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Vidya Gaems

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Games only you tried and liked Anonymous 10/06/2023 (Fri) 17:00:42 Id: b0bfbf No. 894141
This is basically a so-called "hidden games" thread, where Anons bring up games that they've tried but don't think other people have ever bothered playing or ever looked at. The reason I bring it up is that I tried out the game D.I.C.E., based on the made-for-America anime of the same name, and so far I seem rather jazzed about it. Based on my first impressions, it seems like the game is somewhat similar to the Musou games, except it's arena to arena instead of large battlefields.
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I don't really like the "hidden gem" misnomer, but I do enjoy a bit of an obscure game, which 99 out of 100 times I think of one it's a title like at least ten other anons have at least heard before. What I am more interested in though is, how do people even stumble upon these titles? For instance, you probably already know what Helious is and if you don't, some game developer claimed that Aliens visited him and told him to create a shareware game that the Ayylmaos made about a gas filled ball trying to grab symbols through trippy DOS levels, via an interesting air-depleting mechanism that keeps the ball moving, all to uncover a password to the eye of said aliens, but I remember being a young lad playing on a ('95ish, in my region of the world) pretty new computer and being completely puzzled as to why such a niche title was installed on my grandfather's personal computer. >>894141 Care to go a bit more in detail?
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>>894141 I'm pretty sure the number of people who have played this game is in the 2 digits. I really enjoyed despite how crappy it gets near the end.
>>894141 Nectaris: Military Madness for the ps1. If you like turn based military shit, you should probably give it a try. It has neat features like surrounding enemy bonuses and terrain playing a role as well. I hardly ever see anyone talk about it or the other related games. >>894163 Well since a thread died for this, might as well make use of it. >>894210 >What I am more interested in though is, how do people even stumble upon these titles? I find them through boredom and looking through lists of similar genres of games. There are a lot of gaming channels that cover random obscure games as well.
>>894816 >Nectaris: Military Madness There were a couple Nectaris games on PSN at one point; I think one was PSP and one was PS3. There's a WiiWare game too.
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>>894816 >Nectaris: Military Madness Damn, that looks really cool, thanks anon
Some games I enjoyed but never or rarely saw anyone ever playing or speaking about: >NetStorm Islands at War (RTS) >Dark Reign 1 or 2 (RTS) >Iron Grip Warlord (FPS/Tower Defense) >Strike Vector + EX (Flight/Arcade)
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>>894141 Never met one single person who even knows about this game but I enjoyed it as a kid with my ps1.
>>894141 This old PC gallery shooter, pretty fun and some cool ideas https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=bcye6_zQIT8
Finding Teddy 2. Standard pixelshit platformer but the neat part was you needed to find notes around the world to play an instrument so you could learn how to communicate with the npcs and vice-versa.
Enola. Horror game that rips its gameplay from Amnesia the Dark Descent but about two dykes with a strained relationship due to a shared (and psychotic) ex they both had at some point, and something about the protagonist's gf going bonkers because of psychic influence from this dude. and something about him running a strip club that was cover for a snuff film ring that the protag rescued her current GF from, I think? It's basically feels like a fancy custom story for AtDD. More platforming and puzzles than you see from Frictional Games' works but notably less enemy encounters, as well as just being a jankier game overall. I think I just saw it on sale when looking up horror games in 2016 for less than $5 and installed it, remember playing it on my last day of high school on my old laptop from the time. Thinking back on it the game didn't do anything impressive, it's just a bargain bin Frictional Games horror game, basically, but at least it was inspired more by their works instead of shit like Outlast I guess. Pictures aren't even mine cuz I lost my old laptop. Just random shit I grabbed from the steam screenshots section.
>>930270 >Enola >about two dykes Sooo... Enola Gay?
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>>894141 Tabboz Simulator
>>913407 Never tried, but did play Spawn: The Video Game for the Super Nintendo, and watched the animated series.

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