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Old Video Game Forums 2000s Anonymous 09/25/2023 (Mon) 16:29:27 Id: c47557 No. 890142
Hello /v/ I was going through some old things in my attic and found my og copy of Half-Life and my old PC. looking on it I found my old CS 1.6 stuff. I even found some old custom maps. This hit me with nostalgia for those old video game forums, old clans, and even just gaming from that time period. So /v/ whats some stuff you remember from those forums. Remember any Clans you used to be apart of, or just some old memories of gaming around that time. see ya /v/
>>890142 Last time I did anything clan related was I want to say Battlefield 1943? I started with Bad Company though, as I used to be really good at bullying fags in that to the point where the clan leader himself was victim to it so they sent me an invite. I had a short time in a Fear 2 clan as well because they needed more members to try to start there. That was thankfully short lived, but I do miss lasering people in half in that even if the game was shit. Honestly though, I wouldn't recommend it if anyone is ever looking into the more serious ones. Those fags made it feel like a chore/job and sucked the fun out of playing shit casually. Don't get me wrong, they were nice enough, but I shared my accounts with my brother at the time and there were days where I missed their practice as I was sick or something and my brother would use my account so they would get all pissy about me "ditching" so I'd have to explain myself each time. It was fucking retarded how seriously they took that. That said, it was nice to have a competent team. You get so used to randoms being retarded that you forget what teamwork can look like. >old forums I had around 5 that I used to visit frequently, but the sites are dead and buried now one still exists but is exclusively in discord so it might as well be dead to me. Almost all of them went the way of powertripping leftist/autist gets mod/admin status or some retard befriends/dates the owner and things go to shit quickly. Seriously that last one happened twice with the dudes ruining their forums trying to impress their new gf. That shit was infuriating, because it was a like a train wreck in slow motion. Everyone is screaming about where this is going, but there is nothing you can do to stop it so instead you are forced to watch it painfully grind to a halt as it destroys everything in its wake. >I even found some old custom maps I can't remember what game it was, but out of nowhere I remembered a fan site I got all my maps from. To my shock, it was still around, but every last download link on the place was dead. So many fun custom maps lost just like that. It just further cements the importance of archiving this stuff to me.
What's going on with the weird threads lately? Not all of them bad per se, just unusual for moe/v/. Did we get refugees from somewhere?
>>890179 I heard reddit was killing itself recentl, and if that is true then my guess is that the redditards shat up a bunch of gaming sites and the users fled to whatever other sites they found, this one included
>>890142 Quake Terminus and Halomaps are still alive and well. So is UTzone https://www.quaketerminus.com/addon.shtml http://hce.halomaps.org/ https://www.utzone.de/forum/downloads.php?do=cat&id=38 Seeing websites not filled with ad spaces up the ass and shit tier art design for mobile is something else. >>890179 Who cares? It breaks the mold, it's good
>>890190 Okay, who broke this perfectly fine mold?
>>890189 >I heard reddit was killing itself recently Again?
Forums are dead and imageboards will be next
>>890179 It's nice to see decent threads that want to talk about video games.
>>890192 I don't understand how reddit stays alive when automods prevent 99% of new accounts from posting
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>>890179 Did a little investigating someone made a TikTok about this site... Its getting kinda popular so get ready for a horde
>>890445 That would explain the several recent dogshit threads
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>>890445 Post it faggot
>>890467I I already just risked all my data getting stolen by Xi Jinping Im not risking it again
>>890190 Oh my god it's so much better
>>892031 Mobileshit completely killed optimization and website art design.
>>890468 Is it possible to leach videos directly from their server through MPV? You would still be connecting to their servers, but it wouldn't be a problem if you use a VPN or anything else to mask your real IP.
>>890445 >someone made a TikTok Great idea, next thing advertise it on twitter and instagram. Fucking niggers.
>>892054 >implying anyone who actually uses this site made whatever anon says he found <implying it is real and anon isn't just a shitstirring faggot making shit up without proofs
>>890445 >>892061 It was posted a month or so ago in some other thread, some TikTok faggot made a video equating 8moe to 8chan and pointed out all the porn boards on the front page.
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>>892083 So where is it?
>>892140 >>892061 Goddamn stupid fucking nigger.
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>>892203 All you had to do was post it, was that hard you fucking cock gobbler? Now read the greentext in >>892061
>>892209 >you Goddamn stupid fucking nigger.
>>892203 Did he upload bitcoin both youtube and Tim Tokyo? Why does it feel like I've seen I've seen this video before?
>>892247 Word filter or did I post 2 fast?
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This site was THE place to go for vidya ost. From nes to turbografx up to the ps3. People were either ripping audio straight from the console or uploading FLAC files from official cd's, special editions or compilations. Haven't been able to find another place like it.
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>>892203 now cue the discord post from someone saying he "thought 8chan was just a myth" This video is no different. Normalfags will continue to get their information regarding 8chan (and 4chan, mostly) from youtubers dripfeeding information and "horror-stories" to them.
>>892254 I'll give you all the OSTs you want bro, just add me on Discord!
>>892296 I will never get over the part that we're a myth, a campfire tale that casuals tell eachother to spook each other over a bigger badder 4chan, when they don't even know 4chan is just an anonymous Twitter twotch chat
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>>892373 /tv/ + twitch + twitter essentially, I haven't gone to cuckchan since 2015 and when I came back I thought they were being raided, but no, it was just the normal state. It's fucking tragic because I frequented 2010 /v/ and it was an entirely different world and community.
First gaming forum I ever used was Gamewinners, where i made an ass of myself posting in roleplay threads on the Sonic board. Complete with donut steels and everything. But after a month or two I realized nobody liked me, so I left and didn't really go to another gaming forum again. Somehow I got it in my head that gaming forums were hostile to newcomers instead of realizing I was just acting like a faggot. I wound up running my own RPing forum for a while, but it never got any users since I didn't know it was called roleplaying, instead calling it "ongoing fanfiction". >>892254 If you're willing to get autistic then there's also emulated music (NSF, SPC, PSF, etc). They all require special plugins/players but you're getting the original music as played by the console. https://vgm.hcs64.com/ is where I go. As for playing them, pretty much every format has a foobar2000 plugin (Game Music Emu covers the common stuff like SNES/NES/Genesis), and you can usually find Winamp plugins if you still use that.
>>892306 I'm in my 30's. I'm not groomable. >>892378 >>892388 Damn you niggers are the best. I'll have to dig deeper into emulated music and the plugins for it so thanks for the info, anon.
>>892254 Wasn't that place owned by a pedophile who was obsessed with GamerGate at one point?
>>892399 Maybe you're mixing it up with one of the other 10000 pedophiles whose butt Gamergate hurt.
>>892399 You thinking of ffshrine? Kiwifarms says that's Nyberg's domain. https://kiwifarmsaaf4t2h7gc3dfc5ojhmqruw2nit3uejrpiagrxeuxiyxcyd.onion/threads/sarah-nyberg-srhbutts-sarah-butts-nicholas-nyberg.12213/ Also from the last page of that thread: >Individuals like Nyberg are hybrids. At least half of their DNA is cockroach.
>>890142 vidya and forums used to be pretty popular over here. There were several vidya oriented forums from people that also hosted game servers, but obviously most of that went to hell over time. Games started being a lot harder to host or it was simply impossible, social media started making independent places be forgotten by normalfags, and games in general were not really worth playing anyway, so there wasn't much left to be a part of. Haven't played online games since then, it's been like 15 years though it feels a lot less. I miss it. The site of one of the communities I was a part of was still online last I checked. It's pretty much dead but it still feels ultra weird and awkward to visit it. Have been tempted to send a message and reach out to people but I'm not sure how comfortable I am about that. I'm happy when I find people still holding onto their places. When Arcane Dimensions released I found some really small quake forum that looked old as hell and people were still keeping it alive. It looks pretty dead now. I think I read at some point that they were thinking of giving up due to low activity and too much spam. I think it was last year that I wanted to play Freespace and I found that there was a group of fans on a forum maintaining a custom engine to play the first and second games on. Lots of good work over there, including new maps and mods. I see that there's still some activity there, but right at the top they're mentioning discord links. Too bad.
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For all the forums that came and went, GameFAQs somehow survived, even if it was released in 1995, so extremely old by today's standards. Maybe it was the simple HTML layout, the ease of use for users to upload their walkthroughs on the forum, the community that formed, but I still find forum posts of theirs when I try to search for a problem/question I have with a game. While today I prefer using game wikis on a video on jewtube for more modern games, if there is an "older" game, I will go to their website by default to see if I can find anything useful. I will end this post on a reminder that when NeoGAF crashed and burned, and the users where trying to find a new home, the people on GameFAQs said that they would not welcome the refugees and that they should look somewhere else.
>>892203 >dyed hair >piercings >weirdo This was a human, once.
>>890142 You open old wound and memories OP. Like fuck, early 2000s Gaming Clan sites had it's charms, too bad most of what I experienced what power tripping retard mods and Inner Circle bullshit cliques, but still,those were the times. Also, FUCK YOU EXOS! HOPE YOU TURNED INTO A TRANNY AFTER YOUR SPERGFIT.
>>892491 >This was a human, once. He is a mutt so no he wasn't.
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>>892525 Gay sex with brazillian mutt butt sluts
>>890142 Does anyone remember I-Mockery? Because the owner himself completely forgot about it too and now he's completely hooked up through his social media. He's no any different from James Rolfe, considering he luv'd them edgy humor but shit his pants over the Super Mario KKK romhacks.
>>892527 Kill them with fire
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>>892468 So in GameFAQs they don't police your wording often compared to ResetEra?
>>892254 >Galbadia Fuck, those memories. Is khinsider still up?
>>890179 >weird threads >actually talks about vidya ishygddt
>>892388 wasn't there an old nes music radio channel/podcast that was posted a while back?
>>890233 >being this delusional Corporations are the ones that are dying permanently. >>893130 >pic >"bullying is a crime" So?
>>906495 They have to go outside of their hugboxes if they want to listen and read opinions that defy their point of view.
>checking out Gang Garrison's forums >completely empty aside from the local schizos that have been shitting on it for the past 14 years Some things just get worse with time
>>906412 Gendou anime music is still up to but absolutely dead. -- I'm looking for a site that gave you a random old internet site every time you clicked on it. I can't remember the url at all.
>>906412 Yes but they've been struck by a few copyright notices so some big series like DQ, Elder Scrolls, FF, and Sonic are all blacklisted. >>925407 This one? https://wiby.me/
>>925463 >This one? Yup. Thanks a lot, anon. First result http://mopedtrip.com/
Look at this now defunct beauty. Appears to be a gaming journo-sort of a website. https://web.archive.org/web/20081101144847/https://eegra.com/ I am using my necromancy powers to revive this thread.
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>>942087 Little too clean for my taste, but looks pretty good. Here are the old Killing Floor forums including some of the grungy horror stuff that was the original inspiration for it before the Tripkike acquisition, somehow still alive due to being hosted on a free hosting service that is still alive. I should really archive all this shit. https://mrkadish.proboards.com/thread/83/model-idea
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Any frogs here? I only know it through their quake 3 mod, but it seemed like a pretty cool electronic music forum. Never learned the language and now it's dead.
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Surprised to see both of these Ace Attorney fansites still standing. Ace Attorney Online still has a somewhat active fangame/fancase community, I used to try my hand at writing cases in the french section when I was a retarded teenager. Good times. Court-Records lost a lot of charm since the 3DS era of Phoenix Wright games, however.
>>943695 God, I had forgotten about Court-Records. I think the last time I went there was when they had announced the 3DS Ace Attorney games. What about the site changed after that?
>>944035 Well not really the site itself, but the community was basically taken over by the LGBT plebbit/fujo crowd, on top of moving to discord. Guess it was bound to happen with this series.
>>945760 Still not as bad as Persona, cancerous fanbases like Beth and Blizz drones at least like the games they play and don't push to change every single thing about the games to fit their own politics.
>>892203 >the top porn boards are indicative of the overall user base >conveniently ignoring the disparity in user count and pph between /v/ and those board >conveniently ignoring that as of writing most boards have 0 pph so anything higher than that will enter the top 20 and porn dumbing threads will obviously have more than 0 I sometimes wonder if these people are genuinely this ignorant or they’re just bullshitting
>>890142 Is there an alternative to wayback machine?
>>945786 Are you delusional? They don't need to push anything because the games are already pozzed and getting more pozzed with each day.
>>945890 If any boards that aren't /v/ are indicative of the overall user base they're /hisparefugio/ and /mex/, those get lots of posts and that bad English is all over /v/ makes it plain they cross over.
>>945760 >Well not really the site itself, but the community was basically taken over by the LGBT plebbit/fujo crowd, on top of moving to discord. Guess it was bound to happen with this series. Why the FUCK is it always these abominations?! Why are they every where? I can understand getting cancelled if it was something open, but how come do forums get infested with these maggots? I understand that places like leddit naturally become a faghive due to corporate interests, but it seems that glow in the dark niggers put an LGBTBBQ abomination in every corner of the web to moderate something.

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