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Vidya Entertainment and Canerous E-Celebs Thread #2 Worlds Collide Edition Anonymous 11/26/2023 (Sun) 12:20:42 Id: 11ed2d No. 911139
I find myself increasingly enjoying more other people suffering through games I dislike than actually bothering pirating then playing them. What are you currently watching? What's your opinion on breadtubers and assorted internet personalities talking about vidya? Any good shit you found online? Previous threads (merged by jannies): https://archive.fo/5n4Ui
>What happaned to X? >Drama alert Eveey single video on Jewtube is just thay now
>#2 >as if we needed another one It's so funny they rewrote the rules to allow these threads lmao, they were banned 8-9 years ago for a reason
>>911150 Well it's not like we can talk about non existent new games anymore.
>>911139 >Cancerous E-Celebs All of them.
>>911150 Call me a faggot but rules change over time and so does the world they apply to. The e-celeb sphere was terrible 8-9 years ago and much of it still is today but there are legitimately informative and entertaining channels that provide something worth discussing and it's stupid to relegate those discussions to being off-limits. And hypocritical. It's okay to have GDQ threads and joke about James Rolfe and Mike Matei but discussing speedrunners and game review channels isn't?

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>vinny and joel for variety and comedy >zfg for dosage of speedrun and rando autism >arino for weeb dosage All you need, really.
>>911162 Eceleb threads aren't bad because ecelebs are bad, they're bad because they're not vidya and it attracted the worst autism subreddit-tier discussion you'd find on places like thecinemassacretruth and kiwifarms.
>>911191 >they're bad because they're not vidya and it attracted the worst autism subreddit-tier discussion you'd find on places like thecinemassacretruth and kiwifarms. I agree with why the sentiment exists but I don't agree on saying this kind of thread isn't vidya. Are video essays, dev diaries, speedruns and technical breakdowns of games not vidya? Are videos or streams (like 8chan.tv) of people playing videogames not vidya? I'm optimistic in hoping this subject draws quality discussion but the previous thread seemed to do well enough without self-destructing.
>>911162 >>911211 >>911191 I think if an E-Celeb is specifically oriented towards games then bringing them up is fine in a relevant thread, but general E-Celeb gossip is cancer and not what we're all here for.
>>911184 I really enjoy Vinny's and Joel's shit, together with Oney they are so clearly old shitposters.
>>911162 Seriously, what's the difference between a trained monkey of Pedowood from the ones on Jewtube? They don't think by themselves or they're willing to self-castrate in order to get that precious tiny ass apartment where they can tag along with their equally cucked nobodies. Look at YongYea, he had swallow the semen once they offered him being the new voice of Yakuza's protagonist. >>911191 Problem is, this trend of bringing elitist dipshits just to lure cattle from reddit worked, I forgot if David Spade was the first guy to get dragged down just to embarrass himself, his talent got buried with Farley anyways.
>>911245 It depends on who you talk about. I think Yong is a faggot too, but that doesn't mean everyone else is. Some channels really are just passion projects or hobbies for people who genuinely enjoy playing videogames and discussing them.
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>a video essay about the Yo Mama guy that's nearly an hour long This reality is a joke.
>>911352 Jewtube is nothing but drama and deconstruction essays.
>Down The Rabbit Hole alog turns out to be a furfag pozchaser himself
I discovered the current channels of some of the old Screwattack crew recently, and I found it interesting. Everyone knows about Death Battle took over the Screwattack brand just because of how much money it rakes in, and that Ben and Chad have stuck with that. But Craig is still around and he's still pretty how he's always been. He now has just Sidescrollers as his brand rather then Screwattack, and he mostly does podcasts and interviews. If you go off what reddit fags think of when they hear about what Craig is currently doing they'll say he's a right wing nut job like Alex Jones, and warn people not to watch him. But as Craig himself puts it at the end of his videos he's just the only person who still has common sense. Nothing Craig says is all that controversial he's just still a guy who thinks like how people on the internet did in the 2000's, and he never let himself get caught up in any agenda. He didn't list any names but he had conversations with those he used to work with in private and there is no ill will towards anyone, but for political reasons they can't associate themselves with Craig publicly, because he doesn't submissively sprout the crap you are supposed to nowadays. The way he can put his points can be a little cringey at times, but I give him a pass because he's an actual adult with a wife and kids now, and he's voicing his thoughts of the current state of the internet and gaming. I also just found Destin from HardNews is still around and he's still essentially doing the same thing, now his channel is just "Destin" I haven't seen too much of his videos yet, but he seems to just be covering the facts of news in the industry.
>>911216 I've always felt kinda "eh" about Vinny. To me, his streams are pretty hit-and-miss, while I find Joel to be more consistently amusing. Still better than the "Clearly targeting the perpetually-offended" content creators, though.
>>911363 He looks jewish because of his owl eyes, he's really cute
>What's your opinion on breadtubers and assorted internet personalities talking about vidya? >breadtubers please god no >>911211 >Are video essays, dev diaries, speedruns and technical breakdowns of games not vidya They are, but depending on who made the video it can easily spiral into gossip/drama/idpol shit which detracts from the discussion. You can have the most factually correct video essay be devalued by <durr but the guy said BLM during the Floyd protests so opinion discarded <durr but the guy worked with some SJW guy that I hate so he's guilty by association <durr KYS for liking that guy OP repeat until thread dies or turns into some other discussion >previous thread seemed to do well enough without self-destructing Yeah, because /co/ discussions hijacked the thread a third of the way through. >>911257 Always starts that way but the bigger they get, the less authentic they become until they're a regular corporate shill and conveyor of all things /v/ hates. If I ever eventually start a youtube, I hope I never fall into that trap >>911385 >they'll say he's a right wing nut job like Alex Jones, and warn people not to watch him Translation: Craig is a mid 30s moderate/slightly conservative and nobody can tell the difference between that and Alex Jones because everyone right of Stalin is le eeeeevil. Still, good on him for sticking to his guns, unlike some "old schoolers" who have torched their legacy and denounced the same edgy humor that brought them fame.
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>>911352 >Yo' mama sperg The greatest ally to all marxists. >>911439 >unlike some "old schoolers" who have torched their legacy and denounced the same edgy humor that brought them fame. A good chunk of Newgrounds users, even the moderators bent over quickly due to the copyright system, taking down at least a 25% of their ancient flash animations/games, so much for flexing their "freedom". Also those forgotten funneh videogame websites want that precious reddit clout.
>>911155 All celebs period
>>911404 The thing is that Vinny is more relaxed and casual in his videos, unlike Joel that is set on making shitposts from the getgo. What i enjoy the most about them is that their choice in vidya is honest, for example, Vinny always playing Zelda 2 in thanksgiving even though he knows that wont be popular just because he really likes zelda 2, or joel playing his shareware madness games just because it lets him fuck around with soundfiles and fuck with windows 95.
>>911443 >A good chunk of Newgrounds users, even the moderators bent over quickly due to the copyright system, taking down at least a 25% of their ancient flash animations/games, so much for flexing their "freedom" I'm sure you'd hold out better with the millions of dollars in court cases you'd get slammed with by slimy copyright kikes. Newgrounds was never some massive money maker so it's not like Fulp ever had the funds to wag his dick at copyright suits in the first place, much less when it came to dead in the water post-youtube Newgrounds. If tumblr hadn't committed suicide with their anti-porn rules and driven a bunch of horny spergs their way Newgrounds probably would've went under long ago.
Might as well list off some of the people I've been watching lately >Calebhart42 I mostly watched him for his Mega Man stuff, which he semi-retired from, but he did have a streak of Pokemon Ironmon speedruns that were kinda interesting. I still go back and rewatch his Hexafectas of the X series. >DingDongVG He's kinda back, so I've been catching bits of his random streams. I'm glad he brought back all the old shitposts on his channel, because I was really starting to miss some of em. >E;R He's started doing occasional streams to supplement his glacial video output and advertise his plushie. He's not very good at videogames, but it seems it's mostly because he puts more effort into live commentary, he reads chat and doesn't have too much dead air. >EmptyHero He's still doing reviews and stories in his signature style, and he does streams when he has the time for it, very crass humor and laid-back atmosphere there. >Freshynn He does funny AI voice stuff with Persona 3 & 4 characters >Grayfruit Mostly just for his """""speedruns""""" and his Peggle videos >Jim Reaper He's definitely not active anymore, but he did self-imposed challenges of Megaten games, which he commentates in the video description, and he inspired me to try low-level challenges of jrpgs. <LadyVirgilia I liked her video essays on mythology in Persona 3, but lately she's shifted into being more of a shill, getting sponsorships and doing obvious analytics grinding. She's got a neurological disease turning her half-vegetable, so I can't really blame her, but the fake engagement and forced enthusiasm is still annoying. >Mangs He does lots of turn-based strategy games, and even though he uses the ugly remake art in his thumbnails, he showcases lots of mods and challenges for Advance Wars 2. I was tempted to try getting into his open AWBW tournament, but I'm glad I chickened out, because my life got too busy for it as soon as the deadline drew near. >Shadowserg/Arek the Dragon He does uncommentated self-imposed challenges of arcade games, usually without taking any damage. Pretty good showcase of skill and variety. >StamperTV He's still alive and is currently on a rare upload streak. Usually he's been active on the community tab and being pretty cool, but I think he went back and deleted most of his posts. >vanilla He does short clips of Sonic games, usually amusing glitches he's found >VeryCoolGuyMike He does comedy skits of videogames, usually clever edits and crude humor, occasionally he'll write a song or compose a remix. >Wilburgur He does showcases of glitches and his outrageous character creations.
Is it true that the Irate Gamer is now superior to the AVGN? I haven't watched either one in years.
>>911150 Make some threads with games worth discussing then, instead of just complaining. I don't like these threads either, but it's not like we're getting anything worth talking about. This isn't even an 8chan only problem, sleepychan is so fucking boring outside of news and gamenight threads because no one actually talks about videogames. >>911191 >they're bad because they're not vidya and it attracted the worst autism subreddit-tier discussion you'd find on places like thecinemassacretruth and kiwifarms This is true. Though I'm with other anons that there are some channels that provide legitimate good entertainment or informational content on games, or sometimes play shit that I would never in a hundred years even think about checking out otherwise. >>911536 AVGN has become increasingly worse over time as his angry schtick only worked when Mike Matei was writing his material AND when the B-Movie special effects had that crispy clean 360p video quality to go with them. It was like an amateur production and the suspension of disbelief worked with that sort of experimental environment. Nowadays it's just pathetic and sad.
>>911531 >Stamper I thought he got locked up for awhile. Is he still smoking meth? Dude was always spastic as fuck in a hilarious way but he kinda ruined a lot of opportunities for himself by being a methed out cunt to everyone around him.
>>911162 >The e-celeb sphere was terrible 8-9 years ago and much of it still is today but there are legitimately informative and entertaining channels that provide something worth discussing That's right. The problem is that the most popular ones are also the most cancerous. That idiot with a faggy voice complaining that Fear & Hunger "ruined his life" comes to mind, but there's plenty of them that just act in a deranged fashion just for clicks instead of being actually interesting. >>911191 Preach >>911211 >Are video essays, dev diaries, speedruns and technical breakdowns of games not vidya? They are, but not the people behind them, especially if they have an "online persona". I like fags like tehsnaker because they don't interject their own marketable side into vidya. >>911216 I hate watching Oneyplays' videos, but the highlight reels with specific themes behind them are golden. They bring so much salt from so many people.
>>911245 >Seriously, what's the difference between a trained monkey of Pedowood from the ones on Jewtube? Ease of access and you don't need to pirate their content. Also a lot more amateurish stuff that makes having a bad episode of one less of an issue than watching a bad movie. >>911385 It's funny, even between left and right wing workers of specific jobs like in the entertainment industry there's nowhere near as much strife as what a bunch of losers on reddit can come up with. >>911443 >A good chunk of Newgrounds users, even the moderators bent over quickly due to the copyright system, taking down at least a 25% of their ancient flash animations/games, so much for flexing their "freedom". Also those forgotten funneh videogame websites want that precious reddit clout. Shit, how much of it has been saved or backed up?
>>911597 I don't know for sure if he's still doing meth or not. Most of the time he talked about food and movies, sharing recipes and links to pirated movies, while asking other people about their favorites and experiences. I know he moved to Arizona and had a couple run-ins with the cops, spent a night or two in jail. He might've been homeless for a bit, he did a thing where he went around getting homeless folks to sign his notebook for fun, was probably an eye-opener to see how far gone some of them were. The fact that he's animating and uploading videos again probably means he has a more stable life again. He made fun of all the redditors gossiping about him, so some of it might be overblown.
>>911385 I've taken to watching his videos and streams just because he seems to be a decent guy with a level head, and can spin fun yarns about the days of yore, though I think I was recommended his videos due to me previously following Razorfist, before I got annoyed with him and stopped.
>>911363 Isn't that the guy who worked with Zoey Quinn to kill a dude?
>>911598 >preach Are you black and/or a woman?
>>911363 Is that really surprising? Lolcow hunters always turn out to be worse than the lolcows themselves.
>>911385 This is nice to hear about Craig and Destin. Always wondered what happened to them.
>>911536 Irate Gamer is more indepth, he adapted, James just uses the same mold since the Megaman retrospective, it's pretty obvious now after Mike left that James didn't care much about videogames, but about movies, which is why the sketches were so good. He should just start making budget horror movies.
>>911779 Not even movies...remember how he admitted to plagiarizing from wikipedia for one of his cinemassacre entries? And how he admitted be barely has time to even watch movies anymore and watches new movies at x1.2 speed with subtitles on and the sound off? Guy isnt what he used to be. Can thank his cunt of a wife for that
>>911787 >>911779 Mike was the video game guy, hell, James even admitted most of the gameplay used for Nerd episodes was done by Mike.
>>911872 Now let's throw the baby out with the bathwater, James was indeed a gamer and a large chunk of his collection is in fact his own, but he was PRIMARILY a movie guy and even directed some indie films. I think James was genuinely an avid gamer, but only until the SNES era. After that he went to college and was more interested in movies. But there's no doubt that him continuing the nerd thing was probably motivated by the success of his Castlevania II review and with the help from Kyle and Mike, with Kyle having arguably contributed more to the rise of AVGN than even Mike. It's really such a shame Kyle was treated so poorly despite his input.
>>911787 >remember how he admitted to plagiarizing from wikipedia for one of his cinemassacre entries? No, it's worse than that. The company he sold out to hired someone to write movie reviews for him, and that guy plagiarized it. It's worse because the entire point of his reviews was that they were his reviews. He was paying someone to come up for his opinions for him. And it's not like his reviews were ever particularly deep. It was always just talking about things he liked in the movies, and he just said it in funny ways. He was good at zeroing in on what people actually liked about movies. He was good at not being a pseudointellectual faggot, and saying what you were already thinking, which is what a lot of good comedy and writing in general is. Outsourcing that is perhaps even dumber than the retard who plagiarized. Then again, plagiarizing a movie review is pretty fucking dumb. It's harder to edit someone else's words than it is to just fucking say what you think about the movie. But Cinemassacre is one of the only Youtube channels I still watch. Definitely not anywhere near as good anymore, but sometimes I accidentally click on something else, and it reminds me how bad the average really is. Cinemassacre is a lot better than most.
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>>913781 He already stated that censorship is so heckin' funny and should be brought back just to sterilize and force every line delivery down the shitter in MATURE fucking movies.
For me, it's fucking jim sterling. Fat fuck does nothing but crossdress and produce ragebait, sprinkled with obvious leftyfaggotry, on top of him having the worst fucking takes imaginable. His echo chamber also denounces so-called company worship, and yet they're constantly kissing his ass and licking the ground he walks on. I also hate videogamedunkey for similar reasons, but it boils down to: >Hate JRPGs >Keep playing them anyways, and record yourself shit-talking them for rage-clicks Fucking poser.
>>913943 That's not what he said at all. He states right at the beginning of this video that he dislikes it when films are censored. His point was that the creative dubbing and reshoots of R rated films created for TV have a unique entertainment value and should be preserved in addition to the original. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=KQ0cav2dh80
>>913781 People fucked off Youtube for less back then
>>911162 Giving attention and relevancy to any of them i objectively bad for everyone, as they become influential and try to shape things their way, always trying to impose control over the industry, through their cancerous communities.
>>913969 >videogamedunkey What went wrong with him? He was always obviously biased towards niptendo but his earlier videos were funny and then practically overnight he turned into a turbofaggot making shitty takes and retarded political jabs.
>>914061 I personally never liked him. He was always a fatass pretending to be black. I can only presume he switched tactics when he became more popular (or was it to become more popular?), which seems to coincide with when he left League of Legends.
>>914071 >He was always a fatass pretending to be black Yes, that was one of his jokes. >>914061 Ever since Soy of War his videos basically took a nosedive. Dunkey is also someone with delusions of grandeur because he's a film critic wannabe, so he wants to be like them, and those kind of people are incredibly insufferable and gay. It just came out more and more the second people started giving his opinions more attention because he was saying basic things like >game critics suck am I right? He starts revealing how much of a faggot he was. I'm sure the fact that he's living in California around other jewtuber faggots didn't help him either.
>>911409 >>911363 As ugly as all jews.
>>914061 His ewrlier videos were LoL ASSFAGGOTS garbage, he was always pretty shit.
>>914074 >California You could've just said that and it would've explained everything. I thought he was on the east coast for some reason.
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The only thing I can stand regarding any of this bullshit nowadays is vtuber shit or Korone.
>>911385 Craig was always a good dude.
>>911439 >be devalued by Because no one fucking likes sjw shit and are so sick of them they'll ignore anyone who remotely brings it up. The faggots who can actually hold their bullshit in tend to do better and this goes for regardless of if you're a left wing, right wing or enlightened centrist sperg. Just shut the hell up and make something that doesn't revolve around your fucking world view. I'm someone who considers himself pretty right wing but I find I enjoy kiketubers who don't bring up political drama.
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>>911139 >breadtubers They should kill themselves ASAP spending entire "careers" preaching to their choir. The average breadtube viewer is sheep to be herded that lacks critical thinking to such an extent that everything they hear is fact as long as they agree with it and will never delve or try looking into things outside their comfort zone. They personify every stereotype of the pseudo-intellectual vermin 8chan as we know it was made to escape from. >>911211 >video essays More often than not a waste of time if they're over an hour and most of the time like real essays they're in dire need of editing. An hour+ that could be better spent playing videogames or developing a talent. >dev diaries Development of vidya is still vidya and more often than not it's for getting into the mindset of certain decisions. More often than not these are worth sharing due to much to be gained from an internal view of a videogame. >speedruns and technical breakdowns Speedruns are about a game being played a certain way due to an understanding of it's construction/behavior, sometimes on a performance level and other times on a technical level. Technical breakdowns are the same, but are more about breaking the game down to it's code or breaking it apart so more can be gleaned from it's function.
>>914156 Agree but I was referring to this site specifically because that's not a mentality any other forum has, and people who's content is apolitical, but they air their opinions on current thing on twitter/reddit/etc. Shit like the OAG list which was based on ecelebs posting one tweet to virtue signal <I LIKE BLACK PEOPLE, DO NOT HURT ME would be a ridiculous reason to doubt the same eceleb's video on, say, Sonic 1 level analysis or whatever that is disconnected from the politics of the eceleb but then again I have my own beef with some ecelebs so I'm guilty of that exact shit myself. There's a difference between someone's videos being political propaganda and somebody who makes videos I want to watch who has retarded opinions they let out once in a blue moon that don't matter to me. But yeah some of the "vidya personalities" like Extra Credits, Jim Sterling, any and all breadtubers can just go fuck themselves with a hammer. Closest I ever get to political content is CriticalDrinker and Mauler, and neither of them want to be political in the first place, they're just too conservative for this shit.
>>914276 Have you considered that it's because of an existing dislike of bringing in e-celebs to a discussion? It's easier to disregard a faggot entirely than having to argue with the drones that will never have the first hand experience you have. It's more than likely they'll believe his/her/it's slop over an anonymous poster regardless of argument, as the culture of celebrity worship that has been perpetuated and encouraged in the anglosphere for decades. No jewtube video is proper replacement for first/second-hand experience. By watching and suscribing to their view-points all you're doing is homogenizing internet discussion, no different than quoting a twitter post for your opinions. It's also a very lazy conversation starter because people have to argue with a fag who's not in the conversation or a fag who would rather defend another, more popular person's opinion rather than discuss his own. >CriticalDrinker and Mauler Problem is that both of them have a defined format and Mauler has devolved to making videos longer than the movies he's shittalking. After a certain point if you've seen one video of theirs, you've seen them all due to omnipresence or gimmick. Just pirate and watch a movie if you're going to see a fag that complains about it 3 or god forbid 6 hours. You're going to develop more as a person by actually putting in the effort and thought for yourself rather than continuously deferring to authority.
>>914276 >that's not a mentality any other forum has That's totally untrue and you can see it by going anywhere on the net currently. > Shit like the OAG list which was based on ecelebs posting one tweet to virtue signal OAG is a total fucking sperg but he had point that why should people support those who are in support of actively violent movements?
>>911385 To be fair, reddit faggots think everyone who disagreed or has a different viewpoint is a right wing nut job. If you go to the Devil May Cry reddit page and look for shit on Reuben Langdon they go absolutely ape shit whenever you mention his name. They say he attacks sexual harassment victims and should be put in jail for being an anti-vaxxer. When you actually talk with Reuben over Twitter or whatever, you'll learn that he's a really cool guy who's mostly into UFOs and sprtial stuff. I'm personally not into the subject, but I think he's a really interesting guy with some really good points of view that one can learn from, the fact that reddit hates the guy for critiquing the vaxx, just goes to show how far gone reddit has become. The upvote system has become so bad that they use it to control speech on a community level. It's actually why corporations love it so much since they can control what the masses think and what products they should and shouldn't buy. They're basically corpo puppets at this point who don't think about what they're consuming and think that because their favorite youtube and subreddit says something then it MUST be true. Fucking Disney of all companies called out reddit during a gaming event, and I just thought that was the funniest shit since it just showed how much of a corporate puppet redditors are. In a sense I think it's safe to say that reddit people are basically the bearded corporate goons that buy everything that's heavily marketed and push ideals like BLM/Trans Rights because big corpos want to take advantage of people and make them reliant on them. Take troons for instance, the only reason that the concept is taken even remotely seriously is due to the money pumped into it by big pharma companies who saw the David Reimer case, took a look at it and said "What if we could do that, but make kids reliant on our medicine to keep them alive?" The concept of gender wasn't even a thing till the 60's due to John Money, and even then it didn't spread as much as it did till the rise of the internet where people became more empathetic towards people due to having open communication towards others.\ I don't know much about Chris, but judging by his interview with Gayfist he seems like a normal guy who just likes video games. The fact of the matter is that corporations have gotten too involved in the political process, and with a government unwilling to break them up, why would they have to care about anything other than getting people on their product? As long as they can make a certain branch of government do what they want, and get our tax dollars the corpos don't care. redditors are just brainwashed corpo goons who think they're fighting against "wall street" when in reality they're fighting against the middle class and diverse ideals.
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>>914357 >reddit I honestly think it's worse then Twitter in a lot of ways.
>>914362 Well it IS worse than Twitter in a lot of ways since while Twitter is controlled by bots and left-wing propagandists, at least you can form small circles of friend groups without having to worry about invasions from other groups. Additionally if you say something controversial on twitter, you can just ignore things and block people who invade your space. It's 100% pure homosexual since it's basically a hugbox of people who you agree with. That being said while it IS similar to reddit in a lot of ways, at the same time you don't get downvoted on Twitter for having an opinion. At worst you'll get some nutjob sending an army of goons after you, which in that case you can mute the conversation and report the goons that go too far. Although the same could be said for reddit goons since they're basically the same people as the twitter goons.
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>>914357 >The fact of the matter is that corporations have gotten too involved in the political process, I should add to this.
>>914375 I 100% agree, too many companies are taking political stances based off a few political activist employees that get everyone else fired and replaced with their activist friends, it's a legitimate problem where you have people within the corporations trying to pressure them to make a corporate statement where one isn't needed. BLM was a good example of corporations caving to internal pressure from extreme left-wing groups and I believe they got a black eye as a result. Since it turned out BLM was a scam, and encouraged black people to riot and destroy their small business communities. If anything corpos intentionally hold back black people by keeping them think that they're entitled to free shit and that the state should take care of all their needs. Funny thing is that /pol/ actually has a large number of black people, since a lot of black people who think differently are ostracized and bullied from their local communities. Funny enough Valve took the best approach when it came to BLM shit since they stayed as politically neutral as they could while just giving their employees a 25k bonus to "donate to wherever you want". Granted because they're based in Seattle they were forced into supporting some black devs program, which honestly I don't mind since it's actually related to video games. Although I DO find it a bit redundant since black people were always playing video games even during the days of the arcades. Either way the post is 100% right that companies have begun moralizing too much instead of trying to make the best service possible and sell it for what it's worth. It's actually become an industry within itself to discriminate against middle class white people for the sake of money from rich people with white guilt and racist black panther types. It's funny how the "anti-racist" type have basically made an industry off racism.
>>913781 Wasn't he sponsored by Soylent Green?
>>914375 Like C. S. Lewis said “ Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
>>911385 I remember Destin being one of the people complaining about killing women in CoD. I am glad to see Craig still being a cool dude. I remember him getting a lot of hate for some drama with Tom that happened before I came to screw attack. I wonder what happened to the rest of the Screw attack gang.
>>914415 Leftists don’t believe in morality though.
>>914415 That is retarded. So everyone should be left free to be degenerates, and "better to have thieves than someone imposing what is objectively good"? Fuck off.
>>914605 >objectively good While there is objective good, people that push their morality onto others are never truly moral themselves, they have a need to convince you that what you're doing is bad because it just is, when in reality it's just different from how they do things. I think racism is bad when shit gets violent, but I also believe stereotypes exist for a reason, if I say this to someone normal they lose their shit because I'm being racist despite my claims being backed up by actual fucking statistics. Native Americans faced some bad shit yes, but depending on where you live your local tribe may have brutally killed, raped and possibly consumed your ancestors and those stories were passed on in the community. He'll even if I say they're drunks I get told off but I dare you to go up north, see how many of those fucks are banned from the liquor store and break into the local dollar store so they can steal anything that has alcohol in it, it's a ton of them. In our current age the objective good does not exist, you might say something like murder is bad, but that's not universal. When Hamas attacked Israel I got to see my own family and friends cheer as they got news of innocents in Gaza getting gunned down because "they deserved it". The average modern man cannot picture anything bigger than his own life, and does not afford empathy to those he does not know, just recently someone I knew got caught vaping in a bathroom at a bar, the security guards wordlessly dragged him out and when he told them to fuck off, they threw him down and stomped on his shoulder to which he responded with by calling them niggers, he might have a broken collarbone. The objective good doesn't fucking exist for these people anon, it's all relative and that horrifies me, it should horrify you too.
>>914696 Rather than a mistake I think it's a good thing, back when people believed without a doubt that if you did bad things you get punished everyone would put on a facade of morality, and now that the common man think nothing matters you can more easily spot those who are actually good because they do it without expecting a reward after all is said and done. >>914717 I never said bad things weren't objectively bad, but rather that the common man is a hypocrite that doesn't believe in the objective good and objective bad, when people cheer when others are murdered in another country they aren't moral, hell it makes me wonder if they're even people. Morality isn't situational but most people don't understand that yet claim to have a moral code, what I view as good and bad makes the average person uncomfortable or angry. Normalfags are unironically like cattle, they follow whatever is popular and that includes moral codes. I sometimes wonder how people can do things that aren't good because they don't feel good, when I do something like hurt another person or do anything else immoral I get a pit in my stomach and that's happened to me since I've been a kid, I could never just do something because someone told me it was okay if I thought it was wrong. I remember reading somewhere once that babies are born with a sense of morality so I think every person has/had the tools to be a good person but lacked the willpower to fight for what they believed in as they got older.
>>914774 Yeah I'm sure the filthy rich CEOs are actually marxist and not just pretending so the lower ranking true believers idiots keep their heads down.
>>914892 You'd be shocked anon how many of the higher ups have bought the koolaid.
>>913993 It still is a watered down work of art because of some soccermoms (or nowadays redditors) made a boo-boo because someone cursed in front of their eyes and got away with it. >>914061 I founnd him half-funny before he went full poz, I mean the shitty videogame he was showcasing plus the commentaries were basically the fun part. His voice gives this comedic undertone however his delivery always falls flat in an anti-humorous manner. >>914115 =HE'D RATHER BE SOME ANGSTY DYKE'S BOY-TOY== >>914774 You could say that marxism is nothing but a bourgeois psyop praised by illiterate wagecucks who can't figure out simple math. A good chunk of South American countries are a great example of this.
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>>914099 Nu-nerd looks creepy as fuck. Balding aside, i fucking hate those exaggerated thick frame nerd glasses.
>>914993 The lighting in that picture isn't doing him any favors but going back to a thinner set of frames would look way better, it's weird that he started with them then transitioned to a thicker pair over time. Bald could even look alright on him if he went the complete bald+beard route but with all the soylent he's drinking I doubt he's got the testosterone for it.
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>>915078 Thin frames fucking suck because they bend and break all the goddamn time due to being so flimsy. If you wore glasses you would know this pain.
>>915118 I have glasses, I'm just saying something on the thinner side would look better than the ones he's got now.
>>914099 >>915078 Thing is that he cannot ditch the Nerd look. He's honestly THE image people picture in their mind when they think of a videogame nerd, branding or not. Some smug twenty something cunt in a white jacket, a pen protector and untidy appearance. Modern Nerd looks like some guy working at a fast food who hasn't been able to lift himself out of poverty and still lives in a relative's basement. Also with the new hfaggotbomber guy's video new leaks it becomes even more apparent that all the magic was just in the Cinemassacre guys being a bunch of fun dudes instead of a fat Gengar loving Jew and some poor interns forced to work on special effects.
>>914729 A facade of morality is still better than openly amoral behavior. It doesn't matter if the ones behaving actually believe in morals or not. What is important is that they are kept in check, controlled and don't give in to their amoral impulses, so everyone can have a functional society. Idiots questioned too much about everything, and now nobody believes in anything. And guess what? Society collapses every second because of that. It turns out that, yes, you MUST control society with a tyrannical system, or else the idiotic masses destroy everything for everyone, including themselves.
What is Yahtzee Croshaw doing now that he left the Escapist?
>>915545 Probably bitching about Yanks like he always does when something bad happens to him.
>>914729 >I sometimes wonder how people can do things that aren't good because they don't feel good, when I do something like hurt another person or do anything else immoral I get a pit in my stomach and that's happened to me since I've been a kid, I could never just do something because someone told me it was okay if I thought it was wrong. So, you're not moral either. You admit you tend to do actions you label as 'moral' because they provide you psychological pleasure; and tend to not do actions you label as 'immoral' because they provide you psychological pain. Are you guys truly certain that such emotional reasoning in an individual human, fits the neccessary requirements for said human to be labeled as a 'moral person'?
>>915545 He went on to do his own zero punctuation, fully ramblomatic.
>>915551 But his wife and kid(s?) are Yanks! >>915554 >He went on to do his own zero punctuation, fully ramblomatic https://yewtu.be/watch?v=iyGhI_JVOZI&list=PLUBKwq0XD0ueR3CXGUhGpsD1puLcYJPUp&index=3 Ah, eye c.
>>915553 That is what every moralist is: just an opportunist. Morals are tools. You use them to impose controls. But you don't believe in them, because actually believing in them makes you a slave. In this world, you either control or are controlled. Smart people control. The dumb/retards/believers are controlled. Being "immoral" is only "wrong" in the eyes of a idiot who actually believe that a tool such as morals are to actually be believed, instead of just used for power and control.
>>915553 It doesn't really cause me psychological pain, moreso just makes me feel wrong, that's the best way I can describe it. It's not so uncomfortable I couldn't do the bad thing, I just choose not to. Where do morals come from if not from our feelings about certain actions? If an action that could lead to something immoral makes you feel that it's bad wouldn't that mean it's immoral? On the opposite side I don't feel good when I do something considered moral, I just know that doing nothing or doing the immoral thing would be bad, and bad is not good. Where do you think morality stems from if not feelings, and society isn't the correct answer.
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Matthewmatosis played SMT3 recently on his second channel. He said he's making another main-channel video that might come out in the next few months. I think he's busy working on making games as detailed on his Patreon. https://youtube.com/watch?v=d40MugBI4oA https://www.patreon.com/matthewmatosis
>>915563 >It doesn't really cause me psychological pain, moreso just makes me feel wrong, that's the best way I can describe it. >Not so uncomfortable When I said 'psychological pain' I meant any, even extremely mild forms of emotional suffering. I "feeling wrong" and "uncomfortable" would qualify as forms of suffering in my eyes. >Where do morals come from if not from our feelings about certain actions? >Where do you think morality stems from if not feelings God, hopefully. If not, then morals/ethics were born out of sets and tendencys of behaviors that kept humans alive long ago within the groups of (allegedly) 50-100 people they found themselves within. Collaboration with members of your group. Competition and sometimes collaboration with members of other groups. Dispute mediation. Reciprocity. Not allowing anti-social behavior to go without negative/painful consequences, and therefore establishing anti-social precedents. Stuff like that. >If an action that could lead to something immoral makes you feel that it's bad wouldn't that mean it's immoral? Personally, I'm uncertain if value judgments such as "immoral" are valid, conceptually. However, even if morality is not real, one's individual self intrest is. Following such thinking I would try to ignore/repress any negitive emotions I would feel in pursuing my best intrest if the pursuit of my best intrest fits the requirements of being logical, rational, and systematic. >On the opposite side I don't feel good when I do something considered moral, I just know that doing nothing or doing the immoral thing would be bad, and bad is not good. That is called being of two minds. >and society isn't the correct answer If society can be defined as: "all the other humans that surround you, and the ways they act", when why not? >>915558 >All of that. Nietzsche? Max Stirner? Also, why is being an 'opportunist' bad? Or is it? Why is being a 'smart person' who has 'power' and is 'in control' a good thing? Why is being a 'controlled' 'slave/dumb person/retard/believer/idiot' a bad thing? What is the source of these value judgments?
>>915606 >Not allowing anti-social behavior to go without negative/painful consequences, and therefore establishing anti-social precedents Thankfully, this is dying. In this whole world, only my life matters. I'm not slave to anyone's necessity or will. I do only what I want. >Why is being a 'controlled' 'slave/dumb person/retard/believer/idiot' a bad thing? Because freedom is more important than anything. If I want to do something, I will. nobody has any saying on that decision. And if I don't want to do something, I won't. Nobody will force me to act upon the benefits of others. Again, thankfully, those retarded notions are dying. Society is a enslaving system and the sooner it all dies, the better.
>>914099 GREETINGS!
>>911385 >>914418 Destin was at the top of IGN for a while, and pushed feminism all over the place. Even back at Screw Attack he was already the numale feminist that would complain about lack of women's rights during the video format of the Side Scrollers.
>>911150 Mark uses twitter more than he uses this site. Hes had a twitter brain for a long time now
>>911139 The nigger that runs kiwi farms trying to #MEtoo Sam Hyde.
>>913781 Beginning of the end was James backstabbing Mike matei.
>>915118 Who gives a shit? They're a piece of a costume. You think he wears those in his everyday life? He got thicker ones because he thinks they look more "nerdy." The baffling thing about James Rolfe is that he seems to legitimately think his new stuff is better than his old stuff. He's the only one that thinks it, but he seems very steadfast in that opinion. >>915553 What you describe is morality. You're essentially just using wordplay to try to split hairs enough to pretend it's not, but it is. You can argue morality isn't wholly altruistic, that the moral person receives a benefit, but it's still morality.
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>>916015 >You think he wears those in his everyday life? Yes, he wears them everywhere outside AVGN shit. >Who gives a shit I do, I'm giving you a reason to not be pedantic little fuck. How about this counter? WHO GIVES A SHIT THAT HE WEARS THICKER GLASSES? There perfectly countered your faggotry you fucking braindead nigger.
>>915582 Good, he's the only vidya critic worth listening to. He's never gonna finish his game though because he's too analytic and overthinks a lot of features, slowing his progress to a crawl.
>>916008 Way before that. It happened when he married that jewess goblina. He backstabbed the Screw Attack team, then he backstabbed Kyle, then he backstabbed Bootsy, then everything got progressively worse after all that. It all started with a jewess parasite, as always.
>>916021 >Yes, he wears them everywhere outside AVGN shit. He wears normal glasses elsewhere. The thick glasses are clearly part of a costume. <Who gives a shit >I do, I'm giving you a reason to not be pedantic little fuck. No, you misunderstood what I meant when I said "who gives a shit?" I wasn't asking who gives a shit about the glasses, I was saying that nobody gives a shit about what you said because it has nothing to do with the discussion of a fictional character's costume. Practicality has nothing to do with it. It's not the character's original costume, and it sticks out as an example of how the character has become flanderized. You would have understood all of this if you read the rest of the paragraph. And it's weird, because you replied to some of it, but then you still ignored all the substance of the paragraph. It's like you're trying hard and going out of your way to make yourself look like a retard. Nobody was saying "who gives a shit?" as in to make you not care about the topic at hand. It was said specifically to point out that the point you raised was irrelevant to the conversation at hand. >>916031 He was with the goblina before he even started AVGN. But I suppose your argument could still be correct. The beginning of the end was way back. The viewers didn't realize it, but ever since the start, he was always the bottom of the totem pole, the balls on the dick. He was always being led around by those that would take control of him. He's much too passive.
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>>915118 Those gums that are in between just to comfort your nose fucking dissolve and break due to your natural body acids, I'd rather wear the "heavy as shit" frames than a piece of aluminum piercing into my skin. >>915667 OH NO I AIN'T DOING THIS DANCE DANCE... BULLSHIT OVER HERE
>>914418 >some drama with Tom Craig didn't want to pay Tom, then Tom left. But there was also Tom wanting Screw Attack to be pozzed in order for him to be included in the journo mafia. Craig did this all the time though. Always with the excuse of not having money to pay his employees and asking them if they still wanted to work for free. Since they were all young and naive, they accepted. Until they realized that Craig was hoarding all the money and buying a better house, paying for his marriage expense and other personal expenses, with money that he never disclaimed where it came from. That is when the exodus happened and Screw Attack started a cycle of losing staff and hiring new staff constantly, until it was over. Tom is a (fake) male feminist piece of shit, but Craig is just another piece of shit too.
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What the fuck? I thought Horseshoe Theory was fake! https://archive.is/LNhpv
>>918062 What a completely intellectually dishonest faggot.
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I like Ross. I love all the old games he covers, he's a cool chill dude and he's easily one of the "cleanest" e-celebs I know of in terms of not engaging in gay drama.
>>918073 I like Ross too but it's not even because I particularly like the guy. He's fine as far as I can tell but the content he covers and the way he does it reminds me so much of earlier YouTube and how videogames used to be spread through word of mouth and some friend of a friend showing you something and going "isn't that cool?" The fact channels like his have taken off and become more popular gives me hope for the future of gaming, especially as a hobby.
>>916031 >It happened when he married that jewess goblina. He backstabbed the Screw Attack team, then he backstabbed Kyle, then he backstabbed Bootsy, then everything got progressively worse after all that If all the rumors are true. Mike matei got his revenge by cucking James rofles. Mike the real father of one of James daughters and he converted her to Catholicism behind her James back.
>>919238 I heard James Rolfe's kid is retarded because Mike fucked his wife while she was pregnant and hit the kid in the head with his ten inch dong.
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>>919510 I have also heard that rumor, therefore it must be true.
I hate fat man jim sterling and his reactionary bullshit do you hate fat man jim sterling and his reactionary bullshit i hope you can hate him as much as i do
>>919638 Well he's certainly a cunt, and I don't mean his flesh wound.
>>919638 I've never liked him, even when people considered him "good". He's a complete hypocrite. I hate him more as time goes on, especially when he defended that pedo.
>>919643 >especially defended that pedo Holy shit, why am I not surprised? Who did he defend?
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>>919645 Sarah Butts (can't remember his real name), a tranny and is a self admitted pedo who even spoke about having CP on drives and destroying them before the feds got to them. He also took creepshots of his own 8 year old cousin and shared them and the kids address on some online forum. He was also obsessing over her and discussing all the things he wanted to do to her. When all this came out (it was already public knowledge for a while) the cunt apologised for being caught and not being careful covering themselves, not anything he actually did. Jim Sterling just said his friend was being attack by nasty trolls and #GG and that he needed love and support. Some fucking retard even sent Sarah Butts a picture of his own kid to "cheer him up". ED had a page on this but I think it's gone now. The freak would literally be in prison if it wasn't for the statute of limitations.
>>919651 Normally I would post a le shocked face, but who would've guessed that 1000 pound genderfreak would defend one of his fellow subhumans?
>>919756 Jesus Christ. Hope Nick's rotting in a cell, and that he never, EVER, gets access to children, or a PC EVER again.
>Skeptic community sucked off starfield over pronouns >Gamergate channels that suck off Trump like Razorfist and styxhexhammer666 defending Donald Trump sucking off Disney dick because Ron DeSantis didn’t put up with Disney nonsense in Florida Not sure who I hate more now.
>>919863 >Gamergate channels >Razorfist and styxhexhammer666 I'll take completely unrelated subjects for $200.
>>919863 >Gamergate channels E-Celeb(and celebrity culture as a whole) worship is always cancerous, with the mindset itself is the cancer rather than "political orientation". It doesn't matter who you're supporting since turning your brain off and listening to a faggot for hours is sub-human behavior in of itself. There's a reason e-celeb shit was shunned in the GG threads of yore.
https://yewtu.be/embed/DLeT09s-zJU? This guy may be a raging lunatic but he was completely correct that Starfield was a boring game that has nothing going for it besides pronoun selection virtue signaling.
>>919864 >I'll take completely unrelated subjects for $200. Nigga both Razorfist and styxhexhammer666 shilled videos on old 8chan.
>>919756 Nice I thought these were taken down. Weirdly I can't find Fat Fuck Sterling defending the pedo on there. I swear he did, unless I'm misremembering. >>919863 >Skeptic community They turned into some of the biggest faggots on the internet.
Mitten Squad has passed away.
>>920340 Bummer; dude was fun. Definitely saw it coming though, even if not so soon. Before he went on hiatus he said he was blacking out basically every night and that will kill you in a hurry no matter how old you are.
>>920340 I don't know who that is, but RIP.
>>920351 Dude who'd do challenge runs of Bethesda games. Mostly for comedic effect and for the fun of it. I don't remember if he branched out to other games or not but I think he did.
>>920368 I did a challenge run of Skyrim. The challenge? Play vanilla and get all achievements. Didn't have to 100% the game, just get all the achievements. With no mods, not even cosmetics. Let me tell you, it was a challenge. The fucking tedium I went through, the boredom I endured, the combat I mindlessly clicked through because there's absolutely no finesse to it at all. I completed the challenge and proved to my friends who dared me to do it. Their response? Why.
>>920379 Bethesda's games (every single one of them) and tedium are always together. You can't have a Bethesda game without tedium. I wouldn't be surprised if "being tedious" was a requirement for creating any game in the studio.
>Calls Witcher a rip-off of pro-cancel cultural Micheal Moorcock albino elf >Went on a podcast defending Disney and bashing the public domain because Donald Trump said Ron DeSantis standing up to Disney is bad because Disney is a big business ​Hard to believe, but I think I hate Razorfist even more now. He shilling for Disney because Trump doing so.
>>923672 I'll never understand Razorfist's boner for The Shadow.
I've come to enjoy Simpleflips' stuff, not so much because of the guy himself(he's fun to an extent but a lot of the humor boils down to ligma jokes over the years) but because of his SM64 romhacking competitions. Watching them evolve over the years to where they are these past two years where accessibility has skyrocketed(Previously I think all of the neat technical work was Assembly code) and a lot of people have more room to make cool shit. He also does these cool "blind speedrun races" where he race games they've never played with a bunch of his friends which are usually funny(I'm sure there's a tranny in the middle of them because his voice grates on me but he's thankfully not that much present, I think in a couple of videos at the most) which I find extremely enjoyable and I wish I could find someone who purely does that kind of stuff, especially if they play lesser known games. >>923773 I genuinely think it's some warped version of >It came first before that popular thing(Batman) so it's far better and I'm superior to you all for liking it Which maybe not so much for The Shadow, but definitely applies for Doc Savage where the first book was an absolute chore to read.
>>923773 >Which maybe not so much for The Shadow, but definitely applies for Doc Savage where the first book was an absolute chore to read. The first Batman story, The Case of the Chemical Syndicate, is straight up an illustrated version of a Shadow story, Partners of Peril.
>>923773 > The Shadow. He's a faggot but the Shadow is good shit.
>>919869 Like every western game.
>>923776 Well, Batman does suck cocks.
Fuck, I've been meaning to ask. Is jim sterling still married to his hamplanet of a wife after cutting off his weiner? I actually have no idea. She's probably too busy cucking him to care.
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>>924123 Pretty sure she left him years ago, half the reason he went down the trannoid rabbit hole, likely being pushed by his internet buddies into it. He was always an insecure little fuckwit with no self esteem.
>>924124 Ah, so The Blob left him. That actually explains his insanity. More importantly, do you think the noose will snap?
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>>924139 >>924140 Anon what the living fuck?
>>918073 Ross is cool but stubborn as fuck. I think its affecting his rate of delivering videos. He does this shit fulltime but doesn't even put a video out every month. There has to be something fucked with his workflow.
>>924140 Is that Alpha Omega Sin doesn't make videos anymore? He stopped around 2015 then made one a few years ago talking about having depression or something and then he stopped again. Wasn't he also involved with the Game Chasers? Whatever happened with them?
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>>924124 Funny how that faggot always goes for the low hanging fruit until he shit on Scott Cawthon, looks like DA CHUDS who followed him are still ratio'ing his retarded takes. Somebody should bring up his review of the Gender Bender game from DeviantArt, quite transphobic.
>>924124 >He was always an insecure little fuckwit with no self esteem. Like all the fat blobs and ugly freaks. They know they are the bottom of the barrel of the gene pool and that nobody likes them or wants them around.
>>923672 I generally like his political takes (his Abraham Lincoln video was great) but his vidya and media takes are some of the most fucking abhorrent shit I've ever heard in my life, especially towards Japanese games.
>>924376 He used to like Japanese games, dunno how he is nowadays. His Breath of Fire reviews had him giving scores like "5 Nina upskirts out of 5" and shit. https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=cLoIlDIboYM
>>924376 >his Abraham Lincoln video was great The guy didn't list any of his sources, tries present well known facts as "hidden revelations" that damn people, completely ignores international involvement in the war, and outright ignores material written at and around the time that doesn't bolster his narrative.
>>924382 he did list all of his sources though
>>923672 >Calls Witcher a rip-off of pro-cancel cultural Micheal Moorcock albino elf I haven't read either of those book series, but I watched Razor's video about them and it seemed pretty well put together. What did he get wrong?
>>924403 The Witcher book author is a faggot anyways, dunno why anyone would care if one plagiarized the other The games are practically their own entity anyways and the Witcher author despises the games
>>924404 >The games are practically their own entity anyways and the Witcher author despises the games Oh yeah, that's a pretty funny story. The author sold the Witcher video game rights for a single sum, then got butthurt when the games made lots of money without him.
>>925885 I guess his game was lacking theory
>>925885 Never watched his vids so I don't care.
>>925885 Fucking finally. He's the primary reason I installed a channel blocker plugin. Fuck him.
>>925899 The channel will still be around, but will be hosted by other people, kind of like Extra Credits.
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>>924386 >>924386 Razor is a total faggot but when it comes to /his/ shit he actually knows what the fuck he's talking about.
>>925885 He decided cameoing in the FN@F movie would be his last hurrah, huh? Guess that makes sense considering it's been all he's talked about for the last ten years. Too bad indie horror devs won't have anyone to kiss up to. (Does anyone have the pic of the Hello Neighbor devs on Twitter begging MatPat to make another video on their game?)
>>925914 His videos on things other than vidya and politics (his two favorite subjects) are actually pretty good. I've seen a lot documentaries about the Ramones and his is far and away the best one, if only because he gave equal attention to every part of their career instead of devoting most of it to their first 3 or 4 albums like everybody else.
>>925925 Game Theory will still continue. its just MatPat wont be apart of it anymore. But honestly he's earned a retirement, he's 37 and has a wife and kid
>>926039 Not to mention that he openly stated that Game Theory was merely a resume booster that just created a life of it's own.
>>911139 What happened to Brental Floss? The last I saw him, was when he was simping for that fish lips femitard from Screw Attack during their first convention, and then the guy seem to have vanished.
>>927929 Last I saw, he added soy warnings to his older videos because "muh offensive!!!!" or some retarded shit like that
>>927930 No wonder he basically disappeared in irrelevancy then. He gave a red flag when he simped for that fish lips ugly girl form Screw Attack, given how she was a fan of Anita.
>>927948 That also makes it unsurprising in hindsight that he had Inflatobear do some comics for him. Unrelated, but I'm almost surprised no one seems to have pointed out that the Chuggaaconroy shitshow is yet more proof that you should never, ever trust people with pronouns in their bios.
>>928481 >Inflatobear >Chuggaaconroy Can you explain more? I don't know about those names whatsoever.
>>928495 >Chuggaconroy >I don't know about those names whatsoever. One of the more popular old school let's players on YT. Representative of the average 30 year old nintendo fanatic and has a fanbase that grew up with his videos. >>928481 >Chuggaconroy >shitshow wtf how >read news >Man was too down bad for some girl youtuber's feet and "persistently" wanted her to engage in his fetish "while he had a girlfriend" >This is sexual harassment because CY+9 >He publicly apologized the day after, acknowledging that boundaries were crossed, but "needs time to collect his thoughts" First the completionist and now this? Fucking hell.
>>928508 It was actually a man’s feet btw. That makes him a faggot
>>928495 The first is Dobson.
>>928508 >>928511 Yeah, "Lady" Emily the guy that accused him is a tranny
>>928518 What happened to ol’ Dobby anyways? Did he finally find the inflatable love doll of his dreams?
>>928520 I've seen a lot worse if I'm being honest.
>>928522 Sadly still alive.
>>925906 Literally who?
>>928522 He just went up and disapeared one day from the internet, leaving no trace behind. I hope he's ok.
>>928520 The end result of being raised by a woman.
>>929541 That's Neil Cuckmann posing awkwardly at the Golden Globes while all the Hollyweird people he sucks up to ignore him. I guess he should have told them that he made a movie about ugly stinky lesbians and they would have clapped for him.
Anyone know of a good source for European news? I want to hear about all the protests taking place over there.
>>930613 Honestly your best bet is finding some euro twitter accounts, like PeterSweden https://twitter.com/PeterSweden7, and following them and their mentions.
>>911536 AVGN has gotten better again as of late, since the Screenwave slobs took a back seat. However, it's still far from the Golden era of the late 2000s. I still watch it on occasion, and I still think it's mostly fine, but I can also tell that James is just tired of the show and the character. Never watched the Irate Gamer, so no clue how Chris compares.
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>>925925 I think he even mentioned it in one of the more recent videos.
>>930669 And to this day, Matpat never replied.
>>930643 >the show full or advertisement for soylent and other useless products is somehow good >the show full of plagiarism and with the host admitted to be tired of and doing it for money only is somehow good Shills like you deserve the bullet.
>>932445 >James Rolfe paying the bills >plagiarism aaaaaaaaa hniggerman help meeeee Shut up retard >it's mostly fine, but I can also tell that James is just tired of the show and the character Yeah what a paid fucking opinion
>>932445 I don't begrudge him for doing ads for money. Full on product placement is another matter, but I'd take their money and put some stupid ad at the start. The plagiarism was for Monster Madness, not AVGN. However, AVGN still sucks now. That's what matters. And yes, the Mega Man episode was basically him admitting he didn't want to do it anymore, or only wanted to do it very rarely when he actually had an idea. Then he just kept doing it anyway for money. It's still better than 90% of shit on Youtube, but that's damning with faint praise.
>>920340 Shit. I was really hoping that guy was just getting help for his addiction and would come back any day now. I am just assuming it was the alcohol, Real shame for him to pass away like that.
>>932353 He should've replied before he retired
>>911139 >Razorfist already damage controlling Embracer group after Deus ex gets treated worse when the IP return to a western publisher Razorfist would suck sweet baby ink dick. Sweet baby ink would’ve put in charge of the new Deus ex.
>>924381 >His Breath of Fire reviews had him giving scores like "5 Nina upskirts out of 5" and shit. Razorfist appears to hate JRPGs because breath of fire never became as popular as final fantasy and dragon quest.
>>932542 Razorfist likes actual Deus Ex, not French Canadian wannabe trash heaps
Sseth latest review is of Matchless Kungfu. Something interesting about Matchless Kungfu is that it's almost definitely a Kenshi ripoff. Everything about it from the artstyle to the gameplay is Kenshi. I have suspicions that the developers even ripped assets from it and ported it into a different engine.
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>>932545 Razor is super asshurt over anything Japanese, remember his French Album video where he tried saying French shit sells more per capita then manga? Which is a total fucking lie since the best selling comic in history is One Piece a Japanese manga!
>>932765 >per capita >best selling comic in history You're comparing apples to oranges. He might be (probably is) wrong, but not for the reason you say.
>>932466 AVGN was always shit, retarded shill. You liking shit won't stop it from being shit.
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>>932829 >AVGN was always shit You shut your fucking whore mouth you revisionist fuck.
>>914608 >murder isn't bad if it's justified in my head because niggers are free to act immoral so why should I be civil? This is some shadow the edgehog tier logic just to throw moraity out the window.
>>932829 The second part of his post seems to be saying that it is shit, and accusing someone defending it of being a shill. He agrees with you, he just thinks it's stupid to get mad at him for doing an ad.
>>932862 It's most likely Luciano.
>>932862 No, I was making fun of him for accusing someone of being a shill over such a lukewarm opinion. If anything, I agree with the criticisms but he said it in such a retarded manner I had to call him retard. >>932863 Who is Luciano?
>>932907 Resident huemonkey who can't stop being a faggot, migrated over when OAG died and proceeded to make himself extremely visible by posting the exact same way he would in the OAG comment sections as "Luciano Keklands". He sometimes moonlights as niggerpill's retarded cousin that gets caught arguing against himself under the same ID.
>>932924 Ah, no wonder.
>>932924 Why do these people shitpost for free?
>>932846 >muh revisionism Reality is what it is: AVGN was always shit. You are just one of those retards who though that pure garbage was good, because you are, after all, retards.
>>933023 AVGN was one of the only good webseries. It also came early enough to be one of the first webseries that was a high enough quality and high enough rate of output that you could watch it regularly, and it functioned effectively like a TV show. What made it different from later clones and later things that people associate as being in the same genre in general, is that it came early enough, and its creator was autistic enough, that it wasn't trying to be a webseries, it wasn't trying to be a video game review series, it was trying to be, essentially, a tv show. It's a sitcom. Importantly, the very first AVGN video, about Simon's Quest, is about a game he likes in real life. The point was not to actually review the game, it was to be a parody of the type of person who could do that, and it was a good parody because he was close enough to being that type of person to understand it and do a loving parody. Good parodies need to be made by people who understand and appreciate what they're parodying. And this was the real appeal of AVGN. It wasn't that he was making fun of old games, it's that various episodes were effective representations of what it felt like to actually play games like this back in the day. Simon's Quest is about what it feels like when you got a weird sequel that didn't feel like the original. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is about what it's like to get a game that's just fucking broken. Ninja Turtles is about the experience of getting a licensed game (with all the things that came with licensed games back then). Wally Bear and the No Gang is about trying to play a game that turns out to be one of those barely-real games that are actually just there to push a message or be educational. Of course, many episodes do tread on similar themes as others, he always liked doing licensed games so he could reference films, for example. But my favorite example, and probably my favorite episode, is Spider-Man, and it's not because it's a licensed property. It's not funny because he's making fun of Spider-Man games, and it's not funny because he has Spider-Man show up as a character, it's funny because he and Spidey playing these single player games together gives a very effective and accurate and funny representation of what it's like to play single player video games with a friend. That's what that episode is really about. See, it's very important that Rolfe doesn't think of himself as a content creator, he thinks of himself as a director. Other people who get compared to him want to be like James Rolfe, or like some other e-celeb, but Rolfe wants to be like his AOL buddy, Stephen Spielberg. And it sounds funny because obviously their output isn't very similar, but it's still important. A man's reach must exceed his grasp, and the fact that he used to strive to make the best films he could makes those films very different from people who just wanted to pump out Youtube "content" where they yell about old video games. And yes, he calls AVGN episodes "films," and people make fun of him for that, but I do think it shows an important difference in his thinking that allowed him to previously make good work. But key is "used to." Somewhere along the way he gave up. It's clear he got bored of AVGN. He all but admits it in the Mega Man episode. The whole episode is about a franchise getting milked to death, and how that doesn't mean they should stop entirely, but they should slow down and only make one when they actually have inspiration to make an entry that's worth it. Then he kept going anyway, because he needs the money. And it's a bit sad, because you know what? I'd actually watch more feature films from him if he made them. Say what you want about the AVGN movie, but at least it's a real movie. I know people don't like it, but it feels like a real movie, and while I see people compare it to things like the Channel Awesome movies, that's clearly not a fair comparison, as those are all clearly the types of home movies kids and their friends make in their backyards. Other Youtuber movies feel like the types of movies Rolfe made when he was a teenager, in his backyard, with his friends. Or they're the actual corporate shit like Fred or whatever that, sure, has high production value, but hardly feels like an actual movie either. At least the AVGN movie felt like someone trying his best to make a real movie. He just fucked up. But I stand by the idea that he largely fucked up on technical issues, like filming in LA because his buddy who he made co-director (and who doesn't know how to hold an N64 controller) lived there to try to make "real movies," while Rolfe was more successful than him despite living in New Jersey. But Rolfe wanted to be Spielberg, not Kevin Smith. In his book he does talk about lessons he learned and ways he screwed up, and I'd be interested in seeing another movie from him with the same sort of effort put into it, but a little more experience. But he also talks about how the stress and burnout of actually making a movie was too much, and it took him away from his family. And now I'm sure with some more experience he wouldn't face those difficulties to the same level. But it doesn't matter. It seems he learned a lesson that he values family more than work, and I can't blame him for that. While it might be more artistically fulfilling to put in the effort he used to put in, or to go even further and make an actual movie again, is that really as fulfilling as getting a few slobs to put together AVGN episodes for you, where you only need to appear as a proofreader and actor, which then leaves you more time to spend with your wife and kids? He's evidently decided that it isn't. And I can't blame him. His videos are very lame now, (still better than 90% of crap on Youtube, including others in the same genre, but that's damning with faint praise,) but I can't blame a man for just wanting to maximize the time he can spend with his kids. People made fun of him for revealing in his book that he was clearly literally retarded when he was a kid. But I don't think that's something to make fun of him for. He came from humble beginnings, clearly having a very hard time even into his adulthood, but he managed to find success eventually. Good for him. I think the people who make fun of him can clearly relate, and most of us can only hope that one day we will find similar success, not with art, not with money, but with family. But I will still make fun of him and the slobs, because it's funny. But was I'm a skeleton.
>>933023 Reality is that you're a commie tier revisionist
>>933023 You're probably the kind of person who looks at your own childhood photos and calls them "cringe".
>>933313 You don’t burn your childhood photos for warmth?
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>>933332 >MatPat Why the fuck is everyone sending their best to that limp dick twink? His debate that Overwatch is infinitely superior than TF2 definitely aged like a fine wine, to this day Jizzard apologists are still having a blast on a game that will never be shut off to this day right? And don't get me started his autism on Super Mario theories that even the most devoted fans found quite retarded. >Mario is a sociopath <Because he's supposed to cuddle with the critters that'll eat him alive
>>932829 The AVGN teams were pioneers in ironic shitposting, my man, even the Japanese could see that. My only issue with it is that I don't know the cutoff moment where I should stop bothering preserving the episode. Silver Age AVGN ends at the LJN Special.
>>933284 >Importantly, the very first AVGN video, about Simon's Quest, is about a game he likes in real life. The point was not to actually review the game, it was to be a parody of the type of person who could do that, and it was a good parody because he was close enough to being that type of person to understand it and do a loving parody. Good parodies need to be made by people who understand and appreciate what they're parodying. And this was the real appeal of AVGN. It wasn't that he was making fun of old games, it's that various episodes were effective representations of what it felt like to actually play games like this back in the day. Amen. People forget that the AVGN (Or rather Angry Nintendo Nerd) was supposed to be a character that MOCKED the type of person who gets autistically involved in video games. You know, the kind of people that nowadays make video essays on some minor character in Fallout New Vegas for a living, except done in this transitioning period when nerds went from being the butt of all jokes in media to trendy, done by someone who had seen both archetypes (James Rolfe) and written by someone who is more the former than the latter (Mike Matei). But as the BRAVO Nolan adage says, ‘You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain'. Rolfe milked the concept dry and went for the neutral ending where he gets the bread and has a loving family but sacrificed his friendship and passions to get there. Unironically the only e-celeb who became an archetype of himself and still sort of made it out unscathed is DSP.
>>933347 ><Because he's supposed to cuddle with the critters that'll eat him alive didn't it have to do with the treatment of his brother?
>>933347 >Why the fuck is everyone sending their best to that limp dick twink? He's a nice dude and if you're not autistic enough about his videos being mostly bullshit they're pretty entertaining.
>>933626 >now E;R's more /tv/ no? If you wanna talk about e-celebs there's also https://sturdychan.help/e/catalog, I don't wanna shit up 8/v/ too much y'know.
>>933661 Sturdyfags get out. E;R is at least incidentally /v/ due to his reviews. He and his amnesia problems were discussed in the previous thread, and he'll be regularly streaming video games on Mondays and Wednesdays.
>>933289 >>933364 >muh revisionism AVGN was always shit. You were just one of millions of retards who didn't realize it from the beginning. It took you what? 20 years to realize that AVGN is (and always was) shit? Indeed, you are a retard. Slow as hell to see something that was always obvious
<<933737 >muh absolutism AVGN was fun (I'm sorry you couldn't find it in yourself to enjoy it) and older episodes hold up as entertaining and charming while the newer ones steadily become less funny and more cringe.
>>933713 I just wanted to advertise my comfy e-celeb board. Only one fag, because nobody comes here :^(
>>933791 Sturdychan is shit. If you want to make a board for e-celebs, you may as well do it here.
>>933863 It's small and comfy so I prefer it over 8chan, it'd just turn into a dead board anyway It's not a value statement it's more of a /feel/
>>933626 Implying he wasn’t always a Vtuber.
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>>935775 I would say "based" but there are games worth playing despite Denuvo.
>>933767 Absolutism is right. AVGN was always shit. Not a single good video came from him or his team.
>>935819 There is no game worth playing despite DRM, corpo. You are not fooling anyone here.
>>935775 I can't understand why people would buy AAA goyslop with our without Denuvo when you can easily download them for free.
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>>934998 Isn't Hello Neighbour basically the Game Theory: The Game? The developers just wait to see what MatPat would come out with over "mysterious" game props. >>935822 They gained momentum during the era where everyone had the humor of a fratboy, however they did give a shit on whatever the product they were reviewing and made research just to deliver the punchline, I guess it was edutainment. But unintentionally the funniest fucking stunt they've pulled out, is that Cinemassacre was the only thing that kept ScrewAttack relevant: >Captain S >Adventures of the Manchild who's totally not stealing from Chris Chan >The other retards with "woow 90s jizzfest" shitshows >Underbelly show <<All forgotten, wasted their time trying to score big, just like any other corporation trying their hardest to get that Pedowood clout I do find jarring how everyone's longing for Matei, the had a fragile ego when he was filling in for James. How long until they miss Screenwave once the brand gets bought again?
>>936466 >I do find jarring how everyone's longing for Matei Those are all plebbitors shilling for him. Literally nobody else in the world cares about Mike. Not even his wife. The same goes for everyone from Cinemassacre and Screwattack.
>>936466 >Isn't Hello Neighbour basically the Game Theory: The Game? It started out with the basic premise of "AI gets better every time you get caught and also something is in the basement" but then they realized they could jump on the DEEPEST LORE bandwagon but they didn't fix the issues from the early builds so it obviously backfired.
>>936466 Mike never wanted to be on camera, but when James was filming the movie, he had to make videos to fill the void. This resulted in some of the funniest videos ever made, like Minecraft with Gadget, or the Elmo in Grouchland review. And Mike being terribly embarrassed by it for years only made it even funnier. But eventually he embraced it, and now sometimes he does streams dressed as Inspector Gadget and stuff. Now, I still think livestreams, including that stuff, are boring as hell, but I can respect Mike for embracing his greatest shame and being able to laugh along with everyone else at himself. Also, I heard James Rolfe's kid is retarded because Mike fucked his wife when she was pregnant and poked the baby in the head with his ten inch dong.
Only somewhat recently discovered a channel where a guy's slowly been playing through the entire PS1 library, including Japanese-only releases, as well as fan translations. Nothing amazing but it makes good background noise and I figure a few people here would be interested in the content due to the long-form format and content matter. https://yewtu.be/channel/UCnEd9PbzAKmRnDYyi0CDEmw
>>935822 >AVGN was always shit This. Game Dude was always the king of angry reviewers.
>>936649 Did he flee away from Canada because he dated a feminist?
>>936757 Yes. He was such an idiot that he actually tried to date a feminist, and sent her videos singing and dancing. Such a simp deserved what he got.
>>936774 Did he get owned epic style?
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>>936774 >He couldn't keep his dick under control >He couldn't cool down his horniness and focus on his AVGN wannabe shtick, at least he would've been safe >And maybe he could've achieved his actual wet dream: Crossover episode with Cinemassacre To think dykes in the early 2000s could get away through exploitable laws, this is one of the few features I appreciate with current technology: Listening to both sides of the story/exposing psychopaths, like that KickVic retardness.
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Oh, look who's back. PDP just announced he's going to draw some Persona 3 fanart. That's nice. Maybe one day Atlus will hire him to replace Soejima.
>>938899 What the hell happened to him? A few months off the internet, and he comes back looking like a zombie. His voice sounds like a tired old man all of a sudden. Is he on drugs?
>>938972 He had a kid, and kids are a full-time job
>>911139 I find it funny YongYea folded quicker than a pack of 6's once they gave him a job as a voice actor, so much for the guy who questions and exposes corporations.
>>938985 >so much for the guy who questions and exposes corporations. Yongyea was someone who happily supported and worked with cucktaco, anyone who thought he was someone with integrity was a genuine retard or so hopelessly ignorant that their opinion should be considered worthless
>>937122 you expect pahjeets to keep their hornyness in check?
What's his name again?
>>936649 Game dude still hiding in Mexico? I heard he was spotted in China recently.
>>938899 Pewdiepie might be a cuck now from what I been hearing.
>>941397 wait what?
I want to download all the AVGN episodes from up to the Silver Age (that is, anything that was made when Mike Matei was still involved), but I know for a fact that most of the Youtube clips from the official channel have been altered in one way or another to bypass censors or have some other kind of really idiotic edit like twenty episodes pasted into a feature length video. Is there any place that has stored them? Bonus points if they include the old movie reviews before he sold out.
>>941788 Cinemassacre.com has all of them, plus many videos that were never posted on Youtube to begin with.
>>941819 It's not nice to talk about your mother like that anon!
>>941819 If you think about it, you were a man inside your mom, so by being born you incest cucked your dad.
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>>942291 >that post
>>942291 I think you've misinterpreted a few things and definitions like sex, cuckoldry birth and incest.
>>942259 All women are whores. >"but muh mothers..." ALL women are whores. Yours, mine, all of them. Just because we are born from women doesn't mean we should ever respect or protect the parasites, you demented simp.
In honor of recently departed Akira Toriyama, Mexicans are lowering their mustaches to half-mast. Razorfist https://archive.ph/H3sNv Razorfist still mad DBZ still outselling American comics.
>>943899 Damn bro, that shit was so funny you really posted it in three threads, huh?
>>942551 Being born of garbage makes you garbage. In which case there is only one option...
>>943965 >Being born of garbage makes you garbage. >makes enormous claim with not even an attempt to back it up. Woman "logic."
>>941788 >>942256 I'll self answer this - although Cinemassacre has all the videos, it's kind of a pain the ass to manually download the episodes form their Odyssee channel. Use this link instead: https://archive.org/details/AVGNCompleteCollection
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Antifa just doxed StoneToss and reddit is throwing a party. https://archive.fo/rAYle
>>945623 >inb4 they got the wrong person
>>945623 I thought leddit insta-bans for "doxing".
>>945623 He must have pretty decent opsec to have gone this long without getting doxed >>945683 That's not reddit, that's twitter (and its most likely a /leftypol/ nigger if his username is anything to go off of
>>945623 >1/99 He does not simply live rent free in these people's minds, he's become their landlord. I refuse to believe that there are humans who have this much time to waste attacking random cartoons online.
>>945623 WE DID IT REDDIT!!!
>>938991 He questioned Blizzard's bullshit, that was the equivalent of saying the "nigger" word before they got exposed. >>945623 >He's not Shmorky One ironic conspiracy theory debunked, however, can they fuck him over or it'll be all just barking no bite? Considering lefties are incompetent at archiving anything.
>>945623 Not concrete proof this was the guy, they know nobody will read 99 pages of elevator repair manual text so everyone just believes it.
>>911363 So he meant THAT "rabbit hole?" What a degenerate faggot.
>>911363 Proof?
>>911385 Wonder what Tom is up to, I know he's got a family of his own. Good on him.
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>>942291 Finally, a worthy contender for the backpack cuck!
>>945623 there's no concrete info on if that's really stonetoss lmao
>>945809 You should see the reddit threads, it's just dozens of comments with hundreds of upvotes each all going >he looks like a disgusting incel >fat creepy fuck >he looks like he should be wearing a fedora
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>>945866 >he looks like a disgusting incel >fat creepy fuck >he looks like he should be wearing a fedora
>>945868 Redditards have no self awareness. They wouldn't be so self-centered and narcissistic, othwrwise.
>>945623 >>945626 >Antifa just doxed StoneToss and reddit is throwing a party. I thought Gab users hated Stone toss for making fun of the site pro-Israel censorship? >>945683 >>inb4 they got the wrong person This the site that allowed Spike Lee to accidentally dox a elderly black family.
>>945688 >its most likely a /leftypol/ nigger if his username is anything to go off of that pretty much confirm they doxxed a random guy.
>>945871 As long they're devoted to marxism, any offense to their physique is worse than the holocaust.
>>945866 They also spam the clown emoji or "#RIPripbozo", these people are middle aged by the way: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=B-VpGWZLOSs&iv_load_policy=1
>Razorfist streams alpha protocol >Razorfistfags ultra simps that don't question him >Razorfist start defending the ADL and gets mad when people point the US government OK with American personal information being sold to China until Tik Tok made israel look bad >Start accusing his fans of being Kayne west fans for questioning the Tik tok ban and the ADL Holy crap. Razorfist had a mental breakdown defending the ADL last night.
>>950336 Being terminally online must become an officially recognized disease... Like, if you stream vidya, why would you comment on political issues? Just play the damn game.
>>950336 Sauce?
Thoughts on FightingCowboy losing his fucking mind over DD2 and fucking Asmongold of all people being the sane man in this debate? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=oDi5ijlvzVI https://yewtu.be/watch?v=kGq1Q25Xu7w
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>>950800 I dunno Paulie, some no-name mooks hired by the Chinese
>>950800 DSP but focusing on MMOs. So somehow stupider than DSP.
>>911385 >GotScrewedOver One of the fags at Underbelly show had to private his socials because of the videos with Bob Magrann: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=m3njQNEmRM4 Wouldn't be surprising if the redditors at r/Cinemassacretruth spammed the shit out of his DM's, I guess sucking off to Tim Heidecker and doctrine himself to marxism didn't work due to his failed attempts at rewritting his past. >>929557 He got chained up because of his brother who wanted to be a registered democrat senator but got the boot because they don't want deranged retards tainting their image, same political party that had negresses who flip-flopped their own apartments.
>>943899 More like outselling French comics.
>>919574 It's been years since this joke started and I still do not know if that was actually his dick or not
>>951024 >Ever believing in a e-celeb bragging
>>950902 >More like outselling French comics. DBZ was popular in France long before DBZ became popular in Mexico.
>>951194 >tfw no french comic inspired by DBZ and Les Sisters
>>951301 French and Belgian have lolim. American comics only have the big gay.
>>951316 Can confirm, am American, friends call me The Big Gay. My pastimes are long walks on the beach, furiously raping children, and disco.
>>951194 Don't tell Raz0r that.
>>951686 Fucking Ouiboos >>951316 *American media only has the big gay FTFY
>>911139 Can't believe this fucking fag still has access to the internet: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=g3eXoWj_N7Y >>Andy and Leyley is so tumblr edgy it falls flat <By Lily Makaila AKA Lily Orcahd: The tranny who molested his underage sister and made an autistic MLP fanfiction about it I guess nothing can surpass your expectations once you're hitting rock bottom.
>>951699 And look at how appealing to Hollywood gave us The Last of Us HBO gay sex.
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>>951713 This fucking tranny epidemic is depressing because these people are outcasts and losers like you and me, likely mentally fucked by something or someone, which drove them towards internet exposure and have unorthodox tastes in media that then got groomed for being dumb enough to be too trusting of online freaks while trying to discuss said hobbies. Could have been any anon here had they took a different, more sinister path.
>>951725 The common denominator is autism. Not every anon is autistic but more anons than normalfags are, and autists are more disposed to the extreme ends of the political spectrum, whether a dude is heiling Hitler on one hand or dressing up as a fairy princess on the other.
>>951814 Not Jewish and you misunderstood the post. I'm talking about a common factor informing the horseshoe theory in >>951725, not shitting on your worldview. Being online a lot is another, which he already mentioned.
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>>951846 >Mark wants to work for Xitter.
>>951847 It's part of operation Oven Door. We get Mark into Twitter, he will then sneak in the code that will allow embedded tweets on 8chan, so that you can view them without needing nitter or an account. On our signal, he will flip the switch and all Twitter traffic will be redirected on >>>/twitter/ and this is how he will increase our overall PPH.
>>951846 >>951847 I'm just looking for a new job, figured there's no harm in trying.
>>951846 Wait, nevermind. I got FUCKING FILTERED, no interview, no humans double checking my experience, just fucking Grok telling me "no"
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When people are telling you to find a job they don't mean this you internet addicted faggot.
>>951907 Satisfying slap
>>951907 I can apply to multiple different jobs at multiple different companies you know.
>>951828 Please do not feed the monkey!
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>>951902 I'll give you a job baby! Just get this brain implant!!!
>>951911 Cry more, jew.
>>952272 >HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE What did he mean by this?
>>951902 Well, you know what they say: "You miss all the shots you don't take."
>>951902 Unless you're connected to someone who has a position on offer the job market is a lottery.
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>>952454 >Hire the mentally retard >Women also want to work >Always be open and ready to receive illegal street shitting freeloading immigrants A fucking cesspool, but yeah like any other wagecuck: Always blame it on capitalism but never the marxists that poisons the well in front of everyone's faces.
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>>951902 Mark, you applied for the position of Sr Marketing Manager. You need a University Batchlor's level of education, so 3 years studying. Then you also need 5 years relevant experience in the position. Did you even read the requirements for the job? Do you think that running an Imageboard is relevant experience to somehow being a Sr Marketing Manager at X? All you're doing is bombarding them with your resume. No wonder they just rejected you.
>>952505 It actually is relevant experience to the job, though the kinds of people who make these decisions would never admit it, so it's not relevant experience to them, which is what actually matters.
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>>952525 >Running an Imageboard is somehow relevant experience to being a marketing manager at a multinational company.
>>952537 Your brand of credentialism enables modern soyciety to put retards, beaners, niggers, and women in every role until it kills itself. Aside from a lot of STEM fields college is a scam, and artsy-fartsy and business degrees rarely predict a person's ability in the job they get.
>>911385 Sidescrollers got shutdown today on youtube mid livestream, but not on other websites they were streaming too. The topics of the podcast was this GothixTV chicks experiences in "BlackGirlGaming" and how they eventually tuned on her and called her anti-black when she didn't drink enough of the coolaid, they were also talking about the how the government is getting involved in video games. The podcast seems to get around 20k viewers, and it looks like someone doesn't like he's giving the wrong people a platform to calmly discuses the reality of the current games industry.
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What Let's Play/gaming channels do you guys watch, if any? Are there any you used to watch that you don't any more?
>>956133 cloud8745, had a whole IWannaBeTheGuy series where he slowly and surely goes insane from frustration. That's it, first I heard from streaming was also him as he streamed on JustinTV. Every single faggot since Pewdiepie just hams it up for kids, blatantly shills or pretend like you, yes (You)!!!, are his best friend, usually all 3 and it's gay as fuck.
>>956146 > Pewdiepie I actually like Felix and how happy he's with being a father whose pretty ok with not being in the spotlight anymore.
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>>956147 I agree. The guy seems to genuinely be present in the moment and appreciates how good life has been for him. He is also pretty much aware of jews and niggers fucking up Europe, he moved to japan and had a white kid, probably going to have another one, he provides, enjoys life... Nigger might have been unbearable 14 years ago but he has become a formidable man.
>>956133 An eternal enigma TwinPerfect Two best friends play Game chasers Pat the nes nerd Happy console gamer happy video game nerd Projared BlackBusterCritic Uberhaxornova and the creatures in general. I haven't watch any of this since 2013. I've tried re watching Nova but i can't help but cringe. I loved TBFP but when they hit 250k subs they started getting more "professional", less irreverent not to mention the nigger, and Liam was a niggercattle weeabo tryhard. This people have always rubbed me the wrong way for some reason. Time has vindicated my stance.
>>956133 I still watch Oneyplays, mostly out of habit. I started watching those guys back when they were Sleepy Cabin and just never stopped. Outside of that, I don't really follow any channels that closely. If there's a game I want to know more about, I'll just watch whatever I can find. Unless, of course, the maker of the video is completely insufferable like that Noah Cadlwell-Whatever guy.
>>956133 There's a channel called Floki's Gaming Corner with barely over 1k subscribers that focuses on STALKER mods. I don't really watch his Let's Plays because I'd rather play the mods myself but he does a monthly STALKER mods showcase of various mods that came out the last month or so. I like getting a look at gameplay of them from him rather than scouring ModDB or ap-pro for new releases.
>>956147 I'm fine with that, but his content was cancer and so was his fanbase. That won't change.
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As far as actual gameplay/LP content (as opposed to reviews/analysis/shitposts/challenge runs/etc.) goes pretty much the only channel with regular uploads that I watch is Threefold because I am also a GTNH autist and his is by far the best GTNH channel. For the other categories I mentioned I also watch: ESA (comfy to fall asleep to; somehow massively less pozzed than GDQ) Decino (idsoft tech stuff and .wads, mostly Doom/D2) Ymfah (Toddge and Fromsoft shitpost runs) MittenSquad (ditto; RIP) Sseth Crowbcat DoshDoshington (Factorio challenge runs/shitposts) dwangoAC, keeper of TASBot (self-explanatory) PatricianTV (pic rel) PrivateSessions (ditto) Gneiss Name (Scientist who uses Minecraft as a visual aid for some science stuff) That last one is a recent find but pretty cool, reminds you of the best science teacher you had in school.
>>956186 His fanbase ended up being pretty anti sjw and journalist after the left tried ruining him.
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The absolute madman did it again. Strap your butts in for three hours forty-five minutes and twenty-four seconds of unadulterated, autistic, hyper-analytic, FULLY COMMENTATED Super Mario 64 gold! Presented by the one and only Pannenkoek: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=YsXCVsDFiXA We're back, baybee! WOOOOOOOOOO
>>958419 >I explain Super Mario 64’s invisible walls once and for all. This video took 10 months to make! Now this is autism.
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>>958419 >three hours forty-five minutes and twenty-four seconds I'm ready
>>958502 I miss supabus
>>958419 >4 fucking hours Holy shit
>>958419 Who watches this? Speedrunners?
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>>958612 >Who watches this? Speedrunners? Unironically yes, speedrunners do appreciate his work. People here watch it because they think he's sticking it to the speed runners since most of the tricks take hours to pull off. Pretty much anyone else just really likes the half button press meme. Which is just an incredibly pretentious way of saying a held press. Honestly I don't fucking give a shit until he uploads a complete jumpless run.
>>958612 I just like his autistic breakdowns of SM64. I'm not even a Nintendo fan, I just like seeing how games are made and how programming tricks lead to outcomes they would never have foreseen. It's neat.
>>958612 People with the time to watch it? I don't know, I just find it interesting, sometimes all you need to be captivated is someone who's really enthusiastic about what they do. Plus it's neat learning about how an old game like this actually works.
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>>952551 Wrong thinkers the podcast.
>>958720 She's a bit disgusting still would
>>958645 >sometimes all you need to be captivated is someone who's really enthusiastic about what they do. This. It's his passion that shines through in his work. Sometimes he makes a discovery that's so esoteric and bizarre, and yes it's pointless, but that's not the point. Why climb a mountain? Because it's there. Why discover everything there possibly is to know about Mario 64? Because it's there. I must also admit that although I'm not the biggest fan of Mario 64 in the world, it does help that it's one of the most popular games of all time, and so many people, including myself, are quite familiar with it. So it's not just that I know what he's talking about, because there are many games I understand more and have more interest in, but it's interesting that he and the other people he collaborates with are still discovering things this many years later, despite this being one of the most poured over games in history. This is also why I find speedruns incredibly boring, even for games I like, but Super Mario Bros. 1 specifically does interest me, just because it's probably the most played game in the world, and seeing people still figuring out new things is interesting.
>>958907 I never bothered watching the films. Did they get rid of the worthless interracial human couple after the first one or are they somehow still relevant to the story?
>>958919 I doubt it, they're a core part of the plot in the first two movies.
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Is discussion of vtubers allowed ITT?
>>959358 I say yes, they count as internet nobodies celebrities. Bonus points if they're the gamer brand of Vtuber, like Korone or Gura.
>>959358 >>959361 What if they're also pink and insane?
>>958919 The second movie was marketed as if it's about Knuckles, but really it's about Sonic's interracial human parents going to a sassy fat black woman's wedding. There's like a 15 minute sequence all about that with no appearances at all by any characters from the games. Except maybe the GUN Commander from Shadow the Hedgehog. He might have been there. He is in the movie, for some reason. One of only three game characters who was in the first movie, too.
>>959393 I didn't watch the second movie, but saw a clip where Robotnik awkwardly said Trump's line about people on both sides. https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2020/08/fact-check-trump-very-fine-people.html
>>959368 all of that in one convenient whaman?, what a steal
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>>959358 >>959361 >>959368 Only for the purposes of sharing pornography
>>959442 Isn't there a board for that? Also thats very nearly lewd.
>>959395 That was probably shoe horned in by Jim Carrey, he's fucking insane.
>>959442 This was made with AI wasn't it? There are 5 hands spread across the two dudes, and the girls hands sort of melt together.
You have a board and threads on other sites to talk about vtubers
>>959478 There are boards and threads on other sites to talk about video games too.
>>959480 Your cancer is not welcome anywhere. A v-whores are shit.
>>959480 Okay, let's talk about them. I would like Vtubers to have never existed, and anyone who watches them should take a long walk off a short pier.
>>959484 You might as well be mad about voice acting existing at all.
>>959486 Being a quasi-anime Vtuber and acting all buddy-buddy with your live audience like a literal camwhore is a little more predatory and goes further than just "voice acting a character," if you ask me.
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>>959368 The fact that there's no art of Colress banging Pippa is absolutely baffling. Granted, there's not a whole lot of the former to begin with, but still. >>959395 Mind sharing said clip? I can't say I remember that line, and I don't feel like going through the whole movie or a bunch of videos just to find it.
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>>959469 No, just lgood old laziness
>>959484 I never understood why there's so much focus on vtubers when avatarfagging exists a decade before.
>>959484 vtubers are probably the most mild form of e-celeb cancer. Every other kind of jewtuber, influencer, and actual e-whores are infinitely worse, but your problem is with people who dick around in a 3D model. If you went to school in the United States, you can probably find a good portion of your high school class girls having an onlyfans now, but no, vtubers are the problem. Also they aren't like a "literal camwhore", you know what the word "literal" and the word "camwhore" means, right? The word literal means the actual definition of the word, not your overly exaggerative gen Z internet lingo retardation. And a camwhore is a whore that is literally whoring her body out on camera.
>>959564 No one liked avatarfaggots either retard.
>>959566 >but your problem is with people who dick around in a 3D model. You mean jumping on a bandwagon to milk shekels from weebs? They’re attention whores like any other, and youre just defending their peak normalfaggotry because you’re biased.
>>959574 No, I'm not. Attention-whoring isn't the same thing as literal whoring (unless genitalia are shown for attention), that's just a simple fact. A woman making a post on faceberg fishing for compliments isn't the same thing as showing her tits or snatch. Complain if you want to, but its a minor problem compared to the major problems, and if you can't see that, then you're a retard blinded with rage over a comparative nothingburger.
>>959368 >Pippa She's for her groomer boyfriend and Gahoole. >>959469 >hands This argument is made a million times, but the average internet artist sucks at drawing hands. That's why AI is so bad at it. As for that image, that's hand-drawn. The creator likely forgot to turn off the first image in the set's arms layer, hence the double hands.
>>959573 I doubt that looking outside of imageboards. While I don't agree with >>959566 as people dicking around in a 3D model can be as cancerous or more so as any other, I just don't understand the mentality of using a digital avatar is more cancerous than not at all. I also find it funny asking this in an anonymous Cambodian basket weaving site of all places
>>959596 >her groomer boyfriend You mean Kirsche?
>>959616 No, I mean Pippa. There's a good chance that she's currently dating a FtM transsexual, but her previous boyfriend and alleged groomer is known as "Zax," "archivebro," and "Zaxanity". She moved to North Carolina with him when she was 20 but met when she was 13. She has a million Tumblr accounts from her teenage years, but she made more when she started dating him. She was attending furcons as a teenager and even had a fursuit which she wore to these cons. She dressed in this fursuit and played Minecraft on her first YouTube channel, Sibylla. She was a registered Democrat in 2021.
>>959983 That last line comes out of nowhere and reads like a mad lib.
>>959983 holy fucking shit this can't be real
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>>959998 >>960091 >>960095 She was doxxed last Christmas. The image she claims isn't her really is or is her sister. The hiatus she took at around that time was because of the doxx. It's all very sad. >FtM Transsexual Her father is a drug addict. He was defended by Mark Richards in Wisconsin in 2014. Mark Richards is the same attorney who defended Kyle Rittenhouse. >her previous boyfriend and alleged groomer >She has a million Tumblr accounts from her teenage years https://archive.li/oc4ju https://archive.li/QYnKV https://archive.li/6U1ZG https://archive.is/cEXXH https://archive.is/SKYHX https://archive.is/aMWX6 https://archive.is/czxU8 https://archive.is/Zo28d On Sugarpill there is a drawing, made when she was underage, about how she loves him but wishes he would wait until she's older. On Rose Doll, there's a romantic image of her ponysona and Onyx Ring, the ponysona of "Zax". Pippa's home in NC was funded by a Canadian LLC. Canada is where Phase Connect is located. She stayed/stays there with "Zax". The last time I checked, "Zax" still worked with Phase Connect last year. >She dressed in this fursuit and played Minecraft on her first YouTube channel, Sibylla https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7ZX2loNVi0 >She was a registered Democrat in 2021. Found from her voting record. She's listed as a Democrat. "Zax" is listed as Unaffiliated.
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>>960265 I don't know what's more autistic, this whole ordeal or the fact that you know all this anon. Either way, great entertainment, thanks!
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>>959615 The equivalent of those adults with Peter Pan Syndrome who roleplay as their babies or pets. >>959449 He killed his girlfriend, however like in any cult: he dindu noffin', it was her fault.
>>959489 >a little more predatory >like a literal camwhore Not at all. He made a very succinct point. Look up any VA with a youtube presence and they will be vigorously masturbating peoples nostalgia on stream, for cash. Unless, there's something more to this rage against Vtubers and camwhores. Is there anon?
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>>960265 >find woman on the intenet >look inside >mental illness
>>960419 Just gotta find the one with the right mental illness. Any day year now
>>956362 finally some actual recommendations
>>960425 What if I were a woman?
>>960419 women seem to be more prone to social, cluster b type mentality, where they seek social validition and emotional support which they don't get in childhood. Thus falling prey to the first person who showers them with attention and keep seeking it everywhere
>>960512 all dykes are future fatties and closeted bisexuals
>>960467 Didn't the guy who popularized that meme get outed as a pedophile? While the real creator got his reputation tainted? >>960515 Beware of dykes, they tend to behave more childish than any manchild on the wild.
>>960732 >Didn't the guy who popularized that meme get outed as a pedophile? While the real creator got his reputation tainted? ye
>>960732 >manchild language psyop used by women to describe anything not giving them money or attention
>>960467 >>960732 >>960749 There have also been a number of discoveries made regarding several "boykisser" discord groups, which allow minors access to NSFW channels and promote sexual abuse and grooming between users and advertise memes like those. There's a thread about it on KF, I know, bite me.
>>960757 Nothing Many things wrong with KF, but there is a tremendous amount of data available. They're really doing the work they've set out to do.
>>911385 I remember seeing Craig on ol Screwattack but never knew what he actually did there back then as i just went there for AVGN, Death Battle andsome more misc stuff that i can't remember.now i began following his podcast because i recognised him from back then and wanted to know what he had been up to ever since but then kept following him cus he was entertaining. Many old e-celebs from back then crashed and burned during Gamergate but Craig dodged the bullet because he was AFK while it happened and came back just in time for the sequel. The reason why Redditards hate him is because he hosted guests (SFO, Razorfist) who filled him into all the fine details of both og GG and the current sequel
>>916031 >He backstabbed the Screw Attack team, then he backstabbed Kyle, then he backstabbed Bootsy could some anon green text a "downfal of AVGN" tldr? i just watched his videos and reviews but never bothered with any of the deep lore or behind the sceenes drama Don't know who Kyle is, Bootsy i saw in only one video where he was beating Battletoads and i didn't even knew he fought with Mike
>>916031 >Bootsy No. Bootsy wanted to shoehorn in politics into their work and James and Mike told him no, so he cut ties with everyone. Fag was a far lefty, I won't speak on anyone else because I haven't kept up, but Bootsy is the one person who deserved to get kicked.
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>>960892 Watch the Megaman episode That pretty much answers it all, James is done with it, shit he was done with it even before the movie. He expected the movie to be his big break and instead he found Screenwave, which was founded by one of his friends and ex editor with tons of money, to be his big break. due to bad management more drama ensues He's old and has no drive, it was bound to happen. ScrewAttack was tons of drama and too little work getting done which is why James fucked off to Youtube and Cinemassacre period. Anon is being hyperbolic, and really anything else trying to point out why and where James fell off is gay drama. James had a drop of quality after the movie as he was always a movie guy and wanted to do actual movies instead of AVGN and he was burned out at that point. The Megaman episode is his sendoff Shit, Seth Mcfarlane did the same with Family Guy, it's just a paycheck to them now,
>>960907 Do you have any proof of that?
>>960909 >Seth Mcfarlane did the same with Family Guy Shit, Family Guy is just this era The Simpsons, with all the highs and lows, and with the same zombie syndrome, i don't even remember the Last time i watched that shit, but for some reason everytime some random retard or schizo just forces his shitty OCs or family Guy memes, which in turn goes viral overnight. I don't blame mcfarlane, with that in mind, family guy needing peanuts for the animation and VA, and the rather simple Style that let it shit episodes nonstop, i'll gladly just do the bare minimum with some "gotcha" Moments here and there so retards keep buying the show, which in turn, makes loads of cash thanks to memes, gossip, and obviously retards
>>960892 <could some anon green text a "downfal of AVGN" tldr? I'll start with the rise, as it seems relevant. I might be off on the order of certain details, but not in any way that would be terribly important. >2004 >James Rolfe has been making amateur short films since he was a kid, and works in the industry doing things like editing and voice-over directing. For his own films, he calls his "production company" "Cinemassacre," due to his love of horror movies, which comprise a significant portion of his output. >he makes two "easy" videos for fun, just to show his friend, where he parodies video game nerds and gets overly angry at video games. The first is a game he actually likes in real life, but does see flaws in, Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. The second is a near-broken game that is only not called shovelware because it's bad in weird fucking ways that imply creativity (just bad creativity), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Note that they're both games based on horror movies. (Castlevania II is called Dracula II in Japan, even.) >2006 >he makes a third one about the first Ninja Turtles game on NES, largely focusing on how it wasn't like the TV show. >his friend, Mike Matei, or just "Matei," as James later refers to him almost exclusively in his autobiography, convinces him to let him upload these three "Angry Nintendo Nerd" videos to this new site called Youtube. >It's a hit, and Rolfe pumps out way more of these videos, with "help" by Matei. >The Angry Nintendo Nerd is soon re-christened The Angry Video Game Nerd, to keep him from being limited to Nintendo. Rolfe would later explain that he considered a broader name to keep him from being limited to just video games. This potential name he considered was "The Nostalgia Critic." >He also did one episode as "The Angry Movie Nerd," where he reviewed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III. Though seemingly a well liked episode, and he did hundreds of movie reviews over the years, this was the only one he did in character. >he gets his buddy, Kyle Justin, an aspiring musician, to make him a theme song. Justin does several updates to the song over the next little while, and fans love it. It's a big part of the show. Justin also guest starred in some very popular episodes, including one where he played Spider-Man as the AVGN reviewed Spider-Man games, and others where he played "The Guitar Guy" or "The Guy Behind the Couch" (referring to how he appears when he plays the opening theme song). Their chemistry as real friends is a big part of what makes these work, even though Justin clearly wouldn't consider himself a professional actor. Later, Rolfe would explain just what a good friend Justin really was, but we'll get to that later. >Rolfe gets hired by Screwattack, who hosts his videos, puts him in some cringy crossovers, gets him to do some spinoff stuff about movies, etc.. Years later, in his autobiography, he would offhandedly mention that Screwattack didn't pay him any money for this. He didn't say it in a disparaging way, like he thought he was owed money. He just mentioned that during this era, he wasn't making any money. He did begin making money after the first year or so, though, but not from some Screwattack salary or anything. Maybe ads or whatever. Idk. >Rolfe parlays his success into some other spinoff projects. A major one is Monster Madness, where every October he would do a short review of a horror movie every day, to share his love for the genre. Turns out, horror movies are his real autism, not video games. >One random video he did one time was a board game review, of Mouse Trap. Somewhat humorous, but it didn't seem like a full on character like the Angry Nintendo Nerd, who had since been rechristened the Angry Video Game Nerd, so he wouldn't be limited to Nintendo. >The board game review was successful enough to be made into a spinoff series called Board James, where he plays a different character who loves board games. By like episode 3, he introduces a character called Motherfucker Mike, as he needs someone to play the board games with him. Motherfucker Mike is played by Mike Matei. Matai had played a couple AVGN characters before, but always in mask or makeup, as he didn't consider himself an actor, and didn't want to appear on camera. Motherfucker Mike was no elaborate costume, it was just a guy who was a bit of a motherfucker and liked to cheat at board games. Fans liked the character, and Mike would often be referred to as Motherfucker Mike by them, blurring the lines between himself and his character. >A later episode would introduce Bad Luck Bootsy, their third friend who liked to join them in board games, but had terrible luck which often ruined the games, and as such he wasn't really well liked, even though he was a real swell guy. Bad Luck Bootsy was played by Mike's childhood friend, Bootsy Spankins, P.I. Yes, that's a stage name, as he is a working musician. Bootsy would also do music for Board James, including full insert songs which were again very well liked. It would later come out that he was also editing at least some episodes. >Season 1 of Board James ends with a horror themed episode about Mr. Bucket, where the titular character who runs around in the commercial telling kids to "put your balls in my mouth" tries to kill Board James by sucking his nuts off or something. It's a much more high-effort episode than most AVGN or Board James stuff. Remember, AVGN was made to be a low-effort project just for fun, but it became Rolfe's job. By this point, it was becoming Matei and Bootsy's jobs as well. >Season 2's finale would repeat this trend with an episode about Dream Phone which parodies slasher movies like Black Christmas or When A Stranger Calls, or whatever was the first movie to do the thing where the killer taunts victims by calling them on the phone. A much more high concept episode this time, and Motherfucker Mike and Bootsy are much more significant characters. Bootsy also does an excellent Dream Phone song made to sound like a song that would be in a commercial for the game. It's very convincing until you listen closely to the lyrics and notice some subtle jokes. >All the time, though, Rolfe has been working on his biggest project of all: The Angry Video Game Nerd Movie. >He reveals that he and his buddy from film school, Kevin Finn, who once played a character called "The Glitch Gremlin" on an episode of AVGN, have written a script, and he launches a crowdfunding campaign to fund it. They hit their goal and they're off to the races. >Finn, who moved out from their hometown area of Philadelphia (or south Jersey, in Rolfe's case) to LA to be a "professional," convinces Rolfe to film the movie in LA, because that's what real filmmakers do. I should note that Flynn did actually make a living in the industry as a director on tv shows and such, though nothing he'd be likely to brag about. Episodes of reality shows and stuff. >This eats up practically all the budget, as not only do they now need to move their whole production, and Rolfe's life, out to LA for the duration of production, but of course LA makes tons of money off filmmaking, and so charges expensive permits, knowing big studios, and dumb wannabes like Flynn, will pay for it. >But hey, Rolfe does at least get the advantage of some "professional" actors. His sidekick was played by the boy who played the son on The Bernie Mac Show. That's a show about a black family, by the way. This will be relevant.
>Fans are a bit confused why the sidekick isn't just played by Matei, who seemingly is Rolfe's sidekick in real life, not to mention in Board James. >Mike never considered himself an actor, and never really liked being on camera. Plus, very importantly, while Rolfe was off during the production of the movie, Mike was left in charge of producing the web videos that were their bread and butter. >Mike tries making some original videos all by himself. Some of these are standard things like top ten videos about NES games. Others are low-effort videos that he can get James to be in without James having to really do much effort. This included a Let's Play series called "James & Mike Play," later known as "James & Mike Mondays." I should note that while they're low effort compared to AVGN, they were much more edited than a regular Let's Play, making them a lot more watchable. They did at least try to cut it down to only funny bits. >Notably, on an episode of James and Mike Mondays which included Kevin Flynn, Flynn didn't know how to hold an N64 controller. He held the d-pad prong and then was visibly uncomfortable as he tried to stretch his thumb over to the joystick so he could play Mario Kart. This man was co-writing, co-directing, and co-producing The Angry Video Game Nerd Movie. >one other low-effort video Matei got Rolfe to be in was called "The Super Mario Bros. Super Show DVD Menu Screen Review," where they review not the episodes on the DVD, but the DVD menu screen. The reason why is clearly because, bizarrely, Inspector Gadget is on the menu screen talking about everything you do and telling you how to use a DVD, with humorous lines about "moving the glow" and other weird shit. Over the course of the video, James and Mike start doing Inspector Gadget impressions and laughing their asses off. >Matei went to school for animation specifically, so he made a few cartoons. The most notable was "Minecraft with Gadget," where he does a Roger Rabbit style (to be generous) animated Inspector Gadget interacting with live action Mike as they play Minecraft on an iPad. This became infamous for being incredibly embarrassing. Notable jokes that people make fun of include Gadget mispronouncing Minecraft as "Miney-crafta" and "Minecrap," and Gadget saying "I love to build brown bricks in Minecrap." >For things like this, and his Elmo in Grouchland review, where the joke was that his review was really raunchy and adult, Matei was ridiculed endlessly, so he deleted the videos and was clearly very sensitive about it. >Around the same time, an ironic meme started of people commenting on Mike's Youtube videos saying that they heard Mike Matei had a "ten inch cock." >Meanwhile, Rolfe also announces that his wife is pregnant. >His wife has not interacted with the channel, website, or fans very much, but she did appear in some tiny roles in minor non-scripted videos back in the day, though never pointing out that this was his girlfriend/wife. These videos wouldn't be the most popular anyway. They'd be things like a video where they make some of the gross pizzas the Ninja Turtles talk about eating in the cartoon, then taste test them. >The one time she interacted more directly with the fans/business was when she posted a blog entry on their website, and made a remark in it about "making Cinemassacre less of a sausagefest." >All this time, Angry Video Game Nerd production has slowed down considerably, and the episodes that are coming out are of noticeably lower quality. Fans were somewhat forgiving, as he did over 100 very high quality episodes, and everyone understood that the reason was the movie. They wanted to see the movie, and in the meantime, the episodes were still alright, just not as great as before, when they were the main focus of his attention. >Production on the movie wraps, but post-production takes several years, because they ran out of money, so Rolfe had to basically finish the entire movie in his basement by himself. They filmed all the key shots with the actors and whatnot, but most of the special effects were done back in Philly/South Jersey, in conditions much more like a regular AVGN episode. His dream of making this like a Hollywood production is not happening anymore. >But finally the movie comes out. He actually manages to organize a limited theatrical release in many major cities. I actually did manage to see it in a theatre, though I had to go to a special theatre downtown. >By now it's summer 2014, a few years after he expected the movie to come out. But he did it. He even got a theatrical release. He put it out the same day as Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. I forget which one did better at the box office. >The movie has mixed reception, to say the least. Fans comment on how there is a somewhat forced-feeling female lead who seems to have romantic chemistry with The Nerd, but ends up with Nerd's black sidekick (who feels like he should be Mike, but is instead the kid from The Bernie Mac Show). >In context, this is because The Nerd is such a nerd that he actively avoids women, and is too much of a nerd to learn a lesson and change by the end of the movie or anything. >Fans just note that Rolfe made a movie where he got cucked by a black guy. >For the record, I just want to note that if you were to compare this to the obvious comparisons, like the movies that Nostalgia Critic put out, it's not even close. The AVGN Movie at least feels like a real movie, albeit an indie one, and though viewers may not always like how it lands, it at least doesn't come off like a shitty home movie made with your friends in your back yard with costumes from Party City. >still, people seem to note that the movie didn't lead to the further success Rolfe was probably hoping for. He probably hoped it was going to be a stepping stone, but he hasn't made another film since. Fans would say it's because the movie wasn't successful enough, but we would later get other reasons from Rolfe himself. More on that later. >During the period the movie was being made, his child is born. There is a brief mention in a blog entry of there being "difficulties." >"fans" joke about how his kid is probably black anyway, and retarded, maybe from getting its head bashed in by big black cocks/Mike Matei's ten inch cock. >During the period of post-production on the movie, the movie VHS 2 came out. >Director Adam Wingard said that he apparently considered James Rolfe for a role, but Rolfe turned it down, presumably because he was busy working on his own movie. >Adam Wingard is known for a bunch of infamously shitty movies like Blair Witch (2016) and the Netflix Death Note movie, but he also made Godzilla vs Kong and its sequel, which were both incredibly successful. >Wingard apparently also considered giving Rolfe a cameo in Godzilla vs Kong, but again Rolfe turned it down. James Rolfe is notably a massive Godzilla fan, and his second year of Monster Madness was him reviewing every Godzilla movie. He probably did help to get a lot more kids interested in the series, and putting him in Godzilla vs Kong would have seemingly been a dream for him, but he said no, and this time he doesn't seem to have a good reason, so fans assume that his wife told him not to. I don't think they have anything to base this on other than the stuff I've already told you. That one line about a "sausagefest" in a blog entry has resulted in these people blaming his wife for everything. I'm not saying they're wrong, though. But they don't have much to go on. >but I'm skipping forward a few years. I'd better back up.
>People figure that after the movie, he'd get back to higher quality AVGN. Maybe it's a bit higher quality after, but few people would say it was back to its previous quality. >But James did soon after do Season 3 of Board James, and that was seemingly a big passion project for him. For some reason, it's a high concept horror series now, going off the ending of the Dream Phone episode, and while there are still board game reviews, it's really not about that at all anymore. Fans actually seem to like this. AVGN wasn't as good anymore, but it's because his attention was still elsewhere, and the other thing he was making was good. >Mike and Bootsy were significant parts of this season, both in front of the camera and behind the scenes. >To compliment the channel, Mike was now taking the lead on more filler content. James & Mike Mondays was successful, so he also did a bunch of Mike & Bootsy Lets Plays, for example. >In one video about the technical setup for the website servers, they showed their tech guy on camera. His name is Ryan Schlott. He will be important later. >In the comments of that video with Ryan, Ryan himself left a comment saying "Big Ryan fan, btw." This will also be important later. >It soon became notable that Bootsy was really damn good at video games, and was able to beat incredibly difficult games. He did episodes of James & Mike Mondays where he actually beat Battletoads and Silver Surfer. >he then did a series called "Bootsy Beats," where Bootsy does in-depth instructional videos on how to beat hard games. Despite seemingly good reception, it only got one series, where he shows you how to beat BattleToads, then never continued. >In 2016, with the terrible Ghostbusters reboot coming out, Rolfe did a video called "Ghostbusters (2016). No review. I refuse." >Some of the earliest and most notable AVGN episodes were about Ghostbusters games. He essentially did a three parter which equalled about an hour of runtime on old Ghostbusters games. Mike later did a video on "Ghostbusters Leftovers," where he did the few remaining games. Of course they also did other lesser videos about the 2009 Ghostbusters game, and reviewed the movies, and James has one video where he went around to various Ghostbusters filming locations. >So of course people were asking Rolfe for his thoughts on the new movie. His thoughts were in this video, where he explained that it obviously isn't Ghostbusters, so therefore he had no interest in it, he did not want to waste his time or money on it, and thus would not be doing a review. >SJWs went after him hard, including Patton Oswalt who, very hypocritically, made fun of James for being a nerd. Not only is being a nerd James Rolfe's whole deal, but it's also Patton Oswalt's whole deal. >people then made fun of Patton Oswalt and said that he was just defensive over the movie because his wife had a cameo. This was a reference to how Patton Oswalt had recently killed his wife. (Look it up. He deliberately OD'd her to put her out of her misery over cancer or something.) Pat the NES Punk didn't realize it was a joke and thought his wife really had a cameo. >But all the while, James Rolfe never responded. He ignored the SJWs attempting to cancel him, which was clearly the smart thing to do. Obviously it was a small minority of lunatics, and 99% of people agreed with him. Everyone thought James was smart and stoic. Later events would make people reconsider. >Shortly after, Rolfe did an AVGN episode on the Mega Man series. The episode is about how the series has been done to death, but at the same time, he doesn't want it to go away forever. He wants it to just come back now and then, when the creators actually have a good idea for it. The metaphor about his own series is not subtle. >some time after this, he did an episode where he got Gilbert Gottfried to guest star. Most people would say it was not a very well written or directed episode. Not a very funny script. But Gilbert Gottfried is funny and it's pretty cool they could get him. >Over the years, Rolfe showed his awesome basement setup. His basement was his set for AVGN, with walls covered in shelves with thousands of games. >But movies are his real passion, so in one room of his basement, he built his own replica video store. It wasn't exact, of course. Not too many video stores had wood panelling everywhere, but still, it was pretty cool and he was clearly proud of it. >Soon after that Mega Man episode, he started a new series called Rental Reviews, where he and a few other people stand around and give off the cuff reviews of movies, in his basement video store. Yes, it it a blatant ripoff of RedLetterMedia's videos, though the other guys get mad if you bring it up. >But who were the other guys? Mike? Bootsy? Kyle Justin? Maybe Kevin Flynn (though the fans didn't like him)? >No, it was Ryan and three new guys, Justin Silverman, "Tony From HackTheMovies," (he made them call him that every time,) and Kieran. >Fans were confused at first, wondering why there were these new guys and none of the old guys, except for Mike who would appear occasionally. >then they realized that a new company was producing Cinemassacre's content. Rolfe was previously affiliated with Screwattack, but they were long gone. Now there was a new company, Screenwave Media. Screenwave Media was owned by Ryan Schlott. >It turns out that Ryan's dad was rich and funded many failed business ventures. Now Ryan's newest venture was a media company, and he already had ties to Cinemassacre, so he got them on board. >Justin, Tony, and Kieran were employees of Screenwave, not of Cinemassacre. >This meant Ryan was effectively the boss of everybody, including James. This combined with his Youtube comment of "Big Ryan fan, btw" resulted in the fans giving him the nickname "Big Ryan." >Since Ryan and the Screenwave employees were all big fat guys, they were also collectively called "The Screenslobs," or just "the slobs" for short. >The slobs are all five to ten years younger than James and Mike, so there is no shared experience to discuss. A very big part of the channel is '80s nostalgia, which James and Mike (and Bootsy, and Kyle) shared. Whenever James would bring up his experience with seeing some '80s movie, the other guys would say stuff like "Yeah I was too young for that." At the same time, James was visibly bored with all of their stupid stories, which didn't match either the content or the style of the stories James and the other old guys would tell. James would just constantly go "yeah. Yeah. Mmmhmm." Clearly bored. Fans noticed and made fun of this. >The show ended after two years, and Tony just took over the set and continued the show on his own channel but under a new name, with his friends instead of James, Justin, and Big Ryan. >They would argue that they are not the boss of James, that actually James and Mike co-own Cinemassacre, and they just hire Screenwave to help out, but by this point it's becoming clear that things are changing very significantly. >The style of writing and of editing is changing drastically, and fans are becoming convinced that James isn't doing either of these things. It was known that sometimes Mike and Bootsy edited as well, and Mike seemed to help with writing, but it doesn't feel like it did before, when it was just those three guys. >There is a reddit board called "The Cinemassacre" that is the official run, and Mike is seemingly in charge, but he is apparently banning people who make fun of him, make fun of The Screenslobs, and question where Bootsy has been. >in response, fans make a new board called "The Cinemassacre Truth," where you can speak the truth without getting banned by Mike. >Meanwhile, one night Mike gets drunk and, deciding to put the rumors to rest, goes on the official reddit board and posts a picture of his dick next to a measuring tape. Turns out the rumors were true.
>Some time later, Mike makes a post explaining that he and Bootsy had been friends since they were ten years old, but once they were both part of the business, business came between them and ruined their friendship. Mike makes reference to how he believes even if he apologized to Bootsy, Bootsy wouldn't forgive him, and he understands why. >Bootsy then makes a response post being a little more detailed and saying that he wasn't paid for his music or his editing in Board James. Mike had said that Bootsy was paid, but apparently it was only for acting or something. >The Screenslobs become a bigger and bigger presence, playing roles in AVGN, being credited as producers and editors and such. Meanwhile, the quality of the episodes nosedives. >As for Monster Madness, James had said that the tenth year was gonna be the last, but then continued it anyway, just in lesser forms, like with fewer videos, or off-the-cuff, not tightly edited reviews. >In more behind the scenes news, James had a second kid, and in many of his videos, he would constantly go on about "muh kids." >He also apparently moved, and did his best to recreate his basement in his garage, except the garage is noticeably smaller, and not only does it make the set look cramped, it makes it obviously difficult to film in. >One time in a James & Mike Mondays episode where they were playing Mega Man X, James repeatedly told everyone that he had to leave "At 5:40," to go watch his kids because his wife was going out. They made it to the last boss, but when they died, James pointed out that it was 5:40, so he had to leave and they couldn't beat the game. This became a massive meme. >Fans started to notice that James complained very often about having no time. Even going back to old AVGN videos where he would mention stuff like collecting clocks in Back to the Future on NES, or just complaining about timers in games in general. "Fuck time. Nobody likes time." "No time" and "5:40" became massive memes. >Then James did something he never should have done. Remember how he didn't respond to the criticism over his Ghostbusters refusal to review? Well he wasn't as smart when it came to the criticism on The Cinemassacre Truth. >He made a "Behind the Scenes" video, which he had done before, but this time he ended it with a substantial amount of time replying to criticisms "of the assholish variety." >Much of his defence consists of ridiculous things like how he tapes floor-lights to the ceiling to get good lighting, instead of, you know, getting ceiling lights. He rigged up his own shitty tripods out of scrap wood so he could fit them in particular places in his cramped basement, but then he can't do different shots because moving the cameras and lights is too hard now. That was his defense for people pointing out that his shots were boring and much less creative before. He also discussed his shitty do-it-yourself teleprompter, which notably made impacted his acting. One of his points was how hard it was to drill a hole through his childhood desk, which he was using as his computer desk, even though it had no holes for the computer wires. >In response to criticism of The Screenslobs, Rolfe pointed to the fact that he always had "help," like from Screwattack (even though they were a lot less noticeable), and asked "Do you want me to suffer?" >this of course didn't help at all. Not only did it not fix any of the problems with the declining quality, but it also showed a big difference in his attitude. He used to be better than other people on Youtube because he clearly thought of himself as a director, and he did try to direct his videos cinematically. He put a lot of effort in. Now he wasn't. He was openly outsourcing. >but bizarrely, it seemed like he was outsourcing the creative work, getting Screenwave to write and edit, but they were still making him do technical work, like setting up his set and equipment, and drilling holes through his childhood desks. >James also talks about how he doesn't understand fan complaints about his new videos not being as good. They don't like that he doesn't move the camera as much? But he just did a whole episode where he green screened himself and Tony From SmackTheBoobies in Las Vegas as he did a terrible Johnny Depp doing Hunter S Thompson impression! Surely that's better than his four minute video from 2006 where he just cracked a few jokes about Roger Rabbit on NES. >it really just went to show that he completely forgot what the appeal of his series was. It used to be a relatable series about how it felt to play different kinds of shitty games when you were a kid. Now it was... well it was whatever the random writers came up with that month. Oftentimes it wasn't relatable at all because James didn't even know what it was. One time he did a whole episode about Shrek games, based on a movie that came out when he was in his 20s, with nothing but stupid Shrekchan memes. Another time he did a whole episode about the Kingdom Hearts timeline, which he began by saying that he'd never played Kingdom Hearts before. >This Behind the Scenes video made the memes go into overdrive. These fans "of the assholish variety" now had tons of ammo to make fun of him harder than ever before. >but that was nothing. This video came out shortly before Monster Madness 2021, which they advertised as a return to form. The videos weren't gonna be on Youtube because Youtube didn't let them show enough movie clips like they would back in the old days. They had to edit many of the old Monster Madness videos. But they were gonna go back to full format, every day in October. >Then the first video came out, and fans noticed that it had a very strange line relating 28 Days Later to 9/11. >James Rolfe was never one for commentary like this. He was the type of guy who would just say why he likes a movie, very much in an everyman way. He was not some pseudointellectual type. >So someone looked it up. Turned out the script for the video was plagiarized. >They then managed to fuck with the URL of the Vimeo link and find the next day's video. Turns out that was plagiarized too. >Shit hit the fan. Justin, who by now had clearly become the boss of Cinemassacre (as Big Ryan was too big, so he just left Justin as manager), claimed that things would be dealt with. >Rolfe put out an unlisted apology video, blaming one of his writers. >But the whole premise of Monster Madness was that it was his take on horror movies. Before, he had even mentioned in a different Behind the Scenes video that though he could try to outsource some things, he couldn't outsource writing because the whole point is that it's his view, that's what he sells on Cinemassacre. >The Cinemassacre Truth, Truthers, as they are known, found who did it. It was a guy named Newt Wallen, apparently Tony's friend, as he was Tony's co-host on his own channel. Newt had bragged on Twitter about getting to write Monster Madness this year. >It would later come out that when Justin and co looked at the scripts, they were all fucking plagiarized. People were baffled, since all he was asked to do was write like three minutes on each movie. It's practically harder to plagiarize that than it is just to write it. >Newt was fired, and Kieran was tasked with re-doing, writing and editing, all these videos in time. James had to do new voiceovers. I'm sure he was very upset due to the lost time. Kieran would later claim he never got paid extra for this, that Big Ryan considered it part of his regular duties, even though it obviously wasn't. >To this day, Newt still tries to play victim on Twitter, saying he has mental health problems and stuff. He's a massive SJW. >Tony would stop working on Cinemassacre shortly after this, though his own channel is still under the umbrella of Screenwave. I have to wonder if this was because Newt was his friend who he brought in in the first place. He's not friends with Newt anymore.
>Meanwhile, James was talking for years about how he was working on an autobiography. Finally, it came out. >It turns out his autobiography is almost all about his time before AVGN. Much insight is given into his childhood. >he mentions that he was a very difficult child, diagnosed with ADHD and other stuff, and he went to a special school. People here would call him autistic, but this was the '80s, so they didn't throw the term around as much. >In one notable instance, he was in high school, and it was his final day at the special school. He was about to transfer into a regular school. >he talks about how he was very nervous, partially because there were basically no girls at the special school. He had essentially never interacted with girls regularly outside his family before. >When he got on the shortbus that morning, the bus driver scolded him because he didn't take the bus home the day before, but forgot to inform the driver, so he waited for him needlessly. >The bus driver complained that nobody tells the bus drivers anything. >"We're the bottom of the totem pole. The balls on the dick." >This upset James so badly that as he was walking into his classroom, which had a glass door, he was just stewing on it, then kicked the door. He didn't expect it to shatter, but he did. He had a breakdown and cried on the floor. >Rolfe doesn't delve into the psychology at play here very deeply, but frankly, I understand it, and it seems deep and relatable to me. This was a major transition period in his life. Not only was he going to a normal school for the first time in years, but he was growing up. The bus driver was speaking to him like an adult. It was the last time he'd see that guy or this school. I'm sure it was a very stressful day for him, and for a neurotic person like that, to know you left this guy upset at you, rightly so, would make you feel bad and frustrated. >anyway he still went to the normal school. They didn't keep him at the special school extra for having a breakdown on his last day. >But the most notable part of his book is about his college years. He discusses how his roommates and their friends, or as he calls them, "roomgoers," were wild. They would trash rooms and cause all sorts of mayhem and damage, and James, being a young filmmaker, took out his camera and filmed it all, making a wild documentary out of it, showcasing all their crazy times at college. >then the dean got a hold of it. >He had essentially documented all their crimes. Not only that, he had edited it down into a perfect highlight reel, deliberately heightening the effect to make it a better film. It also made it even more effective when it came to convincing the dean to expel them all. >James's life was absolutely destroyed. He goes on about how this impacted his whole family, not just by disappointing them, but also by costing them money and time. >in the meantime, seemingly expelled from college, he had to find a new place to live. This is when he met Kyle Justin. Kyle was his roommate, and he talks a lot about how Kyle really helped him through everything, encouraging him and telling him things were gonna work out. He even mentions that Kyle introduced him to the woman who would become his wife. >in the present day, Kyle hasn't been seen in years, and when asked about him, James just says "Kyle's busy with life. Nothin' but good memories." Kyle's been replaced with the Screenslobs, who are essentially paid to pretend to be James's friends in videos. >Essentially, it becomes clear that this autobiography, which James says he'd been working on for 20 years, was not about AVGN. It was about how he got expelled from college. He just kept writing it the whole time, as he became a successful filmmaker. >The book sort of glosses over a lot of AVGN stuff, but it does discuss the movie a bit. What James seems to focus on is how the immense amount of work that went into it took him away from everything else in his life, including his family when his first child was just born. And this makes a lot of things click. It's not that after the movie James got lazy because the movie didn't do as well as he hoped. It's that after the movie he realized that he doesn't love making movies as much as he loves his kids. He doesn't say this explicitly, of course, but that's the message that seems to come across. >Truthers make fun of him for this, but frankly, I think it's a perfectly reasonable stance to take. >but it is stupid that he's essentially outsourced the creativity and is still doing the technical work. >Meanwhile, James is putting out some pretty sad videos, like one where he discusses his "horror film idea." Obviously his dream would be to make a horror film, not the AVGN Movie, but he is now acknowledging that he will never have time, so he just made a video explaining the idea instead of actually making it. >after the plagiarism, James and the Screenslobs seemed to take some of the criticism they had been getting. Notably, they announced in a Youtube comment that the slobs (of course they don't call them that) would be stepping to behind the scenes roles and other projects. They also said the channel would try to go back to its roots or something. James did a few videos about '80s nostalgia and horror movies, which did actually feel written by him. It was an improvement, but not enough. >By 2022, AI voices have gotten good enough that The Truthers make their own "Monster Madness Of The Assholish Variety," with James's voice. Every video is full of memes about 5:40 and slobs and lack of time and Mike's ten inch cock, but also they just generally get James's narrative voice pretty well. Writing wise, I mean, not vocally, because the AI wasn't good enough yet. Now it is, but honestly the 2023 version wasn't as good. Too many people who clearly weren't there for passion about making fun of James Rolfe, but just wanted to latch on to a trend. But the 2022 one was great. >After the plagiarism scandal, Mike announced he was stepping away from Cinemassacre to focus on streaming. Years of mocking him relentlessly actually toughened him up, and now he is comfortable streaming and apparently makes so much money that he is "independently wealthy" and "doesn't need to worry about money anymore." >Meanwhile, James talks about how AVGN is hard but it's better than every other job, so he's basically admitting that he's doing it just for the money. >Mike sometimes even dresses up as Inspector Gadget on stream and does the voice and everything. >he also is still apparently co-owner of Cinemassacre, and though he said he was stepping away, he does still show up on occasion, and it seems like he helps with writing, as well as creating the gameplay clips they use. People note this is lazy, and basically what happens is Mike plays a game on stream, then sends the footage to Cinemassacre, and they make an episode out of it, sometimes with jokes he ad-libbed on stream. >Mike also did a series for like a year called "Talk About Games," hosted by him and Big Ryan, where they each bring in a game to discuss in depth. After a year they cancelled it, admitting it was due to low viewership. In the last episode, Big Ryan had long hair and was wearing a very low cut shirt, fuelling rumors that he was becoming a tranny. Big Ryan hasn't been seen on video since.
>the 200th episode of AVGN is The Nerd reviewing every LJN game. LJN is a publisher from the '80s who got the rights to tons and tons of movies and cartoons and made tons and tons of shitty games. At first it was a coincidence that many of the games AVGN reviewed were by LJN, but once he noticed, it became a running joke that they were like his nemesis. Now he was gonna review every LJN game so he'd never have to deal with them ever again. >Also, there was a subplot of him publishing his own game, hiring a guy to make one. This was done to market the remakes of the two official AVGN games that were coming out. >for the record, people seemed to like the actual AVGN games. But the remakes, interestingly, removed all references to the AVGN movie, for some reason. Of course people figure it's because he or Screenwave feels ashamed of the movie. >Anyway, the end of the 200th episode is that although he intends to make a good game, the developer keeps telling him that due to time and money and technical problems, many of his ideas can't be implemented correctly. In the end, The Nerd makes a shit game, and he realizes that he shouldn't be so hard on LJN, because maybe they tried their best. >like the Mega Man episode, the metaphor for his own series is not subtle. >in 2023, Kieran, who was the slob left in charge of Cinemassacre after Justin got too big to bother, quit due to low pay and poor working conditions. Though he claimed he didn't want to talk about it, he was claiming this on stream as he talked about it and spilled the beans on a lot of the Screenwave related stuff I've mentioned here. >He admitted that he wrote the Kingdom Hearts timeline video, but he fought hard against it because he knew it made no sense, but Big Ryan made him do it. >he also says that the 200th episode was made into a three parter because Big Ryan accidentally sold three times as many brand sponsorship deals as he was supposed to, so he had to force James to triple the runtime and cut it into thirds. >Kieran was replaced by some guy named Sean as the new slob in charge of Cinemassacre. >the first couple of episodes by Sean seemed to show improvement, but in very strange ways. They did an Indiana Jones episode where half the episode was set in 2008, when AVGN reviewed Indiana Jones games in response to Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but the other half was reviewing new Indy games in response to the new piece of shit movie. The parts set in 2008 did actually feel significantly more like old AVGN, showing that they can see the difference and can work in the old style if they wanted to. But they don't want to. The other half is still in shitty new style, like they legitimately think it's better. >the latest episode is him reviewing "My Horse Prince," a joke mobile game, but he acts as if he thinks it's serious. He also does bits where he films himself in portrait mode from his phone, because it's a mobile game and I guess he's trying to make a joke about doing things with phones that phones aren't supposed to do. Either way, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's the worst episode ever. It came out like three days ago. It peaked some time before 2011, and hasn't even really been the same show since like 2017. James Rolfe wants to spend more time with his kids, and he doesn't care about AVGN or seemingly even filmmaking anymore. His passion is parenting, and he does this for the money. He figures it's easier to let some slobs do the thinking for him, though he's too dumb to get them to do the technical work for him. He figures this is better than working at any other job, and he's probably right. He and Mike are still friends, though Mike alienated his oldest friend over business dealings, and James neglected one of the best friends he ever had, and those two guys used to make up a significant part of the channel. Now they have to hire some slobs to pretend to be James's friends, and those guys suck at their jobs, both pretending to be friends and producing video content. They got him in trouble by plagiarising under his name, and by convincing him to stick up for them, because he's an autistic beta who just does what people close to him tell him to do. He doesn't check the internet, but Justin does, and Justin clearly understands the problems, but he sucks too bad to fix them unless he just fires himself, and he's not gonna do that. James should just fired Screenwave and Big Ryan and if he needs a producer, get Stuttering Craig back, since he was essentially the Big Ryan back when AVGN was at its peak. But the chances of this happening don't seem very high.
How do you know this much about AVGN? 10/10 OC, write more in this style about anything else you know this well.
(16.34 MB 640x480 James Rolfe, AVGN remix.mp4)

>>960971 > He even mentions that Kyle introduced him to the woman who would become his wife. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall that he met his wife on an online dating site? >>960972 The whole downfall is really sad to me. It's clear James used to have a real passion for moviemaking and making videos and all that has turned to dust. It really is just a job to him at this point. Which I can't fault him for, any ongoing creative work is going to run out of gas eventually, but all his other creative vehicles died with it. >Board james? Dead >You know what's bullshit? Dead >James & Mike Mondays? Dead >A new independent movie? Not going to happen. >Monster Madness? Half-assed >Cinemassacre podcast? Really Dead >Rex Viper? Dead >Rental Reviews? Really Dead >Anything weird or experimental, like Monkey Cheese? Long forgotten All he does now is AVGN, the occasional movie review, and Neighbor Nerds with some guy I know nothing about. I don't really expect any sort of comeback from James or an improvement in the quality of AVGN episodes, especially after watching Horse Prince, which may be the absolute worst AVGN episode has ever made thus far. But I do hope that a turnaround can happen. I'm just not holding my breath for it.
>>960980 >all that has turned to dust That is what marriage does to a man's life.
>>960757 dramafags tend to be on top of these stuff. Like dramatica there needs an archive of these stuff
>>960980 >Board james? Dead To be fair, he finished Board James. It got an ending. That's why it ended. He got so passionate about it that he wrote a big massive story that ended it. >You know what's bullshit? Dead Oh yeah, I should have mentioned how they still do that sometimes, but it sucks because James only does voiceover now. There's one episode about inflatable halloween decorations, and there's a first person shot of walking into a store to buy them. As "you" walk through the sliding glass doors to enter the store, you can see the big fat reflection of Justin holding the camera. >James & Mike Mondays? Dead Oh yeah. Mike made a post not long ago about why he quit doing this. He listed like 50 reasons, largely being that he simply wanted to focus on streaming, which is much easier but apparently makes him at least comparable amounts of money. He doesn't have to worry about editing or thumbnails or any of that bullshit. The rest of the problems largely revolved around how inconvenient it was to drive to James's house to film videos. James driving to his house was no better, because then James would be annoyed and tired, and he'd have even less time. So Mike had to take the hit, because he'd try harder to play the part of a fun guy hanging out with his buddy, but he didn't want to do that anymore either. It was like streaming but with way more work. Sometimes James appears on Mike's streams, when he has time. >Neighbor Nerds James started a new series like James & Mike Mondays, only instead it's with his bald friend. The guy was introduced as his childhood friend who, back in the day, gave him his NES collection, so a lot of the original AVGN games originally belonged to this guy. But the implication then was that James hadn't spoken to this guy in years. Now he does a regular series with him because they finally got the message that hiring slobs to pretend to be James's friend doesn't work, and this guy is the closest thing to a friend that James has left. >A new independent movie? Not going to happen. And why do you think that's the case? Take a wild guess. HE. HAS. KIDS. These are both quotes he has made/makes regularly that get memed on hard. >Monster Madness? Half-assed Or straight up plagiarized by the people he hired to make it for him, which already defeats the point even if it wasn't plagiarized. >Cinemassacre podcast? Really Dead Oh yeah, Kieran also said that he suggested bringing back Rental Reviews, which did have higher views than that podcast, but Justin, who came up with the idea for Rental Reviews and seemed to take ownership of it, vetoed it. Also, they bought a $10k desk for the Cinemassacre Podcast, but by the time it arrived the podcast was cancelled. They used it for other things like Talk About Games, which lasted even less time. >Rex Viper? Dead I also forgot to mention this. Seemed to be his new passion. James learned guitar or bass or something, and wanted to be a rocker, but he knows people will only watch if it's video game related, so they do '80s songs mashed up with video game songs. It's incredibly cringy in every way possible. They put out some cringy videos and sometimes play live shows at game conventions, including the one owned by Big Ryan. Oh yeah, remember that time Chris Chan got kicked out of a convention and curled up into a ball on the floor? That was at Big Ryan's convention. Justin was the guy who kicked him out. >Anything weird or experimental, like Monkey Cheese? Long forgotten No time. >>961003 It truly is. But at the same time, he seems happy. He seems to love being a dad. So in the end, this autistic loser actually got something his parents probably never thought he would have: a family. Good for him.
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>>960756 Considering what these dykes do on their socials, they usually move the goalpost whenever they get called out while acting like a perpetual preschooler. >>960926 His twitter feed, no wonder why his character was the "retard".
>>961041 Leave Jeff Mangum out of this. Neutral Milk Hotel is classic /mu/core from long before the exodus. That specific picture is older than most people posting here.
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>>961067 Did someone say NMH?
>>960972 I seriously don't understand Justin, he did some great work with Silvermania, liked AVGN since the very first episode, is internet savvy, cynical and knows shit is fucked with the AVGN. Just seems like he's lazy and wants to ride off it's popularity until it even die hards move on. They're losing more and more viewers and Jewtube being the garbage it is certainly ain't helping.
>>961192 Sometimes Justin seems like an alright guy, but Kieran, though trying to not name names, really indicated that Justin is an asshole behind the scenes, at least when it comes to business stuff. He knows the problems, but his inner jew won't let him stop chasing the short term economic gains, even at the expense of the series he was a fan of, and of his own dignity. Also, he's only second in command. It's also highly possible and likely that Big Ryan is stopping ol' Busty Justy from doing certain things that would make the situation better, and/or mandating certain things that make it worse.
>>960966 >>960967 >>960969 >>960970 >>960971 >>960972 You forgot that one "series" James had where he was playing the boss of some think-tank style groups where they had to come up with solutions to stupid problems or something. The only thing I remember was that one of the characters was an obese woman with an unbearably thick fake accent. I cannot even remember the name of the show, I think it was "Problem Solvers", but I cannot find anything under that name. Maybe it was so bad that James wiped it off the internet for good.
>>961636 I found it, it was actually called OverAnalyzers and they don't solve problems, they overthink stupid questions instead. https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL66D950A321B25083
>>961636 There is actually a small gag at the start of the James Bond episode where James helping the check with speech therapy, since people hated her accent.
>>911139 Do breadtubers count?
>>962033 Destiny isn't a breadtuber, he's a """""centrist"""""
>>962039 You're thinking of Tim Poole Destiny is a breadtuber
>>962054 Breatuber means communist. Destiny a neo liberal capitalist. Words have meaning, stop being a retarded nigger. Also ironically the clip those was posted is from a literal communist that despises him. As much as he's a total faggot on many issues virtually every single person calling into this show is a blatant leftist, which makes it odd that it's being posted here. >>962033 Do you disagree with the position that BLM rioters deserve to be shot? Or did you not actually watch the video that you uploaded?
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>>962063 I honestly have no idea, I don't really follow any of these cunts. I always thought this fag was some kind of moderate lefty, like center left.
>>962070 Even if he wasn't far left he's very useful to the far left
>>962070 >I always thought this fag was some kind of moderate lefty, like center left. Being moderately left wing is called being a generic liberal, not a "breadtuber". >>962074 You're completely out of touch with the current political paradigm. Destiny is literally enemy #1 to far leftists and has been for years.
>>962080 Not that guy, but all I know is people cite this faggot with a stripper name when complaining about Jon "The Honorary" Aryan Jafari acknowledging that reality exists.
>>962080 > Destiny is literally enemy #1 to far leftists and has been for years. That's only because he's one of them who's brain has only gone 95% soft, rather than being a full-throated zealot to the narrative - and he does talk to people on the other side of the argument rather than just start shit at demonstrations then run away. He's a commie, but he's not a revolutionary. So he's of no use to the movement, and he's a potential liability on top of that.
>>962082 He's a neo liberal, so yes he argued with jontron about immigration and is pro-immigration, as basically all neo liberals are. But being in favor of immigration is not a "far left" position, it's literally just the standard liberal position. Like I said, he's a faggot, but the video posted is of actual far leftists trying to use his non-left positions to make him look edgy and right wing. Such as being in favor of people defending their property from looting niggers, exercising the free speech to call people niggers, and prohibiting trannies from competing in sports. There's plenty of material from him where he's actually saying retarded shit, especially as it pertains to immigration and race realism. And yet this >>962033 faggot chooses to post a video of commie faggots kvetching about his most agreeable positions as if it was some sort of gotchya.
>>962086 >He's a commie, but he's not a revolutionary. If you think people that staunchly identify as capitalists and espouse the benefits of a capitalist economy can be accurately defined as communists then the definition you're operating with has become completely devoid of substance.
>>962080 You're completely out of touch with the current political paradigm, destiny was on the reddit front page just yesterday, far leftists love spamming his clips in safe spaces Not implying he's far left but he's objectively very useful to the far left, beefing with far left ecelebs like keffals or hasan doesn't change that
>>962099 >destiny was on the reddit front page just yesterday For arguing with a retarded sheboon claiming that the average college tuition was $100,000. Your narrative kind of starts to fall apart a bit when someone's information is more updated than 7 years old on a given person. >far leftists love spamming his clips in safe spaces I don't know why you keep using the word "far leftist" to describe milquetoast liberals. You're very obviously not using the term the way that everyone actually understands it and it's only serving to discredit everything you're posting. >Not implying he's far left but he's objectively very useful to the far left, beefing with far left ecelebs like keffals or hasan doesn't change that Far leftism means communism. You could argue that at some point he was a useful idiot for the left when he was primarily contending with conservatives, but for the last few years almost his entire presence has been doing basically nothing but shitting on communists. You're going to actually explain how he is being useful to communists by routinely dismantling their failed ideology. You could say that liberalism in general is only serving as a pipeline to making communist ideology more palatable over time. It would still be retarded, but at least it would be a somewhat coherent argument instead of the drivel you're spewing. If you're going to have a /cow/ tier thread at the very least make it interesting and better than the dogshit herdniggers come up with. This is boring as fuck.
>>962106 >I don't know why you keep using the word "far leftist" to describe milquetoast liberals. As someone who doesn't keep up with this e-celeb bullshit except for my extreme autism for AVGN, this sentence indicates to me that you've just moved the overton window so far left that you're accepting things that are far left as center just because the far left told you to. "Oh wow, he doesn't think you magically become a woman just by saying you are. That means he can't be far left." No, it just means that they moved the goalposts so hard and you fell for it.
>For arguing with a retarded sheboon claiming that the average college tuition was $100,000. Your narrative kind of starts to fall apart a bit when someone's information is more updated than 7 years old on a given person. An example 1 day old isn't 7 years old, many more examples where that came from. Candace is a midwit not a retard but her iq doesn't matter to destiny being useful to the far left >I don't know why you keep using the word "far leftist" to describe milquetoast liberals. You're very obviously not using the term the way that everyone actually understands it and it's only serving to discredit everything you're posting. Believing reddit front page is milquetoast liberal discredits everything you're posting, what are examples of far left safe spaces to you? >You could argue that at some point he was a useful idiot for the left when he was primarily contending with conservatives I could argue and am arguing he's a useful idiot for the far left right now because unlike the far right who hate-watches him the far left approvingly spamming his clips in their safe spaces Most people who aren't far something don't know this faggot, for example jordan peterson only discovered him weeks ago, ask any lib or con off the streets who destiny is You're in a bubble and too retarded to see it
>>962107 Yeah it's an overton window issue
>>962106 As someone else who doesn't keep up with e-celeb bullshit, I have no opinion on Destiny, but I do on this argument. >You're very obviously not using the term far left the way that everyone actually understands it "Everyone actually agrees with me so I'm right" is a fucking stupid way to argue. Exaggerating how many have a view doesn't validate it. It's also self-defeating as I'm not in your "everyone," Stonetossposter isn't, and Destinyposter isn't.
>>962107 Are you the guy who posted the giant greentext on AVGN? That was quality content.
>>962063 >Breatuber means communist Technically, the title of "Breadtuber" means "individualist communist" as the term comes from the book The Conquest of Bread, by the famous AnCom Kropotkin.
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>>962033 That guy is somewhat of a gamer, but his funniest moments are all non-gaming related.
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>>962147 This man has a fucking daughter.
>>962107 >"Oh wow, he doesn't think you magically become a woman just by saying you are. That means he can't be far left." I'm legitimately dumbfounded by some of the shit you retards come up with. Are you unironically claiming that liking trannies and faggots is a "far left" position? That wasn't even a far left position 20 fucking years ago. This is some everything I don't like is hitler shit. Kill yourself you nigger brained retard. >>962109 >An example 1 day old isn't 7 years old Uh yeah, that's what I just said. >Candace is a midwit not a retard Lmfao >Believing reddit front page is milquetoast liberal The reddit front page also had Canadians ranting about how much indian immigration is ruining the country. So is being against mass indian immigration a far left position by your standards? Man you stupid fucks really don't run your logic down very far before making posts do you. >>962120 >"Everyone actually agrees with me so I'm right" is a fucking stupid way to argue. Everyone literally has to agree on the definitions of words and terms in order to communicate. I don't particularly care what your definition of communist, or "far left" is, but when you decide that people who are staunch capitalists are actually communists in the middle of a conversation without making that clear you're going to get confusion and push back. If you're going to diverge from the commonly understood definitions then you need to be operating in good faith and make your personal definitions of words known in order to properly navigate a conversation. Except in the case when you're operating in bad faith. Then it becomes extremely useful to obfuscate the actual meaning of your words because you can weasel out of being held accountable for the things you're saying. A common kike tactic for subverting online discussion.
>>962147 >One of my wife's boyfriends just lost their mind and you know how that goes How he says that so casually like that type of relationship is normal is just...what the fuck.
>>962201 This is the future anon.
>>962206 Considering everyone but his internet friends mock him for it, I very much doubt it.
>>962195 >Are you unironically claiming that liking trannies and faggots is a "far left" position? No he's not he only said trannies and didn't say liking them he said "think you magically become a woman just because you say you are" you have no comprehension or twist on purpose >Uh yeah, that's what I just said. You strawman me as out of touch with the political paradigm got proven wrong by an example a day old then made up my narrative is falling apart because yours just did lol >Candace is a retard It's retarded to assume she's her race's average when data show different, she's a self-made multi-millionaire businesswoman at what 35? That's not nothing yeah she's far from genius but guarantee she's smarter than you with your illogical responses >The reddit front page said a normie thing before so it's not far left Cherry-picking an exception to lie about the rule >Man you stupid fucks really don't run your logic down very far before making posts do you. Yet everything you said was logically fallacious lol project harder >Except in the case when you're operating in bad faith. Then it becomes extremely useful to obfuscate the actual meaning of your words because you can weasel out of being held accountable for the things you're saying. A common kike tactic for subverting online discussion. Oh like me asking examples of far left safe spaces online and you not answering?
>>962201 >>962206 Bad end. Charlie, sseth, and Max0rz run a train on his girl while he tries not to cry on stream.
>>962214 >You strawman me as out of touch with the political paradigm That's not what strawman means. >got proven wrong by an example a day old No I didn't. Your example of him helping communism was pointing out to a sheboon that the average college tuition isn't $100,000. Your "example" was just some vague implication until you realized that I actually knew what you were referencing and then it become useless because it's completely irrelevant to the topic. >It's retarded to assume she's her race's average If you're going to actually assess people's intelligence in that way then you need to break things down to their actual race. Black is not a race any more than white is. I sincerely doubt she's the same phenotype as a detroit gang banger. And such it's pointless to isolate by pseudo-races. If you're retarded you're retarded, I'm not qualifying people as "smart for an irishman", because all you're doing is obfuscating. >she's a self-made multi-millionaire businesswoman at what 35? Correlation is not causation. You're not seriously that retarded, right? >Cherry-picking an exception to lie about the rule A lot of countries reddit pages are filled with people openly talking about the issues with immigration. Basically every EU country specific reddit constantly points it out. This is the problem with trying to spin narratives to push your agenda instead of just being honest. Once someone genuinely informed comes along your entirely world view just crumbles. >logically fallacious I sort of feel bad now since it seems like you're a teenager or in your early twenties. Lurk more before embarrassing yourself like this my man. >Oh like me asking examples of far left safe spaces online and you not answering? There aren't really any entire platforms that are specifically safe for far leftists. Communists form in places where basically everyone else does, like discord. There are far right discords and far left discords. The far left is by default safer than the far right on every single platform in existence by nature of all big tech companies leaning more left than right. I don't really understand the point of the question.
>>962201 You won't believe what happened next. His wife, a Swedish model, fell for a Swedish softboy NEET who demanded she leave him, and now they're getting a divorce.
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>>962225 Wasn't she railed by niggers like the Swedish nordcuck whore she is?
>>962221 >That's not what strawman means. You don't know what it means so https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/straw%20man "a weak or imaginary opposition (such as an argument or adversary) set up only to be easily confuted" which you did with me >No I didn't get proven wrong by an example a day old Yes you did as people out of touch with the political paradigm on destiny aren't updated enough to give you a day old example lol your narrative fell apart now you're in denial >Your example of him was just some vague implication Wrong it was destiny making candace look stupid which is useful to the far left since candace is their enemy so it's front page reddit >it's completely irrelevant to the topic. Literally the total opposite the topic was me being out of touch with the political paradigm on destiny and people out of touch aren't updated enough to give you a day old example >until you realized that I actually knew what you were referencing Actually completely irrelevant lol no one said you didn't read a reddit post >If you're going to actually assess people's intelligence in that way You're the one saying the midwit candace is a retarded sheboon not me >because all you're doing is obfuscating. Like obfuscating that she's a self-made multi-millionaire businesswoman at like 35 with "retarded sheboon"? Obfuscation's your thing not mine >iq income correlation is not causation, you're not seriously that retarded, right? Lol reddit meme response with zero subtlety, iq usually causes income and income obviously doesn't cause iq retard, read the bell curve if you need your hand held about why >This one issue means reddit isn't far left Still cherry-picking exceptions to lie about the rule >This is the problem with trying to spin narratives to push your agenda That's what you're doing and just did, everyone else including me's been honest your response to being wrong is just to spin narratives and lie until others get bored lol >you're underage since you showed how my arguments were fallacious Another stupid narrative >There aren't really any entire platforms that are specifically safe for far leftists There are lots and you won't name them because quoting you "it becomes extremely useful to obfuscate the actual meaning of your words because you can weasel out of being held accountable for the things you're saying" Anyway it remains true destiny is very useful to the far left and spamming retarded fallacies won't change that
>>962225 Damn, who could have seen that coming?
Destiny's only useful to the far-left because he's good at arguing, and not because he's far-left himself. He has a Jewish cunning, where he's a quick wit with words. He would thrive as a lawyer.
>>962243 >"a weak or imaginary opposition (such as an argument or adversary) set up only to be easily confuted" Stating that you are out of touch with the current political paradigm is not an imaginary argument. The only possible way you could interpret it as such is if you're ESL. Calling someone ignorant is not a strawman you fucking moron. >Yes you did as people out of touch with the political paradigm on destiny aren't updated enough to give you a day old example lol your narrative fell apart now you're in denial If that's what you mean by proven wrong then sure. I was talking about the fact you were using that as evidence as him helping communism, which it did not. It's become abundantly clear that you are aware of the reality of these things, and that you're just acting in bad faith. So we can definitely agree on this point. >Wrong it was destiny making candace look stupid which is useful to the far left since candace is their enemy Candace Owens is an enemy to the collective gene pool. The notion that every time someone dissects retarded shit "conservative" faggots says that they are supporting communism is completely untenable. >Like obfuscating that she's a self-made multi-millionaire businesswoman at like 35 with "retarded sheboon"? Obfuscation's your thing not mine Once again being financially successful is irrelevant to whether or not she's intelligent or well informed. >Lol reddit meme response with zero subtlety, iq usually causes income and income obviously doesn't cause iq retard, read the bell curve if you need your hand held about why Do you see the operating word in that sentence? Here I can point it out for you, it's usually. Testosterone and height are more closely tied to success than IQ is. The fact you unironically think that every rich person is necessarily intelligent is fucking comical. >There are lots and you won't name them I said every single major platform is conducive for far leftists. You can go read it, I wrote it in the post you just responded to actually. >>962251 So if he was arguing in favor of a white ethno-state would he be useful to the far left because he's good at arguing?
I can very much see destiny and other bredtubers become CNN/The Late Show with X host in the future. They are perfectly molded to be into those positions where people will simply listen to them because they're "popular"
>>962252 >if Destiny was arguing the opposite of what Destiny's argued for years, would he be useful to the far left because he's good at arguing Yes, but not in that instance. This might be the dumbest question I've read this month, what the fuck? >>962253 Elon did try to recruit the former CNN host Don Lemon so there's precedent though he canceled Don's contract since Don's interview with Elon was more of a hit piece.
>>962260 >Yes, but not in that instance. This might be the dumbest question I've read this month, what the fuck? I'm curious if you would think a neocon that was really good at arguing for mass immigration would be useful to the far right, despite not being far right. Just trying to understand your very unique and interesting thought process here.
>>962251 Yeah not saying he's far left just useful to them >Stating that you are out of touch with the current political paradigm is not an imaginary argument. Lol you just left out the second part of the definition <a weak or imaginary opposition (such as an argument or adversary) set up only to be easily confuted" <or adversary You made up an imaginary adversary to confute to not deal with the real one, did the same with the definition, did the same to >>962107 turning his "you don't magically become a woman just by saying you are" into "liking trannies and faggots is far left," you just make up arguments and adversaries in your head then argue with them >The only possible way you could interpret it as such is if you're ESL. Lol from you an illiterate ignorant to the definition who twisted it because you didn't comprehend it or had to lie to save face >If that's what you mean by proven wrong then sure. I was talking about the fact you were using that as evidence as him helping communism I said "out of touch with the political paradigm got proven wrong by an example a day old" half 1 is beside half 2 so it's obvious what I meant, hard time with comprehension you have >I was talking about the fact you were using that as evidence as him helping communism, which it did not. Making someone communists hate look stupid does help communism retard but yeah not my point >you're just acting in bad faith. I show why that's you then you repeat it's me lol >The notion that every time someone dissects retarded shit "conservative" faggots says that they are supporting communism is completely untenable. Another strawman, ecelebs are more than "someone," eceleb team blue making eceleb team red look stupid on reddit's front page is more than "dissection," and "useful to the far left" is different than "supporting communism," total obfuscation >being financially successful is irrelevant to whether or not she's intelligent, do you see the operating word in that sentence? Here I can point it out for you, it's usually. "Financially successful" obfuscates with a lower bar going from nothing to self-made multi-millionaire businesswoman, another strawman, said she's a midwit not intelligent she's just smarter than you Yeah dummy it's a safe bet she's not retarded >Testosterone and height are more closely tied to success than IQ is. Wrong on both they're tied but less tied for men and testosterone in women is actually linked to lower socioeconomic position, lower household income, living in a more deprived area and lower chance of having a university degree >The fact you unironically think that every rich person is necessarily intelligent I said she's a midwit this is another stupid strawman >I said every single major platform is conducive for far leftists And those major platforms are full of destiny clips useful to the far left You just pretend people said stuff they didn't then argue with strawmen lol not sure if illiterate or bad faith probably both
>>962270 >"you don't magically become a woman just by saying you are" The average liberal doesn't believe people "magically become women". This is itself a literal strawman. Which is why I changed it into something that actually reflects reality, which is liberals just generally being fine with trannies and faggots. >Another strawman, ecelebs are more than "someone," That's not a strawman, dude. I'm fine with "someone" being exclusive to people of influence in this context. > eceleb team blue making eceleb team red look stupid on reddit's front page is more than "dissection," and "useful to the far left" is different than "supporting communism," total obfuscation So your position is that every time someone effectively disagrees with a conservative they are being useful to the far left. Which would imply you essentially think that no one should ever criticize anyone who is right wing in a public setting. >"Financially successful" obfuscates with a lower bar going from nothing to self-made multi-millionaire businesswoman, another strawman, said she's a midwit not intelligent she's just smarter than you So you think really really rich people are necessarily at least midwits, but not retarded. That's very profound, thanks for clearing that up. >Wrong on both Nope. >I said she's a midwit this is another stupid strawman Yes yes it's a very important distinction. >You just pretend people said stuff they didn't then argue with strawmen lol not sure if illiterate or bad faith probably both So I guess you've just given up and are wallowing in pedantic nonsense now. Boring.
>>962121 Yes. But to be fair, my autism pales in comparison to the minor e-celebs who are the kings of Cinemassacre analysis, Red Cow Entertainment, specifically Frankie Frain. Also their content is actually pretty good aside from AVGN stuff. That's what brings in new viewers, but I stuck around and enjoy the rest of their stuff. Their main show is about reviewing different brands of macaroni and cheese, but really it's just about them talking about whatever while they happen to be making macaroni and cheese. Very frequently the topic is video games. They then have a second channel called Red Cow Arcade which is more pop-culture focused, mostly video games. >>962195 >Are you unironically claiming that liking trannies and faggots is a "far left" position? No. I don't see where I said that in the post you quoted or any other. If you could give the exact quote you're referring to, that would help.
>>962280 >The average liberal doesn't believe people "magically become women". This is itself a literal strawman. We weren't talking about "the average liberal." We were talking about "far left." You changing it is the strawman. Reply to actual quotes you fucking retard.
>>962282 So the average liberal doesn't think men can magically become women. And destiny doesn't think men can magically become women, which has been previously agreed upon here >>962107. And yet destiny is far left, according to what qualification exactly?
>>962270 It may pique your interest that the Marioni study actually found the genetic correlation between height and general intelligence to be 0.28 with a bivariate heritability estimate of 0.71, so part of the success-height correlation is actually explained by IQ. The Keller study found correlations between spouses where smart women more pick tall men and smart men more pick tall women (though less than the former) so assortative mating strengthens the correlation between height and IQ. >>962281 Early AVGN interested me for my NES nostalgia. When James started with Cinemassacre, YouTube didn't even exist, so his content felt unique, like how seeing Super Mario 64 for the first time has a bigger impact in 1996 than 2024. His antics had charm with real enjoyment behind it, kind of like Monty Python.
>>962284 A socialist is still far-left, even if its not as far left as a communist.
>>962299 Do socialists usually identify as capitalists and praise the benefits of living in capitalist economies?
>>962302 No, but "capitalists" don't usually die their hair in SJW colors, support tranny rights, vote for bernie sanders/biden, live in bisexual polygamy, whine about "orange man bad" constantly, call everyone racist/sexist/homophobic who is slightly right of center, and so on His disagreements with the craziest parts of the left and occasional tenuous support of capitalism over communism are the reason why people might call him a """centrist""", but he's clearly far left. He's a socialist democrat who knows how to take advantage of the neglected "middle market" people on youtube. He's just 75% of the way to full craziness, rather than the 100%+ nuttiness of people like Vaush, but he knows how to make himself palatable to the naive.
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>A "Ohoho! So you're saying B, and B is silly! It appears I have bested you." -argumentative monkeymind
>>962307 >reaction gif of a far-left woman smearing another """centrist""" man who ended up becoming controlled opposition anyways Not exactly helping Destiny's cause here, unless you're one of those people who just post things without thinking.
>>962306 >No, but "capitalists" don't usually Don't care what they usually do. Capitalism isn't when you don't have dyed hair. >His disagreements with the craziest parts of the left and occasional tenuous support of capitalism His support of capitalism is not tenuous, it's avid. He routinely talks about how it's blatantly superior to every other economic system and how it propelled America into a world super power. Try again. >but he's clearly far left. You're going to have to define center left then, because your definitions don't map onto how these concepts are used colloquially.
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>>962302 I identify as an Apache attack helicopter therefore I am one. I praise the benefits of dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners.
>>962312 >"I don't care what capitalists usually do" <started his post with "socialists don't usually...." Nah, fuck off. You argue like Destiny, which is also ironic. An "avid" defender of capitalism would actually vote for the most capitalistic fucking candidate available in his election, would he not? Everything else becomes irrelevant when you have the strongest proof available for what he believes. His words have no value, he's an online talking head who says what will get him the most clicks, attention, and favorable publicity by his market demographic. Biden's policies have helped crater the capitalist economy he supposedly defends, yet he still supports him. The proof is in the pudding.
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>>962311 I was mocking the retard you're debating, just got bad luck with a shitty color.
>>962321 Ah, my bad then anon. Apologies.
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Kill grifters. Behead grifters. Roundhouse kick a grifter into the concrete. Slam dunk a grifter baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy grift. Defecate in a grifters food. Launch grifters into the sun. Stir fry grifters in a wok. Toss grifters into active volcanoes. Urinate into a grifters gas tank. Judo throw grifters into a wood chipper. Twist grifters heads off. Report grifters to the IRS. Karate chop grifters in half. Curb stomp pregnant black grifters. Trap grifters in quicksand. Crush grifters in the trash compactor. Liquefy grifters in a vat of acid. Eat grifters. Dissect grifters. Exterminate grifters in the gas chamber. Stomp grifter skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate grifters in the oven. Lobotomize grifters. Mandatory abortions for grifters. Grind grifter fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown grifters in fried chicken grease. Vaporize grifters with a ray gun. Kick old grifters down the stairs. Feed grifters to alligators. Slice grifters with a katana.
>>962319 <started his post with "socialists don't usually...." There's a rather stark difference between saying that socialists don't usually identify as capitalists and argue in favor of capitalist economies, and saying that capitalists don't usually engage in various social behaviors that have nothing to do with economic systems. >An "avid" defender of capitalism would actually vote for the most capitalistic fucking candidate available in his election, would he not? Avid defenders of communist talk about voting for trump because they believe it will accelerate the country into chaos and bring about an opportunity for their communist utopia to take hold. People vote based on a number of factors. Trump could come out tomorrow arguing for a socialist economy and ethnic nationalism. If someone was a capitalist but also socially saw the value in an ethno-state they could easily vote for him despite his economic position. But you already know this. So the real question is, why are you pretending to be retarded?
>>962328 >communists would vote for Trump Wew, this reminds me of that time that Destiny ended up arguing for "ethical CP" I figured this thread would attract retards but damn this takes the cake.
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>>962328 >Avid defenders of communist talk about voting for trump
>>962331 Did you forget to include an argument?
>>962226 Yes, I'm pretty sure the nigger in >>962147 slept with his wife.
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What the hell happened here?
>>962337 Some stupid retard arguing with everyone monopolized half the thread for the last 20 hours.
>>962342 Like 70% of it is just some nutjob mad I called his favorite grifting sheboon waifu a retard instead of a "midwit".
>>962289 >his content felt unique, like how seeing Super Mario 64 for the first time has a bigger impact in 1996 than 2024. His antics had charm with real enjoyment behind it, kind of like Monty Python. I think the thing that kept him different from his imitators was largely that his imitators wanted to be "Youtubers," they wanted to be "reviewers," but James Rolfe wanted to be a filmmaker. He always aimed for something better because in his mind he was always making movies. The same cannot be said for basically anyone else who tried to ape what he was doing. People make fun of Rolfe for saying that he's made over 540 films (that's the actual number he got to in his official count on his website before he stopped updating it), and for saying he was AOL friends with Stephen Spielberg, but it's all important to why his work was better than others that tried to be like it. Say what you want about his movie not being terribly Spielbergian, but a man's reach must exceed his grasp. That's what made him good. Now he doesn't reach anymore, so he isn't as good. But frankly, I still think that the skills he did learn when he did care still leave him better than almost anyone else doing similar stuff. Because sure, his stuff isn't good anymore, but go watch Nostalgia Critic or something. It's god awful. It makes modern AVGN look good. >>962284 >So the average liberal doesn't think men can magically become women. >And destiny doesn't think men can magically become women, >Group A doesn't do thing >Guy X doesn't do thing >Therefore Guy X must be Group A. You're being completely disingenuous. You're moving the goalposts, strawmanning, and just plain playing dumb. I refuse to believe anyone can sincerely be this dumb. The entire point was about the overton window. Just because he isn't the most extreme leftist doesn't mean he isn't a far leftist. This is just no true scotsman bullshit. You'll always point to someone further left. Mao wouldn't be far enough left for you to consider him far left.
>>962376 The burden of proof on what makes him far let is on you. You're the one claiming he is far left, and I'm the one pointing out positions he holds that are explicitly not far left. I have given around 3 examples of center right positions he holds, meanwhile you have given virtually no examples of anything at all. You're just claiming people are far left without anything to back it up. >Just because he isn't the most extreme leftist doesn't mean he isn't a far leftist. Then give actual definitions. What is a far leftist and what is the center left according to you? It's incredibly easy to just state what you believe instead of dancing around it. I think that being in favor of capitalism, gun rights, property rights, the ability to exercise hate speech, and being against trannies in competitive sports would generally place someone relatively close to center left. Do you notice how I just staked out a concrete position with clear information that can be analyzed and criticized? Now it's your turn, I'm all ears.
>>962383 >The burden of proof on what makes him far let is on you. This is a better argument, except it's not on me. I'm not here to call him far left (but I'll forgive you for not looking at IDs because I don't either), I'm here to point out that all you're trying to do is shift the overton window so far left that nobody can be far left. Your arguments are all disingenuous and largely just outright lying about what the opponent is arguing. >I think that being in favor of... Yeah that's all well and good and everything, but apparently he's a literal and willing cuck, so that kind of cancels out a lot. Not that I'm taking a strong position here. I don't know this fag. I just know that you kept making disingenuous arguments and I don't like that. If you've actually backed off from them now, I don't care anymore.
>>962388 >I'm here to point out that all you're trying to do is shift the overton window so far left that nobody can be far left You're completely contradicting yourself. By the very nature of claiming that I'm shifting the overton window by saying that Destiny is not far left, you are necessarily accusing him of being far left. Are you fucking retarded? >Yeah that's all well and good and everything, but apparently he's a literal and willing cuck, so that kind of cancels out a lot. I already said he's a cucked faggot, it's irrelevant to the topic at hand. >If you've actually backed off from them now, I don't care anymore. I've backed off from nothing. I stand by everything I've said so far.
>>962389 >By the very nature of claiming that I'm shifting the overton window by saying that Destiny is not far left, you are necessarily accusing him of being far left. No, that doesn't follow at all. By the nature of the arguments you were using, saying that people further left do something he doesn't do so he's not far left, that is trying to shift the overton window. You'll always find someone more extreme. This is just saying there's No True Scotsman, or for a more relevant phrasing of pretty much the same fallacy, "real communism has never been tried." >I've backed off from nothing. I stand by everything I've said so far. Oh then you're still a disingenuous retard. You've made many terrible arguments that largely just involve arguing in bad faith, such as by misrepresenting your opponents' words and positions, and making ridiculous leaps in logic that don't actually connect at all (as you've done in the very post I'm replying to now). Stop that. If you just left it at "here are positions he holds that I think make him not far left. The burden of proof is on my opponents to show evidence he is far left," then debated whatever specific arguments they come up with, that would be fine. But you didn't just do that. You did a bunch of stupid, disingenuous bullshit along with it, then when it's pointed out, you tried to retreat and pretend you only said the most basic part that actually was reasonable. But now you're saying you still stand by all your attempts at shifting the overton window, saying there's no true scotsman, and strawmanning, so you're still a retard.
>>962394 Just so we're clear, how does one articulate someone's political positions without shifting the overtone window, according to you? Because so far stating what someone believes, and what someone does not believe, is apparently problematic. If I said hitler didn't hold communist positions, and actually held a handful of right wing positions, and that these two factors would make it reasonable to say he is not in fact a communist, would that be me shifting the overton window? And if so, how would I go about arguing that hitler is not a communist in a way that you would deem appropriate?
>>962410 >how does one articulate someone's political positions without shifting the overtone window, according to you? Because so far stating what someone believes, and what someone does not believe, is apparently problematic. Again, you need to stop strawmanning. That's never what was said. What was said is that the argument >he isn't the most extreme leftist, therefore he isn't a leftist is a bad argument. Or actually, let me not be a hypocrite. Let me get the quote I originally complained about. >>962107 >I don't know why you keep using the word "far leftist" to describe milquetoast liberals. This is what I had a problem with, and my link is to my own post where I stated I had a problem with it. You can always just call anything "milquetoast liberal." You need to actually prove your point. I've never once bothered to argue against when you've stated his positions. That's not what I care about. Also, I don't like how you said... >>962106 >Far leftism means communism. That's ridiculous. This is an even better example of you trying to move the overton window, and I don't know why I didn't quote it originally. It goes hand in hand with the other quote, though, to show what you're doing here.
>>962410 Oh yeah I also forgot, but Hitler was a communist. He was all about wealth redistribution, just from rich nations to poor nations. This is why he called it National Socialism.
>>962415 >but Hitler was a communist Right, I probably should have pulled the hitler example out earlier so I could write you off as a bad actor awhile ago.
>>962415 You are fucking retarded, and ignorant. Please read a single goddamn book you moronic fuckwad.
>>962376 The research company Morning Consult, in 2023, surveyed Gen Z in the U.S. and found roughly 3 in 5 of them would become a social media influencer if given an opportunity. Gaming YouTubers tend to cover trends so content skews toward normietainment like Minecraft, Fortnite, LoL, GTAV, Among Us, Roblox, CoD, Apex Legends, Friday Night Funkin', and FNaF, and deviations are towards flavor-of-the-month games like Palworld. AVGN wasn't a MrBeastGaming, James seemed like a collector who played his passions, and even found fun ways to present bad games. That he got so many subscriptions was almost a happy accident of being in the right time at the right place to pioneer the landscape, so even if imitators had the same special sauce, it's a different time now and YouTube's too ruled by the algorithm for most to gain ground. >>962484 I read the entire thread and he doesn't seem libtarded but like a good actor improving and contributing to /v/ with "AVGN autism," which people expressly appreciated. The thread was derailed by one bad actor, whom he and many others engaged, and whose MO is to misrepresent people then attack these mirages to make people look bad. AVGN anon is misinformed about Hitler, but everyone started there, and the bad actor is using it to divide and conquer. Since he seems genuine I refer him to the documentary Europa: The Last Battle and ask that he watch over time with an open mind to new information, even if he doesn't agree. https://www.bitchute.com/video/H3j90XMIfidR/
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>>962225 If that's true it would make the first webm in >>962147 so hilarious.
>>962201 The cherry on top is when the other guy at the end says "we've all been there". What the fuck is wrong with these people? You are better off being a kissless virgin for life than this shit. It's not even "my wife's boyfried", it's "one of my wive's boyfriends". At this point it would be better not to fuck her at all, that slut's going to be so full of STDs that she needs to be classified as a nature reserve. I wonder if her boyfriends know how many other guys she's fucking on the side, and how many diseases they might catch.
>>962518 What is always omitted when people mock the situation is 90% of why his wife wanted to leave the relationship is because destiny wanted to fuck other women more than she wanted to fuck other men. And she would leverage the rules they established for fucking other people to sabotage his attempts at sleeping with other women. The proper context still outlines why polyamory can and will never work, but it's really not the "cuck" story that everyone portrays it as. It's kind of the opposite where women are always essentially seeking monogamy if they like you enough but destiny is a sex addict that married a teenager that grew out of the polygamy phase and started to resent him over not being monogamous.
>>962635 Yet they try their hardest not falling into the stereotype of being a mentally deranged who wants to sterilize everything medium just to align with their politics.
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>>962201 >>962518 What the fuck? I thought this "my wife's boyfriend" stuff was just a meme about "poly" relationships. >we've all been there That might just have been poking fun at him, though.
Warlockracy has released a new video, this time about the Baldur's Gate expansions. He calls the original game and its expansions "TempleOS gaming" and the first Fallout "theory" while saying that Black Pits was almost good and alluding to his fanboying of Dragonspear. The next thirty minutes are him fellating Beamdog over Dragonspear, and how great, and well made it is compared to the rest of the game, beginning with how the original companions are "units" compared to Beamdog's "characters," and equating Beamdog's companions to those of Baldur's Gate 2.
>>911139 if theres one thing I learned from watching video game reviewed on youtube its that I can never trust reviewers they continually trash some of the most fun games for stupid trivial reasons, and the prop up total dogshit with giant film school student word salads
>>963025 I dont know how someone thinks this was ever just a meme its like saying new yorkers are just a meme, no man they are very real and very gay
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James did a 20th Anniversary AVGN Episode. Where he just does it with his voice, like in the first Simon's Quest Episode, and he discusses what he thinks is the best Classic Castlevania game. Not that i'v watched the more recent episodes, but I'm sure this is one of the better ones, since James has always been more interesting when he's just discussing his own thoughts and opinions.
>>963800 He's an anarcho commie faggot that hates his own country. What did you expect? >>967517 Yeah, I liked the Doom episode as well. He can put good stuff when it's something he actually likes.
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>thread got detailed and ended up hitting bumlock because of endless political shitflinging I know few people will see this, but pannenkoek (>>958419) released another video on a shorter subject just yesterday. And another one like two weeks ago but it was only a couple minutes long. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=EmqFoojMeD8

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