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mandatory / game fixing mods Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 14:20:56 Id: 258953 No. 938044
Some games have 1 or 2 huge flaws that make them unplayable. This would mean that with the simple modification, they would be great. DK64 has a "switch monkeys anywhere" mod and when using this mod, the game went from one of the worst video games of all time to an instant top 10 for me, not joking. Also, Breath Of The Wild has an "important weapons and shields don't break" mod that has turned this game from annoying and mediocre to a near perfect experience. What are other mods like this?
>>938044 It's not a mod but Dragon's Dogma's Dark Arisen remaster came with an Eternal Ferrystone because people were complaining about the lack of fast travel. Hopefully with DD2 they fix the issue of traversing around the map with the chariots system where you have to get into a fight or two between fast traveling, which is a nice risk VS reward system.
>>938044 >important weapons and shields don't break Yes, fucking thank you. The "champion" weapons should have been on a timer (like the Master Sword) but received elemental powers to justify using them at all. And having THE shield be breakable is nonsense.
Believe it or not I actually played it when it came out AND enjoyed it.
>>938058 I believe you, but I can't enjoy a game when the game creators needed to do just 1 simple thing and didn't.
Command and conquer 3 had pvp patches that drastically reduced resource income. This change also affected the campaign making it much harder or even impossible on the higher difficulties. You need a patch to rollback the changes if you want to play the campaign.
>>938047 Ferrystone was one of the better changes indeed
>>938058 Might be your nostalgia blinding you anon. When's the last time you beat it?
Fire Emblem 6 needs a no ambush spawns mod. The "Mangs" rebalance patch is the best one I've seen that includes this without changing everything. It doesn't exist, but I think an Advance Wars: Dual Strike mod that disabled Dual Strikes in the campaign, for player and enemy, and let you always control the second front would improve it massively. The need to use Sasha to kill the enemy's dual strike in every level really limits your options in a campaign that is otherwise very open.
>Castlevania II: Retranslation + Map I can never shill this enough. I still hear people talk about Castlevania II: Redacted, but that one sucks. That version is retranslated to what the modder thought would be "better." He just changed shit to tell you things he thought were too cryptic, for example. Retranslated + Map autistically goes through it line by line and retranslates everything for accuracy. While it is true that some lines are not helpful on purpose, and it's more cryptic than Redacted, it's not at all bullshit. It's all perfectly reasonable now. As the title implies, there's also a map you can bring up by pressing Select. Normally I'm a stickler for not doing things that make the game easier like this, but I don't think this is cheating because it's just a digitized version of the map that came in the Japanese manual. In North America, it was only printed in Nintendo Power. And of course a lot of kids would not look at the manual anyway. But now you have the most important part of the manual actually in the game. The layout of the overworld, which was previously barely comprehensible, now makes sense. The map is just a circle with a few paths that splinter off, which are stairs in the overworld. If you get the hack from the official website, it also has other optional features which you can pick before you download. One I really like is an opening cutscene which is based on the opening text from the manual. It just takes that text and overlays it on top of images from Castlevania I which it is describing, Simon beating Dracula and all that, and then a few other images made of sprites from these two games, all fitting perfectly and looking totally natural. And again, it's all stuff that is in the manual. It's meant to be part of the game. There's also a save system instead of passwords, of course, which again isn't cheating since the FDS version used saves instead of passwords. Other optional features which some people might like but I didn't use, due to actually changing the nature of the game (and not being things that were in the manual), include turning off those fake blocks that you can fall through, and letting you press down and jump to drop down from stairs. Yes, fake blocks are still the most annoying part of the game, but when they're the worst thing left, they're not that bad. I think turning them off is cheating, but you can do it if you want, along with a bunch of other small changes like this. This takes a controversial game with flaws that its defenders readily acknowledge and turns it into an excellent game all around, and it does it just by including things that were all intended and made to be part of the game anyway. It fixes the translation, it takes the map and opening from the manual and puts them in the actual game, and it adds a save system. And by nature of it being the NES version and not the FDS version, it fixes the loading and disk flipping, which Japanese fans will gladly point out makes the original Japanese version of this game actually worse than the butchered translation we got in English. One of the best hacks ever made, and makes this a must-play NES game.
Forgot Final Fantasy Tactics Advance's laws. They are a super poorly thought out mechanic for how much impact they have on the game. Each in-game day certain actions, like knocking units back or using certain skillsets, are prohibited. Their only potential maybe positive benefit is that they might encourage keeping alternates on your team or mastering a variety of abilities so you can bench someone and replace them, or change their kit if their ability is prohibited, but most of the time this just comes off as annoying an arbitrary. Worse still this rarely impedes enemies, since all the enemies you'd want to hose with laws have a special enemy exclusive ability to just ignore them with no real penalty, and the few times you can actually take advantage of laws, it feels like a developer oversight (the first major boss splits into a bunch of sub-bosses with Charm as their sole ability and the developers neglected to give these parts immunity to law so they do nothing if Charm is prohibited) or more trouble that it's worth (You can berserk enemies while use of the Fight command is prohibited, but it takes too long for the penalties they get to be meaingful) than actually being clever. The ability to manipulate laws both comes way too late in the game, is too expensive, and too narrow for what you can change to be worth bothering with, and because every battle in the game is player initiated there's no reason to not just delay a fight a day for better laws instead. It's unclear how this was ever considered a good idea. Naturally, there's multiple "no laws" patches out there. The sequel overhauled laws, but only really made them near negligible in impact instead of frustrating. You get a small benefit as long as you obey a fixed per-mission law, but these are generally so narrow you will genuinely forget about these prohibitions in most fights because they'd rarely come up (I can't use Ice damage in a fight against humanoids who aren't weak to ice?).
>Sonic 3D Blast: Director's Cut This isn't called "Director's Cut" just as a reference to Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. This hack was actually made by the original director of Sonic 3D Blast, Jon Burton. First of all, he tweaked the physics. His Youtube channel, Gamehut, gave progress videos on this whole project, and while normally I'd be worried about changing the physics in a game, he showed that this wasn't a slapdash effort. It was thoughtful, and while personally I was okay with the physics before, this is tweaked just slightly enough that fans won't find it weird, but people who didn't like it before have had their complaints listened to. In the original version of the game, you could get one Chaos Emerald per act. This made it so unless you sucked at the game, you got every Emerald by the first act of the fourth Zone. However, Special Stages are actually tied to Zones, so most players would never see the later Special Stages. If you are any good, you got the Emeralds before then. If you're bad, you probably won't get all the Emeralds anyway. Now this does add a bit of challenge, by forcing you to play the later Special Stages to get the Emeralds, but I think asking you to play every level is a fair addition of challenge. This hack of course adds Super Sonic, which of course is now unlocked when you get all seven Chaos Emeralds. It's exactly what you expect. He's faster and invulnerable and looks cool and you lose one ring per second. It's just what you want. I could see some people complaining that you can't unlock him until later in the game, since you can't get all the Emeralds until the end of the game, but actually he is still useful, as I'll get to. Remember the Sonic Tokens you could get in the original? Originally, they only got you free lives, which weren't super difficult to get, so there was no real need to look for them. Now the game actually checks if you got them all, giving you more of a reason to look for them, and thus to explore the level more fully. Oh yeah, with some things like getting those tokens, or maybe retrying if you fucked up in a Special Stage, you might want to redo a level, but in the original, you'd be fucked. Now there's a very nice looking level select menu between stages. Nothing special, just your Sonic sprite going across a linear line of levels, but it's nothing too dissimilar from, say, the map in Sonic Colors, only linear and of course not as fancy. But it fits perfectly well for a Genesis game. Importantly, this lets you go back to previous levels whenever you want, and shows all your collectables and such. Each level now also has both a Time Attack and a Score Attack. In Time Attack, you don't have to collect Flickies. So for all the people who hated that, now there's a mode for you. Of course, the game wasn't built for it, so it's not the main mode, but just doing a straight shot to the end is a fun challenge, and the times set felt very fulfilling. Score Attack is what it says on the tin as well. Also pretty fun. This is a complete improvement over the Genesis version in every way. The only issue is that there's also a Saturn version, and some players may prefer that version. The reason the Genesis version was used was because that was the original, and the Saturn port was done by an outside team. The Saturn port has different textures and music, as well as a different Special Stage actually made by Sonic Team. I do think the textures look nice. The music is also good, though I personally prefer the Genesis version. The Special Stages are good in both, but of course most people would want the fancy true-3D Saturn version. It would be cool if someone made some sort of ultimate mod that let you choose between the Saturn and Genesis features, and included the Director's Cut features, which could now be applied to the Saturn version stuff. But that's not what we have. Still, Sonic 3D Blast: Director's Cut is exactly what it says, and makes the previous game look unfinished by comparison. Everything about the Director's Cut feels perfectly natural, and it surpasses the Saturn version in every way except for the textures, Special Stages, and arguably the music. Due to the many things it adds, including the ability to go back to previous levels and get more collectables and beat more challenges, I'd recommend it over the Saturn version, and the Genesis version is completely obsolete.
>>938160 That's amazing.
Zelda 2 is a terrible game, vanilla is practically unplayable. A mod, Zelda 2 Redux, turns it into an actually fun game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYFM5OPIc-0
>>938257 I beat Zelda 2 at six years old without a guide (though I did have the manual). Not only is it playable, it is fun.
>>938104 I didn't beat it but I played it a few years back and still thought it was good. DK64 has a lot of soul.
>>938044 >DK64 >flaws No.
>>938044 The only objective flaws with DK64 is that the Beaver Bother mini game doesn't fucking work and you need luck for it to function right to win, and the Mechanical fish banana is impossible to get if you have the binoculars zoom on, due to frame rate issues, you need to unequip them to get that banana which no one would ever think to do. Maybe DK64 hasn't aged the best out of most collectables, but you're signing up for "the most collectables in any game ever" at this point. I fucked around a ton in DK64 as a kid. I got 101% before, and I'll probably do it again someday. "Worse games of all time" is a retarded statement all you have to do is focus on only the shit that corsponds to you're current Kong and keep a mental note of the shit you see for the other Kongs when you return as them. >>938257 The only thing you need to enjoy Zelda 2 is a guide for when you get stuck, which is something that goes for a ton of cryptic NES games that were made to sell Nintendo Power, and it's a good idea to leave the free ups for the very end of the game when you have to go through the final gauntlet.
>>938275 >The only objective flaws with DK64 is that the Beaver Bother mini game doesn't fucking work and you need luck for it to function right to win, <he found the one flaw >and the Mechanical fish banana is impossible to get if you have the binoculars zoom on, due to frame rate issues, you need to unequip them to get that banana which no one would ever think to do. I'm having trouble remembering this.
>>938279 It's an obscure bug, and most people don't encounter it, but the essentally the Sniper Scope upgrade will increese the draw distance of the game when turn on, which sill slow the framerate but not the timer so this fucks with this banana. This is the video where I heard about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQspd_6ppO8
>>938285 >direct linking https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wQspd_6ppO8 >essentally the Sniper Scope upgrade will increese the draw distance of the game when turn on, which sill slow the framerate but not the timer so this fucks with this banana. Huh. Fascinating. Thanks for the video, anon. I don't remember ever having trouble with it, so I probably did it before the sniper upgrade. Also, unlike the guy in the video, I did fully 101% the game, even getting all 500 colored bananas in every level.
The biggest flaw is forcing the player to beat the mario arcade game
>>938315 but just look at the Nintendo coin. It's adorable.
>>938315 But the Mario arcade is fun.
>>938044 TES IV: Oblivion's level scaling is said to be awful. Mods like Oscur's Oblivion Overhaul OOO and Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul MOO could fix that, but you have to play with the configuration for MOO to get it just right.
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New Vegas is so broken you have to install the community patch for it otherwise the game just starts falling apart after awhile. If you've never played raw vanilla NV, the game's bugs get downright bizarre. I remember once, all insect enemies became immune to explosions, but not the projectiles from said explosions. A grenade would still hurt a cazador, but not the detonation. Another was the game crashing when trying to set the Winchester M1886 (the "cowboy repeater") to any of the hotkeys. Just the Winchester M1886, nothing else.
>>938257 When I finally sat down and beat Zelda II a few years ago, I realized all the complaints about it being cryptic were stupid. The combat can be difficult, but once you learn how to play it, a bit more slowly and deliberately than modern games expect (but many older games expected), it's not that bad. It's not Castlevania or Ninja Gaiden hard, and those aren't even close to the hardest NES games. Also, if you really suck balls, there are a few places you can grind. Not that you need to if you are smart about your EXP distribution, but you can grind if you want. Basically, you just suck. Zelda II is an excellent game in its vanilla form. The few things that are frustrating, like losing EXP on game overs, are still fair. The trick is to just not get game overs. Although I don't know if the game actually gives any clues on the correct path through Death Mountain. That's pretty tough and a single clue somewhere for it would be good. It's incredibly easy to remember once you know it, but if you don't know it, I could see it being a pain. Though since I'm autistic as hell, the correct path is the first one I ever tried. It's just that you should always take the rightmost path, unless you came out of the rightmost path, in which case you take the second rightmost path. Just go right, like you're supposed to do in video games.
>>938418 >Drug addicted whore No thanks
>>938418 I mean that's true of most Bethesda yes I know Obsidian developed the game but it's still running on FO3's engine games isn't it? Starfield is a mess, Skyrim barely holds itself together even after ten years of patches, even Oblivion notoriously has a bug where saving in the same slot enough times corrupts it. And that's without mentioning issues that just interfere with gameplay in any of them.
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>>938509 It's one of the things that make me absolute hate their games and company, despite Bethesda railroading you so hard and trying so hard for you not to break the game so you can be tied to their mediocre ride with no highs or downs, the game itself breaks itself apart anyway. It's why their bugs are so popular among redditors, it's a boring sludge until they happen and they can get some free room to actually be creative on a fucking sandbox RPG.
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>>938418 I don't really get those "FNV was a buggy mess" posts. I played it a LOT back then, and only got a really bizarre bug once.
>>938535 You probably had a 32bit version of windows anon, or didn't play it on hours on end. Once the game consumes a certain amount of ram it just straight up crashes, the rame amount is going to be different for every pc but is always consistent. The game crashing bugs are caused by it being a 32bit game, since 4gb is the hard limit of a 32bit OS. Since the average pc these days more than 4gb of ram it's very easy to hit that limit with a somewhat long session since your pc can easliy give it out. As long you save often and restart new vegas often the 32bit bug should be a problem.
>>938257 >I am THIS bad at video games
>>938315 That and Jetpack were why I never beat DK64. Having to save all the bear creatures in every level kept me from finishing Jet Force Gemini, but that was more of the "go fuck youself" that I felt when I got to the "end" of Castlevania 64 on easy.
>>938627 Getting all the Tribals does feel like bullshit if you didn't pay attention to them much before knowing it's a requirement like i'm sure the majority of people did, but if you ever start a new playthough keeping in mind you're gonna need all of them then it's more reasonable, since it's an active task you're doing rather then a shit load of back tracking.
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>>938552 I played on the 360.
>>938552 >>938729 I also played it first on 360 then PC and had no glitches. A friend of mine on Xbox live had non stop glitches and threw a shit fit whenever I said good things about NV.
>>938044 Evil Genius requires hex editing to speed up the money collection in the early game because it takes too long to reach actual missions and it leads to glitches
>>938501 she just wants you to be ok, she doesn't mean to turn you into an opioid addict
Baldur's Gate requires going to the config file and doubling the speed of the game, default speed is too slow.
>>938495 As a got-gud Zelda II gamerbro, haters are reliably filtered shitters who either don't back up their hate or hide behind meme complaints, but it is top 10% hardest for NES, like the Castlevanias at least. Maybe harder. So they won't like it which is OK, it's not for them. There is a singular event that's too cryptic, a StarTropics situation: the manual reveals the hammer cuts trees. If you emulate with no manual this is counterintuitive but needed to find New Kasuto. The game hint's vague: "THE TOWN IS DEAD. LOOK EAST IN WOODS." You're conditioned from earlier exploration, like finding Bagu, to think "LOOK IN WOODS" means moving over tiles. Death Mountain's tough and it gets harder, the Great Palace is the peak. If you want to pull off a pro gamer move, try doing Death Mountain without the candle.
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>>961708 >that spoiler
>>961708 >spoiler I've done that! You can see enemy feet on the darkened ground tiles so you aren't completely blind. Bats remain a nuisance, however.

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