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Subliminal Cucking Anonymous 04/23/2024 (Tue) 20:45:44 Id: 25152c No. 961544
After spending my weekend binging a few older Obsidian games, I'm reminded of something that's always kind of rubbed me the wrong way about Bethesda's writing. You ever notice how in games like Skyrim or Nu-Fallout, any dialogue option that shows the slightest hint of confidence or assholery (not matter the player's level) is shot down with characters acting like you chose the "wrong" option and suggesting you be more humble? A noticeable example of this is when you join the Legion and suggest that one of the early missions might not be difficult for you. Immediately your Legate is like >Ummm... That sounds like bravado to me. Stop talking like that. She will say this no matter what level you are, or how many other questlines you've completed. She still maintains this attitude towards you throughout the entire Legion questline. And there are lots of moments in Skyrim and other Bethesda games where they'll scold you for being confident, or where the only remotely confident option will intentionally sound cocky as all hell. This was something I noticed when I beat Fallout: New Vegas years ago and realized that the game didn't scold me for talking like an overconfident asshole. It just said >Oh, you think you got what it takes? Alright then, let's see it. And sometimes even rewarded you for taking the dialogue option that doesn't sound like you sit with your legs crossed. But lately I've played other Obsidian RPGs, KOTOR II and Alpha Protocol, and noticed the exact same thing. Likely Avellone's influence, but in AP in particular it's rewarding to be a bit of a douchebag. Being talked down by people, and not being forced to respond "righteously" as if the game is on their side or give direct "No u" responses, is so refreshing. I hate how passive the player character is in Bethesda titles and other AAA titles. What are some other games with charismatic asshole protagonists?
My issue with a lot of modern RPGs is that you can't be moderate >you're either a total unreasonable prick >a total push over boyscout cuckhold >a totally indecisive neutral just these three extremes, NV and older CPRGs allowed you to be moderate.
>>961548 >you can't be moderate Another issue on that one. It reminds me of games where certain dialogue choices are locked by some kind of morality gauge, so playing a more middle ground position is actually punished by locking you out of content/options for not committing to be Dudley Do-Right or Snidely Whiplash.
>>961649 It's retarded that I can't be >Nice but willing to put my foot down or call bullshit out >Be a hard ass but not be illogical or be unwilling to be diplomatic when you need to be >Moderately neutral about things as there will be times when you might not really want to cooperate with either side for situations as they might not benefit you
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>>961544 Something similar with GTA, notice on the fifth installment they refused to say "retard" or "faggot", only the white kid at the beginning says "nigga" just for him to be belittled by the lanky nigger.
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>Get my character to have sex in a videogame >I'm seeing two characters ingame having sex >Me, the player I am not having sex <I just cucked myself fuck...
>>962052 The only reasonable solution to this problem is for game controllers to have a slot for your dick.
>>962055 They vibrate Big gaming putting women first again
>>962078 >Big gaming putting women first again I've been aware of just how much since 2007
>>962084 What a time to be alive
>>961544 >Alpha Protocol In fairness the entire point of conversations in Alpha Protocol is to play specifically to who you're talking to. Avellone outright said Thornton is basically a sociopath and just says and acts the way he does to manipulate people into doing what he wants. So in that vein certain characters like Sie will respond well to you being arrogant but others will hate it. But you probably have a point otherwise. Bathesda are basic bitch story writers so they only know how to write for players being basic bitch good. I've played other non-Obidian games where characters have approved of you being confident.
>>962055 >Only up and down needs more axes
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I bet this thread will get 150+ replies for whatever reason, these kinds of threads always do.
>>961548 This is honestly the biggest issue with many RPGs since the 2010s.
>>962163 Because VA is expensive, in terms of time, money, and data size, so they try to keep it as little as possible. Even if they did record the reams of text you find in Planescape Torment for example many gamers today wouldn't have the attention span to listen to it all and would call the game "boring". VAs are a cancer on the industry for more than one reason.
>>961544 >What are some other games with charismatic asshole protagonists? This guy missed the "US government literally forces people to make shitty lore" reveal, laugh at him. You are meant to be a cuck in modern video games. They are merely tools of propaganda.
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>>962159 Yeah things have fallen a lot sage
>>962177 >US government literally forces people to make shitty lore But that's a fact since 1900s, those retards are just a evolution of the anti-commies from 50s, the censors from the 20s/30s who indirectly Made the furries a thing, and even since 1900-1910 and protestant puritans
>>962164 This anon gets it. I told you fucker for years (maybe more than a decade) how voice acting ruined gaming and rpgs! Why the ever loving fuck we have character creation menu when 95% of the game world treat you as a snotted 16 old boy?
>>962164 I can still remember to this the entire dialogue talking to Kresselack in Icewind Dale meanwhile if you were to ask me to remember anything from any fully VA'd RPG from the last decade I would not remember or even care to honestly. Writing in RPG's has done so far down the shitter more than half the time you can skip reading/listening to it and lose nothing from doing so.
>>962207 >if you were to ask me to remember anything from any fully VA'd RPG from the last decade I would not remember or even care to honestly. NuVegas
>>962211 The only person who benefits from voice work in NV is Joshua. Everyone else could be text or not speak at all and nothing of value would be lost.
>>962216 Raúl.
>>962232 Trejo is good, but Raul has barely any line or relevancy compared to other companions. He is just a little bit better than poor Lily or the two extras (ED-E, Rex). >>962211 No offense, but who the fuck call it that zoomer cuckchan way? Jesus Christ dude! Atleast try to fit in and not glow like an alphabet nigger.
>>962254 > but Raul has barely any line or relevancy compared to other companions. If we go by that, the most relevant companions are Cass and Veronica, and the only one with any actual importance to the player character is E-DE.
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>>962254 >Accuses of cuckchan >zoomer Good job on outing yourself out!
>>962258 Veronica belongs with the rest of her people. Buried alive in their fucking bunker.
>>962184 big brain take but it was never this automated, its a factory process at this point, zero natural evolvement involded, just stupid evil cunts with an agenda given to them by their dumber eviler cunt bosses pushing propaganda to turn your heroes and you by proxy into a pussy or a faggot. We had heroes like Achiless 2000 years ago, now we have, black transgender migrants slaying evil straight white men with shitty ironic humour and wit. Nigger, this is a world threatening problem. 1984 full blown. Nothing will be natural anymore. Even culture and ideas will be manufactured to be fake and gay >FAKE AND GAY >EVERYTHING IS FAKE AND GAY
>>962216 House, Festus, Joshua and some others have VA that add to the game. You're mostly right though, 99% of the voice acting is bland and forgettable. If they kept the previous games' formula where only a few characters have voice acting but it's really good to compensate, it'd be better.
I watched Synthetic Man's Starfield review, and got to the part where he talks about the writing quality. It looks like it suffers from the same problem but in a different flavor. You get dialogue options with more personality, but the characters will scold you for using them. It's like Emil has a semi-decent idea, then realizes it actually takes effort so he just shits on halfway through.
>>962785 Emil is legitimately terrible at his job, he's one of the best modern examples of someone failing upwards, you can see the same problems with his writing crop up all the way back in Oblivion.
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>>962092 I'll never forget it
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>>962159 I really really shouldn't stick my dick in it, however...
>>961544 >She will say this no... >She I get that Skyrim is a game, but how realistic is a female legate? The sword she is wielding would weigh like 10 pounds at least (look how wide & thick they are) Her boob armor restricts her movement. She would have her period in camp! Imagine how unsanitary that is. Where does she piss? She is a fucking woman! Women don't go to battle or participate in war except on the sidelines for a million reasons. What I'm getting at is that ALL videogames are cucking your mind so badly that you're taking the presence of a female warrior for granted.
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>>962159 Somebody had to bump this shit thread, of course. Trying to fulfill this prediction. Great fleshlight by the way
>>985107 >Slowly loads >Saw the shoulders <Immediately recognize the the artist <Knew this image was going to have a dick >Sure enough, there's a dick How fucked up do I have to be to almost instinctually notice this?
>>985109 >recognize the artist It's AI-generated, retard.

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