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1.7.10 minecraft server Minecraft server Anonymous 10/08/2024 (Tue) 23:16:36 Id: 5000ca No. 1025215
>What is this? This is an offline 1.7.10 minecraft server running a custom mod pack: https://mega.nz/file/138kFLKQ#NUkR9IRVV_dYv1jrxfYVjZkdWmGTQxujp-NmiEqIQgI DOWNLOAD AT YOUR OWN RISK >What's in it? little tiles, Ic2, thaumcraft, blood magic, littlemaidmobs, et futurum requiem, grimoire of gaia, hardcore ender expansion etc. >Can my toaster run this? It's an even lighter pack than last time and a few versions back. If you have a pc built after 2005 you should be able to run this. >Did you include the difficulty retardation? Considering how well that went over last time, I've elected to not add that retardation. >What if I want "x" mod? Mention it in the thread and I'll see about adding it as long as it's not too retarded. >What's this scripts folder? It's just aspect lists this time so thaumcraft can actually interact with most of the new blocks/items. >How do I use a skin? you need to add your skin file to this folder (.minecraft/cachedImages/skins), named after your username, ending with .png >How do I avoid giving microshaft all my data? https://github.com/EvilToasterDBU/PolyMC-Offline >Will this shit constantly be unavailable No, I'm paying for the server and it should stay up 24/7. >Alright nigger when is the server starting, and where's the ip? Its finished setting up and has been up for over a week. Here's the ip:
Edited last time by Mark on 10/13/2024 (Sun) 22:27:46.
Which 1.7.10 Forge version?
>>1025225 The latest 1.7.10 version should work fine
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Why don't you repost this in thread >>924352 ? God, I want to strangle Asuka so fucking much.
>>1025375 He should have posted this only in that thread. Thread quality's shit lately.
>>1025375 Why do some of the Thanos have benises while others do not?
>>1025460 The finger snap took 50% of ALL life in the Universe…
>proprietary shitware Next time do minetest if you want people to actually play it.
Is this the same server that also has a thread on zzz?
Where's that Anon that posts the Blue Virus from Dr. Mario? I'm not trusting a shady Mega link that does server shit with my computer, sounds like a backdoor with plausible deniability.
>>1025502 I'll save this and repost it too when shady links are posted. Making your computer a server is literally how malware works, it's a perfect excuse.
>>1025476 But minetest has no mods
>>1025510 No one ever plays these seriously and it's just for fucking around in multiplayer. Minetest with some basic mineclone mods or whatever they fuck people use is more than adequate for accomplishing that and doesn't filter out everyone who isn't retarded enough to run random software they found on an esoteric basketweaving forum.
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>>1025460 >Why do some of the Thanos have benises while others do not? The ones with the benis are part of the "Special Edition". If you're going to pay an extra $30, then you deserve only the very best.
>>1025520 Damn, 30 whole dollars for purple benis? Intriguing.
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(1.38 KB 125x120 blue virus apng test.png)

>>1025493 >>1025502 NTA, but get your viruses here!
(1.23 KB 125x120 red virus.png)

(1.43 KB 125x120 yellow virus.png)

>>1025524 >apng animates Here's the other two
>>1025524 >>1025526 These are better than >>1025502 for the animated thumbnails but worse than >>1025502 for the small resolutions. 220x220 would be definitive.
>>1025529 This, except instead of 220x220, integer-scaled to the largest size that fits the thumbnail.
(8.64 KB 225x225 yellow virus.png)

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(4.78 KB 225x225 blue virus.png)

>>1025529 >>1025534 225x225 seems to be the biggest thumbnail size, so I went with that. Better?
>>1025541 Those thumbnails are 220x220 but they don't animate like your other thumbnails.
>>1025541 >>1025542 They're objectively better than the original this time. They're the same scale, have transparent backgrounds, smaller file sizes, and 2 extra viruses. Animated thumbnails would perfect them.
(15.18 KB 128x128 bluevirus 128x128.png)

>>1025542 Guessing they don't get animated after reaching a certain image size. Couldn't be the file size because they're all tiny.
>>1025547 Test with 220x220, 219x219, then https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search between 129x129 and 218x218, so 174x174 to start.
(16.59 KB 220x220 blue virus 220x220.png)

>>1025549 Did a quick test over at >>>/test/ and 220x220 seemed to work over there. Hopefully it works here too.
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>>1025553 Sizes larger than 220x220 didn't animate whatsoever at >>>/test/ If the other two viruses animate here fine, then it's safe to conclude the biggest image size for animated APNG thumbnails here is 220x220
>>1025562 First guess best guess, nice work.
>some sus exe gets posted >thread fills up with dancing viruses LOL
>>1025493 What's with niggers always trying to ruin a good time. Have you no shame? https://zzzchan.xyz/v/thread/257723.html#258674 The burden of proof is on you now. Run a virtual machine, download the file, and scan it for viruses. But you might be too stupid or lazy for that
>>1025609 Burden of proof is irrelevant. If you want more people to play your games then choose games that are verifiably safe to play. You can do otherwise, but people can also point out the issues with it. No one is saying there is a virus. They're saying there is no reasonable way to prove there aren't viruses in these random binaries. You're creating a large barrier to entry to play an extremely mediocre game for a few days only for people to immediately proceed to fuck off. And in an environment where almost everyone has a lot of other time commitments.
Also a common problem people have is they can't search recipes without getting a message saying "you don't have permission to do that". Go in your inventory, click the wrench at the bottom left of your screen, click on inventory, and click recipe mode
>>1025612 Minecraft with mods is not mediocre
>>1025612 >Burden of proof is irrelevant and in another breath >They're saying there is no reasonable way to prove there aren't viruses in these random binaries. What an absurd statement
>>1025627 You can't even reliably confirm whether or not games on Steam contain malware. If your understanding of malware begins and ends at "I ran it through virus total" then you should probably not be having this discussion. Frankly you're fucking retarded if you run cracked third party software linked on imageboards. You dumb fucks are lucky that the dolphinpedo isn't around anymore to pull antics like when he scraped Gahoole's IP and called the feds on him saying he had CP.
>>1025631 By that logic, why not just delete your entire library since "you can never be 100% certain they don't contain a virus"?
>>1025635 If miyazaki wants to mine bitcoin on my computer in exchange for me being able to play elden ring I say go for it
>>1025640 You're a cuck you know that? Imagine paying someone to datamine your computer. All so that you can, ultimately, give money to 3dpd whores who hate you. If you buy games you're a cuck
>>1025635 The logic isn't never install anything you aren't 100% certain isn't a virus. The logic is that when that probability skews higher with minimal reward in exchange for the risk it stops being worth it. The point was to contend with the notion that there was a method of verifying random binaries uploaded to imageboards. There isn't. There isn't a way for me to do it on Steam either, but the source makes the change of being infected negligible. And Steam is constantly investigating and removing bad actors. There is no such system here.
>>1025673 Just scan the script folder then and download all the mods separately then. Of course that's not what this is about, you don't like minecrap I get it. You're just trying to spoil the fun for everyone else. If I wanted to screw you over I wouldn't tell you how to remove microshaft spyware and to download polymc
>>1025678 I didn't say anyone was trying to "screw" anyone over, or that it even contained malware. I just said that you'll get more people playing on games like minetest that are verifiably safe.
>>1025646 >paying someone to datamine your computer Yep. But it also paid for Elden Ring. You win some, you lose some. >If you buy games you're a cuck If you don't buy games you will never matter to the market. Not an excuse to by some retarded shit like FIFA, but enough that I throw out shekels here and there for legitimately good products. >>1025679 >more people playing on games like minetest >that shitheap >more people In five years it will be in the same exact state of buggy mess and the excuses won't even change to fit.
>>1025695 It being shitty doesn't really have much impact on whether or not anons will play it together. You don't seem to grasp the concept of a barrier to entry.
>>1025701 >drag n drop .jar files into a folder >barrier to entry Anon I...
>>1025706 >oversimplifying huckster keeps pitching his retarded virus Hey, basically I'm just not gonna get it (your virus!) I know, ugh, I know... I'm sorry!!! It's just I'm not gonna get it is all. HAHAHAHA
>>1025769 Get the clue your RAT isn't welcome here instead of shit-shoveling these questionable links into different threads on /v/, you spamming fucking retard.
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>>1025769 I'm getting this shit when dumping the patch files at the minecraft root folder.
>>1025811 You don't dump it in the root folder, it's in the versions folder
>>1025811 So root > mods > versions Is where it should go. You have to put it in the right version
>>1025811 If you have any other problems, ask the admin https://zzzchan.xyz/v/thread/257723.html#bottom Because I don't know what else to tell you. I just wanted to share it with you guys because this server is fun and I think a lot of you are good company despite the grudges many of you have with each other. I miss old 8chan
>thread spammed by one microsoft fag trying to poison the well of java version's one redeeming feature of being moddable my nigger in christ clearly wasn't around for when you had to manually open the jar file to add modloaders and mods and delete META-INF we're not paying for bedrock edition or using your shitty microtransactions built into it Bill Gates
>>1025852 No one told you to pay for anything lol. Take your ritalin
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>here is a mein kraft server to play boys >THIS IS A VIRUS! no further proofs >unpacking an archive is a serious entry barrier >paying for games? YOU GET CUCKED! Here's new food: did you notice that an absolute most, if not all, minecraft launchers are created and operated by russians? Are you ready to give away your FREEDOM(TM) in exchange for some vidya games? Think fast, citizen, lest you want to have a friendly visit from a FEMA's Apache helicopter armed with air-to-surface missiles. >>1025460 Not all Thanoses are comfortable showing their manhood to a random stranger on a first meeting. You should try to get to know him better.
>>1025885 you sound jewish.
>>1025885 >pic That's a good point, in a straight line you'd need around 70000 kilometers, probably even more. So then the question becomes, how far can you curve a human fuck centipede?
Don't forget antivirus programs can never prove something clean, they only evidence detected files as more suspicious. Script kiddies have a trivial time turning malware fully undetectable by antivirus programs, and some tutorials to do so only take a minute to follow.
>>1025885 >Not all Thanoses are comfortable showing their manhood to a random stranger on a first meeting. But look at that pose though, thats clearly a greeting stretch, hes presenting.
>>1025951 And you're just being a fudnigger at this point
>>1026128 Hey retard who forgot to take his ratilin, where the fuck are you on game night threads?
>>1026128 maybe instead of sperging like a retard over a pirate autism blocks thread over the course of multiple days, you can actually prove it's a malware distribution by doing exactly as you said, and run it in a virtual machine so you can scan the network traffic to show how it's phoning home to some russian botnet
>>1026161 A lot he says is disingenuous. He acts like op is shill multiple threads when he was asked to make another in another Minecraft thread, that wasn't even about Minecraft servers. Not to mention this thread doesn't neetly fit in with gamenight threads either
>>1026128 You missed something important I noticed: OP keeps bumping this shitty thread each time it starts getting overtaken.
>>1026185 Samefag
>Failed cuckchanner still on the loose shitting up threads to prevent pirating minecraft >Pants still pulled down >Dick still shriveled up >Nigger cum still dribble out of his bruised asshole >Still shouting "YOU CAN'T NOT GET VIRUSES IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD BILL GATES 2024, DON'T TRY TO CONTRADICT ME" >Still acting like everything on the internet is a potential botnet virus for russians to share dolphin porn and any evidence to the contrary isn't good enough This is PENIS TORVALDS speaking, the firstborn scion of Linus Torvalds, and the top man from the Linux Internet Defense Force (LIDF). I'm here to arrest you under cock sounding laws for the charge of being a faggot. Guess what, retard? You shit up the board over the course of multiple days, your niggerbaggle is garbage, you're less computer literate than Mark Fuckerberg, you're too retarded to tie your shoes, your parents are both men, you're a lustpenis at a pride parade who eagerly gargles balls, and the only way out of your dark depressing niggerlife is the noose. Autism party!
>>1026185 >You missed something important I noticed: OP keeps bumping this shitty thread each time it starts getting overtaken. Remember to sage this retard's Minecrap thread if you post about his virus.
It's honestly surprising Mark hasn't post wiped this gigasperg, this is a very obvious rule 8 break
I'm honestly surprised any gigasperg outsider who wanders off the streets of zzzchan into /v/ can make a whole thread for his unwelcome RAT then perpetually samefag his AIDSpost with shit like >>1025858 and >>1026133.
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>>1026603 >streets of zzzchan He tried shitting up the minecrap bread on sleepy as well, except there the mods were quick to delete his posts so I doubt he originates from Donbass front.
>ITT one faggot got so assmad about getting his brown bricks griefed on autism blocks that they follow OP everywhere to spam his thread with claims the modpack spreads malware
(1.39 MB 1280x720 g-man_has_had_it.mp4)

I got fucking mad that a piece of green shit blew up my fucking house 2x TIMES. Imagine if I wasn't around there then I would have have lost all my fucking loot. NOTCH YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE
>>1026718 Or someone with a grudge with zzzchan sperging and trying to ruin everyone else's time. The fact that someone is calling to wipe all of ops posts all because of an accusation makes him no different than the left who has infiltrated the gaming industry. I think people are intelligent enough to make their own decisions about what to do with their own free time and don't need a guiding hand for everything they do
>>1026728 I think you're referring to my post and I meant the guy claiming everything is a virus, not OP
OP wants to RAT people and filled his spam thread with (1) samefagging to defend his RAT and projects that and it's so obvious. Like, the last time his (1) quoted an old post, the old post quoted him back on another (1) in 3min 4sec. The overall thread's all like this. Just look at >>1025858 and >>1026133 for a really obvious example. He also tried to get people's post history wiped for questioning his links. Only a retard trusts someone this dishonest.
Also will reply to this: >>1026701 You're probably right, the spamming retard's just spamming his RAT everywhere. He's spamming the Minecraft thread too. I've seen him spam his RAT in 3 threads here, including this, and he's spamming zzzchan, not surprised he's spamming sleepy. He just wants as many running his shit as he can get.
>>1025885 >League is a dirty word in Sweden. I have never heard about that. Can't remember any time in my someone has used the word "Liga" as a negative word. I guess there is the criminals from the donald duck comics but that is a criminal league. Unless the poster means that the english word league is a negative word in Sweden. But the only time I ever hear that word it is in reference to League of legends. That game is shit so it would check out for me.
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>>1026821 >>1026825 >RATS >he doesn't know that every repack has a RAT waiting INSIDE AT THIS VERY MOMENT watching him masturbate to chinese cartoons
>>1026821 >spamming It was posted once in an autism blocks thread and then a new thread was made specifically to advertise a server since the previous thread was not a dedicated server thread and more of a general discussion. That hardly qualifies as spamming, compared to shitting up multiple threads with crying wolf over unsubstantiated malware claims. >tried to get people's post history wiped you got any facts to back up that claim? >posted across multiple websites multiple websites that have lower user counts, which anyone trying to get players into any game would do, whereas if anyone actually wanted to spread malware to a huge audience would likely use cuckchan to get as many fish to take the bait compared to just the few users who actually give a shit about autism block simulators any more.
>>1026860 >>1026861 Some of those are my comments. I never said OP was posting viruses or trying to infect people. This guy just took my statements that people would be more trusting and willing to participate in an open source alternative and ran wild going full schizo.
>>1025215 Is this a virus or is that one guy just being a fag.
>>1027189 There's no way to be certain any program isn't a virus, and anyone telling you different is lying. In this case, it's especially reasonable to doubt it's safe. These explain why: >>1026860 >>1026861 Honestly, the distribution of programs by untrusted parties that require an internet connection should probably be removed by rule or it opens the door for anyone to hack people.
>>1027189 I just said that people would be more likely to participate in open source shit because of the minor risks involved in pirated games like this. Then some sperg started accusing OP of definitively trying to spread malware. >>1027196 That is fucking retarded. If people want to play games at risk of getting infected that's their own responsibility.
>>1027200 I see.
>>1027203 The risks are not minor. This explains why: >>1026861 It's also obvious people aren't comfortable with this, it's not just "some sperg." Whether OP is definitively trying to spread malware or not doesn't really matter. That's rarely provable. There's especially reasonable doubt it's safe, and you were right to delete the thread. It's how other forums handle this, and sleepy too: >>1026701 If I had bad intentions, and I saw this on the index, I would bundle a server with malware then post a thread about it. The existence of the thread tells me there's no "immune system" or security barrier stopping me from doing so.
>>1027203 The nigger constantly spamming links is also spamming zzz links which pull users out of 8moe into zzz which hinders 8moe participation, that's another type of spam that's parasitic. It can capture or split the posts of users without much allegiance to 8moe by giving them an alternative. It's like spamming Zuckerberg's threads.net on Twitter, but worse since /v/ doesn't have that many users.
>>1027189 The whole thing reeks of some retard pissing their pants because they got griefed on the game. By virtue of what he keeps saying, a lot of gamenights were done solely to distribute malware because nobody proved the redistributed files were not malware. Virtually anything can be compromised anywhere in the chain of dependencies, which there is an entire publication called "reflections on trusting trust" that covers the issue of having to put trust in the software chain when at any point something could be subverted for ill intent. The absolutist logical conclusion is that at no point can software be trusted from any source and thus we should all stop using technology and go back to the dark ages. Unless someone actually provides evidence that a minecraft modpack is in fact malware just because it's distributed on mega.nz by running it in a vm and sniffing packets to show it's phoning home to a botnet or modifying system files to turn it into a malware depot, I'm going to assume it's not and that the guy is assmad and spreading FUD because someone killed his dog in minecraft.
>>1027217 It's trivial to detect datacenter ip addresses and not activate a payload :^)
>>1027217 This explains why this is different: >>1026128 Specifically these parts: >Botnets, cryptocurrency miners, infostealers, keystroke loggers, remote administration tools, spyware, and trojans all have one common function: they turn infected computers into servers. It's their main function, and how they phone home. Some of the most severe security vulnerabilities in CISA's KEV catalog are for computers set up as servers, vulnerable because they're set up as servers. If apps like art programs and music makers phone home, it's weird. Servers are designed to phone home, making them perfect carriers for malware. >These are untrustworthy files. They're black boxes with closed sources, uploaded to MEGA like lots of malware, then linked on anonymous imageboards, by literally who, with no identity or trusted reputation, who faces no deterrent, as like Pfizer and Moderna, he's not legally accountable if he harms you. Nor socially accountable, either. The untrustworthy files turn your computer into a server, exactly like malware does. The most common carrier for a malware payload is a popular program or game, and Minecraft's the most popular game. >Instead, this literally who acted like malware distributors. He started a whole topic outside the Minecraft thread to bring special attention to these untrustworthy files, then occupied it for a day to slander the skeptics. He refused to acknowledge or softened dangerous risks, attacked risk assessors as stupid buyfags and lazy niggers, pretended they're all one Microsoft employee, oversimplified high entry barriers to being safe, spammed MEGA links at least 4 times in different threads, and kept pretending antivirus scans prove a negative, when >>1025951 "antivirus programs can never prove something clean, they only evidence detected files as more suspicious. Script kiddies have a trivial time turning malware fully undetectable by antivirus programs, and some tutorials to do so only take a minute to follow." A game night by a trusted person like Zoom that links to trusted, verified, or open sources for files and that isn't the most popular game has much lower risk. I still wouldn't join, but it's not the same. Running a file in a VM and sniffing packets was addressed here: >The gold standard to run games in a secure way may be PCI passthrough via OVMF of a secondary GPU to an offline VM in QEMU, at a cost of high barriers to entry in technical knowledge and time. You can't secure servers like this, because server machines must be online. A compromised online machine is a gateway to your entire network and many YouTubers made careers messing with Indian scammers by compromising their entire network from one online machine. So you not only can still get infected, but sniffing packets doesn't prove anything when a bad actor can shut off the phone home function for the test period. You're calling for "proof" which isn't proof. You're obviously the OP, too. Half this thread is you. You already said this here: >>1026161 >run it in a virtual machine so you can scan the network traffic to show how it's phoning home to some russian botnet Then you repeat it here on another identity: >running it in a vm and sniffing packets to show it's phoning home to a botnet You talk about FUD on a third identity here: >>1026127 >assmad and spreading FUD And here: >>1027217 >you're just being a fudnigger at this point And it was noticed that identity made this post: >>1026133 >Hey retard who forgot to take his ratilin, where the fuck are you on game night threads? Which talks about game nights like you do here: >1027217 >a lot of gamenights were done solely to distribute malware And on ANOTHER identity here: >>1026181 Which accuses people of samefag, because it's what you're doing: >>1026190 >Samefag And the same specific medication you talk about here: >>1026133 You talk about on another identity here: >>1025858 And the identity posting the zzz links, f273ae, says most of what you're saying here. >>1027217
>>1027229 For the record: >>1026161 >>1027217 Are my posts. My ID changes constantly as my IP does, I do not have a static IP, but no I am not the OP. I just think you're a fag.
>>1027189 its one niggerfaggot trying to derail the thread because he doesn't want cakechanners to pollute his precious gamenight. Notice how he shits out massive paragraphs that don't really say anything (repeating himself), and after a hundred posts STILL doesn't have any evidence to his claims. Seriously, how hard is it to throw this shit on a VM and sniff the network to check what comes out? Or monitor the filesystem to see if it writes anywhere its not supposed to? If he was half as dedicated to proving himself than writing dogshit eyesores like <<1027229 maybe he'd get what he wanted. He: - Spergs when ziggerland links are posted - Only suddenly showed up in threads where the server was posted - Isn't on the ziggerland thread (only one measly post before mods beleted it... either he wasn't trying very hard or it was a lazy misdirect.) - Again, only on this thread. I mean, for someone SO CONCERNED with anon files uploaded... he hasn't shown up on any other thread with files anons have uploaded, huh? Like, absolutely none. Only crickets over on the fucking share thread. Supreme autism to sperg this hard over a minecraft server of all things.
>>1027239 Viruses can also detect being ran on a vm :^)
7 minutes go by and the OP makes 3 posts.
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>>1027241 That's great and all, but baseless claim is baseless claim. >>1027242 Get corrected, idiot.
>>1027241 That's a smart point, some colleges have anti-cheat for tests proctored online where the anti-cheat checks if they're being run in a VM too.
>>1027229 I'm reposting this since OP is trying to slide it. This explains why this is different: >>1026128 Specifically these parts: >Botnets, cryptocurrency miners, infostealers, keystroke loggers, remote administration tools, spyware, and trojans all have one common function: they turn infected computers into servers. It's their main function, and how they phone home. Some of the most severe security vulnerabilities in CISA's KEV catalog are for computers set up as servers, vulnerable because they're set up as servers. If apps like art programs and music makers phone home, it's weird. Servers are designed to phone home, making them perfect carriers for malware. >These are untrustworthy files. They're black boxes with closed sources, uploaded to MEGA like lots of malware, then linked on anonymous imageboards, by literally who, with no identity or trusted reputation, who faces no deterrent, as like Pfizer and Moderna, he's not legally accountable if he harms you. Nor socially accountable, either. The untrustworthy files turn your computer into a server, exactly like malware does. The most common carrier for a malware payload is a popular program or game, and Minecraft's the most popular game. >Instead, this literally who acted like malware distributors. He started a whole topic outside the Minecraft thread to bring special attention to these untrustworthy files, then occupied it for a day to slander the skeptics. He refused to acknowledge or softened dangerous risks, attacked risk assessors as stupid buyfags and lazy niggers, pretended they're all one Microsoft employee, oversimplified high entry barriers to being safe, spammed MEGA links at least 4 times in different threads, and kept pretending antivirus scans prove a negative, when >>1025951 "antivirus programs can never prove something clean, they only evidence detected files as more suspicious. Script kiddies have a trivial time turning malware fully undetectable by antivirus programs, and some tutorials to do so only take a minute to follow." A game night by a trusted person like Zoom that links to trusted, verified, or open sources for files and that isn't the most popular game has much lower risk. I still wouldn't join, but it's not the same. Running a file in a VM and sniffing packets was addressed here: >The gold standard to run games in a secure way may be PCI passthrough via OVMF of a secondary GPU to an offline VM in QEMU, at a cost of high barriers to entry in technical knowledge and time. You can't secure servers like this, because server machines must be online. A compromised online machine is a gateway to your entire network and many YouTubers made careers messing with Indian scammers by compromising their entire network from one online machine. So you not only can still get infected, but sniffing packets doesn't prove anything when a bad actor can shut off the phone home function for the test period. You're calling for "proof" which isn't proof. You're obviously the OP, too. Half this thread is you. You already said this here: >>1026161 >run it in a virtual machine so you can scan the network traffic to show how it's phoning home to some russian botnet Then you repeat it here on another identity: >running it in a vm and sniffing packets to show it's phoning home to a botnet You talk about FUD on a third identity here: >>1026127 >assmad and spreading FUD And here: >>1027217 >you're just being a fudnigger at this point And it was noticed that identity made this post: >>1026133 >Hey retard who forgot to take his ratilin, where the fuck are you on game night threads? Which talks about game nights like you do here: >1027217 >a lot of gamenights were done solely to distribute malware And on ANOTHER identity here: >>1026181 Which accuses people of samefag, because it's what you're doing: >>1026190 >Samefag And the same specific medication you talk about here: >>1026133 You talk about on another identity here: >>1025858 And the identity posting the zzz links, f273ae, says most of what you're saying here. >>1027217
I'm just gonna post a download at your own risk warning and be done with it.
>>1027249 There is no point. This dude is a turbo sperg spamming the thread for no reason
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Being concerned about potentially malicious files is understandable, but what's this gigasperg's problem? >>1027189 AFAICT the files are fine. I play on the server and the admin (not OP, according to admin himself) is frequently online too.
>>1027248 A formidable inspection of OP's samefaggotry, everyone should read this post. >>1025858 and >>1026133 is an obvious case but wow, this spamming fucking retard samefags hard. His (1) called us one gigasperg when he tried to get us "post wiped, too, now another (1) is doing it again. He might be the dumbest samefagger I have ever seen here.
God, if you hate this thread, server, mein kraft, sleepy niggers just let it die, stop bumping with your fud. >>1027189 Everything can become a virus in certain hands. Even the Thanos picture above. But this sperg spamming "VIRUS!" and never backing up his claims is an absolute bafoon talking out of his ass. Why does he have a vendetta against modded minecraft? Did it kill its mother? > it's a zipped RAT virus program executable Look up VirusTotal checks in the other thread >>1025817 Yes, they can not prove that the files are totally safe, but you can as well download them from the years old links at minecraft forge and expect to become a part of a giant botnet of popular minecraft mod players. Would providing direct links to minecraft forge for each individual mod get this sperg on board? I'm not sure. >forge was hacked, compromised Yeah, a file upload service let's you upload a file, integrity of which you have to check for yourself. What difference is there with the mega links in question? Or even opening the image files (which can be maliciously crafted just for your videogame entertainment system, anon) I have attached to this post on the IMAGE board?
Sayanigger! You have worst taste, worst house, worst girl, and you are THE worst pvp player!
https://github.com/xxXCuriositykilledthecatXxx/Sleepy-Modpack Updated and this time we have trains now
>>1028190 I ran the very suspicious files from this very suspicious person with very suspicious behavior and I still haven't been hacked. What gives?
>>1028381 Just ignore the faggot going on an autistic crusade to stop anons from pirating Minecraft.
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>>1027229 The 5 last posts are OP too, 4x as (1), bumping over and over his thread of .jars that infect you. He demanded post history wipes of people who analyzed why/how these files present risk, now their posts are missing. No one explain how his .jars infect you unless under VPN, and expect your posts wiped while he gloats no one has explained.
>>1029025 >The 5 last posts are OP too, 4x as (1), bumping over and over his thread of .jars that infect you. He demanded post history wipes of people who analyzed why/how these files present risk, now their posts are missing. No one explain how his .jars infect you unless under VPN, and expect your posts wiped while he gloats no one has explained. Ok got it. Yeah op is truly a faggot other shit like this gets banished like metaphor refantazio builds nothings consistent here.
(602.17 KB 754x520 Cell Calls You Stupid.webm)

>>1029029 I'm not even OP, the faggot is just retarded.

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