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Shin Megami Tensei Thread Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 17:51:48 Id: 5537e6 No. 955259
Just an SMT General thread since the previous one's now gone and I wanted to post some news in regards to SMT V. There's a trailer for the new SMT V: Vengeance and there's been some new content reveals so far for both the English & Japanese versions of Both Trailers. >Protags friends can be used as extra party members as previously revealed but they take up a slot in your combat party. >Introduction of teleporters that function similarly to leylines without loading transitions within the overworld. >Azazel and Mastema are confirmed with the former revealed as an obtainable demon fusion. >You fight all four of the Qadištu at some point and the fight has up to five press turn actions. >They have an AOE Alimighty magatsuhi skill called Qadištu's Entropy that fully heals all of the Qadištu and deals damage on all targets with heavy damage. >Lilith's Skill Earth Mother can nullify physical attacks and remove Debuffs. >Naamah's Capitulate to pleasure removes all stat buffs. >Could be a scripted boss fight considering the cutscene that follows it up has Nahobino Acquiring a new ninja-esque form. > A New Area known as the Shakan that relates to the transformation and the form has a 4x hit Hama skill called Paraselene Blur. >More scenes involving Khonsu implying greater plot relevance this time. >You can play as Nahoheeho in the overworld after encountering him at some point. >Confirmed New demons in the trailer are Amabie, Gurr/Gurulu, Azazel, Mastema, and Kinmamon.
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>>955259 >the previous one's now What happened to it anyway? I got deleted while I was sleeping.
I'm sorry for asking such a stupid question, but what are the early SMT games like? I've never heard anybody talk about them. As somebody who only dabbles in JRPGs now and then, would I like them? A lot of JRPG fans have.. low standards, to be honest.
>>955262 From what little I've played of the gba port of SMT 1 it's more or less wizardry with enemy recruitment that starts out hard as all hell but gets a bit easier as you progress. The Magatsuhi's system's a pain though since it drains easily as you walk.
>>955262 A lot of dungeon crawling, some frustration and a lot of using a guide. I'm speaking as a guy who only played KMT and SMT1 though. You might enjoy the later PS2 titles like Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga or the DS games like Devil Survivor and Strange Journey Avoid the 3DS remake of SJ as it fucks up a lot of stuff from the original, including balancing. The 3DS ports of DeSu 1 and 2 are all right.
The games are all type 3 kinds of fun, you just go through to witness what fucking horror and tragedy that will fall before you all while going through absolutely fucking bullshit odds. They are all some of the most difficult games I've played in my life, I highly recommend save scumming in the previous games if possible otherwise you will be extremely stressed out the whole time through. I beat SMT 1 (Neutral), 2 (Neutral), 3 HD Remaster (True Demon), 4 (Law), 5 (True Neutral) + Strange Journey (Neutral), Soul Hackers, the games are all undoubebtly interesting to say the least, very unique. Still need to get through Raidou and Digital Devil Saga 1/2 but the latter is also a trial in and of itself sweet mother of YHVH. If you're going to play the games from the start I recommend the GBA fan translation for SMT1. Theres only the original famicon version for SMT2 out there in English I think, it's required you level aleph's int and mag 10 times to beat the game, its a fucking retarded feature from an old ass game but it is what it is. The HD Remaster for Nocturne lets you pick and choose the demons skills where before you had to reroll that shit often times for up to 30 minutes when fusing new demons, that shit was unbearable. 4 is gay but playable and the only version is the 3ds version. 4 Apocolypse does not exist, ignore any mentions of it 5 is good and has many things going for it but falls flat when it comes to story and feeling like a complete package, just wait for SMTVV later this year.
>>955262 Solid dungeon crawling really, part of the reason why later games suck (like IVA) compared to the earlier ones is that they abandoned their dungeon crawling roots among other things.
Just 100% completed Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia, I think it's actually just the best SMT game since SJ back in 2008 quite simply doing everything exactly right for a DRPG like old SMT. Utsuho had a MGR:R meme attack called "red sun over paradise" that would AOE fire attack everyone including my party so I could do cool shit like build a fire absorb team and have godly sustain in fights for the price of shared weaknesses since the dev clearly saw this synergy. Literal only issue was I was level 91 by the super boss and grinding the last 8 levels kinda felt gay and anti climactic as a thing to end on. IDK Touhous beside super common ones but that just meant it was like getting a great new SMT with purely fresh designs, game is pretty cheap too like 10 dollars or around that. >>955262 It's a very cool and unique dungeon crawling RPG with a story just as special, I don't really want to spoil it but it's one of those things if you just say the list of events of just the prologue portion of the game outloud retrospectively it's oddly amazing a game goes the directions it does. Even after, the events of the game are pretty wild, party building is also fun because it law/chaos/neutral sort of is like playing the different versions of the game, events can play out differently to the extent you can avoid dungeons or even recruit the games super boss if they politically align with you as well as accessible equipments. You also can't team build using law & chaos demons on the same team meaning a replay can have you using entirely different dudes from last time which is cool for a game with using creatures as an aspect. I think the game brings so many fun ideas to the table it's definately worth at least trying to see if the first game's for you and if it clicks I hope you enjoy it but no harm if you gave it a go. A friend of mine played & streamed 1 a few months back and said that's one of the coolest RPGs they've played and is now streaming 2 after a break, I think it's a cool game with a lot to show and I think those who are willing to push into it regularly now agree with that. >version information There's some versions to pick from now if you want english, there's more versions with more differences but these are non rune options, Super Famicom is the original with the good soul original look runs the slowest being a wizardry style game on the SNES, has some exploits where freeze / shock / nerve proc way too easy and could break would be real fights by even bosses getting screwed by this. PSX/GBA is effectively what system is your general poison to emulate, they have similar UI and the GBA visuals in dungeons run similar to SNES but has new drawn graphics from rough memory that are based on the PSX version which itself has full speed smooth 3D enviroment dungeon crawling but some call that soulless, both of these versions also resolve the issues with freeze/shock/nerve if an exploit like that sounds like something game ruining to you.
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>>955313 Just wanna share a spot of footage I have of the game around mid game when I had my team pretty much all built up besides going back and finding more cool skills I slept on.
>>955261 I deleted it because I hate V but it being so negative and being used as a general felt wrong so I deleted it so someone else could make a fresh one.
>>955356 How do you feel about SMTVV? Do you think it's going to fix all of the problems you had with V? I don't know you're issue with the game because I didn't read a single word of your spergout from the last thread. Please try to summarize what you have to say in one paragraph or less for us please if you're going to do that again.
5 any good?
>>955400 >>955433 Ladies, ladies, you're both fucking ugly and please both of you KYS stop posting in this thread please thanks. Too many threads getting derailed because of fucking sperg fights. Also anyone getting into any of the games https://aqiu384.github.io/megaten-fusion-tool/home shits on the old wikis for learning about the demons / skills / fusions. Only took like a week to add P3R, I think if we'd make generals this would be a good resource to add in the OP.
>>955313 Wait, so if you already own an Okuu then how are you fighting Okuu?
>>955433 Anon you speak like as if you're from a third world country. >>955421 It's okay but it's incomplete, it has the fundamentals of an amazing game but a fraction of the content feels poorly thought out and unfinished, such as the story and endgame content. Certain characters get far more screentime and development, some of them were in the story for 5 fucking minutes before dying or becoming mostly irrelevant, certain plot points were never explored such as how bethel members operate in general or even how they summon demons, which we see now. To fight the true final boss for the True Neutral Ending you have to defeat the games superboss, Shiva, but Shiva is a far more difficult boss than the TFB, making the last fight in the game kind of a pushover and a steamroll. No non-demon party members and there was no Masakado either, mainstays from the previous 4 SMT games. As SMT is a dungeon crawler first and foremost there was only 2 1/2 acutal dungeons in the game, only one of them was decent, the other was a story based mini dungeon and the last dungeon felt slapped together in 10 minutes with a very basic time stopping gimmick added to it. SMTV dungeons are so half baked than I can't even compare them to the magesty that are Nocturnes dungeons. Since SMTVV is going to address all of the issues SMTV had I highly advice you to just outright forget about SMTV and go straight for SMTVV. Give VV a pirate first because it may not be for you either way.
>>955453 So the plot is clones of all the 2hu are appearing everywhere called sleepers that can't speak but are generally harmless to everyone but Sumireko who for her it's on sight, but some Kappa's turn her phone into a comp to recruit and set terminals to fuse them. So the Okuu in the screen shot you have is a sleeper of Okuu but the one you fight as a boss fight is the actual Okuu. This game without any exp with the series made Utsuho one of my favs because I enjoyed most my playthrough being built around her and just being a nucular crow girl is cool as fuck. What actual Touhou games she as a boss or playable if you know. >>955460 >>955466 Like for real, actually kill both of yourselves I don't wanna see this every fucking thread.
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I finally get to use this!
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>>955549 Gay version.
>>955262 >SMT A dungeon crawl with the best story out of any of the mainline games if you don't count Strange Journey, which is ironic since it's also the title with the least story. You travel around Tokyo before and after an apocalypse with your cool friend, edgy friend, and girlfriend alongside three demons, then just your girlfriend and four demons. You gain and fuse demons by negotiating with them and fusing them after you get them. Play the SNES translation with Orden's revision. It has the worst QoL, but the experience is the best. Watch the GBA-exclusive content on YouTube. If you really like this game, play VX, a Japanese fan extension of the game that drastically increases the content, does some rebalancing, and improves QoL. >SMT II A dungeon crawl with QoL improvements over its predecessor. You travel around Tokyo in the future of the first game as test tube baby Jesus while collecting demons. Play the SNES version with the QoL Addendum. >SMT If... A dungeon crawl with character-based stories set in an alternate timeline from the first two games. You travel around your school with your chosen friend while collecting demons. Play the SNES version. The PSX version has worse music, and the gameplay improvements it makes are minimal. From this point forward in this timeline, you are assumed to have played as a female protagonist in this game. If you want to know what happens to a male protagonist, read the fan translation of the If... manga and SMT Kahn if you know moon runes. >Devil Summoner Soul Hackers A dungeon crawl in the style of the first three items. You travel around a cyberpunk Tokyo as a hacker and his possessed girlfriend while collecting demons. You can only play the 3DS version, which is one of ATLUS's few good re-releases. It has the best story of the dungeon crawl titles. The first Devil Summoner is untranslated. >Strange Journey The best mainline title, if you count it as such. Play this if you like the dungeon crawling of the original games but want a more in-depth story. Do not play Redux. It's not an early SMT game, but it's worth mentioning alongside them. >Persona A dungeon crawl with more traditional JRPG combat and two different stories set in the same timeline as the above title. You travel around the area surrounding your school with your friends while collecting demons to use as powerups for yourselves. If you don't plan on playing the game for more than its story content, play it twice. The first playthrough should be a Reiji SEBEC run, and the second playthrough should be a SQQ run with all of the characters you ignored in the previous run. Do not be a coward while playing. Play the PSP version with the Undub and Music Restoration patch. If you want a more coherent storyline, read the manga. >Persona 2 IS/EP A 2D JRPG with the combat of its predecessor but a different method of binding Personas. It takes place in the same timeline as Persona, and characters from it return for the second half. You travel around Tokyo while fighting Hitler and his sentai underlings then the New World Order. It has the best story of any spinoff title and is very focused on characters. Play the PSP versions of IS and EP. IS should have the Undub and DLC Enabler. Read personattb's translation of Persona: Crime and Punishment if you want Persona 2-adjacent content.
>>955556 >one off How about i force you out of your hiding, asshole?
>>955817 >one off > hover over >>955556 >(3) You okay?
>>955716 >Play the PSP versions of IS Don't, it makes an already easy game into a baby mode.Stick to the PS1 version as at least you're forced to pay attention and some fights can fuck you.
>>955876 The PSP version is a better game when it comes to balancing and QoL, and you can re-add everything that was removed.
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https://www.famitsu.com/news/201307/19036346.html deepl copypaste Ishida (laughs). Mr. Shinohara drew not only KOUGA SABUROU and other demons, but also demons for the additional content that was recently released. I think that the setting materials we gave him were rather abstract and complicated, but when I looked at his design, all the elements we had told him about were included. Moreover, I was impressed by the fact that Mr. Shinohara was able to create a demon with an unprecedented atmosphere with his unique taste. Yamai: "Ancient Day" and "Sanato. The "Minotaur" that appears in the main scenario also has a very interesting design. Shinohara All the demons have a grand background, and it was difficult to make sense of them. As for the Minotaur, there was a demon of the same name in the past "Megaten" series, so I felt that I had to differentiate it from the other demons of the same name, but I also had to keep the bull's face element, so after much deliberation, I decided to use a "two-person haori" design. After much deliberation, I decided to make a "two-person coat. I quite like the design with a face inside a face. Nirasawa This is a good idea. I like it too. Yamai By the way, your child is also playing this game, isn't he? Shinohara Yes, he is. He is still in elementary school, but when I let him play, he was completely hooked. He couldn't beat the Minotaur no matter how many times he tried, and he was crying because he didn't have any more game coins to revive it. Doi: So the demon that your father designed became your first big challenge (laughs). Shinohara Then, to my surprise, the child was drawing a "devil's dictionary" of his own creation in his notebook while playing. I took a peek at it and found that it was full of Mr. Kaneko's demons. I asked him, "Why don't you draw your father's demons? I asked him, "Because it's too messy. ...... I felt like I was being told the essence of design (laughs). Ouch.
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>>956254 It's surprising that he let an elementary school kid play SMT IV. It's not surprising that even his kid realized that his overly flashy tokusatsu designs don't work in SMT. His designs from the 90s or even the 00s could have worked, but his designs by the 2010s had no place in SMT.
>>956132 Anon, he's talking about Innocent Sin PSP, the one where Atlus gutted the difficulty to keep retards from smashing their PSPs. There is no mod to unfuck the damage formula or restore the final boss fight. I played the PSP version on Hard, while fighting only mandatory battles and the optional minibosses, and only two midgame bosses even came close to being a challenge.
>>956345 Persona 2 OG >Has Hitler <But not with his glasses Persona 2 PSP >Has Hitler >He has his cool looking glasses Hmm... I'll take it
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>>956346 Fair enough, though the OG does get a neat swastika wallpaper.
>>956350 That's a very cool rug.
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>>956265 That does look a lot more conservative design-wise than whatever the care he did for SMT4 besides maybe Napaea.
>>956623 I never knew there was more of that comic. >>955549 >Zach The fuck happened to his videos that put him in the map?
>>957224 Privated because the West is corporate sterilized, censored and gay as fuck.
>>957225 The inevitable was going to happen when he sucked off Justin Roiland.
>>955356 > being so negative and being used as a general felt wrong Where do you think we are?
More screenshots of Nahobino's new form and a bit of news. >Shijuku Ward is a new area that can be explored in the canon of vengeance route. >Red demons with Magatsuhi aura are called "Magatsuhi Demons" who have more powerful skills and drop better items than their normal counterparts making them akin to shiny pokemon. >Aogami Essence can now be acquired via Husk that are scattered throughout the setting, they regenerate after a certain amount of time. >The ability to interact with your demons is called demon haunts which are found near leylines. You can give them gifts that make them stronger or unlock more special conversations that lead them to give you items. https://archive.is/BltA0
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Unrelated to everything but there's a fanmade sequel to Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey that got released today on ich.io for free. I found that out as I was browsing for the images above. The game has some A.I. utilized art & voices for some demons and characters.
>>958459 It looks like ass, the poor image quality as well as the crap assets and effects do not help the poor use of the AI art.
>>958459 Looks like shit mate, but I will give it a go & maybe post about it later.
>>958459 >Spaghetti Monster Stella looks like Law Hero. The UI looks like baby's first pixel art, and it's not well put together. Combat options for actions should extend from the top of character images rather than appear in the middle of the screen like a RenPy game, and the fusion UI is atrocious. Options should never overlap information, and the information screen is too cluttered. All of the images are low quality and from mixed sources. The opening screen of the trailer is clumsy. It should read "Fury entwined with burning hot darkness inside my heart," or "Fury entwines with burning hot darkness inside my heart." Due to the repetition of "the" before objects, the text obviously isn't meant to convey that the darkness is already there. Calling it Strange Journey 2 is asking for legal trouble, but if you're going for a loud opening fitting of the title, you should have the introduction of Stella be on a black background or an image of the Moon before a boom coinciding with the appearance of the title atop the moon or screen, followed by the bleed through effect at the end of Stella's introduction in the trailer. As for the itch.io page, "redistribution" literally means making it available to others, regardless of the option of payment, and the description of the game should be a summary of its premise, not the statement of it as a "What if?".
Bump, a new English trailer that's mostly a recap.
>>964047 If nothing else you can count on Ryota Kozuka to deliver on the soundtrack. Low chance the rest of the game will be good though.
An early preview dropped a few days ago. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=zphOtD5JvkE > The intro and early game are largely the same with Yoko being the exception. >She's confirmed to be another saint outside of Tao. >Ask you to make a choice early in the game, it's unknown if it affects the ending in Vengeance. >Naamah's the first of the Qadištu you fight and while you can beat her she's holding back. >The fairy forest gets invaded and both the humans and fairies are turned into salt statues by currently unknown forces. >This occurs very early in the game sometime after entering Da'at. >Titania and Oberon were not spared from this. >Timed quests are added to the game and can be obtained from NPCs in Tokyo. >Repeated boss fights and challenge bosses in the simulation are somewhat harder compared to the original fights, especially in the early game. >Yoko's passive skill allows you to revive demons in stock at the end of battles. > Tao's allows demons to recover from status ailments when returned to stock. >Demon hoards are back but this time focus on reinforcing the enemy party as opposed to immediately sending out huge swarms of demons all at once.
>>958459 Oh look, it's a JoJo Reference.
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>>958459 Oh look its code hazard for dummies.
>>965921 Code Hazard is Experience notWizardry so it sorta fits?
>>966801 Forget it, i wrote that post drunk, forgot at the moment that SMT began as dungeon crawler. Especially knowing it looks like soul hackers.
>>966824 I figured you were just trying to make a joke since it goes back to Wizardry 4.
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>>966831 >it goes back to Wizardry 4 Going back? How far?
>>966843 The DM monster campaign setup I mean, I remember Garriott the pinko going on about the japanese bootlegging ultima.
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>>966843 You can go further back than Ultima if you want same dev though
>>966854 >those doors Thanks doc
>>966854 >>966988 Apple ][ color mode has a nice aesthetic. You never really see anyone replicate the effect either, despite retro stuff being so popular.
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Good news everyone! https://archive.md/ngYJS Rumour: SEGA Wants Persona to Be an Annual Franchise Alongside Like a Dragon, Sonic
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I thought the spinoff they announced out of the blue was developed in SK but it's Chink, I wouldn't have to imagine what they'd want to do with that line of thought.
>>967612 Those old memes were really bad.
>>967692 Depends on the meme.
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>>967612 >endless Personashit >no resources for SMT or spinoffs
>>968608 I remember you could unlock his essence in the last game but it's impossible to get in your party without hacks, but this game rectify this? Makes me wonder if Tao's demon form if achievable in the second route will just be another guest or recruitable as a regular demon if at all.
>>967612 P5 and P4 was a mistake.
>>968643 >there's a fucking sonic smt fangame spun entirely upon tower of tartarus Sadly it actually starts to be boring after few floors even with mods.
Has Doi finally pulled his head out of his ass? These demon designs are pretty damn good this time around.
>>968702 Even though it made no sense mythologically, loli Demeter still did things to my penis.
>>968703 >>968702 I'd fuck the ice cone myself. Would be nice if she had tits though.
>>968681 I saw that one. Someone once recreated P3's battle system in Super Mario 64 for a troll hack competition. Even as autistic as I am, I will never understand the unironic desire to crossover things that have no business being in a crossover together.
>>968702 >Onyankopon >Anansi >Nyami Nyami >Qadištu Did Doi get jungle fever? Sure is a lot of middle east and nigger myth.
>>968907 >>968702 I wish they'd bring back Chemtrail just because I found a demon based on a Alex Jones rant to be hilarious.
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>>968908 All you're getting is Amabie, a nip Corona-chan meme
>>967692 Image Macros like those were stolen from usually well made ones from /b/ and during the internets complete corporate and normalfag fucking over during the late 2000s and 2010s you had "meme" generation programs shitting out stuff like that. Image Macros and Ragefaces got completely fucked by reddit and 9gag during those times.
>>968702 His design were always nice, specially the concet art of some demons but they choose the worst deigns instead
>>958446 Why did they took his long hair
>>958446 New Metal Gear Rising game?
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>>969048 People made jokes about Aogami looking like Jetstream Sam back when vanilla SMTV came out.
>>969105 The move of so many wikis to fandom was cancer in the making, especially after the ownership hands were changed.
>>969105 >already deleted Why delete her handiwork? I thought she was on the moral side, why hide it if she did nothing wrong?
>>969105 >Fandom Pure cancer, everyone needs to move on from that garbage.
>>969105 >>969167 At this point I don't even feel any sympathy for communities staying on Fandom. It's not like YouTube where they have a virtual monopoly - there are plenty of viable alternatives these communities are actively refusing every day they continue accepting Fandom.
>>969222 I'm certain it's because it's easy. Good rule of thumb about human complacency, nobody wants to host their own shit if they can do it on someone else's dime.
>>969267 The people running the JJBA wiki left and went back to running their own site using donations and out of pocket expense. A bunch of Nintendo wikis banded together to pay for their own sites, and they've begun accepting non-Nintendo wikis into their group. Anything would be better than spamming ads on every page, forced links to live streams to artificially inflate viewer counts, and even changing the text of articles purely for product placement (They let McDonalds change the article for Grimace on the mascots wiki to hawk their shitty Grimace shake last year)
Bump. It looks like as far as the first boss there's going to be some major changes to the story considering you kill Lahmu earlier in the game. The talking in the background was due to it being a Livestream, sorry if it's annoying. Sahori & Tao still die as usual but it's done by Lilith this time and they get turned into a magatsuhi orb.Tao revives immediately due to being a goddess. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ZyTkdmrFmv0
It looks like the Magatsuhi orbs aren't just limited to Lilith only. Haven't figured out much, but I will give more when I check the other videos tomorrow. Naamah's first fight doesn't give much info other than she's around level 22, weak to physical attacks, and teams up with a level 21 Glasys Labolas who's weak to electric attacks. You have to kill both.
>>968908 >>968931 I think Malacosa/Bad Thing would be a great demon to add since Cabeza de Vaca's description paints a clear image (bearded dwarf in native american woman's clothing carrying a stone knife) >These Indians and the ones we left behind told us a very strange tale. From their account it may have occurred fifteen or sixteen years ago. They said there wandered then about the country a man, whom they called "Bad Thing," of small stature and with a beard, although they never could see his features clearly, and whenever he would approach their dwellings their hair would stand on end and they began to tremble. In the doorway of the lodge there would then appear a firebrand. That man thereupon came in and took hold of anyone he chose, and with a sharp knife of flint, as broad as a hand and two palms in length, he cut their side, and, thrusting his hand through the gash, took out the entrails, cutting off a piece one palm long, which he threw into the fire. Afterwards he made three cuts in one of the arms, the second one at the place where people are usually bled, and twisted the arm, but reset it soon afterwards. Then he placed his hands on the wounds, and they told us that they closed at once. Many times he appeared among them while they were dancing, sometimes in the dress of a woman and again as a man, and whenever he took a notion to do it he would seize the hut or lodge, take it up into the air and come down with it again with a great crash. They also told us how, many a time, they set food before him, but he never would partake of it, and when they asked him where he came from and where he had his home, he pointed to a rent in the earth and said his house was down below.
Looks like Dx2 and Berserk are collaborating for the 3rd time.
>>973218 It reminds me of the SMT X Fire Emblem teaser that churned out Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE. Shame we don't have an SMT game taking place in medieval times with the grit and brutality that would ensue from that.
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>>955549 You made me laugh, I had to record an mp3
Bump Launch Trailer. https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=esJS9uV4qYM Ultimate Beginning trailer. https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=JHi08zH_EF4 Opening Movie https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=wYESUNu2bc0 Wanted to post webms of these but it took too long to download from Jdownloader.
What the fuck
>>980150 This had very little to do with SMT V except for the masks of three demons who weren't even designed by Kaneko and thus weren't distinctive. Why not make a Beelzebub or Lucifer or Metatron mask? They would be much cooler than Generic Werewolf, Generic Gargoyle, and whatever that bird guy was.
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>>980395 >and whatever that bird guy was That's Gururu/Gurulu. He's a Kaneko demon.
>>980150 I'm laughing pretty hard
(3.64 MB 2048x1152 SMTVV Onyankopon screen.png)

>African deity almost literally says "We was kings" Holy shit this is hilarious
>Hydra on hard >die like 30 times >cusp of finally beating it with a full ice team with Mermaid doing most of the work >keep dying either from poison wearing me down or critical frenzy after doing too much damage >notice that I was "Weak" to the poison attack despite having no poison weakness >realize it's a fucking dark attack >use a Dark Dampener before the attack >piss all over him in return Man, I haven't enjoyed a SMT game like this in a long time.
>>981854 I enjoyed the fakeout during the Lahmu arc if you'd played the original story first.
>>981855 I have not but I did spoil myself when I finally lost hope on it being ported.

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