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Wanted:Dead Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 21:54:56 Id: 889628 No. 939234
Not sure if a lot of people have played it due to the bad steam reviews, but the game is surprisingly good. I played a few hours the other day, and I had a pleasant time with it. It's not a masterpiece like Ninja Gaiden 2 or Devil May Cry 3, but it's a solid action game like you would see in the PS2 era. I got it on sale after a friend recommended it to me, and I'm surprised more people here aren't talking about it. It's not the best game I've ever played, but its far from the worst. The voice acting and loading screens are terrible, yes. Although there's a solid gameplay system here that some people might enjoy. I'd recommend pirating first to get a feel for it, but I really encourage /v/ to give it a shot if some anons here have the time.
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I haven't played it but I immediately will say it looks like a typical Unreal Engine feel to it, with the shitty lighting and no attention paid to shadows. That alone isn't enough to dissuade me from trying it, I liked Trepang2 which was also an Unreal Engine game, but I just had to put that out there.
>>939234 The voice acting is what kills it for me.
>>939271 Yeah, the voice acting is really bad. Although the game itself is pretty solid. If you liked games like Lolipop Chainsaw, No More Heroes, or WET then I can see this tickling your fancy.
>>939271 >>939275 I unironically love the voice acting for Hannah. Somehow it elevates her character.
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>>939271 It's awful, yes. But voice acting isn't really something that would make or break a game for me. I wish they would've centered their attention on the combat system (inspired by, I'm guessing, Revengeance and Nier) instead of all those awfully bad mini games(that sushi rhythm one is painfully bad). Once you find your way around the combat and exploit it (and you power up Hannah), it becomes somewhat bearable. Boss fights are terrible. Hiring the whore from MGS V wasn't cheap, I bet, and that's more money and time that could've gone to making the combat system good. Character design is awful and Hanna is just not attractive. It feels like they wanted to make her sexy but had to find a middle ground to appease (((modern audiences))). Something else i remembered besides the awful cinematics that go for way to long are the really low budget anime cutscenes. More money and time that could've gone to the combat system. This game would've benefited from telling the story via text or like a visual novel. Wasted potential. You'd think they would've learned a thing or two from Devil's third. I need to replay it again though.
>>939234 Played it, was in the same timeframe as Wo Long and Atomic Heart. If only they more time and a better focus, should have made the character dynamics and downtime be more like Astral Chain, I love the diner and arcade scenes. Could have been good if they made hub world game with plenty of locations. Now the gameplay, it plays only a bit better than Devil's Third without the hand to hand gameplay, but the dynamics of the gunplay and swordplay is lacking, so much potential just lacking in focus like in Atomic Heart, but better optimized for PC than Wo Long. It just didn't reach it's full potential, absolutely love the soundtrack, Stefania Joosten is good with both original and cover songs.
I played it, I didn't like it. It was too simplistic, with basic combo strings that you repeat ad nauseam interspersed between mashing the handgun so as to interrupt enemies that want to use priority attacks against you. The gunplay feels "plastic" for lack of a better word; there's no weight behind the guns, and the sound effects make it all the more artificial. For all the shit TLOU gets, and rightfully so, at least it's got some impeccable sound design, and the weapons sound authentic. It really goes toward making a more palatable experience. Anyway, I liked the aesthetic of this game, and I found the mini games and voice acting to be quite charming, it's just that there's not much to the combat at all, and honestly I couldn't bring myself to finish the game. Maybe I'll go back in due time and play it again, but I doubt it. 6/10 I'm glad that Joosten is getting work after kojima/konami dumped her.
https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=xH3xxSQnZXg Apparentlÿ this is how you're meant to play the game.

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