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Vidya your Brain Refuses to Enjoy Anonymous 02/16/2023 (Thu) 23:02:48 Id: 8feaf6 No. 784653
Post whatever vidya you'd like to engage with and just can't. I can't stand this fucking franchise. The 3D game was a slow ass slog and the fact it came out during the same year as Mario Odyssey just couldn't make me shake off the fact that Nintendo is now lightyears ahead of the Rare crew. They have so much to catch up on, from level design, to the movement, to the lack of marketability from these ugly ass plastic looking fucks, what happened to the character design, having mammals be the main characters was not unique enough? Wheres the funny british humor, where is the cheekyness of this franchise? It's yookucked, lazy. I knew it was going to be a miss the moment the mediocre chameleon twist knockoff was revealed to the public, I really don't feel like I'm playing a game from rare, It doesn't feel like they knew what they were doing or what worked for their collectathons. The impozzible dare is a decent platformer, but golly gosh, I feel like I dissociate the longer my play sessions become, it's like my brain has a negative pull whenever I try to engage with these games and it never quite "clicks", to say I feel dissapointed every time I boot it up is a massive understatement. I wish I could love it like other people, back to tropical freeze I go.
Terraria and I'm a block autist. It was kinda salvaged with mods, I guess.
>>784653 >I wish I could love it like other people, back to tropical freeze I go. It's funny that you bring that up because I myself just can't enjoy either of the DKCR games. I'm not entirely sure why and it's probably not any one big thing but a lot of small things. What ever it is it just doesn't feel like the classic DKC games to me.
>>784653 I'm almost sure that nobody important from Rare was involve in the creation of that game.
>>784653 What part is you & which part is your brain? Are we the sum of our parts?
I can't into Factorio for whatever reason. Maybe I'm just not autistic enough.
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RTS games. It does not matter which, I've tried a lot. They all make me overwhelmed and stressed. The worst for me was Warcraft 3, I don't think I've ever put so much time into a game I never enjoyed. That damn art style and its modding scene tricked me into thinking I liked the core game.
>>784773 Steve Mayles was, the truth is other than the absent ones, the ones who stayed stagnated in creativity.
>>784653 C&C Kane's Wrath for the longest time fit this for me. I tried it again recently with some mods and now I am finally enjoying it a fair bit. I'm glad I gave it another chance. >>784758 I had the same issue with minecraft. I usually love building shit but I never last more than a few hours in that game before I move on to something else.
>>784773 >>785698 Most of them were always hacks. Never forget the Yooka-Laylee fiasco. It exposed a lot of the "veterans" from Rare as a bunch of woketards without any talent whatsoever.
>>785704 They're not "woke", just spineless cucks. I don't know what people expected from new age Angl*ids.
>>785705 There's a guy on the board who calls everybody woke Impotent leftists, you'll learn to ignore him newfriend.
>>785710 I don't know if that's the same guy
>>785712 Everyone's one of my boogeymen and if you disagree you're a boogeyman.
>>784882 Same here, RTS and I do not mix. My friend is really good at them and whenever they tried to get me into them, my retard brain just could not grasp micro-management. The odd thing is I can play party CRPG's fine but throw me into any RTS and my brain completely shits the bed.
>>785705 >They're not "woke", just spineless cucks Same thing.
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>>785787 >>784882 I needed like 1000 hours to break in so I get your feeling. It still feels wonderful to play once you really get it.
I cannot stomach fighting games for any long period of time. I dont like the matchmaking system and the idea of remembering all those combos while still being at the mercy of internet connectivity issues, general game lag, and other things like faggotry or imbalance.
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>>785769 Shut up boogeyman, god, boogeymen these days and now boogeysissies.
My brain refuses to enjoy any games now because it keeps telling me playing video games is a waste of time. I've played enough games at this point that pretty much seen it all now, and if I was curious about the story I'd be better off watching a walkthrough.
>>785809 You sound like a Persona 5 fan
>>785809 >it keeps telling me playing video games is a waste of time Thats how I felt about FFXIV and Deep Rock Galactic. Play Elden Ring, it's the most awarded game in history and pissed off tons of nu-male devs and journos for all the right reasons. Theres tons of builds you can try and thus tons of playstyles and replayability far more so than any other souls game before it.
>>785811 Well my brain also tells me there's no point in living and I should just lie down and die.
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>>785809 Congratulations you gaslit yourself
Halo. The first one was pretty good in co-op but every single one that has come out afterwards has been worse and worse. I legitimately do not understand how people can enjoy it in its current form.
>>785904 Something is probably wrong with you
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>>785848 Reset your brain with cognitive behavioral therapy and ketamine. You'll feel like pepsiman by the end of it, but talking your feelings out is important. https://www.resetketamine.com/blog/2018/12/17/ketamine-and-its-connection-to-neurons
>>785787 I was never a big fan of how micro heavy some rts games got. Most people don't like feeling mentally exhausted after a game, but esports and other similar mindsets love them to death. >>785799 (checked) Online fighting games never went well for me. I'll play against others at the arcade. Well I would have if it didn't close down thanks to the china flu. >>785809 >My brain refuses to enjoy any games now because it keeps telling me playing video games is a waste of time Sounds like you are in need of something that provides more value for your time. Go learn a skill or something instead maybe. >>785906 Infinite is nearly dead so you are not alone in disliking it's current form. >>785904 It has been ages since I played it, what is your issue with it exactly?
>>784653 Fortnite, Overwatch, League of Legends. My IQ is far too high. A simple calculation, really. The more popular the title, the closer the average player IQ is to the average. A genius is as removed from the average joe as it is from a literal retard. Fuck I hate normalfags
>>784653 >Nintendo is now lightyears ahead of the Rare crew To be fair, Microsoft held Rare hostage for years because they didn't perform as well as they expected, so of course they were left behind. BUT, they promised that they were going to make an spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooei, and they sort of did, without much of an improvement, but if you've never played Banjo, Yooka-Laylee is alright. I'd say the biggest problem is that Banjo already has spiritual successors with plenty of QoL and other improvements, like a loli in time. What I find funny about the Kickstarter games, is that they mostly missed the point, with mediocre number 5.5 being a completely different thing from what they promised, and yooka staying at JUST what they promised. Bloodstained is the epitome of the Kickstarter nostalgia games. It's almost as good as SOTN, with all the improvements of the DS Castlevania games. That's a worthy successor, with it's only problem being that it doesn't look particularly good.
Battle Royale games in general. I just don't get the appeal of these one-life last man standing type games. Or rather, I do get why people enjoy them but it just never clicked with me. Just seems like the antithesis of the fast respawn more hectic action type of FPS I am used to playing. And it's not for a lack of trying believe me, I've played these things starting from all the way back with Minecraft Hunger Games and I just, never understood the appeal and never found them fun. Only one I mildly enjoyed was Totally Accurate Battlegrounds, and even then I was laughing at the physics the whole time rather than enjoying the gameplay itself. Something more specific than an entire genre, though, would be the Persona series. Never could get into them due to the life sim elements. I play games for these fantastical stories or interesting worlds, for things different than my own, not to relive my awkward high school years. I did think about trying the first or second games though since I heard they're less heavy on those shitty teen romance elements that 3,4, and 5 have.
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>>786291 >and yooka staying at JUST what they promised. Yeah. They would've been able to cash-in way more bux if the game was more than a D, what if it was a C or even a B+ ? Why did it have to be so limited, that could've been banjo-redooie instead of shallow-copyooie? The game isn't difficult, it's just tedious and unsatisfying to play, I don't care for the dialogue, or the grand tomb overworld or expansion, they should've kept the levels as small as possible, like an actual chameleon enclosure. It just feels so uninspired, but it didn't need to be, I wouldn't have minded the chameleon if there was something more going for it, something more intertwined and creative. These terrariums love really cool and pretty, you could certainly make something very engaging with the idea. I think they should scrap Yooka-Laylee and start over with a new and improved mascot platformer inspired by odyssey, make it an athletic platforming collectathon. I know Mario Odysseys level design and progression was inspired by bento boxes or something like that, how they missed the opportunity to make bite sized worlds is unforgivable.
>>786276 >plebbit speech The problem is your soy-filled brain. Not the game, which is basically a perfect game.
>>786322 battle royal is not even a new genre, there was king of the hill match mode before with similar gameplay. The problem started because of its mobile influence, earlier games with king of the hill had you playing with a team first, and once the teams dwindled down, you could fight within the team. >Persona series >I play games for these fantastical stories or interesting worlds, for things different than my own, not to relive my awkward high school years You can stop pretending now. Everybody knows persona is a "game" you play because you have no social skills and want to be a cool kid surrounded with cool girls. But in seriousness, play the older persona games and the smt games. Those are the real mythogical horror games with no dating shit.
I can't, for the life of me, sit through Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth for more than half an hour or so. I love Digimon games and play almost all of them, no matter how janky, but Cyber Sleuth is way too slow. Too much story. Gameplay's a bit boring. It isn't especially good looking. People love it, but I genuinely have found it worse than any of the old games, despite their flaws. Re:Digitize is okay but I dropped it after a few hours too. I feel the same way about most VNs and story driven games. I didn't even bother to attempt to play Persona for that reason, no matter how popular it is. Sorry, but I just want to play a fucking video game. Get on with it already. >>784758 Same with Terraria and Minecraft. It just feels too one dimensional and autistic to me. Last time I played these was around 10 years ago though.
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>>785789 >Same thing On a surface level yes, but the "men" at playtonic could be moderate or even conservative but be afraid-- no, terrified of speaking out about the lunacy that has afflicted the UK, out of fear of leftists retaliation and being unpersoned
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OP you are trying to consume the vidya equivalent of british food, which isn't usually anyones first choice. It's no surprise the real flavor came from Japanese influence, now I don't know much about either of those foods like their natives do, but I'd prefer to take some of that tempura shit instead the weird sentient sludge they have for food over there. It's no different in culture really, the appeal that Rareware had has pretty much vanished, diaspora'd and changed, whatever crucial element there was to the 90's games then has nothing to do with Playtonic or YL now, and I wonder if job security has anything to do with that. Pay matters for a lot of people, and if their new position would be shaky as a new hire in this new company, that is not worth it even with creative expression, with those priorities in check there's also the chance it wasn't fulfilling or meaningful like it was to a lot of the fans, there can be a lot of reasons really, but their stance is clear, a lot of now Microsoft and Deep silver staff don't want to relive their 90's years. I just hope playtonic is populated soon with new foreign (potentially jap) talent, if not, you're gonna eat your bri'ish sludge and you're gonna like it, regardless you're never ever gonna get pic related again, unless those theoretical foreign devs happen to have balls of steel.
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>>790897 >Pay matters for a lot of people How much do semi-indie companies pay their people anyways? Last I heard Playtonic got that tencent chink money, but they're fucked if the investment dried up, so good call on old guard banjo devs not quitting their current jobs to work at Gaytronic.
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Anything sports related. I guess that's kind of a cop-out, because considering how much the games are talked about on /v/, I'm guessing none of you fat shits have even seen your balls in a decade, let alone touched a sports ball - but I can't help feeling that it's all some kind of a weird perversion because I could go out and play a sport. I don't need a video game. Same with board and card vidya games. Why... when I could just pull out a board and call over a few friends who I haven't talked to in a decade since I'm a shut-in and play a game. The closest I ever get is sports games with some fantastical element to them - like Mutant League Football/Hockey or Blood Bowl, but even then - very sparingly. Otherwise, I don't really care for MMOs. Again, I'm a shut-in/hermit who is used to doing what I want/need to, when I want/need to. MMOs are a second job that drains your paycheck, rather than gives you one. I hate having to have a time-table where I have to help my guild out and spends several hours over the course of a week to farm some bullshit gear to help shore up our new members - only for nobody to have the fucking time to spare to help me when I need some piece of gear, or be forced to play only a certain way without being able to experiment with builds because nobody wants to invest the time into helping someone out unless you're following some "community approved" optimization guide. That's why I spent so much time with PSO/PSU - because it's easily solo-able, and even with PSO2, while multiplayer was required in a lot of quests - they were drop-in randomized parties/groups of parties which didn't have to be optimized for the most part. Some of the best fucking times I had were playing a melee-oriented FOnewearl in PSO - which I managed to get about to the damage output of lvl 130 Hunter through gear and mats and mag and other tweaks. Which is plenty enough to handle anything Ultimate threw at me - while also heavily focusing on support (because I needed it) rather than nuking. Which everybody fucking loved because there was no damage cancelation/spastic flinching from rapid-fire tech nukes while you're trying to carve up an enemy's face. Jellen/Zelure was autistically applied to every enemy, and Shifta/Deban was applied like clothes - since I was statistically naked without them... and Resta flowed like water. That's EXACTLY what every single non-FO character wanted from a Force. But in a more traditional MMO, that build wouldn't be seen viable and nobody would invest days or weeks of their time to help you develop it when it sounds absurd for literally the weakest melee character in the game to be throwing themselves into the mosh-pit like a loli-berserker. And while not nearly as bad, this also applies to a lot of FPS games these days with their MMO-inspired battle passes and perk/prestige rank up systems which - at least used to - often required real-money grinding on lootboxes to get the optimum gear. Any kind of games that are a time-sink like that, I just can't help but look at the hours/money wasted and think of all the great games I could have played in that time. So I avoid them like the plague they are. Beyond that - I'm not particularly fond of RTS/Strategy/4X games, but I explore the genre enough to have found a couple that I really like and keep going back to - even if everyone who loves those kinds of games would probably laugh at my shit taste.
>>791722 Virtua Tennis and FIFA Street were the closest I got to enjoying a sports game. Though the last was mostly due to the great soundtrack since the gameplay was meh as fuck.
>>789809 That makes them part of the problem. If they think about their lives and careers above everyone else's problems caused by the same scum that afflict them, they are just a bunch of selfish opportunists then. They should get no support whatsoever. When people speak against woketard, and those corporate suits side with woketards for "fear" of losing their platforms of work, those suits made themselves the enemies of people as much as the woketards are. In short: >"Think about their careers, jobs and payment processors, all being in danger." No. I won't. They don't think about my problems created by the woketard mobs that they don't speak against.
>>790897 >there's also the chance it wasn't fulfilling or meaningful like it was to a lot of the fans, there can be a lot of reasons really, but their stance is clear, a lot of now Microsoft and Deep silver staff don't want to relive their 90's years. Then, they deserve no support. They aren't pleased with what pleases the fans. IOf some old man thought that he would just use Battletoads as a stepping stone to enable him to later on make some games about supporting minorities bullshit, instead of considering Battletoads the best game of all time and the best take on fiction and entertainment (being fun, and nothing else matters), then this old man was always a piece of shit.
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>>784653 For me it's Spyro games. Back when I played Spyro on PS1, I remember getting bored of it pretty quickly. Now recently when the reignited trilogy came out, I tried to play the games again, several times, and my brain just refuses to enjoy them. When I saw the cover art for Spyro, a dragon with wings and that 90's edge to it, I always expected something faster with more movement and combat, how cool would it be to play as a flying fire-breathing dragon? you could fly wherever you want and wreck shit with your fire breath. But everything about the actual games feels so limited and basic. You can only run fast on specific platforms, you can't fly without a powerup, your fire breath is extremely short range projectile that lasts one second, every enemy dies in one hit and they don't give a shit that you're a dragon, except bosses that are just lame babby tier puzzles, you can barely jump and most of the "platforming" is slowly gliding across horizontal distances, so all the levels are designed like pancakes, also the levels themselves, you're just teleporting between pancakes instead of having a cohesive world. Everything about actually playing Spyro feels super lame and leaves me asking, "wait, that's it?"
>>791799 >If some old man thought that he would just use Battletoads as a stepping stone to enable him to later on make some games about supporting minorities bullshit I don't think that's their line of thinking. Playtonic is cucked as well, just look at Dr. Pozz and Vendi the machine, it's more "female empowerment", if both of your options are nearly the exact same, you might as well pick the one that fills your checking account better, I'd have a stronger opinion if playtonic was much more creative driven, like your battletoads opinion.
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Throwback to the time grant kirkhope retweeted a shadman comic
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>>792747 Imo not as funny as the time 'the official Overwatch account accidentally retweeted pic related. Sure, that image is more crass, but it's a poorly drawn shitpost by an artist who's more of a meme than anything. This was something different.
>>792750 >>792747 Reminds me of XCOM retweeting obvious fetish fat art of the Vyper. "Comes in all shapes and sizes" indeed.
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>>792925 I need a collection of shit tweets like this
I don't know what it is about this game, but I can't seem to derive any enjoyment from playing with it. I loved the shit out of all of the pre 2013 simcity games but this thing doesn't click for whatever reason.
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Sports games, racing games, and most modern military shooters all fail to activate the pleasure center of my brain. Most modern games in general too, I guess. I can still entertain myself with them but it's almost like everything released after a certain point (2013/2014?) is just meaningless. I'll play it but it's all just brain numbing, it doesn't do anything special and it all just feels like a waste of time. The only reason I play older games and stuff I've had in my library is to say I've beaten it and feel like I accomplished something with all that time. That might have something to do with the anhedonia that comes from my lifelong depression or the derealization that comes from my denial in accepting the world today as real but either way it's near impossible to enjoy playing anything anymore.
>>800442 That's because Shitties: Skylines is actually a traffic jam simulator instead of a city builder. 99.9% of that game is dealing with traffic jams.
>>800442 >>800934 Install a mod to completely remove traffic collision and it becomes a much more fun game
How do I get into Metal Gear without getting bored?
>>816180 It's very much not the recommended starting place given how much of the series will refer back into itself as it goes on, but Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain both get going into the action quicker than any other title in the series.
>>816180 Why do you find them so boring? What were you expecting when playing it? >>816182 Doesn't MGSV has an unskipable walking simulator section in a hospital that last for 40 minutes?
>>785906 It peaked with 3 if you can stomach console shooters. I would have been satisfied if it stayed as the premier "arena shooter lite edition" for console gamers. Something I can play at a friend's house while inebriated and still have an OK time. Sadly Microsoft just wants to wring more blood from the stone. Although, almost every game Bungie has made since Marathon is some kind of spiritual successor or at least "secretly" ties back to Marathon somehow. So it seems they've become hacks as well.
>>816224 >pirate MGSV >download 100% unlocked save >install infinite heaven mod >cheatengine a top soldier into a combat qt >put her in a bikini >endless open world stealth fun while looking at a great ass
>>816224 >Doesn't MGSV has an unskipable walking simulator section in a hospital that last for 40 minutes? Huh, actually forgot all about that section since it was the tutorial.
>>785809 14 years of my life was stolen by the government by forcing me into the indoctrination—oops I mean “education” system. I intend to take back every single minute that could’ve been spent on gaming, and I shall do it on the dime of the people who told me it was good for me.
>>800934 >build efficient limited-access freeway network Problem solved. The majority of traffic problems come from trying to route arterial commuters through surface streets. When you have hundreds of thousands of people sitting waiting at intersections, you’re gonna have a bad time.
>>816224 >Why do you find them so boring? What were you expecting when playing it? Not that guy, but I expected a fucking game, not a fucking movie briefly interrupted by hallway walking (or hallway crawling, if you're lucky). People tell me there's gameplay, but I shouldn't have to play for like two hours to get to it.
>>800442 Don't even bother with that game, the devs decided to add spyware to the game in one of the later patches
I can't get into most games in isometric perspective, unless they are strategy titles. This means I missed out on many classic RPGs, jRPGs, and top down shooters. Arcanum and new Divinity games are the only exceptions for some reason. Every time I tried Planescape for example, I liked the premise, writing, and style but actually playing the game felt like a chore. Diablo, Diablo clones, and any similar games that revolve around grinding. They all strike me like something designed to drag people into cycles of dopamine addiction. I see little difference between them and mobile gocha games. Most roguelikes and any games that are overly reliant on procedural generation. They all become repetitive fast, as the randomly generated elements usually fall within same handful of easily recognized templates with a inconsequential differences. It's much better when enemies, loot, and location are man-made or at least finished up by people. >>784882 I am the same way. Only RTS I liked was 40k DoW2 single player campaign. DoW2 story campaign focuses on a small squad and does not get bogged down with resource capture dance. That and Total War Warhammer if you classify it as RTS but there is far more to the game than that. It basically blends several genres together. >>816180 Metal Gear Rising Revengance is not boring and a great taste of the wackier side of the setting. Just keep in mind that this is Platinum's take with an extra dose of cuhrazy and no stealth. Mainline games are slower and subdued in comparison. Due to genre and Kojima's style both. Ground Zeroes is another good, modern sample. Other than that, you should start at the beginning with Metal Gear Solid for PC (or emulator). You can even go as far as Metal Gear games from late 80s and early 90s but they are not very relevant to MGS.
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I have problems getting into the Final Fantasy games, the RPG aspects of stat building aren't the same as Diablo 2 so it's a huge down grade to me. You have some choice but generally the skills and builds are press set in place for the classes, you can't make a knife wizard and expect to get far? I can do other RPG series fine like Earthbound for some reasons if i ignore that you can't build the characters in unorthodox play styles, but FF is difficult and boring to me, Maybe your party becomes more powerful later in the game but i'm too bored to get there, i'll be trying to progress forever. I'm at the part where you get the air ship in FF1 for the psp and i have no idea where to go. I also got stuck in FF3 for the DS and could not get passed a boss that you're suppose to lose at. I like the Disgaea 1-2 games (before they charged mana for incarnations) but that's mostly because the game promises that you'll become powerful and you have a lot of control of your stats. I'm awful at third person survival horror games like Resident evil, SIlent hill and such, i just don't like the idea of Surviving, i want to feel powerful, Enjoying Diablo 2 as my favorite game has ruined a lot of other games for me, i just want more D2 with Meteors and summons, which very few games do right. Elder scrolls games, the class balance is awful, either magic is the best build or it's the weakest build. in Skyrim Sneak arrow is the best and magic is useless, such an awful series yet it's loved by many.
>>816224 I expected it to be like the awesome videos from egoraptor lmao
>>816740 It's Unity. It already has telemetry by default.
>>817122 I hate these spyware niggers so much. Why can't they leave us alone.
Cuhrayzee games, I either like to take my time or play it safe, which is the exact opposite of what the game wants, but technically the game doesn't force you to either. Like in Yakuza there's nothing stopping you from chugging health and heat items to cheese the game.
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>>784758 The Super Mario editor was better, Redigit confirmed to be an one hit wonder. >>791786 Besides they took seriously Destiny, that narcissistic fag who already burned bridges with his fellow pedo breadtubers.
>games that revolve around combat, but the combat consists of mashing Square over and over, occasionally pressing triangle What is the appeal of God of War? It's the most monotonous thing ever. And you know what? I'm gonna say it. I feel the same way about Devil May Cry. People say it's better and God of War is a bad ripoff, but I just don't get the appeal of anything in this whole genre. >turn based RPGs Turn based mechanics usually end up feeling like a holdover from pen and paper RPGs. They were near mandatory then. Now a computer can do calculations faster and let us simulate real time movement. Now I don't need to just sit there politely like an honoraburu japanese samurai while an enemy walks over and slashes me with a sword. Turn-based stuff also almost always has heavier reliance on RNG, which I dislike in general. I don't like things that abstract me and my decisions and skill from the results in the game. People basically say it comes down to managing odds, but I'd rather just manage the actual outcome instead of managing odds. Games like Pokemon help me deal with it a little, since at least there it's justified in-universe as you not actually playing as the thing doing the battles, but you're just playing as a coach. But while that helps the immersion a bit, it's only a bit. I love Digimon's anime, but playing Digimon World and then having no control over battles until like a couple hours in sucks, even if it's justified in-universe as your Digimon not being well trained yet. I can kind of get into the exploration and adventure part of RPGs, but sometimes you get an RPG that doesn't even have that, but instead just have hallways where you walk from one battle to the next, and it's just nothing but turn based battle after turn based battle, with your characters just standing there in a line and exchanging blows. Why? There's no exploration or adventure, and there's no combat. I can't comprehend the fun in this. Maybe if you grind like hell you can customize your stats, but then you'd have to grind, and there's no fun in that. All these complaints are mitigated a bit by things like grid-based RPGs, since at least there I have a tiny bit more control. The more control I have, the better. But the worst are games like Kingdom Hearts, where they pretend its real-time, but the mechanics are fucking shit because it's clearly intended to be more like a turn based game and making it real time isn't the real point. I also hated when one of my friends tried to make me play Morrowind or something back in the day and I ended up faced with this. Worst of all worlds. I refuse to touch an Elder Scrolls or Bethesda game to this day. They got famous with casuals after I already learned how fucking shit the gameplay was, and I've been baffled ever since. I hear more RPGs these days are doing this fake real time thing, and I just don't get it. I'd take traditional turn based over this shit any day, and I don't even like that. >FPS/TPS Shooting is boring. I think it comes down to the fact that I again feel like I don't have as much control. I grew up with platformers and I want to jump around all over the place and interact with the terrain and go fast. These games don't let me move around as freely, typically. When they do, like say Ratchet & Clank, then it's not really a shooter anymore. Adding fun movement to a shooter is basically what the later Ratchet & Clank games are (the first one I would say is a lot heavier on platforming than shooting, but that balance shifts toward shooting with each sequel), and since they're actually fun to move around in, nobody considers them shooters. I do kind of like stuff like Star Fox and Panzer Dragoon. I like it better when you can free fly and not just go on rails, but I still like the on rails stuff more than FPS/TPS. Maybe the heavier use of a third dimension helps. Idk. Maybe it's also just that those games have more fun presentation than most FPS/TPS, which are frequently boring looking and sounding, even the sci-fi or cartoony ones. >MMOs or any other game made to be played online or even multiplayer only If I wanted to socialize, there are things I could be doing other than video games. I wanna play video games because I'm a shut-in. I don't wanna deal with strangers, I don't wanna have to wait for matches, I don't wanna have them rely on me and get mad when I suck, and I don't wanna rely on them and get mad when they suck. I don't wanna have to deal with metagaming and only play a certain way because "the community" decided that's best, or have to play a certain way because everyone else only plays a certain way. I don't wanna deal with turboautists who got the game the minute it came out and have practiced every second since and made it so I'll never catch up since they got that head-start and will stomp me every time I try to play. I don't wanna deal with newfags who suck and won't provide me with a reasonable challenge. I don't wanna deal with games that will become doorstops once not enough other people want to play them anymore. I don't wanna deal with games where the developers couldn't be bothered to finish the game by actually crafting careful challenges for me to overcome, and instead just made some basic mechanics and then left it to other players to design the actual challenges. This contributes to why I don't like many shooters, since so many are made to be multiplayer only. It also hurts fighting games, since they've been losing single player content to cater to tourneyfags who say single player doesn't matter. I loved Soul Calibur for its significant single player modes. People shat on Soul Calibur III when it came out because they said the AI was broken, which it kind of was, but only if you're a metagaming autist who looks for all the exploits, all the moves the AI isn't as good at blocking. A regular player wouldn't notice. They complained about balance, but again, you'd have to be a tourneyfag to notice. Meanwhile, there was a cool RTS-lite mode where you can take control of a unit at any time and fight in a Soul Calibur battle to get a little more control over a unit. That was cool as hell. But after that there was never significant single player content again, because the next game was online, so clearly that's all we need. No need to make actual content for people to enjoy anymore. I like racing games, though. But at least they tend to have time trials for me to go for and stuff like that. But I do like kart racers way better than more sim-like games, largely because they tend to have way more content, and don't expect me to just have fun racing the same couple tracks over and over just because I'm playing online with strangers who might as well be NPCs. >>791822 You can run fast by holding the Square button. But yes, the flame is basically a melee attack and not a projectile. There are pickups and powerups that let you shoot projectiles, but it's not the main point of the game. Spyro is more like Banjo Kazooie with better movement mechanics than it is like something that is wholly about the movement mechanics like Mario or whatever. Also, if you want Spyro with combat, there are the "Legend of Spyro" reboot games on PS2. They're shit and I'm still mad they made them. Spyro as a beat em up was a terrible idea. I just wanna charge and glide around.
>>817510 It’s the Official Pooh’s Adventures Game. It only appeals to that certain sect of autist that likes to read crossover fanfiction. It also has the added layer of being a weeb game which attracts its own brand of autism.
>>817510 are you that one guy who sperged out at paper mario fags asshurt their series ended up shitier after miyamoto started messing with it?
>>817569 No idea. I'm on here every day and have lots of conversations. If it was me, it must have been years ago, and if you're still butthurt over it, I'm honored. I'm not into Paper Mario, but I heard people were mad that Miyamoto ruined it by saying it shouldn't have a story, because he wanted to see if an RPG could be good if it didn't have a story. Yes, that is stupid. It's stupid because the answer is obviously no, because RPGs aren't games, they're failed books and movies, and the fact that he proved the answer is no proves that it's a shit genre. Other genres can also be failed books and movies, of course. Like Metal Gear Solid, and a lot of "survival horror," and practically everything Sony has put out since Gravity Rush 2. But RPGs, and JRPGs more than the rest, very frequently have shit gameplay, and when push comes to shove, the fans will admit it, as they did with Paper Mario. Now, maybe Miyamoto also ruined the gameplay of Paper Mario. I don't know. I don't play them. But I do know the fans, when complaining, mostly complain that it isn't allowed to have a story anymore. I get getting autistic for the stories of games you like, but if it's the primary thing you like, and you wouldn't like it if the story was removed, then it's a shit game. Ordering soup for the spoon and all that.
>>817510 >>817595 This kind of autism is usually reserved for hour long Skyrim analysis videos, but I'm holyshit man try to have little fun. What kind of games do you prefer?
>>817598 I like platformers, racing games, adventure games (not point and click adventures, that's different. Games descended from "Adventure," like Zelda). Games with fun movement mechanics. I came close to complaining about Rare's N64 collectathons, since they get lumped in with 3D platformers, except they usually don't actually have good movement mechanics, and don't feature much emphasis on movement, but instead just walking around picking things up. If you're gonna do that, at least give me some better puzzles or combat than those games have. They're fine, but they're more like Zelda than Mario, and they're not as good as Zelda as Zelda.
>>817595 > If it was me, it must have been years ago, and if you're still butthurt over it, I'm honored. Haven't played any mario game since I was a kid, I just find your autism funny anon, You just seem like you'd be a lolcow if you weren't anonymous so I find you entertaining to read. You seem pretty asshurt about that paper mario argument yourself since you immediately got defensive and wrote about how you were totally in the right, and will no doubt right an incredibly mastubatory reponse to my post about how not asshurt you are about it. Star fox has always been a middling series by the way.
>>817602 We're in a thread about "Vidya your brain refuses to enjoy." You gave me an excuse to talk about a popular vidya my brain refuses to enjoy. You're so butthurt you get mad when the thread is used for what it's supposed to be used for. At least when it's a game you like that's mentioned. >Star fox has always been a middling series by the way. I don't know what you're trying to do here. Do you think I'm gonna get butthurt because you said something negative (not even really) about a game I said I liked? I don't care. I wish you'd talk about it more, like the thread is for. Also, I don't even love that series. I just mentioned my own hypocrisy in liking that subgenre but not similar subgenres because that just highlights the "brain refuses to enjoy" part of the subgenre I don't like. Part of me feels like I should like it, but my brain refuses to enjoy. Also, if you think "lolcow" is "someone who talks about disliking game I like in thread specifically for that," you're clearly the type of kiwifarms autist that just thinks everyone you don't like is a lolcow, but is clearly more autistic than anybody you laugh at. But at the same time, we do come here to share our thoughts and entertain each other. So it's good that you're entertained. Just sad that you don't understand that's the point. You're a failed normalfag, and that ironically makes you more autistic than everyone else here.
>>817605 I love it. a normal anon would have just called me a faggot and left it at that. Everything you write reminds me of moviebob if he was an imageboard user instead of a twitterfag, For whatever reason so I find it hilarious.
>>817609 "Normal anon" is an oxymoron. You're a failed normalfag butthurt that someone pointed out a game you like is shit. You can't even defend your position. You're not helping yourself, here.
>>817610 Lol. Never played a Paper Mario game by the way.
>>785809 It's the same for me. Nowadays I can only play very specific games that are really different from everything I've ever played or if I'm a situation in real-life where I can't do anything except wait for time to pass.
>>817595 >and the fact that he proved the answer is no proves that it's a shit genre. What was the question?
>>818412 If RPGs could be good without a story.
>>818443 Have you ever played a roguelike or a gameplay focused dungeon crawler?
>>818445 Sorry, I should have said JRPG, since that's what Miyamoto and Paper Mario are concerned with.
>>818449 I don't think japan has ever made a rpg without a story focus. They tack on a story even if it doesn't really need it. >>817599 Which racing games you play these days, with there being nothing good released in like 10 years. Platformers are weird for me, i don't like them but somehow I love Rayman. Maybe with the music and artstyle? Rayman 2 and even origins
>>818456 >Which racing games you play these days, with there being nothing good released in like 10 years. I almost never play new games. Except for the latest Marios/Zeldas/Sonics, which I still keep up with. And I do want to catch up on Metroid. But aside from that... the only new games I've enjoyed in practically a decade are Gravity Rush 2 and Tearaway: Unfolded. As for racing games specifically, I just play CTR over and over, but I like practically every one I've played. And when I find another kart racer people don't talk about as much, I usually end up liking it. Like nobody talks about that Mega Man racing game on PS1, but I played through all the single player content on that a while ago, and it might not be the best game ever, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I enjoy more arcade style racers too, and can get some fun out of sim ones even, but the less realistic, the better. I beat Rayman 1, 2, and Origins. Never got into 3 or Legends, but probably should. It always felt like the weird European knockoff platformer. Something always felt a bit off about it. But I like platformers so I still beat those ones. 2 and 3 are really a whole different thing. Rayman 2 doesn't even feel like a sequel to Rayman 1 in any way except that it stars Rayman. But it's still fine. I like 3D platformers more than 2D generally. I also gotta check out Raving Rabbids on GBA, since I hear that's actually a 2D platformer based on the 3D platformer Raving Rabbids was supposed to be originally. So it's one last real Rayman game before it became Rabbids minigame garbage.
>>818449 There are many JRPGs that stand on their own even if they aren't that story focused like Shin Megami Tensei. Puzzle-like battles are fun.
>>818479 The further the battles get from traditional "stand in a line, pick your moves, (really, play rock, paper, scissors,) hope RNG works in your favor and not the enemy's favor," the better. The further you get from that, the less it is a traditional JRPG. So you're just saying that the less it is a JRPG, the better.
>>818483 >>818483 >stand in a line, pick your moves, (really, play rock, paper, scissors,) hope RNG works in your favor and not the enemy's favor," Alright I'll give a serious reply this time. Name 10 jrpgs that work like that and aren't old as dirt. Even basic bitch jrgps like dragon quest and the newer turn based final fantasies don't work like this from what I've seen and heard unless your talking about the earliest entries.
>>818483 As this >>818504 anon said your understanding of JRPGs is straight from the SNES era and even then there was a shit ton of experimentation.
>>784653 Lots of CRPGs, i do not enjoy them trying to mimic Tabletop mechanics so often and pause to make actions in some game just feel bad
>>818530 I thought we were talking about JRPGS?
>>818532 My bad. I thought you were the other guy
>>818533 No worries
>>818504 Admittedly I don't play new games very often at all, but Pokemon still works like that, right? I've also heard people say that Final Fantasy VII is different because it has meters that fill and you can attack once a meter is full. That's not different. It's an incredibly minor thing. Improvement? Sure, but not a very significant one. I understand newer ones play like Kingdom Hearts, which I guess is a bit different, but it's also worse, because it's just the worst of both worlds of turn based and action. Action RPGs are cool in my books, if the action is actually well done and not clearly an afterthought like Kingdom Hearts. But I would also argue RPG mechanics (even ones that aren't turn based) are made to make games easier by making you able to grind and make your character better instead of just getting better yourself.
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I'm also playing Yooka Laylee the Impossible Lair. I'm at the beach area and I'm really losing interest but I am now 30 bees in, should I keep grinding for bees or do you think I stand a chance in the lair now? Finding new Tonics+Pagies feel so convoluted and tedious.
>>791722 PSO is peak. it is THE best MMO. i still play to this day. if you do, are you on a particular server?
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>been playing old games my entire life due to growing up with a shitty PC >finally got an actual gaming PC not long ago, try out modern games /v/ recommended that i missed out on, like Dark Souls, the NieR games, RDR2 and also 3D porn games with mods >become genuinely impressed at the gameplay mechanics, combat, amount of content, and attention to detail in modern games, like a caveman discovering fire >became used to that now, can't go back to anything before the sixth gen without feeling like i'm playing a tech demo It's not even the graphics that's the problem because i sure as fuck was used to sprites and low poly at 800x600 windowed. I don't hate old games but honestly going back to them now just feels wrong for me. I think playing modern games has awakened the zoomer within me.
>>828807 SNES games are my limit. I simply can't play anything earlier than that because it's usually TOO basic. If my control scheme is limited to a joystick and three buttons, then the game itself had better have some incredible depth.
>>828807 >>828833 >was a kid when 3rd gen was just getting started and 2nd gen was still a thing >can enjoy simple games to this day >even Tiger handheld tier games Feels Goodman.
>>828836 Don't you have some medicare checks to go cash, grandpa?
>>829014 that's not how it works you literal retard
>>828807 I find the biggest issue with old games is the intentional grind padding. Until I realized how shit it was for modern games I used to put up with a ton of grind in old games. Now I refuse to play them without cheating to speed up exp gains. I'll also cheat to fix broken shit like the Runey System in Rune Factory Frontier because mechanics designed to eat your time are bullshit.
Who actually developed banjo kazooie compared to yooka laylee? I need to see a chart of the missing staff, it would mean a lot.
>>828807 The gameplay mechanics part is the part that really doesn't check out. Would you really consider the gameplay mechanics in Yooka Laylee to be better than in Banjo Kazooie? No. Gameplay mechanics haven't gotten better. >>828833 Depends on the game. Mario and Zelda don't need more buttons to have equally complex gameplay. Simon Belmont walking around like a tank is part of the fun. >>829023 Just stop playing RPGs. There is no grinding in almost any other game from any other genre, and even when other genres do adopt RPG mechanics, like grinding, it usually isn't as heavy. Then again, games that do that are usually ones people don't like as much, like Zelda II. But Zelda II is has an easy grinding spot once you get to the Eastern half of the map, if you really feel you need to. You don't really need to.
>>785809 Objectively only a retard would be amazed and entertained with games at 20, the same way he was at 5. You can see the desperation in ecelebs, journalists and such who have to do it for a living: they're waiting for death to release them from the toyroom hell.
>>828807 All it takes is building up tolerance for old graphics for a couple weeks. You can always downgrade your expectations.
>>829120 He specifically said it wasn't about graphics. That makes it even dumber, since graphics are the only thing that's actually gotten better. (But artstyles haven't, so games can and overall do still look worse. But they should theoretically be able to look better.)
Halo It's a great game series, I can see the appeal for sure. The music alone is 10/10. It's just I didn't play it when younger and now I don't like shooters anymore so I can't get into it. All shooters now feel empty, like why am I doing this, win or lose they're boring. Really unfortunate but it is what it is.
FPS games, all of them. I’ve tried everything from Doom to Halo to CS to TF2 to Overwatch to obscure Milsim titles, and I just can’t get into them. TPS are just more intuitive and fun to me.
>>828708 > i still play to this day. if you do, are you on a particular server? I play on Ephinea, but usually only when I get a particular itch or need to sleep and can't. Not that I find the game boring or anything, but I've just fallen asleep so many times over the years with the controller in my hand that it just kind of naturally conditioned me to be sleepy when I play. Really fucks up my Luck Mat hunts. I also have an alt-account set up on my laptop that I let my nieces and newphews play when they're over so we can run local-ish co-op. So I might be on more over the summer since they'll be staying a few days with us over summer break.
>>784653 It's probably because you're looking up porn of the stuff you dislike and you're disgusted by it by proxy. Or it's just shit. Could be either tbh.
XCOM, I can't get past the UI nor the lack of info provided, type of game's right up my alley as well.
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>>829039 https://www.mobygames.com/game/3583/banjo-kazooie/credits/n64/ https://www.mobygames.com/game/86745/yooka-laylee/credits/playstation-4/ >Project director Chris Sutherland; was the lead SWE on Banjo >Lead character art director Steve Mayles; was the art director on Banjo >Environment artist Steven Hurst; was the background artist on Banjo >Character artist Kevin Bayliss; was an additional artist on Banjo >Composer Grant Kirkhope; was also Banjo's composer The core dev team of Banjo wasn't huge, only about 17 people, and YL has five of them or little under 30%. Of those five, none were designers.
>>829097 >>829338 >gameplay mechanics haven't gotten better Easy to say that when you've played a lot of games made after 2010 and can't remember how barebones your favorite old games were.
>>832756 Barebones doesn't mean worse if those bones are actually good.
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I'm a pretty open-minded person who doesn't really care about what your political alignment is as long as you aren't an enormous fucking asshole. I'm personally a lolbert, but I have seen works made by lefties that I enjoyed. I disagreed with them, but I thought they were well made, even if the message was against what I believed. I'm explaining this to make a point that I wasn't going to immediately hate on Disco Elysium just because it's a commie game. But holy fuck, do I just dislike this game even though I don't think it is completely terrible. There are just so many little things that irk me about it: >The fact that it pretends to be an RPG when it is a point'n click adventure game >The fact that the entire gameplay is just fucking around a city >The fact that your political choice is not treated seriously no matter what you pick >The fact that everything is made from this perspective of what seems to be perpetual depression and nihilism >The fact that any actual detective work you do doesn't matter >The fact that the creators treat the fucking conversations with random people as more important than the actual murder case >The fact that the game fucking misleads you about a murder case >The fact that the game pretends to have choices and they don't matter. I just cannot stand it, there are actual things that I could like about this game and some neat ideas, but they seem to be buried underneath just a shit-ton of bullcrap. I think that this game would geniuently be better if it dropped the pretense of being an RPG.
>>828807 Depends on the game, some old games are geniuently super impressive, more so than the newer games, some are just barebones. But I feel this way when I compare old JRPGs to modern ones, they are just so much more mechanically fun it's insane.
>>838770 What annoys me about DE is despite how political it is, it treats every ideology like a joke. >Communist? Le hungry hammer, Billions Must Die >Liberal? You're just a hustler extraordinaire who wants to nickle and dime the world >Moralist(centrist/social democrat)? You're actually just a fascist wearing a liberal's clothing >Fascist? Lmao you have no bitches this one's funny though I don't know, I think I prefer the Fallout: New Vegas approach. I do enjoy the schizo "Apocalypse" path, though. It's fun to freak people out by discussing THE GREAT BLOODLETTING THAT TURN ALL MANKIND TO VAPOR ΟΥ͂ ΛΌΓΟΥ Δ' ἘΌΝΤΟΣ ΞΥΝΟΥ͂ ΖΏΟΥΣΙΝ ΟἹ ΠΟΛΛΟῚ ὩΣ ἸΔΊΑΝ ἜΧΟΝΤΕΣ ΦΡΌΝΗΣΙΝ
>>838784 That is kind of the point of the story that Harry doesn't really believe in what he is saying and uses it as a cope... But honestly I agree with you. Because of two reasons: >People who use politics as a cope out from an existential crisis don't treat politics like a game, they become fanatics. The biggest extremists are those looking for meaning and thinking they found it. That's why people like Pol Pot, Hitler, Himmler, Stalin or cultist are so extreme. This is the complete opposite of how people cope in real life. >It's a fucking rpg in which the main alignment mechanic is meaningless because the story treats it as meaningless because "muh message" that is bad game design from a standpoint of an rpg.
>>838784 >>838785 Wasn't at least one of the writers for the game a Marxist unironically? There was some kind of Marxist essay discovered by anons that he wrote in the past if I remember right. There's also the incredibly stupid and naive way the writers went about publishing the game because "capitalism bad' and they ended up being cheated out of their own IP because they obstinately refused to "participate in the system." I only remember bits and pieces because I never bothered to play the game despite considering it heavily. The satire seemed extremely heavy handed and the Marxist influence shows when the idiots writing the game believe that Fascism is a totally unique, completely different ideology that has nothing to do with Communism and boils down to "wo-man dumb." Really they're two sides of the same coin. Fascism is a direct reaction to Communism and Marxists are just as much to blame for every national panic that ended up with a Fascist gaining popular support. A much more intelligent satire would have made jokes about a Fascist leader saying "I'm Charlemagne/Caesar reincarnated, but seriously guys, for real this time!" or abusing emergency power loopholes. "Wo-man dumb" is a reductionist joke that shows they aren't even smart enough to realize what makes Fascism unique -- looking down upon women certainly isn't unique to any ideology.
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>>838770 This. Just this. This is my problem with the game, it wants to compare itself to Plancescape Torment but isn't that good and the resulting politics that have come from it are unsurprising. >>791822 Having played the games as a kid and now the reignited trilogy, it very much is the level design that I like the most about spyro. Take Misty Bog for instance, it has you moving around on the upper level before proceeding down to the finish. Alot of the levels in Spyro 2 and 3 are like this. It is a simple game but that's why it sold well. >>784882 Really? I've always put it down to learning the tutorials and then repetition against AI. Eco is always king and micromanagement is always a bitch. For me it'd be metroidvanias. I don't wanna backtrack in a game to get items to open up new areas. I just wanna proceed and move on. Also Souls like as a genre. Roll and stamina bars are over rated as a genre.
>>838971 >Wasn't at least one of the writers for the game a Marxist unironically? >There was some kind of Marxist essay discovered by anons Anon, it's not remotely subtle. The whole game is quite openly Marxist, you generally know that going in. It's not pretending to be anything else, I think Robert Kurvitz even talks about this in the art book. It's nicknamed "The Communism Game" in some circles. That said, it does make fun of communism the way it makes fun of other ideologies, but it's obviously implying there's something to it despite the jabs.
>>838971 >Really they're two sides of the same coin. Fascism is a direct reaction to Communism and Marxists are just as much to blame for every national panic that ended up with a Fascist gaining popular support. They also mix up classical fascism, monarchism and nazi-esque ideologies which are not the same. Fascists and Nazis are from the same ideological tree that Commies stem from (but Fascism isn't necessarily racist) while Monarchists are completely unrelated. I don't like how the game tries to make it the same shit.
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>>839028 While I don't agree commies and fascists are quite from the same branch, Marx's view of communism was this weird pseudoscientific materialist base of a property-less society ruled by the working class while fascism has in origins in the likes of Nietzsche, this is actually an issue with all portrayals ideologies in the game. What the hell are Moralists? It never really decides what they are, swinging between them being neo-liberals, secular centrists, social democrats, cryptofascists, and this weird in-universe pseudo-religious sect called Dolorianism. A big DE fan would probably tell you "yeah because THEY'RE ALL THE SAME THING LMAOO", but witty remarks are not a valid replacement for analysis. These groups are not the same thing, the game uses this vague "Moralist" label to say everything from "Moralists are people who don't have opinions on anything" to "Moralists are EU-style bureaucrats who don't do anything" to "Moralists are imperialistic tyrants and ruthless enforcers of capital". I don't know how much of this is intentional and how much comes down to the limitation of only having four political alignments.
>>829039 The janitor, the guy who served coffees and the guys who were dicking around while play testing. >>831380 This is the bullshit that nostalgiafags refuse to see, their beloved childhood games were products of their time whose developers moved on and realized that being videogame developers as a source of income is the worst idea ever. >>838784 >Communist game that plays it safe and refutes its flaws of their political bias Quite ironic how these people brag that they're united at any cost yet they'll end up backstabbing each other.
>>839028 >They also mix up classical fascism, monarchism and nazi-esque ideologies which are not the same. They're all "reactionary" ideologies directly opposed to Marxism, so as far as Marxists are are concerned that's close enough for government work if you'll excuse the pun. >Fascists and Nazis are from the same ideological tree that Commies stem from No, not really. The socialist elements in Fascism and National Socialism are derived largely from what is known as utopian socialism as opposed to scientific socialism. The main distinction between utopian and scientific socialism is that while scientific socialism hinges on the idea of armed revolution because it maintains that the class divide is insurmountable utopian socialism relies on what is, for lack of a better term, philia. The scientific socialists think that socialism will only be achieved via armed revolution because a voluntary shift to communism is impossible while the utopians think that people will eventually choose to enact socialism out of some sort of considered mutual self-interest. Amusingly enough, if you want to see the most success that utopian socialism has ever had then you have to look at the first five decades or so of the Kibbutz movement in Israel. Most other examples are Christian communes such as those perpetuated by the Hutterites. National Socialism and Fascism don't really have much in common with utopian socialism beyond the largest and most nebulous ideas such as the elimination of class distinctions, communal labor, the amalgamation of all peoples under the flag, etc. Part of the reason that these ideologies hold so much fascination is their novelty - they really don't fit neatly into any boxes and resist pigeonholing of all but the crudest and most useless sort; dissemble enough and any shape will fit into any hole.
>>839032 >>839090 Fascism is very much from the same branch as communism, they have far less to do with Nietzsche and far more to do with Hegel. Same with Nazis although they hide their roots more. They all have roots in Hegelian dialectic and historicism, though Nazis kind of exist as a """contradiction""" of that, trying to offer a third option but doing the same shit regardless because they're still in the same thought sphere. >>839032 Moralism is just """"MUH CENTRISM BAD"""" because Commies cannot understand why someone wouldn't want to support their shit-tier cult and instead look for actual pragmatic solutions. Hell, most ideologies that fill the shoes of moralism don't even agree with each other but they get the "they don't have beliefs lmao" treatment because DE devs don't fucking understand that not everything fits into their shit-tier worldview.
>>839148 As in, moralists are shit on because they don't fit the mold of what communists think.
I played every TES game and enjoyed them all. Expect oblivion. I don’t know what is there with that game but I just don’t have fun with it. I can feel that it’s a great game and that it holds many hours of fun, but I just cannot get into it.
>>784653 I know having the >It was never good!! Mindset is usually obnoxi
>>848971 So sad to see Candlejack get another anon even after all these yea
>>848978 You fool, you should have known better than to say Candlejack's name, that's how h
Factorio. Just fucking boring.
I've been pussywhipped by Blue Archive for a while, I love the .pngs and 3Ds, the story is mostly about standing up for your friends + some sad twists which is nice, OST and visuals in general are good and I'm always waiting for new animations and comics, but you know what I sincerely, wholeheartedly, absofuckinglutely hate about it? The goddamn game itself; it's effects have been slowly wearing off and it has been detrimental to my experience as a fan, my brain has finally recognized the absolute garbage I'm exposing myself to and no amount of cute animu girls can save it. Most of the time is spent dicking around in menus doing shit that could be automatized, it all feels like a chore, even picking characters to appear in the main menu is a pain in the ass (which should be random including every unlocked character by default but whatever). I swear to god this game needs an algorithm that skips animations when it detects you've been dicking around menus for too much time, maybe Arona popping out covering the whole screen saying "Alright sensei stop this shit let's do some missions or something idk". I don't want Daily Login, I don't want Daily, Weekly and Monthly Tasks, I don't want no shopping-the-same-shit everyday, I don't want to spend my tickets everyday, I don't want notification icons for stuff that isn't important, I don't want no "Don't forget to claim your rewards! ~tee hee", I don't want to worry about ultra-rare-if-you-miss-it-go-fuck-yourself characters and events and ultimately I don't want any alternate currency in my games, I just want to click on cute chicks and look at them shooting their guns, maybe also going out for coffee with them or whatever. <but anon it's f2p dont worry abt currency I KNOW FUCK, I'm NOT spending a single dime on this, never did and never will, and while I could ignore everything I mentioned before and just focus on gameplay and story it's still bothersome having this nice light thing cluttered with so much crap. My only question remaining is "WHY?", out of all the things this game could've been why it had to be a fucking gacha?
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>>866805 All gacha are this tedious but the worse optimized they are the more it all weighs down on you. BA also has the unfortunate quality of being a passive game with little to no player input. This means you don't even get to have fun when you should. >why is this gacha aa Because it's soulless trash wearing the rotting skin of the old otaku spirit. Making games free to play and normalizing an obsession over gambling machines means your barrier of entry is lower and possible spending is orders of magnitude what the company would get from a typical consumer otherwise. The "people" who get really obsessed with BA think it's their duty to dump thousands of debt and hundreds of their every salary into the game. It's even worse than it used to be years ago when whales were infatuated only with metafaggotry, ranking and some anime girl to serve as an extension of their almost nonexistent personality and identity. Now you have genuine cultists who need to make their lives extraneously worth something through their obsessive consumption and brand identity. The best thing you can do for the market is mock them and take advantage of them. Treat them as the subhuman niggercattle they are, see them that way, and hope they die so fucking fast their purchasing power can't corrupt things any longer. TL;DR gacha exists because humanity is a fucking embarrassment.
>>866819 This is ultimately why morality laws exist. They are not there to control you but to stop retards from doing stupid shit and ruin it for the rest of us.
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These three. People play Underrail for the combat, but that also hinges on you looking up a build guide because the game is designed in such a way that unless you minmax, you'll have a bad time. Like having someone walk into a minefield, they get blown up so you send the next person in. Someone may get through but there will be a trail of corpses to do so. Same applies to Decadence, I find the combat too difficult unless you know what you're doing and the story not engaging me in a way that feels meaningful. Kenshi is a big open sandbox that looks like a game made in the early 2000s not the 2010s. I honestly don't care for it. Look, if you want to talk about combat, the recent Pathfinder games and Darkest Dungeon are really good examples. Pathfinder allows for whatever build you want and while there are bad builds, a sub-optimal build like the classes your companions start out as are still viable. Likewise with Darkest Dungeon, once you do a few expeditions you mostly know what to expect and the strengths and weaknesses of each class. Underrail by comparison is like back in school. You're a primary school student doing college level math problems like trigonometry and algebra. The teacher comes up to you, sees you've written an answer incorrect, goes WRONG and slams his ruler across your knuckles without explaining why. A game that requires cheese builds like AoE incendiary grenade builds to beat does not have a good combat system.
>>866830 I couldn't get into decadence but enjoy dungeon rats spin off simply by having not having a party to play just fucks you over so hard in that game. All of the special abilities each weapon type like using a hammer to lower the armor AC is just wasted if forced to use one character.
Rhythm games of any description. I can't get into them and I don't see the appeal. Most of them just seem like they're trying to give you carpal tunnel or early onset osteoporosis. They don't look fun and the music is often annoying kawaii jpop, anime intros or top 40 bullshit. I don't understand what the satisfaction comes from or even the point of the game loop. "If you play the notes perfectly in sync it sounds exactly the same as you playing back the song in any other way". What the fuck is the appeal?
>>866850 They're simple reactive games you use to get in a Zen state. I dig them for the same reason I dig racing games on the highest difficulty and with zero assists, they're meditative and to the point.
>>866850 You answered your own question. Let's rephrase it. >if play it correctly its like you're playing the music yourself, you talent-less fuck!
>>866830 >a build guide because the game is designed in such a way that unless you minmax, you'll have a bad time That's not fair. You should minmax but it's hardly mandatory to follow only this single meta approved cookie cutter build to clear it. Common sense and having a save and save often mindset will get you well up to end game credits. >A game that requires cheese builds like AoE incendiary grenade builds to beat does not have a good combat system. It doesn't require it. You can do that or you can invest into everything that has for example AR written on top and get a nice knock off M16 to rip and tear. Now, whether you're going to dip into stealth for alpha strike, will you have some psionics for flexibility, some explosives either of the thrown variety or mines to lure meatbags into. Will you go heavy armor and take it, will you try and build an evasion focus or will you simply go skyrim stealth archer and kill everything in the first few rounds? Or you can say fuck bullets and take a big hammer. Or embrace your inner nigger and chuck some spears. Your mileage will vary but everything is viable. >Look, if you want to talk about combat, the recent Pathfinder games and Darkest Dungeon are really good examples Ah, so you're a terminal faggot with massive brainrot. Noted. Discard every effort I made and please proceed to drown in raw sewage. That's where you belong.
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>>784653 Ruminating about this game made me understand I'd rather get lobotomized instead of play it again. >"aye, luk wot I 'fond. anutha timey wimey gidge gadge'n widget 'rom 'mperial err 'uh 'apan"
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Metal Gear Solid. I like everything about it EXCEPT playing it. I fucking suck at stealth and have to play on lower skill settings where there's a gun in the locker in the cavern (Twin Snakes). I'm worse than DSP because anytime I boot it up I can't get past the first screen trying anything above easy. It's a miracle I even beat Twin Snakes on easy one time at that. Also, I can't get into Splatoon. I don't mind gyro controls (I've used them for BOTW and the switch port of Doom 2016 just fine), but that combined with low distance projectiles and thirdperson combat AND the slow movement outside of squid form is just so not fun, also the TF2 tier levels of shitter unbalance weapons like the roller which is its version of the Phlogistinator. At least I'm very good at other games my brain is more compatible with, like Quake 3.
>>818458 >It always felt like the weird European knockoff platformer. I don't understand at all. To me it's the most creative and timeless in it's genre.
>>866853 NTA but I have no sense of time, at any scale -- seconds, hours, weeks. It's why I occasionally zombie-wake a thread is because I don't look at any timestamps and realize this is from before the event and those anons are probably dead by now.
>>866893 I'm gonna have to say that's Super Mario Bros., since that's the one every later platforming is directly aping.
>>866850 I never understood rhythm games that don't have significant gimmicks. Parappa the Rapper and Um Jammer Lammy are pretty cool, but that's partially because of excellent presentation, including fun original songs, not to mention very appealing graphical design. Frequency and Amplitude (and Rock Band Unplugged, the stealth third in the trilogy nobody even remembers) at least have that extra element of doing different instruments on different tracks and going between them. But Dance Dance Revolution? Tons of fun. Ridiculous and gets you all sweaty, but it's a good time. But my real favorites are Guitar Hero and Rock Band. In fact, fuck Guitar Hero. It's cool that it popularized the guitar stuff, because I do have fun with that, but Rock Band made it so much better with the drums and vocals. Singstar is gay because it's just slightly better karaoke, but I'd always just be too embarrassed to do karaoke. But do Rock Band, where you have a few friends doing instruments? Then I'm down to do vocals. In fact, what I really like to do is vocals + another instrument. Vocals + Drums is really hard, because drums can actually make you exhausted, and you have to control your breathing well in order to sing well, and this is all on top of having to keep track of the drum track and the vocal track at the same time, but it's very rewarding because vocals on Rock Band are pretty much just real vocals, and drums are pretty much just real drums. You get good at both for real. Might not be pro level, but it's a great start. Now, Vocals + Guitar/Bass is a hell of a lot easier (though still hard), but fake guitar isn't at all realistic. But it's easy enough that with a bit of practice you can play fake guitar (which isn't realistic but is fun), and that distracts you from how embarrassing your vocals are, and the singing helps distract you from how unrealistic the guitar is, so the result is you really do feel like a rock star. The keyboard on Rock Band 3 was cool as hell, and I'm still mad they didn't support it with Rock Band 4. I didn't like that it was only half a keyboard (you could plug in any MIDI keyboard, but the game only does notes for one hand), but it did make me better at that half of a keyboard. They sold a real guitar for Rock Band 3 as well, and the notes would actually be real guitar notes so you'd really be playing the song, but it was expensive as fuck so I never got it. But then Rocksmith came out, and I guess that makes it redundant since that works with any electric guitar. But I haven't played Rocksmith yet. Is it actually good? How hard is it to get set up? Is there anything like Rocksmith that incorporates the Singstar/Rock Band style vocals? Because that would instantly become my favorite game. Beatles Rock Band also successfully made me a huge fan of The Beatles. Great game. The extra presentation was nice and did make it even more fun than Rock Band 1 and 2.
>>867143 Raymans about as far from Mario as you can get while still being a platformer. They're practically opposite ends of the spectrum
>>828807 I know this comment is months old but I'm 25 and I've recently been playing the classic FF games on the pixel remaster version, just made it to FF5 a 31 year old game. I am having an okay time with them but I think what made the game actually somewhat bearable is the fact that I double the EXP and money gain so that the game isn't unbearably grindy anymore. The oldest actual game I beat was SMT 2 (it unsurprisingly aged like shit), nearly beat MegamanX but my emulator was dogshit with multiple button inputs in the very last level.
>>867437 Idk, they seem pretty similar to me. Move left to right across perilous platforms. Rayman seems no more different than Sonic or Zool or Bubsy or anything else. And this isn't criticism. I love the genre, and Rayman is definitely better than Zool or Bubsy, obviously, but they're all blatantly descended from Super Mario Bros., so therefore Super Mario Bros. is inherently the most creative and timeless in its genre. >>867443 Sounds like FF5 is just a terribly made game if even the developers acknowledge now that the difficulty scaling is so fucked that doubling the XP and money earned doesn't completely break the game. Most old games aren't like that. Most are way harder than today, and some are bullshit hard, but rarely is it so blatantly bullshit that changing the difficulty like that doesn't just break the entire thing. Mega Man X is awesome, and one of the best in its series. I'd say it's better than X2 or X3, but X4 might surpass it. (Later X games suck by comparison.) The original six Mega Man games on NES are great, too, but I think the later ones get too much hate. People say they're repetitive sequels, but I'm fine with not fixing something that isn't broken. Mega Man 5 and 6 might by my favorite in the NES series. Neat little improvements like some basic branching paths and some extra collectables add just a tiny bit that makes the game a little more fun. What are some of the oldest games that really have endings? Like yeah, Donkey Kong has an ending, but it's only four levels, and then you repeat them, so clearly you're not intended to just beat Level 4 and then stop playing. It's not really the ending. Super Mario Bros. is probably the oldest game I've beaten with an actual ending, but I know there are older. Pac-Land is the obvious predecessor to Super Mario Bros., and I hear it does have a real ending, but it gets very repetitive, so I've never beaten it. I guess Adventure on Atari must have a real ending. I should get to playing that some time. It spawned Raiders of the Lost Ark and ET (not to mention Zelda) which also have endings, but I don't have the patience for those. (Though maybe if I sat down and tried to learn Raiders properly, I'd probably like it). tl;dr: Are there any games older than Adventure that have real endings? Then again, if we're counting games that don't have real endings, Space Invaders, Asteroids, and Breakout are some great games from the '70s. There's a reason they're so classic. How can someone not enjoy them? How can you not enjoy Pac-Man or Donkey Kong?
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>>867443 >>867456 >FF5 >grinding Sorry, you retards are thinking of FF4. FF5 is a good game where any boss can be defeated at any level with any number of characters.
>>866853 If I were playing music I would want to be able to put my own spin on it you fucking retard. I wouldn't want it to sound exactly the same as the original recording.
>>867153 >Beatles Those toothless limey faggots ruined music. I am never getting into that cornball shit.
>>867577 They're not that great, just a brand that consists of pretty boys living together, leaving their fan club of dykes fantasize about them fucking each other while praising Yoko Ono like if John Lennon is going to be brought back from the death.
>>867662 >>867577 >>>/k/403 Fuck the beatles.
>>867575 Parappa the Rapper and Um Jammer Lammy are about adding your own spin if you want to actually get good. Playing exactly as expected is only enough to pass, but to get better than that and unlock extra stuff you have to freestyle. I'm sure other games are probably like this, but I just like Parappa and Rock Band, and Rock Band isn't like that. >>867662 Wait, you think Beatles fans like Yoko Ono? The Beatles: Rock Band made me appreciate that they have a very varied discography. A lot of very, very different sounding stuff, so if you don't like some of it, there's still a good chance you might like something else they've done. Their sound changed a lot over their relatively short career, and by the end, each of the four was basically doing his own different sounding stuff and just getting the other guys to play backup, so there was a lot of different sounding stuff even on the same album. All that said, John Lennon was most definitely a phony. Can't argue with that.
>>867577 This is the extreme contrarian position, in 1961 he'd be saying Elvis ruined music, and in 1954 he'd be saying Frank Sinatra ruined music. >>867662 Where have you ever seen a Beatles fan that likes Yoko Ono? Most I've talked to basically call her the reason the Beatles broke up, with at least a few calling her a "Jap witch" >>867674 The Beatles didn't make bad music, in fact their music inspired a lot of bands that came after them and if it was as shit as "music pros" born twenty to forty years after their heyday say it is then we'd never have heard of them. Are they overhyped? Absolutely. But they're not deserving of the scorn /mu/fags heap on them, especially when those faggots pushed the screaming angry nigger "music" that was Death Grips as an example of "good music"
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>>867457 I've been playing with double EXP since lategame FF2 then FF3 onwards because I started to hate and get sick of FF2's shit and I wanted the game to be over already, thank god for that Blood Sword, because my parties attributes eventually STOPPED leveling entirely for seemingly no reason. The final boss for FF4 was an absolute bitch to defeat even at level 70 which I got at a comfy paced grind, playing the game at normal EXP would have taken me probably maybe twice as long to beat the game, so long that it would feel like AGES and I would get downright sick of the game rather early on. Double EXP makes the games actually have a normal modern-like pacing to it and not feel as slow and sluggish as molasses.
>>867689 There's specific enemies you can grind on during the game, I had to do that since you're forced to grind before the four fiend gauntlet near the end of the game since I kept getting my shit wrecked.
>>867575 True, but people that absolutely suck as music just want to play music good period. Like how people only give a shit about AI now is because it looks good. Nevermind it has a problem with continuity and words.
A while ago I would have said JRPGs aside from Persona 3 onward. I have Chrono Trigger and Suikoden recently and enjoyed them a lot. It probably helps that they were on the easy side though. I suppose the other side of things are CRPGs with the likes of Fallout and Planescape just not clicking with me. I will try them again at some point hoping that things have changed.
>>868118 >I suppose the other side of things are CRPGs with the likes of Fallout and Planescape just not clicking with me I would not be surprised that you're not a fan of turn based tactical games as whole. If you're not a fan of xcom you're not going like CRPGs. Try the 2012 remake first to see that clicks, if it does try the orginal, and that seems too cumbersome xenonaughts, but put in the grenade launcher mod.
>>868118 >I suppose the other side of things are CRPGs with the likes of Fallout and Planescape just not clicking with me. That's because their gameplay sucks. Ask anyone what he remembers the most about classic Fallout and Planescape Torment and the answer will always be "the characters", "the world" or "the story", but no one remembers them for their gameplay.
>>868118 >I suppose the other side of things are CRPGs with the likes of Fallout and Planescape just not clicking with me. You could try Underrail. It's an outstanding game that plays exactly like a late90s/early 00s CRPG but with a lot of the edges rounded off and a much better backend. >>868119 >If you're not a fan of xcom you're not going like CRPGs Anon pls. The combat and GRAFIX are similar between XCOM and Fallout but XCOM is ALL combat and absolutely punishing while in good CRPGs it's almost optional most of the time and easily cheesed if it's not your jam.
All of them...
>>867456 Sure and every FPS game is a doom clone.
>>868258 Yes, they are. Or Wolfenstein clone, since that's what Doom is. Next you'll complain if someone calls Saints Row a GTA clone. >>868211 RPGfags love to order soup for the spoon. They won't admit that it's their mentality that helped encourage modern "cinematic" shit and story games in general. Well, them and text/point-and-click adventures.
It would be faster to list the games i do enjoy, because the amount of games i don't enjoy is almost all. I've tried to get into the old Final Fantasy games, i've tried to get into other RPGs, CRPGs, JRPGs, point and click games, survival horror, a lot of post-2010 single player FPS games, any RTS besides Starcraft 1, fighting games, a lot of visual novels just bore me, any simulation game that isn't the sims or simcity.
>>784653 MOBA shit without a doubt, Fortnite, really any normalfag approved games you would see at the top of Twitch.
>>784653 So what was the best 3D platformer of the 10s and 20s years that isn't Mario /v/? My memory is the genre had its golden era and peaked in the 5th gen. Declined in the next gen and pretty much fell off a cliff after that.
>>784653 MMOs, seeing so many other player characters running about makes the plot about being so special and saving the world cheap. My character isn't special, they aren't saving anything, they're just one out of thousands, even millions running about doing the exact same quests, with better looking armor that was only available years ago for a event that'll never happen again.
>>871570 >'10s and '20s I misread this and thought you meant "in the last 10 or 20 years." I was already heartbroken realizing that Sonic Adventure 2 was 22 years ago. Then I realized you meant starting from 2010, and all the games I had already written about were disqualified. I'll list the ones I've played off the top of my head. >Sonic Sonic keeps coming out, and they're generally fine. Sonic Generations is very good. Lost World was a bit of a disappointment but not actually bad, just not as good as you'd hope from Sonic. People talk shit about Forces, but as far as I'm concerned, it's fine. I never loved the Boost formula to begin with, and while this clearly isn't as good as Generations, I see it as an okay sequel. Frontiers changed things up a little and I like the experimentation they did with it. I wouldn't say any of these are among the best Sonic games, and Mario 3D World and Odyssey blew them all out of the water, but then there's no shame in losing to the best. And oh yeah, Sonic Generations is 3/4 2D, so I don't even know if it should count. Half the game is "Classic Sonic," so in 2D, but Modern Sonic's gameplay is half 2D too, which is stupid, since it's just worse than Classic Sonic. >Ratchet & Clank The only two that played like the main series and weren't spinoffs that deliberately changed up the gameplay were Into the Nexus and the adaptation of the movie. Into the Nexus was excellent but was made as a shorter budget title. The 2016 game was good because most of it was just levels from the original game, but it didn't include all the old levels, and the new ones had almost no platforming at all, they were just very boring and plain hallway shooter levels. In fact, this is making me realize that even Into the Nexus might not count for this since it is also heavily shooting based, like most of the series, so maybe the platforming isn't enough to say it's a great platformer. And oh yeah there's that new one, but I ain't playing that shit. >Sly 4 Great game. Not sure if I'd say it was as good as the first three, but very good. It was one of the first times I really felt a game suffered from being too easy, but I did still have a very good time with it. It's more of what you'd want from the series, and I like that. >A Hat in Time Felt like a kind of cool game, but then I finished it, but it didn't feel like I finished it. The game felt very unfinished. Also they inserted SJW bullshit into it. People say this game is inspired by Mario 64, or by Banjo, but really one thing I sort of like is that different levels play like different 3D platformers. In fact, Sly Cooper is the one I'd say it's the most like, especially with how the umbrella is used very much like the cane, and there are stealth elements straight out of Sly. I guess I just like it because I love Sly Cooper and want more of that. Disappointed at how it got close to great, but it fumbled in a few key areas. Oh well. Okay with a nude mod, though. >Crash Bandicoot 4 SJW garbage from the first trailer, made to stick it to the shitlords who liked the original. No thank you. I can't recall any other 3D platformers off the top of my head. I know there were some indie things, I don't know if any of them actually ended up getting finished and being good. Of the ones that did come out, I'd have to say either Sonic Frontiers or Sly 4. I don't know if Sonic Generations and Ratchet & Clank's later entries should even count as 3D platformers. Everything else is unfinished and/or SJW bullshit. We're left with only two real contenders, and both are sequels to long running series, and neither comes close to being the best in the series.
>>816180 MGS1 through 3 are pretty good, though I hate 2. I'd skip 4 and V is straight up terrible no matter who tells you otherwise. Horrendous gameplay and it's not nostalgia either. If you want a good modern stealth game, play the Hitman reboot trilogy.
>>871668 I'd argue that the gameplay is the only good part of V, and that it's really quite good. I do wonder how much of that is just because the FOX engine just feels really good control wise but it is what it is. And 4 was okay. The story was retarded but the actual game was fun enough.
The total war games... I can't find much of a reason to actually engage the battle map outside of the first few turns when it's much faster to play better on the strategic map and autoresolve, and siege assaults are always terrible to play out.
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>>866850 I didn't get into rhythm games for years since I can't carry a tune. Completely missed out on some of the best years, and most of the Guitar Hero craze. It wasn't until I pirated the Project Diva games on PSP that it finally hooked me, and the genre opened up for me. Just a shame that the western rhythm market is so completely fucked due to microtransactions and heavy handed licensing restrictions by a dying music industry. If nothing else, you gotta try Elite Beat Agents on the DS. Basically Osu! on a handheld (Osu! was heavily inspired by OTO/EBA) with crazy scenarios and an awesome art style.
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Any game that has self healing mechanics. When I got my first PS3 the only games that I had were: >Uncharted >Infamous >Kill Zone And I seriously make an effort but I couldn't. Maybe it was the dozens of hours playing Doom, buy my brain just doesn't compute a game that has some kind of health bar that recovers over time when you avoid damage.
>>872256 >Elite Beat Agents I'm still upset about that Chicago - You're The Inspiration mission. It had me in tears.
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I don't think I can find myself ever enjoying Rolling Thunder II, despite being superior to the first in damned near every way except feel/speed. How do you fuck this up man? >Better Graphics >Superior Audio >More Varied Locations >No longer losing hit points for contact damage <Although not getting rewarded for proactively landing ontop of enemies either >Mercy Invulnerability (debatable quality change, I kind of liked the fucked up brutality of effectively getting 1shot by leaping men or getting knocked into groups of enemies) >Simultaneous 2 Player Co-Op <Move speed is completely fucking gimped The movespeed just feels so fucking bad and makes me feel gimped |:^/
>>784882 There has been so much effort over modding WC3 for such a long time that at this point the game and its mods are disctintive entities, similarly to Doom and Mario World. I'm pretty sure you can enjoy Xhero o some party map without actually enjoying base game.
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Heya, /v/! I have a question, would you rather lick Yooka or Laylee's feet? Thanks! :3
>>784653 Actually you might have a point on the character should maybe have been a mammal instead of a chameleon. Normies are an extremely fickle group but there are some things that are so set in stone in regards to what appeals to them that this industry seems to have figured out long ago. It is also a well known thing that the majority of people have a more positive reaction when it comes to mammals vs reptiles because most people see cuteness in many mammals. Reptiles on the other hand are either more icky, dangerous or might give a neutral feeling at most. Neutral as in not icky like a bug but also not cute like a bear cub or kitten for example.
>>877715 I'd rather lick the feet of my snek tulpa waifu, of course!
>>877715 Laylee
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>>877715 Steve Mayles is a genuinely talented artist, I don't know what the fuck has to happen to your brain to make you put out this McDonald's mascot lumpy-looking plastic shit. 20 years of globohomo re-wiring i guess? I just want to go back in a time machine and save all of these fuckers from themselves and their own retardation. All of these artists, programmers, etc.. You do better work when you're younger, more innocent, and not as zogwashed into thinking with a kosher "design philosophy". I know from experience, the longer you spend in education or corporate spheres the more your natural talent and intuition is eroded and replaced with mechanical notions about what's appealing or desirable "to the masses", to sell your stupid product. instead of relying on gut instinct of "what's fun, cool, and something that i want to make". you lose that and you lose your touch and it's why everyone hates the sovlless shit you make. because it is sovlless. it sucks fat donkey corporate CalArts dick. Also, seriously, people underestimate the importance of Tim Stamper. He was the father of Rare's software and the real mastermind behind DKC and Banjo. It was his vision and direction that made these games come together into something cohesive and something made in good taste. He was an artist himself and his taste runs throughout all the software he was involved with as a creative lead. Notice, the less involvement Tim Stamper has with any particular Rare project, the more the art tends to run into ugly territory. See: DKC3. Or anything Rare made in its later years under Jewcrosoft. Also, if you want to talk game design/game feel/game play/game fuckshitwhatever, Gregg Mayles not being involved is why Yooka-Laylee is such a clusterfuck. Clusterfuck in every sense, not just gameplay. I mean they couldn't even settle on one composer or musical style for fuck's sake. This is why you need an actual fucking director with the balls to shut down everyone's shitty ideas and keep the creative energy flowing in the right direction. The people who got duped into their gay Kickstarter grift are stupid faggots too for falling for this shit, they should have known it would end up being shit. You know why? Because it's not even a Rare game. A Rare game isn't a Rare game without Tim Stamper. Period. No matter how much you like Grant Kunthope's music it doesn't change the fact that Grant Kunthope can't design and program a whole fucking videogame and do it well. i don't know, sometimes i just think people are fucking dumbasses and they don't even know why they like the Muh Old Thing in the first place. they can't fucking articulate it, because they themselves are stupid and non-creative people. which is why they fall for a fucking Kickstarter grift Dollar-Store version of the thing they liked 20 years ago. fucking retards
>>904433 Still not as baffling as people paying in advance for Mighty No. 9 just because some guy who drew some art for Mega Man (after the character was already designed) was in charge of it.
>>904433 Is Steve Mayless the one who revealed that he was going to butcher Killer Instinct? vid related
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>>905116 I doubt it since he didn't do KI. The main art guy on KI was always Kevin Bayliss (and i think that's him in the video). also i think steve left rare loooong before the ki reboot was even a thing. either way they're all faggots now so i don't care. Kevin Bayliss has a fucking stream now complete with facecam, tranny LED bedroom lights, the whole fucking kaboodle. it's terrifying.
>>905195 I wouldn't be surprised if he's buggering english twinks now, he looks the type
>>905260 >Has been developer luring little fags from twitter into his cult That's his own way to escape from his harsh reality, nobody would take seriously some fagolescent outside of his social media circlejerk.
Mario and Rabbids. I actually like the gameplay, it's a nice variant of an Xcom-lite. I just can't fucking stand rabbids. Thankfully the sequel removes the "must have a rabbid in your party" character restriction.
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>>905418 The sequel is guilty of something else entirely.
>>877715 I'm still really puzzled as to how they managed to make such a shitty character design. They literally just said "let's have two animal characters that have the exact same gameplay function as Banjo Kazooie with none of their personality". Yooka and Laylee are not charming, cute or even pleasant to look at. They're the most dorky, generic-looking, dull as dishwater characters I've seen in a platformer.
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>>905420 They didn't assess the level design of Banjo-Tooie and DK64 or gave any thought about what makes those super huge levels engaging to play through, including adding warp pads and "weenies", they also gave the equivalent of the talon trot a fucking stamina meter, awful design all around. The characters and world weren't fleshed out and lacked the nostalgic component to string the audience along, and of course the character design was ass (save for rextro and capital B, those were pretty good). This video explains the cream of the crop for good banjo level design. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=36wclKt4vdk?si=zY2hDjp1sbCcZc0P
>>905195 I've watched Bayliss streams and he doesn't seem so bad. Just doing regular art streams and teaching about the methods he used to make the KI and Diddy Kong Racing renders back in the day.
>>905428 Oh really? I'll have to look at his stuff then, all i saw was a webm of him playing DKC like a 3-year-old while pretending to be interested and making obnoxious sound effects constantly. followed by him flashing his same 5 drawings from 30 years ago with basically no interesting insight besides "yeh, we made em with nerbs, had t'be rather compact cuzza the hitboxes, yeh" i just don't know how these guys don't get bored of being a performing baboon for attention and sheckles from their literally retarded fans. it's amazing how low the bar is now for infamy.
>>838770 >>838784 >>838971 It's really fucking annoying because some of the world building is sort of neat.
>>905419 eh, i personally see the rabbids as like the gremlins in gremlins 2, so that don't bother me much
I can't do it. I just can't fucking do it. This drab, dull and lifeless game is killing me the more I play it, what am I supposed to do? Build shit and then...?? Tell me anons, what about minecraft makes the autistic toddlers giggle in glee and give the sticky fingered giddiness of a boy digging his hand into a bowl of sugar?
>>917240 I genuinely don't know how anyone enjoys it without mods. I can't enjoy it unless I can turn it into an rpg or factory autism sim.
>>917240 >>917254 Minecraft is fun with frens or if you just get the build-tism. That's it. Or it was anyway before Mojang messed with it too much. Terraria is the better Minecraft anyway. It's fun with frens or for building AND ALSO is a good game all on its own.
>>917265 I don't know why people compare Terraria to Minecraft at all. They are absolutely nothing alike except for the fact that you can build stuff, something that can be said about all kinds of games such as pic related.
What's the appeal of roguelikes? I tried hades and it's not clicking with me.
>>931703 Hades is barely a roguelike. That might be your issue. Hades is a Roguelite, and barely even that since it's more like a cinematic experience than a gameplay-oriented one. If you want a true roguelike, play Crawl. If you want more Roguelites, I recommend Binding of Isaac, Noita, Risk of Rain, or Rogue Legacy, just to name a few. To answer your question, the appeal is the challenge brought by perma-death, but since most people like at least a little bit of progression, the Roguelite genre was born and became quite popular. I am actually one of those who likes to see progression in some way, it makes it easier for me to justify playing the game.
>>931703 If you're interested in traditional roguelikes: DCSS (Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup) https://crawl.develz.org/download.htm Brogue: https://github.com/tmewett/BrogueCE/releases Infra Arcana (HP Lovecraft inspired roguelike): https://sites.google.com/site/infraarcana/home TGGW (The Ground Gives Way): https://www.thegroundgivesway.com/download/ DOOM RL: https://drl.chaosforge.org/downloads CDDA (Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead): https://cataclysmdda.org/experimental/
>785809 >14 years of my life was stolen by the government by forcing me into the indoctrination—oops I mean “education” system. Kek
>>784653 I really do not understand how to have fun in Fortnite Am I missing something
>>949269 You're missing nothing if you're not a zoomer. Fortnite is a zoomer game zoomers play just because other zoomers play it.
>>784758 Agreed. Without tmodloader and quality of terraria mod it's unplayable.
>>905116 That's not Steve Mayles, that's Mick Gordon, and he's just the composer of KI 2013 (also Doom 2016/Eternal).
>>905418 >Mario and Rabbids. I actually like the gameplay, it's a nice variant of an Xcom-lite. I just can't fucking stand rabbids. Thankfully the sequel removes the "must have a rabbid in your party" character restriction. Mario and Rabbids should have been Mario & Rayman instead, playing as Mario and Rayman characters (Globox, Ly the fairy, Betilla) AGAINST the rabbids, not teaming up with the little shits.
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Literally ANY card game except for Uno.
>>950983 I fukken love duelmasters
>>951009 duel masters addict here there's a gacha with a native pc port that can be played in english using fan translation patch made by a bunch of redditors
>>951009 surprised me to discover recently that it just kept going in nipland
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>>951542 the card game market in japan is pretty funky #1 in sales is always the undisputed king of pokemon tcg holding a minimum of 30% of the tcg market share at all times now for the longest time #2 and #3 were yugioh and duel masters with varying percentages around the 10%s and usually shifting places when one has a really bad or really good meta and etc. (ofc yugioh always raking in more money because of worldwide sales as opposed to japan only) i believe recently the one piece tcg has now claimed that 2nd place
I liked Yooka-Laylee. The devs are faggots who cut JonTron's role over his opinions so I'd never buy it, only pirate, but the gameplay's enjoyable and the worlds feel worth exploring. It doesn't feel as magical as Banjo but came close enough to be worth my time.
>>784653 Skyrim. I stopped playing after 2 hours my first time 'round. Then I came back years later and tried again, got about 5 hours in before uninstalling it.
>>951748 Sadly I funded it via kickstarter and couldn't sell my CD key.
>>866805 >My only question remaining is "WHY?"

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