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Console-tan thread: Having fun with cuties edition Anonymous 01/22/2022 (Sat) 20:30:20 Id: f0e4f4 No. 518787
I can't remember the last time we had one of these, figured I might as well make one without the baggage of a gay console-tan like the steam deck thread was, plus that wasn't a general console-tan thread since everybody likes em, plus we could pool together >our collective creative juices for fun /ctt/ ideas, and hopefully fun things come out of it. Post your: >Favorite console-tan designs and artworks >ideas for new console-tans >why you like/dislike any particular ones >scenario/comic Ideas, requests, greentexts and drawings >OC >any related content (i.e. artist-specific consoletans) And really anything interesting you find or feel like posting about. Sites: http://consoletan.booru.org/ (general consoletan booru) http://ourobooru.booru.org/ (webring+8moe-specific booru)
Some charts for the uninitiated These shouldn't be taken as gospel, especially since some of these charts can use some pretty ugly art at times, like the second one using a a tumblr-tier art for the GBA, but still they can be useful as signposts at least people change minor details on a whim but these are generally somewhat consistent at least
(1.67 MB 1600x1600 ps5-tan.png)

(51.77 KB 680x755 Robot PS5.jpg)

What do you guys refer? The original anime style console-tan or the robot style that's been gaining popularity in the last few years?
(266.00 KB 945x952 Switch-tan.jpg)

(1.60 MB 3000x3700 Switch-tan Dock Interface.png)

(266.93 KB 1640x980 switch-tan w doggo.png)

(900.12 KB 1986x2000 6643689.png)

(356.92 KB 2476x986 a loli & a dog.jpg)

How come the Switch has a console-tan, but also the Switch Joycons+Grip have one? The dog is like a controller-tan rather than even being the console itself.
Oh yeah, and if you count the milf there's a -tan just for the dock as well. They made a -tan out of every piece of it.
>>518812 I can tolerate furshit but how about not posting bestiality please
>>518793 I'm not into /clang/ stuff personally unless they have human or at least humanoid faces, so I guess I generally prefer the anime style. >>518812 There was competing -tans when the Switch first came out because it was such a unique device that nobody could really put a bead on it due to the "switching" gimmick and it being a hybrid console, and none of the initial designs were really any good if I'm being honest because of how weird they were, the dog one seemed to win out in popularity because of its sheer simplicity and probably because it was "cute". I still think the loli-ara hybrid idea was really stupid, if it was just one, the loli by herself (since the red-haired ara ara looks kinda weird honestly), it probably would've been fine, but it just came across as really retarded, convoluted, freaky and shit as a result. The dog was simple, easy to grasp, and I guess the furries jumped in on it so they just spammed the fuck out of it Plus, animal crossing and all I guess. I haven't heard of the dock one even existing until your post though, I guess its just the raw popularity of the Switch causing people to churn out content, but most of it ends up being directionless and random due to this strange situation that exists.
Are there -tans for VR headsets? I imagine it would just be a lot face-sitting fetishism since they all attach to your face. >>518823 If you were trying to reverse-psychology anons into posting more I don't think there are any. That's the only one I've seen.
(5.28 KB 249x246 going to die.png)

>>518833 Honest request, I don't want to see your gross /b/ shit.
(385.81 KB 803x1203 OS tans.jpg)

(76.13 KB 800x555 Windows 10 forced update.jpg)

(2.49 MB 280x158 nanami_7-tan_magical_girl.gif)

(1017.24 KB 1440x900 windows-nanamibuildingcomputer.png)

(281.53 KB 1024x768 OS-TAN.jpg)

Remember OS-tans? I feel like they're pretty much dead now.
(225.08 KB 1368x1600 ps4-tan fugged.png)

(77.20 KB 972x1335 u-tan string.png)

(230.08 KB 1025x1080 ps4-tan_gaikai.png)

(332.79 KB 1400x1600 GC-tan_handle.png)

(789.69 KB 2000x2000 ouya-tan.png)

>>518839 I think I have a few pics of Vita taking a horse cock dildo. I don't know the connection if any between Vita and horse cocks nor why there are multiple depictions of that and I don't know if a horse cock dildo triggers your aversion to bestiality so I won't post them, but someone else probably has them. These pics however are fairly vanilla.
(2.76 MB 2780x1680 KASHA-SmolTrio3_part1.png)

Now that Microsoft bought up a bunch of game developers, I'd like to request a picture of the Xbox girls standing around a table like pic related, towering over all the game companies they're about to have for dinner. Microsoft in the back like "eat as much as you want girls, daddy's buying!" >>518839 Then get lost. Cuckchan is that way.
>>518855 Whenever a -tan gets popular enough, it seems to attract the worst fucking degenerates around sadly. I think I saw what you're describing, and Vita-tan genuinely had a bad end, there's also this one furfag who fetishized her for a while and stuck his donut steel with her in a few pics, thankfully I think there were versions where he was edited out, or something. Spoiled but this is the fucking result of the horse cock shit, one of the worst goddamn things I've seen of a console-tan because it came after seeing a series of exactly what you're describing, showing the sperm trying to get into Vita-tan's egg. If I'd shown the actual animations with it, it would've just been too foul. I just wanted to back-up all the Vita-tan shit on the booru and this was some of the few, terrible pieces of shit I had to witness in the process.
>>518863 oh, wrong pic, it showed her with the newborn horse-vita-tan abomination instead of that one but I'm not gonna bother posting it, fuck that shit.
>>518855 Post cute pics of toasty and ouya-tan dating.
(25.96 KB 502x581 ouya-tan_.png)

(31.89 KB 645x594 ouya-tan.png)

(328.06 KB 1200x1500 ouya_dreams.png)

(452.39 KB 1000x1800 PC_OUYA.jpg)

(233.98 KB 2552x601 starving_ouya.png)

>>518872 I hardly have any Ouya or Toaster pics.
>>518861 >Not wanting to see bestiality is cuckchan Shoo shoo, /zoo/-jew

(59.95 KB 472x1024 Hand helds.jpg)

Should this thread and the Deck-tan thread be merged? The other thread devolved into general console-tan discussion pretty fast. Besides I want to push the idea of designing avatars for the many Chink retro devices and pocket PC. >>518832 I always considered the Joycon twins to be the cutest of the Switch bunch.
(356.87 KB 1166x1180 switch-tan_1.png)

(113.56 KB 707x581 ps4-tan_gaf_yoga_ball.png)

(35.44 KB 1091x1090 ps4-tan & vita-tan bunny-suits.png)

(31.51 KB 1065x845 neogeo raped nvidia.png)

(23.33 KB 958x1100 ps4-tan_3.png)

>>518872 Someone made this recently where ouya, toaster, and some handheld PC/emulation machine called the retroid RGB (or something) are a family together its funny >>518881 Nah, leave the shitposting and steam deck discussion in the other thread, let this thread have its own discussion about console-tans in general >Besides I want to push the idea of designing avatars for the many Chink retro devices and pocket PC. Just do that then and re-post the individual ideas, artworks and shit instead of adding 100+ posts of garbage to this thread, there was only about a dozen posts or less worth a damn in the whole thread. I liked the fag who was coming up with ideas for the Aya Neo, that was interdasting, but aside from that, the RGBfag, and the PS3 edit, that was basically it.
(47.84 KB 380x730 switch-tan.png)

(324.99 KB 1692x1080 switch-tan_dock-tan.png)

(12.96 KB 399x550 U-tan_fatal_frame.png)

(83.05 KB 993x1300 WiiU-tan_Squid.png)

(5.18 KB 303x521 dock-tan.png)

>>518888 RGB10 Max it was, I hope we get more of him.
>>518888 >I liked the fag who was coming up with ideas for the Aya Neo, that was interdasting, but aside from that, the RGBfag, and the PS3 edit, that was basically it <tfw I did these three things
(72.24 KB 500x580 Console-tan_closeness.png)

(166.57 KB 1166x823 Switch battery.jpg)

(90.56 KB 1600x1129 PC & Shield pickup lines.png)

(29.39 KB 904x896 Vita & Shield.png)

(133.87 KB 800x1800 pc & toaster.png)

(28.61 KB 1600x907 snes-tan pc-tan zombie.png)

(739.50 KB 1275x1568 Genesis-tan_SNES-tan_sonic.png)

(313.17 KB 632x2048 puppetan.png)

(163.14 KB 900x745 U-tan_amiibo.png)

(936.92 KB 600x4300 memories.png)

(38.42 KB 817x600 xbone-tan_2013.png)

(33.46 KB 540x600 3DS-tan_2DS-tan.png)

(83.62 KB 550x600 xbone-tan_6.jpg)

(122.79 KB 773x600 Vita-tan.jpg)

(233.70 KB 603x1476 xbone-tan_awkward.png)

>>518897 >1st pic Do you have the comic where PC is talking to SNES and then she glitches out revealing that it merely was PC trying to emulate her?
(483.65 KB 938x1466 snes_emulation.png)

(213.76 KB 900x1120 xbone-tan_2.jpg)

(247.08 KB 1000x900 xbone-tan_4.jpg)

(246.93 KB 900x1120 xbone-tan_0.jpg)

(172.61 KB 600x960 xbone-tan_1.jpg)

(265.53 KB 750x1149 xbone-tan_5.jpg)

(73.32 KB 492x2027 gg_xbone-tan.png)

(105.09 KB 600x800 xbone-tan_7.jpg)

(24.75 KB 600x800 xbone-tan_9.png)

(19.39 KB 504x600 WiiU-tan_games.png)

I hope none of you didn't stick your dicks in your consoles or PCs.
(7.95 KB 584x619 PC train sim.png)

(13.64 KB 928x819 xbone-tan (4).png)

(23.22 KB 954x582 PS4-tan_LastGuardian.png)

(73.33 KB 500x553 genesis-tan.png)

(15.68 KB 522x859 switch-tan 2.png)

(80.75 KB 500x500 PC-tan.png)

(99.61 KB 500x442 pc-tan_superior.png)

(19.44 KB 551x600 WiiU-tan_8GB_32GB.png)

(107.20 KB 1280x1024 xbone_interviewing_PC.png)

(19.58 KB 741x600 PC-tan_.png)

(250.72 KB 630x1890 toaster tries to run crysis.png)

(188.70 KB 980x700 snes genesis.png)

(586.28 KB 1260x907 xmas.png)

(160.61 KB 450x2315 toaster upgrade.png)

(147.52 KB 1280x1480 PC takes Vita exclusive.png)

(766.22 KB 1000x1800 2DS-tan_flustered.png)

(18.29 KB 633x640 u-tan mature.png)

(199.27 KB 500x725 SNES-tan_GB-tan.png)

(109.60 KB 493x637 U-tan_play_nice.jpg)

(18.08 KB 500x500 SNES-tan_.png)

(149.95 KB 667x787 SNES-tan_Genesis-tan.png)

(149.61 KB 536x933 N3DS.png)

(143.54 KB 900x900 N3DS-tan_WIP2.png)

(828.69 KB 1500x2880 jaguar-tan.png)

(1.90 MB 1900x1100 ps2-tan.png)

>>518903 Thanks. >>518908 Toasty is too pure for this world.
(3.62 MB 4500x4500 vita-tan_sheet.png)

(870.59 KB 1500x1000 nvidia_shield-tan.png)

(168.07 KB 1571x983 xbone-tan_goes_meta.png)

(413.75 KB 1280x1280 DS-tan_exercise.png)

(542.80 KB 2520x1500 3DS_&_Vita.png)

(417.83 KB 680x680 switchtan_2DS.png)

(865.41 KB 700x700 switch controller doggo.gif)

(743.70 KB 1280x890 vita butt.png)

(59.87 KB 353x558 vita headpat.png)

(512.92 KB 1000x1000 Vita Valentine.png)

(111.45 KB 500x500 vita-tan pepe hoodie.jpeg)

(145.09 KB 1156x1940 vita-tan shimapan.jpg)

(232.54 KB 882x595 vita-tan_butt.png)

(150.84 KB 500x457 not-tomoko.png)

(112.11 KB 517x846 vita-tan_expand_back.png)

I'll just re-post whatever was valuable from the other thread I guess Here's the creation of the RGB Max10-tan, and the suggestions (and possible design mock-up? Not sure) for the Aya Neo for anyone who's interested in discussing, brainstorming, refining and drawing it. >>518892 You're an awfully productive anon, I hope you'll continue being so.
(1.02 MB 1600x1066 nintendo-switch-dog-plush-toy.jpg)

(141.87 KB 677x800 U-tan_bikini.jpg)

(15.01 KB 816x662 U-tan_ara_ara.png)

(26.35 KB 758x559 u-tan_splatoon_body-paint.png)

(495.46 KB 1848x1899 wii-u_xbone.jpg)

(1020.80 KB 800x2523 PC_parts.png)

(667.15 KB 1596x1080 1404703235013.png)

(428.60 KB 1278x1278 PC_hugs_imouto.png)

(738.91 KB 1411x989 PC_jojo.jpg)

(89.68 KB 419x706 vita-tan_expand_front.png)

(112.56 KB 850x860 ps4-tan_2.jpg)

(668.22 KB 1000x1600 PS4-tan.png)

(111.12 KB 804x773 ps4-tan_1.jpg)

(835.31 KB 1256x4911 FPS_son.jpg)

(283.69 KB 810x900 PS4-tan_w_Gaf-tans.png)

(299.79 KB 828x731 PC-tan_parts.png)

(87.48 KB 666x1017 U-tan_8gb.jpg)

(729.37 KB 900x3000 U-tan_&_Vita.png)

(265.31 KB 564x800 genesis_V_snes.png)

(105.44 KB 800x565 xbone-tan (3).png)

(14.06 KB 606x600 pc-tan_steam_sale.png)

(140.03 KB 494x778 Xbone_why.png)

(9.04 KB 300x300 xbone-tan.png)

(82.94 KB 500x345 PC-tan_cooling.png)

>>518919 The one buy jadf with a guy creampieing her with a joke implication she got impregnated was great * funny.
(116.01 KB 696x687 U-tan.jpg)

(37.17 KB 800x450 1403260973203.png)

(127.81 KB 852x546 share_button.jpg)

(297.81 KB 1094x1688 xbone-tan_8.jpg)

(411.74 KB 3557x1500 PC-tan_xbone-tan_PS4-tan.jpg)

(20.20 KB 553x822 ps4-tan_4theplayers.png)

(447.42 KB 1200x1696 xbone-tan_8.png)

(140.06 KB 600x800 xbone-tan_3.jpg)

(956.35 KB 2080x1705 PC_vanity.jpg)

(17.34 KB 636x600 WiiU-tan.png)

(488.47 KB 881x845 SNES-tan_swabbing.png)

(44.50 KB 751x1321 ps4-tan thighs.png)

(84.55 KB 1609x1050 u-tan pc-shota.png)

(52.73 KB 900x800 PC+WiiU.png)

Okay, I'm pretty much tapped out unless you want more OS-tans.
(286.82 KB 1280x1024 1205688823296.jpg)

(689.72 KB 1920x1200 1198901627219.jpg)

(636.89 KB 1920x1200 1198901497459.jpg)

(589.72 KB 1920x1200 1198901894174.jpg)

(874.31 KB 2134x1200 1256516123981.jpg)

The nips got a bit out of hand with OS-tans though. There's a lot, and there's even segmentation of OS versions.
>>518929 >tapped out >ends it with an exhausted PC-tan fucking Wii U kek
>>518934 The only way I can imagine that POS Windows is as a run-down crack whore who keeps desperately dressing like she's still 20. >>518897 > Last pic Man, that hit deep. PC-tan is an immortal who keeps losing old friends and making new one each generation. Each generation is oblivious to the fate of the previous ones, only PC carries their memories long after they are gone. Sometimes he tries to bring pack the old days through emulation, but it's not the real thing, it's all just in his imagination.
>>518988 >he tries to bring pack the old days through emulation, but it's not the real thing, it's all just in his imagination. Isn't there a comic where the modern gen consoles walk in on PC dressed up as SNES-tan talking to himself or something to that effect?
>>518792 who was the artist that drew SNES tan?
Do PS5 and Series S/X have designs already? Have artists finally settled for one Switch-tan design (besides the dog)?
(96.61 KB 954x1094 vita_tan_the_idol.jpg)

(1.19 MB 4409x2020 serveimage(6).jpg)

I only have jpg of these images, so its hard to read. does someone have a higher quality png?
>>518988 >PC-tan is an immortal who keeps losing old friends and making new one each generation. I don't see PC-tan as an immortal being. The way I see it, the PC-tan from today isn't the same PC-tan from 10 years ago. PC-tan always withers into toaster-tan, then potato-tan, and then fades into oblivion like the old consoles.
I want a console/PC you can upgrade by cumming inside.
(1.72 MB 3000x1728 Steam deck oled.jpg)

If only my machines were sexy women who lewdly wrestle each other for my attention.
(60.55 KB 1349x1459 ps4_connection.png)

(44.29 KB 643x1161 floss.png)

(108.90 KB 751x1555 bunny.png)

(114.77 KB 457x426 cutest.png)

(243.90 KB 877x1296 One up.png)

I mostly have lewds.
(733.46 KB 500x500 Switch 015.png)

(750.32 KB 2450x1750 Switch 025.png)

(1.94 MB 1750x2450 Switch 027.png)

(189.30 KB 1750x2450 Switch 028.jpg)

(350.19 KB 1225x1312 Switch 029.png)

Little over a year ago I went and collected all the Switch-tans I liked that I could find.
(665.57 KB 2450x2100 Switch 030.png)

(23.79 KB 311x453 Switch 034.png)

(54.08 KB 311x453 Switch 035.png)

(37.16 KB 1865x1048 Switch 043.png)

(612.83 KB 1750x1575 Switch 031.png)

Along the way I ended grabbing some other tans here and there, since I never really collected them.
(42.14 KB 600x550 Switch 047.jpg)

(93.85 KB 600x550 Switch 048.jpg)

(138.43 KB 595x810 Switch 051.png)

(32.76 KB 475x995 Switch 052.png)

(403.20 KB 1500x1500 Switch 054.png)

For the most part, this meant loli, as I am biased. But I did pick up a decent amount of Ara Ara Switch-tan.
(12.65 KB 303x521 Switch 060.png)

(149.38 KB 865x1049 Switch 067.png)

(132.71 KB 800x1024 Switch 068.png)

(101.07 KB 624x856 Switch 057.jpg)

(28.40 KB 371x479 Pocket Station.png)

Spoiler is gay.
(220.44 KB 1581x2134 Wii Mini0.png)

(421.78 KB 1198x1008 Amiga vs Commodore.png)

(449.74 KB 1024x1619 Wii Mini.png)

(274.36 KB 1200x1049 Wii.png)

Now for the lolis. There's a couple odd ones out here, then a bunch of Ara bot+Loli pilot.

(314.86 KB 1548x1458 Switch 010.png)

(324.42 KB 1000x639 Best Switch-tan sides.png)

(121.43 KB 621x680 Switch 012.jpg)

(582.42 KB 986x750 Switch 016.png)

(14.38 KB 164x310 Switch 022.png)

(354.43 KB 1246x1080 Switch 023.png)

(36.48 KB 251x291 Switch 024.png)

(727.25 KB 1278x1152 Switch 026.jpg)

(418.22 KB 900x900 Switch 032.png)

Spoiler has futa PS4-tan.
(292.92 KB 1500x800 Switch 033.png)

(21.27 KB 184x268 Switch 036.png)

(673.53 KB 1360x1163 Switch 041.png)

(43.42 KB 365x460 Switch 044.png)

(195.63 KB 564x683 Switch 050.png)

(246.62 KB 700x700 Switch 058.jpg)

(72.97 KB 700x1000 Switch 065.png)

(104.46 KB 511x719 Switch 071.png)

(27.23 KB 1000x1000 Switch 075.png)

(15.68 KB 522x859 switch-tan 2.png)

Second spoiler has futa Ara Ara bot. Second to last image has a retarded Switch-tan based on the googly eyes the joysticks make.
(40.43 KB 243x234 Smug Switch 0.png)

(87.59 KB 400x400 Smug Switch 1.png)

(119.25 KB 553x552 Smug Switch 2.png)

(118.70 KB 451x450 Smug Switch.png)

(131.28 KB 589x751 Smug Switch 3.jpg)

(112.78 KB 450x450 Switch 007.png)

(89.32 KB 450x450 Switch 009.png)

(93.96 KB 339x269 Swirch 001.jpg)

(301.95 KB 1000x921 Switch 005.png)

(167.79 KB 670x1200 Switch 008.png)

Solo Switch loli pilot. From here on it will be almost entirely loli.
(196.85 KB 645x900 Switch 011.jpg)

(15.65 KB 616x478 Switch 014.png)

(171.38 KB 816x780 Switch 017.jpg)

(252.41 KB 882x890 Switch 019 LABO.png)

(424.94 KB 1476x828 Switch 018.jpg)

(64.13 KB 383x354 Switch 020 LABO.png)

(63.15 KB 853x1080 Switch 037.png)

(55.39 KB 853x1080 Switch 038.png)

(66.89 KB 853x1080 Switch 039.png)

(52.01 KB 853x1080 Switch 040.png)

Spoilers contains near hyper levels of futa PS4-tan being teased by a much more palatable Switch-tan loli.
(73.60 KB 1346x1109 Switch 042.png)

(156.91 KB 442x447 Switch 046.png)

(216.57 KB 1600x1000 Switch 053.png)

(117.30 KB 586x534 Switch 056.png)

(170.70 KB 600x600 Switch 055.png)

(1.22 MB 3200x3200 Switch 059.png)

(345.24 KB 601x800 Switch 063.png)

(17.00 KB 600x600 Switch 066.png)

(487.41 KB 1296x2088 Switch 069.jpg)

(62.98 KB 270x200 Switch 062.png)

>all this content being dumped I appreciate it anons (especially since I haven't seen some of the stuff before) but damn, feel free to space things out a bit and not dump too much all at the same time so the thread isn't just completely filled with huge strings of non-stop images and we can talk for a bit >>519736 Those are some nice Vita-tans >>519220 Fitting with her library, cute pic anon is it yours or did you just find it? >>519760 I definitely prefer the Switch loli to the ara, I think that deep, bright shade of red does not work with the ara's hair as well as it does the loli plus the ara's design is usually a bit frumpy for my tastes >>518843 That one artist Merryweathery still does comics involving OS-tans (and consoletans), but they're his own designs for them afaik I like his Switch-tan's design, I think its one of the only good ones of the many that have tried to take root >>518905 Not yet, who knows what the future holds though with the way technology is advancing though.
(259.96 KB 930x996 Switch 070.jpg)

(366.48 KB 3259x1782 Switch 073.png)

(1.07 MB 3098x2160 Switch 072.jpg)

(38.56 KB 213x381 Switch 074.png)

(229.83 KB 1135x771 000 Switch chan.png)

I refer to this next Switch loli as Switch-chan. >>519782 >I definitely prefer the Switch loli to the ara They are a pair. Docked and undocked.
(193.50 KB 802x872 001 Switch chan.png)

(167.55 KB 762x844 002 Switch chan.png)

(150.08 KB 688x752 003 Switch chan.png)

(140.11 KB 831x579 004 Switch chan.png)

(320.79 KB 1178x1212 65888827_p0.png)

>>519782 >feel free to space things out a bit and not dump too much all at the same time so the thread isn't just completely filled with huge strings of non-stop images and we can talk for a bit I tried talking during the beginning of my load. Anons can talk and dump at the same time. It's not dumpers' faults the site is slow as shit.
(194.14 KB 838x712 65900644_p0.png)

(260.44 KB 810x1178 66444113_p0.png)

(609.12 KB 1706x1286 67318740_p0.png)

(263.35 KB 758x1444 73688539_p0.png)

(403.12 KB 1154x1256 nips.png)

That's all of Switch-chan.
(1.98 MB 1920x1080 lite 0.png)

(827.89 KB 870x1241 lite 1.png)

(218.63 KB 558x491 lite 2.png)

(629.97 KB 1139x1220 lite 3.png)

(310.48 KB 693x1141 lite 4.png)

Switch Lite-tans.
(449.87 KB 1153x1260 lite 5.png)

(329.71 KB 762x1147 lite 6.png)

(48.08 KB 924x666 lite 7.jpg)

(254.19 KB 1026x1076 Joy Con twins 00.png)

(404.50 KB 1260x1212 Joy Con Twins 01.png)

(1.35 MB 1981x1625 Joy Con Twins 02.png)

(257.08 KB 961x947 Joy Con Twins 03.png)

(113.72 KB 811x573 Joy Con Twins 04.jpg)

(257.03 KB 1272x1176 Joy Con Twins 05.jpg)

I have a whole lot of the joycon twins. Taking a break for now.
(695.49 KB 1788x1485 Joy Con Twins 06.png)

(95.43 KB 541x472 Joy Con Twins 09.png)

(89.07 KB 545x516 Joy Con Twins 11.png)

(178.99 KB 800x650 Joy Con Twins 07.png)

(133.10 KB 450x510 Joy Con Twins 10.png)

(99.74 KB 460x556 Joy Con Twins 12.png)

(61.00 KB 343x418 Joy Con Twins 13.png)

(60.38 KB 382x352 Joy Con Twins 14.png)

(75.00 KB 461x377 Joy Con Twins 15.png)

(104.75 KB 1000x1000 Joy Con Twins 18.png)

>>519782 It was an old drawthread request I made a long time ago
(20.04 KB 800x600 Joy Con Twins 16.png)

(19.30 KB 800x600 Joy Con Twins 17.png)

(519.72 KB 1354x1276 Joy Con Twins 19.png)

(807.20 KB 1142x1985 Joy Con Twins 21.png)

(1.25 MB 1987x1672 Joy Con Twins 22 WanPunParody.png)

(828.40 KB 1447x1253 Joy Con Twins 23.png)

(13.27 KB 196x279 Joy Con Twins 24.jpeg)

(24.69 KB 208x279 Joy Con Twins 25.png)

(222.14 KB 1060x720 Joy Con Twins 26.png)

(133.61 KB 528x669 Joy Con Twins 27.png)

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(118.67 KB 800x624 Joy Con Twins 30.png)

(145.10 KB 1023x666 Joy Con Twins 31.jpg)

(206.33 KB 1200x1145 Joy Con Twins 32.png)

(578.56 KB 1280x1263 Joy Con Twins 33.png)

>>519790 I really like the Lite model's brattiness and smugness, especially in the second pic. I hope this takes off. Though the design is very different from the other switch-tans >>519793 >joycon twins they're cute, though I wish there was an easier way to differentiate them from each other, giving one blue and one red clothes is a start though, a rom/ram reference might be cute Anything known about their personalities? >>519806 Nice. I hope you draw more console-tans, you did a cute job with her
(148.27 KB 690x638 Joy Con Twins 34.png)

(31.32 KB 180x254 Joy Con Twins 36.png)

(8.62 KB 458x288 Joy Con Twins 37.png)

(21.36 KB 301x232 Joy Con Twins 40.png)

(1.23 MB 1288x3368 Joy Con Twins 35.png)

>>519827 >I wish there was an easier way to differentiate them from each other Either one is plus and one is minus, or one has buttons on top and a joystick on the skirt while the other is reversed. They are a set, and often there is no clear difference.
(22.48 KB 196x200 Joy Con Twins 44.png)

(378.35 KB 1650x1200 Joy Con Twins 47.jpg)

(13.33 KB 303x363 Joy Con Twins 48.png)

(117.46 KB 824x668 Joy Con Twins 50.jpg)

(99.18 KB 798x647 Joy Con Twins 51.jpg)

(71.64 KB 355x259 Joy Con Twins 52.png)

(21.08 KB 686x418 Joy Con Twins 53.png)

(20.42 KB 910x1000 Joy Con Twins 54.png)

(918.11 KB 886x1200 Made in A Switch.png)

(20.69 KB 594x731 Switches 1.png)

Now for some miscellaneous Switch tans.
(433.23 KB 2363x477 Switches 3.jpg)

(2.41 MB 3000x3000 Switches.png)

(24.67 KB 672x918 Yet another Switch tan 0.png)

(20.19 KB 437x779 Yet another Switch tan 1.png)

(20.97 KB 437x779 Yet another Switch tan 2.png)

(17.21 KB 640x723 Stadia 000.png)

(18.62 KB 516x562 Stadia 001.png)

(18.65 KB 545x596 Stadia 002.png)

(47.17 KB 1073x939 Stadia 003.png)

(160.21 KB 528x966 Stadia ryona.png)

Also, there exists a Stadia-tan, and she's a loli in need of bullying.
(27.96 KB 1101x1107 Stadia future0.png)

(27.37 KB 1101x1107 Stadia future1.png)

(19.68 KB 1101x1107 Stadia future2.png)

(20.82 KB 320x360 Stadia shadow0.png)

(20.78 KB 320x360 Stadia shadow1.png)

(20.95 KB 320x360 Stadia shadow3.png)

That's all.
I guess a lot of the drawfags for these stayed on cuckchan. I haven't seen a lot of these. Never used the console-tan booru although I had it bookmarked.
>>519848 >stayed on cuckchan. New drawfags have to come from somewhere, and 8chan had been in decline for many years before it died.
(690.58 KB 1509x1020 vita tan 8moe butt.png)

(1.08 MB 1420x1890 Vita-tan x Samus.png)

(1.31 MB 2000x2000 Vita_Comfy.jpg)

>>519848 >>519855 Some are probably just predominantly twitterfags more so than anything else; I'd imagine a lot of the lost drawfags are still just hanging around there, probably unaware of this site's existence >>519855 Sadly this is also the case as well, (currently) low population = low artist population = less drawings of cute console-tans. but there has been a surge of Vita-tan drawings from here and sleepy that I appreciate I hope people draw more of her and a loose pair of xbox drawings too
>>519749 >4th image Chad really wasn't kidding when he said the controller looked like a dildo.
>>519855 >New drawfags have to come from somewhere How does one birth new drawfags? From what I've heard some of them at least dislike /loomis/. They call it a circlejerk and make it sound not fun, but maybe they just can't take criticism. By contrast, in /v/ drawthreads everyone is so desperate for artists that they're plenty grateful for nearly anything they can get. That one drawfag got fed up with cuckchan's moderation and came here recently, but this board is so slow I think anyone accustomed to cuckchan's pace will get the impression that this place is too empty and leave.
>>519880 There's not much that can be done about the board being low-activity outside of increasing activity and quality ourselves as anons, we just have to hope that they can be loyal to this place and post and shit There is still a contingent of drawfags that haven't left despite everything, that should be enough to birth new ones, especially since 8chan, /v/-related and GG-tans are well-designed and fun to draw, as the copious amount of art of them kinda proves The drawpiles were a good way to keep content creation up, but I heard that there were some issues with it or something like that. Drawfag-related activities that increase content and traffic like that would also be helpful of course Really anything that increases board traffic (without decreasing quality in the process) will eventually result in an increase of drawfags, given all the conditions in place
One funny thing about last generation is that 3DS-tan is technically older than the Wii U, and Vita-tan is older than PS4-tan, but they both are treated as the younger ones I want Vita-tan to get revenge on that PS4 slut, and everyone else while she's at it
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(71.52 KB 1200x558 te4.png)

(85.81 KB 1200x1150 te5.png)

What, no tiger electronics tan?
(409.17 KB 761x1102 te2.jpg)

(119.47 KB 1200x1051 te3.png)

(123.70 KB 1200x1051 te4.png)

(161.69 KB 1200x1154 te1.png)

(460.13 KB 696x848 got you.gif)

>>520255 >First pic >DOUG FASTER I need that t-shirt. Not into into console-tan artist circle jerk but Tiger-tan is cute.
Has noone ever done bootleg console tans or even emulator consoles, you know like retron 5?
(543.22 KB 1200x2669 dynavision3tan.png)

>>520278 I drew one based on my first vidya console ever, the Dynavision 3 (hue NES bootleg). Then, I realized these threads are just artist circle jerking non-stop, so I didn't draw more.
>>520283 What a cute brazilian console
>>520283 Nice Abs/10.
I wanna see a comic where anon wakes vita-tan and brings her to the bathroom. Instead of playing with her he just takes a shit then puts her back to sleep.
(621.17 KB 1000x2362 smstan.png)

>>520286 >>520288 Those are better feedback than I received on four-cuck. Maybe these threads aren't so bad after all. Before that I also drew SMS-tan, I didn't know there were some art of her but still... Sega a bigger presence than Nintendo over here in the early to mid 90's, Master System was my second game console.
>>520306 I haven't really seen any SMS-tan before so I appreciate you trying to create original content What was your design philosophy with her? I like her outfit and glasses, but I'm a sucker for slutty leotards and boots admittedly >>520283 This is cute as well, spats and that haircut are a good combination I hope you continue doing more in the future anon, don't let fags stifle your creativity and desire to create
(743.54 KB 1280x643 sms.png)

(140.80 KB 1200x900 dynavision.jpg)

>>520312 >I hope you continue doing more in the future anon, don't let fags stifle your creativity and desire to create Tahnks fren. I appreciate >What was your design philosophy with her? The Master System looks like it came from the future with its straight corners and boxy design, mostly black with details in red. I think this translates well into a leotard and tigh-high boots, it's sexy, sleek and I love it. But I'm too lazy to color. The glasses are the 3D glasses used in some games and her haircut is from the character Apple from Zillion. The Dynavision also has straight corners and a boxy design but it's a bit more simplistic. So for Dynavision3-tan I decided to go with a relative simpler clothing, like gym clothes. Gym culture was in vogue by the time I was playing it, neon stuff was still around (remember, not USA here) so I picked top and spats. She's muscular because I like muscular women.
>>520321 Yeah,the designs are really cool
>>520321 is it true there's still factories that produce Sega bootlegs to this day?
(150.90 KB 1500x1125 ms.jpg)

(246.57 KB 1000x440 md.jpg)

>>520373 Both Mega Drive and Master System are still being sold and with Sega's blessings. Mostly capitalizing on the retro fad. Master system is a plug and play controller console with built-in games. Mega Drive is just the console, no emulation. Regarding NES bootlegs they vanished, other "retro" consoles are just chinese emulation machines.
>>520373 Why does she have the body of Haydee
>>520255 >>520256 I love that critter. >>520278 The Retron family have some images (specially Retron 3 and 5), but nothing outside of that. >>520312 >I haven't really seen any SMS-tan before Now you have. >>520373 Yes. Tectoy (a Brazilian company) still has the license to sell SEGA's consoles and make all the re-editions they want.
>>520409 Is this Steven Universe?
>>520405 >>520409 Sweet. Wish stuff like that was industry standard. >>520406 Is there something wrong?
>>520321 Nice choices all things considered, good logic with the master system design. >She's muscular because I like muscular women. Simple reasons are often good reasons >>520406 See >>520451
(1.09 MB 1200x925 master-system-evolution.png)

>>520405 >Both Mega Drive and Master System are still being sold and with Sega's blessings I think the Mega Drive was discontinued, it's not on Tec Toy's website anymore. The Master System plug and play controller in your pic also isn't in Tec Toy's catalog anymore. Now they're only selling pic related, which has no cartridge or SD slot and it's probably an emulator box.
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(2.77 MB 3120x2688 R5.jpg)

>>520440 Almost.
(677.55 KB 1800x2802 tigergirl.png)

>>520457 Good to know I'm among friends. I think we need a buffed Tiger-Tan, she's just too cute to not give it a try. I would appreciate feedback. Specially regarding anatomy.
>>520546 >>520255 >>520256 Does Tiger-tan also count as Game.Com-tan?
(779.54 KB 1800x2802 ClipboardImage.png)

>>520546 Personally I think you've done an excellent job with her, your anatomy concerning her arms, chest, abdominals, general proportions and balance, head shape and size are all good in my eyes (minus minor things that'll get ironed out naturally as you improve over time) Her upper body and midsection, and face are all alluring, and she's adorable. Very cute design idea and her shirt length makes me wanna have fun with a shitty tiger handheld One thing I'd suggest is making her hips wider and rounder, adjusting the shape of her thighs and the size to be thicker at the base (close to her waist) I'd also adjust to show off her hips more clearly, (maybe with some bones) since they seem not to be as clearly defined as the rest of her, plus they're kinda narrow for a girl, maybe adjust her pose slightly since she looks a bit off-balance Overall though, very very nice idea and solid execution, I wanna see more from you for sure Forgive the shitty editing since I'm not an artist myself but this might give a slight idea what I was thinking, it'd probably be better to just give a reference image but that's too much of a pain to find Also, I do like to see lines on the thighs personally, to show off quads/hamstring muscles, but that's just my own taste coming through >>520549 you bastard, I hope you're not the person who kept shilling that piece of junk in every handheld thread back in the day
>>520552 That was an excellent suggestion, thank you very much. I agree that her hips need to be wider. Well her overall figure to be thicc. I'll glad you liked it. I'm done for today but I'll fix her tomorrow.
>>520560 Glad to be of some help anon, can't wait to see it (and hopefully more arts to come) if you decide to post it, keep up the good work
>>520546 >>520306 >>520283 Oh, also feel free to repost your works in the draw thread so more anons can get acquainted with your stuff and enjoy/give feedback I can do it for you as well if you'd like
(88.20 KB 728x491 Soulja-tan_and_Gondola.jpg)

(13.19 KB 497x592 Soulja_Boy_Tan.png)

Yo! Yo! I can't believe that the best console-tan hasn't been posted yet.
>>520637 Technically someone did >>520451
(65.44 KB 395x400 get the fuck out.jpg)

(602.03 KB 963x720 question.png)

I have a question and it's something I've never seen and it's a very important question: IS THERE AN ARCADE-TAN? And why am I terrified that there is and that "she's" a fucking trap that has a fucking arcade stick.
(370.24 KB 1375x2000 120803.jpg)

(235.12 KB 995x1610 tomboy(1).jpg)

(349.14 KB 798x800 87058876_p0.png)

>>520719 I have a feeling that if there was an Arcade-tan then it would definitely be a boyish 80s shota. Although an Arcade-tan that was a tomboyish 80s reverse trap would be absolutely God tier.
(248.72 KB 455x1057 CagL_guVAAEmZIS.png)

>>520719 Arcade-tan doesn't sound like it would make much sense since each arcade machine was different, maybe if you differentiated them by company like Sega's for example but idk
(292.60 KB 1152x960 Mark solja.png)

>>520637 I like you better as a furry.
(327.54 KB 1473x1011 arcade_life.jpg)

>>520724 An Arcade-tan would almost have to be a sprite of the arcade scene and culture itself. Which wouldn't be bad frankly.
>>519880 >>519848 >>519855 >>519886 Most of those anons are for all intents and purposes stuck there because they're ignorant to the fact that 8Moe is once again alive otherwise they'd ditch Half Chan in a heart beat and come back home. Hell I was lurking 9Chan until someone shilled this website to me.
>>520739 You would think that things like the Squilliam video would alert anons that we're alive. I know it and the individual Squilliams have to get posted around places.
>>520752 Well anywhere other than 8Kunt, Twatter, and Half Chan's /b/ and /v/ is fine for the most part. After all inviting cancer isn't ideal either.
(470.66 KB 1311x665 9 chan.png)

(207.84 KB 500x700 you love cock.png)

>>520739 >9chan
>>520761 I think there's a reason he left
>>520761 Is it too early to say that pic is actually an improvement to what it used to be like
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I found some really old stuff I made back in late 2014-2015 so I'm gonna dump them here
>>521045 these are cute and funny minus that last one, which I guess is funny in a nasty way, who are the tans in the 4th pic? and please post the rest of whatcha got for sure I'm glad this thread is bringing stuff like this out of the woodwork
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>>521047 the last one was made as a silly joke because a bunch of us got to watching a Bratz movie on synchtube. 4th pic is vita and 2DS as muscular men.
>>521049 Your stuff certainly runs the gamut, it seems like you had a lot of fun making all these so I'm glad 7-8 years ago was such a simpler and exciting time That's a cute babby xbone >4th pic is vita and 2DS as muscular men. kek Have you drawn any more since then?
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>>521055 can't say that I have. 2015 became a hard year and I entered a bad episode of depression that made it more than difficult to draw until around 2017 when I forced myself to draw by making shit MS paint comics on the GG threads I can look for more; I also have this attempt I did at a console tan wrestling league that I once attempted along with fanart of a sims 3 playthrough from late 2014 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1a224jwJ826bHRMR1Q1VW13bDA/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-rUtjGqmkiYkdymXbwHJvDg
>>521058 >Wii-U tan in a one-piece Now this is what I'm talking about. Love those pics, 4th one's is alluring (especially with the navel cut-out) and the last one made me laff >spoiler we all have our ways of getting through rough patches, I hope you're doing better now and life is okay for you anon >wrestling match I'll have to check that out, it sounds fun >11 minutes long this'll be a nice, meaty watch, many thanks anon >fanart of a sims 3 playthrough Hm?
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>>521089 I did a sims 3 thing for console tans back in the day. didn't last long but was fun while it lasted. the screenshots are sadly lost to time unless I manage to find the old cpu tower and extract the HDD and pray that it isn't corrupted
(95.04 KB 258x613 ClipboardImage.png)

(948.74 KB 500x281 you fucking potato!.gif)

>>520719 Read the charts at the beginning of the fucking thread you homoqueer, subhuman, faggioli.
>>521058 >video Now that I look at her, Genesis-tan kinda reminds me of Teagan does that make her white Teagan?
>>521604 >spiderlegshitter delete yourself
>>521604 all girls need a bush. bush waxing is globohomo pedo brainwashing
>>520739 They went to half-chan in the first place. The fact they can even stomach it shows they have shit taste and would probably bring it here. Its one thing to briefly visit to see what it's like and then leave when you see that it's still shit. But staying there means you actually like it or think it's "not that bad". It's not simply that they banned GamerGate which makes cuckchan bad, the community is shit and the posts are too. You might as well browse reddit if you browse current year 4chan, actually it's probably worse than reddit at this point.
>>521720 Halfchan was shit for years by the time Gamergate happened. Any users who weren't idiots were just looking for a better alternative, and moot banning Gamergate just triggered an exodus that created an alternative. I didn't even go on /v/ when GG happened, but as soon as I heard people were flocking to a different site, I jumped at the opportunity. Anyone who stuck behind is a fucking idiot and exactly the type of user we were running away from.
>>521627 >Hates a nice wonderful bush you can run your fingers through >mind instantly goes to the extreme of hairy legs Please fuck off to some niggercattle site where you belong faggot.
>>521729 I don't care much about bush aesthetically except for the fact that it blocks the view, but that's not a huge deal up close. The bigger problem is the increased roughness. After too long, it can become irritating. Maybe it serves some evolutionary purpose, but I have noticed this functional disadvantage, and I care about that more than any theoretical advantage.
Landing strips and/or shaved > bush But bush is okay if it's not disgusting or overgrown
>>521743 >Landing strips and I wish there was more hedgework where it's shaved into unusual shapes.
(453.30 KB 1000x2384 arcadetan.png)

>>520719 Like this >>520724 anon said, arcades are homogeneous. There would be a *-tan for each popular board used. I'm with >>520730, it's better to give a personification to the arcade scene as whole. Like me, I suppose many of you did this when kids, going to the arcade after schools hours and weekends. So, my suggestion is a boy since no fucking girl were in these places. Excuse the lack of details but this simple drawing took me the whole day to do and I wanted to post before calling the night. >>521743 The anatomy of the third drawing is strange, she looks like midget. I don't have much time now to go into details but basically her pelvic area is too high. Count heads and you'll notice it.
(36.33 KB 287x320 ...he?.jpg)

>>521767 >arcade >boy >most mature arcade emulator is called mame >mame means bean in nip(https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/まめ#Japanese ) is...
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>>521767 He needs a more 80s hairstyle, otherwise he's a good start.
(1.72 MB 498x381 British Bulldog.gif)

(1018.67 KB 1024x768 Andy Child's Play.png)

(65.67 KB 625x415 radicalized_white_youth.jpeg)

(145.69 KB 580x859 wizard.jpg)

>>522346 More hair. >>522350 Sir, this is the console-tan thread.
(582.95 KB 1000x2384 arcade tan colored.png)

>>522372 >sample_
>>521767 >>522359 >>522402 If it's just for arcades in general then isn't that basically just /vr/-tan?
(269.26 KB 700x700 vr-tan.png)

>>522433 /vr/tan is all retro games in general not just arcades.
>>522447 /vr/-tan in splatoon
>>522485 would you let a cuttlefish suck your dick
(80.80 KB 250x250 squid teeth.gif)

(1.67 MB 962x1288 cumslut cuttlefish.png)

>>521742 >some evolutionary purpose Preventing your labia or balls from dying due to frostbite is slightly important if you want your genes to survive.
>>522740 Humans have had clothes for long enough that I don't give a fuck about that evolutionary purpose.
>>522743 Let me put it in a way you'd understand: if it wasn't for luscious bush, you wouldn't be here faggot. >but its icky Why do you fantasize about women with poor hygiene? You sound like the circumcised Jew trolls in porn threads. We've also had soap and water long enough you shouldn't give a fuck about that either.
>>522745 Huh? I didn't say it was icky. The post you replied to didn't say it was icky. It said that it creates irritation with sustained friction, which is the entire point of using a vagina. Also, I don't think the labia is more likely to freeze than other parts of the body that are right next to it and not hairy. It's not like it sticks out, unless you're talking about big roast beef flaps, and those aren't hairy. And testicles are where they are precisely so that they stay cold. They also aren't the hairiest part of the region. The hairiest part is the part that in the least danger of freezing.
(303.22 KB 1200x1132 arcade_and_vr.png)

(243.30 KB 1300x1313 arcade_and_vr-no_background.png)

(94.36 KB 736x881 boy-reference.jpg)

(12.87 KB 638x416 vr-tan_origins.png)

Here's another drawing, this time with vr-tan cameo. >>522402 I liked the colors, I'll include the background-less version to help out those who want to color it. >>522346 >He needs a more 80s hairstyle, otherwise he's a good start. His design was based on a photo from (what it looks like) the late 80's. >>522433 >just /vr/-tan? Just a reminder that vr-tan is based on the boy from Zombies Ate My Neighbors.
I'm starting to think there's a shotafag who keeps wanting to make new -tans at this point
If you impregnate your console, would the kid be another console with better specs?
>>523281 So if you fucked a GameCube, it would give birth to a Wii?
>>523285 Perhaps.
(9.32 MB 640x640 tenor.gif)

>>523281 I assume I'd need good specs myself for that
>all this familiar looking art I came into this thread looking for art from old 8chan, but boy is the water murky. (Look at pic 5 >>519842 )
(1.19 MB 1300x1313 arcade_and_vr color.png)

(836.73 KB 1300x1313 arcade_and_vr color nbg.png)

(509.88 KB 1300x1313 arcade_and_vr color template.png)

>>518888 >>>/v/516124 One of you anons should post that on the Console Booru. https://consoletan.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=all
(1.32 MB 1500x1700 snestan.png)

Fresh oc content, straight out of the fryer
>>533073 Would it be strange if I kissed and maybe even licked my SNES before turning it on to play? I'm a retro collector faggot and I just recently got some new acquisitions to keep her and me happy. Sunset Riders, Plok and Congo's Caper.
>>533073 Awww, that's a cute SNES-tan. Good work anon, she deserves headpats.
>>533073 Cute and funny.
>>533076 Haha yeah dude imagine biting the tip of her sock pulling it off and then licking her feet and arm pits too? Hahaha that sure would be funny.
>>533073 Im always happy when i see snes-tan.
some lovely and adorable Vita-tans from an absolute lad in the /animu/ drawthread
>>559944 shoo shoo bot
>>559944 >>559948 Vita-tan is a girl you stupid fucking jet black ape african monkey jungle nigger.
(146.75 KB 1280x720 1537045449.jpg)

>>559947 >>559950 Please do not feed the homosexuals.
>>559955 You've never heard of or seen Watamote, have you?
>>559955 >>559944 >has an amazing set of opinions >also gets triple dubs TWICE
>>518792 lets fuck
>>522668 I guess he was just thursty
Anyone find nice art or had any nice consoletan ideas or concepts lately?
>>597445 >lately The only new personification I saw lately was not for a console. SW >>589736 >>589751 >>590684 >>591257 >>591810 >>592929 >>593914 8anon >>591024 >>592827 Recolors >>590964 >>590989 >>591060 >>591232 >>591233 >>591276 >>591710 >>591757 >>591937
>>559951 >when twitter drew /v/-tan as a tranny with fat tits Do you remember that shit?
>without the baggage of a gay console-tan like the steam deck thread was What was it that made it so gay.
>>627678 Everyone. They saw the trap Deck and Everyone wanted his cock in their mouth. The homosexuality was unbearable.
>>522271 It means blister, corn, loyal, diligent, fit, and clitoris too.
>>646400 >bumping an ancient thread that hasn't been consistently active since January for this You can find them on rule34
Some more Vita-tans made fairly recently
I noticed someone's been posting some 8ch and webring artist's consoletans to the consoletan booru, dunno what's going on but I hope it results in more art being made also there's a stream of gay steam deck art being posted on there, why must people be faggots. Anyone got any new consoletan arts to share, that you've either found or drawn?
(885.80 KB 2315x2315 Pal render.jpg)

>>688803 Valve unveiled a official Deck-tan named Pal. I like him better than the bad OC.
>>688857 Molest him.
>>688857 The faggot shit was better than this
>>523281 >If you impregnate your console, would the kid be another console with better specs? I think it depends on the quality of the sperm/genes and average IQ.
>>688857 It's an improvement from the DV tier tranny.
>tfw start having sex with your childhood SNES because you're a hermit and it's the only thing you have that's anywhere close to a childhood friend that's been there for you your whole life >tfw fun SNES games are the only thing that prevent you from killing yourself as if SNES-tan herself is telling you life is worth living
>>688857 What does the tap on top do?
>>688857 I like him, he is cute and friendly/approachable which was probably what they were going for. It also makes porn addicts seethe since he is not another generic anime girl with a tangentially related design.
(5.90 MB 408x208 cracking up.gif)

>>689031 >It also makes porn addicts seethe >since he is not another generic anime girl with a tangentially related design. lol yeah right, there's probably rule34 of this thing. Everything that exists can and likely will be lewded.
>>689031 You know what, it's a nice simple design, I like it! >>666694 Good to see this NEET getting more love even when her console was discontinued... >>521594 Genesis-tan and SNES-tan capture their console aesthetics perfectly. I would like to see more art of them.
>>688857 I like this, it's like toast-tan but smol, deck is a smol boy.
(207.48 KB 600x633 hugs.png)

>>688857 He is PC and Toasty's adoptive son
(18.87 KB 501x96 deck.png)

>>688857 The Japanese asking the important questions
>>689854 Ah yes...おじさん私のオマンコの中におちんちん入れてください
>>689854 They're certainly eyes to get lost in as they look in wonder at your cock looming above it.
what do you think of the concepts in these posts >>685137 >>685170 on the drawthread? are they dumb?
(80.63 KB 1020x1218 awful.jpg)

>>689854 There has been porn drawn of Pal by some vorefag furry but thankfully the image itself is mostly normal
>>690853 Well, its the future people chose I guess
>>690853 For some reason I really, really don't like this
(109.60 KB 1280x1280 heavy.jpg)

>>690862 Here's something cuter and less disgusting It's supposed to be sweat on Pal's face, you pervert. The artist is Asian is so joke is lost somewhat but it's apart of the meme of the Steam Deck looking huge and heavy, the user is struggling to hold it
>>690853 This makes me want to hurt whoever made it. Physically assault them, IN REAL LIFE.
>>690853 She's very stretchy, I like it.
(1.46 MB 2450x2000 ouyatan.png)

>>533073 more fresh oc, heated in the microwave
>>699477 mediocre
>>699477 Cute and depressing, very nice. >>699486 No, it's straight trash, it is an Ouya after all!
>>699477 Legit nice and comfy, in a sad but contemplating way. What more works you have?
(1.88 MB 2450x2000 ouyatan.png)

>>699477 I tried to but a dark bg on it but fucked it up. Can you add a dark bg like this?
(2.05 MB 2450x2000 ouyatransparent.png)

>>699569 I'll give you one better anon >>699539 I barely post to begin with but https://twitter.com/Kking_64
(512.29 KB 400x594 ainsley.png)

>>699477 >Ouya-tan has accepted her fate of being abandoned by both her creators and her limited fanbase >"Can't win 'em all" she says, hoping maybe she'll roll better circumstances in her next life
(2.90 MB 3086x2268 ouyatan_dark.png)

I wish we'd see more XseX art, only current-gen consoletan whose design I like (well, the new Switch-tan's is cool too but its literally if you added Switch colors to a largely Sony -tan otherwise) >>699477 >>699585 This is wonderful, thank you anon You gave her far better than she deserves, honestly What a fucking whore >infinite possibilities you bastard, kek >8chan cans with a gondola logo >a clover literally drowning in water Really nice little details. Its funny how she's even still """alive""'. You definitely deserve more followers, regardless.
>>699988 >someone actually noticed the small extras added to the cans You do not know about the biggest dumbest smile on my face that you caught this, thanks anon
>>699988 >Its funny how she's even still """alive""'. This is the Ouya from the 8chanmania timeline after Kiryu faked his death in Yakuza 6, now she's just another homeless person in Kamurocho with Akiyama coming to check in on her periodically as a favor to Kiryu.
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Lewding is alright, I guess, but certainly not something I would save. Kinda hoped to see more console-tan art with personalities interesting or just nice art without lewd-bait. Really hope to find some good SEGA console-tans.
Quick! Post Stadia-tan getting bullied!
>>731815 >software-only gay
>>731820 >he doesn't want to build his software console waifu an FPGA body gay²
/r/ing the xbox-tans having fun together, maybe comparing themselves and their assets/games/features to each other
(98.03 KB 246x211 impotentmario.png)

>>523285 It's been over nine months and nothings happened. The Gamecube smells awful now, really bad.
>>518792 Are there generally accepted designs for Switch / Xbone X / PS5 yet or nah
>>751152 PS5 seems to be a nigger (though it could be split between that and a glasses-wearing cunt) Switch is split between dog and a PS3 clone bitch with a few switch colors slapped on it The Xbox series X tan seems to look like this >>699988
>>523285 Only if both parents were Gamecubes, the Wii was basically just two Gamecubes hooked together. The Wii U would be the bastard child of the Wii and Sega Pico.
Fun idea i had >OG Xbox is a gilf >Xbone is a mild >Xbox one x/s is a teen loli >Xbox series s is a true loli
>>784199 >OG Xbox is a gilf Don't do this to my beautiful big girl
>>784237 Then what should it be lol? Milf-er milf..?
>>784261 Not him, but they should be either a milf, a loli or a high schooler.
>>784270 Good idea So >OG Xbox is a milf >Xbone is a high schooler >Xbox one x/s is a teen loli >Xbox series s is a true loli
>>784291 >>784199 What would the 360 be? A Christmas cake?
>>784297 college age onee-sama presumably
>>784364 With a heart condition.
(442.34 KB 1200x1600 Series x.jfif.webp.jpg)

(2.90 MB 1600x1063 just two pals.png)

>>784291 Why? That doesn't make any sense. Have you seen the size of the new Xboxs? They're like PC towers. If it's an age thing that doesn't matter because that's never been relevant to console-tans. I've only ever seen people draw the new Xbox's console-tan as a buff robot.
>>784371 >robots nigger what. If you're talking of the pre-existing designs for new xbawkes: They just get drawn as thick ladies with really big block hats
>>784367 >With a heart condition. Roflmao
>>784371 I meant specifically the series s as a loli, series x can be like >>784386
(78.10 KB 768x576 Senators Fans.jpg)

>>799677 Post more fattie OCs, I crave for those curves
(118.76 KB 1200x1200 vita plush.jpg)

>>799788 chortle
(90.02 KB 422x434 steamy deck.png)

>this is what the console-tan thread is bumped with absolutely shameful
(260.45 KB 939x700 Tom Preston fanart.jpg)

>>799795 It's all just a circlejerk among failed artists from /trash/
(508.73 KB 1260x1260 console_wrap_15.jpg)

>>784371 >Have you seen the size of the new Xboxs? They're like PC towers I wish. Aren't the Series X/S consoles way smaller than they appear? Like the Series S is smaller than a One S, and Series X is significantly smaller (just fatter) than the PS5.
(120.87 KB 1200x675 sale.jpg)

(148.83 KB 293x402 bnuuy!!.png)

The Japanese Steam Deck marketing is very cute
(389.75 KB 1350x1675 stadiatan.png)

>>699477 even more oc, frozen beyond damaged
>>821818 its been far too long, we need more consoletans tbh Thank you for your work anon
Hasn't been much in the way of good consoletan art lately
>>821818 CUTE!
(6.89 KB 294x229 good.jpg)

>>846650 That GBA is absolute fucking perfection.
>>731815 >Mark V-tan A beefed up Genesis? How about this?
>>821818 I always wondered, what if Toasty used Stadia or GeForce Now to be able to play modern vidya? It could be like a spiritual posession or something
(424.00 KB 1800x1948 dynavision3_2.png)

>>520283 Seeing this thread made me want to give Dynavision3-tan another shot. By the way, I can't register on Ourobooru and I have a lot of stuff that isn't there and I want to upload, also add more tags to my stuff that were posted. Is there any anon around that can let me make an user?
>>520283 >>848149 >these threads are just artist circle jerking non-stop >these threads Literally every thread is a non-stop circle jerk by some group, usually it's a group of retards, so be glad this thread is a step above that.
(833.39 KB 1800x2270 dynavision3_3.png)

(497.31 KB 1595x1982 zeebo-tan.png)

Fresh drawings. Posting here before anywhere else. HUE duo, Dynavision 3 and Zeebo.
(944.40 KB 2000x1414 brick_game-tan.png)

Bump from page 8 with new art.
What would the Analogue Pocket-tan be? A nerdier shortstack?
>>891123 I'd like that
How do you download all the images in a thread?
>>919222 You go through the thread and download the images
>>919222 jdownloader2
>>919227 >>919226 Jdownloader2 doesnt work for 8ch, at least me. Do you have to do something special. I post the link in Linkgrabber, and nothing happens.
(441.09 KB 1112x1568 wiiu3dstan.png)

(444.16 KB 1112x1568 wiiu2dstan.png)

>>821818 Frozen oc, fresh from the everytime I open this thread it lags my browser beyond belief
>>931488 Very nice work and digits.
>>931488 >Trying to buy a 3DS XL second hand >Scalped to hell and back >Twice as expensive as it was at launch I hate it
What is she supposed to be >>872560
(73.49 KB 900x900 brick.jpg)

>>951352 >What is she supposed to be Read that filename
>>872560 Damn i need to search for my brick and cum on it now
>>872560 Damn dude, that's cool.
>>872560 >>951575 You know, those Brick Game systems weren't that bad. I mean sure, those 9999 games were all just Tetris plus one or two variations, but the devices knew what it was and did not try to be more than just the cheapest possible way to play Tetris on the go. If the choice was between either this or nothing, then the Brick Game was the clear winner. In contrast, the various Tiger LCD game systems were always way to ambitious for what they were, which is why they were shit even back then.
(1.91 MB 2601x1500 brick_game2.png)

New Brick. >>951597 Appreciated. >>951579 >Damn i need to search for my brick and cum on it now She's waiting for you.
(72.33 KB 896x596 Verb Patterns.png)

>>956411 I WILL play with her, and not only because of nostalgia.

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