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Persona Thread: (BDSMM) Bald Dirty Semite Masturbates to Morgana Edition Anonymous 08/24/2022 (Wed) 09:17:46 Id: 59493b No. 675484
Getting the ball rolling with games 2 through 5, and sharing mods I've acquired to enhance your arcanus. Open wide anon, you and I, we are going to increase our friendship rank. It's time to increase that skill. Persona 2 Eternal Punishment Translation You can decide to play it with duckstation or PPSSPP, both are really good. https://cdromance.com/psx2psp-eboots/persona-2-eternal-punishment-localized-undub-usa/ https://www.romhacking.net/translations/1249/ Persona 3 FES Gaem 🇺🇲 https://vimm.net/vault/?p=details&id=9235 My favorite mods Install the first before any others, it's a community pack, which means there are several essential mods here, if you're starting from scratch, use this. It includes a pre-configured PCSX2 build https://gamebanana.com/mods/50322 The next one is an HD pack https://gamebanana.com/wips/63624 This is a balance patch. https://gamebanana.com/mods/50307 Persona 4 https://dodi-repacks.site/index.php/2020/07/02/670-persona-4-golden-multi4-dodi-repack/ Persona 5 It's coming to PC, so feel free to hold off on emulating it, especially if you're with weak hardware. Game Repack torrent and mods are being shared just in case because my machine has no problem emulating, be sure to update RPCS3 after extracting, and ask for settings help if necessary.: https://my.bestgamer.su/index.php?do=download&id=3407 Persona 5 EX Mod https://gamebanana.com/wips/57221 EX Add-On https://gamebanana.com/mods/318084 Project Royal https://gamebanana.com/mods/396208 Hi-Res Texture Pack (EX Only) https://gamebanana.com/mods/318084 Hi-Res Texure Pack (Vanilla) https://gamebanana.com/mods/317893 Expanded Persona Compendium https://gamebanana.com/mods/362825 Hi-Res Fonts https://gamebanana.com/mods/325331 Confidant + Classroom Cheat Sheet https://gamebanana.com/mods/364081 https://gamebanana.com/mods/365115 60fps patch https://github.com/cakama3a/RPCS3-Persona-5-60fps-fix/blob/master/patch.yml https://wiki.rpcs3.net/index.php?title=Help:Game_Patches What are you favorite mods anon, do you have a list, are you having fun? Is this your first time? Do you need help? Also, do you expect p6 to be good? I don't have any hope personally, and I'm just expecting a kneejerk reaction to how pozzed or pretentious he next game will be, maybe the mascot will be sexy, like an actual loli girl or something and not a cat like morgana. I just save those pics to my drive ironically, I don't really want to fuck morgana, too abstract for my tastes but the idea of lustful out of character beckoning brings me so much laughter.
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I posted this video already in the Soul Hackers 2 thread, might as well post it here. It's a 2 hour analysis of Persona 3, maybe it will appeal to someone https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=vio6bWC1VFw I'm looking for any SMT or Persona themed charts to ease newcomers in, I swear I had one at some point but I must have lost it
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>>675484 These links really need to be cleaned up OP or at moved to a pastebin or something. >Do you expect p6 to be good? Honestly, Atlus has already lost the director and potentially Shoji Meguro so I'm just expecting it to be mediocre at best. Soul hackers looks like absolute shit so thats not helping their case. I've heard people enjoyed SMT5 though so there's that, not sure how that will translate though <Morgana Fuck that shitty cat I hate his guts. The worst character ever introduced to the series. If I'm being honest here - Persona 5 had some excellent girls but completely flopped on the bland prison loli's and that shithead of a cat and Igor's new VA being meh. I'd be shocked if there was anyone here who liked Morgana or thought the prison lolis were in any way better than the previous velvet room attendants. If we're talking about what we want from P6 I hope they actually get relationships done right again like P4 did. You become almost like a son to Dojima, a big brother to Nanako, a partner and best friend to Yosuke, a role model and best friend to Kanji and Teddie, a boyfriend in different ways to the others, and whatever the hell your relationship was with Adachi. You get the whole experience and a shit ton of memories to go along with it. P3 did its own thing and did it right imo with how they start out as cold co-workers but end up extremely tight at the end which makes the relationships that much more meaningful. P5, on the other hand, felt like you go surface level with a group of people and at the end, it stays that way as well. It felt like there was no chemistry and the dialogue was just passing time rather than actually knowing people.
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>>675496 >Shoji Meguro You probably don't realize that a lot of Persona tracks have been done by Konishi for years. He emulates Meguro's style very well. Pretty much all of Persona Q was him I believe and several P5 tracks as well. >Soul Hackers 2 This game is by the Tokyo Mirage Sessions team, so I never expected much.
>>675496 I like Lavenza
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>>675652 Me too.
>>675652 Brapenza.
>hey didn't we already have a persona thread? >search for it >its no longer there. Kinda weird but whatever. Mitsuru best girl.
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>>675974 I think it hit the bump limit and slid.
>franchise filled with attractive waifus >OP is a furfag instead You fool, why would you do this.
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>>676045 >he doesn't want those juicy sh♂rtstack cheeks
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>>676059 What the hell? is he facing me or not? is he fingering his own butthole or is he just getting fingered? the perspective is all wrong.
>>676059 This shit is like avant garde abstract porn, why is there a tongue in the BACK of his head!?
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>>676068 >>676070 It makes more sense with the whole image set. There are two Jack Frosts. Jack 1 is the he doing the fingering, Jack 2 is the ho getting fingered. Jack 1 is sucking on his tail, fondling his balls and fingering Jack 2. Jack 2's head facing away from the viewer. Jack 1's body parts are disembodied.
>>676081 This is garbage.
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>>676081 Do not lewd the heehoo, personafag.
>>676086 I agree If would be better if he came from getting his tail sucked, what's the point of doing a tail fetish set only to end with something totally different?
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>>676148 Last post because that was meant to be a shitpost and I didn't intend to derail the thread completely. >>676105 I will pay for my transgressions.
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SEGA and ATLUS announce TGS 2022 lineup, schedule https://archive.ph/UItM4
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Are we ever going to hear about Re Fantasy ever again? Isn't that what the P5 team has been working on since 2016?
>>677163 That just looks like Kazumi, I'd imagine it was scrapped or reworked into something different.
>>677158 15 MORE DAYS.
>>679614 >used goods Ugh seriously?
>>679427 Doesn't that announcement say exactly what's being shown? It doesn't look like anything interesting. I think if we're getting any major announcements it will be at the concert, which I'm pretty sure is in October. >>679615 Not an Annfag, but I don't think she ever fucked anyone. Komoshida wanted to fuck her but never succeeded. >>679443 Let's see.
>>677158 Will we finally get fucking info on Project re Fantasy?
>>679443 The randomizing on this chart could be better. The way it's set up if you roll a waifu with 0 at the last digit then there's the possibility you have 1-9 anons running a train on your girl right after which is going to lead to touching dicks eventually. Then continuing with the next girl. It should just be numbered 0-9.
>>679674 >Mark deleted it again what an absolute faggot
>>679674 To be fair it makes more sense on a board with faster posts.
>>679710 Pro-tip, when Mark deletes something it's almost because one or two anons reported it. This has almost always been the case, there are reporters among us. maybe it's even me.
>>679789 Probably, but in this case it's known that Mark has a personal vendetta against that rollan image and browses the persona thread on his own He sperged out about it in the meta thread last time it was a contention
>>679857 Why doesn't he like it?
>>679861 He thinks people who reply to rollan images create low effort spam, essentially, or something like that Basically no fun allowed
>>679867 Oh I thought it was that image specifically but I guess he just hates "rollan" in general. I get it, I guess, but frankly I don't think it's that bad unless it's really getting out of hand.
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We've been doing this since the threads back on 8chan all while discussing the games denying the persona thread it's rolls will only make us roll harder. Rolling!
>>679889 Rolling
How many of you are going to play P5R on PC with mods?
>>679891 Oh me for sure, but I am honestly more interested on P3P having the FES content modded back into the game.
>>679889 Rollin, can I get a milf
>>679894 It should be a mandatory mod for anyone playing.
>>679889 let's see if I can get a cutie, odds are in my favor
>>677163 First time I've heard of it. From the looks of things the only area of potential value would be the gameplay because the setting is evidently another generic fantasy.
>>679889 It can't be helped.
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Reminder that Nanako will be 18 in October and she's the only girl in the dancing games to have pantsu instead of shorts.
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>>679889 One of the issues with the site being slow is it's pretty easy to get what you want, so it's not much of a game.
>>679971 Just post blindly then faggot, of course its easy to manipulate on slow boards
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>>679971 You bastard. Give me back my blackmailed depressed maid teacher. I'll trade you a strategy games enthusiast for her.
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>>679978 No, she's mine. She's still the best. I'm still kind of salty is feels like her romance got nerfed in Royal. Though from what I recall everyone's new valentines scene was a step down from the original.
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>>679985 Wait, they changed her route? Why??? And how bad is it...
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>>679988 It's probably not as bad as you're thinking. It's not like there's no romance or anything. Doing the new content changes the tone of the ending in general to be a lot more bittersweet. The Phantom Thieves break up way harder and scatter much further away in life because they all choose new goals that more less shoot them off in different directions: Ryuji goes to a remote part of Japan to get his leg worked on a do physical therapy to try track again, Ann goes overseas for modeling and acting, Makoto and Haru to go college at basically opposite ends of Japan, Futaba goes to a high school far away. An actual sad moment from Yusuke when he realizes he'll be the only one left there. The ending cutscene is the protag leaving on the train by himself rather than having a fun road trip with his friends. The Valentines scenes are more melancholy in general with a lot of the fun gone and no implied sex for any of them. Even Sojiro's "hoo boy" is worse. I recall Kawakami's dialogue on the last day is lot less explicitly romantic too, though I would have to look up comparisons. I kind of got the feeling from the new Valentines scene and the new last day scene that Kawakami's content felt a little less romantic in general, though obvious the main content of her s-link is the same including the romance ending, plus the stuff like the Hawaii and school festival dates are the same. Overall I really disliked the new tone, which is a shame because I thought the actual third semester content was quite good. I like Kasumi/Sumirei too. But because of what it does to the ending there's this big asterisk in my mind that Golden never had.
>>679998 Whats even the point of that ending, assuming that its the true ending? It almost makes it feel like its all for nothing in a way. Hell, in P4G's ending, its enough to make a man tear up when everyone chases after you in the train because of everything you guys have been through. It seems like P5 tried to be more realistic maybe?
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>>680011 I think they were going for a a "you have to move on with your life, not get caught up in the past, and make your future for yourself" type message, since the whole of the third semester is basically about someone making a perfect world where they all have exactly what they want with no hardship or pain. So I guess they wanted to show the characters are trying to move on with their lives and not stagnate, but personally I don't feel like the original ending was all that lacking in that. They didn't need to go so hard in the messaging. I dunno, it just felt off to me. It also means that Royal doesn't gel with Strikers at all, which definitely feels like more of a continuation of the vanilla ending. I have no idea what they're going to do if they have any other spinoffs, like an Arena or something. My guess is they'll basically act like the Royal ending wasn't as drastic as it was and kind of hybrid marry it with the vanilla ending. It will just make it weird to play in retrospect. Again, Golden just added stuff and didn't feel the need to change anything. That's what Royal should have done too, in my back. It's a shame because a lot of what Royal adds is good. Maybe someone will make a mod for the PC version this fall that puts the the vanilla ending content back in the new ending. It's not like it isn't still in the game. You just only get it if you don't unlock the new stuff.
>>679889 hmmm?
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>>679889 Roll.
>>679889 Give me someone faithful!
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>>680059 I have no idea who this is but i can work with this.
>>679998 That honestly sounds kind of awful. What I liked about 5 was that they decided to stop being pussies with some of the shit the pulled in the older games and just go through with it.
>>679891 Why would I play the game where they pozzed the localization?
>>680072 > pozzed the localization? What are you talking about?
Now that the game is on PC I wonder how big the Female Joker mods will explode as we had one project for emulation but now that a full fledged PC port this year I wonder if the creators of this mod or similar will have an easier time? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWRe5wHuL-o
>>680442 >how big the Female Joke I would prefer her flat but I'm fine with small bresats
>>680441 I heard they fucked up Royal's localization plus the censorship and all
>>680472 Well can you share? As I remember P5's being pretty faithful.
>>680072 Cross your fingers that a group of autists pull a Neptunia and patch things up. Depends on how easy or hard it is to hack.
Is anyone going to post how it's pozzed?
>>680505 Not him, but https://www.personaproblems.com/ does a good job showing how bad the translation can get.
>>680523 You are genuinely either extremely ignorant or retarded. That site was made by someone who wants to make Persona more pozzed, and that site was also full of errors. He was literally a neofag mod back when neofag was still alive, and he defended fucking Fire Emblem Fates, he and others tried very hard to nitpick the shit out of Persona 5's translation. The original had some issues but was more accurate than that retard gave it credit for. Make sure you actually look into who is saying this kind of bullshit, faggot. https://archive.ph/9P0Fl >>680505 P5R was at least confirmed by the localization editor that they went back and changed lines in the existing dialogue, I don't know what else has been changed, but considering that they said that and defended the fagshit openly, they probably fucked with it whatever way they could. Not to mention they hired literally the worst tranny in the industry for handling the localization on the ports of P5R iirc. The site was also used at the same time as when Cucktaco attacked it as well, its all interconnected cancer.
>>680523 Fuck off Connor.
(1.93 MB 640x360 Persona5Localization.webm)

>>680523 Reminder.
>>680523 Yea fuck off. >>680534 This is sad as vanilla P5 was pretty pure well good thing we can mod it.
>>680505 >>680534 >>680540 The only thing I'm 100% sure was changed were the Shinjuku faggots. These were changed somewhat even in Japanese. In Japanese they had some lines taken out. In English they changed them the faggots to wanting to dress Ryuji in drag rather than trying to fuck him. The result pleased exactly no one from what I remember. ResetEra fags were cheering at first when they heard the faggots were being changed, but once they saw the changes they just found new things to complain about, of course. This is the only thing I know was changed. If there's something I've never been made aware of it.
>>680542 Well I'm gonna seven seas it and I'll see what was fucked with.
>>680544 I don't know what the state of emulation for it is. Maybe it's decent? Unless you mean the PC version later this year. That will surely have Denuvo. So you'll have to wait. Soul Hackers 2 isn't cracked yet, though I guess Persona 5 is a bigger name so that has a better chance of having priority. Personally, if it does get cracked I'd like to see mods restoring the original Shinjuku scenes as well as putting more vanilla content after the 3rd semester end. You can probably Frankenstein together the best bits of both versions of P5, but it would take a bit of work.
>>680548 I found an SJW generally praising P5R's localization on the basis that it was "like a completely new localization" some scenes you might try and compare is apparently the interrogation scene >For the localization of P5R, they did actually adjust most of the most criticized sections, including rerecording voiced dialogue. At many times it actually feels like a complete relocalization. >The interrogation scene throughout the game is the best example, clearly having been redone from the ground up for the new release. >Even dialogue that wasn’t called out in the original release has been punched up to give the characters more flavor and actually put it more on par with the other games in the series. https://archive.ph/tQJFs keep in mind this person compliments them for changing the "homophobic scene" but still says it wasn't enough and demands an apology, its probably a parasite-tier SJW It also does the same shit as taking things out of context like the persona problems website did and stretches it to its absolute limits thinking that asking "you want a piece of this" in reference to the bread he was eating means he's actually challenging a character to a fight
>>680552 I don't recall that much new translation? Maybe a few words swapped around? Certainly not something that seemed that different. You sure they're not just saying "it's good now because we know there are good goys who like SocJus there" now?
>>680552 oh fuck, this is "its" twitter page >>680554 dunno, I didn't play Royal myself since I didn't want to buy a soystation 4 its just something to check and see if true
>>680552 Can't the old localization just be modded back into the PC version along with the faggot cutscene?
>>679889 rolling
>>679889 Gimmie twenties
>>680568 Depends on how extensively Persona 4 was modded, if it was at all.
>>680912 Oh no, you get the hot hapa girl instead. how unfortunate.
>>680538 what vid is this from?
>>679889 gimme something good come on
>>679889 rollz
>>679889 I'll roll for Haru. >>681105 Seconding this request
>>681105 >>681232 Unfortunately the video is gone now. I think it was called the Persona 5 non-controversy or something. I don't know why that guy got rid of his videos. He did one on Andromeda at the time too. This webm is the only thing I could get because back in 2017 8 mb was the 8chan file limit so that's all anyone saved. If anyone else has the whole video I've never seen them put it up.
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>>680016 >It also means that Royal doesn't gel with Strikers at all, which definitely feels like more of a continuation of the vanilla ending. Yeah, in Strikers, Ann and Ryuji have a conversation about how he failed all his classes, while she only failed one, kind of implying that they're still classmates.
>>675484 >It's coming to PC, so feel free to hold off on emulating it, especially if you're with weak hardware. Sadly, Denuvo.
>>695362 But people on this board always assure me that Denuvo is always cracked within like a week of release.
>>695369 Depends on the popularity of release. Soul Hackers 2 isn't because no one gives a shit about it. Persona 5 is a bigger name and I'm willing to bet someone will step in for that one.
>>695369 I recall some publishers have started bribing those chink groups not to crack shit for a time period. And Codex was disbanded earlier this year. And who told you Denuvo gets cracked within a week? It's been slowing down since 3 years ago, like the Demo program of resident Evil Remake 2 being used to bypass Denuvo at launch was an anomaly because Capcom were idiots. Since then it's been 5-6 months for Denuvo to get cracked. Like Yakuza 7 Like a Dragon.
>>695369 >But people on this board always assure me that Denuvo is always cracked within like a week of release. That used to be the norm until every cracking group in the scene gave up and walked away a few years ago. Now it's just one single individual that goes by the name "EMPRESS" who's cracking games, and for those games which they don't want to crack themself they ask for a commission of 500 dollars.
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>>695369 Well it requires the games to actually be good enough to bother cracking.
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>>679889 making best girl dubs you evil fuck
>>679889 Let me roll again
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>>679889 >>679895 milf round two.
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>>679873 I haven't played P5 (i don't know if its on pc) and i doubt i'll play it because i think it will be some japan trying to appeal to the weast type of story and i'll fucking hate it. So i'll go for the 20's because i don't know anyone expect the whore with the cat suit and i hate that whore
>>703129 >I haven't played P5 (i don't know if its on pc) and i doubt i'll play it because i think it will be some japan trying to appeal to the weast type of story The story doesn't focus on the west at all and it's on PC this month.
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>>703129 >japan trying to appeal to the weast type of story Its not really. I was not a fan of the story because the themes seemed contradictory and character development wasn't as good as I wanted. The music, style, gameplay is still top notch though and the girls are still sexy. I just wish they were more focused in what they wanted to tell the player like in P3/P4 for instance.
>>679889 Rolling for the best homework I could ever ask for.
>>679889 Rolling give me milf
>>695380 >>695383 Denuvo won in the end. The bad guy ways wins. Tale as old as time.
>>703471 You have to go through Igor's big jewcy cock first.
>>703472 He can't stop me
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>>703471 you bastard
>>703500 >Dubs Not bad anon.
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>>679889 Give me the NEET
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>>711262 Recency bias + increased popularity of one game over the others is a bitch
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>>711267 Honestly the real winner to me is Chie. That's the reason I was happy with the poll.
>>711269 Agreed. The three best persona girls in that order are all that matter. Makoto's ass is very impressive though, I'll give her that.
>>711275 It also is just evidence for what I always say: that in a group of friends there will always be a Chie guy, a Naoto guy and a Rise guy and that Yukikofags are outcasts who don't count.
I have more experience with the franchise via pornography than actually playing the game. Similar to another franchise.
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>>711275 Chie is my favorite P4 girl and Makoto is my favorite P5 girl. I'm not sure if I could choose between them.
>>679889 Rolling, also PC crack when
>>679889 i'll never play persona because of a phobia against romance rollin'
>>717976 I can't find a download link anywhere
for the love of me how can anyone play any of these games and say they had fun? stupid boring empty characters and a dialogue written by a 4 year old for 2 year olds
>>717991 Still waiting on that
>>717991 Denuvo. Not cracked yet. I guess you could emulate via Switch I guess. >>717993 I played the games and had fun.
>>717991 There's chink torrent downloads in the trusty rusky forum. It's not cracked yet though, and chances are it's not gonna be cracked anytime soon either. The game has Denuvo and there's one single person cracking it, Empress. They ask for 500 dollars to crack games by request if they don't wanna do it themselves. Another MegaTen game, SMT Nocturne Remaster, came out back in May 20, 2021 and it was never cracked. But also, people out there say that she refuses to crack anime games even if she's paid for it. I haven't seen a source for such a claim yet, but considering how batshit insane Empress aka the only Denuvo cracker on the internet is, it could be true. The only choice is to buy it, emulate it or just move on.
>>718814 Give it time.
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Restarted P4G for the first time in a while and I wanna do a challenge run. I'm partially curious as to what the worst team composition could be. I have a feeling that Yosuke would need to be in there just because of how he falls off late game.
>>724934 Kanji...but you can't use his physical skills.
>>724934 The problem with your challenge is Naoto is the worst, but she comes super late. Otherwise you need Chie and Yosuke in your team for sure. I guess Kanji would work as the third until you get Naoto to replace him. Your team has a good damage dealer in Kanji, a guy who does nothing too well in Yosuke and a bad damage dealer, so Yu will have to be a healer/debuffer. That's probably the worst until Naoto comes to replace Kanji. Teddie and Yukiko are probably the best two teammates in the game so they definitely shouldn't be used for your challenge if there's alternatives.
>>725053 Naoto got a bit better in Golden, though she's still shit against bosses as her specialty has always been mobs. I think they tried to make her a bit more multi-purpose with her Golden kit but she's still a jack of all trades, master of none character.
>>725126 That's switch, Anon. If you want the Switch version there's tons of options to get it via piracy.
>>725131 I know I was just giving the option if anyone wanted it.
>>724988 I - I'm not even sure thats possible.
>>724934 P4G is easy no matter who you use lol
I'm surprised this thread didn't derail completely into Cape Horn despite OP's image >>725131 Anon mentioned emulation as a way of playing it.
How does P5R even run on the Switch? I'm sure it's perfect on the PC but...yeah, denuvo.
>>725335 Haven't tried it, though considering the vanilla game was made for the PS3 originally it's probably not too bad. Plus, emulation can get around most of the Switch's shitty hardware restrictions. Playing it on Yuzu or Ryujinx is probably not that much worse than playing the PC version.
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>>725335 Great and visually pretty good. The 3D models are a bit fuzzy when playing in handheld mode, but docked I can't tell what would be different from the Playstation version.
>>725536 How's performance? Aren't Switch emulators 30 FPS locked for games like this?
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>>725537 You can run Luigi's mansion at like 120fps granted you have a patch made for them
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>>725537 >How's performance? I've only completed the first palace so far so I can't tell exactly how well the rest of the game runs but there is nothing bad so far. also embedded webm is how the game looks like on handheld mode
>>725537 >>725551 Keep in mind Switch emulators often have patches to make games look way better if you go to the places that make them, such as gbatemp.
>>725253 >I'm surprised this thread didn't derail completely into Cape Horn despite OP's image I can fix that if you want
>>725494 My PC is far too shit to deal with Switch emulation. CPU and GPU are from the Windows 7 era. >>725536 >docked I can't tell what would be different from the Playstation version. All I needed to know. I play almost nothing handheld. Thank you. Actually, one more thing concerning the PC version. Despite denuvo, did anyone manage to patch up certain localization bullshit?
>>726528 Thanks. Despite not planning on getting the PC version (xbox 360 is showing its age), I downloaded it just in case gamebanana cucks out.
>Switch and other versions of P5R have new censorship likely because "Imperial Japan bad" and "historical insensitivity" as they did with Nocturne HD the game was already fucked thanks to the new (((localization))) that came with the game and censorship, but it seems Atlus continues down the slippery slope https://archive.ph/DssEA
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>>734134 Dude, literal children wore that to school. Fancy ass cape's just accessory for cold weather though.
>>734134 >>734149 Not even that but for people who say the uniform is too "militaristic", they fail to recognize that nearly every japanese school uniform has that military element to it. It's not called a SAILOR fuku for nothing.
>>734237 What's U.S. school uniform?
>>734134 I could care less about DLC. It's more worrying that we maybe will never see classic Raidou again. As usual the Koreans and Chinks ruin everything.
>>734321 Mods will fix it.
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>>747947 >bumps the thread with no effort >doesn't even bother to post cat bussy
>>747947 >Mods will fix it. They already did. It was already fixed when the Switch version was leaked.
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https://nitter.net/Atlus_West/status/1603404519408287746 http://persona.atlus.com/ >The cat is out of the bag – get the scoop on Persona 3 Portable and Persona 4 Golden from the Phantom Thieves' super sleuth, Morgana 🕵️💎 >P3P and P4G come to modern platforms on January 19, 2023! Persona 3 Portable is coming to PC in January next year. While I would've preferred either Persona 3 or Persona 3 FES, still some interesting news.
>>752679 Still really bugs me that it's P3P and not FES. The cutscenes don't quite work with just the character cut-ins, they could've at least made some CG art for the moments that are supposed to have an emotional impact. And the battle system is copy-pasted from 4, which comes off as lazy, as certain bosses aren't built around it. Also means those dancing game assets were just made for the dancing games, and not an HD Remaster. I guess they had more P3P assets laying around than FES, and they didn't want the Royal faggot brigade coming down on them for not including FeMC.
>>752679 >Portable how do i know that this is some abridged version for the weaker psp hardware without knowing it? And why not port from ps2?
>>752946 >>752703 PSP Portable is the one that has the female MC and I imagine its easier to port a PSP game than the PS2 version. The quality of life changes like commands for teammates in combat weren't present in P3 (and maybe P3:FES) so I imagine they want to avoid work. I don't think they'll cut or modify existing games since that wasn't the case with P4G to PC but who knows.
>>752703 >they didn't want the Royal faggot brigade coming down on them for not including FeMC. Funny, I actually see leftist persona fags extremely butthurt that the femc has a romance arc with the kid.
>>752960 That's the best part, though
Weren't the Phantom Thieves essentially overriding the free will of others and forcing them to behave?
>>753015 Yes, but they were making them better people so don't think about it.
>>752703 just use an emulator pc has pcsx2 and every modern console has a ps2 emulator if you run hacks on it (excluding ps5)
>>753015 >>753104 The original concept for P5 was going to have Mephistopheles as the protagonist's starting Persona and utilize Faustian mythology, complete with you backpacking across the world. But they chickened out, because Hoshino wanted to shame the Jap government for their 2011 earthquake relief incompetence, and Arsene is more marketable for mobile game crossovers. No need to focus on the moral dilemma of manipulating the hearts of mortal men for your own gain, when you have Rupan going on wacky adventures, all in his own backyard.
>>752679 >P3P >Not P3FES >Not a combination of the 2 with their best aspects in 1 package >Just the same, watered-down release of P3 for the PSP that is largely considered inferior T-Thank you very much ATLUS-sama...
>>756083 Sounds a lot more interesting than what we got, and honestly I bet the whole story for what we got changed a fair bit, too. A bit similar to the tonal shift of Danganronpa 1, actually. I would have liked to see them 'steal the heart' of an idol producer exploiting his idols (like they all do) or a police chief who is in leagues with the yakuza just to make things seem more peaceful than it all is (something most police do in Japan). I guess the last one with Shido is pretty good but it's still purposefully not rocking the boat much just like every labyrinth after the first one.
>>753104 But the game basically said that the effects of stealing their heart made them confess but also turned them into drooling vegetables since stealing all desires means they also stole the basic desire/will to live Considering they learn this after Makoto was on board to do that to her own sister it makes things even more fucked up.
>>762001 >the game basically said that the effects of stealing their heart made them confess but also turned them into drooling vegetables since stealing all desires means they also stole the basic desire/will to live No, the game says that will only happen if you destroy the shadow. The phantom thieves only stole the treasure of their distorted desires, forcing them to lose that desire and be unable to handle the weight of their crimes so they confess.
>>762001 The stealing someone's will to live is something they thought might happen if they didn't do it right. It was brought up during Kamoshida's arc and I don't think it was mentioned again.
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Will we ever see SMT-era enemies show up in persona? I want chris the car to be my persona
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Apparently Codename X is actually Persona 5: The Phantom X, a Chinese mobile gacha with P-Studios providing assets and supervision. https://archive.ph/IkNq8 So my claim that Mephistopheles was scrapped in favor of the more marketable Arsene is now completely validated. The series could be heading down the road of being sanitized for the benefit of chink mobile garbage.
>>801822 Take solace in the possibility China & North Korea decide to join Russia in warring. Effectively making an enemy of the rest of the world.
>>801822 I find the part interesting >While it is based on the world of Persona 5, it is being developed as a new game tailored to local user preferences, trends, and gameplay environments Basically there going to take anything out that the CCP finds offense taking away what little edge P5 ever had.
>>679889 She is easily better than all of them combined + Kamoshida did nothing wrong
>>679889 Rollin, better be good
>>801824 >>801831 I've almost gotten used to every fun niche I enjoy getting dragged out into the streets and raped by the masses. >>679889 Rollin'
>>679889 Anything but Makoto is fine.
>>680061 She's a good girl and her seiyuu sounded like she wanted to be a faithful wife (RIP)
>>679889 rollin
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unf unf unf unf, fwap fwap fwap fwap... Hnnnng....hnnnng....morgana pussy I love you....dirty bitch pussy .!!! AMBATUKAM!!!! MEOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!
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I found this in my images folder (from 2018) and thought it amusing, so I decided to share it.
May 4 = Lisa's birthday
>>679889 Rolling >>753015 Yes. By removing the ability to do bad, potentially permanently, the Phantom Thieves inherently get rid of free will like Lawfags. Ironically, the removal of desires has the potential to cause Apathy Syndrome by the rules of Trinity Soul because it inherently damages the Persona, the sense of self and 4 Dancing All Night, which says Apathy Syndrome can happen when a person's Shadow is removed. It's mentioned in-game that the improper handling of a Shadow could kill someone or leave them as a vegetable, though the word "Apathy Syndrome" isn't used. While 3 establishes how Apathy Syndrome is primarily caused by the overtaking of the psyche by the Shadow, these later works confirm the Shadow's presence is completely necessary for a stable person. If the Phantom Thieves screwed up once, Apathy Syndrome would return.
>>801833 she is LITERALLY me. anyone who dislikes Yukino isn't human. >>822837 i love her even if she's the worst p2 character.
Has anyone managed to crack the 64 bit version of Golden yet?
Rule no. 1: original release only. No new editions of any kind.
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Is there no love for the first Persona? Any fixes available?
I recently finished playing through 3, 4 and 5. Are any of the spin-offs worth playing? (Like the Q games, p5 strikers, etc.) Who’s idea was it to make an expanded version of a game with an entirely different ending and then lock it all behind a random character’s social link? I didn’t care about Maruki and now I’m expected to replay 80 hours of jrpg to see what I missed. Feels like I’ve been punished for not looking up a guide before playing
>>829568 The PSP version has an existing undub, and a group has been working on releasing a music restoration. The music restoration should be compatible with the undub soon since the restoration is 84% done. >>829645 Q and Q2 are the only Persona spin-offs worth playing.
Is it wise to play 4 (Golden) 100% blind? Note the only other SMT game I ever played was Devil Survivor Overclocked.
its not terrible but a walkthrough could help ensure you get the best ending at some point, to ensure you're doing things like social links and character attribute ranks in a timely fashion
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>>829766 >Q2 I disagree here. I feel like I'm one of the few people who liked Q, but Q2 was just bad. People talk about cast bloat and Flanderization in Q1 but Q2 was a completely other scale. There's also the fact that the original plot for Q2 is dogshit, whereas I think Q1's original story and characters are actually pretty effective and managed to be a modern Persona game that ends on a pretty hard bittersweet note. Q2's protagonist after Q1's comes off looking like an overly whiny melodramatic bitch who's "trauma" was apparently enough to create four fucking dungeons despite the fact that basically every single party member on your team has had a significantly worse life than her. At least Q1's protagonist actually felt like she earned that. I have no idea what the fuck was going on with Q2's. They also replaced the "strolls" skits (which were probably the best part of Q1) with extremely tedious missions that take longer, are more boring and feature less of the fun character interaction you'd actually want from the game. About the only thing I'll give Q2 over 1 was they included those items that could level up party members who were behind, though that was really just a bandaid on a gaping wound of a problem that probably should have just been solved with universal xp.
>>829877 What is your problem? See >>829123
>>830128 >>829123 Even if you want to bitch about Golden, I've never run into a single person who thinks OG P3 is better than FES.
>>830059 >Flanderization
>>830144 Atlus tends to ruin their re-releases/remakes, see Radiant Historia and Strange Journey.
>>830152 In fairness for the Radiant Historia re-release there's literally an option when you start to not have the new content if you don't want it. But even still, arguing that FES is anything but the definitive version is silly. And if we're expanding that to other Atlus games, the OG version of Nocturne does not even include the true demon ending or the bonus dungeon to get it. So again, that generalization simply doesn't work.
>>830128 >>830144 What did Golden do wrong?
>>829123 Brainless take >>830226 The only thing I've ever seen people bitch about in it is Marie, which is somewhat controversial but optional afaik. Personally, I thought she was great.
>>830238 Considering my earlier post, I should have nothing to worry about. By the way, what's the latest version of the game on the Switch? Many sites claim 1.0.0 yet it nags me for a software update that I can't find.
>>829079 There's only one single people in the whole internet that's cracking Denuvo, and they never ever cracked P4G, so no. Buy it on a sale. That's what I did. >>829123 P3 FES>P3, P4G>P4, P5R>P5. My opinion>Yours. Simple as. >>829645 >Are any of the spin-offs worth playing? I only played Strikers, but I had a blast with it. It's not ground breaking by any means, but the musou battle system with Persona 5's mechanics and visuals mixed in is quite addictive. >>829877 >Is it wise to play 4 (Golden) 100% blind? Only if you're the kind of guy who really doesn't mind not getting the best or canon ending in a videogame. >>830226 Try to force a Mary Sue down everyone's throats and push her as the canon waifu of the protagonist, and remove some visual effects from the original game.
>>833933 >Try to force a Mary Sue down everyone's throats and push her as the canon waifu of the protagonist That's The Golden anime. Marie is actually barely in the game. I feel like everyone confuses the anime with what the game actually does. In the anime all the new scenes (beach trip, fireworks, concert, whatever) are because of Marie. In the game, not only are the scenes not started because of her, she isn't even present. She literally only exists in her Social Link and dungeon (even the ski trip directly before her dungeon has nothing to do with her).
>>833933 >P5R>P5 The third semester is bullshit, and the new girl feels forced into the story, just like in 4G. The only good part is the expanded social link with Akechi, but Adachi's in 4G was better.
Finally a PC crack?
>>836714 >>836715 You know you can post more than one image per post, newfag?
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>>836726 Given the posts were several minutes apart I'd gather he was just searching for art and found the second one later.
>>836801 the truth is that I only wanted to double-dump the thread. Here, have some pictures of Ann giving oral pleasure to men she's not acquainted with!
>>837068 God, this just makes me want to suck cock.
>>837119 well, if Ann can suck cock, so can you
>>837119 I bet it wouldn't be your first time you pathetic slut
>>833935 >That's The Golden anime. No, that's the videogame. I haven't watched the anime adaptations. I was going to watch them after I finished my playthrough of P4G, but in the end, I just didn't. >Marie is actually barely in the game. You're not wrong, but there's a couple of forced conversations with her, and it's clear ATLUS really wanted you to bond her because she's outside of the Velvet Room with an exclamation mark over her head for most of December iirc. The fact that she's pushed as the canon romance of Yu still stands too. That's exactly how she feels like if you go for the Golden ending, which as of P4AU, is basically the canon one. So yeah. >>834037 >The third semester is bullshit I'm in the middle of it, and so far it's... okay I guess. Not as particularly amazing as everyone makes it out to be, but not specially "bullshit-feeling" either. >and the new girl feels forced into the story, just like in 4G. You did not play P5R buddy.
>>834496 No. The only way it'll happen is if someone goes and pays 500 bucks to EMPRESS. Emulate the Switch version if you don't want to pay for it.
>>838650 >No, that's the videogame. No it's not. A couple of conversations is is not hijacking the plot like you implied. She's barely a part of the game. You are massively exaggerating how much she shows up. Hell she doesn't even hang out with the gang in the new epilogue. She's just a weather girl on tv. >The fact that she's pushed as the canon romance of Yu still stands too. She's not though? Her valentines scene is treated as a joke even if you romanced her and is nowhere near as long or involved as any of the other girls, even the non party member ones. And she has no other optional scenes either. No summer festival date, no Christmas, no new years. Marie's romance is basically an afterthought. It's so inconsequential the game doesn't even consider it viable enough to constitute cheating. It's a freebie that changes like three lines of dialogue.
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>>840359 >Still no love for Persona 1 and 2
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>>840383 >NuAtlus >Love for SMT
>>840359 >no FeMC yuri mode Into the trash it goes.
>>840555 Nice numbers son.
>>679889 rollerino
>>834496 It was cracked a while ago but last time i tried it had denuvo so it ran like shit even .hack//G.U. Last Recode ran better
>>838650 >I'm in the middle of it, and so far it's... okay I guess. The third semester is just a bait-and-switch. Everybody's happy, but they can't possibly be because it's all made up. It's almost as bad as SJR's story inclusions, perhaps worse because it undercuts everything the characters in the original version went through. >You did not play P5R buddy. Sumire is forced into the story just like all of R's other additions. Atlus made her Catherine costume Rin, the obnoxiously included new character from Full Body who must be interacted with to reach the true endings. She's not included as a playable character in the first two semesters because R's story and gameplay additions may as well be the failed premise of a theoretical Persona 6. She's not included in the latest game's trailer because Royal's story may not be canon due to pre-existing sequels. >>840383 If 3 Reloaded sells well, my guess is: 3 Arena, 4 Remake, Q3 or 6, 1 and/or 2 Remake or Remaster Collection.
I forget: Was Persona 4 MC (+ fake killer+delivery guy+Adachi) the only one who could go inside the TV world on their own, or could anyone with a Persona?
>>841555 Anyone personally blessed by the gas station attendant.
>>841555 The three people blessed by Izanagi: Adachi, Namatame and Yu could go in initially. However, they could bring anyone with them as long as they made physical contact. Once someone gains a persona they could go in too. P4 Arena shows that anyone who has a persona can do it.
>Coming to Xbox Game Pass, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Windows PC in early 2024! KEK NO GAMES
>>842393 Hmmmm, something appears to be missing...
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>>842881 JUNPEI DANCED CRAZY XDDDDDD I miss Vic... At least you can pick his voice for the protagonist in God Eater Resurrection, so it's like an alternate ending where Junpei gets isekai'd into being the main protagonist like he initially wanted. I'm glad that the Japanese dub is likely an option.
>>843161 Also I spoke too soon. The entire cast is being replaced. I have a sneaking suspicion that Kick Vic was the main motivating factor for this and they were trying to avoid triggering either side by throwing the whole cake out the window rather than hire him back or make the statement that they believe Kick Vic, but no one will ever be able to actually prove this.
How plausible would it be to feed an AI all the old VAs and have it read the new game's lines, then mod them into the game?
>>843221 Depending on the line, it may take a lot doing to get the right inflection out of an AI, but there's already starting to be content mods for P5, so I'd say it's entirely possible. It also helps that a lot of the original VAs not only did work on the Persona spinoffs, but also kept using those voices for other unrelated works. Liam O'Brian just straight up does his Akihiko voice in God Eater Burst, and I already mentioned Vic being Junpei in God Eater Resurrection.
>>843221 I personally don't think we're quite there yet. Getting the exact emotional inflection still isn't perfect yet and some voices clone better than others. I don't think we're far off, though.
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>>843161 >>843185 This is the worst scenario, the recasting of Junpei would hurt but I've been expecting that for a while but the whole cast comes out of left field.
>>838669 >No it's not. Yes, it is. >A couple of conversations is is not hijacking the plot like you implied. It's not the forced conversations, it's the sum of all the interactions with her throughout the entirety of P4G and the contents of each conversation. The forced conversations, her SL which ATLUS WANTS you to do, her dungeon, her words of encouragement to Yu when facing Izanami, the Golden ending. SHE'S THE GOOD SIDE OF IZANAMI, WIFE OF IZANAGI, THE MYTHOLOGICAL ENTITY YU'S OWN PERSONA IS BASED ON FOR FUCK'S SAKE. I understand you don't like this. I don't like it either and I think that's very obvious. However, I'm not going to avert my eyes from the truth(tm). That's just escapism. I'm just going to say it's shit (not P4G, but Marie) and move on with my life. >Hell she doesn't even hang out with the gang in the new epilogue. She's just a weather girl on tv. A weather girl that indirectly talks to the IT. Who do you think Marie Sue was talking about when she said "someone's visiting"? She IS in the Golden ending's group photo too, which means she does meet with the IT again after her role in that TV program's broadcast ends and before Yu goes back to the big city. She's by all means a part of the gang, and that's because someone at ATLUS really wanted to tackle her OC donut steel into P4. >>The fact that she's pushed as the canon romance of Yu still stands too. >She's not though? We're done here. I cannot force you to see what you don't want to see. Good luck.
>>843221 It'd be easier to just replace the new text strings wherever possible with FES' and importing the voice clips from there too probably. Basic dialogue and sound editing should be possible I think. I mean, it will be an UE game, and those are pretty moddable, aren't they?
>>843516 >It's not the forced conversations, it's the sum of all the interactions with her throughout the entirety of P4G Which amounts to less screentime than any other party member gets. You can say "she's the good side of Izanagi" all you want. it doesn't stop the fact that she's just an extra side thing that doesn't actually change or inform the plot in any way. No one talks about her outside her extremely limited time to interact with the cast. >A weather girl that indirectly talks to the IT. Who do you think Marie Sue was talking about when she said "someone's visiting"? >She IS in the Golden ending's group photo too, which means she does meet with the IT again after her role in that TV program's broadcast ends and before Yu goes back to the big city. So? It's like two lines. And she's still not even present with the rest of them during any of that scene. >We're done here. Answer this, coward. I noticed you conveniently skipped it: >>838669 >Her valentines scene is treated as a joke even if you romanced her and is nowhere near as long or involved as any of the other girls, even the non party member ones. And she has no other optional scenes either. No summer festival date, no Christmas, no new years. Marie's romance is basically an afterthought. It's so inconsequential the game doesn't even consider it viable enough to constitute cheating. It's a freebie that changes like three lines of dialogue.
Apparently Reload is going to include the content that FES added to the main story, but not The Answer or FeMC Odds it'll end up as future DLC or a rerelease in a couple years?
>>840383 I would kill for a remake of SMT 1 and 2.
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>>843789 >People were expecting the FeMC Why? The FeMC only happened because P3P was a visual novel that required no advanced assets. Pic related made a good point why it didn't happen with P5. A lot of the same points from a technical side apply here. >The Answer I'm going to be honest, The Answer sucks. I hate it. The gameplay is bad, and basically all the characters undo their character development from the last half of the game, go full retard just do a quick and lazy rehash of their character arcs. I would rather them completely rewrite a new epilogue from scratch then try to make The Answer into something not shit.
Please for the love of God don't let them turn Koromaru into a quirky talking mascot like Teddie or M*rgana
>>843859 Now if they did P6 with female and male options then it would very much work. As they from the get go have the ability match the story for whatever gender the MC is.
>>675496 >icunny.co Lmao.
>>843789 >no The Answer It hurts, but I think they'll re-add it as DLC or expand it for a second game with content from expanded content and adaptations to test the waters for when they remake 2, deciding whether IS-EP should be kept separate or sold together. The worst thing about this idea is that they could remake 1 but only include the SEBEC route, selling the Snow Queen as DLC or a second game or locking it behind completing the game once. >no FeMC They may be making rewrites, but isn't FeMC inherently incompatible with the story changes made by FES? She'd be incompatible with The Answer, if it's ever included, too.
>>843890 > female and male options You will get your Type A and Type B and like it, chud.
Didn't know if this should be it's own thread but I'll post this here, Metaphor: ReFantazio the game that's been cock teased since fucking 2016 is coming out next year. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=VoZA6YA7YYQ
>tartarus exploration is going to undergo some changes to make it "more fun" >screenshots show it being significantly larger and more open now they're not gonna make it a pregen palace-style dungeon, right? right?
>>844198 Holy fuck Makoto is so cute and fuggable here
https://archive.ph/u41GE >So first, I’d like to mention that since the basic concept of the Persona 3 remake was to remake the Persona 3, we don’t have the FES and Portable contents included. We wanted to really genuinely work on recreating the Persona 3 experience >not even FES What the fuck? Vanilla P3 is just retarded and empty compared to FES. Why the fuck would you exclude the improvements? Are they going to copy the retarded AI too?
>>844198 Man Re: Fantasy turned out a lot more like Persona than I expected. I even saw hints of boding events in there. I guess it's not a huge shocker given Team Zero is doing it.
>>844235 Sounds like trying to cover their assess before they "recreate" that too.
>>844235 >problem: two conflicting "equal" versions of persona 3 >solution: three conflicting "equal" versions of persona 3
>>844235 Now the only thing left is to figure out which part of P3 is considered "Too problematic" for Atlus for them to pull another P5 Royal
>>844198 I wonder if we'll at least get the character from the original teaser image somewhere in-game, I really liked her design.
>>844351 shes the red haired girl in said pic 1-and 3 just not wearing armor
>>844352 If it's true then that sucks ass, massive downgrade in design.
>>844351 >>844392 Personally, I'm most interested in the cunny fairy. I hope the game lets you date the cunny fairy. I know the game won't let you date the cunny fairy we don't get nice things in current year.
>>844480 So Cunny Fairy is now the persona thread's waifu.
>>844503 I mean I like her. I don't know how anyone else here feels about her.
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>>844533 Well if Atlus let us fuck our Teacher and Lavenza raw, don't be shocked if we can fuck the fairy. Personally I want to fuck the tall red haired Elf, even if I think her older design is better.
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>>844546 >Lavenza The most we get from her is an "I love you" if you did Corline and Justine's boss fight. Sadly here's no real indication of sex. >>844588 I thought both the P4 teacher and tranny were still in P3P.
>>844590 Oh yeah, the tranny was still in. I remember watching someone streaming P3P and being the only one laughing at that part. I got it mixed up with the P3 movies, where Kashiwagi is featured in the Operation Babe Hunt montage, but no tranny.
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>>844590 >I love you
>>844251 Appears to be this mix of mainline of SMT and Persona, with a dash of new systems inpsired by Sword world RPG.
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Expect porn of her and the fairy to reach critical mass next year.
>>843789 >Odds it'll end up as future DLC None. >or a rerelease in a couple years? 100%.
>>840632 Finally figured out, it doesn't use the graphics card, that's why it runs like shit, my 2.6GHz dual core can't deal with Golden, but it has no problem with Fallout.
>>844731 Atlus knew exactly who they were appealing to with this elf.
So is Project Re Fantasy a M$ exclusive?
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It's fucked bros. https://archive.is/PQjA2
>>844989 No. The trailers say that, but Atlus has had similar Microsoft trailers before and they still came out on other platforms.
So either the transition from one floor to the next is seamless, or two or more floors are loaded in as the same map
>>845400 Does the trailer say in game footage? If not it could just be a 3D render of what they hope the game will look like.
>>845513 >t could just be a 3D render of what they hope the game will look like. The game is set for early 2024. There's no way a game that's at the "conceptual trailer" phase will have that date.
>>844989 Nope. The PS versions have been announced late, just like it happened with P3P, the consoles version of P4G, P5R, P3R and P5T. It'll come out in PS4, PS5 and Steam as well.
>>841817 > Once someone gains a persona they could go in too. P4 Arena shows that anyone who has a persona can do it. Thanks.
>>846955 >Anal Into the trash
I just started a new game + playthrough of vanilla P5. Does the text for the dialogue change at all depending on if you have the voice language set to English or Japanese, or am I misremembering things?
>>850782 It does not.
>>846982 I don't think women feel "anal pleasure" on account of them not having prostates and all.
>>850892 They get pleasure from the stimulation to their vaginal walls.
>>850892 The nerves of the clit and etc are very close to the anus, which is why women can climax from anal sex. Sorry for that bit of trivia. >>850782 I wish vanilla was also on PC.
I started playing P5R a few days ago, went in completely blind. I've tried playing P4G a few years ago, but found it rather shallow, easy, and boring. The faggot bear and the gay seamstress also annoyed me to no end. I didn't bother finishing the game. I have to say that P5R is overall a way better game than P4G. The presentation is top notch, the story is far more engaging than P4's, and the characters far more likeable (aside from the loser bully magnet that runs the fansite). Even the mascot cat is tolerable. I like how the dungeons feel so tightly integrated with the story and the targets. The game is still fairly easy even though I'm playing on hard, though I'm not sure if I want to raise the difficulty to its highest setting, or save that shit for a NG or NG+ (if that's even a thing). I've just finished clearing the piggy bank and the hacker shit started. I'm guessing getting caught WAS part of his plan. I'm also finding Igor to be someone who isn't entirely on your side, or at least has (potentially) conflicting goals. Anyways, girl rankings since I think that's what the Persona series is all about. From best to worst: >Kasumi >Tae >Ohya >Ann >Detective (Sae?) >Fortune teller chick that just stole 100k from me, cunt >Twins >Kawakami (whore)
>>853537 >The actual whore that is Ohya that high >Kawakami that low Shit taste. I pray you will see the light as you keep playing. Have fun.
>>853537 >gay seamstress Do you mean Kanji? Kanji isn't gay. If that's what you think you misunderstood the same way idiotic leftists do. >Kawakami that low Shit taste.
>>853537 >Fortune Teller cunt She pays you back, and fuck you she's great.
HELLO can anyone get me into aventura mall cmaeras and fontainebleu hotel cameras. ill give you 400 dollars ill send through any website
>>853675 Why the fuck are you asking that in a persona thread?
cause i dont know how to work this
1000 dollars?
>>853679 >>853681 First of, this is not the place to ask for something like that. Second, where did you come from if you dont even understand how to use an imageboard?
Persona 5 strikers is on sale for 17 bux. Is it worth it? All I know it is a musou game. And that I would prefer there was no Kasumi.
>>853729 I'd say it's worth it for under $20. There's no Kasumi, but there are two new characters, one is just Aigis as a smartphone assistant and the other is just Dojima again. The plot is ok as far as spinoffs go, there's lots of the Phantom Thieves just getting to enjoy their vacation, but they never should've marketed it as a direct sequel to P5, because it doesn't really do much of anything to resolve P5's unfinished plot-threads. The Musou gameplay is good and blended seamlessly with the RPG mechanics. You're encouraged to try out all the playable characters and you can swap between all of them instantly. I recommend you look up a guide on Strikers' new fusion mechanics, because the lategame optional fights will have bloated lifebars if you ignore the Persona Points thing. The annoying part about fusion in Strikers is that it's entirely list based instead of grid, and most of the combinations don't mesh well with inherited skills. Like Pyro Jack learns a skill that restores SP for inflicting ailments, but then nothing Pyro Jack fuses into has any focus on ailments.
What in the everloving fuck is that thing on the left? Is it one of the new VAs?
>>853729 I would download it for free since Atlus is compromised and don't deserve your money. If you are niggercattle that JUST NEEDS to spend your money on shit, then go wild, anon.
>>854116 At first I thought that's Ken's new voice, but that abomination is just Anime Expo staff, the "moderator" for the panel apparently. And they wonder why Persona games make fun of faggots.
>>854118 The one problem is the unpatched version of strikers plays like shit on PC and because the game accidentally uploaded without denuvo at launch, no one has ever bothered to crack it to get the patches.
>>853537 I have now finished my blind playthrough. I feel like I missed a big chunk of the game somehow since Kasumi ended the game with 5 stars and I never got to go into the palace/stadium place that was connected to her. In any case, getting caught was 100% part of his plan, and Igor 100% wasn't on your side. Going from Shido to fighting god was jarring as hell, it felt like the buildup was lacking something critical (possibly linked to Kasumi?). Now that I'm done with the game, there were two things that bothered me immensely, plus one other thing that was annoyed me to no end. First, the bosses were fucking awful. All of the big story bosses were just really bad. 3/10 bad. Big bad bosses are a staple of JRPGs and P5's bosses fucking sucked. They're either damage sponges or gimmicky bullshit. The baton pass/weakness/technical mechanics may as well not exist for them, removing a huge chunk of the combat's complexity. They're immune to status ailments and stat buffs/debuffs are boring on/off. They were also pretty damn easy. I died once to Okumura due to starting with a bad lineup and wasting too many turns swapping characters around, and I died once to Sae because she apparently does a fuckhuge AoE out of nowhere once she gets past a certain health threshold, and Joker was using a weaker persona at the time and got 1 shot. I never really felt like I was falling behind on healing, or failing to dispel status effects (which all run out way too fucking fast to be threatening, not counting Harisen Rocovery and Detox making debuffs that much more manageable). The most dangerous part of bosses was when they did a medium attack, then followed it up by charging with a big attack. Whenever it was a double turn charging attack I'd sometimes get caught with my pants down and have defense up/attack down fade on the boss and take massive damage or lose something. But other than that, bosses were just target weakness (of course it has none, need to check anyways) > apply defense/attack buffs if possible > attack > aoe heal as needed > use healing/mp consumables if things get dire. The second thing was Mementos. In a single word: boring. And the last issue - which wasn't as major as the first two - was how heavy handed the writing was. Anything to do with "rotten adults" was so hamfisted that it hurt to read. Same with pretty much every Mementos target. My main persona was Shiki-Ouji. Saw the four Nulls and decided that I'd just be using that thing for the rest of the game. I gave it elemental attacks through gallows and buffed it to hell and back with the training room (eventually turning its weakness into a null, too). I tried to bring up the fat elephant persona (from Okumura palace) up to speed, but the game ended before I could comfortably replace Shiki with it. For my team I found the guys to be bench warmers, at least until Ryuji got Charge. Charge was so strong that it more or less meant that if you don't have Charge/Concentrate, you don't get to do damage to bosses. I tried to use other persona, but having Joker be immune to 4(5) damage types trumped everything else. I did make a Raphael with Charge and used it for the last boss though. Updated and final girl ranking, from best to worst: >Kasumi - charming, fun to be around, overall great girl >Haru - feminine and devoted >Ohya - she smiles often, enjoys herself >Tae - kind hearted >Sae - has her shit together, eventually >Ann - average, not interesting >Hifumi - kinda boring >Chihaya - I don't like that type of girl >Twins - incredibly annoying to deal with, fuck off >Futaba - acts too much like a character, her glasses make her look like a fake gamer girrrrl >Kawakami - still a whore I'll be doing a NG+ on the highest difficulty. This time around I'll follow a guide and see what I missed. Overall I had fun, but the bosses left a really sour taste in my mouth. Decent game 6/10, if the bosses hadn't been so shit and Mementos not been so dull and boring, it'd be a very good 7.5/10. Without the upgrade to ram the car into Mementos mobs, I'd give the game a 5. The place is just that fucking boring.
>>858525 You didn't get the final part of the game because you didn't max out Maruki. Kasumi only has five stars until the last semester, but only if you finish Maruki's link too.
>>858525 I could forgive Kawakami that low if you just hated cakes but fucking Ohya in third?
>>858563 Thanks for the info. >>858627 What's wrong with Ohya? Also why the hell do you have any respect for Kawakami? She's quite literally whoring herself out. The scene where she's introduced as a maid is quite clear: her services are meant to include sexual services. She doesn't go through with it due to Joker being 1) her student and 2) underage.
>>858683 >The scene where she's introduced as a maid is quite clear: her services are meant to include sexual services. She doesn't go through with it due to Joker being 1) her student and 2) underage. It's actually more or less stated she doesn't do full on sex, because if she was already doing that the "sister company" she was talking about having to move to that does "more extreme" stuff wouldn't mean anything.
>>858703 From my limited understanding of the Japanese sex industry, the parent company would be full on prostitution. Kawakami's current company would be the type of business where it's up to the girl if there's penetration OR a semi-strict no penetration rule. At the end of the day, she's still exchanging sexual favours for money.
>>858683 >What's wrong with Ohya? Such a boring fucking social link with no substance to it. Ohya is incredibly one dimensional as a character "I'm a feisty go-getter journalist whose willing to risk it all for the truth!", I've seen this so many times it doesn't even strike me as a character any more, just a object for a story to move around. Other than that her design is incredibly bland. Meanwhile Kawakami has one of the most if not THE most interesting social link in the entire series. A teacher who cared about a student enough to sacrifice time to help him study, who is feels partially responsible after backing away, only to wind up getting blackmailed by the parents because of her sense of morality is incredibly interesting. No one else even comes close this. The forbidden teacher-student relationship angle just makes it better. (Which is also why I was a sucker for Hermit in 3, but that's only for one scene at the very end of the game.). She's the only character that when she's embarrassed actually feels like she should be embarrassed. Also, hands down, best dialogue options for teasing a girl anywhere in 5. >>858718 It's left ambiguous, so one can't definitely say, but at the end of the day, the threat to need to do *more* sex work implies there's a still a deeper layer to go to. If she's doing full on penetration now, then why is scared of needing to do *more* and now just returning to what she was doing? >At the end of the day, she's still exchanging sexual favors for money. I don't give half as much of a fuck about blowjobs or handjobs as I would about anything else. You're allowed any interpretation you want because of that ambiguity, but it's pretty to absurd she's doing full on prostitution from this standpoint.
>>858525 >Going from Shido to fighting god was jarring as hell, it felt like the buildup was lacking something critical (possibly linked to Kasumi?). Nah, Kasumi is only linked to the extra stuff Royal added after that. The real reason they had no proper buildup to Yaldabaoth is because 1) They were originally going to have Mephistopheles be your starting Persona, and the Faustian mythology would've lead nicely into the Gnostic mythology, but one of the higher-ups made them change it to Arsene at the last minute, because he's easier to get lucrative promotional deals with Chinese mobile games (seriously, there's literally over a dozen P5 crossovers with just shitty phone games) than the German devil would've been. 2) They axed a bunch of scenes, because the game is already over 80 hours long, and normalfags don't have the attention-span for it. There's unused cutscenes still on the disc that would've given additional exposition to the police involvement at the end of Sae's palace, a scrapped scene of Igor breathing down your neck, and a deadline gameover where the cops bring you to be eternally jailed as God's salvation from ruin. 3) The game is also semi-rushed, because it went through multiple revisions, and because they took so long to acclimate to "next-gen" hardware. They even made Catherine (2011) as a practice run at PS3 development, but then Atlus went bankrupt and got bought by (((Sega))). Now we have a Chinese gacha clone of P5, officially sanctioned by Atlus, and you can infer where that bright idea came from. >Anything to do with "rotten adults" was so hamfisted that it hurt to read. Same with pretty much every Mementos target. Agreed. Every confrontation turns into Ann shouting "You bad, bad man!" while every dialogue option is "That's horrible/You're unforgivable". Apparently it's meant as a biting social commentary in collectivist Japan, because being a timid yesman who will sacrifice anything to not stand out to authority is their societal ideal.
>>858745 >They were originally going to have Mephistopheles be your starting Persona Again, this is completely dissonant with every single other starting Persona on the team. Every other one is a literary or folk thief/trickster and it's their second evolution that becomes mythological. Arsene fits way more with Zorro, Captain Kidd, Carmen, Goemon, Johanna, Milady and Robin Hood than Mephistopheles would. Mephistopheles fits way more with the second evolution of the party member Personas.
>>858746 Even if a poor decision for a starting persona Mephisto/Gnostic clash is a good contrast.
>>858746 Ah yes, my favorite folk hero: Book. Mephistopheles is the Trickster Prince, and he fits with the divine game that you're forced into, especially the bad end where you succumb to your own selfish desires and damn yourself, or the good end where you trick a demon into saving the world, just to get one over on both The Devil and God at the same time. Your starting Persona is thrust upon you by "Igor", symbolized by that scene where you first get the Metanav in Shibuya Station Square, and time stands still while your Persona manifests on its own. Your starting Persona is Mephistopheles, but symbolically, the protagonist is also Faustus. You forge a contract with him, in an attempt to fulfill your own ideals, not knowing you're being forced into a rigged game between divine beings, where you can only be damned to Hell or submit to God's will. Where does it make sense to you that all of your confidants forge contracts with Arsene Lupin, the guy who steals diamonds to mess with the evil rich people? How is Arsene Lupin "chained to Hell itself"? In what book does Arsene commit "blasphemous acts" for his own justice? When does Arsene Lupin break the chains that enslave him to the divine authority? All this symbolism is still there and it doesn't fit Arsene. The only things that do fit are 1) the arbitrary folk hero theming that I'm sure adds so much to the people that like making categorical lists of fictional characters as their hobby, and 2) the fact that the whole moral dilemma of "are the Phantom Thieves really doing the right thing?!" falls flat on its face, because Arsene is only ever the unwavering hero in his story. That's it, all the other symbolism is either superficial shit like LeBlanc Cafe or the obvious Lupin the Third references, or coincidental shit like how Arsene's disguises almost fit Mephistopheles' shapeshifting powers, or how you go to jail in the Metaverse/Velvet Room. I'm coming off as a mega-autist for obsessing over this, but I don't care, I'm sticking to my guns on this one.
>>858757 >Ah yes, my favorite folk hero: Book. I said folk or literary. Carmen was from an opera. Milady was a character in the Three Musketeers. I confess I don't know enough about Zorro to know if he was based on pseudo-historical events or folk tails, but even if he was it was much more contemporary than the likes of Captain Kidd or Goemon and had plenty of fictional works written about him. So yes, I still think Arsene fits the theme of the first set of personas better.
>>858836 The Necronomicon is not a folk hero, or even character in any story it is mentioned in. It is a book.
>>858839 True, though the Persona description ties it Lovecraft which does have a literary connection at least. It's definitely the most out of place. But I guess since Futaba's Persona is the weirdest, being the non-combat navigator, they did something a little different with it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AikYsEDhNQ I finished playing the Persona 5 Reimagined mod. For a brief description: >brought total number of demons from 225 to 451 >every non-boss encounter is against 5 unique demons >all bosses have been reworked >added hundreds of new items, abilities, passives, weapons, and accessories For context, I played on merciless, which some may say is easier than hard, but personally I love the "kill first or be killed" fast pace gameplay merciless encourages. Pros >every fight was a threat, you have to pay attention or you can die instantly >bosses were actually hard (if mostly damage sponges) >early game has a good balance of how much cash it throws at you vs how many problems you can solve with this >interesting mechanic where there are "hidden" resist values. For example, a shadow that resists fire and ice as an enemy could only take 50% from fire, but 75% from ice. >once you figure out how to buff yourself to maximum, it's exhilarating Cons >later boss fights are infuriating where the mechanics are given as cryptic "riddles" on prompts. No organic way to figure out what the gimmick was. An example of a gimmick would be a boss instant killing you if you used magic. >some of the personas ported from different properties (Berserk, Digimon, etc.) it's up to you how you feel about that. >Enemy demons movesets will change when you acquire them. i.e. An enemy Pyro Jack will have Agilao, but when you recruit him, will just have Agi. Personally this is the most offensive to me. >prone to crashing (though to be fair I was running emulator on a machine that could barely handle it so maybe this is a me problem) I do have to disclose I did not complete the mod entirely. I made it all the way to the final boss, but the game crashed 9 times mid final boss fight. One of my attempts made it to 25% HP, so I called that good enough and moved on with my life. All in all, it certainly was a refreshing way to play the game that legitimately felt challenging, if complete bullshit at times. Do note this is for the OG Persona 5 on PS4 (or emulator), the mod maker is working on moving it to the P5R PC release, but so far he has only ported the personas.
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I'm sure someone's made this image before but I made one myself because I think it's funny and thought I should share
>>859955 Thank you for sharing, anon. I should share this thing I made over a year ago, I forgot I had it.
I quite playing Persona 3 FES because i just wanted to do the social stuff and not the dudgeon crawling combat. I guess i just want to play a visual novel. >>860064 Was there ever a time where you would want to relent? Seems like you would always want to attack?
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>>859955 This is the version I have.
>>860083 In P3, if you or an enemy is knocked down it takes a turn for them to stand up again. This means if you can guarantee a knock down in some way you can ensure the enemy never gets a turn. You can cheese the Reaper using this method.
>>679889 SHOW ME MY TRUE P5 GF
So I’ve had many arguments with both amerimutt and cucknadian subhumans on steam and I’ve noticed a recurring pattern: they all think playing persona games is like something I should be ashamed about. Ah yes I love having arguments with gay amerimutt subhumans who would much rather play (((western))) games like Overfag 2 and IT’S MA’AM instead of glorious japanese games like Persona or the classic Resident Evil games. No no no they’re not the one with absolute dogshit taste in games and they’re not the ones who are mentally ill irl (despite not even knowing what gender they are), I am. It’s like it never occurs to these faggots that Persona is one of the most popular franchises in the world both on Playstation and Steam. Sorry to vent and derail this thread a little bit with my own personal shit, but my God I just have to say it: I can’t stand amerimutt faggotry and their delusions. All amerimutts/cucknadians/anglokikes should be genocided completely for the good of the world. These “””people”””, and believe me I’m using the word very loosely here, are genuinely all retarded and mentally ill. And to make matters worse they’re not just retarded, they’re arrogant and proud of their retardation as well. I really just wish Russia and China would glass them.
From the new P3 trailer https://yewtu.be/watch?v=oSQb8AT84Co >2:01
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>>889083 I noticed it recently as well. That rainbow pin sparked a bit of drama. Honestly, I think some people are really overreacting.
>>889086 Atlus has been compromised a long time ago. Probably since the SEGA acquisition.
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>>889083 >>889086 >>889089 I realized even though I beat every mainline SMT game along with Soul Hackers, Strange Journey and Persona 5... I never bought a single Atlus game, I either pirated or borrowed them. Thank fuckign god. I still need to beat the Digital Devil Saga and Raidou games.
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>>889083 P3R is still set in 2009, isn't it? I tried to find out if fag rights were even part of the public consciousness in 2009, but all I could find was LOL material. This is the future that (((SEGAtlus))) and the West want for Persona.
>>889151 I don't want to justify edits to pre-existing characters or stories, but gay rights was absolutely a topic of discussion on the national stage at the time. California's Prop 8 made national headlines for a couple years, and there was a big push to legalize gay marriage that got started during this time. 2005 through 2012 had gay rights as a major issue, and then the matter mostly died down once the Supreme Court weighed in and legalized it nationwide while all the professional activists moved on to even dumber causes.
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>>889160 I know that much. I forgot to say I meant in Japan. The only thing I could find specifically in the 00's was a gender dysphoria bill that lets trannies change their sex on legal documents in exchange for getting sterilized, and a March 2009 bill that lets Japanese nationals have same-sex marriage in any country where that's legal. Japan doesn't have any laws against homosexuality, not since the Meiji Era, but they don't have laws broadly recognizing same-sex marriage either, just a handful of big cities do. It's just a stupid button on a girl's backpack, but it can't help but feel a little out of place in the setting, Gekkoukan has a bullying problem afterall, and it stinks of the usual suspects.
>>889589 >It's just a stupid button on a girl's backpack They cared enough to change the original to put it there, so you should care enough to care that they cared.
>>889589 >It's just a stupid button on a girl's backpack Oh so it's not a big deal, then? I guess if someone mods it out no one will raise a stink? The person who made the mod wouldn't be banned, doxxed and lose their job? I mean if it's just a flag and no big deal, then it wouldn't be a big deal if someone wanted to remove it right? Since it's such a small deal?
>>890045 >I guess if someone mods it out no one will raise a stink? The inclusion of the button is no big deal. We all know it's low effort pandering to the LGBTQ+U folks. Now actively going through the trouble of removing it makes you come across as a bigot from their point of view, and being a bigot IS a big deal for them, and by extension for any website in which they're present (because they'll always be very vocal and screech until they get their way through things.) NTA btw, but from my point of view you can be autistic about the rainbow pin or you can be smart and ignore it like most of the people does.
>>895817 >The inclusion of the button is no big deal. We all know it's low effort pandering to the LGBTQ+U folks. They took the effort to change it. Taking the effort to change it back is literally the exact same deal. Actually, it's less, because it's just wanting the game to not be deliberately ruined. >NTA btw, but from my point of view you can be autistic about the rainbow pin or you can be smart and ignore it like most of the people does. >you can be smart and just let SJWs screech their propaganda everywhere >just keep your head down and let them get away with everything >and don't learn to speak english.
>>895844 >>you can be smart and just let SJWs screech their propaganda everywhere Mhm. Ignore them and spend your time more wisely, basically. >>just keep your head down and let them get away with everything "Keep your head down"? "Let them get away with everything"? What even is "everything" in this context, lmao?
>>895817 >>898084 >smart and ignore it like most of the people does. That advice sure fucking helped when this shit started..... oh wait it fucking didn't. Ignoring a festering wound doesn't stop gangrene actually fucking treating it and cleaning it does.
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>>898089 >That advice sure fucking helped when this shit started..... oh wait it fucking didn't. Tbf, it did for me. I mean, look at you seething over them. Now look at me, unfazed and asking you why are you seething so much. I don't know man, if you're not willing to go out there and start a crusade decimating SJWs irl or doing something meaningful like that, the harsh truth is that you don't have many choices in the matter. You either keep screeching ad infinitum or move on and find your joy in something else. >Ignoring a festering wound doesn't stop gangrene actually fucking treating it and cleaning it does. I love the axe wound analogy, very 4chan like, but you're comparing apples to oranges. Do you think that you're treating an axe wound by screeching like an autist? Spoilers: you're not. Anyway, it's clear you're a lost cause so enjoy the rest of your life. I'm done here.
>>899530 You're a pathetic cuck, anon
>>889083 Persona 2 already had a gay protagonist which is why I dropped it, a shame since some say the story is the best in the entire Persona series.
>>899826 >He skipped the best game in the series >Over an optional pairing that is neither canon nor mentioned outside of the option to pick him I hope you didn't play Persona 4 then, because there's unused voice lines still in the game files that imply a gay romance route with Yosuke. https://tcrf.net/Persona_4/Unused_Voice_Clips/Social_Links
>>899826 Fake and gay, i'm pretty sure you're just parroting whatever some other retard said in Another thread of Persona >Still, he went ON THE RAILS to a gay pairing, when the game doesn't even give it The Focus, nor even mentions it Lol, lmao even
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>>899918 >>899920 It's true, he's not canonically gay. He's canonically alone/doesn't exist.
>>899918 >>899920 I think that anon is referring to Jun, who is really gay and the gay option in IS. This doesn't make Tatsuya bisexual (his canonical romance is with Maya), but it does make one of the protagonists gay. >>899926 Tatsuya exists, but he's referenced in Persona 3 as a police officer and knows nothing about the events on Persona 2 in both timelines, IS and EP. However, it's implied that he and Maya get together. If you want protagonists who really don't exist, look to Naoya (Persona 1) and Tamaki (If...), who haven't been referenced or appeared since 2 outside of costumes. I know the post is a joke.
>>899936 Naoya's appearance in Persona 2 doesn't really count since he doesn't actually appear. Doesn't even have a model. Maki's P2 design is so fucking cute
>>899826 >unironically being an SJW and dropping a game for political reasons smh fam >>899936 >>899952 >Naoya Please don't conflate that pathetic emo pussy with the game's protagonist, they're nothing alike.
>>899952 I can understand that sentiment. The team must not have wanted anything definitive for Naoya except his return at the end of EP given the fates of previous SMT protagonists (i.e. turned into a living statue, cursed to walk world cycles like Kane) with Maki being the exception and how overwhelming his presence would have been on the cast due to his experience. >>900138 I refer to him as "Naoya" rather than "Boy With Earring" because it's more convenient. However, I do think his depiction in the manga is better despite the mangaka not delving into everything in the game.
>>900138 >muh SJW! I don't want to play as a fudgepacker, pal. >>899918 >not mentioned outside of the option to pick him I'd rather it weren't there in the first place. Not a fan of seeing faggots in my video games, let alone playing as one. >>899920 No, I actually played the game. Why don't (You) give it a try and see for yourself?
>>900273 So one can assume that Persona was already having bullshit features that nobody asked for before it became a full blown visual novel.
>>900291 Well, they said the gay shit in P2 was a fanservice thing, so there was probably some degree of demand for it.
>>899558 No, (You), but unironically. You're a prison of own meaningless hatred towards the LGBTEtc community. You don't get to call anyone else a cuck, lmao. >>899831 https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/conversation
>>903018 >You're a prison of own meaningless hatred towards the LGBTEtc community I wasn't sure before, but now I am. You aren't from here. You let the mask slip too much. Try harder next time, faggot.
>>899530 >doing something meaningful like that, the harsh truth is that you don't have many choices in the matter. It's really simple, shill-kun. Don't feed their delusions and fight back whenever the groomers try to push their bullshit. To them, staying silent is just a green light that they can push even worse shit.
I think hating the LGBT community has great meaning as a symbolic rejection of the poisons of modernity.
>>903765 Yeah, i don't like it either but ultimately it hurts your cause in trying to get gays to leave it, by hating those who are a part of it.
>>903768 Na fags can fuck off, they personify the rot quite literally in a lot of cases.
>>903775 It has prevailed and it's brought nothing good.
So adding to the faggot shit in Reload, Aigis' Orgia Mode is now a big gay supermove instead of a risk/reward temporary buff, just because retards didn't know how to use it.
>>909511 >System shock in that list ???????
>>909525 It's Willy Martin, ignore.
I'll consider this the de facto megami tensei thread and bitch here about this. >play SMT IV >all the characters are shit besides a minor recurring quest character named Nozomi who was voiced (but didn't have a face, just a character sprite) >consider her the best waifu in the game by far, and her english VA was actually good too (Laura Bailey) so my dick was diamonds >finish the game, happy that I finished her quest line Fast-forward to solely playing the sequel after I found out they made her a major character in SMT IV: Apocalypse >they fucking changed her voice actress to some average VA that does nothing for me Man why do they do this shit, fucking english voice actors and actresses are such greedy jews. People like Troy Baker and Laura Bailey are such wastes of talent. Couldn't be happy with shit like anime and Japanese games where people loved them in their roles, they had to eschew them for cancer like TLoU2 I'm pissed. If I wasn't so lazy I'd install an undub and see how the JP side is, but I haven't hacked this current 3DS and I'm too lazy to bother, plus I'm doubting this game is even worth it at this point.
>>909530 >Man why do they do this shit, fucking english voice actors and actresses are such greedy jews. People like Troy Baker and Laura Bailey are such wastes of talent. Agreed. The nobody VAs Atlus has been getting lately are likely a much cheaper, but bland and forgettable option. Practically every promotional interview with the new VAs opens with them saying "I'm such a big fan and I'm oh so grateful for the opportunity". And then half of them either end up sounding interchangeable with each other, or doing some hammy Fire Emblem voice. Adding to the Megami Tensei discussion, I haven't gotten around to playing the Digital Devil Saga games yet. Are they worth getting into for the writing/plot? I really like Tadashi's work, but I also know he had to pick up the pieces after the author he was collabing with quit, that they had difficulty fitting everything they wanted onto a PS2 disc, and I heard that the first game mostly just teases the second game without tying into it much.
>>909530 >they fucking changed her voice actress to some average VA that does nothing for me She's Karren Strassman, who was Aigis and Nanako. Definitely not as good as Laura Baily but hardly an Atlus unknown. I think this was after the point where Laura Baily stopped taking weeb roles like Troy Baker.
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>>679889 rolling.. give me any of these and i'm happy. as long as it isnt the teacher or makoto i'm happy
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>>903018 >You're a prison of own meaningless hatred towards the LGBTEtc community. >meaningless Newfags get the rope. Also rolling >>679889 even though the p5 waifus are mediocre at best.
>>909424 >Still called Orgy (but in Spanish) Mode Still makes me chuckle.
>>903018 >You're a prison of own meaningless hatred towards the faggots It's current year, just admit that pedophiles deserve human rights, hell why did Atlus have to change the visual gag of faggots creeping on Joker's friend? Is it because of change while the mature flaggots can handle a joke at their expense and won't send death threats once their egos have been bruised? >>921912 >P5 waifus mediocre That explains why everyone keeps on whoring them out at rule34 or any fetish imageboard, don't wanna' be left out.
>>679889 fuck it, ROLLING!!!
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Oh look. Relevant. https://archive.ph/vxwuG P3R seemed like a load of crock anyways. <hey so those neckbeards really fucking hate religion in SMT on account of being fervent atheists, but lap up the "what if I actually had friends in high school" simulators of P4 and P5 <what if we dressed up P3 the one that ends with the protagonist dying the title that's marinated in chiaroscuro lighting up with the same capeshit aesthetic to trick those scraggly chins into forking out $70 for a crappy UE4 game where the OST is an .exe <we can even lick Larry Fink's sweaty balls along the way Best to play FES on RPSC3 instead. Or fucking actual Shin Megami Tensei. Sega is working its ass off to get pozzed, they're defending the hineys of Ryu Ga Gotoku after the playerbase pointed out the localization of Infinite Wealth could be better and more respectful (and also not absolute shit).
>>932891 They also censored this scene https://yewtu.be/watch?v=TL7XrY08NZw
Thank god i don't care about persona, and i can just play nocturne in My PS2
>>932962 that's... a pretty tame scene to censor. how disappointing
>>933065 I don't think RE4R's sales would have suffered if they kept the "misogynist" elements in. It was gonna be streamer/normalfag bait no matter what and succeed. Horror games (and movies, for that matter) are huge with normalfags at the moment
>>679889 Rolling
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I honestly had fully expected this to be cut.
Persona 3 Reload Becomes Fastest-Selling Game in Atlus History With 1 Million Sales https://archive.ph/wip/hafSd >Persona 3 Reload has become the fastest-selling game in Atlus history with more than one million copies sold in its first week. >This puts the remake of the beloved PlayStation 2 game above the likes of Persona 5 Royal (which IGN deemed a masterpiece) and its spin-offs, plus the Shin Megami Tensei series and more. Persona 3 Reload also passed one million copies sold despite it being an Xbox Game Pass title, meaning subscribers didn't need to buy it at all. >Atlus's parent company Sega has had a strong start to 2024, with Persona 3 Reload's one million sales joined by Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, which achieved the same number after a week and became the fastest-selling game in franchise history. >Persona 3 Reload recreates the original game with new voice acting, updated graphics, and more style than ever before, earning it a 9/10 in IGN's review. "With a stellar visual overhaul and countless small but impactful changes, Persona 3 Reload tells a timeless story of tragedy and hope with sharp emotional sincerity," we said. >Unlike Persona 5 Royal or Persona 4 Golden, however, Persona 3 Reload directly recreates the original Persona 3 so doesn't include any content added through its subsequent releases Persona 3 FES and Persona 3 Portable. >Persona Team production manager Kazuhisa Wada insisted fans can buy Persona 3 Reload with confidence they won't need to upgrade soon, however, as Atlus currently has no plans to release an updated version.
>>934637 Will Martin is a retard. The sales for this are easily explained by a simple fact: this is the first mainstream Persona release that is both multi-platform and multi-national. It released everywhere and on everything for the first time ever since the series got popular.
>>934662 Yep, plus franchises in general seem more frontloaded in terms of sales these days, the drop-offs after week 1 for most games is absurd
>>934673 This more than anything is proof to me that "flavor of the month" syndrome is real and e-celebs + their normalfag followers are to blame. Ya think any normalfags will care about the Persona series in three months? Absolutely not.
>>934674 ^This. Reload is nothing but a total conversion mod of Royal, made for dickless faggots that couldn't handle playing P3FES. Half the reason Atlus even ported P3P was to make Reload look good to them by comparison.
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>>933853 Discord groomers and localizer subhumans don't mind that. Now if she was over 10 and had tits, THEN it would be a problem.
>>679889 20's, 30's, 60's 70's 80's, 90's, dubs or trips. I love Persona.
I got Ann. I'll take it, I'm a Hapa too.
>>937797 They only like it when it's a real kid, they still complain about loli because it's their smokescreen to prove they totally aren't pedos (while ignoring things like cuties obviously).
>>937838 >implying they don't have a loli folder that trumps your hentai folder's size by at least half Does anyone have that webms that showing the streamer accidentally tab over to his pedo folder?
>>899530 I loved learning that my ancestors burned your books and hung you from trees. It warms my heart knowing I and my sons will get to do it to you soon, but for now my wife and I are just happy watching you child molesters get mocked in the streets during one of your shame parades. That, and laughing at the accurate depiction of you in the original persona 5 where everybody calls you creepy for trying to flirt with a high schooler, lmao.
>>937841 Vaush? Kek
I had gotten into P3 and it got me looking into all the other games set in this continuity. >SMT if >Devil Summoner >P1, 2, 3, 4, & 5. All these games still have crazy shit in them. The characters that caused the end of the world in SMT still exist in this world and that hole that got opened that let demons in is still there, according to SMT if. Have we been dealing with the ripple effect of SMT if all this time?
Is there any game that plays LIKE a SMT title, but isn't part of the series?
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>>958609 Buddy you're in the wrong thread, the masochistic dungeon crawler thread is two blocks down. To answer your question look up the 2hou SMT clone.
>>940330 >Have we been dealing with the ripple effect of SMT if all this time? Technically the effects of SMT 1, but yes. However, Reiko's route is implied to be canon since the protagonist of SMT If appears in Persona but doesn't mention Amon (Akira's Route) or fears of Hazama (Charlie's Route) and transferred in, implying the school still exists. Yumi's Route is something left for the male protagonist continuity. There's a lot of story potential for a Persona 6 that relies on the history of the series, but the recent entries in other titles have left me uneasy and bitter about the possibility. We really have to wait for Metaphor to see what the series will be like from here on. >>958609 Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia is really good.
So, I take it none of you are playing P5X?
>>963055 Persona 5: The Phantom X.
>>963049 Is there a compelling reason to?
>>963104 This is obviously fake. Kojima is a gay.
>>963122 It depends. If you like Persona, then yes. P5X is more Persona (5). Looks like Persona 5 and plays like Post-P2 Persona.

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