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Anonymous 04/20/2024 (Sat) 16:30:55 Id: 50aba0 No. 960479
Does this ever actually get fun? I don't mind the shitty shooting mechanics since it's an RPG, but I just killed the Shitskin leader in the first section of the game and I went to Taipei, and the gameplay is starting to show its ass. Mechanics feel really arcadey, and the levels are super linear with only 1 or 2 ways of completing each goal. I've also heard a lot about how dialogue choices matter but I'm not encountering a lot of dialogue outside of the "hub" sections between missions. Kinda just makes me want to replay Dudesex tbh
>>960479 I have no idea. After playing mass effect and Kotor it tried this and jade empire. Was never able to finish this. Then my pc died and i never bothered again.
>>960479 I've only played an hour of the tutorial, so I wouldn't know. Although of what I played of it, it seemed decent.
>>960479 Treat the game more as a rpg or stealth game than a third person shooter. Pistols are the best skill, stealth is powerful but you can't go full stealth because boss battles exist. The choices you make do matter and pretty much every character you've met so far can be killed or spared at some point in the game depending on earlier choices you've made but it's hard to figure out without a guide.
>>960479 Choices matter a lot. Like >>960671 said, you can kill or spare important characters, but the story can also change depending if you are friendly with an NPC or not. They can assist you and give you intel, betray you or you can seduce some of the women. Some NPCs you spare can even later kill another, for instance.
>>960479 Stealth, Pistols, Sabotage and Technical Aptitude are your friends. Also Martial Arts.
>>960479 Pretty much anyone that likes this games likes it because of the sheer reactivity to your choices, but not the actual gameplay that much. If telltale games made their 'games'' like this they wouldn't have gone bankrupt. So if you don't like Visial Novels or CYOA books don't bother.
>>976392 It has been awhile since I played it, but I was indifferent to the choices, but enjoyed the stealth. This and The Darkness were two games that stuck out for me for that era, even though I thought they were 7.5 or 8/10 type games at the time of play through. I suspect it is because the story or premise was different enough from all the other games to stand apart. It was well worth playing then, not sure about now though.
>>977052 >Pretty much anyone that likes this games likes it because of the sheer reactivity to your choices, but not the actual gameplay that much. Pretty much. Another strog points in favor of the game are the decent writing, Mass Effect style dialogue that's actually done well, and unconventional setting (or at least underused one) for the RPG genre games. If gameplay bothers someone, it's easy to simplify it by maxing out handguns. With that, the game is a cakewalk. Similarly, maxing out stealth lets you go invisible, move faster, and you can clear out levels without breaking a sweat.
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>>960479 >Does this ever actually get fun? no
Get a ridicule mod idiot. It's the only way to play the game
>>982411 *reticle
>>982411 >ridicule mod Truly the only way to enjoy the game is to get Tang to engage in small penis humiliation with the MC.
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>>960479 >Does this ever actually get fun? Yes. Finished it three times.
>>976392 So it’s like Deus Ex?

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