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Palworld: Pokemon/Arc but with guns Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 23:59:00 Id: f669fe No. 933632
Here's a new bread since the old one hit 500. As you know this game has sold a shitton of copies on steam to the point where we've officially hit pokemon numbers. We've even see The Pokemon Company threaten Japanese celebrities with blacklisting if they so much as mention the game. Personally I find the massive success of Palworld to be a much needed slap in the face to Pokemon and its dickriders. With that out of the way how is /v/ enjoying the game? ..oh and DO NOT SEXUALIZE THE PALS
Need Lovander gf
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>>933632 >DO NOT SEXUALIZE THE PALS Too little, too late.
>>933640 >>933638 :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
>>933632 >We've even see The Pokemon Company threaten Japanese celebrities with blacklisting if they so much as mention the game I love watching them get shit on and be mad about it
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>>933640 Lovander is >The 69th pal, by intention because the original number was 49 >Drops Mushrooms, Suspicious Juice, Strange Juice, Memory Wiping Medicine, and Cake >Coming with cake in Palworld is akin to shredding every condom in a mile radius >Good with medicine-making and handiwork and transporting >Raid is called "Fangirls who can't contain their love" Lovander isn't just sexual, it's made explicitly for sexual. Broncherry is better, though And speaking of getting absolutely fucked, I finally caught that alpha Elizabee. Had to set up campfires near the entrance of her arena and let her burn until she was low enough health to start tossing balls at. And why are beegarde so fucking annoying to catch? The moment they catch a whif of a threat they bee-line it to you and explode. I just want a team to have as backup for Beatrix the Queen Bitch
How are you guys so fucking horny god damn. It's starting to become a bit ridiculous now. I may seem hypocritical now but I do think Lily and Zoe are cute though There's hardly any art out there for Lily despite her having a good design
>>933650 That model didn't come from the game, how did they make such a highly detailed model so quickly? Is this the full power of furfag autism?
>>933666 >Is this the full power of furfag autism? Furfags are weirdly good at technical things. Like they're either complete degenerates, or degenerates who also work in like fucking STEM fields or something.
>>933665 >How are you guys so fucking horny Because we're guys with functioning dicks and the need to procreate.
>>933649 >>We've even see The Pokemon Company threaten Japanese celebrities with blacklisting if they so much as mention the game I saw this once mentioned last thread, and a guy who read the link said that it was clickbait. Nintendo dindu nuffin, and some nintendrone ecelebs are doing this of their own will.
>>933673 >Because we're guys with functioning dicks and the need to procreate. Which should be less than 10% of your life if your screws aren't maladjusted
>>933650 >Horny lizard girl >I know! I'll give her fur in my porn instead of scales! Fucking retard.
>>933665 Sex sells.
>>933665 Can you even be called a man if you're not thinking about sex half of the day?
>>933665 >you guys Kotaku is that way.
>>933665 I do agree it's excessive, but people have to maintain board culture lest you get overrun.
>>933697 >Because of board culture, lets chop our left arm So stupid
>>933683 >>933698 Twitter found the board apparently
How does a fucking parody feel fresher than pokikemann, it feels like what the wii era should've been had Genius Sonority could have substantially more freedom with a pokemon game, it would've been fucking sick given the star wars inspiration. Anyways, for palworld, fix up the designs and make it look like Doke-V and you can have ALL my shekels. Have you guys seen Doke-V? It's a sugar rush in visual format, cute lolis and shotas. It's less pokemon and more monster hunter stories though. It is not an MMO either, for better or worse. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Bha7Y9QG5ug
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>>933665 Katress does it for me, mostly because no matter what she's doing at the time, she'll drop everything to come help me work on a project - also it's super fucking cute how she pretends to be a stoic mysterious wizard type, but then the fascade breaks as she grabs the brim of her hat in joyful embarrassment while I praise her with headpats. Maybe it's basic bitch taste, some "connoisseur" out there is probably going to bully me for not wanting to fuck the electric hedgehog thing, but it is what it is.
>>933726 It's a catgirl. Everyone likes catgirls and anyone who says otherwise is full of it.
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>>933726 Nice ass
>>933682 >a guy who read the link said that it was clickbait I tried looking into it myself, and I found mentions of voice acting companies telling employees not to get involved with Palworld in any way because they want to stay on Nintendo's good side. I haven't seen a mention from Nintendo itself though.
>>933777 >stay on Nintendo's good side that's actual yakuza type fear. And retardation from voice actors. People underestimate how powerful certain companies and people are, they follow and make others follow
>>933697 You say this when the majority of cuckchan posts are horny. Doesn't seem to have done a good job maintaining board culture over there.
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>>933975 same as it ever was
>>933975 >CUckchan is horny, and it's board culture is shit! >Therefore, horny is bad and we should voluntarily self-sanitize our posts for the good™ of the site Cuckchan likes anime and videogames too. Maybe we should just ban those things?
The patch to fix the capture rate is out.
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>>933665 >There's hardly any art out there for Lily despite her having a good design Because people want to fuck the animals, anon
>>933992 So if you want to mitigate the amount of porn drawn of your oc you should add a ton of pokemon clones to your game?
Why are all the pals so big? I can't waifu this.
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>>934094 YOU ARE WEAK
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>>934094 I personally caught me a white woman after accidentally shooting her to death multiple times. We will now proceed to breed and make ugly mutt Puerto Rican looking babies. I tried to catch an ammo selling merchant with the same percentage to catch but I didn't have enough legendary balls at the time, and plus he fights back. I also like how the devs didn't give a shit about the dialogue when it came to some NPCs and essentially just shitposted through them. >>934095 Pals later in the game become Monster Hunter sized. Fighting them kinda reminds me of the Gear Rex right in MGS: Peace Walker.
>>934098 I like the time traveling police chief who gives you pizza.
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>>933673 >procreate lol, lmao even
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>>934094 Goddamned fucking queer, get off this board!
>>934212 How about I kiss your sister nigger?
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I've been playing this for a few days and I'm surprised no one brought up the game being somewhat similar to Digimon World 1. Anyway, I got this pal from a large common egg and I want more. Any idea where could they be found?
>>934287 There's a boss fight with a Lunaris that you should have on your map if you've done a decent amount of exploring.
>>934287 Okay, I'm losing my mind over this. One of you has to know. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT DESIGN FROM? I've seen something that looks almost identical to that before, but for the life of me I can't remember where it came from. Is it reminiscent of a Sonic character? Is it from Nights Into Dreams? Is it an old Megaman? That shape, those ear/hair things, the vaguely robotic form. Where the fuck I have seen it before?
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>>934367 It's this.
>>934367 Drossel?
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>>934367 Drossel von Flugel from Fireball? It's some cgi video short that disney and some anime company made.
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>>934287 Looks like one of those robosluts i used to find under the robot tag, and the dev made it fleshy instead of clank.
>>934377 Massive shame about Pochincoff's other artistic endeavors.
>>934379 >other artistic endeavors Like... Like pottery, or sculpting.... Right?

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>>934094 >not capturing alpha pals specifically for Big Wife >>934377 A fellow robot appreciator in the thread? Congratulations on having superb taste. If I'm not mistaken, though, the filename labels her as a mutant, rather than a robot.
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>>934379 Funny thing is that he's doing what he loves. The lesson here is that you shouldn't do what you love for the sake of everybody else.
>>934384 Let's just say he's got some shit tastes in art.
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>>934393 Yeah I found out the hard way by scraping a bunch of boorus and sadpanda for more robot smut. I certainly got more, but i didn't want any of it.
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>>934365 Thanks anon, updated my game earlier and noticed it popping up in the map. I guess it was bugged since I've been there a few times and don't remember her being there. >>934367 >Is it an old Megaman? That shape, those ear/hair things, the vaguely robotic form Now that I think about it, the twintails reminds me of Yuna for Megaman Legends 2.
>>934374 >>934386 That's it. That's fucking it. Thank you, anons. My memory loss has destroyed my life. That was going to bug me until I forgot about it. Fucking hell.
I don't think I've ever seen a dev face financial troubles because they were too successful, before. I hear they're having to buy more servers because of the absolute fuck ton of people playing
>>934367 >Not even considering Pokemon
>>934410 The only Pokémon that matches its shape is Lopunny Mega, but I knew what I was thinking of was white, robotic, and followed the pal's form more accurately. There's a ton of Pals that directly copy Pokémon even their 3D meshes, sure.
>>934379 Man, I get that anuses are sexy but why does they always move onto shit? WHY DOES IT ALWAYS RESORT TO SHIT!? I GET IT'S THE LOGICAL CONCLUSION BUT GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!!
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>>934422 because poop comes from butts. its like being into armpits but hating hair, sweat, and smell; what else were you expecting?
>>934422 This like saying you're into femdom but immediately backpedal to 'gentle femdom' when people think you're into BSDM, cbt or sissy shit.
>>934430 >gentle femdom to be fair, there's a big difference between sissy shit and just plain masochism
>>934416 It's Mega Lopunny + Mega Mewtwo.
>>934422 Anal is fucking shit Anal is a gateway fetish into scat
>>934441 Everything is a gateway fetish to everything else if you have a degenerate enough soul. Many people stop on the slippery fetish slope in spite of what self proclaimed "porn addiction experts" might say.
>>934447 >Many people stop on the slippery fetish slope in spite of what self proclaimed "porn addiction experts" might say. Ironic they're quick to assume immediate downfall and don't seem to believe in moderate consumption as if it's all black and white.
>>934454 I have heavy consumption, for many years now, and have many many degenerate interests (in cartoon form). Yet anal, which I've found to be alright (in cartoon porn) since near the beginning of my discovery of porn, has never once diminished my disgust for feces, a disgust I'm reminded of every day when I take a shit. I have over 120 animations featuring anal.
>>934447 >>934454 Whatever you have to tell yourself
Now that the dust has settled, is this game worth playing? Or is it worth waiting until it gets developed quite a bit more. Footage i've seen seems like the game is incomplete. Are the devs still actively updating it? or did they sell their 6 gorillion and dont care anymore
>>934465 Same to you, friendo. >>934551 >Now that the dust has settled It hasn't.
>>934551 It's worth giving it a try. Just pirate it, play for a few hours and form your own opinions.
>>934404 It doesn't help that dirty fuckibg pirates, like me, are able to join official servers. At this point I might actually spend my shekels on Ark with Pokemon if they actually go through with their roadmap.
>>934447 What a meaninglessly glib and incorrect statement.
>>934551 It's definitely incomplete. The use of obviously free/default licensed assets is a bad sign. The map having a ton of open-backside rocks is a bad sign. The company abandoning all its previous games in EA is a bad sign. So just play it through piracy. You have nothing to lose but your time. For what that's worth, I, who absolutely hate EXP grinding, didn't turn on EXP boosters until I hit level 40. I did, however, turn on "movement speed increase" and "item duplication" because I refuse to grind for items. It's okay. It's fine. If it makes The Pokémon Company upset, I support that at this point. They deserve to be hurt for their purposeful abuse and negligence of their franchise for the last decade or so. My biggest complaint with Palworld is that the game heavily incentivizes catching multiples of every Pal species (for grinding up to make a chosen one stronger) by giving you more EXP the more you catch. In the face of that, the game has WAY too little space in your PC boxes for those pals. You can either grind to make one pal from one species stronger or you can "catch 'em all" one of each. You don't have room to do both.
>>934595 You can believe what you want, but I will always find scat disgusting.
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>>934650 Yes, I'm taking your side.
>>934597 Sounds like its worth it to wait until they abandon it so i can play the game in its "final" state rather than chew turds with the rest of the retards that couldnt wait.
>>934755 Totally valid. I tend to do the same thing with Paradox games. I'll pirate the launch version and play it, wait seven years, and then pirate the final version with all the DLC and play some more to see how much it has improved (read: how much the Ottomans have been given massive ahistorical buffs in order to appease the dune coons swarming over Sweden IRL).
>>934447 >>934650 Anon, the idea that people are predisposed to having fetishes is absurd. Many fetishes are far too specific and/or feature things that aren't even remotely similar to anything that actually occurred nature during humans evolution, such as fucking airplanes and the Eiffel tower, that it would be impossible for people to be predisposed to developing fetishes for them unless humans were actually like 40k orks that pass down instructive information genetically and said information included all the stuff that has no basis in nature. Where or not you will ever like scat is immaterial.
>>934430 That's not how that works at all. You can have femdom without resorting to extreme shit. You can enjoy anal without being a coprophiliac.
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>>934768 >You can enjoy anal without being a coprophiliac. nomatter how much you make her clean beforehand, theres always a good chance youre gonna have some poop on your dick. you either start to associate it with sex, or you lose your boner every time youre in the middle of slowly fucking her ass. guess which is more likely to happen. aw gee miss, im sorry. ive gone completely soft in the heat of the moment while fucking your ass in the missionary position and popping my dick in and out of your butthole
>>934771 that's still not being a coprophiliac, you actual shit eater.
>>934762 >unless humans were actually like 40k orks that pass down instructive information genetically and said information included all the stuff that has no basis in nature. You'd be surprised how much passes down genetically that doesn't make sense, like certain advanced skills for example that normally would take ridiculous amounts of time, practice and deep understanding to achieve. https://archive.is/IC7tX
>>934774 I don't suck my own dick though.
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>>934775 I don't think that's genetic memory though, as if they had an ancestor that did some shit and the skills just Assassin Creeded into this kid, i think it's just the random rolling of brain matter in the human skull in the same way that random dynamic visual acuity and physical developments make some better at sporting events than others, and even then only certain sports. Likewise, i'm willing to theorize that people can be born more passive or more aggressive and that can lead to different sides of the BDSM coin, but i think anything beyond that is up to personal experiences, how hard you want to indulge in weird sex to chase a higher and harder orgasm, and maybe even how young you are, as your brain gets stiffer and less easy to mold as you get older.
>>934753 You said I was incorrect and that my statement was worded nicely but meaningless. >>934762 >Whe[ther] or not you will ever like scat is immaterial. It is very material. >Fetish specificity You can be predisposed to liking bizarre non-sexual shit in general and your life experiences can then shape what in particular you end up fixating on. Why are people so hung up on the idea of nature vs. nurture when it only makes sense that human behavior is a result of both?
You guys are still talking about porn? It's not that interesting or complex what the fuck. This thread is supposed to be about videogames anyways. >>934404 Squeenix had to halt the sale of FFXIV when their Endwalker expansion came out as the flood of players was too much for their servers to handle. They politely told the players to fuck off and put all their other FF games on sale to players could play them instead. >>934367 How the fuck do you not know what Mewtwo is? You're definitely a boomer of some kind. >>934374 Okay I honestly have no clue what the fuck that is, nor do I care to learn. I'm going to stop judging people now, but not the porn addicts.
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>>934787 >Boomer >Porn Addict. >Not knowing /v/ derails in threads every now and then. Yeah, you're not from around here.
>>934792 I think this thread must attract the faggots from the pokemon threads. I don't give too much of a shit about pokemon so I hardly ever skim through there but whenever I do I see a fair amount of people wanting to fuck vapeoreons and shit. But in this thread most, fucking MOST of it has been discussing porn. You really can't prove me wrong as thats obvious but I'd rather talk about a game that I enjoyed playing with other people who enjoyed playing it as well thats all, because you know, this board is /v/, a videogame discussion board. You guys can do what you like but still, wtf.
>>934795 >Taking this long to figure out a monster catchan game thread is gonna be full of monster fuckers Welcome newfriend!
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>the final boss has 200K HP <game wants me to socialize with other autists to take him down no way fag, I'll go play something else while I wait for updates.
>>934800 The ones that don't have furfaggotry are alright.
>>934810 Only the mentally ill enjoy beastialty.
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>>934800 I still find it quite shocking regardless. >>934805 Just get to level 49 and fill him up with rockets from your rocket launcher. Make 100 rockets just to be safe. The fastest way to level up is to catch 10 of every pal, I don't think you have to catch ALL pals 10 times just the majority. >>934813 Only the mentally enlightened enjoy monster girls. Pics after 1st related.
>>934881 The topic is brought up in the OP, the thread was doomed from the start. Now let's talk about pals with benefits.
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>>934881 First pic is made up nonsense Pal doesn't mean a fucking thing in portuguese Pau (stick/pole) does Twitter needs to be nuked and everyone who uses it for anything outside art/porn needs to fucking die in the most painful manner possible.
>>934903 The people using for porn do too. Retards need to learn use better platforms.
>>934821 What game?
>>934906 You'd be surprised how many porn artists are woke.
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>>934909 Psuedoregalia, but these are animations someone else did after the model was leaked. I'm told it's a good game anyhow, lots of jumparound like Mario 64.
>>934921 Dude, I get that you have a stick in your ass about getting banned from various steam forums for being too aggressive to other users when arguing against censorship, but you're not going to "one guy" your way to whatever consensus you're trying to get this board to reach. >>934913 Yeah, a good amount of degenerates are left-leaning because that's where they believe they'll be in good company because of shit like "muh puritanical religious right" and other similar things from when they were young or before they were born. Others do it to blend in for connections and such though.
>>934913 Funny because the first one is still ugly, I don't see Mary Jane in neither of both pictures.
>>934925 There's a faggot in other threads who types with the exact same cadence and typing style who was bitching about those exact same platforms in that exact same way while talking about getting banned from a lot of steam discussion boards for "arguing against censorship" when said bans are usually earned due to throwing insults around and he was specifically calling out the Gramble Relink forum where there's tons of threads and people arguing against censorship without getting banned over it. Logical to assume you were the same fag from that. Either way it's fucking annoying to say you shouldn't use the most popular storefronts because of some "muh political high road" bullshit. Where would you suggest people sell their shit then? Because the only other stress I can think of are GoG which has the same "woke" issues Steam does going by the owners, Epic Games which is chink spyware, and DLsite which has its own various problems and is hostile to non-JP uploaders.
>>934927 ... Man I really am tired if I'm botching posts this bad. Granblue ReLink was the game forum I was trying to cite as an example. For something actually relevant to the the thread though. Do you anons think the devs are actually going to finish this game? After getting burned one too many times by early access shit I just wait until it's finished to even bother with games nowadays, and this developer has a pretty big track record of using early access as a shield for releasing an unfinished product and then just abandoning things after the initial sales and hype are over. However, this game did bring in a ton of cash, so they might have an incentive to actually finish this one. Then again I thought the same about Valheim from years ago when it's devs were in a similar situation and look at that piece of shit still being in early access with lacking dev progression.
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>>934906 like what? Fucking Pixiv filled to the brim with shit, censorship and awful filters or Misskey which is barely off the ground? There aren't many alternatives unless we're talking about aggregators which mainly feature image sets.
I think >>934921 guy's point is "Why only release on platforms where perpetually offended tranny jannies get the first say on whether or not your game can be sold (and if selling games you make is your sole source of income, whether you eat or not)?" but then he mentions non-pozzed sales platforms existing which seems pretty delusional to me. Unless you're hosting it on your own site and accepting crypto leftists have got things pretty well in hand and have for so long many of those doing the dirty work don't even associate their actions with leftism, it is "just the right thing to do". Now in regard to >>934929 the alleged interview that someone posted in the last thread painted a pretty poor picture of the work ethic involved and since they've already outsourced a bunch of development I wouldn't be surprised if they used their surfeit of Steam sheckles to hire (or acquire) some smaller dev to polish the game and make regular small content updates, think something like with Tripwire abandoning Killing Floor 2 and handing it off to Saber Interactive. That being said, the game is already feature complete and if community modding takes off then even if the devs don't lift a finger some autist will fix their broken map portions and put out unofficial QoL patches. Also your reasoning seems erroneous, if they already made their money there is not much reason to continue development unless they're going to sell DLC and/or offer other in-game transactions.
>>934930 >like what? >>934936 >but then he mentions non-pozzed sales platforms existing which seems pretty delusional to me See: >>>/gg/352578 This list has been consistently compiled, posted, and updated as far back as 2018. Why are you not using it?
>>934937 I thought that none of those took crypto? If they don't offer the option of circumventing pozzed payment processors I don't really see how you can say they are viable.
I was browsing the mod selection for this game and I saw a trio that looked like it would be pretty interesting. >First Person Mode >Nuzlocke >Permadeath It's almost hilarious how quickly this stuff's coming out. People have already figured out how to recolor Pals based on their passive traits, and UE5 seems easy to make content for. Given that this game is mostly cheap assets anyway, I've got a good feeling about its longevity. could be coping, but PocketPal would be stupid to pull out of the game now, given its meteoric success. Like, at least redirect some of the hookers and blow money over to DLC or a sequel. The Pals, while not very creative, have very nice animations for all sorts of things. It seems like the animators had fun making this game, at least. Just pay them to keep doing what they're doing.
>>934974 I need a nuzzle mod not a Nuzlocke mod
>>934974 I want more guns and weapons in general, the progression for them is so sparse and spread out over the course of the game. I want to dress my pals up in silly hats as well, not just me the player. They should be equipable to pals and not a mod, but a vanilla feature. Enemy base camps are quite bland, interior dungeons for human based enemies like from the previous trailers would be neat as well. >PocketPal would be stupid to pull out of the game now, given its meteoric success. What do you think this is? Flappy bird? >The Pals have very nice animations for all sorts of things. Meanwhile pokemon from mainline pokemon games just have a idle animation, one attack animation, roar and death animation and thats IT. The games look all so sad and lifeless and I pity any retard willing to play that shit regardless of any unreadable (because I dont care) walls of text they throw at me. 5th gen Black1/2 and White1/2 were the point where pokemon peaked and it only fell from there. >>934903 https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=YW7mrRjd4vw You do sticks can be interpreted as dicks right? Here is the explanation according to a comment from that video. >"pau" is wood, but it's also the most common term for the male sexual organ in the brazilian portuguese. And "pal" is spoken and read the same way as "pau".
>>934913 Why would anyone be surprised about that? Pornography is literally "wokeness" stop fucking using communists' own linguistic relativism and start using proper definitions for words and has been from the beginning.
>>935081 Pornography is as old as time The issue is instant access to it via internet, whorehouses and strip clubs still existed even when pornography was banned and no pornography actually leads to use and creation of those dens of degeneracy.
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>>934937 Thanks for the link, I've been looking for something like that for a bit
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>Trying to find all the diary entries >The last one is the single entry of one of the bosses >Think it's going to be a poignant twist >It's his diss track This game is a high-effort shitpost and I love it.
>>937467 >that entire data log I didn't realize they got Vic Ireland to (((localize))) the game.
>>937493 I'm considering it a rare chance to finally remove give an honest review to a soundcloud rapper by hitting them with a bat.
>>937495 If you actually manage to finish him off with the bat I'd be impressed.
>>937493 >that "warning" Imagine ever going to cuckchan again, holy fucking hell.
New patch dropped! Looks like they fixed pet pathing in the bases, nerfed/buffed various things, and might have fixed online lag. https://archive.ph/5HaOF
>>940384 So another bugfixing patch? Not gonna lie, I'm a little disappointed, I expected something new by this point, like some new item at least.
>>940384 >no new guns What a nothing burger
>>940384 >higher-ranked Pals yield more points when concentrated Yeah, this was ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NECESSARY. Otherwise you'd have to fill up half your storage with one species in order to 4-star a single Pal. We need more fucking storage, holy shit. >fixing pal spawning at the base That's good to hear. I'm tired of them stacking themselves on top of each other on a rock right by my base machine. >Specifications changed so that all changes in environmental temperature are added up Oh, I thought that was already in there. Interesting.
>>940402 I hold the strongest possible disagreement to your comment. Fix your shit and build a solid foundation, and THEN add more stuff. Far too many games do it your way, and it never works out well. This is especially true for buy to play games, where player retention is less important than player satisfaction. Also, fuck player retention metrics, fuck games that do content based on it, and fuck live service games. Not that this spoiler is related to what you said, anon. Just bitching.
>>940384 >Fixed the abnormally high selling price of nails It's never been more over. Btw they also accidentally fixed the bug where you can capture tower bosses and they apologized for that on twitter.
(1.01 MB 1000x1000 Zoe.png)

>>940462 >Btw they also accidentally fixed the bug where you can capture tower bosses Goddamnit. I haven't played in a while, and I hoped I still had time to capture Zoe and then assigning her to my bed by picking her up and throwing her on it.
(8.92 MB 960x540 Cliff Base.webm)

>>940384 >All those base and pal fixes I hope this makes my cliff base actually work, the relaxed stairs building restriction might be good to make the pathing easier. >>940423 >Spoiler This and/or lower the rank up requirements.
>>940500 >I hoped I still had time to capture Zoe Surely catching tower boss humans eventually becomes a feature.
>>940885 I'm far too jaded to be tempted to hope for fun things in games at this point, and don't call me Shirley.
>>940923 Hey Shirley
I know that this is supposed to be Pokemon with guns but why they gotta bring in the most tedious feature in that game aka IVs and breeding for them
>>940937 It's actually far worse than that, you are expected to turn the parents into juice and feed them to the child so it grows stronger.
>>940937 Can you even breed for IVs? You can breed for modifiers, but I don't know if breeding affects IVs. I don't think the game even tells you what a Pal's IVs are, you just notice some Pals have more or less stats than others.
>>940977 If I recall right, alpha and lucky Pals have somewhat better IVs and a higher upper IV limit than regular pals so using them for breeding gives the child a chance to inherit a better IV. Assuming that the said alpha/lucky has high IV as well.
>>933718 >poketards crying about how stale pokemon is >a franchise made for toddlers <have barely stylized animals and insects as pokemons <have a metal ball with magnets and an eye as a pokemon <have a literal pokeball with eyes and a mouth as a pokemon <in fucking G1 Poketards are completely clouded by nostalgia
How dead is this game now
>>962497 You could check Steamcharts instead of bumping a dead thread you lazy fuck
>>962497 Dead, pocket pair can't afford anymore chink bots to run since funding got cut.
>>962498 >How dare you bump a thread with a relevant question! Nigger >>962503 Really? Swore I remember them announcing a dlc for the game, I wonder if there will be enough steam left for it once it finally releases. It's still crazy how quickly a game can go from everywhere to forgotten overnight.
Move away Palworld, make way for the true chink Palworld. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=IXiFZw_DT2Y
New content update for summer, they haven't abandoned the game, yet. Honestly I hoped they have worked more on the fundamentals of the gameplay, rather than adding more Pals.
>>962544 Literally Genshin but with rejected Pokemon designs and even worse gambling mechanics.
>>963569 Jewtendo shill spotted

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