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Super Smash Bros Anonymous 01/07/2024 (Sun) 14:18:30 Id: f25944 No. 925294
Smash Remix 1.5.0 has been released, and I figured this would be a good opportunity to make a post about it. The new update adds in Ebisumaru from Goemon, Banjo, and Dragon King. You can also find another mod that adds in Spider-Man with his MvC playstyle into the game, which I find to be very interesting. Hopefully the Smash Remix team adds in more niche picks from games reflective from that era like Custom Robo, Chameleon Twist, Sin and Punishment, and Glover. That being said, if the team is actively developing the mod then I wouldn't be surprised if Cloud from Final Fantasy 7 or Megaman were ported over from Smash Ultimate since I know the Smash Remix team also likes bringing over Veterans as well. Although it seems Nintendo took down their channel, so who knows if they'll get a C&D after this update. Either way it's not the worst update to end on, if that ends up being the case. I just hope that the dev team doesn't go full Project M and abandon the entire project without a good reason. Other than Smash Remix, I've noticed some rumblings of new developments of Smash Bros as Nintendo and Namco have been hiring for a new 3D game and a 2D game, for their new Studio called Studio 2 or Studio S. No one knows 100% what these games are, but for the 2D game at least, it might be an update to Smash Ultimate that ads new characters and whatnot. Especially since the game has had a rumored update last fall with Amiibo's suddenly getting restocked. That being said, I hope they replaced Sakurai with some younger talent since I've noticed that Sakurai himself has a bit of an ego, and it's good not to have all of your eggs in one basket. Here's an archive to the job listings and the article that goes over it: https://archive.is/nZIiD https://archive.is/cuLXj
Some third party struck the channel, since the reason given wasn't copywrite claims, like Nintendo would have. Also yeah, hiring someone different is an option that is an eventuality, but nothing out there from other feels like Smash. It's something about the way he makes games that when I play derivatives, I notice all sorts of little things "wrong" that make the game feel off compared to Smash. As for an amiibo related update, maybe? So far there's only two confirmed updates, one patch to add Sora's amiibo functionality, as that is not in the game yet. And a series of new spirit events throughout the year, first one starting in about a week and a half.
>>925371 Well there's rumblings of new content coming, nothing concrete though. https://archive.is/sI96v
>>925382 >new content >events where new spirits will appear (4 times in total) and tag tournaments It's fucking nothing.
Add her.
>>925294 No idea who the weird blue Ramen mascot Tingle guy is but thankfully he's just a costume for the Quest 64 guy and not an actual roster character. Also they added a Doom 64 stage, they might as well just add Doom64Guy at some point.
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I'm kind of surprised how discussion/popularity for Ultimate dropped off after the game stopped being fed DLC. In a way it's everything the fanbase wanted it says so in the box but after that point discussion really fell down, usually by this point there'd still be people shitting on it for not having X/Y/Z character and debating if they'd belong there. Though the real question is what comes after this, it's a system seller franchise and I find it hard to believe they'd want to put it down after two decades of milking, even with the second switch on the ever-unseeable horizon. >>925419 NEVER EVER Did the Lipfag ever try to make a Brawl mod or try to add her to Project M? For all his autism I'd expect him to actually do something at this point.
>>925425 >Did the Lipfag ever try to make a Brawl mod or try to add her to Project M? For all his autism I'd expect him to actually do something at this point. That is actually what the model is for, although animating her and doing the code for her moves is another story altogether.
I'm happy we got Sora, Steve and Dragon Quest Hero as DLC, I would have rather have had Demi-fiend over Joker though. Simon was a great addition as well. Please no more fire emblem characters... If smash continues later on down the line they need to add CJ (GTA rep), Dante (Stylish Action rep) Chris Redfield (Resident Evil/Horror rep), Quote (Cave Story/Indie rep), Doomguy (Shooter/Classic rep) and finally Agumon (Digimon Rep). Reminder they all have to be somewhat popular games (most of the time), maybe classic games and have to have had games on a Nintendo console at one point. Lip had no chance since she was PNG cucked from the very start. >>925419 It's been 6 years anon. 6 YEARS. >>925425 Lip is nothing but a meme at this point. It would be nice to add her in as some kind of mod or custom skin. Lip knew nothing about the qualifications it takes for characters to make it into smash, he would do nothing but sperg out, shit, he wanted MASTER CHIEF out of all people in the game. Also Lipfag is most likely (or also) Mark himself btw.
Ah yes, here begins the rosterfagging. >>925439 >he wanted MASTER CHIEF out of all people in the game. Nigger you want Carl fucking Johnson in Smash, the most meme character imaginable. You are in no position at all to talk.
>>925439 Lipfag is Psychojosh, Mark wants Ray 01
>>925440 Master Chief nor Halo has never been on a single Nintendo console in it's life. Opposed to there being multiple GTA games on nintendo consoles https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/grand-theft-auto-the-trilogy-the-definitive-edition-switch/ Also GTA Chinatown Wars for the DS. The fact that its one of the most popular game franchises out of all time and would bring a ton of hype into smash is a no brainer. I made this same argument with steve and he made it in >>925442 I still don't know who Psychojosh is.
>>925444 The fag who larps about gigamaidens
>>925425 >Though the real question is what comes after this, it's a system seller franchise and I find it hard to believe they'd want to put it down after two decades of milking, even with the second switch on the ever-unseeable horizon. I say make the next Smash game fully 3D, like Power Stone or GigaBash. >>925444 >Just wants a thing because "ItZ PoPuLaR" >Gives no actual consideration of how it would actually play We're full up on retards here thanks. Halo has appeared on Nintendo through Mineycraftey.
Smash Remix is pretty cool. Finally a Smash game with actual variety. All the good pcharacter icks are going to it and the devs really know their stuff. Having Goemon, Banjo and Conker is like a dream come true, it's like night and day compared to Smash Ultimate because the people working on Remix actually give a fuck about video games and don't just ballotfag or choose picks to promote the latest gay ass JRPG where the characters may as well all be from the same game. Would be really cool if they added Earthworm Jim.
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>>925449 >Would be really cool if they added Earthworm Jim. Would be more interesting to see them add James Bond from Goldeneye
>>925450 Sakurai actually wanted Bond in the official Smash games at one point (as well as Lip and some girl from Famicom Detective Club or whatever) but in the end chose against it because Bond is not a video game character. I think it'd be better if they added Joanna Dark, because she has a lot of the same kit as Bond but she's an original N64 Rareware IP and Perfect Dark was considered a killer app for the system.
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>>925444 >Master Chief nor Halo has never been on a single Nintendo console in it's life.
>>925451 Thinking about this, it'd actually fit Smash like a glove. Level 1 of Perfect Dark, the Datadyne central office building has Smash stage written all over it. >Helicopter pad and stairway bulkheads functioning as platforms >Hovering cars flying by that can act as platforms to save you if you fall >Enemy gunship might fly in and open fire on the stage >"Surrender or die, fugitives!" Not only that but didn't Perfect Dark have a couple of official item cameos in Melee?
>>925456 Kinda small and mostly just a reskin of Yoshi Story. I would've pictured it as a larger stage with a decent amount of room.
>>925459 Might have changed between this video of 1.2.2 and 1.5.0, but haven't gotten around to patching/downloading the latest version.
I never played Smash Bros in 3 years even though I got ALL the DLC via piracy, Sora was very fun. I just like speculating about the character roster now I find that more fun than actually playing the game lol. >>925447 <Just wants a thing because "ItZ PoPuLaR" Yeah, popularity and demand is how characters make it in often times it's a no brainer, thats how Sora got in. <Gives no actual consideration of how it would actually play Sakurai always thinks of some way to make it happen, just look at the moveset he made for Steve. CJ has plenty of weapons to use including a literal fucking jetpack, but no way he's getting the giant police station dildo as part of his moveset, maybe the katana instead? You played the game right? Theres a ton of tools CJ uses it's all really fun. San Andreas is my favorite GTA game >We're full up on retards here thanks. Nintendo itself is retarded. I was just thinking by their example and how they do things. Their worst mistake was adding Byleth and that Tekken dude, I didn't even know the latter made it into the game for the longest time nobody on the internet even gave a shit about him. If CJ would have been added, bricks would have been shat and nogs (smash's prime audience) would have mass chimp-outs for the game. >>925452 God I wish that was real. Metroid Prime Hunters is a decent alternative though.
>>925464 >Yeah, popularity and demand is how characters make it in often times it's a no brainer, thats how Sora got in. Look how that turned out >A million faggot ass JRPG characters including one from a game that wasn't even out yet >Fighting game faggots >You wanted someone other than fighting game/JRPG reps? Uhhh here's banjo, steve, and a fucking piranha plant >No consideration given to the vast breadth of game genres >Characters from shooters, puzzle games, platformers, racing games, action games, strategy games and countless legacy characters from Nintendo's own history all ignored Even if you're a ballotfag CJ is pure retardation, he's not anywhere on the top 10 in any country and is mostly just a pipe dream piece of shit that will never fit in. The Smash ballot was a fucking stupid idea and given that they never actually released the data it's probably largely made up anyways. Sora being #1 proves that people have shit taste and their creative license on this game needs to be revoked.
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Hey yall, Lipfag here. Sakurai is a faggot who deserves to be Floyded :) Thanks for keeping me in your hearts. >>925419 DO IT
>>925467 Post porn or fuck off.
>>925468 There's porn everywhere, why do you need me to spoonfeed you Anon?
>>925467 Smash IP definitely needs new blood. I am sick to death of Sakurai's self-aggrandizing ego bullshit. He thinks he is above criticism and doesn't respond well to anyone making reasonable critiques of Smash's gameplay or content. He knows and doesn't care that there are too many sword/JRPG faggots in the game who all look alike because JRPGs are his favorite genre. He knows and doesn't care that some characters still have their outdated movesets from N64 and Melee because "muh tradition". He also knows that for some characters he's just making shit up that have nothing to do with their personalities or canonical abilities and doesn't care that he's treating them with huge disrespect. None of the veterans are correct to themselves. >Mario is an angry shonen warrior type whose side B is a cape and his down B is FLUDD? >Wario is just a farting clown >Donkey Kong is just an angry ape who doesn't have any moves that use barrels >Sonic has a shitty moveset and two different spindashes for no reason >Megaman is "lol so retro" 1:1 remake of his NES sprites and attacks instead of being his actual canon self with a voice and personality and fighting style like he is in MVC or any other game >Banjo is just a paint-by-numbers character with no thought to his moveset. "Lol he does this in the game therefore he does this in Smash".
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>>925466 >That entire greentext >"people have shit taste and their creative license on this game needs to be revoked." LMAO. There we go! You get it now! I don't say what characters I specifically WANT or deserve to get in just what characters are most likely to get in according to Sakurai's and Nintendo's "shit taste" (some of which are characters I also happen to like). Smash bros is a retarded popularity contest and often times the most retarded most popular characters make it in! Thats how the Megami Tensei rep was a fucking character from the dating sim SPINOFF game instead of a mainline character. I fucking hate Minecraft but I predicted Steve accurately because of observation and foresight, a trait which you supposedly lack entirely. If you would stop having such autistic tunnel vision you would see the bigger picture, actually it's not really big, it's common sense really. >is mostly just a pipe dream piece of shit that will never fit in. Who gives a shit? Sakurai added a fucking Piranha plant into the game standards and shit taste be dammned! He does what he wants. Who do you want in the game anon? I won't knock on any of your picks or autistic "predictions". It really wont matter in the end either way.
>>925450 This is the correct answer
>>925474 I'm not interested in your popularity contest bullshit or Nintendo's. I'm just asking you to kindly explain what CJ would play like if he were in Smash and in return be so kind as to not pick on anyone else for retarded picks because CJ is a supremely retarded pick. With that said that isn't a problem in of itself but speculating gameplay and discussing move ideas is more fun than circlejerking about what a shitfest Smash currently is.
Here's a list of all the JRPG faggots who were added to Smash after Brawl >FIVE (5) Waifu Emblem faggots, including one from a game that wasn't even released at the time >Shulk this was honestly to be expected since Xenoblade used to be an actually well-respected property before it completely shat the bed with XB2 and XB3 >Cloud, the main protagonist of one of the most overrated pieces of shit JRPGs known to man >Joker, from the shittiest MegaTen game, only because it was popular at the time before Xitter zoomers cancelled Hackshino for being a heckin transphobic meanie and not because he's a retarded waifunigger like all the other faggots working on Japanese entertainment these days >Dragon Quest Hero This one is honestly not that bad, Dragon Quest has always been popular so it's not surprising they got added >THE FUCKING SWORD CUNTS FROM ONE OF THE MOST IRREDEEMABLY DOGSHIT "GAMES" NINTENDO HAS EVER PUBLISHED >SORA FROM KINGDOM FUCKING HEARTS, ONE OF THE BIGGEST LAUGHINGSTOCKS IN ALL OF VIDYA Make sure to thank Hackurai for his hard work! Reminder that waifuniggers are a bigger cancer to Japanese media than even the SJWeeb faggot localizers who are on their way out anyway thanks to AI.
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>>925484 >japanese game by japanese studio adds characters from franchises liked by japan
>>925484 Honestly I prefer XB2 to XB1 because of the more personal connection the main villains have to the party and to the world, as well as the music and all being overall better quality. Character designs being more unique and sexier is nice too, don't get why you have such a stick in your ass over it and JRPG protags being chosen in general. Honestly I'm more mad about Pyra and Mythra's outfits getting censored than their inclusion in general, though I would've preferred Rex with Mythra/Pyra/Pneuma & Nia as a summon mechanic that changes the blade in use and various move properties. Who would you rather be included? Do you mind sharing? Or are you just here to rage? Personally I would've referenced more older and one-off IPs like Golden Sun and Ever Oasis as well as exclusives like Bravely Default or the Professor Layton games. Honestly I couldn't really give much of a shit about smash bros as anything more than a fun lil party game, and I find trying to turn it into a competitive experience to be an exercise in fun-removal. To talk more about smash in general.
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Here's a tip for all the rosterfags we're gonna get: Yes, your picks are fucking retarded. But that doesn't matter as long as you can think of fun ways to incorporate them in Smash. Let the Smash we make in our heads be better than anything Sakurai can shit out.
>>925484 Don't forget this fucker. Sephiroth and Cloud are actually alright by me (Tessa from FF6 would've been better) but Fire Emblem and the Disneyfag are both gigantic fucking tumors on the face of this game.
>>925480 He could play similar to like a more ranged version of Snake but with the randomness factor of maybe Hero due to his weapon variety or not, just normal ranged snake would be fine as well. For gameplay reasons his attacks can be more unique, it doesn't take much imagination to cook up something interesting https://www.gtabase.com/gta-san-andreas/weapons/ His normal attacks would have him using his various melee weapons except the dildo of course. His smash attacks would be ranged shit from his weapons he uses, I guess maybe a weapon wheel would be a nice touch as well? His up smash would be the Jetpack of course. His down smash would be one of those 4 explosives. Side smash would be a shotgun. Neutral smash would be the minigun, he can move around while shooting it but can't turn around while firing. His final smash would be him gathering the boys at grove street and they would beat the shit out of whomever CJ catches. >>925496 Kingdom Hearts 2 is one of the best ARPGs ever made. It's gameplay is genius, not even KH3 did a good job at improving or even replicating it. The story still makes me cringe sometimes though, theres no fixing that.
I know, shut up. >>925425 >usually by this point there'd still be people shitting on it for not having X/Y/Z character and debating if they'd belong there. I gave up years ago because Nintendo doesn't care. The moment they inserted Sonic and Snake into Brawl, the entire series was dead for all intent and purposes as the roster just became a question of which company was going to pay money to have their character in it. <Remember fucking Vault Boy, Sanz, and Cuphead?! Smash3DS was at least decent with some nice content (Though cut down from Melee and Brawl), but even that pitiful amount of content was cut from both Smash4U, and even MORE so from Smash U (Even removig the trophies for FUCKING JPEGS), because...REASONS!!! >>925470 >>925484 The part that continually angers me is that (Excluding FE, Zelda, and Xenoblade reps who have to appear be default), there were FAR better sword fighter chacters that they could have included, such as Travis, Rallen, and The Kursigari. Hell, in fact, the fucking cowards should have taken the plunge and ACTUALLY made Takamaru a playable character (Like they did with Marth and Roy in Melee), but the fact that he only apparead as an assist trophy shows that they don't care. Sakurai and Nintendo don't care about their legacy, they don't care about video games, they don't actually care about the shit they put out. All they care about is the money and the fame and fuck everything else.
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Oh yeah Monster Hunter was supposed to be in smash but Ryozo or whomever the fuck directs Monster Hunter voted against it. I don't understand why. Thats just as retarded as Sakurai not adding another Subspace Emissary type of campaign to smash bros because it can be shown on youtube out of all reasons. How the fuck could they have a Rathalos but no actual Hunter to hunt it? No Duck Hunt doesn't count.
>>925501 Anon, gonna be honest. As it stands your proposed moveset for CJ is no good. He's just kind of a generic gunfag with no real gameplay uniqueness and he's outclassed by other characters who use guns. Let's pretend that we have infinite budget and resources to incorporate him in Smash and give some proper thought into how he'd play. In this case, I'd probably incorporate GTA's Wanted Levels system into his gameplay with a unique six star meter next to his portrait. Using his other moves which may involve spraypainting, planting bombs, stealing bikes and/or vandalism/petty theft (like smashing open a parking meter or using it as a weapon), he can build his wanted meter anywhere from 1-6 stars. He can then use a special move to attract law enforcement attention to his location, and how powerful the law enforcement is when they show up depends on his wanted level at the time. 1 Star: A cop shows up and opens fire - CJ ducks and lets the bullets hit the opponents. 2 Stars: 3 officers show up and fire in multiple directions. 3 Stars: A cop car shows up and speeds towards CJ, but he dodges and makes it hit whoever's in front of him. 4 Stars: SWAT car shows up and releases SWAT members who attack. 5 Stars: Police helicopter shows up and opens fire from the air, lingering a while. 6 Stars: The Army is called in - a tank shows up and starts shelling the arena. It would make sense for his moves to also have summons where he can get the other Grove Street gang members to show up and perform drive bys on the stage, or run the opponents down in a green car. But for his final smash he drives a green car into them and then bumps the hydraulics on top of them while listening to hip hop, and then the car does a huge flip, drives off with them on the hood and CJ bails out and the car blows up.
Characters like CJ would kind of incompatible with my dream Smash game because in mine I'd want the characters to be interacting in more ways than just attacking each other and not even acknowledging each other's existence. This would be hard to pull off with a character like CJ who in-universe is supposed to basically be a "real dude" who is fairly grounded, not a whole lot of preposterously crazy fantasy shit happens in the GTA universe. A character like him wouldn't really be able to act like himself around these other characters so he'd have to be substantially wackier and ham up his gameplay and mannerisms just to be able to interact with these larger than life cartoony game characters. Essentially we'd have to make CJ into a gangster Bill Cosby and that's probably not desirable for the people who want him in. If my version of Smash were just strictly focused on being a party brawler I'd play his moveset straight but I like fantasizing about Smash being a game where the universes interact because I'm autistic.
My picks: -Adol from the Ys series. He could automatically attack when he gets close to an opponent and the whole point is to try and hit them at certain angles to send them flying. Like a homage to the bump combat of the old games. He also has enough magic abilities from the games to supplement that. Also, he would represent Falcom, which was a very important company in the early days of Japanese video games. -Ryu from Ninja Gaiden. He could have a play style based around switching between different weapons. Sort of like how the Pokemon Trainer switches between different Pokemon. He would represent Tecmo, another important company. -Crash Bandicoot. I'm too tired to type out all the ways he could play. It's pretty easy to imagine anyway. -Spyro the Dragon. Same as Crash. -Earthworm Jim. He would probably be based around ranged attacks for the most part but you could also do interesting things like have exit his suit and crawl around the ground as a worm or something. -Crono from Chrono Trigger. Yes, he's yet another anime sword fighter but I don't care. I want him in because I like Chrono Trigger.
>>925514 Oh yeah, I also want Bomberman but I don't know how they could implement him well. Maybe make him an assist trophy.
>>925514 >>925515 I don't know why my ID changed. I'm using the same IP and browser and everything.
>>925514 >-Adol from the Ys series. He could automatically attack when he gets close to an opponent That's not a good idea Anon, sometimes you DON'T want to attack right away. Characters have counters and shield parries and if your character auto-attacks every time he's close then he'd have a 0-10 matchup against any character with a counter. >Crash Bandicoot and Spyro Hell yes brother. Announce them both at the same time, have their trailer just have them showing up side by side like the bros they are. >Earthworm Jim I have plenty of ideas for how Jim could work in this game. I'll post my moveset for him sooner or later. >Oh yeah, I also want Bomberman but I don't know how they could implement him well. Maybe make him an assist trophy. ...really? Like they already did in Smash Ultimate?
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>>925514 >Ryu from Ninja Gaiden. He could have a play style based around switching between different weapons. Sort of like how the Pokemon Trainer switches between different Pokemon. He would represent Tecmo, another important company Brother, i'll be honest with You: Yeah, Ryu is an important NES/Early Nintendo Character, and while he had a phase where he was mostly an Xbox Icon, and that didn't impede Steve going to Smash, nor Snake, there is no way in hell that Tecmo let Nintendo, nor anybody use him since Itagaki shit the bed and poisoned the well. Yeah, it'll make those filthy nip jews rich as fuck, because everyone and their mother would love to use Ryu fucking Hayabusa in Smash after nearly 10 years of solitude and silencie man, NG3 was long ago, but the fucking pride of those fucking yellow niggers it's even more powerful, and they'll be dead first than lend Ryu Hayabusa, a rather symbol and synonymus of Itagaki, represent them, or even give them Money. ...And nintendo will never use Ayane nor Kasumi, even if they had carte blanche for both of them
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>>925491 If there is one first party character I had always wanted in Super Smash Bros since Brawl was announced, it's 9-Volt from Warioware. I can count the reasons I wanted him to be included in Smash on one hand. WATCH! 1. He's one of the biggest fans of Nintendo. He owns every Nintendo console and his microgames are themed after classic Nintendo games AND BEYOND (as you'll see in the next item on my list). 2. He would use a whole bunch of the old toys Nintendo made before they entered the video game market, such as the Ultra Hand, the Chitorie, the Love Tester, those old hanafuda cards, the Ultra Machine, and more! Yes, he's gone real old school, and that means he represents Nintendo's pre-vidya history. 3. He'd get a decent 3D model (and an amiibo to boot). 4. He would also represent the Warioware series instead of Wario having to do it. This would allow Wario to represent the Wario Land games instead. and 5.He would give Kirby a cool new hat instead yet another fucking wig. Also, the Ultra Machine would be 9-Volts's Final Smash and he would get his friend, 18-Volt, to help with it. Thoughts?
>>925541 I admire your passion. Yeah, I agree, those things would make him a cool character, if he had lots of references to esoteric Nintendo junk. And I do want a Warioware for the same reason as your #4 (allowing Wario to be closer to his Wario Land self). But the thing is, I've put more thought into Mona being the Warioware rep over anyone else. Not only because she is the most closely connected to Wario (she has a crush on him) but also because I think she perfectly embodies Warioware's quirky energy, and has a number of different jobs that can all be incorporated into her moveset. All of her moves could have a microgame element where successfully completing the microgame results in more damage, heals, knockback, or better recovery. Her moves would be mostly based on her microgames as well and they would all be the strange ones. Also, in my dream Smash game, part of the reason I want Mona is because of a plot element that Mona would be best suited for cracking: she realizes that the Biker Wario currently in Smash is NOT the real Wario, but instead an evil clone created by subspace. She immediately calls out this faker and brings the real Wario on board, and is the plot reason Wario Land Wario gets invited into Smash at long last. She also chastises the Mario crew for not recognizing the Fake Wario. None of them understand his heart like she does.
>Models Zero >Gives him a complete moveset and new voice lines >Makes him an assist trophy Yeah, I'm completely on board with team #FireSakurai if anyone else is
>>925294 Remix channel is back online, probably resolved the claim issue on a video. https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=utAxmyfSGbc >>925450 I hope he gets an Architect taunt
>>925544 Thing is that Zero doesn't have a complete moveset. He's missing tilts, grabs, dodges, smash attacks, etc. Additionally having Zero without X would make things feel incomplete like UMvC3
You know who would also really fit in Smash? This guy. And apparently I'm not the first to think that either
>>925624 Sakurai did a fake out in the Sora reveal trailer when Mario looked like he was kindling a bonfire. I swear that's what he was going for.
>>925624 I'd be pissed if we got Chosen Undead and Leon Kennedy over a cool character like Dante, but this is something Sakurai would do.
>>925647 >>925624 I'm not really interested in characters that don't have names. These kinds of characters as well as JRPG protagonists should be left out of Smash.
>>925678 Isaac would be pretty cool.
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Earthworm Jim First appearance: Earthworm Jim (1994) Bio: Once an ordinary garden earthworm crawling through the dirt in Texas, he was changed forever when a cybernetic super suit fell from space and landed near him, providing him refuge from a divebombing crow. The atomic particles of the suit had a dramatic effect on his wormy flesh, evolving him in an instant into a sentient 6 foot long worm with an elastic body and allowing him to control the suit with his tail. He was learning about all the gadgets in his suit when a giant talking crow landed nearby, speaking to someone on the radio about having lost the suit, and mentioning a princess in peril. It sounded like evil was afoot, and Jim had just evolved an innate sense of justice, so he hopped on a jet turbine located in the suit's pocket and chased after the crow into space, beginning his adventures as a savior of the galaxy and all-around super heroic friend of man and cow-kind. Stats Weight: 7/10 (Heavyweight. He'd be on the exact borderline between Ganondorf and Bowser Jr. The new median character between the Heavyweight and Super Heavyweight class) Walk Speed: 7/10 (About the same as Wii Fit Trainer) Run Speed: 7/10 (Ditto) Jump Height: 37 (Exactly the same as Samus) Fall Speed: Medium-High (About the same as Donkey Kong) Size: 7/10 (Somewhere in the ballpark of Ganondorf and Charizard) Crawl: Yes Wall Jump: No Wall Cling: No Tether Grab: Yes Unique Trait: Jim's guns all use ammunition, which is indicated by a gun icon near his stock counter. This gun icon represents ammo with a number next to it, starting maxed out at 1000 (one thousand) ammo. His ability to do certain attacks are dependent on how much ammo he has, and if he doesn't have enough, he will either do a weaker version of the attack, or won't do the attack at all. Ammo refills itself gradually. Neutral Special: Mega Plasma Blasts the opponent with a burst of Mega Plasma - an explosive, elongated, VERY fast fireball. Can be held down to aim aimed in all directions, otherwise aims forward by default. Each Mega Plasma blast costs 300 ammo. If he doesn't have enough ammo when he tries to perform this attack, his gun will fizzle out a very weak and tiny spark that burns the opponent but doesn't knock them back far at all. Side Special: Home-ing Missile Jim fires a house-shaped (or rather, "home" shaped) missile that travels in a circular and dangerous arc. It is a very fast-moving projectile and tracks the opponent, but it is possible to make it miss and slam into a wall. Costs 200 ammo. Up Special: Heli-head + Snott Parachute Jim spins his head around like a helicopter blade and ascends into the air. After running out of steam, his buddy Snott deploys from his knapsack and turns into a parachute to allow him to gently glide around. Down Special: Tactical Cow Drop Jim blows a whistle on his fingers and a shadow appears over him with a whistling noise. A cow falls shortly after. Jim can move out of the shadow to make the cow fall on the ground in front of him, or he can stay in the shadow to catch the cow and use it as an item. The cow is a deadly projectile to anyone who gets hit by it as it falls, and it can spike in the air, much like Pikachu's Thunder. Very rarely it can be an "exploding cow" (a cow with a lit fuse on top of its head). When a cow is present, Jim can do several things with it: -Carry it around and caber toss it a short distance. He can toss it off ledges. Useful for edgeguarding. Can even break shields if it lands on top of a shielding opponent correctly. -Perform a smash attack with it. Jim will grab it by the tail and smash it in front of him. Has huge wind-up time but breaks shields in one hit and is also extremely powerful. -Smack it on the rump, which will send it charging in the direction it's facing. When it's an explosive cow, this can be a useful strategy; you can let the cow cook for a few seconds before sending it stampeding into a crowd of enemies, where it will detonate and send everyone flying. HERE'S the beef! Shield: Manta Shield Instead of having a typical orb shield, Jim holds his forearms in front of him and they grow hard protrusions that wrap around him, in the shape of a manta-ray. Negates all projectiles, and gives Jim hyper armor against melee attacks while the button is being held (he will still take damage from physical attacks but suffer no knockback at all). He can also slowly walk while holding the shield up. However, he can still be grabbed out of it. Tether Grab: Worm Whip Jim grabs his own head and whips it around. Like most of his other attacks, can be whipped in multiple directions.
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>>925718 Final Smash: Barn Blaster Jim pulls out a gigantic gun made out of bricks with a chimney on top, which he holds with both hands and aims directly in front of him. The chimney whistles out a bunch of smoke as the gun vibrates, and the Barn Blaster fires a gigantic, immensely powerful sphere of super-heated plasma, scorching everyone in front of him before the sphere explodes like a cow-shaped supernova with a "MOO" sound effect. Jim is knocked off his feet by the sheer force of the blast and gets up rubbing his head.
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>>925474 Super Smash has become the "Shut the fuck up already, here's the new entry!", at least Mario Kart 8 had shit going on but that didn't stop them from shitting out clone characters, still better than those possessive png's. Next thing they'll be doing for the Switch 2 is a fucking png fuckfest now with all the requested characters while pulling out a James Rolfe: >We had no TIME modeling and animating until we coded the game just to warp and tilt images that saved a lot of TIME <Once again no story mode, fuck you leakers Thus leaving the predictions as the last bastion of keeping the game relevant, overshadowed by the much more creative secret Nintendo gossips, like the Super Mario interdimensions project.
>>925518 >Oh yeah, I also want Bomberman but I don't know how they could implement him well. Maybe make him an assist trophy. Hackurai has lost all excuses when he can make a fucking Piranha Plant fighter, and Captain Falcon a fighter with movesets inspired from Dragon King.
>>925518 >That's not a good idea Anon, sometimes you DON'T want to attack right away. Characters have counters and shield parries and if your character auto-attacks every time he's close then he'd have a 0-10 matchup against any character with a counter. Okay, have him attack normally but still have him do extra damage when he it's the corners of an opponent's hitbox, like in the old Ys games. For example, an attack to the head or feet could do more damage than an attack to the body. >Like they already did in Smash Ultimate? Oh right, I forgot about that. >>925528 I knew Itagaki and problems with the president of Tecmo, but is there really that much bad blood between them? Capcom had bad blood with Inafune but that didn't stop them from putting Mega Man in the game. >>925575 If you include his abilities from the Mega Man Zero and ZX games, there's definitely enough there for a complete moveset.
>>925888 Well there is enough to complete a moveset even without his Zero and ZX abilities, I'm saying that in Smash Ultimate itself he doesn't have a complete moveset programmed into the game.
Assist trophies are fucking stupid in their implementation. It makes sense for NPC characters or certain game mechanics to be trophies but not main protagonists. Like having the infantry from Advance Wars be an assist trophy is fine, but having main characters like Isaac, Zero, Little Mac, Alucard and Bomberman is not fucking fine. Wasted time and misguided effort because all main character Assist Trophies succeed in doing is pissing off fans, not placating them.
>>925900 While the ones that'd later become playable are just decorative slots in the character roster, that are obsolete by the DLC. Would've made more sense if the assist trophies spawn whenever a player fills his super gauge bar and jeopardize the odds within the match, like that fighting game with 6 or 7 playable characters but with a fuckton of helpers.
>>925977 Fuck that. Assist characters are gay. Have the characters playable or don't waste our fucking time.
>n64 native >fits the opening movie of Master Hand assembling toys to play with >good mobility on ground and indirect fire from pod and trap ability of proximity bombs make him a unique keep away character >slow melee makes him suffer if he can't evade and limits his combo potential
>>925988 I'm surprised he wasn't in Brawl, he would be such a good fit.
>>925988 famous character mister gundam
>>925900 I am still holding out for a Sami rep on a new Smash
>>925294 Smash Remix is apparently getting a final update of sorts
>>925983 I don't even know any of the playable fighters in that image besides Octodad, who's a relic at this point, and Commander Video, also a relic.
>>962878 I know 4 of the 6 playable fighters, your 2, Fishbunjin from Slap City, and Orcane from Rivals of Aether. I don't know the ninja girl or the other guy.
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>>925983 I meant the other fighting game with a fuckton of assist trophies: Card Sagas Wars <Fraymakers >Forgettable bunch of retarded indie videogame characters that don't even show up at Steam's 1 dollar section >The few ones that are relevant are just assistants Shovelware at best, even Nickelodeon's take is better, indies just keep on sucking cock. So far the only Super Smash kind of game that manages to stay relevant is Rivals of Aether, the DIY one.
>>962978 I had to look up who the "default character" looking guy is. It's Welltaro. >...who? You know, from Japanese indie hit Downwell? >he had a name? Apparently! I've played that game and I didn't even realize that's who he was, he's not exactly a memorable protagonist. Downwell isn't a new game nor is it even all that famous, so I have no fucking idea why he's apart of the game's tiny roaster. He's the exact kind of character who should be an assist, not Peppino.
>>962978 The ninja girl is The Watcher, one of the playable characters from Slay the Spire, which is a gigantic indie hit among soybeards. I initially thought she was from Hyper Light Drifter but I was wrong, even though she looks similar to that protagonist.
>>962978 >>963047 Additionally, going from the center bottom to center-right corner there's: Niko (Oneshot), the Crewmates (Among Us), Peppino (Pizza Tower/already mentioned), Lady Luck (Dicey Dungeons), and Captain Viridian (vvvvvv). I don't recognize anyone else in the top right, top left, or bottom left except Fancy Pants (Fancy Pants Adventure) in the bottom left vvvvvv cane out fourteen years ago, when the XBOX 360 was still a premier console and I was still in high school. Jesus. Who am I fucking kidding, Fancy Pants Adventure first came out in 2006. Where were you when that happened, huh?
>>963109 I'm pretty sure the kid with the gun is meant to be The Kid, from I Wanna Be The Guy. You can barely see him, but between his Octodad's tentacle is Josef from Machinarium. The military guy beside him is Tankman, the Newgrounds mascot. I recognize the guy below him with the skull hat but I don't know who he is or what he's from. >spoiler I noticed a lot of these games are kind of old, which makes you think it's going to be some homage to the history of the indie scene, but then there are modern and obscure releases there too. The picks feel borderline random, the actual roaster moreso.
>>967818 They probably helped with it considering the video says that the project wouldn't be complete with emulator and ROM hacking projects.
Old smash games are like 64 and melee right? Brawl is still pretty new...
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>>967823 >>967831 It really says something that the game industry seemed to "peak" about 20 years ago.
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>>967884 The sixth gen was the perfect blend of necessary factors for the quality of games to be at their zenith. The 3D growing pains of the 5th gen mostly passed. The basic rules for 3D games were mostly understood, but there was still a lot of room for experimentation left. The technology was good enough that developers could Feasibly make nearly anything they could put their minds to. Yet not so advanced that it was overly expensive, and it required absurd man power, and over half a decade of development to be cutting edge. Online implementations was still a maturing experiment, and the methods with holding finished content for the sake of charging extra for DLC wasn't invented yet. Games had to release in a finished state, since patching bugs wasn't a feasible option when the market hadn't wildly adopted online yet. The design of games had yet to become homogenized to the boring degrees they've become. There was a nice variety of how developers choose to approach the challenge of their games, while some developers felt no need to make their games overly difficult, and felt the content they made could stand on without the game needing to be punishing to increase playtime. Other developers, who respected challenge's place in the medium more, could tailor their games to best serve that experience, challenging the player to prove their worth. Games had the means to blend all manners of media art forms into one. They had the capacity for any Music from classic symphony, to underground rap. They could have the cinematography to rival any film. They had the capacity to have writing available that can rival novels, and last there was the key element of the Player themselves getting to play their role and immerse themselves in the world of the game. It truly was... Da Bomb.
>>967820 They most likely did not, considering that only MM was featured instead of showing both MM and smash 64
https://youtu.be/4Ezg3DwpFFE?si=-Sx1hkE2pFu-YSB6&t=1020 I wonder if that backdoor could be used by wiseguy's tool to recomp gamecube games into C
>>969627 The architectures of GameCube and Nintendo 64 are too different. Possibly for N64 repacks like Animal Crossing.

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