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Card games Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 15:08:21 Id: 43018b No. 932929
I like card games but I have none to play. I used to play a lot of hearthstone but then I stopped after the Hong Kong debacle. I played eternal but I kinda just got bored with it and stopped after they told me to vote in the American election and "save democracy" (I am not American). Recently I got really into Kards but the recently released winter war expansion introduced one of the most aids fucking cards I have ever had to play against. What fucking moron though it was a good idea to just have a unit that can silence literally any card on the field twice in a turn. It can do that without even risking itself. It also has 4 health which means you have to play Germany and put all copies of a specific card they have to deal 4 damage to it. If you dont do that then you will have to spend at least 2 cards getting rid of this fucking thing. And its a common card so your opponent is going to have 4 copies of it. Fuck I hate the sWG. The game was so fucking perfect for me before the winter war why did they add this piece of shit card?! They could just reduce its life by 1 and suddenly it would be fine since everyone faction has a way to deal 3 damage to the back row. Or they could remove the fury so it can't attack twice in a turn and snowball out of control with the pincer. Or they could remove the silence and not have it completely shut down anything and everything you throw at it. They did none of these things and just raised the kost of the card from 3 to 4. This does nothing since every deck that runs this abomination also runs ramp cards that let you gain extra kredits. I hate this fucking thing. Please recommend me better card games.
Mythgard was also pretty fun but that one was sold off from the original devs to a new studio which has apparently been doing a pretty bad job maintaining it.
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>>932929 UNO Everyone has UNO
>>932929 Reminded me I need to finish Phantasy Star Card Revolution. I keep forgetting to complete it. >>932947 >UNO My old phone came with UNO on it for free. I have played so much of that game.
>>932951 >Phantasy Star Card Revolution What is that? Tell me more about it.
>card game based video game Have I got a game for you, OP. Monster Ranch Card Battle are great games that scratch that card collecting itch. There are also the staples like the Yugioh psp games and the pokemon card games for the Gameboy. I think there is also a SMT card game for the neo geo or some shit. Though Monster Rancher Card Battle is still one of my favorites.
>>933005 Phantasy Star Online but in card battle form for the Gamecube. It had a story mode which I enjoyed, but never finished It is up there with Custom Robo as another game I keep (re)starting but never finishing. There were two sides to choose, one which summoned monsters and the other which equipped weapons and shit instead. Battles took place on a grid so you could navigate around which I always thought was neat. Certain attacks had different AoE too so it was another thing to consider. It wasn't anything amazing, but I enjoyed my time with it and liked the ability to move my cards around the map rather than be static like most games. Only other card game I know that did that was one of the Yu-Gi-Oh games for the PS2.
>>932929 >I like card games but I have none to play. I like them too but not in the PVP sense. Metal Gear Acid 1 and 2 and Culdcept series.
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The only card games I ever really enjoyed were these two.
I've had a mild obsession with card game vidja lately so I have a few recommendations: Stacklands: Survival Crafting card game. Very unorthodox but will grab your attention and not let go until you beat it. I'm not even sure if I can call it a card game, but it's a game with cards so I'm gonna say it counts. H8machine: I think I have stockholm syndrome with this one cause I bounced off it at first, but after I came back to it I found myself more interested in the systems than I thought I'd be. It's another deck builder rougelike, but with active time combat (sort of) I think the one standout feature is that you actually do not build decks card by card, but by "archetypes" that you pick 3 of. So it's almost like you have a party of characters youre taking with you that all have little mini-decks you draw from. Shadowverse Champions battle: Literally just shadowverse with the mobile bullshit ripped out and replaced with an RPG. It's shockingly good and I've enjoyed slowly tweaking my different decks to be more efficient as I've learned more about the game systems and acquire more cards. the most normal card game on this list.
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>>933104 Have a couple more but the videos were too big to fit on one post. Aces and Adventures: Magic the gathering plus poker... kinda. Has both a rougelike mode and a constructed play mode. if you pick it up I recommend going to the rougelike mode as soon as you unlock it as you can grind cards very fast and learn the ins and outs of each class/character.
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>>933105 Super bullet break: Basically slay the spire with some more quality of life features and a cuter art style (probably cause the graphics are repurposed from a failed gacha game just called "Bullet Break") The one standout mechanic is that while cards have costs, you can imagine it more like the cards use "Time" rather than mana. enemies are on a little time bar, and what cards you play can affect how many enemies will get a turn to attack, but there's no hard-line limit to what you can play at any given time. really interesting system. I've posted about this game here several times but nobody has tried it as far as I'm aware, its extremely underrated
>>933106 I actually recognize it because I played the Next Fest demo all those years back then. Interesting that it's spun off a failed gacha, I want to see more analyses of "gacha-style games" turned into offline singleplayer titles. Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children for example is a Korean indie XCOM-like that highly resembles a gacha in design but is purchasable on Steam for a set 15-20 USD, no strings attached. Card games aside, I wonder why card games are heavily associated with millennials besides the MTG craze planting the seed.
>>932947 I don't have it.
I've gotten a few friends to try out duel masters play's now that there's an english patch for it
I enjoy card games, especially those that capture the feel of sitting down and having a tangible game in front of you. Inscryption is a horror game but it's also cozy because of its atmosphere. Hearthstone has a nice feel too, and was fun when it first came out but then became hyper competitive. Multiplayer/TCGs were only fun for me when I was a kid, now they're either a money sink or are so meta-focused it's not possible to sit down and enjoy one without a massive time investment first. Generally I find single player or rogue-inspired card games to be more fun than competitive ones.
>>933195 Agreed, unless I'm playing with friends I prefer casually laying back and playing something against the computer where it turns into more of a puzzle solving experience more than a competitive one.
I happen to be an expert on this topic Pokemon TCG for Game Boy >very, very well put together and showcases what a card game should be <incredibly short if you have the vaguest idea of what you're doing <adapts a stupidly broken era of card game that the AI is not remotely capable of dealing with <has some absurdly low drop rates for ultra rare cards <can be beaten in an hour <the Card Pop exclusives are literally impossible to get even if you get multiple GBCs and copies of the game because of a programming bug. Good job at what it is, needed expansion. TCG Neo romhack >removes or nerfs the most broken cards >nearly ever Pokemon card was replaced making the game feel different >rather than just port newer cards, there's conscious archetypes >for instance a good number of fire Pokemon can send the top X cards from their deck to the grave as a side effect, so a burn deck might actually be plausible) >no Pokemon cards that are just terrible and pointless <still very easy as the read me acknowledges it can't remotely fix the game without entirely new AI and programming new rules from scratch Worth a play if you liked the normal game Pokemon TCG 2 >it's more Pokemon TCG for GB >Mint is a great FeMC >adds a bunch of new cards <most of the broken shit is still in, unnerffed <the "solution" was to force your deck to meet certain requirements for some bosses, which really just makes the game way more tedious as you have to grind to even get the cards needed to meet the often absurdly specific requirements and the variety of deckbuilding goes out the window <translation for non-card stuff is pre-AI machine translation cleaned up because the actual translation was taking forever >not as bad as it sounds because TCG and TCG2 have crazy text programming that let them spit out an absurdly high number of kanji for an original Game Boy game so it rarely deals with kana soup, <but it misses a lot of nuance like the lightning club members talk in katakana only, which is a stereotypical robot/brainwashed speech (English translations normally go with ALL CAPS SPEECH), but talk normally in the translation Give it a go, but it lacks the replayability of the original. Yu-Gi-Oh Stairway to the Destined Duel >fun format >decent variety >enough happens between battles to break up the fact that it's just a gallery of opponents style of game <unintuitive menus <short <boosters are done in kinda retarded way <variety is finite <easily broken format <no tutorial It's the best classic era YGO game, but still kinda shallow. 7 Trials to Glory
[Expand Post]>you can actually buy a starter deck <which has an overinflated price and only has a handful of useful cards unlike real counterparts <RNG based progression is even worse than gallery of opponents <progression is super RNG heavy <boosters are super expensive, limited in availability, and rigged to provide only useless cards till post-game <new cards come at cost of older cards (there's the same total number of cards as SWttDD) <many of the cut cards are ones you'd actually want to use instead of useless normal monsters or old spells strictly worse than other options <loads of nasty bugs <first YGO game that follows actual rules with visible player character and he looks retarded Just bad. Duel Academy >breaks up gallery of opponents with >game exclusives boosters aren't as terrible as normally are <still cutting cards for new ones <a quarter of each opponent's deck is a random selection of the same staple cards as every other duelist <super "buy a guide" level bullshit with event triggers (there's a calendar, and some cards are unobtainable if you don't do the exact thing under the exact conditions on an exact day) <opponent selection isn't as big as SwttDD, but you have to duel them more which combined with a quarter of their decks being identical makes it tedious <worst AI in the franchise (the only game where the AI will summon Man Eater Bug in attack position without being forced to) <no PC face but explicitly male World Championship Tournament 2006 >actually starts you with a real starter deck with the staples intact >includes all cards in game at time >you can enter Golden Sun tier passwords to create custom ban lists >first to let you explicitly play a a cute girl girl, at least nominally (you can select a player icon, and some are girls, but there's absolutely no plot) <pure gallery of opponents <makes getting cards super fucking tedious <challenges are eh, either trivial or go grind an absurdly specific deck for this one thing <literally unbeatable because one of the missions is bugged having completed it <just not a fun era, as it's right after the game started over correcting for its power creep and tried introducing archetypes without having any idea how to make an archetype actually work Nightmare Troubadour >only YGO game to use best ban list <does not have all the cards in TCG at time which means it can't take advantage of the top tier format <does enough to disguise its gallery of opponents nature but does this by making your opponents RNG based after you need to do a minigame to find them <uses game exclusives boosters where half the game you're fed useless trash that even a new player wouldn't use because it's all worse than a starter deck but you never actually get a sensible starter deck and there's few good or interesting cards obtainable This is early DS tech demo. Spirit Caller >lets you customize your character first time <male only <same flaws as NT <has the same bad era problem WC2006 had 2007 >lets you play as customizable girl <fictional boosters that aren't there just to feed you shit cards but are still lame <lacks very random cards that really shouldn't be missing (you can get A Legendary Ocean but all the good WATER monsters it supports and the spells that make it fun are missing) <still earlyish GX 2008 >play as cute girl again >an attempt at a story <it's a glorified gallery of opponents with RNG on what opponent you can fight <fictional boosters are tedious and an excuse to fuck you with bad cards again <made them even more tedious by raising requirement to unlock new boosters beating every group of opponents five times instead of the normal three 2009 >play as cute girl >3d overworld >there's even an OK racing minigame to complete the card games on motorcycles feel >turbo duels <it's slow as fuck <barely anything to do on overworld <plot just copies anime most of the time <why the fuck would you make a synchro game where every opponent uses synchros but the player can only access the most basic synchros till post-game <what were they thinking?!? 2010 >all the good stuff from 2009 >but actually faster >you can get synchros >you can get structure decks early >overworld has flavor text for everything and collectibles you can trade for cosmetics <it just anime plot again for the most part despite the intro being a bit different <slow start It's actually pretty good, but it's really just a worse version of the next game 2011 >everything good from 2010 >original plot that actually feels like it fits in the world >great era >rental deck duel early on using some actually pretty tough decks lets you see how game plays at higher level and understand card synergy as a new player >your starting deck is actually kinda OK but not so good you can ignore deck building for long <one booster pack short of being a time capsule of a perfect era <AI can get a bit slow <last arc of the plot has to force itself to follow anime with minor change Great, what a card game game should be. I wish they made another one. Yohane the Parhelion - NUMAZU in the MIRAGE - I wish this wasn't a roguelite. The demo was fun, but I can't see it enduring once your deck's cards are pure RNG.
>>933204 Baten Kaitos >fun card based battle system >fun world >great plot >pretty overworld >good music <the fun weird cards are generally outclassed by normal attacks <defense is so inefficient it winds up being more of a time to clear your hand of cards you don't want and get new ones than actually defend <bullshit missables aplenty <the dub is shit and you need to enable surround sound to get rid of a stupid audio filter <half the party members are blatantly worse than the other half due to how elemental affinities work Baten Kaitos 2 >fun but different card battle system >more world building >still fun >still pretty >still great music >only three party members who are nearly always in the party so they develop a lot more >virtually no missable items of importance >dub was actually decent <English version removed ability to play as female for space limitations or something It's too bad the HD release (which Korean ratings said was coming to PC) censored a bunch of text at random. Lost Kingdoms It's just a not as good version of LK2 Lost Kingdoms 2 >fun card summon overhead strategy game >cute femc >variety of cards to summon and attack with <don't have as much control over minions post summon as you'd like <card balance is all over the place Great game.
>baten kaitos <"""fun"""
>>933212 Yes. It starts slower than ideal so you learn how it works but once you class up and learn deckbuilding the pace improves dramaticly.
i just found out recently that duel master is still going on in nipland with anime and everything, anyone know how good/bad it is?
>>933204 >>933207 That is a lotta games. Think I am going to try lost kingdoms.
>>932929 Play Card Shark NOW!
>>933204 Pokemon TCG Neo Romhack is actually so trash, Steelix rushdown just mega rapes everything since it effectively & consistently turn 3 spams 50 damage Iron tails that then make him effectively unkillable with a Slowking or Togekiss in the bench when he already takes 20 reduced damage now. The dev has mad multiple patches and never addressed his pet snake he overbuffed to absurdity just being an absolute rape machine that ruins the point of playing a romhack like this.
卒業生向け要注意店舗情報 東京都中野区の東中野でオープンマイクやセッションを開催するライブバーALT_SPEAKER(オルト・スピーカー)を経営している赤井健一は、 アコーディオン奏者で女優のKをアルバイト兼イベントホストとして採用した。 赤井は既婚で二児を有する身であることを隠しKに交際を迫るが、Kがこれを拒否すると、売上金を抜き取ったという濡れ衣を着せ、Kを出入り禁止としてしまう。 同店では他にも多数の女性が被害に逢っている。 赤井は暴力団員で複数の前科を持つ。
>>952682 So true, or sorry that happened, IDK I don't speak NTR enjoyer language
>>952684 I've heard Spanish called cartel language, Russian called suicide language, and now Japanese called NTR language. What's a good name for English?
>>952684 I gotchu fam
>>952750 >Akai, who is married with two children, hid this fact and pressed K for a relationship K

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Balatro is pretty fun. Take classic poker rules and add UT like mutators to spice things up.
I'm playing quest mode in Forge (a FOSS single player Magic the Gathering game). Any recomendations for improving this deck? It's a no banlist format, but getting anything beyond commons and uncommons is a crapshoot to obtain. I'm also not sure where to get a lot of cards (I'd love to grab more Enviromental Sciences but I'm not sure which area Strixhaven cards are in. I got my one copy as a random drop). 1 Dragon Fodder|DTK|1 2 Dragon Fodder|ORI|1 1 Environmental Sciences|STX|1 1 Forbidden Friendship|IKO|1 1 Forbidden Friendship|IKO|2 1 Gleeful Demolition|ONE|1 1 Grapeshot|MMA|1 2 Krenko's Command|M13|1 1 Lightning Bolt|3ED|1 2 Lightning Bolt|M10|1 1 Lightning Bolt|M11|1 1 Magma Jet|5DN|1 2 Magma Jet|THS|1 2 Manamorphose|2XM|1 2 Manamorphose|SHM|1 24 Mountain|GRN|1 1 Primal Amulet|XLN|1 4 Pyretic Ritual|M11|1 1 Pyroclasm|10E|1 1 Raze the Effigy|MID|1 1 Seismic Stomp|M14|1 1 Shivan Fire|DOM|1 1 Sol Ring|2ED|1 1 Sol Ring|LEB|1 1 Wheel of Fortune|3ED|1 3 Young Pyromancer|M14|1 1 Young Pyromancer|UMA|1 [Sideboard] 1 Crash Through|M19|1 1 Flashfires|3ED|1 1 Panic|5ED|1 1 Red Elemental Blast|2ED|1 1 Red Elemental Blast|3ED|1 1 Red Elemental Blast|LEA|1 2 Shatter|3ED|1 1 Shatter|5ED|1 Gameplan is straightforward Young Pryomancer abuse.
>>933182 Was Duel Masters the game spun off from MTG or am I thinking of something else?
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>>957591 I have played like twenty games of Balatro and the highest I've reached is the boss blind for the final ante because I was 10k chips short on a High Card/Pair run with a deck full of stones. 11/10 game, certified ざわ・・ざわ・・ experience.
>>961815 I thought that second pic was a Vinny edit from the thumbnail.
>>952706 Vanilla because it's the assumed default. And objectively the best flavor of ice cream.
>>962167 Wrong, that goes to chocolate
>>962167 Truth >>962241 Ok scatman

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