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Kingdom Come Deliverance II Anonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 18:35:16 Id: 4621f9 No. 959792
Warhorse Studios just revealed Kingdom Come: Deliverance II I am interested in finally getting around to playing the original game, I was initially put off because the game was extremely buggy, as I'm sure many here will recall the memes surrounding it. Not as bad as Andromeda or Cyberpunk but in no means an acceptable way to launch a product. I have to wonder if the sequel will release with similar troubles? Let's make this a Kingdom Come thread to discuss the first game as well as the next one. If anyone would be so kind, let me know if this game is worth a play.
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They had to do this early because IGN accidentally leaked it, right?
>>959793 Did they, now?
>>959792 I got gifted this one, but never played it because my computer was a toaster at the time. Now that I have a better PC (and remember it exists), I should try it. I've heard a lot of good things about it.
>>959795 Yeah, they fucked up and released it prematurely
Peak slowpoke.jpg thread
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HENRY IS BACK IN PEASANTQUEST 2! Also, nice to see Hans all grown up, hes a proper man now.
>>959792 I'm surprised with how sanguine the reception to this announcement has been because I distinctly remember the criticism towards its downgrades and low NPC count. It really feels like the main reason is because of the director's pushback against forced diversity which isn't a good enough reason for me to spend the time playing it.
>>959799 I got about a third of the way through the first one and ran into some game breaking bug on the main questline, and didn't have a save old enough to go back to before the bug because of the retarded schnapps saving system. Haven't picked it up again since then.
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I expect the worse. Screencap this.
Bohemian here, not a fucking slav, I took a DNA test, víc německej než většina moderních němců. Vávra is a fat retarded boomer piece of shit, reddit incarnate, as is this entire slavic shithole. I do not care about some fat commie boomer fellating two young british guys for over 100 hours. Why didnt he hire czech actors and voice actors? Little faggot. I hate him and his faggot whore behaviour. Death to america, death to english speakers, death to the british, imagine catering to the audience that hates you and wants you dead and gay and replaced by muslims, retarded slavnigger, I hope he gets a heart attack
>>959851 >muh representation AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH die slavnugger
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>>959856 >slavnugger
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>>959851 >Death to america, death to english speakers, death to the british, imagine catering to the audience that hates you and wants you dead and gay and replaced by muslims, retarded slavnigger, I hope he gets a heart attack Alright, you can stay
> Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Stupid title
I enjoyed the first game.
>>959938 >Kingdom Cum: Dicklance II fixed
>>959938 I really thought they were gonna call it Kingdom Come: Something Else, like >Kingdom Come: Punishment >Kingdom Come: Comeuppance >Kingdom Come: This Time We Have Crossbows >Kingdom Come: Henry's Come To See Us Even just Kingdom Come 2 would have been cool.
>>960003 Same, I was expecting them to go the Elder Scrolls route and subtitle the games differently. I don't know why "Deliverance" is even a subtitle if they planned to do a numbered sequel. Imagine if Skyrim was called The Elder Scrolls: Arena V, it's just a weird thing to do.

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>>959793 >>959795 Apparently, a fucking retard at IGN played the ads for the game in their website BEFORE the reveal was out.
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I haven't seen anybody mentioned this ITT, but it looks like the game will feature guns this time. The trailer shows several early matchlock firearms. Historically, this is right around the time firearms entered use in Europe. They all appear to be pole-cannons, which were effectively Medieval shotguns, though they're much smaller than depictions I've seen.
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>>960070 Just imagine how many loisenses you'd need to get back then
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Just ignore it if you don't like the game so much, stop being a faggot, you nigger.
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>>960025 Roach removal in progress!
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>>960070 >>960072 >german >culture mudhuts
>>960088 All I see is the first chimpout in history.
>>960062 Early firearms came in many makes, shapes, and sizes. I just hope they let you have one permanently. Would be a shame if they worked like polearms in the first game.
>>960070 >>960072 Youre such an obnoxious sperg, you czech bastard.
>>959792 I'm a sucker for medieval games and thoroughly enjoyed the first game. The From the Ashes DLC dragged on a bit and I couldn't bring myself to finish it without cheating since waiting hours to earn money I needed to progress is just something I don't have time for, but rebuilding a providence you previously reclaimed in a story quest was a very cool idea. The Woman's Lot DLC was a fun diversion, I liked seeing the start of the game from Theresa's point of view. Saving Samuel should have been an option though, no matter how high your medical skill is and how many bandages you collect he still dies. He could have appeared in the main campaign afterwards to sell you peanuts or some shit just to reward the player for putting a little extra effort into the DLC to get the best results during his quest. He isn't a plot relevant character so the game wouldn't be different either way. I want my choices from the first game to carry over to the second, I like the idea of Henry being a complete bastard and cucking Sir Divish after he saves your life by sleeping with Stephanie.
>>960138 >I want my choices from the first game to carry over to the second, I like the idea of Henry being a complete bastard and cucking Sir Divish after he saves your life by sleeping with Stephanie. As neat as it would be, I don't think it's gonna happen, since the devs stated that they were designing the game in such a way where 2 is a viable entry point for newcomers. I would assume that Henry's development in 1 will be used as justification for the reworked combat system as well. It will be interesting to see what they consider the "canon" Henry for 2.
>>960138 >not staying loyal to theresa For shame!
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>>960062 Very nice, medieval firearms are a lot of fun. I hope they can be used as clubs after being fired. It's sad how the media avoids aknowledging early gunpowder weapons existance and so many history/fantasy nerds seem to get offended when they are mentioned.
>>960301 Man if I could travel back in time and show them my modern gun so small it can fit in my pocket I'd blow their fucking minds.
>>959851 >německej I thought they kicked all you guys out after WW2?
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>>960301 >ye olde double doublebarreled shotte gonne >4x4 stick of FUCK THEE That's some rad shit right there.
>>960371 It's absolutely rad. One of the few things I heard historians complain about with Kingdom Come 1 was the total lack of firearms when they were becoming somewhat common at that point. I think people leave this out of Medieval based media because it's not apart of "pop history". The average person probably thinks of firearms as something modern, not something present during the Middle Ages.
>>960224 Hope they revise the shitty lock-on system from the first game. Made it such a pain in the ass to fight multiple people that you did better without it in the long run.
>>961737 Considering modders had that fixed with the first game pretty early on just by modding some config files I doubt it'll be anywhere near as clunky as the first game.
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>>960301 >>960375 >medieval >the Middle Ages KCD takes place in 1403. While there's extreme variance on when the Renaissance starts, they're generally sometime in the 1300s or at 1400 for the sake of even years than anything. The real problem is pop history thinking plate armor is medieval when its actually one of the things that pops up at the start of the Renaissance (alongside handheld firearms)
>>961767 Historians move that era start date all the time.
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>>961767 When has anyone referred to the fourteenth century as the end of the medieval period? Everything I've read considers the end of the fifteenth century as the beginning of the Renaissance.
>>961784 >end of the fifteenth century If a definition of Renaissance excludes the majority of Leonardo's work, it's a pretty bad definition of Renaissance.
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If I were to play KC:D, are there any mods I should install first? Not necessarily gameplay mods, but fixes and the like. I've heard the game is very buggy.
>>961863 I just played it with the official patches, it's buggy but not game breakingly buggy even then I don't remember it being especially buggy once they patched it.
>>961863 Maybe the one that removes bush collisions. That shit is annoying.
>>961863 mod the lock on.
>>961863 Crosshair for archery.
Still playing the first game for the first time and I hope they'll improve the crime/stealth system in the second game a little bit. But they probably won't or they will, but not by much. A system where clothing plays a big role in the way you are recognized instead of the entire region instantly knowing it's you when you got spotted for a millisecond trying to open a chest would be cool. Getting a bunch of ideas of how it would work in my head now. Throwing rocks to distract people when sneaking would be nice too.

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