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Souls Thread Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 04:37:14 Id: 441837 No. 938248
Talk about the Souls games including Sekiro, Bloodborne and Elden Ring, Nioh and Lies of P. Last thread >>790634 Making this thread since the trailer for the expansion is out tomorrow and knowing /v/ the old thread will fill in about 20 mins of the trailer being out. It's been a long wait but what are your expectations soulsfags of /v/?
>>938248 Hoping there's something akin to Demon's Souls World Tendency, wouldn't mind a global Blood Moon/Dark Moon/Golden Sun environmental/weather event that changes world bosses and mob behavior and abilities. But I digress, hope they gives us more shit about Godwyn and Miquella along with using a lot of the empty spaces in the world, under and over.
>Shota becomes Femto >Melania and the Needle becomes a major quest >Melina has much more going on for her >New location >49.99 price tag >Quality of life updates >New gear up the ass >More NPC quests or expanded NPC quests >Cut content returns >Quest line that makes Rabbi's seem like a minor side quest >New endings Well that's what I got.
>>938260 Additionally I'm hoping for >true Godwyn ending (as opposed to Fia's halfassed one) >possibly a Dragonlord and/or Crucible ending >alternate overworld (even just change the skybox, swap the Erdtree for the Dark Erdtree, and slap a shader on) >chalice dungeons >horse armor
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>>938265 >horse armor Anon may I ask just why?
>>938266 Well less <horse armor and more >horse outfits You would have to admit that having tree sentinel armor, a night cavalry cloak, or an ancestral spirit glow (or whatever you would call it) would be nice to have on Torrent.
>>938260 >Melina has much more going on for her I personally want this. >>938269 Actually that's not a bad idea.
>>938266 there's nothing wrong with wanting to dress up your horse in a video game... as long as it's not turned into a fucking paid dlc.
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I am going to go for the Reformed Orthodox Rabbi Bill Clinton Ending by proving to the outer gods that Bill Clinton did not fuck those kids on the loli Express. >>938260 <Cut content returns I wouldn't mind wearing Fia's Panties. But in all honestly it probably smell like corpses and old people dick. She probably never takes showers either so it must have never been washed either. Shit you get debuffed simply from hugging her imagine what kind of debuff (STD) you can get from banging her! Imagine the smell after she fucked Godwyn, never mind that though HOW in the fuck did she managed to fuck Godwyn in the first place? He's HUGE.
>Fucking Elden meme's DLC is real What a time to be alive.
>>938304 Actually I believe it should be paid DLC.
>>938248 >Elden Ring mobile game is in the works >Elden Ring news tomorrow >Nintendo Direct tomorrow I don't like where this is going
>>938248 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLZenOn7WUo Here's the trailer for those who're interested.
one hour and a half left
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>>938349 make that 2 hours
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What's the point of a countdown, just to start a new one? Anyway, if anyone else enjoys those "X elden Ring Boss vs every single other ER boss"" type videos, they have started importing bosses from other games >Sword Saint Isshin VS All Bosses https://yewtu.be/watch?v=3bTlQvHVU0o >Lady Maria VS All Bosses https://yewtu.be/watch?v=M9huadjxEqU >Pontiff Sulyvahn VS All Bosses https://yewtu.be/watch?v=x5BHxQk1nWE I wonder if they could also add an Armored Core 6 boss, since it might use the same engine.
>inb4 another 20 halberds with the same goddamn retardocopter R2 FUCK YOU MIYAHACKI
>>938357 They actually imported AC maps to Elden Ring, haven't seen if it has evolved since then.
>>938365 Maybe in an year or so, we could get Malenia vs IB-01: CEL 240, but they would need to scale them to the same same size.
Less than one minute, here we go. Get hyped to consume new product and be happy :^)
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21st June Release date. I enjoyed ER and will most likely play the DLC on release, just need to free up some space on my computer.
>>938371 It's already out though
>>938373 I'm so tired of waiting
>>938373 I wish they would stop with the Hans Zimmer faggot drums. I'm so fucking sick of that shit in every trailer.
>>938373 Theyre treating it like it is a standalone game. I wonder if it will be worth starting another playthrough.
>Special edition for an expansion BRAVO FROMSOFT
>>938377 Well it's certainly priced like a full game.
>>938379 > a full game. But anon, a full game is priced at 70 dollars nowadays.
>>938379 >>938378 It's not even standalone The fuck, I know it's the only DLC they're making and it's probably filled with content considering how long it took, but damn. Good think I pirated the base game >>938377 >worth starting another playthrough. Considering the size of the DLC (60 fucking Gigs) and the Rebirth mechanic, I'm not doing it. The base game is still fresh in my mind and not all of it was good.
>>938382 I also pirated, I might do the same for this if my backlog agrees with it. I dont pirate this for any moral reason, I just selfishly dont wish to pay 60 dollarydoos for it.
Well, Miquella going all crazy, hope there's some Godwyn too, considering they both died and are divested of their Gold.
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>>938381 >But anon, a full game is priced at 70 dollars nowadays. it's not and never will be at that price everyone will just wait for a sale there are too many good games on everyone's backlogs for this to take off.
>>938260 >>New endings Unfortunately looks like this isn't happening. From the Famitsu interview: >――謎は深まるばかりですが、新たな出会いが楽しみになりますね。気が早い質問ですが、DLCエリアをクリアーすると専用のエンディングを見られるのでしょうか? >宮崎 単体のエンディングというか、エンドクレジットが流れるようなものはありません。 >ただ、DLCのクリアーは明確になるよう調整されていますし、それを感じるための、ちょっとした演出も用意されています。 According to DeepL: >-The mystery only deepens, but I'm looking forward to meeting new people. This is an early question, but if I clear the DLC area, will I be able to see an exclusive ending? >Miyazaki: There is no stand-alone ending, or rather, no end credits to be played. >However, we have adjusted the DLC so that clearing the DLC is clear, and we have prepared a little performance to make you feel that way. Sounds like we won't get a new ending, but maybe the ending of the DLC is somehow conclusive, at least for that storyline. But either way if you beat the DLC before the base game I guess the base game plays out the same regardless. Kind of hard for me to believe that meeting Miquella will have absolutely no effect on the encounter with Melania though, surely there will be something... Here is the full interview, in case any moon rune scholar wants to take a crack at it: https://s.famitsu.com/news/202402/22335199.html
>>938389 Just wait for the inevitable game of the year/whatever edition that includes it and the DLC for a much more reasonable price. Then wait for a sale on top of it. That is what I always do with these games.
No mention of the DLC being on the disc.
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>>938439 It says that you get the digital download code in the fine print. >then why would anyone buy the Collector's Edition? Mostly for the artbook and/or statue. Personally I don't care about that shit, but there are people who do.
>>938442 Not that I was going to fund Bamco after the Gundam disaster but they can't even follow through on including content like the majority of previous titles.

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>>938410 Very likely he'll end up being the final boss but he does seem to be taking the "maiden" role in this based on the trailer narration at the end. Telling you to find him through his withered corpse hand.
>>938437 >Kind of hard for me to believe that meeting Miquella will have absolutely no effect on the encounter with Melania though Doubt it, but I also doubt it will be anything meaningful, likely just new dialog. Even more dialog if we equip Miquella dropped items if we're lucky. >>938444 (checked) >Gundam disaster What do you mean anon? The New Gundam Breaker fiasco or the Witch from Mercury debacle?
>>938378 Oh shit it's Messmer the Impaler! Who the fuck is Messmer the Impaler?
>>938442 >artbook <40 ((as "many" as 4 tens) pages more like art pamphlet
>>938437 Knowing Miyazaki he's most likely leaving shit out as he does.
>Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree is FromSoftware's "Largest expansion ever." >Based on lore written by George RR Martin prior to the game's release. >10+ new bosses >8 new weapon types >Boss equal in difficulty to Malenia >Will contain a Poison Swamp Archiving as we speak https://archive.is/wip/RYR1O
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>>938490 >Based on lore written by George RR Martin prior to the game's release. Should have as much "lore" as the original >8 new weapon types With completely new movesets? >Boss equal in difficulty to Malenia Now that's scary
>>938490 >>Boss equal in difficulty to Malenia Do they mean that all 10+ bosses will be at Malenia tier difficulty or that it has one boss of that difficulty level? >>Will contain a Poison Swamp Now THAT'S scary!
>>938491 >With completely new movesets? Yeah, that's probably what they mean. >>938494 I think it's just one boss.
>>938494 >Will contain a Poison Swamp >Now THAT'S scary! I doubt it, they learned from DS2 considering their latest games.
>>938446 People in Miquellas Haligtree were in cocoons turning into moths as well as Miquella himself. Dare I say will he turn into some kind of Moth/Shota Malenia kinda deal? >Will contain a Poison Swamp Pfft. It wont be as bad as the lake of rot. Thats what it will say on my tombstone >>938494 You English second language? Boss is a singular word not plural. If multiple bosses would be malenia tier it would have said bosses. >>938461 >Who the fuck is Messmer the Impaler? Don't worry anon. VaatiVidya will analyze him, his lore, his relationships, his outfit, taxes returns, medical records, internet history, work schedule, his house when he's not at home and every single follicle of his foreskin if he could.
>>938461 Miquella obviously
>>938506 >VaatiVidya Does he still steal content?
>>938506 VaatiVidya? More like SmegmaKing!
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>>938506 >>938513 >VaatiVidya
>>938506 We love our butterflies, don't we folks?
>>938379 >MFW your a fucking leaf Please nuke us.
>>938532 Makes you wish Fallout was real doesn't it?
>>938532 Sail the Maple Seas, unless you really want to fiddle around Online.
>>938532 If you hate being a leaf so much you should go to your closest hospital and ask to be euthanized.
>>938529 I still find it hilarious how he called Armored Core 6 a fucking souls game.
>>938587 What do you expect from a cuckchan redditor?
>>938532 Oh God is that a Winter Lantern?
>>938598 True, although one has to ask if Super Mario Bros. was the original soulslike.
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>>938616 No, Faxanadu was
>>938587 >he called Armored Core 6 a fucking souls game. Oh my fucking god please tell me you're just baiting
>>938618 He before getting ripped a new arsehole was thinking it'd be "armored souls"
>>938618 >He actually thought Soulsniggers played anything else or did basic fucking research Come on man, Vaati only plays games for the lore videos and the lore videos secondaries don't even ay vidya, they just watch others play it like Personafags.
>>938617 But in Super Mario Bros, you're dodging Bowsers attacks, and watching his attack patterns. Just like Dark Souls.
>>938269 I'd also like if we got different whistles that let us summon Torrent as the horses that the various knights in service to Runebearers ride, though I guess there wouldn't be one for the Serpent guy since he went rogue and you don't fight any mounted knights bearing his heraldry.
>>938616 Serious answer: Castlevania. Really all 3 of the NES ones + Vampire Killer all have ancestral elements to Souls games. I further justify this with two points" 1) Castlevania's relationship to Ninja Gaiden is is the same sort of relationship that Souls has to Sekiro (and Nioh as well really). Bonus points for Castlevania and Ninja Gaiden both having similarly odd arcade versions/ports/sequels/ 2) Bloodborne is almost the perfect 3D Castlevania game. You can really feel it when you wonder around Painhurts castle with one of the whip weapons. It's a way better 3D Castlevania experience than any of Konami's actual 3D Castlevanias. The soundtrack to CV Judgment not withstanding. Even more accurate, but possibly anger inducing answer: Ocarina of Time. Why has Nintendo not made a Souls ripoff yet even?
If anyone happens to care anything about Wo Long there's a free armor set that you can get from today until the end of this month. It's Black Turtle armor. It's not quite as grandeous as the Golden Nioh armor was but it's rather nice looking. Nice gold trim.
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>>938618 He did in the thumbnail for his trailer discussion on AC 6 until he got tore a new one in the comments section and online in general. Then did a huge salty rant about it in his followup video he made for the second trailer, I think? It was in some later AC6 vid he did cuz some fanboy of his got on my ass for calling him the "Armored Souls guy". I don't understand why anyone would like that content thief in the first place. Even as a lore guy myself, he's pretty terrible at summarizing things and doesn't ever make original theories of his own so by the time he gets something out on the subject it's been discussed to death. About the only thing he has going for himself is momentum from being the first big lore guy for DS1 and being good at that formal narrator voice that some people really like.
>>938660 We don't need a remake. We need a port
>>938657 I can't even run that shitty game on my PC when Nioh 1/2 ran without a single issue. It can go fuck itself.
>DLC costs more if you already own the game It's like they think I won't creamapi this shit lmao
>>938723 What?
Where does /v/ stand on King's Field and Shadow Tower?
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>>938751 I also thought what >>938723 was weird, so I checked Steam. As far as I can tell, if you have ER you pay 40 euro for the DLC, or you can pay 60 euro for base game, and then 40 euro for DLC, or you can pay 80 euro for the base game + DLC bundle, which is complete bullshit.
>>938754 Here's it Leaf and Freedom.
>>938753 >/v/ is one person I think they're good dungeon crawler games, if primitive newfag-kun I really need to play the mods for Sword of Moonlight. https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Sword_of_Moonlight:_King%E2%80%99s_Field_Making_Tool
>>938753 I played King's Field a long time ago on a rental, and remember it being really good. Tried to go back recently and play it through emulation, and the controls filtered me hard. That's one which could really use a modern re-release.
>>938808 Controls are easy and can be changed, just use the bumpers to strafe instead of the right and left DPAD which rotate your camera. Takes 5 minutes to get familiar with it, and again, you can change the controls to strafe with the left and right DPAD. I think the main issue that filter most people is the slow walking speed with tons of free space and the fucking fog.
>>938778 In my experience, most anons have very similar opinions overall.
>>938819 You would be wrong, I despise most turn based JRPGs with MMOs and Gacha making me physically ill, but plenty of people here play and enjoy those. Plenty of people here also can't get into RTS games and turn based strategy. Different strokes, it's just that anons usually align on the popular mainstream games that are good, mediocre or shit no matter the genre.
>>938821 >>938819 When it comes to that topic I fucking hate Xenoblade 2 and 3 but it seems like most anons here like those games despite how mediocre they truly are. I liked XBC1 but the definitive edition fucking abandoned the first games unique storybook kinda artstyle for generic moeshit and shat on every single song in the game with something that sounds like some dogshit a kindergartener made and I may be the only one here who played and enjoyed Xenoblade X. FFXIV is well and truly loved but when I tried that game I am bored to tears every single time and I drop it at a relatively low level, its generic as fuck as it goes like go there do that quest, now go there do that quest, now go there and deliver food to that guy, now go there and fight that thing with the boring unresponsive combat system, now talk to this person who wants you to read a short boring fucking essay every so often DID YOU RIKE IT???? It feels like I'm working a 9/5 playing that shit. Squeenix injecting elements from that shit game into FFXVI nearly ruined it.
>>938839 >enjoyed Xenoblade X.
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>>938839 >I may be the only one here who played and enjoyed Xenoblade X
>>938378 Wait so Elden ring is on PS4 but the DLC won't be?
>>938446 ib4 miquella in the cocoon split his male and female halves much like marika, the male part being Messmer and the female our new maiden
>>938659 How is it the ozzie who does the lore videos with the russian and went full troon sounds less gay than vaatividya
How the fuck do you even deal with Laxasia the Complete Bullshit Boss' second phase?
>>938850 Seems like it, although I could be wrong.
>>938853 Focus on perfect blocking her thunderbolts then focus on dodging her melee attacks. I always use the blue spirit chick to give me a boost as well because I suck pure ass at the game.
>>939001 >Focus on perfect blocking I have managed to intentionally perfect block in this game maybe 5 times total. I am so fucked.
>>938841 I thought it was only shit due to the censorship?
From what I understand the expansion's map is going pretty big, around bigger then Limgrave and that was a huge part of the map.
>>939172 It's supposed to be pretty densely packed compared to the base game. One of the biggest problems I had with the base game is just how spread out shit is in some areas, so that's nice.
>>939175 Now in some areas it being more spread out wasn't a bad thing, but in other area's like the mountaintop of the giants It was pretty rough.
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>>939172 Limgrave doesn't feel so big anymore once you get used to it and know all the areas. Still even after hundreds of hours and multiple playthroughs I often times find new shit there anyways. The DLC better be densely packed to its tits with content in the size of limgrave, kinda like Dark Souls 1, I want shit to distract me every 10 fucking steps I take, no need for Torrent here boys.
>>939538 Considering how Miyazaki undersold how big the map of the base game was and how long it would take to finish the game "30 hours" my fucking ass. I think the map will be larger then he says it will be and be densely packed, as in the trailer we see a lot of areas.
>>939538 > I want shit to distract me every 10 fucking steps Will you also be playing Subway Surfers at the same time?
I am debating whether I should enter NG+ or wait 4-6 months to play Shadow of the Erdtree on NG. I let Seluvis die before I could collect his Magic Scorpion talisman, so I'm missing 15% spell damage on my endgame Astrologer character.
>>939558 I think you should just wait since in NG+ all the quick travel options will be reset.
Fixed spelling mistake lel >>939558 >Same build, same *game, same bosses, same progression Wtf anon? You just want to play the game all over again in the exact same way? This isn't Sekiro. Do a new playthrough with a different build. You got STR, DEX, Faith and Arcane to use and tons of different spells and gear to shake things up. Go for it champ the game already gives you more than enough to succeed. If you make a RoB build though you are no doubt an irredeemable faggot.
>>939562 >Do a new playthrough with a different build. The best answer, is that right after you defeat the space whale and before you choose your ending, you teleport to Hogwarts, change your "class" right there, teleport back to the Erdtree, get the ending and start NG+ with your new build.
>get to end game in Lies of P >have become a blue haired twink in a fursuit No wonder daddy hates me.
>>939562 I already did what >>939567 had suggested: I beat the game at level 150 or so as a sorcerer build around the Carian Regal Sceptre, then visited Ranni's extremely hot, barefoot goth mother and got born anew. My NG+ one will be some INT/FAITH thing so I can max out the Prince of Death's Staff and the Golden Order Seal, at least until I get to Rennala again. I didn't use incantations at all in my first playthrough and I figured I'd try some, though they generally seem MUCH weaker than sorceries. What I'm really wondering is how hard I should expect to get buttfucked with Omen dicks if I enter the DLC for the first time in NG+ with my first (and currently my only) character. I was a late comer to Bloodborne, so I'm not sure if the earliest players struggled more than I did and whether I should expect to struggle more.
>>938723 pirate+goldberg emu
I know there is zero hope for this but I wish Eldon Rong would just drop the whole weapon upgrade / smithing stones system. This is something that has annoyed me somewhat in every Souls games, but I feel it got exponentially worse in Elden Ring. When you're exploring around in mid and late game, find a cool weapon, but it's effectively useless because it's not upgraded. Imagine if you could just pick up a weapon and use it right away instead of having to stick with the same weapon because of limited materials, that would make the game way more fun to me. The infusion system is ok, but generic weapon upgrades just seem so pointless, they just make your number bigger with no effects and nothing interest going on, but they are pretty much a requirement to do any reasonable amount of damage in the mid to late game, it's stupid and I hate it.
>>939798 I don't remember about the other games, but in Dark Souls 3 you can eventually buy all types of titanite in unlimited quantity, except for titanite slabs. So there is a limit as to how many weapons you can max out, but you can get all weapons close to maximum.
>>939798 Did you never find any of the bell bearings that let you buy upgrade materials from Roundtable Hold?
>>939798 >>939821 In Elden Ring you can buy up to the pen-ultimate upgrade material from the twin-maiden merchant from the Round Table. In order to upgrade a weapon to it's last tier, you need the Ancient Dragon stones, which are 13 per playthrough for normal weapons and 8 for magic weapons per playthrough. Now even if a weapon is at +9, instead of +10, it's not like it's total garbage now, so you CAN pick up a new weapon, spend a few minutes grinding, to buy the upgrade materials.
>>939821 >>939823 >>939824 The weapons you find are still useless until upgraded, so whenever you find something, you can't use it until you finish whatever dungeon you're on, teleport around a bunch of times, and grind. And that's AFTER you unlock the ability to purchase smithing stones, but purchasable smithing stones tend to become available only after that level of smithing stone is already obsolete, so throughout a normal playthrough you'll still be heavily restricted on what you can upgrade to the level you need for your current enemies.
>>939840 Just how many weapons are you switching around between that you're actually running out of upgrade materials? Go to a fucking mine.
>>939840 I agree, even infusions are an issue since you shouldn't need to infuse, say, a Greataxe to make it scale best with strength it should come that way out of the box. Obviously give people the option afterward to make it scale differently to allow for weapon variety but don't make it a requirement for the weapon to even function as intuited. They should just drop the generic +X thing and fold all that bonus attack into what you get from scaling, it would even let them remove the weapon level criteria for matchmaking. >>939873 It's not about running out of upgrade materials, it is about not being able to actually use loot you find since it's not upgraded enough to do good damage. If you find new armor or a ring you can immediately use it to full effect, why are weapons different? If they want to do upgrading, what they should do instead of just increasing your attack value is let you imbue the weapon with special properties the way certain unique weapons work.It would certainly be better than the current set-up where most people just hold the unique in their off-hand to get its benefits.
>>939798 I was able to upgrade to plus 23 and etc for several weapons. What are you doing?
Well /v/ think he'll go full Griffith on us?
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how you guys handling the wait? you boys holding up well?
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>>939986 Porn, memes, & other games or books keeping me busy. >>939924 Obviously that's the most expected way for this to go with all the numerous blatant Berserk references Miyazaki loves to put in. Part of me hopes it's a completely different boss just so we don't have to kill the precious boy.
>>939988 >we don't have to kill the precious boy. I feel like we might not have a choice.
>>939993 Let me dream.
>>940000 you can dream about his saving his bussy from that rapist
>>940005 Mohg already rearranged his insides.
>>939986 Playing videogames, some good shit coming out lately.
>>940019 I've been playing HellDivers 2 it's actually good.
>>940017 [Bussy Hunter] "Fuck out of my way faggot cyclops, Miquella's sweet ass is mine to claim now!" >>940020 I wanna play Yakuza 8 and finish Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia as well. I have a 1060 I'm not even sure I can run Helldivers 2. My PC is probably fucked when it comes to Dragons Dogma 2.
>People ITT think that Mohg will have corrupted Miquella >People ITT don't realize that its going to turn out that Miquella corrupted Mohg
The great thing about Miquella is that if he's anything like his mother/father then he's able to switch between male and female at the drop of a hat. You can have a loli if you're in the mood for a loli and a shota if you're in the mood for a shota or even switch things up half way through. Literally the perfect waifu-husbando.
>>940244 >waifu-husbando waifbando
>>940397 >when you're fucking St. Trina and she turns back into Miquella right as you cum >looks you right in the eyes with a cute smirk >"Whoops Tarnished, I guess we're both faggots now." >"Heh."
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Mark and I saw one of the reference works for Bloodborne last week and I guess he didn't tell you about it. Have you guys seen others? Marathoning these games made me want to see more of them.
>>939986 Went back to beat Bloodborne after getting filtered by hundreds of Logarius attempts years ago before even trying Rom. The ending areas are really great but still feel way too short or like they were rushed somehow, DLC is amazing.
>>940872 >DLC is amazing It really is. Probably the biggest complaint that I can leverage at it is that it's very linearly connected compared to the base game, which had all kinds of wonderful interconnection and and side areas. But frankly if that's a complaint then it isn't much of one.
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That's a decent amount of shekels for the DLC.
Any indication when we'll get more Pinocchio content?
>>944512 Yeah it's pretty pricy. 5/6th of the base game price is a hell of a lot to ask for. However, from how they're marketing it, it seems like it's going to be on par with something like the Xenoblade expansions, content-wise. You know. Whole games in and of themselves that are using the same base mechanics with some things added on. The only difference here is that your character carries over. Now, whether or not it'll live up to those marketed expectations is anyone's guess. I personally expect it to be the equivalent to all 3 of DS2's DLC mashed together, size-wise. Still think the asking price should be $40 instead of $50 though.
>>946934 Pinocchio just got a movie adaptation earlier this month. He's on some desert planet instead of Krat this time around. >>941003 pic related
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>>938753 >Shadow Tower Pretty bullshit, but I appreciated the mood and tone of it. Combat and backstory isn't anything to write home about, but the design of the floors is interesting and there's a massive clusterfuck puzzle somewhere in the middle that involves going up and down the floors a lot of times. I was playing it with a guide back then, but it was such a maze it barely helped..
>>946995 I love how much of fuck it doesn't give.
>>946974 I love seeing big mecha being given personalities. What I love even more is when they canonically have personalities. I would have posted more but I couldn't think of any other vidya franchises that do this.
>>951475 >GFWL rage mail Oh god I miss it. I'm still mad I lost my folder full of it from when I played the hell out of DS1.
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>>940564 Tarnished Archaeologist's videos on all the different religion and architectural references in Elden Ring is a trip. Like the Temple of Eiglay in Volcano Manor is most likely a reference to Eglė the queen of serpents from Lithuanian folklore.
>>947108 The franchise that I posted, the one that you responded to does that as well. Nineball with AC1 and Master of Arena and also the recent AC6 with Allmind. Kate is Allmind's human impersonation or disguise btw
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>>951799 I've played and beaten AC1, I don't remember Nineball being a sentient AC. I do remember him being a nineballbuster, though.
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>>951823 Nigga nobody said anything about any AI being "sentient", just having personalities. I think I remember ninebitch pretending to be a woman as well but that was probably just in Master of Arena then some other AI (the final boss) in AC3 Silent Line doing the same thing, talking to you throughout the game as some handler lady. AI's in Armored Core really have a thing for larping as women for some reason. Maybe they want to bang us anon. We could have hot sociopathic mass murderer AI Armored Core waifus who stalks you and loves you 24/7.
>>952194 > No way, freelancer
>>952194 >who stalks you I'm not sure how a giant robot could effectively stalk you nor do I understand why you'd want this. Just have her be cute or stoic like a normal robot fucker.
>>952299 No one said the stalking had to be effective. Let the robot fucker have his fetish, man.
>>952261 I honestly like how both Bloodborne and Lies of P did their cathedrals. There's something particularly eerie and discordant about seeing European Christian architecture filled with pagan or otherworldly imagery. Yharnam's cathedrals just go full cosmic horror but Archie Abby takes the subtle approach. Those little dogu like figurines that appear everywhere were really neat and unexpected. Do Korean even have an analogue to dogu? >Straight up copying european monuments, landmarks, cathedrals into your western They also to that same thing for azn landmarks too. Take Sekiro for example. Sempo Temple, specifically the part with the two Rayden hat guards outside the door, is replicated nearly identically from an actual temple in Japan. Ashina castle looks very similar to several Japanese castles. Possibly even the exact castle that the real Ashina clan held. In fact there's enough parallels to the history of the real Ashina that it seems like Miyazaki pulled a Shogun and just changed the names. And then sprinkled a little Nioh on top with a single drop of essence of Spiderman.
>>952517 >dogu Actually on second thought they're closer to haniwa but that's not exactly correct either.
>>952194 If you want a mech boyfriend simulator so bad just play Titanfall 2.
>>954165 Yhanarm is largely just Prague, which was a nice thing to find out. So I can go to Yharnam without having to drink alien werewolf blood.
>>954165 There is nothing new under the sun. And besides, nothing wrong with getting one's inspiration from somewhere, most media is like that anyway, even western media. Is 2hu bad just because most of the characters are derived from Japanese myths and legends? Is Morrowind bad because most of its lore is derived from Hindu mythology (most obvious with the sermons of vivec being similar to stories about Krishna)? I don't think so, personally. It all comes down to execution and I think the souls games do a fine job on that front as to where it feels like an organic setting.
>>954233 And that's my entire point you mong. I don't think they're copying shit 1-for-1 and are doing a good enough job incorporating it into the setting and adapting it for the lore they made that I find it to be perfectly acceptable.
>>954233 Man are you going be salty when you find out that most works of fiction took inspiration from other works or things in life.
>>954233 That's like complaining that GTA just puts LA, SanFran, or NYC in their games and so they're shit and western devs just steal.
>>954233 Bird but big is not plagiarism.
What build you fags doing for the DLC?
>>954521 Maybe a sleep build?
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>He's still this asshurt
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>>954521 Magic Stealth build with night sorcery, it's untouchable in PVP. I'm going in with my lvl 150 prisoner starter magic build. Heres how it works but instead of using shitty daggers I will spam Night Shard/Comet because enemies/bosses can't dodge them. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=cHY6259Lh10 I would have used the Magic Scorpion Charm but I cucked myself out of getting it in my mostly blind first playthrough because I fucking hate Selivus and I did not like talking to him. Maybe I can cheat to get it but I don't feel like using cheat engine or figuring out how it works with the game.
>>954540 >Atleast there are no orcs in fromsoft games In a sense the beastmen in Elden Ring sort of fit the orc/goblin role. Of course they're not actually refereed to as orcs. Fromsoft is good about coming up with their own races instead of just doing the human/elf/dwarf/orc/etc. thing.
>>954610 >In a sense the beastmen in Elden Ring sort of fit the orc role. <Not the Omens Come on anon beastmen are kobolds at best, well, some of them. Boc is just an ugly fucking freak I honestly thought about killing him every time I saw him. And I guess the Kusarigama wielding manlets found in some places count as goblins I guess.
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>>954521 STR and Stamina Doing anything else makes you a queer
>elden ring >some level 150 guy gets naked >puts down his cucky coop sign >wears a funny hat >gets famous >dark souls prepare to die edition >some random autistic neet conquers the first half of the game at level 1 >beats 4 kings >basically naked >at level 1 >gets nothing >except the ability to invade as a darkwraith >starts invading faggot ass 12 year old zoomers who grow up and literally shit their pants when they see a red man in future rehashed fromsoft releases
>>954947 >bloodborne >ring your bell >actually meat another player >both are fucking ecstatic to see another human being >frankly don't even care if it's an invader or a co-oper
>>954521 Faith build. Same build I originally beat the game with, though the guy is RL 330+. Counterbalanced by me sticking to the faith+arc archetype with an erdsteel dagger and a morningstar, that and lightrolling/fastrolling to boot. I could just break out all the meta shit in full bullgoats+Varre mask but that's fucking boring and no fun at all. Can't understand people that resort to that, fashion before function is how I prefer to do things. Only issue is I'll be doing the DLC in NG+4. So no telling how bad it'll be with the NG+ stat buffs.
>>955029 >bloodborne In Sweden, Germany, Austria, Czech republic, Poland, Denmark and Finland, also the Baltics and some other eastern nations console gaming is unheard of and extremely unpopular. Russia just announced it will make its own console because the market is just a void, but the truth is, we are all high iq and extremely european, blue eyed majority, in all of those countries. So we dislike console gaming because its apparent to us all its a cheap alternative for low iq browns. Sorry, not sorry. Anyway that is why I never played bloodborne or any other console exclusive ,and why any and all console exclusives are never mentioned or discussed by people from these parts of the world (the smartest, tallest and most beautiful parts of the world). Bloodborne does look interesting, one of you brownies compared it to Prague earlier itt, which I frankly dont see, and I wouldve liked to play it. Alas, retarded japs are retarded and cucked to their console masters to make it an exclusive to boost the console platform sales, very cringe, bad, jewish, evil, dysgenic, I just cant support that. Nobody here can. I guess you low iq retards can. And enjoy being slaves. Not us. Also emulation is for weirdos and setting it up ruins any enjoyment I couldve had >tl;dr consoles bad, low iq browns bad, blue eyed euros good and smart, russia jewish
Facing Godrick right now for the first time and this guy is way easier than everything else that showed up before this.
>try out fallingstar beastjaw >orbital strike everything like a FOTH pally >mimic does it too
>>954521 99 Intelligence + 99 Faith to max out the Prince of Death Staff's sorcery scaling, and because Rennala and Fia both have cute feet. I prefer light/no armor to maximize the roll distance; maximizing Vigor and Poise is for weaklings unprepared to die.
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Was there any explanation what was the deal with these guys?

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Only like 12 hours away.
I finished my first playthrough of Lies of P. I think I can guess enough of why Geppetto did what he did but why did Carlo kill everyone in the hotel?
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>Playing Nioh 2 >Enemies have retardedly excellent tracking >Dodge enemy but because the weapon/attack is wide I accidentally dodge into it instead >some hitboxes continue even if you avoid them Oh come on. The ridiculous tracking is what I can't stand. What the fuck man? Punishing me for dodging just fucking blows.
Anyone else got a wishlist for the next LoP update, when ever that is? Mine is >Manus' and Laxasia's actual weapons >the Rabbits' weapons and outfits >more hair options >Specter vanity option >I want my blue fairy back >>957162 I think the implication is that if you submit to Geppetto that means that you haven't awakened your Ego enough so you're just following his orders blindly. You have to gain enough humanity points to even be able to refuse to give the heart after all. The ironic thing is that if you're perfect boy you're just a puppet but Geppetto thinks you're Carlo with fully awakened memories but if you refuse that means that you HAVE awakened as Carlo and you have the freewill to oppose your dad, but he doesn't understand and at first curses and mocks you and then finally begs you to regain your memories. Unless you get near max humanity and can absorb Sophia's ergo then after you beat Nameless Puppet and Geppetto sacrifices himself to save Carlo's heart and you shed a tear for him. At that point he realized he had completely fucked up and that you HAD become Carlo after all.
>>957865 Well yes but also doesn't really answer my question. I mean I guess the logic is Geppetto is just fucking evil & sees humans as disposable. Plus they're loose ends who could know he caused the puppet frenzy so he's gotta have them eliminated. That's the best I can think of at least.
>>957608 The RNG loot is what I can't stand
>>957898 I think he went crazy after the loss of his son and if he succeeds then he just discards his humanity. Or maybe he's into deep denial of his actions. He only activates the puppet frenzy after Simon infects Krat with the T Virus carcass disease to harvest their ergo for his assention. Maybe Gepetto said "Fuck they're already all dead people walking. Might as well use the ergo to revive my son, it's not like I want Manus to win." And since he has absolute proof that he can transmigrate people's souls and install them into new bodies maybe in his twisted perspective he doesn't see it as murder. And since he can do that and he can make the Grand Covenant, maybe he's thinking he can make a better version of humanity without war or strife and everyone will just do what they're told and be happy about it.
Should I make a new character now or wait for the release? What are yall doin
>>958030 Make a new character now. Beating the gigafaggot Mohgwyn is going to be a hard requirement for accessing the DLC based on the trailer having cocoon'd Miquella's hand lowered, which only happens post boss-fight. As for myself I'm just doing random co-op with strangers and trying to figure out the best ways to be a deadweight piece of shit when I get summoned to the first step. Getting sick of getting summoned for ganks there and wish I could just toggle that one pool off. I'd rather get summoned for Malenia endlessly than have to deal with being drafted for someone's shitty high RL rune farming grind... or just simple-ass ganking because rune payouts from invaders is ass until you start killing RL250+ players. Outside of Co-op and all that I'm trying to get my other two builds ready for the DLC of a quality build and an INT+FTH caster. Quality build has some game left but INT+FTH just needs to beat Mohgwyn. >>957903 Yeah the RNG loot modifiers on shit is what turned me off of Nioh and Wo Long hard. That kind of shit doesn't really belong in a souls game, especially if it's going to be a hard requirement for NG+ shit and other challenging stuff like Wo Long becomes based on what others told me.
>>958049 Hopefully I'm not banned, I received the detected edited inventory message few months after release and had to delete my characters lel
>>958049 Double posted that one image because sketch thumbnails are hard to identify. Here's the actual fourth one I meant to post. >>958051 Yeah, that message is misleading as fuck by the way. It can trigger for all sorts of dumb shit and is pretty easily remedied by verifying game files. Trust me from personal experience that the only shit that got you banned during those first few months until the [ERROR] marking patch was giving yourself truly invalid ITEMNAME items. But if you nuked everything you'll be fine by now because even if you get banned it's only a 180-day ban which should be long over by this point. Makes me wonder if they're going to be adding in shit like the Ragged and Brave sets to the game with the DLC coming out, since the Brave set is still in the game on some ghost in Caelid (and worn by the red man in all the tutorials with him in it). Despite being fully statted and functional in the game both altered and unaltered, including an item description, they marked the set as an [ERROR] set and marked it as save ruining in the next update.
>>957903 >>958049 But Souls games have RNG loot too and in a way more obnoxious way than what Nioh does, if you're looking for some specific armor or weapon anyway. The only truly bad RNG in Nioh are smithing texts.
>>958291 Souls games don't have random affixes and buffs on their items. That's the issue. I want to play an action-filled adventure, not a looter simulator fighting the same things over and over again so I can magically get a god roll weapon or armor.
>>957974 I agree. Pretty good villain motivations.
>>958049 >>958056 cute comic
>>958316 It's honestly not even necessary unless you want to relentlessly want to twink and minmax to the complete optimum. It's absolutely unnecessary in NG. Really don't even worry about it. Unless you're going for some extremely specialized build, like throwing rocks or gun only or pure magic or something, it's just overkill. Just wear a good set bonus that works with your weapon, and ever so often upgrade at the blacksmith. Wo Long even got rid the Nioh style equipment leveling anyway. Upgrading weapons just takes "smithing stones" of the next appropriate level, Elden Ring style.
Has anyone played Rise of the Ronin? I've not heard good things about it. I wasn't gong to play it anyway since I'm obviously not going to get a No Gamestation 5 but I was curious since it's Team Ninja and a sort of descendant from Nioh. From what I know of it has <open world and not mission based <changeable difficulty levels <none of the supernatural stuff that the Niohs and Wo Long had None of these changes appeal to me. What else does it do wrong? Or do right even?
>>959043 >What else does it do wrong? another console exclusive weebshit about le glorious nippon, I swear we had a game just like that a few years ago, ghosts of sushima or something, its fucking boring, as a man of taste I am looking forward to the Russian console exclusives like commieblock simulator 9000 instead
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>>964048 >CyanCapsule
>>964057 Looks like AI slop. His stuff is probably used a lot to train those picture generators
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>mods deleted my post I completely understand why and sympathise with whoever reported me. >>964067 >Looks like AI slop Not really? AI stuff tends to look like this, I have no idea how to articulate it but it's a very specific style. CyanCapsule has a much looser, more painterly style. I have seen AI produce that before but usually it goes for something more realistic and "ArtStation-y"
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Elden Ring will only get one DLC in Shadow of the Erdtree, but FromSoftware isn't ruling out a full sequel for the RPG https://archive.md/BRZPr
>>964073 >>mods deleted my post >I completely understand why and sympathise with whoever reported me. Was it worse than this? Because this is the worst piece of content centered around one of may favorite games that I've ever come across. Extremely cursed you have been warned. >>964913 Yeah I pretty much figured that given how long it's taken. >might get a sequel Please no. From does so much better when making originals or spiritual successors than sequels. Additionally they have a new property that's just aching for a sequel and it didn't even get a DLC expansion. They even specifically made it its own thing so that they would have 100% control over it and it ends on a fucking sequel hook unlike most of their other Souls games.
>>964941 As far as a sequel goes. You probably won't see it for another several years since they're working on Spellbound at the moment and that'll probably be their next game. Probably followed by another AC game since some people at the studio really like working on those. THEN a sequel will probably happen.
>>964941 Stop posting that shit retard

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It's me again, the anon who is playing through all the Souls games. I just finished Bloodborne and so far it is my favorite out of DS1, DS2, DS3 and BB. Of course I beat it with 100% completion (aside for maybe some scattered about items), including the DLC. What I liked: > Fluid aggressive combat > Trick weapons have fun transformations, it's not just one-handing VS two-handing > Much less weapon and armor autism than Dark Souls > I am a total sucker for the Gothic architecture and fashion style What I did not like: < The who "blood this, blood that" theme gets old quite fast < The game being constantly at night gets quite tiring after a while, it was a real breath of fresh air when the Hunter's Nightmare had "daylight" < 30FPS is shit and should never have become standard; the 60FPS hack does help somewhat even if my BloodborneStation cannot reach the full 60 in most areas These two nitpicks aside, it was a blast. This is the first Souls game that I beat without taking a longer break. I really do like the more dynamic and aggressive combat. I don't know if BB is easier than the Dark Souls games, or if I have simply become used to this type of game, but I beat most bosses blindly on my first try, and those that I did not I beat in less than five tries each.
>>966867 I'm glad you enjoyed it, did you finish the 4 Chalice dungeon areas too?
>>966875 No, I completely forgot about the Chalice Dungeons. I did the first one, but it was pretty boring, so I never bothered with the rest and I never figured out how the dungeon generation works. Progress carries over to NG+, so maybe I'll give it another try, maybe not.
>>966877 Dungeons aren't that great, it's a very copy and paste thing in how they are generated. I felt the need to do as many as was required for the Platinum Trophy.
>>966895 <"I only felt the need" Eithre way hopefully PS4 Emulation will make good progress in the near future, since from what i'v heard when people hack their PS5's to make Bloodborn run at 60fps it works without issue.
>>966877 Probably just as well since most of the chalice dungeons are actually scaled for NG+. Hintertombs is scaled for early to mid game. The dungeons can get samey after a while but the real draw is that there certain bosses and enemies that you won't meet anywhere else. Also it's the best place to get top tier blood gems and you can get weapons with alternate gem imprints. And Loran chalice is the only place to get the beastclaw. And there's no better place in the game to co-op with strangerfrens.
Anyone play the new(ish) Lords of the Fallen? While I'm not a fan of every piece of equipment randomly having thorns on it the developers insistence on not using Denuvo and some of the mechanics they've implemented interest me. FG has a repack and I'm thinking of giving it a try, waste of time?
>>966905 I played through it and thought it was OK. It's sometimes memed as Dark Souls 2.5 which isn't completely inaccurate but I'm someone who actually likes DS2 Good: >World and gear aesthetics >Magic felt pretty varied and powerful >They recently added their own item/enemy randomizers and new game settings. >Lots of secrets, usually revealed by the world shift mechanic >Parrying is just performing a perfect guard so it feels a bit more natural to me. >Soul rip mechanic lets you throw enemies off ledges >A lot of boss weapons are actually good. YMMV: >Shifting to the shadow world adds respawning enemies and more level complexity, is often required to progress through most areas. I was fine with it for the most part but some seemed to hate it. >Set checkpoints are more scarce than most souls games, you need to use an item to create your own checkpoint most of the time. >Similar to DS2 in that progressing through the levels is often more difficult than the bosses. >Most enemy attacks are slow/well-telegraphed and easy to avoid in comparison to the later souls games. Bad: >The first real level in the game is a sniper and gravity death hell >Low enemy variety and you start seeing the same ranged enemy + ambush dogs encounter copy pasted everywhere >Similar to DS2 you have a few areas with very high enemy density >Limited weapon movesets, all weapons of the same class share the exact same moveset with very few exceptions. >Shops for the pvp/co-op covenants require a stupid amount of farming to buy anything. >NPC questlines are even more obtuse and easier to fail than in most souls games >Final boss for the default ending is shit and one of the other endings doesn't even have a final boss.
>>966916 Seems like I'll be giving it a try, most of the objective negative comments I'm seeing are in regards to performance so hopefully the repack doesn't lag too far behind in regards to performance patching.
T. me/vtuberJP
Story trailer drops pretty soon
>Miquella doesn't look like a twink Nice
>>970588 So... Messemer is the one who actually sacked Elphael and the Haligtree? and Mohg just went in and burgled Miquella's cocoon afterward?
>Miquella is a nice boy after all Nice. I'm still trying to figure out the exact setting here. Does this take place in the past a la Oolicile or is this a Hunters Nightmare sort of situation?
>>970678 DLC takes place in some kind of shadow world, not the past. The companions at the end are hunting for Miquella after he fled there for some reason, and asking you to tag along.
>>970642 >and Mohg just went in and burgled Miquella's cocoon afterward? More like Mohg just went in and buggered Miquella's cocoon afterward?
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Stole this from twitter.
>>970714 Kill yourself for using twittet
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>>970733 >Twittits
>>970714 I like it
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Have you guys tried the Convergence mod? I've been playing it since yesterday and it's a lot better than I expected. It's not just adding a bunch of overpowered spells, it also fundamentally changes the game's progression for the better and makes everything actually worth exploring. For example instead of getting fixed talismans and tears for completing a side dungeon, you get a material that you can use to craft a talisman or tear of your choosing, so no mater what dungeon you beat you'll get something useful. What surprised me the most is that they actually overhaul the dungeons, like they change the actual game map, not just the enemy placement, Stormveil is very different from vanilla and Castle Morne is massively upgraded with a walled little town in front and the whole place now plays like a gigantic legacy dungeon on par with Stormveil and Raya Lucaria. Honestly I'm having a blast, I highly recommend it.
>>970751 I tried it, but hated the change to ARC getting rid of pure ARC as an option (even though all items scale off of it and perfumer starter class is made for pure ARC. Also my run got hard-locked in a crash loop in liurnia near the two fingers talisman and the puppets that drop from the baloons in vanilla ER. That was 2 or 3 versions ago though. Maybe I'll give it another go.
>>970752 Not pure ARC, I meant changing the occult infusion to be int/arc despite them literally making a FF3 scholar item class in the form of perfumer. Ended up going str/arc in that run too with the funny sword club with the sekiro monk punch Ash of war.
>>971240 Some nig went to the FromSoftware store in Japan and posted pictures.
I just finished playing Remnant 2. TL;DR: meh game. It's Dark Souls with guns. Minus the polish, good bosses, and well crafted environments. Main gimmick of the game is that environments are RNG based, which events and which side dungeons spawn is random, and if you want to farm for gear (more on that in a bit), you have to reset the campaign or play in adventure mode. Problem is that the environment's pretty bland and un-fun to explore. There's tons of secrets, but the game lacks Dark Soul's well designed visuals to communicate that a secret may be nearby. For gear there's armour slots which give a bit of DR and dictate if you fast/normal/fat roll, 1 amulet and 4 ring slots which are the core of your gearing choice, mutators which slot into your weapons and give passive effects, and weapon mods which are active skills. Get stuff from exploring, craft them using boss drops, etc. The economy/upgrade system felt awful; pick one: upgrade your primary weapon, upgrade one mutator, craft/buy different weapons and mods to try them out, buy consumables, upgrade your healing flask. Even by the time I reached he last boss, I still couldn't get all of those done by a long shot. And that doesn't include the cost of consumables, which are quite potent, plus there's a class built around using those. Get fucked I guess? The controls were unresponsive, sprinting and dodging felt fucking awful to use and was, by an extremely wide margin, my leading cause of death. Try to sprint away from an attack > sprint doesn't engage > get grazed > get stagger-locked to death. Same shit with rolls. Aside from the last one, bosses fell into one of these categories: mob zerg, frustrating gimmicky bullshit, easy mechanics made difficult because of bad controls or getting stagger locked to death if you miss one dodge. Last boss was great though, good concept, good execution. Every time I died on the last boss was my fault, vs every other death being 80% the game's fault for being bad and 20% my fault. And finally, puzzles. No idea why no one ever mentioned this in their review, but god damn the game is filled with puzzles. Verdict is: pirate. Or buy under 15$. It isn't worth more than that.
>>971275 I personally say it's worth more than that. $30 is what I'd say it's worth, $40 for the full package with the two DLCs. It's very much a game designed to be replayed heavily and lets you get away with a lot of shit once you get builds going. First playthrough is always the longest but subsequent runs let you see the other bosses you didn't your first time around, as well, and let you go for alternate kills for different weapon drops (provided you can figure out what those alt conditions are). I also disagree that the secrets are shit, you just lack puzzle-solving skills or the sense of curiosity to find them. The rarity of new weapons and armor also adds greatly to their value, oddly enough. I still remember finding the Alchemist armor set after getting dragged to some sewer monster's lair and beating it, only to find this dead researcher there wearing the armor I'd come to love greatly and use for most of my future builds. There's a profound joy I get from the stupid shit the game lets you pull with a bit of creativity, like my shield spam Medic build with a 30s CD on the shield ability and 20s duration it, so I constantly shit out full party shields while also leaving tons of buff puddles from an Explorer ability. It's this buildcraft combined with good lore writing and worldbuilding that made me stick to the game, that and seeing what other creative shit randos will pull out. That's another big thing, the game is designed with co-op in mind. Solo is more than do-able, even solo apocalypse, but things go by much faster with randoms or buddies there. A big part of that fun is in helping others to victory or working together to figure out puzzles or navigate the levels, or even find new secrets that way. The game gives a sense of adventure very well through these things, or I think so at least. And all your complaints about not being able to max relic count or not being able to fully upgrade mutators, easily fixed by, guess what, doing more runs. Higher difficulties also have higher scrap turnouts, and finding trait points and rings/necklaces/weapons/armors/class items you already have give you large amounts of scrap, too. Again, it's very much a game designed to be replayed a lot. I think most of your progress-related complaints come from your lack of understanding of what kind of game you signed up for, anon. You didn't buy another AA dark souls clone, you bought something closer to... I actually don't really know what to compare it to, it's just Remnant, it's very much its own thing and all three games are made for replayability to actually find everything there is. I will say though, very surprised you don't mention how ass the optimization is, or complete lack thereof. Gunfire Games uses downscaling as a crutch to save on dev time, so the game runs like ass if you don't use the shitty upscaling crap that makes everything blurry, and still runs like shit even with them. I feel like it's the game's real big flaw and so few people actually mention it.
>>971287 It kind of sounds like the chalice dungeon game that I've always wanted. I don't really care for the aesthetics though. Shame.
Alright. Lore speculation time about the DLC, since I've been thinking about this stuff a lot and talked with some friends about it a fair bit. First, let's start off with >>971503. She's the narrator from the cinematic trailer, as shown with the tweet that accompanied this image from Fromsoftware "Will you walk with us." being identical to the line from the trailer. From what we can tell in that trailer she also seems to be some kind of leader of the Tarnished band who will be hunting for Miquella in the DLC, and she asks us to join her on her journey. We also see her twice in the first gameplay trailer, both outside the land of shadow (camera looking at her boots) and inside the land of shadow (her looking backwards over her shoulder at the camera). From the line at the end of the gameplay trailer being in her voice "Touch the withered arm and travel to the realm of shadow. I will not be far behind." It seems like she'll be the one to guide us to the land of shadow as well, perhaps asking us to assist in her quest to find Miquella, as implied with the "Will you walk with us." line. Her armor, too, is most curious. While at a glance it seems unique, by looking at the main breastplate and the helmet's design, it seems to be a modified Carian knight armor, or something based off the design. Now, it could mean she's a former Carian knight who now seeks after Miquella and modified her armor to fit the role, or it could be that this is the armor intended for those who would use the Miquellan knight sword. As that sword was designed using Carian principles, probably with the help of Loretta or another Carian defector. The armor this mystery Miquellan knightess wears is not a perfect 1-to-1 of the Carian armor, but is incredibly similar in design, even the boots and the gauntlets, as you can see with the pics attached to this post and by cross-referencing it with the trailer shots and the image of the new character. This means that it could've been made separately rather than modified, to be used as the accompaniment to the sword, like suggested. Or Fromsoft could've been lazy bastards and just reused assets as a base and hoped nobody would notice, but for things this big, there's usually no such thing as a coincidence. >>971651 That's actually a really good way to put it. It's a chalice dungeon game but a TPS with Resident Evil puzzles for a lot of gear and things. Even the way non-setpiece zones are generated is very similar to chalice dungeons, rolling injectables and putting them along the path of randomized tiles pulled from a set depending on the area and the final boss of the zone. Thanks for giving me a way to phrase it that I couldn't put into words well, anon.
>>972277 Continuing on. Another thing of speculation is what exactly is Messemer. While some people think he is some kind of dream aspect related to Miquella and the land of shadow, the answer is probably much simpler. Every single brood of children Marika (or the homunculus she created from her hated parts, Radagon) had was three strong, except for the third, which is odd. Messemer is probably the missing child from the third brood, being Miquella and Malenia's brother. The curse that he seems to have manifested is being the bearer of the curse inflicted upon Marika by the Fell God ages ago, resulting in his affinity for fire. Or, that's one of two curses he could have. The real curse could be his dire fixation on heresy or heretical practices, or perhaps strength at any cost, even going so far as to partake in dragon communion, looking at his eyes. However, why would he be attacking his sibling's empire in the realm of shadow? I believe he is doing this out of a loyalty to Marika. After the shattering happened he may have been acting as Marika's personal war dog, committing the heresy and acts she wouldn't be able to do herself, and went to stop Miquella's ascension and creating something that could compete with the golden order. As these lands of shadow appear to be where Empyreans ascend to godhood somehow, going by the start of the story trailer. Or, he could've just went there to shit on Miquella's parade so he could be the one to ascend, who knows. I just think he's loyal to Marika based on his quote from the gameplay trailer: "Mother? Wouldst thou truly lordship sanction... in one so... bereft, of light.". Or he could be talking about the Tarnished with that, or even Miquella and his heresy of betraying the golden order to form his own. Also, I know I've seen that design on his spear SOMEWHERE in game, I just can't place it at the moment.
>>972280 >Also, I know I've seen that design on his spear SOMEWHERE in game, I just can't place it at the moment. I feel like I have too.
>>970678 I think Miyazaki said it takes place in an adjacent land that is literally in the shadow of the Erdtree. It's a physical place, the events take place at the same time as the main game in the real world.
>>972327 But how can that be when the Erdtree looks visibly different? Unless it's suppose to take place post game?
>>970604 That was Marika/Radagon in th3 beginning judging by the bracelets.
>>972332 What the hell was that charn gate at the beginning that looks like the grasping gribbles on the Blasphemous Blade?
>>972335 The crucible is my guess
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>>972335 >What the hell was that charn gate at the beginning that looks like the grasping gribbles on the Blasphemous Blade? Kidnap Miyazaki and ask him.
>>972331 A wizard did it.
Looking forward to using the Miquella brand sword sorceries the DLC will almost certainly have.
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2 more weeks anons.
Is there like some sort of map/guide on where to go to get to each boss so I don't waste my fucking time on this gay as shit open world cancer? I just want to kill bosses. I don't want to wonder around on this stupid fucking moose immersing myself in this piss colored world. This has to be the worst souls game I've ever played. Somehow worse than the shit heep that was demon souls.
>>975130 Open world doesn't bother me, anon. Guess you just don't have the spirit of adventure/exploration for that kind of thing. Though, I'm starting to see more and more people shitting on this game solely for the open world on the internet lately, makes me wonder if some jewtuber or some reddit/anonymous reddit post sparked all of this. Not accusing you in particular of this mind you, in spite of your reddit spacing, just starting to see this becoming a "mainstream" argument against the game. But I'll help you, Follow the way the graces are pointing, they'll guide you to the main big dungeons and the major bosses. Every side cave/crypt has a boss in it as well at the end. Also, the big fuck-off castle in every zone is where you find the major bosses, typically, very easy to spot. Make your way towards the big tree in the meantime. It's absolutely massive, can't miss it. Or you can be a niggerfaggot and use a site like dextralife or the cancer that is fandom wikis for maps. Spoiling yourself in the process. >>973506 I doubt we'll see carbon copy cheese-flavored glintblade sorceries like that. Seems too boring for Fromsoft. If we were going to get Miquellan weapon sorceries they would be manifesting cleanrot weaponry or new weaponry associated with the people of the land of shadow. >>972335 >>972573 It's either the crucible, or a metric fuckton of sacrifices made by the Gloam-eyed queen in her attempt at ascension, which Marika robbed her off either by seducing or deceiving her.
>>975143 >in spite of your reddit spacing You don't know what reddit spacing is. >Though, I'm starting to see more and more people shitting on this game solely for the open world on the internet lately Disliking open world bloat has been a bog standard opinion on /v/ for over a decade. It adds nothing to do the game beyond padding with useless trash. How these are the same developers that spit out Sekiro is absolutely beyond me. This game is just Dark Souls but with more trash mobs. Every single moment I'm not fighting a boss is a moment where the game is objectively not fun. Traversing the environments and levels in Sekiro was fun, and that game isn't open world. So why is traversing the environment in an open world game made by the same developers noting but tedious? I can't grappling hook up big castle walls. It's just DS3 with more dead air between the content people are actually interested in. Open world games are objectively shit unless you're actually leveraging them to let the players do wacky sandbox shit. There is zero argument for it in a souls game. The only reason I even consider picking this trash up again to finish it is because they eliminated boss runs.
>>975130 Mind heading to >>>/vb/ to spare us your retardation? >>975143 >It's either the crucible, or a metric fuckton of sacrifices made by the Gloam-eyed queen in her attempt at ascension, which Marika robbed her off either by seducing or deceiving her. I'm wondering just who the fuck Marika was before she founded the golden order.
>>975143 >makes me wonder if some jewtubber or some reddit/anonymous reddit post sparked all of this It's not. This is a common phenomenon among normalfags: an inconvenient truth isn't spoken out loud because the truth goes against the current popular opinion and normalfags are finely attuned to not stepping out of line in fear of retribution. Once enough time has passed, normalfags will slowly begin to feel that they can go against the "current popular opinion" as it is no longer current and they can thus finally speak their mind without fear of retribution. The opinion doesn't shift, it just becomes acceptable to be stated in public spaces. In the case of Elden Ring, the open world has always been, by far and large, the worst part of the game. Massive empty fields with maybe 3 mobs and a corpse containing two mushrooms do not make good open world content. Go play Morrowind if you want to see open world done right, go play Elden Ring if you want to see open world done wrong.
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>Elden Ring does open world wrong So this is the new meme being pushed now? I'm going to bet that most of the people, who are saying Morrowind has a better open world (not in away is it a bad game) have never played it. Most likely they are regurgitating some reddit or Twitter or even 4/v/ take, same with the bitching about the game being obtuse (when shit like Morrowind and other older games were just as obtuse if not more in some cases). I'd even go further and say a lot haven't played ER, as I've met many who bitch about being linear despite the game allowing you to sequence break very hard.
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>>975143 >Elden Ring's open world I think it's probably specifically become more and more of an issue over time in respect to replayability. It's probably just building up with players. I think in a way Elden Ring has exactly the opposite problem that Sekiro has and in both cases it impacts replayability of both games. In Sekiro's case it just has too little variety of content. There's basically one right way to play Sekiro. Any subsequent playthrough it is down to using different prosthetics or sword techniques. Pretty much like replaying Castlevania 1 and resolving to using different subweapons this time. Elden Ring goes the other way. Way too much content and it becomes overwhelming. Even if you have a plan it's still overwhelming because you have to route around areas that are leagues apart or are hidden behind minibosses just to get started with your desired specific build. It's also overwhelming in scope even if you don't have some meme build or cosplay you want to try. I was just looking at Bloodborne's map an if you compare it to Elden Ring's map it's startling. Save the chalice dungeons (which really don't count anyway) and the DLC area this is EVERYTHING and Bloodborne doesn't feel small until you've played it two or three times and can look back on it. That's one thing that Sekiro also did right is having a tightly designed and linked together world. If it had only had had a bit more variety I think it would have gotten far more players returning to it over time like Bloodborne does >>975197 Honestly if they were going to do a big open world for Elden Ring then they should have made it an unflinching adventure. Basically they should have done something like DS1's Lordvessal and made it to where you couldn't teleport until you reached Leyendel. You already carry "Firelink Shrine" in your back pocket, just like in DS3, so there's no real reason to ALSO let you teleport everywhere you've been too. Torrent is an issue too. They didn't lean into the horse combat enough or at all really. And he's too fast too with respect to enemies on the field. You can call your horse and just use him as a get out of trouble free card. He even lets you ignore poison or rot build up from swamps.
>>975201 >. And he's too fast too with respect to enemies on the field. You can call your horse and just use him as a get out of trouble free card. He even lets you ignore poison or rot build up from swamps. In a massive game like Elden Meme do you honestly want to spend a tedious amount of time traversing on foot through toxic swamps, or having every single enemy in the overworld catching the Tarnished when you might not want to engage in an encounter or aren't ready for one?
>>975201 >they should have made it an unflinching adventure. Basically they should have done something like DS1's Lordvessal and made it to where you couldn't teleport until you reached Leyendel, I actually attempted a challenge run like this. I've actually done the math for it too and some further elaboration after fucking up the run by taking the Liurnia shortcut before Godrick(I was also not using torrent for the sake of it). The whole game is beatable without fast travel or even warping to roundtable hold. you just have to use the lost grace item after reaching the Roundtable. You will lose out on some NPC questlines however, alongside a talisman pouch, all rememberance weapons, all champion equipment, lose access to mountaintop of giants after Maliketh (and can't get the erdtree favor +2 as a consequence), and be unable to go to the Haligtree or Mohg's domain. You can do a surprising amount of things though, even get fully upgraded weapons thanks to Iji (albeit in limited amounts due to smithing stone shortages and being unable to farm 7 and 8s because no Haligtree). Also, guess the planning thing is why that doesn't bother me. like being able to do that stuff on the fly and played lots of games where such planning is a key thing to success (like most dungeon crawlers). >>975198 It is the new big meme being pushed, yes. >>975159 Marika was an Empyrean and a demigod, just like her many children. She was also a Numen and was probably a high-ranking member of said society alongside the Gloam-Eyed Queen. Beyond that, we know little. >>975149 >Every single moment I'm not fighting a boss is a moment where the game is objectively not fun. How the fuck did you manage to get through Sekiro, Dark Souls, or Demon Souls then. Especially Demon Souls with how long and demonic the level design itself could be.
>>975207 >How the fuck did you manage to get through Sekiro, Dark Souls, or Demon Souls then. Especially Demon Souls with how long and demonic the level design itself could be. I'm starting to think he didn't play any of them.
>>975206 >In a massive game like Elden Meme do you honestly want to spend a tedious amount of time traversing on foot through toxic swamps, or having every single enemy in the overworld catching the Tarnished when you might not want to engage in an encounter or aren't ready for one? Personally? No. But then you have to imagine yourself as the developer of the game. You've just made this big open world action adventure RPG. Then you add fast travel. And a getaway horse on top of that. As a developer you really need to consider the looming question >"Did I really want to make an open world game in the first place? And I'm not talking about a classic JRPG like Dragon Quest that has shit like evac and zoom either. The basic concept of those kind of games are already firm and grandfathered in. What I mean is the modern day open world concept. >>975207 Well anon it takes all kinds. Obviously design choices are going to hit with some people and miss with others. For me I have a kind of loose rule of "open world + fast travel = someone didn't think things through or they weren't fully committed to the bit". That doesn't mean a hard "I refuse to play" or that I consider the game bad, but it does mean that it's going into the threat matrix and will "affect the final score" and will also affect the backlog priority. In Elden Rings defense you can at least bypass a lot of shit if you decide to so routing your way to your twink build is possible there's just a lot of padding. Which is at least better than DS3 which is like "Hey would you like to do damage as a cleric? Well FUCK YOU! Go fight 3 bosses and then break Irina's quest line."
>>975206 >in a massive game >tedious amount of time >every single enemy catching It's tedious because it's boring, lazy, and trivial. And like >>975201 pointed out, Torrent plays a big role in this. The other part is how absolutely fucking EMPTY it is. You run from point of interest to point of interest avoiding enemies that can't harm you because of Torrent, and that aren't worth fighting unless you want a very specific drop. You can't get lost because of easy transportation, you can't die, there's nothing to find except mushrooms and maybe low tier upgrade materials/consumables. >>975198 >people who disagree with me can't possibly have played the game >people can't have possibly played Morrowind, that game's *old* Listen here child, I played Morrowind before Bloodmoon and Tribunal came out, back when you had to save every 30 seconds because of the constant crashes. Not everyone you come across is the same as you, grow the fuck up.
>>975216 You'd be surprised, many people/anons tend to pull exactly the kind of bullshit he's talking about and talk out of their ass. I don't blame him for making that assumption.
No idea what's going on ITT but it's a coincidence it's happening just before the new DLC drops
>>975235 I doubt anyone will bother to shill a game in this obscure cantonese basket weaving forum.
>>975266 >hold forward to run through a big open space for 20 minutes only to die instantly and redo it all over again You just described most arcade games to a t.
>>975266 Is that image a joke? Though there are exceptions most 70s and 80s arcade games were incredibly shallow, that wasn't a problem because you played them for 15 minutes. I like classic arcade games, but saying they were mechanically deep is a farcical statement.
>>975271 >>975272 He's le ebin trolleying, he's posting (variations of) the same image in other threads >>975265.
>>975219 I've found a lot of retards on the internet in the past 5 years haven't played even a quarter of these old games, they don't know >what makes these old games good other then someone told them >the elements that aged poorly or were flawed >the lack of QoL that we take for granted many older games lacked especially on the PC side of things Because they never played these games they can't make an opinion that isn't regurgitated from somewhere/somebody else. I remember some retard here trying to say SystemShock1 wasn't obtuse and was straightforward, anyone whose played that game blind knows he is full of it and has never played it. Hell >>975272 makes a very good point about how those great classic arcade games weren't as mechanically deep as some try to make it out to be.
>>975130 Literally just play something else.
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>>972331 >But how can that be when the Erdtree looks visibly different 2nd tree/growth only visible in the land of shadow. See: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=FM9hvTe1QsI
>>972331 The tree in the lands of shadow is called the Scadutree, from the new gameplay that's out.
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>>975414 What gameplay? Post it pls.
>>975207 >How the fuck did you manage to get through Sekiro, Dark Souls Both of these felt fine, Sekiro is one of the best games I've ever played. >or Demon Souls then I only barely finished that game. It was fucking terrible, hands down one of the worst games I've ever played. I think I only beat it because I was able to cheat and respawn in front of one of the bosses near the end by rebooting the emulator to skip the nigger boss run. The boss runs in that game were diabolical. >>975208 >I'm starting to think he didn't play any of them. I've played all of them except for bloodborne, faggot. >>975408 It's annoying because the fun parts of the game exist and are blocked by the shitty padding. The game should just have a boss rush mode. It's also annoying when you see the same studio put out something objectively superior like Sekiro. Literally just make the good thing again, you already did it once.
>>975427 Thank you!
The light great swords are going to be perfect.
I remember debating whether or not to play Elden Ring when it first came out. That feels like it was only a month ago.
>>975432 >the fun parts of the game exist and are blocked by the shitty padding If you don't like exploring in a game where the main point is to explore, stop playing the game you don't enjoy playing and play something else. Are you a child?
>>975575 If the main point of the game is exploration then it fails miserably at making exploration rewarding or engaging. I've played hundreds of games that were interesting to explore and delve through. Elden ring is not one of them. Declaring that the worst aspect of the game that no other in the entire franchised approached with anywhere near the same scale is actually a core aspect of the franchise is a fucking bizarre move. You realize that virtually everyone here has played all of these games before and know you're just lying, right? >stop playing the game you don't enjoy playing and play something else. Are you a child? Is your only response to criticism elementary platitudes like "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all?" Kill yourself you colossal nigger monkey. I will push through your trash game if only for the satisfaction of being able to coherently and irrefutably expose it for the over-hyped normalfag dogshit that it is. There is no greater reward to beating a game than the ability to dismantle shills.
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>>975577 Cant you just play games you like, instead of games you don't, you cocksucking faggot? I really don't get it.
I'd definitely say that Fromsoft really wasn't prepared for Elden Ring. The huge immobile dragon up in Caelid that you can bleed to death for like 20 levels and 5 dragon hearts 20-30 minutes after you start a new game kind of shows that. I really think any and all problems that the game just come back to the dev team just not being prepared how the reasonably time tested Souls formula would interact with a completely open world. Even if they possibly had been wanting to experiment with an open world for some time. They should have made a test game so to speak that's about 10% the size of Elden Ring first to shake out all gremlins before they went with something so ambitious. It's a fine game regardless but it has issues. Really just the same issues that most souls games have just magnified.
>>975581 Do you think no one should ever be critical of a product?
>>975585 Do you pay money for games?
>>975586 No, are you going to answer my question?
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>I go into an open world game which expects me to explore to get more powerful <I bitch about it as don't want to explore
>>975590 The open world exploration is boring. Movement is not heavily expanded upon from the previous iterations. I already pointed to iterations where navigating the environments was inherently fun, such as in Sekiro. The problem is that it's a Dark Souls 3 expansion masquerading as an open world game. If you had swapped the core combat systems out with Sekiro's it would probably be a decent open world game. But they didn't. You can keep making ridiculous strawmen all you want, it isn't going to let you escape from the fact that this games open world has no reason to exist and only serves to detract from the core content.
Well ignoring this retard I found better gameplay with no commentary https://yewtu.be/watch?v=P2BRJIHWQHg
>>975596 The grafted omen fu dog boss fight looks neat. The fire giant golem looks a little annoying.
>>975591 >The open world exploration is boring The moment you figured that out is the moment you should have stopped playing.
>>975597 It's pretty much the boss you come back to later. >>975598 He's a fucking retard who is coming here to bitch.
>>975599 >It's pretty much the boss you come back to later. I'm guessing so. It immediately gave me a Puppet of the Future vibe. It does look really neat. The whole Shadow realm feels more right to me in a Souls sort of way. As pretty as is it, the whole Catholic Asgard overworld of the main game never really jelled with me. It's nice to get back to exploring a necropolis. Other than the obvious like the environment, enemies, and bosses were there any spoilers in that clip? There are so many spells and weapons in the base game I can't decide if I've seen them before or if they are new variations. The slow holy magic missile is new, right?
>>975596 >I found better gameplay That's the same video all of the commentary channels are using.
>>975598 Sorry I must have missed when you answered my question here >>975585
>>975401 This is very spot on as even on here unfortunately you see people talk about older games like gospel while not knowing anything about them.
>>975605 >The whole Shadow realm feels more right to me in a Souls sort of way. As pretty as is it, the whole Catholic Asgard overworld of the main game never really jelled with me. It's nice to get back to exploring a necropolis. I didn't mind the high fantasy of the main game, it added a nice contrast to it's siblings.
8 more day until it drops.
>>979684 The likelihood of me being able to play it right when it comes out is not good right now. Which is fine I don't really care for the online since there's no covenants and invasions are basically opt in. Maybe things will conspire to give me some free time though. I haven't been keeping up with any pre launch spoilers, are there any new spell schools or additions to existing ones? Especially ones that aren't fleshed out enough?
>>979928 New weapon types, spells and unarmed combat.
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>>979958 >unarmed combat How does that work? Is it like Nioh with tonfa or knuckle weapons or is it an actual unarmed move set? Can I apply ashes of war directly to my fists? Can I become Hokuto or Nanto? I want to beat every single motherfucker in the Lands Between with my bare hands and then make them explode afterwards.
>>980216 From what I understand you can equip something called Hand-to-Hand Arts to your character, and they'll enable you to do various schools of martial arts.
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>>980222 Fucking nice and fucking finally. It's about time that a Souls game does something like this. I've waited for this for so fucking long. Hopefully the next Sekiro sequel/spiritual successor/whatever will incorporate it too.
>>980228 You also have throwing daggers, axes and etc as weapon types.
>>980231 The twin throwing hatchets in Nioh 2 weren't very practical but they were fun. Hopefully the throwing stuff will be at least as good. I guess a kusarigama as one of the throwing weapons is too much to hope for. Nioh ruined me on that weapon, it was so excellent, After it appeared in the final demo I used almost nothing else for the remainder of the game. Not until the very endgame and NG+ did I change my primary weapon.
Showing off more of the new weapon types https://youtu.be/6Ds2BaGWKjQ?si=6cBydRgXuOMC_w4_
>>980926 >great katana stance is Ichimonji (Double) Oh shit!
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>>980926 >>981035 I responded too quick. The unarmed moveset is the High Monk combo series from Sekiro too.
>>980926 The Milady looks pretty fun, I think I'll use that until I find something cooler.
Well anons two more days.
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>>981148 >The Milady >>980926 What's this about the Shadow Realm using a different leveling system? >>981424 I can hardly wait.
>>981434 >What's this about the Shadow Realm using a different leveling system? You're given the ability to boost yourself using items only found in the DLC and said items will only work in the DLC.
>>981435 Like Mastermode in Terraria? Neat.
>because it's hard, it's good Not true lol. A game is good when it's actually enjoyable to play. Traversing a big empty map is not fun. Dark Souls 1 was the last time I'll ever give anything from fromsoft a chance. The game tried to railroad me to play a certain way and learn magic despite the class system, at which point, why even call it an rpg? Why do I have to learn learn spells to kill an otherwise invulnerable ghost? What was ever the point of armor sets when they did almost nothing to stop enemies and going naked was the correct choice (because of the speed advantage) 99% of the time?
>>981661 You'd have cried if you played older games.
>>981661 >only played one Souls game >judges the entire series It's not even that hard. After 1 you're given so many crutches to help you. It's just learning patterns & enemy placement. Dark Souls 2 is both the easiest game while also having the most bullshit bosses. That's just what happens when you put the B team in charge.
>>981661 You don't need to learn spells to kill the ghosts, as there is a consumable item sold by merchants and dropped by the ghosts, which says in the description that it allows temporary engagement with ghosts. Next you will complain that you needed a holy weapon to kill the skeletons in the catacomb(I think there was even a loading screen tip for this, as this is how I remember figuring out how to deal with them).
>>981666 I think your tips are wasted on him satan. If he couldn't figure out that much on his own that faggot ain't built for these kinds of games. Much less older ones. >>981661 There's no sorcery that lets you hit ghosts by temp cursing yourself, did you just completely misunderstand the curse cure sorcery? Ghosts just don't resist elemental damage in their natural form, hell you can get away with a basic pyromancy flame and 10 att and just fireball the fuckers if you're that stingy about item use like this is a fucking FF game or some shit. This kind of stupidity sounds like something a game journo or some CODnigger would do when it comes to playing Dark Souls. Do you just not read item descriptions or even the brief blurbs you get on them? Or not talk to Domnhall in the depths during your natural progression who will OUTRIGHT TELL YOU about needing to be cursed to hit ghosts provided you buy literally anything from him first?
>>981661 >>981664 When I fail an arcade game I'm punished for fucking up. When I fail Souls games I'm punished for not replaying a bullshit boss enough times, not traversing a big empty map long enough, or not wasting time using cheese strategies that are not fun. Arcade games are actually enjoyable to play. Souls games are not. Walking in a line for 10 minutes in Elden Ring isn't enjoyable to play. 95% of the game isn't enjoyable to play. I won't suffer that 95% to get to the 5% that is enjoyable to play. Old games like Breakout, Donkey Kong, Dig Dug or Space Invaders are enjoyable to play 95% of the time, and your deaths aren't bullshit.
>>981669 Git gud you faggot.
>>981669 >punished >respawn & can still call for help I'm sorry you don't like video games I guess.
>>981661 >>981664 >>981669 >>981670 >>981671 >Git gud you faggot. I git gud at games that are enjoyable to play. Gitting gud at Souls games is like gitting gud at eating shit. It's not enjoyable. >call for help Souls games are so unenjoyable to play you call for help so others play for you. I'm sorry you don't like video games I guess.
>>981675 You're either a boomer or just a shit stirring fag. Git gud. It's not that hard.
>perfume powder conflagration as standard weapon >agility scaling I don't get it, but looking forward to a viable Explosions! build.
>>980926 These look sick. I'm pretty excited for the DLC. Might start a new character to do a fist-only run. >>981661 >>981669 I'd somewhat agree on this. I think your criticism is very valid for Dork Souls and maybe Bloodborne (I do not own a nogames 4,) I can't fully agree with it in the realm of Sekiro and Elden Ring. I don't really care about clunky bosses and clunky combat. For me its the fact that you lose EXP on death. I'm perfectly down with what is essentially a gothic action adventure rhythm game that takes real mastery to beat. Beating it makes all the suffering worth it. But hard does not equal good. Punishing does not equal good. Dopamine rush on completing a tough challenge? Yeah. But is running over and dodging a bosses initial attacks to pick up some runes really a tough challenge? Very rarely during any of these fights do I even get nicked at this stage. After I pick it up, back to square one and I'm ready to resume. Ignoring the runes entirely changes absolutely nothing about the challenge of the bosses, except the time it takes to resume fighting the boss. In a rhythm game (and souls games ARE a form of rhythm game.) this is just unnecessary design. Or I'm just autistic about EXP loss. Elden Ring feels extremely good and tight to play. No clunky bullshit there (where Dork Souls very much is.) Bosses have bullshit levels of tracking that murder my ass all the time, but I learn those too. I think the hardest foes are actually the invaders. Because they heal and often obliterate stamina and health alike. (Playing a Hoplite build and I notice these things. You have to play really faggy with beating up invaders if you don't want to parry spam.) I also feel like its easier to spend your runes so unless you're hoarding them like an idiot when going into a bossfight it's rather easy to keep rune loss down. Or even ignore it in the case of Godric. The giant outside can be farmed so 2k-5k runes is fucking nothing.
>>981704 The reason everyone is calling him a faggot is because one can very easily tackle things by being obversevent. If you pay attention to items and stats Dark souls becomes much easier.
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>>981675 Sounds like a bunch of excuses.
Wonder how much Dex the great Katana will take to use, guess I'll put all the Int points I used up for Radahns Blades there with a Magic Tear. >>981435 So the level system is the same? Just new items >Can only use them in the DLC areas Well that's fucking lame
>>981759 True. Dark Souls is not a themepark game. All games hammers home having to pay the fuck attention, and that includes your environment too. If, by the second or third catacomb you inevitably crawl into, you aren't cautious of your surroundings, you're an idiot. Not even really skill based, just basic pattern recognition. I also didn't read his post in entirety. Anon said a lot of retarded shit. >>981767 Depends on the items. I think an alternate progression system is interesting and will help both fresh start characters and existing characters have meaningful progression in the DLC area.
>>981661 >The game tried to railroad me to play a certain way and learn magic Anon you what? These games are so very much easier to play as a big sword ungabunga or as a dexfag than as a mage. DS1 especially with its charge based magic system. >>981704 >maybe Bloodborne Nah. Bloodborne is nice and compact so there's really no terrible runbacks except for Logarius and all the main line bosses are completely manageable. Some of the optimal bosses can be a little annoying, like Paarl when you're suppose to fight him because of the camera or Logarius because es just something else entirely compared to what you've been fighting. Now the DLC bosses can be pretty hard as one might expect and the chalice dungeon bosses range from easy to completely broken, as in they are just complete enough to be used and not dummied out or are normal bosses that you have to fight in a broom closet.
>>981704 >I do not own a nogames 4 >Not emulating a Pee Es Four in the chillness of your house in your PC fag
>>981661 excellent bait, but still, you are a stupid retard after all, saty playing GaaS or shit like candy crush, or even Zuma, as it is more of your style
>>981434 I will teleport behind my enemies with that new spell and tip my Milady up their asses, not because of any phony Empyrean's blessing, but because I am enlightened by my own INT stat.
DLC is tomorrow.
>>981860 We are now officially less than 24 hours away from release.
>>982129 >one boss is doing Fume Knight style moves >another doing Pontiff style >balrog mode Midir
>>982129 >>982134 Bosses look very impressive, and it looks like the DLC area changes per ending. Which if so, is even more impressive. Six different variations of the apparently massive DLC area is nuts. I wonder if the quoted playtimes include additional playthroughs though? I also wonder if it'll be made easier to get different endings so you can experience the different DLC modes, or if there will be an alternate timeline/travel gimmick.
>>982135 >it looks like the DLC area changes per ending That's what I wanted the entire time for the main game. >I also wonder if it'll be made easier to get different endings so you can experience the different DLC modes, or if there will be an alternate timeline/travel gimmick. I wonder if the reveal will be that the "otherworld" of the DLCis just the regular world and The Lands Between was Heaven/Asgard the entire time which is why everything is so odd there?
>>982135 >it looks like the DLC area changes per ending I do not think that's the case. From what I understand this DLC has nothing to do with your ending. It's probably just different regions. Pretty sure early reviews have claimed that Miyazaki was basically lying when he said the DLC was the side of the first area in ER with a little extra.
>>982129 Looks spectacular.
>>982142 >Miyazaki was basically lying when he said the DLC was the side of the first area in ER with a little extra. Miyazaki indeed fucking lied
All I have to do now is wait a million years for this torrent to fucking download and I can finally begin my journey to claim Miquella's willy as my own. I can hardly wait. >>982254 I knew from the beginning that Miyazaki was underselling it by a lot.
>>982260 Should be able to download this torrent easy.
>>982262 I only download pictures of hot Empyrean trapshota willy. I'm not a horsefucking degenerate, like some sort of leftist.
>>982254 Maybe it just has a lot of underground DUNGEONS
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>>982282 Where's the willy?
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Head's up for Linux players, looks like there are some problems. EAC seems broken so no multiplayer and there's a problem on Steam Deck where if you leave it idle for about 5 minutes, the game stops accepting input from the player. From's working on a hotfix right now and it'll probably be fixed in a day or two.
>15 hours for the download to complete B-baka! It's not like I wanted to play you tonight or anything Elden-kun!
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>>982282 >>982318 Since you're playing It I want to ask does the Land of Shadow have a similar layout to some part of the Lands Between like how The Hunter's Nightmare reflects parts of Yharnam or is it totally its own thing?
>>982323 Totally different and the map is fucking half the size of the base game's.
Spoil us slow internet anons a little bit. Are there any new bubble or thorn sorceries? Any returning or similar weapons from older souls games?
The map is densely packed and It reminds me of hollow knight in terms of vertically going up and down for dungeons.
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Well looks like the predictions were true
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I know it's unlikely but is there any Ranni content in the DLC?
Anyone have any idea why copying my save files doesn't seem to work on the fitgirl repack? It usually works just fine. The game won't detect the save files at all and just sends me into an endless loop on the title screen of looking for save data and not finding it. Apologies in advance if my question is retarded and I'm just overlooking something obvious.
>>982504 Disregard this post, I figured out the issue. My saves are from the patch before last. I feel retarded now.
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Are there any weapons from the new types the have been sprinkled into the base game? If not then the new categories are going to be really thin, especially since this is going to be the only major DLC. Unless there's going to be some minor content DLC later or something.
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>>982588 I'm unsure I've been most in the DLC area.
>>982327 Is that good or bad?
>>982742 Good and the content being denser or stacked upon each other makes, it in someways better then the base map.
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>>982760 That's good to hear. Hopefully this means their next foray into open world will be better conceived. Compactness and verticality is what ER needed from the beginning. I'm surprised they didn't take the lesson from Sekiro. They nailed it in that game.
>>982848 > Compactness and verticality is what ER needed from the beginning. I've been loving the flow of the DLC.
>>982808 < pp (very hard) What score am I looking at that tells the musician to be very quiet (pianissimo) but very hard? (Reddit says that it makes sense for the wind instruments. I apparently quit too early with the clarinet.)
I finished the DLC, cleared most of it but not all of it. Went in completely blind, did not look up any info, was in offline mode, did not search for information or look at what talking heads were saying as I was playing either. No summons, no spirits. NG, as a golden order caster/sword of night and flame guard counter hybrid sword of night and flame does absolutely disgusting crit dmg. First, the bad: <open world meme, it's fucking huge but still fucking empty, if the base game's open world was a 3/10, the expansion's a 5.5/10 <run around for a solid 2-3 minutes to pick up a single minor item, all the while ignoring every mob on the way <multiple bosses which are extremely caster unfriendly, the hyper-aggressive permanently-in-your-face with a plethora of near instant ranged punishes types of bosses <feels like that the best spells to use on those bosses are Catch Flame/glintstones while standing in melee, which defeats the purpose of being a caster >the visuals are amazing, every area is gorgeous, the armour sets are superb, the spell and skill effects are spectacular without being blinding >shit ton of new spells, weapons, armours, ashes, and talismans, many of them strengthening underused builds, and many of them being there for PvP >and finally, bosses and legacy dungeons There are 3 absolutely massive legacy dungeons, each of them far larger than Stormveil but smaller than Leyndell. And they're all excellent. I had a great time exploring them, each of them having plenty of secrets, shortcuts, bosses, loot, and of course big fuck you rooms with ambushes and powerful enemies waiting to fuck your shit up. There are ton of small and medium dungeons too, none of them are truly outstanding, but none of them are bad; at worst they're decent (6/10). The bosses are the biggest draw of the DLC, and Fromsoft went all out for them. There's tons of them, and they're all new. They obviously learned their lesson from the base game and did away with all of the bullshit that made so many of their original bosses frustrating and tedious to fight. Mainly, you longer have to spend half the fights chasing down bosses that run away from you exceptions being the few dragon mini bosses, but at least they get an upgraded move set. The main bosses were all amazing, and the last boss is one of the greatest bosses ever created in video game history, potentially being THE best video game boss ever. The last boss to give me such strong HOLY SHIT THIS BOSS IS AWESOME vibes was the act 2 boss in Wolcen. We're talking Jon Irenicus levels of hype when I walked in the room and realized who I was fighting. Final verdict: 9/10, may actually be worth buying. >>982362 There is a new thorn sorcery, it's the briar set, it does like 30ish damage on a roll.
Oh yay a single player dlc that's 40 hours with NO story content!
So, let me get this straight... fixing the elden ring you reestablishes peace and order in the land but, is there anyone even left to experience it? Pretty much all that's left is monsters and shells of humans remain within the world. The destruction of the elden ring has seem to have caused irreparable damage. The only person that really changes through the fixing of elden ring is the player and maybe a handful of people, depending on the ending. The same can be said for all the other souls game too, essentially no civilization survive by the time you “save the land” and there isn't enough people to repopulate and create a civilization either
>>982935 >Expecting story content in a souls game Wew lad
>>982924 I actually think the final boss was the worst one
>>982937 You DID just describe the logic behind why the Chaos ending would be the best. That's the ending where the entire world is thrown back into primordial soup and Melina is set on a quest to kill you, presumably eventually allowing the ashes to grow something else again. While the world is clearly fucked, I'm willing to believe with enough time and death it'll recover. Ranni's ending remains the best for that. Every other ending with the Golden Order apparently becomes worse with whats revealed in the DLC.
>>983020 >Every other ending with the Golden Order apparently becomes worse with whats revealed in the DLC. This is the problem with continuations to multiple choice endings; they have to take away the ambiguity of the choice. It reminds me of Invisible War.
>>983020 >>983065 I thought this DLC wasn't a sequel and was just it's own thing?
I'm very pleased that the yaoifags were completely and utterly btfo by this dlc.
>>982952 >not expecting story from a single player AAA title Wew lad
>>982935 >>983127 >Fags still are asshurt over souls games and how they do stories after 15 years
>>983131 Frankly, I couldn't be happier with the story in this dlc. The fact that Miquella was actually the evil incestuous gay the whole time and Mohg was simply mind-controlled is causing meltdowns online and I'm loving every second.
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>>983162 It's fucking great.
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>>982937 >The same can be said for all the other souls game too >Demon's Souls Good ending means that everyone bound to the nexus is freed and all the remaining citizens of Boletaria as well. Shit's bad but it's not post apocalyptic. Not sure if dreglings will get their souls back or not after the Old One is sealed and defeated though. >Dark Souls games Hollows are the natural form of humanity anyway. The hollowing problem is because Age of Fire humans have a chimeric soul and all their memories, their ba basically, are inscribed on the wrong soul and that one is fading as the First Flame is fading. Hollows can absolutely can maintain their sanity if they were to become natural or primordial "hollows" or pre human humans or what ever you would call them. What endings you pick doesn't matter so much. What's important is that you break the stasis and allow the natural cycle of light and dark eras to resume instead of trying to extend the Age of Fire eternally. >Bloodborne Everyone, or almost everyone, you meet is already in dream purgatory anyway. Your experience in Yharnam is your own vision quest. You probably have limited to negligible to affect the fate of the other characters. It's probably like a Fatal Frame 2 or a Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time situation for them. There's a real Yharnam out there that may or may not be a ghost town. It seems like you can actually break the curse of the Hunter's Nightmare though. I don't trust the causality in Yharnam to make really definite declarations about the game's plot but regardless it looks like all the bad shit already occurred and you're just reliving it in some way or another. >Sekiro The Ashina clan is fucked regardless of what you do or if you even decided to leave the well at the beginning or not. The regular citizens though aren't going to be any better or worse off. The Interior Ministry isn't doing a genocide or anything though, they're just trying to conquer the castle. All of the good endings show survivors from Wolf's group of acquaintances and presumably those not specifically shown to be dead by end game or as a result of the ending choice survive in all of them. In the Shura ending everyone fucking dies of course except for Wolf who becomes a goddamn kishin. If anything Elden Ring's world seems to be the least apocalyptic world of all the souls games with the exception of Sekiro. It's just that everyone's kind of an asshole. Completely unfucking the Elden Ring back to its pre GO version would probably solve a lot of bad shit though. Marika/Radagon did to the Elden Ring what Gwyn and The Witch did to the First Flame and to humanity only that Gwyn and the Witch didn't fuck shit up anywhere nearly as badly and it was understandable because The Dark and especially The Abyss ARE fucking scary.
He really was Griffith.
>>983238 At least St. Trina was a good girl.
Melina is all but said to be Messmer's younger twin
>>982935 >Nigga so stupid he has to make AN ENTIRE POST to justify his shit take Lmao git gud You fag
>Miquella ends going full Griffith and tries to larp Falconia >Turns his own brothers into a power bottom >Caused his own twin sister to nearly die of super aids via forcing her to attack and capture his intended rape Vic >This causes half the map to be a fucking bio hazard >Brainwash Mohg to have bum lust and be killed for his body >Only his mother is more of raging lunatic due her being a woman All in fucking pride month!
Messmer is such a cancer boss holy shit.
>>983340 just use bloodhound's step and make sure you learn to avoid his delayed attack bullshit. he's weak to bleed and frost damage too. in the second phase you can attack the snake form after one of his 4-hit combos as a snake, the last one stays stuck in the ground for a bit, hit him before he reverts to human form. and yeah the dlc is filled with some pretty cancerous bullshit.
>>983350 I beat every boss up to this point without relying on bleed weapons but this fucker was just too much for my Claymore and shield. Ended up up using a katana.
>>983267 And she mat be the only one in that entire fucking family that isn't a shithead. I want to save her. >>983315 >>Only his mother is more of raging lunatic due her bei88ng a woman I wonder if this means that Radagon was in fact the good guy all along?
>>983375 Makes Melina's story far more tragic. Her greatest pride is being Miquella's blade, not the Goddess of Rot. Her entire fight is just a mentally broken warrior breaking down even further.
>>983383 Your getting Malenia and Melina mixed up.
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>>983361 bleed is the only way to go if you ask me. sorry but I'm not gonna waste extra time whittling down their health bar, shit's already taxing enough, having to dodge 64 hit combos just so you can attack once, and if you fuck up by getting hit more than once at a time you pretty much die. people call it cheese but at least you're still learning their moveset, at least you're still doing it solo without summons. this whole dlc has been pushing my shit in and my character is level 275 with balanced stats so I'll take any small advantage I can get, including the physick + golden vow + lord of blood's exultation.
>>983488 I totally understand honestly, I've never been one to dismiss any shit as cheese, to me it's fair game as long as it's within the boundaries of the game itself. These bosses are straight up out of Sekiro so I care much less now.
Has anyone else messed around much with the Minor Erdtree incantation. 70 FTH for what amounts to a slightly more powerful warming stone seems a bit... eh. It's like warmth if it didn't heal enemies. At least it's kind of cheap as far as heal incantations go, but I feel like it needs some kind of buff for how much investment it demands. Maybe 30hp/sec or higher instead of 24hp/sec. It's a cute lil' shrub though.
Some are calming some item Messmer will do shit with Melina, but so far I've seen no real proof.
>>983627 Most likely rumors.
>>983488 >>983490 If they design something and add it to the game then they intend for players to use it. If it doesn't work they way they want or interacts in ways they didn't plan then that's on then and not the player. That's my mantra. >>983627 I wish there was. I want a Melina ending. You don't kill a man's level up maiden. This shit is just not done.
>>983692 Maybe if we cope enough Fromsoft will finally give us what we all want.
>>983692 >If they design something and add it to the game then they intend for players to use it. This is wrong. The players are only intended to use what I personally think should be used. t. not the dev
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Forever maidenless
>>983708 God the entire Souls multiplayer community is a shitshow at this point and I can only blame Fromsoft for not cultivating and enforcing their concept better to both the the invaders and the co-opers.
>>983720 No game developers should ever be blamed for the autistic retardation of the people who play their games.
>>983719 >not telling her to fuck off >go lol lmao >Kick the shit out of everything at lvl 1 with no whorse git gud/0/10 mongrel butter non-lord.
>>983722 Well you're right in a way but From clearly has an idea or a vision of how the "dance" of human form - hollow (soul) form - white (blue) phantom - red phantom is suppose to work but but they have never just said to the community >Hey assholes co-op is for fighting bosses not exploring and invading is for giving hosts random encounters not for autistic duels or for punishing hosts for not fighting bosses by themselves (because if they are using co-op in the intended way you'll rarely even see a host with a phantom. >And both are for players to achieve human form: helping if you're white, mugging if you're red. That's the core multiplayer loop with other phantom and invasion types being just extra seasoning in the soup. I think the design is held half hostage by the community at this point and they're probably scared to change it least part of the community revolts. Like why the fuck do blue phantoms exist any more in an environment with no sin or no indictments? But if they tossed blues then the co-op side would have an absolute shit fit. Bloodborne had an interesting concept of "you don't quite know what you're going to get if you call for help" but like many things in Bloodborne the concept was unfinished and was never to be repeated, sadly.
>>983488 The devs have nerfed or changed different weapons ever since the game got released, some of the changes only impacting multiplayer. If after one year of all sorts of patches and nerfs, this is how much damage bleed does, it means that it's working as intended. I guess the counter argument would be to say, that Souls games have Easy, Normal and Hard mode, depending on what weapons you use, so using the bleed weapons is playing on Easy mode, while using whips is playing on Hard mode, but that comes more from the autistic "you are not playing it right" community, rather than from the devs. Hell, this attitude goes way back to the first Armored Core games on PSX and the Karasawa.
Started playing through with a fresh character for the DLC, having fun so far. It's amazing what I remember and what I forget. It's also embarrassing how long I farmed the headless knights for a helm... Is the SONAF any decent or did they nerf it into the ground? I'm thinking of doing a moonveil katana build but I'd like to do a magic swordsman build instead I think.
>>983746 SONAF is still decent as a melee option for INT+FTH builds. The fire sweep isn't just broken OP anymore. The DLC also gets you several good things for INT+FTH I won't specify and most of the spells and incants are low enough reqs that you'll be hitting them with an INT+FTH setup. Only two I've seen have costs over 50 and most have costs less than 40. If you're trying to do pure int however, SoNaF is bad for that. St. Trina's sword is a better straight sword if you want a fancy weapon and not an infused stick. Other good INT weapons and INT favoring weps are Glintstone Kris, Moonveil (as you mentioned), Clayman's Harpoon, Wing of Astel, and the Moonlight meme Greatsword, Plenty of other weapon choices too but those are the main ones that come to mind. However, there's a whole class of weapons in the DLC that get Erdsteel scaling properties (big boost to physical and element scaling) when infused with INT or FTH weapons, Just look for an X/X/E/E scaling on them (STR/DEX/INT/FTH), they look really odd statwise but it's solely for that benefit during infusions. These make for great fallback weapons for INT or FTH builds due to this, like how Erdsteel Dagger was one of the go-to combat weapons for pure faith builds due to that property. There's also several int spellsword weapons in the DLC and even an amazing int/fth weapon you get from one of the bosses, so if you want to do that build then give it a try. Just be careful about getting too used to moonveil because any boss that resists magic WILL shit on your parade, and it's hard to use other things when you get a feel for how busted that weapon's ash of war is.
>>983749 Thanks for the info anon. I might do a DEX INT build now that I've given it some more thought. Katana in one hand, spells/shield in the other. Moonveil is great but I'm not running to get it, I'll just do that when I'm heading through Caelid. I'm quite happy with the Uchi for now (chose the samurai solely for this starting weapon). And I can always respec if I find an interesting weapon in the DLC I suppose.
>>983746 >It's also embarrassing how long I farmed the headless knights for a helm.. lol >Is the SONAF any decent or did they nerf it into the ground? I don't think it's out of the box broken anymore but it's still a nice and powerful weapon.
I tried googling an answer to this, but every result is about the DLC, so maybe some anon know this. Is the Erdtree we see in most locations, the same Game Object/ 3D Model or does every location load a different Erdtree model? If I were in Lingrave and somehow fly directly towards the Erdtree, would it be the same 3D model as in the capital? Would the capital also be spawned? From a developer perspective it would make more sense to load different game model, depending on location and hide the loading of assets behind a cave or tunnel or hillside like going from Limgrave to Liurnia of the Lakes either through the castle's throne room or around the castle by the cliff side. Both options would hide the fact that it's a different game object, but it could also be possible that the game truly is open world, and while I am in Limgrave the game object of the Erdtree that is in the capital is already loaded and it's the one I see, maybe with less details, because of draw distance. Oh and if it's different game assets, does someone know if it's a 3D object, or just a 2D image, kinda like how most games have a 2D Moon on the sky, instead of a massive 3D sphere. From a performance point of view, it makes more sense to make it a 2D image, in areas like Lingrave. I guess in a way I am asking if the game is truly open world, or if it has a series of large sections, that are loaded behind clever loading screens like the Stornveil throne room or the elevators.
>>983753 I don't know if every version of the Erdtree is the same exact model or not but I know that at least one of them is actually a 3D model. >kinda like how most games have a 2D Moon on the sky, instead of a massive 3D sphere Funny you mention that but the moon in Bloodborne is an actual sphere. The blood moon anyway.
>>983753 Actually having looked at one youtuber's Erdtree video, they don't outright say but seem to imply that anytime you see the Erdtree it's the same model but it's scaled and moved up or down depending on where you are. Which implies that the world is just a series of large sections and the Erdtree model is just placed and loaded in the approximately correct distance and direction to seem like you can see it from everywhere. So I guess the answer to your last question is that's a little of both.
>>983755 I am certain that some models of the three are 3D like the one in the capital, it would be absurd to think it's a PNG >Bloodborne moon I haven't played the game yet, but that sounds quite interesting. >>983757 Just now I managed to find an out of bounds video https://yewtu.be/watch?v=6lvPI3x2WFk and at the start it does show that the entire map is loaded, at about 10:45 he does another zoom out from where we can see that the entire map is loaded, and at 11:25 we see a very low poly model of the capital, from when the player is in Limgrave so I guess it is just one giant map with low poly models in the distance. So I guess it really is the same tree but at different polly count, unless the three does get moved around depending on what area you are in.
>>983759 I'm not surprised, From is famous for using 3D - if low poly versions - of distant, OOB, objects where 2D probably suffice, just to make things look better.
Damn it I meant to upload this.
>>970714 It's funny how this became the default accepted depiction of Marika on the Internet even though nothing resembling that semen demon is in the actual game.
>>983769 lmao why would you give men and players (and men are like 95%+ of their playarbase) what they want? That would be preposterous
so how do you all feel about the recent patch that bolsters your attack and defense? I see people chimping out over it, but it's a minor change if you ask me.
>>983810 I get why they made the changes but I'd flatten the curve so they share the same endpoint. The increase in early strength is probably to help with Rellena since she was a common bitching/complaint point amongst players (especially Chinks, who most of the bitching is coming from). Doesn't really change much in the long run though, the real important thing is how levels 16-20 give you huge defense boosts. I feel like this change is kind of useless outside of the earlier part, overall. Game gave you plenty of cheese tools even in the DLC with shit like the perfume bottles, backhand blades, or existing things like mimic tear, bleed, and golden vow. Damage wasn't really the issue, survivability is. For survivability the game gives you all the tools already though with crab, pickled livers in the DLC, the elemental reduction miracles, etc. People just don't like using them so they bitch accordingly.
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>>983814 Sorry for doublepost, but it seems the damage brained community will forever be damage brained and forget to mention the identical defense curve changes. Yeah the defense curve changes are a good change, but I think they should've only done those and left the attack curve the same.
>>983814 >>983817 something I don't see people discussing is the availability of scadutree fragments from the outset. it's not like when you start the game you're going to be facing off against every boss with optimal attack and defense, so the "challenge" will still exist for most standard players who just traipse through the game without min-maxing in mind. I'm at endgame now and I'm only at scadutree blessing level 14, so now I should've only received a 20% increase in attack and defense. on top of that, I don't know how subsequent playthroughs will scale or whether or not you can increase your blessings indefinitely, so in the end these changes are so small that it might only matter for an initial playthrough and only for those who took the time to gather as many fragments as possible before facing any of the bosses.
>>975201 That map only seems small because there's lots of areas with verticality. Use a 3D map. I know there's one for Dark Souls.
What's the point of of this game? Seriously? What's the point of fighting for an empty world for people who won't even team up with you to fix it? If old bioware made a game like this, it would be 10x as good
So at this point we can conclusively say that bleed is king in this game. >>983824 How many fragments can you get without having to face a single boss? I know in Sekiro you can collect quite a few prayer beads before you climb the tower and fight G-Man. >>983994 Well if you feel that way you can always make a serial killer's dream come true or instead you can go three fingers deep in everyone on the whole planet. The Land's Between really does have an overabundance of complete assholes and unlike Yharnamites you can't blame it on being crazr from drinking alien werewolf blood.
>>983769 She's in the intro cinematic. >>984000 I think you can get your blessing to 14+ without killing any of the major bosses.
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>>983994 >What's the point of of this game? Turns out, fun things are fun. >>984000 >So at this point we can conclusively say that bleed is king in this game. I've just been bashing shit with my magic hammer and summoning my demihuman samurai buddy to help with bosses and I've been having plenty of fun. Not too far into the DLC, but that's what's been working for me so far.
>>983810 Apparently there are people out there now absolutely raging that the DLC "got ruint" over what looks like a comparatively minor tuning change. >>984039 >I think you can get your blessing to 14+ without killing any of the major bosses. That's pretty significant. >>984042 That's good. I don't mind maybe doing a blood build at some point in the future or having a blood weapon on backup but I didn't want to be basically forced into a very narrow play style in order to not handicap myself.
>>984051 Elden Ring spawned a ton of Fromdrones, they fell hook line and sinker for the git gud meme and they probably all cruised through the game using basic cookie cutter bleed builds.
>>984051 >Apparently there are people out there now absolutely raging that the DLC "got ruint" over what looks like a comparatively minor tuning change. They castrated Balteus in AC6, so I don''t really blame them, even if they're jumping the gun. >That's good. I don't mind maybe doing a blood build at some point in the future or having a blood weapon on backup but I didn't want to be basically forced into a very narrow play style in order to not handicap myself. I've been using the exact same build I like to use for NG and I've had no problems so far. I think the people bitching about the difficulty are the same people who got filtered by Armored Core 6's tutorial boss. So far, things have been easy going.
>>984042 Welp, it's not fun for me that's for sure. The game is not rewarding enough to devote all that time to completing it. What do I get? Level ups? Equipment? Scenery? There are a million other games that offer the same thing that have an actual, fully fleshed out story/characters. With practically no story and no fleshed out characters Elden Ring is pretty much just a blank canvas with no depth to it. If I wanted a singleplayer challenge with no story I'd play an mmorpg solo which this game practically is. But the thing is even most mmorpgs have more of a story than Elden Ring as well.
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>>984058 >Welp, it's not fun for me that's for sure. You should play a different game, anon. Or maybe join a knitting club!
>>984060 If you want an actually hard game, play Contra faggot. At the very least you won't be wasting your time in game that's pointlessly open world. Even though I don't like dark souls games, I still consider them superior to this. The open world portion of this game is just to pad out the games run time, just like 90% of all open world games
>>984065 Don't play open world games, play different games. Your problem has been solved, faggot!
>>984058 Did you play Lies of P anon? It has a really pretty good fleshed out story and the gameplay is nice. I just found out today that 2/3rds of the Relic of Trismegistus was dummied out in the released game. It's completely fully functional and is just missing a couple of switches and a ladder. Makes me a little sad. Maybe they'll add it back or repurpose it in the eventual DLC.
>>984070 Instead of me not enjoying games like LA Noire, Morrowind, and The Witcher 3, why don't you join the gardening club instead?
>>984075 Imagine playing games you like, instead of ones you don't. How terrible.
>>984074 I've never played it, but I think I'll give it a shot
>>984077 I actually think the core gameplay is good, everything else is meh
>>984058 >Fags still whine about story in a from game Seriously why do you expect anything but environmental storytelling at this point?
Reminder that the Greater Will did literally nothing wrong and nearly everyone in the Lands Between is a complete fucktard. Dragons are probably suppose to be the dominant race (the Elden Beast is a dragon after all) but then something went wrong and the Greater Will's contact has been severed. Finger Mommy has just been making shit up too so now the Elden Beast, which probably had important components removed by Murrica to de-Crucible it, is in complete defensive mode and is just trying to prevent any further damage. No doubt that's why the Erdtree is sealed to everyone.
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>>984058 anon, the story is there but you have to earn it. it's not force fed to you through cutscenes that connect together with easily digestible continuity. the basic premise is this: major characters: >Marika is the high priestess of the Golden Order, and the queen of Leyndell >Godfrey, the first Elden Lord and the father of the Golden Lineage >Godwyn the Golden, son of Marika and Godfrey, the founder of the Ancient Dragon Cult >Godrick, son of Marika and Godfrey, weakest of the Golden Lineage >Morgott, an Omen shunned by the grace of gold and yet a stalwart protector of the Ertree from wanton usurpers >Mohg, the Omen luminary of the formless mother who wished to usher in a dynasty of blood >Radagon, a champion of Leyndell with aspirations for the title of Elden Lord >Miquella, a product of Marika And Radagon's matrimony, the perpetual-child Empyrean >Malenia, twin sister to Miquella, an Empyrean who from birth was afflicted by Scarlet Rot >Rennala, high ranking sorceress and headmaster at Raya Lucaria, founder of the Carian Royal Lineage >Rykard, progeny of Radagon and Rennala with an insatiable greed >Radahn, legendary warrior that upheld the very cosmos themselves >Ranni, the youngest of Carian royalty, a practitioner of the occult secondary characters: >Melina, the mysterious maiden who desires to mend the world >Fia, Deathbed Companion who wants to usher in an Age of Darkness by consummating with the Prince of Death to produce a new liege >Gideon, The All-Knowing who sought to >Goldmask, a high ranking monk who sought the truth of the Golden Order fundamentalism >Dung Eater, a blasphemous heretic who'd see the world defiled alright so here's how it goes: Once upon a time, during the Age of the Erdtree, the Royal Carian princess, Ranni, encountered a witch while deep in the woods. This unknown woman, who is speculated to be a sorceress of Nox descent, took Ranni into her tutelage. It's speculated that this dabbling in the occult arts is what allowed Ranni to carry out her plan to have her step-brother, Godwyn the Golden, assassinated. Though it's unclear her exact motivations, Ranni sought a method, and proof of such a method's ability, with which she could kill a demi-god. Thus, she learned of the Rune of Death, which was kept well guarded by Marika's brother and Shadowbound Beast, Maliketh, and that it could be weaponized to murder a demi-god. She commanded a company of Black Knife assassins, and on the infamous Night of Black Knives, Godwyn was slain using the rune's power. Engrieved by this loss, Marika shattered the Elden Ring, a holy artifact of immense power. This in turn caused strife among her demi-god children, as they all clamored to obtain its shards, which then led to the Shattering, a lengthy war between Marika and Radagon's children, and the denizens of the kingdoms from which they hailed. Consequently, the Greater Will, the cosmic godlike entity around which the Golden Order as a religious institution was established, abandoned the land and its people. As a result, the Golden Order's influence started to wane, and those who were once touched by the grace of gold were no longer embraced by its power, and those cursed came be known as the Tarnished. Those who were Tarnished of the grace of gold suffered endless death and reincarnation, and were subsequently exiled from Leyndell, including Marika's own consort, the warrior king Godfrey, as a method by which Leyndell hoped to curtail the loss of the Greater Will's influence and possibly regain its favor. Hundreds of years have passed since these events, and nothing remains of the world but ruinous and war-torn battlefields and settlements where lifeless corpses, the undead, and demonic entities reside. The demi-gods exist in this dilapidated world seemingly at peace, as outright war has reached a standstill, and left to pursue their own ends as the world around them rots. The Golden Order's devout haven't given up hope for the Greater Will's return, and various traditions were established around such desperation, among them the ritualistic pilgrimage of Tarnished and their Maidens throughout the Lands Between - the remnants of what were the kingdoms of Leyndell, Liurnia, Limgrave, and the like - so they might pay penance to the Greater Will and receive its boons. The Roundtable Hold is a particular sect of Tarnished warriors who have dedicated themselves to the pursuit of the Elden Throne, as they believe that achieving such a title will allow them the ability to mend the Elden Ring, and the world with it, primarily through warfare and forceful acquisition of the shards of the Elden Ring. You play as an unknown Tarnished warrior who is sent on pilgrimage, at the behest of the Roundtable Hold, to acquire the shards of the Elden Ring, by any means necessary, and become the Elden Lord. Along the way, you learn various truths - about the Greater Will's abandonment, about Marika and Radagon's fusing into an entirely new entity, about Ranni's fealty to another cosmic entity, which was likely her initial motivation to assassinate Godwyn, as she wished to reach her full potential as an Empyrean on her own terms, outside of the Golden Order's influence, among other things - from various characters that ultimately influence the way in which you decide to mend the Elden Ring. You are first approached by Melina, who urges any prospective Elden Lord to strive for a brighter tomorrow by allowing the world to endure without any particular meddling (standard ending). You also may choose to reinstate the Golden Order with a fundamentalist approach, so as to root out the institution's internal corruption (Goldmask ending); alternatively, you may mend the ring in the name of Those Who Live In Death, and embrace eternal undeath (Fia's ending); further still, you may condemn the world to accursed harmony by blighting all and capturing the souls of all life so all may return to the Erdtree's rotten core (Dung Eater's ending); moreover, you could wreathe the world in chaos as the Lord of Frenzied Flame, and condemn the world to destruction; and finally, you may assist Ranni the Witch in achieving her Age of Stars by becoming her consort. now, stop saying that it doesn't have a story. It has a story, I just laid it out for you. granted, there's some speculation involved, and a lot more worldbuilding than there is actual story, but it's there if you want to engage with it.
>>984163 I thought the Elden Beast was a nudibranch.
>>984362 Its internal ID name is literally NebulaDragon. Does kind of look like a sea slug though. One that had swallowed a galactic supercluster.
I'm having a lot of fun with the Uchigatana with a Freeze Ash of War. I'm not even bothering with the Moonveil because my starting weapon is now crushing it. I'm still leveling to spec into SONAF but honestly I think I'll just keep using my Frost Uchi and the Brass Shield and see if they can carry me through the game. What's a good point to start the DLC? I've heard it's harder than the base game. Should I start as soon as I reach Mohg or wait until I'm at the final boss or something. Sorry for not reading the thread if this has been discussed as I'm trying to avoid spoilers. I've already had one boss spoiled for me and it would have been epic to stumble across him after a fog gate. On the subject of story I find Elden Ring to be a confusing mess for the most part. It's not really a story, just a setting for a novel turned into a game really, which makes sense considering how it came about. It's not that the story is poorly told (though it is in parts), I just think it's a shit story to begin with. >What if Yggdrasil was an evil alien that caused AIDS? Truly deep, thanks GRRM, now finish ASOIAF before you fucking die you hack.
>>984367 This panel just got out and there are already some high quality fan arts? Nice!
>>984371 If you can beat Mohg you can beat the DLC. DLC uses its own scaling mechanic so it's not nearly as level-dependent for its difficulty.
>>984403 Cheers anon, I'll get right onto it then.
>>984371 >I think I'll just keep using my Frost Uchi and the Brass Shield and see if they can carry me through the game. The number one Pro Tip of Elden Ring is the following: use what you like and make it work. >What's a good point to start the DLC? >Should I start as soon as I reach Mohg or wait until I'm at the final boss or something. That's up to you. If you have doubts, maybe try doing it right before the final boss. >On the subject of story I find Elden Ring to be a confusing mess for the most part. You're supposed to read the item descriptions, pay attention to the environmental storytelling and speculate your own theories. "Figuring out" the story is just as difficult as playing the game, if not even more difficult. That's just part of the game. Don't expect to easily come across a "correct" answer as to what's going on, beyond very superficial things. Speculation about the story and lore are part of the experience. >>984403 >If you can beat Mohg you can beat the DLC. DLC uses its own scaling mechanic so it's not nearly as level-dependent for its difficulty. Yes. 100% correct. Just upgrade your Scadutree and Noble Spirit blessings and you'll be fine.
>>984371 >>984594 The story of Elden Ring is pretty straight forward. The story of the DLC is kind of a mess probably because characters and motivations were altered and repurposed over the past couple of years. Even getting to the DLC doesn't make a lot of sense narrative wise. Like in DS1, DS3, & Bloodborne you basically get kidnapped to the DLC. In DS2 you're being lead there by Aldia, I think to complete something that he wants you to do. In Elden Ring you're being allowed in to, what? Fuck up Miquella's plans? And from the other side if you don't kill the two bosses necessary to enter the DLC, which are both optional bosses mind you, then Miquella is just stuck and fucked. You can ascend to Elden Lord or burn the world down and he's effectively banished himself. There's also the issue of motivation. The game clearly considers what Miquella is doing as horrible and he has to be stopped. You're not even allowed to side with him. Hes manipulating people, getting them killed, even betraying or abandoning thoroughly allies all for him to be able to ascend to be the top power of the Lands Between. Ranni basically has done the exact same thing only went about it in a more roundabout way and for arguably more selfish reasons. Fuck she's actually worse because she caused all of the bad things the everyone is dealing with to happen. Not only can you side with her but a sizeable part of the player base considers her ending to be the best one. What's up with that?
>>984683 >What's up with that? Simple, blue cunny.
>>984683 Not a lore fag, but my limited understand of Ranni's quest line is that she wants to be free of slavery and thus wants to go murder the greater will. AKA she doesn't want to rule, she wants the greater will to stop fucking with the world.
>>984732 She's an Empyrean, and Empyreans are effectively demi-gods who are capable of communing with the Outer Gods. The Greater Will is just one Outer God that we know of; Ranni, alongside Miquella and Malenia, were to be groomed as potential successors to Marika in order to keep the Greater Will in the family so to speak. However, [it's speculated that] neither Miquella or Malenia were fit for candidacy because they were born with terrible afflictions (Malenia with scarlet rot and Miquella with perpetual childhood) so it was Ranni who would be chosen as successor. However, this likely didn't please Marika because Ranni's not her child, and that's probably just as well anyway because Ranni had no interest in being a vassal for the Greater Will. Again, this is more speculation because her exact motivations are unclear, but it's possible that her tutor in the dark arts was a sorceress of Nox descent, and the reason this is speculated is various item descriptions seem to point to that as a possibility, including the Nox gear item descriptions, as well as Ranni's own item descriptions: >[Ranni's attire] was once worn by the snowy crone who the young Ranni encountered deep in the woods. She was a witch, and well versed in cold sorceries. It is said that the doll that houses Ranni's soul was modeled after her. That old witch was Ranni's secret mentor. >Long ago, the Nox invoked the ire of the Greater Will, and were banished deep underground. Now they live under a false night sky, in eternal anticipation of their liege. Of the coming age of the stars. And their Lord of Night. >The hidden treasure of the Eternal City of Nokron; a blade said to have been born of a corpse. This blood-drenched fetish is proof of the high treason committed by the Eternal City and symbolizes its downfall. Cannot be wielded by those without a fate, but is said to be able to harm the Greater Will and its vassals. >Tell the Two Fingers, that Ranni the Witch cometh to rend thy flesh with a fateful wound ne'er to heal. During her questline, you arm her with a sacred weapon of the Nox people that she can use to murder the Greater Will itself. It's possible that Ranni was mentored by a Nox sorceress who taught her the ways of cold, dark magic, and of the occult. She learned through these dark practices of the existence of other Outer Gods, and this gave her the freedom to choose for herself who she'd willingly decided to be a vassal for. She must've also developed sympathy for the Nox people, perhaps identified with them culturally, and wished to see them spared from their eternal damnation by the Greater Will. At any rate, she's a rebellious youth who rejects the teachings of the cloth in favor of following her own path. This is ultimately her motivation, as vague as it may seem.
>>984683 sizeable part of the player base considers her ending to be the best one. What's up with that? She has blue puppet gush.
>>984741 >she's a rebellious youth Did she tell her mother it wasn't a phase?
>>984826 Her mother was far too busy being divorced.
>>984830 She has both mommy and daddy issues, so it's no wonder she turned out the way she did. I still love my magic blue space doll wife regardless.
>>984849 Me too. I still think she's the best ending choice. Seeing how much of piece of shit Miquella was just made me feel that even stronger and want to say "fuck you" to all of them.
>>984860 I think the best ending is >get three fingered >burn Erdtree yourself >use the needle >beat the absolute shit out of Rad Man and Space Dragon >walk out with choosing any cutscene >wander around punching runebears and deathbirds and hope for a Melina DLC
>>984905 >hope for a Melina DLC Jesus fucking Miyazaki must know everyone wants it, even Japanese soulsfags have been giving him shit over it.
Well Miyazaki is incessant in saying that this is the first and last DLC for the game, so better start playing again. Need to do a refresher on the game. Show your DLC builds, guys.
I'm honestly a little disappointed with the lack of visually imposing big weapons in the game. Even weapons in the "colossal" and "great" categories lack presence of some of the big weapons in the Souls series. >>984918 Haven't started yet. Waiting for them to iron a few glitches out. Think I'm going to do a strength build though when I do. Maybe str/fth or str/int.
>>984918 >Well Miyazaki is incessant in saying that this is the first and last DLC for the game, Unless he's given another blank check that is.
>>984923 They will probably do an Armored Core VI DLC now, as that sold surprisingly well for an AC game.
>>984925 Sekiro never got dlc. So not every Fromsoft game gets it.
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>>984981 Every Armored Core got it's expansion pack, it's just that back in the day they were stand alone.
>>984981 >Sekiro never got dlc Please do not rub salt in that wound anon.
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>>984920 Like this is what I mean. The ruins greatsword is one of the chonkier weapons in the entire game but if you compare it to its spiritual predecessor the KUGS there's not even a contest. I was hoping the DLC would have more big weapons but the only thing that even stood out was that meteor greatsword.
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[delightful chuckle]
>>985171 Wait, is that why Malenia fought Radahn? It wasn't to get his Rune, but because she was a massive brocon and went full yandere?
Bled the shit out of Radahn last night, took me less tries than Messmer even though I was only at +16 blessing. Honestly I didn't even bother trying the final boss with my normal build, just respecced for strength and endurance so I could poke him to death with Mohg's spear and the Fingerprint shield. That second phase is actually retarded, I don't know what they were thinking.
>>985174 You're half right. Radahn said "No way fag!" when Miquella asked to fug him the first time. So Miquella threw a hissyfit and ordered his sister to go kill him and give Caelid super aids.
Is The Surge 2 any good? I heard first was OK mechanically with serious level design failures.
>>985235 It's a bit funny that when the Radahn vs Malenia trailer came out, the majority of people thought that Radahn was the bad guy and Malenia the good one, because one looked like a giant, demonic beast, and the other as a fair maiden. Then the game got released and it was the complete opposite. Then it was the Mohg was the bad guy for kidnapping Miquella and trying to make him into his woman. Then the DLC got released and it was the complete opposite.
>>985420 Although to be honest it looks like the DLC story was totally from the ground up rewritten at some point and tons of things were shifted around and erased. The Putrescent Knight has an internal name of Gloam Eyed Knight. Miquella had a deleted ending path in the base game apparently. It seems like he was retconed into a a bad guy. Most likely too Radahn wasn't going to have anything to do with the DLC, that's just my personal guess. Godwyn makes way more sense. I have no idea how all that happened yet again. They had 2 fucking years.
>>985437 Miquella always had mind control powers. That was lore even from the base game. And there were a lot of people who thought he was going around mind controlling people, including Mohg. Him being a control freak who wants to 'save" people by mind controlling everyone most certainly doesn't come out of nowhere. Radahn, maybe. But we never had any real reason why Malenia went to fight Radahn in the first place or what she whispered to him and that was a huge missing piece. The story for the dlc fits all of it well.
>>985444 >But we never had any real reason why Malenia went to fight Radahn I was under the impression that they fought during the Shattering when everyone was fighting each other for their runes.
>>985444 I don't mind him turning out to be a villain, I figured there's was like a 50/50 chance of that happening well before we got any DLC information. It's everything else that feels half assed. Like for example why can't we join him in a 7th ending? Were allowed to join another schemer to over throw the current order, or pick an evil ending and burn the whole planet down, or force the bony curse or omen curse on everyone? At least they should have given a St Trina rune since she's not on board with her other half. No other endings or either. Nothing really about any of the other mysterious characters like the Gloam Eyed Queen. No Melina ending. No Dragon ending. Basically other than Rape Shota we got a the reason why the Golden Order hated omens, why the Two Fingers are malfunctioning, and a little more about dragons. Then there is the fact that the DLC introduces a bunch of new weapons and even weapon types and spells from new schools and they can only be accessed by getting to endgame or at least going through an end gamer area. DS3 in comparison you only had to get through 3 early game bosses to reach the DLC. You'll mostly be doing suicide runs for awhile but you can still access and incorporate the new items early into your build. Bloodborne's the same way. You only have to beat Amelia Bedelia to access everything on this side of Rape Horse. Now when Nioh introduced a new weapon class in the DLC, and the way it does DLC's it was necessarily endgame/post game, they would sprinkle more common versions of the weapon through out the base game. That way you didn't have to wait for 6 chapters before you got to use tonfa or Odachi. It's all a little half baked. >>985451 Yeah pretty much. They were the two strongest demigods left and they were vying for HNIC. Or at least that was the original intent it seemed.
I genuinely hate boss design in this game. I'm too retarded to learn in the moment. If you want me to break down movesets this complicated with this many branches I need a literal training mode where I can infinitely test solutions to different attacks with no delay between tests because I'll fucking forget what options I've tried if I have to wait for it to naturally come out again. Please From. You've made your better Dark Souls 2 now. Put this shit behind you and actually give me a game that follows up on the systems I cared about in the first game. I don't want better combat. I want navigation, character building, resource management and fucking dungeon crawling to be the focus over le epic boss fights and big sweeping vistas of zero value filler content.
>>985478 >I want Fromsoft to turn their games into something they're not literally just play something else you fucking retard.
>>985480 That's literally what their games were until AotA came along and changed the direction of the ship.
>>985478 I some what agree with you. The tendency of Souls games protagonists to become faster and more agile and therefore making enemies and bosses have to be more nimble and have their attacks delayed is really a bad path to have gotten off on. It's not just From either. That's the really only thing that I ended up disliking in Lies of P. But also that game showed that we're coming up on the limit of the delay attack thing. It's actually easier to just run out of the way in Lies or to damage race the enemies into a stagger than to deal with it in the intended way. Now Bloodborne and Sekiro showed that the faster more nimble combat thing CAN work beautiful, BUT those are also both somewhat special cases. It works in Bloodborne because of rally. In Sekiro it works because you have an extremely small moveset: slash, block, jump, and occasionally mikiri. Additionally Sekiro (and Nioh as well) give you 100% blocks so engaging is safer. Bloodborne also showed how close faster gameplay was to not working if you've fought against many of the chalice dungeon bosses and enemies. All of the main game + DLC bosses are great and match up to the combat perfectly but they were clearly worked on and tuned very well and matched to appropriate boss arenas. I would really like to see them go back to the older slower combat for most of their Souls type games. Then again I'm a Classicvania fan too so I may be biased.
>>985481 >Artorias of the Abyss Are you actually referring to an over a decade-old DLC for Dark Souls? If so then my goodness man, why are you still playing these games? I don't remember anything about character building, navigation, resource management, or dungeon crawling in Dark Souls 1 being anything particularly noteworthy at all. The game is threadbare with regards to dialogue and persistent major characters, isn't all that big of a world with only so many paths, doesn't have many limited resources to manage, and I don't remember dungeon crawling at all in it, unless you count places like Sen's Fortress or something which isn't much of a "dungeon crawl".
>>985482 Your post got me thinking on something, but I am not sure if it's quite true. I am thinking that for the past 10, maybe even 20 years there has been a shift in not just making games more fluid, but more "actioney". Like how we went from Resident Evil 3 to 4, or Armored Core 3 to 4, or how Japan produced a lot more action JRPGs instead of turn based JRPGs. Regarding turn based I have seen comments to the effect of "they were just a limitation of technology, computers are fast enough now, so why play a turn based RPG when I could play Devil May Cry?". Of course, there are still plenty of turn based RPGs still produced and even successful like Baldur's Gate 3, and we have games that reduced the action like from God of War 3 to nu-God of War. This is why I am not so sure about this idea, it would requrie a lot of digging into, but the theory is that devs and players have gone with a "fast and action good, slow and methodical boring". >>985483 He is probably thinking of Dark/Demon Souls as a continuation of King's Field.
>>985453 >Like for example why can't we join him in a 7th ending? Joining Miquella is literally a death, because no one will have free will under him. He'll just mind control everyone. No one "joins" him in anything, because he's the only one who gets to have control. Ranni, conversely, wants EVERYONE to have control and that's why you can freely join her.
>>985453 >>985487 >Joining Miquella is literally a death. And here's proof of that, even gives a unique death animation and death banner. You need to get grabbed twice during the second half of the boss fight. First time he'll tell you about the thousand year journey of peace and place a "posessed" marker on you, second time he'll ask you to go together with him and fully possesses you. You even get a funny gesture out of it. What I do wonder is what happens if a non-host gets killed by this? Do they turn hostile afterward? Either way, I think Miquella lost his proper goal somewhere along the way, literally throwing away his love, compassion, and probably any sense of moderation as part of discarding his body to become a god likely had something to do with that. >>985482 Yeah, the constantly faster pace thing is getting to me quite a bit, myself. At least Elden Ring base game gave you better spells, guard mechanics, evasion methods, ashes of war, and better movesets to match the enemy pace, but the new tools in the DLC don't help with this save for the deflecting tear, though to be fair having Sekiro deflects in Elden Ring is fucking huge and helps a ton, but it's only a 5min buff and not a ring or anything more permanent. Though you don't really feel this "falling behind" outside of Romina, Rellana, and Promised Consort if you actually use defense buffs and spirit ashes like the game probably expects you to. Hell, the DLC even gives you some really good sprit summons like the not-sekiro-monkey Demi-Humans or a Furnace Golem. What I would give for a slower paced souls-like. That's why I really liked Decay of Logos when I played it in spite of how amateur and jank that game was, because it was a souls-like emulating DS2 and DS1's slower-paced gameplay rather than having all the enemies snort 12 pounds of cocaine like I see most souls-likes do nowadays. >>985485 I've personally never understood that theory. Mostly feels like it's something cooked up by DMC fans or similar action game fans as a way of disparaging turn-based RPGs. Turn-based is a very good style of combat with a lot to work with and can have a great amount of depth to it with shit like the smirk system from SMT or storing/keeping/stealing turns via BP from the Bravely series, amongst many other factors both keeping to the single-turn format and not. Hell, Octopath 2 is my favorite game of 2023 and that thing's a turn-based JRPG.
>>985487 That's true but you can also chose to just kill everyone outright. Same is true in Demon's Souls and Sekiro too. So the idea of another bad ending isn't out of left field. And that still doesn't explain why we couldn't have another faction ending. Just from the DLC you could spin off a mending rune or something from: Hornsent/Crucible, Fingering Mom, St. Trina, & Dragon Communion.
>>985504 am still laughing of Radhan being "I like to watch" while his twink handler whispers sweet nothing in your ear
>>985504 >I've personally never understood that theory. An explanation could be that people have associated "clunkiness" and "jaggedness" with "slow", so when they think of a slow, methodical game, they think of clunky movements and gameplay. They might also go on jewtube, watch a few minutes of King's Field gameplay, see how slow it moves, then watch a few minutes of Sekiro or Elden Ring and say, "yup, this is clearly an improvement", without thinking how the enemies in King's Field were designed for the slow-paced combat and the enemies in Sekiro were designed for the fast paced combat, they simply think that faster and more fluid is better. I guess to some extent they are the same type of people who think Morrowind's combat is shit, because "I keep missing with the steel dagger". I guess they also can't make sick combo compilations for King's Field like they could for Sekiro or Elden Ring. Now to some extent, yes, a lot of old games, including those of the PS2 era, but not all, were kinda clunky, especially in the movement section. Like the first 3 generations of Armored Core with it's control system, versus the more standard one used in gen 3.5 and beyond. Now for PS1 and PS2 era games, I think it was more because of control scheme, and for NES, SNES era it could have been hardware. Now to be clear, there are plenty of smooth and responsive games in those eras, like 2D fighting games, the Ace Combat games on PS2, racing games in general, Mario games and so on. I am generalizing a lot, as I don't have any numbers or stats available. Can you make a slow and fluid game in the current market? I think so, Dark and Darker is a somewhat recent example, where you had to plan attacks as they were slow, and movement wasn't the best, but people understood that and it was a massive hit, until all the scandals with Nexon came out, though you can still try the game out for free on Steam.
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Word on the street is that the Lies of P DLC will come in the next 2 or 3 months. Probably. >>985485 You're definitely not outright wrong because I've encountered a few normalfag gamers in the wild that just refused to play turn based stuff because there's not enough action and freedom. I think at this point the fad may be slowly shifting again as there have been more exposure to turn based combat and other slower playing games. Or maybe >>985504 is right and it was just a vocal sub community of gamers that were hostile to it. Maybe too the sentiment was boosted by gaming journos who have a profound hatred of Japan and most turn based stuff came from there. I don't know how to really untangle it all. >>985523 I'm not sure if you should figure the early 3D era into it because of the learning curve for both devs and players. Or at least you have to grade it on a curve. You basically went from amazing in the 4th gen to lmao clunky in the early 5th gen. >Now to be clear, there are plenty of smooth and responsive games in those eras Yeah definitely. One of the easiest contrast and comparisons I can think of is Castlevania and Ninja Gaiden, which are substantially the exact same subtype of game. One could almost consider Ninja Gaiden to be a fast paced Castlevania clone. Honestly just thinking back a lot of NES games were fairly fast and responsive.
>>985523 Isn't Morrowind one of those games where you can see your sword go right through the enemy, but then the game says you miss? Those types of games do have shit combat.
>>985620 Gothic 1 & 2 also has that type of combat and it's not shit. When you block, the enemy animation still continues, so even if it appears that the sword cuts you in half, you still block the attack, because one: you pressed the block button, two: you are in the blocking animation, three : you get the block sound effect instead of slashing sound effect and four: no health damage. No, it's not about the sword going through the enemy and not registering, it's about feedback loop. Hell, even Dark Souls has this thing with i-frames on dodges.
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>>985620 Only if >you're not specced into the weapon you're using >you have low stats This is a common meme about Morrowind but if you actually bother to build your character well it's not an issue. Often people confuse it for the game having bad hit detection when really there's a D20 roll happening in the background determining your hit chance, it's a carry over from TTRPGs. Combat isn't really the focus of any TES game, none of them have good combat arguably.
>>985620 >>985660 Not understanding dice roll combat and not understanding weapon skills are both memes on their own. If you build your character right you can start the game with a better weapon skill than some people have by the end of the game.
>>985624 >>985660 >>985663 I know it's not about hit detection. The game just doesn't prioritize that and instead does a dice roll. That's bad. They should have actually finished the animations to reflect what happens in the game. It's a video game. Video is important. Animations are important. If you don't want to animate what happens in the game, especially key things like combat, then make a text adventure, or at least just stop pretending it's a real time game and do something like Final Fantasy instead.
>>985730 >animations to reflect what happens in the game You'll get a sound effect and you'll like it. Worked just fine in arena and daggerfall and it works here.
>>985734 Those games also have shitty combat, but Morrowind was the example given at first, so that's the one I replied to.
>>985736 Its not "combat" it's dice rolls. Its literally no different from any rpg before it. You point the cursor at a monster and roll dice.
>>985743 I agree. I originally was replying to a post arguing against people who claim Morrowind's combat is shit. But really Morrowind's combat is so shit that it just shouldn't be considered combat.
>>985747 And IM saying that saying morrowinds combat is shit because your sword animation goes through the enemy would be as asinine as saying final fantasys combat is shit because you can't dodge attacks. You would be expecting the game to be something it isn't.
>>985750 >final fantasys (sic) combat is shit because you can't dodge attacks. This is also true, but at least those games aren't pretending as much. If you're not going to make things actually be action based, if you're gonna use turn-based mechanics, then just let it be turn-based. I understand modern Final Fantasy does the fake action with no real hit detection, too, and that's even worse than the most basic FF1 or even Dragon Quest 1 combat. At least that one isn't pretending as much. What we're arguing about here is a type of combat that's just the worst of all worlds.
>>985751 I guess I should have expected this kind of autism in a souls thread. Have a good day anon.
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What the hell?
>>985620 >Isn't Morrowind one of those games where you can see your sword go right through the enemy, but then the game says you miss? Just like souls game! What are iframes motherfucker?
>Souls thread dies when we finally have need of it
>>985798 If you are so distraught, just make a new one.
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>>985799 >making a new thread when the old one is on page 2
>>985801 It's past post 500, it's technically due for a new thread
>>985803 >>985801 As long as the mods don't delete it, it's ok :^) With that said, we can wait until it reaches page 3 or 4.
>>985809 Damnit I was just about to click send on the new thread.
>>985812 Fuck it I'm doing it.
>>985773 Iframes are nowhere near the same level as the game rolling a dice when you take a swing to determine whether or not you hit.
This one probably should be locked now tbh New thread >>985814

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