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Payday 3 is "massively underperforming" with less than 300 average players Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 14:06:12 Id: 88dc2d No. 936508
https://archive.is/V0Pku >Payday 3 maker Starbreeze has explained the co-op shooter is currently performing at "significantly lower levels" than it would like. The developer explained sales and player activity are way below expectations, and said rehabilitating the title remains its "biggest focus and absolute priority." >Payday 3 launched for Windows PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X | S in September 2023 but has seemingly struggled to win over players. The title currently has a 'mixed' rating on Steam with over 36,000 user reviews, although the vast majority of recent reviews have been 'mostly negative.' >In January, Starbreeze said it had formed a "strike team of veteran developers" to help reshape the game in the short and long term. In its year-end report for 2023, the company reiterated that plan and suggested that by incorporating player feedback and working closely with co-publishing partner Plaion it can weather the storm. >"There are many examples from the game industry, where a problematic initial time on the market is turned into long-term success. There is no simple recipe available, but a common thread from the positive examples is to take players' criticism to heart, dare to support your game and keeping an open and honest dialogue with your stakeholders," wrote the company. >"That is exactly what we are now doing with Payday 3. Few companies are blessed with a brand as strong as Payday. At a time when our most recent game is lagging, Payday 2 has fared slightly better than expected financially and with more than 400,000 active players in single months during the quarter. It shows the strength of the brand, and our potential to convert these to Payday 3 as we deliver on our commitments." I remember all interest around the game dying as more and more bad news came out approaching launch. Do you think they can recover? Everybody has forgotten the game even released and it was meant to be one of the biggest coop titles of the decade.
Good, I was kinda sad to see how many idiots bought it. I guess Starbreeze is going under for good. >>936512 Kill yourself already you brazilian shitskin you will always be a low iq rape baby that only parrots what he hears.
>>936508 Starbreeze and Overkill destroyed themselves with their own arrogance. They honestly didn't want to think or create an obvious solution (which is ditching online only) about the possibility that the servers and their matchmaking system would fail them at launch. During one of the P3 streams before launch, one of the viewers asked what would OVK do in the event that the servers crash, and Almir Listo said "they won't" on the spot. It wasn't laziness, but pure arrogance. Add to this the glaring QoL issues that aren't in P2 (no preplanning, no telling if this stealth or loud when joining a server, etc.) and that explains why they just killed their own game the first week. Now that the audience just went back to P2, and even their "Payday Partners", their personal shills, are slowly leaving the game one by one, it will be a nightmare to regain the trust that they lost, even with, from what I heard, an otherwise decent gameplay loop despite all of the glaring issues.
Speaking of which, does anybody have either a new-ish version of Payday 2 or at the very least the last before EOS? The versions I've found are all two or three years out of date. Don't care about online, just want the new content.
>>936516 Why wouldn't they go back to Payday 2? >More content >Somehow looks better visually >Better weapon animations and sounds >Cheaper even with all the DLC And I fucking hate that game and think it's a shit grindy bloated mess. Growing too big too fast is a curse for any company. I still remember enjoying the original Payday and recommending it to friends as a neat budget title over aying fucking COD, again.
>>936508 R6Siege somehow bounced back once before and even Payday 2 did after that lootcrate fiasco, so this isnt necessarily the end even if I wish it were. They need to pay for promising me that Payday 2 wouldn't have any DLC (as I was told during the open beta) only for it to start laying the DLC on thicker than a deviantart inflation fetish gallery.
>>936508 Sometimes you get what you deserve.
>>936508 I completely forgot about this game. Looking at recent reviews: >basic multiplayer features are missing or broken (fags don't even have a server browser) >put out paid DLC while the game was in a bad state >DLC is overpriced >had special editions of the game that said it included the initial DLC then did not cover said DLC >leveling system is a grind >weapon balance is fugged >servers are fugged >matchmaking is fugged >customization is lacking in some areas >updates are slow >current content offerings are sparse >always online cancer Honestly they should be happy anyone is even still playing. >Do you think they can recover? Sadly yes. The brand alone will keep it going long enough until they get it into a passable enough state for the gay niggers who will then forgive all this behavior and shill it to their butt buddies. Faggots need a police crackdown on their asses for ruining what should be such a simple fucking concept.
>>936529 >fags don't even have a server browser
>>936529 >ignores players concern because lel blank slate consumers will just consume >consumers don't just consume >also launches busted Hope the DEI and ESG was worth it.
Overkill just made a big announcement: they're adding offline. Probably because the game has no fucking players lmao
>>936822 It's also probably because the always online failed at killing cheating and maybe even the DLC unlocking (if there's one already), like it was supposed to do.
>>936829 DLC unlocking has been in the PD community for years. Im sure one will come out eventually (or when more DLC comes out for PD3
>>936508 Give it 10 years, Payday 2 become a stable game with a constant player base after like 10 years since release.
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>>936539 >DEI and ESG So, what did the devs do? I stopped paying attention to this dumpster fire the moment I heard that it was online only.
>>936508 Is it because of its overpriced polygons market from the second game? Same reason why there won't be a Team Fortress 3?
>>936508 Payday 3 somehow doing worse than suicide squad kills the justice league?
>>937905 >>936532 Kinda based of the devs to admit black committing crimes important to payday lore.
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Payday 3 developer Starbreeze ousts CEO Tobias Sjogren >Starbreeze Entertainment has named Juergen Goeldner its interim CEO. https://archive.is/GyP3l
>>945648 The CEO got sacked? Good on fucking Starbreeze, usually the devs are the ones shit on when doomed business plans go tits up so it's nice to see the clueless MBAs and business bros rightfully getting the blame for once.
>>945693 I'm not sure if this will accelerate the fixes, but we'll see what happens next.
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Payday 3? More like Mayday 3!
>>945648 I personally can't wait until it somehow gets far worse. >>945717 Such is the way of the triple gAAAy.
Payday 3 is dipping into less than 100 players now, holy shit. Not even KSP2 has been this much of a failure. I'm not sure I can think of another AAA game that ate shit this hard.
>>945958 I would say Fallout 76, but it's a tossup, really.
>>946032 We already know you dont play videogames, monkey.
>>945958 Suicide Squad
>>936508 As someone who has never experienced Payday aside from the Cloaker sound effect, what even is the gameplay loop like?
>>946067 >what even is the gameplay loop like? The joke answer is bag carrying. The real answer? Actually pretty diverse, not just in gameplay but in how heists are played. Some heists require you to sneak around and complete objectives with little-to-no combat, others require you stay put and defend an area against hordes of SWAT. One or two are even designed in roughly in that same "march towards the end of the level while overcoming challenges" style from Left 4 Dead. That said the average heist requires you break into somewhere, bag something of importance (anything from cocaine to nuclear bombs), and get out alive. A few heists have this planning feature that allows you to setup equipment and dead drops as well as radically alter how the heist will play out, some even letting you prepare a plan B in case you screw up plan A. There's so much to Payday 2 it's hard to describe the game, which is precisely why the bare bones GaaS pile of shit that Payday 3 turned out to be is such an insulting disappointment.
>>945989 Not even Fallout 76 was that much of a failure. It still managed to keep some players... somehow? I don't really know how myself even as someone who kinda liked the game as a survival game early on but got turned away by the bugs and the fallout 3 tier level scaling forcing you to be a metamancer or eat shit. Then they did all the wastelanders shit and the survival changes and it wasn't even really a surivival game at that point, just... co-op sludge? I guess? To answer the question though, I think something like Darktide before the reworking of everything or Saints Row: Agents of Mayhem would be a better comparison. In the sense of being decently anticipated games that turned out ass and lost players heavily over time and ended with paltry numbers.
>>946262 >Saints Row: Agents of Mayhem I think 2022 would be a better example. Hell, hey even not only recieved backlash before the game even came put with their preposterous marketing, and it bombed so hard Volition closed. Forspoken is also an example of a game failing so hard the studio shut down.
>>945693 people always blame the ceo, but the owner is ALWAYS the true villain. a key requirement of being the ceo, is that you're the dude who's going to absorb everyone's ire when all shit goes to hell. that's part of why they receive such large salaries and why so few of them ever fess up after everything's gone tits up. because no one likes a ceo who points fingers and blames the people truly responsible for things. that's the kind of ceo who can say goodbye to ever being hired anywhere, ever again. these corpo scum people keep tabs on these things. why do you guys think bobby kotick is still alive in that world? why hasn't that little fucking kike goblin not been thrown the fuck out of the corpo world a long time ago for being so insanely disgusting and unlikeable? it's because these people know better than to shit where they eat. they know better than to start pointing fingers and giving names. to out the people truly behind all this shit. the owners and the share-holders. the governments, even.
>>945958 >I'm not sure I can think of another AAA game that ate shit this hard. Hyenas?
>>947744 wel, hyenas went absolutely overboard, and then some. few games can compare to that literal elite-tier clusterfuck.
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>>947747 It literally killed most of CA shill ecelebs
>>947781 yeah, that was fucking great, that was well-deserved.
>>946087 Is Payday 2 in particular a live service type of game requiring at least some of the devs' servers running, or is there p2p/offline modes available? Because I've watched a few videos of people shitposting about it and I really feel like getting into it but I don't want to end up with a situation like all modern shooters where only the people who were there from the very beginning have any shot at playing the game effectively.
>>964582 It's entire P2P from my understanding, though they recently changed it to use fucking EOS instead of Steamworks for that. The game also has a somewhat robust singleplayer mode with customizable teammate bots.
>>964586 Great, I guess I'll end up checking it out then
>>936529 >Sadly yes. The brand alone will keep it going long enough until they get it into a passable enough state for the gay niggers who will then forgive all this behavior and shill it to their butt buddies. Faggots need a police crackdown on their asses for ruining what should be such a simple fucking concept. Nah Not even BattleFailed 2042 stoop this low >>947744 I'm not sure that counts when Hyenas was literally never released because of how much of a liability it was

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