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(4.77 MB 480x360 Terror - Not This Time.mp4)

Grunge, grime and horror 2000s core Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 17:41:01 Id: 0fd24b No. 951131
I need games with this aesthetic >Killing Floor >Bloodrayne >Backyard Wrestling >Tony Hawk Pro Skater >True Crime >Obscure >The Suffering Anything else?
>>951131 What was that horror game where you were a detective or something investigating crime scenes and beating up homeless people and rioters.
>>951132 Condemned, nice rec forgot all about it. Shame the 2nd is console only
>>951133 >Condemned Yeah that was it. I remember really liking smacking the shit out of people in it. >2nd The monster bear in that one still bothers me.
>>951131 I wanted to add Cry of Fear but I'm not entirely sure what aesthetic you're aiming for here with that list of games, could you describe it? >>951132 >>951133 >Condemned That game is in this bizarre zone where it kind it sucks, but it's also enjoyable? It's like the SAW game in that regard. It's like really satisfying fast food.
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How can you forget Cry of Fear?
>no Silent Hill For shame, OP. >>951133 Condemned was one of the first games to actually scare me (with a mild jump scare from the guy in the locker) and while it's goofy I still really like both of them.
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>>951151 Cry of Fear plays the part >I'm not entirely sure what aesthetic you're aiming for here Gritty urban decay and rusty kitchen sink >>951156 I missed a ton of stuff, I was just giving out examples.
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Does F.E.A.R. count?
>>951131 Let It Die has a sort of grunge-punk style I like a lot. There's also Baroque, which I haven't played yet, but I'm definitely interested in trying.
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>>951165 Only 8 level does in the first game. Interval 08.
>>951172 >Only 8 level 1 LEVEL How did I mess that up?
>>951173 >>951172 But what about the 1st level and the sewers? Those give off that urban decay vibe.
>>951175 First level atmosphere is something i want to live in.
>>951177 A shitty, spooky, run down hospital?
>>951179 A ghost city in a cold autumn afternoon where the wind whistles and blows through the shattered windows and empty buildings as i sit besides an oil drum fire.
>>951180 You play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. yet?
>>951165 Most certainly
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>>951182 >S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Madworld (wii game though) Postal Series Carmageddon, kinda
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>>960646 >fallout 2 maybe if you like your pop culture references too much
>>960697 True, tone of the game gets fucked by that corporate pushed shit, but the aesthetics are still the same ones as Fallout 1 with some improvements.
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I wish this was a full game.
>>960714 Looks like that one early PS2 game, it had several laser/light melee weapons and one of them had a move set just like in your vid. It was a japanese game, forgot the name unfortunately.
The grunge aesthetic reminds me of how I feel when I wake up in the morning.
>>951131 Does half life 2 and cryostasis count in?
>no Metro mentioned yet >>960770 I would say so. Half Life 2 and its episodes really nail that good looking grunge aesthetic, and the later parts of the series have really nice mixes of dead buildings and abundant nature.
>>951135 It was actually a normal full grown bear, just rabid. Rabies does make animals shrug off critical injuries and keep attacking like that. They will die eventually, but in the meantime they continue to be a threat.
Found this, supposed to be a coop third person shooter with some Extraction shooter elements. Concept seems to be about looting around a battlefield between 2 different factions who infight. The art design is fucking fantastic, the gameplay looks jank and very early. Hope the art designers get more jobs, I miss shit like this.
>>964673 That's excellent, goddamn. It's been so long since I've seen something in that style.
I really want to see a return of grunge like games we get very little of that now i miss games with this aesthetic and tone a lot
>>967975 Reminds me of this
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Prince of Persia: Warrior Within third pic was my first erection. for a long time my mind thought of her as some personification of raw lust or something i remember having to furiously alt-tab on my computer to hide her big tits from my parrents
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>>968023 >spoiler My first fap was Angel from Total Overdose
(17.43 MB 852x480 DMC2 Mission 3 DMD S rank.webm)

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While DMC2 isn't easily the weakest DMC game, it has cool atmosphere. >>968023 >>968066 I think my first Vida fap was Soul Caliber 4 Ivy. Not hard to understand why I'm sure.

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