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Your biggest letdowns Anonymous 11/19/2023 (Sun) 01:14:39 Id: cab90b No. 908694
Post about games that aren't irredeemable garbage, but had great potential and were ultimately fucked by unfulfilled promises or other circumstances. Kenshi. It's very cool conceptually, I can only describe it as an open world RTS RPG. The mechanics are interesting, the factions are interesting, but the game engine is such a disaster that it makes the game nigh unplayable. Has to pause to load every 5 seconds when traveling on 3x speed, constant bugs, lag and visual glitches, and eventually crashing. I had over a dozen hours invested into a run, I started my own outpost and was actually able to defend it, but lo and behold the game started crashing nonstop and my willingness to play it just died. Devs can't or won't fix it and decided to make a sequel instead.
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Honestly? This game isn't that bad, it can even be pretty enjoyable at times. However, going from the sheer artistic force that is the original Mirror's Edge to an okayish open world action game was a whiplash I wasn't prepared for. There's a Mirror's Edge thread and this game has been written about a lot already so I won't whine for 5 paragraphs, if you want to see the game's real problems you should either play it yourself or watch gameplay. The biggest sin of this game is how safe it feels, how aggressively okay it is. Any of the bold choices of the original have been sanded down; the intentionally awkward combat has been replaced with a weird first-person brawler system clearly designed to be fun and actively engaged with, the art style has been modified from this incredibly striking use of simple colors and sparely detailed geometric enviroments to a more generic future aesthetic, even the admittedly good music takes more of an ambient approach than the active role it used to have. The worst part of Mirror's Edge was its writing and story, and while that's arguably better in Catalyst, everything else suffers. Go listen to the OST by the way, easily best part of the game.
Do I need to say anything more than "Outer Worlds"? I know a lot of the NV development team didn't work at Obsidian anymore by the time it entered production, that doesn't change how surprisingly stock the game is. >>908697 Disappointing yes, but overhated. The game was designed not that differently to how a lot of period accurate mascot platformers were, the issue is mascot platformers evolved between 2000 and 2017. In 2000 or 2001 a game designed like YL might have passed but even by 2007 you had games like Ratchet & Clank and Mario Galaxy which were just miles above a lot of N64 era platformers. >>908706 >the intentionally awkward combat has been replaced with a weird first-person brawler system clearly designed to be fun and actively engaged with This is a very funny sounding criticism if you haven't played ME. For anybody who doesn't know combat is rare in the first game and generally best avoided. I've never played the prequel but it sounds like that's not the case there which would fuck with the whole flow of the game, it's not a combat focused title at all.
>>908713 Those n64 games you're comparing Yooka Laylee to were not SJW propaganda. That's a pretty important difference. It would have gotten more leeway if the devs didnt change the game to cater to SJWs.
>>908694 All of my biggest gaming letdowns have to with a console dying. I was enjoying both FF12(PS2) and KF:COD (360) when the machines finally packed it in. I usually study which game to get beforehand so I don't have many letdowns but Mirror's Edge and Blue Dragon seemed subpar compared to their online praise and reviews. But I think Dragon Age is the worst let down because of how awful the character dialogue was compared to how touted the game is. It is unbearable.
2011 was a terrible fucking year Nothing but dumbed down sequels that normalfags ate up and still clap it.
>>908754 Was Portal 2 dumbed down? The first one was already a simple game for casuals.
>>908774 It focused way less on gameplay for narrative The most depth it added were the gel bits and the coop.
>>908713 Banjo-Tooie is a 2000 game, yooka laylee was already a failure in that matric.
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I had fun with it when it first came out, then saw how shallow it really was.
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I've played unbalanced fighting games before like anime fighters with invincible characters, yet they didn't bother me like brawl, i'm not sure why. I've played a lot of games, and i usually never have expectations for them, or if i do have expectations for them it's negative ones, so i'm extremely rare that i'm disappointed. It has a lot of content and the single player is good but it's unplayable even in casual multiplayer, which was the whole point of the game, because of the tripping mechanic. The balance is awful as well. I don't think i'll ever rage in a game as much as i did with this one. Even some bad sonic games that i played were somewhat redeemable. I think it was because i was young and because i spent so much time playing melee and smash 64 and having fun with my family with it, yet when it came and we played it, it was very obvious that the balance was bad. I'm not even some hardcore tournament player but there was just something so casualized about it despite me being the casual. My brother would pick metaknight and i would pick sonic, and sonic is hard to kill but extremely difficult to kill with, and metaknight was just superior to every other character in the game. there are a few places sonic can kill and both were punching out to the side of the screen or kicking up beyond the top of the screen which were difficult to do. MK could easily up B sonic if he tried to up kick him beyond the top of the screen, and metaknight could glide if i tried to punch him off the side of the screen. It was almost like MK was designed to not lose to sonic. I played ultimate with my brother again, and i don't think i'll ever take super smash as seriously as i did when it did come out. My sister was also able to win against me easily, when she was awful in previous games. Bad games are everywhere the biggest problem was me taking it seriously like retard, i don't know why i stayed with it thinking i would beat the game at it's bad balance. I have this futile vengeful competitiveness sometimes in a status quo of defeatism, i sometimes stay in places where people really don't want me there, or stay in relationships with ex-gfs helping them cheat on their new bf. I need wisdom to know when to gtfo. There are other places this phenomenon of my happens through out my entire life, and i hope i have the insight to leave before something really bad happens.
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>Let's have a story that's all amnesia. >Let's have a grinding system that's worse than Persona. >Let's have all the player's progress reset on NG+ >Let's have there be no explicit yuri because corporate doesn't appreciate it for some reason. I played this only for Hinako. And even then it was a slog.
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>>908694 Kenshi is probably on my top ten favorite games but everything you wrote is completely on point. If the starving bandit had just hired a programmer or two and focused on unfucking the game instead of starting work on a vaporware prequel nobody wanted, Kenshi could have been a decent game by now.
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>>908805 >no explicit yuri
>>908805 I liked it. This game is easy enough to never have to grind. what exactly were you grinding? Yea, the story was just them using amnesia as a tool to force a reason for everyone to explain their story as they learned without big exposition dumps like alot of anime/games do. I liked some of the girls stories. Who the hell plays NG+? just continue the game in infinite and grow all relationships that way. I dont even understand a need for it so i dont see a reason to criticize it. The lack of explicit yuri was gay. I agree. but it did have see-through uniforms in the rain, and the entire game was a romantic summer vacation on hot chick island at a school which was a setting i really enjoyed. Uta was best girl. >>908817 I think he means like pic related, which was much more in the first game, while the girls were not as verbally into eachother, physically the previous game was unmatched. They toned that down but ramped up the voice.
>>908819 >ramped up the voice. I meant ramped up the lip service
I like when the girls go on dates and hold hands and get sopping wet.
>>908827 The transparency looked alot better in the previous game, but you couldnt really see it much outside of cutscenes because of the fixed camera angles. in 2 they added dating, and you can control the weather and move the camera.
>>908694 Expecting anything good after 2007 is retarded.
>>908827 Pornographic and lewd
>>908819 There's close to 150 memories, about 8 or 9 interactions each girl has with the various objects scattered around that you build. All that requires sand, very grindy sand that has a bad drop rate. And you play NG+ because like Nights of Azure 2, they locked off the true ending to beating that. It's a 10 second scene where the girl chosen sees Ao again but I was grinded down just from gathering all that sand. I didn't enjoy my time with two. Good scenes but the grind wore me down worse than other JRPGs.
>>908713 >>908706 See mirror's edge was already pushing boundaries in terms of first person -> the movement one can have in 1st person -> the urban environment where these movements will shine -> the kind of flat yet beautiful urban environment -> the kind of plot and story where this flat design would fit. Everything serves one another and uplifts them, each has a purpose. Catalyst has them too, but no longer meshes with each other. There for more for more sake. There is beautiful downtown district, but what does it serve? Just to look beautiful. There's no new kind of traversal, no extra security, no specific plot point other than its downtown area. Same with other. It wouldn't have mattered if the 1st game was just a flash in a pan, a proof of concept, and the 2nd one is more of the same thing. But Catalyst genuinely feels like a ubisoft/EA sequel, things are there but the soul is gone. Best thing is, there's still zero game out there that matches the parkour feel and vibe of 1st one, let alone improve upon it.
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I still prefer to play Warband
>>908853 Almost unrelated, but you reminded me of a parkour mod someone made for gmod around the time Mirror's Edge came out. I don't know if many maps were made for it specifically but it was a lot of fun running on walls, walljumping and sliding around enemies and obstacles in the HL2 universe.
>>908854 Because you're playing with mods Bannerlord is a straight improvement
>>908780 >The most depth it added were the gel bits and the coop. And beam bridges, tractor beams, laser beams, and redirection cube. Sine puzzles were also heavier on physics and they used less puzzles that required placing portals when in mid-air, probably due to the console market. Portal 2 also had changing environments something that's kind of rare to this day. But Valve's philosophy on playtesting and making their games so that even idiots do not have to struggle holds Portal 2 single player back. So does the change in art direction, and shoving the story into the spotlight. To the point that it ruined the pace of the game. Portal 2 felt more like a sightseeing tour or an amusement park than a puzzle game because of that story and spectacle focus. Better puzzle that feel more like Portal 1 are in the coop mode unfortunately. Of course, that mode is soiled by Valve's obsession with selling cosmetics. I never got to enjoy it much because most people I know are not into puzzle games and I won't force them to humor me and get through the whole coop campaign. Portal 2 would really benefit from having challenge maps like Portal 1 did.
>>908864 Warband with Mods > Bannerlord with Mods And that's the problem.
>>908834 I got that scene (with uta) without any grinding. I built all the items too. I'm almost certain you could get any of the items through that chest item you build where you trade coins for items. Sands of all types are common drop items in the final world. Also, there was that synthesis you could use to turn multiple common items into rarer items.
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>>908694 This right here. Pathfinder 1.0 ruleset and a unique adventure path to boot, but it gave us: >real time with pause instead of turn based at launch >Randomly changing flanking rules (I'd be ok with it if it were stated upfront SOMEWHERE) >General bugs like getting feared through doors/walls >no ui for long duration spells/buffs that would last all day, or at least for the duration of the dungeon floor >No crafting/guaranteed items in shops when in dungeon crawl mode when the entire pathfinder system is balanced around having certain items/bonuses at certain levels. >difficulty modes are just '+8 to every roll enemies make' instead of actual cr increases or encounter changes >The random dungeon modes final difficulties are either fae or golems that always roll nat20s on saves >No oracle, bloodrager, gunslinger, or anything fun. Just fucking kineticist. I just want to indulge my inner fa/tg/uy, Is that really so much to ask for?
>>908929 I still enjoyed it because what other new rpgs were there at the time? Pillars of Eternity? Lmao
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>>908949 >wrath of the righteous looks like more of the same but with the shitty mythic system >baulders gate 3 is 5e and gay as if 5e wasn't already gay I have other games to play, but it still hurts.
Ultimate: >shockingly bad input lag and buffering >butchered OST >no trophies >they took away Link's tether grab (worst one) >if you're even slightly decent at the game you get lumped in with tourneyfags (not the devs' fault, but still) Fallout 1: >RPG where if you don't adhere to a strict build, you get brutally raped by every enemy in the game >the mission where you have to save that BoS knight from thugs in The Hub and there's a faggot with a shotgun who never misses no matter how far away you are, easily killing you if you get anywhere near him Still a very good game with a fantastic story, hopefully it never gets some sort of remake that dumbs down the difficulty and plot.
>>908949 >I still enjoyed a game where the caster AI is so shit that it's impossible to get a good caster duel going, much less any threatening fights Encounter difficult in Pathfinder Kingmaker would increase dramatically if enemy caster simply casted either Fireball or Lightning Bolt on your party. There literally is no scary caster in the game. You fight a fucking Lich. He's been tracking your progress for WEEKS. WEEEEEEEEEEKS. He knows you're coming. He knows the EXACT moment you're stepping into his throne room. But he has no defensive spells pre-casted. No contingencies. The game's a fucking joke. Fuck off.
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Kenshi is the best damn jank shovelware game I've played in my life. I had a mid range PC so thats probably why it didn't kill itself trying to run on my machine. I don't really get "let down" in games because all of the games I'm excited about end up great and all of the games I'm not really crazy about that I try out and suck was either or and I really didn't care much in the first place, although they looked good, nice artstyle and presentation doesn't make up for bad or boring gameplay. >>908799 That game was one of the games I've been super excited about for years but when playtesters got a hold of it and started to shit on it even on twitter where everyone tends to suck Wollay off you know that he fucked up. And what would you know he does what he did best and ignored all of his problems, didn't fix jack shit, promptly abandoned the game and like cottony-eyed-joe fucking disappeared AGAIN. Fuck that guy. Theres a mod that fixes the game but you probably would need to buy the game on steam in order to use it. >>908982 >Ultimate At least it has Steve from Minecraft in it! :^)
>>908921 eventually bannerlord+mods will be better
>>908805 >>908926 So is there anything to this game except grind and yuri fanservice? Because everything you've said about it in this thread just makes it sound like absolute trash.
>>908804 >i sometimes stay in places where people really don't want me there, >stay in relationships with ex-gfs helping them cheat on their new bf Nigger that sounds like attachment issues, like you feel great pain from rejection or failure and do whatever to not feel like you've lost. Then you do whatever to be attached to things and keep going even when it's stupid and pathetic.
>>908921 Yeah pretty much. >>909103 I'm still waiting on that day. Are the devs still breaking all the mods every month or so?
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>>908694 >The mechanics are interesting, the factions are interesting, but the game engine is such a disaster that it makes the game nigh unplayable. Has to pause to load every 5 seconds when traveling on 3x speed, constant bugs, lag and visual glitches, and eventually crashing. This is crpg experience of those days. I too switch my character from nwn into other modules just because i know at certain point i´l be either bored with it or module will softlock (them heavily modded modules with dungeons not supporting loading at certain levels). However i found that there´s actually nothing else new to do so if crpg with rtwp combat gets boring one has to struggle through boredom because other wise days feel too fast coping with stuff like skyrim, mount & blade or dragons dogma instead of playing something unique. And some of those games can end up with you maxing your mod build instead of actually playing. At the end of it you play for world building and narrative, the "interesting" part. Something lost in a middle of playing tons of action games with fourth wall breaking meta.
>>909510 Masochist
>>909510 You're free to leave
Quadrilateral Cowboy will never not be disappointing to me. Soldi mechanics that go completely to waste since the entire game was just the tutorial without a payoff. >>908754 RO2 was very flawed but ultimately a damn good game. Especially by the time Rising Storm was added to it. and to be honest not that much of a step down from the first game. Could have been better though. No idea why Portal 2 is included, its just Portal with more mechanics.
I'm sure there are bigger letdowns I can remember if I try but Quantum Conundrum was one of the first games I actually pirated. It ended up being really short, relatively simple for a puzzle game and had practically no replayability. The story was really lackluster, the writing was quirky trite and there really wasn't anything going for it aside from "made by one of the Portal devs."
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>>908694 Resident Evil 3 Remake. Even when it was released, I thought that it was too soon after the RE2 remake, but I hoped for the best. And then I actually played it and saw for myself just how much stuff they cut. It was so short too, I beat it in 2 days blind. It would've been perfect to shove Mercenaries mode in. The final boss sucks ass.
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>>909682 Dont forget that Jill got canonically deepthroated in it.
>>909600 You're free to be a retarded faggot, so...carry on.
>>909698 Mmh, salty
>>909647 >Not much of a step down >No AT >Forced to spawn in a tank and can't get out >Rambo MGs >Small maps >Infantry focus It was shit, I haven't touched it in a decade and I play Darkest Hour every weekend.
>>909712 The first one had an infantry focus unless you played on a map that was tank only. Literally the only downside of RO2 is that tripkike fucked up by not adding more tanks (and leaving the tank only map broken after an update). Tanks worked very similarly to RO1 , just with some more animations. I have no idea what you are even talking about in terms of Rambo MGs and lack of anti-tank. MGs are so finicky that I can't imagine how someone could easily hipfire one. Anti-tank weapons are in the game, and have been since launch. I think you are just miss-remembering the details of RO2.
>>909724 >Rambo MGs Search any tube website and you'll find it, MGs just compensating and using the MGs as fucking smgs close quarters and wiping out whole platoons. >There are anti tank guns I'm talking about full lown field guns anon, which are completely missing from RO2. Infantry based anti tank weapons in WW2 were used as a deterrent for tanks not to overstretch. Seeing tanks blow up with a PTRS-41 is hilarious
>>909195 There isn't a grind. If you want to build the optional items to turn the desert island school into a summer paradise, they make everything extremely easy to get as all items become common items as you progress and the window to accomplish goals is unlimited until you beat the game, and the game gives you a direct warning at the "point of no return". It is a JRPG with a unique aesthetic and good music. It isn't a long game, it's short like the first. Yuri is a main theme of the game, if you don't like yuri, there are a million faggier games you can go play instead. If you like that, as far as the game goes if you liked the first, this is worth playing. its much like the first, but with more stuff. more variety, more playable characters with unique moves and animations, without making the game much more complex than the original. The combat is faster paced and much improved, has more characters, more enemies. It's a solid sequel.
>>908694 Doom Eternal
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>>908819 >Uta was best girl. In the anime as well. I still don't like how they kept retconning each iteration of BR.
>>908982 > there's a faggot with a shotgun who never misses no matter how far away you are That's just a property of shotguns in Fallout 1/2. Each of them is tagged as an accurate weapon and thus gets a fixed +20% to hit chance. Even works for the player character. It's most noticeable in Fallout 1 because only six weapons (and the flare) get that tag, two of them have super limited ammo (Gizmo's pistol and the alien blaster), and one is a melee weapon (cattle prod) so the shotguns stand out.
>>909854 If there's one thing Gust doesn't disappoint with are the soundtracks. God, they're so fucking good
>>909943 I like how in atelier games they give you the option to mix in old favorites into similar areas/fights finishing combat music alongside the new music from that game. i need my alchemist on the ship music in my atelier for those long autism sessions. >>909934 I never got into the anime because I didnt feel it was a good representation of the artists style, which would be difficult in an anime. The games do a fantastic job in that regard though.
>>909977 Ate my webms x3. Lets see if this works x2. Maybe the site will like mp4 better.
>>908694 Wii Music. To this day, I have never felt more betrayed by gaming mags, but it was a good wake up call. At least I hadn't bought it, I cannot imagine the shame of actually owning a real copy.
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>>922084 How can you see this and not buy a copy?
>>908982 I know it's been a bit since you posted but the solution is fire through the windows then move away so the fuckers don't get you. This is how you can trounce the super muties later in Necropolis too. You also gotta dictate what's the point dangerous and if you should fuck off from a situation or not.
>>908754 >>908774 >>908780 I don't think Portal 2 was "dumbed down" at all, but I do find myself liking it less than Portal 1 despite how slapdashed together out of random Half-Life 2 assets Portal 1 was. I think my main two problems are the bigger focus on muh narrative and its humor really not aging well. Some people still love Portal 2's humor but for me it perfectly encapsulates that early 2010s doggy bacon/*holds up spork* style of internet comedy, which is just brutal to look back on. The story isn't bad that bad, but I have a petty dislike of it because I seriously did not like the backstory they gave GLaDOS or Cave Johnson as a character. Aperture Science is just so goofy as a company and I can't imagine them existing in the same universe as the Combine.
I do laugh at the plebs saying it's a bad game but I also acknowledge - this game is borderline unplayable without guides, videos, and eye threads helping me. Its >gunplay is great, level design is not >stealth doesn't work, erratic at best >hacking is either pointless or overpowered when going balls in >respawning enemies is a chore >research is obtuse and majority of unlocks are useless >story has zero impact on you or the world. Infact there is no world. >studio is churning out mediocre 40k games with no hope of returning back This is a gem most flawed, and the pack of seals clapping and praising it as a masterpiece is its biggest thorn for its improvement. Lack of patches/mod/active multiplayer despite how good it is - is the direct result of those fans. There's a reason why f:nv still has mods/players for it despite being a less shiny gem, and this game, with all its glory and "wow you casuals don't get it" crowd has had maybe 3 threads made for it in this very board since this site's inception.
>>908805 Really? Those are the reasons you don't like it? Actually good reasons not to like it is because all the characters are milquetoast, the combat system is boring, the overrall art design is shit, and the story is shit and unengaging. This game has no redeeming qualities and is a 5/10
>>908694 I still cannot deal with how bad Mario Strikers Battle League has been.
>>927809 E.Y.E. felt like a big inside joke and the laugh was on me. I tried several times and it was atrocious every single time. >source jank with grinding, endless respawning retard enemies that get stuck on the map, obtuse uninvolved story, feels like a series of big empty gmod maps with fetch quests Fuck you if you like it, nothing about it is good.
>>944961 It's Not Warhammer 40K Deus Ex and it filters plebs like you by the dozen.
>>908929 >No crafting so if you don't pick one of the weapons that the devs like (out of several dozen), you're stuck with +1 weapons until about 3/4ths through the game >A boss with a gaze attack that kills you after 4 rounds, no saves allowed >A quest line explicitly focusing on a paladin convincing a church to not follow their god's beliefs. If you follow the same god, or even worse, are a paladin or cleric of the same god, you cannot unleash righteous fucking fury on them. It's only the regular "No, bad, you annoyed me" bullshit speech
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>>945033 >no crafting basically making weapon focus a trap option IT HURTS Fighters have it bad enough, why does every dnd crpg do this? Just let players craft.
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>>927809 >stealth >in EYE You sound familiar.
>>908929 You're also missing the fact that there are no threatening enemy caster. If every enemy mage opened up fights with a Fireball or similar offensive spell, the game's difficulty would spike tremendously. Instead we have lvl 11 clerics using summon creature II as their first spell in battle. Or an ancient cyclopian lich that uses its first round to cast Shield. Casters don't pre-buff in Kingmaker! Great pen and paper combat! Very realistic to how casters play out.
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>>909103 No because they keep breaking all the mods with every minor update. The Bannerlord modding scene is already a cemetery of abandoned mods that haven't worked for years.
>>927575 The game could have been saved just by adding a fucking midi maker. Imagine the amount of remixes a La Mario Paint, except with 10 times the instruments.
>>908929 >>real time with pause instead of turn based at launch This is a good thing. Fuck turn-based, especially turn-based you do not have the option to speed up. There is nothing I find more enjoyable than waiting five minutes for the twenty enemies to cycle through their turns while I sit their waiting to actually play the fucking game.
>>927809 Eye's a shit Game and a giant shitpost at the same time, it's kinda more or less YIIK but for contrarian pretentious retards, and taking itself not as seriously as Alex YIIK fanfic; or like that sculpture of a urinal that people overthinked like hell and back
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>>961456 >I have no legs and I must scream
This was my wakeup call that companies gave zero shits. >take preorder bonuses away >sell them separately later YOU YIDDISH FUCKS, THIS IS STILL A SORE SPOT! GIVE ME MY HOB FIGURE AND CARDS YOU FRENCH FUCKS!!!
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>>961456 Faggot with broken legs detected, also a Jian.
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>>909006 >Minecrap And he's the DLC busted character who can wipe out the other retarded characters by the power of brown bricks and the Bible for minecrafters. >>909697 Her image mutilated by a snownigger, of course they couldn't get another model who shares her facial features. >>927800 Going back to its humor it's like passing a kidney stone, never funny to begin with, it never will unless you wanted that tumblr clout.
The games story doesn't really start progressing until you reach the last world. Didn't help that the marketing spoiled major moments from the last world. The rest of the games story content was mainly teasers for future games.... Felt less like a main title and more of a side game or demo. The boss runs in the DLC were fun, but the extra story content was lacking and would have still had me disappointed even if it was included in the base game.
>>961607 Portal 1 was actually funny, Portal 2 just made me wince.
>>962090 Don't forget the awful, awful Frozen world. Disney has apparently become a real pain to work with which is why Kingdom Hearts was off doing its own thing for a few games. There's an interview about that somewhere but I don't want to go digging it up, you can probably find it if you search.
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>>962090 >game takes 20 years to make >had to throw nine games and bonus material into a compilation so people who haven't been following the entire series religiously could understand half of what the fuck was going on >the games story content was mainly teasers for future games
>>962176 >game takes 20 years to make KH3 was not remotely in development for 20 years. It was probably thrown together in 3 mostly to get it out of the way and make room for KH games Squeenix actually want to make.
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I was so excited for this. I even built a new PC back in 2020 as I had done for the third game back in 2011 and while 3 had its problems it was still better than this. This just felt like Croteam wanted to get this done and thrown out of obligation rather than passion. It's clear they care nothing for Sam anymore and just want to make autism puzzle games. At least we got Siberian Mayhem out of this. The tank section in that alone is better than anything in the base game.
>>908694 I fucking love Kenshi, have over 500 hours on it and now heavily modded it, but yea, you aren't wrong the game is extremely jank, but I managed to put up with it and pulled through to the point of wiping out a faction and having several bases that are easily defendable across the land. I also wish the devs worked on this game instead of cock teasing a sequel.
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>>962154 >The Emperor's New Groove was in a fucking 3ds throw away game that barely moved the plot along >it was done in less than an hour At this point I don't care about KH or what's in the fucking box. I doubt Nourma even has a fucking ending in his head for the god damn story.
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>>967796 I don't think he ever cared about it.
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>>908694 The Wii U in general, in fact a wake up call that Nintendo really cares so much for their cattle and decided to port the somewhat competent 1st party crap for the Switch and the fucking 3ds while launching sequels that'd make its predecessors stale and unplayable, because some of them had online features that got shitcanned.
Presented without comment.
>>967796 Am I retarded? Which game was Emperor's New Groove in?
>>968005 None, anon probably misspoke and meant a different movie. That, or he heard outright misinformation. There are a bunch of the fake KH wikis, "fanon" wikis, that talk about an Emperor's New Groove level.
>hear about Disco Elysium as an example of good writing and C&C in RPGs >give it a try >get communist sympathizing bullshit along with characters lecturing me for being "sexist/racist" with no chance for rebuttal Into the trash it goes.
>>968059 Yeah even thought I've had very limited contact with that game the one take away I've had is that it very much wears it's bias' on it's sleeve.
>>968061 Any alternatives? Been having a hardon for good writing after replaying the Fallout games and Planescape. Thinking about Arcanum but I'd like to play something more recent that isn't plagued by communist bullshit and hipster artstyles.
>>968102 >to play something more recent that isn't plagued by communist bullshit and hipster artstyles. Yeah i don't think t hat's happening and you're relegated to older CRPG's or maybe pathfinder?
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>>968059 >>968102 Honestly DE isn't that bad, it's well written and the skill system is creative. Going down the Communism questline is actually pretty funny because the game shows all commies do is hate other slightly different kinds of commies, implies being a commie is a coping mechanism for people with no religion, and goes against the laws of nature. The writers are still commies, but it's them poking fun at themselves. >along with characters lecturing me for being "sexist/racist" I don't remember anybody other than Kim doing that, and he doesn't do it often. He still defends you at the end even if you become an overt fascist and insult his race multiple times. I've never seen a game let you be so overtly hateful like DE does. There's a conversation you have with your partner about how your police force changed its motto from some religious phrase to generic corpo speak. One of the replies you can give is no shit, something like "Oh, I enjoy this. It makes the faggots afraid of us again." As for anything like it, I'm sorry but besides Planescape that's basically it. Video games don't generally have great writing.
>>968138 >I don't remember anybody other than Kim doing that Yeah, Kim getting onto me for suggesting that women might have different responsibilities and then suggesting that <ackshually if men weren't constantly acting like assholes then they'd be outperforming us is what made me finally uninstall the game. I rolled my eyes when they censored the word "faggot," raised an eyebrow when all the pro-communist dialogue options were the only ones treated with respect, but that was the final nail in the coffin.
>>968155 Even the fact that fascist dialogue comes from the gut suggests it's a emotional knee jerk rather than logical reaction
>>968158 Facism is a "knee jerk" reaction, but for different reasons. It may be a logical one, of using the same "effective" tactics of Socialists against them, but that doesn't make it the correct one as the system suffers from the same exact problems as Socialism. Never mind the fact that Socialists need Fascists to exist and be in constant conflict with them in order for the Socialists to achieve their suicidal end goal.
>>908921 >>908864 >>908854 But with mods Bannerlord lets you play as a loli!
>>967775 The wiping out factions stage is boring and unceremonious. And for some reason they decided to make the ragtag group of hobos hiding out on a mountain by far the most powerful faction in the game.
After Sengoku Rance (some of the best gameplay in the series) and Rance Quest(one of the funniest game in the series) Rance IX is offensive in how generic the story and gameplay are. Maybe if you're really into tile-based SRPGs you'll love it, but it's pretty bare bones. The "multiple endings" it has all branch from the second to last chapter in the game, giving no time for individual sense of development for characters and I could probably only remark on two alternate endings out of seven feeling "unique" in a substantial way. Really only gets props for introducing one of the best girls in the series and Butler Rance.
>>908694 Going into Kenshi expecting anything is doing it wrong, I found it a nice surprise when I came across it, yes there's jank and it's a bit trial and error to get moving but persist till you've got a crew of 50 lunatics tooled up you're virtually unstoppable.

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