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The Yuzu story Anonymous 03/06/2024 (Wed) 16:51:29 Id: f296a4 No. 942387
It's one hell of a tale
lol did yuzu really hire a mystery meat amerimutt lawyer to represent them No wonder they lost. Emulatroons living and dying by the DEI
>initially think whoever made this really had an axe to grind with the Yuzu dev >then see the whole thing might have been facilitated by a pissed off Windows 7 user who got fucked when Yuzu intentionally broke functionality on the OS Welp, I changed my mind. Yuzu deserves what they got, tip top kek.
>>942387 >try to cease and desist a fork <get destroyed in court by nintendo There's a beautiful kind of symmetry to that. The effects of the lawsuit (decrypting in-emulator being ruled illegal) still suck.
>>942397 There was no ruling, it was just a settlement. No legal precedent.
>>942396 Windows 7 users are up there with unvaxxed purebloods for sheer force of will.
>>942387 I still see fags defending them. This is one of the rare moments I will defend jewtendo for doing the right thing and fucking over those niggers though. Faggots deserved it. >>942396 >>942402 Good on him.
let's hope that now Ryujinx finally merges the LDN version of the emulator with the mainline They didn't before because they knew Yuzu would steal the code if they put it in the open source version.
>>942397 Yeah, yuzu wants people to believe they're the little guy getting fucked by the big corpo when they've been the corpo fucking everyone in their path. Guess what goes around comes around. No decryption in-emulator could suck near-term, might stabilize down the road as decryption scripts become available. They're around for 3DS.
>>942408 The decryptor could always be distributed as a separate program or as a plugin to the emulator.
>telemetry might expose users Tranny devs really fucked up.
>>942407 Ryujinx has been trending #1 on all of GitHub for a while All eyes on them now, whatever they do the world's watching >>942415 Nintendo possessing yuzu's telemetry is a shitmess. Could strongarm around anyone who's used the emulator
>>942387 Highly informative effortpost of an infographic there. Some anon should x-post that whopper to halfchan if it's not already in the catalog.
>>942387 I didn't know a Windows 7 user was the one who killed the project. I bow to the Windows 7 community. >>942472 >Some anon should x-post that whopper to halfchan if it's not already in the catalog. Considering how it has posts from 4chan reacting to the Win7 guy, I think it was made by one of them.
>>942396 >>942402 >>942405 >>942480 Legacy Windows users are insanely dedicated, primarily because there's zero reason to update. In fact, there's also a dedicated community built up around Windows Vista in case you didn't know: https://msfn.org/board/topic/181612-wip-windows-vista-extended-kernel/
>>942387 >Win7fag turns the emulation scene's ass into a bloody mess Magnificent fucking bastard, 10/10, would shitpost with and play vidya with.
>>942405 Some of those fags you still see defending Yuzu are unironically Yuzu devs samefagging. Not all, there's a low info vs high info divide too, but pics in OP indicate devs sockpuppet around in yuzu threads. >>942414 Separate program sounds like the best way to go. >>942480 Image is obviously from a 4channer but could've been drive-by posted as pic #87 in a dead thread.
https://archive.ph/NM19P DraStic (DS emulator) is going open source now.
>>942401 My bad, I missed that part about being a settlement. I guess it's still a gray area then.
>>942396 based win7god >>942496 exophase said he'd opensource drastic years ago but kept stalling for shekels, glad yuzu's implosion gave him the kick in the ass he needed to get it done. especially cause it outdoes the best opensource ds emulator, melonds, which is literal trannyware. despite plebbit treating the yuzu implosion as the emupocalypse it's actually humbling people and bringing a lot of positive development to the scene >>942499 you're not wrong, suit's got a lot of legal reasoning for the decryption shit, i'd keep to the safe side of any gray areas if it was my ass on the line
>>942484 I still think they should move to something like Fedora KDE, but whatever works for them.
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>>942402 I am both lol My problem with switching to anything for more than the occasional project or application is that every single program or feature I care for just has a better, if outdated version on W7. For example, all pdf editors I have tried on other OSes force you to have accounts/premium subscriptions for features that used to be free, or break the formatting or are incompatible with certain data types. On that note, why exactly has nobody tried to turn W7 into an open source OS? I know that some autist made a Linux distro that catfishes users into thinking it's W7.
>>942514 >On that note, why exactly has nobody tried to turn W7 into an open source OS? Do you think technology works like magic or something? You'd basically have to have someone reverse engineer windows 7 (or somehow has access to Windows 7's source code), and that's basically impossible until AI or a mountain of money (or both) gets involved.
>>942514 7 code hasn't leaked, just XP. if some legendary Pajeet at MS dropped 7's source it might just kill Linux forever. Some Linux distros try to replicate retro Windows, like ReactOS. Still primitive and lacking functionality though.
>>942515 Actually it's the other way around. With the amount of autists still sticking to wangblows 7 you'd think one of them was crazy enough to try it.
>>942525 I'm sure there were some crazy to try it, but any level of success they had (if any) is probably nonexistent relative to the scope of the project.
>>942516 ReactOS isn't a linux distro
>>942387 Why are Windows fags so autistic about sticking with their version of Windows? Security support has run out, you might has well stick syringes from an AIDS clinic into your skin, it's just as safe as running Windows 7. Just switch to Linux, get KDE Plasma and a theme that looks like Windows, and you will have a good and secure OS. The only worthwhile software Windows has left is PC games, and any that run on Windows 7 will run in Wine as well.
>>942543 >loonixfag has the audacity to ask why other people are autistic 10/10
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>Luciano replies to the "get raped" bot that replies to 100% random posts
Win7chad and his holy crusade against emutrannies is based beyond belief. Flawless victory, fuck around and find out. Shouldn't have middle-fingered Windows 7. > Security support has run out, you might has well stick syringes from an AIDS clinic into your skin, it's just as safe as running Windows 7 Disingenuous hyperbole, W7 has security updates up to Jan 2024. Even if it didn't, if you're not a retard caveman and understand basic safety practices you'd be fine. > any that run on Windows 7 will run in Wine as well. Cope, Wine's a buggy piece of shit. About 500 bugs reported just this year. Better than nothing but it ain't the real deal. https://bugs.winehq.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=REOPENED&query_format=advanced&order=changeddate%20DESC%2Cbug_id&query_based_on=
>>942497 >Part 1 Yuzu makes $360k yearly from Patreon and made a LLC to manage its income. Yuzu doesn't listen to people saying they could be hit for this. Yuzu implements connectivity to an illegal clone of Nintendo's online features for its patrons then removes it before its public release and acts like it discovered it was illegal right before it happened. Yuzu's devs share illegally ripped Switch games on their public Discord server. Yuzu operates under a FOSS license, GPL, yet steals code from other devs, including other emulators, without recognition, violating the license it's working under. Yuzu intentionally delays updates and withholds features to maintain a patron-only Early Access version. Yuzu gives illegal sponsorships to YouTubers. Yuzu has telemetry that "crashes" the emulator if it's turned off, something Citra, the only good 3DS emulator, also does, but its Git fixes don't use telemetry data, so only collects it to sell it to advertisers. Yuzu is FOSS but intentionally makes it hard to create forks and builds for non-devs; they C&D anyone who does. Yuzu garners fake support by making sock puppet accounts on Reddit and elsewhere and spamming imageboards; they also use these accounts to falsely criticize other emulators and forks. Yuzu exists on the Playstore, uses Nintendo's imagery without license, and posts to its Patreon about how well a game can run with Yuzu as soon as a game is broken, which indirectly promotes piracy. Yuzu times its progress reports when Nintendo releases something firstparty to show how much better it runs these games and draw attention from Nintendo. Yuzu links decryption and dumping tools on its website. Yuzu works with illegal ROM sharers. >Part 2 A paypig can't upgrade to Windows 10 LTSC or move to Linux, and Yuzu disabled Windows 7 support by removing less than five lines of code under the justification of "compatibility", so he blows the whistle to Nintendo by having an autistic meltdown and spamming 93 different avenues tied to Nintendo, despite Nintendo only having one official avenue to report this sort of thing. Nintendo plagiarizes his email in their suit. The screenshots can be disregarded. >Part 3 Nintendo decides to drop the hammer. Yuzu falls for a grift and hires a maritime lawyer. It doesn't even appear in court. Nintendo hires three lawyers with experience in the tech field, all of whom have high level experience with copyright law. The lawsuit starts with the headline everybody trying to support Yuzu uses, the "decryption" reason. The rest of the lawsuit is an explanation of why and how Nintendo piracy works and occurs and a what they've taken to stop it as well as how it affects their sales. A specific example of damage is the leak of TotK, as it was leaked through those associated with Yuzu and broken before it released. Yuzu also promoted itself with Early Access that could verifiably play TotK. bunnei is revealed to have been in the emu scene as a dev since the 2000s, dump games himself, receive games before release, and explicitly state that he wants games to work on Yuzu when they're released, preventing the justification of "emulation as archival". Nintendo must be paid $2.5k per DMCA violation, which is the maximum amount, all legal costs, and $150k for every copyrighted game bunnei has dumped, which is the maximum amount. The LLC is liable for any infringement of copyright performed by users, for it has promoted and enabled them doing so. The LLC must cease all activity. All local copies of Yuzu owned by the LLC must be destroyed, and Nintendo must be given ownership of Yuzu's website. Yuzu's Patreon must be audited. Nintendo demands to be made whole for other damages, with interest. The total damages are $2.4M, but the LLC does not have to pay Nintendo's legal fees. >Appendix Act respectfully in court to not have charges increased by incurring "aggravating factors". Do not sell features or early access builds, for you cannot justify doing so for any reason other than business. Even if it is easy, do not bundle emulators with decryption software. Do not use Discord, especially a public Discord. Do not include telemetry. Do not make incriminating FAQs and do not make official blogs. Do not announce that your emulator can play a game before or shortly after it releases, even if it can. Research your lawyer. Do not establish yourself as competition to paid services. Do not have a single online identity, especially for legally grey projects.
>>942548 >loonixfag has the audacity to ask why other people are autistic Re: the crossroads between Linux, emulation, trannies, and autism... ever hear of marcan? Guy behind Asahi Linux for M2 Macs, has a loli vTuber online persona. Main man who hoaxed that byuu, the bsnes dude, killed himself. Has a thread on the Farms, deep dive into a deranged mind.
In case anyone's looking for the last Yuzu version, I think PineappleEA has it. https://github.com/pineappleEA/pineapple-src/releases
>>942577 I'm gonna use Ryujinx. An anon in another thread said that according to emulation.gametechwiki Ryujinx has 83% game compatibility while Yuzu has 54% https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Nintendo_Switch_emulators Seems like the better emulator from a technology standpoint
>>942585 Fucking Bowsers Fury doesn't run on the latest yuzu, you have to use the 35XX versions to get older games to run, luigis mansion and donkey kong also run like shit in the newest versions. This emulator is so fucked up when it comes to consistency, probably spent too much time acting like smug tranny pieces of shit and extracting pirate dosh to do anything productive in terms of compatibility, the only dev who knew what he was doing was always blinkhawk.
>>942543 >and any that run on Windows 7 will run in Wine as well. not mabinogi... gay ass anticheats >inb4 it wasn't good anyway >>942564 Deserved. Yuzu should die from this. Part 1 dictates an absurd amount of faggotry for a fucking emulator.
>>942387 tl;dr?
>>942581 Wtf, these pothead burnouts actually, literally named their company after weed. The court battle of the ages, Nintendo v. Dude Weed Haha Weed. Here I was thinking it's a pun of DK Tropical Freeze. Truth is stranger than fiction.
>>942556 >Even if it didn't, if you're not a retard caveman and understand basic safety practices you'd be fine. This the is the part that always gets me. WHAT "security issues" actually exist with Windows 7 that DON'T: <Require someone to physically and purposely install shit to my computer <Exist as a flaw with the OS, itself, and cannot be fixed without rewriting the entire operating system.
even troons' corporations commit suicide haha gottem
>>942585 Yeah but it has worse performance.
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I just realized Cayman Mitchell is a nonbo tranny himself, that is incredible. I've never thought such a competent lawyer hired by Nintend would be into gender bullshit. >>942597 Trannies fucked around, found out.
>>942387 just the fact that it starts with the patreon shows that whoever put that shit together doesn't know what he's talking about. You niggers think bleem ws free? IF you're found guilty and you were making money the result will be worse but it won't be the thing to bring you down
I agree with Yuzu's decision to hire a maritime lawyer. Who else could take a piracy case like this?
> 942625 Law's a field where mental illness can help more than hinder, hence being dominated by neurotic Jews doing hundred-hour workweeks of wordplay woo-woo while their kids rot online and their wife orders dick from Tinder. Law's a bullshit-off. If someone can bullshit themselves and others that they're a genderless blargosexual fox-man, they can probably bullshit a judge and jury.
>>942632 Wait, did they literally just google "piracy lawyer" or something?
>>942632 >I agree with Yuzu's decision to hire a maritime lawyer. Who else could take a piracy case like this? Hire a bulbhead Somalian to stare Nintendo down and say "Look at me, I am the captain now." You might lose the case but you get +100 ESG, a Reddit mod claps, and Larry Fink himself walks into the court to reimburse your millions.
>>942639 Now that's kekworthy if true.
>>942640 >Look at me, I am the captain now. Gives two whole new meanings to "Captain N."
>>942639 >>942642 For his next act he'll be joined by the copywrite expert, who'll make a mean brochure, and the IP expert, who has mastered the network stack. Together this dream team can't lose.
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>>942632 That's great.
>>942667 Pure Shephardic genes!
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>>942671 I heard he is a Syrian Jew (Racially) but with a family that practices the sephardic rite, so he is a solid yellow on the "chosenness" scale.
>>942634 >while their kids rot online and their wife orders dick from Tinder. What if their wife rots online and their kids order dick on Tinder?
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>>942597 Typical case of a malware emulator locked in a paywall for the naive just to refill the trannies' supply of untested estrogen pills.
>>942560 We have been hit by the kys bot and/or user for years now. We just ignore him and delete whatever he posts.
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>>942644 Captain N always had two meanings if you knew about the underhanded shit Nintendo was doing in the late 80's and most of the 90's to get better market shares.
>>942832 what kinda stuff did they do?
>>942387 (OP) >>942564 >Yuzu implements connectivity to an illegal clone of Nintendo's online features for its patrons then removes it before its public release and acts like it discovered it was illegal right before it happened This part gets me; making a clone of Switch Online ought to be laudable public service, given it's the same garbage from the Wii/Wii U days except those post-Iwata nip-kikes don't have the decency to make it free, yet they try to paywall it just like Jewtendo is doing? What were they thinking?
>>942875 > they try to paywall it just like Jewtendo is doing? What were they thinking? It's even worse, jewzu-emu used paywalled online to lure donors into a scam, went "loljk," gave donors fuck all, and blew their dosh on haze-weed.
>>942875 They were probably hoping to offer a service that was NSO at a discount. As previously stated, I am glad they will either spend their lives paying off the fine or fade into irrelevancy even if found insolvent.
>>942564 Good grief, fuck those fags, i always be against nintendo for everything, but this time i hope they assfuck those bastards hard, ryujinx was better everytine anyway Mashallah
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>the ghost of Madobe Nanami will forever haunt the yuzu dev till the day they die
>>942564 Nintendo autism is something else
>>942564 >Yuzu makes $360k yearly only at their peak, it wasn't constant or sustained >Yuzu disabled Windows 7 support by removing less than five lines of code under the justification of "compatibility", windows 7 support wasn't purposely broken, they just stopped going out of their way to fix it The w7tard also did that just a few days prior to the lawsuit, there's no way they arranged that in a few days or that nintendo wasn't ware of yuzu prior to his spergout. The time is just a funny coincidence. Yuzu dug their own grave by freely admitting to pirating roms, like aiming a bazooka to your foot. But I don't know why people feel the need to either exaggerate things or outright make shit up, it just devalues your message
>>942947 You don't know the yuzu devs as well as others, they did everything on purpose. There is no devaluing, you are simply doubting
>>942947 You're mostly getting things wrong by skimming a tl;dr instead of OP. >windows 7 support wasn't purposely broken OP addresses this. Proves with evidence it was purposely broken. >there's no way they arranged that in a few days They didn't, but the mass emails obviously happened way earlier. >nintendo wasn't ware of yuzu prior OP addresses this. Who's "Nintendo"? Randoms at Nintendo don't sue, their lawyers do and he contacted all he could find with a blueprint for a case. OP shows Nintendo's acted on similar tips after only 1 email. >Yuzu dug their own grave by freely admitting to pirating roms Not true. Still arrogant of Yuzu and mentioned in passing, but Yuzu's main blunder was decrypting ROMs. It's what 90% of the lawsuit revolved around.
>>942415 >>942449 So basically if I use Yuzu I'm now beaming my PC's info up to the Nintendo mothership? Well shit.
The pineappleEA guy from the infodump, from whom yuzu stole code and who gave out yuzu's early access files for free, just released "How Pineapple Actually Worked." https://github.com/pineappleEA/Pineapples-Secrets Interesting tidbits: >We did send in a push request once years ago, but that was stolen from us, with no credit. >Also, by the way, the only reason we made Pineapple was due to Yuzu illegally DMCAing some pastebins of some of our friends. Another well-executed revenge story, you love to see it.
>>942868 An Isekai to escape from real life while the protagonist's life gets jeopardized, also the magic didn't last as the contract expired they had to come out with knockoffs or something else to fill in (an akin to third parties flipping off to Nintendo ever since the N64)
>>942387 >While Yuzu's "open source", it intentionally overcomplicates the build process for devs outisde of Yuzu. Lmai, it took me around 5 hours in total since I read that Yuzu source code was taken down to find a copy of it and it's dependencies (in https://archive.softwareheritage.org btw), download it and compile it. It was the first time I compiled Yuzu, and I have pretty slow internet and a fairly slow computer.
The dipshits at Yuzu abused the GPL to sic people on forks, issued DMCA notices to take them down, and bullied other emulation forums to not discuss them. They never gave a shit about open source since their Citra days, were in it for the money, and got what they fucking deserved. Ding dong, the witch is dead.
>>942947 There's a difference between not going out of their way to fix old w7 and just preventing it from running. They could've just added a message about how they do no support for win7, close tickets for win7, etc. But lazy won and they signed their own fate.
>>943058 Right, like Ryujinx did.
>>942966 no actually the lawsuit had a myriad of things, including spoilers, dumṕing roms, the piracy from the team, the patreon, the subscriber surge, etc. You couldn't really claim decryption was most of it when it starts off by calling emulation itself as benig unlawful. >>942966 op starts by seething about the patreon like it actually affects the guilty verdict so I'd take anything there with a grain of salt, not that I found any "proof" in that godawfully formatted image, it just says that someone fixed it when no one was saying it was unfixable
>>942868 >he doesn't know about Argonaut That shit still burns my biscuts.
>>943031 >Lmai I should check what I write before posting. >>942415 >>942971 I haven't tried a prebuilt binary, but telemetry can be easily disabled at build time. And even when it's enabled, the emulator doesn't phone home at start like OP's picture says. From what I've observed with mitmproxy, the emulator only sends data to its servers if the telemetry option is active (it asks you the first time it opens) and only after you've played a game. First pic related is a normal game session. You can see the emulator only made one request to its servers and it was because I activated the telemetry option for testing purposes and then played a game a bit. As for the data it sends, it is mostly hardware specs and performance information about the game played. Second pic related shows the data sent in the requests of the first pic.
>>943064 >"You couldn't really claim when it starts off" >"op starts" >jumping to conclusions from QRDs >can't find proof in a picture full of proof Zoomer attention span, doesn't read anything past the start, calls everyone else wrong. The others are correct here. Read the lawsuit, it's clear the central argument is decryption. Too much to ask? It's also obvious from the summary. Or from picking a page at random where you'll usually see references to it or its processes ("prod.keys," "technological measures," "circumvention," etc). It's everywhere in the lawsuit. It's why the third post ITT talks about decryption as "the effects of the lawsuit," and 3 of the first 10 anons to post here bring it up. >op starts by seething about the patreon like it actually affects the guilty verdict But zoomer-kun, point 2 of the appendix says Patreon is mentioned 17 times in the lawsuit. You're not smarter than Nintendo's lawyers. If they didn't think it'd affect the outcome, it'd be mentioned 0 times.
>>943092 Looks like it includes the game you're playing and for how long you played it. If sent through IP Nintendo could subpoena someone's ISP for the registrant of that IP on the grounds of circumvention of their technological measures and possibly string them up in court for damages for each game. You should publish builds without this shit and advertise them, people would probably download them.
>>943098 Disabling telemetry is as simple as adding "-DENABLE_WEB_SERVICE=OFF" to the command line arguments when compiling. That said, I don't have the resources for making a Windows build (read as I don't have Windows installed), which is what most people are probably interested in.
>>943031 >>943098 >>943129 Instead of wasting 5h of valuable time to compile an emulator with a specific parameter, couldn't a user just open a hex editor and change api.yuzu-emu.org into gibberish? What's the path field in mitmproxy show if you do that?
>>943093 the start is about the lawsuit not the op, the op starts wrong though. And the circumvention is what nintendo wishes they could get a ruling on because that'd make emulation for any recent consoles fucking illegal, but it's not what they expected to win with, that's where yuzu's individual fuckups come up. As far as circumvention goes they can say the same abou ryujinx
Can I just take a moment to ask what kind of autistic furfag names himself bunnei? Probably settled to avoid discovery so they didn't out his 50TB stash of cub porn.
Is there a version of yuzu that works on windows 7?
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>>943320 Some much dirt came up for yuzu it was hilarious.
>>942387 I'm curious as to what three lines were changed, and if I can have that build for my emulation PC.
>>942387 >Yuzu gets anally raped with no lube by mad Windows 7 lad >>942990 >Yuzu's Patreonbux totally undercut by a victim they DMCAed HAHAHAHAHA. Act like a clown and get bopped in the nose. >>943320 No, Ryujinx was created by gdkchan who's Brazilian. The laws attacking the circumvention of decryption don't exist in Brazil so Ryujinx gives no fucks whatsoever. Ryujinx made a statement: >Hello! >We humbly appreciate everyone’s concern on this topic, but right now we ask all of our users to not make posts about this and topics surrounding this. We are well aware of the situation that’s happened and right now there is 0 indiction of anything that’ll happen to this project. We will update things we think need to be changed accordingly but as of right now, Users seem to be more concerned then all of us on the team and again we appreciate the concern but issues like these only start creating fear mongering. Any further inquires about this topic can be asked and answered in our discord. Thanks. Nintendo could still go after gdkchan like they did bunnei, but they wouldn't be using the same laws.
>943502 >> Some much dirt came up for yuzu it was hilarious. A dump truck's worth, more skeletons in yuzu's closet than in a fuckin' graveyard. Funny that this rainbow of faggots has their project die of AIDS. Also kek at that webm.
>>943031 >>943092 >>943098 >>943129 >t. undercover yuzu dev with flimsy excuses runs shit damage control, fucks up, accidentally confirms Nintendo can id pirates Top kek.
>>942619 Not for long, since it's dead and if left alone by Nintendo RyujiNX has nowhere to go but up.
>>943659 >muh yuzu dev Yuzu is dead and its developers can't continue working on it. Why would they keep trying to do damage control? I was only sharing my discovering about Yuzu's telemetry. As I said, if you disable it it won't send any data to its servers. Some anon also suggested to change "api.yuzu-emu.org" in the executable to anything else, and that's probably useful too in case the emulator does send more data I haven't seen.
>>943738 Have you seen them? They are dramaniggers who want to be looked at as gods Inflated egos don't take logic into account
A couple years ago this piece of shit software wrecked my drive when a game crashed and Yuzu jeetcode took the OS down with it. Powered back on and it was unbootable, 7 years of data, files, and memories gone, just like that. Ryujinx crashes sometimes but never force rebooted me. Yuzu's indifference to users was even in their coding practices, so this shit is just karma. Get nintendicked you faggots.
>>943809 Spooky if true
Jej, I heard sharty raided the discord and told the trannies how to die irl. Amazing.
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>>944173 >stupid fucks whose only merit in life is flooding websites and schizoing about trannies flood something and schizo about something >this is meritable you're so green anon
>>944261 Based as fuck, thank you anon.
>>944261 If there is a 35XX or 36XX version, I would appreciate it a lot. Compatibility broke for certain titles in yuzus latest releases.
>>944296 Always glad to help fellow W7 holdouts! >>944475 If you are talking about earlier access versions, they are still here. Better grab it while you still can. https://github.com/pineappleEA/pineapple-src/releases?page=42 https://github.com/pineappleEA/pineapple-src/releases?page=58
>>944517 Thank you, but I meant un-spywared W7 compatible versions of yuzu
>>942514 >>942556 >>942605 >>943058 >>943399 >>943515 These anons should check out this anon's post. >>944261 >https://archive.org/details/windows-yuzu-ea-4176-works-on-windows-7-and-no-telemetry-sent-to-nintendo MVP of thread. Update too, the discussion in the comments of your link led someone to reverse-engineer the zip into an open source Python script to backport the changes to any Yuzu. >Reviewer: katua87 >Subject: Thanks >Hello, could this mod be applied to the EA-4167 version? The thing is that the versions after this one do not work well in the local mode of the MK8 (the game freezes when choosing controls) >Reviewer: BazookaTroopa >katua87: Yes, it should be simple to port to EA-4167. >I verified its safety with the procedure in the concluding paragraphs, which was easy to follow. It's as safe as Pineapple, a known publisher of yuzu for years. Having verified, it was simple to turn the changes into a patcher that should work for any yuzu version. This solves your problem, offers an alternative for others, and proves it safe for posterity. >https://pastebin.com/FecfFh2K >Save it with the button above the code, then run it on EA-4167, or whatever version you like.
M$ ending support for Windows Subsystem for Android. Anything to do with this? Announcement was 1 day after Nintendo settled. M$ poos preparing to sue Wine?
>>944586 Probably not. The reason they're killing android apps on windows is because no one used them. Which itself is due to the fact that the only apps available were ones on the Amazon app store. Which has even more shovelware than the Play Store does. Plus M$ was fighting with Google over play services which they absolutely refused to do, and it didn't really have any way to make money for M$. Plus I think the only reason M$ wanted to build an android emulator at all was to give Windows 11 some feature that they could advertise to normalfags.
>>944261 >>944561 >it fucking works I don't know how to thank you, but thanks!
>>943809 >losing files because of a bricked OS Spot the normalfag
>>943809 This reminds me of a time when Project 64 fucking BSODed my windows and that time I wasn't aware that it's literal spyware.
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>yeah bro, your system broke because of shitty QA? Too Bad! That's your fault! >Yeah! It's your fault that the motor of your car/bike exploded after You bought it! Fucking normalfag!
>>943809 Sounds to me like you cheaped out on your PSU or Mobo, or worse using some clapped out NUC / Laptop
>>943809 >>943810 >>944667 >>944814 >>944816 >>944818 I'm high spec everywhere and had severe yuzu crashes that bypassed BSOD straight to power-cut black-out, out of 17 emulators only yuzu did this. Newer releases are more stable though. >>944814 Old releases are malware too (albeit unintentionally). https://youtu.be/watch?v=zqUYNYWPlpQ Current stable release is neither but has nagware on launch that needs workarounds to fix.
>>944610 App stores are also the jannies of programming, thank god for sideloading.
>>944847 >I'm high spec everywhere and had severe yuzu crashes that bypassed BSOD straight to power-cut black-out, out of 17 emulators only yuzu did this I mean it's not impossible for software to do something like that, but it's more in the realms of targeted exploits than accidental bugs. More likely is Yuzu has a workload somewhere in it that your hardware reacts poorly to, kinda like New world burning up poorly designed GPUs. In all cases a complete hard power cut of your computer is an hardware security being triggered somewhere, and I'd go towards the PSU or mobo since a GPU having such issues tend to self reboot on it's own.
>>944873 Actually scratch the mobo part, you'd probably not have missed the error message during POST that most mobo have of self shutdown mechanism.
>>944873 >>944875 >More likely is Yuzu has a workload somewhere in it Definitely the workload, it's sometimes been reproducible and preceded by graphical puke. It happened to a fren too, force-quitting before a crash could rescue the system. It's more of a concern for old releases, the last few months were better.
>>944261 >>944517 >>944561 any way to boost this? And the patcher, its a big deal windows7 can yuzu now, 100000 people would appreciate this but itll prob die hidden in a comments thread on an obscure archive.org post as tech support to a random. Meanwhile some estrogenated jewtuber will get 9999999 views for calling milk racist
>>944885 Yeah sounds like it's spitting some Furmark-tier shit at your GPU. Still shouldn't do that with a proper power delivery setup, but not sure it's worth blind replacing components just for that, especially if it's a GPU power delivery issue like New World / RTX 30 series
>>944885 >>944891 yuzu used to have RAM issues, they would even ask people to increase pagefile
the guy that made citrammj said he will take the citra main fork and keep developing it, holy shit, someone that is actually competent will be running citra now https://old.reddit.com/r/EmulationOnAndroid/comments/1bbos29/citraenhanced_is_going_to_be_continued_and/
question for codefags: this Yuzu >>943399 stops connections to yuzu-emu.org,BUT: let's assume Nintendo has all Yuzu's Discord credentials,for argument's sake what vulns if any does Yuzu's Discord Presence feature introduce? is there a Discord dev application that can still receive data? https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/oauth2 can Nintendo get IP? email? Discord username? what else? is this being overlooked by everyone or am I just retarded?
>>942387 Good. This should be the fate of all projects that go against windows7 users.
>>942405 >Faggots deserved it. Out of curiosity, what did they do?
>>944885 Disable the "Utilize Full GPU Clock" options in graphics settings, you're welcome.
>>942387 I just posted this image in a halfchan thread full of people defending yuzu and the thread was IMMEDIATELY deleted
>>946271 >I just posted this image in a halfchan thread full of people defending yuzu and the thread was IMMEDIATELY deleted Doesn't surprise me, halfchan jannies are trannies who axe anything off-message. gookmoot also removed the IP counter from new threads so shilling has increased tenfold. It's only better than Reddit, whose tranny jannies live online. yuzuggers are boldest there, they even have a Reddit account now literally called "AShamelessShill" that does nothing but shamelessly shill for yuzu.
>>946271 >I just posted this image in a halfchan thread full of people defending yuzu and the thread was IMMEDIATELY deleted this anon speaks the truth >be me, skeptic >want to confirm for myself >go to 4chan >search for Yuzu >his post shows up in results >thread is completely gone >thread was also confirming Yuzu's Discord minions were raiding the board these Yuzu people smell real funny, like the rank stench of dilation
>>942560 yeah its a soy party bot, they run gayops(lol) from their upper discord
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>>943092 wtf they actually log what games you're playing why would you even do that except in bug crashes? >>942387 I only heard about yuzu v. Ryujinx, this opens a whole can of worms. I understand having a patreon for your project but niggardry like this makes no sense
>>946334 >wtf they actually log what games you're playing why would you even do that except in bug crashes? Could be for sale, with these greedy kikes. Or a backup plan if sued so Papa Nintendo fucks them gently. They did turn in their users at Nintendo's request, didn't negotiate a no. Like those drug busts where cops say "snitch and we'll lighten the charges."
>>942516 >MS dropped 7's source it might just kill Linux forever. I would think it would be the other way around. Once Windows source code is out making a low resource usage compatibility layer would be much easier. If WINE had full flawless functionality there would be no more need for windows and M$ would be stuck trying to charge money for something that does the same thing but is free
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>>942392 that isn't surprising given who they were going up against. Lawyers are by nature cowards and parasites 99.9% of the time, going up against a company like kiketendo with millions of dollars to throw at this along with a case heavily in their favor in country whose court system loves licking corporate boot is a poor proposition for a lawyer that wants to have strong reputation; a decent lawyer wouldn't take the case.
>>945355 >Out of curiosity, what did they do? qrd >sold yuzu in 30k a month patreon with jewish business practices >delayed updates on purpose to squeeze out every drop of profit >fraud, said they'll deliver stuff for pay they never delivered >planned to compete with nintendo's online and charge for it >closed fork stopped self-hosted servers so users must pay yuzu >looted a dev stash full of roms on their discord >stole code from competitors all the time and took credit for it >spied on you, and some firewalls make yuzu kill itself on start >betrayed users, nintendo asked for spylogs and yuzu gave them >dmcaed people compiling yuzu from source >dmcaed pastebins of friends of a competitor >sucked their own dicks with fake shill accounts on social media >used nintendo imagery without nintendo's authorization >put yuzu on nintendo competitors like steam deck and android >ran zelda with a patch before release and marketed this everywhere >timed progress reports close to street dates of nintendo games >sabotaged windows 7 on purpose instead of using 2-3 line failsafe >censored people who protested the above, mocked them and their os >acted better than everyone and like their shit doesn't stink >censored bad feedback in places they controlled, only suckups left >googled piracy lawyer then retards hire maritime and not ip lawyer >lawyer's a lazy diversity mutt who got paid to tell yuzu "give up" >illegally decrypted the roms instead of letting pirates do it >mediocre game compatibility (54%), the competitor ryujinx has 83% >needed discord mod power, said dumb shit there brought up in court >felt power banning people, now the discord's just fags and troons >bunnei, the king of shit mountain at yuzu co, is probably a furfag >stupidly put their 3ds emulator under yuzu co, now both are dead >"dude weed lmao" to point of naming their company a strain of weed >rumored to have stolen nintendo code by illegal use of switch sdk >hastily coded get rich quick jeetware crashes and forces reboots >call-outs of some of all this on normie platforms just get deleted
>>945239 citra is the 3DS emulator right? How old is that system now almost 10 years? And it still has development
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Yuzu dicking around their Windows 7 contingent reminds me of a confirmed poojeet on cuckchan's /g/ who's spent 1000 hours mad at the internet shitting in all 7 discourse with demented ramblings of 50pbtid samefaggotry where he tries to force memes like "baby duck," "deadshitos," "7nile" and other misappropriated ESL cringe since in his dothead mind he's shaming anons on 7 into Microshafting themselves with modern Winblows. Meanwhile in reality his spergouts convince no one and as a Linux man who switched from 7 I'll larp that 7's my daily driver and naniamipost just to milk obsessive rage from the kooky cow. He's probably paid by Microshart to lick company boots but may the Great Mighty Poo help his smelly Dravidian soul if he does it for free.
>>946305 >thread was also confirming Yuzu's Discord minions were raiding the board That's almost every fucking thread on cuckchan these days. Almost every game seems to have its own Discord group dedicated to shitting up any discussion of it (I imagine there's a lot of overlap and there's probably actually only a few of these groups). Post quality there has always been terrible but since 8chan imploded I'd been casually keeping an eye on things over there on and off and holy fucking christ it has taken a nosedive in the last few years in particular due to Discord specifically. Their recent move to disable the IP counter in the wake of the Sweet Baby Inc threads as well as Yuzu's lightning-fast capitulation just makes it all 10x worse as well and makes it more obvious that the mods over there are actively encouraging these Discord groups. Wouldn't surprise me if they're directly involved with some of them as well - in fact I'd be willing to bet money on it.
>>946488 What I don't understand is if Yuzu is dead why are there still discord groups defending them? Shouldn't they have all disbanded? What's their endgame?
>>946518 Mental illness, just that, it's what keeps them entertained and busy to not think about the suicide or their intrusive thoughts. It's like a 2 year old child who need to crash cars into everything the can so he keeps himself distracted, or else he'll start to cry
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>>942912 Reminds me of an OP you'd hear in an Idea Factory game.
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>>946640 Kirihirake Star Girl is some good shit
>>946488 >>946518 >>946521 it's ego and control the authleft want you to do as you're told, think as you're told it's why they bend heaven and earth to make you see mtf trannies as women it's why they infiltrate moderation it's why they organize gayops like dox and raids it's why sweet baby inc and corporate activism makes games woke leftist ideology is anti-reality and dies without manipulating public opinion emulator coders are 99% authleft besides retroarch, who the authleft brigades emulator coders want to be worshipped like gods it's always ego and control and it always has been
>>946807 This. People really need to read Nineteen Eighty-Four. This has all been known about commies for a hundred years, or much longer, if you trace back the philosophical roots. These people say we all interpret reality, and none of us perfectly sees reality. Sure. Okay. But then they go a step further and say that because of that, reality doesn't exist, and it is only what we perceive it to be. They think if they trick everyone into thinking a man is a woman, then he is literally a woman, because they think reality is nothing more than our collective interpretation of it. If they tell us all that O'Brien is floating in the air right now, and they beat and torture us until our brains stop working and we stockholm syndrome ourselves into hallucinating it, then O'Brien himself will believe he is floating. You must understand, by controlling you, they believe they are controlling reality itself. If they can just convince everyone that they aren't awful people, then they hope that that will convince themselves. As evidenced by their suicide rates, this doesn't work. But they just keep trying. If they can beat enough people into submission, maybe they'll stop hating themselves. They're largely insecure narcissists, indoctrinated into a gnostic belief that knowledge isn't born from reality, but that reality is born from "knowledge," so if they make the "knowledge," then they make the reality.
>>943334 Discovery may have shown money laundering. 30 grand a month beggars belief for an emulator, Ryujinx makes 15 times less and we have proof Nintendo wanted an accounting. Since Tropic Haze is a drug reference, my bet's that Bunnei laundered drug money.
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>>946810 >They're largely insecure narcissists picrel
>>946913 somehow, i believe even putting aside the tranny chems, this man does not and would not take care of himself properly. those bags under the eyes, the desire to cut out time not spent grinding games by drinking meal replacement . . i wish time weren't such a limited commodity, but there's a point where even trying to save time (to waste it on meaningless shit like Speedrun times) IRL goes too far
>>946948 The idea's not that he was perfect but had more going on pre-transition than the average Joe. Pic mentions qt gf, a business, ambition, a world record in OoT. Popular, made international news, people admired him, part of Nintendo's official marketing (NWC). Now he's a tranny, his gf left him, viewers dropped from thousands to tens, he fucked up his business, he's been destitute and shilling shitcoins to dead streams for years, his record was smashed, he's radioactive to Nintendo, and the most relevant he's been was when he threatened to shoot up Twitch HQ. In his case the tranny chems probably ruined his life, and though most trannies are hellbound anyway, they'd face better chances without making themselves a ghoulish experiment of modern medicine.
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Literal discord trannies.
>>947217 151 trans flags on one post? Jesus... aren't these freaks like 1% of the population? The fuck's going on in there?
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>>946359 the emulator itself wasn't that old, as for the 3DS timeline it's only being fully discontinued this year in terms of service life and the final production run was in in 2020. Emulators used to start development around the EOL of a product and take at least a decade to fully mature. The PS3 emulator is still in cative development as as the Xbox 360 one. Emulators coming out during the production life of a console is whats odd. In the past no dev would do that due to the legal issues and that hardware requirement; it was only possible with the Switch and Wii U due to nintendo using such low power parts
>>947293 >it was only possible with the Switch and Wii U due to nintendo using such low power parts The Wii also had an emulator during it's lifespam, but that was more because they could use the Gamecube emulator for the Wii one as well, since they were very similar from an architecture point of view. The reason why emulation used to take such a long time, was less fear from corporations(otherwise there would be no pirate sites either), and more because consoles did not follow traditional PC architecture, instead they were custom build machines just to play games, and you had to somehow emulate that on traditional PC architecture. The rule of thumb was that you needed a computer that was 10 times as powerful as the original hardware, to compensate the technical difficulties of emulation, and with Moore's law still being in effect, that didn't take that long of a time. Now that the latest Playstations and Xboxex are just traditional PCs, it's much easier to emulate them.
>>946810 >These people say we all interpret reality, and none of us perfectly sees reality. Look up gnosticism Anyhow, now that Citra is dead, are there any other good 3ds emus?
>>947318 The closest is Panda3DS.
>>942912 Smug Nanami-chan dabbing on the dead trannys.
>>945329 That's not how rich presence works, it only sends the name of an icon to display and some text and optionally a button with a link to join a game or something.
>>943666 Not necessarily. While Yuzu deserved what they got, a lack of competition means little incentive to improve.
>>947301 Nintendo may be preventing a situation like Dolphin's, if the Switch 2 is to the Switch like the Wii was to the GameCube. >>947217 >>947288 Even by Discord standards, that's lots of trannies. A 4chan thread about Yuzu had printscreens from an anon of a Switch emulation channel full of trannies selfieposting and circlejerking. Nintendo enjoyers I meet in person seem fine, yet some corners of the net are magnets for abominations. >>942912 >>948336 Based Nanami-chan's both cute and a woman, two things they'll never be. >>945329 >>948452 I don't think he's asking how Rich Presence works. I think he's asking, for any given Yuzu user who links Yuzu to Discord, the theoretical maximum information Discord could relay to the Yuzu-affiliated registrant of the developer application. If Nintendo now controls the application, they may want more than just Rich Presence information. >>948616 Have they slowed their commits? Ryujinx has Patreon which may be an incentive to improve, though >>946879 suggests they make only peanuts compared to Yuzu's dragon hoard of wealth.
>>948647 >Even by Discord standards, that's lots of trannies. A 4chan thread about Yuzu had printscreens from an anon of a Switch emulation channel full of trannies selfieposting and circlejerking. Nintendo enjoyers I meet in person seem fine, yet some corners of the net are magnets for abominations. this starts making sense if you understand how trannies work to the public they say they just want to be left alone in reality they invade spaces take over and ban "transphobes" the server becomes trans-adjacent which attracts more trannies soon trannies outcrowd oldfags and mold it to their crotch rot sure maybe 99.9% of nintendo players aren't trans emulation is low-cost indoor autism so attracts that 0.1% that 0.1%'s 1% of the net as they have nothing better to do they're squeaky wheels so they're like 2% of online chatter then after invading and taking over spaces there's way more that's how you end up with those selfieposts and circlejerks numbers aren't perfect but the concept should be clear
>>946349 like another anon said, absurd amount of faggotry for a fucking emulator
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>>942912 >>946361 >>948336 >be me, yuzu dev >fully vaxed, every funko pop collected, and loving windows 11 >coding while wife's out fucking some dude named madison >blue hair starts sweating from pure nerdrage >suddenly remember a 7chad called me a cuck with a cctv os >code 7 compatibility out of yuzu... heh, that'll show him >problematic users don't like this >ban them from my discord >feel as powerful as when i dress up as a lion for furrycons >time passes >get fucking sued by nintendo >ordered to pay 2.4 mln and shut down dev >they even take my discord... my power, my meaning... gone >take a guess who orchestrated it all >it's the spirit of windows 7 herself >it's fucking nanami >time passes >wife divorces, gets house >homeless, living out of my marvel avengers box >don't even have any more money for my hormone replacement >start seeing a girl everywhere >try to ignore her but it only gets worse >eventually realize i'm haunted by the ghost of windows 7 >it's fucking nanami >oh my science, what have i done >every time i turn around there she is >it's fucking nanami >haunted by the ghost of the system that i ghosted >this is worse than not having communism >time passes >feel lonely, desperate >only sex is with a harry potter wand i bought on reddit >maybe ex-wife will give me pity sex >heck it, go visit my old house >notice wife that cucked me walking together with madison >guess they live together now >madison turns around to look at me >suddenly it hits me >this "madi" who stole my wife and life wasn't even a guy >she was madobe fucking nanami >its nanami.jpg
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Nanami is my waifu. She is a cute! I love my waifu Nanami!
>>942401 Yeaj, but there's the fact that justice is a huge scam, because the court tax is an excessive fine.
>>948881 >the fucking Windows 7 loli is dancing on the grave of yuzu Wasn't what I expected when I opened /v/ tonight but I kek'd
Guys is there something like No-Intro for Nintendo Switch dumps so I can reliably tell if a dump is good? I can't find them in the No-Intro catalog.
>>948897 The American justice system has many flaws though for this it's pretty fair. A plaintiff who loses a case can often be ordered to pay the defendant's legal fees as a check on the excesses of vexatious litigation, and plaintiff's attorneys often have contingency agreements where they get paid only on award of damages so refuse cases they won't win, thus it's not like frivolous lawsuits are an infinite negative money glitch your enemies can exploit to put you in the poorhouse. Here Nintendo's attorneys presented compelling legal justification and the defense attorney for Tropic Haze knew bunnei's hubris already fucked him six ways to Sunday and pre-trial discovery would've buried him further so they didn't belabor the judgment and bunnei paid his legal fees. His group of Discordians were also absolute faggots who pushed every moral and legal limit so there's a righteous celebration of their predictable downfall for people whose knowledge extends past media headlines from gaming journalists. The biggest injustice around this is probably 17 U.S. Code § 1201 itself and IP law in general, most of which predates online communications and when brought into a digital world overpowers rightsholders and claimants and underpowers device owners and consumers. Disney most notoriously pays into the upkeep of this status quo while right-to-repair activists have most helped to change it.
>>949014 Hell, even the DMCA itself, which is what amended the Copyright Act with § 1201 et al, was signed by Bill Clinton in the 90s, when around half of households weren't online and Web 2.0 didn't exist yet. The Copyright Act itself is from 1909 and its last substantial overhaul was in 1976. The legislature is behind the times, slow to adapt, and lacks incentive to expand consumer rights as money structures privilege corporate lobbies and the judiciary is packed with actual boomers who need their nephews to help them "get on the Facebook" and who rule from ancient precedent that might as well be from the Precambrian for how much has changed.
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>>949030 >as money structures privilege corporate lobbies It doesn't have to, though. Today, more than ever, people have almost unlimited access to information on how to make wealth. Even assuming that you spent a decade working a minimum wage job ($12/hour, $25k a year), investing even as little as 2% of that money (Evenly divided) into dividend stocks and index funds (So as little at $10 a week), and just sat on it doing nothing else except that consistently, you'd be making on an extra $1500 (On average) by the end of the decade. And just on that alone, you'd be beating inflation (Which is a natural average of 2%). This is also ignoring other things, such as how dividends and funds can yield far more depending on the market's performance, that you can always option your stock, that you can sell your stock and make a profit off of it, etc. And that's just one avenue. There's loads of other opportunities that you can get involved with.
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>>949036 You have plenty of ways to be enslaved by the central banking system, yeah.
>>949043 Is >>949036 a GPT4-Chan bot? I can't even tell anymore. The post overestimates federal min wage in USA (not $12 but $7.25), underestimates inflation (not 2% YoY unless someone's drunk on Bidenomics kool-aid, everyone with eyes can see how overpriced shit is, even putting aside how shrinkflation and skimpflation cuts value for goods over time), generically advises like a WordPress blog and barely relates to the corporate lobbies from the greentext. Regardless, bootstraps bullshit about "making an extra $1500 on average by the end of the decade" won't fix copyright when OpenSecrets lists 246 institutional clients in 2023 alone lobbying specifically in this area for Uncle Sam to fuck your ass. Just Big Pharma as a solitary copyright lobbyist out of hundreds spent 27 million on general lobbying in 2023. An account on Fidelity isn't gonna turn a cog into George Soros.
>>949069 Most countries have a central bank or are a central banking prop, I'm just not really sure as to what to add to it that wasn't obvious enough.
>>946361 >>948881 >>949043 cute lolis i recognize hat kid and nanami madobe. but who is the blondie that looks like roll?
>>949095 Aigis from Persona 3
>>949102 thank
>>949043 Toasty!
Guten tag, mein frens. So Princess Peach Showtime leaked 2 days ahead of retail. https://big.fileditchstuff.me/b25/XkTMEgNnppTTtdrIHj.rar This is supposed to be it, but my download speed crawls. Does it work better in Yuzu or Ryujinx, is the format nsp or xci, and is it just the demo or the whole game?
Where are the Yuzu dev from?
>>949163 Idk but 4chan thinks one of those Yuzu devs is the early dumper. Fits with games they had in a Discord stash before their release. Dumping process is rare knowledge too and they used to have a motive with Patreon. So did anyone get Princess Peach Showtime running?
>>949163 >Where are the Yuzu dev from? The creator of Yuzu is Bunnei and his company's reportedly Tropic Haze LLC, which is incorporated in Rhode Island. Tropic Haze LLC documents can be found on opencorporates (a), which has 4 filings. 1 to 3 are annual reports and 4 is its Articles of Organization, made up of 8 articles (b). Article I underlines the registered agent of Tropic Haze LLC as Steven C Mercadante, CPA at the street address of 875 Centerville Road, Warwick RI. Article 7 tables the manager as Eric Nadeau at PO Box 441630, Somerville MA, 02144 USA. He's also the authorized signer of the document. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think either Steven or Eric are Bunnei. Steven is a titled accountant while a background search on Eric brings up a lawyer at Dalton & Finegold, so they're probably Bunnei's accountant and one of his lawyers. You can incorporate out of state and Rhode Island is popular for that, so Bunnei might not live there. The links to the Annual Reports fail on opencorporates but work on a Rhode Island Department of State site (c), but they don't share any new information. A WHOIS on yuzu-emu.org shows Nintendo of America is now the owner. WHOIS records show that before this Tropic Haze registered through a Canadian company called Contact Privacy, which redacts the WHOIS records. TLDR is I have no idea. A smarter sleuth than me might be able to tell you. He seems to want privacy for himself and telemetry for everyone else. If he never said much as Bunnei, he might be one of his devs that reports as him. a. https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_ri/001721079 b. http://business.sos.ri.gov/CorpWeb/CorpSearch/CorpSearchRedirector.aspx?Action=PDF&Path=CORP_DRIVE1/2021/0322/000000000/5950/202194824350_1.pdf c. https://business.sos.ri.gov/CorpWeb/CorpSearch/CorpSearchFormList.aspx?SEARCH_TYPE=0
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>>944261 Well I'll be damned. As a Windows 7 anon I was stranded on a buggy and sluggish version that didn't run some games but this just werks. Thank you! You're like gaming Jesus saving the fuckin day my dude.
>>947217 IDK: If I posted a tranny flag at someone, it's because they need to become a statistic. Then again, I would also never use the crying pedophile emoji. So, these people have a different view of the world than I do.
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>>942402 We who withstand.
>>946343 Brother, don't delude yourself. Every tech support guy would just install the open source version of 7 on old people's computers because it's the de facto easiest version of Windows to use.
>>948997 AlVro
>>947288 >>948647 >>949250 Do note that emojis, once 1 person places it, can just be clicked on to add another react to the ticker. That number can be inflated by tranny/fag sympathizers who don't dress up in dresses (naive fools/desperate orbiters), social media addicts who just click any updoot they see, or virtue signalers who click it because they think they'll be eaten alive if someone notices they didn't.
Yet all these companies basically admit emulation is useful and use emulation software in commercial products. It easier to build a PC rig to emulate PS2 or PS3 games than it is to use the actual hardware. Nevermind the fact that some PS2 games look decent with a simple upscale. Bleem even made a couple of PSX games look like Dreamcast games graphically. So being against the entire emulation scene would be like taking a stance against modders.
>>949250 >>949281 Maybe it's not 151, but something about Switch emulation still attracts trannies like flies to honey and on Discord it's worse.
I'm a noble thief. I pirate the woke and buy from the based. If everyone did as I do, the gaming industry would course correct in under 6 months.
I've said this in other threads, but I'll say it here too- Trannies don't live in anybody's head rent free. They kick the door to your head down and shit on the carpet. They put themselves everywhere until there is no where left to enjoy. I joined a Metroid discord because I was excited about Metroid Dread and wanted to see what people were talking about. There was maybe one person talking about Metroid. Everyone else was congratulating this "egg" that just "came out" as trans in the Metroid Lore discussion channel. I tried to talk about how cool it was that the pirates kept Metroids in Phendrana Drifts because its cold environment prevented them from escaping. I was banned for off topic posting. I tried to watch AGDQ last night. One of the commentators was a man, with a man voice, with a hololive avatar instead of a face, whose pronouns were listed as fae/faer. These fucking people do not leave you, your space, or your thoughts alone. If you try to have a discussion without them, they insist on making it about them. I can't even click a YouTube video anymore without some faggot putting on a fake girl voice and trying to act like a cute anime retard. It's painful. It's dishonest and inauthentic. It is also an act of aggression. If you can't recognize that, I don't know what to tell you. Lying is aggressive. The entire trans movement is dripping with dishonesty. When you tell me to refer to you as "she/her" you are telling me to see a woman when I look at you. I don't. I see your receding hairline, I see your broad shoulders, I see your thin hips, I see your gut and sinking cheeks and wide stubble, I see your fashion sense that reeks of male sensibilities, I see your taste in anime that reeks of somebody with a porn addiction, I see your imitation based on what men find attractive, but more than this i see male aggression. I see the demand to dominate. I see acts of assertion and imperialist reeducation. You demand that I tell you 2+2=5 and when I refuse you become angry, aggressive, and seek my removal or destruction. You are bullies who want to assert yourselves over others but have no field in which you're competitive except in social manipulation. You demand female spaces, you demand female aesthetics, you even demand the female label. You take even this from the women from which you wish you could take love and acceptance. You have gone beyond incel. You have entered into thievery and barbarism. Pastiche. Fraud. Imitation. Ersatz. You are the dishonest, inauthentic, and aggressive. You are not, will never, can never, and should never be a woman. You are the aggressor in every space, turning the conversation towards your hatred of the penis and leg hair, towards your lust for the female. Your insistence on being called a woman is your demand to be given the girlfriend you were denied through your roleplaying as that imaginary woman. You are your father's son, that is how you were born, and that is how you will die.
>>949520 Oh god don’t remind me of that talk about “cracking eggs”.
>>944261 >>944517 >>944561 Your solution to fix Yuzu for Windows 7 is probably optimal, though VxKex is an alternative. https://github.com/vxiiduu/VxKex/releases Repairs most malfunctioning programs, both Citra (OpenGL-only) and Yuzu will boot with it. The catch is, unlike your link VxKex is risky, as half of AVs flag it as malware. False positives? Maybe, since it performs functions of malware, like .dll hijacking, but for desired reasons. The source is on the releases page as a .7z, so if one of you codeanons builds and publishes VxKex, and it matches the AV profile, we'd know vxiiduu isn't adding malware not in the source to the blob. The source also contains prebuilt .dlls and development utilities, and the utilities 7zSfx and vautogen trigger some AVs. The results for 7zSfx don't matter since it's just an archiver. Not sure what vautogen does or if it's needed to build. What do codeanons think of VxKex? As of now, I recommend it only for offline machines without important data.
>>944527 The one from >>944261 is the cleanest online since it actually removes telemetry and is easily audited unless you distrust >>942990 and suspect Pineapple EA versions have added malware. If so >>944561 has the patcher pastebin.com/FecfFh2K which you should run on mainline-1734 from the Wayback Machine. There was also a fork called suyu (now taken down by Nintendo) whose code redirected spy calls from yuzu-emu (which Nintendo seized) to suyu's site, which lacked the foresight that Nintendo may seize their domain too.
>>949520 > The entire trans movement is dripping with dishonesty. No shit. The entire trans argument: < Let us redefine gender to be all of the social and cultural things associated with biological sex. < By this definition, gender is a social construct. < Therefore, biological sex is a social construct. Did you see what they did there?
>>949520 Any sort of trans community is a central banker prop but communists either have legitimate brain damage or lie way too much when anyone can do basic research.
>>949669 It's easy to self-delude when you have a good fallacy. This is a Troll's Truism. Take < By this definition, gender is a social construct. It is trivially true that a word that has been defined to be a social construct is a social construct. Duh. However, the word still is a synonym for biological sex, even in the mind of the self-deluded communist. So, when THEY say "gender is a social construct", it has the simultaneous double meaning of: 1) a word that has been defined to be a social construct is a social construct, and 2) biological sex is a social construct. If pressed, they will fall back to definition one. They will always say that they are only promoting the first meaning, but then they use gender in ways that obviously mean the second definition. They use the term ambiguously, and have hurt themselves in their confusion.
In other news of Nintendo's legal conquests, Nintendo allegedly used the DMCA to take down Relic Castle, which is maybe the biggest hub for Pokemon fangames. I can't find the DMCA notice, so the news could be fake. The owner, Marin, gave this statement: Dear Pokemon fan game community, It is with heavy heart that I announce that the Relic Castle website has been taken down following a DMCA takedown notice. Relic Castle has always been a non-profit, ad-free, tight-knit community and we pride ourselves in what we have achieved. Members have felt at home, made friends, and even careers with us. It is with deep regret that I have to inform you that the forum part of this community, which was to turn 10 years old this year, has had to come to an end. With over 20,000 members and 65,000 posts, Relic Castle was a home to many of us. The Discord server is not going anywhere, and the site is still visible as an archive using the Wayback Machine. Thank you all for being with us this last decade, and thank you for making Relic Castle as awesome and life-changing as it has been for some of us. Sincerely, Marin Owner & Andy Manager
GitLab is taking down a Yuzu fork. https://archive.ph/gMKVI
>>946361 We have identified the perp.
>using cuckchan without some form of filtering script for shills >using cuckchan at all
>>949604 Was mentioned by another anon in his doublepost yesterday. >>949604 >>949589 The popular opinion, and the view of veteran devs of emulation projects, was the forkers were fame-seeking no-devs who didn't know what they were doing but wanted their 5 minutes, and who had a good marketing game but poor programming skills. The commit log is full of stuff like "Update to README.md," changes that break everything and are then reverted, and changes only affecting the name and branding of the project. A MAME dev wrote "It did just seem like an attempt to grab short term popularity (and likely long term income) off the back of the other project by getting media attention. I could have done the same. I didn't. Nobody with any sense did. Bunch of grifters," and apparently firmware and piracy tools were constantly linked in their Discord. Doesn't seem anything of value was lost.
Wrong post, meant to respond to >>950003.
>>950033 Good morning saar!
>>946361 Reminder that you can run fully activated Window 7 Pro in a virtual machine without paying microshaft a single cent and without using any cracks, simply by using a hex editor to add an OEM key to the BIOS of the virtual machine.
>>950045 You can also activate 7 Pro and Enterprise bare metal with KMS_VL_ALL, and 7 Ultimate through Daz Loader or EzWindSLIC for UEFI/GPT. Without downloading tools you can also extend the 30-day trial up to 120 days through slmgr /rearm which could be automated with Task Scheduler and after the remaining rearm count is 0 in slmgr /dlv you can reset the count through the recovery console with a registry hack.
>>950033 These will never not make me laugh.
>>944561 >>944888 It's better left unboosted. We just saw a GitLab fork of yuzu get DMCA'd after screaming from the rooftops for attention and Nintendo has DMCA'd shit off Archive.org before, like the Nintendo Power magazine collection. Mods like this one that lie low while the beast hunts have a better rate of survival, while shit plastered all over the media just draws aggro and kills itself.
>>944561 >>944888 >>950194 NTA but I doubt Nintendo can take down patches. Patches don't share Nintendo's intellectual property (IP), they're basically just a changelog. Thus Nintendo can take down fan games (see >>949764), which include Nintendo IP like art and music, but can't take down ROM hacks, which don't since they're patches. Besides that, archive.org is uniquely protected from copyright claims through a DMCA exemption. I don't know if that covers Yuzu as I haven't read the exemption, but ROMs get put up and stay up enough that it's a pretty underrated site for downloading them.
>>950198 >I doubt Nintendo can take down patches Actually, they can. Copyright, in the case of vidya, extends to include the "way" you can experience a game. A couple years ago, Bungie successfully sued a group who created trainers and bots for Destiny 2, with the judge agreeing that those modifications did violate Bungie's copyright of the game since the mods effected the game's "intended experience". However the key difference there is that Destiny 2 is a live service multiplayer game and Bungie's money comes from constantly supporting the game and selling new DLC for it. If a similar lawsuit were to be applied to mods of a offline single player game, it likely would not succeed because the argument can be made that Nintendo can no longer control how a game is "experienced" the moment it enters inti the market.
>>950203 Bungle's lawsuit was settled out of court in an arbitration process so I'm not sure it created legal precedent and last I heard that ruling was appealed by AimJunkies in late 2023. I didn't follow the countersuit so I don't know if it's still ongoing but that Nintendo brought the hammer down on big ROM sites like EmuParadise and LoveROMs but not big patch sites like RHDN or SMWC tells me they don't think they have a case.
>>944561 >>944888 >>950194 >>950203 >>950206 Ok, so unicourt.com has 165 case documents for Bungie Inc v. Aimjunkies.com et al so a full reading of the case history is probably too autistic for either of us. I speed-read what seemed important, skipped a lot of what didn't, and used LLM summaries for the bird's eye view. Bungie's argument was that by downloading, installing, and / or playing Destiny 2, people accept the terms of Bungie's Limited Software License Agreement (LSLA). One of the terms is that parties of the agreement must not "reverse engineer, derive source code, modify, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works of Destiny 2, in whole or in part," where violators of this term agreed to subject themselves to the arbitration process. Unless Switch has some licensing agreement with a term like this then Nintendo wouldn't have standing and even if Switch did, Nintendo would need to prove the patchwriter owned a Switch and consented to be bound by the agreement. Even then, EULAs don't have good track records for legal enforcability and their terms are routinely ruled unconscionable in the courts (probably why this one pushed for arbitration). On copyright violation, AimJunkies filed a motion to dismiss against Bungie's claim of copyright infringement in violation of 17 USC and the motion was granted, so the judge didn't seem to agree the copyright was violated or he wouldn't have dismissed the claim.
>>950198 so is the big brain law loophole for a fork to upload patches for yuzu to the internet archive?
>>950249 Legally it's a good stress test, organizationally it obstructs outside collaboration as archive.org isn't a DVCS like Git, and practically, Yuzu's coders were court-ordered to desist, so Yuzu's future is dead in the water. That Bazooka Troopa etc. made Windows 7 work and detelemetrized Yuzu is useful, I won't downplay the usefulness, and I respect the lack of grift in just coming in, fixing shit, and leaving, but he did little work, which he admits himself (>>944561). It's tens of bytes patched, and while this vindicates the infograph and reflects poorly on Yuzu for shafting Windows 7 gamers on purpose, it's part of a bigger pattern where, since Yuzu died, no one's done heavy lifting with Yuzu's code. A + for Yuzu as some there actually knew what they were doing. Don't twist it, I'm not sucking off Yuzu's coders, they were audacious social retards who paid the price for it, and by accounts like >>946349, dirtbags who got their deserved comeuppance. But they're dirtbags early enough to the illicit money train to evolve with Yuzu and understand the code. Like them or not, when they're along for the ride they pick up the knowledge. That one fork Suyu that got a DMCA sounds like it didn't know its head from its ass (>>950040, >>950041). You won't get major redesigns of graphics backends from self-appointed successors, you'll get press parades for logo changes. Yuzu's dead in the water, I don't think it'll resurrect from the ashes if hijacked by a hydra of grifters. Coders worth their salt will just join Ryujinx instead. It's more compatible, it's not fractured, it's where the good coders are, and it may have a future that isn't playing Tom and Jerry whack-a-mole with copystrikes.
>>950254 >press parades for logo changes It's gaming journalism, what can you expect? Reanimating the decayed corpse of yuzu emulator to puppet it around as the Next Big Thing with some big-bad-Nintendo sob story to squeeze engagement from riled-up poorfag pirates who ball up their fists and yell "FUCK NINTENDO" into the void wouldn't even make the list of the least ethical things the game journalist did that week. They want you dead, your kids transed, your games LGBTQed, and your country negrified. The end of a rope is too good for them, and I sleep with the smile of the Cheshire Cat knowing Christ is King and they'll all burn in Hell.
The new Avalonia UI for Ryujinx is progressing nicely for what used to be a shitpile of glitches (https://github.com/Ryujinx/Ryujinx/issues/3662). What do we think of it, /v/ros?
>>950040 Fair enough; good to know.
>>950491 >new Avalonia UI for Ryujinx It's fine but so was the old one. Instead of reinventing the wheel they could have put that time into making games work, but they repainted the car instead of repairing the engine. Software updates these days fix too much shit that isn't broken
>>950595 The UI team may be different people than the backend team, where both work in parallel. If so, routing UI to backend is probably useless as UI teams normally lack sufficient backend skills.
>>950491 >The new Avalonia UI for Ryujinx is progressing nicely for what used to be a shitpile of glitches (https://github.com/Ryujinx/Ryujinx/issues/3662). What do we think of it, /v/ros? Your link broke since the parser interprets the ). at the end as a part of it. From now on just post links on new lines like so: https://github.com/Ryujinx/Ryujinx/issues/3662
>>950892 >your id+1
>>949156 >>949171 Haven't tried myself, but reports suggest Peach Showtime crashes in yuzu and works in Ryujinx.
(29.32 KB 540x349 Smug fish.jpg)

>>951217 The emulator is warning you that the game is ass, it's not even worth archiving.
>>946271 They aren't sending their best
>>951426 >searches laurenneira2 >finds nothing Coomer retard here. Who's the whore and where can I find more?
>>951291 Halfchan trannyjanny?
>>951246 Sorry mate, I'm an innumerate nigger. >>951291
>>951292 If it's zer yeah.
>>951241 Showtime's supposedly decent but "decent" is bad by Mario standards. Every mainline Mario was received better. From the outside it seems aimed at young girls and I'm a grown man with no interest in accessorizing Peach or dressing her in different outfits. I'm inclined to skip it but might try or buy if someone sells me on gameplay loops beyond those.
>>946271 >>951246 >>951291 >>951292 I think it traces to Lordakkion's page "Sexy chaste sissies" on X. For "laurenneira," on X there's https://x.com/laurenneira but I'm login-walled and Nitter's dead so I can't see it. Reddit has a 3-post account "lolo lion" at https://reddit.com/user/laurenneira that talks about fur babies, among other Lauren Neira accounts online. No clue if any are sissies or jannies or if the sissy's a janny, the post alleges links without evidence so I'm apathetic. Halfchan's got trannyjannies but here Anon might be personalarmyfagging some slut he dislikes then getting banned for offtopic.
>>951326 Here you go https://nitter.poast.org/laurenneira >but I thought nitter is dead it is, I think the only reason why this works, is that the provider put some money and brought a few servers to get a few dozen legitimate accounts. Please use it sparingly.
>>951331 I use https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/wiki/Instances as an instance list, fire up a VPN, and pick one at random that has a green check. Sometimes they're all down, sometimes some are up, and sometimes it'll say they're up but every query returns "instance has been rate limited." Musk really drove the nail in, Nitter's been in its death throes for a while.
>>951336 poast seems to be the only one that consistently works without going down often
Beware of being herded into a single frontend for a decentralized technology, or you may find yourself facing worse privacy problems than those you first sought to avoid.
I don't think this deserves a thread so I'm posting it here: has anyone played the Endless Ocean series on the Wii? Either the first one, Blue World / Adventures of the Deep, or even the Everblue series for the PS2 which is by the same developer Arika and is supposed to be a spiritual prequel. I never got to them but they always looked interesting and with the new entry Luminous coming out in a month on the Switch I'm wondering if it's worth catching up.
you know what i think, yuzu and citra are a bunch of fruits
So, what's the deal with switch emulation now, did yuzu ever get a successor or is it all ryujinx?
It's all Ryujinx now for real developers. Yuzu is six feet under. Clout chasers forked "successors" but didn't know how to develop a Switch emulator and the "successors" died.
>>951866 That's exactly what I was thinking. Especially yuzu

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