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GOOD games where you are the villain Anonymous 06/03/2024 (Mon) 14:45:44 Id: ac0bc1 No. 974994
I not talking about games where you're a misunderstood "villain" who turns out to be the "good guy" only because of plot reasons. I mean games where you're an unapologetic evil person and the game doesn't try to shy away or ridicule the player for it. The reason I bring this up is beause I've been recently thinking about the games released during the late seventh gen, like Spec Ops: The Line and Bioshock Infinite, where the games outright ridicule the player for having played the game all the way to the end with a message that the player needs to "kill himself" in order to "atone" for the "sin" of having played a violent video game where you kill NPCs, and just how disgusting the entire concept of. Why make a game where you "trick" the player into playing the game the way you wanted them to play it, and then ridicule the player for having played the game exactly the way you wanted them to play it? So how about listing off some games where you are the villain, the game doesn't feel guilty over that fact, and the developers have fun with the player taking on the role of being a bad person doing bad things?
>>976997 Except that was a trope film trope that started in the 1970's and wore out it's welcome by the 1990's.
>>977000 Apocalypse Now and First Blood are not good examples of that at all. They're more about how war will fuck you up to the point you're barely a human anymore.
>>976997 She better put in a CG of their inbred baby in the ending
>>977028 you know the game is going to cuck out before anything like that happens. its on steam after all.
>>977000 >Universal Soldier Van Damme's character is the one who tried to put a stop Lundgren's character since he went crazy and that was only at the beginning since the focus was more on a corporation creating super soldiers from dead ones. >>977003 >First Blood >war will fuck you up to the point you're barely a human anymore Didn't the cops keep treating Rambo like shit because they mistook him for a hobo then double down when they find out he's a war veteran?
>>977033 >Didn't the cops keep treating Rambo like shit because they mistook him for a hobo then double down when they find out he's a war veteran? didn't they also try to rape him?
>>977033 It's talking about how Vietnam vets got fucked up by the war, but that was coupled with hostility or indifference from civilians that fucked them up even further. >>977036 They were trying to shave him to make him "presentable" but the sight of a straight razor triggered his PTSD of being tortured by the NVA while he was a prisoner of war.
>>975052 that game kicks ass. nice and short too
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>>975052 Here's some gameplay for it
>>977054 Thanks Evan, looks fun.
>>977058 >>977061 Oh I get it now. It's the username of the guy I pulled the video from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJcnCthlAUw
>>976088 Fuck that, best part is the fps mod, story mode difficulty, and sticking pantera tunes on. Not the same edgyness but I also love IS Defence. for anons unaware, it's a turret shooter but only the first level is good imo
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>>978769 >IS Defence The fucking community posting though.
>>975014 The sequel is shorter even if it has a few new ideas. They're just not fleshed out or given enough time to enjoy them. >>975034 You're not the villain at all in Bloodborne. The only bad ending means you just take Gehrman's place as the tool for the Moon Presence.
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>>979466 wew lad
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Don't know if he's really the villain, since I haven't gotten too far into the story yet. For now I'm just having fun shambling around eating cops and pedestrians - so close enough. Nice sense of humor, responsive controls, great art style and retro-futuristic setting. The biggest complaint I have so far is that health regenerates, so if you ever get into trouble - just back up and command your zombie horde to attack the enemies. Would have been better if the game forced you to eat brains to regain health. Maybe it does force you to do that on higher difficulties, but I just started on Normal mode to see if it was worth a full playthrough.
>>980479 You're going to rely a lot on Stubb's detachable hand and stun fart on higher difficulties which requires eating brains to recharge and there are later sections where you can barely a form a horde due to how sparse the area is or the enemies having better defenses. Stubbs is the mayor's father and the whole game is a journey to reunite with the mayor's mother and turn her into a zombie.
>>980479 Stubbs isn't exactly the villain as much as he is a force of Nature, as the story progresses you get the idea that the ones who built Punchbowl kind of had this coming due to Karma... That being said A lot of innocent people are caught in the crossfire so Stubbs isn't a good guy either.
>>974994 What about games where you can fuck the villain?
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>>980691 Stella glow.
There are two examples where you're playing an outright villain. 1. Saints Row 2 You're playing a violent and ambitious criminal mastermind looking to control your hometown and murdering anyone and everyone in your way. You're fiercely loyal to your crew, and them to you. My favorite moment in the game is when you coldly watched your best friend brutally beat a teenager at a cemetery for interrupting his wife's funeral and helped him put the kid into a recently emptied casket and bury him alive. 2. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance You're trapped in a final fantasy themed world along with your friends and your families. The world is a place where all of your friends are happier, healthier, and have a sense of purpose. But it's escapism, and you're determined to destroy the illusion and get them to face reality. In doing so, you have to destroy the world. As for games where you were the bad guy all along (Bioshock Infinite, Spec Ops: The Line, TLOU2) are straight railroading, pure and simple. They admonish you for wanting to see how the story ends and call you a monster for "being a murderer". You are given no choices of getting through the game non-lethally. You're only allowed to run and hide, which doesn't change the ending or make you less of a monster. People get to crit health and start begging for their lives. If you do spare them, they get back up and try to kill you. The game screams at you to use the White Phosphorus and tells you THERE'S NO OTHER WAY. So you do. Then the game asks, HOW COULD YOU? THE WHITE PHOSPHORUS IS A WAR CRIME! YOU MONSTER. So the game railroads you. Then blames you for being railroaded. Then the developers say there is a way to get a better ending. Put the game down. Fuck you. Give me a refund, then.
Deception IV comes to mind Fun game about cute devilish girls setting traps for saints and knights to fall into
>>980746 I was just about to post this as the series gets overlooked so often. Some titles cast the protagonist as sympathetic but IV definitely qualifies. It's a real shame the series is finished unless Koei Tecmo pulls its head out of its ass and realizes the ESG/DEI pozz will lead them to bankruptcy.
>>980849 I tried Deception IV years ago, because I liked Tecmo's Deception on PSX, but couldn't really get into the newer waifu edition. Also, I never played it, but would No Heroes Allowed count? Synopsis says that you're trying to take over the world for some demon lord, but it's kind of a comedy so I wouldn't be surprised if they "do the right thing" in the end - even if because continuing to conquer the would would screw them over even harder than how they have it now.
Why would you want to play as gay jewish niggers?
>>980849 >It's a real shame the series is finished unless Koei Tecmo pulls its head out of its ass and realizes the ESG/DEI pozz will lead them to bankruptcy. I think a game about traps is right down their alley.
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I want to rant about something. I played the darkspawn DLC years ago thinking I was going to get to play a campaign as the darkspawn. Like I was actually going to go on an evil adventure. Instead it was just the final mission but you play as the bad guy (and not even the big bad, just one of his goons). Still disappointed by it. This isn't a evil campaign, this is a shitty one shot you play and immediately forget.
>>975903 I'll give you points for trying anon but thats too far too autistic even for us.
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>>983329 > thats too far too autistic even for us. Speak for yourself.
>>975903 That's makes me wonder are there any evil farming games? The closest that I can think of is Graveyard Keeper which is a. not very good and b. unethical at best. It's a shame that the over all gameplay is so bad because the very core kernal of the gameplay is really kind of fun. If there was ever a game that needed a complete overhaul mod it's that one.
>>983435 There was the rumored "evil farm" game that everyone seems to remember differently but can never find a copy of it. But that game seems to be just a mandela effect caused by joel from vinesauce Idea Guying a farm game where you commited manslaughter on your wife so you buried the body and shit.
>>983435 Cult of the Lamb? Also the No Heroes Allowed series.
>>983435 The closest I can think of is a Harvest Moon clone I came across on rpgmaker.net once that warped the concept into a horror premise where you are on a space station and the "plants" you farm are Lovecraftian meatforms. Unfortunately I can't find it right now.

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