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Games based on books Anonymous 11/28/2023 (Tue) 07:47:05 Id: d5c3f3 No. 912021
There are plenty of film and TV adaptations, but what about games that draw from the literary world? Post and discuss games based on books, light novels, short stories, or any kind of literature. In my personal experience, games based on books on average are a lot better than games based on movies, do you agree? If so, why do you think that is? I think the heavily interpretative nature of reading lends itself better to adaptation in general than visual media being adapted to other visual media.
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>>912021 >Forgetting the big one More room to do shit, less of an autistic need to stick to the source material at all costs and generally more freedom to interpret what is happening due to the nature of the medium. It's also that games are uniquely suited for books since length tends to be much more variable without being chopped into bits like series or movie trilogies as they can range from less than an hour to over 100 hours.
Don't forget Halo.
>>912030 Wait halo?
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>>912028 >>912030 You idiots got the thread subject backwards, it's games based on books not books based on games.
The guy, pictured on the cover, responsible for this piece of pure slavjank and the Quake strategy guide/esports history (?!?) it's based on, is apparently a major figure in Russian politics too.
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>>912033 Megami Tensei is based on a novel that starred an occult equivalent of a school shooter and Shin Megami Tensei spun off from that. You dumb nigger.
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>>912035 So I learned something new, but the one bringing up Halo is still a moron.

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I'm glad Square didn't bother reviving the franchise after killing it with the retarded 3rd game. I'm just sad no one else tried using the novel's idea of mitochondria trying to take over living organisms, it's an interesting set up for body horror abominations than mutated rabies or whatever the flavor of the month virus was. >>912021 Would literary works based on history or mythology count?
>>912037 >I'm glad Square didn't bother reviving the franchise after killing it with the retarded 3rd game Apparently it's the other way. Apparently it's a licensed title and Third Birthday just pissed off the author.
>>912038 >Third Birthday just pissed off the author Bringing aliens and time travel would do that, so who has the IP now?
>>912034 What is it about?
>>912041 Goblin, the nickname given to the writer there, is well-known in the internet culture sphere of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine for writing translations of game manuals, notably Quake, and movies, but his translations often include hilarious mistranslations, hence "Goblin" translations, and plenty of slurs. The game, Planet Alcatraz, is a Turn-Based Combat With Pause, ie think KOTOR or Bioware early RPGs, and takes place on a prison planet in a somewhat sci-fi setting. The writing is known to include so many slurs and sexism that, as Warlockracy claimed, was written by someone who has never seen niggers or chinks, and writes them as they were viewed during the 19th Century, but in the future. The books I have no idea how they are but I heard Warlockracy apparently found one of Goblin's books and halfway through, it becomes a literal Quake strategy guide, so you gotta watch the videos on them if possible to learn the insane Russian prison and internet culture that colors this game, its hilarious.
>>912034 >>912054 I don't see how this is related to the thread, OP didn't make a vidya /lit/ general
>>912059 I think it's an adjacent enough subject for a few posts to talk about so long as it doesn't devolve into something too off-topic. That's how discussions go, they waver a bit around the main subject.
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>>912099 Is the second one even worth checking out? Gameplay wise it seems like a complete departure from what made the first game unique and it becoming a generic RE clone.
>>912036 If you want to get technical, Halo:The fall of reach actually came out before the game. The game was already being made though so its still not really "based" on the book.
>>912059 Because it's based on his own book, Dungeon Cleaners.
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>>912100 No denying it's a RE clone but I find it enjoyable. I've never liked how they handled guns in the first game since Aya can just transfer the different attributes of each gun into one gun so having a handgun be a handgun is good, having different ammo types is also a nice addition. Magic is now unlocked through exp distribution on a specific spell rather than levels so the grind varies. I think most of the complaints come from the setting being mostly at a desert town in the Mojave compared to New York and its landmarks from the first game and the tank controls.
Since nobody else asked, what book was Disco Elysium based on? Metro and Witcher are wildly known as book adaptations but this is the first time I've Disco being anything other than a video game. >look it up you lazy dick I prefer to be a "Real Human Being" who engages in "Human Conversation"
>>912271 I have no idea either, search it up and tell me like a normalfag.
>>912059 >post picture of book and video game both titled Санитары подземелий >what does this have to do with video games based on books
>>912271 I remember hearing somewhere that it was based on the commie devs TTRPG sessions and that they planned to turn it into some big franchise with multiple stories set in the same world. Does that count for the thread subject then? I don't think they ever wrote books despite being big book nerds, but you could argue it was derived from the games played with a book's ruleset so...
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Does being loosely based count?
>>912461 Pretty spot on, apparently said RPG fan fiction book only sold a 1000 copies which caused him to become an alcoholic.
>>912461 >>912546 That criteria is dumb, that would make 40K games, Wizardry, Might and Magic, Eye of the Beholder and anything using the D&D ruleset, plus fucking E.Y.E based on a book.
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>>912271 >>912425 >>912461 It's based on the 2013 book Püha ja õudne lõhn (tl: A Sacred and Terrible Air). It's not a surprise if you haven't heard of it as it's both incredibly obscure, having only sold 3000 copies prior to the release of the game, and was never published in English. The game is actually a prequel, taking place 21 years before the book does.
Can't speak to their quality, but here's a few that I own that haven't been mentioned.
>>914789 And, some that use literary characters.
>>912662 Thanks anon
Tales of Phantasia was based on a book written by one of the developers but I don't think he ever got it published. Also, I remember an anon on old 8chan talking about making a game based on The Captain's Daughter by Alexander Pushkin. On the off chance that that anon found his way here, did anything ever come from that?
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There's a recent game, The Invincible, based on Stanislaw Lem's book. How was it?
>>912021 S.T.A.K.E.R. is based on the novel roadside picnic, and slightly on what is arguably the best film made by a Russian, Tarkovsky's Stalker. S.T.A.K.E.R. 2 is currently happening IRL.
>>912662 Interesting. Is it good? I guess it's hard to tell if it's a foreign language book few have read. >>915566 I've heard STALKER is kind of a mixture of the movie and the book, with a lot of its own elements. The game takes place in Ukraine for example, neither of the other versions do.
Richard Marcenko was the founder of seal team 6. He was dishonorably discharged for stealing money. He then become a schlocky fiction writer. His books sell enough to where he got a vidya made. Its pretty shit, but then so are the books. And according to the navy so is Ol "demo dick" Mercinko
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>7 day replies interval at the very least What the fuck happened to this place?
>>919104 Mark refused to leave so everybody went elsewhere
>>919104 When your entire post history gets deleted based on the whims of a sensitive kike it will eventually drive off even the most autistic of anons.
>>912021 What about the Alice games?
>>915566 The Soviet Crime and Punishment movie adaptation is also pretty good
>>912021 Didn't the author of Metro get imprisoned recently for his opinions on the Ukraine war? I wonder if that means his book or the game will get censored in Russia now >>919101 As far as mediocre console shooters go, at least this one is hilarious with how much swearing is in it. It sounds like an old COD lobby there sometimes Listen to what they use in the credits btw, hilarious stuff. Sounds like a memey edit someone here would make
>>936159 >Didn't the author of Metro get imprisoned recently for his opinions on the Ukraine war? No. The guy was out of the country and making comments ridiculing Putin for the invasion, and the Russian government fired back by issuing a warrant for his arrest if he ever returned. >As far as mediocre console shooters go, at least this one is hilarious with how much swearing is in it. It sounds like an old COD lobby there sometimes So, I take it that game is not worth playing.
>>936159 While Glukhovsky was sentenced to 8 years in prison, he - like many Russians with any amount of money - left the country some years ago.
>>936163 >So, I take it that game is not worth playing. No, but it is worth it to look it up on youtube
>>912037 >That intro Why aren't games this cool any more?
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>>919092 >Interesting. Is it good? I guess it's hard to tell if it's a foreign language book few have read. I'm sorry for necrobumping this, the book was recently translated into English by fans, it's very strange. Here's an excerpt. According to Estonian speakers the translation is accurate and the book just reads like this, it's often difficult to understand what's happening made worse by the constant casual references to Elysium's lore the book doesn't explain. Somebody will talk about a technology or country or whatever with no context given to the reader, it gives the book an almost "picked from a different reality" feeling. It was meant to be the first part of a six part book series, but the author never wrote the others. If I remember correctly he turned the idea for the third book into Disco Elysium.
>>912021 Why is there no vidya based on Crime and Punishment?
The metro games are some of the most baffling terrible piece of software ever made. Cool atmosphere and setting, decent enough gameplay loop, interesting world, and then all of that is completely ruined by dogshit "boss" fights, quick time event spam, and walking simulator shit. I am truly miserable trying to kill this retarded bear on ranger difficulty. I hope the developers all get cancer and die.
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>>962661 >I am truly miserable trying to kill this retarded bear on ranger difficulty. I hope the developers all get cancer and die. It could be worse.
>>962661 You don't have to kill the bear
Half the ones you posted are dogshit.
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>>963399 >doesn't itemize them fucking COWARD go to the bitch corner where you belong, don't bother doing it now because it doesn't fucking count anymore

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