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A "new" Timesplitters game may come out after all. POTENTIAL TIMESPLITTERS 4 LEAK THREAD Anonymous 03/02/2024 (Sat) 05:51:17 Id: 99f10a No. 941171
Apparently some Retardittors CAN learn from history. Apologies for phone pics, but Retarddit. https://archive.ph/0EYWq https://archive.ph/GqYkm >I bought a ps3 dev test kit with a timesplitters 4 prototype apparently on it. >I asked the seller a lot of probing questions without giving it away, they indeed had a friend who worked at free radical until november 2008 a month before the studio shut down. They are going to boot the game up at the weekend to see what it is and send me a video, if it's legit I'll buy it and if someone who knows hdd dumping helps me I'll upload the drive If this really is real and not some bullshit ARG at work here, then somebody on Retarddit bought a dev kit with lost media on it and didn't wipe and destroy it to make a shitty tacky mod. Timesplitters 4 discussion? This could be completely fake but if not then there might be a god after all watching over us. Fuck Blizzard garbage anyways.
>>941171 >timesplitters sequel I've gotten my hopes dashed so many times on this subject that I don't think I can let myself believe any of this until more proof is posted. Also does anyone know much about pic related? That is where it may be going according to the poster in that archive.
>>941171 >if it's legit I'll buy it and if someone who knows hdd dumping helps me I'll upload the drive >Year of our lord and Savior 2024 >Retard can't into fucking HEN and just put a fucking USB into that, so he can get the assets without a hassle I fucking hate redditors so much
>>941178 Dumping drive without fucking with it first is optimal. That will get stuff that was deleted without being shred deleted.
>>941171 Reminder that if you're really desperate there's always Timeshifters, which is basically Timesplitters 1.5 with no budget.
>That spoiler Good lad
Going by the footage released of the cancelled Embracer TS game we dodged a fucking bullet.
>>942076 The only part of that I kinda like is that it's third person, because Timesplitters does have a lot of great character designs that get a little lost since you're in first person. Everything else looked like trend chasing garbage.
Oh yeah, also technically the 08 prototype is also getting some stuff dropped latter today or tomorrow. It's discuck only for now so I'll post the backup of that stream and of the build that will be posted.
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>>942076 I put all of the blame on Deep Silver
>>941171 Why even be excited for this? It won't play at all like the old games, it won't handle or look the same, and the "story" will be Trans-plitters.
>>942083 It's the 08 version that's in the OIP not the recent cancelled one which you can see here >>942076
>>942076 Going to be honest watching that had me extremely conflicted. Thirdperson looks completely wrong, and all the modern trends they decided to go aping looked awful. On the other hand, I still might have played it anyway. Though seeing them cover up the cyber fairy + battlepass cancer towards the end sealed it for me. I don't want to see anymore of this. >>942081 From what I heard of other games under those niggers, probably not wrong. >>942080 >It's discuck only for now so I'll post the backup of that stream and of the build that will be posted Thanks for taking one for the team.
They got memed by Discuck streaming so it's on YT now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wbqMHwrVqw
>>942162 These people are annoying faggots. A few minutes in and I already want them to shut the fuck up and die. They did just find some Battlefront III shit though.
>>942163 Hence why >>941196
>>942080 This is the first time i won't judge someone for using discuck. >>942162 Tyvm anon
https://archive.org/details/time-splitters-4-nov-7-2008-prototype.-7z And that's that, full HDD dump is not until much latter since the guy has potato internet and the HDD is over 10x the size.
>>942076 I have a very hard time believing that's not an elaborate shitpost, because most of the footage is literally Fortnite Creative. It makes zero sense to retain the Goldeneye UI and yet also have a stock UI in the top left corner. What I think happened is that Plaion wanted to rip off Fortnite using Timesplitters and Free Radical initially complied, even using Creative Mode in their pitches, while trying to gradually reach their original vision in secret (there's concept art of a no-no-ESG barmaid in there).
>>941171 Is TimeSplitters viable for a game night?

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