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Todd General - Bethesda more like Bestesda games Anonymous 10/26/2023 (Thu) 19:34:47 Id: c8de27 No. 900026
This is actually a Starfield/Bethesda games general, the title is a shitpost, Felbot pls understand b4 u go autismo What are the glorious adventures you've had around the same 30 points of interest stretched over 1600 locations, anon? Did you remember to preorder?
Edited last time by Zoom on 10/26/2023 (Thu) 19:40:04.
>>900026 Mate, we already have both a Stellaris thread and a Fallout thread. Out of courtesy, I'll let it stay, but please, don't go around opening too many threads on the same or similar topics if there's already an active one.
I have another update following from last thread. Starfield's recent Steam score is now down to 59%. The overall score is also about to drop into "Mixed", currently at 71% and will almost certainly drop to at least 69% before the week is over. You can see the discourse surrounding the game slowly shift now, from "yeah, it's pretty good" to "eeeeehh, it's fine?". Obviously among hardcore RPG fans Bethesda's games have been controversial for awhile but they've slipped so much even a lot of casual gamers are disappointed with it. Does anybody like the base building shit? Somebody has to because they've shoved it into everything since Fallout 4. I hate that crap, I'm not playing The Sims
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No fellow anonymous user I will not be buying Starfield, I'll be buying S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2™ instead as an individual of IQ.
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>>900030 Thank you for being so courteous and understanding to the Temple of Todd, fine volunteer. >>900033 >>900036 DELETE THIS
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>>900039 Я виграю Todd
they released another Fallout mobile game but with a elder scrolls paint job
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>>900033 >Does anybody like the base building shit? I tried to like it in FO4. The game sucked in general, from writing to the general gameplay loop, but I did try to enjoy that. The idea of building up your own settlement in a post-apocalypse is genuinely appealing. And while dedicated god's-eye-view base builders obviously are their own genre, doing it from first person as someone who actually exists in the world is a different appeal. Unfortunately, it was still Fallout 4, so of course the system was so clumsy, broken, and unrewarding that my attempts to enjoy it were not successful. I came close, as I turned the Castle into a miniature Kowloon, a maze of narrow alleys and jettied overhangs as I tried to pack in as many shacks as I could, but even that never reached the point of feeling worth the time wasted on it.
>>900073 <You did not call my masterpiece an "interactive movie"
I will never understand how Fallout 4 had only a single weapon that took 5.56, despite it being a staple of every single prior Fallout game's early weaponary. They didn't even give the Nuka-World AK an option to take it! The weirdly implemented December's Child and its "M4 Carbine" effect suggests they planned to include an AR with Far Harbor, but just... didn't for some reason. >>900033 >>900132 Biggest problems with F4's base building >in base game, settlements are extremely limited in "practical" production (no ammo, weapons or armor production) so it's entirely unconnected to the rest of the game >enemy attack have fixed spawn points, this makes them predictable and makes it so fortifications are both pointless and stupidly abusable >most settlements are occupied by unremovable trash and there's no option to fix existing buildings <this even goes for instances where it would have been trivial to do right, like the cult town you can take over after clearing but have no way to remove or repair the eternally flaming wrecked turrets
>>900188 >>in base game, settlements are extremely limited in "practical" production Literally the only things of practical value they produce are caps, clean food and water, scavenged junk, and vegetable-based adhesive. The caps and junk are irrelevant because it's a fraction of what the player would collect anyway. The food and water is only relevant if you have the hunger/thirst meters enabled (I always have them off because I consider it pointless tedium). So really the only thing of genuine consistent value is the adhesive, since it's used in basically every weapon and armour mod and can easily run short otherwise. Once you have a single settlement with a farm (i.e. an hour into the game when you get Sanctuary), you will no longer run out, ever. That's the most concrete contribution settlements make. >>enemy attack have fixed spawn points, this makes them predictable and makes it so fortifications are both pointless and stupidly abusable While the enemy attacks spawning inside my walls was annoying, it was nowhere near as annoying as the ones where they spawned too far away. So my longest-range turrets (missile ones) would engage them at the very limit of the missiles' range, meaning they didn't hit shit, and since the attackers were now in combat they stopped approaching and returned fire equally ineffectively. So the only way to deal with it was to disregard all my defences and sally forth to kill them myself. But leaving out of my settlement on foot instead of fast-travelling could cause the more distant end of the power grid to despawn, permanently bugging the entire network. >>most settlements are occupied by unremovable trash and there's no option to fix existing buildings And what makes it really frustrating is that there's not even a way to integrate them into your own creations. The player's placing Minecraft blocks in a world that doesn't follow the block grid. Nothing existing has snap-connection, so you'll get to the end of a wall and realize you're a degree or two off and everything's fucked. Usually the hitbox doesn't match the visible model, so if you want a smooth join without ugly gaps, you need console commands to either disable clipping or simply adjust position manually. The scales are just a bit different, so roofs end up a little too high or low compared to the standard wall height for the player-created walls, and distances are a non-integer number of wall lengths. And of course you can be left with non-square angles that non of your parts can fill. There's no way to deal with uneven terrain (which is all of it) aside from placing massive concrete foundation blocks everywhere. Even the things you build have unremovable trash, since a lot of the parts were designed with form over function. The corner pieces, which are obviously key to trying to fit in tight spaces since they're 1/4 the area of a full tile, have unnecessary junk pieces that stick out annoyingly and can often be the difference between the part fitting or not. >like the cult town you can take over after clearing but have no way to remove or repair the eternally flaming wrecked turrets That's not even the worst example. In the Castle, once you unlock the armoury, there are actually items in there that are just for display purposes. Perfectly intact traps, that you could either dismantle for parts or place around the settlement, and which were stored in the armoury you just did a quest to unlock. But they're not interactable. You can't use them, can't move them, and can't dismantle them. they're just decorations on a shelf. Fortunately, mods can fix some cases, like those two examples, but not even they can help with the larger scale structures, since sight-lines, light sources, and so on are baked into the game. I tried mods to let you delete entire ruined houses, but the game drew or culled objects from my line of sight as though the house were still there, and there's be floating ghost-fires where candles or trashcan fires used to be.
>>900033 (checked) >Does anybody like the base building shit I like the idea behind it. Rebuilding the world of Fallout fits for the most part. The execution of it is subpar to the point where they might as well not even bothered with it though.
>>900073 I really need more of those Todd edits
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>>900507 Don't know who you're talking about.
>>900516 You know, this reminds me of the time we collectively made a /todd/ team for the Infinity Cup. That was magic.
>>900526 What's mental is that this guy was a League of Legends addict and has high tolerance for garbage, and shit taste overall. So him shitting all over this shit is bad, really bad.
>>900569 I'm not going to force myself to get past the awful, unreadable font choice.
>>900033 Apologies, but I'm here once again to inform you all that Starfield's recent score is now 55%. The main score is unchanged. It's gotten lower than I thought it would. <Why do you care so much? I'm not even sure. I guess I just didn't expect this reaction, RPG fans have been saying this about Bethesda's games for years now but they've been beloved by the gaming public regardless. Starfield isn't much worse than Fallout 4 or Skyrim, yet the reaction to Starfield has been inexplicably so much more negative. I guess I find that kind of fascinating.
Grabbed this from the AI thread, I think it captures the spirit of Todd quite well. Anyway, I abandoned Neobethesda back when Failout 4 turned out to be a big poop. It s was already clear then that they don't know what the fuck they're doing anymore, and each game after that has only confirmed it. But I'm not mourning, because an actually good Bethesda game did come out few years ago, it was called Kingdom Come: Deliverance. I think Warhorse has what it takes to carry the torch of that style of RPG now that Bethesda is a maggot-infested walking corpse, so I actually feel optimistoc for the future.
>>900026 Is Nolvus worth it?
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It's hitting a dead horse at this point but I just want to vent how much I hate Bethesda and every single one of their monkeys. >All the weapons in Starfield lack a partial reload animation >After years of mods fixing that issue in all of their fucking games >Except one >The double barreled shotgun >They had the partial reload system implemented into their mess of an engine >Just too lazy to implement it into the other guns, which are all worse than Ubisoft eurotrash noguns faggotry I absolutely abhor this pile of shit company and all the redditors that defend and support it
People really don't check the catalog before posting nowadays, do they? Starfield thread is here: >>900026 If you're going to be an absolute nigger and try to make competing threads like this you could at least put a ton of effort into the OP and use something like actual fucking references to the reviews you're talking about instead of doing next to no effort and a basic-ass 5-line greentext that doesn't even really fit any format. This isn't cuckchan where you open up ten threads on the same topic. We don't have the users nor the PPH for that. Sage because I ain't bumping a pointless thread like this and the OP is a retard who should've just posted this in the already existing thread.
>>902447 The worst thing that happened to 8chan was people like you thinking it's a forum.
>>902437 >and all the redditors that defend and support it you know why they support it, anon. they don't actually like the game, they like the company that makes the game since this company is working virtue signaling into every one of their games now.
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>>902447 Didn't see the spoiler Fuck, just report it asking for a merge
>>902454 >they don't actually like the game It's true, they like the mods and the community. Fitting for an Xbox sellout company.
>>900033 Sorry it took me so long, but it's finally happened. Starfield's total reviews are now Mixed at 69%, being heavily propped up by early review launch hype positivity. Recent reviews are down to 48%. Most new reviews coming in are negative, but Valve doesn't demote a game to having a negative score until it hits 39%. While Starfield is only 9 points off that, the recent reviews are hovering between 50-48%, so it's unlikely to fall much further. Much to my surprise, the response from the community around the game seems to be "Yeah, I get it". Only hardcore Xbox loyalists appear to be truly upset, as Starfield was billed as Microsoft's "big game" of the gen.
>>902437 Moreover, did you notice that the reload animations DIFFER depending on whether you're in 1st or 3rd person? Some guns are just completely incorrect in 1st person (parts of them move wrong or impossibly when reloading) but are correct in 3rd. There was zero communication between modelers and animators and even between the animation teams.
>>909149 >Only hardcore Xbox loyalists appear to be truly upset What? Are you really going to say that Starfield is somehow worse than the latest Mario crap from Nintendo? I understand you all like games for kids, and that is why you play on you Shitendo, hopefully one day your parents will allow you to play mature games for mature gamers such as myself. https://archive.ph/Sta8t
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>>909149 >48% Bravo Todd A funny side effect of Starfield is how it's absolutely killed the hype for TES6. From what I can tell casuals generally liked Fallout 4 even if RPG fans are mixed about it, Fallout 76 launched hated but people seem to like it more now with its years of updates, Starfield however seems to have been liked for about a week before everybody got tired of it and since then its reception is rapidly growing more negative. There's a pattern here, with each new Bethesda game the gaming public has grown more tired of them and Starfield has made many write them off entirely. It's been over a decade and they've failed to make another Skyrim, so why hold out hope through another drawn out Bethesda game cycle?
>>909166 None of those things are an actual TES mainline game though, he basically has a blank slate for it even if the other semi-related stuff are disappointing Partially because Bethesda fans are massive cucks. Reminder that negative Steam reviews don't necessarily mean anything. Remember Cyberpunk 2077? That's still CDPR's highest selling game ever. In fact, now that I look at it, apparently Starfield is their biggest launch success. Its already sold over 10 million in 2 weeks of launch. Meanwhile, Skyrim has only sold 60 million total across every platform (and that's including things like when its at significantly reduced price during Steam sales and whatnot). It has probably made 1/4 to 1/3 of Skyrim's total revenue by my estimate, especially when you take into account that many people are digital-only cucks these days and overpay for something that doesn't even cost them anything to produce or host. I wouldn't be surprised if Starfield reaches 15-20 million in a few months.
>>909180 I misspoke, apparently 2077 isn't CDPR's highest selling game, that's Witcher 3, but its still a ridiculously high number of sales. (30 million)
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>>909180 >Its already sold over 10 million in 2 weeks of launch.
>>909181 Not enough for the amount of marketing they poured into it. Witcher 3 had fucktons of marketing, but Cyberpoz had 5 times more marketing budget. Reminded me of GTA
>>909162 >>909166 Call me a faggot but what's with niggermerica wanting to shit on starfield so fucking hard? i saw some of the fucking teasers and even the fucking direct again to double check the retarded rage as "todd overpromised" and he didn't? even the 1000 procgen planets sweet lie of his to which he backpedaled as the game got closer to launch with him saying about them not being full with details and all that but hubs were the one with the 16 times talk, he even went on saying about the loading issue you might have for not upgrading your PC and the game does look like it has a lot of faults for being a weird simplified mishmash of FO4 and Skyrim but i can also see todd going lazy and expecting modders to pick up the slack. Even annoyed pablo did the same retarded talking points of comparing it to fucking no man's sky and saying that you can't fly from planet to surface and rushing to defend some IGN reviewer that gave starfield 7/10, i'm trying to grasp what the fuck is going on and youtube shines a light with many people from US is going for hard dumps on starfield to repeat the loading screen point and no man sky comparison, i must apologize for digging in cuckchan's /v/ archives but IGN's score differs greatly from niggermerica to everyone else, also for bringing in youtuber talk but i must however point out that only fleekazoid was the one that seemed to review it without any bias and presented good points as to why toddfield is bland. Seriously, what in the fuck is going on over there?
>>909847 >Seriously, what in the fuck is going on over there? Well, as I watched patriciantv's streams with all the interviews, directs as well as his nematodes with interacting with shills, it has been a combination of Bethesda being very vague about their product, and the xbox shills wanting it to be the next best thing, as it was a Xbox and PC exclusive. If you watch the direct, they never actually showed a vertical slice of gameplay, as in you start on a planet, accept a quest, get on the ship, fly to the planet, do the quest and then return to get the reward, to have a better feel for the gameplay loop. Instead they just hop from set piece to set piece distorting the view of how the game will actually play like. Even reviewers complained, that as they were at the Bethesda studio to try out the game(a few months before release), they were not allowed to play a vertical slice, instead there was a Bethesda employee next to them, to make sure they don't play too much, and if they reach the end of the set piece, then the Bethesda employee would stop the gameplay, load a different save file, and then allow the reviewer to continue playing the game, so not even reviewers knew how the game truly played like. Compare this with Skyrim, when Todd was live on stage in front of an audience playing Skyrim walking through the fields, and talking about that mountain you can climb, the fishes that swim, going through the dungeon, doing it mostly uninterrupted, then exiting the dungeon, and then fighting a dragon. This created a very ambiguous of what Starfield will actually play it, with a lot of xbots shills thinking that there will be vehicles in the game(because Skyrim had horses), and most didn't even knew that there were mechs in the Starfield universe. Now with patriciantv he had some realistic expectations about the game, and even said a year before launch that the planets would be Oblivion gates, there will be no vehicles, and that people should temper their expectations about the game, but even he and PrivateSessions were shocked when they found out that you couldn't even fly from planet to planet. This is a feature that even 90s space games, and you could probably do it in the Daggerfall engine if you wanted. I am not saying it needs a 30 minute warp time from Earth to Pluto, you just do what other 2000s space games did (Tachyon, Farscape) make planets smaller bust big, and have the warp points last 10 seconds or so, as you travel through the warp tunnel, either through a gate, or with the warp drive of the ship. It's such a basic feature, of having a huge black sky box that represents a solar system, with you beign able to travel from one planet's orbit to another, and then activate the Oblivion gate. >tl;dr Bethesda was incredibly vague about how their game would play like, and xbots shills had too high of expectations for it
>>909847 You can show me all the IGN review scores you want but it's still a disappointing game at the end of the day, anon. Are you seriously trying to defend Todd, who's entire job is to embellish lies and stir up hopes, or saying it's unfair to compare one space exploration RPG to another that it's competing with? >he even went on saying about the loading issue you might have for not upgrading your PC and the game does look like it has a lot of faults for being a weird simplified mishmash of FO4 and Skyrim but i can also see todd going lazy and expecting modders to pick up the slack. Poor optimization and lacking basic features is Bethesda's modus operandi. That's why people are mad, it was (like every modern game) hyped to high hell and meant to be the biggest, best game ever, advertised with outlandish claims like having thousands of unique worlds (skirting the fact they're all one of a few presets) and needing to be played for hundreds of hours before really getting enjoyable (because it's designed to be beaten and then grinded through again, undermining the story and all of your progress). People are upset because it was disappointing and this time Todd's lies were so egregious not even the most retarded cattle could mistake the failure that was Starfield. >Seriously, what in the fuck is going on over there? I could ask the same and wonder why there are still so many people defending a lazy, underpolished turd that functionally technically fails compared to games that have already been out for years, and made in a fraction of the time and budget. Are you upset reviewers and consumers are actually being critical of a game?
>>909847 faggot
>>900033 Once again, we're back onto Starfield's Steam reviews. Bethesda has been doing something rather sad and pathetic, they're responding to negative Steam reviews essentially begging players try the game again and reconsider their position. https://web.archive.org/web/20231128134830/https://www.eurogamer.net/bethesda-responding-to-negative-starfield-reviews-on-steam This isn't recent, either. They've been doing it for awhile, I've noticed it throughout my posts documenting the review scores. Gaming media has finally picked up on it and how brazenly bizarre it is for a company to be doing this after it started making the rounds on Twitter.
>>912109 Sorry for samefagging so much, I'm trying to link these posts together Go and read the Steam page. https://steamcommunity.com/app/1716740/reviews/?browsefilter=trendweek&snr=1_5_100010_&p=1 You'll see it first-hand, many of the reviews have direct Bethesda responses. I'll post a random one from this week. >Hi, >We appreciate you taking the time to provide your review and sorry to hear that you did not enjoy your time in Starfield. >If you feel that things are getting boring, there is so much more to do than just the main mission! >Some of Starfield’s planets are meant to be empty by design - but that's not boring. “When the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there. They certainly weren't bored." The intention of Starfield's exploration is to evoke a feeling of smallness in players and make you feel overwhelmed. You can continue to explore and find worlds that do have resources you need or hidden outposts to look through. >There are many side missions where you can learn more about the people and story of Starfield. You can take time to explore various planets for resources and items. Break the law by smuggling and selling contraband. Build your own Outposts and Starships and customize them to your enjoyment. There are many things to do and you can visit our Discord for further ideas from other players: https://beth.games/3F1Jb0W >To provide feedback to development for Starfield, please feel free to use this form here: https://beth.games/45BDMKb >Thanks again and we hope you return to your journey through space soon! >Warm regards, >Bethesda Customer Support It's so fucking strange, right? They all have replies like this. It's like Bethesda doesn't understand how the Steam user review system works, it's not Amazon. You don't send these PR messages to people giving you bad reviews. This isn't the proper etiquette here.
>>912124 I guess it's their attempt at trying to be transparent and helpful, like their listening to input they're not obviously since most companies of their size don't even bother. Or maybe one of the many pajeet companies they outsourced happens to be a PR one still under contract so they used them to do this.
>>912109 Hey now, some poor pajeet in an office halfway across the world is probably trying his damnedest begging people to enjoy this game. Or Todd is fuming in his office, years streaming down his face as he begs people one by one to please please enjoy his dream game.
>>912135 >years *tears, but I guess that works too considering how long they worked on this damned thing.
>>912135 >>912136 >spoiler I saw somebody note how Bethesda seem genuinely shocked people weren't head over heels for Starfield. Their reactions to all the criticism isn't your usual dev meltdown, it's borderline autism behavior. Todd's "upgrade your computer bro" line, them excusing the game being boring by citing the actual fucking Moon landing, Bethesda's official Steam account individually responding to random negative reviews, it's all very strange.
>>912124 They're replying to a lot of negative reviews, maybe all of them. Let me explain to you, the sheer brilliance and genius of Todd: You see: the most valued currency on the Internet is the (You), so Todd is effectively rewarding negative reviews with (You)s, and people who are starved for (You)s will now start posting their own negative reviews in the hopes of receiving a (You) from Todd. BRAVO TODD WHAT A GENIUS
>>912274 Well, they're incompetent and filled with retards who probably enjoy that garbage, so I wouldn't really be surprised if they were legitimately shocked at all the negative reactions. For example, Emil is shit at writing, but he isn't malicious unlike Hines, who's gone now, he's just lazy and retarded with a comfy job provided by Todd. They're also too scared to confuse the retards that fill the ranks of their fanbase.
>>912418 From this whole debacle it seems that todd's sins are starting to catch up with him. Honestly this shit should of happened a decade ago
>>902437 Do you want something worse than that, Partial Reload anon? Not only did Fallout 4 have a tactical reload mod (which tended to not work for one reason or another), it also had a mod for tube-fed weapons (called Bullet Counted Reloads, which New Vegas already had and didn't need) like lever-action rifles and modded shotguns to load the proper amount of shells instead of loading six rounds when only two were fired. Guess which mod Bethesda stole for Starfield. The Bullet Counted Reload. You know this because Starfield has the exact same glitch as the Bullet Counted Reload mod where sometimes you magically stop reloading mid-animation and only get to load in one shell or grenade, forcing you to constantly mash your reload key and take even more time reloading. Even more egregious is that Fallout 76 apparently had this glitch too, but it was fixed there, only to have the broken mod shoved back into Starfield. And if you want to talk about the guns themselves, I don't want to praise Bethesda for making more guns that Fallout 4, which had fuck all, because most of them sucked from a gameplay perspective and almost all of them were ugly and nonsensical. >Pistols that don't have slides or weird moving parts that don't appear to be for cycling rounds >Square barrels because the caseless propellant is square even though the bullet itself isn't >All those stupid fucking cowboy guns, nothing to say there, just look at those abominations >A laser where you have to replace the barrel and laser aiming module every time you change the battery, making everything about that weapon cumbersome >Guns that supposedly use the same ammunition, but the model peeking out of their magazines are obviously different >Guns that are just plain redundant (why use the Kraken when you already have the Maelstrom? Likewise with the Grendel and Beowulf) >The Mag weapons that borrow from the Metal Storm concept have no coherent way to show how they function. >Railguns kinda-sorta look like railguns (as opposed to coilguns like in Mass Effect or Planetside or something), but all their parts are exposed like they're all prototypes pulled from a lab >Polymer handguard duct taped to a wooden handguard of an AK. Also, no stock for the AK >The VSS Vintorez is referred to as an "Old Earth Hunting Rifle". Not sure if that's a Futurama-style joke or Bethesda is just being retarded as usual >The 1911 given to you by Tuvok with the 'Kid's Stuff' trait is referred to as a "collectable revolver". Also it's missing all the parts that actually hold the pistol together when firing and cycling. >The balance is so fucked, the 1911, if you can get enough ammo for it, will drop a Terrormorph/Space Deathclaw faster than any of your space age guns >There's a 24th Century reproduction of the 1911. It's basically just a tacticooled Kimber model or something. The first one you'll likely get is from a people who have been traveling through deep space for two centuries straight and would have no way of getting anything current. >There's a Snake Cult laser that's designed to puncture your own space suit and expose you to vacuum every time it recoils >Also, lasers have recoil. >What >>909152 says. First-Person and Third-Person have dramatically different reload animations for no reason, with one or the other or both looking completely bugged. I stopped pretended Bethesda made RPGs. They spent the last decade making First-Person Shooters, and they can never do the damn guns right.
Guys you made todd quit
>>914213 Source?
>>914213 The fuck are you on about? Can't find any news about this. Sure you're not getting him confused with some of the other long time Bethesda regulars like Pete Hines?
Holyshit. Thats a whole magic treehouse book
>>912416 >people who are starved for (You)s will now start posting their own negative reviews in the hopes of receiving a (You) from Todd. You used to see this on jewtube all the time <going on jewtube ever Like you frequently did, yes. Back in the day people used to make videos where they would read out negative comments. This only incentivized people to post ones of their own in the hopes a 'famous' person would read it out. Now you have things like cameo in which normalfags will pay money just to get voice actors to say the epic meme.
>>912109 >>912274 >>912416 >Todd is begging on digital hands and knees for people to play his game I can't wait for the Game Awards.
>>914264 You got your wish, anon. Todd was there to see himself not get a thing.
>>917030 I don't think he cares much about accolades considering he has other profits coming in and also that Amazon TV show coming up soon.
>>917053 It makes me wonder why he bothers attending if he doesn't expect to get anything. He wasn't there to sell the shitty Amazon series, either. That was all Walton Goggins and the no-names with him
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The Skyrim Together modder is abandoning his Starfield co-op mod, citing the game being too boring. The "mods will fix it!" crowd in shambles. Why would people mod a game they don't like? You're never going to see a modding community on par with New Vegas or Skyrim with Starfield.
>>917129 Starfield is forgotten now. Apart from few dedicated shills there's no talk about it online. Even the video essay fags are silent on it
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>>917129 Kept saying for years that it's never anyone's responsibility to fix a developer's incompetence, or in these years, incompetence and virtue signaling. Now modders are saying they won't even try with this dogshit, Bethesda would have no choice but to rush TESVI (even if it ends up shittier than this) because this game will never have anything resembling longevity. >>917158 Some of those "former" (more like they finally realized no one's buying that fucking watch) shills are starting to downplay things, though. One of them is trying to insist he changed his mind because the "honeymoon phase" was over and he finally realized that the game is more loading screen than game.
>>917161 Yup, its even worse for blizzard fanboys who are getting <2k views for diablo 4 new season (yes it has seasons now). Bethesda, Blizzard, EA all slumping down. They will do some asspull and bring even dumber audience soon though.
>>917158 >Even the video essay fags are silent on it You say that, but patriciantv finally released his video, and sadly it's only 8 hours so not even he could talk much about the game. For comparison, Morrowind was also 8 hours, Oblivion 12 hours, Skyrim 20 hours and F76 4 hours, with an extra 4 hours from Extra Sessions, who just got hospitalized with a mental breakdown while working on the Starfield video, so you can imagine how bad the gane is. The thing with video essay fags is that it takes a lot of time to make, say, a 20 hour video about something, while still being entertaining. Also here is the video in question, and yes, he is paying me 8 cents every time I post the video on 8chan. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=-UOhCjB0AEI
>>917165 >and yes, he is paying me 8 cents every time I post the video on 8chan. Does he give good head?
>>917165 >Also here is the video in question, and yes, he is paying me 8 cents every time I post the video on 8chan. Can you refer me, I want in on this grift
>>917165 That was faster than I expected.
>>912416 >>912124 The use of the souless marketing copy-paste is what really makes it. If they had just replied to ones mentioning bugs/poor performance saying "Our new major patch might have fixed some of your issues" it wouldn't be half as pathetic, but they're outright marketing to people who already bought the game.
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>>917269 >Starfield didn't sin a single award in TGA It shouldn't have been nominated for its single award, either. Best RPG? Even most of those who enjoy it will disagree with that. There are tons of other games released this year more deserving of its spot, like Darkest Dungeon II or Wartales.
>>917354 Anon, Darkest Dungeons 2 released in 2021...on Epic Game Store. Goes to show you just how many people use it if everybody thinks it just released just because it finally got ported over to Steam >>917165 Came here to post this. As I mentioned in the Friday Night thread, I will definitely be atching this on and off over the course of the week. I hope Todd salivates this. Probably last time his game will be relevant until the final DLC releases and he makes a 2 hour long retrospective over the DLC and controversies and what have you
>>917371 It released in early access on EGS, which doesn't count according to TGA's own rules. The same was true for Hades, it launched into EA on EGS in 2019 but was officially released in 2020, and it was at TGA 2020 instead of 2019 as a result.
Has anyone posted about Emil's Twitter meltdown yet?
>>918474 No, post it please.
>>918474 From the way he focuses his meltdown on critics not knowing how games are made, I think he saw PatricianTV's video on Starfield. A major focus of the video was Emil's role and the chaotic (no design document) and outdated (no delegation on creative inclusion) development practices that occurred during it. I think it really got under his skin.
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>>918474 >>918478 I assume he is referring to these 15 tweets.
>>918480 >Game dev is hard No fucking shit, maybe if you had design documents your hard work wouldn't have turned into ass.
>>918480 This just happened 4 hours ago. Expect this to blow up a lot more. Now I 100% agree gamedev is very hard, he's right nobody sets out to make a bad game and it's very easy to critique the work when you don't have to go through the struggles of making something yourself, like that annoying "GO HERE IDIOT" signposting in games. That's only present because a lot of gamers are beyond clueless and WILL get stuck for 2 hours if you don't explicitly tell them where to go, blaming the game for their ineptitude. But if you've ever listened to any of Emil's keynotes or presentations you'd know he has no fucking idea what he's talking about. The man literally advises not to use a design document. Starfield did not turn out the way it did because of the "realities of game development", it turned out the way it did because Bethesda is an idiosyncratic studio with a production pipeline unconducive to developing original franchises.
>>918480 Yes, that was it. Thank you. Also, lol.
>>918480 >>918509 I may not be a dev or writer, but I don't anyone needs to be one to think the "realities of game development" or whatever the fuck Emil's whining about is what kept players from having access to mechs or rovers, or the Freestar Rangers being Space Cowboy LARPers, even without a design document. It's just not possible to model a fucking space cowboy or a space Tombstone by accident, and for a studio as large as Bethesda to not notice or just go along with it.
>>918480 You know things are bad, when the dedicated cocksucking hivemind which is starfield reddit just want this guy to get fired. Microsoft suits probably have a level 5 migrane after these tweets.
>>918509 >he's right nobody sets out to make a bad game and it's very easy to critique the work when you don't have to go through the struggles of making something yourself I draw issue with the latter point for two reasons. First, it assumes that game development is this high bar to reach regarding the actually resources and knowledge need when the reality of the situation is that game development has been possible for the past 50 years, has only become easier with the advancement in technological abilities and the lowering in programming difficulty, and practically everyone is capable of learning how to do it within a months time at this point. Second, the point assumes that what they're making is a new game that has "never" been done before. There are dozens of space-trader series out there like X, Lancer, Privateer, and Elite. Then there's also been several intergalatic RPG series like KOTOR, Mass Effect, and Spectrobes. Then there's MMOs like Star Trek, Eve, and Phantasy Star Online. Then, there's outliers like Rogue Galaxy, No Man's Sky, Star Ocean: The Last Hope, and Starbound''. The point is that it gets really annoying to see people lecturing me that "You don't know how hard it is" whenever everything else that exists seems to only verify that these people have absolutely ZERO interest in doing their work to the best of their ability. Almost 25 years ago, people all but went on a lynching against John Romero because of how much of a disaster that Daikatana turned out to be after spending YEARS riding off of his fame for helping make Doom seven years earlier, and now we're suppose to feel "sorry" for someone else because he was involved with vidya for the past 21 years? Ah, no, this guy doesn't deserve any of my sympathy.
>>918480 You can tell the lack of success of starfield is getting to him, the higher ups at bethesda have been so used to fans sucking their dick for their outdated design for ages and it's the reason for the a lot of "choices" they made in starfield, like everyone knows their shitty engine is the reason thye had to do multiple load screens and there's no other way to traverse the planets except slowly with the jetpack. >>918509 >The man literally advises not to use a design document People have pointed out but the man is the living embodiment of failing upwards how this man somehow managed to get to be a lead designer despite making all the same bad decisions is beyond me.
>>918480 I guarantee you this is about that 8 hour PatricianTV video, which spends most of it shitting on him. This guy has an ego, there is no way he didn't watch every last hour of it, crying to himself and having a panic attack whenever one of his clips was played
>>919109 I don't know, even in pat's video he claims that Emil doesn't read/watch reviews, because if the game sales then it's good so why should he care what a random person thinks, especially an e-celeb? He also doesn't play the games he makes, for instance when Starfield got released, he started playing Oblivion.
>>918480 He's getting real fucking scared for his job security I can tell you that much.
I just found out that Bethesda released a patch for fucking Skyrim that breaks every mod and reintroduces paid mods. The paid mods are, of course, complete trash, and they're using a monopoly money system similar to Fallout 76 where the price of the mods and the amount of credits you get for each package are deliberately mismatched to force people to buy more credits than they need. They're literally doing the same shit they did back in 2015 to the same fucking game. They're betting on nu-gamers having become so utterly cucked over the past decade that now they'll be able to get away with paid mods. They're probably right about that.
>>919612 It's the sad state of the world is that corporations have learned all you need to do to push through really scummy practices is to boil the frog, eventually you'll have a consumer base so cucked they will eat shit every time.
>>919612 I dunno, the reaction to it is pretty much overwhelming disgust from anyone I inform about it or who knows about it. The issue is far fewer people know about it since Bethesda played it smart for once and didn't advertise it everywhere and make a big deal about it like paid mods on the workshop back in 2015.
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>>919626 >the reaction to it is pretty much overwhelming disgust
>>919629 Cool now show the hundreds of posts shitting on it.
>>919612 The "Creation Club" has been around for years, anon. No, it's not worth the money. It's also extremely jewish because it requires you to buy "Creation Club credits" rather than buy the mod outright.
>>919629 I checked all of these threads and they are full of people dunking on the original poster and calling them all sorts of things for their stupidity. Also check the reviews section, where even most recent positive reviews are putting disclaimers in about this shit and updates fucking with modders. There's also tons more threads going against the concept than there are for the concept. You're just cherry picking what could easily be shills or industry plants rather than legit users, or just clown farmers, which is a thing on steam lately for some reason.
>>918803 >Spectrobes mentioned next to KOTOR and ME Thank you. It's a Christmas miracle.
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>>917165 Oh shit hell yeah. I saw this thread and was just about to check again to see if he'd made one yet. Thanks anon. >>918480 Ahahaha oh WOW. Emil was always a fag but this is getting into lolcow territory.
>>920458 >Bestesda is neon nazis Starfield Ethnic Cleansing expansion confirmed, bros! Get hype!
>>920480 I mean you do kill off the last ethnic Jew in existence in one ending to that paradise questline.
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>>917165 Alright, so I watched it. Overall I'm pretty amenable to his conclusions but I also have a number of nits to pick. If you're in contact with or are him, shill-kun, tell him to get his ass over here and pls respond. >Didn't really have much to say about the quality of the voice acting Starfield doesn't have much going for it but one of the things it DOES have going for it is the best VA performances in any fully-voiced Bethesda game. It's still mediocre by the standards of even a AA RPG and the words coming out of the characters' mouths (and the player's, though thankfully you aren't voiced this time around) might give you brain damage as soon as you parse them but the delivery is consistently above par for a BGS game. Not that that's a high bar, of course, but still. It beats the distilled essence of ham with a heaping side of cringe in FO4, the completely tepid FO3, half of Skyrim being some flavor of the Swedish Chef and the "[VA] talking to [same VA] as [same VA] walks by and greets you" problem that Oblivion had. >Not covering the fact that the minor side characters often end up being more interesting in one conversation than major characters do over the course of the entire game. This one I find somewhat more egregious and I think could have made a good point: there are (ultimately completely inconsequential because Bethesda are hacks) side dialogues in the game that completely embarrass the rest of the game; the single character I remember the most from the game is fucking Lin. I felt more of a connection with Lin after the one conversation you have with her about her past than I did with literally any member of Constellation, and the same goes for Heller. Hell, I even remember more about the life of that (literally nameless) tomboy bounty hunter in Cydonia than I do about anyone in Constellation despite completing their companion quests for the sake of being thorough. >Skimming over the ECS Constant I feel like this is one of the lowest-hanging yet juciest fruits out there and yet it remained unplucked; this entire quest is easily one of the most atrocious I've ever seen in a BGS game bar none. I hate this fucking quest more than I hate the kid in the fridge or your radiation-immune companions telling you "it's your destiny to kys by walking into the water purifier even though I could do it for you at minimal risk to myself" and I feel like it could have and should have served as either an opening or closing argument for how slipshod the quest design and world-building in the game is. >Ignoring Kid Stuff I was interested to hear his thoughts on this and how they contrasted with mine, but much to my disappointment it remained completely untouched. To the best of my knowledge this is the first time any BGS game has tried to do something like this (and as such counts as one of the very scant handful of new things they tried) and just that makes it worth talking about. Would have been worth skipping at least one of those NG+ runs to do a NG with kid stuff IMO. >Didn't seem to spend much time on non-faction side quests I think that this was, if not unfair (it's honestly pretty hard to be unfair to Todd's Dream Game™), then at least probably worthy of being called lazy. Kind of left me scratching my head because he specifically mentioned all of the time he spent grinding space shouts (fucking why; just use console commands to give them to yourself and upgrade them to see if they're worth pursuing or upgrading before spending literally dozens of hours on it and then take them away with commands when you're done) and in his Oblivion and Skyrim videos he did pretty much everything in the game. If anything it eventually felt like he was beating a dead horse with "well, Emil and Todd said that I should rush the main quest first so I did it eight times like a good boy :^)". >Not trying the game with at least some QoL mods or .ini tweaks as a point of comparison between EIGHT HAND-DEVELOPED YEARS and random assholes on the internet Given that inditing Bethesda's development process was the thesis of the entire video, I feel like this is a missed opportunity for an apples to apples comparison to highlight some of the really abominable design decisions - like the unskippable ~17 second cutscene you get every time you land somewhere in your ship in an exploration-focused (allegedly) game where the only way to explore anything on foot is to land in your ship or the fact that you can completely overhaul environments from "is this supposed to be a forest?" to "oh cool, a forest" by copypasting three lines of text into an .ini file. Doesn't even take some huge investment of time; you can knock this out in a few hours at most and he used a lighting mod for at least part of the game so it's not like he's either incapable of modding or opposed to bringing mods into the conversation as a point of comparison. >Not diving deeper into the performance issues besides "it runs like crap and Todd's reply was that you need a better PC" Yeah, I get that the Starfield CK isn't out yet and technical issues aren't really his bailiwick but people have already been dissecting the game as much as possible without it and there are some juicy tidbits out there. I feel that even just the benchmarks are worth bringing up, as well as the fact that even the nigger-rigged implementation of DLSS that was available almost as soon as the game itself improved performance over the natively implemented FSR for people who had Nvidia cards - ie the vast majority of people. It's even more hilarious now because DLSS 3.5 beats FSR 2.2 hands down but DLSS 3.5 with FG absolutely destroys FSR 2.2. Like "30% performance increase" destroys. I'm not folding the coverage of the potential modding clusterfuck into this, though. That was excellent and I liked it. Last and least: >Droping covering Ryujin halfway through I wasn't impressed with dickless dollar-store Arasaka either but come on, man. Just take a paragraph or two to wrap them up.
>>920491 I watched the review myself and yeah this all seems about right. Do you mind explaining the ECS constant thing further, though? Since he didn't do that good of a job on it.
>>920492 >Do you mind explaining the ECS constant thing further, though? Since he didn't do that good of a job on it. Sure. Basically, the first time you show up to a planet called Porrima II you get a message from the surface about a strange ship in orbit that's not communicating with the surface and the local security guard asks you to help thim with it - you can go down to the surface and he sends you right back up, or you can just ignore him telling you to come see him first and directly board the orbiting ship. Either way you find the the ECS Constant, a pre-warp colony ship that was the project of a rich eccentric and his followers who felt that humanity was about to imminently baleet itself. They barely missed the boat with the invention of the grav drive and spent 200 years getting to what was scouted out to be an ideal planet and because there are no FTL comms in Starfield (pay no attention to that bounty system behind the curtain) and they were traveling directly through the void as opposed to system hopping, they were completely blind and deaf until showing up at their destination and by the time they got there their comms were so dated that they couldn't communicate anyway. Their destination is an Eden just like they were hoping for (if you ignore the fact that the gravity is ~1.4G, which Bethesda clearly did) physically but while the Constant was ever so slowly getting there someone beat them to it. Not only that, but the whole planet is a private resort run by sleazy libertarian caricatures with Australian accents whose attitude towards the Constant and all it represents basically starts and ends with "hippity hoppity you can't land on our property". After you tell them what's going on they ask you to help deal with the Constant and you do some back and forth; the colony ship can't go anywhere else because it has no grav drive but they have a centuries-old charter from Earth saying that they and they alone are entitled to the planet they've arrived at and they won't budge. Your options at this point are to a) Destroy the Constant for a payout as the smarmy fuck CEO suggests via a wink and a nod, b) Convince the crew of the Constant to sell themselves into literal and entirely unambiguous debt slavery under the current owners of the planet, or c) Pay for a grav drive and a retrofit out of your own pocket and tell the Constant to go fuck off. There, that's the quest. Done. Go do something else now. I'm sure you're starting to see the problem with this already, but let me lay it out anyway: the HMS Constant is a colony ship, intended to bring as much of Earth as possible with it: it is a priceless, irreplaceable and extremely fragile repository of culture, history, technology and genetic samples from Old Earth and your only options are to destroy it outright, hand it over to the single most hateable character in the game or have it fuck off back into space indefinitely after spending tens of thousands of dollars of your own money fixing it for them. Did you think that the UC might be interested in getting their hands on anything on board that ship? Well, too bad. Did you think that the Freestar Collective might be interested, especially given that it's already deep in their space and would be a freebie? Lol, lmao even. How about Ryujin, the most cutthroat corporation in the entire galaxy? Surely they'd be interested in what's onboard and have the resources to retrieve it, yes? Well, no, actually. Oh, Constellation - the group with a massive boner for space exploration who specialize in rare artifacts, discovery and whom you represent - would HAVE to be interested? What about the Crimson Fleet? This is the greatest payday in their history, or even something valuable enough to parlay into a recognition of sovereignty. Maybe there's a saner person on the board of directors, whom you can elevate to leadership one way or another in exchange for letting the Constant settle on the other opposite of the planet from literally the only settlement on it? Maybe Ecliptic has an interest, for much the same reasons as the 'fleet? What about LIST, that little minor faction of settlers who have banded together for mutual aid? This is right in their wheelhouse and having those resources would give them a pretty significant leg up. Maybe even the Clinic? A population like this is a fascinating, once in a lifetime research opportunity, not to mention the potential public health hazard of novel diseases spreading throughout the entire settled systems from this isolated population. Surely all of these interests must be engaged in a mad scramble (or a moderate scramble, at least) over this priceless gem that stands to noticeably alter the trajectory of mankind as a species and is quite certainly worth going to war over and because you're at the center of all of this from the beginning you get to put your thumb on the scales of history? Maybe you have a nice outpost yourself on some unsettled world, or you're willing to make one for them? Maybe you can help set up the Constant as a small independent faction who trades their literally priceless goods with whoever they want? Sorry, I'm running out of ways to say "no". There isn't even an excuse provided because once you choose an option it never, EVER comes up in conversation with anyone at any point in the game except for radiant quests if you pay for the grav drive and two tiny side quests that both involved the same NPC on the Constant. Maybe you're the kind of person who appreciates Stalin's style and had the idea that you could threaten and/or murder Paradiso's existing executives into honoring the charter to some degree? Nope. Every single one of those cunts is essential. Destroying Paradiso wholesale, somehow? Pulling a Sisko and contaminating the planet so that NOBODY can have it? smug_anime_girl.png There, like I said earlier, that's the quest. Blow up the irreplaceable common heritage of mankind, give the irreplaceable common heritage of mankind to people who make Andrew Ryan look like a guy you'd want to have a beer with, cast the irreplaceable common heritage of mankind back into the void of space. Here's your chump change and a chunk of XP, now get back to exploring the same handful of raider spacer and pirate dungeons already; it's over. You don't have to go home but there's no point in staying here. The quest is a crystallization of the cancer and rot at BGS and Starfield in particular. It's AIDS from top to bottom mechanically and narratively but the worst part about it is that you can tell that it was someone's baby that ended up getting smothered in the crib. When you squint, you can juuuust make out the vengeful ghosts of at least eight different options that this quest should have had. But didn't. Because despite being featured repeatedly in the promo material for the game and therefore hyped up as "that good old hand-crafted content" it was in not only a Bethesda game but in Starfield. Frankly I don't know how he missed this; this is basically everything wrong with Starfield's quest and narrative design in a nutshell and I think it would make a great closing statement. Also there are the only Jews in existence on the Constant (not subtly Jewish either; I mean that the one you talk to the most is named Abe Levitz, is the resident ship's historian and genealogy expert and peppers his conversation with Yiddish) for some reason who gives you radiant quests to deliver messages to the long-lost relatives of the passengers aboard the Constant. Naturally he's essential, but you can still finish what Hitler started if you choose to blow up the Constant. Lel.
>>920491 I have no way of contacting him, obviously I was joking about getting 8 cents. Your only bet is to join his Discord server and become one of his kittens. He might have used the old 8chan, but there is no guarantee he is still here, and even if he were, I doubt he would come in and say "Hey guys, it's me, your e-celeb, now shower me with (You)s", since I assume he gets plenty of those on his Discord server. As for not covering X quest, I think he simply got bored of the game, and didn't want to play anymore side-quests or comment much on them, since he focused more on the main quest and faction quests. He says he doesn't plan in advance the length of his videos, and while that might be true, I think he has some form of OCD and really wants his videos to be precisely X hours, so if his final product is 8 hours and 5 minutes, he will either have to cut those 5 minutes from somewhere, or add 55 minutes of extra content. >.ini tweaks He did have a section on the crystals and how he used a reshader. As for mods, I think he wants to criticize the game as it is, he specified that he doesn't think that Bethesda or fans are entitled to s modding community, and that you shouldn't release a broken game, and hope for mods to fix it for you. He also didn't use mods in his other TES videos, not even SkyUI(Tod's favorite mod) so I don't see why he would use one now. >>Ignoring Kid Stuff What's the issue about kids this time? >>920514 That sounds bad, but not much worse than the space giraffes that got eaten by humans and as a result the xenomorphs started killing more people.
>>920530 >As for not covering X quest, I think he simply got bored of the game, and didn't want to play anymore side-quests or comment much on them, since he focused more on the main quest and faction quests. Yeah, I got that impression too. However, when covering a BGS game I would consider that to be a bit of a journalistic sin and I think he would probably have gotten considerably less burned out if he didn't spend dozens of hours mindlessly grinding space shouts across like five NG+ instances for no reason that I can really fathom apart from masochism or compulsive data collection. >As for mods, I think he wants to criticize the game as it is, he specified that he doesn't think that Bethesda or fans are entitled to s modding community, and that you shouldn't release a broken game, and hope for mods to fix it for you. He also didn't use mods in his other TES videos, not even SkyUI(Tod's favorite mod) so I don't see why he would use one now. My criticism is pertinent, though, because like I said the central thesis of the video is about Bethesda's design decisions. I wasn't saying he should mod the game to optimize it how he likes and then play through it like that, I was saying that showcasing the huge differences that even just changing a couple of values in the .ini can do with zero (0) external files required would be an effective inditement. Sort of like "if you thought not having an FoV slider was bad then wait until you see what other bullshit they're up to; why the fuck aren't these options in a menu somewhere". >What's the issue about kids this time? Kid Stuff is the trait that gives you interactive in-game parents. One of the few things that wasn't just mindlessly copied from an earlier game and felt like a bit of a departure from rote for them. >That sounds bad, but not much worse than the space giraffes that got eaten by humans and as a result the xenomorphs started killing more people. Oh, it is though. The whole xenomorph-eating hyperpredators thing is fucking stupid but it didn't really have much potential or scope from a narrative perspective - what are the consequences going to be, "another space settlement needs your help; the monsters are fighting in public again"? Having to put up turrets around your base like in Fallout 4 to ensure a nice steady supply of Übergiraffe and/or space spider meat? The ECS Constant had the potential to be a a faction quest line or even an entire chapter of the main story if the whole main story wasn't dogshit. You can feel how much effort someone put into it only for it to end up being one of the most offensively retarded quests in any BGS game because of how it was handled. Like, if the quest was about some poor settlers or reformed pirates or whatever who found a legal loophole that they assert should let them settle on Porrima II then it would just be forgettable because there are relatively minimal narrative implications or potential. The ECS Constant showing up should have people cutting throats to get their hands on it and your options are to enslave the ship (ends quest line), blow up the ship (ends quest line) or pay $40,000 out of pocket to get them to fuck off (ends quest line). It was the only time in the entire game where I even entertained the idea that I might come to a narrative fork in the road that wasn't perfectly telegraphed and is the best self-contained example I came across in the entire game of what a god-awful disappointment Starfield's writing is.
>>920546 The thing with Kids Stuff is that, despite Daddy Tuvok and Mommy Kira being as plain and generic a people as can exist in a game, and being pretty ugly and low res for some reason (the only people that are uglier are the pedestrian CrowdRace Niggers), at least with my game, I actually found myself liking them despite how little they contribute to thew game overall. It's probably because every Fallout 3 and 4 (no doubt on everyone's mind when this comes up) put so much emphasis on the family in the storyline and they were done so retardedly, that just giving generic, but loving parents, that are completely optional, is a breath of fresh air. I won't forgive whoever it was that wrote the script and called the 1911 a "collectible revolver". That person needs to be castrated without anesthetic. As for the Constant. The problem with tying that clusterfuck into the main quest or anything with the factions is that it would have to be the focus over the Starborn bullshit, and it would have to make your choices matter, which in this game, they fucking don't. There is just no way, with how Bethesda and the rest of Starfield is, for that quest to be anything but nonsensical dogshit, even if there were more options presented to the player.
>>920731 >The thing with Kids Stuff is that, despite Daddy Tuvok and Mommy Kira being as plain and generic a people as can exist in a game, and being pretty ugly and low res for some reason (the only people that are uglier are the pedestrian CrowdRace Niggers), at least with my game, I actually found myself liking them despite how little they contribute to thew game overall. Yeah, I agree. No narrative relevance to be found but they were still amusing and inoffensive. >I won't forgive whoever it was that wrote the script and called the 1911 a "collectible revolver". That person needs to be castrated without anesthetic. Yep. With that said, though, I would be willing to bet $100 that it either was or was supposed to be a revolver at some point for the glaringly obvious reason. <A professor who's a famous explorer with a habit of getting into dangerous adventures and carries an old revolver... Nope, not ringing any bells. >As for the Constant. The problem with tying that clusterfuck into the main quest or anything with the factions is that it would have to be the focus over the Starborn bullshit, and it would have to make your choices matter, which in this game, they fucking don't. There is just no way, with how Bethesda and the rest of Starfield is, for that quest to be anything but nonsensical dogshit, even if there were more options presented to the player. Naturally; my point about the Constant is all about the wasted potential and how little it would have taken to utilize it even marginally. By the point in the game when I got to the Constant I wasn't expecting much, to say the least, but given how it was repeatedly featured in the marketing material I was still mildly surprised in the worst possible way. Once the Starfield CK comes out it would take literally about half an hour for me to set up some rudimentary dialogue to talk to someone in the FC or UC about the Constant and then being able to choose whether the Constant parks above Jemison or Akila for the rest of the game while they're "in diplomatic talks for settlement options" or whatever. Still crappy for sure but at least it's SOMETHING in that you have options beyond "kill them, enslave them or make them leave" and recognizes the value of the Constant in the context of the world. The fact that even this half hour of work and page of dialogue was apparently beyond the scope of modern Bethesda is a perfect example of everything wrong with the writing in the game.
>>920731 Kids Stuff has it's own problems, such as how it's completely ignored during all the marriage sequences. God damn Sam Cole's ex wife will be invited to the wedding but some how your parents don't even get a mention. Likewise if you romance the snake cult lady, the writing kind of forgets that the varuun background trait is a thing that exists mid way though the chain, so by the end of the romance the bitch is acting like you're a doomed non-believer just like everyone else
>>920491 Yesterday he and PrivateSessions released a simple 3 hour podcast of them just talking about the making of their Starfield videos, the reaction to the video, some things he didn't cover, future plans and so on. I think it's worth listening as a compendium to the video. For those who don't know PS( Private Sessions) is a friend of patrician, who also made videos for Oblivion and Skyrim, made a collaboration with pat on the Fallout 76 videos, participated in a lot of the Starfield stream, and actually got hospitalized for mental breakdown while working on the Starfield video, but now he is ok and the video is 90% done. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=f_Te8j409Pw Yes, I am still getting paid 8 cents Some highlights of the video: >Both Pat and PS have no more interest in playing Starfield, they don't want to play any DLC, they uninstalled the game as soon as they were done with their Starfield videos >After finishing his Starfield playthough, PS just wanted to play Modded Skyrim to get the horrible taste of Starfield from his system >Patrician thinks, Starfield needs an entire remake to be at the level of Cyberpunk, the 2020 version, and a third remake to be at the same level as Cyberpunk is right now >He had a half hour section where he would shitpost on other jewtubers for calling Starfield a good game, PS liked that part of the script, but Pat decided to remove it, like a coward >Patrician used the word "capeshit" a few times during the podcast, something you rarely see from a jewtuber, I don't think even EFAP used that term >He thinks that it's possible to make a 24 hour Starfield video with no filler, if you were to list off everything that is wrong with the game, especially with thinks he didn't touch, liek a lot of sidequests, the music, the gun autism and so on >He calls himself a narcissist, and thinks all jewtubers are narcissists >At 2:46:46 he talks about people who comment with "I wish you talked about X", this might interest you In one of his Skyrim podcasts, where he watched other jewtuber's videos, he claimed that Skyrim is where content creators go to die, in that no matter how good they were, their Skyrim video would turn out shit, and of course he would be the one to make the only good Skyrim video. I disagree, I think Starfield is where everyone goes to die, PS got hospitalized, some Starfiled shill, recently made a video saying how Starfiled almost cost his marriage(don't ask who, it was something said in the podcast), the Starfiled mutiplayer modder, quit because of how bad the game is, plenty of people of Bethesda just lost interest in the company, and Todd lost his youth. As Todd himself said, the more you give to Starfield, the more it gives back, it's just that the things that it gives are not good things.
>>921029 It sounds like Todd’s dream game is cursed.
>>921039 At this rate I'm expecting members of the dev team to slowly start disappearing like some Final Destination shit.
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>>921039 >>921067 Dreamboy finally will have his revenge!
>>921029 >>At 2:46:46 he talks about people who comment with "I wish you talked about X", this might interest you Watched that section, might watch the rest later. I still don't feel like it addressed my main point, which was "why did you spend dozens of hours grinding space shouts for a spreadsheet instead of doing basically anything else?". I'm not complaining that stuff was "glossed over" or "he didn't specifically talk about something I think he should have talked about"; as far as I can tell he just straight-up ignored almost everything that wasn't the main quest or a faction while also spending a huge amount of time (both in the vid and IRL playtime) on something that he knew damn well was trivial at best and not even covering the side content that he did do, like Charbydis.
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>>921118 I don't like Patrician's videos. I tried watching his No Man's Sky video before. He started shitting on Daggerfall, which immediately is a bad vibe, then he started rambling about how the game wasn't like Minecraft modpacks he likes. It was poorly structured and not very articulated, halfway into the video he still doesn't give many core criticisms yet. I've since found out an inspiration of his is Mauler, which makes sense as Mauler is a rambling fucking idiot who seemingly hasn't even heard the concept of copyediting.
>>919612 Well it's your duty to seed and sneed at the seven seas regardless. Also I'm sure modders will fond a way around it, they always do.
>>920903 Oh, yeah. That's right. I didn't mention those things because I never made it that far because this fucking excuse of a game sucked so much. They also don't take into consideration if you have the Freestar background or picked any of the major religions. The parents make no references to the Freestar except for comments on the Ranger questline and they don't inherit any religion you pick.
>>921263 Yeah, I feel like his only good video is the Skyrim one. It still has a lot of rambling, but it always feels more structured than all his other ones.
>>921482 I'd love to provide more discussion here but I've honestly not had the time to get through the Skyrim one yet. I don't think the longer rambling style of videos is bad (coming from someone who enjoys listening to them multiple times in the background) because a lot of people skim over details that are worth discussing and legitimate as their own subjects (like the tangent in his Oblivion video about world generation and its differences from Daggerfall to Morrowind to Oblivion and on, or detailing the Daedric quests and how they embody a clear lack of communication between parts of the dev team, where most people would just say "Oblivion's world is more generic" or "Its quests design is sometimes good but also bad"). That said, the "Gonzo" style of reviewing a game definitely detracts from a more cohesive overview. I mean out of a 8/12/24 hour video you could cut an hour long highlight, or even a whole half hour summary. And he is probably one of the wordiest motherfuckers I've ever listened to, dude's gotta learn how to just spit it out sometimes.
>>900033 It's finally happened. Starfield's recent reviews are "Mostly Negative". Merry Christmas, Todd.
>>921680 It's quite over for Bugthesda
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>>921680 37%. Absolutely fucking brutal.
>>919612 >Not playing the GOG release. You choose this fate, anon, you have noone to blame but yourself.
>>921697 Merry Christmas Tod.
>>909847 Anon the game is so fucking shit that even the most good goy of reviewers simply couldn't stomach it. It's telling how even at the game awards which is shill HQ the fucking game didn't get a single award.
Creation club was paid mods too although I wouldn’t mind Bethesda rounding up their best modders for a sequel to DragonBorn.
>>901256 >I'm not even sure. I guess I just didn't expect this reaction, RPG fans have been saying this about Bethesda's games for years now but they've been beloved by the gaming public regardless. Starfield isn't much worse than Fallout 4 or Skyrim, yet the reaction to Starfield has been inexplicably so much more negative. I guess I find that kind of fascinating. Public opinion usually lags behind. Partly due to normalfags being slow to realize that something in trash and partly due to shilling. It applies to most media. Public opinion did not turn against Bioware until they shat out DA2, ME3, and DA:I. Same for Dice, Halo series, Assassin's Creed, and so on. Bethesda had to put out FO76 and FO4 and only now the opinion is turning. Drop in sales usually happens for releases after the sentiment among general public turns negative. >>918509 >>918796 >No design document >"realities of game development" I think that Emil is indoctrinated into the agile methodology being universally good. As is most of the industry, given how many games come out unfinished, end up getting fixed post-release, and then getting features added over time. It all reeks to me of agile, with vague project scope, loose resource allocation, and centered on features. Game development can actually benefit from the waterfall approach, where scope is clearly defined, work is planned out, and team focuses on delivering a complete product instead of "features" completed during "sprints." >>921697 TESVI might not be the slam dunk after all. Between this and another push towards paid mods, Bethesda might have burned through whatever goodwill they had left. Modding is one of Bethesda games' selling points and the company seems to be hellbent on killing mods through monetization. What's interesting, there is no widespread outrage like there was during No Man's Sky and Cyber Punk 2077 releases. People kind of forgot that Starfield exists and went on to play Tears of the Kingdom, mediocre remakes, and indie flavors of the month. I am not sure if that's better or worse for Bethesda in the long run.
Truly, the 3 Bs of gaming never disappoint in how bad they are Bioware Blizzard Bethesda
>>921328 In the end, the solution they came up with was to tell everyone to downgrade to the older version of Skyrim because the update is unworkable.
>>921771 Three different flavors of shit!
>>918480 What a meltdown.
>>921768 >What's interesting, there is no widespread outrage like there was during No Man's Sky and Cyber Punk 2077 releases. People kind of forgot that Starfield exists and went on to play Tears of the Kingdom, mediocre remakes, and indie flavors of the month. I am not sure if that's better or worse for Bethesda in the long run. It's way worse IMO. For both NMS and CP2077 people expected something to happen when they voiced their displeasure and to the credit of both studios that's exactly what occurred. Hello Games apologized and has been releasing heaps of updates and free expansions for NMS ever since it released and when CP2077 launched as the clusterfuck that it was CDPR immediately got off their ass, apologized and started addressing the technical issues before eventually pushing a number of patches that not only fixed bugs and improved performance but changed poor design decisions. Having a anime spin-off that ended up being massively popular probably didn't hurt either, come to think of it. Because of this, CDPR has not only survived their brief dip in the ocean of shit but came out with no stink on them and a nice heap of money to boot. This is not the case with Starfield, though in the interest of fairness it has also apparently made quite a chunk of money. People aren't dissatisfied with Starfield because they think that it's broken, they're dissatisfied because they think that it's functioning as intended. This hasn't been helped by the fact that Bethesda's statements about the game post-launch have been a case study in what not to do in a situation like this - the face of the company said "just upgrade your rig lmao" to complaints of truly atrocious performance on PC, one of the most senior devs had a public twitter meltdown, BGS is leaking senior personnel like a sieve and Bethesda decided that apparently the best way to address complaints about the game was to give passive-aggressive ChatGPT-tier responses to individual dissatisfied customers on Steam. Bethesda will under no circumstances learn a lesson from any of this, and in fact I feel that the best hope we have of of TESVI being better than Starfield (aside from Emil being publicly executed) is if big daddy Microsoft says "we paid good money for you niggers and you dropped the ball; for your next game you're going to have our boot up your ass the whole time to ensure that it doesn't happen again". But that's just for TESVI. The actual best-case scenario for Bethesda going forward doesn't involve them at all; it's Microsoft strong-arming Bethesda into farming out another Fallout game to Obsidian (also owned by Microsoft) because there's no way in hell that FO5 is coming before ~2029 at the absolute earliest and they're going to want to either capitalize on or do damage control for Fallout as a brand after the TV show. And wouldn't you know it, they just so happen to have a studio with the creator of the franchise and a proven track record with Fallout under their corporate umbrella. If we're really dreaming about it, Microsoft will look at the dump trucks of money and awards that BGIII brought in on a ~$100M budget and have Obsidian make an honest-to-god Fallout CRPG again.
>>921858 This may be a minor point in comparison but I'm not sure Bethesda ever advertised Starfield properly either. There was very little explanation of what the game was or what it was supposed to play like until the teaser that came out close to launch. Most people weren't really sure what to expect, then once they realized Starfield failed in every aspect compared to games before it there was no reason to continue playing. Even expecting nothing new, people were disappointed.
>>921858 >there's no way in hell that FO5 is coming before ~2029 at the absolute earliest and they're going to want to either capitalize on or do damage control for Fallout as a brand after the TV show. I do wonder what they're planning in terms of the TV show. The last Fallout game Bethesda shat out was FO76 five years ago (I can't believe it's that old), and FO4 was three years before that. Unless Microsoft takes drastic action and gives the franchise to a different studio, it's probable that, just like the ~15 year gap between Skyrim and the future TES VI, there's going to be 15 years between FO4 and 5. Except unlike Skyrim where most people have been raving over the game and its releases for the entire time, 76's release was a major contributor in Bethesda's fall from grace in normalfag perception, and laid the foundation for Starfield's disastrous launch. So is the show just an attempt to keep interest in a franchise that even normalfags think Bethesda dropped the ball on, but which they won't have a chance to "fix" for two full dev cycles? Or do they think a loss of interest is inevitable and they want to salvage what money they can before people forget about it? Or is it what you suggest, and Bethesda's owners aren't going to let them sit on the IP until it's rotten beyond repair? >>921864 >I'm not sure Bethesda ever advertised Starfield properly either I think they were living a decade in the past and expected "it's a Bethesda game" to be all the marketing they needed.
>>921858 Obsidian is behind schedule on multiple projects itself. I think a more likely would be inXile, since Fargo was on the F1/F2 team and BG3 has shown overhead turn based games have no issues selling. On TES front, I think a remake of Battlespire or Shadowkey as a "new" game with the same plot and first person melee combat would be easy enough to farm out while keeping the brand alive. Both have well loved plots and world designs but crap enough gameplay. Only thing Battlespire risks losing in a remake is the boobies, and Shadowkey doesn't even have that issue.
>>922026 >I think a remake of Battlespire I unironically want them to just hand Battlespire to Id with orders to just finally turn it into the TES Doom game it was always low key meant to be.
>>921864 >This may be a minor point in comparison but I'm not sure Bethesda ever advertised Starfield properly either. There was very little explanation of what the game was or what it was supposed to play like until the teaser that came out close to launch. Most people weren't really sure what to expect, then once they realized Starfield failed in every aspect compared to games before it there was no reason to continue playing. Even expecting nothing new, people were disappointed. Eh. It didn't have much saturation (I'm pretty sure that literally the only Starfield ads I've ever seen in the wild are ads for fucking Starfield-branded Rockstar on jewtube) but Bethesda has traditionally had one big showcase for their games and not all that much else and that's worked pretty well for them. I can also think of three other reasons: Bethesda was arrogant and/or lazy and figured they didn't NEED ads, Bethesda was being cautious and wanted to have a lack of advertising to blame if Starfield underperformed or (most grim of all) not even Bethesda could give a fuck about Starfield and just kind of ignored advertising. >>922021 >I do wonder what they're planning in terms of the TV show. I think it will depend on whether or not (or, more likely, how severely) it bombs. >The last Fallout game Bethesda shat out was FO76 five years ago (I can't believe it's that old), and FO4 was three years before that. Unless Microsoft takes drastic action and gives the franchise to a different studio, it's probable that, just like the ~15 year gap between Skyrim and the future TES VI, there's going to be 15 years between FO4 and 5. [...] So is the show just an attempt to keep interest in a franchise that even normalfags think Bethesda dropped the ball on, but which they won't have a chance to "fix" for two full dev cycles? Or do they think a loss of interest is inevitable and they want to salvage what money they can before people forget about it? Or is it what you suggest, and Bethesda's owners aren't going to let them sit on the IP until it's rotten beyond repair? I think that the show is an investment in keeping Fallout in the minds of the gaming public since, as you mentioned, it's been 5 years since the most recent (and aggressively mediocre) game came out and will be 5+ until the next one if the pattern holds. As for sitting on the IP, I don't think that there's going to be any way that M$ lets them do that. They paid for the cow and one way or another they're going to get that milk. >>922026 >Obsidian is behind schedule on multiple projects itself. Yeah, but I'm not talking about Microsoft rushing over to Obsidian as soon as the first reviews for the show drop and begging Tim Caine to save their ailing cash cow. I'm thinking more like Microsoft offering them a chance to make a new Fallout game once they clean up what's currently on their plate. >I think a more likely would be inXile, since Fargo was on the F1/F2 team and BG3 has shown overhead turn based games have no issues selling. Also a possibility, yeah. Or even a collaboration of some kind to get their whole CRPG A-team on it. >On TES front, I think a remake of Battlespire or Shadowkey as a "new" game with the same plot and first person melee combat would be easy enough to farm out while keeping the brand alive. Ehhhh. Bethesda might be pretty protective of Fallout but TES is THEIR baby. Closest we'll get to a traditional TES game being farmed out is Skyrim Shelter or Blades II or maybe some sort of anthology collection even if it means Fallout being farmed out to someone else. >>922035 Hexen III: WHITESTRAKE Yeah, that actually sounds pretty fucking rad. Fund it.
>>921697 Not even Oney finds any enjoyment out of it https://iv.nboeck.de/watch?v=4q7TpfaFqt0
>>922026 Brygo is a bit of an egotist and didn't have much of a presence in the original Fallout titles except at the managerial level, particularly in tardwrangling the flaming homosexual Tim Cain. The majority of his influence on Fallout was in Wasteland 1, and his direction with Wasteland 2 and 3 was muddled. Undoubtedly, he would leap on a chance to make another Fallout game. The series seriously boosted his career as a businessman, and he really enjoyed the first two entries. The name is his creation.
>>921697 31% And all-time is now at 65%. I wonder what that odd bump of positive reviews in late November was.
>>922156 I'm not sure Todd can emotionally recover from this. Somebody should do a wellness check
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>>922158 Indiana Jones will be good. Indiana Jones will be good. Indiana Jones will be good...
>>922174 That's MachineGames, not Bethesda Game Studios. I don't think Todd will care if gets a negative reception the way he would if Skyrim 2 does.
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So guys, what Skyrim do you like the most? Skyrim: Medieval Edition Skyrim: Post Apoc Edition or Skyrim: SciFi Space Edition?
>>924761 SciFi edition has too many menus and loading screens. I like Medieval edition the best but it needs an FOV slider on console and they just won't do it.
>>924761 Post Apoc can be good...if you download so many mods it resembles nothing like the game they sold in stores. Question is: Who has the worse intro? The cart ride, the suburb, or the mine?
>>924761 Which Skyrim has the best loli mods?
>>924802 Is there even a nude for post-apoc?
>>924827 ATF has CWC, but it can be a bit dodgy for some and not all the characters already in the game will get replaced properly.
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>>924761 All skyrims suck. The only 5.5/10 is the OG. Over the years TES has become a mod manager and compatibility troubleshooter simulator instead of a game. Wasted 3 whole days selecting mods for the new playthrough of TES: shooty - New Vegas, spent barely an hour playing, fine-tuning every "survival" mechanic balance mods have to offer. Literally an Excel videogame (TESEdit literally is). "Porn" mods are mediocre static animations that look funny, unless you place characters so-so. Jiggle boobs and butts have no collisions whatsoever. Haven't touched OG skyrim for almost 10 years, maybe modders have added the fully modeled vaginas with collisions, but I doubt it. Humor me, mr Todd and post more skyrim "gameplay" webms please. There was one with hanging and ropes of cum. Not homo for futa though.
>>924849 OG is a rap term that means Original Gangster, you mean vanilla Skyrim. I feel like people seriously overstate how much mods "fix" Skyrim, you practically have to overhaul the entire game to get at some of its core problems, at that point are you even playing Skyrim anymore? >soundless webm >Unix timestamp Anon.. you're a crossposter, aren't you?
>>924801 Skyrim's intro is thematically in line with the rest of the franchise and it's over as soon as you leave the cave even if you're very much pointed in the direction of Whiterun, FO4's intro shits on the lore and although it technically lets you leave the rails after you get out of the vault they more-or-less twist your arm all the way to Diamond City. In Starfield you get the worst of both worlds; they have a section that's fully on rails and then where they SHOULD have turned you loose they saddle you with a nagging, moralizing cunt until you complete the first quest chain in the story.
>>924849 >>924852 >I feel like people seriously overstate how much mods "fix" Skyrim, you practically have to overhaul the entire game to get at some of its core problems, at that point are you even playing Skyrim anymore? You mean understate, right? And the answer is no. If you're using mods that fix or replace bad game design, you really aren't playing that game anymore. You're playing a total conversion Frankenstein's monster that has a mild resemblance to the original game. *I still want to see a decent war sim mechanic in Skyrim: Radiation Edition. The one in Sim Settlements 2 was glitchy as fuck.** >>924861 That's fair. It's still shit. I actually did forget Starfield railroaded you into going through that cookie cutter Lab-Dungeon because some "Protocol" prevented you from going anywhere else and doing anything else until you got through that quest chain. And I thought the Power Armor and Minigun in the first 35 minutes was bad.
I still can't get over just how bad Fallout 4 looks. The lighting and character models are all completely fucked and the art deco aesthetic is gone with all the weapon looking like ass. I absolutely hate it, it makes Fallout 3 look good for fuck sakes. How do normalfags defend this shit?
>>926229 Besides the horrible gun design, Fallout 4's biggest visual sin is the sheer lack of variety which reminds you how much of the game is made up of interchangable leveled list entries. There's only 2 generic toilet models and one sink ruined sink model so every building has toilets and sinks that are destroyed exactly the same way (or mirrors of such) even though many buildings will have 6+ of them next to eachother, the raiders are oddly uniformed despite the modular armor system because they all wear only one set of armor (F3/NV had four mixed and matched with four helmet designs, and NV gave the actually uniformed NCR and Legion variant armors), all feral ghouls wear the same small pool of tattered clothes, everyone uses the same supposedly craft produced weapons (F3/NV has a lot of generic items as low level melee weapons and their weapons are supposed to be mass produced). The bizarre thing is that the dungeon designers, while not making good dungeons in a gameplay sense (they're all very linear with a few side rooms) managed to make a surprisingly good variety of locations that feel different despite their limited assets.
>>927001 It doesn't help that the factions that were meant to have distinct looks, like the BoS and Institute, were fucking hideous and nonsensical. Why are people wearing Power Armor plugsuits if they're not meant to wear Power Armor? Yeah, the Institute's sterile as fuck by design, but you'd think there'd be a more distinct separation between the different divisions. I think the Railroad's generic agents had some kind of armored coat, but all the variants looked the same with different stats. These were the guys you have to follow the shitty story with, and they couldn't give them a diverse set of unique (and viable in gameplay) outfits. >The bizarre thing is that the dungeon designers, while not making good dungeons in a gameplay sense (they're all very linear with a few side rooms) managed to make a surprisingly good variety of locations that feel different despite their limited assets. That is oddly true to an extent. I remember someone complained about everything, not just dungeons, in Starfield looked like hospitals (he himself had been hospitalized a bunch of times, so he'd know). I think Fallout 4 had, what, 5 or so hospitals throughout the map, and except for the one with the Gunners and the crashed Vertibird, they all were the same. The factories, despite being for different products or materials, all looked the same when compared to each other. It's just that the radiant quests made sure to try to not send you to a hospital or factory dungeon twice or three times in a row, and the dungeons themselves were spaced out enough across the map so it wasn't possible to just stumble into the same set of dungeons within throwing distance.
>>927081 >but you'd think there'd be a more distinct separation between the different divisions The Glow in Fallout 1 did that, just a reminder.
>>900026 So does the new Indiana Jones game count as a new Todd game despite being made by Machine Games?
>>930825 Every game is a Todd game, you just don't know it!
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>>930826 Indiana Jones and The Great Circle is actually executively produced by Todd Howard. Don't you know?
Bethesda games? More like OpenMW content packs.
>>931003 IIRC modders were able to open Falllout 4 content packs with Oblivion's editor. From the looks of it, neither the NPC scripting nor the physics, nor the shaders for Oblivion are in OpenMW. Is that something the dev team wants to add?
>>927081 The thing I hate the most about Fallout 4 is the factions suck ass and the Commonwealth being the Capital Wasteland but worse. If Fallout 76 didn’t kill the franchise Fallout 5 will by copying Fallout 3 for a second time. What’s weird too is Bethesda has shown they can pick unique settings with Point Lookout, The Pitt, and Far Harbor. The Pitt is so good they even recycled it for Fallout 76.
>>931008 There are tracking issues for getting both Oblivion and Skyrim fully functional but they are currently limited in scope due to the devs overestimating the effort required/putting it off as something to be done after the nebulous "1.0" target. Scripting is specifically blocked by them wanting to move to a cleaner solution (based on lua ,currently) for mwscript and working off of that for the other games instead of directly implementing the script runtimes but also not actually making much progress on the cleaner solution either,which is to say, autism.
>>931017 Would Skyrim even need a source port if Bethesda actually fixed decade old bugs with their “Special Edition” scam?
>>931019 There is no reason ``not`` to do it. Oblivion support auto-provides most of Skyrim support because they share 90% of their formats and at worst it's just better Tale of Two Wastelands.
>>931010 Tale of two wastelands at least fixes both Fallout 3 and NV’s problems (because there is a lot of homosexual self inserts in Las Vegas for some reason).
No Mutants Allowed will shutdown by the time Fallout 5 releases and the post apocalyptic RPG will go back to being tactical like Wasteland was/is.
>>931010 You know, being able to roleplay as part of a faction in Fallout 4 might be one of the only good things about it. The writing sucks ass and visual design is boring, but that's the problem with the game as a whole, but I do appreciate how each storyline is at least distinct enough from one another. Minutemen are all about building up the Commonwealth from the ground up using the settlement building system and fighting off Raiders, you also get the most amount of choice in what other factions you want to keep alive. Railroad, as retarded as they are, at least have you feeling like you're working undercover and give you some of the best rewards for dealing with their sidequests, making you feel like you're constantly working towards something...too bad most of the questline is just copy and paste of Institute questline but you get to stab them in the back. Speaking of which, Institute is the faction that makes the most amount of sense sticking with, considering they make you their leader for no reason. That means you can change quite literally everything about their modus operandi, the conflict should end right there and then. The questline is similar to Railroad one, as in you spend most of it behind the shadows, but you spend more time fighting The Brotherhood, it is also the only faction with a different endgame(unless you consider Minutemen destroying the blimp with an artillery cannon a "different finale", even tho the only thing that happens is that like 2 or 3 vertbirds spawn and can be taken care of by your own build turret defenses). Brotherhood does a good job of being a full on combat scenario, the closest thing to "Fallout 3.5" like you said. I find it the most boring one, especially as you shouldn't need to destroy The Institute if you're in charge of it, it would make more sense to take it over as a plant and simply manipulate it to Brotherhood's liking, or simply take it over to harvest and study it's technology. But that wouldn't give us the "epic" finale with the giant robot and the nuke, now would it? Also, one of the DLCs adds a Raider faction that has it's own unique questline and ability to raid settlements, but I don't think you can finish the game with them. You will still have to side with another faction, so they're a second full pledged faction with a main quest that has no proper ending. What a wasted opportunity, I think a lot of people would like the "evil Minutemen" considering how much hate the nigger that runs them and constantly gives you settlement quests is. Just look how far Far Harbor goes with their main questline, they even have a mission where you faction of choice raids the synths and ends the questline prematurely if you side with Institute or Brotherhood so it's not like they couldn't have The Raiders have their own take on taking down Brotherhood(and optionally Railroad/Institute/MInutemen) if they really wanted to. It's an overall mixed bag, but I think the potential at least was there. New Vegas did more with only 2 factions plus House and Independent, even tho you will likely visit all the same locations with every single path regardless. Fallout 4 at least does a good job of giving each faction it's own unique scenarios and locations.
>>931019 >native Linux support >greater mod support >keep it working on future platforms >>931017 1.0 isn't that far off at this point.
>>931087 >1.0 isn't that far off at this point. With how much time there is between releases, and how Zini was talking about 1.0 being just around the corner years ago, I won't be holding my breath. Not that I'm complaining, I still remember when OpenMW could not even render ground and I thought "this will never get anywhere", but then development picked up steam out of nowhere and now OpenMW has been the definitive way of playing Morrowind for several years. I am grateful for what we have. Support for further Bethesda games would be sweet though.
>>931087 >1.0 isn't that far off at this point. I'm calling it nebulous less because it's far away and more because I just don't see the devs committing to annointing said release with the title of 1.0. From the attitude I can glean from the repo it seems like Zeno's paradox will take effect in regards to versioning and we'll just forever keep getting closer to the next release being The One™
>>931066 >Fallout 4 at least does a good job of giving each faction it's own unique scenarios I disagree pretty strenuously; there's butt-fucking nothing at stake in FO4. The real strength of the faction writing in NV was the fact that you could feel the weight of your decisions - a New Vegas ruled by the NCR is radically different from one ruled by Caesar is radically different from one ruled by House or anarchy with vastly different implications for the future of the entire region and the lives of millions and you get a very clear sense of this even if you do nothing but the main quest. Meanwhile in FO4, nothing really changes in Boston no matter what you pick because every faction has the depth of a glass of spilled milk. The Institute is a bunch of fart-sniffing technocrats who sit around jerking each other off and their vastly superior technology has zero fucking relevance to the wasteland because they don't DO anything with it besides some spying and body-snatching. If you glass them, what changes in the wasteland? A few less people get murdered and replaced with robots and that's it. If you side with them, they're going to use their vast armies of robots to do... something, I guess. They never really bother to say anything about their goals beyond "we've arrived so stay out of our way". Nothing is lost and nothing is gained by your choices. They would have been a vastly more interesting faction if they had actually been using that technology. Say, for example, that instead of replacing random citizens with robots their mission was to use some GECK-ish device to heal the wasteland and make the world habitable to humans again and they were building construction machinery and infrastructure and the like to this end but at the same time they feel like this plan necessitates becoming despots (enlightened or otherwise) and this technology would initially be extremely harmful to existing life. In that case, the decision to destroy or preserve them becomes much more compelling and gives the player a huge degree of agency as the faction leader; you could base the entire third act of the game around managing how the Institute deals with the other factions or refuse to lead them and work to destroy them with or without some friends. Fucking Nuka-World unironically did faction consequences better than the base game did and the consequence of your choices in Nuka-World was which flavor of dungeon you ended up running at the end. It's a bit of an ideas-guy cheap shot to sit back and and say ACHKSHUALLY the game would have been better if X, Y and Z but the writing is so garbage in FO4 that just spitballing off of the top of your head produces improvements over what the hacks at Bethesda put out and that's really appalling. You can pick apart the writing in anything if you try hard enough but Bethesda games have that rare quality of being self-dissecting - they fall apart all on their own.
>>931842 it would have been more interesting if the whole Institute robot shit was actually intended to eventually create a stronger radiation proof successor to humanity and the servant thing was just a smoke screen told to the scientists because they probably wouldn't be motivated to work on the project if they knew they were building their replacements instead of slaves. Along with that, having the railroad actually set up as controlled opposition, with their whole nonsensical operation created as a way to test how well the robots could act human when they don't even know they're robots anymore. Also if they had actually used the idea that you never know for sure if you're actually you or robot doppelganger programed to think you're real. It's not an amazing concept but that would have at least put the Institute's motivations on the same understandable level as the Master or other normal FO villains.
“NuBethesda” is really good at environmental storytelling (ie terminal logs) but it does not work if the Capital or Commonwealth wastelands are supposed to not have an atmosphere. Fallout 3 and 4’s DLCs all have a more esoteric setting to them.
>>931842 >>931866 Institute wouldn't be interesting even with good writing because the aesthetics and themes are the complete antithesis of what Fallout is. >>931895 >“NuBethesda” is really good at environmental storytelling This has to be a joke
>>931003 Thats pretty cool.
Fallout - died when Van Buren was cancelled Elder Scrolls - died when Oblivion released
>>931988 Are you talking shit about new vegas boy?
>>931925 The core elements of The Institute can be found in 1950s sci-fi, such as in 1951's Time and Again . The real problem is aesthetics. Had they been given some kind of take on 1950s sci-fi clothes, or emphasized their alienness and age by using even older sci-fi stylings, they might have fit.
>>924844 >ATF has CWC This CWC?
>>931866 >it would have been more interesting if the whole Institute robot shit was actually intended to eventually create a stronger radiation proof successor to humanity and the servant thing was just a smoke screen told to the scientists because they probably wouldn't be motivated to work on the project if they knew they were building their replacements instead of slaves. Fucking retarded. >Along with that, having the railroad actually set up as controlled opposition, with their whole nonsensical operation created as a way to test how well the robots could act human when they don't even know they're robots anymore. I love the idea of the Railroad being controlled opposition. >Also if they had actually used the idea that you never know for sure if you're actually you or robot doppelganger programed to think you're real. Meh. Seems pretty hacky to me. >>931925 >Institute wouldn't be interesting even with good writing Disagree. >because the aesthetics and themes are the complete antithesis of what Fallout is. I agree that they're terrible but that's an extremely easy fix compared to dealing with the writing. >This has to be a joke I don't think it's "good" by any stretch of the imagination; the rest of their writing has just become so appallingly bad that even mediocrity is a breath of fresh air.
>>924844 >>932031 We need to free Xer now before pic related happens again. We can't let the ATF get away with it again.
>>924861 >FO4's intro shits on the lore Imagine hiring Ron Perlman back and then passing the iconic line (and opening monologue) to someone else for the first time in the franchise (bar maybe the console BoS, never played). I know Ron's a Commie fag with intense TDS, but did he fuck Todd's sister or something? >>924951 > And I thought the Power Armor and Minigun in the first 35 minutes was bad. The minigun's terrible, not because it's stronk, but because it's balanced for early game, and 5mm won't even show up in vendors until level fifteen. And it won't show up in triple digits until your mid-twenties. You know how effective 9 damage per bullet is in your mid twenties? You'll have two, maybe three of the Heavy Weapons perks, for 16. You get more damage and tighter spread from the generic auto-pipes bandits-- RAIDERS drop, starting at level 1. And the .32 rounds those spew are more common than bottlecaps. You get about enough 5mm for the setpiece fight when you get the minigun. If you conserve it, maybe one or two fights more. You might still have a handful of 5mm by the time you can meet Danse, assuming you just beelined straight down toward Diamond City. The shit part of getting that minigun was that it, as a weapon, became obsolete long before you could use it for anything else. It actually DOES function as a temporary boost for the player, at the cost of never being relevant again for the rest of the game. The power armor, though, that's legit OP. Can pick up two spare cores minimum without going past Concord, and the scrap it needs for repair is plentiful and easy to find. You can also cheese it and manually change fusion cores. At max Charisma discount, you can sell a near-empty core for 160 and buy a full one for 240. Even without cheese, you'll be swimming in the fuckin' things eventually. >>931066 >Institute is the faction that makes the most amount of sense sticking with Image related.
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>>932271 Hey theres one thing the institute did right. Creating the technology to give the Courier's suit waifu a human body.
>>931842 I was talking more about quest design than anything, but you bring up good points. What I meant was that unlike in New Vegas, where you will do pretty much the same exact quests no matter who you side with, Fallout 4 does a good job of giving each faction it's own set of quests and playstyles: Minutemen are all about settlement building and killing raiders, Railroad has you working undercover and doing side quests in the meantime to get better gear and build up your presence, Brotherhood is a guns-blazing combat heavy playthru with plenty of Fallout 3 fan service if you're into that, and Institute has you looking thru the baddies' eyes and doing all the boogeyman stuff you heard about all game, either violently or quietly. If you count Raiders as a faction, they're reverse Minutemen where you spend the first half of the game building up your own army and conquering territory and the second half terrorizing Commonwealth and enslaving settlements instead of helping them. Shame they don't have a main quest you can finish the game with tho. As you can see, that's quite a bit of variety. Obviously, the actual writing here is the culprit, but at least the game lets you become the leader of every single faction in the game(or at the very least one of it's most important members). This gives you a blank check for basically creating your own ending depending on your actions and who you're roleplaying as, especially as the game lacks any sort of ending slides(the mediocre movie doesn't count). >>932271 >Image related. Again, like I said, you becoming the leader kind of invalidates the bad writing. Who cares if the faction is uninteresting or retarded, you are in charge now. You can do literally everything with that and make the faction interesting. Sure, you can't do that in-game, but post game was always kind of a crapshoot in Fallout, games that didn't let you play after credits had a stronger impact usually. Not going to defend the writing or how Institute was portrayed, but being given the leadership role of such a powerful faction within the Fallout universe is pretty interesting from a role playing perspective. You can essentially create your own Vault-Tec or Big MT or do something else entirely. Hell, you can shut down the synth program if you want to, you can fill in all the blanks Emil forgot to write in. Lazy? Yes, but at least it's there. Much better than, say, Starfield, where you don't even get any choices in the matter, especially not in the main quest. There is only two that I know of for the faction quests(Ones that people will play the most): Deciding if you want to "trust the soyence" or revive big dinosaurs that were hunted down to extinction like cattle(?) in the UC plotline. The correct answer is soyence and every single companion will get pissy if you choose the other option, and I mean every single one aside from the robot. The other one is just whetever you want to continue working with the space pirates or sell them out to the feds in their questline. It's exactly what you would think it would be. What I am saying is that it could be a lot worse. At least you can let your imagination run wild, and to be fair, there is a pretty interesting quest mod out there that lets you actually use that Leadership role to create an alliance(or work undercover) with Brotherhood and/or Railroad, which should have just been part of the main game. The possibilities are there, same can’t be said for Bethesda’s future products. Also, I was technically right in my assessment. Out of the 4 faction, Institute makes the most sense since you can take them over and make sure their technology gets put to good use(or at least make sure it doesn't harm anyone). Minutemen are so disorganized they literally do not even follow chain of command, Railroad are retarded proto SJWs whose ending boils down to "We did it Patrick, we saved the synths!" while Boston is burning down, and Brotherhood blows up the most technologically advanced place in the world(probably) because...reasons. It would make a ton more sense to just pacify or kill the scientists and take it over, ala Vault 0 in Fallout Tactics, but we can't have that. Also, nothing really changes at the end other than having some powered armored tincans rolling around and vertibirds(that get shot down almost instantly by stray super mutant shots) polluting the sky. Institute wins by default because it is the only faction that can possibly create any kind of change in the long term. It's not even a contest, this game doesn't have the depth of New Vegas where we can discuss who is better for 10 years. One thing to remember is that East Coast is largely a complete and utter shithole in Fallout. No shit Western factions are more impressive when you have NCR straight up bringing back roads, cars, government and electricity across their entire grid. Institute was always a big fish in a small pond, but their appeal lies more in what they're capable of down the line with their new reactor. Everything you see in-game up until that point was them working with a crappy old one that didn't allow them to keep up with their research, that's why it's a big deal to begin with. The likes of Shi and Big MT already have all the resources they need, Institute have to ration everything, it's explained to you by several NPCs. That means that this is them at their worst, more or less, and their ending really does start a new era for them, kind of like upgrading Shady Sands from a shitty little village to a capital of a nation after the events of the first game.
>>932271 The worst part of that minigun is it somehow survived 210 years of exposure without issue or looting. >Shi make oil from seaweed Where is this from? Only mention of seaweed in Fallout 2 is that it's part of their diet according to random townpeople chatter. Nearest one gets is that the Shi can provide "fuel", but it's never clear what that "fuel" is. Presumably they are more than capable of making biodiesel from algae (and other renewable sources of oil), but that's literally a process from the 1800s, only solves the fuel part (can't make plastics etc. from it), has terrible scaling (the reason it's barely used now is that the only way to meaningfully increase production past the point of waste recovery and scavenging wild plants/etc. is to divert agriculture from food), and something other factions can do: The Boomers can do and a player with sufficiently high science teaching a settlement how to make it to power their pumps was also planned to be a quest solution in Van Buren. Repairing power armor is presumably an extrapolation of it being sold in shops there, but given the unpatched game also lets you buy the newly developed Jet Antidote from a gun dealer there before it's even developed it's likely just another instance of Fallout 2 being horribly rushed.
Thinking of doing a run of Oblivion again. It's been a few years though and I don't have a list of all the mods I used before. So, what would you anons recommend. I'd prefer lore-friendly quest mods and more vanilla+ ish content, but anything goes really. I also need a good male armor replacer to match the female armor replacers I'm using from Yuravica (since I've always used those armor replacers). So, give your recommendations, no matter how degenerate or otherwise, even some alternate armor replacers to consider using instead of the one I always use. Only mods I know for sure I'm using are the Blackwood Company mod and the Rebuilding Kvatch mod. I used to have some other quest mods I'd use but I forgot them all since it's been like, three years since I played on that install. One of those was a mod that added some kind of hamlet on the water near the imperial city and was... I actually don't remember what the quests there were about now that I think on it.
Of all the stupid things in Fallout 4, the one really stupid thing I never see anyone mention is that all the dialog about what synths are and all the dialog about if synths are "people" or not seem to have been written by different people who never talked to eachother. You are repeatedly told and shown that gen 3 synths have "real flesh and blood and guts and everything" (which is confirmed with death gore and the fact that you can see them without skin when you see them being made) and can pass any medical test. Being able to pass medical tests, even just those known by the 1950s or explicitly mentioned in Fallout, would mean they human compatible blood, their internals look normal upon x-ray, the males must produce sperm and they would all have DNA. Meanwhile, all dialog about the ethics of synths treats them as though they were merely very intelligent robots who can blend in with humanity and pass casual inspection. The game seems to just ignore everything shows them to be vat grown 3D printed clones with cyborg augmentations. The fact that they have brains and hearts should, logically, be referenced every single time the humanity of synths is in question but it's never mentioned. The Railroad has debates on if Gen 1 and Gen 2 synths can be saved and that it would be a never ending spiral that would end with liberating basic computers, but only gen 3 synths have brains and blood and that's obvious even from a casual observation of corpses. The Brotherhood treats Synths as robots that look like humans, rather than a far more compelling statement of playing God and making "fake" humans. The Institute firmly believes they have no real free will, which is a ludicrous idea for something that literally has a brain indistinguishable from a normal human's outside of the cyborg part.
>>934541 Fallout 4 is very much a game where the more you poke and prod at the story and such elements the more the game falls apart. The synths are probably the worst about that too. It's like the writers for different quests had big misunderstandings about the exact nature of the synths, or they were changed to be near-fully-organic at some point in development from something a bit more robotic in nature and the script was never corrected. And on the Railroad, as someone who sided with them when I played Fallout 4, you think they'd know better than anyone outside the institute about the exact nature of synths, since they give them the option of mind-wiping themselves and all that, but they still seem to be missing a few key details like that. At least they have the best outfit of the factions in the game. Don't get why people rag on the heavy coat so much as it fits that salvaged protection vibe while clearly being designed as a good compromise between protection and stealth, with the plating and such made to protect center mass mainly.
>>934541 Gen 3s aren't 1-1 replicas of humans. We know that they cannot >Breed >Die from radiation poisoning >Get fat >Age We can assume there is some other differences, which does mean they are basically really advanced robots that look like humans. Their main purpose is to infiltrate topside societies and their secondary purpose is to act as their soldiers, they are basically both the Institute's right and left hand. They are just smart and intelligent enough to pass as normal people, but I bet they would have a ton of problems if they were given actual freedom. For one, many liberated synths have trouble comprehending how much of society actually works as they have lived underground all their lives, and even those that haven't still won't be able to have kids or lead normal lives: Unless all people accept synths, they will have to constantly leave their homes every few years either in fear of being found out as synths or because they have gotten older but don't actually look older, an opposite of the ghoul problem where they look ugly but will never age, and can theoretically live hundreds of years in one place but mostly in their own little settlements or more accepting ones with humans like Goodneighbor or Broken Hills. I guess it comes down to what you think about the issue, I think that having a whole lot more mouths to feed is only going to complicate problems. Worse yet, some synths may succumb to their robot logic and start thinking they're superior, and humans are "MK1 models", Glory in The Railroad already talks like this which is concerning. Like I said, they are tools and infiltration agents first and foremost, game doesn't do a good job explaining that, but they are a lot better off being in a controlled environment doing basic work or infiltrating towns rather than being let off a leash to live their own lives. Aside from every complication I mentioned, there is also a high chance that a new glitch could occur and they could end up hurting a lot of people. The main reason that people hate and are scared of synths, aside from them being undetectable and possibly anywhere, is due to the "Broken Mask" incident where a Gen 3's brain malfunctioned after a night of drinking, and he started a massacre. He was hard to put down due to his superior combat algorithms and all the hardware on him, and don't forget that most people in the Commonwealth, guards included, are armed with shitty pipe guns to boot. If synths got organized, they could get dangerous. TL;DR Railroad is retarded and "liberating synths" is about as much of a nuanced issue as wheter we should start trooning out kids and "liberating them" too, but the game also does a bad job giving Institute's side of the story, relegating most of the heavy lifting to one quest where a synth is able to become a good raider leader...as opposed to all those warring warlords who aren't synths. I'm sorry, wasn't there an entire DLC dedicated to raiders, with none of them being confirmed to be synths? The game really should have given us more evil or psychotic synths to make it more of a gray issue rather than a pseudo racism analogy. DiMA is a perfect example of what I am talking about here, look up what he does when given free will and a little bit of power >>934600 Thanks for reminding me, since Gen 3s are still robots, they are very susceptible to being re-programmed or otherwise hacked. Even tho their brain is organic, their thoughts are still likely only 1s and 0s for the most part, and their line of thinking is definitely more akin to a Mister Handy than a human being. If there was a way to make a synth spaz out, just like during Broken Mask Massacre, and it was 100% replicable, just think of the chaos if the synths were free and it could be exploited
>>934604 Here's the thing. That raider synth didn't become a raider because his programming glitched. It's because after his mind-wipe and reprogramming to be a minuteman, quincy happened and he became a raider out of desperation and anger at the Minutemen's failure in that situation, taking matters into his own hands. Just the same as humans can do good or evil, synths can too, in that way. The institute tries to make it seem like he just went berserk but there's a logic to why he acted that way. And from what we see in game and from other paths and how various gen 3's behave they are clearly not "just simply 1s and 0s" no matter how much the institute insists otherwise and have reached the point of developing their own thoughts and personalities akin to a human and adpating from whatever they were programmed to do. And the odd thing is synths clearly need food as seen with the settlement systems and synth settlers still needing resources and sleeping, yet the story seeks to say otherwise. And if the synths don't need food then how the hell do they stay running? If they have some kind of infinite energy source in them then how the fuck does the Institute have a power crisis? Like I said, it's like these different writers handling different factions weren't communicating well enough or there were some late-game rewrites they never polished over, it's bizarre.
>>934630 I agree with you there, this was a really bad example, especially since this is the only time Institute really tries justifying their treatment of them. I think there is more to the Gen 3s, but most of them will be socially stunted due to how they were made and who they are, unless they're actually dumped out in the wastes and don't even know who they are. The only ones we see who behave like humans are those who don't know they're synths and I think that's by design. As for settlements, I don't think they actually need food, the game makes you build more crops because that's how the system works. If they don't know that they need to eat, they will do for obvious reasons, and even infiltrators who know who they are still simulate eating since they would stick out really quick if they didn't need to eat. My bet is that they can theoretically survive on just water due to some kinks they dummied out of our DNA, the game never explains it but they can't age, I am guessing that means that their body is self-sustaining much like a robot in this universe can work for 200 years non-stop. It's an interesting concept that definitely deserves to have an entire game made around it, shame that it was handled by Emil of all people. I think that's the crux of the issue, just look what that dumb fucker did with quite literally an entire new universe of possibilities in a new IP: He just made Skyrim again
>>934600 Yeah, either it was changed late or whoever wrote the bit about passing any test didn't consider the implications for any amount of time. Even the replica droids in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, a setting with absurdly high levels of tech, were explicitly only able to "pass" what few real tests they could through trickery (fooling medical scanners) rather than legitimately passing them, and they would fail any real test that went more than skin deep (having cloned skin and the blood that comes with it they might pass bloodtyping and DNA) and the main advantage is nobody knows they're even a thing.
>>934641 Robots are implicitly powered by nuclear cores (even just within Fallout 4 Codsworth mentions having a nuclear core, and notes to voice actors in the Corvega plant mention he's powered by very similar technology to the fusion powered cars). The (awful) 2d20 game makes it explicitly so (its information about pre-war Automatons in general is the only lore that's actually interesting and new in that entire mess, and its almost always in passing). Presumably they still have power for the same reason power armor in the older games (itself explicitly powered by a core that would power it for centuries) did. That, of course, makes Fallout 4's power armor even more a horrid mess.
>all these anons complaining about fallout 4 You're all better men then me, i played it for 1 hour and instantly knew it was going to be shit and nothing I did would make it enjoyable. I knew mods werent going to be released for 2 years minimum and i wasnt going to be playing this shit for 1 minute more. Refund windows are tight. Kinda sucks that i dont really know the story but seeing you all complain makes me realize its for the best In a way to me FO4 is like Star wars the last jedi It killed any and all enthusiasm i had for the franchise And i would say it was so shit it killed m
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>>935412 >The story It's fucking Emil, the writing is absolutely disgraceful. You're better off playing pic related and you should do it right the fuck now. https://www.moddb.com/mods/ashes-2063
>>935381 What makes the 2D20 game so awful? I don't know anything about the tabletop games aside from the fact that they exist, altho I never know if they're referring to the new toddout one or the campaign that came with Fallout Tactics. There was also one that Chris Avellone played during development of Fallout Van Buren but I don't know if that ever got leaked >>935412 You want to know the story? Here you go, have fun https://inv.bp.projectsegfau.lt/watch?v=9XogAdi3j38 You didn't miss out on anything. I think some anon in the Friday Night thread documented his playthru recently but it was heavily modded, I can't imagine anyone playing this shit without spending days trying to fix it with mods. The only good part about Fallout 4 is it's DLC, also covered by the same guy https://inv.bp.projectsegfau.lt/watch?v=eTLhSoEIBIg If the basic gameplay loop doesn't make you want to claw your eyes out, now with all the DLC and quality of life mods, the game is worth going thru once to experience the two major DLC packs(Or at least Far Harbor), but even then you have to deal with the main story which sucks ass. Still miles better than Fallout 76, which should tell you something
>>935412 >i played it for 1 hour and instantly knew it was going to be shit and nothing I did would make it enjoyable I didn't need to play it, remember playing NV and thinking to myself 'This will be last good fallout game, isn't it?" All the hearsay I seen and heard confirmed it. Beyond coining the name 'boston salt party' spoiler campaign I've haven't bothered with fallout since.
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>>935764 >The only good part about Fallout 4 is it's DLC Yeah, Far Harbor is probably the closest Bethesda has ever managed to get to decent writing and quest design since the Morrowind days. (and part of that came from them just ripping off fan mods wholesale) It even managed to have it's own version of the Railroad faction only without all the retarded bullshit that made the Railroad's whole concept so insultingly moronic. Frankly far harbor was the only reason I had any hope at all for starfield, because I thought *maybe* Bethesda was actually learning and we'd see this level of effort applied to the writing and design of their newest ip... so of course that turned out shit and instead it was the worst thing they've made so far.
>>935764 >What makes the 2D20 game so awful? The short version is that it tries to replicate Fallout 4 in tabletop form instead of actually being playable (you can imagine how awful that is) and uses proprietary dice to do it. The writing is wonky. You can tell they had some kind of restriction on new lore, so it will whiplash between extensive information dumps about stuff we know about (with most of the "new" info being pulled out of wording choice more than anything, like making clear that F4's "Fusion Cell" and the "Microfusion Cell" of earlier games are the same thing rather than just related) and super vague about the stuff you'd actually want to know more about (What the hell is "5mm" in a world that already had 5.56? Why do American miniguns and outdated European rifles both take it?). The lack of new lore isn't a bad thing, because the original writing it does have is horrible and I'm glad they didn't waste a potentially interesting sub-setting on this trash. The example module has a tutorial on stimpacks and provides the players with a defacto unlimited supply for the duration of the module (they're escorting someone who can make them, and there's not enough combat encounters so that's not an issue itself), but simultaneously ends with dying NPC giving a long monologue with absolutely no provision for the players trying to use one on her. It's understandable for modules to not have plans for unusual situations a player can come up with, but insane for them to not have ones for blindingly obvious solutions. The modules only get worse, with one of the standalone modules being an Institute plot to cause memory loss (and nothing else) by sabotaging a reactor to leak radiation. This somehow works on ghouls too. The entire module reads like it was originally made for a fantasy setting with blatant magic and crammed into Fallout without a second thought. Another module has you helping a bunch of doctors trying to fix up a pre-war hospital. Despite the doctors living in this hospital, they've somehow never checked the unguarded, unlocked basement for the vast trove of supplies it holds. The module is sure to remind you one of the doctors (who isn't given any personality trait) is a lesbian with a wife who doesn't even appear in the module or live where it takes place! The only unambiguously good thing is some of the official 3D printer stuff is neat, but it's all super overpriced for what it is. I got the print files at a big discount on Humble Bundle for those files alone, and I still feel like I was ripped off reading the books. If you want to play Fallout as a PnP game and don't want to use GURPS (understandable), there's plenty of Savage Worlds homebrew.
>>935778 Really? I thought it was just a retread of the base game's dogshit plot just with different characters and a different environment. The threads on old 8/v/ talked about how much they were the same, right down to the dumb non-twist of DiMA being Nick's brother. DiMA is just robot Shaun, a moralizing faggot who does fucked up things to make and maintain a status quo. The only real difference is that he can actually be confronted about what he's done, and he himself makes an effort to sound remorseful for it and tries to make amends in one route. And don't get me started on how DiMA tries to gaslight you into believing you're a Synth, and how dumb he sounds when he does it, and the dreadful script basically forces you to act like a defensive child because Bethesda gave you a cup of sewage for dialogue options. The fuck was that even for? Is making this ambiguous subplot about the Sole Survivor being a Synth and then going nowhere with it even necessary? And for all the talk about how much Far Harbor was better than the base game and the other DLCs, there don't seem to be a lot of mods for it specifically. It's like all the things shills do when they talk about how great something is, and they don't even touch the product they're shilling. Unless there's something inherently unstable with making mods in Far Harbor or something. Is there? I know there aren't many that alter Nuka World itself, but I just figured that was because Nuka World is shit and not worth the effort.
>>935959 There's nothing decent about Fallout 4 outside the power armor mechanics which are handled so badly in terms of progression and shows just how fucking hard Bethesda leans into level scaling cancer for their games. Nothing matters in their games
>>935979 >There's nothing decent about Fallout 4 outside the power armor mechanics I liked some of the level design, by which I mean a lot of the interiors had more verticality than previous 3D Fallouts. It made fighting through apartment towers more enjoyable when I could do things like toss a grenade up through a hole in the ceiling to kill raiders on the next floor, instead of them being a loading screen away.
>>936040 The "open floorplan" and "open air" dungeons in F4 are generally pretty good, being satisfying areas for tactical combat and for looking around for loot in (too bad F4 didn't have good loot to find most of the time due to crafting craft). Unfortunately they're the minority and most are horrifically linear messes. College Square Station stands out as the sole indoor dungeon that isn't open and is actually a pretty good dungeon for what it is (basic layout is Y shaped with the west point having two little rings of rooms and the east point having one. A locked door blocks a small but important room at the start of the junction. Players with good lockpicking can access the unique reward right away, and those with good science can get security robots to soften up enemies, while players without lockpicking have to wait till they find the key in one of the ring areas to access this area.). I wonder how something so not lame actually got in.
>>935959 Far Harbor is generally good even without mods so there is few made for it. Nuka World has a few good ones that add a whole bunch of settlements(that includes ability to build within the themed parks themselves), as well as a mod that adds a main quest for Minutemen if you want to take the park back from raiders(main game only gives you one simple quest where you kill all named raiders and that's that, with this mod you actually get to re-build Nuka World) Fallout 4 mods are really disappointing, it's mostly porn mods or some autistic high-quality tacticool weapons likely ported from Call of Duty or something
>>935959 People don't need to expand on Far Harbor as much because it's not in need of as much correction as the base game, as that other anon says. It's also a far smaller and less dense landmass to work with. Solstheim/Dragonborn is seen as the best DLC for Skyrim and you also don't see a metric assload of mods for it. Funny enough I did find a cool additional location mod someone made for it that redoes a lot of interiors as well. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/60641?tab=description
>>936133 >Dragonborn Absolute garbage just like the base game if not more due to slog of going through the Apocrytha segments. They constantly throw the same generic enemies at you too just like the base game. Most fun I had with it was exploring the northern beaches. God, I hate Skyrims game design so much.
>>936965 I really don't see how anyone likes Skyrim at all. Aside from it's setting, it is painfully boring and generic. Fighting dragons might have been cool in 2011, but it's been so overdone now and shows just how janky the whole system when you played the game a few times. I've been thinking of giving Daggerfall or Morrowind a try, altho I absolutely detest fantasy RPGs. Still, these two titles seem like they're at least worth my time, I even own both titles
>>936976 The early game sucks ass but once you understand how the game works it's fucking amazing. Skyrim is the other way around, wows you for the first few hours and once you realize just how bland, railroaded and shallow everything is it becomes a loot and slash. Imagine making a sandbox with barely any player agency. Daggerfall is also a completely different beast, it's more akin to something like Mount&Blade, more of a sandbox sim, still very worth it but I'd recommend a guide. Check out >>923109 >>931869 >>931929
>>936986 I just did a playthrough of Fallout 4, and Skyrim strikes me as a "prototype" for that game in the same vein as Fallout 3 was to Fallout New Vegas. It seems very underdeveloped gameplay wise, dreadfully awful in the writing and gameplay apartment and very much consolized even compared to Oblivion, aka Fallout 3 with horse armor and magic. I just watched MATN play Daggerfall and watched an autistic several hour video by another guy on the game, it seems like something right up my alley. Similarly, I watched Salt's analyisis of Morrowind and it's DLC and it's the same deal, I own Daggerfall on steam and an old CD copy of Morrowind plus DLC on disc here somewhere, might have to pirate it or even buy it I'm a bit burned out from RPGs at the moment, but I think compiling the list of the best fantasy RPGs to play would be something I start thinking about in the future. Most RPGs are of the fantasy variety so there is a lot to choose from
>>936995 Anon please, every post Morrowind Bethesda game is a prototype of a much better game that's sabotaged internally.
>>936976 Here's a non-spoiler guide explaining Morrowind's weirdly made mechanics without spoiling the game itself https://en.uesp.net/wiki/User:Agiletek/First_Time_Players
It's finally here: Private Sessions(Patrician's Friend) finished his Starfield video https://yewtu.be/watch?v=urEMD71xdCs We will see if the perspective is fresher now that the dust settled and nobody really cares about it anymore. The game was still somewhat relevant when the 8 hour documentary from Patrician dropped, so it proved to be "controversial" despite being 100% right, kind of like how Crowbcat's RE4 video got a whole lot of capcom fanboys angry. Wasn't there an anon who was supposed to play the game and tell us all about it? Is the game that shit that he gave up on it?
>>941666 I'll try to give it a watch once I get home but I do wonder how much it'll differ from Pat's review since the two of them collaborate pretty closely. At a certain point I couldn't keep listening to Pat's video because without the nostalgia of Oblivion or Skyrim filling in the background Starfield just sounded dreadful to even engage with. It's shocking Bethesda failed so hard they made a game you can't even make your own fun in anymore.
>>941666 The advantage of him making a video at a later date is that he can comment on the state of the Bethesda/Microsoft fanbase. The last 20 or so minutes are about how the xbots went apeshit when it was rumored that Starfield was going to be ported on PS5, how PS5 outsold the Xbone 2 to 1, how NeverKnowsBest whiteknighted Emil and demonized Pat because Pat called NKB a "fat bastard cucked" on a livestream once, that Jewtube and Twitter is the Stanford Prison Experiment but for narcissists, and how quickly Starfield jewtubers/streamers turned against the game. >>941666 >Is the game that shit that he gave up on it? Even someone like Oney plays gave up on the game after only a few hours, out of boredom, and they played some shit games like YiiK and Revolution 60.
>>941666 I'm barely a quarter through it, will have to continue it at another time. I only ever saw Private Sessions' videos on Mass Effect before this, because I don't care enough about Oblivion or Skyrim enough to watch videos on them. His strength in the Mass Effect video was talking about things from a roleplaying perspective and focusing on the characters. Just thirty minutes in, and I know it's not happening here, because there are no characters to really analyze in detail. Everyone has the depth of a puddle of piss. Did anyone who played this piece of shit and did reviews like Private Sessions and Patrician ever note that Starfield is basically just a worse version of Mass Effect Andromeda? I mean, I guess nobody would realize how similar they are if nobody played Andromeda. Starfield has all the same shit that made Andromeda such a bore, except Andromeda actually had aliens to talk and play Gears of War with and there was a rover to help traverse the bland, empty hills. Also, are you getting paid 8 cents for this, too, Devil Trips?
Why does the general Commonwealth use "Synth"? The terminal entries make it clear this is a term Shaun pulled out of his ass and the Institute never talks to anyone outside it openly.
>>942728 Why do fish out of water protagonists like the Lone Wanderer and the Sole Survivor know basic wasteland things like Caps being a currency, or the mutant fauna? Bethesda is just shit at not maintaining consistency.
>>942974 For 4, there's actually one dialog option at the Abernathy Farm (which by the main path is a reasonably likely first encounter with them being used as currency) to ask what caps are after asking for work. The problem is the dialog path its on is overly specific and thus easy to miss and there's a nameless merchant, the player will be looting caps before that, and there's a nameless merchant relatively close to Vault 111 a player is likely to hit first. >Did you say caps? Why would I want those? >{Re-Record: light and bubbly / Amused} Yeah, like bottle caps? And because it's money? At least it is here in the Commonwealth. Really, even putting aside the many reasons Fallout 4's plot framework was a terrible idea, it was a huge mistake from a basic writing prospective to not have the player come across a scavenger upon leaving Vault 111 that explains basic common knowledge. This would also have been a chance to let the player pick character emotions instead of the hilariously stupid Vault 111 segment where the player character talks aloud expressions of horror interspersed with comments on how shiny the loot is and ripping a dead man's arm off for a technological trinker for no apparent reason. Could have later had that random scavenger be affiliated with a faction (like a Courser so there's an actual reason for the Institute to know about the PC instead of being mysteriously omniscient yet also totally unaware you're blatantly inflicting working against them)
>>943002 Oh, that's where it's from. I remember hearing the line as generic dialogue in those Spouse Companion mods, but never find out where it was supposed to play in the vanilla game. Same with the Sole Survivor asking what Tatos are. That's still just a handful of optional lines that are likely not to be encountered when playing the game for the first time, and still the Sole Survivor doesn't ask questions about the wildlife like Yao Guai or why people ignore the still intact homes in the suburbs that are left to squat in a metal 10'x10' shack. At least players and Shepard were given the option to ask stuff that should be obvious or things that were already in the Codex in the first Mass Effect, just in case no one read the Codex or someone tried to roleplay Shepard as an uneducated hick. Bethesda must not be able to start a Fallout game as anyone other than a Vault Dweller sees the wasteland for the first time. That schtick only worked in the first game, because it was the first game, and maybe Fallout 3, to introduce new players to the setting if they never heard of Fallout before. Doing it again, 7 or 8 years after Fallout 3, and six years after New Vegas, just doesn't make sense unless they either thought there were still new players that never touched a Fallout game to attract that need this setup, or they genuinely don't know how to make a different intro to a Fallout game. Knowing Emil, my money's more on the latter.
>>943109 >unless they either thought there were still new players that never touched a Fallout game to attract that need this setup, or they genuinely don't know how to make a different intro to a Fallout game. Option 3: they saw New Vegas prove there are better ways (a brain-injured courier can have any level of knowledge or amnesiac ignorance the player wants) but they're still butthurt over NV and chose to not learn from it.
>>943109 Straight from the horse's mouth >Y'know, the whole cryo hook of Fallout 4 - I was wandering in a side tunnel down this corridor in MIT, there's this cryo lab with these giant cryotanks. And I sent these, like, selfies and sent them to Todd and was like [thumbs up and a smile]. And then I knew back then, the story just started to take on a life of its own.. Without the forced backstory using every cheap drama hook in the hack handbook and a non-retarded dialog system that let the player actually react to things, I think a pre-war cyro vault resident could have worked. >>943141 One underappreciated thing about New Vegas is that it consistently avoids requiring you ask about the world to access stuff: Few, if any, quests or solutions are locked behind this. It's entirely possible to play a character who has been to the Mojave in the last ~four years for routine mail delivery and has a general idea of the NCR v. Legion conflict without any issue. Even the world supports this: The main circle was actually relatively safe until recently (Deathclaws invading quarry, powder ganger breakout, Nipton's destruction, the legion outpost at Cottonwood Cove, the dirty bombing of Searchlight, and the Forlorn Hope stalemate all started recently by the time the game starts)
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>>943109 >sees the wasteland for the first time "Exiting tutorial dungeon and then seeing the world for the first time", is a thing that Bethesda is really proud off, and try to put it in every single game of theirs. They call it a "Step out" moment. It started in Oblivion though you could argue it was present in Arena and Daggerfall and Todd was very proud that Starfield had TWO moments like this, though he never elaborated what these two moments were.
>>943167 Even normalfags hate the longass intros that thrust you into the plot.
>>943167 The only one that was any good was Fallout 3's. It was only in FO3 that the "step out" moment was the player character stepping out from the safe and secure home where he had lived his entire life, into a harsh and alien world, with no turning back. In none of the others did you (your character) have any attachment to the place you were leaving behind. Oblivion and Skyrim were prison breaks, escaping somewhere you didn't want to be in the first place, and hadn't been in long, and getting out into the world from which you had come. FO4 was a chaotic chain of nuclear apocalypse everything is destroyed what are these weird pods why am I freezing my son is being kidnapped my spouse has just been murdered everyone's dead and there's simply no room left for the "step out" to have much impact. Also, in Skyrim and Fallout 4, you (the player) had already been outdoors before the "step out" moment. Skyrim gave you a slow carriage ride through the forest, so you already knew what the world looked like. For FO4 in particular you'd already seen the exact viewpoint, and the only value the "step out" could have had is if there were emotional investment in the pre-war state such that stepping out and seeing it devastated had impact. But there was no such attachment, nor could there really ever be. But there was even less attachment to the vault you were leaving, because you spent all of ten minutes there and it consisted entirely of betrayal and death. Of course, all this is separate from the annoyance of "stop railroading me for hours and let me just play the damn game". But ignoring that and looking at it as a narrative, only FO3 actually works. The only way the others have an impact is if you're an easily-impressed normalfag who'll ooh and ahh at the "step out moment" simply because the game is telling you to do so.
>>943141 >they're still butthurt over NV and chose to not learn from it. You're saying that like you think it's possible that Emil was not only willing, but was actually capable of learning from New Vegas. Fallout 4 and Starfield both say no. >>943227 I'll agree that stepping out of Vault 101 was the only place the player and player character leave behind that has any emotional impact. Granted, I think it's about as impactful as dropping a pen in a puddle of water, and like Fallout 4, the chaos of Vault 101 while you're leaving and the dogshit dialogue with James that prevents you from explaining to the dumbass that the Overseer murdered Jonas and risked the entire vault's safety to try murdering you ends up undermining the little impact it does have. In Fallout 4's case, I wonder if the step out moment is supposed to be leaving Vault 111, since it's the last chance to edit your character before playing the game properly like every Bethesda tutorial sequence ever, or if it's entering the ruins of Sanctuary Hills to see what it has become. Neither work effectively, though if the Sole Survivor could at least not sound as bored as he was confused, and maybe acknowledge some of the residents that didn't get in the vault when seeing their ruined homes, then there'd be more to it than pointlessly circling around two houses to kill wildlife (again, that the Sole Survivor knows nothing about at this point) because Codsworth decides to artificially prolong the tutorial if you didn't remember "kah" exists.
>>943227 I think you're being a little too literal with your definition of "step out moment" as I would consider such a thing to be the point where you get your first real taste of the game and it "clicks". I would consider the step-out "moment" of FO4 to be everything from the literal moment where you leave the vault to the deathclaw fight and for Skyrim I would say that the same would be Bleak Falls Barrow with the first dragon fight playing a supporting role. I also think that this holds up to a lesser degree with FO3 and even Morrowind In Morrowind you do have a moment where they basically just put a boot in your ass and tell you to go get a job but I'd say that it's more-or-less a freeform intro sequence until the puzzle box quest and for FO3 I'd say that the defining moment is probably showing up in Megaton and interacting with its denizens, maybe picking up a quest for Moira. Yes, I know that in Bethesda games you can just fuck off and do whatever you want as soon as you emerge from the dungeon/vault/etc. but I'm talking about people playing the game "as intended" because otherwise there's no point. Starfield doesn't share a structure with Oblivion in this regard but it does share the same result, namely that there's nothing you can point to and say, in hindsight, "the real game started here". In Oblivion you're just dropped into the world without pretense after the tutorial dungeon while Starfield has a lengthy on-rails sequence (de facto) but they both amount to the same thing, which is defined by a lack of that thing to point to even in hindsight. Starfield is by far the worse offender, though. They spent a lot of time trying to get you invested in the main story and drop plot hooks to no avail because the writing was just that shit while the "congratulations for completing the tutorial" message in Oblivion is "go do whatever you want lmao".
>>945472 Emils writing is so shit even normalfags feel insulted nowadays.
Does anybody else think the Dark Brotherhood and Dawnguard DLC were cringe? Some of Skyrim’s writing make Oblivion look like Citizen Kane in comparison .
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>>945584 >Does anybody else think the Dark Brotherhood and Dawnguard DLC were cringe?
Toddout 4 current console gen update incoming on the 25th Lastgen and PC version also get updated, so do what you have to if you want to keep your current modlist if you haven't already. Apparently comes with a "Return of the Enclave" creation. Thankfully only one quest but, boy, am I looking forward to what kind of bad orange man reference they'll try to ram down our throats. Ye be warned.
>>945584 I wanna fuck Serana she wasnt even that good just happened to be one of the less ugly companions
>>957730 She's not a virgin though, and was fucked by a gay demon god who has aids
Asking here because no one in the QTDDTOT thread. What's the best way of modding and playing Bethesda games on Linux through Wine? Mainly New Vegas, but also Oblivion or Skyrim maybe. It seems like the best option changes every year and involves multiple tools at the same time. All the guides are written for idiots where they just spoonfeed you every step without explaining shit, and so it's never quite clear how to adapt those steps to Linux.
>>957736 Only ways I know of are either manually installing mods (pain in the ass) or using the Linux MO2 script that only supports the steam versions, making my GOG copies of Oblivion and Fallout NV unusable for mods. https://github.com/rockerbacon/modorganizer2-linux-installer . If you want to use ENBs and such, make sure to open Protontricks for the game, and select winecfg, libraries, type d3d9 into the new override for library space and press enter. this will allow it to be loaded.
>>957736 Arena, Redguard, Battlespire: Whatever DosBox fork you like Daggerfall: DF Unity has native build. Morrowind: OpenMW has Linux native and lets makes you sort mod loading order. Not sure on how to do things like level list merge though. Fallout 3, New Vegas, Skyrim,Fallout 4 and possibly Oblivion: Follow this guide, but choose to install the mod manager for the respective game if you're not playing Fallout 4. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/3677
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>>957733 >Virgin Molag Bol who enslaves his offerings and gives them powers in return vs Chad Dragonborn who frees her, travels with her, helps her with her family issues, accepts who she is and eventually turns her human to free her from Molag Bol. The slow burn romance SDA introduces truely proves that love can overcome anything. She just wanted that connection that wasn't because of the Elder Scroll on her back and the Dragonborn was the first one to give it to her.
>>957771 Yeah, that's all TES really needed. A quirky manic pixie girlfriend with tons of baggage she expects you to deal with.
>>957733 >>957771 She apparently doesn't even regret it. Whether or not that was being mindbroken doujin style from Molag Bol using her as a unwilling onahole or because of the sick vampire powers she got is uncertain. Either way, yes, you can unshackle her immortal soul from falling into Molag Bol's domain, it's only after you beat the shit out of her maniacal father (does this shit run in the family?) and her bitching every time you have to travel during daytime.
>>957736 You can use Mod Organizer 2 via Lutris 0.5.17. Just install these libraries with Winetricks: dotnet48, dotnet6, dotnet7. And use the installer version of Mod Organizer 2. The downside however is that this damn thing is quite glitchy under Wine but otherwise it does work for organizing the mods and modding it. I am using Mod Organizer 2 under Linux myself to mod all the Bethesda games and I am currently on Fallout 4 playthrough.
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I have to say that Fallout 4 is a great game. It is truly a exceptional game out of a time where brown shooters such as Call of Duty and Halo were the norm that plaqued the modern gaming scene. The step out moment in Fallout 4 is something to behold off and its very dramatic. The whole gameplay, the quests and the new settlement system is just the topping of the cake. As a journalist for Gamespot I have written a article about Fallout 4 how much of a master piece this is. This shows that Mr. Howard genius design and planning is unmatched and Fallout 4 has made a lot of sales which shows how successful Fallout 4 has become, even old timed Fallout fans love this new game. >)
>>957914 You captured the essence of redit into one post, good job!
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>>957943 Do I get a 8chins gold pass now?
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>>958007 What do you mean I don't get a 8chins gold pass? You told me my post captured the essence of reddit! That means my post deserves awards!
>>957724 One of the Thuggyverse mods already did the Orange Man Bad routine, and I highly doubt it's the only one.
>>958249 >>957951 >Avatarfaggtory This is some old school b8!
Why haven't you watched his show /v/? You should go ahead and watch it, buddy. It'll be a good time where we all play Fallout 4 and enjoy the new Fallout TV show. Just subscribe and have a good time, haha. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CN4HV16N?ref=DVM_US_DL_SL_GO_S_HNDO_mkw_sABc5eHhN-dm
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>>960777 I've watched this show and I found it admirable. I had a lot of fun watching this show and I thank you for the recommendation! By the way, great job on those numbers. I enjoyed watching this show.
>>919667 >>919750 you've obviously never seen the american truck simulator or trainz community in action when it come to paid mods
Thanks to the answers to >>957736 I have started following the Viva New Vegas guide to modding New Vegas. And what the fuck, why are there so many mods just for fixing bugs? Is New Vegas really that fucked? I thought the Utilities list was large, but the Bug Fixes list is massive. More than 30 mods! Are there any good face replacement mods? Faces are the one thing Bethesda games have always been bad at.
>>961198 New Vegas has plenty of unifinished content and bugs, yeah, it was rushed out the ass on a pretty primitive engine held together by sticks and spit, much like like Fallout 2. I don't usually replace the faces, they're not as uncanny as the ones in 3, and they have charm due to being cartoonish, almost like a caricature. The shit in Fallout 4 and Starfield is the uncanny valley shit I hate. So I can't really answer that question, I'd still rec you play it Vanilla with only bugfixes first and then get to replacement and restoration mods. New Vegas is the kind of game you don't just play once.
>>961198 >And what the fuck, why are there so many mods just for fixing bugs? Is New Vegas really that fucked? It was incredibly rushed. They got 18 months, including the entire process of learning the engine, to the point that they had to bring in modders of previous Gamebryo games to help them figure it out. And Bethesda/Zenimax were pulling bullshit behind the scenes. For example, I remember reading that they were supposed to be in charge of QA and bugtesting, but were dicking around and not properly handling it.
>>961198 The game is not only buggy, but it has unique and bizarre bugs you're unlikely to have encountered in any game before. The only mods I'd recommend are bugfixes and restored content, do at least one normal playthrough and see what you'd want after that.
>>961198 >Is New Vegas really that fucked? Yes. CE has always been a god-awful mess and Obsidian had no experience with it, too much ambition in their plans for the game, 18 months (with no flexibility) to go from nothing to a finished product and they were poorly supported by Bethesda because Bethesda was all hands on deck for Skyrim during the latter part of New Vegas' development. Its a small miracle that we got the game we did.
>>961207 >>961332 >>961349 >>961361 That sounds awful. What annoys me about installing all the bugfixes is that there are so many separate mods. Is there a reason that there is no one comprehensive bugfix mod instead? It's especially annoying on Linux because nxm:// URLs don't work, so I have to pass them one at a time as command-line parameter to the mod manager, wait for the GUI to launch and finish downloading the mod, and the close it again. I feel like by the time I'm done modding I will no longer feel like playing New Vegas anymore.
>>961452 >Using Linux That's the actual problem, just install win7 and you're done
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>>961452 Just follow this retard guide and you're set https://yewtu.be/watch?v=_1Yu1mdyF0s&t=0 Quality of life improvement mods I recommend: >Diagonal movement Self explanatory since that Gamebryo version doesn't have diagonal movement animations in 3rd person https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/64333 >Enhanced movement Fixes a lot of bugs with the movement and includes a Sprint function and AP cost for it along with speed that scales with your skill options https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/85459 >Vanilla UI Plus Makes the inventory system not shit https://www.moddb.com/mods/vanilla-ui-plus >YSI Sorting UI. Categories and Sorting Icons Makes the inventory less of a single list slog https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/74357 https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/74358 https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/77033 >Hits Weapon animation packs Replaces weapon animations with modern high quality ones that fit the setting https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/73856 https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/75208 https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/76843 >Titans of the West 2.0 Makes Power Armor look and feel like power armor instead of glorified suit skins https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/78688
>>961466 >>961452 Almost forgot >Helmet Overlay For immersion https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/67870
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>>961452 The buxfix and UI mods don't change the core game much, they're just QoL. Ever play Zelda romhacks that give the overworld a minimap? They're like that, after a while you forget it's not vanilla. These aren't gameplay mods that make additions or subjective changes, they're basically straight improvements. >>961458 >an OS with even less software support epic >>961466 If you want to be a true hero, you could upload these mods elsewhere. Nexus is a tumor and some may not want to make an account with them.
>>961479 Why haven't you watched Todd's TV show?
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>>961483 It's amusing you could somehow tell despite me not saying anything about it. Truth be told, I cease to care about anything Fallout related after New Vegas. My brain subconsciously sees everything after than point as fanworks, kind of like how some Halo fans ignore the series' lore after Reach. It's not as much of an active dislike as a passive disinterest. The Fallout show has as much appeal as watching a YouTube series of nerds LARPing as Wastelanders, that's how it would feel to me.
>>961490 >I cease to care about anything Fallout related after New Vegas.
>>961452 The mods are separate because many of them use NVSE or make sweeping changes that require some level of technical knowledge if you use them with other mods, like Navmesh Overhaul. If you're using MO2, you can just download everything manually, place them in the downloads folder, then add them individually, but this might help you https://github.com/rockerbacon/modorganizer2-linux-installer/issues/92.
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>>961466 >Gamerpoets
>>961490 >I cease to care about anything Fallout related after New Vegas Except when they've got a clanging hot body, it seems. Good man
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>>961479 >Nexus is a tumor and some may not want to make an account with them. Understandable here's a hastily done modpack with some of the files I use. https://pixeldrain.com/u/R1Hnp5C7 >>961501 I don't give a shit about drama, if he's a redditor cuckold or if he's some political activist faggot, it's a great retard proof guide and with Invidious he doesn't get money. feel free to make me aware of his bullshit however
>>961452 >That sounds awful. It looks a lot worse than it is because anything more than .ini tweaks in CE games is a huge pain. >Is there a reason that there is no one comprehensive bugfix mod instead? Think of it this way: patching most games is like slapping a band-aid on a cut or maybe putting a splint on a twisted ankle but patching New Vegas is more like fixing internal bleeding - surgery is the only option. There are also lots of mods in what I call the bugfix+ category which, strictly speaking, don't fix anything that's broken but improve things in an unintrusive way. These include things like having in-game screens properly scale to game resolution, allowing you to alt+tab out of the game without crashing it, fixing some UI deficiencies, improving loading times, reducing the IRL time it takes to wait in-game, smoothing the transition to ADS, etc.
Thank you all of trying to help me out, but I'm good. I was just venting about how tedious it is, but I don't have any technical problems. I decided to forego the Linux Mod Organizer installer script, instead I run everything in a dedicated New Vegas Wine prefix, that way I don't have to worry about cleaning up in multiple places. >>961458 You Windows 7 autists are truly remarkable.
>>961632 Have fun anon, playing the game for the first time is a great time.
So are there any simple skimpy Skyrim mods that make lolis & shotas at least wear some lore friendly if more revealing outfits?

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