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Game of the Month #7 (April 2024) - Maximo: Ghosts to Glory (PS2) Anonymous 03/31/2024 (Sun) 10:54:36 Id: 8a8304 No. 953269
>What is this? This is exactly how it sounds: A game is chosen each month (which will be relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't necessarily to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! or you can forget about it. It's up to you. THIS MONTH: Maximo: Ghosts to Glory, a 3D Hack and Slash game for the PS2, alongside its undub patch. >Where do I get this? https://cdromance.org/ps2-iso/maximo-ghosts-to-glory-usa/ Guide in previous GotM Or find it in a redump, I am not your nanny >How does it play? Standard 3D floaty adventure game with light combos and platformer elements. It certainly has its charm. GUIDELINES FOR FUTURE GotMs: Poll for May 2024: https://poal.me/utyvxu If you do not like any of the games in the poll, you can either add a new entry manually, or reply to the OP with a different suggestion. Don't come crying to me if you don't like the game, blame democracy. If you DO suggest a game though, please, report all relevant information on the game (magnet/dl link, interesting mods, guides, tutorials on tech, speedrun etc.). Feel free to suggest any and every game you can think of, bonus points if it's games that barely anyone has played or talks about in the [Current Year] or that fit the month thematically. However, try and follow these rules: 1) No game that relies on modern hardware. If the game cannot be pirated or emulated properly, or no working emulator for the game exists, most people won't be able to enjoy it, rendering the thread kind of pointless; 2) No always-online games, meaning no live service games or mobile games that are dependent on external servers, unless a backup instance of said servers has been created by its fans or the offline content is significantly larger than the online content; 3) For multiplayer games, provide only free to play games that let players create their own servers, or games with local multiplayer that can be set up to play online (requires someone to be a hostfag, or, and may Allah forgive me for uttering these words, using Parsec); 4) No game that requires gimmicky controls to be enjoyable (guitar pedals, Wiimotes, cameras etc.) unless they can be easily remapped or translated into some other control scheme. Previous Games of the Month: https://rentry.co/7f33w2zr OP Copypasta: https://rentry.co/t962rtrx
Edited last time by Zoom on 04/05/2024 (Fri) 13:23:14.
>>953269 Why the hell is rentry blocked
>>953269 I remember seeing this game every time I went to rent a movie/buy some vidya (it was one of those combo stores). I never got around to playing it, but I remember the cover thanks to that. I'll have to give it a go out of curiosity tomorrow.
The game is 8-12 hours for anybody wondering. It's not a "clear in one sitting" game but it's not something you set a week aside for, either.
3D ghosts and goblins
Only played Army of Zin. How does it compare in terms of difficulty?
Never completed this as a kid. Back on the backlog it goes.
Where's Swordcraft Story 2 on poll?
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I remember playing this a few years back but never bothered past the first level. I'm surprised how shitty the camera options are, you would think most devs had it figured out by then. By the way, here's the manual, the game doesn't tell you a lot of things so I think it should be useful. https://vimm.net/manual/1407
>>953387 You can just add the option to the poll yourself.
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repostang this from the last thread I`ll add Hybrid Heaven, i hardly ever seen anyone talk about it, so it fits as an obscure game. It also has an unique battle system that i have never seen other game trying something similar. https://youtu.be/oXjZ3YC8Ogs?t=105[Embed]
To all the other faggots that aren't up for a 1cc, if you do a downward sword stab on the tombstone stumps, you can get more spirits out of it, sometimes they'll even spawn blood coins. Granted most of you are probably playing with save states
>>953345 Is there a reason Capcom didn't brand this with that franchise? Were they afraid of the "going 3D ruins franchises" meme of the late 90s/early 00s?
>>953658 That wasn't even a meme, a lot of classic 2D franchises had awful 3D entries. For every Mario 64 there were five Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness'es.
>>953658 Well the 3 Firebrand games weren't specifically titled "Ghosts 'n Goblins" either, and in 2001 aside from two more obscure japan only releases one being a puzzle game and the other being a wonder swan game, the last Major release was Super Ghouls n' Ghosts 10 years prior. The gameplay in Maximo is also fundamentally different since it's based on close range combat, where Arthur's thing has always been Ranged weapons. So clearly distinguishing the game as it's own thing might have seemed like a better choice so not to disappoint anyone looking Arthur's gameplay style. The franchises naming convention was also very inconsistent, there wasn't another English release just called Ghosts 'n Goblins again until Ultimate in 2006.
>>953269 Why is there an undub patch. Is the voice acting that bad?
>>953815 I think it's just weebs preferring to hear Japanese voices per usual. The game isn't really that voice heavy outside of the few cutscenes it has. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UYr4pZXUiY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro2pQ9I7ij4
Apparently this game managed to get a single comic issue, it was going to be its own whole series but it was cancelled due to issues that led to Dreamwave eventually shutting down. I would love to share a link to it but I can't find any scans.
>>953925 I can't even find a promo image outside the cover.
>>953925 Looks Argentinian. It's a shame there aren't rips, it would've been a good reading.
I just managed to beat the first boss, to take him out you need to knock him off his feet, you can do this by either throwing your shield or doing a downwards attack twice. While using the shield is definitely the safest route it also drains its power fast. Best way to take care of him in my opinion is to get him after he finishes one of his attacks. What's your current progress on the game? How do you feel about it so far? Personally I think it's alright but a bit janky around some areas, primarily with how it handles saving and camera angles.
>>953949 It's Canadian
>>953694 Legacy of Darkness is actually an almost strictly improved version of 64 / Apocalypse (loses a bit of VA from other characters and has different alt costumes). Really the main issue is the camera: It wouldn't have been that bad (an easy 3/5) on a system with dual analog camera controls.
>>953323 Just played it some for an hour. Mixed on it. Starting off with the villain slapping a bitch made me laugh though. Also the Reaper kind of reminded me of Gregg from Conkers Bad Fur Day. I seem to have a soft spot for sillier takes on the grim reaper. >>953972 >Personally I think it's alright but a bit janky around some areas, primarily with how it handles saving and camera angles I agree with this. I'd play more if I was into these types of games.
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Very fun game, cool design and the live and save system is novel, though I wish the music would stop fucking telling me it's GnG. Putting it on the first or last level is cool, but every fucking theme has the first level jingle to the point that it gets obnoxious.
Very glad for the positive response to these game of the month threads. Did you try the older ones too?
I'm adding pic related to the poll for next month. Please consider voting for it.
sage for double post >>954360 I played 1 through 3 and skipped 4 and technically played 5 although it was years since I played SM3. I think future GotM should be approached a little more methodically. Let people nominate games, state their cases, ITT, and OP or some other mediator will decide which ones will actually end up in an official poll to be voted on.
>>954591 Yeah, the idea is that users choose what we can play. I just put some random games in the starting roster of each poll to motivate them to add their own suggestions. Though now that there is more interest in the gimmick, I'll give precedence to anons' picks.
I recognize 0 games and dislike new things
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>>954588 >There are now 2 entries for clive barkers undying.
>>954810 >and dislike new things Sounds gay
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I've played the game for a little bit, I'm only on level 4 so by no means near the end, regardless I wanted to give some thoughts on it so far. >Opening cutscene was clearly only lipsynced in Japanese, leading to hilariously bad syncing in English >It's obviously G'n'G inspired >Reminds me a lot of a PS1 game called Medievil >Running speed feels oddly slow? >Classic PS2 level design >Combat is simple but arcady >Lock-on is awkward, some enemies have to be struck again after knocking them on the ground and this makes it difficult >Doesn't tell you what items do (the hell is 'foot cheese') as far as I can tell >Enemies have little telegraphing before attacking, you have to deal with them before they get close >Music is very G'n'G-y >I have no idea how to activate the checkpoints or save the game Overall I think I like it, it feels like one of those games that would be a favorite had you played it as a child, but it definitely has some of that jank you'd expect from the era.
>>954841 >>954588 Don't worry, I'll count them as a single entry. Also, I fixed the OP, now you can actually see the previous games.
Edited last time by Zoom on 04/05/2024 (Fri) 13:23:42.
So far all of my deaths have come from bottomless pits. I'm never a fan of these in games with health bars, I think there's been a shift in game design in recent years because I don't see instakill hazards like that anywhere near as much in newer games.
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Went out of my way to beat the sequel, honestly even with the improved combat and bosses it feels a lot less unique and closer to the generic 3D platformers of the time. It is a competent game no doubt but it's closer to Medievil than the arcade-ey feeling of the first game and I miss the level levels. What it's missing is the power-up system not being as unique and instead falling back to buying upgrades that was common at the time. It's a shame as they never got a game 3, even if the concepts looked a bit too Prince-of-Persia for me.They clearly wanted to go with a third game to tie it all together. >>955170 >Lock-on The game had a lock on? I just thought it was a button for centralizing the camera. >activate the checkpoints Downward stab the flower-patches >save the game Keep an eye out for the water pools in later worlds. >>955177 >bottomless pits That killed me the most as well, though enemies later on can get obnoxious and can fuck you up if you don't have a magic sword or a good shield.on hand.
when I was around 13, my family was pretty fucking poor, all i had was a gba with pokemon silver. My friend gave me the guidebook for this game, i read it religiously fucking imagining how it would be like to play for months since i didn't have a ps2 or this game. Few years later i got a PC and got into that instead, and now that i see this thread maybe it's finally fucking time to fire up that emulator and actually play this game after over 20 years of dreaming it from the guidebook.
This game's later levels are not good at all. Way too many enemies and really awkward platforming.
>>958594 To be fair I can't name many games at all with good water levels. Not that that excuses it or anything.
>>958597 Levels where you raise and lower water to solve puzzles are pretty good.
>>953269 still not sure why everybody listened to the "Journalist" and whiny babies back then. everybody pretty much took a shit on everything this dev team put out..its no wonder most games play like ass these days.
>>958853 >IMDB Review Well there's your problem, you're listening to cinephiles not gamers.
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I wasn't expecting the final boss to be that freaky, she successfully spooked me. Total tonal shift from anything else in the game. I'm not sure what my final judgement on the game is, there are so many games of more or less the same quality that I can't really recommend Maximo over anything else on the PS2. It's a perfectly OK game with some awkward controls and a couple of annoyances. The combat basically never evolves and you're fighting the same few enemies for most of the game. The bosses are a joke, the level design is all over the place and lot of the abilities either feel like things you should have from the start or are borderline useless. It was really frustrating not having my health refilled between levels, doubly so as you can only buy items once. On that note, what is the point of money here? I finished the game with over 3000 gold, not as a result of being a hoarder but because there really isn't anything to spent money on and what little you can buy are once-time purchases. I think the game intended you to save a lot more often than I did what with charging 100 gold per save.
Very happy with the choice for the next game. I recall EA even released the OST for free at some point.

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