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/v/ Quest Anonymous 10/29/2023 (Sun) 10:50:46 Id: dfc50f No. 900918
I thought it would be fun for the 10th anniversary to have a quest thread, so I've made one. I doubt anyone here doesn't know what quest threads are, but for posterity I'll explain anyway. never done one of these before, it's pretty straight forward. I draw Anons post suggestions for what the mc does, /v/-tan in this case, and I'll read through them The premise is simple because I have negligible writing experience: >/v/ has woken up to find his gaming pc missing >What will he do? It might take me a few days or even a week to make new pages with my schedule as it is, but I'll keep you informed with how its going. My ip is probably going to be different for each post, but you should be able to tell its me from the art.
Edited last time by Zoom on 10/29/2023 (Sun) 13:27:40.
I forgot to put the subject in. It should be /v/ Quest. gotchu covered fam
Edited last time by Zoom on 10/29/2023 (Sun) 13:27:23.
Breaks down Vivian's door (she's sleeping naked) and checks if she is playing a nasty prank and/or a nasty trap set by Erin so she can fuck /v/.
Search the room for clues.
Panic! Call /pol/ who is now obese waiting for the happening in Ukraine and Gaza, for help in looking for his Toaster!
>>900923 This.
Go check on Viv's room, the brat surely took it!
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>>900918 Check your inventory, and try combining all your inventory items with all your other inventory items
>>900918 Confront Vivian in her room, only to find she's absorbed in beating some console game that she pulled another allnighter for, so it couldn't have been her. Look for clues around the house. General suggestion: when you pick a winner, include their post in the next segment so future readers will be able to see what the audience contributed.
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>>900923 This. Maybe a faggot wrote on a piece of paper what they did to his PC and where it's being held
Check to see if your vidya collection is safe.
>>900918 Visit /vr/s room to see if he borrowed it to play some games. Loaning out gaming systems was more common back then, so maybe he thought he'd just do that for a bit before bringing it back.
>>900918 Search the house and after /v/ Doesn't find it. He should scream from the top of his lungs
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OP here. I've begin working on the pages. As expect, it looks like its going to take a while.
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OP again. Still at it. I should mention that I'm using multiple suggestions.
>>900918 Say "A nigger must have done this. There could be a nigger anywhere."
>>902015 Take your time, and good luck!
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Hey, I got the rope, I used the peanuts to lure over the elephant, and tied the rope to it's tail. Now I'm trying to get down the cliff, but I keep falling off. What am I missing? I already tried to use the Tuba, the Beaver Musk, and the used condom but nothing is working. ... wait, no - never mind. I figured it out. You have the snake the rope up your ass and out your mouth, then clench your buttcheeks to act as a descender. Fucking retarded game.
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OP here again. Sorry it took so long. Gold star to this >>901117 anon. In hindsight I should have expected the culprit would have been guest at so quickly, but when I was planning it out I thought this would be the last thing expected. I supposed its for the best, since I think we should wrap this up. I would have liked this quest to last a little longer but I don't think its practical at the moment. I think the next update will probably be the last or second last. Thanks for the suggestions.
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>>903627 Challenge Erin to the ultimate show of skill...a 1v1 on command & conquer generals. Also, thats an adorable Gilda.
>>903627 That was fast, but it was fun while it lasted.
>>903628 ¿Are you sure that is a woman?
>>903635 >¿ Pedro, please, go back to your pedo circlejerk
>>903627 Scream and then throw her down the stairs after you take back the pc.
>>903627 Erin has clearly been possessed. Cleanse her with the power of DICK.
>>903627 Erin isn't paying attention to where she's running and slams into Freya, who's busy training Anon and Danielle. Thinking that someone intentionally attacked her, Freya suplexes Erin almost on instinct, and apologizes afterwards.
>>903627 Grab her hand
Choose option: Violence
>>903627 Use your Ouya like a boomerang to trip/stop Erin
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>>903627 Why does she even want /v/'s PC to the point of stealing it? If she wanted to play vidya, she'd just ask, and if she wanted dick, she'd just ask too.
>>903742 It's the thrill of if, like rape.
>>903742 >she’d just ask I suppose /v/ wasn’t in the mood.
>>903742 She wants /v/ to chase after her you dense retard
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>>903627 Not canon to the story unless OP wants to
>>903627 I love this version of /pol/.
>>903742 She's been snoopingas usual around /v/'s room. Maybe she knows there's something on the computer that she doesn't want /v/ to see.
>>903831 Think you've got that backwards. /v/ has something on his computer he doesn't want Erin to know about. >inb4 futa porn >inb4 [insert degenerate fetish here] porn >inb4 handholding porn
>>903834 its nothing but poorly drawn porn of all the people around him; that or a full eltonel archive
>>903838 >there's no porn, just old video games and there are a handful of .txt files of him trying to write a "romantic" read fucking awful script of him popping the question to Erin along with the offering of a wedding ring
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>>903752 >>903755 >>903831 I see. Impregnation it is, then.
>>900918 >>903625 >>903627 This is the best thing that has happened this year.
>>903625 This is so fucking good. I was expecting like a single page's worth of content, not an entire chapter.
>>900918 >>903625 >>903627 Finally the day OP was not a fag. >>903842 >there's no video games, just porn
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>>903627 A shame that things have to end so soon, but it's understandable. Comics are very time and labor intensive to make. I liked how you managed to characterise Erin as both the perpetually horny Eltonel version and the autistic BPD Critical Miss version. On a technical level it was also neat to see how you made the paneling match the intensity of the content, particularly in this last page where the gutters completely unravel as the situation grows more chaotic. Thanks for the quest thread, hopefully we can have another when the timing is better for you.
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OP here I've finished one page, and I was thinking since its taking longer to do this time then for the previous update I should just post pages whenever I finish them instead of waiting until I've reached a "prompt-point". What do you guys think? Thanks for all the complements
>>906712 It would keep the thread up for longer, so if you think it would be better I'm fine with it.
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>To be continued... >>906720 Alright, here it is. Sorry this took a little while, I spent a few hours putting the finishing touches on it.
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>>906761 Oh, that's some good shit. Cum inside her, then check if there's anything salvageable: SSD, hard drives, anything.
>>906761 Fantastic
>>907010 Why did the jizz come out of her mouth? Looked like his dick was in her vagoo.
>>906761 >cleanse her with the power of dick was an acceptable solution Hurrah.
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Still alive. It's suggestion time.
>>909879 Todd Howard
>>909879 Stallman.
>>909879 Bill Gates
>>909879 Is this /t/?
>>909879 /v/ should hydrate before doing anything else.
>>909879 The most eye rolling, cringe inducing crossover character you can think of who acts completely out of character and has a crush on Vivian.
>>909879 Terry A. Davis?
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>>909879 Well, you know what this means OP. >>909880 >>909884 >>909885 >>909898
>>909879 GabeN
>>909879 vladimir putin, the hackerman also im offended you didnt draw the sex
>>909879 >>909880 Seconding Todd, who tasks /v/ to find the GameBryo Prime Code, a sacred code that was lost when they betrayed the Code Gods after the completion of Morrowind, in exchange for his toaster that now is on his possession (took it while everyone was distracted by the show, according to his plan). If /v/ refuses to carry his will then Todd will install TESV: Skyrim Legendary edition on his machine, tainting it and making it just like any other normalfag pc.
>>909879 It's Guru Larry for Gamer Hell!!
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>>909921 >If /v/ refuses to carry his will then Todd will install TESV: Skyrim Legendary edition on his machine But it's already in this machine. A pirated version with 750+ sex and waifu mods, of course.
>>909926 I'll never understand the appeal Why not just install Honey Select? Better game, less hassle and smaller filesize too.
>>909942 Was honey select made by Todd Howard?
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>>909942 >I'll never understand the appeal Why not just install Honey Select? My first guess is that the sex game comes with an actual game, even if that part is shitty >smaller filesize too. That's debatable. My HS2 folder has 300GB+ of mods.
>>909942 The mods are on a working skeleton of a very known to be moddable game that is easily accessible, (should) be low requirement and cheap.
>>909945 >My HS2 folder has 300GB+ of mods. post em
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>>909951 I used that mod updater/installer that came in the repack. It was a mistake. I probably used like 1% of the clothes and mods in that.
>>906761 Real Donald Dick energy. >>909879 It's PC-tan himself, come to help out his little brother Toaster-kun.
>>909879 Danielle with a backup that /v/ has to win from her by dicking
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Finished #12
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>>911129 >/v/ had his PC stolen by a Bene Tleilax facedancer
>>911129 >Shapeshifter Obviously a reptilian jew
>>911136 Oh shit, Jihad time
>>911129 Beautiful OP, for that shill has no definite form, and is a force of faggotry where each our minds the vision differs.
>>911129 German Suplex the Janny and proceed with the story
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Suggestion time.
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>>913857 Punch him and take the hard drive.
>>913857 lol benis
>>913857 Agree to help but only if they agree to finance and bring back Obsidian to work on a true Fallout sequel. Secretly plan to use the Gamebryo prime code in a ritual which will prevent Bethesda from using any Gamebryo engine derivatives for any of their future games
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>>913857 Gear up for a grand adventure, give /v/ the most stereotypical "Gamer" weaponry (Power Glove, Game Sphere armor, this controller set up used to drive around) Also pick the most opportune party member so that he's not going alone nor bringing the entire site around.
>>913857 Before /v/ makes his decision, Warren Spector appears out of nowhere and punches Todd. then he reveals to everyone that he hid the "prime code" in the Epic Mickey" games for the sole purpose that the code would be lost to time just like the games have been. don't play them, the first is average and the story manages to shit on Walt.
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>>913857 >/v/ said... Try making a new goddamn engine instead of tinkering with one from fucking 1997 expecting it to work with your overambitious garbage.
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>>913857 Kill him and take the HDD the HDD contains dolphin porn in it's entirety and nothing else
>>913857 Are you ready for /v/-tan Romero to make you his bitch?
>>913857 >/v/ asks "Why the GameByro code?" >Because Starfield is fucked.
>>913857 There is no such thing as a good plot when Todd is involved. Interrupt everything by killing him and calling him a faggot. Do funny things with his body. Retrieve the hard drive. Play vidya. No amount of effort will ever unfuck the Gamebryo engine.
>>913857 Smells like a lie, just take the hard drive, fight for it if you need to.
>>914010 Here's a thought: pretend to hear him out, double cross him and take back your hard drive, then track down the code and dump it in /agdg/.
Fuck yes Christmas came early.
>>914010 >>913916 >>913861 >i've hidden it far away some plan you niggers came up with
>>914225 It's obviously up his ass!
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>>903627 /vr/ is a good friend, the kind we all need. >>913857 Direct him to >PM'd you the link ;) in a thread that's been dead for over 10 years as a distraction
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>>906761 >>913857 >Ayamari and Geno are canon to the story now by drawfriend >>913857 Maybe in the middle of the conversation, A FUCKING SUPER HERO EMERGES FROM THE SPOILER BUSH IN SHAPE OF GEORGE BUSH WHO WANTS TO “DAVE THE SAY!” AND HE CHANTED HIS HEROIC CHANT, WHILE HE HERORICALLY BLOWING A RASPBERRY AND RUN AWAY LIKE A SUPERMAN! Think of South Park Al Gore running away shouting “Excelsior!” of which left all characters there dumbfounded while /v/tan called him the best insult we ever heard in a long time.
>>913857 Call the boys, it's time to ride again on this promising quest for glory and shitposts! If not sure what boys to call make a list and the 3 most voted will join the trip.
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>>918104 Impressive, Very nice.
>>918104 The big reveal is that it's Epep and 8kun standing on each other's shoulders.
>>918104 /v/ pulls out a new special edition of Skyrim.
>>918104 German suplex, german suplex, GERMAN SUPLEX!
>>918150 Skyrim special education edition?
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>>919018 Damn it Mark!
>>919018 Immediately give Mark proper clothes because this painful to watch, then ask him what's going on.
>>919018 Gas him
>>919018 Put some clothes on him
>>919018 Take the shills cloak. Put it over Marks head so he cant ban you.
>>919018 Have /co/nrad burst into the scene and force him to wear Spongebob's square pants, like /co/nrad is a temporary caregiver, saying he's been too obsessed with Batman parody videos, it rots his brain.
/v/'s never getting his toaster back, is he ?
>>913877 What would game sphere armor even look like?
>>919018 Maxy Mark offers to become /v/'s steed and give him a piggy-back ride on the quest to find the hard drive and/or the source code, to which /v/ "reluctantly" refuses. Mark instead offers a Chili dog which grants /v/ speed and invulnerability.
>>919018 Kill mark (he won't actually die because of his satanic jew magic)
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>>919790 I demand a redraw where either /v/ or /vr/ has the laserscope equipped
>>919790 Going against Bethesda is going against Microsoft /v/! Don't do it!!!
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>>919790 Nice, made a few ones with the exploitable. Now they have to cross /v/'s backyard, but since he's so busy complaining about games (and sometimes playing them) his lawn now looks like a haunted forest, who knows what horrors may lie in wait...
>>919790 >They'll wreck it if you find them. Is that gonna be a stealth section?
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Here we go, one heckuva team! /vr/ can simply sneak his way in there without being spotted by manipulating their defense systems limited ram (the fools are using chrome).
>>919790 >>919867 Now this is missing some cake.
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>>919790 Consistently one of the best threads on /v/
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>>919790 I tried
>>920039 rolling 1d100 = 72
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>>921213 What game to undo? Skyrim, Fallout 4, or Starfield? Or just fuck it, go back to the Golden Age of Gaming and play vidya in peace.
>>921213 /v/-tan forgot to bring moss arrows so his footsteps alert all the guards nearby, /vr/-tan has to clean up his mess. Obligatory scene of a guard saying "I feel asleep!"
>>921213 /v/ and /vr/ meddle with the machine and turn every game into Battletoads instead.
>>921213 Todds plan is to go back in time, kill Nolan Bushnell and Ralph Baer, and give the Skyrim source code to his younger self who will then try to release it as the "first" video game ever.
>>921213 Link /vr/ com channel to /v/ so he gets a direct feed of the facility's security points and weaknesses. Also download the floorplan from wikipedia
>>921245 >Todd's plan is to go back in time and kill a Mormon and a Jew, and make Skyrim the first video game and resell and remake it through the next 4 decades Based Todd!
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#18 Merry Christmas
>>921716 Oh no! In the blast, /v/'s powered equipment is all shorted! It looks like while chasing down this time thief you're also going to need to find all your suit upgrades again!
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>>921716 >Time to bounce More like: Time to Split
>>921716 i bet they find where in time carmen sandiego is: yesterday, in the shower
>>921716 Roll a D20, if it lands on 1-9, they travel back to the golden age of vidya, if they roll a 10, they travel back to the age of the video game crash, if they roll anything from 11-20, they go to the cursed age of vidya
>>921790 1d20 = 3 Isn't the cursed age of vidya technically our age?
>>921931 Every age except the one I like is cursed.
>>921939 >spoiler Which is?
>>921716 They get sent back in time to when the hard drive was stolen, then follow it!
>>921940 The time I didn't play videogames
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>>922222 (checked)
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>>922222 Damn.
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>>922246 >off by two
>>921931 The idea is that the artist's idea of when the golden age/cursed age of vidya is supposed to be up to his own interpretation Personally I put the golden age as 1998-2002 and the cursed age at 2010-2014
>>922222 Checked
>>922222 Time travelling with the word "niggers" on their lips. This aughta be interesting.
>>922222 Quints confirms, the duo travels to the land of NIGGERS.
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>>922222 NIGGERS!?
>>925551 and are rescued by /pol/ who has to look in a dusty tome first for ancient slurs powerful enough to break through to there.
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The two African Americans who use this website are advised the following pages may be disturbing.
I think I'll wrap this up now, hopefully that wasn't too contrived. I was planning on the final page being a group shot similar to the attached ones. I was supposed to be a christmas one as well, since I was hoping to finish before Christmas but that didn't work out. Feel free to make suggests.
>>927450 >>927456 Great stuff, thanks anon!
>>927459 I'm sure you get the idea >>927460 Thanks for your thanks
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>>927456 >>927459 Same frustration. Thanks for the fun.
>>927450 >>927456 Best looking comic I've seen in a while. Looking forward to the end!
>>927459 >>927456 Beautiful. Good show my lad. But the last picture is not loading right.
>>927602 The last picture was from Christmas 2022, you can find it on ourobooru.
>>927450 >Sent to the land of the niggers because of my habit of Getting with the word "Niggers" lol
>>927626 Sure enough! https://ourobooru.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=24630 >>927450 Uncle /pol/ comes through! Good show, thanks for the comic and Merry belated Christmas to all!
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Thought I'd show you what I've got so far since its been a few days. I figured that like some other short webcomics I'd have most of the characters which appeared in the comic at the end. I couldn't fit all of them in though, like the cosmic void niggers because they're too big to fit and Mark for the same reason. I wasn't sure if I should have epep & snek boy in, but I figure since Lillian Woods has been in other anniversary pics its fine.
>>928930 >I couldn't fit all of them in though, like the cosmic void niggers because they're too big to fit and Mark for the same reason.
>>928930 >Spoiler He's a big guy
>>928930 Erin should be naked in this picture. Just a suggestion.
>>928930 If Mark was on there the cake would be gone already. Time for another cake!
>>928930 I really like that you put a cute gondola in there, and have /pol/ trying to sneak some cake but being stopped this time, very good stuff!
>>928930 It was a great read. I can't wait to see the last pic.
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Well, that's the final page complete, making it 22 in total. I hoped you riked it.
>>931104 >That low saturation one top tier anon, thanks for the adventure!
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I also made a few sketches, some a few months and some more recently, so I thought to post them as well. I wanted the characters to have a certain style, and made a few drawings to get a feel for how characters would look in this style. How much the actual comic followed this varies I suppose. I also had a different idea for how page 17 was going to go. The cloaked figure was going to be a shapeshifting demon and would teleport /v/ to hell, where he would have an epic battle. I even had the idea for a flashback where /v/-tan sees his parents. In hindsight, this didn't have much to do with /v/ or 8chan and have probably taken too long to draw anyway.
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>>931107 I wasn't sure which one was the best. I think at least 40 percent of the time I spent on it and most of my drawings was autistically obsessing over the colors.
>>931104 Thanks for the awesome art, you've really knocked it out of the park with this one. 8CHAN 万歳!!!! >>931108 Everynyan knows 8tan's estranged parents are Moot-kun and WT Snacks-chan
>>931111 Well to be honest I just drew the sketch first without thinking of who they would be.
>>931109 is there place where we can find your works?
>>931303 Just the ourobooru. I never made any accounts for my art, and prior to drawing art for 8chan the majority of my drawings were on paper.
>>931104 Congrats, it was a fantastic comic! >>931424 You have a very clean style with a lot of nice construction behind everything.
>>931104 Thanks for the ride! That was certainly enjoyable. :DDDD
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>>931104 This was most excellent and literally made me be grateful i'm alive.
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>>931108 I legitimately despise, “what could’ve been” ideologies that made so many OCs abandoned, so I drew this for you. I hope this would at least encourage you to make a character guide sheet for his parents and your other OCs you posted.
>>948733 Nice N8!
>>948733 Nice Is the /v/ in the first one /vr/ when he was younger?
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>>948795 It’s /v/-tan. “The real original” /v/-tan from old time on 4chan. Idk much about time accuracy, but it feels like it’s long before 3AB made a comic, which made so much sense why Tre/vr/ looks so different to /v/-Tan, yet biologically related. I found it on very oldfriend site but I’m not comfortable in saying where without fucking it up by newfags and retards lurking and shitting there, like “gatekeeping to not let them fuck it up.”
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>>948733 >>948823 Cheers oldfagbro! I'll in my 30s soon as well
>>948823 The original /v/ looks lame
>>948823 My first time seeing half of these, god I forget how much lore/OCs the old imageboards have sometimes and I still don't know the full extent of it. >>948834 He reminds me too much of the Newgrounds mascot but edgier instead of rounder, that may be why.
>>948823 > I found it on very oldfriend site but I’m not comfortable in saying where without fucking it up by newfags and retards lurking and shitting there, like “gatekeeping to not let them fuck it up.” Yes, I browse plus4cha too :^) https://boards.plus4chan.org/coc/t51685.html#p51685
>>948864 I think it’s more that he resembles one of those generic gamedude webcomic characters, but the lameness of a given design is largely subjective anyway.
>>948904 I guess you could see it as an infamous mix between a gamedude webcomic main character and Pico; however, I can't see anything but an grown up version of Pico.
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>>948864 >>948904 >>948913 I want to paint it but my hand hurts so badly
>>948974 >There she is interracial propaganda
>>948823 Come to think of it, /b/, /vg/, /diy/ and /s4s/ characters kinda look like Pico too, so maybe the guy who draw them was directly inspired by the flash game in general rather than specifically making /v/-tan looks like Pico. Oh, by the way, I should've added it on my last post, but plus4 has regular influxes of 4chan refugees from time to time. Last time it got a lot of sonicfags because some retarded janny tried to ban the picture of a Walrus on /vg/ and before that they tried to ban the pop contests. So if "newfags and retards lurking and shitting there" were a problem they would've be long gone by now. Plus4 needs more love, they have really cool projects but they need more visibility, so just share the links, it won't be an issue.
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>>948826 >>949009 >>949025 Pic related. Although idk if it’s really a bad idea to continue drawing OCs outside Drawthreads that could screw up other threads without saging, but I hope OP can read what I wrote to make character reference sheet.
(367.03 KB 3800x1500 you already know so much.png)

>>949760 You already know so much
>>949760 WHO ARE YOU?
>>900918 Continuation plz

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