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Witch thread! Anonymous 10/21/2023 (Sat) 12:14:55 Id: f9fa66 No. 898444
Its October! Time to post the cutest witches in all of vidya!
Didn't the original Celtic holiday Halloween comes from technically happen on November 1st?
>>898445 Hell if I know. Not that it matters anymore. October is the spooky month now. In my country trick or treating is on the 31st anyway, November is for remembering the dead saints.
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>>898445 Samhain? Yes, in fact Samhain literally means "November". Celtic days are weird though, they started and ended at midday instead of midnight. When they woke up it'd be October 31st, then at noon the day would switch to November 1st. It's funny we still call it "Halloween" which is a corrupted form of "All Hallows' Eve", the day before All Saints' Day, when almost the entirety of the holiday is from Samhain now with virtually no ties to All Hallows' Eve.
>>898446 Cute girl, too bad her game was only alright.
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>>898491 >Cordelia
>>898514 >last pic Needs kiss marks on the butthole.
>>898446 Anyone know how to make the mod loader work on Linux so I can turn off the bear costume and make her run around in her pantsu?
>>898546 Do you need a mod loader? Can you not install the mods manually?
What are fun games where you play a cute or sexy witch? By that I mean a with that actually looks like a witch, not something like Bayonetta. I already have Cotton Reboot and Dragon's Crown.
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>>898582 Does this look like a witch? She is from puyo puyo sun.
I hate fighting this bitch so much, she's got options for everything especially her A.I. on Grim of abyss mode especially on stage six. It's no wonder she's considered high tier when the game first came out. I don't know where she stands currently.
There's Bullet Witch, that crappy Cuphead clone Enchanted Portals, Grim Grimoire, Silhouette Mirage. On the topic of Dragon's Crown, does anyone know of a way for folks emulating the game to play online? I'd typicaly not even consider it a possibility but I know there have been a handful of popular old games that had their online systems figured out and the backend or whatever of Dragon's Crown seemed pretty simple.
>>898641 >Enchanted portals. I heard about that one. Real shame about it, The animation is very good but its bolted onto a (what looks like to me) a pretty sub par game.
>>898582 Witch Spring R is out on steam (and DRM free so it's an easy pirate probably). It's a fun gook RPG with a cute bunny witch as the protagonist and is about her journey for pie that escalates into saving the world. Or... Witch Spring witches are supposed to have bunny ears and traits but they come off more goat looking to me. Make sure to play it with the Korean VA for that authentic experience (and it just sounds better than the Jap VA).
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>>898444 More witches please, waiter

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Wadanohara a cute! A CUTE!!!
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>>898514 >>898500 More tiddy wizard
>>930140 This thread was for October, I have no idea why you're necrobumping it in January.
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>>930145 >I have no idea why you're necrobumping it in January I can think of a reason: witches.
>>898474 an alright game is better than most shit that come out in current times. Also it suprised me that the developer try to pull a MN9 and started building the world of the game BEFORE the game was fully finished, but he actually manage to pull it out.
>>914134 never finished her game
>>898576 No, the mod loader is also the hook mods use.
Waiter waiter More witches please
>>898444 >Its October! October already? Man, the time flies. :^)
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Anyone seen Sorceress? Only a demo so far. I haven't tried it myself, but it looks a lot like dark messiah, also cute feet.
Maple a cutie. You think the old, ugly witches from the Zelda universe were cuties when they were lolis?

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