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Tomb Raider Remastered Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 18:49:28 Id: 28a751 No. 936237
The Lara we all know and love is finally getting a new release, you guys giving it a try? The modern visuals are hit or miss but there's still a classic visuals mode with no texture filtering, thank fucking christ.
>>936237 What’s the difference between this and the remake in the PS2?
>>936240 The remake was a remake and the remaster is a remaster.
>>936240 Tomb Raider: Legend rebooted the timeline, and Anniversary was a remake of the first game that fit into that timeline. . This remaster of the first 3 games is those original games, Halo Anniversary style where you can toggle the graphics between Old and New.
>>936240 This one keeps the original gameplay intact It's the original game with some QoL improvements and an optional new coat of paint. Remakes are completely new games Remasters are the same game with new visuals/content
>>936257 And, this is the reason why I try to find the original versions of these games at pawn shops and thrift stores.
I already tried the OG tomb raider a while ago and to be honest I didn't like it. It does have a interesting control scheme but I just don't really find the game to be very fun. >>936257 that is super gay but at least it is just a warning. Better than just deleting parts of the old game.
Don't delete the lewds you fucking faggot cunts.
>>936264 I agree. I prefer this approach when it comes to their cancer. The situation just makes me laugh. >hey here is this old game that we think is highly offensive, actually harmful, and goes against everything we believe in, BUT we are going to sell it to you anyway because we need the nostalgia money Also I haven't tested it but apparently this can be disabled by adding the following to the launch options on steam >-nolegal
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>>936257 >that text Kain should've just been summoned out of nowhere to destroy the warning while saying webm related.
>>936257 Strange, I don't remember any thing super racist in the games. surprised they didn't put a warning about Lara being to attractive.
>>936290 Nowadays? That's probably racist somehow.
>>936257 Good thing I always delete all the intro movies in games.
I know they're just achievements but holy shit do they think they've got enough?
>>936290 Everything is racist and sexist thanks to communist subversion in education institutions for 70 years.
Someone found a Kain Easter Egg
>>936290 >Strange, I don't remember any thing super racist in the games Probably either the chinese accents in 2 or natives in 3.
>>936300 Im sure eventually they will get to porting soul reaver.
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>>936300 >>936307 Not surprising it's been there from 2005's Tomb Raider Legend
>>936300 Would you fuck Kain or Raziel, /v/? And post-vampirification?
>>936307 They removed Soul Reaver 1 from sale years ago, so they've been planning to update it in some way for a while, but then them leaving Square Enix happened so I suppose that threw a wrench into things.
>>936315 No thanks. Your mom lmao
>>936315 >Goes into tombraider thread to talk about fucking a dude. Mega gay. Go make a soul reaver thread if you want to talk about fucking men.
>>936315 DO NOT LEWD THE RAZIEL! >>936316 Probably embracer will be more interested than squeenix. >>936313 Still, its nice to see, we havent seen anything LoK in more than a decade.
>>936237 just play those countless TRLE projects made by fans instead. they're on par with Thief fan missions when it comes to quality.
>>936323 Nice, thanks! Any of this compatible with OpenLara?
>>936332 tomb raider 1: https://github.com/LostArtefacts/TR1X/releases tomb raider 2: https://github.com/Arsunt/TR2Main/releases tomb raider 3: https://github.com/Trxyebeep/tomb3/releases custom levels: https://trcustoms.org/ The first 3 links are pretty much updated engines for the first 3 games. I would recommend using those for a smooth experience whether on modern windows or linux (wine will need some dll overrides configured though). Most custom levels already include 'em, but if they don't, then you can add it separately and it should work with any custom level out there. Also, the nice thing about custom levels is that you don't need to mess around. Just download and run the .exe to play. If you're on linux, then you need to add these overrides to your WINEPREFIX with winecfg (works for the first 3 games): Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\DllOverrides] "*concrt140"="native,builtin" "*msvcp140"="native,builtin" "*msvcp140_1"="native,builtin" "*msvcp140_2"="native,builtin" "*msvcp140_atomic_wait"="native,builtin" "*msvcp140_codecvt_ids"="native,builtin" "*vcamp140"="native,builtin" "*vccorlib140"="native,builtin" "*vcomp140"="native,builtin" "*vcruntime140"="native,builtin" "api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0"="native,builtin" "api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0"="native,builtin" "api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0"="native,builtin" "api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0"="native,builtin" "api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0"="native,builtin" "api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0"="native,builtin" "api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0"="native,builtin" "atiadlxx"="disabled" "atl100"="native,builtin" "atl110"="native,builtin" "atl120"="native,builtin" "atl140"="native,builtin" "audiere"="native" "binkw32"="native,builtin" "concrt140"="native,builtin" "ddraw"="native,builtin" "dec130"="native,builtin" "edec"="native,builtin" "ffplay"="native,builtin" "fmodex"="native,builtin" "goggame"="native" "msvcp100"="native,builtin"
[Expand Post]"msvcp110"="native,builtin" "msvcp120"="native,builtin" "msvcp140"="native,builtin" "msvcp90"="native,builtin" "msvcr100"="native,builtin" "msvcr110"="native,builtin" "msvcr120"="native,builtin" "msvcr140"="native,builtin" "msvcr90"="native,builtin" "nvcuda"="disabled" "sdl"="native,builtin" "sound"="native,builtin" "tomb3"="native" "tomb3decomp"="native" "tr2main"="native" "ucrtbase"="native,builtin" "vcomp100"="native,builtin" "vcomp110"="native,builtin" "vcomp120"="native,builtin" "vcomp140"="native,builtin" "vcruntime140"="native,builtin" "vorbis"="native,builtin" "vorbisenc"="native,builtin" "vorbisfile"="native,builtin" "winmm"="native,builtin" "winplay"="native,builtin" "winsdec"="native,builtin" "winstr"="native,builtin" For TR4 engine based custom levels you'll have to add more overrides in order for those to work as well. I haven't gotten around to playing those yet. There's also a custom open source engine called TombEngine (aka TEN) that is specifically made to build custom levels based on assets from all classic TR games, but with modern improvements for better graphics and level design capabilities and stuff like that.
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>>936350 Thanks a bunch anon!
>>936257 Aspyr worked on this, but the salty fucks at Crystal Dynamics had to be a bunch of passive aggressive fucks.
>>936321 >DO NOT LEWD THE RAZIEL! Does he even have a penis, or is it just a hollow screaming void of despair down there?
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>>936257 >learn from it I sure know something modern devs should learn
>>936257 Huh? Stereotypes about stones on the wall sticking out? Are the animals too hostile?
>>936378 Aspyr hired the guy behind OpenLara who then hired a bunch of fellow TR autists to finish the job in a year. Was just reading a Twitter thread about it. I asked about the chances of seeing 4 and 5 remastered but haven't seen a reply yet. >>936411 >>936262 The legal disclaimer is just Crystal Dynamics being salty fucks that they're yet to make anything better than the original PSX games, and being current-year about it. >>936264 >I already tried the OG tomb raider a while ago and to be honest I didn't like it. It does have a interesting control scheme but I just don't really find the game to be very fun. You really should try it again. Once you grok the controls the game becomes smooth and sublime to play. Don't use the modern control scheme, but the game and maps aren't designed for it at all.
>>936264 >>936425 >Don't use the modern control scheme, but the game and maps aren't designed for it at all. It should be specified that the Saturn was the development platform for the first Tomb Raider, with the later games building upon that. So that should give you an idea of the games "proper" control scheme.
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OMFG I just got filtered in the second level by the confirm/cancel buttons. I was so used to action button also being confirm that I was muscle-memory-ing the "select a key" thing but on Switch B is action/cancel and A is roll/confirm. I was just about to tweet the devs about a potential bug when I went to record gameplay of the problem so I could show what was going on and that's when the realisation hit me. I feel so fucking retarded right now.
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>>936257 Just like the Mafia remake, remind everyone that you're not wrong-thinking and the game doesn't really reflect your true self or some bullshit. However if you wanna' see the mindset of a pearl clutching leftie: >Lara might come off as a colonialist stealing shit from turd world countries >Pulling all levers just to get the privilege of self-defense in highly anti-gun areas
>>936461 <Mafia Remake >Doesn't even show the infamous sex scene many horny teens and early adults bought the game for <Adds a women suffrage scene to booth North Americans need to be nuked
>>936257 I figured they were just selling the game for money, but they're just trying to enlighten us to this inexcusable history piece by selling it. Their thoughtfulness is so moving!
>>936257 The nu-nu-raider game is going so suck so fucking hard. This is a 110% confirmation that CD is turbopozzed.
>>936497 It's made by post Eidos Crystal Dynamics of course it's going to suck.
>>936503 I mean it's going to suck extra hard even by the abysmal nu-Raider standards. There were only small hints in the reboot trilogy that CD might be pozzed, but Lara herself was still pretty attractive and feminine. After this disclaimer, I bet the next game is going to be Soys Row levels of pozzed.
>>936505 >but Lara herself was still pretty attractive and feminine. Didn't they make her outright dumpy and fat in SotTR? With that game's entire story being about how she's on her period?
>>936509 I could barely stomach the tutorial in Shadow and dropped it quickly, so I don't remember much. I remember thinking her chest looks smaller than in the previous reboot games, but she's not fat and the face is still pretty decent. The SotTR model is the one that's been most used in horse porn.
>>936505 >There were only small hints in the reboot trilogy that CD might be pozzed All 3 games hate men, plus Doos Sex Mankind Divided made their it pretty clear.
>>936264 >Better than just deleting parts of the old game Turns out they did censor some shit. Now my question is if this will be the first of many things that are found. >>936497 >nu-nu-raider game They posted some art of her on their website.
>>936540 To be fair the original only got past the censors due to being a blurry mess.
>>936540 That's is the most mannish face they've ever given her.
>>936540 >Second pic <Lara's boobs look like low-hanging pecs <Those thighs and ass are "literally me" So the third reboot is going to be about Lara actually being a tranny, ain't it?
>>936540 Everything past Core Design are games that don't seem to quite know what they are anymore. This was especially noticeable with Tomb Raider 2013 (reboot) that was trying really hard to ape the Uncharted series by the looks of it. Because of this and with all the fan projects for the Tomb Raider style of gameplay I just could not care less about what these newer games are going to be. What is there look forward to at this point?
>>936603 Not really, Angel of Darkness didn't know what it wanted to be either due to Eidos mismanaging Core Design until it was dead and buried, making them pump out Tomb Raider games on their old engine while simultaneously making them work on the game new game with a completely different team. The Crystal Dynamics Eidos games, despite their flaws at least get closer to the tone of the originals. >What is there look forward to at this point? Fan projects Maybe a remaster of the other sequels.
>>936607 >Angel of Darkness didn't know what it wanted to be either due to Eidos mismanaging Core Design until it was dead and buried Call me crazy, but I really like that game, despite the enormous flaws. Either way, you're right, they were trying to make something that isn't really Tomb Raider and reverting back to what they're familiar with best. Perhaps with more time they would have been able to figure out an updated formula for Lara, because it was getting stale after 5 games that were essentially "the same thing" with some new mechanics with each subsequent release. My problem with the Crystal Dynamics games, even with the better ones IMO (Underworld, Legend and yes, even Anniversary) is that they don't seem have the same kind of feel to them. It's hard for me to pinpoint what exactly is wrong. It's like the atmosphere, wonder and soul were being sucked out of the series with what Crystal Dynamics were doing. I did like some of the new gameplay mechanics, but at the same time, the puzzles and level design are way too obvious. Btw, I was reminded of this nice project for Angel of Darkness: https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LYAN7DKb_wk
>>936618 >but at the same time, the puzzles and level design are way too obvious. Do you remember King Arthur's tomb in Legend?
>>936629 No, not really. I never had the inclination to replay any of those early Crystal Dynamics titles. I just remember getting through all the levels way too easily. It was years ago, so idk what was the deal at that area of the game... Of course, I suppose, not getting stuck in a stupid way is better than the alternative like with some other games or, well, some Tomb Raider 3 areas that I never actually got through as a kid without cheating. I've only been able to beat it years later and I used a walk-through as well. That game can get really obtuse at certain points, tbh.
>>936629 I can't remember much about the level gameplay-wise, only that it was kinda funny that King Arthur's Tomb was under an obviously fake museum about King Arthur.
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"Lady Luck"? More like Lady Cuck.
>>936835 So pointless
>>936300 >actually showing her in a sports bra Ah, that's the racist/sexist part of the game.
>>936876 very funny
Devs are coming out and admitting it is their job to rewrite "new" history in response to the disclaimer in this shit. https://archive.is/GpbBY >>936545 I thought the same thing. Lots of fags defending it though since they have been so conditioned to fugly characters in their vidya that this passes as a "super model". >>936543 I find it funny since the old games had a T-rating where they shouldn't have been able to pull that off, but now they have a M-rating and would have been fine to do it. >>936835 I'm amazed they didn't replace it with a man or just cover her up completely. This change is still very "problematic" to their cult.
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>>936885 >but now they have a M-rating and would have been fine to do it. Bullshit, console manufacturers will only allow certain AAA titles within their gatekept business and social circle. On PC? It would pass for sure. On console? No way in hell, wouldn't happen 10-15 years ago much less now.
>>936895 >On PC? It would pass for sure. i wish steam is weird and devs refuse to just sell on a disk to avoid this.
>>936897 Steam sells literal porn and there are games with full blown nudity outside the adult section. The only thing that's weird is their chaotic admittance process.
>>936899 >Steam sells literal porn and there are games with full blown nudity outside the adult section. and yet 2 of 3 dungeon traveler games that had only minor ecchi where banned.
>>936895 I guess I should have specified that I was chuckling about the rating side of it. As in a M-rated game in theory wouldn't give a fug, but a T-rated game should have. In this situation the opposite happened. Hence my chuckling. >>936899 >The only thing that's weird is their chaotic admittance process >>936902 I really don't get that shit either. They'll let some awful crap through and then lose their mind over something minor. It really feels like they only care when enough people bitch and moan loudly.
>>936954 Standards were pretty loose back then without a centralized rating system. The ESRB had just been founded in 1994, two years prior to the original game. >>936902 Exactly 2 out of 3 The process is up to some random guys at Valve if not outsourced to some other company. Fucking hell anon, Monobeno is on Steam for fucks sake do you actually think it's some centralized censorship? Fuckers don't even have a centralized development pipeline or even an hierarchy.
>>936835 What if you switch to old graphics with F1 to see if the old texture is also censored? I wonder if they censored that as well? Btw, I noticed that the performance of the game seems to drop for some reason when you're in "old graphics mode", which is kinda funny.
>>936958 >do you actually think it's some centralized censorship? no but he said it would be ok for sure so 100% i was just bringing up that yes there are a few weirdo's at steam that can and will fuck it over so there is a chance it will be banned. >>936958 >Monobeno is on Steam for fucks sake do you actually think it's some centralized censorship? it does not need to be centralized just the fact the couple of retards are working there and might ban your game over the smallest thing will gave a effect on devs they will not take the chance and censor as with steam you only get one shot and if you get the retard who wants to ban you it's not like you can ask for a second person to check.
>>936958 Exceptions to censorship doesn't disprove censorship. The point of censorship is rarely to censor the thing they're censoring, it's to shut down anyone they don't like. People they do like won't get censored even if they do the thing that got someone else censored. The point of totalitarianism isn't that you're always punished, it's that you're always breaking the rules, so that they can punish you whenever they want.
>>936979 Old version is locked at 30 fps
>>936979 It's censored in the old graphics too.
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>>936982 >>937003 I'm not trying to defend Steams bullshit, but the Good Luck logo would be uncensored no problem. The faggots who handle the process would give no fucks, even more-so since it's not anime and doesn't have any loli.
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Hmmm.... missed opportunity.
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The Remastered graphics are nice for the most part but sometimes they will have it so the keys are camouflaged and damn near invisible.
>>937119 Holy shit that's bad
>>937119 I quite like the look of the game in the remaster, but yeah, visibility is shit in a lot of areas. Thankfully I can just hit start and switch to the original graphics whenever.
>>936979 >Btw, I noticed that the performance of the game seems to drop for some reason when you're in "old graphics mode", which is kinda funny. physics is tired to frame rate which is why, i think the new graphics are run in a wrapper that goes over the top of the game like Mesen NES HD hacks. >>937119 That's why I left the action indicators on, some shit is damn near invisible. >>937133 The lighting is fucked as well and there's one water texture in Batroli's Hideout that is a complete mess, at least on the Switch. Everything is so fucking dark in some places and there's no quick button for opening a flare anymore.
>>937159 > there's no quick button for opening a flare anymore Even the TR3 flare button combo? (Selct + R1 so menu+walk)
Took a clip of the area I was talking about. You can see I have to use the look function to peek under the water and find the uzis.
>>937161 Fuck me, that works. Thanks heaps anon. I never played 3 back in the day so I didn't know about that.
If anyone cares about Photo mode, you click both Thumbsticks, or press F3. As far as I know it's the only way to pause the in game timer.
>>937162 Why is the water wood textured?
>>937162 The fuck is that water texture? Looks like she's clipping through the map.
TR3's London is seriously making me think i should just give up on this title, it feels like a damn Kaizo Mario level in tomb raider form.
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>>936237 And there'll be a Tomb Raider cartoon, not sure if it's funded by Netflix.
>>937365 TR3 is the hardest game in the series IMO. Save scumming is not frowned upon in the slightest. Revelations and Chronicles are harder due to jank more than anything. By this point the engine was stretched paper thin and yearly releases were killing it even faster, and hacking in new features was patchy at best and they just plain don't work sometimes.
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All I ever heard my entire life about Tomb Raider is what size Lara's Juggs are, nobody talks about how it turns into fucking Event Horizon.
>>937422 The flesh sections of TR1 were genuinely unnerving back in the day, I can't imagine what the body horror sections look like in motion in HD, though I look forward to teaching that part soon. It reminds me of the finale to Akira where Tetsuo loses control and becomes a fleshy abomination.
>>937405 >TR3 is the hardest game in the series IMO. Save scumming is not frowned upon in the slightest. That or swim in air / corner bugs, I wonder if the more complex stuff like zombie flitch / flip room activation bug
>>937405 Try getting the secret ending level. I dare you.
>>937156 >actual OC on the spot Are the glory days coming back if we keep this up? Audio with video has always been one of 8chan prime's main strengths.
>>936902 That's because those games have an anime art style and many normalfags think all anime characters are underage and that all anime is pedophilia. I've seen people call a guy a pedophile for having a poster of Faye from Cowboy Bebop on his wall.
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>>937673 There's literally hentai games with loli in the steam store right now. I remember seeing steam literally recommend me some shit
>>937673 >guy with a poster of faye on his wall >guy with a poster of ed on his wall who do you trust to babysit your daughter?
From what I'm seeing of the Unfinished Business expansion levels in the remaster, they reversed the order of the two sections, it now starts in chronological order, going Atlantean Stronghold - The Hive - Return to Egypt - Temple of the Cat, where originally the Egypt levels were first, before cutting to the Atlantis part. I had to look up the original manual, but yeah all footage of the original Tomb Raider expansion shows Egypt first, where now if you beat the game and hit the expansion it's a seamless continuation of the final level.
>>937675 Where is her slit? Why is she in the Uncunny Valley?
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>>937674 >There's literally hentai games with loli in the steam store right now. Every other consideration of Evenicle aside, it does have uncensored loli. Surprised Steam allowed it, but aside from the cannibal vampire loli fucking and eating her father - it's pretty tame. I can see where Evenicle 2 crossed the line, though. GuriGura is loli, but she's treated almost more like a house cat. Platina from Evenicle 2, on the other hand, is treated like a very young child. There's even a scene where your "wife" has problems wetting the bed at night, so Alex has to get up in the middle of the night and take her potty - but she can't go, so he ends up finger banging her over her potty chair until she relaxes enough to pee. Even in the best case scenario, there was no way that was going to pass the censors. Come the fuck on. Steam is just too mainstream of a platform.
>>937681 >Where is her slit? She's got a tiny one there. She has a bit of a low vulva cleft.
>>937682 What is it with the Japs and piss?
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>>936885 I think the biggest problem that I have with this is the assumption of bad faith. There's an assumption that if you have a deeply stereotyped depiction of someone, that it's rooted in hatred. Maybe it's ignorance, maybe they didn't care, and maybe it was a respect for the real differences between two people. Sometimes, you emphasize and exaggerate the real differences between two cultures in order to respect those differences. There's this Marxist inversion of Hume's Guillotine wherein we say that two cultures are morally equal, and thus they "are equal in fact". An IS is derived from an OUGHT, and the Leftist lives in a delusion. Those real differences in culture and history are written off as non-existent (even though a child could see that they are there).
>>936885 So what was the harmful depictions of? Demeaning the dignity of Atlanteans?
>>937699 It might be the depictions of the monks. You know, what with them acting like they came from an eastern nation. At this point I can't even be mad at the retards thinking foreign people not acting like a UN funded globalhomo western slaves are depicted as "racist". It's just tiring and I have learned to let go and laugh publicly at the retards that have this mindset.
>>937703 The Tibetan monks in TR2 and the Pacific Islander cannibals in TR3 would be considered offensive by the usual types.
>>937703 Everything that isn't corporate pushed culture is racist.
>>937710 I like the part in TR2 where a monk watches Lara undress in front of him while he explains how Marco Bartoli is evil or something.
I'm so glad they added subtitles to the remaster, some of these accents, and sometimes the audio mixing, make it impossible to understand what is being said. Also, players recently found a Revelations Easter egg in Nevada in TR3 so maybe it will come as DLC or in a separate compilation later.
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>>937891 The Easter Egg in question, the coordinates point to The Pyramid of Giza
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>>938092 It's the GTA trilogy all over again.
>>938098 Not even fucking close Plus I'm sure it looks less shit when it has actual movement.
>>938098 It's not that bad, but how the fuck can you miss this kind of mistake? It's barely visible almost on purpose. I thought with the release of this thing I had an excuse to check out the expansion levels I never really fully played back in the day, and I just had to guess there's something I need pick up over there after flooding the lava-like area. If I wasn't able to switch between old and new graphics, I wouldn't have seen this key item... ever. There's still a lot I like about this remaster. It found it kinda funny that in TR3 they actually replaced the health crystals that made the game "easy" with save crystals instead (although I didn't check yet if saves are limited). I like that they took an extra mile to implement new voice acting for other languages. Russian Lara is pretty cute, tbh. The optimization is superb as well. It runs on my potato laptop with Linux with the use of wine+opengl without any hint of slowdown. I actually went through the credits after beating Unfinished Business and it turns out there's a lot of Russian names that worked on this project, which I found kinda of weird as well, considering this is a pretty faithful recreation of the original so far. I guess there's a lot of Russian fans of the old Lara out there.
>>938092 >Press Start to activate Lara's Tomb Vision to help you locate hidden objects Wow they really updated the games for modern audiences
>>938110 Most pickups are visible just fine... there's just a few instances here and there because the original had sprites, while here it's a 3D object + more advanced lighting that actually derives from a source (they decided to implement it that way)
>>938110 It's not hidden if something shows you where it is
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So wait. I think everybody eventually forgot, but back when Embracer was known as that one madlad company that actually bothered to hold an AMA here, didn't they use Crystal Dynamics to rope Bezos into giving them $600M USD for a new Tomb Raider game (probably a MMO that will flop)? What...happened that that 600M wasn't enough and they had to snuff a bunch of perfectly good AA games in the crib?
>>938255 AFAIK the new tomb raider collaboration is still happening, as a mixed media franchise thing, hence the "unified Lara" they're now pushing.
I wish the remaster would allow you to toggle if and on new graphical features. I'd like to use the new graphics with the old sprite icons for pick ups.
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I haven't tried this yet, can anyone confirm?
(1.58 MB 1600x900 20240221_12h54m45s_grim.png)

>>938326 Oh hey, that's cool. I thought they forgot about the glasses. You just need to hold those two buttons while loading a save, but you have to do it every single time, because it resets. Saving with glasses on doesn't work either.
(1.64 MB 1600x900 20240221_13h39m38s_grim.png)

oh sh...
>>938331 what a cutie!
>>938255 They overextended themselves with mass company purchases in a bid to sell themselves to Saudis. The sandniggers didn't bite so suddenly they had a bunch of people they couldn't pay.
>>938326 >>938328 Even as a kid I thought those round glasses looked stupid and I was glad they didn't show up in game.
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>>938661 I didn't mind them, but they were popular among Dead Heads, Ozzy fans, and Vampire fans. As someone who ticked all those boxes - I had a pair, and liked seeing Lara sport them. They looked like shit on me, though, so I almost never wore them.
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Looks in Lara's universe computers are shit.
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>>938672 >y2k actually fucked up turd worlders >coffee is more in demand than fucking cocain I wish video games were this silly. Fuck memeland nuSaints row, I want this level of stupid shit in my games.
>>936257 Wow... LOL I just noticed that this message is only when starting up the English version of the game. It doesn't occur in. At least the Russian and Polish version do not show this stupid fucking message. Americans should all be dragged out of their hugboxes and beaten until they learn what actually fucking matters in this world.
>>938859 The only thing that matters in this world is me fucking your mom
>>938860 She's dead.
>>938861 Damn. I gotta stop fucking them so hard.
>>938859 Similar to how all the homo shit in spiderman disappeared in other versions of the game. >>938865 You have to be careful with that Lady Killer perk anon.
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Embracer what the fuck are you doing?
>>938900 Chasing trends. I can't tell you who started turning video games into tabletop RPGs, but Borderlands, Diablo, Assassin's Creed and Final Fantasy 14 all have books.
>>938903 Not just video games, there is a TT RPG of pretty much everything. I guess they are so cheap to produce that thanks to print on demand even a handful of sales are enough to recoup the initial investment. >>938900 What gets me every time is just how repulsive the art is. At least your garden-variety tranny is so delusional that he thinks he actually does look like a cute girl. But these people fully embrace ugliness and make themselves repulsive, yet they cannot fathom why people are repulsed by them. It reminds me of that one time on old 8chan /co/ where someone storytimed a Jewish comic, drawn by Jews for Jews, and every single character had a rat face that put the Happy Merchant to shame in how stereotypical it was. Yet if you ever were to point that out the screeching would never end.
>>938903 Dark Souls, too.
>>938900 I don't even think that this is Embracer, this is all Crystal Dynamics. Reminder that the should have been aborted spawn of Terry Pratchett, Rhianna Pratchett and the bitch Gail Simone wanted to make Nu-Lara into a lesbian in the reboot, Squeenix rightfully told them to fuck off. Can't wait for another Saint's Row Reboot failure again, BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T BOTHER TO TARD WRANGLE THESE RETARDS.
>>938918 More than tard wrangling, I would close down Crystal Dynamics, straight up cancel the nuLora game and just tell the remaster devs to make new levels in the remaster engine and turn that into the next game.
>>938919 CD closing down and working on thr Ubisoft mines until that inevitably closed down as well would be eternally satisfying
>>938900 yeah, just another reminder that the reason I'm enjoying this remaster is mostly because it's the originals made by CORE. Some entries by Crystal Dynamics were hit or miss at first, but now it devolved into complete shit by the looks of it. >>938919 If the remaster devs are smart, they would release the level editor, assets, tools and allow publishing mods on the steam workshop. I mean, the amount of fan made levels is enormous, so it's kinda of stupid to not do it at this point.
>>938672 >Tampa wins over Jags >Neither team is wearing Jaguars colors (teal and black) Could they not have done an image search of the team? I'm no handegg fan, but they're the local team so I know their colors.
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New mod for easily switching outfits: https://github.com/foxapo/tr-wardrobe
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one more
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>>938983 What am I looking at here?
>>938996 Looks like the pirahnas get filtered out if you use the updated graphics, seems most of these issues stem from assets that were originally flat sprites.
>>938996 I think lara had a menstruation problem.
>>938963 wew lad saved
>>938997 >There won't ever be a spin off where you play as loli lara. >You won't ever have loli lara in a mid riff t-shirt and really tight daisy dukes with wet and dirt technology like DoA damn
>>938963 benis
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>>939010 Fuck off fed.
>>939015 Where the fuck do you think you are you fucking retard?
>>939022 Dr. Anon? I'm CIA. You don't get to bring friends.
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>>939010 While Rick Dangerous got spared from this GURL POWER shitshow and forever be remembered as the impossible platformer that'll make you buck break your controller. Quite poetic how the male protagonist games fuck you up, while the female protagonist franchise is the one getting raped, truly a woman moment right there.
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>>937156 Fucking noice.
>>937156 fantastic
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>>937156 This makes me think that some game company (maybe RWS if they are still competent) could make a good play on this disclaimer by putting it right before their next game and then immediately after, saying/doing something racist or otherwise offensive.
If I never see that piece of shit Natla's mine level ever again it'll be too fucking soon, had to redo that fucker 5 fucking time to have it go the way I wanted to that's what I get for wanting to get the achievements
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>>939483 >cheevos God I fucking hate Microsoft and everything it represents
>>939514 Well thankfully there's no combined "no meds no loads all secrets all kills all items pistol only" achievement, I remember trying that a while ago and it's extremely stressful.
>>939540 For you.
>>939013 how old is she supposed to be in that pic?
>>952203 I believe she's canonically 12 in the opening scenes of TR4.
>>939010 There's a sequence about that in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. It's the only good part of the SE trilogy and it's barely a thing.
>>936237 So they recently confirmed that Lara won't be raiding tombs because it's colonizing and very conquistadora of her, so yeah called it.
>>939010 >all this modern technology and it's wasted on ugly manfaced dykes and trannies in the most boring cinematic "games" imaginable Fucking shit time line. >>952247 Now THIS is the Laura Croft game that I want to play. >>959698 What the fuck is she going to do now then?
>>959698 Needs a soylent edit
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>>959702 >Laura Croft
(17.56 MB 1280x720 hung (on a tree lol).mp4)

>>939015 >he doesn't remember playing as loli laura in the old games No wonder SE is allowed to ravage the corpse of the IP.
>>959749 SE sold the rights to its entire Eidos catalogue anon. Were you not aware of that massive shitshow that ensued?
>played the game since release >still not done with TR3
>>959903 How would you think that relates to the point he's making about people not remembering loli Lara? Obviously his point is that the fans should not allow SE to do what they're doing, but the fans are casuals who don't actually know the old games and thus don't get as upset as they should.
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>>959903 Oh yeah, an open ended IP with a world you can do crazy shit like summon an old god and kill it with a pair of pistols was too much for a company like SE whose legacy is built on games where you kill old gods in a fantasy world. Silly me. That's what pisses me off about the nuLora games, they went for the last of us 2 crowd and threw away the bits that made TR fun. At this point I wish TR would pull a Megaman and go cold and dormant.
>>960470 They won't pull the plug since this retardness of GURL POWER still lures people and nostalgiafaggotry isn't helping either.
>>936237 its on the back burner but I never got really started, I just went into the Laras house tutorial from the menu
>>960470 ain't nuLora just fem-assassin's creed?
>>936240 This one is censored.
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>>938997 Autism
>>960751 Yes, but with a much more boring story and less likable characters. Let that sink in, it's even more bland and boring than ass creed.
Surprised no one mentioned this yet here. Third game had a retractive censorship patch a couple days ago that removed some in-game pinups that were once used as promotional material for the original game. The change was not mentioned in the patch notes. https://boundingintocomics.com/2024/04/19/tomb-raider-i-iii-remastered-hit-with-post-release-censorship-as-new-update-removes-lara-croft-pin-ups-from-tomb-raider-iii-the-lost-artefact/ https://archive.is/aPnZy >>937674 Steam games are approved and denied based on whoever happens to be reviewing the submission at the time. If you're lucky, it's not a dangerhair, and if you're luckier, you game doesn't get reported later by a dangerhair. Lots of stuff slips through. Some games are labelled "simulated CP" and banned just for characters wearing school uniforms, even if they're in college.
>>960798 Crystal Dynamics being involved in any capacity meant this was bound to happen.
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>Ah, my very own clone! Now neither of us will be virgins.
>>961109 I would want to have sex with the clone on the right. If she wanted to have sex with me, I would say "yes, with pleasure madam." I would do my best to pleasure her and to grab those breasts and caress her bare muscles. I would also suck on the exposed nipples and lick her exposed bones.
>>960798 I'm so glad I stopped buying games for the most part, holy shit are things fucked up, I like this new strategy for just censoring via patch long after people already bought the game, shady as fuck, but yeah it's great that a even mild pinup art is no longer allowed in this current PC hellscape we live in, the game may as well just come with a knife for the player to cut off their dick with
>>961342 > the game may as well just come with a knife for the player to cut off their dick with ??? Two pin-ups were sneakily removed, shitty but nothing about this is that intense
>>961347 >Two pin-ups were sneakily removed, shitty but nothing about this is that intense Why were they removed, you reddit cuck? It's obvious someone thinks being attracted to pinups is sexist male gaze or some absurd bullshit. Of course that's the message. Beyond that, the people behind this fucking lied and censored the game after they said they wouldn't in the most underhanded way possible. Fuck them.
>>961350 Yeah prettym uch.
>>961342 >>961350 Apparently, after fan outcry, this censorship, inadvertent or not, will be rolled back in a new patch. So good on the developers in this case, you actually listened to the fans. I take back what I said, but it probably took people complaining to get this fixed. Always remember to never let anything like this go.
>>962779 It's not entirely impossible that it's internal development strife, you have to remember there's 3 groups of people that could access the internal repos, Aspyr, Crystal Dynamic and the community devs that got roped into working on it.
>>962810 All I see this drama doing is causing people who had any potential interest in future Tomb Raider games to lose it. Why should they be invested in a series when the people in charge of said series are going to change at a moment's notice?
>>936237 Tomb Raider confirmed to be TruthSeeker. >>939010 There's Last of Us, where you can play as a little girl :^)
So for some reason this game is getting two different physical releases? One from Limited Run Games (I know anons I know) and also another one not from them? Can someone fill me in? Seems worth getting if the other one is done well.
>>962833 >Why should they be invested in a series when the people in charge of said series are going to change at a moment's notice? Because when the previous guys for the past 20 years have been the worst, "ever-changing" at least means incompetent/woke can be transient. The fact this patch being announced to be undone is legitimately a sign of optimism which, in fairness to you, I refuse to believe in until it physically happens

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