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Tabletop vs Vidja Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 18:55:48 Id: 659b91 No. 939531
Weird thought, What attracts you to vidja specifically? I know personally it's cause while I like board games and own a good few myself, videogames can be played on my own schedule and don't require a third party. I'm actually not at a shortage of ways I could play those tabletop games with people, but having a computer that manages all the rules and just lets me experience the game without having to think to hard is also nice too.
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I mean the videogames I like cannot really be played on tabletop. I wish I could play more tabletop wargames but alas I have no one IRL to play with. It has gotten to the point I am thinking about buying this 150$ 2 player pack and then painting it all just hoping someone will try it with me. But then I remember I bought munchkin and nobody wants to play that with me. There is 1 other group I know of but they are playing D&D 5th edition and I am so tired of 5th edition. This is also your reminder that we have a >>>/tg/.
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OP, are you aware there are video games that aren't remotely like tabletop games? I'm not going to replicate New Vegas or Super Meat Boy with die and cardboard.
>>939531 40k mods for Tabletop simulator have more players than actual 40k, since a lot of people are getting more and more sick of Goyims Shekelshop and their prices.
>>939551 You know if GW just reduced the prices a little bit they could be swimming in so much cash. Just halve the prices and suddenly you have so many more people who can actually afford to play the fucking game. They could even just increase the amount of models per box if they wanted to. Just start selling boxes of 20 marines instead of selling 5-10. Why are they even selling plague marines in boxes of 7? They come in units of 5-10 why 7? Just make it a bit more affordable and suddenly all this talk about 3d printing would go away.
>>939564 >Why 7 It's for thematic reasons, because 7 is the holy number of Nurgle (Though I don't know why plague marines are the only ones they chose to have that for, since they don't sell Rubric Marines 9 to a box or Khorne Berzerkers 8 to a box.)
>>939531 Less imagination and setup required than tabletop stuff. Not to mention that some things in vidya just can't translate well or at all to tabletop like >>939542 said.
Videogames are a different medium from board games, and both can capitalize on actions and engagements that are only possible through their respective mediums. Videogames are far more accessible, easy to manage and visually impressive, whereas tabletop games are far more personal, tangible, and easy to customize. I've never actually played any tabletop stuff aside from party games (UNO, Sorry!, Monopoly) but I've wanted to get into D&D for ages, and the ability to verbally berate someone before leaning over the table and slapping them upside the head for being a dipshit has an allure that videogames simply can't provide. RIP LAN parties, another thing I haven't experienced. I guess I knew we had a /tg/, I just always assumed it was dead or abandoned. It always seemed like a different clique even when it was active.
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>>939686 I was under the impression that 3 was the holy number of nurgle. Hence why he was 3 of everything on his banners and stuff.
>>939705 The remnants of 8/tg/ stayed on smug, which has a /tg/ run by the BO from before the site fucking choked on Jim being a fucking faggot.
I hate socializing
>>939531 - I can play vidyas all alone. - They're more immersive, so much better to escape reality.
One of my friends once really tried to get me into tabletop games. I mean besides Monopoly and the casual stuff that is actually fun. Started with more complex board games, then on to RPGs. They're fucking boring. They're so slow and boring. I even tried playing with different groups, because people told me the group can make the difference. I got along well with all these people, but the games were just boring every time. Too goddamned slow. Too much time waiting for other people's turns and then calculating stuff. You organize a whole day and get everyone together and that's all good, but then you spend the day just sitting there waiting for people to decide things and do math. I wish it was like that TV show Community where the GM is an autist who can do all the calculations instantly, but also not so autistic that he focuses on it, and actually makes people play fast and fun. But I've never met that GM. I remember one time my friend wanted to try making a custom Pokemon RPG. So he set out the stats and made a program he could run as GM to calculate all the stats and rolls quickly, listening to my complaints about the slow nature of these games, especially when the calculations get complex. Eventually we realized he had ended up just recreating almost exactly the actual calculations that go into things like attack power and catch rates and whatnot in Pokemon. Then he realized to just play the fucking video game. All this effort for what in the end would be a watered down version of the game anyway. >>939564 >>939686 >They come in units of 5-10 why 7? Obviously it's to encourage you to buy 35 of them.
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>>939912 >I remember one time my friend wanted to try making a custom Pokemon RPG. He's literally me.
>>939780 They just do that because it looks like the Biohazard symbol.
>>939542 Yeah, but both are still games at their core. Though I do agree it's not a perfect comparison, it's just how you spend your time.
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I can play multiplayer games with people all over the world whenever I like. I don't have to schedule a game date with several other people, all of whom have wildly differing work schedules. I can stop playing games for months, and come back later, not garnering the ire of some pedantic GM who is upset that some people don't live on the dole, and have responsibilities and burnout keeping them from playing at a moment's notice. I really don't have the free time or energy to play pretend spess muhreens with people with whom I have nothing else in common. Many tabletop games could make excellent video games, even in the aforementioned TTS format. Most games make for shitty tabletop games, and I say this owning both the Donkey Kong and Pac Man board games.
>>940405 >I can play multiplayer games with people all over the world whenever I like. I don't have to schedule a game date with several other people, all of whom have wildly differing work schedules. I can stop playing games for months, and come back later, not garnering the ire of some pedantic GM who is upset that some people don't live on the dole, and have responsibilities and burnout keeping them from playing at a moment's notice. That's not a problem inherent in board games or pen and paper RPG, but of any multiplayer game that has guilds, especially if there are guild raids and said guild is somewhat competitive. There are also plenty of casual board-game events/clubs, in which you can drop whenever you want, play just one session of Catan, come back six months later to play something else and nobody will have any problems with that. >play pretend spess muhreens with people with whom I have nothing else in common To some extent you play pretend in any game, whether it's Counter Strike(pretend to be terrorist or anti-terrorist) or Age of Empires(pretend to be the French kingdom) or a racing game(pretending to know how to drive), but it's line too far when it's a board game? Also if you want to be in a more serious group, like a bi-weekly DnD meetup, I assume there is at least one guy whom you know and not random strangers. Plus it's possible to make friends with the group, the same way people have made friends and enemies in MMO guilds.
i do think, there can be something to be learned from tabletop games, at least from a design perspective. i'm not exactly referring to monopoly or anything made by mattel/hasbro per se, so much as classics like go or chess. mastery of the tools available to the player, the psychology of the player that can be played with, things like that.
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Multiplayer in strategy vidya: >get gaem >all units, factions, everything is included >can switch factions and army comps every match if you want >no rulebooks or preparation needed, just play it and you'll figure it out >play online whenever you want Tabletop wargaming: >get and read core rule book so you know the basics >get and read extra rule books for every faction and subfaction so you know what they can do >pick a faction and make an army list >get a bunch of overpriced plastic miniatures for that >optional: learn2paint and paint them so they don't look like shit >organize or find a game event somewhere near you >get annihilated because you're a newfag, your chosen faction is actually weak as fuck and your army sucks anyway >realize you've wasted loads of money and time on an army that has no chance of winning >can't experiment to git gud because every change in tactic requires spending more money on new minis Tabletop is peak judaism. Even gachashit isn't this jewish.
Computer lets you either play alone, or with others with less social burden. Tabletop forces you to play with others, and you have to actually play nice to a degree with the other players.
>>940495 I get your point but if you want to change tactics you can just proxy different similar looking models. I do. I don't have a single plasma gun on any of my traitor guard and yet the list always have 2. I also wouldn't recommend playing factions based on the meta. You play whatever army looks cool to you not what is currently stomping tournaments. If you play meta only you will quickly burn out. I also don't think learn2paint is optional. I think you kinda have to enjoy painting your dudes up whatever colour you want, If you do not like that then half the enjoyment of seeing your dudes fight goes right away.
>>940510 >I also don't think learn2paint is optional A lot of the people I see play nowadays just have their figures unpainted, at best maybe half their army is painted. I consider them lesser fans/players but it's totally viable.
>>939912 >All this effort for what in the end would be a watered down version of the game anyway. battle and capture gameplay-wise, maybe, but for the rest of the game, nah, you have the freedom of a tabletop rpg on that front
>>939564 Even if GW reduce the prices they still very slow with content or focus on unnecessary stuff.
>>940636 >still very slow with content or focus on unnecessary stuff. Yes, it's only in the last five years they've started updating Eldar, Orks, Tyranids, and Chaos. Hell, the Sisters of Battle were still all metal models from the 90's until barely five years ago. Still a drop in the bucket compared to the constant, never ending stream of new shit for the Spess Mahreens.
>>940510 Experimenting with strategy means changing units, their numbers, even switching factions to see how they play and find the play style you like. That's simply not possible with real money cost for every change. You'd have to proxy the entire army, which is kind of missing the point of playing with plastic toy soldiers. >metafaggotry That's not all of it. Meta isn't very important in smaller, local hobby groups in my opinion, but there is also a problem inherent in the game itself. When the game has multiple rulebooks for different factions instead of one big book to cover everything it means different update release cycles per faction. Each update to a faction always adds a little power creep to drive sales of new minis, same as how gachas and p2w games make every new jpeg slightly stronger than the last. This is a deliberate, essential part of the business model. So when the spess muhreens go through 3-4 editions + new codex for another special snowflake variant before even a single sister update like >>940818 described this slight power creep will turn all those neglected factions into punching bags.
>>939912 Sounds like you put more emphasis on the game itself instead of the social aspects. If your not getting anything at all from the side banter and ribbing each other, best stick to 1v1 or 2v2 games. A good tabletop experience needs players to have some acting chops to keep player's engaged and entertained while it's not their turn.
>>946322 wait what
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>>946322 Holy shit when was enabled? It's like I'm in 2014 all over again.
I realized I really like RTS games and despise turn-based strategy, despite years of thinking the inverse. The amount of stress over trying to predict not just the enemy's turn but also the kind of shenanigans that switching turns or having a turn limit causes always bothered me, like turn advantage. The only tabletop games I like are extremely casual roleplaying ones, since as stated the rulecuck by-the-book combat experience is just an abacus simulator which eventually leads to solving the meta/tryharding. Most of the more traditional tabletop games just have a themed gimmick which falls off the same night you play it. >>940636 GW is a toy company, not a game company, simple as. Having to come up with a game around the plastic is a cost to them, not a profit-setter. With that said it's pretty good plastic, resin printing has some funny qualities to the material like being brittle or sproingy.
>>946325 Since at least a couple years ago now, as far as I know.
>>946323 >>946324 \color{#FF0000}{\text{e}}\color{#FF8000}{\text{a}}\color{#FFFF00}{\text{s}}\color{#80FF00}{\text{y}}\text{ }\color{#00FF00}{\text{p}}\color{#00FF80}{\text{e}}\color{#00FFFF}{\text{a}}\color{#0080FF}{\text{s}}\color{#0000FF}{\text{y}}\text{ }\color{#8000FF}{\text{b}}\color{#FF00FF}{\text{o}}\color{#FF0080}{\text{y}}\color{#FF0000}{\text{!}} *and now between a pairs of dollar sign pairs* >>946325 as far as i know it's been on since the site's up
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>>946341 That text looks incredibly tactile. It reminds me of zebra gum lol
>>946341 I don't suppose there's a way to set that up to do it on the fly with tags is there?
>>939531 A friend of mine mentioned he really wanted to play Tabletop Simulator / Vassal with me. What are some good games for it? Not just good tabletops, I mean games that have a good port for either engine.
>>946373 love that stuff

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