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Capcom started adding DRM Enigma Protector to their back catalog of games. Anonymous 01/10/2024 (Wed) 15:00:30 Id: 29368b No. 926065
News just came out that Capcom is adding new DRM to their old catalog of games that prevents modding, disallows cheat engine from running, and reduces performance of up to 10-15FPS. Right now the only game we know for sure that's been affected was Resident Evil Revelations which is an 11 year old game, but granted this could affect other games as well even those that depend on mods for an optimal gameplay experience such as the Devil May Cry and Monster Hunter series. If you've played Resident Evil Revelations before, please review bomb the game and explain that you don't want extra DRM for this game so Capcom gets the message. I don't know if this will prevent Capcom's anti-modding sperg out, but it's better than them thinking that a few articles about Chun Li's tits are worse for the company than outright ass fucking the customer. I hope they stop fucking around and don't pull this shit with Dragon's Dogma 2 since that will be the best game of 2024. https://store.steampowered.com/app/222480/Resident_Evil_Revelations/ https://steamdb.info/app/222480/history/
Capcom is one of those studios like Nintendo where I enjoy their games but the company itself sucks so much ass it's unbearable
>>926067 I like to think of Capcom as a "core gamer focused" Nintendo.
I assume this is to placate those actors they have been scanning into their games pissing and moaning about being used in porn? that and not being able to monetize mods.
>>926072 Offline versions (Pirate and physical copies) win overall. The Capcom games I have on disc don't have to deal with any of this shit.
They also added it to the Zero/ZX collection last year.
>>926084 Why the fuck would they need to add DRM to that game? Who the fuck even mods megaman games?
How reliable is PCGW? On the RE Rev page states that it was added, then removed a day later. Going to the Mega Man Zero page only says it has Steam DRM.
Does someone have a cracked copy of MHW I can download?
>>926067 Both have fanbases that defend the horrible practices.
>>926135 Some guy claiming to be the guy who edited that said capcom put it back in a day later.
>>926067 Being a fan of Nintendo or Capcom games is like having a sweet childhood tomboy friend that you love hanging out with and she just wants you to be happy but her parents are contemptible assholes that sodomize cats for fun and swing a iron pipe at your head every other time that you come to her house and ask to see her. Being a Konami fan is the same only additionally her parents murdered her one night and dumped her body in the basement.
>>926147 Being a Konami player is like being childhood friends with Kaiji
They should just take the Paradox Interactive stance on modded games. >Game scans its own files for mods and generates a hash if it has them >Game displays the hash in bottom corner >You can only do multiplayer with people with the same hash They could just add in the text "GAME HAS BEEN MODIFIED" before the hash to indicate that it has been modded. That way there will be no more Chun Li mishaps at tournaments, and people watching it streamed or recorded will have some indicator that its been modded. They could also have two exe for the game, one that allows mods and one that crashes with mods, and have streaming and recording services like Twitch and YouTube indicate if its the modded exe and for Twitch have a pop up for viewers that says "The stream you are watching has modified content in the game. The content of this stream may not reflect the views of the developers or publishers wishes" and require viewers to click a box that says "I understand".

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>this shit doesn't even fucking stop mods due to massive security holes >it literally just kills performance and mid-game memory editting https://nitter.net/Prof9/status/1745223874583707946
>>926156 Quake 3 had an option that did this decades ago.
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>>926173 >Mods can be mistaken for legitimate implementations and cause bad publicity Yeah, bad publicity among people who don't play games. They increase sales substantially among those who do play games. Just ask Todd. He and his team have been releasing modding sandboxes (with a "console" mode attached) for decades and built the company on the back of it.
>>926065 >Dragon's Dogma 2 since that will be the best game of 2024. Out.
>>926135 >How reliable is PCGW? Mostly alright, some older games might have tweaks who no longer work after being updated but outside of that most of it is accurate and it's a great resource to fix and tweak vidya.
>>926134 Probably because the Zero/ZX Collection needed an undub mod. The English version cuts all the voice acting out of Zero 1-4 and ZX, it censored out all the robot "blood", and it gave ZX Advent such a mediocre English dub that the X7 voice actors they brought back for it didn't even make it funny.
>>926069 Capcom's like a lightweigth Nintendo, lightweight in a sense of despite not being a 1st party company their franchises are still appealing and can be even sold in different mediums (plastic crap, soundtracks, piss poor photoshopped posters, crossovers, etc) >>926201 To think Crapcom sold the second Street Fighter game again and again with different patches once they struck gold, at least they put a tag for each update just to fool their cattle. Mega Man wasn't safe from that fate either.
>>926236 I'd rather buy Street Fighter 2 over a thousand times than buy 4, 5 or 6 even once.
>>926156 The way this has gone down reeks of >Capcoms tries to figure out a way to pervert future Chun-Li incidents >Enigma Engine gets a wind of that and approaches Capcom or some middle management tard from Capcom finds them >Enigma engine gets shilled to execs as a cost effective and quick solution >That's good enough for execs, all other internal projects and proposals get scrapped or put on a backburner In the end, Jap suits are as terrible as western ones. One of their unique, dumb hills to die on is being protective of the IP at all costs. Even if it upsets the fans and might drive some of them away risking future revenues. That's why it was applied even to over decade old singleplayer games. It hurts to see that this will break the RE4 HD Project on steam copies. That's one of the best mods ever made. >>926201 Bethesda is doing its best to kill mods too. Except they are doing it through monetization programs and making games people do not care for.
>>926077 But how does DRM help? Most vidya porn makers don't make nudie or sex mods they just extract the models and use them in SFM and shit.
SteamDB shows Dragon's Dogma has a beta branch added at the same time this started showing up on Zero/ZX collection.
>>926156 because this has little to do with online cheating, and more to help safeguard their precious cosmetics and dlc.
>>926249 the chun-li thing is probably just a pretext, MHW modding can actually circuvent monetization, you can get infinite character edit vouchers and all layered armors (including the ones that can't be layered) at no cost. and i'm have a feeling with wilds they will lean even more into this pseudo live-service style they did with both world and rise, but they need to be sure no pesky mods will get in the way of their microtransactions.
>all of this started because some retarded fuckwad left a chun li nude mod enabled in a SF6 tourney Is there anything the FaGC won't ruin?
>>926329 Someone just needs to embrace shitlordery and make a modern nudie fighter. Make it on the humorous side like old gag animes/mangos instead of just pure thottery. >>926343 Wewladdies.
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>>926343 Good job anon!
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>>926343 Quick question: is there also a government boycott of Russian businesses in Japan too, and if there is, is there also a way to report it?
>>926343 But anon, Capcom its a jap company, the fuck are the fes gonna do about it?
>>926358 Does that count if they have a US branch?
>>926360 >>926361 Yeah but Capcom USA isnt the main branch, thats like bitching at your local mcdonalds about something the company as a whole did.
>>926362 Capcom USA is actually a main branch that owns some SNES era IPs due to corporate fuckery. One such IP being street fighter.
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>>926365 Well no shit, really? Tell me more about that anon.
>>926329 actually this shit started because capcom started getting ESG money
>>926367 Ah fugg, turns out the information is out of date. Capcom acquired Capcom USA back in 2022. The article in question is currently being archived, but here you go. https://archive.is/wip/4E6Eh
I'm surprised the Elevens haven't outlawed adblockers or video game mods or renting video games yet
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>>926512 Give it time.
>>926552 >makes a VN where love is crucial to the story >sends people to prison for playing it publicly Some soulless behavior right there.
>>926552 >jailing let's players and jewtube ecelebs >but it's for showing a video game Well fuck, I don't know what I want now.
>>926552 >>926562 >>926563 The author of the series is a notorious fucking faggot about his IP, to the point of sending DMCA takedowns of streams that the fucking PUBLISHER OF HIS GAMES has approved.
>>926552 Japniggers are fucking retarded.
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>>926583 >>926582 >>926580 >separate posting >ow the edge
Recently heard about the Yor/Street Fighter debacle. Seems Capcom move is also related to this since modders did a better job than the "official" model.
>>926358 Simple, if they want to operate in the US they play by our rules or fuck off (as in they won't be able to be a business in the US.) And for distributors, nobody will refuse enforcing a legal ultimatum from the government like that. If it happens. Most likely they just get a notice from the government on this matter with no other consequences, immediately 180, and then 180 again later but only with a non-Russian DRM service. just means Capcom will move to another form of mod-prohibiting DRM, but this buys us some time I suppose.
I'm downloading and backing up all my crapcom games any you should too. can someone give a list of games affected?
>>926257 glad i got it on GOG
>>926721 >60 Anon I...
>>926736 Judging by his frequent use of "literary" in place of "literally", I believe this might just be Luciano acting out his usual monkey business.
>>926065 A tad bit late because the good shit has been dumped and shared around the webs, what they've pulling out recently is utter cancer.
>>926345 This, go all in, give variety and physics and flesh sounds and lewd terms/moans/jokes Let it be a quarantine game
This reminds me, does the PC version of Street Fighter 5 still come with the rootkit or was that eventually phased out in later versions until now?
>>926345 >make a dick fencing simulator that plays like a fightan >call it Sword Fighter
>>927039 >Sword Fighting >not "Soul Edging"
Reddit is hard at work defending the DRM and deboonking all of your claims with reliable opinions from reliable people like FluffyQuack, Kaldaien and other high profile, sophisticated e-celebrity modders.
>>927198 >Kaldaien Does that corporate dicksucker even make anything anymore? I haven't seen him make a tool since Tales of Berseria's Steam release, and boy was he an asshole in those threads on his tools.
>>927070 >Edging and gooning Something awful is going on.
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>under 3MB >soundless webm
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>>927206 Yeah, SpecialK, it's actually fairly good at what it does which is forcing games with shitty framegraphs to behave better and occasionally forcing games not made to handle CPUs with high core counts to not shit the bed (the ones that don't get fixed with affinity) without having to wait on a custom fix or relying on workarounds with major flaws (disabling or limiting core numbers in the boot menu isn't the greatest idea when modern drivers expect and work better with high core counts)
>>927198 This would be a great time to try and pass SOPA again
>>927219 >>927198 LOL! The jews lost all power, and so did corporations. The world is against you, and you can never win. Normalfags are all on our side. >>927319 And it will die again. Nobody will obey that.
>>926353 >is there also a government boycott of Russian businesses in Japan Yes. Currency exchanges between Yen and Ruble is not allowed which I believe is one of the many causes of Japanese businesses in Russia to stop operating. An early (kinda outdated to me though) analysis of these sanctions and their impacts are written here. https://www.digima-japan.com/knowhow/russia/19723.php If you are a legal expert you may want to read these files that list all sanctions the Japanese Ministry of Finance is currently applying. https://www.mof.go.jp/policy/international_policy/gaitame_kawase/gaitame/economic_sanctions/list.html >is there also a way to report it? No idea for now, I'll look and ask around.
>>927319 Reminder that both SOPA and PIPA were approved and proposed by liberals but everyone had to bat their eyes elsewhere because that's not real liberalism, however the curryspic did get shit on by everyone because of his internet program thing (I forgot what it was because redditors couldn't explain dick due to their cognitive of a toddler) all because he was associated to Trump's administration.
>>927198 >>927206 Apparently even kaldaien is shitting on it since it breaks his shit and he had to fix that.
>>927837 Normalfags are also actively against plebbit, and there are all sorts (many now deleted) of comments on how they will never buy from crapcom again. As expected, it was just a matter of waiting for crapcom to make a big mistake and put the company in a death spiral towards bankruptcy. Life is good.
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>>926065 lets be honest for a minute, Capcom has never and will never give a shit about what their fans want, if they did they company would be run very differently. At this point they are just waiting for the goyem to be broken enough that they will accept all games turned in to service contracts where you have to a monthly sub per game, even for single player ones. Just like the internet the golden age is over, it's all gonna become increasingly uninspired, locked down, ugly, and gay. Not only theat but just like how kikes, niggers, and fags are rewriting history game companies will go back ruin the good stuff that was made in the past so only their cancer remains. I have been growing my ROM collection for years and will continue to do so, the dark age of gaming is only beginning.
>>928322 >I have been growing my ROM collection for years and will continue to do so That was always the only correct course of action ever since emulators were created. Pirate everything. Play only the good games. Don't waste money on any corporate product whatsoever.
And this board was excited for Dragon’s Dogma 2.
>>928440 >Shit company makes good game I knew EA was a shit company, but I still bought C&C and Battlefield because they were good games. Those cunts can't even make good games anymore unlike Crapcom.
Wasn't there a whole bunch of damage control here when that new REmake came out about how Capcom was back or whatever? lol, lmao even
>>928507 There are a few crapcom shills here. I'm glad that the company is going to shit, and they will be on suicide watch.
>>926065 UPDATE Capcom has rolled back the Enigma autism because of the review bombing.
>>934299 Nice, the suits pushing this shit need to get their golden parachute and fuckoff already.
>>934299 So they unfucked a total of one game out of like 20?
>>934338 Wasn't Enima only added to Revelations? I thought that was the game they tested it in first and then they were supposed to roll it out to the other games.
>>934339 No. It's in Battle Network Legacy Collection and Monster Hunter Rise.
>>934767 >>942107 Someone really needs to slap the shit out of some executive retard at Capcom.
Also seems like RE6 has it as well.
The Microsoft Store version of Resident Evil 2 Remake has enigma as well. Not the Steam version though.
>>942107 Dude should have said which games he has altogether.
>>942107 WHY are people still using Steam at this point?
>>942133 There are retards that still buy games, instead of pirating everything. The stupidity of the masses is far from over.
>>942133 >>942205 A buyfag can never backup like a pirate, hes buying "permission to play borrowed games" from rich fat men. And that permission is timed.
>>942133 I think a lot of people simply use it because it's a) the biggest PC gaming platform available, b) offers countless discounts and sales when most other platforms never do, and most importantly c) they fully own their copy of a game and their ability to play it can never be altered.
>>942307 And d) the fact it's full of furfags.
>>942307 >and most importantly c) they fully own their copy of a game No, they don't. The Steam EULA states that Valve can yank anyone's access to any of their games for any reason at any time.
>>942133 There are a few indie developers I want to give money to so they can make more games and they only sell their games on Steam and Epic games store. Out of these two options, I prefer to give them money through steam.
>>942307 >b) offers countless discounts and sales when most other platforms never do The best deals haven't been on steam for a while, authorized 3rd party resellers often beat that by a decent bit and if for some ungodly reason you wanna buy EA games they get deeper sales on the EA client, Epic also has deeper discounts than steam on the same games on occasions.
>>942312 How many people do you think actually read that EULA and understand it? >>942316 How often does the average normalfag consider a 3rd party reseller? I mean I guess you couldn't really figure out either of those without some surveys but I do think you're both underestimating the laziness of the average consumer.
>>942317 >How many people do you think actually read that EULA Ignorance isn't an excuse. >and understand it? And it's stated pretty clearly in plain English. The "Can't stand legalese" argument is a cop-out made by morons who would just as easily declare that the manual for a Lego set is "too complicated" to follow. >I do think you're both underestimating the laziness of the average consumer. My problem and what I get tired of is people complaining about companies doing something shitty, someone offers a solutions (Such as buying games from somewhere else), and then they get angry with and ridicule the person for offering a solution.
>>942317 >I mean I guess you couldn't really figure out either of those without some surveys but I do think you're both underestimating the laziness of the average consumer. Isthereanydeal does the work for you, and 3rd party resellers tend to be commercially successful enough to stick around even ones you've never heard about
>>942325 >>942317 Funnily enough, normalfags actually do consider grey market key seller quite often now that I think about it (G2A, kinguin etc), but those are a very different ballgame from legit 3rd party.
>>942324 >Ignorance isn't an excuse. I agree, but unfortunately the average normalfag is ignorant.
>>926147 harsh, but fair.
>>927215 something heinous and ungodly, indeed.
I’m going to GOON to Vivian
>>947756 Go back to cuckchan.
How does Monster Hunter Rise function right now? I know there's people who still say their saves have gotten randomly fucked by updates.
>>942133 >WHY are people still using Steam at this point? most devs refuse to se gog and they really refuse to just sell me the game on disk, devs are fucking retards i just want the return of big box pc games.
>>942133 It has more games than any other platform and isn't explicitly anti consumer.
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>>942133 What are your alternatives to Steam and their shortcomings, noble one?
>>962895 I doubt he'll respond but actual alternatives are GOG and Itch. Obviously, big problems with those two are the lack of games and platform features. This is especially egregious with Itch. Good luck trying to find anything, it barely has a search feature. You look something up and you get all sorts of weird results like save files and e-stickers whatever the fuck they are. You generally have to have heard of a game beforehand, it's laughable compared to Steam's excellent discovery tools. Did you know ULTRAKILL was originally released on Itch? The first demos were published way back in 2019, however its actual commercial release was Steam. This is because Itch is a fucking terrible platform to find anything.
>>962886 I'd refuse to use gog too, if I was making shitware I'd put it on itch.io instead, if its srs bzns I'd put it on steam so people see their friends playing it. If it's multiplayer then steam hosts the servers and handles friends too.
>>962895 >What are your alternatives to Steam and their shortcomings http://www.dlsite.com/index.html Only issue I've heard with DLsite is a "70% tax" as opposed to the 30% elsewhere, not sure if that's true or if it's still that high. https://games.dmm.com/ Haven't heard about any issues, but it seems like you can only access the site if your create an account. https://jastusa.com/ Zero issues here. They primarily sell visual novels but you can try asking if they'll sell other games/genres. https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Zero issues here. It's basically what GOG used to be.
>>926065 serves these people right for trusting a videogame company
>>942312 >Live in a glorious all digital future >"Buy" tons of games, subscribe to all the services like a good boy >Link all your accounts to get Xbox and Playstation achievements from your Steam games. >Call your friend a faggot during a private match >You have been banned for 84,972 days for hurting someone's feelings, even though that person doesn't even exist. >This ban has been forwarded to each platform you've linked >Locked out of all your Steam Games >Locked out of all your Xbox Games >Locked out of all your Playstation Games >Locked out of all your Nintendo Games >Locked out of all your EGS Games >GamePass Subscription canceled >Playstation Now Subscription canceled >Your Credit Card company that that you used to pay for these services has been notified as well, and they are currently investigating whether futher action is necessary.
>>963095 >welco >me tot >he nex >tlevel
>>926566 Steins;Gate is a gay and faggy linear time travel VN with the dumbest writing imaginable so I'm not really sure why anyone would want to watch it let along play another version of it.
Aren't 95% of game sales during the first few months of launch? What is the economic logic for adding DRM outside of the time frame where DRM would be useful? There's no way they are recouping the development and management cost for implementing this, let alone turning a profit from it. Companies hurting their bottom line out of spite is bizarre, or maybe I'm just missing something.
>>963175 7/10 got me to reply at least
>>963178 Probably denuvo trying to not get bad press and giving discounts or something.
>>963178 >>963187 It's a product to sell to shareholders, I think people have gone on about it plenty of times.
>>963095 Well the important thing is it's not the government doing it
>>963197 Shareholders have all the same information the public does. So they would be investing money into a company that puts resources into development that produces bad press, while yielding negligible returns, if not resulting in a loss. Either there's information missing or the market is acting irrationally.
>>963243 Whatever company or group of people has the most stock is deciding policy,
>>963243 Doesn't actually matter, investors can just as easily think drm will improve growth because "the games market is saturated."
are people still keeping track of this? is there a new list of games that have added this?
>>963333 probably not considering it was people acting scared like fuckheads when it hasn't stopped mods nor any cheats.
>>963331 Why would an investor use vague unsubstantiated logic over numbers? Companies remove DRM from their games after the first few months because the first few months are where the vast majority of sales come from. There is no point in keeping DRM past that point because it only servers to potentially cause performance issues as well as bad PR, and so you have some companies simply remove it when it stops being lucrative. Sounds like a good time to short capcom.
>>963851 >he thinks the modern investor has foresight Watching Bloomberg isn't foresight.
>>963852 >Sounds like a good time to short capcom.
>>963852 >you will never gift Cassia a million birds to get her to show you her ankle, only for the poor girl to get traumatized as the birds freak out and kill each other because fish girl Abelard, convince the cogitator to play despacito ;_;
>>963851 The DRM is already paid for so there is no financial incentive to remove it. Au contraire, bending to piracy shows ineffective leadership losing revenue, and bad PR over having DRM gets glossed over if it's a popular game like helldivers 2. What would even be the point of caring about bad PR if you're going to get it again when your next game launches anyway, if launch matters the most and people are lapping it up at launch then its a trivial choice to decide to be "that drm company" to reduce outrage.
>>962906 >dmm It's also region locked.
>>963895 That's the problem. DRM isn't a one-and-done deal anymore. Denuvo and most others uses subscriptions nowadays and it costs a hefty sum to boot (usually several million $ in Denuvo's case and hundreds of thousands for smaller companies). The issue comes down to "Does the price of the DRM justify the amount of customers gained from the DRM.", in which case you're targeting the incredibly small group of pirates of opportunity who would buy the game if they can't pirate it. 99% of cases the price of a good DRM like Denuvo would not justify the number of customers gained, but it's very hard to get concrete numbers on this matter so it's very easy to beguile old shareholders with mere promises and fluff of "customers gained" with no hard numbers to back it up. This is also reliant on the DRM not getting cracked in the first place which Enigma does a terrible job of. It's a program that literally does nothing and gets cracked in half a day. Just some Russian scammer grabbing some cash through connections and some tech-illiterate execs. I don't even know how he got the fucking connections for this either.

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