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comfy switch thread Anonymous 08/07/2023 (Mon) 02:04:10 Id: d54af5 No. 868355
talk switch whatever, games, homebrew, whatever. >playan >waitan >hopan looking for some ind*e or more niche games to try on my recently modchipped switch lite™. any recommendations?
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Dog time.
Postan Nintendo memes to accentuate this bread
>>868360 God I love that fucking dog
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>>868360 >*God I love fucking that dog Ftfy
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>>868355 >playan Oracle of Seasons >waitan Prime 4 Mario Wonder Mario RPG Rune Factory 3 DQM >hopan Oracle of Seasons and Ages remasters, hopefully with a different art style than the LA remake.
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my steamdeck mogs the switch AND the successor.
Playan the FF Pixel Remaster. I'm at FFV now I think I'm nearly done I'm at the Moore Forest right next to a town called Moore. Crazy thing is that the town of Moore is back in FFXVI but it's full of legit racists this time around (well, if Bearers count as a separate race I guess). I also found out that I could stream certain steam games to my switch and play them just fine with muh joycons. I'm getting a controller adapter for my switch so I can play any of my steam games on my TV now whenever I feel like it. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B4JTDZP6?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details >>868400 I play with wireless bluetooth earbuds, I got ones with 10 hours of battery life in the acutal earbuds, they're kinda big and droop out of my ears making me look kinda stupid. They fit kinda wonky in my ears and the sound is a bit staticky with certain games for some reason but it works fine besides that. It also works perfectly on other devices without issue though wtf.
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>>868400 >Who even took that picture? Either one of his NYC friend or Gahoole when he visited him. >>868412 Steam Deck vs Switch isn't even a competition
recently played Smash WoL again, is worse than I remembered, it somehow is even more of a drag than SSE although it does have more of is moments
The MAYFLASH Magic-NS sucks ass and doesn't work on my emunand oled. Lets see if the 8bitdo adapter works instead? Also the FFV end game sucks PURE ASS, the entire game feels like a joke and a drag with nothing but retard fucking karmen raider or power ranger villains. The story sucks as well. Skipping ahead to FFVI now and so far it starts off really well, I hear it's one of the best in the franchise I've been playing all of the other games highly anticipating this one. >>868916 >it somehow is even more of a drag than SSE I will find you and bash your skull in with the biggest rock I can find, faggot.
>>869123 it was, sure it had some moments with the overworld like the gourmet race the castlevania maze and sf tour but it went on for way too long and the jrpg menu sims features made it even worse
>>869123 I got so burned grinding in FFV i never finished it. On the other hand i played and replayed FFVI several times. Also Hated FFVII, cloud is worst MC, cant believe that shit got so many spin-offs
>>868355 >playan ToTK >waitan Pikmin 4 after I'm done and other backlog I guess whats left is SMBW and Mario RPG >hopan really ready for a new system with analog trigger that a new Mario Kart can use with how fast 200cc is, analog would be beneficial
>playan Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate >waitan Raindrop Sprinters' western release >hopan That Sting doesn't botch the Riviera: The Promised Land Remaster.
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I'm currently playing Atelier Sophie 1 (MC is a cute dork), alongside of recurrent sessions of EDF4.1 and The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Considering buying Atelier Marie remake and Pikmin 4 later on. >>868355 >>looking for some ind*e or more niche games to try on my recently modchipped switch lite™. any recommendations? >Xmorph Defense (mashup between shmup and tower defense with fully destructible environment) >Futari de! Nyanko Daisensou (Battle Cats with none of the micro-transactions, has English support and was recently updated to include more content such as zombie enemies and the Tower) >Yomawari trilogy (survival horror games from Nippon ichi Software) >MAD RAT DEAD (mashup between rhythm and platformer, from NIS too) >Densha de Go! Hashiro Yamate-Sen (train sim, fully in japanese but there is an english guide on Gamefaqs to explain stuff and it's rather easy to understand most of it on a first glance) >Muse Dash (rhythm game with zero dlc) >Kiki Kaikai Kuro Manto no Nazo (new "Pocky & Rocky" game, consider downloading the JP version which has uncensored sprites and is still multi-language) >GrimGrimoire once More (remake of the Vanillaware RTS) >Photon Cube (puzzle game where you need to align color beams with the help of cubes) >Black Bird (shmup on a trip fever, by the same japanese dev company that developed moon) >Blaster Master Zero Trilogy (consider downloading a NSP of the japanese cartridge for the full voice-acting, text remains multi-language btw) There are plenty more, and here are what come to mind from my personal experience. >>868412 >>868422 Having both systems, I largely prefer the Switch as my main system considering >it's the where-to-go for japanese imports >it's more "compact" to bring around and more versatile with the hybrid format (especially the tablet mode with my OLED model) >the sleep function of the Steam Deck can screw up a bunch of PC games which is essentially a negative to me when I find myself to often do short vidya sessions nowadays. I also noticed that trying to alternate between "docked" and portable mode, like a Switch, makes the Steam Deck more unstable, enough to force a reboot too. >some other small things like the video clip feature on Switch and its easiness to locally back up my screenshots on my main PC Steam Deck has its perks of course, I'm not regretting mine by any means as I mainly use mine for games that I cannot get on Switch (such as Elden Ring, Judge Eyes, DJMax Respect, etc.), but I consider both hardware to be largely different in essence.
>>872361 A big issue I have with the Deck is that it's a tad to big. I wish there was a way for them to have the trackpads while shrinking down the size since I feel that a trackpad is absolutely needed for this kinda device. I wanted to like the GPD Win 4, but I heard the sleeping function on that device wasn't working on Linux. Additionally it was outdated as soon as I bought it, so I decided to sell it and re-buy the steam deck since it has more support and won't be outdated for another year or so.
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>>872367 Yeah, the Switch was already stretching the boundaries in terms of acceptable size (but it's possible to take apart the joycons so the tablet unit can slide inside an old PSVita pouch of mine if the situation does ask for it), while the Deck is going further on that. Hence why I do favor the Switch by comparison. >managed to get the good ending in Marfusha on a first playthough for the Switch version while I struggled to get it on PC wew
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The notorius PC drm that almost everyone rightfully despises is making it's way to pc. Sources: https://archive.li/bQRJm https://archive.li/seZau what ninties can look forward to: -always online via always having to "check in" to their servers or you can't play your game -a general decrease in frames. enjoy playing the TOTK dlc in 5 fps instead of 20. -more cpu usage. on an nvidia tegra cpu from 2017. I've been enjoying playing nintendo's games on ryujinx at a stunning 60fps/4K but I guess I can't anymore. it's abit odd how these are the last years of the switch and everything notable has already came out and they decided to do this just now.
Edited last time by Zoom on 08/24/2023 (Thu) 07:34:47.
Where's the source?!
>>876483 the image
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>>876492 >no archive <source: dude trust me this image is real
>>876468 Wasn't this was announced months ago?
Piracy will always find a way.
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>he thinks the bumplock is because of console wars faggotry <and not because the OP did not provide any sources or archives Get back in your hole, retard.
>>876504 Someone already provided a source. >>876499
>>876507 That was posted after the thread was bumplocked, and none of those links are in the OP.
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>>876516 Done, have a pleasant day
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How many EA and Ubitchoft execs were nagging Nintendo into implementing this? I'd be shocked if Nintendo themselves actually found out how to implement this right now without perf penalties and not wait till next gen. Maybe this explains the slight stutter found in Mario Wonder trailer, oh god imagine its that.
>>876498 We need more people than just Empress cracking denuvo, too bad this entire endeavor is high-effort low-reward and you'd have to be a total autist to do it.
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>>876527 >high-effort low-reward and you'd have to be a total autist to do it. I hate that you made me see game h4xx0r crackers and internet jannies in the same spotlight.
>>876531 A lot of people in that scene are total fucking losers, anon. They just have a better public perception.
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>playing new shitty games instead of finishing your backlog
>>876571 I began having the rule that, unless the game is playable on the Wii U (Or a console released prior), or Windows 7 (Natively, if PC), I will not seek to acquire the game by any means because the developer has made it clear that I am not their customer.
>>876493 >>876483 >it's a lie because I say so >you just totally faked photographic proof because this is such an important website People like you should be put to sleep.
>>876586 >you just totally faked photographic proof because this is such an important website Photoshop is over 30 years old, jackass!
>>876586 It's a formality that's stuck around since 2016, people used to archive kotaku articles slandering gamergays and anyone they dislike, so to prevent giving them clicks/ads/revenue, people instead used archive.is to prevent any trackers from gather our info, ip logging, hyperlinking and such. It's annoying at first, but once you understand how prevalent censorship and backpedaling and gaslighting happens, you will understand how important it is to preserve information as often as possible. If Denuvo was caught lying about something, we could look at any evidence before they wipe their page and erase the evidence.
>>876586 >>876590 Even then, people have posted fake outrage bait in the past just for a laugh, or to be used as an "example" to write a hit piece about.
>>876468 I really hope that this is made irrelevant sooner rather than later.
>there is only Unity and NDI in the official Nintendo's middleware page in spite of Irdeto's claim in their tweet https://developer.nintendo.com/web/development/tools lol
>>876589 And. >>876590 You misunderstand. I fully support archiving everything. I don't really want any website to get ad revenue or click statistics to show their shareholders. They're all propagandists; they all have a script they follow from on high; I won't be a part of it. My complaint is with these dipshits who think the contents of the image itself are faked. That's just nonsense.
>sperg derails another thread other minute shit nobody cares about
>>876468 wasn't it a news like a year ago and there's still no changes?
>>876672 There was news to bring it on the platform a while back Denuvo has yet to officially appear though, and it may explain why neither the tweet and article gave a direct link to the middleware section page, and could be just someone in Irdeto jumping on the gun. I give them a few days for the benefit of doubt in case Nintendo was slow to update their website but I wouldn't hold my breath either. I sincerely doubt any of the japanese devs and indies I do care on the console would ever bother with this crap either
>>876742 >imagine if this malware slowed it down and introduced a plethora of glithes with it. Sounds exactly like why they'll implement it. To drag Nintendo down and claim that they're "behind the times" for not having the latest hardware.
>>876522 Tragic, no one should allow the French leafs to influence them.
>>876504 who are you quoting?
>>876748 everyone told nintendo that their hardware sucks ass, and what did they do? they improved the screen. please lose all hope in nintenfag redeeming themselves in any way possible immediately
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>>876821 To this day, the buttplugs keep drifting forcing you to buy an actual controller, great fucking investment right there.
>>876821 Unless you're into modern western AAA, the current Switch does the job pretty well for virtually anything japanese and indie (which I consider the sole things worth playing these days). I also have a Steam Deck as a secondary machine and while it's stronger on the paper (to run Elden Ring, Judge Eyes, EDF5, haven't tested AC6 yet), the gap in power between the two isn't that wide either. A Switch successor just needs to reach the Deck in power level in order to get whatever remaining 3rd-party title from the JP side is left.
>>876863 The only company that can compete in price is Valve. And Valve is pretty retarded so I'd be willing to bet the steam dick 2 won't lean into being more portable which is what they need to compete properly with the switch.
>>876821 "Improvements" are not necessary. Everything necessary to make a good game was already perfected over 20 years ago. New hardware and upgrades are scams.
Are you ready to actually pay $70 for goyslop followed by $25 DLC?
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>>876875 >being more portable which is what they need to compete properly with the switch There are other factors that you're forgetting about the Deck >it's not available for sale in retail stores (with the sole exception of Ideon in Osaka, Japan) thus reducing the public exposure. >even if SteamOS does alleviate many things, it's not exactly troubleshooting-free (especially the sleep button function that can screw up a bunch of PC games, the biggest issue in my personal experience) and not retard-proof for people with little experience with a computer (Valve should include a setting menu that lets the user manually delete shader caches for example). I also do trust Nintendo a lot more than Valve when it comes to greenlit japanese third-parties, without games (such as pic related) being randomly banned on Steam like a russian roulette and no means to appeal for the devs/publisher. I know they are often compared between each other, namely due of being current handhelds, but the Switch and Steam Deck are essentially different products in the end.
>>876941 I'm ready to have been pirating, be pirating, and keep pirating, yes.
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>>876499 Thanks, absolutely ridiculous that they would do this. Imagine the impact that it'll have on the performance.
>>877161 Consoomers will buy goyslop regardless as long as marketing succeeds.
>>877161 "It's okay when nintendo does it"
>>877161 >>877176 >>877183 That's assuming it was actually approved in the middleware page of Nintendo in >>876650 , as Irdeto claimed, which still isn't present there 3 days later. I give another week at best to confirm it wasn't nothing more than a wishful thinking on their part, and it would be hilarious Nintendo ignored them as Switch products continue to sell like gangbusters, and considering anti-piracy laws are already rather sharp in Japan.
>>876961 Those are other factors but I think they are minor compared to it being absolutely fucking MASSIVE form factor. >without games (such as pic related) being randomly banned on Steam like a russian roulette and no means to appeal for the devs/publisher. Who gives a shit what Valve does? Just pirate it or get it on another platform. Or emulate the switch. >I know they are often compared between each other, namely due of being current handhelds, but the Switch and Steam Deck are essentially different products in the end. They are both portable gaming devices, they are the same product. I would agree that the Switch exists in its own class because the Steam deck is gigantic with extremely complicated unfamiliar software, but they are absolutely functionally similar products. Some of the aya neo and GPD win products absolutely shit-stomp a Switch in every single way. The only reason for one to buy a switch over those devices is the price. Which is why I said Valve needs to fix their form factor, because they have already achieved a competitive price bracket.
>>877183 I wonder if Nintendofags will ever finally reach the point where they get sick of Nintendo's shit. I doubt it, but it would be a wonderful thing to witness. >>876654 >My complaint is with these dipshits who think the contents of the image itself are faked. That's just nonsense. Faked screenshots? In MY thread?
>>877605 >I wonder if Nintendofags will ever finally reach the point where they get sick of Nintendo's shit. I doubt it, but it would be a wonderful thing to witness. Well I guess they could move over to Sony or Microsoft or Steam but frankly all those things are lateral moves. It's basically just pick the color of your dragon dildo and get ready to take the knot. Also fuck off niggerpill before you even think about using my post as a springboard for your autism.
>>877376 >Who gives a shit what Valve does? Because Valve owns the largest game platform on PC on a worldwide level (and has recently gained a larger momentum in Japan too) and any Steam Deck owner, like myself, could easily tell you how the whole experience of the system is very much designed around using Steam. For non-technical people, they can still figure out how to buy and install games directly from Steam, but running anything else will be some level of nightmare. At least, I do hope the Chaos-Head on Steam debacle, from back then, will prevent further any instances of a random Valve employee throwing the banhammer towards JP games for stupid reasons. >They are both portable gaming devices, they are the same product. Yeah they're both game handhelds, but one is ultimately a PC, the other is a pure console, each with their own pros and cons. I argue they're complimentary in my own case, even if I do favor the Switch more in a daily use. That said, once EDF6 finally hits PC, I can see myself playing on the Deck for a long while non-stop. >Some of the aya neo and GPD win products absolutely shit-stomp a Switch in every single way. Well, even the Steam Deck is stronger than the Switch, although I don't consider the gap to be rather wide for the games I like in the end. Not to mention that a handheld system shouldn't be ever considered as a purchase if both framerate and graphic fidelity are someone's highest priorities. I played Elden Ring and Judge Eyes in 720p/30fps on the Steam Deck, or EDF5 with variable fps for whatever is happening on screen, it's not much different from playing games on the Switch. I'm entirely fine with these restrictions, but I know they're the equivalents of kryptonite for some people on the Internet. >The only reason for one to buy a switch over those devices is the price. A good chunk of the game library between PC and Switch does overlap, but they have their own titles as well. I have games on my Steam account that are a decade old or more now, alongside of recent indies and high-profile JP titles. Meanwhile, Switch gets a lot of japanese games that are not available on PC and, in my case or anyone who is actually japanese, not available in moonrunes on Steam too.
>>877720 >Because Valve owns the largest game platform on PC on a worldwide level (and has recently gained a larger momentum in Japan too) and any Steam Deck owner, like myself, could easily tell you how the whole experience of the system is very much designed around using Steam. For non-technical people, they can still figure out how to buy and install games directly from Steam, but running anything else will be some level of nightmare. I only care about the macro economics of the product when they benefit me. The steam dick is going to have that problem regardless, so the form factor being improved is all that matters to me. No one is ever going to un-cuck valve, and no is ever going to beat valve in price, so the only improvement to be made is in the form factor. >Yeah they're both game handhelds, but one is ultimately a PC, the other is a pure console, each with their own pros and cons The pro of a switch is that it's smaller. The pro of a steam deck is that it can play switch games and 90% of PC games. >Well, even the Steam Deck is stronger than the Switch, although I don't consider the gap to be rather wide for the games I like in the end. The reason I said they shit on the switch is because they are as small as a switch. They exceed the power of a steam deck while being very portable. But they cost 5 times as much as a switch so it's a pretty retarded comparison. >A good chunk of the game library between PC and Switch does overlap, but they have their own titles as well. How does a console that is easily emulated have its own titles? As far as I'm aware the steam deck is capable of switch emulation at comparable performance, especially now that yuzu has FSR built into it, which is something devs have to implement into regular switch games now to make it run on native hardware above 20 fps.
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>>877758 >I only care about the macro economics of the product when they benefit me. Okay, but the initial argument was about the Steam Deck being competitive against the Switch in the markets, and there are more factors to take account than merely the form factor or price. >The pro of a steam deck is that it can play switch games and 90% of PC games. >How does a console that is easily emulated have its own titles? As far as I'm aware the steam deck is capable of switch emulation at comparable performance When it comes to emulation on the Steam Deck, I do not go beyond the PS2 (btw PCSX2 needs to fix its subpar Picture Mode which doesn't enable on default, doesn't recognize face buttons on the main menu + forced to hold the Steam button in order to use the trackpad for selecting in the menu navigation) and the PSP & DS era. Retroarch, PPSSPP and PCSX2 are also low-power enough to last 6 hours at least from a full battery charge as well. I don't really trust anyone claiming Switch emulation is largely feasible and accurate yet, let alone on the Steam Deck, and I doubt they even know what the Switch game library actually looks like beyond first-parties. Not to mention it's not adequate for anything multiplayer. And again, the Deck is a PC in essence while the Switch is a home/portable console. I dunno why you easily forget the average player is tech-illiterate and doesn't have the patience or even the know-how to so much as to install an emulator, nevermind the inevitable troubleshooting, especially when trying to emulate a new release. The Switch is pretty much plug-and-play in its simplicity, it is the most convenient option and therefore people will flock to it before they even consider the price or lack thereof. The Switch is literally Gabe's quote about piracy in action. This also makes me genuinely question when did english-speaking emufags and piratefags become so vocal nowadays? It sure wasn't like that a decade ago, even back when I largely pirated shit, most people stayed quiet about it.
>>877948 >I don't really trust anyone claiming Switch emulation is largely feasible and accurate yet, let alone on the Steam Deck I don't have a steam deck but I've been able to run every switch game I've tried on PC. And the steam deck appears to get 30+ fps in any game that can run on decent hardware on a PC. That seems largely feasible to me. >Not to mention it's not adequate for anything multiplayer. Yuzu literally has multiplayer, and had to actually remove the ability to play multiplayer games with native Switch users if I recall correctly. >I dunno why you easily forget the average player is tech-illiterate I don't. The Steam Deck is never not going to be a PC, so it's not worth caring about in terms of its marketability. The Switch will always have a leg up because retarded niggercattle who will fork out $60+ for shitware will always exist. I don't care about them. The claim was never that the Steam Deck or any equivalent hardware is going to ever be able to out compete the Switch. Merely that they can improve on their own formula significantly. >The Switch is literally Gabe's quote about piracy in action. I mean that sort of contradicts the entire topic of the thread, which is Nintendo implementing DRM to prevent people from emulating their games. If emulation is so difficult and will never make a dent in sales then why go through the effort of making your games run worse to prevent it? >This also makes me genuinely question when did english-speaking emufags and piratefags become so vocal nowadays? It sure wasn't like that a decade ago, even back when I largely pirated shit, most people stayed quiet about it. I don't know what universe you come from where anons on /v/ aren't vocal about actively pirating every game they play. Where the fuck did you come from and how did you manage to delude yourself about this board?
>>877952 >I don't have a steam deck but I've been able to run every switch game I've tried on PC. And the steam deck appears to get 30+ fps in any game that can run on decent hardware on a PC. That seems largely feasible to me. My personal experience with Switch emulation on desktop (w/ Ryzen 7 second gen proc) was quite terrible in the middle of 2020 and that was back when /v/ anons claimed it was already feasible. I ended up buying an actual Switch shortly after that, so the interest in emulation just died down. It feels more like they're not telling the entire truth just to consolewar against Nintendo most of the time. I don't really expect actual Switch emulation accuracy before another 5 years down the line, especially for anything remotely niche at least. >The Steam Deck is never not going to be a PC, so it's not worth caring about in terms of its marketability. I dunno why you try too hard to deny the Steam Deck remains essentially a PC, as it gives full freedom to the user, and can be used as an actual computer when coupled with the official dock (I personally did once when away from home). Albeit Linux can be a pain to handle for the less initiated folks (even to me as I was more familiar with Windows) and the Deck was built around using Steam, as pointed out earlier. >The Switch will always have a leg up because retarded niggercattle who will fork out $60+ for shitware will always exist. I don't care about them. You sure do get riled over people having disposable income to spend on videogames though and that's not exactly good for your mental health. I will never understand this silly thing of acting like a moralfag, trying to virtue-signal over videogames, and making piracy and buying either way as some kind of social movement. >I mean that sort of contradicts the entire topic of the thread, which is Nintendo implementing DRM to prevent people from emulating their games. If emulation is so difficult and will never make a dent in sales then why go through the effort of making your games run worse to prevent it? There's again the assumption that Denuvo officially exists on Switch despite not being present on the official middleware page of Nintendo, unlike what it was claimed. And even in the remote case it ended up being true, what assumes it would run like the DRM protection on PC ? And as I said above, piratefags and emufags seem to be quite vocal these days on the Internet, be game journalists, people commenting on news websites or Twitter, Youtube, etc. Especially in regard of Nintendo because I don't see this level of dedication towards Sony/Playstation by comparison. It's no wonder a company like Irdeto would catch up in no time (though their booklet on "the dangers of emulation" was quite funny) and the debacle of Dolphin on Steam didn't help either (which would have been catastrophic for emulation in general and the future of PC ports of japanese games if it were allowed). Again, what happened to just keep doing shit low-profile instead of parading out ?
>>878102 Pirates forgot how to be anonymous and its going to fuck us all over soon.
>>878104 >Pirates forgot how to be anonymous and its going to fuck us all over soon. I feel like they forget that actions can have consequences, when being so obnoxiously vocal on Internet like it's a Pride Month, despite certainly knowing well enough that (esp. japanese) publishers can be quite sensitive about piracy & emulation. It took a really long time for the PC scene to gain the trust of companies like Atlus and this Steam release of Dolphin, and much unwanted attention it was gathering up, was almost about to wreck all that.
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>>878102 >sour grapes contrarian retard couldn't figure out how to set up an emulator or tweak his bios settings <he ended up cucking out and going the numale route Give yuzu a try, ryujinx runs like shit when it comes to pure fps, especially on ryzen. You could've also just asked for help instead of going into an autistic tangent about piracy, all you needed to mention was their bad opsec leading to takedowns of projects and left it at that, but it seems you hate when those dirty no good pirates get uppity. No need to show your red hot flamin' asscheeks and make a wall of butthurt text about it, it just seems you're trying to (badly) justify your purchases, if you enjoy the convenience that's fine, but I enjoy playing my shit in 4K and SMAA. You didn't even mod your switch, did you faget? Shit my nigger, you could've gotten a pass had you mentioned playing games that have trouble emulating, like mario rabbids and art of balance, but obviously no one gives a fuck about those or other titles seeing or you've brought something up, the fact of the matter is, all first party titles are available to play that perform superior to a switch. I get rock solid 60fps on TOTK with a ryzen 9 first gen, which is just a 3800X with double the cores, performance with Switch emulators also needs you to lock the affinity to 6 physical cores or the performance will tank, you can disable SMT if you wish to make it easier. It's not hard, once you know this info all your games will run well, they have to, even better if you tweak your memory kit to its maximum capacity. Whatever you did, try it again, not for the piracy aspect, but for the substantial visual upgrade and improved frame consistency, amount of frame output and frame pacing. If you have a misconfigured non-optimized PC, emulators will stutter as they use more resources than regular games, this includes ram. Hack your switch, dump your games, you can indeed have your cake and eat it too, buyfag.
>>878120 >You could've also just asked for help instead of going into an autistic tangent about piracy, all you needed to mention was their bad opsec leading to takedowns of projects and left it at that, but it seems you hate when those dirty no good pirates get uppity. No need to show your red hot flamin' asscheeks and make a wall of butthurt text about it, it just seems you're trying to (badly) justify your purchases 許してください、海賊殿。ご評論は酷い過ぎて、大変失礼いたしました。 しんにたくないよぉっ!
>>878102 >My personal experience with Switch emulation on desktop (w/ Ryzen 7 second gen proc) was quite terrible in the middle of 2020 and that was back when /v/ anons claimed it was already feasible Switch emulation is one of the most actively worked on emulators so 3-4 years of development is rather significant. That's like saying games didn't run over wine 3 years ago when you last used it. Correct, but also irrelevant to the state of wine today. >It feels more like they're not telling the entire truth just to consolewar against Nintendo most of the time. I don't really expect actual Switch emulation accuracy before another 5 years down the line, especially for anything remotely niche at least. https://yuzu-emu.org/game/ The yuzu compatibility list claims that 50% of games are properly playable. >I dunno why you try too hard to deny the Steam Deck remains essentially a PC I didn't. You just misread that sentence. I explicitly stated the Steam Deck is and always will be a PC. >You sure do get riled over people having disposable income to spend on videogames though and that's not exactly good for your mental health. You don't know what being riled up is if that's your impression based off of calling people niggercattle. >I will never understand this silly thing of acting like a moralfag Absolutely nothing I said had any relation to morality. There is nothing immoral about buying a video game. Being niggercattle != being evil. >and making piracy and buying either way as some kind of social movement. Strawman, no one said anything of the sort. You are shadow boxing. >There's again the assumption that Denuvo officially exists on Switch despite not being present on the official middleware page of Nintendo, unlike what it was claimed. And even in the remote case it ended up being true, what assumes it would run like the DRM protection on PC ? All we can do is operate on assumption. My best guess is that it will perform like shit on the Switch and perform fine on the Switch 2 which is what they are beta testing it right now for. >Again, what happened to just keep doing shit low-profile instead of parading out ? I can't tell if you're pretending to be retarded or are legitimately this fucking stupid. Considering you can't even seem to properly parse half the shit I say I'm going to assume it's the latter. The notion that having some innocuous conversation about emulation and piracy on some dead irrelevant imageboard is "being loud and drawing attention" is fucking retard. Almost as retarded as the notion that one ought to desperately hide their piracy from the big bad. You've now earned the right to call me riled up because you've reached a level of dumb fuckery that warrants your fucking suicide. You are a fucking guerilla nigger. ESL faggots need to be fucking purged from the internet. <haha just let me misread everything and base my entire argument around the fact I have the reading comprehension of an 8 year old child
>>877376 >Just pirate it or get it on another platform. What other platform? EGS? GOG? Itch.io? Are you fucking serious? >>877758 >The pro of a switch is that it's smaller. The pro of a steam deck is that it can play switch games and 90% of PC games. The con of both is that both systems suck, but there's no alternatives on the market (Unless you open yourself up to previous portable systems). >>877948 >Retroarch...and PCSX2 And, you just destroyed your argument by listing the shittiest emulation options in the market. >>877952 >If emulation is so difficult and will never make a dent in sales then why go through the effort of making your games run worse to prevent it? Because you have company heads deluded enough to think that seeing even one person pirate their game is equivalent to losing hundreds of customers. It's this same thinking that resulted in Ubisoft proudly claiming that over 90% of PC gamers are pirates. >>878102 >the Steam Deck remains essentially a PC, as it gives full freedom to the user, and can be used as an actual computer And, that's exactly why the system is shit. If you want a portable computer, you buy a laptop, or even a tablet with keyboard cover. You don't buy yourself a Wii U gamepad. >And even in the remote case it ended up being true, what assumes it would run like the DRM protection on PC ? Because Denuvo has been a problem going on half of a decade, and they haven't fixed their shit regardless of how many computers it fries. >Especially in regard of Nintendo because I don't see this level of dedication towards Sony/Playstation by comparison. The Sony fanboys obsess over different topics. >>878120 >I get rock solid 60fps on TOTK with a ryzen 9 first gen, which is just a 3800X with double the cores Are you actually interested in playing the game, or do you just want to boast about how "good" it emulates? >>878176 >Switch emulation is one of the most actively worked on emulators so 3-4 years of development is rather significant. That's like saying games didn't run over wine 3 years ago when you last used it. To be fair, Citra and PCSX2 have been in development for well over a decade, and neither have improved their emulation one iota. And, that's not even bringing up the problems with RetroArch. >My best guess is that it will perform like shit on the Switch and perform fine on the Switch 2 which is what they are beta testing it right now for. Yes, wait for the Switch 4K, that worked out so well last time.
>>878206 I get not liking Retroarch but PCSX2 is quite literally the best PS2 emulator, why do I still see this rhetoric like it's still 2012? Like, what else do you suggest?
>>878206 >What other platform? Yuzu >Are you fucking serious? Yes. >If you want a portable computer, you buy a laptop, or even a tablet with keyboard cover. You don't buy yourself a Wii U gamepad. People buy Steam Decks because they want an x86 tablet with a gamepad attached to it, not a keyboard. They also buy it because it's the cheapest and most performant APU on the market. It's niche but pretending like it's fundamentally useless is stupid. >Are you actually interested in playing the game, or do you just want to boast about how "good" it emulates? Are you fucking retarded? The entire conversation is about how viable emulation is. Is talking about video games on a video game imageboard against the rules or something? >To be fair, Citra and PCSX2 have been in development for well over a decade, and neither have improved their emulation one iota. Length of development is not the key feature. It's the amount of attention and effort coupled with that length of time. Also the Yuzu developer's bring in $440,000 a year from their patreon alone. The Citra patreon pulls $4,000 a year. They really aren't comparable projects.
>>878206 >To be fair, Citra and PCSX2 have been in development for well over a decade, and neither have improved their emulation one iota literally what the fuck are you talking about
>>878211 >but PCSX2 is quite literally the best PS2 emulator It's the ONLY PS2 emulator, that hasn't solved any of the issues people have had with it for over a decade. >>878212 >People buy Steam Decks because they want an x86 tablet with a gamepad attached Sounds like they're a bunch of retards. Especially when the Steam Dick is incredibly unruly to actually hold, let alone store. >pretending like it's fundamentally useless is stupid. It is stupid because it appeals to neither of the groups it's trying to cater to. It doesn't cater to people seeking a portable system because the system isn't actually portable in the first place, not to mention having all the complexities of PC gaming and none of the simplicity of console gaming. Meanwhile, it doesn't appeal to people looking for a portable computer because it's NOT designed to be used as a PC in the first place, neither in it's UI nor physical design, and requires one to buy dozens of add-ons in order to even use it as a proper PC. >The entire conversation is about how viable emulation is. If you wanted to play Switch games, just buy the damn Switch. Why do you need to buy another system, that costs 2-4 times more, that does the same thing and plays the same exact games? >Length of development is not the key feature. It's the amount of attention and effort coupled with that length of time. Except the point eventually becomes that you might as well buy the actual thing rather than waste time trying to jerryrigging it because the retards in charge of the emulators never improve shit. >>878214 The capabilities of both emulators haven't progressed in over a decade. Games that were unplayable back in 2013 are still unplayable to this day. Games that were playable, but had emulation issues, back in 2013 still suffer from those same issues today.
>>878241 >system isn't actually portable in the first place Tell me, are laptops portable?
>>878244 Yes, some more than others. As portable as a smartphone, Vita/PSP, or 3DS, not unless you're getting to Netbook size. But, even then, they're designed for different purposes. A laptop is a portable office (Which arguable crosses over with smartphones, but still different enough). A Vita and a 3DS is a portable game console. The only people that the Steam Dick appeals to are those same idiots who buy "gaming" laptops, those giant heavy machines that sound like a jet taking off if you open Minesweeper.
>>878241 >Sounds like they're a bunch of retards. Especially when the Steam Dick is incredibly unruly to actually hold, let alone store. Yeah >It is stupid because it appeals to neither of the groups it's trying to cater to. It doesn't cater to people seeking a portable system because the system isn't actually portable in the first place, not to mention having all the complexities of PC gaming and none of the simplicity of console gaming. Meanwhile, it doesn't appeal to people looking for a portable computer because it's NOT designed to be used as a PC in the first place, neither in it's UI nor physical design, and requires one to buy dozens of add-ons in order to even use it as a proper PC. I'd agree it's shitty at what it's attempting to achieve. But the only products that achieve it better cost 2-5 times more. >just buy the damn Switch No. >Why do you need to buy another system, that costs 2-4 times more, that does the same thing and plays the same exact games? Because the games are free. >Except the point eventually becomes that you might as well buy the actual thing No.
>>878250 >because the games are free You'd have to buy a whole lot of them at full price (like a retard) before that results in actual savings, since the hardware is so much more expensive. A Switch and an old piece of shit toaster that is good for work and emulation (and you can probably get for practically free) is likely a better value proposition, since most of the good games of the last many years are Switch exclusives, and you can emulate the rest on dirt cheap hardware. A Steam Deck is for playing newer games that you cant already emulate on the dirt cheap hardware, but few of those newer games are worth playing, even if you dont pay for the software.
>>878176 >The notion that having some innocuous conversation about emulation and piracy on some dead irrelevant imageboard is "being loud and drawing attention" is fucking retard. なんだこれ?おまえが読んできないか? >>878211 >I get not liking Retroarch but PCSX2 is quite literally the best PS2 emulator, why do I still see this rhetoric like it's still 2012? Well, it is the sole PS2 emulator in a working condition to be fair. I do remember having issues to properly emulate a bunch of niche PS2 japanese games back in 2020 (again), between Drag-on Dragoon 1 and Fuuraiki 2, although I recently tried out the latter title again on the Steam Deck in June and the issue from back then was gone. It proves there were still improvements to be made within PCSX2, just like how PPSSPP on Android fixed a lot of accuracy problems (in Super Robot Wars Z2 for example) with that update from January 2023 despite the emulator itself was available for so long. >>878241 >If you wanted to play Switch games, just buy the damn Switch. I wholly agree with that stance, especially if there are enough games you want to play to justify the system itself, regardless you hack it or not. The yen value is also reaching pretty low nowadays which make even full-priced games on the japanese Nintendo eshop rather cheap.
>>878261 >You'd have to buy a whole lot of them at full price (like a retard) before that results in actual savings That's nice. I'm not sitting around waiting for sales so I can have permission to run the software I want. >since the hardware is so much more expensive Paying an extra $100-$200 for the ability to run virtually every PC game ever made as well as a large portion of Switch games is more than reasonable. >A Switch and an old piece of shit toaster that is good for work and emulation (and you can probably get for practically free) is likely a better value proposition No. >>878271 >ESL retard accusing other people of not being able to read Kill yourself insectoid faggot.
>>878275 Well you're spot-on about me being an ESL at least, although not the kind you're thinking of. That being said, my criticism of piratefags and emufags being so shameless in public these days were specifically directed at the ones in comment sections of websites & social media, and the game journalists with an axe to grind against Nintendo. Not this thread or 8/v/. Their cocky attitudes will definitely bite them in the ass one day, and regrettably the emulation scene too, that's for sure.
retardpill-tier thread
>>878275 Most people can already run every pc game ever with whatever hardware they have lying around, except for a few new pieces of shit software. Saying you dont have to wait around for sales doesnt mean much when you do have to wait around for cracks.
>>878308 >Most people can already run every pc game ever with whatever hardware they have lying around Holy shit, you're telling me I could pirate games before the steam dick was invented? I think you might have just invalidated, uh, something?
>>876586 >A screencap is a photo Lmao.
>>876654 >My complaint is with these dipshits who think the contents of the image itself are faked But this happens regularly? And if they're really trying, they'll put a fake archive in that links to BENIS or something.
>>878332 It's basic trust but verify. Acting as if anons should just believe random posters is fucking ridiculous.
>>878283 >Their cocky attitudes will definitely bite them in the ass one day, and regrettably the emulation scene too, that's for sure. One problem with that attitude is that emulation is 100% legal to do. Sony proved that when they lost to VGS and Bleem in court. The only illegal part is not providing your own games, BIOS, etc. in order for the emulator to function. Best way I can describe it is that emulating my Nintendo DS games through melonDS is A-okay since I ripped them from the actual cartridges I own. However, if I was to play a Switch game through Yuzu, the illegality comes from the part that I didn't know own, nor even rip, the Swtich game that I'm playing.
>>878402 Even piracy as far as I'm aware has very shaky grounds for it being criminal. It only tends to be perceived and prosecuted as criminal when it becomes commercial.
>>878403 >Even piracy as far as I'm aware has very shaky grounds for it being criminal. It depends. I'm not sure about other countries, but U.S. piracy laws are more concerned about punishing the distributors rather than the customers. Basically, I can download as many games as I want without any legal consequence (My ISP may want to have a conversation, though), but the places I'm downloading the games from can be prosecuted for distributing the software illegally. That's not even mentioning company foul-up such as being able to download games from their own servers, as is the case with 3DS, Wii U, 3DS, PSP, and Vita games. Then, there's also the issue that different countries laws are written differently, so what may be illegal in the U.S. and Spain may not be illegal in Japan and Germany (And vice versa). For example, a couple of European countries have the law that, if you're copy of a media was destroyed or rendered inoperable, then you're entitled to a free replacement regardless of whether the company will provide with it or not. To put it simply, it's a mess. Best thing to do is operate whatever you feel as moral and keep it at that.
Is it too late to get a Switch or should I just wait for the Switch 2?
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>>878422 >Too late What, no, this isn't an iPhone. It's like asking if you're too late for the 3DS, the library can only grow from here. If you're asking about easily obtaining a hacked switch, then maybe, you'll have to cough up more money for software exploitable v1 consoles. In that case just emulate the console in PC with yuzu or buy a new model and enjoy the benefits of that one. If you want a Switch 2 right NOW then get said new Mariko model + modchip and you can use an app called 4IFIR to play Zelda Thrusts in the Toddler at a nearly locked 60fps. The original switch cannot do that, so there's your swomtch two.
>>878435 What's multiplayer like on emulators? I assume it's only compatible with other emulated devices?
>>878444 I've never tested it myself but I think you create rooms that can either be private or public and people can join them from the UI. >I assume it's only compatible with other emulated devices? I think it was compatible with actual Switch's at some point but nintendo was going to ass rape them over it so it was removed.
>>878447 >I think it was compatible with actual Switch's at some point but nintendo was going to ass rape them over it so it was removed. Damn I wonder if that can be patched back in. I have friends with Switches and they often want to co-op.
>>878453 Upon further reading what I think it can do is local play. But instead of being limited to people that are actually local to you like on the switch for that mode of play it just enables it to be with anyone online. I'm reading mixed reports on whether or theoretically works with a switch that is "local" to your network. I don't think it works, but it might be technically possible in the future? Also some post says the Ryujinx equivalent works with a real switch. So I'd look into that.
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>>878402 I don't disagree about emulation itself being legal, but I very much doubt anyone will be fooled into believing that many users aren't using emulators to play games they've downloaded off the Internet. Even more so when it comes to the Switch itself, whereas it is somewhat more acceptable for old retro systems, at least where I live. Personally, I do not care how someone get to obtain the game as it doesn't affect me remotely and I'm no saint either. But laws can be changed over time, and I sure wouldn't rule out the eventual possibility of any big company to go after emulation in court (and smart enough to focus on something else rather than trying to make emulation itself totally illegal) to overrule the Bleem case from decades ago. I think it's important to gatekeep emulation a little bit and prevent it from becoming any higher profile than it already is. Ideally, it should remain a niche and nerdy activity. >>878422 >Is it too late to get a Switch or should I just wait for the Switch 2? The Switch successor shouldn't come before another year or two yet, and as the other anon said, there is no a date limit to own a console and no obligation to immediately purchase the next generational console either. My personal piece of advice when it comes to ever consider a vidya system is to check first if there are enough games that pick your interest, regardless you hack it or not. I would say at least five at minimum, but the more the merrier. Switch is primarily for japanese vidya (RPGs, tactical strategy, musou, shmup, action, rhythm, horror, visual novels, etc.) and indies, and the library is already massive enough in addition to Nintendo's own offerings (Pikmin, Bayonetta, Mario, Zelda, Xenoblade, Splatoon, Metroid, Kirby, Astral Chain, etc.). Bonus points if you can read moonrunes due of certain previously-localized titles being exclusive in Japan such as the mainline EDF games, Trails of Cold Steel 1 & 2, Samurai Warriors 4, Dragon Quest Heroes 1+2, Ys Felghana, etc. I originally bought the v2 model in the second half of 2020 then side-graded to the OLED model on its release a year later, which has a much nicer and larger screen, a more efficient battery life and an actual kickstand. The joycons are cheaply built even if I never had this drifting issue that I often heard on the Internet, although I very recently had to replace the stick caps once as the original ones were completely worn out after heavy use. The gimmick about the base controllers being detachable is pretty nice, due of having IRL folks to play with. If you wanna go down the full buyfag route like I do, it's possible to have multiple regional eshop accounts on the same console (one eshop account per profile) and play all the games in a single avatar profile. The system is region-free. I have an european and japanese account, but in the case of the latter, it's only possible to obtain shit through prepaid cards or through download game codes (Paypal is region-restricted and the average gaijin bank card is blocked too). I used to order on Play-Asia to generate prepaid card codes but stopped once it bothered me to ask my phone number for order confirmation (email confirmation wouldn't let me go through sadly). Nowadays, I use Amazon JP as it doesn't charge me extra like Play-Asia does and can even get game download codes there for cheap due of the low yen value, although it should be reminded that its japanese digital goods are only available for sale for people located in Japan (there are guides to go around this barrier anyway). More and more games on Switch are multi-language regardless of region now, but there are still some publishers keeping up the old tradition of things, like Koei-Tecmo or Nippon Ichi Software. Switch game cartridges are the sole physical media where the data content remains located inside the format itself instead of installing on the internal console storage like it's been the case on PS4, so they're good options for games that are quite heavy in size (such as the Zelda games, Xenoblade, Tsukihime remake, Memories Off Collections, Nier Automata, etc.) in order to save space on the microSD. Speaking of it, depending of whether you focus mainly on digital or physical, you should give priority on the data capacity rather than write/read speeds, the Switch has a cap that prevents high speeds (from models like Sandisk Extreme) to be actually used. I currently use a 1TB microSD because most of my large library is digital but I wouldn't recommend more than 256GB for the average person. Beware that some games can have large updates, or DLCs, even if you were to obtain them as physicals though. Got once a nasty surprise with Fuuraiki 4 (a japanese countryside tourism simulator) which costs over 47GB in memory space despite I have said Switch cartridge, but it's one extreme case.
>>878206 >If you want a portable computer, you buy a laptop, or even a tablet with keyboard cover. Laptop isn't as portable, no matter how hard you try to force this meme. My response to your next predictable trite post on this is SURFACE AREA, and no integrated controller. >WiiU gamepad Subhuman level of intelligence. They are nothing alike. >>878241 >Especially when the Steam Dick is incredibly unruly to actually hold, let alone store. Only people that have never used one say this. This is contradicted by everyone that actually owns or has used a SD. It's surprisingly ergonomic for it's size. You probably don't play video games either but feel the need to comment on them. >It is stupid because it appeals to neither of the groups it's trying to cater to. Reality: It appeals to people interested in functions of both. Not everything has to fit into neat little check boxes that are only specifically one thing. >It doesn't cater to people seeking a portable system because the system isn't actually portable in the first place It's more portable than a Laptop, and smaller than most consoles if you use it in Dock mode most of the time. >none of the simplicity of console gaming Launch store, download game, play game. This is just patently false, stop being high on your own faggoty contrarianism. If you aren't into niche functions it's as basic as any other gaming store platform, and even if you are into Emulation you can let a wrapper like EmuDeck do the majority of the work for you. Shit isn't rocket science. >>878491 IDEALLY, Emulation should be everywhere and used by everyone for old games and preservation with zero repercussions. What you're describing is settling with the current situation.
>>884258 >Laptop isn't as portable There are 100% laptops that are more portable than the steam deck for a lot of use cases. Portability requires context. The steam deck is more portable in the context of using it on a commute. But it takes up significantly more space in a bag than a slim laptop does, even if you included a small 8bitdo controller to go along with it. So if you aren't using it in public commuting and are instead just moving your computer from place to place, a laptop is a much better and more portable option. Relative to the competitors the steam deck is massive. They really need to slim it down in the next version. >Launch store, download game, play game. This is just patently false, stop being high on your own faggoty contrarianism. Saying that running games on Linux is as simple as running games on a console is kind of retarded. Yes for 90% of games you just launch it and it works. But 1 in 10 games will either not work entirely or require tweaking for them to play properly.
>>877161 >Nintendo hates foreigners >Nintendo hates modders >Japan in general hate people that break even the pettiest law It's more of a logical conclusion
>>884555 Need to start air dropping T injections over their entire country.
>>884555 Trips say that Nintendrones will Bing Bing Wahoo their Denuvo laden Switch 2 with gusto.
>>884560 >happa >japanese Do you even understand the terms you are using or is your brain really that fried because of porn addiction?
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Excuse my necrobump. Long story short, my daughter is bedridden and in fairly constant waves of pain. One of the few things that helps take her mind off of it is playing two player stuff on the switch with me. We've exhausted Mario Party 2 and 3 from the N64 section, and there aren't a lot of things other than that that she really enjoys. We've been playing Side Pocket for the SNES, which is fun because we love trash talking each other during a failed shot, but that will run out, soon. Are there any games available for the switch that are fun two player party games that you can recommend. I've heard Marioparty Allstars is only five boards and remakes of old ones, and others have said Super Marioparty isn't that hot. Is there something worth buying with a bunch of boardgames on it? Or should I just buy points cards and grab some piecemeal from the store?
>>890387 I could probably make some suggestions based on old Nintendo games but since I don't have a Switch I'm not really sure which of them would actually be on the shop. Have you tried any of the Donkey Kong Country games? Especially the SNES ones. The old NES version of Rampage is a fun 2 player game. Wave Race 64 and Blue Storm are two player. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is nice little hack and slash JRPG has a 1 to 4 player mode and I'm almost certain it got a rerelease for the Switch. >boardgames There's some Dragon Quest spinoff games with a boardgame theme that might be enjoyable. Does anyone know for certain if any or all of these are on the Switch?
>>890387 Now that the bugfix patch is out, River City Girls 2 is a beatemup has really good co-op mode and a lot of girly humor that she would probably enjoy.
>>890387 >my daughter is bedridden and in fairly constant waves of pain. Is it headache and does her whole body and skin hurt? Is she adverse to light, especially sunlight? Could be migraine. I have had migraine since childhood, usually an attack twice a year, but no one understood what it was because no one considered that a child could have migraine, it was something only overworked managers and the likes got. Migraine is not just headache, it completely fucks you up. For me it's like getting beaten over the head with a baseball bat every few seconds, plus I barely have any strength, plus it gives me diarrhea. Some people have visual distortions (auras) and nausea on top of it. Rest is the only solution. Darken the room, remove all annoying noises and sleep it off. It's like a storm you need to wait to pass. Of course I cannot always be sleeping, and I have found that comfy video games really help take my mind off the migraine, something that isn't particularly hectic and that doesn't require much thought.
>>890387 Check out overcooked, it's a co-op game where you have to work together to prepare meals in crazy environments like a sailing ship where the layout of the level shifts from time to time. Players need to be able to pick up roles quickly, but also to improvise if the need arises. Can get hectic at times, but you can also reach this state of perfect harmony where each player is fulfilling their role perfectly.
>>890387 I had two switches and I played a fucking ton of games on both of em, plenty of coop games as well, here you go pops have some of my favorites. Donkey Kong Country is nice to chimp out together in. Kirb out in any of the Kirby games, Star Allies is for babies though, the game is fucking braindead easy. Or you can beat the shit out of her in smash bros. Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime is a very good game as well but it works best with 4 players though. Rayman Legends is super fun in coop as well. Cave Story is unique and always quite the adventure, its fun too of course. I also think Raiden V has coop if you want a shoot em up game. If you want a game that induces mental pain (but together laughs will be had) Cuphead is your go to. Good luck with your daughters health, fingers crossed she will get well soon. In the future try to feed her a diet that avoids processed foods, fast food, seed oils (use butter, olive oil or beef tallow instead) and high fructose corn syrup. A healthy diet is key to a healthy body, most americans are fatasses nowadays due to the foods/ingredients I mentioned on top of a lack of exercise.
>>890387 A friend and I had a great time playing through Snipperclips together. There's a demo on the eShop for you to try it out and it's fairly cheap if she ends up liking it. It's basically a co-op game where you cut one another into shapes to solve puzzles. Hard to explain, the game does a great job of explaining itself with the tutorial levels. https://www.dekudeals.com/items/snipperclips Said friend is also really into Pico Park, which is a cheap "co-op" game where you solve little puzzles. https://www.dekudeals.com/items/pico-park If you want more boardgames check out these games: https://www.dekudeals.com/games?filter[genre]=Board+Game Or more party games check here: https://www.dekudeals.com/games?filter[genre]=Party You can sort by price, metacritic score, release date, etc. Its easier and faster to use DekuDeals than Nintendo's own storefront, plus it has recommendations for similar games at the bottom of each game's page.
Is the Switch worth it in 2023? I mostly just want to play it for the multiplayer games and have been aching to play splatoon
>>890387 >Stomping on Bowser's head Fucked it up in the first panel. Also, fuck that tumblr nose. I guess it makes sense since the artist is a filthy casual.
>>890555 In the past, I would've said the Switch wasn't worth it. Switch has a big library now, so it's not so bad. If you decide to get a Switch, I recommend the PowerA enhanced wired controllers or the Horipad Mini controllers: they're the only decent controllers available for the Switch & they're fully compatible with PC. The Switch pro controller kinda sucks imo. The buttons are stupid mushy and I hate how the triggers feel. The only decent modern controller was the Xbox 360 controller... so I recommend PowerA enhanced wired or horipad mini controllers because I have tried all sorts of Switch controllers -- and in my experience they're without a doubt the best available. For the PowerA enhanced wired controller, I recommend to get some duct tape and lay it over the light in the middle. It's super bright and annoying and it's the major flaw of the PowerA enchanced wired controller. If you have a decent computer, you could get yuzu and a usb PowerA controller and you pretty much have the Switch experience. The Switch has got rid of the virtual console and replaced with it with the Nintendo Online service that lets you rent games for a year. You're better off getting emulators. You cannot voice chat, so if you want to play multiplayer you'd better have Discord friends who also have Nintendo Switches and a subscription. (But you could also do multiplayer with yuzu too).
>>890614 >The only decent modern controller was the Xbox 360 controller. Yeah, I sure love having a basically non-functional d-pad. Switch Pro is way better, purely on account of having a functional d-pad.
>>890620 >buying modern controllers for the d-pad The Switch pro controller has a long battery life, but you could easily get a wired controller. The thing is so damn expensive I don't even want to use it so much. Xbox360 controller has the right weight and feel, the sticks have the right consistency, and the triggers are nice to feel and have a nice bounce. The buttons are colorful and unique. Has a nice shape to it. Xbox360 controller feels like it's a nice build quality and durable. It's also convenient to swap batteries out when it runs out. IDK if this is the right thread to debate controllers, but xbox360 controller is peak comfy and I'll die on that hill.
>>890623 >>buying modern controllers for the d-pad Yes. Sometimes I want to use it. Unless you're a faggot who only plays shooters or whatever, a d-pad is very important. Also, my hands are symmetrical, so my controllers should be symmetrical. Nintendo had that right until the Switch, but at least then it was so that the two halves of the controller could be taken off and be roughly the same.
>>890555 Both their servers and Splatoon is shit. I played a fair bit of Spaltoon 2 and it gets tiresome very quickly. For coop, emulation (through CFW) and as a handheld though that shits better than any console in my opinion. It emulates games better than my mid range PC can for some dumbass reason, not that I'm complaining.
>playan Touhou Luna Night and this strange RPGMaker2003 game I found. The Touhou game is one of the few "metroidvanias" I found to be fun since it actually adds onto the mechanics from the good games (the Igavanias and Metroid games) intuitively rather than shoehorn gay mechanics from other games or attempt to be a shitty precision platformer. >waitan That platformer from the Sonic Mania team that's supposed to be released next month, along with the Another Code remake >hopan I hope they announce Metaphor and DD2 for the Switch. I can play both on PC, but I like handheld games more. >>868355 I recommend Gris and Famicom Detective Club (the SFC translation rather than the stupid new one they put out)
>>890620 >Switch Pro is way better, purely on account of having a functional d-pad. I have no intention of buying the Switch Pro. I don't want to spend $600+ just to have a respectable library of games and I don't really care about connecting it to a monitor or a tv. I already have a pretty good gaming pc and have spent too much money on all that already >>890623 I've gone through a wide variety of controllers over the years and I feel you. As far as comfort, its pretty much unmatched. Not too large and not too small so it fits pretty much perfectly in your hands and the d-pad is the best d-pad I've ever felt on any controller, it's just that fucking good. Triggers feel great, bumpers are good too. Build quality though? That's kind of a stretch. The biggest issue that was a reoccurring theme was that the joysticks (even though they do feel nice) have had the shortest shelf life for me, eventually you're going to get stick drift and that can completely ruin a gaming experience. Every time it happened was around 8-12 months after using one
>>890620 >Yeah, I sure love having a basically non-functional d-pad <Xbox 360 <basically non-functional d-pad ?????????????? The fuck You smokin'? >>890623 And the fact that ise basically Made of steel, given the fact that resist pretty much everything and every stress imaginable for more than 5 years, makes it a really good controller, no Mather what everyone says, the X360 controller is the Best controller ver Made and ever available, only if you're a nigger, or a fucking chimpanzee, you'll think otherwise
>>890892 >I have no intention of buying the Switch Pro. I don't want to spend $600+ just to have a respectable library of games Do you think "Switch Pro" is a console? We were talking about controllers. Try to keep up. All that was said is that the D-pad on the Switch controller (not the Joycon, but the regular style controller you can get) is better than the 360's. >>890898 I think both you niggers are fucking crazy to say the 360 has a good d-pad. It might as well not be there. Good luck trying to press precise directions and not accidentally activating the adjacent diagonal. And it's not just that it's shaped like a circle, because the Genesis and Saturn have good D-pads. It's specifically that it's a tiny circle that's raised off the controller in a fucked up way as if designed to make it so repeated precise inputs were effectively impossible. Go try to play fucking Castlevania or something with that controller and see what happens.
>>890909 No, I don't think it's a console, but it seems to me there are very few advantages of having a switch pro over a lite
>>890911 It's a controller. They aren't the same thing. The advantage to having a controller over a console is that you use it as a controller. Maybe you want the console, for the reasons you'd want a console. You're comparing apples and oranges.
>>890911 I think you're confusing the Switch Pro Controller (an actual controller with a decent d-pad) and the Switch OLED model, which just has a better screen and an updated dock with an integrated ethernet port. >>890898 >The fuck You smokin'? What the fuck are you smoking? The 360 d-pad is terrible. It's on a stick that requires vertical activation of the sensors in a housing that doesn't allow enough horizontal movement to activate said sensors, unless you press the stick down and inward. Quick motions like fireballs and Zs become laborious. The d-pad is "fine" I guess if all you're doing is pressing it in now and then in a single direction. But if you take the 360 d-pad and apply lateral movement the stick will hit the controller housing before it registers an input. It's shit from flawed design. There's a reason they stopped using it after the 360 generation and why there are tutorials online about sanding down the d-pad so that it's small enough to have enough clearance for activation. Best controller ever made my ass. And don't get me started on those tiny convex buttons.
Samurai has lost all of my respect as an elite Nintendo fan How can the brand ever recover from this?
>>891101 Xbox 360 controllers are all about comfort. If you never used one and got used to one you'd never understand
>>891371 Nothing comfortable about those bumpers or Dpad
>>891371 >Xbox 360 controllers are all about comfort lmao, okay, you literal retard
>>891372 The 360 controller was okay in terms of shape and fit unless you had Xboxhuge hands, but the biggest problem besides the d-pad was how smooth most of it was, the buttons were incredibly smooth with like zero traction and the triggers too were easy to have slip through your grip. The bumpers though? I don't know, they seemed fine for what they did. They were a little clicky and used for stuff you needed far less than the triggers. A little more texture would have helped but they were okay besides that.
>>891484 Triggers are super uncomfortable to use t.finished Elden Ring with one The Xboner/Series X gamepad is great, but the stick drift (that exists in every single one of these modern cucksole gamepads) makes it irredemeable garbage.
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Which joycons are the best? I know Hori make some that aren't the wireless type like Nintendo but I don't care about that, I just want it to be comfortable to play in handheld mode and the joycons are too small and the d-pad isn't one big piece, etc. So which replacement joycons are most comfy for large hands in handheld mode?
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I recently had to update the homebrew and jailbreak from my hacked switch, it was a lot of file replacing and putting in and taking out the SD Card. I've also ordered another card since my nephew doesn't want me to delete some Pokemon Games I have. >playan Pic related, yes its on the Switch. Pretty comfy exploration game.But I see why some would call it grindy if they decide to unlock everything through the Anomaly.
>>892016 Dude you don't have to take out your SD card to update your firmware and homebrew shit, that shit was what I had to do back in 2018 when I was new to the switch homebrew scene and used my switch like an oonga boonga. Just get AIO switch updater and you can do it all from your switch as long as you got an internet connection, it will handle everything. https://github.com/HamletDuFromage/AIO-switch-updater/releases/ Or you can use FTPD Pro to transfer your files from your PC directly to your switch including entire .nro files for the homebrew menu, its perfectly fine to delete your old files using tinfoil or goldleaf. https://github.com/mtheall/ftpd/releases/tag/v3.1.0 If you want to block Nintendos servers have a file on the root of your SD card called "exosphere.ini" and in it copy and paste that below or just use this https://www.cfwaifu.com/90dns/, using both would probably work just as well. [exosphere] debugmode=1 debugmode_user=0 disable_user_exception_handlers=0 enable_user_pmu_access=0 blank_prodinfo_sysmmc=1 blank_prodinfo_emummc=1 allow_writing_to_cal_sysmmc=0 log_port=0 log_baud_rate=115200 log_inverted=0
Devil World, The Mysterious Murasame Castle added to Switch Online https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=curf8onLZ7I
Squid cunny and squid boissy Octo's are fine too though
Star Ocean SS 2 comes out tomorrow Warioware on the 3rd Hogwarts Legashit on the 14th Super Mario RPG on the 17th DQ Monsters comes out in exactly a month If you guys post fat tits for me I'll post any NSP files of those games I find to this thread. I am so burnt out and my jailbroken switch is so bloated with games I don't even think I'm going to play any of them. Shit I barely even started that Fate Weeb Night game whatever the fuck.
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>>890555 Can confirm. Splatoon 3 is still alive and fun in 2023. Now, that'll be $430 plus tax.
Risk of Rain Returns comes out on the 8th. I played the 1st two games so I highly recommended. I could post it's NSP file but no one posted tits for me so I'm hogging it all for myself.
>>903107 Believe it or not I meant to post tits for you but I was occupied at the time and forgot about it. Have this as a down payment. I will post more later.
>>903503 Nice dude thats enough tits for 4 games but I won't milk you for more! Heh. I'll post whatever is interesting that I can find for the time being. See you again in a few days with a few more games, just pop in and I'll probably post them. If you guys are scared of the links I'll test them out for you. I used tons of these in the past and they all worked just fine >Alien Hominid HD https://1fichier.com/?gdp9iq7ej9sng7ibjfuu >Alien Hominid Invasion + Update https://qiwi.gg/file/wku97479-AlienHominidInvasion0100A3E00CDD4000v0 https://1fichier.com/?dtf3jaex4dgmubr1cs1e >Star Ocean The Second Story R https://gofile.io/d/2aCurb >Star Ocean The Second Story R (DLC) https://gofile.io/d/B1CAN8 >WarioWare Move It! (XCI) https://gofile.io/d/BtfKT8
How much of a shit do you guys think Nintendo's gonna give about the Switch once its successor comes out? The Wii eShop kept going for 14 years and the only reason the online got shut down when it did was due to it being farmed out to GameSpy which had a LOT of its older servers shuttered after it got bought out, but the 3DS and Wuu shops and online functionality are getting canned surprisingly fast in comparison.
>>903577 Well it looks like the Switch is the new paradigm and the next console will be fully backwards compatible, and if that's so then I expect the Switch eShop will stay online longer than usual.
>>903545 I don't remember how I got to it once (must have been a ruski website), but there's some mega collection of all console games from the Nintendo Entertainment System era to today called AlVro or something along those lines. Most links are either 1fichier or gofile.
>>903545 It may be rather too simplistic or outdated but I use ublockorigin then go on sketchy as fuck pirate websites that I often find on brave search engine. https://nswgame.com/ is one of my favorites. https://eggnsemulator.com/ was the only one where I found both the Alien Hominid games, though. The sites are typically run by one dude or a small team I think. I don't even know what I private tracker is.
>>903744 It's not the hosting website that concerns me, but the files themselves. Risking my PC in a sandbox is one thing but if I load it up on my Switch, the last thing I want is some sabotage shit which bricks my device.
>>903751 You don't need to worry grandma I downloaded dozens upon dozens of games that way, maybe even over 100 by now. Tinfoil checks the NSPs signatures and if its suspicious then it will warn you itself and if it's legitimate the games icon or whatever will show in the background of the installer or whatever that screen is. Fire Emblem 3 Houses gave me that warning yet I ignored it and my switch still seems to be just fine, for now I guess.
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Currently downloading Nu-Tsuki (fucking japs and their uncompressed shit). I read the original but I'm more interested in Ciel's new route not being a rehash of Arc's. I'll probably download Mahoyo no Tsukai next.
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Is Death End Re;Quest 2 any good? Any localisations issues I should know about?
I am back and I have some more games for my big baby boys <3 Salt and Sacrifice https://gofile.io/d/Ei8GnY Risk of Rain Returns + Update https://gofile.io/d/b7bPP9 https://gofile.io/d/P2CXrU Double Dragon Collection https://gofile.io/d/G7qfhl Two other old as fuck DD games came out that same day but why couldn't they be included in the collection as well? You know what? Fuck it and fuck em. Hogwarts Legashit + Update https://1fichier.com/?pop5iap957tm18afu6bu&af=2850246 https://gofile.io/d/zy0epW Persoyna 5 Tactica + Update https://qiwi.gg/file/bN4T7303-Persona5TacticaNSPUSeShop https://qiwi.gg/file/ceAP7282-Persona5TacticaNSPUSeShop https://gofile.io/d/OmADsn Super Mario RPG >>906609 The rest of the games coming out this month all look like shit nor do I care for them. Goodbye for now.
>>908959 Is Legacy port THAT butchered? I kinda wanted to roll with them wizards
Nu Tsuki Arc route is fun so far. They let some lore dumps that belonged to Ciel to the new characters and for some reason they been holding out showing her in her executor garb, which is silly since even people who read this for the first time have seen her in Melty.
Anyone playing Fashion Dreamer?
>>911047 Oh shieet is the official translation released now?
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>drop it one time and it broke the left trigger thanks nigtendo
>>913037 At least they're easy to repair. Even easier if it's a non-lite model.
>>913028 Nah its a fan translation, it's passable tho. Official releases in June next year.
Been playing DQ Monsters The Dark Prince. It's pretty alright, runs like ass on the switch of course. I'm a DQ fanboy and I rather quickly found out that it's actually a prequel to DQ4 https://gofile.io/d/WQ9pjc https://gofile.io/d/4aMKv2 A neat way I remembered how to download shit is with tinfoil and nut wirelessly using my LAN https://tinfoil.io/Download but it's a bit convoluted and I don't want to explain the whole process step by step. Theres probably a jewtube video out there you fags can use. But if you do manage to successfully connect nut and the DQM files to your switch make sure you go to the XCI section instead of the New Games section, NSPs and XCIs are segregated to those sectionsd for some reason. The update will of course be in the Updates section.
>>914239 Thanks for the info, anon. Speaking of, is DQMtDP any good? How censored is it?
>>914335 Little bit grindy of course, it's a DQ game Levels and dungeons are short but have seasons that change their appearance with some gimmicks. Low FPS at times Monster designs are great Its quite hard to fuse similar tier monsters to get higher tier monsters here unlike in SMT If you want the higher tier abilties like Oomple, Anchorman, etc... you gotta fuse monsters so their skill points could add up together I fucking hate Toilen Trouble I don't know about the censorship since this game is brand new nor do I care since I'm not even spending my money it. I'm only playing it to have a bit of fun for a short while of course.
>>890614 My main problem with the switch pro is the sticks feel too high compared to the other controllers I use (joycons, dualsense, dualshock 3 and 4). Was thinking of 8bitdo's hall sensor one for the turbo paddles in splatoon 3 but I think I'd still play better with joycons.
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>>890391 >>890392 >>890396 >>890398 >>890422 Thank you to everyone who replied, I appreciate it and so does she (sorry for how long it took for me to get back to you, life is very busy right now). We'll be looking through these together. I grabbed Overcooked and I suck at it, but she enjoys playing it with her older brother, when she can get the grumpy poop to play. I just bought Lego DC Villains and she loves it, so we've been running around Gotham with a custom character who brandishes two caucausian-colored "hot dog wieners" in either hand, one of which shoots lasers and the other shoots electricity. Naturally, he's in his underwear. >>890395 >Migraine I appreciate your advice (as I am a migraine sufferer), but her problem is an ovarian cyst or cysts the size of a first trimester baby. She's on a "short list" for surgery but the glorious Canadian medical system means that it probably will not happen until January at the very earliest. The ONLY thing that helps with the pain are marijuana gummies (low THC/high CBD), but if she takes them more than a couple of times without a few days between, she gets very nauseated. She might end up losing her ovaries and all chances at future natural children. It's been a very rough five months and I swear the fucking thing is growing bigger every day like some sort of David Cronenberg movie extra. I'm fighting my near constant depression to keep her in good spirits, but some days I see her belly sticking out from her sweatpants and shirt like she's in her third or fourth month of pregnancy and I feel like going outside to my car and driving down the freeway while screaming in rage and fear. Sage for the blogpost. I needed to vent. We're all very worried but are trying to keep positive.
>>868355 <playan >metroud dread The same game unfortunately since I'm stuck on the third area trying to figure what to do. I grabbed the wide beam and Varia suit already but I might have to explore some more if the first two areas more. <waitan Thousand year door to come out sometime in 2024. I haven't exactly played the original but I figure since the remake is coming to the switch just hope the changes aren't way diffrent.
>>919262 Sometimes I wonder where have all the anons went, then I realize we've all grown up. We have more to do in our lives, things to lead and follow. I may not have time to read over posts everyday but I'm praying for your baby anon
>>919262 I'll pray for you anon
>>919262 Wishing your daughter a speedy recovery with her womb intact
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Still readan Nu Melty Tsukihime at snail pace cause Im a wagie. Finishing Ciel route, it's been enjoyable so far. The new characters have been great additions to the story.Especially Noel. I can fix her .Hopefully the Red Garden will get release within this decade before the societal collapse. I asked on a different thread about a controller I could use both for the Switch and my phone and got recommended the 8bitdo. If you have any other recommendations I would be grateful.
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>>928274 Also, fuck, we get to see the full length of when Elesia got possesed by Roa I expected the night of the living Dead, not Berserk's eclipse
>>928274 8bitdo make decent peripherals. Not on the quality of Nintendium but still solid. I haven't used that controller in particular but I have a handful of others from them and they've all been solid B if not A- in quality (where something like the Switch Pro controller is A/A+).
>>928283 I had the Crissaegrim and utterly despised its form factor. I got an SF30 Pro as a Christmas gift a few years ago and love it to death. Good size, buttons feel good, the D-pad feels incredible and the sticks are perfect. I'd argue that if it was a bit thicker it would be my favorite 3rd party controller I've ever used.
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I'm replaying Golden Sun for the first time in twenty years and I have to say, this game holds up. It does have a few problems, muddy visuals that looked fine on a tiny handheld and the GBA soundchip always being lackluster, but the gameplay is still miles above the typical JRPG fare we get these days. There are inventive puzzles you have to think about with a wide array of magical abilities that slowly unlock for you, the turn-based combat is still a little mindless but characters don't auto-target a new enemy if you kill the current target before they attack, so you have to plan a head a little to optimise your rounds. And for the shitty soundchip the OST is decent, just lacklustre. Give Golden Sun a go if you never have anons. It's a good time.
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I just got a copy of Another Code: Recollection. Every place that sells games in my town had a box out for advertising, but none of them actually ordered any stock because they didn't think there'd be any demand. So I had to buy it online. It'll take a fucking week to get here because none of the Amazon shithouses expected any demand for it either.
>>928578 I've played the 1st and 2nd game and honestly I fucking hated the combat in that game, but loved using the PSI powers outside of combat. Honestly if it was straight up a zelda clone instead i would of enjoyed the series a lot more. And before you call me a pleb with shit taste I do enjoy RPGs with a job/class swap system, like bravely default and octopath traveller. It's just in golden sun 1&2 the psi powers in combat feel weak as shit that dijin swapping felt pointless beyond finding out which combos give you revive.
>>928586 Yeah, I didn't hear about that until just now. Going to look into it more and see what else is getting hatcheted, and will decide whether or not to send it back for a refund. Like I said, I have a full fucking week apparently. If what I'm dealing with is any indication of a wider trend, the game may flop because retailers don't want anything to do with it. Never played the sequel, so the niggering of a side character isn't necessarily a deal breaker for me, especially one that isn't a brutally ugly gorilla nigger. She looks mixed at best, to me. So like I said in the other thread, they'll probably still get a ding on their ESG score.
>>928578 Someone figured out what synthesizer GS's samples were taken from and is working on re-recording the soundtrack with them. It wonderful. https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/playlist?list=PLmKzt4avW8iLpm1sXSsT7OKnohNo5V6cg
>>928598 Holy shit that's awesome news. It really does sound amazing when not squeezed through the GBA soundchip.
>>928598 Very nice, that's some high-quality sound.
The only game that I've been able to be mildly interested on the switch since a while just came out. Unicorn Overlord - NSP - https://send.cm/d/xv1a
>>943817 I'm still amazed by the fact that they released this on Xbox but not PC
My bad that was only the update heres the full game but in XCI format. Deleted my last post because I did a bit more digging and this one has the fastest download speed, for me at least. https://1fichier.com/?xtjuh4zonb96u52ovrts
>>943826 I know anon, just weird seeing it on the Xbox which has a tiny user base and not PC.
>>868355 What is the worst Switch game you have played?
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>>962267 Sole example in mind is Super Robot Wars 30 and it's easily my biggest purchase regret ever, due of getting the Deluxe edition on the Japanese eshop. >the issues of the International trilogy (V, X and T) are cranked up to eleven (low amount of enemy unit types, so-so quality of animation skits, etc) and exacerbated by the bloated amount of missions with the free roadmap >not even playing the game on the hardest difficulty makes it challenging due of the SP pool regenerating per turn (something that wasn't present on Z2 and earlier entries) and the mothership upgrades >there are barely any crossover hijinks between the anime franchises and the game has no true conclusion The 'worst port' on Switch I have played was Serious Sam 3, although that's mainly the poor optimization as I sorta remember it was smoother on an old laptop from the early 2010's. Still playable but not exactly optimal.
I've been playing Silent Hope lately. It's OK for an action RPG but I'm getting bored with it and I'm only up to the fifth tier of the dungeon. I got Sword of the Vagrant up next so I might give that a go. Has anybody played it?
>playan I went and bought three games to try them out which are Pokemon Violet, TLOZ TOTK, and Mario + Rabbids. Violet seems to have some pokemon stadium feels for battling and it seems okay so far for what I've played. TOTK I've been breezing through shrines like no tomorrow.
>>962892 Yeah, it's breddy bland.
Hey niggers. Just finished unicorn overlord. It was a pretty good game but now i am looking for something new. Something that is either really long or really replayable. A fighting game would be nice but i didn’t see any that interested me.
>>966880 Try the new Teggen.
>>966880 >Something that is either really long Any Xenoblade >or really replayable Super Mario Maker 2 >A fighting game would be nice but i didn’t see any that interested me. ARMS

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