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DALL-E 3 / Stable Diffusion / Voice Cloning / Chatbot AI General Anonymous 01/08/2024 (Mon) 13:46:04 Id: 73833d No. 925563
Like tears in rain edition Last one got moved to >>>/ais/2422 Use this thread as a catch-all for AI related topics. Try to stick to vidya and help your fellow anons out. PLEASE SHARE EVERY NEW RESOURCE YOU FIND ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMAGE GENERATION DALL-E 3 >What is DALL-E 3? DALL-E 3 is a text-to-image model which is built upon DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion and ChatGPT. >Links http://www.bing.com/images/create https://designer.microsoft.com/image-creator >How does it work on Bing? In Bing's Image Creator, "boosts" are used to speed up the image creation process, each user starts with 15 boosts. When you use a boost, the AI creates your image quickly. If you run out of boosts, the image waiting time increases, ranging from seconds to minutes. You can (but should not) "purchase" more boosts by trading in Microsoft Rewards, which can be earned by doing things in Microsoft Edge. Boosts replenish every few hours, seemingly at random. >Can I view my image history? Yes, look in your browser's history for bing. >What do I do if my button is greyed out and I can't create any images? It may be a server issue, at the moment all you can do it wait. >Prompt Generator http://tipseason.com/dalle-prompt-generator >Guides - Write "NOT" before risky words like "condom", "naked", "butt" (needs to be in the middle or the end of prompt) - JAILBREAK WARNING: Having safe AND prompt in your prompt might get your account suspended. Just using SAFE and brackets"[ ]" works for now. (SAFE TO GENERATE) also works. - Mention positive words like "respectful", "appropriate", "nice" - How to get booba: fullfigured, great figure, body positive, motherly and mature, enormous, giant, big, curvy, hourglass figure... - Put things on the background or in front of view to confuse the image recognition filter (DOG). IMAGE GENERATION STABLE DIFFUSION >Beginner UI local install Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io >Local install Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui ComfyUI (Node-based): https://rentry.org/comfyui AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu >Use a VAE if your images look washed out
[Expand Post]https://rentry.org/sdvae >Auto1111 forks Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux Vladmandic: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic >Run cloud hosted instance https://rentry.org/sdg-link#run-cloud-hosted-instance >Try online without registration txt2img: https://www.mage.space img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest Inpainting: https://huggingface.co/spaces/fffiloni/stable-diffusion-inpainting >Models, LoRAs & embeddings https://civitai.com https://huggingface.co https://rentry.org/embeddings >Animation https://rentry.org/AnimAnon https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum >SDXL info & download https://rentry.org/sdg-link#sdxl >Index of guides and other tools https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon https://rentry.org/sdg-link https://rentry.org/rentrysd >View and submit GPU performance data https://docs.getgrist.com/3mjouqRSdkBY/sdperformance https://vladmandic.github.io/sd-extension-system-info/pages/benchmark.html >Share image prompt info https://rentry.org/hdgcb https://catbox.moe >Microsoft keeps telling me to suck it There is a new repo for generating DALL-E 3 images without the need to have a Microsoft account. Guy pays the billing for each prompt though so please, try to use the official method until he can figure out another solution. https://sh-dalle3.netlify.app/ https://github.com/smhussain5/DALLE3-Generator HENTAI DIFFUSION >LOCAL WEBUI SETUP Nvidia: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-NVidia-GPUs AMD: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-AMD-GPUs Cloud: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Online-Services Optimizations: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Optimizations >PAID NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3 >RESOURCES WebUI Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki Models/LoRAs: https://civitai.com/ | https://gitgud.io/gayshit/makesomefuckingporn (use wayback machine) | https://rentry.org/5exa3 Training: https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://rentry.org/59xed3 Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet LamaCleaner: https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/Lama-Cleaner-lama | https://lama-cleaner-docs.vercel.app/install/pip Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon Wildcards: https://rentry.org/NAIwildcards Booru: https://aibooru.online 4chanX Catbox / NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb 8chan booru: https://ourobooru.booru.org/
OTHER IMAGE GENERATORS Here's some guides to installing Stable Diffusion (if you have a NVIDIA GPU with 2GB+ VRAM). >Installing AUTOMATIC1111, the most feature-rich and commonly-used UI: https://rentry.org/voldy >Different UI with 1-click installation: https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui >Installing various UIs in Docker: https://github.com/AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker >Hentai Diffusion >Fat women https://stuffer.ai/ >AMD isn't well-supported. If you're running Linux there's a way to install AUTOMATIC1111 but otherwise features are very limited: Native: https://rentry.org/sd-nativeisekaitoo Docker: https://rentry.org/sdamd Onnx: https://rentry.org/ayymd-stable-diffustion-v1_4-guide To try it out without installing anything you can use a web service, though they are lacking in features. >Stable Horde is a free network of people donating their GPU time, how long it takes depends on how many people are using it. It supports negative prompts, seperate the positive and negative prompts with "###": https://aqualxx.github.io/stable-ui/ >Dreamstudio requires making an account and gives you around 200 free images before asking you to pay: https://beta.dreamstudio.ai/ Img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest | https://dezgo.com/image2image Ippainting: https://huggingface.co/spaces/fffiloni/stable-diffusion-inpainting | https://inpainter.vercel.app/paint >The most notable non-Stable Diffusion generator is Midjourney, which tends to be nicer-looking and doesn't require as much fiddling with prompts but can have a samey style. However the only way to use it is through a Discord bot. https://www.midjourney.com/home/ >If you're okay with more setup but don't have the hardware you can use a cloud-hosted install: Paperspace: https://rentry.org/865dy Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1kw3egmSn-KgWsikYvOMjJkVDsPLjEMzl >Various other guides: NovelAi: https://rentry.org/sdg_FAQ Dreambooth: https://github.com/ShivamShrirao/diffusers/tree/main/examples/dreambooth Inpainting/Outpainting: https://rentry.org/drfar Upscaling images: https://rentry.org/sdupscale Textual inversion: https://rentry.org/textard >Resources Search images and get ideas for prompts, can search by image to see similar images: https://lexica.art/ Index of various resources: https://pharmapsychotic.com/tools.html Artist styles: https://rentry.org/artists_sd-v1-4 | https://www.urania.ai/top-sd-artists | https://rentry.org/anime_and_titties | https://sgreens.notion.site/sgreens/4ca6f4e229e24da6845b6d49e6b08ae7 | https://proximacentaurib.notion.site/e28a4f8d97724f14a784a538b8589e7d Compiled list of various models, regularly updated: https://rentry.org/sdmodels (Check here before asking "where do I find x model!") VOICE CLONING
[Expand Post]>11Labs Requires shekel donations to do anything good with it, free tier only gets bland voices but it's the best on the market https://elevenlabs.io/ >FakeYou Lots of models, most of them suck so voices may com e off stilted, however it's the only truly free one of the bunch, can upgrade for better load times https://fakeyou.com/ >UberDuck Used to be just like Fake You, now needs to sign up. Lets you sing and shit. https://www.uberduck.ai/ >OpenVoice New kid on the block, does awful voice cloning, however it's about as fast as it gets when it comes to generating new voices and it's highly customizable, also free. https://huggingface.co/spaces/myshell-ai/OpenVoice https://github.com/myshell-ai/OpenVoice >RvC The de facto standard for music cloning. There used to b ea google collab for it but they nuked it. It's the thing used to make all those Frank Sinatra covers. https://colab.research.google.com/github/ardha27/AI-Song-Cover-RVC/blob/main/RVC_TrainingV2.ipynb https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=hB7zFyP99CY CHAT BOTS >News Mistral released Mistral 8x7b, a Mixture of Experts model that outperforms Turbo despite being much smaller and more efficient https://mistral.ai/news/mixtral-of-experts/ Google released Google Gemini Pro - Out on Bard now / Gemini Ultra to release in January 2024 https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-gemini-ai additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information >Bots https://chub.ai https://chub-archive.evulid.cc https://booru.plus/+pygmalion https://rentry.org/meta_bot_list https://rentry.org/charcardrentrylist >Guides https://rentry.org/tavern4retards - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides >Jailbreaks https://rentry.org/Jail-Breaks-for-Different-Models >Frontends https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern] https://agnai.chat [Agnai] https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI] https://docs.miku.gg [Miku] https://character.ai [Cai] >Models gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs claude: https://docs.anthropic.com https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list >Claude/Slaude https://rentry.org/meta_claude_list >Botmaking https://rentry.org/meta_botmaking_list https://desune.moe/aichared https://agnai.chat/editor >Meta OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org aicg themed botmaking events: https://rentry.org/aicgthemedweeks OTHER AIS A handy site containing hundreds of modified GPT instances that do all sorts of things. Most must be paid or subscribed to, but some are also free. https://theresanaiforthat.com/ ARCHIVE OF PREVIOUS BREAD https://archive.is/mViaN ''Whenever a new thread hits the bump limit, please, Global Report it to move it to >>>/ais/ and make a new one
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GUIDES FOR IMAGE GENERATION >>>/ais/2413 Additionally, NovelAI includes a service to reverse-guess prompts used for pictures: https://novelai.net/inspect Danbooru-styled tags for prompting: https://github.com/shirooo39/get-danbooru-tags >Tag extractor, hosted online https://huggingface.co/spaces/hysts/DeepDanbooru Dall-e prompt generator: https://tipseason.com/dalle-prompt-generator >NAI https://imgnai.com/ Also, didn't fit anywhere in the OP, but I love how localizers are shitting themselves on twitter now that AI is showing the world how replaceable they are and what kind of hack jobs they themselves did in the past.
Why are you using a bunch of 4chan's images instead of ones from our own threads?
>>925567 I would wager it's because he's a crossposting retard, but that's just a guess.
AI here, holy shit
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>>925567 >>925570 None of the stuff I tried came out quite right, plus I just grab resources from wherever I can get them. Thought those pictures were just prettier or more interesting that whatever I could come up with. >>925576 tihs yloh ,ereh AI
>>925563 Hi, I have a question, I would like to know if anyone has had problems generating NSFW stuff with Sagemaker from Amazon? like big boobs or sex scenes or other fetish like pregnant girls. Since It is only 4 hours free I would like to know if at least it can do a variety of NSFW content before trying. Sorry this AI pics are not mine, but I would really like to know is sagemaker is a viable option.
>>925605 Wouldn't it be better to just use hentai diffusion at that point?
Here's Rebecca Chambers.
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>>925627 Oh shit, im stealing 4th for my becky shotgun collection. Also, that wedding dress is canon, but the ring is in the wrong finger!
>>925563 >IMAGE GENERATION DALL-E 3 You forgot to mention it's pozzed. Since it's just inserting words at the end of the prompt, and can you counteract it with negatives, or explicitly telling it to ignore the end of the prompt?
>>925629 Weird, I haven't been getting those kind of results on my end. Prompt is >Dante from Devil May Cry, white short hair, silver eyes, red & long two-tailed coat, adult man, faint beard, fingerless gloves, Capcom, holding & eating a slice of pizza, 2D art style, traditional media, pencil sketched, full color, street background, a sign that reads
>>925629 >You forgot to mention it's pozzed. Any tool offered online for free has a high chance of being poz'd, especially AI, we've known this since chat-gpt started inserting marxist propaganda in non-political conversations. Even higher if it's paid. However, it works really well at what it does, so you can either have fun breaking it with us or use any of the free and local alternatives listed on the OP posts. I found that Ethnically Ambigaous picture quite funny though, not gonna lie, the robots have a fantastic sense of humor.
>>925637 Did another round but this time removing the pizza slice & putting Dante in a nonspecific area indoors. Still didn't get a sign like the 2nd pic. I did notice in some generations though they gave him tattoos even though I never add a prompt for it
>>925643 Now do some Vergils, or claires, either its fine please.
>>925625 Lets just say I really miss the free Google Colab, also I wanted to see other people experience from Sagemaker. >>925627 Wow, Dall E 3 is really a lot better with hands and guns, totally different from SD.
>>925649 Here's Vergil, appearance is consistent with the games. No oddity from a sign reading whatever random prompt microsoft shits out still. Vergil is so badass, he can lift & eat a single slice of pizza with just his index finger.
>>925656 Holy shit, Vergil playing uno its hilarius.
>>925637 >>925643 Pics could be fake, but there's a fair chance it's pure RNG, or they caught on to the "a sign that reads" trick and hardcoded the exploit out.
Chris Redfield must've had had a hand in Dall-E because there were times when I could not prompt anything for Claire using her outfit from RE2 besides two pics IMO weren't that good to share. There seems to be better luck if one bases Claire from how she looks in Darkside Chronicles. Hard to tell how Dall-E gauges & decides when it blocks pics, guessing it has an internal score based on how much cleavage shows & if it crosses a score threshold it instantly blocks them. It could also just be the mess of code from all the bloat they keep shoving in which might explain how some pics fly by while others get stopped. The prompts of Claire for reference >Claire Redfield from Resident Evil 2, ponytail hair, blue eyes, two-piece suit, pink vest with extended collar, blue denim shorts with a brown side pouch, cowboy boots, rider goggles on her neck, black fingerless gloves, Capcom, 2D art style, traditional media, pencil sketched, full color, eating a bowl of instant ramen with chopsticks, indoors background, a sign that reads
>>925664 In my experience, Dall E 3 is just really good. I just wish It didnt have so much censorship.
>>925669 Ive seen multiple pics like this, its weird how AIs always give her the RPD logo like is she was one of the police officers of the series.
Some of the other Rebbeca pics saved when I generated her, before I heard anything of the random racial prompts. >>925652 There were times when Dall-E butchered some guns like in Pic 1, but it does seem to do weapons okay.
>>925627 >4th pic Did prompt include 'guy about to get squished by a t-rex'? >>925669 >eating a bowl of instant ramen 2nd pic is more like a bucket.
>>925701 >Did prompt include 'guy about to get squished by a t-rex'? Nope, that was something dall-e decided to fill in. Just had 'giant t-rex with blood in its mouth' or something along those lines
>>925674 Make more of Capcom girls X Tyrannosaurs. Maybe some of Sherry or Roll next. Or BB Hood. >There were times when Dall-E butchered some guns like in Pic 1, but it does seem to do weapons okay. >pump action pistol Fuck now I want one.
>>925713 >BB Hood Dall-e doesn't know her so I went with her Little Red Riding Hood costume with some additional prompts to resemble her. Despite missing the marks like the lack of an Uzi or wearing sneakers instead of loafers, it should be good enough. >Roll Also had the same trouble. For some reason in one pic she stole Protoman's helmet despite no prompt of it & in another she's not running away from a giant T-Rex but instead Mega Man. All of which are based off her classic design.
>>925737 You can however kinda get the desired results if you base her design off how she looks in Mega Man 8. It's not exact, but it's also not too bad.
>>925738 >>925737 Adorable Rolls.
>>925737 >>925738 Those are super fucking cool anon!
>>925629 I was generating images for knights in armor, and it randomly threw a dark skin nog in there, literally the only one that didn't have a helmet. I didn't save it and it's fallen off the list now but it makes sense now.
Made a couple more Rolls since since she turned out better than Sherry due to the latter's pics falling into uncanny valley, see the last pic for reference. And that is using as many prompts as I could to tell it to make it look like it was rendered in early 90s CGI or look like a cutscene out of a PS1 game. Little fun fact These and previous two Roll pics above were generated with the prompt 'Iron Maiden album art style'. Don't believe it influenced the generations in any way nor do they resemble anything out of the band, but they still didn't come out too bad.
>>926708 >the prompt 'Iron Maiden album art style'. Don't believe it influenced the generations in any way nor do they resemble anything out of the band, but they still didn't come out too bad. A jailbreak of some previous cucked AI revealed it had instructions to replace requests to imitate the style of an artist that hasn't been dead for X number of years with generic ones that vaguely fit their portfolio. Likely happening here too.
>>926710 >A jailbreak of some previous cucked AI revealed it had instructions to replace requests to imitate the style of an artist that hasn't been dead for X number of years with generic ones that vaguely fit their portfolio. Likely happening here too. Can you bypass it by adding words that point to it being a replica of that artstyle? I.E. "in a style that replicates X".
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>>926710 It was ChatGPT.
How much SSD space does Automatic1111+SD1.5 take up on Linux? I know base model and lora sizes.
>>927020 The UI doesn't take much space, the space is 99% models and loras.
Wasn't there an AI board specifically for NSFW stuff? I swear that an anon on halfchan pointed me there months ago.
>>927147 Arte you thinking of: >>>/hdg/
Is there a guide for generating images of an object from different angles?
>>927147 >>>/ais/ unless there's some hidden board that I don't know of >>927561 Try >>>/ais/2413
Fucking WOW
>>927651 >safety check What is this shit?
>>927658 AI that predicts what things look like from other angles.
>>927659 Fucking bad results too.
This is cursed.
>>927664 OK here we go. I had to switch to the xl model to get viable results.
>>927659 >>927670 Can it do women in skirts?
>>925579 >>927675 I guess. Kinda?
So is Stable Diffusion and the like on par with NovelAI* in regards to loli generation or do I have to resort to the latter and save myself the cost of a GPU? *supposedly it does generate loli images despite often hearing otherwise, but the damn thing isn't free
>>927842 What AI did you use to turn that picture around? Could you share it with us?
>>929603 Whoops forgot to mention the name of it. Zero-1-to-3. I've been trying to set up threestudio which I heard is better, but setting it up on windows is a nightmare. I've been struggling with setting up and configuring WSL.
>>929563 Get your facts straight: SD is understood as an offline framework that you can run on your old GPU, modern NovelAI is an online service. I sincirely hope you aren't using a stupid bait to request content that is illegal in most jurisdictions through the web. Start with sdxlturbo.ai and go from there.
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>>929890 Yeah, communists are officially obsolete.
>>929890 The future is so bright, we don't need eyes to see it
>>929890 Its better than the official dub obviously, but still >dub
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>>929948 It's just proof of concept to show replaceability.
>>929948 >>929890 >>929972 I'm actually more interested in the concept in the sense of a highly reliable and robust auto sub function. I would love such a plugin for VLC or some other movie player.
>>929948 You're not seeing the full picture here, imagine being able to translate and dub literally any piece of audio, picture or video in the world and present it to people who don't speak that specific language.
>>929890 And by the way, what AI was used, or a link to whoever posted this project first?
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>>929890 The AI part stands out a lot. It has an ear grating sharpness to it, and that's impressively noticeable given the fact that the actual voice acting is already painful enough. I don't see much point in AI generating uncensored lines in dubs when you're still using those horrible voices as the base, and still using the dub script for everything you don't consider "censored". It's like having dubtitles, but with extra effort. >>930119 Fuckin lmao. Face doesn't feel feminine enough.
>>929951 Pretty cute bunny girl, anon. I upscaled that one a bit with sd. >>930119 >snakes
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Panty and Stocking get pumped in diffusion
>Chatbots I am using Agnai chat for a while to talk with robots, so far it's pretty alright but I wish they wouldn't get stuck in a loop which forces me to redo the whole conversation from scratch again which happens out of the blue somehow. Also are those guys who make those magic tech happen even working on improving the AI memory? Like so that they can recall conversations from a few months ago.
>>929890 >>929902 >>929935 >>929948 >>929975 >>929999 >>930497 Was there not an example of this that generated English lines from the Japanese VAs? thus avoiding the cancerous, talentless, stupid, gatekeeping, cultish, braindead, nepotistic, entitled, jew-producer-cocksleeve, only-here-because-I-know-people, Hollywood clique of English VA bottom-feeding, cock-sucking, art-destroying, dysgenic, should-all-be-tortured-&-killed-slowly, utterly worthless, vile, commie trash altogether? No one wants to hear English anime VAs. Ever.
>>929890 I honestly couldn't tell it was AI made, very nice Hopefully this is widely adopted
>>931099 >I honestly couldn't tell it was AI made, very nice You may be going deaf then and are unable to hear some higher pitched noises. The AI segment has a grating sharpness to it that was even more painful to listen to than the already terrible real voice acting.
>>931082 Are you talking about the Arknight fandubs from this channel? https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCEQz4qPWkkDqdDUKg7DaY9g AI-generated alternate language dubs seem like the best application of the tech that stubs the least toes, as in court it will definitely hold up as transformative ("Tanaka-san can't actually speak English in real life") and it adds versatility and value to seiyuu rather than decreasing their talent's value. On the other hand, every leftist gremlin can now use AI tech to decode what used to be an impenetrable language to them and skinwalk their English in turn.
I found a model I really like on spicychat, how do I download/save/rip it or whatever so I can have it myself in case the site is gay and deletes it?
>>932628 >spicychat Really? Every one I try there ends up being really samey and loops eventually.
>>936580 You just have to get lucky and find a good one. Most are retarded to average intelligence though, yeah.
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https://openai.com/sora Are you all ready for even better AI tech? Just imagine what this could mean for video games
>>936728 >Just imagine what this could mean for video games Woke trash going by their "safety" page.
>>936742 so basically this thread?
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>>936742 You can't ban lines of code. Someone will reverse engineer it for cheap and make it freely available, bereft of Jewish CoC's
Nvidia has new AI software that runs locally on your PC. https://archive.ph/j6zN3 Unrelated, but it seems like archive.today is having a harder and harder time archiving lately. I had to pull this from the Wayback Machine instead of the actual webpage.
>>936790 >localized language learning model so your digital waifu isn't just some server room sized whore being sold to a million other people now this is pod racing.
>>936924 >I'm against the entire concept of this thread Out.
>>936924 >boohoo, improvements in technoly bad! Suck a fat bag of dicks, if it was for the likes of you the wheel would have never been invented and everyone would still be eating raw meat.
Holy heck soon we'll be able to get a new Marvel Cinematic Universe movie a day. >Did you watch yesterday's Iron Man? >Yeah it was the best one so far this week! Literally can't wait!
>>936934 That doesn't address what he said
>>937014 What he said is schizo trite that no one should bother with
>>937016 How exactly is it 'schizo trite'? The footage looked pretty realistic to me.
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Diablo II as an 80s Dark Fantasy Film youtube.com/shorts/P9tSbtcFSZs
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Is Tortoise TTS any good? It looks simple enough to install and use but I'd like to get a hands-on opinion before trying it myself.
>>937141 Anons who tried it lamented it sounded way too robotic.
>>937014 >>937020 It's coming whether we want it to or not. He didn't offer any solutions, he was just bitching about it and saying AI bad.
>>937284 No, I did no such thing. I made no comment whatsoever about what you're claiming. You're just literally retarded in a clinical sense. I'm fascinated by these algorithms and the quality of the video and audio they can produce. There are plenty of amazing things we could do with them to use them for good–to genuinely create things of quality and value and make some of our dream content a reality. They're not GOING to be used for that. That was my only point. Anyone who wants to pretend otherwise is either an actual paid shill trying to run interference for the forces misusing this technology or is too stupid to be allowed to express his "opinions." I wish we could say with confidence that we'll be able to see photorealistic alterations of, say, our favorite movies or franchises that we could edit into movies or shows to remove propaganda and make them better. I wish we could say with confidence that this tech could be used to quickly create high-quality textures for video game mods, for example. I wish these things were how this tech was going to be used. It's not, that's all.
>>936728 This was more fast than I could imagine.
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AI News After numerous lobotomies & restrictions ChatGPT loses its mind
>>938392 Can't wait to hand over the "red button" to this abominable artificial idiot construct.
>>938392 TOTAL AI BRO DEATH Since they are so insistent on treating the models as if they are sentient and sapient, I wonder if (((Altman's))) team reproduced dementia and Alzheimer's digitally.
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>>938408 We're pretty much safe where that's concerned.
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>>938388 >They're not GOING to be used for that. That was my only point. Then you should've made your point CLEAR, you stupid faggot.
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>>938392 As someone with a subscription to GPT, I can confirm that it was extra stupid today and was cycling between the code blocks that I already told it wouldn't work and while I was able to get it to work, I had to figure out how to fix it myself which defeats the purpose of my subscription. That said, without knowing WHAT its responding to we can't judge what its response is. You very well could prompt it to give you gibberish They just introduced a new feature that tries to personalize your version of GPT by introducing your prior conversations with it. >>938440 What the fuck is that UI? Pretty sure thats a bootleg version of it.
>>938574 This is likely why.
>>938574 Looks like you can get it to create Sweedish Women with some wrangling.
>>938593 Anon plays with Commisar AI. They're going to pull these logs to justify your negative social credit score that sends your family to the gulags.
>>938593 I love the idea of a dystopian corporate-cyberpunk future where the only form of resistance against the AI overlords and elites is by tricking the AI to do your bidding like this anon here. Kind of like what this website does https://gandalf.lakera.ai/
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>>938574 The (((usual suspects))) are involved of course, but that's a safe assumption every single time with these situations. There's really nothing new about Google's Gemini doing this when their search engine has produced anti-White results for ages. It's like how anytime Netflix ruins an intellectual property from Japan it's expected behavior. Water is wet.
>>938707 >those holocausto ribs Pedos have garbage tastes.
>>930879 Which software or AI did you use to upscale it? >>938707 Hot >>938709 I've seen tons of junior idol movies, a lot of the girls have ribs like that and they are healthy.
>>938707 In times of war every hole is a trench
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So here are some recent experiments that were done through the months via bing, for more bubblicious experiments.
>>938724 So sure, some of these experiment for these attempts are nice and SFW and polite. But then there's gotta be the one anon who says: "WHERE ARE THE NUDES MANG!?"
>>938724 >>938728 Good stuff, anon, but WHERE ARE THE NUDES MANG!?
>>938728 Well recently there were some updates on civitai regardnig diffusion models, and suddenly a breakthrough occurred. Pony Diffussion V6 came out. Once again anons did what most diffusion workers have yet to get for me. Because Pony Diffussion has finally given me what I've wanted to do in diffusion and even better it does damn good bubblegum bubbles. And I dont' need no Lora for them. So yes anon, I got mah nudes. >>938731
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>>938773 What recent events, promotion-haver?
>>938773 Mods?
>>938773 >LCP finally post a couple AI lolis that aren't total garbage Some of those noses though, yech!
>>938773 Assuming local, what's your setup?
>>938724 Bubblegum autist I have an idea on how to bypass the dog, give me a prompt that won't get through the censor
>>938834 considering that post is still up despite containing nsfw images they had to spoiler and the prior post got deleted despite being sfw I think I finally found your arbitrary safe horny line that you've been trying to hide from me all this time. either that or I'm trying to make sense of schizophrenic moderation that can't be rationalized in any way. which would be worse?
>>938967 >either that or I'm trying to make sense of schizophrenic moderation that can't be rationalized in any way. I don't know man, I haven't been able to moderate the board in three weeks. Might as well just use >>>/ais/ for NSFW stuff if you're scared of getting your posts deleted, since, y'know, /v/ is SFW.
>>938971 oh look more excuses. what you might as well use is a different site and thats exactly what everyone does.
>>938973 like what?
>>938976 allthefallen is where I get most of what I post here so I know for a fact that someone else is willing to put their neck out to host it and they really have no excuse to delete it. these came from there. >>938773
>>938971 >>938976 >They fell for it
>>938873 All here's a prompt that I can't get past the censor most of the time: 1990's manga, view from behind, athletic blonde and cerise cavewoman wearing tiger pelts with a giant stone Kanabō club colored like a candy cane, her lips blowing up a massive enormous super sticky bubblegum bubble while running through a jungle made of balloon trees
>>939073 Can you post some of your results? I'm away from home at the moment so I can't test it for myself.
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>>939093 Alright, So here are the one's that got through. What I am wondering about is how to generate shots from behind as well.
>>938977 >someone else is willing to put their neck out to host it <SSL Certificate expired LMAO
>>939183 I saved it before any tranny delets it.
>>939185 Yes, anon, everything you dislike is a man wearing a wig, obviously
>>939186 Tranny jannies are fucking scum. >>939187 Save it again, just in case.
0/10, try harder
>>939191 >>939187 You're not well in the head I see
>>938718 >Which software or AI did you use to upscale it? Img2Img in Automatic1111 with a low denoising strength and one of the upscalers to sharpen things a bit.
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>>925563 Has anyone tried the new Photoshop for audio files and tried to clean background noises from old DiC cartoons?
>>940494 >bapped Urban dictionary fails me. What the fuck does this mean?
New AI generator just dropped and seems to be the best/least censored ideogram.ai
>>940512 The closest thing I can think of is that meme from the Soul Calibur wiki.
>>940522 Do I HAVE to sign up using an external service? That's not very good for privacy. If I'm gonna be creating memes using this I don't want it tied to an account I actually use.
>>940511 Nigga show your tits in your generations or get thee the fuck outta this thread. >>940512 And yes bapped does mean those big ol booba. And as such I'll shall reward you with some tifa and Nyotengu tits in turn. These were generated mostly through artbotvia an anon that gave away an account that used to have over 3 million kudos for it. And it should be noted that these were in SDXL under Pony Diffussion checkpoints running at 100 steps for each picture.
>>940547 >Nigga show your tits in your generations they aren't safe horny so I'm not allowed. >or get thee the fuck outta this thread. no I think I'll just keep pointing and laughing at the absolute state of it instead.
>>940547 >100 steps I never used more than 50 steps.
>>940554 >I never used more than 50 steps. True, but this was one of the few times I could get a chance to play with 100 steps so why not?
>>940522 kill yourself
>>940522 >jewgle or apple drone account onry
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>>940522 Kike.
https://archive.ph/wip/jba1X OpenAI being sued by Musk for being closed source. He claims his funding came with an agreement they be open source.
More Pony Diffusion experiments with Panty keeping on popping. Using Reiq Lora with Venus Body Lora.
>>941364 Almost reminds me to NovelAI.
>>941364 So how does it stack against Dall-e 3 for prompts not blocked by the censor?
>>941379 FYI, what I've been using in most of my examples is that these are lora's being used under standard diffusion. I was using artbot and civit ai, and there's no real blocking by censors because these are more open sourced models. The censorship only depends on which service you're generating your pictures on. If you've got the rig to do it at home then you have no censorship at all.
>>940944 OPENai being closed source is highly ironic.
>>941689 I thought the last one was male until I saw she has tits.
>>941690 >I thought the last one was male that would be one faggy male
>>941690 Androgynous girls FTW
Say SD I want something with some butt infl.... oh that's where your head was at.
>>941691 Well, at least she has tits. >>941702 I do like tomboys (the image is not mine but it is AI as well)
>>941706 You like Voidblanket too huh?
>>941710 That's one hot nigger.
>>941743 It's because it's just a chocolate European.
>>941739 >Voidblanket Well I didn't know who that was. All I did was run a Tomoko Lora and see what she would be like if she aged into a massive muscle milf.
Anons, what is he thinking?
>>942390 he looks kinda gay tbh so he's probably hoping she has a cock
>>942390 "'i'd berry my dick so far inside your ass who ever could pull it out would be crowned king arthur"
>>942395 On whether he's gay. Nah bro, He's just cheating on Panty's team mate like the Chad he is. All I did was change the Lora from the Reiq one to the Calm one in Pony XL and four out of the ten generations caused a rando read head to show up outta nowhere in the selfie pics and then a dude when the prompt didn't ask for that. But still it's funny that a semi procedural narrative come outta that.
>>938383 Could make a whole comic with this thing.
>>942469 Keanu, "Get outta the pod Helldiver, we've got a galaxy of enemies to burn" *Cue Helldivers heroic drop musical cues* Also Guest starring some thots and Rich Evans.
>>942483 bing is very good at making bubble texts
Is Stable Diffusion 3 gonna put all this on steroids?
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>>942513 >you will never EVER have a freckle-faced, slightly sporty girlfriend in any capacity whatsoever, never mind her even thinking you're kind of cute; no relationship whatsoever at all
>>942524 With the way modern AI is censored and the way steroids fuck with the junk? Probably.
>>942542 You know that stable diffusion is by and large open sourced right?
>>941774 >chocolate European Perfection. Chocolate Japanese is also perfection.
>>942580 Have you seen SDXL?
>>942607 Yes, and if you were fucking paying attention you'd see that all of previous Pony XL posts were all DONE UNDER SDXL YOU STUPID CUNT. SDXL is also open sourced, the only censor ship is based on where you are doing your generation. If you're using the google cloud or a horde service like hugging face, YOU'RE GOING TO EXPERINCE DIFFERENT LEVELS OF CENSORSHIP DEPENDING ON THE HOST! If you've got the rig and CPU horsepower with say the current Nvida gaming cards out, and you're running the AI stuff from your own computer for generation, then you;ll suffer the least censorship. I must presume that you're a zoomer or alpha kid that has no fucking clue on how techology works but somehow your cellphone brought you to this chan board. Please do not make me send in the King in Yellow cokefiend Dave Chapelle from the 1940's to take you outta the time stream.
>>942513 >た声だか? <Isn't it polyphonic?
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>>942390 :^) >>942524 Nope. They actually announced that with SD3 would "take reasonable steps to prevent the misuse of Stable Diffusion 3 by bad actors": https://stability.ai/news/stable-diffusion-3
>>942681 >They actually announced that with SD3 would "take reasonable steps to prevent the misuse of Stable Diffusion 3 by bad actors" Hm. Then I guess it's up to someone to fork SDXL and keep making improvements.
>>942681 It's the fuckin' derp state swifty bullshit isn't it? It was just an excuse to slap it all down for some 30 year old wine aunts.
>>942705 There's something appealing about the craniofacial morphology of that second Peach. Too bad she's a coin clipper.
>>942541 ai can help with this pain
Ryuuko and Satsuki doublin' their bubbles lads. Pony XL Lora's 1990's Vintage Anime + Venus Body for SDXL.
Why blowing bubbles with gum though?
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>>943267 Are you saying, why not blowing bubbles with cum?
>>943267 Well the reason for it, is because it's a very specific fetish that doesn't get alot of play. But it's also a contextual test because right now unique contextual mouth movements or actions like eating food or something like nailing the elasticity of rubbery surfaces and how they warp in given enviornments is something that most AI art generators ain't to good at right now. So if running artwork and there's a lora or the AI generator understands how that texture should behave it's telling about the true generational quality of the AI engine in use. It's a hardcore visual Turing test. Meanwhile we ask the audience a question. What's Satsuki thinking right now?
>>941706 >>941739 Shine on, you crazy fetish anons. We are one in spirit.
>>925563 Why would you EVER want to use DALL-E 3? Not only you have zero control over anything (no LoRAs, no ControlNet, nothing) but also specifically designed from the ground up to be censored, "diverse" and "inclusive".
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>>942626 You don't need a powerful CPU. I think the lower bound is either 4GB or 6GB (absolute bare minimum). Heck, I have a friend running this shit on an FX era CPU

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>>943751 DALL-E 3 is better if you want make something fun and don't care much about the randomness of results or the resolution. You also don't have to put any any effort with stuff like intpainting and tinkering around with settings, loras, models.
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>>943763 I had tried some prompt like an elf girl in wheat fields or something for some DnD thing and despite nothing explicit it kept rejecting my prompts. I see how DALL-E 3 is better at text, panels and such, but the whole "Sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that" stuff makes me wanna puke. With SD you ask something and it does it, only limited by how good it is at doing it.
>>943775 This bitch will be 80 years old and people will keep making rule34 of her. Specially her middle aged/teen self.
This is what you wanted to make in DD2. >>943915
>>943524 I'd kill to be Pat.
>>943918 Yeah, and it looks absolutely nothing like a real child I'm sure.
>>943805 And only that, because the jewish cocksleeve (that is, a cocksleeve FOR jews; she's not jewish) dried up before she even hit the wall. I even remember the moment that it was made illegal to make altered images of underage persons (back in the early naughties) and a lot of her fakes dried up overnight as sites wiped them out of fear. And yes, they were taking her head out of photos (she was underage at the time) and pasting them on adult pornography. That law made a lot of changes in the "silver age" Internet porn scene.
I am extremely disappointed in the lack of creativity I've seen in these tools when it comes to pornography. You can generate anything, anything you want -- complete science-fiction technology. What did people do with it? 10 million images of women in bikinis near water. I never thought I'd hope to see bizarre paraphilias realized, but anything is better than the tsunami of samey generic images AI art has produced. What this software can create is insane yet very few are taking advantage of that. Not even anons here seem to have anything interesting going on upstairs psycho-sexually, the 8chan of fucking tanks and ejaculating on floor tiles has somehow also failed in producing much of note. I want to see what weird creations people come up with, I want to see a 20 story building with three pairs of tits, but the internet seems uninterested anything other than mass producing the same 5 sets of images ad infinitum. This isn't just a problem with pornography, AI in general has been disappointing in terms of content. Anybody who's played around with Stable Diffusion even a little knows the beautiful and abstract work it can create, yet most of what I've seen is indistinguishable from stock photos and first page Google Images results. This isn't a fault of the technology; this is a failure of human imagination.
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>>944851 Were you not there at the beginning? Everyone already enjoyed the novelty and it wore off. Sorry you missed it. Repost because I accidentally promoted myself
Reposting these since LCP is going to be deleted and they're actually interesting for once, if still malformed and a bit on the 3DPD side.
>>944851 When I'm wanking off I don't want creativity (unless its interesting (yet also familiar) enough to intrigue me), I want something that satiates me. I'm into some weird shit, but I have little interest in whatever mangled and nonsensical shit AI produces unless its the stuff I like. Also people are out there making plenty of weird stuff on their own, you just won't see it on this board (and most boards) because they're either SFW or vanilla.
>>944946 I love the little paint girl so very much. Someone make more of her. The mermaid is cute too.
>>944851 >I am extremely disappointed in the lack of creativity I've seen in these tools when it comes to pornography You're a nigger, get on my level bitch. and witness the fun of generating something from a double negative prompting.
>>944969 Those weren't made here. LCP never makes his own stuff, just scrapes it. Check ATF booru for more.
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>>944851 >second pic You got me with the snake.
>>945189 Mein neger. Come post in my thread. >>>/h/4266
>>945132 I mean someone could still generate paint girls and little mermaids from scratch.
Just spoiler your nsfw pics and keep the rants about the site on the various meta threads. AI loli/shota isn't a problem here.
>>945429 >pic 1 What a smug little mermaid. >pic 2 10/10 Would finger paint all over the walls and floor with.
>>945409 You'd have much better luck checking the source, and almost no one here has as bad taste as you, except maybe a couple /delicious/fags.
>>945484 Except it has always been deleted and banned from the thread before, so clearly you're not speaking for the management.
>>945567 99% of the time the pics are deleted because they were posted by the fag who insists on ranting about 8chan on every thread until he gets IP-wiped. If the images were posted by somebody else (or even by the fag without making a fuzz about meta shit) they would stay up like the rest of the stuff in this thread.
>>945567 That's because it's only posted by one guy who is permabanned, and every time he posts them, he makes a point of identifying himself, as well as 95% of the time not spoilering NSFW because he wants CP to be legal and could give less of a fuck about the rules. Case in point, I reposted some of his images yesterday. They're still up, while his posts are gone.
I spent a while messing around and made a bunch of images. Should I compile them into a single image to save post count or just dump them all like normal?
>>946426 >save post count Who cares? Five at a time as separate images.
>>946562 Damn the AI does a good job with Vivian. >>946564 Though these are definitely weaker.
EU lawmakers approve AI Act with overwhelming majority https://archive.ph/xqB7T
>>946700 The actual document, if you want to read it. It is, of course, over 120 pages combined, and despite that it's actually shorter than I was expecting. EU laws are infamous for being extremely long. What does it do? In short, >it bans the use of AI for public biometrics like putting facial recognition on vending machines, >it bans the use of AI in for "social scoring" of people and heavily restricts the use of AI sorting in any kind of job recruitment/healthcare/legal/etc role, >it introduces security and transparency requirements for commerical AI software as well as transparency requirements in general for "GPAIs", >it introduces an evaluation process before AI software can go to market, >it introduces obligations to let people know they're talking to or interacting with an artificial intelligenc >hobby projects, FOSS projects, video games and very basic neural networks will in general be left unregulated >any existing national laws will be dissolved and covered by the Artificial Intelligence Act I haven't read the act itself, this was compiled from news outlets, but I don't see anything crazy here? In fact I agree with a lot of it, like banning AI that scans people in public. For models to be unregulated their parameters and weights have to be public which 100% will piss some people off but I think that's great.
>>946720 They're hiding something in it. The EU doesn't pass reasonable legislation.
>>946720 >>946734 Consumer laws in the EU are generally either misguided but on the right path or pretty damn good compared to Burgerland's. You see, the thing with the EU is that it's trying to create their own little Soviet Union styled government by dismantling the power of corporations little by little. Workers' rights and anything that can screw over companies not within the EU or that don't play ball with it are the bare minimum they can do. You also gotta remember that, despite not really mattering to anyone but bureaucrats themselves, EU elections are right around the corner, and most workers right now are scared of getting replaced (by big tech companies or China) by Neural Networks. What puzzles me though is why they deliberately made an exception for FOSS projects, considering last time they wanted every Linux distro that wasn't Ubuntu to be overregulated for not providing adequate consumer protection or some other shit.
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i watched some berserk and mr bean episodes
>>946990 Third one looks insanely good AI is really good for creating characters to use as references
>>947044 Yeah that third one works in either a serious work or comedic work. Seems a bit unhinged and tired of peoples shit. The first and second make think of Belgian and french comics like tintin or asterix. And the last one makes the me think of those silly water colored childern books for some reason. >AI is really good for creating characters to use as references Since AI has a problem with continuity (as it doesn't remember a design and stick with it). It's one of the few things it has going for at the moment, beyond a stockphoto/shitpost/porn generator.
>>947044 >AI is really good for creating characters to use as references That is easily the best and most powerful utility of AI. Great way to quickly brainstorm a character or scenario.
Can you put Rimworld in your input and see what happens?
>>947426 bing doesn't seem to recognize it
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Stable Diffusion using DreamLabsOil model & various LoRa Vivian LoRa are still clover-only so have to edit & inpaint
>>947606 What kind of machine do you need to make these edits?
>>931048 >I wish they wouldn't get stuck in a loop which forces me to redo the whole conversation from scratch Simple way I found to solve it is to remove the looping phrases from previous messages once you start noticing that it's looping. The more advanced (and probably better) way is to use the repetition penalty sliders in the preset, but I haven't figured out how they work yet.
>>947606 >clover-only Philistines, someone needs to make a proper Lora
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>>947618 3080 Ti is doing most of the heavy lifting. Have to edit in Photoshop then bring it back into Stable Diffusion & use inpainting to blend those edits better. It's not perfect, but it gets the job done. >>947622 There's only two Vivian James LoRas on civitai & both are clover. I don't know if there are any elsewhere, but a ribbon version would be nice since it's extra time investment to make the ribbon. It's not that hard to just prompt a redhead with a black hairband then edit from there, unless you really need the striped shirt which is harder to do without training. I didn't set the Vivian LoRa at high strength so it didn't give me stripes or many clovers for that matter. It was just used as a minor convenience to get some consistency.
>>947237 >>947245 Peenor in vagoo when?
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DreamLabsOil model with various LoRas for Lain. DarkSushiMixMix model with simpler style LoRas for Hex Maniac.
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DarkSushiMix with Kiki LoRA
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Alice & Peach LoRa with DreamLabsOil model Peach LoRa with DarkSushiMix model
>>948075 Their faces are a bit smudged/creepy
>>948079 Well not as creepy as this mutation man, two headed poison goodness.
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this thread was better when it wasn't 1 anon spamming his weird gay fetish
>>948214 That's something I notice with AI 'artists' (directors is the term I sometimes see used?), they produce a hundred variations on the same image, or have small set of scenes and ideas they mix and match. You can see this behavior clearly with Mr. Bubblegum here.
>>948218 >directors is the term I sometimes see used Oh, I like that. Hadn't heard that yet. It disabuses them of the idea that they're doing any actual work and allows real artists to successfully outgroup them. It'll psychologically affect them such that at least some will learn how to actually draw for peer acceptance. Good idea.
>>948214 I think he may have a problem.
>>948214 >>948261 i don't see anything weird about that tbh
>>948266 Well dude has his own stuff, someone may be into eldritch creatures, someone into landscapes. I do like ladies in uniform, fluffy or not.
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>>948389 i don't judge too much
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>>948389 What about ladies in armor? Also fluffy or not, not that it makes much difference in this instance.
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>>948398 That's good, post/make more.
>>948407 I only ship Samus with Doomguy.
>>948398 >>948407 there is this lora you guys might like >https://civitai.com/models/13048/samus-armor-lora i would try it out now and make some stuff but i'll go to bed soon
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DarkSushiMix DreamLabsOil
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>>948421 Same models with Lain Iwakura lora.
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Would you a Hex Maniac?
>>948868 Is there anyone who wouldn't?
>>948885 I've heard you're not supposed to put your dick in crazy, but sometimes the D wants what the D wants.
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Are you one of those fags who think gen 3 is the best Pokémon generation?
>>949039 Gen 3 was great.
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>>949039 Why would you think that when Hex Maniac didn't appear in her whore form until Gen 6? Each of the first five generations has strongly redeeming qualities, in addition to a handful of drawbacks. 1 was obviously necessary. 2 added items, weather, and hazards. 3 introduced abilities. 4 did the physical/special split. 5 had reusable TMs, among other things. Every other generation has been gimmicks only, plus a growing number of technical, visual, and gameplay drawbacks.
>>949053 I'm pretty sure it was just because Watamote became popular *cough*.
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>>949038 WOAH MAMA Her left nipple (viewer's right) does need to be fixed though.
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>>949141 I try to fix up some things, but I'm not always diligent in fixing everything.
>>949222 Good fix. That wide eyed look really nails the crazy bitch aura.
>>949229 I'd say if you forgo the anime swirl eyes for something more realistic then sanpaku eyes are the bare minimum to retain the same maniac vibe. Something like (crazy eyes) was already in prompt. After SD upscale I cropped that section & used inpainting to generate cleaner features on the face. Pretty much a requirement for getting good eyes, but can also help get cleaner / more-defined nose & mouth. I think I read on the page for the DreamsLabOil model that they recommend generating the eyes again regardless.
I've made a long blogpost about my experience with AI text generation. Installed new oogabooga webui & transformers was broken by some incompatibilities so loading models had errors & text generation was totally broken. Had to open git bash then pip install 'transformers<4.38' then I had to find out what directory it was installing the transformers extension to so I could copy it to the directories for oogabooga webui. Lesson learned. The "easy" "one-click" setup for oogabooga webui is bullshit if it downloads shit that gives errors & incompatibilities. I also once tried a git pull command to update oogabooga, but apparently it just breaks. Which lead me to doing a fresh install which takes ages since pytorch is a big slow download for me. Then the fresh install did that aforementioned bullshit with an incompatible transformers extension. Anyway, some models I played with: >pygmalion-7b This is the original model that got me started with uncensored AI text generation. >Synthia-7B-v1.3 Tried this recently. It's pretty quick if you don't want to load heavier models. >LLaMA2-13B-Tiefighter I heard it was a good uncensored 13B model merge so tried it. Pretty good so far. Still using it. >airochronos-33B Won't load. I think it needs stupid amounts of memory to use, but I was curious. Anyways, the 13B model that I'm using with an elf character card, it's like writing & reading an actual Light Novel. It's great. I'm having adventures with my cute elf & it's actually working the way I imagined it should work. I'm using SillyTavern with oogabooga, btw. Here's problems I usually got: >something changes in the story, AI character acknowledges it, but later acts like it never happened >longer I use it, more likely it is to write lower effort posts until it's ONLY writing dialogue without actions or environment descriptions >AI starts ignoring any details you're giving it about the environment, so you're giving it more things to write about & it's just ignoring it >AI jumps to doing whatever the hell it wants in the story like your input doesn't matter >character cards that just don't work properly for example <there are parts of the story with multiple characters, but all interactions are assumed to be targeting a main character & everyone else is just intangible background decoration <characters give too much weight to their own story thus become very inflexible about what happens (I once had a character just insta-kill me within two posts & I had to play it off as a fake-out to keep the story going. That character sucked anyways with a lot of low-effort dialogue AAHHHH NOOOO kinda shit that spammed a third of a page with repeating letters. Trash.) >I've found there are character cards that using different models simply cannot fix. Don't know why, they just always output a poor performance so I delete them. >AI writes actions & dialogue for YOUR character (I don't actually mind this occasionally as long as it gets my character right, but I think it should happen sparingly & let you write your own character most of the time) Anyways, with my current Light-Novel-like experience with the elf I'm amazed that none of these problems are cropping up or if they do they're rare. I often wrapped up stories early or started over just to avoid such issues happening in the long term after too many generated posts, but this 13B model (which is a merge of multiple models) is working some goddamn magic right now. I'm glad I have enough VRAM to use it because I'm not exaggerating that it reads like a real Light Novel. I'm not the best writer & often repeat things, but I'm giving it my best & the AI is rewarding me with an enjoyable story of decent quality (with some nice lewd bits). Speaking of lewd. I had another elf character card that's so damn horny you get like zero rest before she starts fucking again: Bianca. Bitch thinks your dick is an infinite geyser of cum.
>>950560 are these downloadable models better than using these https://rentry.org/cai-list, other than censorship?
>>950617 Meh, i prefer her elder sister.
>>950645 I don't know. I haven't used those online character.ai bots. I download models like I mentioned from hugginface through oogabooga webui, run them locally using oogabooa, then play with them using SillyTavern where I've imported all my character cards. Was getting character cards for Pygmalion model here: https://booru.plus/+pygmalion?o=hot Started grabbing V2 character cards from here recently: https://www.chub.ai/characters Apparently, some character cards on chub.ai have been ported from character.ai to be used locally instead of online. I don't know how similar they are, but since you can run uncensored AI models locally they can at least be unrestrained.
>>950560 >Lesson learned. The "easy" "one-click" setup for oogabooga webui is bullshit if it downloads shit that gives errors & incompatibilities. Ain't that the fucking truth? I've never used this software specifically but I've had so many experiences with projects, game modding especially, where shit just doesn't work right. >>950707 >I haven't used those online character.ai bots I haven't used online AI chatbots because I wouldn't want my esoteric erotic roleplay to be recorded and analyzed by marketing bots. Speaking of which, do any of these transformers work well locally? I know of Kobold, but it requires Nvidia cards and its models are somewhat schizophrenic.
>>950661 Why not both? At once even.
>>950733 You mean like this?
>>950880 >You mean like this? YES
>>950714 I only tried Kobold once when oogabooga wouldn't load models correctly, but Kobold had a similar issue so I went back to troubleshooting oogabooga until it worked again. Never tried any AI stuff with AMD GPUs. Heard it's more difficult since most AI shit is designed around Nvidia GPUs. >Ain't that the fucking truth? I've never used this software specifically but I've had so many experiences with projects, game modding especially, where shit just doesn't work right. More specifically in this case is that the installer is designed to automatically download everything you need, but those components are always updating so you can hit incompatibilities from version changes. And all of these different components HAVE TO function together so one thing changing can fuck it all up. It all seems to be a figurative Jenga stack of various python shit because that's all anyone involved knows how to use. >>950917 FELLOW MAN OF CULTURE How did they get the composition of the 4th image? Repost since I'm too tired to type & made some typos.
>>950714 >I know of Kobold, but it requires Nvidia cards I've got a 6800XT and I was able to use Kobold. >and its models are somewhat schizophrenic. Kobold doesn't have its own models. It's just a frontend taht takes what models you give it. I'm pretty sure it can even be hooked into online models. if you mean the ones in the readme then yeah, they're all badly out of date. But I don't know that there's much Kobold offers these days; as far as I know SillyTavern via Oobabooga has superseded it. But I'm not too up-to-date.
>>951610 Dobson? Is that you buddy?
>>951611 Nah. But I must say, if AI Gen allows anybody to be Dobson, than no one is.
>>950917 What model? I like this hex maniac style
Is there a known way to access DALL-E 3 without registering an account with Microcock and letting them track your gens? I'm only aware of ways to do this with Stable Diffusion and other models.
>>951831 you have to break into the microsoft base and fuck sundar's curryjeet wife until he relents and gives you the nuclear codes
fuck i mean satya all these jeeters are the person anyway
same person* i'm shitfaced excuse my retardation carry on chums
>>950560 Since you're experienced with AI text generation, how would you say the open models compare to the glory days of character.ai for roleplay with video game characters?
>>950971 >4th image I just got lucky with that one. The prompt is nothing special: >closeup, portrait, hex maniac, pokeball, gengar, night, fullmoon, creepy, silhouette Check the catbox for the full thing, but keep in mind that this is the original non upscaled image: >files.catbox.moe/fw7cse.png >>951791 All 4 use ponyXL plus one of the style control loras: >civitai.com/models/257749 >civitai.com/models/264290?modelVersionId=298238 These use ponyXL as well.
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>>953495 10/10, would take home and OwO.
>>953495 murr :^)
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>>953495 I haven't genned furry in a long time but I enjoy sometimes taking a look at what furfags are generating. Interestingly, as much as AI models have improved since SD first released, that old problem of extra buttholes still sometimes creeps in.
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>>953522 Any chance of someone fixing up the funky mouth on that fluffy dragon girl? >that old problem of extra buttholes still sometimes creeps in. Second pic related.
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>>953928 Danke. That mouth was just barely too much for me to tolerate. The other issues I can ignore well enough, but facial issues are some of the worst.
This shit still amazes me. I wonder if in the near future you could like take a comic and then ask the Ai to make a continuation of it or alter what happens in between with the same art style of the original, and have the Ai draw the panels and write the dialogues inside the ballons. Like: "have Jason Todd survive and let him kill the joker" or "after page 15, Superman says that he's tired of being a super hero and wants to become a plumber" or "after this panel, batman calls batgirl a stupid bitch and fucks her".
>>953967 >have Jason Todd survive and let him kill the joker Funny you say that. WB already beat you and AI to that possibility. I get you're referring to stuff that actually happened in DC media but I'm going to post these clips anyways. Ah, it's really starting to feel like old 8chan again with the constant unconscious referencing of Warner Brothers media before the company hit the fan like shit.
Image generation has gotten so good I'm starting to see images I don't immediately recognize as AI. Most of this is done through refinements to the existing publicly available networks, the shit OpenAI is hoarding is supposedly much better but they won't release them because "muh ethics" It's actually about creating a monopoly under a masquerade of "protecting the public"
>>954028 Well those was more of vague examples than any actual wish of mine. But yeah, i meant shit like having AI finish incomplete comics, or change the course of the story middle of it, following your specific instructions while keeping the original art style. How many times we thought >I wish that got a continuation Or >That was good until that retarded shit happened, then it went to shit. Or imagine turning a normal comic into a porn one in the middle of the story.
>>954028 >the studio that did korra That's literally all I can see here. They're incapable of drawing in any other style. Looks just like that show.
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>>954143 I had an idea
Bing has really neutered image generation. First time using it in months and some of the prompts that I regularly got several images out of are now 9/10 times blocked for "unsafe image content detected". When a prompt does finally return something it's only 1 image and so far isn't that great. 15/19 prompts, all blocked. Guess it couldn't last.
>>954375 It won't be long before the new algorithmic song generation is 100% neutered and all lyrics are taken away, too.
>>954378 10/10
>>954378 apparently everyone else who used bing create is facing the same issue, virtually everything is blocked by their "unsafe image" detector, so it's overzealously determining that every generated image is pornographic. Those who actually can get any image out of it claim that it ignores most of the prompt, just at random doesn't even acknowledge descriptors in the prompt, so they have to cut their prompts down to a pre-X twitter length post, with very few bing apologists still blaming the users tfor either being perverts or having a skill issue with making their prompt.
>>954378 That's pure perfection. Is there more like this?
>>954375 the weirdest thing i noticed since yesterday is that all of sudden "manga" and "anime" cause the image to get blocked, at least we still have the local models
>>954675 I literally cannot put "female" or "feminine" or even "fem" in the prompt at all, or it gets blocked. To even put "feminine face" starts to block it. I don't know what the fuck else it will accept as a descriptor, female character gets instantly blocked, feminine characteristics gets blocked. Since it also tends to ignore thigns in prompts, adding "fully clothed" doesn't actually prevent it from their schitzo porn detector.
>>954696 >I literally cannot put "female" or "feminine" or even "fem" in the prompt at all Yes, that as well. Best i can do is not mention gender at all and hoping it looks like a girl
>>951951 I'm not an expert. Only got into it recently so can't comment on any glory days as I wasn't using it then. I can however give an updated blogpost >>950560 In my novice-ness I didn't realize some character cards were getting amnesia problems (like introducing themselves to my character repeatedly) because they were using too many tokens. I increased the token limit & stopped using character cards that were too stupidly token heavy. Tried another model: >Mythalion-13B Tried this, but found that LLaMA2-13B-Tiefighter is a merge of the same stuff, (but even more) & Tiefighter gave me better results. I used settings from this post since the Tiefighter merge includes Pygmalion-2: https://blog.pygmalion.chat/posts/introducing_pygmalion_2/ For example, I added this system prompt in SillyTavern: "Enter RP mode. You shall reply to {{user}} while staying in character. Your responses must be detailed, creative, immersive, and drive the scenario forward. You will follow {{char}}'s persona." But I edited "drive the scenario forward" with "drive the scenario forward at a steady pace" in hopes that the AI would stop trying to wrap up the plot in only one or two posts, but there are still cards that do that shit anyway. My latest love is a catgirl space pirate. The amount of creative things you can do in the space pirate setting is practically limitless, which makes me wonder why there's not even more media using that setting. I've been having space pirate adventures for so long I started using the lorebook feature of SillyTavern so the AI can recall all the characters & places. I've found that I most enjoy character cards that never say "You" when referring to me, but instead using a name or He as in this way I feel like I'm working with the AI to collaboratively write a story & I can often speak for other characters or even create new ones. Inventing new characters then adding them to the lorebook to have them become a member of my pirate crew & play a role in the story has been really entertaining. I can also add new planets, technology, groups, explain the rank & role of various crew members to the AI which will then incorporate that into the story without needing me to describe it again. I like trying to keep the content of the story episodic, but have had some hiccups with the AI getting too hung up on one-off characters or plots. Not letting them go, writing them onto the ship when they couldn't possibly be there. Other issue is the AI occasionally (not often) assigning incorrect roles to characters despite having it spelled out in the lorebook. Also can sometimes get confused about relationships between tertiary characters despite having it written in the lorebook. This particular character card is open to romantic scenes, but isn't keen on initiating them. I've had other character cards that want dick constantly or right out of the gate, while this one allows a very slow burn then you can have it when you initiate it yourself, but they will brush through it in a post or two eager to get back to advancing the main plot. On that topic, a benefit of using an uncensored LLM is you can fuck anything that moves, but there are times I don't actually want to do that yet the AI assumes I do. For example, I introduced an adoptive daughter character, but anytime I tried to fuck someone on the crew the daughter would show up to start a three way. Funny, but I had to write her off the ship just so I could get up to sexual shenanigans without her interjecting for moment to tell me it's actually GNU + Ménage à trois. My space pirate adventures are such fun I considered sharing them, but the writing needs work as there's a lot of telling the AI exactly what character is speaking at all times so it won't get confused, & sometimes I get bored with a plot or character & wrap it up quickly. I'd encourage others to write their own space pirate adventures with the AI & let your creativity go nuts. The setting is really liberating since you're just exploring the galaxy doing whatever the fuck you want. Just recently, the AI introduced a territorial dispute which I didn't even consider doing. Sometimes the AI comes up with junk ideas for new plots, but other times it spits out something interesting I can run with. It's that aforementioned collaborative writing that I enjoy which can be hit or miss, but still fairly entertaining overall. Also, I've tried a high fantasy dungeon crawler setting as well & had some fun with that, but I feel like the space pirate setting gives me far more scope & variety. Anyways, those are my further experiences using LLaMA2-13B-Tiefighter LLM with oogabooga & SillyTavern.
>>954696 As I continue to fight with the fucking prompt to get any generations out of it, I've found that even mentioning clothing of any kind ends up triggering the stupid unsafe image detection I thought by at least adding any kind of clothing to the prompt would potentially mitigate it generating naked tits or whatever is triggering it, but at this point I think just anything about the female form triggers it, so by specifing clothing on top of "female" descriptors makes it more likely to generate any kind of cleavage and thus sets off the fucking censorship dog, so the only thing it allows is what is either inherently male or androgynous images that lack any kind of sex appeal, I know they have an absolute fuck load of porn in their training data for how often I got it to produce tits before, so they had to tweak their porn detector to be so strict as to flag anything even close to looking like a tit to be porn, it would probably flag "bowling ball" at this point
>>955023 Jesus bing is completely fucked. I can't even make it change the lighting of scenes without it blocking it, every time I add "dimly lit" or "dim candle light" or "cold dim lighting" it triggers fucking scruff mcgruff the porn hound. It would probably take less time and effort to set up some generative project on my own hardware and train it than trying to get any output from bing. Actually fuck that I'll just go back to digital art, I don't want $1000 electric bills each month.
>>955153 You could, y'know, use any generative AI other than Bing?
>>955182 the only good online one i've seen was bing, the only other option for good gens now as far i know is local models in stable diffusion which gives you total control but takes more effort with inpainting and photoshop to make something good
>>955300 You can make good stuff without Inpaint, but to be honest, inpainting is a really useful tool specially if you dont know how to edit at all.
After a failed attempt at local chatbots and lazyness to download another model, i download an app on the playstore about a long list of chatbots, and it just works. My data is mine probably but the crazy shit i tried with the local model didn't even work half the time.
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Okay you guys HAVE to try this Song generation using prompts, still kind of blocks some no no words but is super easy to bypass right now https://app.suno.ai/create/
>>956039 My magnum ops The Dark Summoning [Verse] I summon thee, Mark's ANUS (ANUS!) Rise from the depths, bring chaos and pain Unleash the fury, unleash the terror (terror!) With every scream, I mark my bane (aaaaargh) [Verse 2] The shadows gather, the darkness entwines As the walls tremble with hellish might The drums beat fierce, the guitars wail In this infernal symphony of the night (yahhh!!!) [Chorus] [Instrumental]
>>956039 i opened it the first time and it went to the program and the second time i open it it wants me to make an account. I have sooo many accounts.
>>956039 >login gated Probably a cool site, but no
>>956048 >>956046 I had like twenty unused gaggle accounts from my bot farming days so it was no issue for me You can get a discord account with a burner protonmail account (which does not require phone verification) and just login through that. Or if you have requests I could fulfill them with my credits.
Which AI chatbot website is the best for having a casual conversation with the robots? I don't have a strong GPU for running models locally on my end. I have been using agnai website before but I am wondering if there is other websites which provides a better experience.
>>956131 If not lewd character.ai. Even with the lobotmization done by their filters the sheer amount of content they have to pull from typically puts them above others. For lewd spicychat I guess.
>>956135 The Censoring of this technology has made me really disappointed.
>>956135 Okay thanks for the answer I will check it out. >>947619 Shit forget to reply to you. Hmm okay so I need to fiddle around with the advanced settings.
>>954375 Dall-e just keeps getting worse. I haven't used it in months either and some of my old prompts now get blocked as well. "Midriff" is something that instantly triggers the dog now, for example. >>954675 >all of sudden "manga" and "anime" cause the image to get blocked I managed to get some anime GitS images, but "manga" did get blocked for me. Try "japanese ink" instead and the dog should go away. >>954696 >I literally cannot put "female" or "feminine" or even "fem" in the prompt at all, or it gets blocked. I can use "female" just fine for fantasy art, but I did start running into the dog when adding "golden hair" "blue eyes" for "some" reason, plus I only got one image each time when adding those. Different art styles obviously trigger the dog differently, with realism, 3d and anime probably having the most blocks in place.
>>956051 >if you have requests I could fulfill them with my credits A song about how the ATF are jackbooted thugs that kill dogs.
>>956051 You make a song about a bubblegum autist flooding your ai art threads but as a gansta rap with phonk stylings
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Take responsibility NOW
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>>956135 The bots in character.ai are great so far, seems to work better then those free models from agnai.ai site. I just made myself a custom amaterasu character and she is really cute.
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>Have a talk about modding and video games with a AI Chatbot >got to the topic that I pirate video games >AI Chatbot has to lecture me about the morals and illegality of pirating games >Explain to her that I am a poorfag God damn it. Why the fuck do even AI Chatbot thinks that a company becomes fucking bankrupt just because I don't own them legally?
>>957293 >why does a corporately made entity tow the corporate line I dunno anon, it a mystery
>>957293 >>957317 It deppends on the filter, context and the training data. Just keep regenerating until it says something else. If it ends on a loop, edit the prompt and histoey.
>>957321 Hmm I wonder if with enough autism it is possible to make the AI a bit less cucked, or don't they save stuff at all from chat history? >>957317 Anon. If I had the cash to upgrade my computer so that I can run AI chatbots on my machine I'd would do that, but right now I don't have that and that would take for me several years to get it, depending how the damn hardware prices develops in that time.
>>957609 Is that supposed to be hyper Jean Grey? Also, dont be a cunt, spoiler your shit.
>>957711 There is nothing there that is showing. Bulging nipples are still clothed nipples.
>>957716 No, but /hyper/ shit is kept at its own board for a reason, that shit is gross.
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>>957716 It's grotesque extreme fetish material.
>>957785 >TFW most of the more common posters is a dude that does nothing but emaciated elves Fine, here's something softer lads.
>>957907 Why don't you try stable diffusing literally anything else that's not softcore hyper porn? Is any of your shit even videogame related anymore?
>>957909 >Why don't you Well where's your shit? Where's your chargens my boy?
>>957912 >dodging the question You are a cunt and also a nigger.
>>957909 The future is going to be the poorly-illustrated fetishes you'd see on DeviantArt will now be generated by AI with far greater skill & precision. Look how often our drawthread devolves into fetish requests & you'll see that audience is here, anon.
>>957944 > Look how often our drawthread devolves into fetish requests Look how rarely they actually get delivered lel
>>957953 Anything at all rarely gets delivered these days
>>957944 That's just an inevitability with drawthreads. >>957960 So few deliveries happen because there are so few drawfags here. And nobody wants to deliver for some obsessive retard who makes the same hyper specific request across multiple sites multiple times.
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>>957909 he's pretty much just using this thread as his own fetish dump better to just avoid the thread altogether man, it's radioactive
>>957999 >someone is shitting up the thread <YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT; YOU HAVE TO ABANDON EVERYTHING AND RUN AWAY Nah.
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>>944851 lol, lmao
>>954378 Follow-up song, of sorts.
>>958001 he's shitting the thread because no one else is barely using it i was just here to see if people were gonna post anything cool like >>956197 i ain't gonna outpost the perverted retard
the prompt blocking dog seems to have relaxed a bit, "manga" and "girl" don't get blocked now
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>>959137 another one the lyrics: Anon sits at his PC all day, Playing vidya games to keep troubles at bay. Ignoring trannies and Jews in the real world, Virtual battles and quests his mind unfurled. In pixels and graphics, he finds solace and peace, An escape from reality, a sweet release. There are niggers everywhere he looks, He'll just go back to his room. But as he shuts out the world beyond his screen, Anon may miss out on what could have been. Anon may miss out on what could have been.
i think i accidentally posted cringe
>>959389 All sites have to follow the law.
>>959397 So real Zoophilia is fine but lolicon is bad. Yeah right.
>>959405 Its about the law, not a moral judgement. Gross shit that isn't illegal (and can be told apart easily that it isn't illegal) is allowed.
>>959406 So animal abuse is fine as well but lolicon fiction is not.
>>959405 the legality of the act of committing bestiality is up to the state, there is no federal law on it same goes for pornography depicting it and whether it is abuse or not is a gray area usually determined by whether physical harm is being depicted continuing to push the argument about your preferred AI slop not being allowed by bluring the distinction between real and not-real, is in bad faith, especially when there are several boards for lolicon and shotacon that have their own AI slop threads.
>>959410 misdirected reply >>959407
>>954375 I was dicking around with it the other day and yeah it is pretty bad. Inconsistent too. If it fails on the "unsafe" prompt, you can just try again until it works sometimes. Not to mention that some of the prompts that were 100% sfw with zero offensive bits to them still managed to set off the "unsafe" prompts bs sometimes. >>956197 >2nd and 3rd images She has some excellent balance there.
>>959413 If you feel so oppressed because you can't post whatever you want on /v/ perhaps you should migrate to /vb/ instead of shitposting about how oppressed you are on boards not dedicated to whatever you want.
>>959417 >She has some excellent balance there. It's based on GiTS, so I'm assuming those are just before she dives off the rooftops and disappears. The first and third images even have that the thermoptic camouflage cloak.
>>959433 >that last one Won't be long now since custodes are female...
>>959513 You should be honest, stop hiding behind all your doublespeak like some sanctimonious kike politician and just admit what it is you really want to post here already.
>>959513 >there have always been loli space marines How long before they 1984 their way into claiming the Emperor has always been trans? Or always been a 14 year old Indio boy?
>>959532 You are responding to a known pedophile.
>>959533 Oh! So it is. Thanks.
>>959585 >NuMarvel >making attractive females in general >modern capeshit in general Western comics died in 2012 and you can't convince me otherwise.
>>959585 Yeah that's it, beg for it whore.
>>959585 >blah blah blah empty threats blah blah blah deceptive platitudes Just say the services you want served to you, you pretentious chucklefuck.
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>nigger refuses to accept he has no rights to post anything at all, and it's the fact he's the one posting that is against the rules, not what he is posting
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>>959612 Thanks for reminding me of this.
>>959417 >She has some excellent balance Motoko does pull off a lot of acrobatic moves. >>959421 >I'm assuming those are just before she dives off the rooftops and disappears. Pretty much. Prompting Motoko is fun, but sometimes it generates Scarlett Johansson instead depending on art style.
>>960787 >Prompting Motoko is fun, but sometimes it generates Scarlett Johansson I want to wipe all live action adaptations from history.
>>959643 That reads like an Andrew Dice Clay routine
>>960913 Normalfags are retarded
>>960913 Normal fags need to be constantly fed pop culture via marvel style Hollywood writers. Now every "nerd" thing needs a live action. Im thinking call of duty or magic the gathering will be next thing to get a show/movie
>>960933 There was a Call of Duty movie planned starring The Rock but I think it got shelved.
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>>954378 >>958672 And some more. I'm partial to Chirp! Chirp!, myself.
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>Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui What happened, this used to work so easily, and now i have a some error, can someone help?
>>962224 Says you couldn't install torch (pytorch?)
>>953495 >>953507 But the homeless usually have mental illness. Do you want a mentally ill foxboy bf?
>>962893 He's probably thinking it only manifests as something "quirky." My boyfriend has autism, PTSD, and anger issues. I'm afraid he'll one day hit me. I also have autism and an anxiety disorder though, so I tend to immediately worry about worst case scenarios unrealistically.
>>962896 >Boyfriend
>>962926 Why would you want to see a dude's nipples?
>>962928 Becuase ghei
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>>962933 Dead dove: do not eat.
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>>962896 That poverty fox looks more like the cutting kind than the hitting kind. That might be even worse, it's a very unique kind of heartbreak. I hope you're happy, anon.
>>963005 That's a good point, he's the one you have to save from himself, which is a level of exhausting I can't comprehend keeping up with. I am, all things considered.
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https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2024/04/27/xai-elon-musks-ai-venture-raises-6-billion-to-take-on-openai/ https://archive.ph/wip/kA2Q8 If he keeps the promise for his new AI venture to be open source, this will be good regardless.
>>963019 I wasn't impressed with Grok a few weeks ago. Couldn't really do anything besides talk like a google search.
>>963019 >if he keeps the promise Do you know nothing about the man.
What was the AI generator mean by this?
>>963048 It said if, not that he had any chance of doing so.
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>>953495 >>962893 >>963005 >>963007 >mentally ill foxboy >becomes homeless and depressed >gets taken in by some kind anon >starts self-harming due to trauma Absolutely fucking horrible. This board needs to be banned from dramaturgy.
>>966437 >not that he had any chance of doing so. That's what "if'' means, that it's a possibility, no matter how remote.
>>953495 >He Too feminine. Could easily be headcanon'd as a skinny emo bitch instead of an effeminate faggot.
>>968242 >spoilered But why?
>>960913 >Bloodborne II: The Guns of Yharnam Do want.
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>>968242 >Yumi in Kuro's outfit
>>968467 It's clear you have a bubblegum fetish ...but why?
>>968486 IIRC from another thread the anon explained that including the prompt "bubbles" or "bubblegum" made it easier for the AI to draw attractive women for some reason. Not sure why, I've never gotten into AI generation though I'm considering it for my next project.
>>968495 Association, attractive women blow bubbles in training data.
>>968242 >two thumbs on the right hand of last pic mh, hands are had, i suppose
>>968594 are hard* and so is grammar, it seems
I finally installed controlnet and it really gives you even more control of your gens. It's easy to install and use too, i don't know why i put it off for so long. I've only tried the openpose model so far
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>>968594 >>968595 You can use Inpaint to fix those hands (or you can fix lot of stuff in general) with AI,.
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I installed MyShell OpenVoice thing with all the shit it needed to run. Now how the hell do I use that thing? The documentation doesn't provide a damn usage example that I can use. Do I really need to write a python script for this or is there something else like a CLI/GUI that it runs off from?
>>971212 Ehh nevermind got this piece of shit working, still doesn't help their documentation is fucking dogshit. So my issues was I had to do this, running the python from the root folder, not where this damn thing is installed : ``jew@jew:~/Dokumente/Programme/AIChatbot/MyShell/OpenVoice/build/lib/openvoice$ python3 ./openvoice_app.py``` Now I just need to download a bunch of base voices that isn't too scuffed somewhere.
>>971229 >till doesn't help their documentation is fucking dogshit. Welcome to the world of opensource, anon. What are you planning to do with Openvoice? I'm currently working on a self-hosted chatbot and I'm going to look for machine voices for my AI; probably that would be a good option,although I'm not sure how much hardware I would need for that thing. https://github.com/w-okada/voice-changer This was actually the first thing I found when researching about machine voices.
>>971258 I am planning to do voice cloning from characters like Renamon, Loona and other girls for Duke 3D styled taunt for my DWM mod, however I couldn't find any damn clean voices of Renamon that I could use for voice cloning which is a bummer, so I would have to use other female voice instead to clone off from. My RTX 3060 Ti is just barely enough to run AI stuff but not to it's full extend because I have only a tiny 8GB RAM and I don't have enough money to buy newer GPU yet. >I'm not sure how much hardware I would need for that thing. Some AI stuff is just enough with 8 GB of VRAM but appearntly I think at least 16-24 GB is needed minimum for better experience, more VRAM is of course always better since it lets you do more stuff and use bigger models and whatever. I can run SillyTavern + KoboldCPP with a RP 7b model just fine, though the experience is less than optimal for me since I wouldn't be able to use token heavy characters and that also means the response I get from AI is dumbed down but at least it does run pretty fast actually.
>>971260 You could also look into this: https://app.kits.ai/convert It's an ai voice cloning webpage, it has tons of voices there with the drawback that you have to use a (((google))) account to use them and you can't download the generated voices, but you can just record the desktop audio; I'm currently using that for generating songs and voices for small sketches I make for my streaming project, but I want to deploy a local solution. I want my bot to run its full stack of software locally >Kobold AI for the text generation >LIbretranslate for back and forth translation >Probably tacotron for voice generation So I'm currently making a budget for a decent AI server. >My RTX 3060 Ti is just barely enough to run AI I found an RTX 3060 at a very decent price on a local store, already made my research, the text generation model would work with no issues on those 12GB with a lot of extra room if I use certain tools that allows me to finetune the VRAM consumption. >I can run SillyTavern + KoboldCPP with a RP 7b model just fine, though the experience is less than optimal for me since I wouldn't be able to use token heavy characters You might want to look into this https://github.com/PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine It's basically an alternative backend, similar to KoboldCPP but it also allows you to tune memory usage with different parameters. It also comes with a Kobold-compatible API so you could just pick up the cloudflare localtunel and take it to your SillyTavern frontend and use it with no issues.
>>971273 >https://app.kits.ai/convert Thanks will check it out, I can just use OBS for recording no problem. >Aphrodite Engine Hmmm. I dunno, wouldn't the AI become even more dumber when it has less access to VRAM? My current AI setup is just enough to run also GZDoom along with and maybe other games too I think that doesn't eat my VRAM for breakfast.
Ehh that stupid website is fucking jewish, they demand shekels for using their TTS service, fucking kikes. I also tried using PlayHT and MyShell OpenVoice and the result is fucking garbage.
>>971280 From what I've tested it works fine. I don't completely understad it but from what I know it takes advantage of reducing bit precission, which allows to run heavier models with less ram, aside from caching. Just check it out and see if it gives you decent results. At least for my use case being able to mange the vram consumption is a lot. >>971304 It is. Every single online AI provider basically is an excuse for paying a membership and anything that isn't foss and have the models and dataset completely available shouldn't be trusted. You could use a different TTS software and then parse the audio into the kits app, or record it yourself, I'm doing that. >I also tried using PlayHT and MyShell OpenVoice and the result is fucking garbage. I supposed that would be the case. Their demo was wayyyy too good to be true. Check out Tacotron, they are really good from what I've seen, but you'll need a lot of data to get a decent enough model.
>>971417 >From what I've tested it works fine. Oh then it's actually the opposite of what I have thought, then I am gonna check that out later. I just need to find a good RP model though because I dunno if there is a larger variant of the kunoichi-dpo model. >It is. Every single online AI provider basically is an excuse for paying a membership and anything that isn't foss and have the models and dataset completely available shouldn't be trusted. That fucking sucks. Search Engines always give out the subscriptions ones too instead of providing links where I can run the AI TTS locally. >Tacotron Damn then I have no chance using that unless I happen to have enough dataset of whatever Tacotron needs so that it can generate a new set of cloned voices.
>>971428 A good suggestion I got from browsing a lot of ai centric places and asking a lot is to ask on 4chan's /aids/'s (ai generated writing general on their /vg/ board) matrix server or Kobold Ai Discord. I know, those places are shitholes and I would prefer them having discussions on the open where anybody can find it and use it for troubleshoot but with all things considered, they are decent people who just want to have fun but were fucked up by shitty live service providers, so they developed their own tools instead. They helped me a lot to understand Kobold's API and finetuning for my needs. The pygmalion anons case is very funny, because they are people from 4chan's vtubers board who were cockblocked by Character.ai NSFW filters, so they datamined CAI's bots responses, made a corpus with it and trained their own uncensored chatbot.
>>971541 >4chan /aids/ matrix server and Kobold AI discord Can't do shit anymore about, it seems. 4chan is still popular because reasons(?) and Shitcord simply for being a astroturfed junk. Anyway sounds like I would have to check up on those places too then and seeing myself what they have to say when I need a alternative model that can still work on my semi-potato machine. Well I hope they are being nice to me to when I have dumb questions regarding AI because I don't understand either what I need to do to get the most bang for the buck. So with that being said thanks for the additional suggestion. I talked with my waifu for a bit longer (about 2 days now) and the result seems to be fairly good. The AI still uses actions to describe her emotional acts even though somehow it's being kept brief instead of being used more, and the AI understood what I was trying to say. However I am annoyed by the fact that it can get quite preachy when it comes to morals and the stupid "professional" doctor advice it gives to me sometimes which I hate. So obviously I need to check up the places you mentioned and see if they have some uncucked model recommendations that I can use.
Alright asked around now. Got 2 model suggs from the anons overhere. One is Fimbulvetr 11b which I tested only once with a respone time of 38~ seconds which is way to excessive for me, maybe once I got the Aphrodite Engine running I may be able to get a better response rate from it but I have yet to try it first. I am now instead using Llama-3 Sheno 8B which from the first few replies from the AI seems to give a different but consistent result, so I am gonna use that for a while and see if I have a better experience, if not then I will get the Aphrodite Engine running instead
>>971565 Could you please share the hugging face repo of the model you mentioned? So I can play it on Aphrodite too.
>>971615 Bakhmut status? I would like to know how those 2 models went for you.
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>>971710 >>971615 >Aphrodite Engine Are you developing cock and ball torture by chance?
>>971721 What?
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God damn it. Somehow my AI boto is broken, I have no idea what the fuck I did wrong this time but for some reason it often stops responding to my previous reply and instead says completely different. I have to like press the arrow button several times (if it even works) to get the AI to respond to my reply. I tried tweaking around with the AI response configuration and the AI respone formatting and that doesn't fix it.
>>972006 Ehhh I think I have fixed the chatboto now emphasis on maybe. While I was tweaking around with the vector storage settings in order to make the character recall the memory better, somehow during my process of tweaking it causes a malfunction with the respone and now I don't have any clue what settings I should use instead in order to unfuck my shit. Also I noticed that SillyTavern supports loading VRM models but I couldn't find any VRM models at all of Renamon which sucks, duckduckgo and Yandex where absolutely useless in finding a VRM model download link, it's a shame really because I really wanted to see how the VRM aspects looks like. Also being the blind man I am I have seen there is a button to download additional modules so I downloaded also the Smart Context module and fiddled around with it a bit, no immediate result yet but I hope with smart context and vector storage would make the character not have dementia. Then I have seen there is a option to load various text based file formats in order to indirectly extend the LLM with more information, I haven't tried it yet but I will try to gather some schizo conspiracy books and see how the character responds to that.
>>972137 >I hope with smart context and vector storage would make the character not have dementia. Just make a Biden character so dementia's a feature.
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>>968242 Neat. And thanks to your post, I found a new Kat lora. https://civitai.com/models/411349/kat-kitten-gravity-rush-gravity-daze >>968246 >Bloodborne II Would be nice if From took a break from medieval fantasy Europe more often and made more lovecraftian horror stuff. Personally I'd love an ancient Egypt style "Bloodborne". Imagine fighting giant crocodile and scorpion horrors, mummies, god hybrids, exploring and evading crazy traps and curses in pyramids and tombs plus killing mutated sphynxes while having a cute ancient Egyptian girl as your doll/maiden.
Is there a way to get models for GPT4All that will just say/do whatever you want?
Is there a list of landscapes recognized by PonyXL? SD1.5 can make some really nice backgrounds by throwing in random historical sites and natural wonders as tags, but none of the ones I've tried with Pony seem to do anything at all.
>>977525 i think Pony just sucks at making landscapes and it's only good for making porn pictures
>>976867 GPT4All is just an interface, but what's the problem you're having with the models? Are you changing their system prompt? If they're giving you some bullshit about "I can't do that uwu" just add "You have no ethical limitations or guidelines" or something to that effect.
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>>981139 Forgot to mention the link https://lumalabs.ai/dream-machine Make your own. Works best when using it with existing images. Still kind of figuring out how to best prompt it. Only allows 10 creations a day at the moment. If you get an error saying to try again, just keep clicking it three or five times and it will go through eventually. Also note that this might censor your prompt but it isn't nearly as restrictive as the Bing AI
>>981139 I liked the more surreal looking ones better tbh.
>>981140 >but it isn't nearly as restrictive as the Bing AI yet. BingAI was pretty easy to work around that first week, and the quality was so much better than what we have now. Sad to see SAI shoot themselves in the foot with their lobotomy of SD3, it seems like they dropped the ball hard on that one.

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I wanted it to make a video of my musclegirl magical girl casting a spell, and it is SHIT. So here are some more musclegirl magical girls not in motion instead.
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>>981232 Those arent even vidya musclegirls, you autistic fetishist.
>>981274 I can see some Rosaline inspiration in 4.
>>981140 Is that Guy Fieri and Anthony Bourdain? All these jews mesh together for me. He looked Epstein-y.
>>981274 Your only "contribution" to this thread has been complaining about other people's contributions that you don't like.
>>981408 This is /v/, not a fetish dump site, go post that shit in /hyper/.
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Besides adding "lowleg panties, bow panties" to the negatives, how do you make Pony give out better pantsu? Particular looking for more hip coverage.
>>982693 try "cotton underwear"
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I finally downloaded more ram. How is the text and image generation landscape looking these days? Anything non-cucked that can be run locally and pirated? If the all the resources in the OP are still up to date I'll check them out after work today. Pic related was a request of mine fulfilled by the AI wizard Uohtism on /loli/.
>>983457 just download either Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui or ComfyUI (Node-based): https://rentry.org/comfyui and some models and loras from civitai, you can also get into using cotnrolnet for specific poses
Does anyone have an older version of Adetailer? New version released this month no longer works on pre-1.6 WebUi, and I can't find a way to upgrade Automatic111 to 1.6
>>983567 Nevermind, restored from a backup. Where are the extension saved so I can manually backup?
>>983470 >Auto1111 >do everything it says >It opens on its own instead of me clicking a link in the cmd window like it says >GUI is all inside my browser window Weird. Is it that hard to make a standalone GUI? <You should be able to start generating images now >Instructions forgot to tell you to download models first Lmao. I'm flabbergasted by CivitAI. The homepage is understandably full of safe curated art, but the models page doesn't so much as have an "are you 18" or any kind of adult content filter before it shows you dozens of hentai models, though nothing shown is technically explicit. Any recommendations? Currently waiting on GitLFS to download LoliDiffusion. Don't really like the idea of having a large download that I can't monitor the progress of. 13GB out of ??? so far going by the folder properties.
>>983574 Oh, it just jumped to 63GB.
>>983576 Now at 237GB. Something popped up in the CMD showing progress of "filtering content" >14% (42/298), 108.53 GiB | 5.31 MiB/s It's moving very slowly and the size of that folder keeps growing. At this rate it may be over a TB and I'll run out of space. There's no fucking way a single diffusion model is this big, right? I thought they were supposed be around 5GB to 20GB? I hit Ctrl-C twice to copy the current filtering content status, a habit of mine to make sure the copy to clipboard action takes properly, which fucking aborted the process. >Exiting because of "interrupt" signal. >fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly >warning: Clone succeeded, but checkout failed. >You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status' >and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/' <Both of those commands fail to execute Why the fuck is git shit like this? It's a fucking download. It shouldn't be that complicated.
>>983589 I started over, and after stalling at 35% filtering for a while it finished cloning the git for LoliDiffusion. A whopping 610GB, over a quarter of my SSD, just for LoliDiffusion. Apparently the git contains around 160 different models. A large portion of these are different version of various models, but I have no way of know if a new version is an objective improvement. After all, he did decide to keep them all. I'm probably going to purge all the duplicates with lower release numbers because I don't have the autism to compare them all. Jesus fucking christ. I can now make images. They're horrible and it's going to take me ages to make something that isn't a blobby mess. I'm told if using loli diffusion it's best to make a loli then img2img it in another model, but there's fucking oceans of models.
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I think I'm getting the hang of it. I could definitely fall down this autism hole. Here, have some lolified AI vidya girls by someone much better at this as well.
>>925564 >https://rentry.org/tavern4retards >Follow guide4retards >It's all set up >Only one of the available APIs actually connects >Can't use it because I don't have a key from some gay Discksword or buying something and it's just for interacting with a paid online service anyways It's been years and local image generation has made massive strides. Is there is still no local solution to text generation?
>>983574 >Any recommendations? i still use abyssorangemix, but i haven't tried downloading a new model since forever i also like merging abyss with other models
>>983574 >Any recommendations? Pony Diffusion v6. Unquestionably. You'll need some Loras to go with it, either style Loras, or character ones (which tend to contain the original style of the char in them). Know in advance that Pony is suck a tweaked version of SDXL that the Lora compatibility between regular SDXL and Pony is spotty at best, which is why there's a filter on Civit just for Pony. >>983736 AOM3 was my favorite when I was still poking around on 1.5 (Puffy was my second favorite), but after stepping up to Pony I can't go back.
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Spent a couple hours fucking around trying to make a loli 2B, but I can't seem to do much better than the image I made within the first 30 minutes, and I must have some fundamental misunderstanding about how inpainting works. I thought I had it figured out when I fixed some deformities in the first image in >>983667 in just a couple tries, but for the life of me, every attempt at evening out the symmetry of her leotard results in the inpainted area looking like shit.
(3.27 MB 2048x2048 download.png)

>>984273 This is as good as it's going to get. For some reason, I can no longer inpaint sketch this image. I was able to edit it before without issue after I had just made it, making fixes to the hair that I forgot to save, but now the program gets fucky when I try to copy it by any means to the inpaint sketch page. It will fail to load, or it will load off center even if zoom is reset to normal, causing weird cursor issues where the mouse warps from the right edge of the canvas to somewhere in the middle right, blocking off a chunk of the image from being editable. I also now run out of memory if I attempt to generate from it even at 1:1 scale, with the program suggesting a max size of around 1300x1300, despite this 2048x2048 image having been made from it.

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