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Fallout: The Amazon Original TV Show Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 15:34:13 Id: 898584 No. 942911
Welcoms to the dumpster fire This is the thread specifically for discussing the upcoming Amazon adaptation of Fallout which comes out on April 14th. I'm including a few worthwhile pics from their latest trailer which just came out this morning. Watch it for yourself on Jewtube or your favorite invidio.us fork https://yt.cdaut.de/watch?v=V-mugKDQDlg Laugh at it, cry about it, burn in righteous fury about it, help point out inconsistencies and woke shit, whatever floats your boat.
Bleached kino!
>>942917 all i saw in the mp4 was a girl protag and a nigger
I can't understand people subjecting themselves to this tripe. Why would you watch it or entertain the idea of doing so when its clearly another propaganda piece.
>>942911 >Watch it for yourself on Jewtube or your favorite invidio.us fork <You could have just downloaded the trailer, you fucking idiot
>>942924 Did you even read the OP's images you fucking retard? The last one I uploaded was an .mp4 of the trailer.
>>942925 My mistake, looked like another image going by the file name.
>>942920 Check the 2nd image
>>942936 yes i saw the scene, it was 1 sec scene near the end of the trailer. The main focus of the movie is obviously the girl protagonist and her nigger
>>942922 100% agree dubsman. Reminds me of how the Gaylo tv show went down. Don't give them attention, and don't even pirate it. Let it die in obscurity like it deserves.
>>942942 I think most people have forgotten about Gaylo and even the Last of Us shows by now. Except maybe for the people who hated them. Are there any genuine fans of that LA Cowboy Bebop show still singing its praises?
>>942943 >most people have forgotten about Gaylo and even the Last of Us shows by now Gaylo yes, but I still know normalfags who mention the "mushroom zombies" show. >any genuine fans of that LA Cowboy Bebop show still singing its praises If they exist, I've never met them.
>>942943 >I think most people have forgotten about Gaylo and even the Last of Us shows by now. Gaylo perhaps but there's still faggots who praise anything to do with TLOU as if it was the greatest thing ever. >Are there any genuine fans of that LA Cowboy Bebop show still singing its praises? I honestly want to pirate it along with this show and see the dumpster fire it'll be. I think there's going to be more anime/game live action movies that'll be horrible because normies love this shit.
>>942911 >Shady Sands is a nuked pre war city
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>4th pic Is that supposed to be the NCR army? Looking likea bunch of scrappy raiders? In the fucking boneyard? After New Vegas?
>>942938 >animal companion as the first partner of the main character Guess they at least kept some things the same as FO4
>the NCR is destroyed So the entire point of the series is moot? We're just going to dick around in sandy post-apoc land forever, the world never recovers? B R A V O
>no supermutants There are many valid reasons why this is going to be shit, but this is the biggest for me.
>>942991 A functional government with effective institutions is so radically alien for Bethesda Fallout that it simply cannot be allowed to exist. Look at the Office of Science and Industry for example, the OSI is a government-funded research agency that during NV is trying to advance the NCR's sharecropper program and study the Hoover Dam. Such an organization is too grounded and practical to fit in the HATE NEWSPAPERS world of modern Fallout.
>>943034 If this is set 200 years after the bombs fell then I actually like the idea of Supermutants being extinct. Marcus and the Nightkin were pretty much the last supermutants left alive by FNV. They would surely have been killed off in their entirety by the time this show takes place. I bet they'll find some way to shove supermutants in, though. And the Enclave.
>>943051 In tactics there were supermutant scientists working on solving supermutant infertility, and in 2 there was some shitty hint that supermutants just need time for their balls to rest until they become fertile again. Also, supermutants are cool and after seeing this trailer I'm convinced The Master did nothing wrong.
>Using Black Isle/Obsidian lore Everything by Bethesda is fanfiction
>>943053 Marcus's comment in 2 was a joke and Tactics is broad strokes canon only. >>942991 >>943045 Historically in 210 years North America went from a single colony in a land filled with savages, dangerous animals, and poverty to a united nation launching the world's first steam warship and sending scouts to map coast to coast. In Bethesda Fallout, 210 years later "civilization" that started off with far more are still living in spoila with giant holes in the wall (during a Massachusetts winter!)
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>>942957 The NCR are now the diverse ragtag rebels fighting the evil faceless oppressive BoS. Gee this sure feels familiar for some reason.
>>943486 Isn't the Brotherhood of Steel at worst neutral? If they want nazis they can use the Enclave.
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>>943486 But from the looks of the trailer the ESG mandate nog is on the evil oppressive BoS's side to start with. Yes, there's Finn from Meme Wars, but you can't argue that the BoS are le white supremacists if they have nogs able to don the merchandisable armor™ (but then again whites are the only race to have a consistent outgroup bias, which is why white supremacy and power will always be a meme at best). So instead it's "accidentally based intersectionality through doublethink," a la being able to kill and brutalize female soldiers in Jew-led vidya.
>>943486 >the redditor writers love the NCR of course they do
>>943332 sneed
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Here's your fallout bro
>>943556 Fallout 4 made them hyper ethnic cleansing focused. Even though they at best just don't like ghouls or friendly synths but don't go out of their way to actually kill them.
>>942991 > the world never recovers closest thing to organized civilation that Bethesda will ever let things progress to is likely some form of oppressive fiefdoms run by technocratic BoS barons.
>>943632 It has a few points where they clearly are in favor of kill all synths, most blatantly Railroad saying BoS plans to kill every man woman and child in The Institute if you built the teleporter with the BoS and then went to them, and only being able to spare the Danse bot ever goes against it. Since Fallout 4's factions are all monolithic (as in everyone has the same voice for the faction, its goals and its methods, even when they have personal arguments) nobody ever has a chance to express something like "Making synths was wrong and we should shut it down, but we shouldn't necessarily destroy all the existing ones". Nearest the game ever gets to that is Curie likes the BoS, and she isn't even a true synth. The crux of the problem is Bethesda's writers made synths so rediculously overpowered in their ability to infiltrate that they never considered the implications: You're explicitly told, right upon entering the Institute, that synths have human DNA. This isn't an isolated oddity either: You're told they can pass any test (which should include DNA, x-ray, and blood typing at bare minimum), and you see they have (except for pic related) internals identical to humans when they're blown up and when you see them being made. Nat confirms this isn't just visual laziness either since she explicitly mentions they have real blood and guts. You're explicitly told Glory doesn't set off a metal detector. When given a synth body, Curie says she needs to breath or she'll die. Despite all this, nobody ever considers them anything other than very intelligent robots even though you're repeatedly shown they're actually clones. Even the faction that hates synths never brings this up. There's no reason the generic institute scientists should be surprised, let alone horrified, that synths dream since they literally have a human brain, down to the DNA.
>>943649 Hmm then yeah they are just ridiculously hyper cleansing. I forgot too that they'll just attack you if you have Danse in your party after you spare him.
>>943649 This is what I don't get they're shown to be synthetically woven in the institute like they ripped that shit straight from westworld yet somehow that translates into indistinguishable from human somewhere between being woven and being released.
FALLOUT Director Jonathan Nolan Didn't Set Out To Make A Show That Pleases The Fans https://archive.md/JlGVU >I don't think you really can set out to please the fans of anything, or please anyone other than yourself. I think you have to come into this trying to make the show that you want to make it and trusting that as fans of the game, you know, we would find the pieces that were essential to us about the games and try to do the best version of those that we can. I think, you know, it's kind of a fool's errand to try to figure out how to make people happy in that way. You gotta make yourself happy. And I've made myself very happy with the show. >All eight episodes of Fallout will debut on Prime Video at once on April 11 >dumping the whole thing at once, as most new series do these days
>>945870 It's incredibly simple & easy to just actually respect the source material. That's all they had to do. Make up their own story in the world just make it fit into that already existing world. But no they gotta just be spiteful about it then complain it would've been too hard to do the bare minimum.
>>945870 Why do networks seem to hire people to adapt source material whom hate it and those who enjoy it? It's genuinely strange how common this is.
>>945973 They get paid to hate on a demographic that's overwhelmingly white male and young.
>>945973 There are very few fans of any true nerd culture working in Hollywood or employed as suits at major organizations. They are all nepotism babies who partied in college and spent their youths bullying people who liked actually nerd culture. They dont and have never respected it.
>>946058 >Bethesda Fallout >Nerd culture Fallout 3 made more money than most Hollywood movies that year.
>>946058 Given the way writing has been deteriorating in hollywood these last decade I'd argue that they're just not good writers period regardless of their interests. The last writer I can remember that I actually looked up because he had a distinct and interesting writing style was Taylor Sheridan.
>>946059 Yeah? It's still nerdy shit. Fallout 3 came out before it was even mainstream & marketable to be a "nerd".
>>943556 I’m pretty sure BoS is supposed to be Fallout’s equivalent of the Imperium of Man but Emil can’t write for shit so that’s why they are portrayed as moral opposites in Fallout 3/4.
>>946088 There philosophy boiled down to tech hording and shooting anyone that got in the way of that.
>>946088 >he fell for the "Brotherhood of Steel are the good guys" meme peddled by Fallout 3 and 4
>>946088 >I’m pretty sure BoS is supposed to be Fallout’s equivalent of the Imperium of Man No, they're the Adeptus Mechanicus, only reason they even kill muties is because they can't trade. They don't really give a shit about anything outside their bunker if it ain't related to tech.
>>946088 The whole point of the BoS is they're a bunch of metallic monks who obsess over hoarding technology, even assuming Tactics is canon that Brotherhood is a different organization to the original seen in the rest of the series. Regardless how you feel about Caesar, his assessment of the BoS is completely accurate. The Brotherhood were so thoroughly demolished by the NCR they fled hundreds of miles east away from California in secret to survive. They lost every major battle they were involved. The idea the Brotherhood could remotely be a threat to the NCR out in Nevada, let alone (the significantly better defended) California, is fucking farcical
>>946531 Caesars right on the money for a lot of things shame everyone wants to pretend his faction isnt viable because >muh slaves >muh backwards tribal cultural identity
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>>946590 Theres a lot of reasons why the Legion is fucked in the end, stop pretending. In 5 out of 6 endings, Caesar dies and the Legion goes to shit afterwards.
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>>946590 His faction isn't viable because they're all spearchucking savages using Handball and Hockey gear for armor.
>>946610 That and half the other tribes in the region, all hes doing is civilizing them one step at a time. >>946607 Because like the writers said they needed a villain. He's bringing a future to the retards of the east.
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>>946613 >He's bringing a future to the retards of the east. Wich is why him and his dogs can go back to fucking Arizona to chuck spears at each other. Vegas is for gambling.
>>946616 I can agree on that much but i expect the same for the NCR Both of them should consolidate their gains instead of continued war mongering.
>>946613 >Never ending cycle of raiding and pillaging >Civilization Fallout isn't Mount and Blade nigger >>946618 They should nuke themselves to death, which is what I do everytime I play a new run.
>>946618 The NCR brings profits though.
>>946620 It's not a never ending cycle. Caesar is ironically not a stand in for Rome but for the mongol and turkic horde along with a dozen petty war lords and their tribes. Just like how the Turks took Byzantium and Constantinople and started we wuzzing Roma Or the Mongols with Imperial China Caesar seeks to take over Vegas and make it his capital as he all but tells you he wishs to stop raiding and set roots. The Turks would become the ottoman empire as for the mongols well they just faded away for after one dynasty.
>>946621 Yes but the profit like House says mainly fills only his coffer, NCR itself is losing huge cash reserves. If the NCR wants to thrive it needs to build on itself first.
>>946624 The NCR does have a good reason for being in the Mojave though. They need Hoover dam's energy to help their industrialization efforts. One could argue the wy they are going about it, but its not like you can pretend they are just being warmongerers for no good reason.
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>>946622 > he wishs to stop raiding and set roots. And then the infighting commences and the bloodshed starts anew. And that would happen regardless if Caesar was a walking corpse or not. Imagine living so afraid of tech you can't even take penicillin.
The only true faction is the NCR.
>>946629 Everyone has a good reason to warmonger, but the problem is that every one of them has put the cart before the horse. The NCR's problems are apparent enough long supply line, and gross expansion to untenable levels, you have one of their leaders tell you the problem >Conscription brings in fresh troops to die here every month. Like it's routine. And even if we hold this dam, what then? Are we going to send the NCR's men and women to die here for another five years? Ten? Patrol the whole length of the Colorado for hundreds of miles? Holding this dam. It'll be the death of us." They're being bled every step of the way if Caesar decided on a war of attrition instead of a decisive battle that Oliver wants it'll be Caesar's Victory and not the NCR's, and worse the Dam they're fighting for itself only works at maximum capacity if you have Courier or House aligned with them. And we all know House is just playing both sides for himself. For all of Caesar's hatred for the NCR, he has made every one of their mistakes to a T, Nevermind that like the NCR his supply train is fucked. Having barely subdued the East before turning West, Rebellion is brewing in these regions, and instead of stamping out dissent he's rushing to meet the NCR because he hopes to unite everyone with another victory except he fails, now he NEEDS that victory or he's gonna spend the rest of his (short) life with doubters and backstabbers gunning for him. But like NCR he needs Vegas for his overall plans so they can stop being petty raiders. >>946632 >And then the infighting commences and the bloodshed starts anew. Of course it does, but I see that future for the NCR as well. It's the fate of all empires and republics. Like the opening always says war never changes.
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>>946641 >but I see that future for the NCR fuck the NCR
>>946642 NCR just needs to get its shit together, the perfect ending for all sides is ironically an independent Vegas. Because this way the NCR has a buffer state to protect them from the legion has they consolidate and likewise the same for the Legion which in all honesty will simply collapse until another warlord rises from the ashes uniting them.
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>>946641 Caesar is rushing things because he has cancer and he knows that noone will be there to lead the Legion. Had he not done that funny joke on Joshua, he wouldnt be having that problem, but hes just straight up an asshole.
>>946645 Nah even joshua admits he couldn't keep em together alone. He's rushing cause he has cancer yea, but knowing he has it he should been looking for a successor and splitting responsibilities to multiple people, his ego on top of being an asshole is whats fucking him over.
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>>946651 >he should been looking for a successor What do you mean? The obvious successor is none other than Lanius of course!
>>946651 Sure, Joshua himself siad he never had the mind for logistics, but he for sure would be better than fucking Lanius or Vulpes. >>946654 Lanius a shit, hes only good as a bossfight.
>>946654 Lanius is a brute and brutes do not good statesmen make. He's barely a competent General. >>946656 >he for sure would be better than fucking Lanius or Vulpes. Oh yeah definitely thats not even up for a debate holy shit. A backstabbing spy and a meathead can not run an empire
Did Caesar even have children, and if not was it ever explained why he didn't sire an heir? In the years he conquered the tribes, you are telling me he never fucked the chief's daughters? Sure, there is no guarantee that the son will be as good as the father, but that is one way of continuing the cult of personality, hell you could even secretly send him to the same University, Caesar went to, to get an actual education, and that could make for some interesting stories, maybe he is one of the smartest students in the University, but he is extremely violent and the professors keep debating if it's worth keeping him around or not, or maybe he fully denounces Caesar's ways, and embraces the NCR, until he realizes how corrupt they are, and goes back to Caesar. Knowing how to kill people, is not enough to run a state, you need proper management skills, as well as properly choosing the best people for the job, like who is responsible for the roads, or food distribution. Personally my biggest problem with Caesar is that he is an unironic globo-homo, he conquers a tribe, and then mixes them with all the other tribes, to destroy any sense of individuality, culture or history, just to create Legionnaire mutts. He is the kind of person, who would unironically want to mix up all the European nations as well as to add a mixture of African and Muslims, to create perfectly loyal European mutts.The NCR is bad for different reasons, but at least they let people keep their individuality and culture, and someone can say that they Boneyard descendant and that he is different from other people from NCR territories. Let's say he actually conquers New Vegas, and that becomes his new Rome, what culture can he even produce? What schools will they even have? Who would even go there to teach? Are they going to kidnap teachers from the NCR territories? Send a few dozens to NCR universities, and then hope that in 5 years they come back, still loyal to you, and start recreating NCR technology, kinda what the Japs, Chinks did in the UK and America? Also he will have his capital at the far extreme of his empire, how well could he even manage the far eastern territories from Vegas?
Wasn't the whole point of Caeser rushing for Vegas that he hoped a state would anchor the Legion even without an heir apparent to the role of dictator? I imagine he could play building his own senate after that, but honestly the writers big thing about the whole conflict between the NCR and the Legion was one of a ruthless but effective dictatorship that had the usual problems of a succession crisis vs the well meaning but ultimately corrupt and greedy forces of the NCR which was shown to be slowly turning into a parody of pre-war democracy complete with it's own landed elite overburdening tax system.
sorry landed elite and overburdening tax system.
Also a fun side game could be following the succession crisis of the Legion as they collapse into different factions.
>>946531 Do we know when the TV show trashfire is supposed to take place? It could (but likely won't) take place between 2 and New Vegas and cover how the Brotherhood attacked the NCR's gold reserves.
>>946088 The BoS are the "good guys" of Fallout 1 (they make you go into the Glow but are the only organized group capable of fighting the Unity) and the good guys of Fallout 2 (they are the only organized resistance against the Enclave and are reintroducing technology to New California). After Rhombus's death, the BoS learned nothing from its battle with the Enclave. It grew complacent and adopted backward policies to make the NCR reliant on it for continued technological progress, sparking the war. Unlike the Golden age of the Brotherhood under Rhombus in Fallout 2, the BoS in New Vegas are literal tech-horders. There is nothing separating them from a group of heavily armed prospectors other than their fanatical isolationism. If they had discovered and absorbed groups, such as the Ciphers and Hopeville, instead of sitting in Lost Hills, the Brotherhood would have had the bargaining chips to keep the NCR dependent on them. What they did instead was just bad business. >>946531 The BoS destroyed the NCR's gold reserves, obliterating its economy. I would call that more than the remote possibility of a threat. The Mojave BoS isn't the sole surviving chapter. Lost Hills still exists, and there are cults to the new Maxson. However, the NCR makes alliances with chapters that meet its goals. >>946620 Caesar lays out the basics of his plan clearly. The Legion in New Vegas is a transitory period because Caesar is trying to implement hundreds of years of history in a single lifetime, making him more like Alexander than Caesar. It doesn't have a founding city to build a myth around and a sedentary civilization from, and it intends to do so with Vegas. The Legion is meant to form the basis of civilization in the New World just as the Roman Empire did for the Old World, but it needs a mythologizing victory and to get rid of its Carthage, the NCR, before it can settle down. Whether this will be under the aging and egomaniacal but intellectual Caesar or under the young and mysterious but grounded Lanius is anyone's guess. It's likely that a post-loss Legion where Lanius lives undergoes a coup of Caesar by Lanius, unable to accept the same punishment as his predecessors and unwilling to allow the Legion to impale itself on the NCR. >>946662 Lanius has more going on behind his mask than anyone, even Caesar, knows, and that's something Caesar made on purpose. Under Caesar's plan, Lanius is meant to be a completely willing and subservient animal for the Legion who will take over and lead the Legion by Caesar's wishes after he dies. The discussion you can have with him about how worthless it is to invade the NCR at the time of New Vegas and his willingness to accept this is proof enough that he's not a mindless brute. >>946873 We can assume Caesar didn't have children. If he did, they would have been mentioned, and the anxiety over what comes after him wouldn't exist. He likely held off on having any children out of the same desire he has to differentiate his Legion from the rest of the Mojave. He's an emperor, not a warlord. Whoever he marries should have benefits to the Legion and be able to complement someone who has hundreds of thousands believing he's the son of Mars. Caesar didn't go to a university. He was a member of the Followers. Caesar's utilitarian cannibalization of cultures is something Rome did as well, though his is almost performative because it has inconsistencies and inefficiencies purely to differentiate itself from other nations, such as the healing powder recipe it uses. Complaining about this cannibalization is like complaining about the cannibalization of the Gauls and Iberians. Tribals are stagnant in the face of history. People in the NCR don't really keep their culture. The NCR is pushing the same American monoculture that existed in the Old World. You already see the beginning of the culture Caesar is making when you enter Legion territory. It's a Roman Empire LARP with a streamlining of its religion and customs. It has civilized territory under it and presumably already has universities and educational infrastructure in its core territories. If they need scholars from outside the Legion, they'll attract them by providing protection and status. It's a shame that we couldn't see Phoenix as the developers intended to answer questions like these. Vegas is meant to be the new capital, but the NCR is meant to be the Western half of the new empire. >>946991 The TV series takes place in 2296. We'll get a definitive answer to how New Vegas ended, probably with a NCR victory, and I predict there will be homosexuals from the former Legion hiding out in the NCR, if the Legion has any presence other than as a boogieman.
>>947024 >post New Vegas NCR victory >NCR look like ragtag skin of the teeth scrappy rebels in the trailer If that's the case then I really don't understand their logic.
>>947070 I swear to fucking god if bethseda made a game after the fall of rome, Romeout if you will, it would just be filled with decaying roman columns everywhere and everyone would wear ratty togas even it's 700 AD.
>>947070 While the creator didn't make it with a strict adherence to canon in mind, despite it being canon, Bethesda had a role in the series. They see it as Fallout 4.5. Bethesda's MO is that no matter how much time has passed since the Great War, the world is still the generic idea of the post-apocalypse. It would be interesting if the story was that the super zealous East Coast Fallout 4 Brotherhood went West and tried to launch a crusade against the NCR to save Lost Hills, hence the airship, vertibirds, different recruitment style, and higher membership, but I doubt that will be the case. The series is about the MC, Lucy, traveling into the outside world to save her father, Hank, who is also the overseer. It's Fallout 3 again, but the MC is Amata and the Lone Wanderer at the same time. There will be Pre-War scenes including a backstory for Vault Boy and Vault-Tec.
>>946873 >Did Caesar even have children, and if not was it ever explained why he didn't sire an heir? Why didn't Gaius Julius Caesar? His only son was a bastard with Cleopatra, whom he never acknowledged. That Caesar's heir was instead his sister's grandson.
>>947102 Well he chose an heir that ended up doing him justice.
>>947024 You're exaggerating the damage the BoS did to the economy and backing your currency with water would be just as good as gold in a world where basic necessities are very hard to come by. That and it's stated multiple times that the BoS is being ground down even with these pyrrhic victories.
>>942911 i bet it's going to be another halo. probably not as bad as rings of power, that show was a serious, true, -10/10, for reals, but it will probably be a 4/10 show. slop you watch because why not, but you know could have been so much better, if they just did it right.
>>946873 >Personally my biggest problem with Caesar is that he is an unironic globo-homo, he conquers a tribe, and then mixes them with all the other tribes, to destroy any sense of individuality, culture or history, just to create Legionnaire mutts. He is the kind of person, who would unironically want to mix up all the European nations as well as to add a mixture of African and Muslims, to create perfectly loyal European mutts. isn't this how pretty much all conquerors have done it, though? this philosophy is hardly unique amongst "great" men. alexander did the same and people call him the great. as far as i know, only the spartans were fanatically loyal to their own race and they were so devoted to their own race that they didn't even breed with other greeks. their literal own people, seen from a genetic and racial perspective.
>>947743 >you watch speak for yourself fag
>>947780 >>947780 >>946873 alright, alright, fucking take it easy... i take it you're not a connoisseur of prima 'slop, then?
>>947787 fucking jesus, how the shit did that just happen?
>>947788 Time to catch up on some sleep anon.
>>947751 The Spartans fucked themselves in the long run with such an elitist culture.
>>947024 >Caesar lays out the basics of his plan clearly. The Legion in New Vegas is a transitory period because Caesar is trying to implement hundreds of years of history in a single lifetime, making him more like Alexander than Caesar. It doesn't have a founding city to build a myth around and a sedentary civilization from, and it intends to do so with Vegas. The Legion is meant to form the basis of civilization in the New World just as the Roman Empire did for the Old World, but it needs a mythologizing victory and to get rid of its Carthage, the NCR, before it can settle down. Whether this will be under the aging and egomaniacal but intellectual Caesar or under the young and mysterious but grounded Lanius is anyone's guess. It's likely that a post-loss Legion where Lanius lives undergoes a coup of Caesar by Lanius, unable to accept the same punishment as his predecessors and unwilling to allow the Legion to impale itself on the NCR. Why not build a city and make that the foundation myth? Or build a civilized society and make that a foundation myth like ancient Chinese did? Both of these approaches are viable. Caesar could literally frame it as taming the wasteland and rebuilding the old worls but better. What Cesar is trying to do is more in line with Israelite or Mongolian foundation myth, except Legion has no religion to justify the conquest like pastoral nomad-raiders did. Caesar is the closest to a godlike figure but he did not establish any form of ancestor worship, hero worship, or living god type of cult within the legion. That kind of thing would be necessary to hold the society together in coming decades. Lanius' reputation is built on never losing a duel or battle. This will vanish sooner or later as it's only a matter of time before someone defeats him. Caesar is too old to carry out the transition of legion from a war machine into a functional, civilized society. The closest he could get within his lifetime is North Korea-like state, and that's if he's lucky. >>947854 More than that. For several centuries of Sparta's existence they were propped by Persians and used by them as a counterweight for other Greek states. With mixed results, as Spartans were inept in diplomacy and their legendary military prowess was largely a myth and propaganda. Spartan elites were notorious for being decadent and degenerate after three decades of Spartan hegemony ended. Spartan society operated as open air prison, with 10% being actual citizens, over 70% slaves (much larger than in other Greek states), and rest living in a gray area as craftsmen and merchants. Spartans did not build anything notable or invent anything like other Greek states. Their only interaction with what you might think of as typical Greek architecture and artworks was destroying them when Spartans were sacking other Greek states. In later era of city states, Sparta was a backwater with little political relevance outside of wartime, when a coalition needed more cannon fodder against polis that tried to establish hegemony. Eventually, Thebes and later Philip II of Macedon crushed Sparta with little difficulty. By the time Romans came about, Sparta was a carny open air museum still capitalizing off of their centuries old propaganda as mighty warriors.
>>947903 It could be writer laziness in this respect about the legion, but my headcanon is that the legion was set up as a purer alternative to the decadence of the old world and vegas being a mecca of everything the legion says was wrong with the old world would make it a powerful founding myth for the legion to take such a settlement and establish it as their capital.
I'm writing up a Fallout area for a /tg/ thing. With all the faction talk I want to ask if people think these factions are compelling enough to center the area around. They'd be in a cold war, kept from going hot only because of the lack of direct route between the two. >St. Augustine based remains of the US Navy turned United Fruit Company+East India Company meets Starship Troopers who uses its sodium heat engine powered naval might to control the flow of vanilla and chocolate throughout the gulf region <hooks South America on chems both to avoid trade deficit and keep it weak <each conscript is issued a a single shot but powerful "laserlock" >(John) Galtic ultra-libertarian industrialist city pumping out serial (but not fully part interchangeable) manufactured goods for the Peninsula and Dixie, up to and including a slow supply of biodiesel vehicles, all centered around the Daytona speedway <military arm is a nominally mercenary pedal bike gang <due to an inability to keep up with demands for smokeless powder (due to shortage of catalyst for nitric acid production) most are armed with black powder bolt action rifles (all proofed for smokeless)
>>947973 >trade wars Worked out reeaaal well for ol' Lucas. I'm absolutely certain you could make it work.
>>947973 >>948044 To to be more constructive, who are the faces of these factions. What do they believe and why, and why should I agree or disagree with them. What do they represent. >House He is pre-war immortal millionaire, he believes in wealth, who represents a future based on an idealized version of the past made static. A photograph if you will. >Ceaser A man who studied the past, he believes in power, and represents a future based on the ancient past. A reset if you will. >Aaron Kimball A cutthroat poltician, he believes in manifest destiny, who represents a future informed by the way things actually were in the past. A continuation if you will.
>>947070 >If that's the case then I really don't understand their logic. Don't you get it, anon? War Never Changes.™ No, seriously, I would bet $100 that inasmuch as they give a shit about established lore that that's going to be the reason why. The NCR can't succeed because it would upset the status quo - the justification is irrelevant. Fallout has been a theme park ever since Bethesda got their hands on it and that's all it's ever going to be. Nothing will change, humanity will not rise from the ashes. As far into the future as you can see, people are going to be bartering with bottlecaps and eating pre-war mac and cheese scrounged from bombed-out grocery stores. >>947903 I mean, I half agree but the Legion (or anyone, really, given the amount of pre-war tech present) can't build something comparable to New Vegas, full stop, and furthermore New Vegas is right there and the Legion can't afford to let the NCR take it. If Caesar takes New Vegas then the Legion can settle down and slow down while having a technological base to build from and when the vast majority of your population consists of chattel slaves and professional soldiers then you NEED that bootstrapping to take place in order to ever move beyond relying on wars of conquest and the tribute and booty that those produce. Their martial edge will be kept sharp by both consolidation in the east and action against the NCR but once you have a place like New Vegas you can afford to (and need to) start producing civil engineers and civil servants and the other non-martial occupations that make everything except spear-chucking possible. The Legion does not have factories turning out farm equipment or fertilizer or trucks or farm equipment water treatment equipment or rifles and those are the things they are going to need and the things that possessing New Vegas is going to enable them to do without starting from scratch or close to it.
>>948050 Navy The Admiralty >a set six admiral, three senior and three junior who set the overall course of the fleet. While of differing temperaments and desires, all are career sailors and struggle to see any problem as something other than a nail for the Navy's hammer. Carl Jackson >a pre-war CIA agent assigned to South America turned glowing one by the destruction of São Paulo. Recovered by a trade mission, now Chief of Foreign Policy Jackson continues to carry out his the last orders from the pre-war government: Keep America in power. His mission is all he has left and the only thing he can think of Speedway The Barons >various men who control the advanced assembly lines capable of spitting out truly interchangeable components used for a variety of goods (springs, screws, barrels, etc.) constantly bought by "lesser" companies who have considerable influence with the "down the line" manufacturers who make use of their products. They are primarily interested in expanding their own influence, potentially even at the cost of Speedway and the other Barons. The Manager >Speedway's purser who controls the fine details of nearly all government spending. He was appointed by the elected council and owes many favors to many people for his position (regardless of if he asked for them) and is overwhelmed with the balancing act of interests, if only for the sake of keeping his own head.
>>948070 >Admiralty >a set six admiral, three senior and three junior who set the overall course of the fleet. Counter idea: Fleet is broken up into 6 each office controlling 1 of them sort of in a Sextarchy, not unlike the Tetrarchy. They have the same main goal, but each have their own shit going on. Regardless, tell me who they are. >Carl Jackson How are people talking to him if he is a glowing one? Is he kept in a lead lined safe? Other then that, no notes. >The Barons Identity a few of them and tell me their drama. Is the baron of nails screwing the wife of the Baron of screws? >The Manager Tell me about the council. Who is on it and why isn't it just the Barons? Beyond that I have no idea why they are at war with each other in the first place. What is the crux of their conflict. If they cannot reach one another then it seems silly for it to be ideological.
>>947903 >Why not build a city and make that the foundation myth? Or build a civilized society and make that a foundation myth like ancient Chinese did? Caesar isn't trying to ape the Chinese, and, save finding a GECK, he wouldn't be able to make anything comparable to New Vegas. No one, not even the NCR or Enclave, could make something like New Vegas. It's in a league of its own as an almost untouched Pre-War city with a huge population base. >except Legion has no religion to justify the conquest like pastoral nomad-raiders did >Caesar is the closest to a godlike figure but he did not establish any form of ancestor worship, hero worship, or living god type of cult within the legion Caesar has positioned himself as a literal demigod in the Legion. "The Son of Mars" isn't a title. The Game Guide talks more about this. Unlike his typical aping of Julius Caesar, he's aping Romulus and Remus by using the title. It would have been neat to have the option to incite rebellion in Lanius or Salt-Upon-Wounds by telling them about Atilla the Hun, the "Sword of Mars" and scourge of Rome. >Lanius' reputation is built on never losing a duel or battle. Lanuis's reputation is built on him being a butcher and great tactician, as well as the getup that Caesar forces him to wear, the reputation of being loyal only to Caesar that Caesar forces him to take, and the methods which Caesar forces him to use. If Lanius was to ever cause the downfall of the Legion, it would be by leaving it to pursue combat after it settles down. The closest he ever came to loss was Denver, but he ultimately relied on the sort of symbolism that Caesar uses to win, immolating the dogs of the Hangdogs in fire to break the tribe's spirits.
>>948080 It's a general layout for a relatively early draft >I have no idea why they are at war with each other in the first place. What is the crux of their conflict. Each has what the other lacks, but neither has leaders willing to give up power any exchange would require. >Navy desires control and stability while inflating government supporting industry (e.g., ship building) at the cost of non-favored industry >the Navy has the absurd electrical power (multiple nuclear plants from decommissioned pre-war ships) and raw material refining that would remove Speedway's main caps on production, plus a wider distribution network. >Navy could go around the keys to the east coast and shell Speedway into nothing, but it would kill any claim of legitimacy (the Navy clings to the image of the United States like a medieval king clinged to the image of Rome), effectively declare war on the whole northern Gulf (who is dependent upon for trade), and make any "victory" pointless since they'd just get a bunch of ruins vs. >Speedway wants freedom and is dependent upon industry that only survives due to relatively low taxation, which could never support the Navy. >Speedway has broad variety of refined goods in quantity that the Navy lacks (only a few government subsidized industries can output more than a few hundred examples a year of their product since would be entrepreneurs can't afford raw material due to getting outbid for them elsewhere in the Gulf region) >while the Sons of David can out maneuver and outfight any land attack in the middle zone, they lack a clear route to the Navy's land-based assets and the area is so full of former draftees who keep their guns a land assault into actually inhabited areas is suicidal >even if they did win they'd have no idea how to operate anything of value It's supposed to be closer to Vault City vs. NCR than Legion vs. NCR.
>>948099 Why had trade failed. Why haven't they formed a confederacy.
>>948080 Carl Jackson could have his room as a decommissioned reactor housing?
>>948459 How do they get the sound in and out? Also, isn't the Navy at sea? Do they even have any land territory?
>>948461 He said they have land bases which they would need if they're producing things and replenishing their ships. Fit an intercom I'm sure if they can produce refined goods they can out in something that's radiation resistant.
I think I had a stroke there. I mean they can figure out how to install something that's radiation resistant.
>>948464 >>948466 High levels of radiation fuck with pretty much any kind of intercom system. >Digital? Gamma radiation can flip bits >Radio? Gamma can disrupt radio waves The obvious solution is to have a non glowing one goul act carry messages to and from him. You could also go full sci-fi and have Carl be able to control his radiation bursts like a feral glowing one and use that to influence radio waves in such a way the radio will play the sound of his voice, or a voice that sounds human enough. It could also call into question of lucid he is if he can do things that only a feral goul can.
>>948470 A copper wire and a speaker?
>>948470 Good god I think I am having a stroke as well. >The obvious solution is to have a non glowing one goul act carry messages to and from him. The obvious solution is to have a non glowing one goul carry messages to and from him. >It could also call into question of lucid he is if he can do things that only a feral goul can. It could also call into question of his lucidity he is if he can do things that only a feral goul can. >>948471 As long as the heat he generates is cooled sufficiently the copper wire might not melt, but if the housing is not being cooled then the heat is going to just keep building until it the copper melts. The speaker must also not melt.
>>948474 are glowing ones always radiating like a reactor in the lore?
>>948080 >How are people talking to him if he is a glowing one? Non-feral glowing ones are things. There's only three in the entire series, but for whatever reason they aren't harmful to stand near. >>948380 Because roads linking the east and west coast of Florida either pass through Orlando or small state/county/town roads that are thin (libable to be buried under shifting dirt without constant use) and near universally flanked by heavy woodland (perfect ambush target).
>>948476 Shit forgot about him.
>>948478 If they wanted to trade they could build a bridge. If they wanted go to war they could also build a bridge. Wartime bridge building is not only a thing, but a very important thing.
>>948481 Check a map. Water crossings are the least of issues getting from Daytona to St. Augustine when Orlando been nuked.
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>>948481 >Wartime bridge building is not only a thing, but a very important thing. There's literally a type of bridge called a pontoon bridge which is often used in wartime, they saw heavy use in Ukraine. They're usually prefab bridges designed to be fast to deploy and able to support several tons of weight with little consideration for long term usability.
>>948483 Orlando is 308.4 million m². An aircraft carrier should be long enough and have enough materials to be turned into a bridge over Orlando. It may cost a lot but the benefit of easy repair is worth it. Chances are they don't have the fuel for any aircraft on board or trained pilots capable of using them.
>>948488 Fuck disregard this. There is legit something wrong with me today. I missed the word million.
>>948490 Even without missing the million, the Urban Jungle (Orlando) is covered with mutant plantlife that make it useless as a highway. Either have to go around the keys and thread through irradiated Cuba or navigate miles of woodland that may or may not have roads remaining. Also this navy is mainly running corvettes: It wouldn't even be a local power in the late 1800s, but it solidly outclasses anyone else's oceangoing forces.
>>949042 I get that they're intentionally making the Vault Girl stupid & embarrassing but I have a feeling she's gonna be like this the whole show.
>>949044 she needs to put more points into Charisma
>>949044 If she acted dumb while being sexy the show would be a hit. If she showed cleavage or a skimpier outfit and acted femenine and had a clumsy demeanor, the show would blow up. A mix like Barbarella, Galaxina, Buck rogers and Alita. I hate the faggots producing and writting the show as much as the faggots that will support it.
>>949057 You have a fair point. Hollywood doesn't understand that sex appeal has always been more powerful than woke.
>>949061 The core audience for the show is males. Men consume and make most of the sci fi media. Catering to men is what makes the most sense and giving them what they want IE: A strong male protagonist with a clumsy, sexy but capable side kick or a Sexy and clumsy but capable girl protagonist that resorts to mischief or sex appeal to win over his enemies while having a strong male side kick or antagonist. Men like war, women and sex. That's it. Give it to them.
>>949057 >>949061 >>949063 They have fear for sucess.
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>>949063 Why not a sexy, capable and most likely deadly love interest?
>>949082 Imagine how many fun characters we could have if instead of a woman that has contempt for the medium and the people that consume it as the writter for the show we would have someone that loved the genre and knew the audience.
>>949082 They have contempt. The same one that produced the netflix's castlevania to name one of the latest iteration.
>>949091 Writing an female character that is good would mean the show would have an audience.
>>949092 The gay paki?
Oh gawd he’s coming for Devil May Cry isn’t he?
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>>949063 Men like female protagonists too but as you said, there needs to be sex appeal & they have to be written as likable characters.
>>949094 I'm certain it was a britbong woman >>949099 And you can have female characters not be sexualised by having a character that acts as a protective figure. That way you create a character that appeals to fathers, brothers or sexual deviants. The villain has to be as attractive if not more than the actual protagonist so you can't have an ugly dyke as the antagonist. Beauty, femininity, sex appeal, frail Cunning, deceptive, vindictive, jealousy You can have an imperfect character personality wise while keeping certain stylistic standards for her design
>>949106 You can have old ugly women as antagonists too if they're antithetical to the youunger/more beautiful righteous protagonist. Classic Disney princess versus evil queen or sorceress kind of dynamic. That said, sex appeal with villainesses can make people remember your product a lot longer than otherwise.
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>>949106 I don't know what the fuck you're talking about but Claudia is fuck ugly, she's fine as a character and antagonist but I wouldn't even dick her with a rented dick even if she was sane. Trying to have hard rules is retarded, main issue is that they can't write engaging shit to save their lives and instead coast by on diversity.
>>949109 Yeah I said this earlier in the thread Hollywood is staffed by hacks and I can't remember the last thing I watched that I thought was well written and engaging produced out of that clique.

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>>949108 Yup. Plenty of ugly villains >>949109 Claudia isn't ugly. Her looks are striking because she doesn't have eyebrows. Dahlia on the other hand...
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>>949112 A male feminist wrote Cybil Benneth as a dyke cop. An example of having contempt for and not knowing who your audience is.
>>949042 >tranq-gun Remember how in Fallout 1, you leave the vault with a 10mm pistol? >She said stand down Knight White of the Brotherhood of Steel. This part of the scene is shot like a sexual harassment intervention tutorial. >>949057 I don't think many aspects of her character would have to change to make the scene better. If they cut down on the dialogue and built some tension between her using her tranq-gun, probably for the first time, and the reveal that ghouls are immune to chems, because they probably won't mention Turbo, and had the Paladin come in after the ghoul kicked her to the ground and put the gun in her face, the scene would have had a better balance of drama and comedy while introducing the dynamic between the three. Of course, the tranq-gun prop looks awful, as does the power armor. Whoever made the metal props for the show did a bad job. Plus, there's no weight behind the introduction of the Knight. Music is integral to the tone of Fallout. The Brotherhood doesn't have woodwind instruments in its themes. If his introduction was set to a different part of "Honor and Steel" than what was used in Fallout 4 to announce the Prydwen, it would have had a greater impact. Of course, sex appeal is good too, but I don't expect an open vault suit in the wasteland (vault suits are underwear but are meant to be usable in all climates) or a bombshell to leave the vault. An actress with a greater "girl next door" appear would have been better to draw male audiences and sell the character's awkwardness.
>>949112 Is there any rule 34 of dahlia?
>>949042 >>949158 That reminds me, what's with the modern trend of having protagonists spouting intellectual bullshit like it's a legitimate "defense" against getting their shit kicked in?
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>>949042 Why doesn't the BoS nigger even have his gun out while threatening the ghoul? It's such a gay look.
>>949184 >what's with the modern trend of having protagonists spouting intellectual bullshit like it's a legitimate "defense" against getting their shit kicked in? Are you talking about the fact you can debate the master in FO1 or just poz shit?
>>949218 I haven't played Fallout, so I don't know what you mean. If it's something like a "Battle of the minds", that I can understand. However that's not what I'm referring to. What these characters are doing, that I'm talking about, is that they're trying to "talk down" some "big bad" guy who clearly has the intent to kill that person.
>>949219 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=RaJ9RI1xDDU If this is what you’re describing it existed since the first Fallout game.
>>949112 >implying you wouldn't tap Rita so fucking hard if given a chance
This looks even more cringey and awful than I could have imagined.
>>949243 You didn’t like the bear wrestling?
>>949042 >T-60 armor now has Iron Man/War Machine arm thrusters Fuck it. At least I can laugh at Todd's expense. >>949184 >>949219 Just so you know, it has been a thing in RPGs to speech check a villain to get around a boss fight. Fallout's done it. Half of BioWare's games have done it. I'm pretty sure Starfield does it somewhere if I bothered to finish that piece of crap But for the long winded bullshit, they did that in Fury Road and most big budget movies since. Max pulls a gun on the women and the women keep talking shit, implying that Max didn't have any power in the situation he was in despite being the only one with a weapon and having just subdued the only one who would even attempt fighting him. There's a couple reasons for this. One of them has to do with the writers believing self-defense is wrong and that it's somehow possible to talk your way out of a violent assault at the hands of a Nigger, or convince the Nigger that random, unprovoked acts of violence is wrong.
>>949217 The idea is that the armor negates the need for a gun.
>>949217 Why the fuck does he even care what the ghoul is doing? He's not got any tech that he wants. Also he fucking dabbed when he touched down. What a load of fucking shit.
>>949628 I hate this shit, landing on one knee. Not only would this bust your fucking knee but it looks stupid if you ask me. Sam Hyde did a rant on this in an older video of his but I can't find it. On an unrelated tangent, if anyone finds that video, let me know. It's just one of those overdone movie tropes that makes little sense on the same level as jedi lightsaber twirls and spins which would actually make you less combat effective overall.
>>949636 I thought that's the result of bending the leg to absorb the force and even using a hand to add extra reinforcement.
>>947743 >probably not as bad as rings of power, that show was a serious, true, -10/10, for reals, but it will probably be a 4/10 show. Reminding the thread of ROP is a serious offense, sir.
>>949636 Yeah, searching on youtube has become a hassle to.
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Posting some chemo
>>950017 Sodaz really deserves more than e-begging for this sort of production quality.
>>950026 Pretty sure everyone bent the knee to GW.
Also the animation is fine.
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>>950025 >>950026 Hey phzos! Kill yourself!!!
>>950017 That video was dumb as shit. The NCR wouldn't be retarded enough to send men with lever action rifles against the BoS, at least not before starving them out or something. >NCR ranger didn't snipe the fuel tank on the flamethrower
>>950557 Aren't you just a bundle of fun.
>>950670 That video is a 40K video with a Fallout coat of paint. 40K should be 40K and Fallout should be Fallout.
>>950675 You're that salty poster from earlier aren't you.
>>950557 Fuel tanks don't explode when struck. At best it will just make the unignited tank leak. More likely the fuel tank is so rounded and hardened steel it will just deflect off because the round surface means it can't find purchase.
>>950688 If it's leaking while the user is spraying flame everywhere, yes it could explode. The fire would trail back into the tank itself and then combust. Maybe not in a hollywood-esque explosion but it would surely ignite the user.
>>950032 >Hey phzos! Kill yourself!!! This just made me want a cool anonymous name now
>>950557 >The NCR wouldn't be retarded enough to send men with lever action rifles against the BoS So I guess you never played New Vegas huh? >>950681 Yes he is
The show premieres on the 12th. If anyone is planning on streaming it, make it known here. Otherwise, I'll stream it myself, probably on the following Friday.
>>956205 I appreciate the effort anon, but I don't want to even watch this trainwreck.
Since we have time before Todd's newest abomination drops and dominates all Fallout discussion for months: Please rate my original mutants for /tg/ setting of Fallout in Florida. Are they interesting? Do you think they fit Fallout? Appearance is how to describe the monster upon seeing it, "Academics" (etc.) are lore checks where characters with the right skills can get that information, the stuff below that is description for GM. Formatting is non-final (it's easier to work out text in text processor then put that final text in PDF editor while doing all the formatting and stuff). I redacted a monster lore on Deathtalon because I wanted to see if it was too obvious without that near explicit confirmation.
>>956209 Realized I forgot to give most Athletics skills. Ignore that.
>>950557 >The NCR wouldn't be retarded enough Yes they would.
>>950557 Is this a joke? That's what the NCR does. All the time, every time.
>>956205 >>956206 I look forward to summaries from anons willing to actually watch this, and thank them in advance for their sacrifice.
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>>957233 I can't not watch after seeing what they did to Shady Sands and the NCR. It's like watching one of those monkeys they trained to "paint" at a zoo.
>>957297 How much were they paid?
>>957297 Pip-Boy's facing the wrong direction.
>>957314 Technically it's just a cuff. So realistically it can rotate on the arm even just accidentally.
>>957322 Imagine having a cuff like that hanging LOOSE on your arm. You can't move around at all–in combat or otherwise–or it would fall off. Clearly all the weight is on the screen side, so it couldn't even balance upright to use while standing. The image is wrong. Period. It's not loose and wouldn't rotate.
>>957324 Yeah it always looked pretty locked on. Though I guess you could intentionally put it on facing the wrong direction for whatever reason. >>957297 >critics love it! I look forward to seeing fags tear into it and point out all the ways they fucked up. I was able to enjoy the gaylo show to an extent that way.
https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/fallout/s01 >Fallout is the story of haves and have-nots in a world in which there’s almost nothing left to have. Two-hundred years after the apocalypse, the gentle denizens of luxury fallout shelters are forced to return to the irradiated hellscape their ancestors left behind—and are shocked to discover an incredibly complex, gleefully weird, and highly violent universe waiting for them.
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>>957342 >even after all the review shoah'ing by rotten tomatoes they still couldn't get the scores above 7 for that shit Wew.
>>957324 Well it's a prop & not an actual piece of technological gear designed for combat usage. Plus she's a woman with skinny arms. Yes the thing is just gonna turn. Especially with the heaviest part being the screen.
>>957359 >Shills already on full force at IMDB giving 10 out of 10 to all episodes lmao
Episodes set to release later tonight Sound off ITT if you'd join a stream tomorrow or Saturday to watch them!
>>957314 They have to show it since Bethesda is selling a wearable diecast version.
>>957537 to this day I still don't understand why literally fucking anyone cared about the fall out 4 spoiler, who the fuck cares about the main plot of any bethesda game, like even before normies got sick of bethesda no one cares about the main story.
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>>957552 My favourite part is still that it happened twice.
>>957537 Whatever works. Just drop a link when it's time.
>>957569 iirc Nick is a fucking robot which obviously can't have siblings. Why would you even care about some shitty machine arbitrarily being called another machine's "brother" lol
>>957342 Except that's wrong you fucking retards. Vault 13 was meant to stay sealed much, much longer than the rest. Vaults 8 and 15 are both showed open and building city states, with vault 8 explicitly saying they opened 10 years after, and vault 15 heavily implied by the residents of Shady Sands.
>>957571 I'll post some quick spoilers on Episode 1 (each episode is an hour long which I wasn't expecting. I thought it'd be like 30 minutes each. There are 8 in total) which should serve to let people who are dead-set on never watching it know what's going on and might convince others to watch the full episodes when I stream them, like an appetizer. <Episode 1 >Episode starts with Jeremy Goggins' character, pre-bombing, with his (adopted?) nigger daughter. It's implied he's some kind of entertainment cowboy who does tricks at rodeos and stuff. He's at a very diverse birthday party doing horse tricks >Right off the bat, he is shown to be worried about the state of the war and is an army veteran of some sort. He thinks bombs will drop. Tells his daughter about the thumb thing for gauging a bomb's distance. >Then the bombs drop and the daughter has some witty Whedon-esque quip. Everyone runs away, then cut to 'present day' >Frog girl is the protagonist, she is in the highly diverse vault and is trying to find a mate which apparently the vault does with the neighboring vault (?????????) in exchange for supplies every once in a while, because there are no suitable mates in the present vault >The other vault is directly connected to her vault. There may be one other vault connected to that one. Uncertain at this time. She meets the mate, marries him, and immediately there is a sex scene with her and the guy >Sex scene just has the man butt-ass naked and she keeps the wedding dress, not even a hint of breast or ass is shown of frog girl. >After sex, it's revealed the neighboring vault inhabitants, including the mate, are just raiders in disguise. They smash up the place, kill most of the residents, fatass overseer guy survives somehow, some pregnant bitch takes a fork in the eye but is somehow still able to disarm a raider, pick up a gun, and do a quirky scream + shoot scene >It's implied nobody in the vault has ever gone truly outside, just to the neighboring vault(s) >The raiders finish their pillaging and take frog girl's dad (the mom has been dead for years apparently) because he's important to them, somehow. Frog girl is surprised. They hint that the dad may have been a raider before, or is from the outside >Live in the vault returns as normal after the raiders leave, frog girl decides to leave the vault on her own against the wishes of everyone else, so that she can look for her dad and return him to the vault >Vault's door leads directly to the outside, like huge and fucking hard to miss, and she walks outside without any eye protection whatsoever, during broad daylight. End of current story arc for the frog girl >Meanwhile, the other story arc revolves around the BoS nigger, who started out as a dumb initiate but for some reason, got promoted to knight because he....confessed he was jealous that other people are getting promoted instead of him? Because he....said he wants to hurt the people who hurt him?? Also the BoS is straight up like a military, think NCR + some kind of Orthodoxy thing going on with tech worship. They have priests and stuff during the initiation, blessing them and stuff. Initiation includes some guy in power armor branding a symbol on the back of the initiate's neck. >BoS nigger and crew are told they have a new mission to retrieve an ENCLAVE SCIENTIST who is WANDERING THE WASTES. YES THE ENCLAVE IS FUCKING BACK. AGAIN. End of BoS nigger's story arc >Meanwhile, Jeremy Goggins' ghoul-but-not-so-ghoulish character was kept alive in some coffin for some reason and he kills the people who freed him because they wanted to hire him for a job catching that same enclave scientist. Don't know who the prospectors were or how they knew Jeremy's character was there or why Jeremy's character didn't free himself, but w/e >Ghoul walks off into the sunset and end of Episode 1 I may or may not give a play-by-play for the rest.
>>957584 Nice to see the plot as expected has the internal structure of a house of cards
>>957584 Well, pirating this shit and hoping it'll give my brother a good laugh like the Halo show. Hope it all burns down.
>>957602 I gave up with Halo about 2/3 of the way through season 2. What a car crash that show was but it was basically an abortion run by people that hated the IP from the start.
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>>957342 That screenwriter is so astroturfed, it's fucking insane. Look up articles prior to the release of Tomb Raider movie.
>>957605 Her jaw has gone rampant.
Spoilered for disgusting gore-like shock NSFW imagery
>>957602 >Well, pirating this shit Why? Just go pound some carpet tacks into the head of your dick. It'd be less painful.
>>957614 wow i wouldn't have ever expected interracial relationship in an amazon fallout show.
>>957614 A feeling Bethesda redditors are familiar with
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Fuck spoilers. Todd nuked Shady Sands. In the year the Battle of Hoover Dam took place. So either it happened right after the battle & the NCR fell apart or New Vegas is retconned out of existence.
>>957628 BRAVO TODD
>>957628 Who nuked them?
>>957639 The Enclave of course!
>>957639 The Courier, obviously. BRAVO TODD
>>957628 >new vegas is retconned out of existence Get ready for more lore rape in season 2, asshole
>>957646 The game not he location. But yes. Fully expect the worst. Todd & Bethesda are never gonna beat the New Vegas inferiority complex allegations.
>>957640 Maybe The Brotherhood thought nuking Shady Sands would cripple the NCR’s ability to reverse engineer technology
>>957646 In what year does the series take place? Before or after 2281-2282?
>>957628 >>957639 >>957640 Lonesome Roads ending card when you blow up both locations implies that the NCR fell. I'm not 100% against that outcome. One of the NV devs was quoted as being in favor of that ending as things were getting too civilized to really be considered post apocalyptic For reference: Launch the missiles. Target: Both factions. Lack the Wild Wasteland trait. >The Divide erupted in fire, violent, red as the last message of the two Couriers arced into the sky... The missiles rained like spears down on the land, burning flags and communities alike... destroying all they struck. The history of the West was erased for the second time, thorough and complete... and America slept once more. or Launch the missiles. Target: Both factions. Have the Wild Wasteland trait. >The Couriers finally, really did it. They blew up the lands West and East of the Mojave... damning them all to hell. The act was discovered 200 years later, as other couriers explored the Mojave wastes. There, they saw NCR relics, reminders of their once proud history.
>>957652 Not quite, here's what I gather from watching it myself Vault tec secretly dropped the initial nukes so that it could make money (???) off of their vaults (???) and they wanted to rebuild the world in their image (???) but that didn't quite work out so the Vault tec Jr. Executive (shown in the last webm I uploaded wearing power armor) who is frog girl's dad discovered cold fusion somehow (???) which also he uses to give himself immortality (???) and he left the vault to travel outside and noticed that the NCR was trying to rebuild things but not in the way he wanted (???) so he somehow got a hold of nukes and an army (???) and nuked "Shady Sands" which somehow got skyscrapers (???) despite everything else in every other settlement being crappy shacks and rusty nails There's really no better way to explain it, this is what the show expects us to believe. >>957653 9 years after Fallout 4 takes place
>>957655 When was F4? never played the game.
>>957654 Also forgot to mention that Shady Sands apparently got nuked in 2277, which is 4 YEARS before New Vegas takes place (2281). This confirms that it's just straight up retconning all of the New Vegas game, not simply the location. >>957656 2287
>>957654 It's be fine if they establish that was the "canon" ending but I'm pretty sure the show hints it's wasn't the Courier who did it. >>957658 Oh wow yeah it gets worse.
>>957655 >Vault tec secretly dropped the initial nukes so that it could make money (???) off of their vaults (???) and they wanted to rebuild the world in their image (???) but that didn't quite work out They stole that premise from the Anderson RE movies.
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>>957655 >Vault tec secretly dropped the initial nukes I guess it's better than Mothership Zeta saying the ayys did it.
>>957602 Not even pirating this crap. I don't want to give myself a conniption. >>957664 >it is fucked Was anyone really expecting anything else?
>>957664 That's a producer decision to try to cut costs on sets. Rather then have to make a Sandy Shore set, they can just shoot in LA, or a place that looks like LA, and then make it look more post apocalyptic in post.
why'd they get a girl to play a guy??
>>957678 Also shady sands was started by the protagonist's mother apparently and was subsequently nuked by the protagonist's father (also the Vaul tec vice president or something) who was jealous she didnt want to come back to the vault with him.
>>957690 Why does Todd look like Gene Wilder?
>>957692 I wish he looked like Gene Wilder now
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>season 1 >show shows California is awful >season 2 >Vegas is also bad >Arizona has Legion remnants, but is also horrible >even get to see Texas, worse still >season 3 >show keeps traveling East >Chicago and d the rest of the midwest are also terrible >season 4 >finally make it to the promised land of the Capital Wasteland >Brotherhood has turned it into a functional society (somehow) >final scene has characters talk about how they've finally found the best place in the wasteland >Todd wins again
>>957658 >Shady Sands apparently got nuked in 2277 In fairness I looked at the screenshot and the nuke comes after 2077. That being said, showing Vegas nuked does still feel like it's Todd being petty.
>>957697 *2277
>>957697 What I took from that is the nuke happened on 2277, but you could be right - regardless, Shady Sands was still the hub of trade and politics for the NCR during New Vegas, this is undoubtedly a retcon. Also Robert House shows up in a flash back where he is discussing with some investors/politicians and is in cahoots with Vault Tec, apparently he is now one of the co-conspirators of Vault Tec's takeover of America and its eventual nuking.
Apparently Fallout 4 is getting an update on April 25 but there is no option to buy the creation club content without using “credits”. https://archive.ph/Fd8KV
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>>957654 Except that Ulysses was never targeting the NCR itself, but targets the Long 15 (or Dry Wells) in an attempt to slowly choke the NCR to death by cutting off it's ability to expand and acquire new resources. Which is retarded, but budgets and mid-story questlines being what they are, you weren't going to be able 9/11 times 10,000 the NCR when the rest of the game still relied on them being a significant force during the Battle of Hoover Dam. The only place the Courier nukes is the Divide, (and Megaton if playing TTW) and even then not even willingly. He was just delivering a package. To be fair, the NCR needs to fall - but not like that. The NCR needs to fall because they're just a carbon copy of the same dead Old World which had already lead to the Apocalypse. Fallout was about wiping the slate clean and playing with the ideas of what societies would be possible once the established order and governing philosophies were atomized hundreds of years ago. The NCR is the antithesis of the game's premise and it's success would have just been an argument for cyclical views of history with a liberal bent. The inevitability, the end point, of societies are constitutional republics that grow too bloated and kill themselves. They have to either die or be contained in order to explore what comes next. But that's not why it happened. That's not why Todd will probably make that canon. They nuked the NCR because OMFG THEY NUKED THE NCR! Fucking theme-park rule-of-cool bullshit.
>>957584 >>The raiders finish their pillaging and take frog girl's dad MacLachlan's character is the overseer of one of the vaults and her father, isn't he? >>957628 You nuke everything along the Long 15 if you nuke the NCR. This includes LA since Ontario is on its path. Shady Sands might be spared, depending on its location, but you otherwise obliterate the NCR in any ending for it in Lonesome Road. Either way, it doesn't make sense for them to move their capital to LA if Shady Sands was nuked. >>957646 >Season 2 is NV Oh God, why?
>>957719 Ulysses isn't hoping to destroy the NCR proper with nuking interstate 15. He just wants to cut off the Mojave from the NCR since that's the only major road that connects the two. Hoover Dam part 2 still takes places but with the troops currently stationed in the Mojave. >>957729 We don't actually know how far down the nukes go. Nuking a major civilian population center like LA doesn't seem like something Ulysses would do though
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>>957731 >Nuking a major civilian population center like LA doesn't seem like something Ulysses would do though Especially if you then go on to accept clemency from Kimball and fight for the NCR at Hoover Dam 2.0. I don't care how incompetent or corrupt he is, you don't just forgive and forget nuclear holocaust for the sake of an extra pair of capable hands when securing reliable cheap electricity. The Long 15 - that's a massive inconvenience, and you're probably looking at an assassination or a public "show" trial that turns real fucking venomous a year or so AFTER the Dam has already been won - due to treason against the state and the NCR military casualties. Imagine if Rosenburg gave the Soviets the bomb, they then bombed several major US cities along with Washington DC, and then the US just up and decides to forgive them in exchange for them being a double-agent. In what fucking fever-dream delusional world would that even happen? Not even Chris-Chan writing alt-history fanfiction feat. Sonichu would be THAT retarded.
>>957719 >To be fair, the NCR needs to fall - but not like that. The NCR needs to fall because they're just a carbon copy of the same dead Old World which had already lead to the Apocalypse. The NCR is a "carbon copy" of pre-war America in the same way that the Legion is a "carbon copy" of the Roman empire. >Fallout was about wiping the slate clean and playing with the ideas of what societies would be possible once the established order and governing philosophies were atomized hundreds of years ago. The NCR is the antithesis of the game's premise Nigger are you fucking retarded? The tagline of the entire franchise is "war never changes", but people don't stop to think that the REASON that war never changes is because PEOPLE never change. Fallout is about humanity scrabbling for survival in a post-nuclear world and the social structures they adopt to do so, be they old or new, while rehashing the eternal mistakes that are part of the human condition. I would also take issue with the idea that the slate was wiped clean, as it very much was not and the tension between what remains of the old world and the paradigms of post-war existence are one of the main themes of the entire franchise. >and it's success would have just been an argument for cyclical views of history with a liberal bent. As opposed to the brand new concepts of tribalism, anarchy, isolationism, theocracy, despotism and imperialism that we also see in the games? Unless by "success" you mean that the NCR """wins""" and rapidly moves back towards le heckin shiny 1950s retrofuturism as a thriving liberal democracy run by nigs and trannies and yeah that would have been worse. >The inevitability, the end point, of societies are constitutional republics that grow too bloated and kill themselves. And WITNESSING that cycle is what provides the insight. >They have to either die or be contained in order to explore what comes next. But that's not why it happened. That's not why Todd will probably make that canon. They nuked the NCR because OMFG THEY NUKED THE NCR! Fucking theme-park rule-of-cool bullshit. The NCR died on the way back to their home planet because Toddout can't tolerate humanity moving beyond sleeping in hovels and living off of 200 year-old mac and cheese and it's really as simple as that. >>957738 I also like the fact that in New Vegas nobody from the NCR mentions that their capitol got nuked less than five years ago.
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>>957584 >>957628 >>957646 >>957655 >Goggins has a diverse daughter because of course he does >Protagonist had sex with cousins because of course she did >Protagonist is a hybrid of Lone Wanderer and Sole Survivor >Retconned New Vegas left and right because of course they did >Racist Aspirants bully Nig because of course they do >Enclave is back along with Dogmeat because of course they are >Goggins is treated like the Crimson Head Prototype because....??? >Shady Sands nuked because of course it was >Daddy's immortal or something because of course he is >Vault-Tec is Paul WS Anderson's version of Umbrella Reminder that the director straight up told everyone that this fucking show wasn't for anyone that gave half a shit about Fallout.
>>957741 Isn't frog girl also the daughter of a "super speshul" wastelander that got himself into a vault to raise her, only for years later to leave because he's a speshul wastelander and she ends up ejected from the vault? Because that sounds like the beginning of Toddout 3.
So what is Todd going to do with the legion? Will Caesar get fucked in the ass by a tranny?
>>957731 >>957738 I think that the lack of response to the nukes from either side and the maintaining of pardons are development oversights. The game wasn't made with nuking either side in mind, and the Nuke Both ending states that the history of the West is ended for a second time and completely so. It can be inferred that if you choose one side or the other, the whole load of nukes capable of causing this ending are directed at your chosen side. It would have been better if Lonesome Road and the other DLCs were story-locked, but the open nature of the game and how many bugs that could introduce would have been overwhelming given the development time. I vaguely remember the problem with connecting the base game to DLC being mentioned in an interview. To me, an ideal integration would be: Dead Money's activation after Eyesight To The Blind, Honest Hearts's activation after You Can Depend On Me and/or There Stands The Grass, Old World Blues's activation after I Could Make You Care and/or That Lucky Old Sun, and Lonesome Road's activation after Arizona Killer/You'll Know It When It Happens. If you failed the quests, the DLC would be level-locked in multiples of 10. I would go on about this, like how it would have been ideal to have the option to gloat to Elijah that you activated Archimedes II and found the activator being used as a toy by a child, or that a successful activation of Archimedes II would immediately send a demand from Elijah to you with the coordinates of the bunker, or being able to identify the spore carriers in Honest Hearts for what they are if you completed Old World Blues or There Stands The Grass and warn anyone involved with There Stands The Grass about the effects of Vault 22 on the rest of the Wasteland or where it came from, but that's another topic.
>>957741 And Todd has the gall to say this is canon. They're both scum.
>>957741 >>Enclave is back along with Dogmeat because of course they are Wasn't Dogmeat almost an unintentional joke in the original games because of just how easy he was to kill?
>>957790 I thought dogmeat was the name of Mad Max's dog, which is what the dog was originally based on.
>>957790 Yes, it's supposed to show and teach you that the game doesn't fuck around on how grim it is. >>957792 The dog didn't have a name in Mad Max I'm actually surprised none of the games have added dog food as a food item, it's fits the aesthetic really well and it's nice reference.
>>957790 >>957792 It's what the main character in Boy and His Dog calls his dog.
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Alright, going to replay Fallout 2 to forget that this garbage and Bethesda exist. Outside of Restoration and Talking Heads, which mods should I use? Also, as soon as I get the Bozar/Gauss rifle I will genocide the whole Deathclaw Vault because shit writing and XP farming.
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I have decided I won't even stream this fucking shitheap blasted directly from the egotistical asshole of the asshole known as Todd Howard For anyone still on the fence (somehow) please refer to the
>>957808 >2nd image Is that how he (Todd) labelled himself or was it just lazy reporting/lack of research on the side of the journalist writing that article. >>957741 >Reminder that the director straight up told everyone that this fucking show wasn't for anyone that gave half a shit about Fallout I really love how all these videogame adaptions go out of their way to hire fags like this.
>>957817 I assume he said he made it, and they said cool. And that's why the writing is shit. Someone asked Todd.
How long until these insufferable cunts start stop lying and shilling this shit heap of a show?
>>957781 Much like Pete Hines "retired" from Bethesda, Todd Howard's time left there is likely not very long. A rumor said he'd step down after the expansion to Starfield released. After the growing backlash to this show and the internal understanding the brand is now fucked as shills and bots do not buy games, his time left at the studio is likely limited. Quietly last year Matt Booty and Sarah Bonds assumed direct control over Zenimax and Bethesda. The execs now answer directly to both of them.
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>>957825 Seems weird to think of Microsoft giving Todd the axe, but he's not the first high profile bullshitter they've shitcanned like they were an intern.
>>957808 >Jewish Propagandist throws out a thumbs up after witnessing miscegenation HAHAHA
>>957825 Todd Howard still has what I call "meme power" with the normalfags. At worst, I estimate they'll shove him into some obscure cubbyhole but still remain the 'face' of Bethesda, or at least the Fallout and Skyr- I mean Elder Scrolls works. Powerless, but still there to spawn/inspire more memes and 'wholesomeness'. I feel dirty using such words.
>>957843 They may have already done that or be in the process of doing so. Last year as I said, they did a management restructuring. Each executive answers directly to either Sarah or Matt. There was a breakdown in their press statement about it. Thanks to Toddy, they lost a lot of their talent as well. Including their lead quest designer. >>957826 I think they're realizing leaving Zenimax to operate as it saw fit was a huge mistake after the Starfield debacle. That game was meant to be a console seller. A must play. They know how many content creators they paid to shill it. How big the bot nets were pushing it. It flopped and is a laughing stock. Shortly after the FTC case concluded, Pete Hines after just getting a promotion got gone. He had a huge influence over game design and opened his mouth to the FTC. Todd is a problem. A problem with questionable talent. Other anon might be right. They may just make him the face to get normies excited, but it's also possible they're just done with him running the company into the ground.
>>957843 >>957844 This is why I've been against Todd Posting from the beginning. The desire to create a meme and a cult of personality around him reeks of marketing stunt bullshit.
>>957808 It's 8 hours long too. Seems horribly bloated like an average Star Wars project.
>>957844 >I think they're realizing leaving Zenimax to operate as it saw fit was a huge mistake after the Starfield debacle. That game was meant to be a console seller. A must play. They know how many content creators they paid to shill it. How big the bot nets were pushing it. Yeah, it was a pretty colossal fuck up. >It flopped and is a laughing stock Right, but there are games that are "flops" because they made enough money to be a waste of time and then there are games like Daikatana and ET. As shit as Starfield is, it's certainly not either of the latter and the real litmus test is going to be TESVI. If that doesn't buck the trend then M$ is going to say "we're going to get our pound of flesh one way or another" and heads are going to start rolling. Personally I hope that they'll strong-arm Bethesda into handing off Fallout to InExile and/or Obsidian given that BG3 has proven that RPGs can still make money and rack up awards and many fans of the franchise would tongue Bill Gates' asshole if it meant getting a Fallout game made by InExile and/or Obsidian - both of which are owned by M$. >Todd is a problem. A problem with questionable talent. Todd has always stuck me as someone who has some talent (on the non-technical side of things) and managerial and PR skills and enjoys (or at least enjoyed) his job but who has been foundering worse and worse as he's been in charge of running bigger and bigger projects. I would trust Todd to run a project involving, say, 20 or maybe even 50 people - an endeavor with a scale small enough so that even the man nominally running everything could be on a first name basis with most of the people getting their hands dirty and vice versa - but it's obvious that once you get to the point where you're dealing with team leaders and department heads instead of individuals he's out of his depth.
>>957859 >TESVI. If that doesn't buck the trend then M$ is going to say Anon it's questionable whether or not Xbox will even still exist when ESVI comes out.
>>957859 >I would trust Todd to run a project involving, say, 20 or maybe even 50 people - an endeavor with a scale small enough so that even the man nominally running everything could be on a first name basis with most of the people getting their hands dirty and vice versa I dunno man, remember that he shilled the fuck out of Redguard and that was a pretty bad game. I do believe he has talent, but only on the PR/Marketing side. >>957862 I believe you, but I still think TESVI will be made despite that. They'll just throw it on PC, possibly exclusively PC unless they have some sort of deal with Sony, though I think if the game is made at least as competently as Skyrim was (relatively speaking) then it doesnt even need a port, plus it will hurt their competition.
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>>957844 >It flopped It didn't, it didn't sell massively but it still sold well
>>957899 >I do believe he has talent, but only on the PR/Marketing side. Nail in the head
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>>957901 Flopped isn't the right word. "Failed to meet internal expectations and caused massive reputational damage" would be a better way to phrase it. Microsoft expected Starfield to be a fucking system mover and a game on par with Skyrim in popularity. Something that'd bring them back to the forefront as a company and something that'd massively drive gamespass sales and could be built on as a platform for years to come. They instead got a game that AT MOST made back its super steep investment cost up front, has massively decaying player counts, didn't cause a significant enough spike in gamespass numbers to meet expected increase amounts, and has made Bethesda seen as a bunch of frauds in the eyes of the normalfaggot. The reputational damage alone is the biggest problem because that means that ESVI is going to take a massive sales hit from Starfield being trash, and that microsoft and bethseda aren't going to be able to use a cash injection from the "gangbuster sales" they never got to enhance development of TESVI or other titles. The fallout show being such a dumpster fire ain't helping things either with dumb shit like Todd canonifying the show and agreeing with the "basically fallout 5" thing. They can't shill their way out of this predicament either because normalfags are more aware of the bullshit after Starfield and Starfield being such a shit case is making people wake up and look back at older Bethesda games with a harsher lens.
>>957862 >Anon it's questionable whether or not Xbox will even still exist when ESVI comes out. Oh, it will. There's at least one more generation (not a mid-life refresh, which is also happening) of Xbox in the works and TESVI was always why they bought Bethesda. Fallout and Starfield (lel) sweetened the pot, to be sure, but Skyrim II has always been the real prize. If TESVI flops then they're going to sell Bethesda for parts but I honestly doubt that it will even with their reputation currently being as shaky as it is. It'll be a 7/10 at absolute best but it'll avoid being an abortion like their Fallout games. >>957899 >I dunno man, remember that he shilled the fuck out of Redguard and that was a pretty bad game. Redguard wasn't great but honestly the main issue was the combat/controls and GRAFIX, which were sub-par even for games of that ilk in that era. If you take that in stride then it's probably a 7/10, not a masterpiece but not a legendary piece of shit. >I do believe he has talent, but only on the PR/Marketing side. The main reason I said what I did is because that's what I've heard from a couple of former Bethesda employees who worked on Morrowind and Oblivion. They said that as far as development was concerned (as opposed to spinning bullshit to journalists, which he was always excellent at) he was approachable and good at finding compromises so long as he could wrap his head around the sum of what was being debated but preferred to let people make their own decisions and then help crowbar everything together.
Todd made Caesar right! Lol, lmao even!
>>957952 Todds whole legacy is stealing someone else's fictional world and raping it while pandering to normalfags. Meanwhile his own attempt was a massive failure, lol.
>>957915 I don't believe for a second that Starfield even struck even. Marketing alone was significant for that game.
>>957971 Sadly we will never know for sure, because of Gamepass, because ten million people playing Starfield on Gamepass does not equal 10 million sales of the game, unlike with Steam, and consoles don't release their numbers.
>>957963 >his own attempt Not just that, his dream videogame idea from childhood And all it was was just a shitty Skyrim in space.
>>957984 It wasn't Skyrim in space, it was way worse than Skyrim. You have to try to be that terrible.
Tim Cain's thoughts on the matter. https://youtu.be/5D_C0gNjaiw
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>>958025 >>957826 >Molyneux Never thought I could be slightly nostalgic over a world class bullshitter. He was a memorable character.
>>957984 That was just spin. I suppose at some point in his past, Todd might have casually fantasized about a space game - but it was hardly a passion project. More like they had some engine updates that needed to be done before TESVI could enter production, and needed a disposable franchise to test it on before releasing it to the public. They did this same shit with Fallout 4, using Skyrim as an internal test build of the new engine - then decided to clean it up a bit and release it commercially. Everything else said about it was just them trying to sell as many copies as possible on hype alone before people realized was a piece of shit it was. And hey, if it worked out - then their hype would have paid off, and they'd have a new franchise to farm out to a slave studio which used to make great games of their own, but now are barely managing to survive by working on other people's games that nobody wants to play.
>>958025 >>958034 Sadly it seems like he's an apologist for it.
>>958039 I wouldnt say apologist, anon, Tim Cain hasnt been involved in fallout since the beggining of the development of 2, he knows it isnt his game anymore.
>>958039 He has to be. Doesn't mean he doesn't genuinely enjoy it, but that's irrelevant. He has to publically enjoy it if he wants to have any hope of ever potentially working on the Fallout franchise again. Say if Microsoft were to spin Fallout off into an Obsidian/InXile join venture to take the burden off of Bethesda and get games out the door faster - he could have a cushy role as a senior advisor if he plays his cards right. Part of that is not shitting all over the studio who may be offering you a fat payout just to slap your name on a box.
>>958042 Yep. I can't imagine that he actually likes it but It's one thing to bitch about projects and people when your bridges are good and burned or if the studio collapsed or if you're retired or whatever but part of being a public figure in the entertainment industry is eating shit while keeping a smile on your face.
>>957859 Let's be real. The sole reason Bethesda has any value or merit is for some insane reason no one wanted to copy their style of games. The same game on a better engine would be a marked improvement. Don't have faith in anything owned by Xbox. They pushed DEI and Sweet Baby all the way. Whomever has to fix Xbox after Phil DEI Spencer is gone is going to have a nightmare of a time. Terminations, restructures, and then attempting to undo the talent bleed the DEI policies had all while there is no more DEI dollars coming in. Toddy failed with Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Starfield, and this show. I used to say he may have talent, but needs supervised to ensure he doesn't do dumb shit. At this point he's a hack that needs to get gone. This show succeeded in making not care about the Fallout franchise anymore. I don't care who it gets handed off to. If the show is canon I'll struggle to care. >>957899 It's easy to hype people for a game if you lie through your teeth.
Just found out fallout series hit the main stream and wondering right at the moment weather or not to grab the series on torrent.
>>957614 She'll still have a white kid with the raider though
It occurred to me last night that Fallout isn't a franchise about lore or story or anything like that. At least, not anymore. Fallout is just an art-style, a post-apoc art-deco. Lore exists only to explain the aesthetic and is discarded when it's inconvenient. Fallout might as well just be another brand of steampunk/cyberpunk called nuclearpunk.
>>958102 >It occurred to me last night that Fallout isn't a franchise about lore or story or anything like that. At least, not anymore. >Fallout is just an art-style, a post-apoc art-deco. >Lore exists only to explain the aesthetic and is discarded when it's inconvenient. Fallout might as well just be another brand of steampunk/cyberpunk called nuclearpunk. Took you this long to notice? Also, that aesthetic existed way before Fallout did. Not to say that Fallout isn't the most notable example in vidya (especially the non-Bethesda games) and firmly establish its own identity in the writing but as far as the overall look of the thing there isn't much terribly original there. And no, Wasteland wasn't all that original either.
literally cried and shivered when the black lady said "war... war never changes"
>>958063 >Fix Xbox Nigger the brand is dead, it's bewn dead for 11 years now and any attempt to save it was inconpetent and scuffed by retarded management at Microsoft.
Any robot sex in the series? Assaultrons maybe?
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>>958167 No robots except couple of scenes featuring Mr Handy ball bots. I guess Matt Berry's voice is pretty sexy but that's all.
>>958102 >Fallout might as well just be another brand of steampunk/cyberpunk called nuclearpunk. I could have sworn the term atom punk was already a thing. >>958161 Funny thing is, I still run into Xbox shills but they're still playing the Xbox One instead of the new SeX or whatever the fuck we're calling it. The Starfield shills I know of only played it on PC. At this rate, people will forget Xbox even exists, even if new ones are still coming out.
>>958207 >I could have sworn the term atom punk was already a thing. It is, but as far as the normalfag sphere is concerned, Fallout is the only thing that exists with that aesthetic.
>>957628 >skyscrapers standing completely untouched directly next to a giant fucking crater that would require at least 10 megatons to create Zero effort.
>>958117 Wasteland isn’t atompunk and much closer to the pop culture of the 80s with Mohawks and punks.
Normalniggers like Toddout 4 too if you go from the steam reviews so dumbing it down to an FPS was a success.
>>958167 You could sleep with Fisto in Fallout NV. >>958161 MS really is a disappointment. They have the manpower and money to pull off whatever they want, but their leadership has been so abysmal that nothing they do ever amounts to anything worthwhile.
>>958039 He spends most of the video talking about things other than the show, and his talk about the show is mostly about prop and set design. What's clearly, blatantly going on here is that he's just starstruck by the idea of his work getting a high-profile adaptation and getting to go to a party with people he thinks are cooler and more impressive than him because his ideas of cultural clout were formed decades ago and not really updated since then. The idea that a video game he worked on with other weird nerds in the 90s is going to last forever while the big-budget TV show adaptation made by a bunch of Hollywood types is going to be forgotten in a month is hard to comprehend for him, understandably so.
So, since Fallout NV is now explicitly canon, which ending have they chosen? NCR victory doesn't make any sense since NCR couldn't have won the dam against both the Legion and House without the Courier's help even before there was any "Fall of Shady Sands" event. But even if they had won, surely the "NCR Headquarters" would now be in New Vegas instead of some observatory. Caesar's Legion would have spread West following their victory, especially after the destruction of the NCR, so it can't be them either. My guess, is that they must have gone for a House victory. Why else would Cooper even be heading to Vegas if not to see him? He would have to be dead for any of the other endings to be possible.
>>958293 New Vegas isn't canon anymore, anon. If Vegas being in ruins at the end isn't enough proof for you, just look at Episode 7 or 8 where you see Robert House (who worked with Vault Tec now) agree to the idea of nuking America to profit off of the vaults so they can take over the country. Shady Sands was nuked, or at the very least is in a state of disarray/decline at the time New Vegas takes place, and allegedly Shady Sands was nuked specifically by the father of the protagonist in the show, all because he was jealous over his wife leaving him. Oh, also it pretty much writes Fallout 1 and 2 out of the canon since the birth of Shady Sands is up in the air now regarding how it happened, and there were at least 3 vaults in the LA AREA which the Master somehow never found and cracked open to dip all of its residents in a vat at Mariposa. Even if it was never found by the Master, this means those vaults flew under the radar of the NCR as well for about 100 years. This all despite the fact that the opening of the vault literally leads to the surface, not in a cave or even hidden under a bunker. It was right off the LA coast for Christ's sake
>>958296 >Vegas being in ruins at the end I wouldn't say that. That's just how everything looks in the show. The Lucky 38 specifically looks to be completely intact.
>>958293 >>958296 >>958297 New Vegas is canon, everything made developed by Bethesda isn't.
New Vegas isn't canon anymore, but you know what is?
>>958301 Link and archive now Holy fuck, imagine being this petty.
>>958308 He's already backpedaling on this shit fucking LOL
>>958296 Don't let corporate decide what is canon for you. The original Fallouts and NV are the only ones that matter.
>>958297 >That's just how everything looks in the show Where is Freeside?
>>958324 These guys mixed up the Boneyard and Shady Sands. Give them a break.
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>>958297 How Vegas canonically looks. Todd No Talent Howard, has turned a post post apocalypse setting into a post apocalypse setting.
>>958337 Is Vegas bigger/more built up than New Reno by the time of the NV game?
>>958317 Just shows you how much of a fucking stupid hack he is, he says shit or thinks of shit he thinks is "cool" and then just puts it in without any real thought beyond "wouldn't it be cool".
>>958339 Yeah, by a lot. New Vegas has a massive population advantage due to the fact that House protected a bing chunk of it from the nukes.
>>958339 >Is Vegas bigger/more built up than New Reno by the time of the NV game? Dunno about bigger but it certainly has its shit together more. There's plenty of money in New Reno but the place is still just a meth-addled flesh pit.
>>958339 It should be bigger and better developed overall. Big enough to force NCR to the negotiating table and force Caesar to alter his tactics significantly and work very slowly. House protected the Strip from nukes and his defenses limited the amount of nuclear damage done to the Vegas area. If the war started 20 hours later, house would get his systems upgraded and would stop all or nearly all nukes from hitting the whole region. New Vegas does have the run-down Reno-like areas but it also has well preserved and "clean" strip. Hose also actively worked to attract new people to the city, he protected and opened up the vault 21 once it was safe, and used securitrons to maintain order. He also had several sources of electricity to keep the city functioning and to sustain growth. Vegas in the game was supposed to be bigger and more populated than the end product. Obsidian had to cut a lot of content due to very shot development time.
>>958317 >The Fallout 4 male PC is explicitly stated to have fought in the Resource Wars while given power armor training >the war that developed tactical mini-nukes for infantry unit use Oh yeah, no war crimes there. No sirree. I'm not sure why anyone WOULD give a shit even if he WAS explicitly a war criminal 200 years ago, so there's not even any need to backpedal like this.
>>958537 >I'm not sure why anyone WOULD give a shit That should suffice. The Fallout 4 protagonist is a non-character. His wife is killed, and a week later he's already boinking a robot nurse like nothing happened, while still looking for his son.
>>958301 >>958308 >>958317 >Emil is still a dumb faggot Tell me something that's actually new. >>958578 >while still looking for his son. If he's even doing that. The first three or so hours, if you go by Todd's railroading, is the Sole Survivor forgetting he had a son because he's solving everyone else's problems, because everyone's fucking retarded and even the Brotherhood of Steel is fucking up basic survival in the wasteland.
>>958301 >>958317 I like how bootlicking redditors were insisting it was obviously a sarcastic joke, until his backpedalling clarified that he was serious.
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>40K about to get the same treatment
>>958589 Based Cavill will save it. He is just like me.
>>958589 >>958604 Depends, is there a highly anti-white liberal jewish woman at the top like there was in the witcher TV show? If not, chances are, warhammer slop will be good
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>>958589 >>958604 >>958620 Cavill quit the Witcher show because of how they fucked with the source material, and apparently he's going to be the executive producer on the 40K show, in addition to starring in it. Hopefully, he'll be able to keep the entire production team on a tight leash so that another franchise can't be burned to the ground.
>>958626 At best it's just delaying the inbetable, like how it took marvel studios about a decade before the films/shows became as woke as the comics.
Here's a retard proof guide Now go play Fallout 1 and 2
>>958626 I just want more /tv/ starring white men and only white men, maybe a black salamander and a chick with white hair. I dont care if its slop, just take me back to pre-2008 when diversity wasnt a thing and neither were strong wymyn or god forbid female protagonists
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>>958604 >>958626 I doubt it, and even if he can, it will last for about 1 season before the typical pieces of shit start screaming and pressuring/
>>958638 In the 40k thread, someone mentioned that "female custodes" are canon now. Cavill would go absolutely apeshit, he has a Custodes army and mains them, I 100% see it in his character to die on that hill of keeping things at least regarding the Custodes totally (good) lore accurate. >>958634 I'd be willing to compromise and let a nigger play a Salamander even though they are not ethnically black, just pigmentally (vanta) black
>>958640 >"female custodes" are canon now. Fucking disgusting and it's only going to get worse
>>958640 >>958642 Isn't half the joke of the Custodes that they are essentially the scantly-clothed gay bikers from the gay bar despite being the Emperor's personal guard?
>>958293 So much has been retconned that it might as well be non-canon for Beth lore. I can see them being petty enough to have House win, claim that victory completely destroyed the Legion, and have the heckin womyn protag kill him while he gloats about bombing the US out of character. Emil is a retard that should have never been taken seriously. Same thing with the show itself. I am frankly glad that New Vegas isn't going to be just dug up for a Fallout 3 tier sequel. They hated it being better than what they could ever make that they destroyed everything associated with it. >>958589 The 40k show will no doubt be centered around Primaris/nu-40k content which can easily be ignored as non-canon. No Mk 7/Standard Astartes, No Buy!
>>958660 Stop trying to make “no x no buy” happen, it’s not going to happen.
>>958654 not anymore, now they are cucks who shared the same 2 sloppy seconds for over 10 millenia, those 2 custodes women must be total fucking whores, unless they were lesbian all this time, uh oh >>958660 >THE BULL <THE BEAR >THE BULL <THE BEAR >THE BULL <THE BEAR >THE BULL <THE BEAR
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>>958706 >Yellow car!
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>>958680 >now they are cucks who shared the same 2 sloppy seconds for over 10 millenia, those 2 custodes women must be total fucking whores <Women demand female representation in everything <Creators compensate by inserting female characters into the most degenerate and in-joke positions possible <Leaving the implication open that said characters are absolute losers, basket cases, or downright retarded <Said females demanding said "representation" responds with how said character is, "Literally me" It never stops being impressive how much the jokes just write themselves.
>>958626 It was already fucked before the show dropped if those halfchan leaks were any indication. The show runners were fucking Sex and City fucking women who self inserted as race changed characters that Cavil's Geralt would fuck along with "Phallic Symbolism" like making the Nilfgardians wear dickhead helmet, just to stick it to the Patriarchy.
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>>958202 >>958245 I saw a dead assaultron in the second episode. But it was so boring and the characters' actions were so inhuman and incomprehensible I stopped watching despite the possibility of other robots. One of my biggest gripes is how unreal and small the sets feel, like they're 30 square feet areas with invisible walls all around that you walk to and from using corridors. I don't know enough about cinematography to analyse that; maybe it's a matter of depth of field or too much CGI.
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>>958763 >that filename
>>958763 Is the Fallout TV show one of those "unreal engine" shows that are filmed entirely in a small room with digital backgrounds, like The Mandalorian?
>>958765 No, we make fun of soyjacks here. You leave.
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>>958796 I can save her
Im glad the show is semi-watchable it could have been way worse
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>>958798 >>958798 pic related blocks your way
>>958804 Dang he's gotten old.
>>958804 Well he does prefer argonians. >>958806 His pact with the devil has been fulfilled, hois dream game, Starfield got released, and now he can start aging again.
>>958317 >>958308 Does he ever comment on what did as a soldier in-game besides the Piper interview? >Protecting freedom. The American way of life. >The Reds just kept pushing and pushing. Someone had to stop them.
>>958814 What are the odds that he was ever one of the soldiers given power armor?
>>958814 He was supposed to give some speech at a veteran event the day the bombs fell. That was how the "War never changes" line got integrated in-universe. And I'm either misremembering things badly, or played too many mods, but I could have sworn there was some hint he was at Anchorage and was in the same unit as one of the guys that was kidnapped by Mothership Zeta. >>958820 Considering that he can use it, likely something at or close to 1. Then again, Fallout 4 retcons the idea you even need special training to use power armor, since female Sole Survivor wasn't in the army and can use it without training.
>>958820 How else does he start Fallout 4 knowing how to use it? Did Bethesda retcon people needing power armor traning too?
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>>958835 >Then again, Fallout 4 retcons the idea you even need special training to use power armor, since female Sole Survivor wasn't in the army and can use it without training.
>>958835 Yeah, Nate was in Anchorage. He mentions it during the BoS questline at some point on the Prydwen if you chose the applicable dialogue option. I think Nora instead mentions being a military police prosecutor or something along those lines. She's a lawyer but she did work for the military. Not that I blame people for missing that since only a handful of lines even mention it and she still would never have learned to use power armor as a fucking desk worker.
>>958804 >>958807 It really only hit him in the last couple of years.
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>>958792 Your fucking newfaggot ass needs to go back to pedojak party where you fucking belong, profligate.
>>958868 You say that as you post a Spongebob meme
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>>957297 >IGN are such screwups they reviewed the wrong movie
>>958915 9/10, Bin Laden is dead
>>958924 >9/10 You had one job, anon.
>>958844 I knew Nora's a lawyer, but missed where it's said she did anything for the military. >she still would never have learned to use power armor as a fucking desk worker. A moot point anyway, since Fallout 4 establishes that power armor, despite being heavier, clunkier, and more machine-like now, no longer requires training or a special plugsuit or something to comfortably interface with because "Wouldn't it be cool if you fought tougher raiders and mercenary groups with power armor?" Actually, the Nigger being in a mercenary unit like the Gunners or Talon company would make more sense than what passes for the Brotherhood in this show. The Gunners had power armor, conscripted people, mistreated their own, and would be full of dipshits like that "knight" that ignores direct orders to puss out on a Yao Guai fight, and then it would make sense for the Nigger to murder him, then steal the armor for himself. The only thing they don't have going for them is the "iconic" Brotherhood of Steel look and the "iconic" Prydwen (which does nothing the entire show, by the way). And that's all Fallout is now, just constant repeating of iconic and "iconic" imagery without any substance.
>>958953 ffffffffuuuuuuugggggggg I'm a retard
>>958868 >random buzzwords No. We make fun of soyjacks here.
>>959460 We don't post soyjaks at all here, go the fuck back.
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Todd is out doing damage control over their retcons. How long before the show is decanonized and Todd Howard announces his retirement?
>>959619 They're fully aware of the controversy so they will either decanonize it or triple down to their own detriment.
>cuckchan screenshot
Wait I'm not super familiar with Fallout lore but is the 3d games really canon with the first two games?? They're so different in style.
>>959648 Fallout 1 and 2 are mostly sensible. I can't think of any contradictions off the top of my head. Fallout 3, NV, and especially 4 just straight up contradict each other and the originals.
>>959648 The branches of canonicity look something like this, plus Fallout 76 is in the Fallout Shelter branch.
>>959649 >just straight up contradict each other and the originals They usually contradict themselves in the same game too.
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>>959619 Both that and the drones coming out of the woodwork to defend terrible writing and shut down any complaints is hilarius. Seriusly, it isnt that hard to continue on from New Vegas without nuking the entire setting (again). >House/independent victory >NCR, after its defeat, falls into a civil war between the different major cities and brahmin barons, with the BoS, shi, and raider factions jumping in to take a piece of the pie >meanwhile, out in the east, Lanius gets ready to finally take New Vegas after the Courier's speech check telling him to come back later for a real scrap There, that took all of 5 minutes.
>>959648 If you want the most coherent experience, play 1 (in Et Tu) > 2 (with RPU) > Tactics (with Redux and Equilibrium) > New Vegas (following the barest requirements of Viva New Vegas) > 3 (in TTW) > 4. You can skip BoS, Shelter, and 76. I've heard that the Chinese version of Shelter is a decent game just as the Chinese version of Persona 5 is, but there's no point in selling your soul like that. If you like the 2D games, play 1.5 > Nevada (as the Extended release) > Sonora (wait until there's a better English release). Skip Olympus. If you like New Vegas, there are too many mods to recommend.
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>>959648 The 3D games are barely canon with themselves. Fallout canon is a fuck. Fallout 2 retcons a lot of Fallout 1. Fallout 3 outright ignores almost all of 2. New Vegas follows on from 2 and ignores 3, but incorporates some of its introduced technology. Tactics and BoS are ignored by everything. Fallout 4 might as well have been a series reboot.
>>959656 That would take more thought than those hacks are willing to put in, because to them fallout = bombed out buildings and people living in barely functional shacks. Having the west coast being a post post apocalyptic setting was too inconvenient for them so they just hit the reset button.
>>959656 >Both that and the drones Worse. It's brainless casuals who only know Fallout from iconic things plastered on TV like the Vault jumpsuits and Power Armor. The Jewtubers who sing the praises for this shit admit plainly that they didn't play the fucking games, so they don't know what Vault-Tec is, or the Brotherhood of Steel, or the Enclave. And the rest of TV must be so fucking awful right now, that just a little bit of this show's attempt at flashiness is enough to dazzle them...That is, if they made it to the end of the season. A lot of the normalfag shills that claim to like this crap admit they don't finish the damn thing. Remember, Nolan said this fucking show wasn't for fans of Fallout. Now, we're seeing who it was really for. >>959684 At this point, I think it's a contest to see who can fuck up canon the most in a franchise. Star Wars, Mass Effect, Warhammer, Fallout, Lord of the Rings, or Halo. Either way, they all succeed in making me not give a shit about any of them anymore.
>>959770 >Star Wars Everything since 2013 is fanfiction and be written off. You have four decades of content (Novels, games, comics, etc.) you can go through. >Mass Effect That was rigged from the start: https://odysee.com/@americankrogan:3/Mass-Effect--A-Progressive-Disease:8 >Warhammer At least The Horus Heresy was finished. >Fallout What about the Wasteland games? >Lord of the Rings Similar circumstance as Star Wars. >Halo Three good games, three good spin-offs, dozens of great novels and comics, and a nice anime compilation to top it off. My advise if to visit you local video/game/book store and look through their catalogs. You're bound to find some content you never heard of that is of good quality.
Read A Canticle for Leibowitz if you guys want non-goyslop post apocalyptic Americana. It's dang good, and features what's left of The Catholic Church as the good guys.
I had some shower thoughts in the gym and realized Bethesda technically barely addded anything new to the lore, but retconned a shit ton of things. Fallout 3: >The whole Enclave >The whole Brotherhood >Vaults used to had somewhat meaningful social experiments, now its all just "lol so randumb" idiotic shit >Shoehorned new pre-war power armor which somehow more common than the standardized army variant >Everything about super mutants and the FEV >Aliens started the war >Post-war Jet became pre-war >Iguana on stick isnt human meat anymore >bottlecaps somehow reached the east-cost, but without the water merchants >health items and drugs suddenly lost all their bad effects and limitations >unique and explained raider groups now just under the umbrella of common raiders with zero iq >deathclaws arent rare anymore, a small settlement is full with them F4: >Two new shoehorned pre-war power armor which doesnt make any sense >Power armor intended to work hundreds of years, now you need to hunt duracell battery for them >Lets retcon the brotherhood further >Lets retcon the super mutants further >How about the ghouls, lets retconn them too >Let's retcon our stupid shitty plot about the water from F3 and make it an absolute no problem in F4 >Old games hinted how cyrostasis never was a thing because its never worked >Vertibirds every fucking where One of the many differences between F:NV and F3/F4 is that Vegas was able to move foward with its own thing. F3 was just "oblivion with guns" and "remember this? remember that shit?", while F4 was Emil's shitty fanfic forced into the Fallout setting. The sad thing is both 3 and 4 had their moments with small quests and lore tidbits. And those deserved more, much more attention from the devs! Its funny how most of the expansions gave more fitting lore stuff than the main games (Pitt, Point lookout, Far Harbor, hell even Nuka World with its interesting concept) I cant add or say anything about76, and i fucking wont, because there is no god i will play that shit! Feel free to enlight me what went wrong in that disaster of a game.
>>959784 So who's Leibowitz
>>959816 >Fallout 3 >post-war Jet became pre-war You put that one in the wrong section, that was a Fallout 4 change which Penis Hiney mocked people for caring about.
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>>959816 >Feel free to enlight me what went wrong in that disaster of a game. You are better off watching pat's video on the game, to see how retarded it is. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ltOZJ9OJexA Some notable things I remember from it, is that the Brotherhood sent some randos to WALK from the west coast to the east coast, in power armor, no communications, no supply lines, no provisions, no help, no infrastructure, raiders and mutants everywhere, and they did it like it was nothing. The Enclave AI did nothing wrong and is the only "character" that respects the player's time and intelligence. The Vault 76 overseer wants to put chemicals into water to innoculate the population from a deadly virus, after that she wants to established the gold standard by raiding another vault that stores all the gold reserves in America and it's guarded by literal glow in the dark CIA agents.
>>959784 >A Canticle for Leibowitz is a post-apocalyptic social science fiction novel by American writer Walter M. Miller Jr., first published in 1959. Set in a Catholic monastery in the desert of the southwestern United States after a devastating nuclear war, the book spans thousands of years as civilization rebuilds itself. The monks of the Albertian Order of Leibowitz preserve the surviving remnants of man's scientific knowledge until the world is again ready for it. Sounds actually great.
>>959816 76 has mediocre at best gameplay and abominable writing but the map itself is easily the best 3D Fallout map and I'd say it's the second best 3D environment that Bethesda has ever done. If there's any hope left for TESVI it's that they have whoever was in charge of the FO76 environmental design do the map for TESVI. >>959823 It's not bad (I'd give it a 7/10), but honestly I got most of my enjoyment of it from seeing its fingerprints on works written since rather than the book itself.
>>959656 >image Let's ignore the reality of radioactive material half lives after ~200 years for right now. Washington DC is going to get nuked into fucking glass and cinders when WWIII happens. Meanwhile Vegas is just a modern Sodom. While it warrants just as many nukes, it's decisively not going to get nearly as many as the head of the ZOG golem, you know.
>>959876 >Let's ignore the reality of radioactive material half lives after ~200 years for right now. That's not how nukes work. "Radioactive fallout" implies that nukes actually strike the ground and physically contaminate the dust they kick up as a result the blast, but almost none of the nukes actually functions like this (Except for the ones specifically designed to destroy underground bunkers). How nukes actually works is that they have an internal barometer/timer/altimeter that activates series of devies within the nuke to cause a nuclear reaction above the target (Typically 1200-5000 feet). The reason for this is that the blast wave caused by the explosion results in far more widespread damage than the actual explosion itself, in addition to how the ground that a nuke strikes absorbs much more of the "blast" than a nuke detonated in the air. This is not to mention that, assuming a nuke "misses" the target, there are innumerable safteys in place to prevent the completed reaction from occuring (Surprisngly, it's very hard and very complicated to split the atom in case you didn't know, so any one thing off cancelles the entire process) and just turn the nuclear warhead into a regular bomb.
>>959907 >"Radioactive fallout" implies that nukes actually strike the ground and physically contaminate the dust they kick up as a result the blast Yet there was fallout in Hiroshima and Nagasaki despite those being airbursts. >Except for the ones specifically designed to destroy underground bunkers Good thing that there would definitely be no bunkers to bust under the nation's capital and seat of government. >and just turn the nuclear warhead into a regular bomb. A fizzle doesn't turn it into a regular bomb, it turns it into a dirty bomb that sprays its physics package across wherever it happens to be.
>>959816 4 is absolute sludge, the only resson I could even excuse 3 was due to the fact that it was their first Fallout game, in a 3D enviromnent and they were rushed out and made it in 2 years flat. 1 year if you don't assume Shivering Isles was done by smaller team. Toddout 4 took 4 fucking years to make and it's a piece of shit.
>>959916 >Yet there was fallout in Hiroshima and Nagasaki despite those being airbursts Yes, a "fallout" was so "bad" that the lady who was 300 meters away from one blast (Akiko Takakura) is still living today in her 70's, the man who was a victim of both blasts (Tsutomu Yamaguchi) lived to the ripe old age of 93, and both cities that were the epicenters of the blast were occupied even the day after the blast and being entirely rebuilt four years later. Compare that to Chernobyl, where an actual fallout occured, and the entire region is a ghost town to this day (Save for some 200 seniors who just don't give a fuck).
>>959924 >Hiroshima and Nagasaki >Chernobyl You're talking about two completely different processes. The fallout from bombs mostly comes in the form of neutron activation of materials ingested by the fireball. In a meltdown it's incompletely reacted fission products.
>>959656 Took a random twitter user and me less than five minutes to come up with a better plot. These writers are hacks. >>959629 If it were up to Toddy on his own. He and Emil would triple down. They've repeatedly done so. Problem for them is their CEO buddy died, and all the new executives answer to either Sarah or Matt. The decision is going to come from them which makes it hard to predict. Todd's already shuffling blame onto the showrunners for destroying Shady Sands. I would love to be a fly on the wall for the shitshow that is playing out at Xbox and Zenimax. Especially after the latest ruling against DEI from the supreme court.
>>959973 >Elijah winning is a better plot No, that's just DUST. Even if Sawyer built in his post-post-post-apocalypse doomsday timer wank into the story through the Dead Money, Honest Hearts, and Lonesome Road, Old World Blues leaves an out for the Mojave because the Think Tank could solve all of the problems present in the DLCs and Mojave. They could probably even make the storms of the Divide stop. They are the single greatest group of minds on the planet, even if they are deranged. They have unlimited resources and time and the Courier to direct them alongside Mobius's safeguards. There's no reason for New Vegas to suffer if the Courier has neutral or good karma.
Can it be fixed with mods? How many times did they do that joke?
>>959964 Yeah well the fireball isn't going to be consuming much in the way of matter if it's an air burst right? My headcanon is DC might have been hit by ground penetrators to go after C and C bunkers but given the fact that one of the DLC entrances is right below the ruins of the whitehouse and all movement is through the subway system, it's a less than convincing theory.
>>959990 Who, the collective audience or some character in the show?
>>959978 The think tank is responsible for the Sierra Madre aren't they? At least I remember they were the ones that developed the gas and the suits that were deliberately designed to degrade.
>>959619 Nolan and Todd will dictate what ending happened and why it didn't work. Decanonized or not, the internet will go nuclear.
>>959876 Oh sure, i support that it makes sense that the eastern coast is much more fucked up that the west coast, it makes sense im multitude of ways, one of them being that Mr. House personally defended part of the west coast with his lasers (except now apparently he didnt since he was all in for nuking america because profit?). The joke was that the eastern coast was misserable while the western coast was already a bustling society with blackjack and hookers (except now it isnt?).
>>958301 NATE THE RAKE
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>>959997 I don't remember them being responsible for the gas but yes they were responsible for the suits.
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>>960055 Old man swallows pride for a paycheck. I hate repeat episodes. That said, what the essential mods needed for New Vegas? I downloaded the game since I've been sleeping on NV for a while since I was getting really tired of Todd's game being shilled and NV looked like more of the same at first glance.
>>960059 Play it as vanilla as you can for the first playthrough. The only "essential" mods are the bug fixes. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53635 The fallout script extender is needed for the above mod to work: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/67883
>>960059 > the essential mods needed for New Vegas? Get the one that lets you play as a loli.
>>960065 >>960063 >blocks my path Is there any way to download from that shit site or am I forced to make a good goy account?
>>960067 Can't you use a burner email?
>>960067 NVSE can be found here http://nvse.silverlock.org/ Sadly most mods dont have alt download methods If you make an account use these scrips to make it less painful https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/394039-nexus-no-wait https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/483337-nexus-download-collection
>>960076 disregard this info, it's outdated. use the viva new vegas guide.
>>959770 >At this point, I think it's a contest to see who can fuck up canon the most in a franchise. Star Wars, Mass Effect, Warhammer, Fallout, Lord of the Rings, or Halo. Either way, they all succeed in making me not give a shit about any of them anymore. I used to wonder how empires and monopolies fall when they have everything going for them Turns out you just need to hire retards who dont give a shit
>>960132 Conformity and hubris kills the beast
>>960134 With history you always have arguments about when something truly fell. But with corps you have a speed run of history and the main factors neatly lined up. >Company gets complacent hires through nepotism >Their hires are retards who don't give a shit >Instead of fixing a problem because of their arrogance they double down instead and make problem even worse.
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>>960068 Do burner emails still exist? I thought nearly every platform blocked burner accounts like 10 minute mail that don't need a phone number to activate it. >>960112 >>960076 Thanks for the info, it's a good starting off point!
>>960137 They're not paid to give a shit, their salary's the same whether they fix problems or not. >>960140 Burner emails still exist. They work for a lot of sites, other sites block only some, and other sites block all by only allowing kosher domains.
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>>960137 Outside of natural disasters it's usually the truth for any institution until today. The difference is that the cycle gets longer due to higher life expectancy.
>>960141 >They're not paid to give a shit, their salary's the same whether they fix problems or not. Then they shouldnt pretend to be fans. Fuck off with that shit. >ohhhhh we're such big fans we read all the books fuck you you're not fooling anybody you're a retard that got lucky. >>960142 I never knew it was that bad with boomers holding that much assets
>>960148 Anon, most magnates and political figures in the western world are in their 70s. It's a boomer world and it might actually get worse with the younger generations because those fucks didn't teach the younger generations a fucking thing. At least we'll actually see companies take some chances.
>>960151 >It's a boomer world and it might actually get worse with the younger generations because those fucks didn't teach the younger generations a fucking thing. Thats what im afraid of. You see some of these dumb bastards not even know how to open cans
>>959907 If every nuclear armed nation fires off all their nukes, there's going to be fallout spreading worldwide. My point is that there'll be more where more nukes were used than less.
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>>960152 I've stopped giving a shit at this point, I just want out of this boring ass transitional period already. Old men who used to have the world at their feet now at deaths door and grasping at a world they'll never see again. Bring on the Great Sleep
>>960157 I really wish we had invested in space travel. But it turns out our souls are weighed down by gravity.
>>960160 Breakthroughs are happening all the time in terms of space travel anon, you just don't hear about it as much anymore because NASA stopped getting funded and marketing itself, it's not novelty and it's not used for the propaganda effort like in the 50s-80s.
>>960169 Will I be able to take a spacetrain to a better planet without niggers or muslims within the next 5 years??
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>>960190 >Leaving Terra to the kikes, muslims and niggers
>>960059 >what the essential mods needed for New Vegas Use the Viva New Vegas guide. >>959997 Yes, they did make the Cloud. It was made at Z-43 and tested at the Sierra Madre in exchange for the holograms and vending machines. Due to the development issues that plagued the game and its DLCs, there is no physical trace of the Cloud in Z-43. As for the quality of the suits, they were made well everywhere, from a durability standpoint, except for their locks, which were intentionally made of low quality metal for the Cloud to fuse and penetrate. Big MT gave Sinclair the suits after he and his staff found out about the effects of the Cloud and had to work on fixing the Villa, but, just like the Cloud, the suits were an experiment, one that probably relates to the methods used to make Spore Carriers. Ghost People are the deranged mutated immortal former workers and guests of the Sierra Madre. It's unlikely that they have children or convert wastelanders, so, unless it's possible to make Darklight suits in the vending machines, Christine and any other reasonably dedicated individuals could genocide them.
>>959978 It was more if they wanted to go post apocalypse with Vegas. Vegas is screwed. If Elijah escapes he would use the Holigrams to conquer large swaths of the wasteland. Then he'd have access to the cloud. Next are the plant people. If they return they'd tax New Vegas's defenses, but would make for some good alterations to the world. The Tunnelers, creatures capable of ripping death claws apart are starting to make their way into the Mohave by the end of the DLC. It is a matter of time before they become a problem for Vegas. There there is a rogue Yes Man that could reemerge. Instead they just nuke it because they're lazy cunts.
>>960219 I don't think you can genuinely kill ghost people from a lore perspective. They still breath even after you dismember them so they seem to be in some sort of half life that keeps them animated but not really all there anymore.
>>960313 Isn't the tv series set before the events of new vegas?
>>960398 No, way after, the show takes place in 2296 and NV takes place in 2281. Half of this show's problems wouldnt exist if they had just set it before or after fallout 1.
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>>960402 >Half of this show's problems wouldn't exist if they had just set it before or after fallout 1. Oh look the exact same problems with with fallout 3 and 4. Fallout 3 was allegedly supposed to be a prequel but nooo they had to have harold.
>>960402 That's their bullshit defense after the fact. They even admit it can be confusing. Translation: We fucked up and are retconning our retcon.
>>960431 That wouldn't have explained Master's mutants being on the East coast either.
>>960657 What do you mean, my niggy?
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>>960313 >Instead they just nuke it because they're lazy cunts. Lore is for nerds. Rule of cool, byotches.
>>960059 I used VeryLastKiss's TTW list last year, he also has an up to date one for vanilla NV. https://next.nexusmods.com/newvegas/collections/jscbqj The most important I would say is the B42 animations. Once I used them it took the shooting from Fallout 3 to Fallout 4.
>>960657 >Translation: We fucked up and are retconning our retcon. No. "We didn't give a shit and will do whatever the fuck we want because we don't care about you or your desires."
>>960055 He likes it, and? Itsuno also likes DmC for some godforsaken reason, doesn't mean the game isn't bad. Isn't there literally a concept in media theory about this called "death of the author", i.e. you don't have to slavishly follow every opinion the creator of a work has on it? It's commonly invoked against George Lucas and JK Rowling for all the weird shit they started saying about their franchises. Cain created Fallout, sure, that doesn't mean he controls my opinions about it. I'm less saying this against you and more against the countless incoming "WELL THE CREATOR LIKES IT!!!" defences. >>960992 Pete Hines get off of /v/
>>961123 >Itsuno also likes DmC for some godforsaken reason Did we ever get confirmation that wasn't just PR-speak?
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Oh right, just remembered. Where's Fallout London? Apprantly Bethesda dropped a patch last week for their "next gen update' which of course broke the script extender the mod needs to run the game. https://archive.is/aBKbC Same thing happened with Skyrim in December, they're still trying to fix mods 5 months later.
>>962443 I'm pretty sure that's deliberate, just like it was with Skyrim. If I remember right, the Skyrim patch did little to the game itself. At this point, it seems like they just want to fuck with modders, and people who use mods, for no reason other than spite. The only reason a lot of people give half a shit about Bethesda games at this point is for mods they can't make money off of.
>>962443 >their "next gen update' which of course broke the script extender the mod needs to run the game About what I expected. Bethesda keeps fucking over modders even though said modders are the lifeblood of their shitty games. What a retarded company.
>>962443 Does it break things like the Skyrim update did though? The big thing about the most recent Skyrim update was that it changed how headers worked for BSAs and ESMs, breaking a shit-ton of mods permanently unless the modders went back and updated them to make them compatible with the update. I can't find word anywhere if the Fallout 4 update did this or if it's just a temporary breaking of things due to F4SE needing updates.
>>962443 >Bethesda dropped a patch last week for their "next gen update' which of course broke the script extender the mod needs to run the game This has to be intentional, Fallout London has been getting a lot of coverage by journalists. They did this to force feed us 76 and vanilla 4.
>>962443 London is going to be shit. First thing in their gameplay footage is {{{body type}}}
I remember some years Bethesda did this exact same update down to the exact same positions of the Enclave camps. The damn thing worked so badly they erased it and took down the update. Bethesda tried to cover that shit up and is trying again to put it through.
can't help but think fallout is the most underrated franchise in gaming today
>>963193 What?
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>>963221 Nice.
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>>963221 you cheeky bastard
>>945973 Cos they don't give a fuck, they just want to pump out shit that retards will consume. As far as they're concerned 'fans' of the series don't exist, not until their speshul metal nigger show makes them into 'the shows' fans.
>fallout tv show has done so well that it will get a season 2 >shit out an update that broke all the mods for FO4 (and will remain broken for some time due to how big the changes were), but it still managed to make the top 5 most played game on steam >Fallout 76 had more than a million people logged into the game in a single day >peak player count records allegedly getting broken across most of the games >MS probably just realized how much money the Fallout IP is worth and no doubt pressuring Bethesda to do a Fallout title sooner rather than later >Todd recently admitting to looking into ways to speed up their game releases I wonder if Todd will accommodate this or stick to holding off FO5 until after the next Elder Scrolls game. Maybe MS will dump money/workers on them to develop it alongside the new ES. Or maybe they will use another dev like what happened for NV? I doubt they are going to let this opportunity go to waste.
>>963978 Sauces?
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>>963978 >Todd recently admitting to looking into ways to speed up their game releases they're going to start relying heavily on AI
>>963985 >Season 2 https://archive.is/RkHVa >Fallout 76 hits 1 million players in a day https://archive.is/ZvKJZ >"They do take a long time, and so I think one of the things we’re focused on here is obviously making sure they’re of the highest quality, but also finding ways to increase our output," Howard said, "because we don’t want to wait that long either, right? It’s never our plan, but we want to make sure we get it right." >Asked about potentially doing more collaborations or spin-offs, a la Fallout New Vegas, Howard replied: "I would say we’ve always had those conversations". Emphasising that the studio's alwways looking into doing things with Fallout - such as the content drops 76 got alongside the show - he added: "if I could snap my fingers and have them all be out and ready, I would, but the main thing is how do we deliver these at a high quality level." https://archive.is/A3y8X He also mentions how he has no plans to retire in that one. Also for Fallout 4 being a top played game on steam (according to their stats section), it currently ranks at number 4 coincidentally enough.
>>963978 How does this shit happen? How do people have this overwhelming shit taste? Below zero standards. I Its fucking over. Bethesda was finally on its way to death but of course at the perfect moment they get a massive injections of dungfly normalfags.
>>964087 Nigger stop being so stupid, is just a Little flavor of the month thanks to the show and thanks to the update for new gen for FO4 Whatever comes fast, goes fast, it's just matter of time before Bethesda crashes down again, and this time, even harder because the same smugs assholes from before, will be even more smug assholes that will fuck shit up even worse
>>964115 I'd rather not let my beloved series suffer collatoral damage for the incompetence of producers
>>963988 >Twitch integration >chat members become NPCs >what they type is what the NPC says >using LLM TTS to get the characters to speak the chat messages in the game's original voices Despite the retarded implementation of this technology, it's still really impressive to see. There's a lot of potential for genuinely useful gameplay interaction with something like that. Shame it will only ever be used to masquerade as children asking for sex.
>>964161 >Twitch integration It's ChatGPT you dolt
>>964087 Everyday we are reminded why normalfags don't deserve human rights. They aren't human, they are cattle.
>>958498 House sounds pretty based
>>963988 The last one was actually funny
>>964087 reddit is nothing but the most mediocre wastes of flesh
>>964178 So ChatGPT came up with retarded Twitch-like usernames and just seeded the game randomly with phrases that Twitch users would say? I retract my statement, then. That's next to no effort and not nearly as interesting.
>>964476 Not sure about the example anon posted, but I've seen some fags use a combo of chatgpt/voice gen and twitch. Twitch viewers would get assigned to rimworld characters and whatever they said got posted in game as a text bubble above their characters head as the voice gen spoke their lines. Pretty neat when it actually works without issues.
>>964476 >>964490 >>963988 I know at the very least this guy had it coded so if the NPC named after the chat member died they got banned from the chat. I saw a clip of that.
>>958498 >It should be bigger and better developed overall. Why? >Big enough to force NCR to the negotiating table and force Caesar to alter his tactics significantly and work very slowly. House protected the Strip from nukes and his defenses limited the amount of nuclear damage done to the Vegas area. If the war started 20 hours later, house would get his systems upgraded and would stop all or nearly all nukes from hitting the whole region. New Vegas does have the run-down Reno-like areas but it also has well preserved and "clean" strip. You're writing like there's some continuity between House preventing Vegas from being directly nuked and then his actions two centuries later. During the intervening two hundred years, Vegas was taken over by various raider gangs and cannibals, neither of which would have allowed that "preserved" population to stay there. The infrastructure similarly would not have remained in working order. The NCR had to turn the water back on. House only pacified and "civilized" Vegas once he'd intercepted the NCR scout detachment radioing back to Shady Sands that Hoover Dam was intact and generating power. The "Families" were the gangs in Vegas - one of them explicitly cannibals - who were willing to kneel before House, everyone else got Securitronned. The Kings made a similar deal and got Freeside as a nice little fief. As for Vault 21, House FILLED IT WITH CEMENT so no could use those resources to contest his ownership of the city. House talks about how he intends to return Humanity to glory, but I question why he's implemented 0% of this plan over two centuries. He could have prevented Vegas descending into anarchy. Could have prevented the cannibalism. Could have ACTUALLY preserved the population. Could have gotten to the Dam with settlers from a rising New Vegas. Could have turned on the water himself. Could have used all the resources from Vault 21. Could have prevented Vault 3(?) from being overrun by Fiends by simply not allowing the Fiends to squat outside his flourishing city-state. Could have used THOSE resources, too. Does no one else listen to House and then ask, "yeah, but why haven't you yet?" New Vegas SHOULD be bigger and better developed, overall. And the reason it isn't, is ROBERT HOUSE.
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>>964749 >As for Vault 21, House FILLED IT WITH CEMENT Thats part of the reason why he gets the golf club, how dare he bully Sarah and destory her home?
>>964749 Something something House signed contracts with the Vegas families to not interfere with them directly so long as they run their businesses & pay their share. Stupid on House's part maybe but that's in contrast to Caesar who just dominates & forces people to work under him.
>>964749 >House talks about how he intends to return Humanity to glory, but I question why he's implemented 0% of this plan over two centuries. All those plans hinged on getting the platinum chip before the bombs fell, hence why he wasn't able to shoot down 100% of the bombs aimed at Vegas. Also, one of those bomb hits sent the Lucky 38 into low power mode with House effectively in a coma for the first 150 years. Enough power that the tribals knew not to fuck with the big tower full of death robots, but not enough to manifest House's will.
>>964749 House waited so long because he awoke from his coma in 2138 and waited until the NCR came in 2274 because he wanted proof that there was still a civilized world worth saving after being forced to use an inferior version of his OS. If he had the Platinum Chip, most of Southern Nevada would have been saved and placed under House's protection. A cornerstone of his character and the conflict the player is meant to have with it is that he's rushing to do for Vegas now what he wanted to do two hundred years ago but couldn't because of human error. From the concept art and comics, Vegas was supposed to be far bigger than just the Strip, but it had to be cut down, hence the inaccessible buildings and the gates that separate the area. You can't even see the Lucky 38 from behind because they had to work within console limitations. You say he has implemented 0% of his plan, but the first step of his plan is what we see in New Vegas, to turn Vegas into a model city of what humanity can be under his vision. In regards to Vault 21, House was trying to prevent a raw deal. He understood that Vegas wasn't just gambling, and having a more obvious connection to the Old World, especially one with the authority of the name of his competitor, Vault Tec, behind it, was bad for his image. He ignored Vault 3 for similar reasons, but also because he hyperfocused on fixing his Vegas and would have had to leave the Strip undefended while the Securitrons, which he only has a limited amount of due to the absence of the Platinum Chip, passed through the hostile Freeside and had to deal with Fiends. On the topic of Freeside, House didn't make a deal with the Kings to give them Fremont Street. They were part of Outer Vegas and refused to join him, but they brought the little amount of order necessary for safe travel into the Strip. It's a silent but mutually beneficial relationship, one which House believes to be based on a mutual love for New Vegas (see: the anti-NCR Kings House ending).
>>959784 How far back does this fantasy of being a technopriest remnant savior monk go I wonder?
>>964890 Quite far, considering that it is exactly what the monasteries of Europe did after the fall of Rome.
>>964924 Most people don't realize just how fucking complex and advanced things like full body plated armor and Greatswords were for the Middle Ages, much less the effort taken to save up written texts, traditions and archives after the Fall of Rome.
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longman released a 2½-hour rant about how bad this shitshow is https://yewtu.be/watch?v=06GI06NCC60
>>965465 I'd watch it but I'm tired of getting mad I'll just wait for Microsoft to buttfuck Bethesda to the ground with their legendarily terrible management that killed all their gayming IPs but Forza and play FO1/2 and New Vegas in a row to celebrate the fact.
>>965465 Never heard of this guy. Is he pozzed?
>>965472 Yes, I myself bred him with my strain
>>965472 He's mostly apolitical but will still criticize woke shit when it has an obvious negative effect on films/games, and he's also had guests on his podcast who are frequently critical of woke shit like Critical Drinker, E;R, Nerdrotic, Az (HeelvsBabyface), etc. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=yc21Q1Kxsx4
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>>965465 If you want a mod that does BoS in not the typical Bethesda way but like the NCR way, Rebuild the Wasteland is great.
>>965472 Anyone allowed to be on YouTube is, indeed, politically compromised. How this isn't already known to you is mystifying.
Can anyone who watched the show explain the sudden timeskips to me? Episode 3 ends with Lucy setting out to the wasteland, followed by the ghoul. Episode 4 starts with Lucy in chains, subdued by the Ghoul. Ok I get that. Episode 5 ends with Maximus the negroe having the power armor. Episode 6 starts with him somehow having met the squire trainee guy who bullied him in episode 1 or 2, in the wasteland, and they are buddy pals now. Am I just missing some scenes or episodes because I pirated the show? This is getting obscene
>>965608 The show its such a mess of contradictions and confusing skips i wouldnt be surprised if part of it was written by an AI without supervision.
>>965609 makes me fear all the positive reviews and shill campaigns were also bots and AI, a normal human being would start questioning what the fuck they have just seen, like I have, never heard those weird timeskips mentioned before by anyone discussing the show
>>965612 I've forgotten most of the show but I'm pretty sure there was a scene when the nigger calls in, pretending to be the dead mech guy, and gets a new squire assigned to him who is airdropped believing he's replacing the nigger. Sounds like you skipped an episode.
>>965618 >dont talk about things! Anon kindly go fuck yourself.
>>965619 Oh I mustve skipped the scene(s) where the negroe speaks, sorry not sorry, yeah I guess thats a decent explanation / storytelling
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>>965628 >enjoy your goyslop Are you mentally ill? Have you missed the enitre point of this thread and what is being talked about?
>>965633 fuck off nigger.
>>965633 God youre retarded and obnoxious, you czech fuck, go back to where you crawled from.
>>965550 If anything that's what Bethesda wanted to do originally but didn't it because they half ass every game so that they don't change the game world too much and lock you out of content.
>the Ghoul's name is Cooper Howard >his nickname is Coop >Kyle MacLachlan (Dale Cooper) is in the cast >Todd Howard is on the staff BRAVO NOLAN
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Started replaying TTW recently, can someone explain to my how the graphics somehow look better and clearer that 4? Sure 4 has more details and nicer lights but it all sort of blends together specially everything in the background if that makes sense, it's hard to explain.
>>957655 There is only one reference, one piece of evidence that, where Vault-tec could have dropped the bomb to start a nuclear war. The bomb in Megaton has a VT label on it.
Can someone better at music styles/history tell me if the tune of Marty Robbins' Shotgun Rider too new sounding for Fallout? The lyrics are, indisputably, a perfect caravaner song.

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