind of thinking after a while is that nothing ever gets fixed because you're constantly begging the government to fix it instead of solving the damn problem yourself. Absolutely NO ONE is legitimately defending Snowy's actions, yet you still have retards who will go out and buy a NoGames5 with a copy of Nigger-Man 2 and then "wonder" why Soyny is forcing through this kind of bullshit when they're the ones who are contributing to this being a problem. Even looking in the Helldivers 2 Steam forums, where some people asked if people would be buying the upcoming PC release of Ghosts of Tsushima, most were saying that they wouldn't so long as the game didn't require a PSN account in order to function.
>>965209 >Even looking in the Helldivers 2 Steam forums, where some people asked if people would be buying the upcoming PC release of Ghosts of Tsushima, most were saying that they wouldn't so long as the game didn't require a PSN account in order to function. Excuse me, they WERE saying they were going to buy it UNLESS it required PSN to function.
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>>965183 >heard some journo refer to EDF as a "Helldivers like" >laugh for a good 10 minutes at how stupid he is >check out gameplay vids of this game to see if it's actually like EDF >it is like EDF >Iron Rain Let Helldivers stand as an example of why it would be a disaster if western devs tried their hand at the EDF formula.
>>965210 >>965209 sushima will need a psn account for online, but not singleplayer
You want to see some corpo dick sucking, read the comments on this Soy blog. https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2024/05/helldivers-2-pc-is-getting-review-bombed-over-psn-requirement
>>965189 You know they're gonna take you seriously and do that, right?
>>965213 EDF IA already demonstrated that fairly clearly
>>965213 >It's like EDF but worse Thanks, one more reason to hang the noose higher.
>donating money to the gaming industry in 2024 HOW MANY TIMES DO PEOPLE HAVE TO BE TAUGHT THIS LESSON >complain about your helldivers being taken away >go to the steam store and buy a game the very next day
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Was this already posted? https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1786564212669714736 >Cant archive
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>>965239 I thought I saw this earlier with people asking why community managers are so often such pissy people. Turns out that was a DIFFERENT community manager lmao, though actually reading your images it doesn't seem like this "Misty" is a passive aggressive shithead like the one on their Discord is. But didn't a dev directly contradict this? They claimed it was 100% a mandate from Sony, I don't know where this "we're doing it to ban people" line is coming from, that not only doesn't make sense but I'm pretty sure what this person is saying about legal requirements is total nonsense to begin with Are they a troll or just lying about working for Arrowhead? I have a few reasons to question their legitimacy. >Neither of the listed countries are where the studio is based >Incredibly young, unless hired recently they'd have been employed as a literal teenager >Seemingly no experience in the industry >Oddly few followers for being community support for a major title >When looking up them up the only results are other social media profiles, and this controversy
>>965034 That's a leopard, you blockhead
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>>965214 Exactly, so these people will keep buying Soyny games and continue wondering why Snowy (And other companies) keep getting away with bullshit like this.
>>965256 Yes, sony and microsoft should buy up every game studio so people boycott all of AAA.
>>964940 They're making these changes to quickly ban players, so guarantee they have something in the works for Pride month.
>>965264 Here's my game studio sony, 10 million dollars please.
>>965272 Can't spell pride month without 'demon'.
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>>965071 ><those overwhelming thumbnails though > Would you prefer him making selfies doing the soy face.
>>965285 Would it really make a difference? >>965071's examples look like it's full pajeet tier, switching it to soyface thumbnails feel more like you are switching from arsenic to cyanide.
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>>965249 >That's a leopard, you blockhead >me renaming files for the 4th time
They posted a new PSN Linking FAQ. Also reading posts about how the game already lost around 12K players already. Bravo sony!
>>965292 I love how they largely sidestep the issue of PSN not being available in the majority of the world by reframing it as a question able travelling. Basically if you live in a region like Southeast/East Asia or Eastern Europe where PC gaming is bigger than consoles, there's a good chance won't be able to make a PSN account. Obviously this presents somewhat of a problem for the playerbase that's mainly PC. Live in Georgia? Get fucked. Live in China? Get fucked. Live in Morocco? Get fucked. >Also reading posts about how the game already lost around 12K players already. Bravo sony! Steamcharts doesn't show much of a change yet, you'll have to wait a bit to see if there's any real change.
>>965293 >Live in _? Get fucked Yeah that is a massive dick move on their part. At least I started seeing fags get their refunds through steam due to it. Hopefully steam stops being a cunt about it and lets the refunds flow freely. >you'll have to wait a bit to see if there's any real change I mean if the reviews are any indication, I expect to see a hit. Also one more added bit I just saw >Internal discussions are ongoing about the mandatory linking change and while I can't reveal details, the response from dev teams has been pretty universally negative and we're looking for better options.
Apparently the same community manager who had a public shitfight with everyone announced the devs are in talks with Sony about removing the PSN account requirement. Though it's possible it'll just be removed from countries that can't make one.
>>965301 >response from our dev teams has been pretty universally negative What did he mean by this? Unironically. That the devs are against the idea of changing the mandatory link?
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>>965292 >if you are in a nation where you can't use PSN just lie, lol This is going to end in a really funny way, I can feel it.
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Imagine being one of the retards that actually paid irl money for the premium currency
>>965306 The funnier the better.
>>965311 >Niger (the country) is censored
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>>965195 Amazing, they talk shit on discord and locked the steam thread.
>>965314 heard they now require a phone number for the discord
>>965304 The devs are angry that their players won’t do as they’re told. They’re angry that there’s any backlash at all. They think those awful toxic (and probably racist!) players should just make the fucking account! How dare a group of people who play THEIR game tell THEM what do do and criticize them! They thought they were quitting and refunding!! Get lost, bigot!
>>965317 No fucking way No gaems and no community
>>965311 >Nepal, ♥♥♥♥♥, Nigeria
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>>965292 >shitcord Are they seriously using that unironically?
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>>965325 In b4 mandatory biometric checks to prevent ///toxic\\\ players. Come on, let's Hinden(((burg))) his game!
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>>965328 https://archive.is/4sVNz >Sony is often credited with helming innovative ideas in the gaming industry, and we can get a glimpse of them in patents. The company has now published yet another unique legal document that wants to tackle in-game harassment by detecting the emotions of players. The proposed system will allegedly use biometric info—recorded in real-time—to figure out the current emotions of a user for auto-detecting harassment cases. >The patent dubbed “HARASSMENT DETECTION APPARATUS AND METHOD” will actively record the in-game emotional data of users to see how they behave with each other. Sony could detect when a player is harassed due to their rising heartbeat and other similar emotional changes. The publisher would use that info to take appropriate action and quell the issue without making the victim go through manual steps. >As per the patent, Sony would relocate the victim in the game to be away from the harasser or vice versa. Additionally, it would also cut off communication between both parties to protect the victim from further harassment. We can expect the publisher to punish the perpetrator by banning them entirely. >The patent argues that the current protocols to deal with in-game harassment are lacking. Right now, the widely used method requires the victim to report the incident(s) to a moderator. However, many often don’t bother reporting the perpetrators. Therefore, they might continue harassing other players and feel more comfortable due to the lack of repercussions. So, auto-detecting harassment may also quell this issue. >Overall, the conglomerate has previously brought up a slew of unique patents that plan to quell cyberbullying in its games. Sony recently published a legal doc to address cyberbullying in VR games by shielding players with a bubble. Additionally, it earlier unveiled its plans to punish gamers for immoral voice-chat behavior.
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>>965311 >Niger Fucking American brainrot
>>965320 >>965325 >>965329 I 100% believe that this will hit Sony hard, there is no way that a company can have this bad of a public image and survive with no changes. Even Blizzard was forced to change at least a bit. There is no way of a ruler to rule without people's approval, and there is no way for company to survive without consumer approval.
>>965321 Don't forget that the initial Helldivers 2 experience was waiting on queue for a Sony server to be empty or created because fuck hosting your own shit.
>>965340 >and there is no way for company to survive without consumer approval. EA, BP, Blackrock you name it
>>965342 I should have said, without government getting involved and bailing them out, but that's a bigger problem in general.
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>>965345 >but that's a bigger problem in general. I would say the other anon is right, it isn't sustainable for a company OR a government. Thing is, the average person's wellbeing isn't affected by a company eating itself to death, but they will feel it if the institution that was created to prop up a group of people begins to fail. Simple as.
>>965347 The problem is that both harm a lot of people when failing I guess. It's kind of the problem with out world in general, random faggots in power propping themselves up over others for the sake of temporary gain over long-term improvement. Though it was always kind of like this.
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>>965347 >>965340 >There is no way of a ruler to rule without people's approval, and there is no way for company to survive without consumer approval. What else are people going to do, Anon? Go somewhere else? When M$ is just as bad, and only babies play on the Switch. That was sarcasm by the way.
>>965349 Unironically I don't think Microsoft is anywhere as bad as Sony. I have heard of them forcing pandering into their own games, but not really about censoring foreign games.
>>965350 I'm not claiming them to be good, merely that right now they seem like a lesser evil compared to Sony.
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>>965350 >Unironically I don't think Microsoft is anywhere as bad as Sony They're even worse, you don't see Japanese games in their platform because they don't make an effort, their whole company from top to bottom is filled with ESG/DIE/BRIDGE bullshit and they have censored countless games and even censored them. You don't see many censorship issues with them because their exclusives are as safe, sterile and SJW ridden as possible. Anyone who defends Microsoft, past or present is a fucking retard. https://archive.is/EjSPM
>>965352 I see, so the reason why they don't seem as censorship happy is that they don't really have anything to censor to begin with.
>>965239 I can't wait for next month's pride event, followed by the game withering and dying and grifters/normalniggers turn against toxic gamers for not just making an account and killing off the best gayman coommunity of the year. >>965350 Microdick is just as bad, but they tend to keep their faggotry contained to things they directly control and filter out games they don't like rather than butcher them like Nintendo or Sony.
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>>965350 >microshit panders to Sega's second in command so he's a MS fanboy >Sega CEO has a heart attack >Second in command takes charge >within a few months he axes DC support and production >oh, and here's some sega IP games exclusive to the xbrick. Don't they look like they have been in production for a while? :^) I fucking hate Microsuck for killing the DC.
>>965353 Nail in the head
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>>965352 >They're even worse You say that, but I haven't seen a Microsoft game where Master Chief gets brained to death by a baseball bat, and then the game designer has nasty buttsex with a gorilla tranny over his grave. I mean, in the aggregate yeah - maybe Sony is just trying to over-compensate because they simply don't have enough avenues to push woke shit to compete - so where they can, they go overboard.
>>965373 >You say that, but I haven't seen a Microsoft game where Master Chief gets brained to death by a baseball bat Pushing Gamepass as Netflix for games is even worse, yes.
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>>965373 >I haven't seen a Microsoft game where Master Chief gets brained to death by a baseball bat, and then the game designer has nasty buttsex with a gorilla tranny over his grave. Isn't that the Halo TV series in a nutshell? Where it manages to get so much wrong that you might as well be watching a parody.
>>965390 MS is also guilty of: - spending hundreds of millions to create the narrative that Japanese games were "falling behind" western games during the early 2000s. - pioneering paid online. - pioneering microtransactions (remember: horse armor first launched on the 360).
>>965354 >Unironically I don't think Microsoft is anywhere as bad as Sony They're better by the smallest crumb. Windows is PC gaming. Microsoft isn't about to axe independent software creation and distribution for their OS any time soon. You have the choice of where you buy Windows games from. That is where Microsoft's "advantage" over the competition begins and ends.
>>965209 You're arguing that literally destroying a consumer's purchased product should be legal. The "big government" argument doesn't really hold water when the issue being discussed is literal theft. Do you also want to just legalize crime across the board? Blame the people getting murdered by niggers because they weren't open carrying a gun at the time?
>>965395 To be fair Halo's been dead since 4.
>>965325 Free phone verification exists
>>965311 Now this is lol.
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>>965199 >>965202 >only those groups use cheats LOL no, fuckhead.
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>>965438 >Removed Chinese People >Removed Eastern European People >Removed African People Yes, but not like this. >>965395 Teevee shows? They stopped making those in the early 00's. >>965390 I'm not as anti-GamePass as that, since I don't really see a significant difference between that and renting games at Blockbuster - except that Microsoft is surprisingly a good measure less Jewish than your average video store was, nor do you have to wait three weeks just to get a game you didn't want to play (GameFly). That said, I don't sub to it because the vast majority of the titles on the service are pretentious indie wankoffs and I don't want to give money to Microsoft. The worst thing to come from it so far has been Microsoft's mad grab for any publishing house that isn't nailed down. They own an absolute fuckton of classic IPs, but let's face it - it's not like Bethesda or Blizzard/Activision was doing anyting with them, and if they did - you'd just end up with abominations that'd make you wish they had just left the properties forgotten.
>>965443 >They own an absolute fuckton of classic IPs, but let's face it - it's not like Bethesda or Blizzard/Activision was doing anyting with them, and if they did - you'd just end up with abominations that'd make you wish they had just left the properties forgotten That's the part that gets me about Sony: most of their published IPs have the same amount of pozzed retards at the helm or hired on as consultants or PR censors, but they still have a persistent need to publicly intercede and make them worse. MS at least lets them squeeze out Starfields and Overwatches from a distance and maintains plausible deniability before getting blamed for things they didn't have anything to do with.
>>965443 > I don't really see a significant difference between that and renting games at Blockbuster Renting of physical games wasn't intended to replace ownership. Digital only, digital only console games are bad enough, this is a whole new kind of cancer. All 4 Xniggers I know don't even buy games, just pay for Goypass.
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>>964915 Hell Divers is now retroactively banned in over 130 countries due to lack of playstation network. There are reports of people who bought the game not being able to boot the game now.
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>>965423 >You're arguing that literally destroying a consumer's purchased product should be legal. What I'm arguing is that people shouldn't support these companies who think they can get away with those policies in the first place. It doesn't matter if what Ubishit and Snowy are doing is illegal, the problem is peole continuing to buy (Or even pirate) their games and then wondering why things never "improve" when they're the very ones who are helping these companies remain in the spotlight instead of taking their time/money and going elsewhere.
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>>965243 Like Friends of Journalism, lots of leftwing cucks can't compute when satire pops up on their feed. >>965327 It's the new place for hipster pedophiles to lure little spergs, after tumblr got purged.
>>965459 Cut with the grain of human nature not against it. We're in this state because there's too many retards can't control themselves. There's only two real solutions you can do: Cull the retards or Protect the retards. Since a certain painter and the civil rights act plan a isn't an option anymore.
>>965474 The guy trying to use it and screaming "Fuck" more loudly each time always makes me lose it.
>>965474 10/10 that was really good
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>>965474 >that news ticker at the bottom God damn, I forgot that The Onion can knock it out of the park sometimes.
>>965463 Well actually it does matter that what they're doing is illegal, because if someone commits a crime it's just justice to punish them for it. And the punishments for fraud and theft are a lot more severe than just a bit of bad press. As they should be. If a new car dealership sold me a lemon that exploded 2 months after I'd bought it it would be extremely unjust to prevent anyone from prosecuting this dealership for its crimes and instead just insist that the bad press it receives is enough.
>>965491 >the law exists You fucking idiot.
Instead of "use laws" vs. "don't buy," why not both?
>>965 459 https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/history/?changeid=23416542 https://archive.is/wAQ5A >There are reports of people who bought the game not being able to boot the game now Those in delisted countries can't make refunds either.
>>965499 (checked) >>965459 So is steam driving this or sony/AH? >Those in delisted countries can't make refunds either Of course they can't. What a clusterfuck. >>965490 They were good for a time. Shame they went into a nosedive later on.
>>965490 I maintain that vintage Onion is some of the best comedy ever written and I will die on that hill. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUT8ec24anM
So going by recent reviews stats at least 100k people left a bad review for the game. Maybe something will happen. Maybe?
>>965500 >So is steam driving this or sony/AH? It's obviously Sony/AH. They blocked every country without PSN support.
>>965511 Could still be Valve telling them that they can't be selling this game to countries where they can normally access the service
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>>965490 Somebody should do a Muta deepfake of the fucktarded consumer who blew all of his money on Sony's overpriced silver turd, he unironically got a hard on over the new PIS5 console. >>965500 >Shame they went into a nosedive later on. They fucking deleted the video of Biden gaining the support from noodle brained retards, that line alone really ruffled the feathers of their liberal owners.
>>965459 >>965511 And Antarctica! They banned an entire continent rather than admit they were wrong!
>>965510 Last Saturday around 150k playing, this Saturday around 110k. If they don't reverse this next week, it is over.
>>965496 That would be the ideal course of action.
>>965073 anon, user agreement contracts aren't legal documents, they really don't count as a legal contract.
>>965510 Game was like 3rd top seller Went to the bottom now
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>>965528 Depending on the country, like most of the EU, EULA are not above the consumer law even if they are signed (singed by hand or digital signature,, not just an "i accept" button), I think the USA has gray areas rewarding that.
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>>965532 >Depending on the country, like most of the EU, EULA are not above the consumer law even That is missing the fucking point! It doesn't matter whether or not what's written in the EULA is legal (Forget even enforaceable). The problem is people continuing to support these companies when they show that they have no respect for their customers, no respect for the damn law, and don't even respect the themselves.
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>>965534 oh, i thought this discussion was more about if they could keep doing this, i was never into consoles so i didn't knew that having Sony as a publisher was a big deal Arrowhead also made Magicka 2 so it shoudl also raised some alarms, along with bundling the game with a rootkit. Remember magicka 2?
>>965536 >Arrowhead also made Magicka 2 so it shoudl also raised some alarms, along with bundling the game with a rootkit. Remember magicka 2? Arrowhead made Magicka 1, which was a fun, if buggy, experience. It also generally crashes on the latest patch and is very unstable, and this has never been fixed. Magicka 2 was made in-house at Paradox, which published Magicka 1.
>>965534 This is such a trite point. Screaming vote with your wallets is well and good but that shouldn't negate the fact that consumers do have rights. In reality all this ends up boiling down to is anons whinging about consumers being stupid while stoking their own egos for a bit of mild restraint when purchasing.
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>>965524 Nigger, you derailed the entire The Crew thread over "muh gubberment is ebul" >>965534 And yet they still did. In the millions. Funny how that works, isn't it? Why is holding people to a standard good, when holding corporations accountable for breaking the law is wrongbad?
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>>965534 >It doesn't matter whether or not what's written in the EULA is legal How do you come to such a fucking retarded conclusion you absolute mong?
>>965559 Because his issue is that you shouldn't be buying from them in the first place. Never mind enforcing 'buying with your wallet' is like herding cats. If anything it tips it in the shitty corpo's favor since a shitty practice they do still succeeds one could say 'people voted with their wallets that they want to get fucked in the ass'. What we need instead actual legal enforcement AND better refund practices, no more 2 weeks and 6 hours of playtime bullshit. If steam or another storefront is worried about abusing the refunds just have a cap of amount of refunds you can do a year and after that you having manual approval process.
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Helldivers CEO admitting they knew about the PSN requirement 6 months in advance of launch.
>>965534 > It doesn't matter whether or not what's written in the EULA is legal Literally the crux of the entire discussion. >The problem is people continuing to support these companies No, it isn't. Pirate everything. We already do. That's not our problem.
Why not let you opt-out of cross-play?
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>>965571 Sony mandated it for all online games. Plus there are penalties for the developer.
>>965574 From what I can tell, this means you have to promote the PS4/5 as the main means of playing the game or give special monetary incentives for buying the game on PS4/5 via PSN. Why not just cut the hassle and exclusively market for the PC if you'll be operating under .85 PSNR/PS4G for most of a game's operating time? You're just burning money by supporting the PS platform. There's no way PSNR can make up for purchasing stagnation in PS4G unless there's a heavy monetization model or the game becomes ultra-popular. It's not like they can cut it now, since that would be optics suicide, but PS cross-platform seems like a deal with the devil for short term gains.
>>965562 I get that's his issue, but every time the discussion comes up, he (assuming it's the same guy) completely ignores that you can avoid buying the game and still have an issue with how a game or company handles an issue, and that that's something worth voicing concern over because it affects the rest of the industry and, as a result, other videogames. That's why laws exist, and why standards and practices are put in place for industries to stop this kind of shit happening on an even larger scale. His argument is essentially the same as reading Upton Sinclair's The Jungle and concluding "Well I only buy canned vegetables and not meat so everyone involved already deserves what they've got coming to them" instead of being concerned that same issue could leech out to other products or affect you even though you didn't contribute directly to its existence.
>>965564 Swedish niggerkike, get fucked.
>>965580 >only buy canned vegetables and not meat The Jungle was about working conditions and worker's rights. Sinclair created the EPIC campaign in California because he was so frustrated that the average American didn't understand it. This is where Sinclair's expression about hitting the average American in the stomach comes from. They heard of how his book talked about the disgusting and horrific working conditions of meat packing plants and thought "Oh no, my food," rather than reading it and seeing that people were falling into meat curing vats and receiving no compensation. He was supported and inspired by the SPA to start writing it, and the SPA published 5000 copies of it with their logo on the front. Roosevelt even decried the excesses of the capitalist after reading it.
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>>965567 Go ahead then, pirate The Crew, pirate Dark Spore. See how far you get.
>>965587 propaganda to create the FDA. same playbook for the federal reserve and the complete takeover of medical schools and education a few years later (the Flexners).
>>965590 Ross must be eating well lately. First with The Crew shutting down this month, then with this PSN crap and other things that are all relevant to the Games as a Service debate.
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>>965546 >Screaming vote with your wallets is well and good but that shouldn't negate the fact that consumers do have rights. Okay, and these companies don't not give a flying fuck about that. In fact, they purposely don't because they're implementing a lot of this stuff FOR the government. Just look at the amound of data Snowy collects on their own PlayStation users: https://archive.ph/nIYvi >>965554 >"muh gubberment is ebul" Because they are. >Why is holding people to a standard good, when holding corporations accountable for breaking the law is wrongbad? Because these companies are always going to continue doing what they've always been doing, regardless of if it's legal or not. Especially if it's legal because then how can you declare that your rights are "not protected" when they haven't broken the law and did everything "legally"? >>965562 > Never mind enforcing 'buying with your wallet' is like herding cats. You don't need to get "everyone" to reject a practice in order for it to die out, which is probably where a lot of people are misunderstanding. You just need 20%-30% of the "regulars" to do it just to make an impact. For example, electric cars are never going to take off here in the U.S. with the way things are going and despite the overlords' attempts to force it through. Over 80% of the public still drives gas-guzzlers, meanwhile EVs take up "6.5%" of market: https://archive.ph/QP9ZC And that's AFTER 14 years of non-stop propaganda: https://archive.ph/onzCx Even vehicle manufacturer's are outright admitting that EVs are not the future: https://archive.ph/KUSt7 Though, they're suggestion of using hybrids isn't going to be good enough for the overlords' demands: https://archive.ph/QXATs#selection-2753.0-2753.237 If you want another example, vaccine rates never rose above 80% despite the MONTHS of blantantly illegal coercion, with "up to date" vaccinations still have below a 70% compliance rate: https://archive.ph/T7Dzt If that's not enough, here's another tidbit of history you probably didn't know: Anywhere from a third to a quarter of the American colonists actually fought in the Revolutionary War, the remainder didn't or were supporting the English. Noticing a pattern: https://infogalactic.com/info/Pareto_principle >>965580 >he (assuming it's the same guy) completely ignores that you can avoid buying the game and still have an issue with how a game or company handles an issue, and that that's something worth voicing concern over because it affects the rest of the industry and, as a result, other videogames You do realize that you're describing my circumstance, right? The most "recent" video games I have are from 2016, primarily because that's the year where I said "enough" with this bullshit. Meaning all the complaints that I'm making are a result of me seeing where the industry is going, refusing to participate in it, and trying to tell people to hop on board with no longer accepting this by refusing to continue supporting these companies. >That's why laws exist, and why standards and practices are put in place for industries to stop this kind of shit happening on an even larger scale. Except this is already happening on a larger scale. Biggest example is how vehicles are already being sold on subscription plans with invasive privacy issues, despite the fact that you can (And should) buy and drive literally any other car made in the past 50 years that lacks these issues. No, all the new "bonuses" it comes with doesn't matter. Do you want control over your vehicles, or do you want someone else to control it? >>965580 >Upton Sinclair <Look up his page: https://infogalactic.com/info/Upton_Sinclair <Sinclair was an outspoken socialist and ran unsuccessfully for Congress as a nominee from the Socialist Party. https://infogalactic.com/info/The_Jungle <He first published the novel in serial form in 1905, in the Socialist newspaper, Appeal to Reason, between February 25, 1905 and November 4, 1905. https://infogalactic.com/info/Appeal_to_Reason_(newspaper) <The Appeal to Reason was a weekly left-wing political newspaper published in the American Midwest from 1895 until 1922. The paper was known for its politics, lending support over the years to the Farmers' Alliance and People's Party before becoming a mainstay of the Socialist Party of America, following that organization's establishment in 1901. Making use of a network of highly motivated volunteers known as the "Appeal Army" to spur subscription sales, paid circulation of the Appeal climbed to more than a quarter-million copies by 1906 and half a million by 1910, making it the largest-circulation socialist newspaper in American history. <... <Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle was first published as a serial in the Appeal to Reason, between February 25, 1905, and November 4, 1905. Chapter 30 includes a description of the newspaper, which was read by the novel's protagonist, Jurgis Rudkus. So the purpose of the novel wasn't actually about improving the conditions of the meat packing plants. It was to bring about a Socialist Revolution in America. Great example! >instead of being concerned that same issue could leech out to other products or affect you even though you didn't contribute directly to its existence And do you want to know what Sinclair's response to regulation was? https://infogalactic.com/info/The_Jungle <Sinclair rejected the legislation, which he considered an unjustified boon to large meat packers. The government (and taxpayers) would bear the costs of inspection, estimated at $30,000,000 annually. He complained about the public's misunderstanding of the point of his book in Cosmopolitan Magazine in October 1906 by saying, "I aimed at the public's heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach."
>>965243 i get the feeling this misty chick is just some random diversity hire bimbo who got her job cus she gave head to the right exec i don't think even wokoids are so utterly retarded to loudly post a company's intention to ban users and cenros players i just know she fucked her way into her job and nobody even bothered to keep her on a tight leash so she wouldn't fuck up as she just did
>>965600 The Jungle was a book that brought to light issues with an industry that adversely affected consumers, and as a result of it regulation was put in place to improve conditions within that industry and improve the quality of a product provided to consumers. Who wrote it and what their motivation was isn't my point, the fact that it was a public issue that brought attention to something people didn't take seriously before is. >Except this is already happening on a larger scale. Biggest example is how vehicles are already being sold on subscription plans with invasive privacy issues, despite the fact that you can (And should) buy and drive literally any other car made in the past 50 years that lacks these issues. Oh my fucking god, talking to you is infuriating because I agree with you. I also haven't bought new games and I drive an older car, but those actions alone aren't going to change the industry as a whole. Let me ask you this directly: >Do you or do you not believe that better standards and consumer protections would improve the health of the industry?
>>965292 >the only benefits mentioned is the ability to easily report people and have their accounts banned >coming up with this at the time where everyone is talking about their patent to have bots ban people by reading their biometric data >on a PVE game my frigging sides just when you think they can't stirr up a bigger shitstorm they go and prove me wrong never played Helldivers myself, but can't players vote to boot an anoying player off the game or even black list any account they don't want to play with? i remember it was possible in counter strike
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>>965349 >>965350 only reason why microsoft is better than sony (to have as an evil overlord i mean) is because of MS approach to the PC and console business companies like Apple, Nintendo and Sony sell you a sealed DRM box, MS sells you and empty gavinet to fill up with all the pieces of your choice, sure, they try to force their software DRM on people but their attempts can be bypassed easyer thanks to the freedom users of their business model have always had, furthermore, microsoft has spread itself to thin across all of tech and areno't competent enough to enforce their TOS with an iron fist as tigthly as Sony, Apple or Nintendo do the choice between Sony and Microsoft is as EZ as a the choice between North Korea with brand new border walls or East Berlin with the wall in ruins
>>965600 >You don't need to get "everyone" to reject a practice in order for it to die out, which is probably where a lot of people are misunderstanding. You just need 20%-30% of the "regulars" to do it just to make an impact My point still stands, it's still herding cats. Granted it may be a lower threshold than we think, it's still an uphill challenge that has not born fruit for us for decades. We should not rely solely on this tactic.
vermintide won
>>965600 Are you just stuck in a loop or something?
>>965616 Hey, don't blame the games (most of the times), blame the normalfags that drag down online gaming commun- oh wait, that ship has sailed and we can never go back. Pic related, it's online game's new home.
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>>965605 >he Jungle was a book that brought to light issues with an industry that adversely affected consumers, and as a result of it regulation was put in place to improve conditions within that industry and improve the quality of a product provided to consumers. And, do you want to see the result of those regulations: https://odysee.com/@johnstossel:7/where%E2%80%99s-the-beef-ask-the-feds:2 >Do you or do you not believe that better standards and consumer protections would improve the health of the industry? No because it wouldn't change anything. The companies that want to treat their customers like trash will STILL treat their customers like trash.
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Also, just as a suggestion, if you guys are so damn insistent upon running to the government to solve the problem, how about you get the state or local governments to get off their asses and do something? The Feds are a waste of time and (Most importantly) that's not their job to solve these problems. After all, Florida and Texas are pushing through those laws requiring IDs in order to access porn. Why not follow on tactics like that? Get a lower level of the government to push through a law attacking these tech companies, and then proceed to enforce them in the most restrictive and harshest way possible. And if you really want to put on a show, don't give a single damn about whether or not anything in the law is constitutional itself. The point is to make these companies scream, and display to the public just how evil these companies are. And when the SCOTUS finally overturns the law (5-10 years from when you push it through), the landscape would have changed as different companies would have risen respecting the law that you put into place. After all, isn't the point you guys are going is forcing through change rather than let change naturally occur? That's how you do it rather than go for an all-or-nothing bet where you're guarnteed to lose.
>>965652 >dude just force customers at gunpoint to not buy things you don’t like
Has this retard missed that there is already functional consumer legislation that has already forced companies to change?
Imagine thinking libertarianism is a practical ideology.
>>965652 The short version we incompetent mother fuckers. The longer version is the EU seems to be the best bet for force tech corpo's hand with the refund policy and forcing apple to stop with the proprietary cable bullshit. Although I have heard apple is in shit with the green/blue bubble detection as well in the US. So it should be actually possible. But we're retarded, we don't know how to effectively organize and which state which these laws would be passable as well. If we did know we would totally do it though.
>>965626 this is very true, normalfags now openly suck off mentally ill 30 yo trannies who are Vtubers in their spare time, atleast that was my experience after trying out wow in 2024. Yeah, I know. But in 2019 these vocal trannies were mostly restricted to 4chan guilds, those homosexuals probably killed themselves by now, hopefully, what a cesspool of a fucking community. Imageboards are somewhat responsible for this shit, especially cuckchan. There is a giant number of retarded cocksuckers who swallowed the blue pill so hard they think they are women, except they are ugly 30 yo european eunuchs.
Playerbase may be imploding, but at least they are safe now.
>>965670 All the players who are now trying to literally kill the developers (over 250,000) were all toxic anyways and they’re glad to see them go. Now they can build a safe and inclusive community of the remaining users.
>>965670 They knew about the PSN requirements and didn't communicate it? What the fuck? That's retarded,
>>965673 Do be a devils advocate it was mentioned on the steam page day 1, They just didn't enforce it, because it would cause logistical nightmare on them initially.
>>965656 You are right, we should just blacklist them in every institution until they can no longer provide for themselves or their families.
>>965673 I saw it there the day of launch and warned my local normalfags about it. I got called a conspiracy theorist. I have heard nothing but bitching from them for three days now about this.
>>965674 Well now it's biting them in the ass. The Community Management team should just be fired since they have no idea what they're doing.
>>965677 You are taking up trombone-lessons to remind them for the rest of their lives, right?
>>965677 >I got called a conspiracy theorist. Always funny, isn't it? It's listed there in plain view, yet people deny it and try to call you crazy. At that point, sounds like you should find new friends.
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>>965677 >he doesn't enjoy the schadenfreude after warning normalfag coworkers >>965681 is right. Get some trombone practice in, and remind them that corporations are not their friends.
>>965671 It truly is a wonderful thing when democracy actually works as intended, truly a rarity.
>>965677 Give them a smug smile whenever they bitch about it.
>>965678 Devil advocate hat off; Not just fired, but blacklisted from the industry entirely. Since you can't directly discriminate troons or pronoun people, there should be a 'hate speech test' where if applicant for CM is proven to be anti-white should not be hired at all. Like if they say "its okay to be white" is hate speech or "kill white people" is not hate speech they are rejected from being hired. But that is a pipe dream.
You love to see it.
>>965698 I'm wondering how long it will be until Valve begins shoahing all the "troll" reviews.
>>965700 Since they are refusing refunds for the 'psn blocked' contries my bet is within a week or two.
>>965698 They're currently at 47% positive. If it goes below 40% it will switch from "mixed" to "mostly negative" >>965700 Yeah, they'll probably pull another skullgirls and mark all the reviews as "off-topic"
>>965490 They used to have some absolute bangers
>>965710 DEATH TO GRABBLERS TOTAL GRABBLER GENOCIDE I'm shocked they were able to get away with that, I might have to binge on some onions soon.
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>>965711 It was a different time...
>>965712 I want to go back...
>>965713 To play those shitty games that suck ass?
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>>965676 It worked for the Amerindians since no one gave a shit about them >>965691 A smug smile won't fix the industry
>>965700 At first I imagined another Skullgirls situation, but the fact that a PSN account may be what separates profit from loss for Valve is what is pushing them to keep the pressure on Sony. When it came to (((Autumn Games))) Valve could afford to upset like 10k users to secure the sales for the game.
>>965459 >Unknown Country: XD >MARC Code List for Countries >xd Saint Kitts-Nevis >Unknown Country: FX >FX, France, Metropolitan Carribean one i get it, but Metropolitan France? FX is their second FR apparently.
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>>965600 <Am I out of touch? >No, it's the free markets that are wrong!
>>965714 He'd rather have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in his ear.
>>965753 psych eyeball pls canada isnt even a real country, french canada doubly so
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>>965626 At first glance I thought it was Jack Frost in the trash
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>>965670 Double posting with OC
>>965746 <am I out of touch...? <no, it's the spooks who are wrong
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I'm sure this will help things for them.
>>965796 >claiming Grummz is 'someone who sexually assaulted many people worked with' <no proofs provided Faggot shouldn't be throwing stones from glass houses when Sony had to fire their VP George Cacioppo for being caught in a pedo sting
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>>965712 I think the punchline was to mock the progs on how they're unintentionally anti-semite despite their rage-boner on nazies. >>965804 Got more drama based on Soyny? It's a lot more entertaining that their shitacular library.
So which one of these cock sucker managers approved this PSN change?
>>965819 Hulst, Morrish, Lin Tao and Lempel considering their position. Jeniffer Clark is the one hiring all the trannies and faggots to fill in PR roles.
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Looks like they changed their mind, lol. /thread
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>>965753 still dont and probably wont play it, but nice
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>>965841 The Sony cocksucker salt must be at an all time Fucking PC players telling their precious company what to do!
>>965841 So when are the removing the Ring Zero backdoor? Never?
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>>965843 >Still a fucking GAAS piece of shit filled with Microtransactions up the ass and with an anticheat rootkit Oh yeah, I'm not touching it with a 10 foot pole, I just like seeing these companies getting fucked in the ass, even if just a little, it's usually braindead normalfags.
>>965818 >Got more drama based on Soyny? Off the top of my head, these are not as recent as what I posted earlier & they're in no particular order >PSP in White ad that caused butthurt cause rayciss (Pic 2) >on the subject of the PSP, they tried to make a viral marketing ad for the PSP where some fag sings about how all he wants for christmas is a PSP. They deleted it out of embarrassment, but the internet never forgets (3rd file) >the PSN hack from 2011 where they stored every fag's credit card info in plain text >they promised your PS3 could run Linux via OtherOS, then walked back on that by taking the feature away in a system update. Got slapped with a class-action lawsuit & paid a couple million as settlement >they wanted to shut down the Playstation Stores on the PSP, Vita, & PS3, citing 'outdated infrastructure security' & 'cost of running payment schemes'. Got met with backlash & they haven't shut them down...yet >they moved their HQ from Japan to commiefornia in the first few years of the PS4's release. Since the transfer they desired a need to pander to every fag & have a global standard which meant many Japanese games such as Senran Kagura got censored (See also the pic in >>965534 ), whether by taking features out or the infamous white light beams. None of the censorship applies to you if you're a chosenite like neil cuckmann >Phil Harrison stuck with Sony's Playstation from the beginning of the PS1 up to the disastrous launch of the PS3. He would eventually resign in 2008 & later on became a VP for google who would later be known to release the controversial online-only platform, Google Stadia. While sony had no part in the failure of Stadia, one would be mused to remember that he oversaw the PS3's failure to launch Any more anons that know of sony's other blunders & fuck-ups or other bits of controversies, please expand upon it
Can't seem to archive that one https://twitter.com/playstation/status/1787331667616829929 https://archive.ph/wip/MvP8y Just loops again and again
>>965848 Killzone 2 cinematic trailer pretending to be actual gameplay, to the point they had to delay the game so it could actually look similar to what was shown in said trailer.
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>>965841 I still hate the rootkit anti-cheat, but it's nice to see a win every once and a while.
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>>965856 >It's Ridge Racer It's funny but depressing at the same time, I fucking hate normalafags so much.
>>965860 Reddit is such cancer
>>965860 What's perplexing is that they have clearly had a talking to. Multiple times they have said something and then walked it back the next day. How many times should this happen before you just acknowledge they're power-trippers and put out an ad for a professional? I'm sure someone thought it was brilliant to just hire the existing mods to keep being mods, now with official support, they've seen the consequences. It would be nice if Arrowhead could recognize they just are not on friendly terms and the community hates them. There are people trained to do their jobs who would do it for the same pay.
>>965860 I don't have the Louis Rossmann webm where he says "Fuck you Reddit" so this will have to suffice in place for it
>>965857 What was the name of this animu >>965841 Don't trust them, they will wait a few weeks until people stop caring and try again
>>965872 i had to hunt for it by searching for 'jumpsuit gif' on gelbooru but its Hisone to Masotan; i also found this
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>>965869 The FitMC reddit webm is way better
>>965876 You know, I spent a minute looking at this image thinking what's so special about this, and then I remembered "oh, people treat butts like tits now".
>>965876 >>965881 Oh, I just realized. The black looking stuff beside the arm are suppoed to be the tits and not the flaps of the jacket.
>>965880 >>965869 I like this one better
>>965848 >>Got more drama based on Soyny? It's going back a long way, but look into the controversy where Sony and BMG worked together to secretly install rootkits on hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of people's PCs. These rootkits were not mentioned anywhere in the EULA - and installed, even if the user rejected the terms. It prevented the user from playing the CDs in non-approved devices, prevented the ripping of music to MP3, collected telemetry on the user's computer and tracked how they interacted with the music - and borked your Windows install if you tried to uninstall it. It was also very sloppily written, leaving your system open to extremely simple malicious exploits by cloaking any executable which was named in a specific way. IIRC, you could even use it to get around anti-cheat software of the time. When Sony finally got enough backlash to remove the malware, they provided a fix which didn't actually remove the software - just unmasked it. And to get THAT, you had to jump through all sorts of bullshit online hoops that ended with your data being sold off en-masse to spam email lists. Most of this shit is now baked into Windows itself by Microsoft, but at the time - it was a huge scandal that had Sony paying out to multiple class action lawsuits as well as reprimanded by the FTC.
>>965841 I give them one year before they try again.
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>>965841 [X] Doubt They will try this again sooner or later. They always do.
>>965841 >We're still learning what is best for PC players I'm sure this phrase will never make a reappearance. >>965864 >There are people trained to do their jobs who would do it for the same pay. >pay lol
>>965841 >inb4 articles about how it's terrible that companies are listening to toxic gamercel chud review bombing
>>965841 Well isn't it sweet for them to save an online only title that will die eventually anyway.
>>965872 >Don't trust them, they will wait a few weeks until people stop caring and try again Not going to work this time, because this time, every time they try, 172 countries making up a large chunk of their playerbase that don't have PSN available for their country will effectively have a game they paid for taken away from them. It's a massive easy lawsuit waiting to happen. Were it not for this fact, there wouldn't be nearly so much outrage and normalniggers would have easily cucked to the account linking requirement.
>>965900 >>965904 See >>965922 Unless they add PSN support for most of the entire third world, it's not happening gain.
>>965864 >There are people trained to do their jobs who would do it for the same pay. You still don't understand after all these years? They do it for free. They do it for the power trip of being able to dictate how people are allowed to talk. You can't beat a price point of "will bootlick for headpats". As for the passive aggressive dramas they instigate, what do companies care? Internet spats are transient and normalfags have the memory of goldfish, so long as they can just "turn on game and play", they don't give actually doing anything with discontent. Before you point at this whole shitshow as your counterpoint, remember: this was Sony de-facto banning 170+ countries from playing the game at all. The response was gonna be nuclear no matter what, the redditfags being there was hurtful but not particularly meaningful in the grand scheme of things. Especially since there's a whole crop of narcissists waiting to take the job (for free, again) even if they decided to drop the hammer.
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>>965869 >>965880 >>965884 I am reminded of this.
>>965841 That's great but stellar blade is still never getting uncensored because there aren't enough neckbeards who care about artistic integrity as much as they do about having to spend a minute to sign up for an account
>>966051 No one cares about spending a minute to make an account either. If it was in the game from the start not a single person would have given a fuck.
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>>966051 >lol it easy make account xD <ignoring the massive amount of countries where making an account is not fucking possible Shill yourself into a wood chipper, NIGGER.
>>966051 >>966073 Are you in the right thread? Where does Stellar Blade come into this?
>>966079 From what I remember, most of those countries were shithole countries. >>966080 Its because its another example of Soyny cancer to fuck up a game after release.
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>>966084 >Japan is one of the blocked countries
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>>966085 Japan has PSN, though? I mean - I made a Japanese PSN account years ago to download pseudo-lewd PSVR demos. Haven't used it in forever though.
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>>965841 people are starting to talk about ArrowHead having a larger role than previously thought, the discord troon mods talked a lot
>>966085 Japan has a different version of the game
>>966084 Can't believe they blocked the USA!
>>966088 Hope they archived that before the tranny SHUT IT DOWN
>>965598 Bubbly sponge bath?
>>966084 >Not muttland = shit country Man, You fat fucks really have your brains fucked up
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>>966143 >doesn't know basic geography I didn't know that most of Africa, the poor parts of the middle east, North Korea, and poor carribean islands werent shitholes, thanks Literally the only notable one on this list off a glance that isn't a shithole I can see is Japan
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>>966155 Japan has a different version of the game >United States Minor Outlying Island I'm glad that you agree that the USA is a shithole
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I'm just gonna blogpost but damn the amount of assblasted Sony defenders I have seen hinging on so many flimsy points is actually glorious, because you can just execute their arguments in broad daylight. >IT WAS IN THE EULA BEFORE Who gives a fuck. It is unreasonable to have someone guess the consequences three months into the future of one sentence 40 pages into an EULA or a small rectangle on the Steam page. If anything, that shit should reflect the current state of the game. They effectively changed the terms of sale after you purchased. >YOU CAN JUST MAKE A FREE ACCOUNT Ignoring the nations that can't make one, and the ones that can but require ID to sign up, no. It's provided on Steam. These same niggers have a (justified) hate boner for other services like Epic or Origin. >IT ISN'T AS BAD AS EPIC, ORIGIN, UPLAY, BATTLE.NET Don't give a fuck, they're diverting the issue, gay ass moral equivalence fallacy. It is 100% reasonable to not want to sign into another system after you get the game on Steam. Received this argument form faggots who practically live on WoW. >THE DEATH THREATS TO THE TRANNY COMMUNITY MOD This is how you know they are at the ropes, and grifting, because they will never care about a death threat being sent in the other direction. When people say this they say it like you, personally, are hand delivering pipe bombs to their mailbox. Maybe the company should hire some professional PR rather than a professional victim. Sony faggots really will go to the ends of the Earth to defend this fucking company after raising their pitchforks on any other fucking company. They still try to handwave Sony's censorship shit and HD2 as "just unjustified gamer outrage." They would rather deepthroat a Dualshock than admit Sony has problems. What people have to understand is not to let Sony's reversal keep them complacent, keep on complaining when shit happens, because Sony and every other company will obviously try to find some fucking way to mess with customers to scrape another cent. And to address the "voting with your wallet" or "just don't buy it" that's kind of is another story here, before this debacle people were praising the game for having a good content system that didn't disrespect the user with FOMO and telling people to buy it. Sure, people here were split on whether it was good or not, but the general consensus at large was that it was worth a buy.
>>966157 >but the general consensus at large was that it was worth a buy. The general consensus was wrong, the invasive anticheat malware in a game with zero (0) PvP content should have been sufficient for people to not buy the game. That was substantially worse than requiring an account on another service, but it's unsurprising that it didn't cause as much of an outcry since it's easy for people to not notice it or realize what it is.
>>966158 Aw, fuck, that is true. I guess I've been had because I played the game.
>>966158 I don't think t he general consensus here was buy at all.
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>>966157 >It is unreasonable to have someone guess the consequences three months into the future of one sentence 40 pages into an EULA or a small rectangle on the Steam page. Why?
>>966157 >the amount of assblasted Sony defenders I have seen hinging on so many flimsy points is actually glorious Sonyggers were always the most annoying of the bunch. Always the worst takes from them as well.
>>966278 I assume because the assumption is, for most consumers, that if they're selling it to you, you're receiving the product in perpetuity.
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>>966342 >you're receiving the product in perpetuity. Reported to the ADL for hatespeech
>>966342 Except similar shit has happened how many times at this point where the companies fuck over their customers because of something "hidden" in the EULA? If it was one or two companies doing it every couple years, that would be understandable, but almost every company is doing something stupid at least once a month at this point. People should be extremely cautious, but they still act surprised for some reason. Reading the EULA should be either second nature, or a sign of a game you shouldn't buy.
>>966342 Nobody owns anything anymore. They only ever rent, and the terms of rental can be changed at any time.
>>966407 So which companies have rug pulled a game that they've already sold? I also see this as a moot point because you don't just get to seize back a product after sale at all. It's not legal anywhere.
>>966415 Unless it's sold as a service with that stipulation then no.
I really don't understand the mentality of a customer deserves to be fucked if a company can achieve it. What kind of corporate apologism and predatory mindset even is that?
>>966418 Why not? What, do you expect the law to protect you, wagie? >>966421 For real. It's an ass-backward kind of morality where the powerful assholes are applauded for fucking over people without any real power.
>>966421 You already know. They just use the golems to create discord (the concept, not the program) and scapegoats so they can do it all over again.
>>966416 In the past few months, we've had Sony, Ubisoft, and Capcom. Microsoft may count (Strictly referring to vidya, definitely elsewhere in their business). Nintendo, SE, and Sega haven't, but there's other problems with them.
>>966425 Oh is this related to them shuttering servers for permanently only games?
>>966421 Because it happens so often these days that it becomes a question of why you're so surprised. It's like a girl dressing like a slut and then wondering why every sleezeball wants to get in her pants. Yes, it shouldn't occur, but you didn't expect it? >>966428 Partially
>>966416 Ubisoft and Blizzard have both done it in extremely blatant ways (The Crew, Overwatch 1).
>>966429 Again it's a moot point. It's not about any sort of emotional reaction over it just being wrong morally and illegal otherwise. As for expecting it again I loop back round to stop using that as a justification for the consumer deserving to get fucked. It's in "ha ha you deserve it retard for being retarded" levels of window licking argument and corporate shilling.
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>>966425 >nintendo I still miss Pacman 99 and Mario 35.
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Sony fanboys are having a mental breakdown over this They've already made 300 videos just crying about how Sony pays more attention to PC users than Playstation ones and how PC users were being "bitches" by not making a PSN account. Absolutely hilarious
>>966432 >It's not about any sort of emotional reaction over it just being wrong morally and illegal otherwise. So what is it about then? > As for expecting it again I loop back round to stop using that as a justification for the consumer deserving to get fucked. Why?
>>966443 It's about proper consumer legislation being enforced. Because it's again a malicious and predatory mindset that's only to the benefit of the corporate entities.
>>966421 The people who buy these games do deserve to get fucked, but we still want to prevent the collateral damage caused by letting people make money by fucking them. The world's better off if money flows to people building valuable things rather than people farming niggercattle.
>>966448 >It's about proper consumer legislation being enforced. And what happens when you have companies that don't care, or even governments blackmailing these companies into doing these practices or face unjust investigations?
>>966458 We do what we do right now. Stop being a defeatist little faggot.
>>966450 You aren't above the niggercattle just because you have some restraint in purchasing and no again that's a malicious mindset. People don't deserve to be exploited simply because they can be.
>>966458 Your naysaying attitude is insufferable and if everyone thought the same way as you, nothing would get done.
>2024 >sony goes back on their helldivers 2 scheme >everyone is happy that they don't own their games because at least you can store your games on your hard drive >its a win goys >2044 >videogame companies employ copyright enforcement agents to come to your house to delete your files off your computer with the aid of law enforcement >but at least i can hide my files and not talk about it on the internet >its a win goys >2064 >steam automatically scans your computer for unlicensed software and breaks all your encryption with their quantum computer
>>966469 And so you became a linux kernel programmer?
>>966463 >We do what we do right now. Endlessly whine and complain on the internet until someone "does something"?
>>966472 And I'm done with you.
>>966473 No, seriously, what are you doing? You want to hurt these companies, so what are you doing in order to accomplish that? Are you no longer buying their games and telling your friends to no longer buy their games? Are you buying up stock with the intention of directing corporate policies from the shareholder side? What? Saying "We have a plan" doesn't actually do jack except release more hot air into the atmosphere.
>>966421 Anon, are you familiar with normalfags? Then you should understand why they deserve to be fucked by the products aimed at them.
>>966467 >You aren't above the niggercattle just because you have some restraint in purchasing No, the average anon is above normaniggers in many ways, this being but one of them.
>>966477 What have you done? What the fuck has anyone in this thread done but call everyone else a retard?
>>966485 >>966486 Yeah no fuck off malicious little faggot.
>>966490 It doesn't matter if people have done something, I'm not engaging with it because all he'll do is deconstruct any positive attempts as futile and I have no time for such a trite conversation.
>>966491 >Not having malice for normalfags How do normalniggers like you find these places?
>>966494 Yeah strangely hating people because they're less intelligent than yourself is not actually a sign of intellect.
Sorry perceived to be even.
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>>966495 >He loves niggers too A true blue normalfag.
>>966500 If you say so, I think you just enjoy seeing others suffer.
Imagine basing your superiority over anyone based on a shared opinion on an obscure tibetan mountain climbing forum.
>>966502 If they're niggers or normalfags, yes. >>966503 Where do you think you are?
>>966509 pleb.
>>966510 It's like it's on the verge of self-awareness.
>>966512 It's like it thinks it's self aware and worse right!
>>966509 i love the normalfag and the nigger and i want them to understand whats best for them but i acknowledge that they are a normalfag or a nigger is this a middle ground approach? between hating them and denying that they have issues
>>966517 No one denied that they're easy to exploit and wanting to better them is the right position but ceding ground to corporations because 'fuck niggercattle' and you actively deserve what catches up with you.
You know if you're an actively self centrerd malicious faggot and can't operate beyond self service.
>>966521 >but ceding ground to corporations because 'fuck niggercattle' and you actively deserve what catches up with you. How? The only way it affects you is if you're still buying games from these companies and their platforms. Even extended it to other industries, same rules still apply. It doesn't effect you unless you're actively participating in the industry and where it's going.
>>966522 I'm bored of your emotional multi-posting. Learn to use an imageboard. Your posts are trite and I'm done with you.
>>966524 Yeah just don't buy, is that going to be more or less effective overall? Are you just going to withdraw to complete self sufficiency? That's not a method that'll improve anything long term and probably make things worse.
>>966526 >is that going to be more or less effective overall? From everything I've seen, more effective. > Are you just going to withdraw to complete self sufficiency? As much as I can, yes. > That's not a method that'll improve anything long term and probably make things worse. How and why?
>>966529 Because nothing is in a vacuum and eventually no matter how self sufficient you think you are these things will touch the edge of your life. If companies seek to expand their power with no counter action (because of course all government is bought and paid for ala 5d9baf) then they will eventually impinge on your little slice of eden as an unexploited market. Retreating only seems more effective because you've run away from boundary it's impinging on.
>>966531 You still haven't explained how. Care to provide details and examples?
>>966532 Sorry what do you want as concrete that you can't comprehend as abstract?
>>966469 >automatically scans your computer for unlicensed software and breaks all your encryption Windows 11 already literally does this, you stupid nigger.
>>966533 Specific examples of what you're talking about.
>>966540 You literally gave one about the government and industry colluding to invade people's privacy. If you can't extrapolate that outwards I can't help you.
>>966542 >You literally gave one about the government and industry colluding to invade people's privacy. And you declared that I was "unable" to cut myself off, which I have. And then you proceeded to go off on some tanget about companies "expanding power" despite the fact that I am quite literally no longer a apart of their industry. So, again, what are you talking about?
>>966271 nigger look at the flag next to its name
>>966543 I guess you missed the bits about being isolate but again if you aren't playing game at all fuck off. As for expanding power if specific to the gaming industry the practices of selling then reclaiming games at a whim are seen as acceptable then the companies will only seek to expand their draconian and anti consumer policies.
>>966549 Again, what are you talking about? Be specific instead of speaking in generalizations.
>>966553 Of what, companies engaging in anti consumer practives, consumer response repealing some of these practices? You've given nothing you want specifics on.
<‘Helldivers 2’ Community Manager Spitz Fired https://archive.is/J1wxr
>>966556 >oops all my community mangers are terminally online, literal Reddit transsexuals >haha my game died!
>>966556 Maybe they shouldn't hire redditors and discord trannies to fill these positions.
>>966573 Good fucking luck when that's 100% of the applicants.
>>966574 You'd need to be a neet or someone excessively concerned with their own e-peen to apply. This is why usually 4chan janitors or discord moderators or reddit managers are all un-hirable smelly NEET drains on society doing it entirely for free - they don't need the money anyways since they are on benefits and leeching off their parents.
>>966539 perhaps but does it automatically scan your computer every second for unlicensed software and then make a lawsuit against you?
>>966556 Don't celebrate so quickly. Spitz wasn't even the tranny CM, he was also a clown because he had a meltie and deleted the hell divers 1 discord because everyone the trannies banned were filtering into there to complain, but firing him and no one else is 100% scapegoat. Purpelegion the tranny flag mod who had a meltie over grumz posting about the drama on twitter literally slanderously accused him being a sexual abuser and is still a moderator. Baskinator the tranny CM who gloated about how PSN was literally just so they could more easily ban people is also still a CM. Nothing has actually been solved until they uproot the entire tree of trannies running the show there.
>>966586 Nothing will be solved even if they do uproot the tree, because the only seeds there are to plant in the field of cummunity managwhores are more tranny seeds.
>>966578 It scans the software when you launch it and then locks it down and Microsoft logs the report in their system to be given to the appropriate authority.
>>966587 Not entirely true, twinbeard the dev now turned part time CM was the only motherfucker there who used his braincells before saying anything. If they ripped out everyone else but him they could survive.
>>966587 a janny will always be a janny even if they're not a tranny, danny
>>966586 >Scapegoat him just to fire the remaining "normal" CM >Only tranny remains >Tranny HR will replace him with a new tranny recruit
>>966588 Is that archived anywhere? I'm curious how it looks like
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>>966556 Guess he should have put she/her and a bunch of tranny and pro-palestine/communist icons in his bio. They wouldn't have dared fired him then. Did he forget who the fuck he was working for?
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>>966177 Yeah I meant at large i.e. normalfags or at least not here >>966278 Because I'm too optimistic and easily taken advantage of
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>>966556 top kek
>>966090 Pretty good
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Update, it seems that the game is still banned from sale in those countries without PSN, oh and somehow the lead balancing dev is the same motherfucker from Hello Neighbor 2. >>964933 Game is already starting to drop off in playerbase after the Sony PSN bullshit, but it still averages in 150k+ on a weekday, so it won't die anytime soon.
>>968487 >Game is already starting to drop off in playerbase after the Sony PSN bullshit, but it still averages in 150k+ on a weekday, so it won't die anytime soon. Sure, but it's still trailing off of being the flavor of the month game in addition to being in the news pretty consistently since it became popular. Where is it going to be 3 months from now?
>>968490 >Where is it going to be 3 months from now? Probably still alive and kicking but never being able to reach it's release peak ever again. As in, like all multiplayer games out there. For all the fault Helldivers 2 has, it is leagues above the rest of the Live Service goyslop for two simple reasons: 1. It's fun to play 2. It's doesn't force FOMO (yet) Of course, these all can change drastically in a few month or so, but the devs so far seem to be more interested in the game rather than pushing microtransactions on the players. But what can i say, Arrowhead signed a deal with the devil, and they're already paying the price for it.
>>968492 The "rebalancing" of solo mode to give single players the same patrol spawn rates as a full party is utterly nonsensical - unless you realize that the entire goal of it is to push players into the fullest size team possible so that warbond gear will get in front of more people's eyes and encourage players to just buy them and keep up with the new meta. Pretty confident that the entire reason why AH is constantly fucking with the weapons isn't to make them all more well balanced or fix bugs - it's to keep people rotating gear. The result is that everything fun ends up getting neutered to the point that the whole game is just a fucking slog.
>>968487 It's been dropping since release. But the PSN account fiasco didn't actually affect player count at all. The real reason the player count is dropping is because there's a fixed amount of content in the game that people more and more people have reached. Once you've played a bunch of missions against robots and bugs and unlocked a bunch of gear, you've basically completed everything the game has to offer. Small additions like new weapons, cosmetics or upping the level cap, doesn't do anywhere near enough to re-engage people once slaughtering bugs and robots becomes routine. But I suspect they're working on adding that 3rd faction of Illuminate into the game, since they were in the 1st game. If they do, that will get a lot of people back into the game.
>>968514 Is the player count dropping like other games drop or is the player count dropping faster?
>>968523 You have to consider that Helldivers 2 was part of the normalfag hype sphere, and like all normalfags, they moved on to newer stimuli dispensers. Palworld, Lethal Company, Call of Duty, etc.
>>968529 There's a difference between Helldiver and Pallword's numbers. While Palword had a massive bump in the start, most of those players left immediately, whereas Helldivers 2 has a slow burn out as players run out of content. Now to be fair, Palwords has a similar player count in the last 24 hours as Valheim, which also had a massive drop, but at least Valheim is a much more "complete" game and it's been out for several years.
>>968530 I'm surprised Palworld dropped off so hard, I wonder what happened.
>>968534 It's a very rough and unfinished game.
>>968534 It's early access and people got through the content that was there. It's pretty simple. Anyone left is either new or grinding 'mons extremely high. As new content arrives, it'll bump back up.
>>968559 There was that pokemon mmo, every content update people would get on, catch everything in under 5 hours, and quit. Pokemon has a more ubiquitous playerbase among local kids and enough content churn for people to rebuy the game every few years.
>>968514 It looks like the controversy did temper weekend bumps but yeah, looks it didn't have a huuuge effect. Honestly those numbers are still pretty good, using 80/20 rule you could conservatively estimate that maybe a couple hundred thousand people still play the game regularly. Not going like "guize the gaem is so popular look!!!" but I dunno anything over 1000 seems healthy and active to me.

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