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Super Mecha Thread: Year of the Mecha Anonymous 08/16/2023 (Wed) 00:52:35 Id: 765c55 No. 872571
Man, we've got a LOT to go over since the last thread. >Armored Core 6 is finally coming out >Daemon X Machina: Titanic Scion announced >Mecha Knights: Nightmare is getting a new update >Gundam Evolution is shutting down after a year of service >UFO ROBOT GRENDIZER coming to Steam on November 13th 2023 ...and a LOT more that I haven't been able to cover. We probably won't be getting as many mecha games after 2023/2024 due to the mecha curse, however it's great that this year we're getting a ton of mecha themed video games that we can play together or alone like true /v/irgins. Which mecha games are you looking forward to /v/?
While I'm excited for AC6, I do have a lot of catching up to do with the series, so will probably be getting it on sale down the line. I'm too casual for the PSX games though, but started AC3 today on emulator.
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>>872573 >I'm too casual for the PSX games though
I have 0 doubts that AC6 is going to be the absolute peak of the mecha genre. It's got lessons learned and mechanics brought over from the past 25 years and all the jewtubers who played it wholeheartedly praised it. We're eating good boys. >>872573 Dude it's not gonna be much different compared to the first gen games unless you finally decide to git gud just use laser weapons and a laser cannon and go quad leg, you wont lose money while shooting laser weapons. Also when fighting the giant stationary/floating bosses use medium or large rockets, they fucking DESTROY those kinds of bosses. >>872575 I still need to beat Project Phantasma and Master of Arena, but sometimes those games can be too obtuse and cryptic for their own good.
At this point I don't care what the more cynical anons might say, I'm excited for AC6, I'll pick it up as soon as I see some promising reports on ProtonDB about it working on Linux. >Gundam Evolution is shutting down after a year of service Good, fuck that shitty cashgrab. Fucking faggots trying to sell Overwatch with a Gundam skin and being somehow even more kikey with the business model >Daemon X Machina: Titanic Scion announced I still have to give DxM an honest try, I played it for like an hour and dropped it for no real reason, anybody wanna sell me on it? >Mecha Knights: Nightmare is getting a new update I still gotta try this out, I admire this dude's dedication
>>872610 Its probably going to be the last good AC game in the series, so its fine.
>>872571 >Mecha Knights: Nightmare is getting a new update That game didn't look like anything special back when I checked on it a long time ago. Has it improved that much? >>872573 The controls are not that bad. You'll struggle for a few levels but then get the hang of it. They are pretty fun games, but I would suggest checking a guide for the secret parts as most of my friends never found them when I got them to try the early games. Also even if you fail repeatedly, it has Human Plus to help your next attempt so don't give up right away. >>872580 >I have 0 doubts that AC6 is going to be the absolute peak of the mecha genre This level of hype is unhealthy. >>872610 >At this point I don't care what the more cynical anons might say, I'm excited for AC6 Don't let fags like myself ruin your fun. I'll still be giving it a pirate myself even if my hype is minimal. >anybody wanna sell me on it? I didn't like it much. Most people I know were pretty mixed on it in general, but I had one friend who loved it. Give it a pirate demo if you are curious. No harm that way.
>>872623 I think it might need one or two more direct sequels where you can transfer save files to reach that point.
>>872571 I also dislike the screen-tearing and chromatic aberration for whenever you AC gets damaged, as can be seen in the webm, hopefully you can disable that in the Options. If the argument is that it's punishment for getting hit, Armored Core isn't the type of game where you never get hit by the enemy, and I would rather take more damage than bleed my eyes out.
After MagicBourne fromsoft should make an actual Mechsouls again and by again they should either remake or make a sequel to Frame Gride, that one MEGA niche mecha game of theirs and their only game to be put on the dreamcast. >>872624 >This level of hype is unhealthy. It's not really that far of a stretch as everything else is either dead, aged poorly or mediocre. I do like Xenoblade X but that got censored to hell and back and is stuck on the fucking WiiU out of all things, it was absolutely dead on arrival. >>872610 >anybody wanna sell me on it? I beat it in 3-4 days I think. If you have scoliosis and want to cringe your spine back into shape then go for it. >>872647 >I also dislike the screen-tearing and chromatic aberration Anon that was nothing. I barely even noticed it myself. If that actually causes your eyes to feel pain either lower your screen brightness to very low like how I did or get your eyes checked out because that's not normal.
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>>872650 >Anon that was nothing. I barely even noticed it myself. How can you not notice any of this shit? The only person who needs their eyes checked it you, because you are apparently blind.
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Is there anyone who looks at this and says "Yup, this is a nice looking effect!" ?
>>872675 >>872676 >>872677 So you're saying that this is the Bloodborne of Fromsoft mecha games?
>>872624 >This level of hype is unhealthy. Hype in general is a bad thing. It's ok to be hopeful that a game will turn out to be good, but there is no reason to be emotionally invested in the release of a product. >>872681 I don't have a PS4, so I don't know much about Bloodborne, but from the few videos I have seen, when the character gets hit the screen doesn't tear down like it's some corrupted VHS tape. Regardless, would you say that the effect presented in those screenshots is good? Does it enhance the visual aesthetic of the game? Or would you rather have it disabled?
>>872684 That was mostly a joke. I've seen a few people bring up the slight CA that BB has. It's really not that bad honestly. >Regardless, would you say that the effect presented in those screenshots is good? Does it enhance the visual aesthetic of the game? Or would you rather have it disabled? I'd need to see a video of it to really confirm how bad it is. For example, FF12 has some pretty wild CA when certain super attacks hit, but it's completely absent the rest of the time.
>>872685 >I'd need to see a video of it to really confirm how bad it is. The screenshots are from the mp4 of the OP. It's actually the first video ITT.
>>872687 Honestly anon, it's barely noticeable to me. It probably wouldn't have even registered if you hadn't brought it to my attention.
>>872689 Maybe it's like with people who can't tell the difference between 30FPS and 60FPS. Some are fine, even with 20FPS games and don't notice it, just like with all the CA in the video, while others are repulsed by it. For me, even from the other gameplay trailers I noticed it, even if it was a fraction of a second, I thought it was horrible, and the idea that this will happen every time my AC gets scratched is vomit inducing.
>>872699 kill yourself, you stupid sack of shit
>>872699 Yeah it's probably something like that. >and the idea that this will happen every time my AC gets scratched is vomit inducing. Well hopefully there will be a way do disable it or limit it an some way. I'd hate for you to not be able to play a game that you are looking forward to because of a modern design decision like this.
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>>872699 >watches the video again >see the screen effect happen whenever you get STAGGERED, not "scratched" >see how minimal and brief of an effect it is >anon is going to vomit over a little bit of screen shake and an unintrusive effect filter >such a big reaction to something so brief Nah bro you're a little bitch, even if you have some undiagnosed health problems. I have sensitive eyes as well but you REALLY do have some issues going on with you or benefits working too well. I can't help you with that anon and nagging at me and showing me 12 pictures from a video that I already watched a few times where I didn't and still barely notice the issue isn't going to help or fix your problem. Just wait until the game is out to see if it can be removed which if it can, well good for you, if it can't well sucks to suck and it'll probably be modded out later, especially if there are others with weird ass eyes like yours as well. Do you wear glasses? Turn down your screen brightness maybe, I did that as soon as I got my monitor when it was brand new.
>>872699 >people who can't tell the difference between 30FPS and 60FPS Those are disingenuous consoleniggers
>>872803 I'm honestly now 100% sure if I can tell the difference, at least not enough for it to impact my gameplay or my enjoyment.
>>872803 It's people who play games for fun instead of specs. A lot of these people are older people, who played games back when fun games were still made. Nobody noticed, let alone cared, that Ocarina of Time runs at 20fps. It needs to get apparently lower than that before it becomes actually noticeable, and not just noticeable if you've trained yourself to look for it.
>>872571 Anyone know if there is a fantranslation for SRW 30 that remove the retardation they did on the game? >>872819 Usually i can tell the difference because 60fps have a tendency of making me feel sick easier
>>872837 Yes, same goes for Dinasty Warriors on the ps1 being 60fps. I even enjoy when games start dropping FPS due to the action on the screen. The discussion around that time were "how many bits". FPS became a thing around the 7th gen. Same with resolution. I still don't buy people won't notice the difference between 30fps and 60.
For the fag whose having trouble with the PSX games. Heres my build i'm going with in project Phagtasma which I transferred to after beating AC1. I use treadlegs for speed, laser arms, and for my shoulder weapons a laser cannon and a pulse cannon. I have to use all these lasers to save money but they deal shittons of damage either way, but at the cost of draining a ton of energy everytime I fire them. Machine gun arms are stupidly powerful as well as they fucking MELT everything they shoot at even in AC2/AA and most likely AC3-ACLR as well. Hopefully Nineball Seraph once I get to the end of Master of Arena doesn't stretch out my bootyhole like how it does in AC2AA.
>>872869 Thanks, I'll just have to get over being stubborn about building a mech per mission. That's part of the charm of the series right?
>>872921 Yes, but that doesn't meant you have to build a completely different mech for every mission. After the early game when you keep buying upgrades, you will have a mech for 90% of the missions, and then change one or two parts for the few exceptional missions, like getting hover legs for the water levels or radar for the ECM missions.
>>872624 >Has it improved that much? Nah, it just came to mind for some reason.
i want a mech to sit on me
>>873208 Lie down on train tracks, it will have the same effect :^)
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>>873208 >>873210 You should do it anon, the train itself could turn out to be a mech I wish Might Gaine had proper subs, it's the only Yuusha anime I'm interested in watching besides GaoGaiGar
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I finally beat both Project Phantasma and Master of Arena, both games are short as fuck if I wasn't a wagie I could have beat both of them in the same day. The dual laser cannons arms in gen 1 AC are retardedly fucking busted as well as the Karawasa, but I managed to beat the Karasawa and laser arm users in the arena without too much trouble thankfully. After all that I have now beat every AC game except for ninebreaker I think I'm now ready for AC6.
>>873567 3 hours
I wish there was an RTS mech game that didn't suck >Supreme Commander Love it, but it's one of the rare few and there's barely any gore
>>873732 Mech Commander 1 and 2 as well as Empire Earth come to mind. That has an entire campaign built around it.
>>873732 You can try out a mecha TRPG. Front Mission 1 remake is pretty good so far from what I played, but even on normal mode it's pretty difficult. Also I don't know why you're asking for gore in a mech game, they're machines not evangelions.
>>873733 Empire Earth is great I should give it whirl again one of these days, if only for the editor. >MechCommander Thanks, I'll give it a try >>873735 >You can try out a mecha TRPG. I have, thanks Going through SRW OG 2 right now, making way for OGs which got a fan translation recently.
>>873840 Why are you playing through the GBA version? The PS2 version I think has everything the GBA one does, plus a few extra mech and pilots for their respective OG1 and OG2 campaigns.
>>873567 It's live
>>873567 >>873849 Nevermind, 10 minutes left
It's live
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>Starting off with fucking Vaati Alright, I'm done Would you though /v/?
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>>873862 More people need to call this fucker out for being a shill
>>873862 Modern PR fags really are the masters of making me disinterested.
>>873868 agreed, I have no idea why there are soulsfags promoting a mecha shooting game.
>>873869 Because From = Souls And nothing else
>You can change your mech after dying Doesn't this go against the whole difficulty thing? >>873870 I'm thankful they don't make a Ninja Blade 2 since soulsfags would RUIN character action games.
>>873871 Yeah, being able to change on the fly after you die and starting from a checkpoint makes no fucking sense, it should be at least heavily penalized.
>>873873 It's disappointing, but not a deal breaker in my opinion.
>>873873 >it should be at least heavily penalized Seems like they really want to make this AC more approachable for normalfags. I don't like it, but I understand why they want to get the soulshitters and elden ring fags on board to help boost the sales of what is typically a niche game.
>>873952 Nigger, not even Ace Combat 7 did this
>>873955 (checked) Pardon my stupidity, I don't understand your point. I haven't played any Ace Combat game past the PS2.
>>873956 You pick a loadout and you're stuck with it until you restart.
>>873961 Ah got it. I agree that shit like that should be penalized. On that subject, anyone know if there are any penalties to using repair kits? I know they give you a few per mission, but do they impact your mission rewards possibly to balance them?
>>873873 >>873966 >>873874 >>873952 Anons, it's an AC game, you still get penalized financially and lose your S-rank for dying. Let people play how they want. >>873966 From what I seen I don't think so, enemies hit harder and missions tend to last a bit longer and people in general are fucking stupid so they seem to be a nececity this time around. I been playing the older games and everything does chip damage to you and shit starts to go south over time but now in AC6 a bunch of enemies do sudden big dick damage to you quite often. Of course I won't get hit much if not at all, especially after 13 AC games I'd think I'd know what the fuck I'm doing.
Before I watched the showcase I thought to myself a tank build with dual gatling guns would be the most busted close range build in the game and much to my surprise I see Oroboro's whole ass team using that exact same build and dominating with it lel. Great minds think alike. It's a shame no one on the opposing team used a long range sniper/missile build as that would easily hard counter any tank build any day from what I've seen. >>873871 >Doesn't this go against the whole difficulty thing? I thought about it a bit more. Tedium =/= Difficulty You could change your build in Dark Souls/Elden Ring after losing to a boss as well, it's not about difficulty in this case its QoL by removing the tedious aspect of going through a whole ass entire level again, kinda like statues of Marika in Elden Ring. Remember it isn't the early 2000's anymore anon, AC had checkpoints where you can change your builds since 2012 in ACV and missions in AC4/FA were too short to really need to change your builds mid mission at all and before that missions tended to be quite fucking frustrating so I had to abuse save states quite a bit to actually beat some of those games, Silent Line in particular I remember being the worst fucking offender of that issue.
>>873997 >Let people play how they want I stopped supporting that way of thinking after I watched several game series I liked turn into something that became increasingly disconnected from what I originally enjoyed because of it. >enemies do sudden big dick damage to you quite often I was a bit worried they would balance the game around having them. Oh well, I'm sure it won't be that bad. >>874003 I hope pvp doesn't end up as crappy as it looked in the duel I watched. Not that I was ever that big on it, but it was a fun distraction in older games.
>>874003 A reason i'm against it its because its not a QoL for the fans but to make it acessible to more people and i don't think this is a different case
>>873997 >you still get penalized financially You sure?
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>>873997 >Let people play how they want. I saw every franchise I liked get dumbed down for retards who didn't like the franchise in the first place. Fuck no
>>873997 >Let people play how they want. I get where you're coming from, but at the same time you have to understand that this mentality leads to shit like the DmC and Tomb Raider reboots.
>>874071 Yep, and lose your S-Rank, it's kinda like a clutch: You can retry until you bruteforce the level, at the expense of getting your rank fucked, which in turn also fucks your Money. I have to also Say, that the levels now are fuckhuge, and that's the reason behind the checkpoints, because IIRC, one mission was like 20-30 minutes long, with shit going ballistic everywhere, and everyone targeting you on sight. So, in hindsight, even with that System, the game is balanced around the fact that you can change your build, so enemies are more aggresive towards you because of that.
>>874079 Proof?
>>874072 >>874076 <Let people play how they want. Yes, being able let people be able to change their AC setup mid mission is fine. I already said you can already do that for 11 years and you could do that in souls likes as far back as demon souls. Literally nobody thinks rerolling your build or swapping your gear in DS3 or ER after getting clapped by a boss is casualzing it or dumbing it down. Stop acting like it's the game is ruined because of player choice out of all things, I do not get how this became an issue now nor am I going to repeat myself again. The worst part about the new gameplay so far is the Aim Assist being absolutely busted and NEVER losing track of it's target, you can easily see that in the 1v1 gameplay with the dual gatling gun tank. The highspeed AC should have been running circles around it fairly easily but that aim assist just went and played half the game for Fightingcowboy, the nigger rightfully used no skill and just used held two buttons made chainguns go brr and dominated the match, he showed the game still needs work. As of now, the aim assist is antithetical to Armored Core and the PVP truly shows how disastrous it is for at least the PVP portion of the game, you'd think it would be less accurate, easy to break off or have any kind of downside but no, not until at least it ever gets nerfed as it shits all over the traditional way of aiming. >>874071 >>874086 In every game since the first once you lost a shitload of money when you died. You lose money every time you died in ACV/VD as well as your S-Rank but you could still continue from a checkpoint, AC6 looks to be the same there. Proof will be online once the game is out or you could ask me once its out because I'm getting the game myself.
>>874109 >The highspeed AC should have been running circles around it fairly easily but that aim assist just went and played half the game for Fightingcowboy, the nigger rightfully used no skill and just used held two buttons made chainguns go brr and dominated the match, he showed the game still needs work. Thats what sells nowadays
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>>874111 The tracking for the aim assist needs to be slower so that it can be out maneuvered fairly easily, it would make it so that aim assist would have to be used primarily for slower more stationary targets along with repositioning since it affects movement by making ACs pivot around their targets and not how they usually do, that way traditional aiming wont be left obsolete and still useful in it's own right. Though that may not happen and if it does it may take months to patch in much like how long it took Fromsoft to nerf Rivers of Blood and Bloodhound step in ER. You'd think that having the tracking work in a sensible way would have been a no brainer but Fromsoft always manages to fuck up their games in one way or another on release. I never even seen anyone use manual aiming but it seems to be fucking dead in the water now.
>mecha thread is going to be fromfags arguing from now on I HATE IT
>fromfags outta nowhere <While the thread was dead for nearly 2 days Rent free
>>873871 >I'm thankful they don't make a Ninja Blade 2 since soulsfags would RUIN character action games. I don't know. From did pretty good with Sekiro.
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AC6 comes out in t-minus 3 days. Heres the chart for AC newfags, don't be intimidated each of the games are short as fuck, like 4-8 hours short. They are still hard is nuts though, if you're a casual, bad at games or an idiot in general I suggest you go play AC (Animal Crossing) instead. >>874681 Anon, this is how huge AC fans like to talk about the game, just look at some youtube videos about AC PVP and their youtube comments below, people like me are in there. I would have no problem going somewhere else to discuss AC with other fellow AC vets but I'm not sure where else to go, youtube doesn't count. I'm definitely not going to 4cuck, discuck or reddit either that's for damn sure.
>>874788 How good is AC6 going to be as a soulslike metroidvania looter shooter?
>>874803 It doesn't look like a soulslike.
>>874803 Probably as good as it being an Arcade Racing Game in the style of Burnout 3.
>>874814 I thought Burnout 3 was actually an Arcade Racing Game, not a sim.
>>874817 I wanted to say that Burnout 3 was an example of an arcade racing game, not that AC6 was as much of an arcade racing game as Burnout 3.
With the casino taking the name gone now, what MS do you think should be in Gundam Breaker 4 ? GB3 had 225 MS (many of them variants, 44 of the suits new). In particular, what oddballs would you pick? Cross DImension 0079 >Gundam Pixy >the banger and fully original soundtrack Tiel's Impulse >Gundam Lucifer Edge Of Gunsmoke >Browning Gundam MS Saga >Black Wing (retains SD frame) >the also banger and (opening movie music aside) fully original soundtrack G-Saviour PS2 >G3-Saviour Code Fairy >Titania École du Ciel >Le Cygne
>>875147 I wonder if Arial is gonna be in since apparently the sales for that series were low.
>>872571 Don't forget about Gravity Circuit anon, it's technically all about robots after all. >>872601 Still mad about Miyazaki's retarded boner with the White Glint. >>872650 >Frame Gride You're really making me feel old anon, I remember discovering it while searching for the A.C.E. games back in 2007 I still don't know if Frame Gride was a product of its time in regards to the weird middleware games with style or if it tried to be action Rayblade >It's not really that far of a stretch as everything else is either dead, aged poorly or mediocre. Sounds like you need to play some nip-only games then anon, try the Gundam Vs games for a start since they don't require you to learn moonrunes. >>872837 >Nobody noticed, let alone cared, that Ocarina of Time runs at 20fps Eh half true. It was fun so nobody cared, me neither. We all noticed it when the animations for Link's side jump and backflips were so choppy you could go from lightspeed to ludicrous speed traversing Hyrule Field that way instead of just rolling around at the speed of sound. I was almost a little annoyed the 3DS remake had staple 30 FPS and I couldn't have my frammy choppy side jumps. >>872850 >Anyone know if there is a fantranslation for SRW 30 that remove the retardation they did on the game? None I'm afraid, a lot of fan projects tend to get dropped once they get official translations unless you have a specific brand of autists who keep at it and saddly they are usualy only in the mangasphere >>873409 >Not wanting to also see Exkaiser >Not wanting to also see Fighbird >Not wanting to also see Dagwon Come on anon, even for educational purposes alone you should, after you finish Might Gaine. >>873840 GBA and DS SRWs have fan translations as well, J, W and K to name a few. Also Zone of the Enders on the GBA exist by the people behind the Masou Kishin series. >>873846 No fan translation nor patch for OGS nor OGG sadly, which is why people are more content to play the Atlus USA translations on GBA. >>873871 >I'm thankful they don't make a Ninja Blade 2 since soulsfags would RUIN character action games. Ninja Blade was the reason some old FromSoft heads retired and the newfags remained.I love the game but still, a pretty heavy blow. At least it went up against Demon's Souls instead of Dark >>874681 Where were you back when retards discovered that Miyazaki was a director for AC4 and started doing fucking Souls-type lore videos?
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Anyone play Ring of Red? I like Front Mission so I don't mind tactics, but I want to hear if the real-time combat gets grating.
AC6 Launch Trailer: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=h1u9dnU0KrE Had to divide original resolution by 3 with crf 32 for file
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As a side note, what mecha have you anons been watching lately? I've been wanting to watch Armor Hunter Mellowlink since I haven't watched it before but I've started re-watching VOTOMS again since I haven't seen it in a few years and wanted context for the OVA. The space Vietnam war arc is so fucking cool I get excited for it every time. >>875270 >Still mad about Miyazaki's retarded boner with the White Glint. I think White Glint looks cool. I like the legs and arms/shoulders moreso than the core and head though. I have the Kotobukiya or whatever model, the one with the VOB backpack. Cost a pretty penny since I was a retard and bought it off amazon, but it looks nice even with a minimal paint job and semi-gloss top coat. Was a bitch to build compared to a Gunpla though. >Come on anon, even for educational purposes alone you should, after you finish Might Gaine. Well they'll have to be before I finish Might Gaine because like hell if I'm watching Chinglish crabstick subs for half the show. Which of those three is your favorite? >mp4 is Exkaiser Would you recommend that one next? I'll be honest, having a child as the protagonist turns me off of a series. I'm not sure why. I feel like that's why I'm not interested in some of the Brave shows. >Where were you back when retards discovered that Miyazaki was a director for AC4 and started doing fucking Souls-type lore videos? Please don't remind me that we're in for more of this shit once the new game comes out. Souls lore videos are the most infuriating fucking shit, just a bunch of reddit faggots spelling out the shit that you're supposed to organically glean for yourself, and when they're not doing that they're obsessing over minute details (or rather, they're stealing ideas from years-old cuckchan posts and pretending they came up with those fan theories). I've already seen a few AC "lore" videos pop up in my jewtube recommended and it pisses me off that this is only the beginning, especially since they're gonna dial up the bullshit since Armored Core is fairly straightforward story-wise compared to Souls which is somewhat esoteric on purpose. I mean fuck I think there's even a channel that's literally named Armored Core Lore or something to that effect and he's getting on other people's podcasts and shit as if he's some fucking authority. Look I'm not going to posture here, 4th gen were my first AC games, and even then it was years after the fact. I was reading through an AC thread on /v/ years back and got the itch to play one, only had a 360 at the time and picked them up. Since then I've played 1st gen and 3 & SL on emulators and even after playing 7 games I still feel like a newfag to this series. I do think 6 looks good and I really want to play it once it releases but I'm not looking forward to the faggotry this game is going to introduce into what was a pretty insular, comfy fanbase. >>875654 I've been meaning to play this game for a long time, it looks so fucking cool. But everything I see about this game makes it seem like the battles take so long that I feel like I have to actually specifically plan time out of my life just to make progress in it. Still, the mechs look cool, like slightly more spartan-looking Wanzers from Front Mission.
>>875251 >Aerial sales were low What? Who told you this?
Global release time for day 1 fags. Fuck Im gonna go with a long range and speedy build. I want something truly viable and unique, I can experiment once I gain more money.
>>875654 >Konami >Actual breakthroughs in SRPG mechanics >Looks like a Valkyrie Chronicles precursor of some kind Very neat. <EU 2001 Something tells me it only reached the shores of England that year and the rest of us ate shit like always during that particular period of early PS2 games not named after long standing franchises. >>875848 > I've been wanting to watch Armor Hunter Mellowlink It was cool. So far I have nothing to watch because I need to put some order with my files. Been playing a shit ton of SRW though. >I think White Glint looks cool. The W.G. doesn't have a problem in appearance, it's the tropes and Miyazaki-isms(namely the supposed "lore" behind it which is fucking nothing) that accompany it and the constant jerking off from the other pilots, as if it's the fucking Lu Bu Gundam or something. >Crabsticks Apart from Fighbird I'm pretty sure the other two have long since gotten proper english subs. Even J-Decker. > having a child as the protagonist turns me off of a series. Silly anon, in the Brave series, the child is the useless self insert of the audience and the fetish of the directors before one of them went and made Boku no Pico but the main character is (almost) always the mecha itself since its sentient. Notable exeptions include : >Da-Garn since the shota is the M.C. >Might Gaine, since Maito is the M.C. and Gaine is his robo partner >Dagwon since the kids transform into the mecha themselves as if they are fucking Tekkaman >GaoGaiGar since Guy's the main character and one of the power sources of GaoGaiGar himself >Please don't remind me that we're in for more of this shit once the new game comes out. Well, clench your asshole and brace yourself because we're in for some real shit this time. At one point it was shilling of some retard named EpicFaceBro or something making up shit for the english versions of Dark Souls 1,2,3(aka the "lore") with guides and Bamco's blessings. Now, Bamco called Faagdividya and that dwarf who couldn't even bother to dress properly in an event full of nips. It's gonna be really insufferable. Him getting assblasted on Gfaqs because he cheesed Nioh wasn't enough >that's literally named Armored Core Lore or something I'm experiencing forms of anger that Ryoma could never even fathom at this point. >Look I'm not going to posture here, 4th gen were my first AC games, and even then it was years after the fact. Ouch, my condolences anon. At least you played the third gen, so it's all good. > I still feel like a newfag to this series. Welcome to the series anon, everyone's an eternal newfag when it comes to the wacky adventures of a corporate pilot and his trusty mecha simulation. Enjoy the ride and customize away.
>>875873 I’m bound by an agreement to go Twin pistols cowboy, no back weapons for the first playthrough
Any hope for a new SRW or some fantranslation of older ones coming out soon? I'm craving super robots more by the day
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO STUPID FUCKING NIGGER UPS WONT LET ME GET IT A DAY OR TWO BEFORE RELEASE? I CAN"T EVEN ACTUALLY PLAY THAT SHIT AT ALL UNTIL ITS SCHEDULED STEAM RELEASE I'm already done going through the 5 stages of grief. I'm gonna spend my thurdsay and friday night all alone and Armored Coreless.
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>buying games
>>876077 I guess I could play Mechwarrior 5 while I wait. I'm gonna have to avoid /v/ and the internet for a bit like how I did with SMTV and FFXVI, a few of you guys especially like posting pre-release spoilers a bit too much. I'll show you guys what I got as soon as I get a hold of it, although it really isn't worth the wait.
>>876085 Has the story truly ever mattered in any of the AC games?
>>876170 Nah man the missions, mecha designs and the parts. I don't want to see ANY of that shit before I see it for myself. We already seen how insane the early missions can be, empahsis on that laser eye 6 legged arms fort thing. Imagine if someone ever spoiled the Fire Giant fight in Elden Ring for me instead of me going in the game blind and seeing it for myself and promptly shitting my pants at what the game wants me to do, it would feel a lot less impactful to me.
>>876208 I can not relate to what you are saying, I don't give a shit if I find out before hand that I have to fight a giant enemy in a game with giant dragons. Then again, I was the type of anon to participate in the Boston Salt Party threads, and laugh at looser who would go mad, because someone spoiled the game to them.
>>876170 Not really. >>876208 The only one of those I would count as a potential spoiler would be the missions. The designs and the parts are all shit I'd rather know ahead of time so I can brainstorm builds.
>>875873 Gonna go with quads because I always go quads in these games. I'm thinking grenade launcher back weapons and laser rifles on the arms but I'll have to see what's available at the beginning of the game >it's the tropes and Miyazaki-isms(namely the supposed "lore" behind it which is fucking nothing) that accompany it and the constant jerking off from the other pilots That's dialed back a bit in 4A I think but I get what you mean. >and the fetish of the directors before one of them went and made Boku no Pico Holy shit that's funny, I had no idea >Ouch, my condolences anon. At least you played the third gen, so it's all good. Third gen was really cool, but honestly 4A is still my favorite of the series. It's probably just because of nostalgia since it was the first one I played, but I've replayed it several times now. I fucking hate AC4 though, goddamn was that game boring. Didn't help that I played it after 4A, but holy shit it's so much slower and the missions are all boring as fuck. >>876005 >>876037 Speaking of SRW, what's a good one to start with that's easy to emulate? >>876064 Was the action figure worth it, anon? You could've just pirated the OST, man. >>876170 The worldbuilding is interesting and the actual story of whichever one you happen to be playing can be hit or miss but you can just ignore it for the most part, yes. One thing I always liked about AC3 were the shit-talking emails you'd get from the other guys in the arena. Like you'd lose a fight a few times against them, back out to switch your shit up and see an email from the dude who just kicked your ass calling you a faggot. AC games should have emails again.
>>876443 >what's a good one to start with that's easy to emulate? Original Generation 1 and 2 for GBA
>>875270 >No fan translation nor patch for OGS nor OGG sadly, which is why people are more content to play the Atlus USA translations on GBA. OGS as in Original Generations on PS2? That's been fully translated for 2 years. https://www.romhacking.net/translations/5817/
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You guys said you wanted a western Gundam Breaker release right? https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=wpN3M0xdc6Y There actually was a western produced Gundam comic already, a 2020 promo for some Gundam Wing toys, so even that part is a fucking lie.
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>>876443 >That's dialed back a bit in 4A I think but I get what you mean. 4A fixed a lot of things but IMO only V approached what I wanted out of a post PS2 AC, gen 5 in general if it didn't have retarded multiplayer shit >Holy shit that's funny, I had no idea Oh, that's gonna be akward, especially when you learn how many of the great mecha artists, directors and animators are also hentai directors, like Obari and a bulk of their work includes a lot of futas. >It's probably just because of nostalgia since it was the first one I played Probably; I started with the second but my fave is the 3rd one but I also spent a fuckton of time with the PS2 and mecha games from every corner of Japan's IPs. >AC4 slow and chugging everywhere, the PS3 was rough to develop for the first few games that came out of it. Makes me miss when FromSoft put a little more oompf in their optimizations; to be fair, they seem to be doing ok with Elden Meme. >Speaking of SRW, what's a good one to start with that's easy to emulate? SRW W on the DS, with the fan translation to boot, very easy game, is the only one that has NG+ selectable difficulties. It's also very american and euro-friendly save for Gundam Seed which was a "Who?" moment for Yuros back then >>876515 Yup that one >Completed Aw, sweet.
>>875654 >Ring of Red Played it a lot. Plenty of fun. Diesel-powered, barely functional mechs with heavy cannons and an operational capacity of about 90 seconds shooting at each other despite significant balance problems in design. Also fictional civil war in Japan post-WW2 with overtures that the Nazis won.
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>>876573 While ZOE is a funny example because of the designs, I don't think Yoji Shinkawa ever worked on hentai. Orbital Frames look like that because of Kojimbo's weird brand of 'authenticity', as the cockpits are supposed to be in the OF's center of mass. You see this same weird Kojimalore in MGS5 with Quiet.
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>>876583 Shinkawa is an actual designer, so is Kawamori. And people like Katoki, Okawara etc. That's why I mentioned just animators/directors/arists(my implication was for manga) Obari and others who end up animating and stylizing most of the designs have. Compare the actual Dancouga and Dancouga Nova designs or the design of ny brave with what showed on screen and you'll see. There's a sharp difference because the idea goes from >design a toy in realistic fashion to >draw and animate the toy as a cool robot Mind you, that's not a knock against anyone, but different people do different things. 'sides, how many mecha designers also direct and / or animate apart from Kawamori, most of the designs Obari has done have never been animated(at least not by him, since he's just done promo tv work for local mechs). Gravion was commisioned to Okawa for example and Obari put his own touch later. I think it was an interview with Obari and his friend, Satoshi Urushihara who talked about the difference in mecha animating and Urushihara said that for the mecha to be fluid and good in animation you have to master human anatomy and how it works and be good at drawing even outside of your own artstyle. Very few people basically bother to go full nerd and learn >how to draw properly >how to draw in their own style >how to draw anatomically >how to apply all those three in mecha >how to apply all those to YOUR mecha animation most just stop at the anatomy and do hentai which pays moremanga artists I mean, the top ones at least Besides, if you've seen the Dolores anime you'll get it, Shinkawa may have laughed at the joke, the anime director knew exactly what he was doing with the "cock"pit humour, he tk it further than Shinkawa on purpose
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Final Trailer for AC6 is out https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=aVDe1P3Z9Rk Gameplay from someone whose actually good at the game - aka S-Rank gameplay When you play this game don't play it like fucking mechwarrior or some slow shit play it similar to this. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=f5MWVVNTZic
>>875270 Gravity Circuit is a good game, I should've added it to the OP.
>>876618 Robots aren't mecha. Thats like thinking Megaman is a Gundam.
>>876620 Mecha is short for "mechanism", even battleships, tanks and cars are technically "mecha". There's a reason there were crossovers with /o/ back in the day every year, for fun. It's why a lot of mecha otaku in japan are also military nerds, they get chubbies out of tanks, ships and jets But I get what you mean, if it's not a "giant robot" then it's "mecha". Fair, there's that school of thought as well.
Bros... I need AC6 now, inject it in My veins, i can't wait more when the nips are playing it Right now
>>876651 Calm down anon, it's unhealthy to be hyped for a product.
>>876610 >don't play it like mechwarrior All the trailers and gameplay showed ACs zipping around, who the hell thought there was going to be any realistic sense of weight to this? >>876621 I always limited it to mech related things. Big or small. >spoiler Not Japanese but I do love some cool looking tanks/jets/ships. The overlap there makes sense now that you mention it.
AC6 is breaking the curse of shitty reviews while still being undoubtedly AC at the same time. Fuck yeah. >>876713 An anon in one of the previous mecha threads who tried to show off that one indie AC fangame "Hammer" as playing like Mechwarrior. He even was playing it in first person wtf. I didn't even know fps mode was a feature in that game. But hey he can play the game however he likes as long as it works but that really won't fly in AC6.
>>876722 Ironically this is a good sign considering what modern game journalists and reviewers are like
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>>876722 First person view was something that a few AC games had, but most people never used it.
>>876722 >Demanding controls >Unwieldy camera Coming from a game journo this is a good sign >Illegible UI The fuck? If anything the UI is particularly utilitarian for these games. Shit the only way it could be simpler is if it was 4th gen's UI. >one indie AC fangame "Hammer" as playing like Mechwarrior. Isn't Hammer a fangame based off For Answer? As in the fastest fucking game in the series? Why would you play it like Mechwarrior? >>876726 Maybe since we're getting a PC port we'll see some first-person mods. Pairing that with the free aiming you can unlock would be kinda neat to fuck around with. Also I know we're getting a different anti-cheat than Elden Ring used, I'm not too worried about the spyware since I'm on linux but I wonder if it will be as simple as EAC to disable for modding purposes.
>>876713 My bad, as usual my fucking keyboard ate my words, I wanted to write <But I get what you mean, if it's not a "giant robot" then it's not "mecha". Fair >>876713 >The overlap there makes sense now that you mention it. A lot of the first gen of mecha designers, like Okawara, technically Matsumoto, Go Nagai etc. all to an extend had a parent or a very immidiate relative that was a mechanic during the war and they had to inherit dad's workshop, since they've been doing that since before WW2 and even as kids they happened to see what dad worked on. And later they got to work on Japan's many restoration projects, so they got to see and design a lot of vehicles that could be army adjacents(mostly planes and ships, which is why Leiji Matsumoto had literal Space Ships even beyond Harlock). And they found themselves working on "mecha" for one reason or another, Okawara was making toys for Bandai as a sidejob(nearly all the Super Robots of the 70s). >>876725 More like journos and (((gamers with a youtube/dicksscord community))) once again expose themselves for their hypocrisy and retardation, especially in regards to their double standards. >>876726 Yeah, early ACs had some nice customization when it came to controls and cameras. Seems like AC6 is returning that as OS upgrades for the AC from what people say for NG+. I forgot how much the first person view looked like the view from Impact's cockpit from Goemon which ironically Sandlot's DS game did copy for one of the cockpit configs
Played AC6 for about 2 hour so far. The game is really fucking fun, but here's some thoughts so far >runs flawlessly on linux, make sure you have vkd3d installed and run it with the latest proton (not experimentlal) and you're good to go >Tutorial boss nearly killed me as I was getting acclimated to the controls, the game really throws you into the deep end. For what it's worth this very early babby's first boss didn't feel like a souls boss to me, will have to see once I reach some more bosses >default controls are a bit fucked for me coming off of replaying 4A for the past month. I think I'm gonna rebind them tomorrow night when I play again but being able to fire arm weapons and back weapons at the same time takes some getting used to, as does acclimating myself to weapons that autofire vs. weapons that have charged shots that require you mash the fire button if you don't want to charge >that being said, rebinding might be quite a challenge to get right since jumping to get into the air is its own button now as opposed to double tapping boost(this might've been a thing in AC5 I'm not sure I haven't played it) >hard lock seems like it can be broken and is honestly more of a hinderance when you're not facing bosses or other AC pilots, and even then the accuracy penalty for using it with the absolute shit starter weapons is really not worth it >missions where you face off against fodder jobber MTs are fun >The big setpiece not-an-Arms-Fort mission that was shown off in all the early reviews was a lot shorter and easier than I thought it would be >shop unlocks seems to be coming at a good pace >although I've played like 7 or 8 missions now WHERE ARE MY FUCKING QUAD LEGS FUCK I WANT THEM SO BAD >stopped right before the Climbing the Wall mission, still haven't unlocked the arena >seems so far that money from missions will never be an issue for you, despite this S ranks seem pretty hard to get with some pretty demanding requirements as far as ammo spent/AP lost >repair kits are as annoying as I thought they'd be. I thought maybe I'd feel they'd mesh better with the game but no, they're really annoying and I wish I'd just have all the AP from the start of a mission instead of having to push a button when I'm getting low on an arbitrary limit. Still not quite a dealbreaker though, I get that some things hit like trucks and I've yet to get to any of the really long missions so maybe they'll feel better for me the more I play, I dunno Overall good shit so far, I had a blast from what I played and once I remap the controls to something I'm more comfortable with and play a bit more I'm thinking I'll have even more fun. All in all 1/10 it's okay :^)
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This game has been an autistic fixation of mine for months and now I can't even play it while everyone else does. I have to wait to play AC while all these plebs and retards play it and eat shit because they're retarded. I want to be humble but at the same time I want to sperg out so bad I fucking embarrass myself. I need to avoid all you faggots until I get my copy, I will only find peace of mind that way. >>876910 I ain't reading ANY of that shit. I need my experience with the game to be 100% fresh and new for me.
>>876925 calm down autismus you'll have your good time
>>876910 So its a faithful AC game. What about the controls? >runs flawlessly on linux thats all I need to know
>>876910 How are the KB+Mouse controls? Can you fire your shit without a lock on?
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Gentlemen Welcome to Rubicon, home
>>876934 >play a few minutes >boring stop playing why is nothing fun anymore?
>>876942 Acquire better taste Take a shower Learn to stop being a IRL Grinch And that's it
>>876942 You most likely dedicate (consciously or not) a substantial amount of time worrying or ruminating about something which prevents you from being here now, not being mindful enough to relax and immerse yourself in this game, leaving you no mental real estate to process anything other than your troubles. Being stressed or depressed enough will make you frequently disengage from a zen state of optimal media interactivity. It's why people can't stick to projects either during a slump, videogames may not be enough to give you deep seated fulfillment. Also pic related.
>>876947 Aside from commiting suicide or going back on antidepressants and into therapy, what would be the best way to handle burnout?
>>876956 Take a break, and do something else. It doesn't matter what it is, it can be painting, fishing, hiking, dancing, carpeting, gunpla, writing short stories, whatever, just as long as it's something completely different AND it's relaxing for you. If you have no idea what it is, try different things and see what sticks, not necessarily anything that I have listed, there are plenty of other things to try out.
>>876722 >>876725 The only thing that's changed is that FromSoft is now a big deal and journos feel like they'd get crucified for saying anything bad about it. I don't think hardly any of them actually like or even "get" these games.
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What color pattern are you putting on your AC? I know what I'm putting on mine
>>876947 I can't for the life of me enjoy anything that was recently made nor can I play old games that i try and emulate through various software. I think that you're half right I just wanna have fun though and I'm not getting it from anything recent.
>>876942 If i play any game for a few minutes i never finish anything, i only get immersed in the game after fucking hours so i bruteforce through it >>876722 Realistic the game should have been higher if journos wouldn't be a fucking joke
>>876964 I just painted mine a simple color scheme and am slapping as many corporate logos on it as possible. Meanwhile I'm stuck on one of the earlier bosses, Balteus. Starting to wonder if this guy is just overtuned, the game wants me to use a VERY specific mech setup rather than just the right weapons (have a pulse gun I'm using to nuke his shields, swapping to different gun when his shield goes down and of course using Melee to burst damage during stagger), or if this game just isn't for me if all the later bosses are going to be as clusterfucky as this asshole.
Just killed Juggernaut and got my quad legs. It's taking me a long time to acclimate to the way weapons work now. At least in Chapter 1 there are very few arm weapons that just fire if you hold the button and don't charge. Also the game is VERY heavily based around the stagger mechanic, if you don't balance you weapon loadout for dealing stagger damage and then subsequent regular damage you're gonna have a bad time against anything that's not a drone or an MT. If that doesn't sound like your cup of tea then give up on trying this game, you probably won't like it. Personally I can take it or leave it as I'm still having a lot of fun so far. Chapter 1 really gives you shit weapons though, there's a decent variety of AC frame parts but I've not been satisfied all 4 parts of my weapon loadout yet. However, I unlocked a handheld grenade launcher from a training mission and the plasma missile launcher from the shop and holy shit, these things are the shit. Feel really powerful and are fun to use, I'm hoping once I beat the boss of this chapter there will be more options for me that feel this good to use. >>876928 >What about the controls? I rebound them to resemble 4th gen, which is much more comfortable for me and it's a lot easier to control now. I'm finding that the button for boost(that is regular boost not QB) is pretty useless since QB puts you into a boost state automatically. Also hovering with the quad legs is taking a bit of getting used to, I keep instinctively trying to double-tap the jump button but you've kinda gotta give it a second once you're in the air to hover. It's so weird that now quad legs are the legs that are meant to be the choice for sustained flight since in previous games they've been second only to tank legs as the worst at that. I'll have to play around with them a bit more to get used to them since I ain't giving up on my quads unless I absolutely have to, I'm a sucker for mechs with more than 4 or more legs. >>876932 >How are the KB+Mouse controls? Sorry anon I've not tried them yet, I have very little interest in playing this game with KB+M. Maybe once I get more time I'll fuck around with that and let you know how it goes but I can't imagine they're too bad, I doubt they'd affect your ability to lock on very much. >>877056 >I just painted mine a simple color scheme and am slapping as many corporate logos on it as possible. Same, although once I get a good amount of time to sit down and play longer I want to fuck around with the emblem designer, people have been making some really detailed shit from what I've been seeing.
>>877258 Also sorry for the double post but I'm also surprised by the performance of this game. I've played for like 3.5 hours so far and haven't run into a single problem, framerate's smooth as fuck and not a single crash even on linux. That's more than I can say for Elden Ring and that game ran even better on linux at launch than on windows and the online didn't even work. With AC6 I'm connecting to the online no problem, load times are fast on my SSD and framerate's pretty stable and above 100 most of the time.
My copy comes in the mail today. Just you wait faggots I'm landing on Rubicon and am joining you all in that corporate coral grind. I'll probably get emotional once I get to 2nd pic related although I shouldn't even be nostalgic over it as I only started playing AC in December last year, the AC oldfags though must be busting fat nuts and crying tears of joy over that callback. >>876942 Anon I'll be straightforward with you, your brain is fucking rotted. You either drugged it the fuck up, you're old, or you milked it completely dry of dopamine or you hit your head too hard one day. I'm sorry anon, I'll have fun and enjoy the game in your stead.
I found out a local post office is holding onto my package. I'm gonna fucking rush down to there and bust down their door first thing in the morning and kindly ask those pajeets running the office if they have my shit. >>876964 going with something similar to pic related, but with some fruits on it as well. gonna name my AC "Juice Layer". say it out loud for a little surprise :^) I have a dozen more dumbass names lined up as well all for shits and giggles primarily. >>877258 I can't wait to see all of the cool weapon designs they came up with this time around, keep in mind there are parts and weapons exclusive to NG+. I also REALLY want to see how the Karasawa and the Moonlight (AC's version of the moonlight greatsword) look and act in this game as well.
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Say something nice about gun tank
>>877277 JVWXS6FV3ETN
>>876964 An old job may have possibly handed over my SSN due to incompetence, risking me a job I really want. This video put a smile on my face especially since I'm unironically having a GoGurt right now. Thank you, GoGurnon. To say I feel like shit right now is an understatement. I will go make an AC in your Gogurty honor and memory.
>>877277 I think he is a really cool mobile suit even if he is not the most powerful
>>877271 Nah it just sucks
>>877284 Cheers anon >>877273 Fukken wew >>877277 Cute!
>>877054 >Realistic the game should have been higher if journos wouldn't be a fucking joke And if the normals weren't fags I know what I did >>877260 The Eldering also had a huge word to scale compared to instanced sandboxes like AC6, so it's a bit lighter on the processing, plus the scale helps due to big robots and making the environments not seem big compared to being a tiny guy and fighting Todd's Dragon Dongs in a giant world with tons of verticality for you >>877277 I wanna say it's not good but those digits compel me to think otherwise. No man can do a bad job when landing on those numbers. Good job Hayato now watch out for your wife cucking you
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Just downloaded the game and fucking around in the tutorial area to see what I can and what I can't do. As for first impressions, this is probably the quietest and easy going intro I have played from an AC game(from 1 up until Last Raven). I find using both A and B to boost weird, might need to remap. Also I am not a fan of invisible walls, sure the previous games had them, and it was a bit annoying to hear the beeping whenever I got close to one, but at least it was more organic, and nothing stopped me from going over it and failing the mission, whereas here this red line seems to follow me and prevent me from going forward, even in the air.
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Found some unconnected pipes, right at the start, I guess there is no secret part here. I dread thinking of searching for hidden parts, now that the levels seem to be bigger.
>>877319 There's a head part that can help you find chests, it's the one thatsort of looks like the antena head from the gen3 games.
>>876942 It is entirely possible you just didn't like it. I had a similar reaction to Witcher 3. Nothing wrong with that. Though for a game like AC you should usually give it a few missions before you toss it. You never know if it might hook you after a bit of playing. If it can't manage that in a few hours though, then toss it and move on. >>876962 >FromSoft is now a big deal and journos feel like they'd get crucified for saying anything bad about it Yeah I'm waiting for the honeymoon period to run out so I can se how this went for most people. I'm genuinely curious how the souls niggers + normalfags jumping in on the series for the first time will hold out. >>877318 Yeah I will always prefer the going out of range warning setup over invisible walls.
>>877318 >>877352 Going out of bounds downward, that is falling down a big pit or cliff or something, now resets you back in the level and takes out a big chunk of your AP. I get that an AC game needs to have very strict boundaries in the level but I'm not sure how I feel either way about how that's handled. On the one hand, being able to actually go OOB and have the mission end when you go too far can be annoying if you're trying to pay attention to the combat and you just happen to think you need to evade in the direction of the boundaries. On the other hand, just being stopped dead at the actual boundary is jarring, I'm not sure how you'd do something like this well.
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I will be honest, it took me three tries to take down this helicopter, as I wasn't used to the controls yet. I take it back, this is one of the hardest intro missions, but only because it had a boss fight at the end. Reminds me of the first AC, when I didn't understand the controls and got slapped by those training MCs. Not sure how I feel about checkpoints, I think they also replenish ammo, so it might cheapen the experience, even fi I don't get the so called S rank. Also, some of the keywords from the intro cutscene: >fires of ibis >storm of flame >the kindling >the embers continued to burn >Humanity ... stoke the fire Can't wait for Vaati and all those other jewtubers to tell me how Dark Souls actually takes place in the Armored Core universe. I am also not sure how to feel about the fact that we are called Raven, not because we are part of the Raven organization like in previous games, but because it's a member berrie one of the ACs we found was called that. For newcommers, this might just seem like a random name, but from the way the manager reacted, it's clearly a significant name in this rebooted universe. >>876964 I am also an Ace Combat fan, so in the previous Armored Core games, I tried naming and coloring the previous ACs(Armored Cores), after the pilots and planes from AC(Ace Combat). This time it's Mihaly and his X02 plane. I am a bit disappointed that the customization of the AC seems to have degraded back to the PSX era, I understand they don't want to do Overheat mechanics anymore, but they could have provided Inside AND Extension parts, as well as an extra part that replaces the Cooling Mechanism for the Stagger mechanic they introduced. >>877344 Good to know, I guess it is necessary to have something like that considering how big some of the level will be, if the tutorial one is that big, and most likely will be reused. It's also preferable from using a guide to find those hidden parts, and let's be honest, unless you are the type of person who searches every nook and cranny in every level, you won't find every hidden part. >>877359 > if you're trying to pay attention to the combat and you just happen to think you need to evade in the direction of the boundaries. Well for that the previous games would give you an alert if you were to close to the OOB, and it also provided you a minimap, which you would need to pay attention to if you were engaged in combat, so it gave you both a visual and an audio feedback, if you were too close to the OOB area.
>>877359 Like >>877363 said, you had an audio and visual warning in the old games. They could also add something like they had in many FPS games where crossing the border gave you a 10ish second countdown to get back in before anything happened.
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One more post from my early impressions, as I sadly don't have a lot of time to play it. Did the first sortie after the tutorial, glad to know they still have short missions. Not every mission needs to be extremely long, and these short missions makes those longer missions feel special. I am baffled by how empty the shop is, not even the first AC was that bad, I understand that more parts will be unlocked with time, but come on! You couldn't provide the players with at least one or two legs for each leg type and one or two weapons for each weapon type? This isn't even about casualization, I don't understand the thought process. Where they afraid that players would discover some OP weapon, like the machine gun in AC 3rd gen that you could get from the start and mop most of the early and mid levels? All in all it's weird going from 3rd gen to this, I understand that I skipped two gens, and that the series was going faster and faster with more air time, compared to AC1, but it will take some getting used to, especially using both right hand weapons as well as back weapons. I am also not sure if it was a good idea to make the sword this super special weapon with a cooldown, instead of a regular weapon that consumed the Energy bar, which is a joke in this game, even if you deplete it. I understand it's to give extra air time, but even if you completely deplete it you are barely punished, unlike with gen 1-3 where if it got depleted you couldn't use it for a while, so Energy management was very important even if you didn't use Energy weapons. I am not saying this "isn't muh Armored Core", only that I will need some time getting used to the controls.
>>877380 some of the good stuff is locked behind training once you get to the big fucking laser walking machine that looks something out of tears of the kingdom, things pick up as you get more reverse legs and a decent amount of weapon variety starts showing up unlike previous ACs, the sell value of all of your items is 100% and you can always buy them back, so just buy shit left and right >make the sword .. which is a joke in this game, the sword is pretty good, use assault boost and just go unga bunga slash on things or just wait for the yellow bar to glow fully and then rush in. or just man up and go double rocket launcher or double laser, etc.
>>877384 >unlike previous ACs, the sell value of all of your items is 100% anon that's always been the case in these games.
>>877384 >unlike previous ACs, the sell value of all of your items is 100% and you can always buy them back That's true for all of gen 1, gen 2 and the first 2 games of gen 3. In the other two games of gen 3 Ninebreaker has no shop you can still sell them at full price if you haven't used them. >>make the sword .. which is a joke in this game, I wanted to say that Energy management is a joke, not the sword itself.
>>877391 Wait Nexus through LR if you use a weapon it sells for less? Shit and I thought the overheat mechanic draining your EN as well as AP looked like a ballbuster, they really weren't fucking around with the difficulty in those games were they? >Ninebreaker has no shop Everything I've seen about that game makes it seem so shit >Energy management is a joke Yeah outside of capacity I'm finding it hard to discern the different regen rates of different generators, I've just bought whichever generator has the highest cap
>>877390 damn i have poor memory >>877391 >I wanted to say that Energy management is a joke, not the sword itself. In that case, yeah the energy management is just touching grass and you're topped up to full. it seems like anything that would have used energy instead just taxes the energy capacity outright
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>>877395 Yeah, if it has the used tag, it will sell for less, here is an example from Nexus. >Everything I've seen about that game makes it seem so shit It has probably the best arena variety in the series, I suggest you just import a save file from Nexus, finish the arena, in an hour then move to Last Raven.
>>877399 That's a shame, Ninebreaker's final boss fight against an amped up Nineball seems plenty fun.
Finally got my game. Downloadan now. I knocked over and snapped off the ACs right weapon arm almost immediately upon getting it, fuck having working elbows am I right? Who wants the OST? https://easyupload.io/vtxjfl
>>877352 >Yeah I'm waiting for the honeymoon period to run out so I can se how this went for most people. They'll never answer, they'll keep it to themselves and only mention their true feelings in snyde, snarky remarks on twatter. >>877363 >Can't wait for Vaati and all those other jewtubers to tell me how Dark Souls actually takes place in the Armored Core universe. That's on FromSoft and Bamco as well, those fags put these shits in the game, called Vaati and other souljewtubers on stage to hype it up and Miyazaki does his Flame=Bad you gaiz schtick, so they can make AC6 into budget Z.O.E. and have the Coral be Metatron. Wow, such amazing lore; but I expect Faagdi to stretch its asshole out and bullshit it beyond >Dude, Miyazaki just likes Berserk and Vampire Hunter D mixed with Lovecraft, the end >Raven It's a memeberry but at least as a single mercenary's name it can also be a "cool guy pilot" name so it gets a pass. Same with "Ghost", "Hawk" and other such pilot type names but if they called you "Phantasma" to allude to Project Phantasma that would be a stretch too far. >I am a bit disappointed that the customization of the AC seems to have degraded back to the PSX era, Some things are unlocked gradually after nearly halfway the game but some of the things that are relegated as super secret OS upgrades, I suspect were made as such to allow the normalfags to customize their abominations when it comes to appearance, with colours crazier decals etc.
>>877496 >It's a memeberry but at least as a single mercenary's name it can also be a "cool guy pilot" name so it gets a pass. Same with "Ghost", "Hawk" and other such pilot type names The thing is that in the previous games, when you got called Raven, it meant that you were part of an organization, and while an elite unit, you weren't the only Raven out there. Sure you were special, but others were even more special at least in the early game. Now maybe it's way too soon to judge, but from the initial impression it seems like you are the only Raven so it makes the title even more special than it used to be. >but if they called you "Phantasma" to allude to Project Phantasma that would be a stretch too far. Maybe if we got called Stinger it would have been an interesting call back, and less of a member berry, but I also understand the desire to have the player get called Raven.
>>877508 No, this "Raven" doesn't seem connected, it's just a cool nickname that happens to allude to the previous gen, at least the way the story present it.
How's AC6? I might pick it up end of next month when I actually have money. Seen some cool creations floating around so I'm interested.
>>877496 >their true feelings in snyde, snarky remarks on twatter I've been watching the steam forums as well. No shortage of them venting whenever I check on it. Probably in a month from now, I might start seeing honest opinions as the streamers will have moved onto some other new shiny game to distract their fanbase with. >>877512 If that is the case, I'd rather they didn't do that. I have a growing hate for nostalgia bait shit.
>>877516 You can pirate it right nwo
>>877483 Smooth moves!
>>877516 I personally like it a lo, go for it when you have the money to do so, or pirate it like >>877526 said.
>>876956 Good restful sleep and lots of it.
>>876956 Get a new hobby. An outdoor one would be good.
just refunded the game. as soon i saw the "repair kit" that was the first red flag for the souls gameplay. boss in the first mission there to kick your ass. i just turned off the game. looked up the director of the game, he worked on darksouls, bloodborne and sekiro.i truly hate soulsfags. they ruined this franchise.
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>>877652 You sound like a total fucking bitch if that was all it took for you to decide this was a Souls game, you also type like (((LCP))) which is another negative point.
I just realized that I have been playing this game for over 14 hours straight and now its 6 in the morning. Jesus fucking christ. I'm loving this game besides the fact that some bosses are extremely retardedly hard, and others aren't so bad. I get the feeling that they were purposely made to be filters to get people who are less skilled or determined to beat the game to fuck off, and boy do they do a good job at doing so. Out of all my mechs my one with the dual linear guns and dual missile launchers is consistently the best. I even beat the fuck out of others in multiplayer. Either my parts or my skill is still middling due to the fact that I lose most of my matches and even those that I win I usually get the least amount of points, unless I use pic related. Wish I could get more consistent results with my shotgun build as its stupid strong up close but latency and jumpy retards make it hard for me to land shots. Maybe I should do what soulsfags like me usually do and only do the multiplayer AFTER beating the game.
AC6 supports tank builds, right? As in, this game isn't just about speed, glass cannon builds and light weaponry? Because I really, really want to go in hard on all the heaviest shit, biggest guns and just lay waste to the battlefield, but everywhere I'm seeing people use either quads or speed builds, and the ammo cost seems really prohibitive. I'm stuck on balteus at the moment, so right now I'm just farming the Strider mission for cash so I can empty the shop. So yeah, are tanks viable for the story?
I am taking a break from playing AC6 for 16.4 hours straight I feel like as if my body is breaking down. My insides actually feel really weird right now. >>877607 Sleep is for the weak. Red eyed insomnia gamers unite. >>877731 Just slap on the most Impact damage dealing shit you can find and lay into nearly any fucker in the game as long as you time your dodges right, stagger the poor soul so much that he barely gets any time to fight back, that's the go to way to fight with tanks. But yeah if you are having too much trouble try switching to quad for a bit honestly, everything really is great in certain situations but if you do get stuck not experimenting and trying new things is what you absolutely should NOT be doing. Also things can get way worse than your situation I got stuck on a branching path story mission and filtered so hard I decided to save it for NG+. Ammo cost is super minimal in this game you don't really have to worry about it. Good luck if you ever make it to sea spider, that thing is also a bitch and a half. >speed builds >Implying tanks cant go fast https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=6miBNuSI1e8
>>877737 Dual laser cannon and dual nade launcher, got it. I just hope I don't run out of ammo in the middle of the fight against balteus. Shame laser weapons don't pull from your EN instead from an ammo pool. Time to learn how to dodge and properly drift with tankthreads, I guess. this game has branching story paths? Oh no, I'm doomed.
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>Mark gives himself a stroke from being a couch potato playing for too long This'll be his second one, or maybe I'm thinking of acid. I call dibs on his 6900XT.
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Armored Core 6 is reviewing fantastic, while all the previous AC games generally got poor reviews. Most of them sit in the 60s on Metacritic. >Verdict Day: 66 >Armored Core 5: 65 >Last Raven: 59 >Armored Core 4: 65 >For Answer: 62 AC6 really isn't that different to the previous games, in fact it's a sequel of sorts to Last Raven which got very middling reviews. It goes to show you how much a review score comes down to studio provenance.
>>874788 This chart always makes me mad, it's very fucking wrong in several places.
>>877744 The sort of "people" who review games generally don't like them and base their scores on hype and how many clicks they think a given score will give them. Better to ignore that shit.
I finally got an S rank on the STRIDER misson. Yay. Now I just need to do it again so I can finally buy the 3250 EN cap generator for my tank. Hopefully I'll get my revenge soon.
>>877652 >just refunded the game Do your research before you buy next time. >>877744 (checked) >It goes to show you how much a review score comes down to studio provenance Yup. Nothing new there though. >>877747 Then correct it.
Back at balteus. Got him to phase 2 fadter than ever, but that flame sword is too much. The repairkits are really holding me back here, as 4k is not enough to repair any meaningful damage on a build with such high AP. So the damage dealt is right, but the damage taken is too much. Guess I'm gonna have to work on my dodges.
>>877767 >Then correct it. Too bad at image editing to do anything that looks remotely as good as it and not knowledgeable enough on some parts of the franchise to really make one the way I would like to (4, 5 and VD in particular but first gen, Nexus and LR too) The main thing that jump at me immediately >AC2 / AA difficulty levels 2 isn't anywhere near hard for many reason, and it's definitely not appropriate to classify AA as being the same difficulty as 2 because of all the nerfs and removal of crutches that took place, and that's prior to considering just how demanding later AA missions get compared to 2s own missions. >AC3 / SL difficulty levels Especially if you're gonna say 2 is hard, 3 is literally harder than it overall whether you just want to see the credits or be a completionist. >but muh cheese As if 2 doesn't have some cheese builds / parts only topped by AC1 (see EWX-VLS241). Though at least they did say SL is harder which is is, but it's also harder than AA if you're gonna be a completionist. >ACFA difficulty I mean it's definitely not hard but I had a worse time getting into it than I had getting into 2, **though probably has something to do with me expecting PS2 AC and getting absolutely not that.* >"graphical error would occur for PS2 ones except for Armored Core 3" Nope, absolutely fucking not >"ACFA copies are very rare" I can buy an x360 copy new and sealed for 30 bucks, a PS3 copy for the same price though not new. Doesn't strike me as rare
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>>877773 FUCK YOU, BALTEUS! TANK BUILDS FOR THE FUCKING WIN! >and then the game fucking crashed after the cutscene >progress was not saved >i have to beat the entire mission again FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
>>877773 >>877787 I just took out Balteus, took about 10 tries although 5 of those were me being stubborn and not wanting to give up on my tetrapod legs. Gave up on my beloved quads and ended up beating him with a heavyweight biped, 2 shotguns, laser cannon and plasma missiles. If most of the bigger bosses are going to be like this I'm not sure if I like them or not. Minibosses like the tutorial heli and Juggernaut were cool but easy, got them both first try. But Balteus is weird in that he behaves like a souls boss but you can't fight him like one. If you try and stay at optimal distance, dodging his missiles and bazooka and waiting for an opening you're going to get shredded no matter what. Instead you have to just bumrush the fucker while dodging whatever you can and unload on him whenever you're in dick-rubbing distance. In other words, you kind of want to attack while he's attacking, when he's not doing anything you actually want to recover EN/AP. It's a strange way to do these types of bosses and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, I think I might hate it. Also, I'm going to keep saying this until my voice is hoarse, FUCK REPAIR KITS. It's so fucking stupid making me move my fucking thumb to the d-pad, just give me all the AP from the start like every other game, there's no need for this shit.
>>877818 >just give me all the AP from the start like every other game That is a good point. If they just gave you a full amount of HP to begin with, you wouldn't need them. I guess they thought repair kits would make new players joining the series feel like they have a better chance or something idk. >>877783 >Too bad at image editing to do anything that looks remotely as good Just gotta match the font or not if you are rewriting all of it. Nothing else in there really seems all that special. If you write a detailed bit on what you want each part to say, I'll even do it for you when I have some time.
>>877824 >I guess they thought repair kits would make new players joining the series feel like they have a better chance or something idk I mean let's be honest they did it to appeal to soulsfags, which fine, whatever, but I would think the bosses alone would do that. As it is the only purpose the repair kits have is to artificially make your AC more fragile.
>>877744 >while all the previous AC games generally got poor reviews Because From was a small company and the games barely had any advertising. Paid shills just doing their work. Why are you even giving these fucks the time of day?
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>>877718 >I just realized that I have been playing this game for over 14 hours straight and now its 6 in the morning This happened to me with Bannerlord
>>872803 I can tell the difference. I just don't care.
>>877652 Are you the retard who streamed VI yesterday?
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>>877516 >The last pic I see that you dig giants robots as well. >>877519 Eh, steam's forums are somehow worse due to the retards flooding it with multiple accounts, moreso than twatter, mostly due to the verified shit twitter has and the need for a...khanten kreatur to make their opinions voiced the loudest, so twatter is somehow more honest than steam at all times. Yes, I'm aware how truly fucked gaming discussion is at this point. >>877664 Did you paints your ACs red this time instead of gold, Lieutenant? >>877744 (checked) >comes down to studio provenance And the "hype" carried from the pop culture zeitgeist yes, I threw up typing that It's closer to a weird mix of Verdict Day, Last Raven and a few prings of For Answer here and there with one or two annoying changes.
>>877824 >Just gotta match the font or not if you are rewriting all of it. Nothing else in there really seems all that special. If you write a detailed bit on what you want each part to say, I'll even do it for you when I have some time. I'm gonna go refresh on the games I haven't played to death, though I can't do V / VD (no PS3 and emulates poorly, though I don't think most people even really give a shit about those game besides MP) and see what I can do.
>>877883 >Yes, I'm aware how truly fucked gaming discussion is at this point Yeah it is definitely in a sad state these days. >>877899 Sounds good dubsman.
I dont know if you guys would beleive me but as soon as I got the game just yesterday I played it near non stop, I played it for a solid day and night straight without exhaustion and I think this was the first time in my life I had fun with a game THAT much, fucking christ. I probably look like the coomer meme right now due to how fucked up this game has gotten me. Also when it comes to that anon who was struggling with tank builds, they eventually become the strongest builds in the game I literally couldnt beat it without one. >>877834 My eyes hurt anon. They hurt so much I can no longer feel the pain.
>>877899 >though I can't do V / VD (no PS3 and emulates poorly, though I don't think most people even really give a shit about those game besides MP) Actually it seems RPCS3 can handle VD relatively well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSiXtSsIi4U Unfortunately, a lot of newfag-friendly emulation information for ps3/360 era AC is walled behind a fucking diskike server, such is the state of gaming communities these days. However, I ignored such a thing to get AC4A running issue-free on pretty much the latest version so perhaps the same is true for 5th gen if you fuck around with some settings. Honestly 5th gen just looks like shit though, even from the multiplayer gameplay shown in the video I linked it looks like the singleplayer would probably be shit but who knows >>877954 Goddamn dude pace yourself
>>877954 >Also when it comes to that anon who was struggling with tank builds, they eventually become the strongest builds in the game I literally couldnt beat it without one. Glad to hear it. Hopefully I can beat balteus again today and hopefully NOT crash after the cutscene again.
>>878083 >Unfortunately, a lot of newfag-friendly emulation information for ps3/360 era AC is walled behind a fucking diskike server, You imply the RPCS3 server is even helpful, if your problem is anything above downie tier they'll not really help you besides "lol just buy a better CPU" >Actually it seems RPCS3 can handle VD relatively well After looking around >You need to use the RPCS build in the pins on the armored core discord How fucking surprising. the worst fucking part with that is even if you don't mind discord, each server is it's own minefield to navigate
Aaaand I'm back to getting my ass kicked by Balteus. How the fuck did I even beat him (it?) yesterday?? He has some random invisible attack that staggers me automatically, or at least it feels that way. I try to keep my distance and pepper him, but apparently effective range is around 300 meters which is fucking nothing in this game. Wish I had some gatling guns. Fucking hell. Guess I'll just keep throwing myself at him until I win or give up. I want to play this game, but this feels so fucking unfair.
>>878201 I hope the AC fans will excuse me for this comparison, because from what I see and played, Balteus is the equivalent of Margit from Elden Ring in that he is there to tell the player that he should change strategy, instead of just mindlessly re-doing the fight over and over just to die.
>>878205 That's bullshit though, Margit can be beaten by sheer numbers on a stat screen and whatever cheese item you picked up early, and otherwise by learning his moveset and reacting. Thia game throws all that out the window and replaces it with speed. The only thing you can grind in this game (so far) is money from whatever mission you're most comfortable with, and that takes fucking ages still. Once the shop is empty, you got nothing else to test out. This fight is just bullshit. I try to be tactical, but nope, deleted. Fine. One more try with yesterday's weapons, if that doesn't work, then I take a break before going at it again. This fight feels like ass. I liked the juggernaut better, and that one kicked my ass too, but at least it didn't feel as unfair as this (except the mines, those are ultra bullshit and makes playing a tank very difficult).
>>878205 Elden Ring is kind of hard to compare, because unlike Dark Souls and AC it's open world. For example, I like to explore high level areas and would brute force them constantly because I'm halfway decent at Soulshit. I beat Margit so fast he didn't even have time for the 2nd Phase. From what I'm hearing, From designed the bosses around being weak to a certain restrictive setup which is retard design considering this is a game about loadout variety.
>>878201 If you've already beat him once you should have access to the next set of weapons. He can actually be hit pretty reliably with the hardest hitting weapons since he tends to stay still after dashing away. I S ranked the mission with the Bazooka Double Grenade Cannons, which will usually leave him stunned, and then you Falcon Punch his ass with the Pile Bunker. When he does the wave of missiles you'll avoid the majority of them if you Assult Boost directly at him and past him. Once he get to the phase where he send out that shock wave you need to back away from the first thing he'll do is send out machine gun fire which telegraphs the he's gonna try and melee you next. That's how I did things at least, I'm sure there are plenty of builds that'll work. But yeah I love the Pile Bunker, it's the fist of god.
>>878240 >If you've already beat him once you should have access to the next set of weapons.¨ the game crashed after the cutscene so I didn't unlock shit. Just a black screen, a single beep, and then ctd. I was devastated since I have to repeat the mission now. Had it gone on normally, I wouldn't even be here anymore until the next roadblock. ;_;
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>>878245 Going to assume this fag is an adult throwing a tantrum like a child. They are probably going to nerf the shit out of everything anyway if he just waited a month.
ok, i need help with balteus. Chapter 1 parts only, and then strategy. This is starting to drag on for far too long. Whatever i try, i just can't seem to get it right, so my first victory was clearly a fluke, which fucking sucks. this is so frustrating.
>>878259 Looking at one of the current no death Speedruns of the game, they use 2 of the starting 4 missile launchers, the shotgun, and the starting blade, they got the kicking OS chip, and the chip that lets you make a pluse wave that negates enemy attacks to deal with the missiles.
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>>878265 yeah, thanks for the info. i beat him, and the game didn't crash this time. yay. nice music in the garage now, was it always there?
>mode easy:on
>>878292 Thanks, doc.
>>878245 Nice not even angry 12 y/o me got it that bad on the older titles.
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>>878245 >>878246 THE SONY COMMUNITY? >>878292 Colours have been updated now, doc.
>>878245 Never have i ever smashed a controller, tv or console in my life. Not even as a retarded kid. Just how retarded are this people.
>>878369 >are this people Less retarded than you, apparently.
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>>878205 >>878226 >>878232 Better example would be Genichiro or Owl in Sekiro or Centipede Giraffe.
Is anyone else finding that the stagger mechanic is really killing build variety as far as weapons go, especially against bosses? I'm finding that even against ACs in the arena or the bigger MTs in the missions that weapons like the laser rifle, plasma gun and linear rifle can work with a bit of extra effort on your part despite clearly not being ideal for building up stagger and/or capitalizing on it. But for bosses I always end up going >well, time to switch to shotguns/gattling/grenades/bazookas I couldn't exactly decide whether or not I hate the stagger and lack of range on most weapons and after clearing chapter 2 I think I'm pretty much fine with it outside of these fights with big ass bosses. Their AP is so spongy and their attacks are too damaging to not want to stagger as quickly as possible, and to hell with the weapons I actually think would be cool to use on the particular AC that I built. >>878273 >i beat him, and the game didn't crash this time. yay. Nice. The next two boss fights are way more enjoyable, much easier to read and you'll have more parts too. Once you clear that you get some REALLY good stuff in chapter 3, I'm loving the heavy reverse joint legs. >nice music in the garage now, was it always there? Nope, Ch 1's garage music sucked, Ch 2 is much better. Unfortunately it gets replaced again in Ch 3. Honestly, this might be the worst AC soundtrack out of all the games I've played, it's just so bland most of the time. >>878369 Honestly, I still to this day get pretty spergy over games sometimes. I'll raise my voice, call the game a nigger, clench my jaw etc. etc. if I'm geting frustrated. But never in my life have I broken my own shit over a game. Why break the controller? How much catharsis do you really get from smashing a piece of chink plastic and circuits with Sony's name on it that you paid way too much for in the first place?
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I suck dicks at pvp even when I'm using a similar build compared to other people, even in teams. My win/loss ratio is tear inducing. I wonder how those dudes who are capable of carrying their team (never mine) and getting 1000+ points do it?
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After many tries, I managed to defeat Balteus with my oonga boonga setup. I also noticed that in theory it is possible to deny him his shield recharge, even when going to his second phase, by continuously staggering him at the right moment. Managed to once bring him down to about 25-30% HP before he finally managed to recharge his shield. I also wanted to post a recording, of what a scrub I am at this game, but sadly OBS only recorded audio this time for some reason. Even after playing most of the AC games up until Last Raven, this one boss is probably the hardest I have faced so far, and I blame it on the lack of customization. Hell even the two 9Ball fights in the first game were easy, as long as you used the biggest cannon and trap him in a corridor and defeating him was optional. For those who are much farther in the game, will they eventually bring back hover legs, or not? If not, I am not sure how to feel about it, on one hand I only ever used them for the water missions, on the other hand the sea feels fake if it's always one meter deep like in the mission with Balteus. If it was about balancing just give them the same gimmick as the quad legs.
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Not sure if this counts as a boss, compared to Balteus, as it was much, much easier to defeat. The only annoying thing about it is that it immediately jumps on you at the start of the battle, so unless you already know what will happen or have much better reflexes than me, then most first timers will get hit by his drills an dloose most of their AP. At least I didn't fuck the recording this time. Should I start posting webms of my boss fights? Was thinking that it could generate some OC, if everyone started posting their attempts and get laughed by the others.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=m4YpS8rnsCc When will a mod come out that allows you to kick like Suzaku?
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Step aside, Armored Core 6. Here comes a real game https://www.d3p.co.jp/cmw/
>>878494 Might as well post the trailer for it. I like how much they are leaning into the silliness of it.
>>878494 Looks fun
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Well here is the boss of the second chapter. I first tried with the gatling gun, since that was my new default weapon, that didn't work, so I tried the bazooka on main hand since it did the most damage, but that also didn't work, so I went with a shotgun. The strategy for the spider seems to be to stick as close to it as possible. One thing I noticed is that AC6 has a tendency to surprise you with the boss fights, like the helicopter in the tutorial or the spider here, in that if you are not alert they will do some initial damage to you. Even the previous one, while still in front of you, would immediately jump on you to eat your AP. I am not a fan of these types of intros to a boss fight.
>>878364 >>878292 best version
>>878588 thanks doc
>>878588 Thanks doc >>878621 wew
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I got my win im done for the day. If you ever see anyone with that unique emblem thats me. >>878588 >>878292 You fags want the dailyest does of them all? Check out mine after NG++. But seriously this build is stupidly retardedly strong. The code is 22V89CY9SJX3 >>878621 Send me the code for the emblem if you got it. :^)
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>>878489 What recording software do you use? OBS?
>>878663 Yes, OBS.
Before I found these videos I had to struggle with shitty articles written by videogame journalists giving me outright wrong, missing or misleading information about this shit, fuck em. Btw fellas save watching these videos until after NG++ because there are spoilers in here. All hidden parts https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=Ny_N9oxziHU&list=LL All combat logs https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=0N4CcNyJmMM&list=LL Custom emblem code list https://ac-companion.app/ Here's a special one for Mark P2N1UV4GLA2V Also I kept on seeing people use that Ahegao emblem online and for the life of me I can't find it anywhere. Anyone got the code or link?
Some more cool emblems I found, all for PC as well. Codes in file names or picture themselves and I think I found the ahegao one as well. The subreddit also has some sonichu embelm but I'm not going to make a fucking reddit account to find it.
>>878788 breddy gud
>>878794 Enjoy, everywhere is just shitting out OC and content might as well do SOMETHING as well right? This site also works for emblems too https://www.ac6emblems.com/ Heres my current emblem list.
>>878815 >Cup Noodles But why?
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>>878788 I was expecting a picture of the JEWCY asshole, but this works too.
Fuck you Miyazaki
>>878839 I seen a goatse decal but im not good enough of a graphic designer to make a jewcy asshole.
>>878853 it's all good
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Well I took my sweet ass time getting to the first ending, I went with following Handler Walter the first time because his missions came up first and it seems like that was what From wanted you to do the first time. Steam says I have ~30 hours played but I'm estimating, and this is no exaggeration, ~8 of those hours are comprised of painting and tweaking the paint for my AC, testing various builds in AC test and the arena, and attempts at S-ranking missions that I've already cleared. For most of the endgame, my AC was a quad leg mid-heavyweight, 2 linear rifles on the arms, Songbirds grenade launchers on the right back and either the worm need launcher or missiles on left back and this build carried the shit out of me. It's doing me well in NG+ too, just beat Ballz-teus for the second time and he was a cakewalk. Here was my experience with the end-of-chapter bosses >Balteus took ~10 tries, and honestly my win was probably luck. This nigger is a real ball-buster on new game. You're given absolute shit parts and not enough challenging missions to really learn this entry in the series. Infuriating, but not insulting >The big spooder was a bit of a pushover because I was running quad legs. I used the gattling guns for this fight since they unlocked this chapter and I couldn't refuse. If you're having trouble just hover over the nigger in his first phase, then hover off the floor in his second and you'll be laughing, this faggot can be cheesed easy-peasy. Hell I did it on accident build-wise, don't let this filter you anons >The Worm is a gimmick boss that's easy as shit but he's cool as fuck, it's a decent enough spectacle and the setup and dialogue during the fight are anime as hell, I loved Rusty going "I won't miss!", that nigga's a straight up bro, I hope in this playthrough we can be friends >Ibis is the most Dark Souls boss in the whole game. REALLY doesn't feel like it fits, even in this game with so many modern-From-adjacent elements to it. Still, wasn't so bad with the build I had, 2 linear rifles, Songbirds grenandes and stun cannon. I was REALLY consistent getting past the first phase, second phase was just a bitch since LOL HERE'S MORE FAGGOT HOPE YOU'RE READY but was still incredibly doable >The final boss, Ayre, was a complete pushover who I beat first try, albeit with very little AP and no repair kits left, but still holy shit I was surprised I did it so easily. Despite this it was still satisfying, you can't fuck around or she'll fuck you up. Felt bad but eh, was a fitting end to the first playthrough Altogether was a good time, and I'm still having fun in NG+. Here's some general thoughts on the game after getting one ending: >despite my earlier post, I've found that more weapons are a lot more viable than I thought they were >However, literally every type of rifle besides linear rifles as well as machine guns are straight-up garbage and there's no reason to use them. This is incredibly disappointing, basic-ass rifles and machine guns should not be THIS FUCKING BAD in an Armored Core game. I'm hoping a later update/regulation will fix them, hopefully upping their base damage and either impact or accumulated impact significantly. As well as their bullet velocity, you miss so much with these weapons they're just fucking pointless if you're not going to do worthwhile damage/impact with them >surprisingly, I don't think gattling guns need a nerf. They're really good, but they don't do enough accumulated stagger quickly enough from enough range to justify getting weakened. >shotguns however, are SEVERELY overpowered, holy shit the Zimmermans are just straight up easy mode if you have a build that can close a gap, which is most of them. These need less range and less damage during stagger, or something I dunno but they're way too fucking good >pistols are good now, I gotta give them credit for making this weapon type worth using since I have literally never used them in any of these games. They're impressively good in fact and, as of my current opinion very well balanced, it's actually impressive how well-tuned they are >on the subject of weapons and regulations, I hope they do it like they did in 4th gen where you can choose between regulations in singleplayer and multiplayer just for the fun of it. I doubt they'll do this in current year since it's such an old school concept but it would be pretty cool >the campaign is overall fucking fantastic. Lots of setpieces and yet you're always involved in whatever's going on, you get to interact with the setpiece if there is one and you stay invested in every instance >very few frustrating missions, the only one I can think of that's annoying is the one with invisible enemies in chapter 1 and even then it's not hard, just fucking annoying >there is one stealth mission that kinda sucks but you can pretty easily take out the MTs that spot you so it's not so bad, still kinda shitty but eh >the story is pretty easy to follow, and there's several very basic but likeable characters that you end up getting attached to >the dialogue is probably the most "anime" of all the AC games, probably even more than 4th gen which I would say is the second-most "anime" story of the series >In fact, if you like 4th gen's VA, a lot of those people return for this one and they do a pretty good job All in all, very fun game, recommended, runs great, pirate it if you're not sure. Fit"girl" has a repack up so you have no excuse.
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>>878788 Here's another site for custom emblems. https://www.ac6emblems.com/ Also the 2 ahegao faces I have saved. I think I've seen another, but don't remember if I don't have it because it's code didn't work...
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>>872850 >>875270 >Anyone know if there is a fantranslation for SRW 30 that remove the retardation they did on the game? Ahem... https://github.com/hkjangshu/SRW30TranslationFix/releases Now if only it worked for the Switch. Then again, the sheer quantity of (unfamiliar) franchises seems overwhelming, so I'm starting with G Generation Cross Rays. Might be over my depth as I'm playing blind (or at least I will be once I start the Wing and Seed segments) and the tutorials could use some work. Basically, I need beginner's tips.
>>878788 We really need those little stamps for kills.
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how the fuck does this thing work, it supposed to help with finding shit but it just drives me insane, after a scan I'll randomly hear rapid beeping, walk around looking into every nook and cranny, and find nothing, does literally anyone know what the sounds scan/this head means?
>>879763 Thanks!
>>879295 >despite my earlier post, I've found that more weapons are a lot more viable than I thought they were I'm still on NG and I've just been using dual laser pistols and dual plasma missiles on a lightweight reverse joint build with no problems. Changed it up for Balteus, but used it for everything else so far. Using what everyone else thinks is good is just robbing you of fun with the game, in my opinion. Use what you want and git gud with it. That's the correct way to play the game.
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Deleted my post because I already have too many in this damn thread. >>880212 It helps you detect enemies and treasure boxes within its radius, so whenever enemies are hiding behind walls and what not you can now see them but idk if you can target lock on to them though. I have no clue what else it does I hardly ever even use the scan since we already get a radar on the bottom of the screen. >>880394 Metafaggotry is pure cancer. The true joy and love is building your own ACs, rocking out with it, hitting walls, building something new that works and rocking out with that as well so on and so fourth. Taking shit from other people and strictly using that is unironically taking half the fun out of the game. ONE thing I could agree on is all of the default weapons are almost always shit and I stuck with the default Linear Guns for too long and they made my first playthrough FAR harder to get through than it should have been, faster firing speed is not always better, my case is the Harris LGs shitting on the Curtis LGs any day in both DPS and impact.
>>880399 >ONE thing I could agree on is all of the default weapons are almost always shit and I stuck with the default Linear Guns for too long and they made my first playthrough FAR harder to get through than it should have been, faster firing speed is not always better, my case is the Harris LGs shitting on the Curtis LGs any day in both DPS and impact. I think people should just use what they like to use and git gud with that. Try weapons out and whatever is the most fun is what you should use. Fun things are fun. That being said, starting equipment could have been better. You really don't have a good selection early on.
How do I get the Moonlight Sword?
>>880408 Chapter 4, Mission 7: Go to the end of the bridge and look down
>>880394 Laser pistols are so fucking good, laser weapons in general are impressive in that they're actually useful despite the stagger mechanic. Plasma weapons are especially useful once you get a hang for the projectile velocity and they deal decent stagger on top of that. Honestly I think Balteus gives a pretty bad first impression to new players since you're given so few options you're forced into whatever loadout can take him down the fastest but once you get past that and play for a few more hours you can really get a lot more creative with AC builds >>880399 The Harris LGs are fucking solid and I'm rocking 2 of them, but you REALLY need to build around them with arms with good recoil control and firearms spec or you're gonna have a bad time with their fire rate if you use two at the same time. Luckily I had the Allmind arms, whatever they're called, that you unlock through the log hunt and they carried me through Ibis and the final boss. >I have no clue what else it does I hardly ever even use the scan since we already get a radar on the bottom of the screen. I've found that scanning is useful for seeing enemies that aren't "activated" yet so you can take them out before a scripted ambush. Also, scanning was pretty much mandatory in the NG+ mission where you have to find all the hacking drones for Carla. However as far as finding hidden parts I think scans are damn near useless, every secret part I found save for one I found by myself as the scanner doesn't highlight them unless you're looking in that direction. It doesn't help that the new radar is a fucking Skyrim compass and not a circular 360 radar like in the old games. I've found that to be pretty much worthless as well. Just use your eyes to find hidden shit. >>880408 >>880417 If you want the Moonlight be prepared for the most Miyazaki™ part of the game. use explosive damage on the ones guarding the container and you can take them all out in one go, grenades or a spread bazooka should do the trick
>playing Federation vs Zeon for the PS2 I genuinely forgot how difficult some of the missions in this got. So many close calls and some fairly frustrating restarts. Also I swear the lockon always drops at the worst possible times to ensure you eat a bunch of damage. Also on the topic of Gundam, anyone here play the Gihren's Greed series? I only just heard about them recently and they sound pretty cool aside from being jp only games.
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>>880758 >anyone here play the Gihren's Greed series? Used to. On overworld level its a Gundam /gsg/ with triggered events, wargame during combat. Its cool, has some alternative history events that can happen if you divert from goals in combat, sometimes you can activate events that must happen later - earlier in game (early neo zeon during gundam z timeline for example), unique scenes in Axis no Kyoui V (if you want to play from OYW, through Z and ZZ to CCA with some ova material inbetween) and Zeon Dokuritsu Sensouden (this one has 3d graphics, but limited to OYW, still considered to be almost perfect OYW strategy). Most of mechanics for wargame things are appropriated from Daisenryaku series, so producing bunch of mechs and spacecrafts and having to move them (in huge masses by the way) manually is part of your chores, including researching blueprints for better things in production according to timeline played. But i do remember some issues certain boss space ships being literally immortal even if you bring your entire army to defeat them because you didnt reach certain "event". Worst part boss fights like this have lifebars, but eventually will softlock you if you try to exhaust it, like trying to defeat zeonic space base before Amuro gets chance to shine his whole fucking story.
>>880764 >>880758 God i fucking loved that trend of having remastered scenes from anime in ps2 games. Now we only get some poorly made cg shit.
>>880764 I have to check which ones have English patches. My knowledge of moon runes is on the beginner side still. >Its cool, has some alternative history events that can happen if you divert from goals in combat Yeah that sounds pretty good. I always love the "What if..." kind of alternate outcomes/history stuff. >Daisenryaku And another game added to the list of things I need to check out. Thanks for that and all the other info anon. >Worst part boss fights like this have lifebars, but eventually will softlock you if you try to exhaust it Might as well just lock you out of that area until the event triggers then. >>880774 >poorly made cg shit Or the usual slightly animated concept art thing with voices/narrators over it.
Just beat AC6. Never played any other AC games, went in completely blind. Meh. That's the nicest thing I can say about this game. The mecha building part wasn't very involved: I picked weapons I liked, selected parts that fit the style of fighting my weapons enforced, made sure I was under load and EN, and that's it. There was no real part picking or anything like that. The game would have needed at least 10 or 15 extra of each "type" of part to make mecha design in depth. Not only that, but money's a joke, as is ammo consumption. You can just grind infinity money and re-sell parts for full price. Not a whole lot of parts to buy in the first place. As for ammo, the checkpoint and re-supply system makes no sense in a mecha game. You don't need to worry about ammo consumption during a mission, which means you don't need to worry about how ammo efficient a weapon is or how expensive it or its ammo is. Speaking of weapons, there's like 3? full auto riffles, 3 shotguns, 10 pistols, 10 grenade launchers, 10 plasma riffles, 20 grenade launchers, 50 rocket launchers. What the fuck is up with that weapon distribution? Barely any drones either. And money became worthless like 4-5 hours in. The missions were pretty shitty. Mostly linear bullshit with dumb markers, checkpoints, and trash enemies that are just there to annoy you. What's the point of having MTs around? Chip damage? You just 1 shot and they're so weak that they can't possibly pose a threat to you. And they won't impede finishing the mission since there's checkpoints anyways, so who cares about efficiency. The game has 3 real bosses: Baltheus (which gets reused), that red mech with the drones before you get captured, and the last boss. Rest are just either joke AC fights or big target dummies or gimmick bullshit lookingatyou worm and bottomlaser. Game is piss easy. The only fight that actually gave me trouble was, surprisingly, one the early arena fights. Rank 17 I think? In the dark-ish arena with the guy that has the massive two hit melee combo. I died to that guy more than I died in the rest of the game combined. Got real stubborn, realized my loadout couldn't win, swapped some pieces around to be more mobile, and curbed stomped him on the next try. Deaths breakdown was like 60% that one arena asshole, 5% getting used to the game/controls, 15% to the 3 big bosses, 15% stupid gimmick fights, 5% everything else combined. I want to say I died like 60-70ish times total. Did one 3v3 PvP battle. Game has no ranking, and you can queue with people who beat the game as soon as the option becomes available. Which mean 90% of the lobbies will be ultra mis-matched and/or filled with meta try-hards that actually can't PvP. I could smell the bullshit after just one round of battle. Story? No. Characters? They're just people barking orders at you. Explorable areas? Scanscanscan. Setting? FIRE STOKE THE EMBERS LOL. Game looks pretty at least. I didn't give a shit about making my mech look cool, but I saw some nice customization options when I looked through the menus. I don't see myself every playing the game again. I wasn't having fun, but I wasn't bored or annoyed. Just meh. For my loadout, I started using full autos with whatever shoulder weapons. Immediately bought the quad weapon options from the arena and went with quad full auto weapons. Swapped to the miniguns once I got those. Swapped to quad shotguns once I got the sweet short range ones, made my mech ultra mobile and never bothered trying anything else.
>>881511 This is surprisingly on point. Then again what would you call someone who played mecha game for the first time. Then again this is standard mecha gameplay, its just do the same mission with bigger guns, variety depends on you. MTs are you standard enemies, they aren't supposed to do major damage unlike other souls game
>>881511 Sounds like you expected SoulsBorneRing and where disappointed when you got Armored Core... I'm still just slowly making my way through the game atm though. One thing I would like to see is a coop mode. Maybe even a coop campaign.
>>881546 Yeah, a coop campaign would've been nice.
Isn't AC6 basically AC4A2? I've been reading about its features and parts, and it seems like my fears of it being a Souls game following the trend of the post-3 games were right. >extremely dumbed down parts stats >!estus >!stagger >!stamina (even removing the redline) >PVP and singleplayer meta >Souls bosses >linear !fantasy missions (not necessarily bad if they went with something disjointed like PP, but it doesn't seem to be that way) >no optionals, extensions, internals >no radars and no FCS aiming >no weapon arms >less differences in core weight on mobility >treads being able to go fast >basically no money loss >checkpoints >difficulty means bullet sponge or patterns >obvious secret parts >no turn speed stat >no Kill the Strikers/Protestors/Employees >no Destroy X Amount of Property >no killing civilians or assassinations The game seems very easy and watered down compared to previous titles, possibly more than AC4/4A. Is it worth playing if my favorite entries were in 1-3? I really want a third person mech game that makes me feel like a mercenary again. I know there's Battletech, but that's a tactical game. Plus, there's no mod to remove the pronoun options and rainbow minority crew. Phantom Brigade, another tactical game, isn't about mercenaries but has the same feel. However, it's basically unfinished. There's Daemon X Machina, but that's mercenaries fighting !monsters.
>>880758 On the subject of Gihren's Greed, Gihren's Greed: Menace of Axis V (for the PSP) has an english patch for a good chunk of it. The patch progress died out last year, but I guess work just started again in August. Hopefully it goes well. Link for those interested: pastebin.com/3fLsrSit >>881984 >my favorite entries were in 1-3 Same here. I still get the garage music from the first one stuck in my head. >Is it worth playing Seems like most people at least kind of enjoyed it, but if you are like me then you probably have already seen enough to lose a good amount of your interest. I'd say give it a pirate demo if you are on the fence. Even if I lost most of my interest in it, I still intend to give it a try soon just to experience it myself and have an educated opinion on it. >I really want a third person mech game that makes me feel like a mercenary again I hear ya. I got so tired of it that I started working on my own game recently. Almost done with the design doc for it. >Battletech, but that's a tactical game There are the MW games instead. The latest one MW5 can be fun if you mod the crap out of it. I've got around 50 mods right now. I was waiting for an arena mod to come out for it before I give it another run, but last time I checked it was only light mechs so far. I have to check on that again now that I remember. >Phantom Brigade That game was incredibly disappointing. The initial time with it is pretty positive not counting the broken missile balance when I played but then after several hours of play you've experienced basically all there is to it. It becomes incredibly repetitive and stale despite having a ton of areas to conquer. Such wasted potential.
>>881984 Could be that since this is the first AC game FromSoft has made in 10 years, they deliberately made it one of the easier in the series? Since it will be the introduction for many new players for the series. Could be the next one will be meaner?
>>881984 >Isn't AC6 basically AC4A2? Very close but not quite. >>882055 Who knows, this implies that outside of technical issues, AC4 and 5 were difficult in any way. The issue here is if they manage to get feedback and expand on this base with meaningful upgrades to the customization and return some of the older functions, like Heat.
>>882173 Not quite. I was thinking more that since this is the first installment in the series to come out in for ten years, most of the players it will attract have likely not played earlier games in the series. Makes sense that the game you use to attract them wouldn't be the most mercilessly punishing one. Save that for the expansion/sequel/spinoffs and let this one serve as an introduction to the series and it's concepts.
>>882278 >Makes sense that the game you use to attract them wouldn't be the most mercilessly punishing one. Besides your post there seem to be other posts as well in this thread that claim AC6 is on the easier side, and I disagree. I should first mention that I finished most of the games in gen 1-3(exception being Silent Line, Ninebreaker and just started Last Raven when this one came out, so I put it on hold) and while I am sure Last Raven is more difficult, hell even Ninbreaker is more difficult to get all the gold ranks, I wouldn't say that AC6 is easier than say AC2, AC3 or even the PSX games. Now how can that be when the game gives you healing packs, checkpoints, and money is no issue(though money was only a real issue in AC1)? Simple it has hard boss fights, and less opportunities to cheese. It doesn't matter that I get a checkpoint before Balteus with full ammo and health, if he keeps beating me over and over. I barely matters that I don't need to restart the mission from scratch just to try him again, like in the previous games, if I keep dying to him. Furthermore, with the extremely limited selection of weapons and parts, there aren't all that many ways to cheese these encounters, like you could in the previous games. Take AC1 for instance, the hardest part was just getting used to the controls, honestly. Even in that game where money could be an actual problem ,if you simply saved before each mission and loaded the game if you failed, even with some mission in the negative, by the end of the game, you could buy most of the items in the shop. What were even the hardest encounters in that game? Valkyrie which was optional, and could be cheesed with the Kurosawa, and 9BALL which was also optional and could be cheesed by getting him in a tight corridor and shooting him with the grenade launcher, making the platforming in that level the true final boss. Project Phantasma and Masters of the Arena, where not all that difficult if you imported your save file from the previous entry, and could finish the final boss by just using the grenade launcher , and out-tanking them. The same can be said for AC2 and AC3, they had their share of difficult missions, don't get me wrong, but most of them could be cheesed, especially the arena fights. Now is it the hardest game in the series? Well I haven't finished AC6, and will also have to go back and finish Last Raven, but at the very least Ninebreaker is harder more tedious to get all the gold cubes, and honestly I didn't feel like finishing that game. Now if you just want to say that they simplified the parts for the AC, then I agree as you no longer have radars which gave certain heads added function as they acted as radars, the map and minimap are gone(also dictated by parts), and there is no component dedicated to the stagger mechanic, like we had the coolers for the Overheat mechanics in gen 2-3, but that doesn't make the gameplay any easier.
>>881984 >Isn't AC6 basically AC4A2? Not really, it doesn't really play like 4A >it seems like my fears of it being a Souls game It's really not, the LE EPIC BOSS BATTLES do have bosses that are animated like souls bosses but the fights aren't all that souls-like >extremely dumbed down parts stats Not extremely, there's a lot of stats in the dedicated stats screen that matter but they are dumbed down I'd say, yes >!estus Not even, the estus flask in dark souls games fits well with the gameplay. Repair kits in this game are completely pointless given how AC6 plays and after completing NG and NG+ so far I'm still dumbfounded as to why they fucking included this. It's fucking stupid and adds nothing, it just makes you hit a button arbitrarily >!stagger I'm not the biggest fan of this either but it fits well with how the game's designed. Hopefully From releases a regulation or two in the near future that helps some of the weapons that suffer due to this mechanic and fix some of the other weapons that are overtuned for it >PVP and singleplayer meta For this I'd say: who gives a shit about PVP and there have always been OP weapons that you can acquire early on in the missions >Souls bosses As I mentioned before they're animated as such, but you don't really fight them the same way. They're actually quite challenging your first go around since you're not quite sure what they do and you have to come to an understanding with whatever weapons/parts you've unlocked at the time. Even if you're rocking dual Zimmerman/Songbirds/gattling guns/whatever you still need to pay attention to survive. >no optionals, extensions, internals >no radars and no FCS aiming >no weapon arms This was disappointing, yes, but I never really used weapons arms in the old games anyway. Also the radar in this game is a shitty Skyrim-style compass and it's next to useless, which is a shame >less differences in core weight on mobility Ehh, kinda yes-and-no. If you're in a lightweight in AC6 you'll sure as hell feel it, you move fast as fuck even compared to a mid-weight. The problem is that Assault Boost (this game's Overed Boost) is a bit overtuned and comes with none of the downsides of the older games that had it so a heavier AC is able to close distance just the same as a light one, which yes can be a problem both thematically and gameplay-wise >treads being able to go fast Yeah that's pretty fucky, it's fun to zip around on them though >basically no money loss I have no apologetic excuse for this, money is never really an object outside of chapter 1 >checkpoints Only on the longer missions, they're pretty well balance for when they're included. There's a good handful of missions where you can get pretty fucked up before the big challenge at the end and there's no checkpoint >difficulty means bullet sponge or patterns Luckily no, I wouldn't say anything in this game is spongy and boss patterns can be partially ignored if you have a well-tuned AC >obvious secret parts Nah, they're really easy to miss even with the scanner, which is also kind of shitty to be honest >no turn speed stat Yeah I kind of hated this too, and I'm getting the impression that you didn't like 4th gen but in 4 and 4A turn speed as a stat was basically useless since you were boosting all the time and had quick turning. This game is similar in that regard so I understand why they did away with it. Still if that's a dealbreaker for you this might not be your cup of tea >no Kill the Strikers/Protestors/Employees >no Destroy X Amount of Property >no killing civilians or assassinations You definitely commit some war crimes in this game but yeah you don't really get the impression that you're a solo merc out for payday the same as in the older games. This is a much more structured story, though not a bad one mind you. Overall if I had to sell it to you I'd say that AC6 is an absolutely fantastic mecha game, though it's debatable whether it's a true Armored Core game.
>Isn't AC6 basically AC4A2? >(1) and done >that entire fucking greentext Not even worth responding to >>882055 Anon do you not know about the controversy that a shittton of players are getting filtered by the helicoper and balteus? The game isn't necessarily "easier" if you even compare it to some of the previous ones its actually MUCH harder. You would also know that if you actually played some of the games as well, if you actually didn't you should boot up an emulator and try them out they're pretty fun!
>>883112 who are you quoting
>>883137 The post above him you mongoloid
>>883174 That text doesn't exist in the post above him, you no-brain nigger monkey.
>>883112 AC6 is my first fromsoft game, I have to admit. I started playing mech games with mechwarrior 3-4 and Future Cop LAPD. So I figured they'd all be far harder. I've never been good at insanely hard games. I might have to try the rest of them. VI isn't nearly as hard as all that. Just dodge the worst of the enemy's attacks, get in close and be aggressive. Find the right weapons if brute force isn't working. V and Verdict day are supposed to be built around coop right? That's not going to work on an emulator... IV and For Answer then? Doesn't matter atm, still only on chapter 3 in VI and I have to spend most of next month building Muv Luv and patlabor models and help my parents move. Doubt I'll have the time to grind through either one until after halloween.
>>883112 He might be a (1) but I can honestly see how someone could be really turned off just by looking at gameplay and seeing what the new features look like. Although I think if somebody is die-hard against 4th gen they probably won't like how this plays either, even though this game plays very differently in practice. >The game isn't necessarily "easier" if you even compare it to some of the previous ones its actually MUCH harder. Yeah it's definitely on the more difficult side for the series, mostly because it has actual boss battles outside of (for the most part) just fights with other ACs who cheat >>883209 AC 5 is pretty universally hated, from what I understand the singleplayer is way too short and it's mostly just a tutorial for the multiplayer. As I understand it VD somewhat fixes this by having something resembling a proper campaign. As far as emulation goes, you can emulate 1st gen very comfortably since they're on PSX. 2, AA, 3 and SL emulate pretty well, I've not tried Nexus through Last Raven yet but I doubt they're much different. For 4 and 4A, if you have a good CPU RPCS3 can emulate them pretty much perfectly these days outside of some minor graphical glitches in the garage from my experience. If you only want to try a single one I'd say try For Answer if your PC can handle it, it plays very different from VI and is SIGNIFICANTLY easier outside of hard mode but it's probably the closest to what you're used to with this game.
So is fromsoft going to include a Malenia fight in all of their games from now on? Ibis is a cunt.
>>883209 >VI isn't nearly as hard as all that. Just dodge the worst of the enemy's attacks, get in close and be aggressive. Find the right weapons if brute force isn't working. Hey you got it down, down better than my stubborn dumbass self trying to brute force a shitty build 80% of the time. >I have to spend most of next month building Muv Luv and patlabor models and help my parents move. Thats pretty cool and understandable. Take your time and take it easy out there anon! Play the older games if you want whenever you feel like it or not, some of them have their quirks and frustrations but if you bite the bullet and use save states instead of ripping your hair out going through how they were intended they won't take you too much time to get through, only around a few hours each. V/VD fucking suck but I heard that they can be ran at 60fps and quite smoothly on the xbox360 emulator, everywhere else runs the game like shit (probably because it's fundamentally shit). >>883413 Theres another malenia fight in the game as well as another fight that becomes basically half a malenia if that makes sense Just use high impact weapons, the laser lance, zimmerman shotguns or go tank slap on the biggest fucking weapons/missiles you can hold and blast that bitch to smithereens
>>883510 I found dual stun needles to be extremely effective. For the Ibis fight.
>>883112 I was surprised so many people had trouble with the challenges in AC6, this game was pretty fun even still. The wheel skeletons are actually the hardest enemy in the game, I have not died to anything as much as the wheel skeleton ambush.
>>883691 >the wheels They're the worst enemy in the game and not fun to fight, they're just really annoying. I put together a missile boat with the hover tank legs just to get past that mission without pulling my hair out. On that note, the one set of hover tank legs and the coral generator basically give you infinite flight as long as you're boosting the entire time. It's pretty neat, you get more airtime than with quads but the quick boost seems shittier, probably because of the significant increase in weight.
>>883791 >that mission I mean the NG++ one where you defend the strider not the one where you fight Ibis
>>883791 The fastest way to kill the wheels is dual stun bazookas, the electric stunlock is way too much for them. They just require too much attention and get on top of you too fast otherwise.
>>883691 >The wheel skeletons are actually the hardest enemy in the game They were bullshit in Dark Souls and they're bullshit in this game.
>>884368 What the fuck man, they did the same shit for Radahn in Elden Ring. Luckily I pirated a release copy so I got the full experience
>>884368 Glad I got the chance to fight them in their original INTENDED format. Weapon changes aren't really what I wanted in these weapons, the RANSETSU-RF didn't need a damage buff, the CURTIS did so that you'd basically be choosing between more rounds and less energy burden or a better charge shot. Buffing both doesn't really change what choices you're going to make when they become available. The MGs didn't really need a buff but the ARs did. Once again buffing EVERYTHING doesn't increase build variety, especially when the buffs are rather similar. I'm going to have to check but there are probably cases now where people are going to want to switch out their later game, often heavier and/or more energy hungry stuff for early game parts which is pretty fucking backwards.
>>884368 Nerf the bosses all you want Fromsoft, all of those casuals already got filtered and returned your game over a week ago lel. The assault rifles were practically fucking useless nobody used them for anything especially over laser weapons, hopefully they got their impact damage increased as well.
>>884368 Game is borked for me since the update. T-thanks MiyaHACKi-sama
>>884368 The boss nerfs are disappointing but the buffs to ARs and MGs are great >>884398 >the RANSETSU-RF didn't need a damage buff, True, but all the other rifles did and I won't complain about the best rifle becoming better, especially since it still isn't as good as the Harris depending on your use case >The MGs didn't really need a buff Yes they fucking did the MGs were all trash, they can actually compete with the gattling guns now >people are going to want to switch out their later game, often heavier and/or more energy hungry stuff for early game parts which is pretty fucking backwards. It's not backwards, early game weapons, at least some of them, should be viable in late-game in an AC game >>884406 >Nerf the bosses all you want Fromsoft, all of those casuals already got filtered and returned your game over a week ago lel. Yeah all those hype sales aren't coming back >hopefully they got their impact damage increased as well They have from what I've seen, projectile velocity is faster too which is a fucking godsend >>884431 Sorry to hear that anon, I've been seeing other having similar problems on the steam forums hopefully they fix it soon. Unfortunately my wish hasn't come true and regulations are just like updates to a souls game, you can't choose which one you actually play with in an options menu or something. Oh well, at least I beat the NG and NG+ bosses pre-nerf so I know what it was like.
>>884431 I dunno, build a better PC or Something
>>884629 Todd?
>>884593 Weapons that are lighter with lower EN cost are not SUPPOSED to be as good as ones with higher requirements. It doesn't matter when you get them, if it "costs" less you get less, end of discussion. They'll always have a place in lighter builds so it's not like they'll become pointless unless light weight builds become pointless and if you wind up in that situation you've got problems that a simple weapon buff won't fix.
>>884593 I managed to fix it, in the end. Despite Steaming pile of shitcode telling me that supposedly all files were A-OK (they were not).
>>884368 >nerfed the boss fights Anyone with a functioning brain saw this coming. Normalfags were pretty pissed about them. >>884630 Buy Starfield! Do it now!
>>884674 A shame. I've been having fun watching people put out hour long sessions of them repeatedly failing at Balteus. I guess I'm going to have to find myself a new hobby now...
>>884675 Do people just not realize that pulse weapons are good against pulse shields, or something? He's a bit difficult, but not extremely so, as long as you're being aggressive and staying on him
>>884635 >it doesn't matter it does all kinetic rounds are absurdly outclassed by lasers in the base game. There is a laser weapon for every event, and they each do something at the cost of using a generator that gives you better energy output. Since energy for the weapons is tracked separately, it basically just forces you to use a better and more efficient generator with the added bonus of getting weapons that have zero reload, insane damage potential, and high ammo counts. >they have a place in lighter builds the laser pistols are better than any kinetic rifle in the base game given the information above, they allow you to maintain pressure and damage, and since you're already running a lighter load, you'd be hard pressed for an energy shortfall. >>884714 I've seen people say this shit and I actually used pulse weapons one time to test it out, pulse weapons fucking suck. They are utter garbage in terms of damage and sustained power, I was more often breaking the shield with mortar strikes to the face.
>>884431 Thank fucking god it's not just me now. At least we can suffer together anon. Also I need to get a better PC as well. If I was a girl I would be posting feet pics on feetfinder right about now to get money for my parts. >>884714 >>884774 Dual pulse guns are pretty good, but your gonna have to supplement them with bay weapons with high DPS or some sort of laser cannons.
>>884797 Raven, I... >>884669 Try deleting and re-verifying the big DATA000.bbq files one by one.
New Japanese 2D mech game. Seems inspired by Patlabor. It even has a cute tomboy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78pTufgAJq8 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2559370/The_Scramble_Vice/
>>884991 Neat. Patlabor really deserves more love.
It's really shameful to see so many people in here saying that AC6 is hard. It's absolutely one of the easiest AC games: from the absurdly trivial missions to the gimmicky Dark Souls-esque spectacle laden bosses that are, perhaps, the only real attraction this game has. The combat is so terribly balanced towards abusing forced stuns that I'm wondering if they ever even tested the game before shipping it. I really have to wonder how bad people really are at playing something as mundane as a videogame like this one.
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>>885181 >It's really shameful to see so many people in here saying that AC6 is hard. <He really believed every fucking one was playing every AC before VI release, while also being a New AC Game with New gimmicks >The combat is so terribly balanced towards abusing forced stuns <He doesn't remember machineguns/karasawa Noob-Stick/heat spam in the games before >I really have to wonder how bad people really are at playing something as mundane as a videogame like this one. <New AC in nearly a fucking decade after VD, with a New public, soft reboot, and all that shit, being the actual first AC of a good number of newfags/retards accostumed to Dark Soul combat Wew lad, sometimes reading shit like this gives someone the will to punch someone in the face, but also, i felt a Little Deja Vu reading this, and remembering the days of For Answer with the old fags from Gen 3-3.5 complaining about the absolute change of pace/gameplay in Gen 4 and all of that. While i understand some things that you're complaining, i'll only Say: Go fuck yourself and let people enjoy New things and Bash their heads until they figure out how the fuck pass the missions and taking the hand to the Game.
>>885181 >It's absolutely one of the easiest AC games I would rank it as harder than Project Phantasma, Masters of Arena, AC2 and AC3. Maybe even Nexus, but that could be because I simply got used to the "feel" of gen 1-3 AC games. Haven't played 4 or 5 to say if they are harder or easier than 6.
>>884991 >if she was standing up straight she'd clear 183/6 feet Nice.
>>884991 Why does that police officer wear a mask?
>>885234 Lotta loyalty for a hired cop.
For those into more "realistic" mecha games, Piranha Games have just announced MechWarrior 5: Clans which is a brand new game for PC and Consoles. I'm currently archiving it as we speak. https://archive.ph/wip/UsMpX
>>886314 >Clanners Remove Clanners, Inner Sphere War NOW.
>>886314 >This Isn’t Run-and-Gun, This is MechWarrior >Hand crafted maps and missions deliver engaging combat, both complex and chaotic, demanding thoughtful, strategic play. I'm cautiously optimistic about what this could mean. No more lances of enemies being dropped off 50 meters away, 5 times every mission? From the lets plays of MW5M, it seemed extremely prolific. Sounds like they are going back to the old way of actually making missions to play.... >>886327 Neg little stravag. You cannot remove clanners. Clanners remove you. Don't make me get the enhanced imaging.
>>886314 I was expecting this considering the other game's timeline ended just before they show up. >linear campaign I'm mixed on that. I liked the sandbox approach, but the random generation was pretty shit at times so I understand the change. I just really hope they worked on the AI this time around so you could at least strategize a little more. >>886331 >No more lances of enemies being dropped off 50 meters away, 5 times every mission? Nothing quite beats getting around 20-100 gunships/vtols/whatever they were called spawning on your head and just deleting all your shit in the opening volley. And yeah the enemy lance spam in the higher difficulty missions was excessive to (I assume) make up for the brain damaged AI that came with vanilla. Which was dumb as it meant the light and med mechs became (mostly) useless once you were doing end game difficulty missions. >image I would visit.
(22.89 MB 960x540 The Cleaner.webm)

>>878489 >Spoiler Are we still doing that?
>>886572 Sorry, I have just been too busy with IRL stuff to play AC6, otherwise I would have continued posting webms.
ac6 pvp balance is a goddamn mess, fromsoft are literally incapable of making a balanced game. The number of subhumans you need to kick is unreal.
>>886331 The stealth drops in knifefighting range are a thing of the past, closest spawn I've seen the last few months was a little under a km away - which still is too close and obvious, but not anywhere as cancerous as it once was. With all dlc it's pretty ok now and worth another look. Main campaign of course remains shit but kestrel lancers and Rasalhague have campaigns I'd almost call decent. *Wonder if the canopian bastards would force them to refuse our batchalls? Well bargained and moe moe kyun*
(25.04 MB 960x540 Sea Spider.webm)

>>886584 No problem, I'll probably post more if I'm able to record it.
Just remember, anons, no matter how bad you life gets, at least you aren't G5 Iguazu.
>>886944 >at least you aren't G5 Iguazu Yes I am. I might as fucking well be. Fuck all of you I'm going to burn the entire PVP community to death.
>>886956 PvP in AC was always more of a fun distraction. If you are not enjoying it, why subject yourself to it? Especially if the balance is still fucked from what I hear.
>>886966 >If you are not enjoying it I never said that. Despite me playing more honest builds and having an average skill level I'm still having a bunch of fun with the PVP. My builds tend to be more on the gimmicky or meme side of things though I'm also still in the experimentation phase learning what works well and what doesn't in PVP. I'm also really trying to avoid dual zimmermans but for close range (melee/melee in bay slot) builds to work well it's just about mandatory. >Especially if the balance is still fucked from what I hear. Just git gud and balance shouldn't matter as much anymore.
>>886967 >Just git gud and balance shouldn't matter as much anymore. Wake me when you face a perfect combo to death build. Because it exists and it's easy as fuck.
>>886967 >I never said that. Sorry it sounded that way going by your post. >>886967 >Just git gud and balance shouldn't matter as much anymore Yeah that is true, if you know how to counter the meta builds, that alone should boost your win chance. That said, in the older AC games I played online, meta fags were still annoying even when you knew what to expect as the balance wasn't the best. I assume this game isn't that different given fromsoft's track record. >My builds tend to be more on the gimmicky or meme side of things Props to you for not being lame as fuck. I always appreciate people who put more effort into giving more memorable fights. My friends used to do customs like that. They were fun.
Elcano>Schneider. That is all.
>>886586 >Playing online against retards <Not playing in the arena kicking AI retards >>886944 At the same time, we aren't Michigan, or Walter, or Rusty... Fug. >>886956 Lmao, sucks to be (You) >>886967 He was replying to Another one, not you, honestly. >>887287 Who is better? Ayre or ALLMIND?
>>887290 In this Rubicon, Coral, Coral, is more important than food. Coral. Coral's wavepussy. Wavepussy, having some wavepussy, is more important than drinking water. I like Coral. When I see Coral and it looks good to me, when I go see it I say, "come here. I like you and I want you. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way, the choice is yours". The Coral always says yes.
is the new armored core game a good place to start?
>>887301 It's not bad, but playing in release order is always the superior option.
>>887290 >Who is better? Ayre or ALLMIND? Well Ayre seems to actually like you, ALLMIND just wants to integrate you into its collective unconscious mecha to relase the Coral for whatever reason. Also Ayre's voice actress sounds nicer than Kate's so I'm going with Ayre >>887301 >is the new armored core game a good place to start? Compared to 4th and 5th gen it's a good a place to start as any of the main numbered entries of those. I'd say to get a good grip of what Armored Core is about in general that you start with any of the numbered entries of old-gen AC, that is either AC 1, 2 or 3. If you're deadset on only playing one in the series for now though then yeah, play AC 6, you'll get more out of it than playing 4 or 5 and it's a damned good game regardless of its position in the series.
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>>886927 Here's Ice Worm, posting Ibis later.
(26.46 MB 960x540 Ibis.webm)

>>887412 Doing this with dual Zimmermans at a replay made this easy, anyway are there more laser pistols or am I stuck with these indefinitely?
>>887434 Pretty sure there's just one type of laser pistol.
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Both the game and the recording software crashed afterwards so had to redo this again, funny enough this was somewhat harder with double Zimmermans. >>887584 Damn, is there only one vertical plasma missile launcher as well?
>>887609 I think there's only one of those, as well.
>>887609 Zimmermans need to be in spitting distance of a target to be effective. Assault boost increases their damage and impact too. Against Ibis, I'd imagine it would be hard to consistently get close enough for Zimmermans to do their thing. Maybe the buffed SMG's or regular handguns could stun more reliably?
>>882052 >>882478 Thanks for the detailed input. I'll give it a go when I get the time and storage space. I was really concerned about things like boosting and stats not only from a gameplay perspective but because I enjoy the feeling of operating and maintaining a heavy machine meant for combat. It's fun to pilot mecha. My concern about PVP and singleplayer meta was that PVP meta would overrule and change singleplayer meta and the experience as a whole since weapons have to be balanced around another person using them against you as well as you using them against enemies. You're right that I don't like 4/4A, though not the the point of hating them. As for Phantom Brigade, it's not dead. The developers had to regroup after release, hence the radio silence. That said, its current state is still a prolonged version of the demo. >>883112 >(1) and done All I wanted were anons' opinions on the game since I had concerns about it as a fan of the first three series. I didn't post much about other games after that because I didn't have much to add.
>>887650 >My concern about PVP and singleplayer meta was that PVP meta would overrule and change singleplayer meta and the experience as a whole since weapons have to be balanced around another person using them against you as well as you using them against enemies. PVP and single player were given separate balance changes in Elden Ring and I don't see why they wouldn't do that in this game as well, especially since doing so got them a lot of praise.
>I had concerns about it as a fan of the first three series Anon you had nearly two weeks to play the game let alone know basic knowledge that everybody else here already knew about it from prerelease content like various gameplay showcases, interviews, our very conversations (our opinions) and what not. You're still not worth talking to, just play the game and figure things out yourself. You're a fan, if you can't play it now I know you'll get around to it eventually. Hopefully you don't get filtered like a good fraction of normalcattle out there. >>887609 Theres no "vertical" plasma missile launcher but theres 3 plasma missile launchers yeah. Also by the way during the 2nd Rusty fight on the airship you have infinite energy so you can fly as high as you'd like and boost as much as you want so the play the fight like as if it's for answer. You should record and show us that, I S-ranked it using another lightweight build it was absolutely cathartic. Maybe I should do it to show off my build as well.
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>>887626 Thanks anon, I'm just surprised how reliable they are and not have an upgrade. >>887643 Ibis has a few pauses here and there (the one that stands out for me was the starting attack, which you can dodge to the left then jump once it does the sword swipe) you can exploit for a shot so just need a somewhat fast AC along with some patience, Walter over there seems to use that coral shockwave often when you're too close to him for a shot. >buffed SMG's or regular handguns could stun more reliably? I'm playing the pirated 1.01 version from fitgirl so I have no idea how much stagger those buffed guns do yet. >>887693 I mean the one I'm using, also it's on the details. >Spoiler The one where Carla crashes the Xylem? I went for betraying Carla choice so Rusty was allied to me on that mission and I had to fight Snail on an upgraded Balteus
>>887698 >Thanks anon You're quite welcome.
I did it but the video is a bit choppy because mid-range PC. I legitimately think fromsoft intended the fight to be played out this way, the rest of the mission before took place in the sky it would make sense this fight does too.
>>887956 I forgot you could fly infinitely in that level and just fought him on the ground. I feel cheated.
>>887650 >As for Phantom Brigade, it's not dead Oh nice. >That said, its current state is still a prolonged version of the demo Not shocked by that. Still I do hope they can manage to finish the game now.
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>>887956 So what's going on at the end? Did he run out of repair kits or just caught with his pants down? I did a replay of this mission after this one and he gets healed to half once he activates his pulse armor.
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>>888137 Did not expect to win with this weapon combination. Had to lower everything since the recording slows down the game.
>>887956 >>888137 I find the Japanese VA to be very emotionless and boring in this game and this fight is a perfect example. Feel like the English ones actually put a lot more effort into their lines and have a lot more personality overall. >What's going on at the end? He's scripted to not heal there even if he has heals left. It's just supposed to be one final moment of defiance and resolve rather than a phase 2.
I liked the ideas of AC1 but not most of the execution to the point where I don't want to play Phantasm or Arena. Should I go to 2?
>>888137 >Did he run out of repair kits or just caught with his pants down? Pants down after getting some big pp damage from the lance. The build looks good but I actually suck ass at it, I played a team multiplayer match and I was at the bottom of the scoreboard for my team while one enemy player was at the MVP of his team with nearly the same exact build as mine. >>888154 Quad shotguns always fuck, HARD. Also why dont you have any expansions? Did you never unlock pulse or assault armor? >>888221 Yeah dude go nuts. When I first played AC I just went straight for the mainlines and skipped the "side" games at first. Quad legs with high powered energy weapons (like the laser cannon) or machine guns are the best builds in the game. Never tried shotguns there but I know they become really good in the later games.
>>888225 The shoulder weapons are the first laser cannons available. Was closest thing that does damage on the shield that wasn't Songbirds/Stun Needle and I was on a tight EN cap. >Also why dont you have any expansions? Just didn't bother with it.
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>>888154 >Iguazu merged with Allmind as the final boss I was wondering what was his role in all this with his ear ringing, didn't expect this
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>>888807 And done, could have been shorter with stronger arm weapons but I needed to laser carve faggot on this guy's frame.
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When they said AC2 is difficult they weren't fucking kidding, huh?
>>889163 I guess I fucked up too much because my progress was reset after some cutscene.
>>889163 It's only hard because the MTs have high stagger guns while your starting legs are unstable and your stock generator is trash, use better legs and upgrade the generator, you can get a much better AC by selling (selling means you get back 100% money) the legs, laser blade and back radar and re-allocating money to the cheaper but better legs (you can also sell the booster if going tank legs) and a better generator
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>>889163 >>889169 Just to give you an idea of just how much better you can do with the starting money + the first mission before the bridge (eliminate informer, not the MT suppression which is way harder)
>>889163 That mission is not that bad, unless you get tricked by the bridges and dropped into the lava when low on energy. Just get the evade/strafe timing down near the start and it will go easily. >>889166 (checked) If you go too negative, it puts you in human plus and resets back to the beginning. If you find the game too hard, it might help with the bonuses you get.
>>889163 It's a fromsoftware game what did you expect? Carebears sunshine and rainbows? That mission is easy as fuck too I had no issue beating it. AC2AA is much harder. I just about metaphorically busted my balls when beating that game and to this day I still never beat 9 ball seraph in that game. One word of advice for AC2 in general is quadlegs are the best in the game and slapping on some pusle cannons or gatling guns will quickly make you overpowered as fuck. Theres one fag in the arena who is designed to be a casual filter but fromsoft accidentally went and made him the hardest fight in the entire arena, just copy his setup but with more AP or maneuverability and you should be good.
>>889285 >One word of advice for AC2 in general is quadlegs Quads have too high a power consumption to be the best, the unnerfed B1000 helps though that's gone in AA, tanks are usually the best choice for a beginner but some arena fights will fucking destroy you if you don't know how to actually use them vs mobile opponents. Over the course of the game you want 3 builds: >your mainline mission build Make sure you have all weapons equipped with something, if possible adapt based on mission briefings, make sure you have a bio sensor and ECM canceller in your head part , if you can't lock on something that's the issue (EGRET or WACS are great choices) >your "fuck that guy in particular" build There's several approach to it, I do all missile builds (S604 + VLS241 + BRM-04 + ZIO/MATRIX or SOC6) but you can do the "limiter release" build (XP/T9 + fast legs + ammo extensions + limiter release at the start of the hard fights) >your hover build because fuck water Anything with hover legs really, water fucking sucks. >Theres one fag in the arena who is designed to be a casual filter but fromsoft accidentally went and made him the hardest fight Nah, he just happened to hardcounter your build, there's quite a few guys in the arena that will fuck your shit for a variety of reasons, Castor / Pollux are bastards with tank legs, Strung can be hard sometimes, anyone with the good anti missile (BAMS-287) is actually rather annoying with a missile build.
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>>874788 AC newfag here, I probably will start with AC3 since it's what recommended here but still not sure honestly. I have a jailbreaked ps3 if that can help and honestly can't spend 70 euros on the new game even if I have a ps4. Is it a good place to start anyway?
>>889316 I guess, though why not start with AC1?
>>889316 I'd start with 1 too unless you don't ever plan on playing it 2 or 3 are decent starting point, I would really only avoid Nexus or the "expansion" games as a starting point.
>>889299 >Nah, he just happened to hardcounter your build If he did my dumbass always gravitates towards one build and I would try to brute for everything with that. The one way I personally figured out how to beat him was to use gatling guns, either the back version or the gatling arms as well. In every other case for me he would absolutely shit on me, but as soon as I went and used his strategy I no diffed the entire arena, the most I died to any other dude was maybe 3 times, the #1 ranking dude was fast but also a joke. >>889316 I started with 1, start with 3 if you want. I used the epsxe emulator but retroarch works as well, PCSX2 nightly works great for the ps2 era games. The controls are dogshit up until AC Nexus as it took fromsoft 7 fucking years to introduce analogue camera controls. I recommend you rebind them if you want a more smoother gameplay experience, I didn't rebind them and I suffered for it.
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>>889344 >The one way I personally figured out how to beat him was to use gatling guns, either the back version or the gatling arms as well. Yeah DPS race works on the regular AI but the rematch won't let you do that stuff, not many opponents actually get real bad with the whole "rematch gets a better AI thing" but he's definitely one of them. >The controls are dogshit up until AC Nexus skill issue, i play dpad and stock control just fine.
My favorite build in AC2 and AA was a "dueling cannons" build. I haven't played the game in 20 years but I can still tell you the frame from memory: ROCK ROOK DC-10 VAT and a pair of the best multimissiles on the back. And turn boosters. Anything too evasive to obliterate with a few shots from the cannons will die to non-stop multimissile swarms. AC2AA was peak Armored Core IMO. I probably played it for close to 1000 hours.
>>889344 (checked) >The controls are dogshit Too many people let themselves get filtered by that. Just practice in the arena for a bit or save scum the beginning missions until you figure it out. There are games out there with insanely bad control layouts, but the early AC games are fine after the initial difficulty with it. >>889316 If you have that PS3 you can emulate all the PS1 games on it without issues. I haven't gotten around to testing the PS2 games on mine yet though.
>Playing Armored Core 2 - Another Age >Game is functionally the exact same as Armored Core 2 except they actually removed mechanics (the arena, mail, possibly more) >is waaaay harder than Armored Core 2 ever was even though I am only about 14 sorties in Am I missing something? Is this supposed to be so hard? Faggot ravens in each mission are damn near impossible to kill since they always seem to be faster and more maneuverable than me, plus I can barely get out of any missions without spending more than half my reward in ammo and repairs. And why was From so lazy with this one? I see maybe a handful of new weapons and of course there's the missions but everything else is copy+pasted. Thank God I picked normal mode because I couldn't imagine how BS hard mode would be.
>>891152 AA was rebalanced for arena VS more then solo player. And the AC fights in solo are balls hard to try and train you for facing human opponents. It's the Dark Souls of original AC games :^) When you get to the point that you can walk into the Lost Arena and skullfuck Nineball sideways with nothing but some antimissiles, your bare ass and a Moonlight blade, you will have reached the peak of git gud.
>>891160 Ackchyually the true Dark Souls of the AC games is AC Nine Breaker, which is just one big boot camp to make you git gud at 3rd gen AC games. Sadly it's so bare bones, that I skipped over it after "finishing" the arena. >skullfuck Nineball Nineballs wasn't that hard, and neither was Phantsma, but fuck Nineball Seraph, I just went to 3rd gen.
>>891164 Do you recommend I play Nine Breaker? What should my play order be? Did AC1, AC2, now AA. What's next? Don't make me go back to the PS1 era
>>891166 NTA, but i don't recommend Nine Breaker nor Formula Front, they're mostly for the novelty and that's it >What's next? Gen 3 and then Gen 3.5 have fun with Last Raven if You want to be ballbusted REALLY hard, play the Last Raven PSP version, which is basically the same Game, but with serious toughness because of controls and such >The spoiler <Not a mention for Phantasma or Masters Of Arena Go and play it, You need to Beat Nine Ball, and Seraph :^)
>>891152 > Faggot ravens in each mission are damn near impossible to kill since they always seem to be faster and more maneuverable than me They have their full health pool and Arena tier AI now instead of being retard with 1:3rd the health in 2 >I couldn't imagine how BS hard mode would be. Hard is the same, with a smaller lock on window.
>>891166 >Do you recommend I play Nine Breaker? No, as you need an import save with all the parts from Nexus, as that game has no shop. Just start with 3 then 3.5. >spoiler Project Phantasma is short and sweet, and Masters of Arena is also good.
What the fuck is gen 3.5? Stop confusing the poor man. >>891166 >You already have a PS2 emulator and the ability to get roms online >Play and beat 3, then import your save to Silent Line <Silent Line doesn't port to Nexus <Ignore Nine Breaker because its shit >Play and beat Nexus then import your save to Last Raven Heres an ending guide and I VERY FUCKING HIGHLY DO NOT RECCOMEND you go for the Zinaida ending first. I managed to beat Zinaida but it was ball bustingly difficult and even then I had to abuse save states to make me start and the very start of her fight instead of getting bombarded by missiles at the start of the mission over and over again. Try doing them top down if you want to do and see all of them. >Beat 4 and Import to For Answer >Beat V then import to Verdict Day It's not really that difficult to understand.
>I forgot to post the link to the damn guide. https://armoredcore.fandom.com/wiki/Armored_Core:_Last_Raven Just scroll down to where it says "Endings" and click on the orange text there for a mission list to that specific ending. Just do what you like the first time around and pray to God you don't get the Zinaida ending.
>>891434 >>891395 >>891179 >>891168 Thanks for the recs, all. I wasn't even aware save importing was a thing. Should I concern myself with which companies I take missions for in AA? Is getting a specific ending going to give me an entirely different experience?
>>891476 Oh God you started AA without importing your save? I only went through a few missions in the game before checking whether I could do that or not, which I promptly did once I found out. >Should I concern myself with which companies I take missions for in AA? No, not at all. Just do all the missions. I never concerned myself with any companies I just played the games, 90% of the time I went in 100% blind without any help either. Just enjoy yourself and have fun dude. Some good tips are some more missions required me to use the missile launcher that pops out a ton of smaller missile launchers, machine guns, pulse cannons, laser cannons and grenade cannons, stationary targets eat shit when you use large rockets on them since they can't move and LRs do tons of damage. The 2nd to last mission you fight a Leviathan which you can easily cheese it with LRs while hiding and peeking out from behind the buildings
>>891476 >I wasn't even aware save importing was a thing wew
>>891476 >Should I concern myself with which companies I take missions for in AA? Not really, be warned that areas are themed to a degree and you'll get a couple where large boost time are mandatory, same with the ocean / bay areas which feature missions where you either do a hover build or get fucked by the game because water.
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Those shitty fucking Zimmermans finally got nerfed along with the Stun Needle Launchers https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/armored-core/news/armored-core-vi-fires-of-rubicon-regulation-update-1031
>>893911 Reminder that balance Patches were a mistake >WAH ZIMMERMAN BAD Git gud You fucking fag
>>893911 Who cares, the pvp is tacked on and barely functional. Hardlock and stagger will continue to dictate the game, especially when fags like >>893935 will keep playing
>>893911 >Increase stability or decrease stagger recovery time on most parts Why not just take off stagger altogether?
>>894079 Because they needed something to replace the Heat mechanic from gen 2&3 and Sekiro was popular. Honestly I think they should have just added a series of components that deal with stagger, the same way you had the Radiators to deal with Heat.
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>>893935 If I was a coral boi and I made contact with you I would do nothing but repeatedly call you a niggerfaggot until you either submitted to your new role or Zimmerman'ed yourself to escape from the voice in your head that even schizo medicine can't get rid of. >>894079 The director of the game said if the gameplay was described in one word it would be "burst", you're supposed to play aggressively and when the enemy is vulnerable you hit them with the best that you have. It's supposed to be satisfying and it pretty much is as long as you got a decent build and know what you're doing. If you can't understand or don't like that way of playing then don't bother with AC6.
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>>893935 Butthurt zimmy user detected. Better learn to use something else, niggerfaggot.
>>894080 An ACS control chip would of been cool, but it simply does make more sense that strain is based on core pieces.
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The anon who first posted his boss fights here, I have been busy the past weeks, just now got back playing the game. So here is the Ice Worm, not much to say about it, it's a gimmick fight that has you using a mandatory shoulder weapon, but I did like the build up to it, not only did it make an appearance in a previous mission, but the following missions were all about preparing for the fight, with each faction contributing for the fight. I also liked the mission briefing, with how the pilots bantered during the briefing, that's not something I have seen in gen 1-3, so it was a bit exciting, hope they do more of that, it kinda reminds me of some of the briefings from Ace Combat 7. I will say that the game does have much better Giant MT boss encounters, and even if they are gimmicky like the Ice Worm, they will be more memorable than Destroy Massive MT from Another Age or Destroy Massive Weapon from 3. I will post one more webm in my next post, and even though I am far from finishing the game, I think I can give my review of it.
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Out of all the bosses so far, I think this one felt the most like a "Dark Souls" boss. Right now I am at Ibis, almost got her on my first try, in that she only had 1 HP left, but so did I, then I got stumped half a dozen times, then I defeated her, only to find out that she has a second phase. Only referring to it as a her, because I keep hearing it getting compared to Malenia, and while I kinda see it, it doesn't regenerate health when it attacks you. I don't think the boss is that hard, I just need some practice, but then I looked up on the internet, and sadly it has been nerfed, I guess this is the fate of a buyfag who waited so long to reach her, at least I beat Balteus and the spider when they weren't nerfed. I wish there was a posibility to choose the patches you want for singleplayer and maybe multiplayer, I heard they did something like this with 4. As for my review, a bit of context, I played and finished almost all the games from gen1-3, haven't touched 4 or 5 yet, so this is my frame of mind when entering 6. The things I like: >good control scheme >good movement in general, shots really do have an impact when you get staggered or stagger the enemy, AC movement is great and easily maneuverable >a more involved story >satisfying boss fights >giant maps with a lot of verticality >a good combination of both short and long missions >all the four leg types feel different and have different uses, such as the quad legs allowing you to float in mid-air >aiming rockets at multiple enemies, much easier to do >lots of ammo for all weapons What I don't like <even fewer part types than the first game <invisible wall red barrier, instead of going out of bounds <compass, isntead of minimap and map <no more maze-like maps, only giant maps All of these could have been fixed if they kept the radar, this would have given a choice between a shoulder weapon slot, or better heads(that also have Map memory), as right now heads don't provide much options, besides AP and other such stats. Now you have the minimap again, which will help you with missile and enemy location, and if you have the head that saves the map in a 3D environment, then you can have the maze like maps from 1, maybe it can even tell you the location of objectives. I am not saying that every map needs to be a maze, just one or two. There is a scanner, maybe it could have tied to the radar, or it could have been cut, I am not really sure how to feel about it. <only overboost, no other options like hangar or drones <Arena is just a simulation, so no ACs that are just Arena fighters, or mail from ones telling you to not face X opponent <lack of mission variety, such as Assassinate Politician in a helicopter, or Defend Convoy, or Destroy missiles before they reach target <lack of a specialized part to mitigate with Stagger, the same way you had Radiators for the Heat Mechanic <Energy management is a joke This is something that was really important in gen 1-3, as energy weapons, boosters and even Heat would drain your energy, and if you got to 0, then you had to wait for it to slowly fill up, before you could use it again, and if you had an Energy Weapon build, then you were fucked. here you just touch the ground, and it almost instantly refills. I understand they wanted you to use the Overboost more, that is fine, but considering how fast it recharges, and that Energy Weapons don't use it, you might as well have removed it, and limited the amount of "dodge rolls" you could perform consequently. <lock on, instead of general area While you still have to keep the camera on the enemy, otherwise you loose track of them, I still would have preferred the old system, especially since parts would determine the size of the targeting area. General observations <health kits I guess they are a crutch, for fighting the bosses, I do not know how much the damage formula has been tweeked, as in maybe 8000AP in AC1 allowed you to get hit 60 times by X weapon, but here it's only 20 times by a weapon with similar fire power, so the health kits are to compensate for it, or maybe it's the same. I noticed the enemy ACs use them as well, to prolong the fight, so I guess it's kinda fair. I don't have a problem with the Provision Pods, as they are necessary for the longer missions, and they are generally placed right before a boss fight, it's not like the previous ACs didn't do similar things like this for the longer missions, it's just that now that levels are bigger they are needed much more. <no more sea battles or hovercraft legs I was never a fan of those mission, so I can't say I miss them that much, though maybe they could do something in a future game/DLC <you can replay missions to grind credits Money was never really a problem, besides the first game(and even then you could just save before every mission, to avoid Human Plus ending), but considering how the game autosaves after each mission, maybe this could have been the game that brought back HP as a game over mechanic, though technically you are Human Plus. As in not allow you to replay missions, make ammo and repoair costs really high, and have 80% of the playerbase end in Human Plus, though I guess people would have complained about having to play the game "on easy mode", though they are the same people who scream about nerfs. I heard the game does have a NG+ mode that changes thigns, so I am exited to see what that is all about. <areas are big, no narrow corridors In part this was because of limitations from the PS1 and PS2 consoles, and now that they run it on a PS5 they can have those huge maps where you overboost from one giant platform to another. Even when you are inside of a structure or in a cave, they are still very large rooms, to allow you to move around, or if it's small, it's just a few meters, before you are again in a giant area. With that said, I did like some of those maps, using cover and shooting enemies from corners, but I guess this doesn't fit with the gamepaly formula of 6 where you go fast on enemies. Now it might seem that I am overly negative about this game, but I am really enjoying it, my complaints are things that I think, if addressed, would have made the game better, not things that make the game shit. When this game first got announced, people were afraid that it would just be Dark Souls with mechs, but I think a better comparison, though not perfect is Sekiro. Sekiro, removed a lot of elements from Dark Souls, such as Stamina management, RPG mechanics, leveling, Souls dropping to 0 when you die and having to recover them, build variety, a ton of weapons, armor, spells and so on, and just focused on one simple build. There were less cheese items, the game simply expected you to use the tools it provided you with, and master the combat system. Now at first glance, someone could say that Sekiro is a causal game, that it casualzied the Souls formula, while others would say that it simply removed the fat. The truth is, that even if doesn't have all those mechanics from DS1, it's still a hard game, maybe even harder than DS, as it's all about pure gameplay, and not leveling up or using the correct weapon/spell. The same way I see AC6, it removed a lot of parts, and systems from gen 1-3, but the game is still as hard, if not harder. Maybe they could experiment with a spinoff game, called Muscle Tracer, in which you have infinite Energy, only one build, but everything is designed around that build. What would I like from the expansion pack? I would like for them to add the radar and map, but I know they won't change the game too much, so I guess just more weapons and builds, maybe they could bring back the hover legs and make the water maps actually good, and maybe try some enclosed areas with tight corridors.
>>894920 I finally got around to playing this. Feels like a 7-8 out of 10 so far for me. Better than V and IV, but I still like the ps1-2 AC games more.
Took my gunpla convo to the right thread now. I finished my HG Aerial and it was a lot more fun than I expected it to be. It was noticeably less complex but I still had to use my head and it took my hours to finish which I very much enjoyed. The part customization is surprisingly great as there was a great shield (which I made) that I could put on which I can then detach and put the pieces the rest of her body (which I did) or turn into a massive FUCK YOU gun (which I also did). I think those two will be the only RG's/HG's I plan on building because I still don't like how tiny they are. >>894939 The game is amazing but I only give it a 8/10 since its missing a bunch of parts from the previous games, much like weapon arms, back mounted machine guns, a bunch of iconic returning weapons and inside parts, etc, the second reason is that some of the bosses beat my ass a little TOO much and it made me fairly salty. Part variety is the most important part about AC but the gameplay and everything else more than makes up for it to me. This game was deliberately made to be how it was and as a standalone game is again fucking amazing, Fromsoft proved that they didn't earn their modern reputation for nothing.
>>894939 I think a 7 or 8 is a good grade for the game, gave Elden Ring a similar grade. >but I still like the ps1-2 AC games more. I can understand the sentiment, though I have to ask if you like all the ps 1-2 ACs more than 6? As in do you actually prefer playing Ninebreaker or Project Phantasma over 6?
>>895003 >how tiny they are They always looked big to me. >"Generally, finished model heights range from 4~5 inches for small-scale models, 6~8 inches for mid-scale models, and 12 inches for large-scale models" Oh I see there is a bit of a range for this. I've probably only seen the large ones, so I assumed they were all big. >>895048 Yeah 7-8 is not a bad grade. This isn't IGN or some normalfag shit where anything below a 9 or 10 is the worst thing ever. >As in do you actually prefer playing Ninebreaker or Project Phantasma over 6? I was expecting a reply like this after I reread my comment after it was posted. Forgive my phrasing before, I meant I liked the early ones in general more. There are definitely exceptions to that.
>>895003 I always see these green mats when someone is making gunpla, why is that?
>>895113 It is a cutting mat.
>>895115 Ah, I see.
>>895109 I could compare it to a Joycon or a DS4 that way you'll truly know how tiny these ones are. >>895115 I think I need a better nipper for smoother cuts now. I head Godhand are the best but why would I pay $60 for nippers? I was cutting off an extremely tiny piece for my RG Exia's head, the yellow part that goes in one of its head vents but the shit just vanished as soon as I cut it off. The pressure of it getting cut off caused it to fly off faster than my eyes could even perceive and I spent around 10 minutes poking around in my room trying to find the piece that's barely larger than a pebble but no its just gone. What's even crazier is that I cut off it's identical piece and no issues there, it just dropped, I cut other smaller parts as well and no issues but then a small number of times I cut small pieces then they launch at FTL speeds though directly to my crotch luckily.
>>895109 >Forgive my phrasing before Don't worry, I was asking because I am not sure how to rank this game compared to the other games in the series. On one hand it has less options for customization and parts, with the exception of painting and decals, on the other the gameplay and controls are much better and less jank. It's why I compared it to Sekiro, though even with the other ACs it sometimes took one or two expansions before it reached it's peak in it's respective generation(Masters of Arena, Silent Line, Last Raven) so maybe a expansion-sized DLC that adds new parts, missions and mechanics would be great. It will most likely have to be a DLC as standalone expansions don't work anymore in this market, and most people, probably even here on /v/ would complain about such a practice. Now while weapons and parts shouldn't be too hard to make, especially since they have a long list to choose from from gen 1-3, I don't know how easy it is for them to make new maps, even with reused assets. With the PSX and PS2 era games, those maps were both small and modular, so something like the train mission in AC1 where it's just an open desert, a train track, and a small train station, probably took the devs an hour to make, enemies and all. The only other thing I think From is scared of is game balancing, which might make them hesitant from adding 100 new parts, and game balancing was always a problem with them, reason why they nerfed and re-balanced the weapons with the expansion packs they released.
I tried looking for a nice actually VIDYA related model kit to have and the only one that caught my eye is one Metal Gear Sahelanthropus but it's been sold out everywhere for the past 3 years and the only place on the internet that sells it now is a fucking Ebay scalper for $400. Literally EVERY other Metal Gear is available except for the only one I want. Fuck me dude. I heard from one Youtuber that Kotobukiya are going to start making AC6 model kits some time in the future, I think it's just a rumor so I don't expect anything out of that
>>895519 Just 3D Print it somewhere, bro
>>895530 He wants a model kit not a plastic kit >>895519 The only vidya kits I bought were the Ace Combat ones, they even somewhat recently re-leased the AC6 one as well. They were easy to build, no glue required, but I do have experience as a tank and plane fag. I wanted to try some mecha ones as well, but the Gundam kits look too toyetic for me, they look good in the show, but in real life they look more like toys than miniature mechs, and I can't exactly explain why so I am waiting for the reprint of the 4th and 5th gen AC kits, since those actually look nice.
For anyone that didn't know, the PS2 Armored Core games prior to Nexus just got hacks that add legit dual analogue controls. https://github.com/VanLaser/analog-controls-for-armored-core-ps2 I think I'm gonna give 2 and AA a shot in the near future now that I'm fully finished with 6. Here's some links to pre-patched isos. https://cdromance.com/ps2-iso/armored-core-2-true-analog-controls-hack/ https://cdromance.com/ps2-iso/armored-core-2-another-age-true-analog-controls-hack/ https://cdromance.com/ps2-iso/armored-core-3-true-analogs-hack/ https://cdromance.com/ps2-iso/silent-line-armored-core-true-analogs-hack/
Oh boy! https://twitter.com/30mmissions/status/1718190894661402756 What would Thirty Minute Sisters!Armored Core look like?
>>898104 That would be pretty good if I wasn't in the minority that has actually grown to like the old controls. Seriously though, that is pretty cool of they got it to work without any issues.
>>900648 No fucking way. I wonder how far they'll go with it? PCA craft? Bosses? AC configurations in general? Will their quality be better than Kotobukiya's? Will it be janky SHIT like Kotobukiya's? Either way I can't wait to see how they go about it and if they're worth it that'll be all the more wonderful. I'm really getting into gunpla I have 3 more MG's I want to build so unless if I buy a display shelf I won't even have any space for any model kits in general anymore.
>>900694 >spoiler I can take them or leave them, as somebody who completed more PSX AC than PS2 I can attest that it's far from impossible to get used to them but incorporating the sticks in movement and aiming is a big improvement as far as intuitiveness I think >that is pretty cool of they got it to work without any issues After spending a few minutes in AC3's target shooting training they seem to work great. From what I read they replaced some of the multiplayer code (which let's be honest 99.999999% of people aren't going to care about anyway, especially on an emulator) with Nine Breaker's control algorithms. You can even remap the D-pad and the analogues will still work as intended. >>900648 >Bandai models Holy shit, an AC plamo with actually good plastic that you can pose without worrying that the goddamn thing will fall apart if you look at it funny? AC6 must have done well. I love my Kotobukiya White Glint but the joints on the goddamn thing feel like the equivalent of a 90-year-old woman's.
>>900775 Honestly if they're going to be like HGs I don't want to bother building them. They're way too simple, quick and small for me, the end result always looks like toys. RGs have complexity yeah but their parts are FAR to small for their size and making them becomes an exercise in fucking pinpoint dexterity. I just want a modernized MG God/Burning Gundam and I want the AC model kits to be big, complex and a trial to make, something worthy of displaying to myself. In that case AC kits will be expensive but when are they aren't?
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>>894890 >>894920 >Spoiler Anon who posted said webms here, starting out AC2 with >>898104 which is pretty nice. I have a question though, what's a counter for these guys who spam rockets? Also vertical missiles are hilariously effective on the Abandoned Highway map. >What I don't like ><even fewer part types than the first game I agree, kinda sad to see we don't get more unique parts from >The arena besides Freud's laser drones >Arquebus after seizing PCA equipment since some of them switch over to LCs, HCs and in Snail's case, Balteus >No Balam route where they seize the PCA equipment instead
>>903040 > I have a question though, what's a counter for these guys who spam rockets? Not exactly sure what you mean here Can't be actual rockets since they're shit and you counter them by moving. Missiles you coutner with decoys and BEX-BAMS (other AMS extension ain't worth shit) If you mean AMS you can't really counter though vertical missiles tend to beat them more often, just bring more missiles > Also vertical missiles are hilariously effective on the Abandoned Highway map. There's a reason why it got heavily nerfed in AA.
>>903052 Looking at it closely, it's the triple rocket you get as a gift from Emeraude. Every time I get a lock on him, he starts spamming them so he was really annoying before the vertical missile strategy. Anyway done with both AC2 games, rather surprised I got to fight Hustler One again in Another Age for almost 20 years, I don't recall him being that fast though and I had to cheese him.
Grendizer came out: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2295970/UFO_ROBOT_GRENDIZER__The_Feast_of_the_Wolves/ I'd get it myself, but I don't have any extra cash.
>>906904 There's a magnet up for the GOG version anon. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:71771A1FBFDBCADECA3268DC95275EEEF9E80117&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fbt4.t-ru.org%2Fann%3Fmagnet&dn=Ufo%20Robot%20Grendizer%20-%20The%20Feast%20of%20the%20Wolves%20%5BL%5D%20%5BRUS%20%2B%20ENG%20%2B%2012%20%2F%20ENG%20%2B%203%5D%20(2023)%20(27.0.11484%20%2B%202%20DLC)%20%5BGOG%5D
Have any of you anons played S.L.A.I.?
I'm a day late but thank God it's finally fucking dead. Good riddance, that wannabe fucking hero shooter instead of a proper mech game.
>>910204 Yeah, it was a fun, but usually not as well known game. Definitely deserves more love. >>913549 Such a waste of fucking resources. Though I guess it isn't as bad of a waste as that metaverse abortion they spent over a 130 million on.
>>913598 The game is fun but with an incredibly grindy to get a functional mech despite being more forgiving in repair costs than Armored Core. Story is interesting, it's former posters from a raid site getting killed by the AI partner of the site admin because the posters got him to kill himself.
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>>915847 >>910204 I love how one of the optimal strats to playing S.L.A.I. is to play the stock market for the first cycle (100 days) and then start buying parts after acquiring lods o mone
>>915851 >Stock market It looks like the only way once you get to further in since an A ranker with a shotgun, melee or the shoulder grenade Hartman mechs are using is a guaranteed loss if you're not in camo often.
Signed up for the Alpha. Fingers crossed I get to try the game out early.
New AC6 update got leaked that shows off a new parts set + new weapons including a shoulder slotted Mini Gatling Gun. The shoulder Gatling Gun isn't really that surprising considering they were in the previous games as well going all the way back to even 1st gen.
>>917988 Huh, that's a surprise. I wonder if we'll get an expansion like Elden Ring is getting.
New update came out and it KILLED the custom games portion of PVP and it's impossible to find matches in D-rank in the ranked matches. The new beam missiles + aurora cannons can wreck the enemy teams shit in team PVP, easy MVP scores nearly every match. The new quad leg parts are amazing as long as you don't get hit while using them, a missile or laser spamming build would work great with it.
Turns out the analogue stick AC modders weren't content with just the PS2 games, holy shit we've been spoiled. >PSX trilogy https://cdromance.com/psx-iso/armored-core-true-analogs-hack/ https://cdromance.com/psx-iso/armored-core-project-phantasma-true-analogs-hack/ https://cdromance.com/psx-iso/armored-core-master-of-arena-true-analogs-usa/ >PSP https://cdromance.com/psp/armored-core-3-portable-true-analogs-mod-usa/ https://romhacks.org/romhacks/true-analogs-mod-for-armored-core-last-raven-portable-psp-usa-psp-emulators-psp/ <Last Raven hasn't been pre-patched by CDRomance yet This is insane, who could've ever seen the day >>920290 >New update came out and it KILLED the custom games portion of PVP and it's impossible to find matches in D-rank in the ranked matches All the normalfags bitched about a lack of ranked matchmaking and then this happens, fucking fantastic. Should've just stuck to random servers with know-nothings getting stomped, for fuck's sake. Matchmaking is a normalfag curse on modern multiplayer, fucking faggots. >>917235 Let us know how it goes anon
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>>920290 >Ranked Matchmaking The poison of multiplayer games, why has it spread so far and wide in this godforsaken industry? Is it because it gives tryhards their little playground and goal to look forward to? So they have have an imaginary number to state how good/bad they are in a game? Multiplayer used to be so interesting when tryhards and casuals could mingle, but giving each kind of fag their own box meant that either no one is trying or no one is having fun depending on the que experimentation fucking dies in this all-or-nothing bullshit.
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>>920290 Who cares, ac6 pvp is hot garbage anyway, an absolute after thought like every other recent fromsoft game with 'pvp' We will never get a game like chromehounds ever again.
>>921420 Good, PVP gamers deserve to suffer. This is unironic
>>921470 Shut the fuck up You stupid retard, Buy a pair of hands, and learn to write other shit instead of your copypasted bullshit
>>921473 You don't seriously enjoy trying to grind your way up the pvp matchmaking ranks? I thought only brain damaged kids cared about that. If anything, the multiplayer I want in AC VI is coop. Fuck pvp.
>>921470 Aw, did the poor carebear get his pixel sand castle kicked over? Cry about it loser.
>>921490 Grinding PVP ranks in this game will be a joke as long as you use a quad leg floaty missile build especially with the WS-5000 Aperitif. Doing PVP just for the sake of it and challenging yourself is the best way of going about it either way. I seriously found out I could kill people within seconds after they get into lockon distance to me, I made a tryhard zimmernigger eat shit before he could even get close to me. I felt dirty yet satisfied at the same time when I did that. Getting to Rank-A or S or whatever is meaningless to me as I had my fun with the game mostly from PVE, hopefully AC6 will get an expansion like every singe other mainline AC as well.
Just bumped into this video and you will see what I mean when you watch it. It's incredibly get caught with a build like this unless you try to fuck it up. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=1K77bu3PMIA
Dolls Nest gameplay revealed. https://invidious.protokolla.fi/watch?v=TGe_ZMLJRfc Footage of game starts at 24:07, actual gameplay starts 31:02 . Supposed to have lots of customization. Not sure why it's PC only since it's not really that lewd from what they showed. Maybe girls girls can take critical damage and have all their stuff cast off or something?
>>922089 Next time, show the game off again when it doesn't look like shovelware okay. Maybe in like 2 or 3 years.
Post your completely implausible SRW rosters, but describe how each franchise actually fits in a single world >Kannazuki no Miko >Nanoha As >Zoids New Century >G Gundam >Gundam WIng (the Gundams are now super robots while everything else remains a real robot) >After War Gundam X >G-WItch >Megas XLR >Sym-Bionic Titan >Big O >Gurren Lagann >Zyuranger >Armored Core 4th Gen >Earth is destroyed Gundam X style, Gundam X cast are scavengers >without Earth giving them something to unite against, the space colonies have begun feuding amongst themselves and use Earth as a ring to host small scale "wars" that determine leadership so they don't have to fight in space (G Gundam with a bit of A Taste of Armageddon thrown in). Future Century units (except Chibodee, an Earther who has proven to be good enough to earn a battlefield promotion to officer) are commanding officers from colonies, while New Century units are native irregulars. >Operation Meteor was originally intended to be a second strike that crushes the remains of Earth, but subverted by the Gundam scientists to disrupt the armageddon games <the Dark Judges are actually their doing with Backdraft Group being Earthers corrupted by their drive to crush the colony forces at any cost >Benerit group in business of selling each colony weapons so they can sell other colonies even shinier weapons ala South American Dreadnought Race. Suletta/Aerial are tricked into being sent to Earth, accidentally bringing Miomio and her mobile craft with, by the girls Chuchu beat the shit out of in an attempt to get rid of Suletta. >Coop, Jamie and Kiva are sucked into the world after Coop fucks with something. >Sym-Bionic Titan trio picked a bad place to escape war on. The Glorft are mercenaries hired by Modula who are native to the game world and in the end Coop accidentally brings the Glorft home with him, fulfilling the creator's desire to make even them Coop's fault >Zyurangers are defrosted after consequences of colony drops allows their ancient evils to awaken. At the start they keep appearing during random battlefields to battle a monster of the week independently of everyone else's battle until they learn they're on the same side. There's a running gag that Coop and Jamie "know you from somewhere" but can't figure out where, making all the Power Rangers nods/jokes one can without paying Hasbro ("Did we meet them in California?"/"Maybe that peace conference you 'saved'?", mistaking Tiger Ranger for a girl) >Himeko and Chikane reincarnate just in time for Colony Drop. Since the events of their series have already happened, they're an unusually happy couple despite the apocalypse. Chikane keeps recommending people be "more aggressive" in their romantic relationships (even ones who aren't actually a couple but look like it like Toniya/Ennil El or one way attractions) with only the audience realizing where she gets this idea from. This often has disastrous results, like why Ennil El tries to fuck Garrod, why Suletta makes the guy into tomato chunks, or making the guys with one sided attractions more annoying >Paradigm City has survived the colony drop, though nobody can remember how (or anything else). >Gurren Lagann cast are descended from people who fled underground for their own safety during one of the prior Earth-Space wars. >Nexts are buried super weapons that prompted the colony drop. They run by destroying spiral power and AS Gundams are derived from their tech but push the cost onto the pilot >TSAB has just found this world and is investigating
>>922553 I dropped Gundam X twice because the protag is one of the biggest most obnoxious literal retards I've ever seen in anime, more unbearable than Naruto even. Can't even make it 10 episodes of that shit.
>>923766 Did we watch a completely different series? Garrod is a fun main character that balances being a good rogue and a competent pilot with flaws of completely lacking in teamwork, social cohesion and subordination. He feels genuine guilt when he hurts others due to his shortcomings and acts like a genuine person instead of a retard people only care about because superpowers.
>>923766 I remember that show. One of the few Gundam shows I've seen. It's mindblowingly retarded. That's the one that ends with the characters finding out that a giant super AI on the moon was faking all the special powers the various new types had all along. None of them where anything special, too bad you spend the entire show on a quest to find and protect new types that aren't any different from regular people.... Still, at least he wasn't as obnoxious as the main characters in Wing or SEED.
>>923918 Anon you just have shit taste. Lets just leave it at that. >>924213 I guess I got spoiled as I recently watched Iron Blooded Orphans except for the last episode of season 2 fuck that and it has actually well written characters who don't act like retards in the middle of combat and other situations. The characters acted rational and reasonable during whatever situation they were in and mechas took actual battle visual damage in the show instead of getting hit by peepee blasts and never reacting to it. Meanwhile so much dumb shit happened in Gundam X while trying to take it seriously I felt like as if it was wasting my time. I was going to explain one scenerio but also I felt like I was wasting my time doing so.
I'm starting Front Mission 4, any tips? I'm also curious as to why 4 and 5 are never brought up compared to 3 (or 2 in the rare occasion someone played it).
>>924213 >faking X's ending was notoriously rushed and didn't have time to flesh out its end message, but how the hell did you get that from that scene? He said that Newtypes shouldn't be treated as a different species.
C21 still has a Japanese server operating in Japan, untranslated, but playable through Steam
>>926286 >why 4 and 5 are never brought up compared to 3 4 streamlined/cut/changed some shit and that initially soured a lot of people on it since 3 was so loved. Pretty sure 4 also got its story censored for the english version if I remember right so that didn't help. As for 5, it was released in Japan only so most people missed out if they didn't care/know to look. There is an english patch for it now though if anyone missed out on that. >>926338 Never heard of it. What is it about?
>>926403 >C21 It was the predecessor of Cosmic Break So, its like Cosmic Break with more RPG elements and no cute girl-bots
Just got started playing AC6. Recommended builds to save for? Guns or body parts. I'm thinking of doing a faster jumping build.
>>928198 I had a lot of fun with quadlegged setup with dual laser pistols and dual laser cannons or song birds.
>>928198 Pic related is one of my favorite builds, it kicks ass and tops scoreboards in multiplayer! cropped because spoilers. Reverse jointed legs are amazing, they have the longest kick range out of all the legs, you can never go wrong with drop kicking your enemies to death. Try out EVERY weapon you unlock because some of them can be deceptively really good (and some really shit) the higher the impact damage the better most of the time. All of the melee weapons including the laser knife work great as well, especially in PVP (only do PVP once you unlocked all the parts, everybody else did by now), but if you decide to use melee weapons that move you forward with the booster, use the default thruster as it gives you the best melee thrust in the game it makes a world of a difference compared to all the other boosters. I seen people make decent builds with nearly every weapon imaginable and the amount of viable builds you can make is surprisingly high. Drop the Curtis Linear guns as soon as you unlock the Harris Linear Guns if you decide to use those weapons, the stats for the Linear Guns are really deceptive and they work entirely differently in actual combat. Bazookas got buffed in a patch to actually be viable and now they absolutely fucking slap. This video teaches you how to actually aim. I beat the game multiple times and still did not know about this shit until recently. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=OiFBV0B3A4E Also last tip, if you are confused about what the parts to use open the contextual help menu and go over each of the stats, it goes over what everything does in perfect detail.
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>>926403 >Pretty sure 4 also got its story censored for the english version if I remember right I just finished the game, what exactly got censored? >4 streamlined/cut/changed some shit Yes and no >Expanded the playable units to 6, up to 12 for certain missions but the extra 6 are generic characters that pilot default wanzers >Each character's roles are more pronounced, can still change roles using credits >Skills are unlocked through purchase by experience points and upgrading the battle computer instead of learning it through different parts and meeting the required conditions in 3 >Link attacks are now a feature instead of specific skills >Limit to only 2 offense skill activations instead of 6 per fight from 3, defense skills seem to have none <Defense skills will activate regardless if the conditions are met or not (e.g. Block 50 DMG will activate even if you dodge) <No part focused melee skills <No ejection and wanzer hijack mechanic, 3 seems to be the only one who has it <Can't upgrade wanzer parts however this means more attention to what parts should be equipped <No network from the previous games <Menu navigation is atrocious, wanzer setup and wanzer shop are two separate windows instead of one, same with computer skills and pilot setup <The two main protagonists' stories are merged, alternating every 1-3 missions. No, they don't meet, only a few radio communications >Story is more on geopolitical dispute(Not-Russia pitting Not-US and Not-EU against each other while establishing smuggling routes to both for profit) rather than science fiction of previous entries(Fenrir System of FM2 and MIDAS of FM3, haven't played the 1st yet) so I can see why people may think it's dull >>926338 >C21 is still alive I don't believe it. Are they still updating? >no cute girl-bots No anime girl with mech limbs, just feminine looking mech. I recall the waitress bot being released before the EN server shut down.
Finished my first playthrough. I'm sorry Ayre.
>>934676 Did anyone happen to spot any engine assets in this trailer? Some of the aspects of this game don't mesh together well and I am wondering if that's because the devs are using a lot of recycled material.
>>934710 Besides the, seemingly deliberate, choice to have cartoony characters with realistic backgrounds?
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>>932191 I'm a bit late but congrats dude! If you still want to play the game and get all the other endings check out this simple guide. https://www.thegamer.com/armored-core-6-every-ending-how-to-unlock-guide/ If you are having any trouble with the game experiment with every weapon that you got. When it comes to melee weapons the Basho arms deal the best damage and the default thrusters give you a fuck ton of thrust with melee weapons to top it off. Melee focused builds are insanely fun and whoops all kinds of ass. >>934676 Still looks like shit. Can't wait for Mecha Break to come out and rape my PC to death.
>>920290 >playing fromsoft pvp Holy fucking lmao nigger, get a grip son
How is UFO Robot Grendizer? I've seen it in store but haven't seen any discussion of it.
>>937592 I don't know what you're talking about. Invading people in DS1 was some of the most fun I ever had gaming.
>>937592 The PVP got better after the first day. I started playing again a few weeks later and I actually started getting matches for once. I even played a bit of custom pvp but there was only two lobbies open at the time. I never made it past D-Rank because the PVP was a bit too intense for me as I did have a high enough win rate, I kept on winning by a hairs breadth (around 5% AP) with my Dual Harris (Linear Guns) Kiting build and that was stressful as fuck. >>937731 I had tons of fun with Elden Ring PVP as well no matter how stupid it got. It was very hard for me to put down, I would always say in my head "one more match" and a few hours later I'm still playing more matches.
With Gundam Breaker 4 confirmed and looking like it includes most/all of GB3's post DLC MS list, what new MS do you think should be added? GB3 MS list for reference UC >RX-78-2 Gundam >RX-75 Guntank >RX-77-2 Guncannon >RGM-79 GM >RB-79 Ball * >MS-06F Zaku II >MS-06F Zaku II w/ Missile Pods >MS-06S Zaku IIS (Char Custom) >MS-06B Gouf >YMS-25 Gyan >MSM-04 Acguy >MS-09 Dom >MSM-07 Z'Gok >YMS-14 Gelgoog (Char Custom) >MSN-02 Zeong * >MW-01 Mobile Worker >EMS-10 Zudah >FA-78 Full Armor Gundam (Thunderbolt version) >MS-06R Psycho Zaku ^ >PF-78-1 Perfect Gundam >RX-78-3 G3 Gundam >MS-06F Zaku Minelayer >MS-06FS Zaku IIFS (Garma's Zaku) >MS-06R-1A High-Mobility Zaku (Shin Matsunaga) >MS-06R-2 High-Mobility Zaku (Johnny Ridden) >MS-14B High-Mobility Gelgoog (Johnny Ridden) >MS-14C Gelgoog Cannon >MSN-02 Perfect Zeong >RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type >RX-79[G]Ez8 Gundam Ez8 >MS-07B-3 Gouf Custom >RX-79BD-1 Blue Destiny Unit 1 >RX-79BD-2 Blue Destiny Unit 2 >RX-79BD-3 Blue Destiny Unit 3 >RX-80PR Pale Rider >RX-78-NT1 Gundam NT-1 >RGM-79G GM Command (Space) >MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai >MSM-03C Hygogg >MS-18E Kampfer * >MS-14JG Gelgoog Jaeger >RX-78GP01 Gundam GP01 Zephyranthes
[Expand Post]>RX-78GP01-Fb Gundam GP01 Zephyranthes Full Burnern >RX-78GP02A Gundam GP02 Physalis >RX-78GP03S Gundam GP03 Dendrobium Stamen >RGM-79N GM Custom >MS-09F Dom Tropen >MS-09F Dom Tropen (Desert Colors) >AGX-04 Gerbera Tetra >MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam >RX-178 Gundam Mk-II Titans >RX-178 Gundam Mk-II Titans (w/ Vulcan Pod) >RX-178 Gundam Mk-II AEUG >RX-178 Gundam Mk-II AEUG (w/ Vulcan Pod) >MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki >RMS-099 Rick Dias >RGM-79R GM II >AMX-004 Qubeley >PMX-001 Palace Athene >PMX-003 The O >RX-121-2A Gundam TR-1 Advanced Hazel >ORX-005 Gaplant TR-5 Fiver >RX-124(ARZ-124) Gundam TR-6 Woundwort >MSN-010 ZZ Gundam >RGM-86R GM III >AMX-004-2 Qubeley Mk-II (Elpie Pull) >AMX-014 Doven Wolf >MSA-0011 Superior Gundam >MSA-0011[Bst] Superior Gundam (w/ Booster) >MSZ-006C1 Zeta Plus C1 >MSZ-006A1 Zeta Plus A1 >FA-010A FAZZ >RX-93 Nu Gundam >RGM-89 Jegan >AMX-119 Geara Doga >AMX-119 Geara Doga (Rezin Schnyder) >MSN-03 Jagd Doga (Gyunei Guss) >MSN-03 Jagd Doga (Quess Paraya) >MSN-04 Sazabi >RX-93-v2 Hi-Nu Gundam >RX-0 Unicorn Gundam >RX-0 Full Armor Unicorn Gundam >RX-0 Banshee >RX-0 Banshee (Armed Armor) >RX-0 Banshee Norn >RGM-89S Stark Jegan >RGM-96X Jesta >RGM-96X Jesta Cannon >RX-160S Byarlant Custom >MSM-04G Juaggu (Unicorn version) >AMX-009 Dreissen (Unicorn version) >MSN-06S Sinaju >NZ-666 Kshatriya >YAMS-132 Rosen Zulu >RX-0 Phenex >AMX-107R Rebawoo >F91 Gundam F91 >XM-01 Den'an Zon >XM-X1 Crossbone Gundam X1 >XM-X1 Kai Kai Crossbone Gundam X1 Kai Kai Skull Heart >LM312V04 Victory Gundam >LM312V04+SD-VB03A V Dash Gundam >LM312V06 Victory Gundam Hexa >LM314V21 V2 Gundam >LM314V24 V2 Assault Gundam >LM314V23 V2 Buster Gundam >LM314V23/24 V2 Assault Buster Gundam Future Century: >GF13-017NJ Shining Gundam >GF13-017NJII God Gundam >GF13-001NHII Master Gundam Fuunsaiki >GF13-009NF Gundam Rose >GF13-011NC Dragon Gundam >JMF-1336R Rising Gundam >GF13-050NSW Nobel Gundam After Colony >XXXG-01W Wing Gundam >XXXG-01S Shenlong Gundam >OZ-00MS2 Tallgeese II >XXXG-01W Wing Gundam (EW) >XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero (EW) >XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Proto-Zero (EW) >XXXG-01D2 Gundam Deathscythe Hell (EW) >XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms (EW) >XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock (EW) >XXXG-01SR2 Gundam Sandrock Kai (EW) >XXXG-01S Shenlong Gundam (EW) >XXXG-01S2 Gundam Nataku (EW) >OZ-00MS Tallgeese (EW) >OZ-00MS2B Tallgeese III >OZ-13MS Gundam Epyon (EW) >MMS-01 Serpent Custom After War GX-9900 Gundam X GX-9900-DV Gundam X Divider GX-9901-DX Gundam Double X NRX-0013 Gundam Virsago NRX-0013-CB Gundam Virsago Chest Break Correct Century >System-∀99 ∀ Gundam >Concept-X 6-1-2 Turn X >MRC-F20 Mobile Sumo (Gold) >AMX-109 Mobile Kapool Seed >GAT-X105 Strike Gundam >GAT-X105+AQM/E-X01 Aile Strike Gundam >GAT-X105+AQM/E-X02 Sword Strike Gundam >GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam >GAT-X105+AQM/E-YM-1 Perfect Strike Gundam >GAT-X102 Duel Gundam >GAT-X102 Duel Gundam Assault Shroud >GAT-X103 Buster Gundam >GAT-X207 Blitz Gundam >GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam >ZGMF-X20A Freedom Gundam >ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam >ZGMF-X13A Providence Gundam >MBF-02 Strike Rouge >MBF-02+AQM/E-X01 Aile Strike Rouge >MBF-02+P202Q Strike Rouge IWSP >ZGMF-X56S Impulse Gundam >ZGMF-X56S/a Force Impulse Gundam >ZGMF-X56S/b Sword Impulse Gundam >ZGMF-X56S/c Blast Impulse Gundam >ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam >ZGMF-X666S Legend Gundam >ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam >ZGMF-X19A Infinite Justice Gundam >MBF-02+EW454F Strike Rouge Ootori >ORB-01 Akatsuki >ORB-01 Akatsuki Oowashi >ORB-01 Akatsuki Shiranui >MBF-P02 Astray Red Frame >MBF-P02 Astray Red Frame (W/ Flight Unit) >MBF-P03 Astray Blue Frame >MBF-P01 Astray Gold Frame >MBF-P01-Re2 Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Mina >MBF-P02Kai Astray Red Frame Kai >MBF-P02R Astray Blue Frame 2nd Revise >MBF-P02 Astray Red Dragon >MBF-P04 Astray Green Frame >GAT-X105E Strike Noir Gundam >GSX-401FW Stargazer AD >GN-001 Gundam Exia >GN-002 Gundam Dynames >GN-003 Gundam Kyrios >GN-005 Gundam Virtue >GNX-603T GN-X >GN-0000 00 Gundam >GN-0000 00 Raiser >GNR-101A GN Archer >GN-0000 00 Gundam Seven Sword/G >GNX-609T GN-X III >GNX-901TW Susanoo >GNW-20000 Arche Gundam >GNT-0000 00 Qan[T] >GN-006 Cherudim Gundam >GN-006GNHW/R Cherudim Gundam (Final Battle Equipment) AG >AGE-1 Gundam AGE-1 Normal >AGE-1T Gundam AGE-1 Titus >AGE-2 Gundam AGE-2 Normal >AGE-2 Gundam AGE-2 Double Bullet >AGE-2 Gundam AGE-2 Dark Hound >AGE-3 Gundam AGE-3 Normal >AGE-3F Gundam AGE-3 Fortress >AGE-FX Gundam AGE-FX >ow-f Gafran RG YG-111 Gundam G-Self VGMM-Git01 Kabakali PD >ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos >ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos (Form 6) >ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos Lupus >ASW-G-11 Gundam Gusion >ASW-G-11 Gundam Gusion Rebake >ASW-G-66 Gundam Kimaris >ASW-G-29 Gundam Astaroth Build series >GPB-X80-30F Beginning 30 Gundam >GPD-04B Bearguy >GAT-X105B Build Strike Gundam Full Package >KUMA-03 Bearguy III >BG-011B Build Burning Gundam >RGZ-91 Lighting Gundam >RGM-237C Powered GM Cardigan >RGM-237C Powered GM Cardigan (Gatling Gun) >BN-876 Scramble Gundam >Shin Musha Gundam >Musha Gundam Mk-II Game OC >RMS-099BD Break Dias >MSN-00100J Hyaku Shiki J * (nearing character limit)
My wishlist Animated UC >Hizack >Hobby Hizack FC >Death Army >Bolt Gundam >Gundam Maxter After Colony >Leo >Aries >Vayeate >Mercurius >Virgo After War >Daughtress >Jenice >Jenice Kai Ennil Custom >Leopard >Airmaster >Bertigo >Ashtaron AD >Flag >Tieren Taozi >Enact WfM Prologue >Lfrith WfM >Aerial >Aerial Season 2 >Aerial final battle >Calibarn >Demitrainer >Demitrainer (Chuchu) >Dilanza >Darilblade >Zowart (+ Heavy) >Pharact >Ur >Thorn
[Expand Post]>Mobile Craft Some stuff from SEED Freedom Random spinoffs with single representatives >Pixy >Wing Gundam Seraphim >Le Cygne >Browning Gundam (which really should have been called "Saive Gundam") >G-Saviour >G3-Saviour >MS-18NF Titania >a random mid-boss using a Dom that has a Char Zaku torso Would be neat in base game but if they're added it will 100% be held back as DLC >Super Fumina >FRS Suletta >FRS Miorine >FRS Chuchu
GB4 interview and stream https://www.famitsu.com/news/202402/23335002.html https://invidious.jing.rocks/watch?v=op-6SRWD8qw >network test info (pic related) >no pilot suit avatar, you walk around lobby with your Gunpla <appears to be some kind of still picture selection for your profile >only WfM suits at launch are Aerial, Aerial S2 and Darilblade which essentially confirms they're recycling models from the mobile game <means only non-UC grunt suits we're likely to get are Death Army, Leo, and Graze
>>938459 I never played a GB game before but I really like the designs of Gundam Sentinel so I want the Gundam MK-V and the EX-S Gundam to be there as I can see that they aren't. It's never been adapted into an anime was was always a nip exclusive novel though, damn shame. Heres a translation anyways. https://archive.org/details/manga_Gundam_Sentinel/mode/2up https://archive.org/details/modelgraphixspecialeditiongundamwarsiiigundamsentinelthebattleofrealgundam1989edition/mode/2up The Advance of Zeta manga has some really crackhead ass designs I wouldn't mind seeing in game either.
>>939343 Ex-S Gundam and a few other Sentinel MS actually appears in the mobile game, so if they're really reusing models from there (as every single new MS seen so far also appeared there) there's a good chance they'll appear in GB4 after updates/DLC.
Also appears a few Advance of Zeta things were in the mobile game as well.
>>929717 >what exactly got censored? Thinking about it more, I may have been mixing it up with something else. Its been too long since I played. If I give it a go again any time soon, I'll check it out. >>938459 I'm too easy to please. Early UC stuff is all I ever cared about. After playing a fair bit of MS Battle Operation 2 though, I have a soft spot for the Flight Type Gouf and its variations.
>>939406 >I'm too easy to please. Early UC stuff is all I ever cared about. Did you ever play SD Gundam GGeneration Genesis? It was all UC with some Sentinel suits.
>>939425 Never played it. >playstation 4 exclusive Shiiet. I stopped at the PS3 with sony consoles.
>>939438 It was also ported to Switch and Vita. I don't know if the Switch version is available in English, but considering how much easier it would be to pirate for that, it's worth the look into.
>>939441 It wasn't "ported" to Vita, it was released as multiplat, and in all honesty the Vita was likely the native development platform.
>>939453 My mistake, only thought of the Vita while writing about the Switch version and it ended up in the same sentence.
>>939441 >switch/vita I have neither of those as well. Though I guess emulation is an option for the switch right? I haven't followed that much.
>>939499 Switch emulation should get you there plenty easy.
>>939499 I tried running TOTK on my 1060 6GB PC and it ran like ass, my baby is getting up there in years. You'll need a decent PC if you are gonna emulate switch games on there.
There is a Japanese gameplay showcase for GB4 showing off way more stuff than the trailer did. It looks okay. AC6 is still the peak of the genre though, nothing will ever top that game for a while. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=op-6SRWD8qw&t=2562s >>939406 >I'm too easy to please. Early UC stuff is all I ever cared about. If you love early UC you'll love the rest of Gundam Thunderbolt, especially if you ever watched both OVAs. I found it here in manga format and in pristine quality as well. Its some of the best UC content I've ever watched/read. Bandit Flower ends on chapter 61 here but the manga goes all the way to chapter 165 which I just finished a few minutes ago. https://mangafire.to/read/mobile-suit-gundam-thunderbolt.r8ky/en/chapter-61 If you do see this I hope you enjoy anon.
GUNVALD in Super Robot Wars when? Even if SCS2 is a relatively obscure spinoff for Nippon, it's implied to be non-unique so it could always have Aty and the Martini kids as crew for one.
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I think most AC fans will like Battle Engine Aquila, even if somewhat basic and lacking a economy system you fags should really give it a try. >Ammo system >Energy system >Lock on system >Big scale maps filled with crazy but well designed Y2K units >Seamless Walker and Jet mode with different weapons for each >Different chassis models >Mission ranking based on secondary mission performance >>943492 I need to replay Summon Night 1, I remember not liking it very much outside of the parents narrative and the 2D combat. Mostly because it railroads you too hard in terms of progress despite giving you some choices that impact the narrative.
>>950006 Swordcraft Story is a spinoff of Summon Night. Original is a PS1 game.
>>950038 >Swordcraft Story Yeah, I meant that, I also mix up Summon Night and Rune Factory all the time.
When I sat this thread bumped I thought it was going to be about the new AC6 30MM kits coming out in September. They're 3,850 yen which is about $25.43, but ofc it probably won't cost that much in the US, or is it so cheap because Bandai are kikes and they overinflate the value of Gunpla? Yes, I already know the answer to that.
>>950068 The art in both companies' games are pretty samey and low budget, it's not really a surprise.
>>950195 I really want that Nachtreiher. Thankfully we're getting Bandai Spirits now that From's publisher is Bamco, the Kotobukiya weren't exactly ideal.
>>950243 130 mm is around 6 inches tall (like the resin statue), it's maybe 1/00th scale or not its kinda ambiguous in that game since humans are never shown. Unlike Last Raven where there are humans all over the fucking place but that game is niche even amongst AC games I wouldn't mind them being 1/100th scale like in 2nd pic even though they may be a bit small in that case. The upside is that you can have a lot of shelf space to have multiple kits hanging around.
Anyone here playing Megaton Musashi, I got it earlier and am having fun with it.
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>>950310 For whatever reason I thought the scales in the second image were scores, like how people rate celebrities on how hot they are. So that Tallgeese was a mere 1/100.
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>>950006 Battle Engine Aquila doesn't get nearly as much attention as it deserves. I've never played a mech game with that sense of sense of scale, like an entire battle is going on around the player.
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>Playing Armored Core 6 >1.1 because pirate >Get to Balteus without the nerfs because that only happened at 1.02 and 1.01 was just an online update >Hear all the huss and fuss about it and expect to get frustrated >Tank Legs, heavy armor, 2 Burst Rifles, 2 Should Laser cannons >Avoid most of his missiles >Tank damage >Use repair kits >Beat him at the 3rd try after coming from work half asleep >Most of it just dodging missiles, going under him and wailing on him with all weapons without charging the them. Why are normalfags so fucking retarded? My build isn't even that well optimized. I can see a no checkpoint or no repair kit run being challenging, I can see getting an S rank being somewhat challenging, but just going through the mission casually? How was that shit any hard? I think even Juggernaut gave me a harder time due to those bullshit mines of his.
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Is it still a Mecha if I simply made a Tunguska with two tracer lasers?
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>>982063 If it at least has some combo of arms, a torso, and a head; I count it as one. Otherwise it is just a really big tank. Not that there is anything wrong with that. >>981983 Normalfags get regularly fucked by souls shit, obviously an AC equivalent would just further fuck them.
>>981983 >1.1 because pirate You can pirate the updates, anon. It sadly castrates Balteus, but I think the flying wheelchair legs are fun to use, at least. >I can see a no checkpoint or no repair kit run being challenging, I can see getting an S rank being somewhat challenging Not really. It's a pretty easy game, all things considered. There's a few challenging spots, but even S ranking everything is just a matter of knowing how to play the game correctly. I'm not even tooting my own horn here, I'm honestly pretty mediocre at games and I didn't find AC6 to be hard at all. Makes me wonder about the people who were filtered by the attack helicopter in the tutorial mission.
>>982107 >People were filtered by the first boss who gets half his health cut off by the OP as fuck blade Jesus Christ
>>981983 Speaking of optimized builds, what's something good for AC1? I've played the game a few times but always get my ass kicked at Nine Ball Also, are those spider legs even viable? I've never made a build with them that worked well.
>>982166 Spider legs are good when you want to use the heavy back weapons without having to crouch. >Nine Balls Just so you know, you are not forced to fight him, you can finish the game by running away from him. As for how to beat him easily, I used a cheese strategy, by using the spider legs and the best back weapon, I think pic related was what I used. After the platforming section, you are in a corridor, and when you drop down you spawn Nine Balls. When he does that, you immediately fly back to the upper corridor and wait for him to reach you. The moment he enters the narrow corridor, all of his maneuverability becomes moot as he can no longer dodge you, and you fire at him until he dies. Then you reach another corridor and if you jump up, the second Nine Balls spawn, well you go back to the lower corridor, and wait for the second one to drop down, and that's when you fire at him with all the remaining ammo you still have. Remember to keep something for the main computer as well.

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