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Space Marine 2 and 40k games Anonymous 09/08/2024 (Sun) 21:32:51 Id: 60fc92 No. 1011473
Pirated Space Marine 2 and it's been pretty good so far for the hour or so I've been playing. But in case it's not your cup of tea we can talk about all the other 40k games.
>>1011473 I finished the Space Marine 2 campaign last night, it was a really solid follow up to the first game. I'm just a little surprised it took 13 years to finally get made.
Currently playing. I really like it. For the price of free that is. No way I'm paying that absurd amount.
>>1011497 Yeah for what it offers, it is over priced.
>>1011473 Some performance hiccups, but overall it's pretty solid. Two games for the price of one I am hearing, a Space Marine and Eternal Crusade sequels. They could break the mold by giving people an Expansion pack, but we'll see.
>>1011535 I've been pleased at how buttery it runs even on a 3070ti.
>>1011535 There is DLC planned. Anyone get into the multiplayer yet? Is it good? Well-designed? I've only dipped my toes into the campaign so far.
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>>1011551 I really hope we never see the troon Space Marines in game.
>>1011560 don't hold your breath the troons are trooning everything but the kitchen sink nothing is safe from the odorous grasp of their polished fingers
Game is well optimized, on an alternate timeline, imagine if they added denuvo to this game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tr457vSuRrE
>>1011575 I'm bit surprised they didn't implement it.
>>1011473 The only complaint I have is that the PvE mode only works when you're online, and if you're online they force you to play with random people. Granted the company said they're rolling out private servers for the anti social (or just the people who live in the boonies with Pajeet tier internet) The campaign was nice, though about what I expected from Space Marine 2. Haven't played PvP but I've heard you can't customize your Chaos Marines to the same degree as the loyalists, which just leads to Chaos heresy like Plague Marines with World Eater colors.
>>1011575 Denuvo would've tanked this game to DD2 levels.
>>1011491 IP issues. >>1011551 All dlc is cosmetic.
>>1011686 Did they confirm the new pve missions are going to be free updates?
>>1011687 yes, roadmap image
tried it but it ran like shit
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I wish to know, is it free of pozz? Can one spess muhreen freely without bullshit?
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>>1011841 >Nigger marine that's not a Salamander, a Salamander offshoot Chapter >Female IG squad leads and inf everywhere After this game 40K is dead honestly, normalfags have killed it. I'll still play it and enjoy it, but Geedubs has ruined the franchise beyond repair.
>>1011560 >We know things are bad – worse than bad. They’re crazy. It’s like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don’t go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is: ‘Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won’t say anything. Just leave us alone.’
>>1011845 >Female IG squad leads and inf everywhere I will give the benefit of the doubt that the guard was always mixed sex, especially the Cadians. But I will say it made more sense in Space Marine 1 for the IG to be lead by a woman since it's clear from her rank she's only in command because all the other officers were killed fighting the orcs, but seeing the IG commander in SM2 just be some Poojeet female made me think that 15% stock Blackrock owns in GW is showing through.
>>1011853 > IG commander in SM2 just be some Poojeet female She least does her job and never whines about being a bitch.
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>stopping a spell by the sheer force of their contempt towards it Funniest shit in my life.
>>1011845 Are all the residents in the 500 worlds of ultramar white?
>>1011897 This man is literal garbage. Literal trash.
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>>1011878 Titus kills a Carnifex by punching it in his execution animation. I liked that a lot.
>>1011878 Because the warp is literal meme magic, stuff like this has a lore basis.
>>1011952 Much of the warp gods and even greater horrors in the warp are born from said meme magic.
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Time for a lore dump and retarded GW ads. >Primaris propaganda and that sweet WH40K expensive plastic model shilling >Make shit up as usual in White Dorf fashion like what they did to the Blood Ravens. >Titus is now canon >Full name "Demetrian Titus" >To solve timeline discrepancy against I, CATO SICARIUS, Titus' tenure as 2nd Company Captain is just 10 years, TEN FUCKING YEARS! THANKS LEANDROS! >After his abduction by the same Inquisitor Thrax from First Edition, the Ultrasmurfs to their shame hid every record of Titus, Because Papa Smurf couldn't be like Logan and put his literal gigantic gauntlets to the ground and retrieved Titus from the Inquisition. >Thrax being a paranoid inquisitorial fuck has a grudge against SPESH MEHREENS because like everyone else, they fall to the corruptive influence of Chaos. He randomly abducts multitudes of Space Marines, tortures them to test their "purity" then puts them for stasis after said torture, for years on end. HE DOESN'T FIND ANY FAULT ON THEM, BUT GOT TO BE A SPITEFUL RETARD BECAUSE MY PURITY SEAL IS PURER THAN THE SONS OF GORILLAMAN! >He dies ;later on, possessed by a Daemon in an operation against the recently fallen chapter, the "Gay Slayers" with the Grey Knights putting a bolter round through his head >Inquisition panics and sends a representative along with the Bread Hunters to check his holdings and assets, to get to the bottom of whether he was a fallen Inquisitor or just a plain weak willed faggot >Inquisitor and Bread Hunters found out about his Space Marine collection, A FUCKING CENTURY HAS PASSED. >Because the normal modus of the Inquisition is usually, BURN EVERYTHING DOWN AND FORGET ABOUT IT. They take all of the abducted Space Marines to Deathwatch and let their Chaplains do the purity tests. SURPRISE, ALL OF THEM PASS! >Almost all of them are returned to their Chapters, except Titus, NO RECORDS OF HIM EVER SERVING THE BLUEBALLS CHAPTER EXISTS. >Que misunderstanding and melancholy. If he is forgotten and left to rot, then there's only one thing to do. Go Blackshield, serve the Deathwatch, and die for the Emprah. ONLY IN DEATH DOES DUTY END! >And we're now at the intro of Space Marines 2, the failed Virus bomb operation, and the deaths of Deathwatch Squad Primus, RIP Space Corgi, Sanguine Son, BLM Templar, and Dork Angel. Que Titus' Last Stand against a Carnifax >TIME TO SHILL FOR THE FOURTH TYRANNIC WAR! BETTER BUY THOSE MODELS AND CODICES! >Space Smurfs are on route to SEGMENTUM PACIFICUS. Captain Agemman and Chief Librarian Tigurius Varro knew Titus back then. >Blah blah, Tigurius even when the SHADOW OF THE FUCKING WARP is fucking up everything can sense the "SOUL-SIGN" of Titus dimming down >Blueberries are so fast on the uptick, THEY CAN APPARENTLY RESCUE A SINGLE MARINE IN LITERAL SECONDS BEFURE HIS FATAL DEATH. Now that's Mary Sue Brotherhood! >Blah blah "Calgarian Rites/Rubicon Primaris" for Titus, and now back to the game Bonus points of little to no mention of Sidonus and mystery of Titus' resistance to warp influence is just a footnote. Oh, to anyone who played Boltgun, there's apparently two of the same power sources from Space Marine, one in the ending in Boltgun in Forge World Graia from Segmentum Tempestus/Ultima (conflicting sources or retcon or GW incompetence) and from the planet Avarax in Segmentum Pacificus. Hope they'll make up some shit out of their asses to explain this one.
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>>1012047 >Little to no mention of Sidonus Little to no mention of anything involving Graia, really. Hell, Leandros gets more of a mention but not that he was the one who tattled on Titus to the Inquisition. Also apparently the little codex humper is a chaplain now
>>1012082 Story goes on a 180 turn in that the bitch who snitched is right, and Titus should have been more forthcoming to a fucking lowly battle brother who bypassed the Chaplain, Librarian, and CHAPTER MASTER in selling out Titus to the Inquisition. A "Reverse-Diomedes" if you will. FUCK HIM.
>>1012047 >>1012048 They better not mess with my boy MALLUM FUCKING CAEDO! Greatest blueberry to ever blue.
>>1012153 >"I shall finish the work Captain Titus started!" >"Sidonus laid down his life for this planet, I protect his sacrifice!" He references Space Marine 1 more than the actual sequel.
>>1012153 He's fine, just the problem of there being two of the same power source in opposites of the galaxy and both games reference it being the one and the same thing that got shit rolling in Graia in Space Marine 1.
>>1012175 Oh, and thinking about the weasel timeline shit that GeeDubs did in White Dorf. Boltgun might be a Midquel that set between SM1 and SM2. Still retarded shit that GW can't settle on a fucking timeline in their grimdark setting because the poor players who would lost their mortal characters to old age.
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>>1012172 >>1012175 >>1012180 Would make sense that he would be one of Titus's marines that still remembers him and kicks major ass in his memory to the point that he became a sternguard between SM1 and 2, i like that mindcanon.
>>1011878 part of what makes 40k cool, until it reached the plebs that hate cool things hate being an armor has been used more than once. >>1012048 Titus's pose in the first pic looks so cool, no wonder why it's used for the collector figure. game is sadly too costly for what it's offering I'll stick to darktide and its mirads of problems
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So I just finished the game. It was pretty fun but in my opinion the chaos shit was much lamer than the Tyranids. I was getting pretty excited when Necron tombs were revealed but it ultimately meant nothing aside of a teaser for Necron in a dataslate. What kind of surprised me was that everyone in the credits was Russian aside from the writers. As it stands, I don't think its worth 60 Euro. Maybe if I was really into the multiplayer I would consider paying half the price but they should have focused on more story missions. Also the tranny is listed as "Additional Writing" which to mean screams investor bait and then he got shoved in the janitor closet and his shit thrown in the bin afterwards.
>>1012223 So it's a legitmate contender for game of the year, I take it.
>>1012229 Eh? I guess, but thats just because there is nothing else remotely interesting coming out. I am gonna play FrostPunk 2 and the Space Age update for Factorio but otherwise????
The game is fun but it's not full price for 8 hours worth it.
>>1012232 I'm guessing the game doesn't have any extra modes, native multiplayer or any unshockable.
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>>1012242 >unshockable LMAO
>>1011853 >I will give the benefit of the doubt that the guard was always mixed sex If I remember correctly, The only war core rulebook states that about 10% of the imperial guard is female. The roleplaying game in question is from like 2011 and they aren't working with GW anymore so whether or not this is canon is up in the air. Not that it matters to me, I don't consider any lore after 2014 to be canon. IG is supposed to be trained to the same standards as US marines by the way. Don't know personally how many women are in there but I don't think it is 10%. You know about Majorkill? he estimated the Imperial guard to be about 5 trillion strong. If we take that 10% we get like 500 billion Women in the IG. Which does make the whole custodes debacle even dumber since they could literally just print hundreds of different imperial guard gals and it wouldn't break canon. >>1012231 >I guess, but thats just because there is nothing else remotely interesting coming out. Only game coming out this year that I played was Unicorn overlord. Nothing else besides that and this game interests me. I don't want to buy this game though, I hate GW and refuse to give them money.
>>1012229 >>1012231 Closest thing is STALKER 2 if it's even any good, which I doubt.
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>>1012273 I havent kept up with it. The console focus is a red flag plus I image the developers won't be able to control themselves and fill the game with gay political commentary.
>>1012273 Was gonna mention Rogue Trader but that came out in December. Shucks, it was pretty good. There are other games from this year which were pretty good, like Falling Aces. It is technically incomplete so I won't count it as a contendor for GotY though. Space Marine 2 takes it, in my opinion.
>>1012247 >You know about Majorshill That he’s a eceleb who defends a lot of nuGW’s garbage, yes.
>>1011535 >>1011537 Funny, a friend of mine couldn't even run the game despite meeting the recommended specs. Had latest driver updates and everything but the game wouldn't get past the first cutscene. I don't know if he meant the story introduction or some boot-up cutscene by that though. Honestly the epic games bullshit is enough for me to not buy the game or even consider pirating it. Fuck that stupid shit. >>1012231 Granblue Fantasy Relink from Early this year was pretty good. It's my GOTY nominee personally after Dragon's Dogma 2 was such a disappointment. Though with how few games there are this year I don't even think I could throw together a list of 10 proper nominees for such. You've got this, Relink, Unicorn Overlord, maybe Stalker 2 if it turns out to not be a dumpster fire, assuming updates/DLC don't count so you can't really count Factorio or the Elden Ring DLC. What else is there? Civ 6 (clusterfuck that is) and nominating Dragon's Dogma 2 anyway despite the game being a trash heap? >>1011853 If you weren't expecting that shit after the racial rainbow that was Darktide's crew I don't know what to tell you.
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>>1012223 >the tranny is listed as "Additional Writing" which to mean screams investor bait and then he got shoved in the janitor closet and his shit thrown in the bin afterwards According to what the rumor mill has been shiting out The tranny wrote a lot of gay shit but when the 10 month delay hit all of the pozzed stuff got written out and the was tranny ignored to the point they may as well have been fired.
>>1012231 maybe Forever Winter might be good, MIGHT >>1012620 I don't believe this theory because I don't picture a troon not throwing a fit on social medias because his idea of "Emperor Childrens were missunderstood by the fascist empire" got thrown out of the window.
>>1012700 He could have a NDA signed which could have stipulated that throwing a fit as damaging the game's marketability before release.
>>1012242 It has both PVE and PVP.
>>1012708 they should make all troons sign this kind of NDA
>>1013055 They shouldn't be hired in the first place Women and Fags are bad enough in the workplace
>>1013076 Don't companies have to hire troons or get discrimination sued?
>>1012247 >Don't know personally how many women are in there but I don't think it is 10%. Women are about 9% of the Marine Corps and 15% of the Army. https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/demographics-us-military
>>1013103 Most of them desk jobs, any info on fronline stats?
>>1013104 I would hazard a guess at nil. Women are still de facto kept from frontline units because they're weak and ruin cohesion.
>>1013131 Barracks bunnies should be kept around frontline units for one thing only.
>>1013170 Barracks bunnies are the soldiers' and marines' wives.
>>1013181 Urban Dictionary says: >The barracks is a building where unmarried military personnel live, it is mosty inhabited by men. A barracks bunny is a female military personnel who lives in the barracks and has random casual sex with many men in the barracks.
>>1013185 Urban Dictionary can say what it wants. It's the wives who fuck everyone. Sure, military chicks are promiscuous, but deployments always mean young, horny chicks are left home all alone and surrounded by attractive men and women.
>>1013195 Those particular bunnies aren't in the barracks though
>>1013198 True. They are in base housing, which is not a barracks.
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>>1013195 >Urban Dictionary can say what it wants. It's the wives who fuck everyone. Sure, military chicks are promiscuous, but deployments always mean young, horny chicks are left home all alone and surrounded by attractive men and women. I have seen those hoes and they are not hot they are 5/10 on a good day the only reason why they think they are worth more is because guys on military bases are fucking desperate and anyone that actually is hot isn't going for some retard in the military. A barracks bunny lives in the barracks having casual sex exactly like urban dictionary said it's Jody who get the wives.
>>1013348 It looks like somebody is still bitter over getting his waifu stolen by a military guy.
>>1013424 Mr. Exuberant Pink messed up the definition of barracks bunnies but didn't mess up military men getting cucked on deployment.
Military wives are gold diggers who want the VA benefits.
So the company has confirmed GW has final say about what they do and don't put in the game, which has me worried seeing how hard they're pushing shit like Femstodes. Granted for now it's banal stuff like "No storm bolters because the Primary Sue marines can't use them on the tabletop."
>>1015272 40K is gay now 9th Edition was a mistake Everything Empire related is filled with niggers and women now.
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>>1011560 there is a female pajeet captain and they have already shoved niggers in to the Ultramarines. We both know it's only a matter of time before we get F-to-M space marines. Gaymes Workshop isn't gonna be satisfied until they turn the whole universe in to concord.
>>1015630 There is a female pajeet president in the ultra real life soon.
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>>1015630 it actually happened 1-2 weeks ago
>>1015644 >ShareBlue has deposited 50 cents into your account.
>>1015649 There are daemonettes which look less ghoulish. Offical artwork ones, I mean. The heavily off-model fanart goes without saying.
>>1015649 Of course she looks like a complete troll. Cant have her actually be attractive. Imagine if they actually made a sub-faction of the Custodes that was smoking hot golden battle babes. But no, they have to explicitly inserted into the all male faction, despite there being an all female faction closely related to them, AND they had to make her a man but with a vagina.
>>1015682 "She" looks worse than a troll. Genuinely uncanny. >Cant have her actually be attractive They couldn't even give her a feminine head. As a side note, I wouldn't be surprised if GW will redesign daemonettes so they don't offend trannies anymore.
>>1015681 >>1015682 it's always funny how some troons were defending this decision with "hurr durr you don't like musclegirls" while you can be damn sure modern GW hates nice female faces. >Imagine if they actually made a sub-faction of the Custodes that was smoking hot golden battle babes. Yeah some kind of brotherhoods with sisters... That act as the emotion next to emotionless hulks even though they can't speak... Forgot the name it's on the tip of my tongue... I also laugh at "feminists" not seeing this as blatant misogyny "women can't be their own thing and can only be interesting through a man's faction"
>>1015687 >women can't be their own thing and can only be interesting through a man's faction And have to look like men or abominable approximations of them
>>1015688 my tinfoil hat theory is that GW is pushed by the powers that be, or themselves try, to scrub any sense of "wrongdoing" in the eyes of the modern feminists to appear as the next MCU once superhero fatigue definitively sets-in
>>1015687 "Feminism" was never about "empowering" woman the same way communist was never about class equality. >>1015689 My nigger, Vanguard and Blackrock own part of GW. GW is publicaly traded. Stinky kikes are directly telling them to do this shit.
>>1015689 The entire fucking setting is "wrongdoing". It's a fucking list of atrocities stacked atop other atrocities. You can't make it family safe or "modern audience" safe either.
>>1015693 it's just excuses to make some things cool, it isn't meant to be serious or seen with our century's context
>>1015692 Thats the truth of it, vanguard and blackrock literally bought part of GW a couple years back.
>>1015694 Except when women need to be rammed in, then it absolutely has to reflect the modern context.
>>1015703 yeah sisters of battle are so woke dude
>>1015705 Not what I was referring to, I was just pointing out that it's a faulty line of logic. Were the femstodes put in because it was cool or because they wanted to reflect the current sensibilities?
>>1015708 that's a recent trend yeah
>>1015710 Which should be the center of the debate, not all this bollocks with the dancing around the lore (which is ultimately subject to change). Why was it done, who is actually appeased by this and what was it done to achieve?
It does also smack of this sort of universal relativism that's seeping into everything when GW says we left these gaps so you can imagine whatever lore you like. So xers trans marines are just as cute and valid as some autist's set of mint orks.
>>1015712 Oh boy, communist relativism but with 40K now! Wonderful!
>>1015712 They're putting estrogen in the crayons to turn the friggin space marines gay.
>>1015712 The gaps are there so you can paint your marines however you want. If you want to paint your khorne warband hot pink GW can't stop you. You shouldn't be to zealous about this. Just because some mentally ill tranny uses that excuse to make tranny marines doesn't mean the gaps are bad.
>>1015857 It's more the pretention that there was never an overarching narrative foundation that GW has seemed to have adopted.
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>>1015887 >overarching narrative foundation Lel, which edition did you pick up the game during? That shit was always goofy as fuck.
>>1015887 Gather Storm was basically The End Times 40k, we've been playing Age of Guilliman for the last three editions. GW just didn't call it that because they saw how long it took to get people playing Age of Sigmar and learned their lesson about not upsetting the apple cart too much.
Everyone who likes Titus and Mallum are hypocrites. They're mary sues who win all the time, exactly the thing their fellow ultrasmurfs are correctly criticized for. Be consistent
>>1016045 The difference is that Titus and Malleum are video game characters, so their skills and ultimate victory depend on you as the player. Essentially, NO ANON, YOU ARE THE MARY SUE
>>1016055 >implying anon has any worthwhile skill
>>1016062 Anyone can have skill if you play on Matt Ward difficulty easy mode.
>>1015902 It's not goofy enough anymore. But yeah there is an overarching foundation or you wouldn't have a coherent setting to tell your own stories in. But again GW can change that on a whim if they like, it's just being done for subversive reasons that I think most people object to.
>>1015917 Did Age of Sigmar gain traction in the end?
>>1016075 It did but not as much GW hoped.
>>1016075 Unfortunately it did. Couldn't tell you why anybody likes that garbage though, Some people just can't get enough of smegmarines.
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>>1016459 God, shut the FUCK up NIGGER, stop shitting on the FUCKING FLOOR with this election shit.
>>1016459 >>1016468 >tzeentch cultist being paraded as the Emporer NOW THATS EOME SPICY HERESY
Sure is organic here
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>>1012231 I mean there were a few ok games that came out this year, but it's been pretty fucking dire overall. With about half of these games, you could seriously object to them being considered "good", and basically zero western games that aren't indies. >Momodora: Moonlit Farewell >Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth >Granblue Fantasy: Relink >Helldivers II (kinda) >Wrath: Aeon of Ruin (left early access) >Final Fantasy VII Rebirth >Stellar Blade (was it actually decent, or did people just like it for the attractive ladies?) >Animal Well (was supposedly pretty good?) >Shadow of the Erdtree (DLC is really stretching it) >SteamWorld Heist II >Black Myth: Wukong >Satisfactory (left early access) The absolute state of the western AAA industry
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>>1016554 >Satisfactory (left early access) I've been playing it. Have 15 hours and its decent fun. Its a bit simpler than factorio but on the other hand I think verticality, the beautiful world make up for it and listening to the stupid AI voice being passive aggressive is welcome considering the absolute silence that are factory games 95% of the time. >Wrath: Aeon of Ruin (left early access) It fucking did? Hell, Ill have to play that. I don't give a rat's ass about the rest though. Currently downloading FrostPunk 2 so might make a thread or give my opinion in a few days.
>>1016554 This year was pretty solid, although this month in particular was pretty tight with Space Marine 2, Lolipop Chainsaw, Final Fantasy 16, Bakeru, Akimbot, Gundam Breaker 4, Gimmick 2, Black Myth Wukong, Frostpunk 2, Epic Mickey, Dead Rising, and a few others that I'm missing like Astro Bot and Zelda. Next month appears to be a bit crowded as well with Dragonball, Ys X, Shadow Generations, Black Cocks 6, Metaphor Refantazio, Patrick Star, Kill Knight, and some other games that I'm probably missing.
>>1016597 I immediately notice that a few of the games you listed came out over a decade ago. The rest don't really interest me at all. Zelda was pretty good, but it really was too much like Breath of the Wild for me to consider it a fully new game. And Shadow Generations is probably not going to be anything close to a full game. Like sure, Bowser's Fury was great, but it's not a full game. There's a reason it, and Shadow, are packaged with rereleases of old games and not just sold on their own.
>>1016615 I was actually talking about Echos of Wisdom, not Tears of the Kingdom. Although, we'll see if you're right about Shadow, personally I'm inclined to believe you.
>>1016622 Once out, I'll check reviews and footage and ask Sonic people what's new in Sonic X Shadow Generations then get or skip it on that.
Also, Bowser's Fury's 2021, not this year, so doesn't credit this year. I loved it though. It's admittedly a shorter 3D Mario at 100 shines, next up being 64 and Sunshine at 120. Bundles boost sales but Fury's very good and would succeed alone as a Mario when Switch sales are bananas. I bought it without touching 3D World as I played 3D World before. Nintendo built Fury on 3D World, so 3D World had to port for Fury to exist, hence the bundle (not throwing away their work for nothing).
>>1015649 Yakubian physiognomy on the second pic
>>1015685 They might unironically kill slaanesh to push the eldar storyline and get out of having to depict sex cults when someone points out they're never in games.
Will race mixing save the Eldar?
>>1016771 Only if it's with me
>>1016771 When will Gorillaman breed Yvraine?
>>1016778 When she jumps him.
Can't wait for the actual lore to be all the Eldar getting eaten by Slanesh as the nids invade and reality collapse just so they can rebirth the brand as an age of smegma sequel.
>>1016778 >>1016778 >>1016781 Genetically and anatomically impossible. Eldar are separate species from another planet who have completely different internal organs from humans. Granted, it used to be possible but this was retconned
>>1016790 >Genetically and anatomically impossible. Meme magic can make it possible.
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>>1016771 >>1016788 >>1016771 >It's been established Emps can "wound" Chaos gods from Emps possessed Gulliman "injuring" Nurgle via kicking Mortarion's ass super hard. >Gives enough wiggle room for Isha to escape >Does for the Emprah what Yvraine did for Guilliman Then all he'd need to do is psychically fuck Slaanesh until she (held to a constant she) turns submissive and breedable to give up all those Eldar souls and also deliver Fulgrim back to daddy so he can smack the piss and chaos out of him.
>>1016554 >>1016597 >Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Remake >Lolipop Chainsaw, Inferior remaster >Final Fantasy 16 Came out last year >Epic Mickey The game was shit when it released 14 years ago. And this is coming from someone who was actually hyped for that game. >Dead Rising Inferior remake >Shadow Generations Remake
>>1016820 Fulgrim is a lost cause.
>>1016822 >rebirth >not an inferior remake
>>1016830 What about the beach content?
>>1016831 Just because it had a few good things in it doesn't mean it isn't inferior as a whole.
>>1016822 >>1016830 >>1016833 Rebirth is basically a different game to be fair, it's not like playing it and playing the original are similar experiences.
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>>1016790 >Genetically and anatomically impossible. Your lack of faith disturbs me, through the Emperor, all things are possible, much more if its his special, bean counting boy.
>>1011845 >>1015630 Brother Chairon, your dishonorable status as a black man has been redacted from the archives. Please ensure your helmet remains on at all times outside your private quarters.
>>1016790 Dont you have sex with Yrliet in Rogue Trader?
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>>1016863 No, you only hold hands.
>>1016771 If Big G were to impregnate Yvraine wouldn't the whole of the IoM commit mass suicide?
>>1017014 The inquisition would work overtime to make sure the info never got out. They might even think the primarch is a fake. How would a primarch impregnate anyone let alone an eldar? Clearly he is an impostor merely pretending. Most of the imperium would probably take the inquisitions side on it. Or they would think the info is simply un true an the inquisition are just being masive assholes. No matter what it will result in a massive shit storm and at least 568 worlds declaring independence that very day (That is 3 more than usual!).
>>1017014 They'd fucking lose it.
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>>1017014 They'd crusade the fuck out of Terra to overthrow the heretical despot like if he was Goge Vandire, it matters not if hes an actual son of the Emperor. Hell, theres a good reason why Guilliman hasnt stepped on the Ecclesiarchy's foot.
>>1017103 Both Guilliman and the Ecclesiarchy are in a game of can't touch me. Guililman, is the Emperor's son and de fucking facto acting Emperor so, the act of trying to go against him would cause half of the Imperium and Ecclesiarchy to side with him. On the other hand as much, as Guilliman would love nothing more then to burn the Ecclesiarchy to ash, they're a genuine benefit and have a fuck load of useful resources. Both have to tolerate each other despite the bad blood.
>>1017106 Then again, the current ecclesiarch is a true believer and decent guy and has been hyped and cheering on Guilliman since he arrived on Terra.
>>1016790 Wait, the Eldar could literally fuck a chaos god into being, but they couldn't fuck a human baby into their... whatever passes as a womb? Clearly it's just a matter of motivation and perseverance, not biology.
>>1017135 Warp wombs! Demon babies! Get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant!
>>1017135 Thats actualy talked about in xenobiology, Eldar gestation its not like human gestation, they require multiple sessions over a long period of time.
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>>1017151 Man will find a way!
>>1017135 Technically the Dark Eldar can and probably have, but the method for doing so is likely abominable. (In one of the the Uriel Ventris novels one of the baddies that Warsmith Honsou (The guy behind the Daemonculaba, speaking of absolutely unholy pregnancies) gathers to his cause when he attacks Ultramar is a pirate queen who dresses like an Eldar Corsair and is speculated to be half eldar).
>>1017135 >Wait, the Eldar could literally fuck a chaos god into being Any species could. The logic of this joke is dumb. >into their... whatever passes as a womb? And that’s exactly why they can’t. Their genes are designed to make different things than human genes; they simply wouldn’t work together. They don’t even have bone marrow.
>>1017266 warp fuckery will fix it.
>>1017135 Slaanesh was born from the degenerate excess of the eldar. Thought, mental energy, desires and lewd wishes. She wasn't physically born from a mortal womb.
>>1017359 Puts a whole new meaning to "warp taint"
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>>1017147 just for you
>>1017401 The most realistic game of all.
>>1017401 I can't wait to try this out
>>1017472 You can beta test on monster.com!
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Slaanesh cultists have taken over this thread
>>1017508 slaaenesh cultists took over this hobby long ago.
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>>1017147 I haven't played 40k since the Inquisition armies were introduced. Did they bring the squats back? And I see you, Cultist-chan.
>>1017523 They brought the squats back but took all the personality out of them and essentially made them Tau 2.0. They're called the Leagues of Votann now.
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>>1017523 > Did they bring the squats back? Yes actually.
>>1017516 I was wondering why I got all the DoW1 expansions fro free on steam. Now I know why.
>>1017523 >I haven't played 40k since the Inquisition armies were introduced So what you stared right now? The joke is that they just re-introduced the inquisition as a faction
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>>1017528 EAT BOLT GUN!!!
>>1017531 >Only now do I notice he said "haven't" I thought you said you were playing around that time. My bad.
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I really wish someone made a source port of dawn of war 1 or something like Spring, because modding it makes the game so absolutely unstable. hell, to play unification you need to put most things on low and even then if you try to play a 3v3 or something like that, and anyone get the bigger factions you WILL run out of ram and the game will crash. there is some progress on DoW2 to make it a full game and not some esport bait that it was before, and DoW3 is straight up irredeemable garbage that should not even be talked about. thinking about it, how hard would it be to mod company of heroes 1 or 2 into a warhammer 40k game?
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>>1017557 >how hard would it be to mod company of heroes 1 or 2 into a warhammer 40k game Pretty hard, importing models to CoH1 is a mess and voice/music files really hard without some tinkering. CoH2 is impossible as it's even more closed off.
>>1017557 >>1017560 Forgot to add That's all I wanted Dawn of War 2 to be, CoH1 with some 40K exclusive gameplay quirks. But they had to ruin it like that.
Shouldn't this merge with the other 40k thread?
>>1017560 figures, if it was possible we would already had them floating around. >>1017568 there are mods that adding in construction, new factions and making the population cap bigger, so there's still hope.
>>1017572 The other thread is for for Chaos filth to dwell in >>1017574 Absolutely would, plenty of overlap since DoW and CoH were both made by Relic in the span of 2 years. It truly was amazing how good we had it. >>1017574 Nah, it doesn't even come close, especially the vehicle gameplay.
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>>1017525 >Tau 2.0.
>>1017577 Arguably they're worse than the Tau. The Tau just think that they're a mary sue race, the Votann actually are. They have better tech than the Imperium, real DAoT stuff, and they are lead by AI overlords.
>>1017592 Jesus.
>>1017592 >they have better tech than the imperium Business as usual for dwarves >mary sues Also business as usual for dwarves :^}
>>1017592 They're even worse than the Tau since apparently the new lore is that they sold the Tau a lot of their advance weapons like the rail rifles and whatnot.
>>1017609 Yeah I think they retconned The Demiurg as being a breakaway splinter of the Votann.
>>1017613 The Kreg, Gnostari, and Demiurg are all "misidentified" Squat prospecting fleets.
>>1017592 And the balance for the tabletop game is utterly fucked, pretty sure all their non-squat lore comes from the rulebooks too.
>>1017616 Balance for most games is utterly fucked, to be fair.
Just started Rouge Trader any tips?
>>1017684 Do not stick your dick in Jae.
>>1017684 big DLC (new classes + new companion) releases tomorrow
>>1017694 I know, im waiting for it to drop and start the game all over, im excited about dealing with the genestealers.
>>1017695 Hopefully the DLC won't be as wonky as the basegame on release (and several weeks thereafter).
>>1017698 I havent even finished the game due to putting it on hold while act 3 got its shit together, i want to re-start after the DLC drops and finally beat it.
Why was there an attempt to split the thread?
>>1017723 If you mean eldar and chaos it's because of me >>1016672
>>1017560 God I love COH2
been playing sm2, my verdict is that its pretty good. That being said, singleplayer is awful. Entirely because of the AI. the combat/gunplay feels great and the tyranids are given a lot of respect here, the swarm 'physics' or whatever is so fucking cool. What makes it suck is that the AI teammates are useless. They seemingly do no damage (literal in the case of bosses) and are only around as free revives (that sometimes don't work. Drop the difficulty in jump pack missions. You'll thank me later.) Meanwhile the enemies exclusively focus you. Wouldn't be bad if it weren't for the game being designed for co-op, where that doesn't happen, at all. Veteran does seem to be the 'right' difficulty but the AI makes it frustrating to deal with. The highest difficulty is probably co-op only. Apparently a patch is coming up to fix this. We'll see. Played multiplayer, was about what I expected. Comradery and killing bugs/heretics with fellow battle brothers. If there was more content this shit would probably rival Helldivers for longer. Spess Marines just work extremely well in co-op environments. I loved it. Give me more missions. Shit together a procedural tileset and let us go ham like in Warframe or something. Maybe I'm just a sucker for co-op shooters. I really liked Deep Rock Galactic too.
>>1017745 I can't make it run on my PC while Darktide can be tinkered enough to be bearable sadly.
>>1017725 CoH2 fukken sucks
Mutants and Eldar eh?
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>>1017922 Dont shit talk the fish girl. That said, i wonder how the assassin girl will be.
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>>1017922 To be fair, the only human woman to choose from is Jae, who is a total slut and a golddigger and a bitch. No wonder people went with the one who is as human as possible - Cassia. It's a damn crime that the Sororitas isn't romanceable.
>>1017935 Also, did anyone else play full Chaos mode in Rogue Trader yet? On my first and only playthrough, I did a weird mesh of Religious + Selfless, and as a result never got the full tier which focuses you on a trait. I feel like I should go full chaos next, but I hate being the asshole in fictional games. Wondering if anyone has any pointers or can say it's worth it.
>>1017946 If you go full chaos, you can say goodbye to most of your companions and get shoved in team asshole with the chaos characters.
>>1017945 Well, we're getting a death cult assassin in the dlc, so there's one fanatic human girl to romance. You just have to put up with her looking like a gimp.
>>1017953 She can take her mask off, down side is she has weird BDSM piercings, but then again shes devoted to you so you could probably ask her to take those off.
>>1017945 Blame GeeDub, the bastards told Owlcat that she's a no fucking go. Same with stipulations on the romances for the degenerate murderous knife ear and homeless knife ear.
>>1017964 Nah, that has to be bullshit, there are SoB in relationships in the book, they dont have celibacy vows since the imperium likes its scholla progenia cadets.
>>1017966 They also argued that shit, but seems like both romance and GW don't rhyme. Probably for the best because you get shit like this >Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader Devs “Would Love To Have” More LGBT Romance by TheGaymer https://archive.is/xexYe
Oh, and this was before the whole TranStodes shit.
>>1017970 >>1017971 Anon, dont take shit out of context, read what the actual dev said on the interview instead of taking journos words, the point was that it didnt fit in on the setting to shove homoshit, this pissed off journos in its day.
>>1017972 I meant the pushing for more slaaneshi rainbow bullshit. Oh yes, there was a huge asshurt that echoed in the warp, and some think this gave way for the TranStodes push so the rainbow would shut up along with recycling unsold models of female sigmarines.
>>1017972 God I fucking hate Journos.
>>1018049 I hate the Anita and the journos and the translations, fellow 8chans.
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>>1012247 Maybe most of that 10% are from Catachan.
>>1018124 Old Codex Imperialis from the 80's shows there are all female regiments that look exactly like you think they would (i.e. Mad Max Glamazons)
>>1018134 It's me, Barter Simpson. I run Bartertown.
Fulgrim is a weird name for a slutty rape demon. Shouldn't it be something like Quiverglush?
>>1018142 Well he wasn't always a rape demon to be fair.
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>>1017970 >>1017964 I fucking hate IP holders so fucking much its unreal. Everything I've ever liked is in the hands of the most idiotic people.
>>1018168 He was always a poof. t. Jaggafugger Ghan
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The DLC is out, i shall now proceed to aquire space goth gf, wish me luck lads.
>>1018270 Im loooking forward to your review anon. RT is just too fucking long (and unstable) to find out if the DLC offer any worthy content beside the "waifu material".
>>1018332 nta but I left the original RT review in the review thread, I will play it again later this week and make a review of the DLC content as well as how the game has progressed update-wise since the first playthrough
>>1018142 Fulgrim is a joke name, because Ful is Swedish for ugly and grim is Danish for ugly.
>>1018496 I think all the Primarchs are suppose to have joke names but some of the are a bit obscure.
>>1018500 >Lion'el Jonson Named after the poet Lionel Johnson, who wrote a poem called "The Dark Angel" (Which was him expressing regret over being a fag and butt buddy with Oscar Wilde, which fits if you consider the whole 'The Rock was the name of a gay bar in Nottingham' joke with the Dark Angels) >Fulgrim Already stated in >>1018496 >Perturabo Perturbed >Konrad Curze Named after Joseph Conrad, the author of the book Heart of Darkness, and the character of Kurtz from said book, just with the first letters switched around. >Sanguinius Sanguine as in blood, but also sanguine personality >Ferrus Manus Literally Iron Hands, who has iron hands, and leads the Iron Hands legion, who all got iron hands to mimic Iron Hand's iron hands. >Angron Anger, and supposedly named after a bouncer from a club in Nottingham who had the nickname of "Angry Ron" >Mortarion Mortality >Corvus Corax Scientific name for the common raven These are really the only ones I can think of as jokes and not just references
>>1018558 You can kinda consider Alpharius/Omegon as a joke, Alpha being the first letter of the Greek alphabet and Omega being the last.
>>1018558 Lorgar's nickname, Urizen, comes from William Blake's quasi Christian mythology and is the name of his version of the Demiurge and Satan. Some interesting snippets from wikijew >is the embodiment of conventional reason and law. He is usually depicted as a bearded old man; he sometimes bears architect's tools, to create and constrain the universe; or nets, with which he ensnares people in webs of law and conventional society >Urizen is one of the four Zoas that result from the division of the primordial man, Albion, and he continues to represent reason >In Blake's later myth, Urizen is one of the four Zoas, the fourfold division of the central god. The other three represent aspects of the trinity and he represents the fallen, Satanic figure although he is also the creator figure. Among the Zoas, he represents the south and the concept of reason. He is described as what binds and controls the universe through creating laws. He is connected to his Emanation known as Ahania, the representation of pleasure, and he is opposed to the Zoa named Urthona, the representation of Imagination. His name can mean many things, from "Your Reason" or a Greek word meaning "to limit". Urizen originates in the beginning of Blake's version of Genesis. He was the entity created when a voice said that light should be born, and he was the fourth child of the characters Albion and Vala. He is said to represent the Heavenly host, but he experiences a Satanic fall in that he desired to rule. He is motivated by his pride and becomes a hypocrite. When Albion asks for him, Urizen refuses and hides, which causes him to experience his fall. After his fall, Urizen set about creating the material world and his jealousy of mankind brought forth both Wrath and Justice. >Urizen is described as having multiple books: Gold, Silver, Iron, and Brass. They represent science, love, war, and sociology, which are four aspects of life. >In Blake's original myth, Urizen, the representation of abstractions and an abstraction of the human self, is the first entity. He believes himself holy and he sets about establishing various sins in a book of brass that serves as a combination of various laws as discovered by Newton, given to Moses, and the general concept of deism, which force uniformity upon mankind.
>>1018558 >Lionel Johnson is a gay joke Funny on one hand, but makes him lamer on the other >Fulgrim Whore-mongering is most ugly, yes. >Angron is the only other Primarch with a joke name And not even a gay one at that.
I like Space Marine 2. Is it worth getting into W40K at this point? I never did as a kid. I knew about it, but I was poor growing up and couldn't afford an army so I played D&D instead.
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>>1018595 Do not actually get into the tabletop, it's extremely overpriced.
>>1018595 Depends. Dont bother with Games workshop models. They are absurdly over priced. What kinda army are you interested in?
>>1018595 If you just want the figurines, either 3d print or get one of the joytoy ones, they are surprisingly cheaper than actual GW models, the greedy jews.
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>>1018595 Fuck it I am just going to shill. Cheapest way to get an army is to 3d print. If you can't do that or do not want to there are 2 good options for miniatures. Wargames atlantic: https://wargamesatlantic.com/ They make a lot of imperial guard proxies as well as some good classic fantasy models. Mantic games: https://www.manticgames.com/ Creators of kings of war. Started out just making knockoff fantasy models but have since expanded a bit with their own sci-fi spin-off. Their models are ok quality and they are so much cheaper than GW. If you buy any of their big army boxes you essentially get way more models for half the price. Something else funny about Mantic is they do not care about proxies. You can show up to their official tourneys with GW models or my little pony toys glued onto cardboard and they will allow it. Those are the 2 that I know of. Every other retailer I have found charges just as much if not more than GW. Also if you want to play a game like Warhammer 40k but a lot simpler and cheaper: Play https://www.onepagerules.com/ Their army builder is super easy to use:https://army-forge.onepagerules.com/
>>1018606 Right I forgot to mention. If you have to get GW models I would highly recommend getting them from Ebay. You can usually get some models for a way better price than buying them directly. If you do not want to do that though there are plenty of online retailers that will have like 15% off. If you don't want to do that go buy them from your local friendly game store. Never in your life buy directly from GW website. Also check out >>>/tg/ please.
>>1018595 As previous posters already said, GW stuff are overprice 3D printing is cheaper etc. Also GW rules are garbage they update the game to fast they release new editions in a 3year cycle what creates lots of problems. Look for alternative rules like Onepagerules or you still want to play with official rules without paying check Wahapedia.
>>1018596 >>1018601 >>1018605 >>1018606 >>1018609 >>1018614 Thanks everyone. My brother has a 3D printer so I might just get him to print me an army and play One Page Rules for starters. I was looking into some kind of Space Marines (Blood Angels for the colour scheme but I read up on the lore and don't like the vampire/blood stuff, seems gay) so I'll keep looking for an army that has red, black, and white. I did see some female army that had that scheme but I don't know if I want to run a female army. Adepta Sororitus I think. When I was a kid White Dwarf magazine used to be the go-to source for information. Where do I go now to keep up with lore and stuff?
>>1018620 I would also recommend trying out grimdark future firefight. It is a skirmish version of the game and only requires a few models. Good for trying out the game.
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>>1018095 can someone explain the last one to me? I got all of them until then.
>>1018636 Guilliman dicked a knife ear.
>>1018636 He emptied 10k years worth of Primarch Geneseed into Yvraine.
>>1018636 He fucked Yrvaine much like how the RT fucked the racism out Yrliet.
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>>1018829 Yrliet likes her Elentach and his funny mustache.
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>>1018833 The banter the other party members have over, this bizarre Human and knife ear romance might be some of the funniest . Ranging from disgust to genuine disbelief it could even happen, Rouge Trader was a treat both as a 40k game and CRPG.
>>1018839 The dialogue over Marazhai the dark eldar is even funnier since the idea of having an Inquisitor, a Space Wolf, and a Dark Eldar on your team all at once is frankly absurd
I'm surprised GW didn't try to sabotage the Eldar romances.
love the darktide update, the locks are FINALLY gone
>>1019102 I haven't played in a while. What did they do this time?
>>1019133 They reworked the weapons blessings and requisition system, added a new map, lobby preferences, and a new game mode where the missions are timed and the more time passes, the higher the difficulty climbs.
>>1018595 overpriced and soon to go woke, don't fucking bother
>Darktide gets the long-awaited weapon system rework >friends acquaintances in a discord server I'm in get into an argument about random inconsistencies with the cosmetics Fatshark sells >tell these faggots they shouldn't be buying microtransaction shit anyway >several people are extremely salty as a result of an afternoon-long debate and some leave the chat >many of these fags that were nitpicking random pieces of cosmetic junk were previously justifying and hand-waving the female Custodes shit from months ago Just a random thought and experience I had. I should re-download Darktide again, though. I like the basic gameplay loop but playing the same four maps over and over was boring.
>>1019262 There are more maps now though, i just wish we had more cool real bossfights like the cannibal twins.
The new Rogue Trader DLC added an Astropath Choir room to your ship with new OST. I gotta say, it's really good. Could only find this video on jewtube with the soundtrack, doesn't seem the actual track has bene uploaded by any official channels yet. https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/watch?v=pUgTaRRlLek
>>1018990 >idea of having an Inquisitor, a Space Wolf, and a Dark Eldar on your team all at once is frankly absurd Yet it was such great banter. >>1019050 From what I've heard from some 40k fags in the know is that they pressured, the Yrilet romance to not be sexual and difficult to start. But ironically enough she ended up being one of the more sincere, of the RT's love interests.
>>1018639 >>1018649 >>1018829 Thanks, the knife ear part threw me off. I know it's heresy but there needs to be a special exception for humans dicking down hot eldar women
Why must GW be so retarded?
>>1019561 What they did this time?
>>1019151 >>1019133 they also buffed some weapons and buffed psyker >>1019262 the crafting rework makes testing weapons so much easier
>>1018829 >>1018839 They went for a slow burn romance with her.
Is mechanus fun? I am intrigued after seeing mandy's review.
>>1018829 >>1018833 Does that red jewel on her forehead mean she's still a virgin?
>>1019407 It turned out pretty cute since alot of it comes with an eldar and a human trying to understand each other and how they each view the world. >>1019693 Very, you can absolutely buttfuck the game with broken ass builds that would make the fabricator general oil his robes. >>1019698 Thats her soulstone.
>>1019701 >you can absolutely buttfuck the game with broken ass builds Buttfucking truly does lead to broken ass
>>1019673 >>1019701 >It turned out pretty cute since alot of it comes with an eldar and a human trying to understand each other and how they each view the world. <One the most genuinely romantic encounters you can have in recent CPRG history is between a fucking racist Eldar and potentially equally racist Rouge Trader Did Owlcat hire one of you anons? >Very, you can absolutely buttfuck the game with broken ass builds that would make the fabricator general oil his robes. Since I have a good feeling 40k threads will become normal here, why not do a RT guide for anons trying to figure things out?
Has the game filtered casual normalfags with its Exterminatus mode? I have 100 hours in space marine 1s coop and am rezzing max level faggots as a level 16 assault. Great improvements to the chain sword btw. The parrying system is amazing too. Love the fact Im not forced into the power maul to advance higher waves/difficulty. >>1019262 >redownloading Darktide fuck no nigger, its amazing how Spec Mahreen Dos blew those swedish cocksuckers out of the water. Remember how powerful the power sword + Bolter were on darktides launch? The Veterans ability to instantly reload it and fire 30 bolter rounds without reloading was extremely fucking fun and guess what those cunts do? Remove the ability from the game rework it completely FUCK YOU. The power sword being nerfed to shit was an another FUCK YOU. I play games to have FUN. Those swedish MORONS literally removed and hotfixed and nerfed and shat all over MY FUN. What the fuck, lol. Fuck their shitty dead nigger game fuck sweden fuck those fucking arrogant blonde twinks who only got to where they are because of literal nazi like eugenics and Hitlers praise. Fucking retarded existence and theyre proud of it.
>>1019892 They're still powerful, even before this rework they were really good, and I think the variety in abilities and builds they made with the class update was exactly what the game needed. At release it was literally 4 callofdutymen every fucking party because why pick anything different. Everything can be built to be powerful and run you through aurics (except the laspistol but you can still kind of work with it) and the boltgun still fucks shit up. I think if you couldn't find the fun in other builds then that just shows a lack of creativity on your part. Also Space Marine 2's boltguns sounds and feels like cotton balls compared to Space Marine 1.
>>1019878 >Did Owlcat hire one of you anons? >he doesnt know RT is obviously inspired by Dark Heresy and all other FFG games, much of old Fa/tg/uy content comes from this era and Dawn of War, so RTXYrliet its obviously Love can bloom 2 >Since I have a good feeling 40k threads will become normal here Oh, they always were, but most of us have grown very dessilusioned thanks to GW's moves lately. BTW, we are talking Mechanicus the videogame, nto a particular RT class. >why not do a RT guide for anons trying to figure things out? The game is very, veeeery long anon. I for example just play like second pic related. >>1019892 Anon, the class reworks were needed and made the game much better, in 1.0 it was all a matter of getting a couple of good weapons with good blessings for each class and that was all you could play if you wanted to be worth your salt in top difficulty. Now i can run my recon lasgun and power maul combo.
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I was gonna write a post about how I like to play female characters and always end up having yuri romances in games but that RT doesnt allow dykes but then I remember you can't romance best girl anyway.
>>1019892 >fuck no nigger, its amazing how Spec Mahreen Dos blew those swedish cocksuckers out of the water. Damn you weren't kidding, those are some rancid takes
>>1019970 >Love Can Bloom Ouch, right in the nostalgia.
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>>1019970 >Love can bloom 2
>Decide to give it a read and become stunned >It's a legitimately well written story >Even a Grimdark fag like myself finds warmth >Understand why Eldar x Human shit has been so heavy the past near 15 years I'm a total IoM shill but I have to give credit where credit is due.
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>random sheboon that instantly wants to have sex with you Thats was such massive surprise kick in the nuts to an otherwise great atmosphere. Was she added in the DLC?
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>>1020148 DO EET!
>>1020178 My character is a grill.
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>>1020198 >Linus Racemixing tips lol >>1020199 Absolutely fucking heretical
>>1020198 I'm gonna make an Human and Eldar version of this.
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>>1020201 u dont control me
>>1020100 >I'm a total IoM Necrons are the good guys, and the good ending is the extermination of all organic life unironically
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>>1020221 >Necrons are the good guys,
>>1020222 Humaniggers, smelldars, and all the other piles of organic shit feed chaos. Actually, no. Chaos is only as bad as it is because it is a reflection of the organics, who were already that degenerate. Total organic annihilation
(21.98 KB 397x534 wait a minute...png)

>>1020178 >>1020201 I didn't expect these images to be posted by the same guy but it makes sense, they're accompanied by same low-effort shitposting. You use the same filenames every time, I'm autistic enough to notice
(34.68 KB 750x758 Omae Wa Mou Shinderu.webp)

>>1020148 Are you talking about the pirate? She is in the base game. I snitched her ass immediately after she tried to rob my "business partner". How the fuck did you let her in your ship? What you hidding anon?
(644.33 KB 700x906 crime does pay.jpg)

>>1020232 Jae is usefull for...stuff.
(44.09 KB 250x255 Get a load of this guy.png)

>>1020229 I aim to please!

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