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Design Trends Over the Years Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 15:21:18 Id: fe8074 No. 940674
Which era had the best designs for consoles? Were there any consoles released in any of these eras which did NOT display the design trends of the time? Not pictured, but I actually liked the aged "wood" design of consoles like the Atari 2600, the Odyssey, Coleco Vision, etc. I miss the boxy, utilitarian/practical designs of most things from that era, actually. And I hope that isnt just my rose tinted glasses talking again.
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I've always found the megadrive quite sexy, it's my visually favorite I think. And to a lesser extent the original PS1 too, I guess I just like that cricle-in-a-box thing, but the megadrive definitely does it better than the PS1.
>>940679 What about the Dreamcast? It is like the Playstation in design but even more symmetrical and cubical
>>940691 The Dreamcast is another good one but but I like it a bit less than the PS1.
>>940674 I really like the design of the Japanese Famicom with the controllers connecting to the side of the console, the small cartages, and the overall aesthetic of the physical system. Although the attached controllers are a massive design oversight considering that this was a device aimed at children.
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>>940718 Yeah the Famicom is way better than the Burgerbox in terms of aesthetics.
>>940720 left looks like some cheap unofficial chink bootleg of the real NES on the right
does anyone have an image from when I think was the early 2010s of a bunch of box art that was very similar? I think the style was all like front facing torso high figure looking straight out.
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>>940726 Shit take, shit taste. The Famicom looks like a cool spaceship while the NES looks like a literal burger box.
Speaking as a 96 kid. Even at the time I dislike the aero aesthetic. It looks so cheap and plastic. Vista UI was just so un-appealing to me. Y2K era is the best one in my opinion. It has a lot of similarities but for some reason it doesn't make me think of plastic for some reason. I wish I could articulate why but I cannot.
>>940735 I thought the Vista UI was the best. Even 7 felt kinda ugly in comparison. But i always disliked the glossy plastic used in many electronics in the late 2000's and early 2010's, specially if it's black. Outside of the fat PS3 it always felt cheap and they get so many fuckin' fingeprints they could be used as evidence for crime scenes. I like the launch Xbox 360 more than the redesign for this reason. Too bad these are the models susceptible to RRODing.
>>940729 That's why it was so famous and successfull with the mutts
>>940718 >>940720 >>940729 The NES was copying off of the VCR aesthetic at the time.
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>>940735 You can blame Apple's retarded looking bubble computers made for "everyone" in different colo(u)rs.
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Mix between Y2K and frutiger aero imo
Something between y2k and aero
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Memphis or Y2K because they actually look like fun toys despite also looking like a brick. Also, please God end this minimalism flat cancer.
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>>940800 Personally hate flat design, but do you think there will ever be a point where people will look back on that design asthetic fondly like we do with Y2K? I doubt it since nobody is going back and digging up old 90s corporate art really.
>>940718 Didn’t a couple of Konami games have superior audio on the Famicom too?
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>>948797 Probably not. Flat design reminds me a lot of some of the design trends from the late 60's and into the 70's. Nobody likes that shit unless they've fried their brains on drugs. Though woodgrain was peak aesthetics for consumer electronics, and it needs to make a comeback.
>>948797 Is that stylized globohomo art? That looks pretty neato actually.
>>948806 Its fanart of a game called going under. It is a game that is parodying this kinda corporate style. The way the artist drew it in that post though for some reason reminds me of 80's cartoons.
>>948797 Its possible, especially if designs continue to get worse like they have been doing.
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>>940674 let me fix that
I didn’t realize how awful flat design is until I compared the 3DS homescreen to the barebones switch homescreen.
>>948856 >comparing dogshit with dogshit
>>948806 >>948818 Anon is correct, the game nails the globohomo style and it fits the corporate feel of the game. I think what youre seeing in that art is some of the artist's normal work bleeding into them trying to emulate the look of the game, it seems like the specialize in 80s anime looking stuff.
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>>948866 More of that guy's art.
>>940674 Frutiger Aero wins. Don't need to explain, if you disagree you are a faggot nigger.
>>948866 Looks hideous
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>>948876 Which means it did what it was supposed to do I guess.
>>948872 The explanation is that youre a zoomer.
Frutiger Aero wins overall. Memphis Design has the most SOVL, Y2K stands out but is too garish, and Flat Design is insipid rubbish made by diversity hires and talentless niggers.
>>948895 stop using that made up term zoomer
>>948797 I really doubt there will be a lot of 2010's nostalgia at least up until a certain point in the early 2010's. It's so devoid of personality that i've seen 14 year olds having anemoia for 2000's internet and making their own Neocities websites.
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>>948918 it wont change that fact "Frutiger Aero" is still a bad label to use
>>948925 Just use a halfchan term to describe Frutiger Aero.
>>948930 that being?
>>948909 >>948925 Frutiger Aero's consistent with the OP and unestablished terms can confuse the conversation.
>>948912 >Early 2010's nostalgia having no personality <Just like with current generation that also have no personality besides retarded TikTok trends I've seen some fags all of the sudden having nostalgia over the 2010's shitty cartoons at CN, when they started hiring delusional dipshits at tumblr through nepotism.
>>948933 >Frutiger Aero's consistent with the OP and unestablished terms can confuse the conversation. what about it is "consistent"
>>948867 Damn, that's some good shit.
>>948936 >OP literally uses the term >others use the term identically <I AM CONFUSED HOW IS THIS THE SAME THING You seem to be here solely to troll or spam. The term is a retronym, but you really have nothing to say here.
>>948872 No such thing
>>948872 >>948895 Correct. Frutiger Aero despite that name being fucking retarded, was the peak of post-millennial technology design aesthetics. >pleasant to look at >colorful but not garish >presents a generally optimistic feeling >doesn't seem pretentious >coherent design that isn't out of laziness or conformity
>>966376 Similar to Art Deco, it's a term that originated after the fact to describe a specific set of aesthetics that were popular at a point in time. While it is true no graphic designer in 2006 was setting out to make "Frutiger Aero", you can effectively apply that term to categorize a certain style.
>>966661 >flower enjoyer Based taste.
>>940674 Flat design feels like something from a dystopian future... oh wait
>>966752 Ok, I'm waiting.
>>966749 I suppose you're aware of the game Sable, then?
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>>966770 You can stop waiting anon. the "oh wait" was a rhetorical device to imply that theoretical subject of the sentence was not in fact theoretical.
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>>940674 I fucking MISS that Y2K style look godamnnnnnn Growing up with that as the design around the music player on a tiny computer monitor felt so cool
Where does this assdeadicks fit in?
>>966856 >by the turn of the millennium That should've clued you in that it's Y2K.
>>948925 >>966661 >Frutiger Aero It was called skeuomorphic design before some designer chick decided in 2017 that wasn't good enough. Technically skeumorphism isn't the same thing, but that's how it was used >>940735 XP only gave you 3 colour choices by default, which sucked. >>948797 Nostalgia is universal. Maybe some people are attached to the colours or animations. But I think most of them will only start caring if navigating user interfaces changes radically..
Y2K is the best, Flat is the worst.
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>>966860 Doesn't look like what is in the OP at all
>>967231 1 and 2 look like those incomprehensible beings in the bible, just impossible to tell what you're looking at.
>>967198 Apple minimalism is the biggest cancer, it not only affected tech hardware and software but interior design as well.
>>967405 >it's all Apple's fault! Okay, XP fanboy.
>>967415 He's not wrong. Apple's design literally changed everything.

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