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Blizzcon 2024 cancelled Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 19:55:02 Id: 4bc353 No. 962275
https://blizzcon.com/en-gb/news/24072107 Probably because they don't have any fucking games to show lmao
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>You lived long enough to see AAA collapse into itself
>>962277 >>You lived long enough to see AAA collapse into itself oh i wish, some good signs but the whales are keeping them going with MTX and DLC but i am sure per unit sales are way it might happen with any luck.
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>it's not a month late April fools joke
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>>962275 I guess this calls for another DANCE THREAD!
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>>962275 >Cancelling Blizzcon >Don't you guys have games too?
>>962275 americans dont give a fuck about wow anymore, majority of players are EU. And going to america to attend a video game event is a humiliation ritual for a tall, blue eyed european. Also europeans dont give a fuck about gay american nigger media culture and internet buzzwords so most of them didnt care about the milk drinking scandals and shit, unlike low iq circumsized americans, they cared.
Imagine if that nigger got asked to come to BlizzCon, full expense paid, and drinks, but later realized Blizzcon 2024 got cancelled
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>>962275 >Probably because they don't have any fucking games to show lmao Either that, or Microsoft doesn't have any games to show - so they're forcing Blizzard to cancel their now redundant event so that Microsoft can push them into an Xbox showcase.
>>962275 Get woke, go broke.
>>962275 Oh no. Say it ain't so.
>>962451 Wonder if they'll merge Quakecon and BlizzCon into one now that they own the hosts of both
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>>962451 >Hires freeloading activists for good goy points <They don't have the makings of a videogame developer <All because of school programs that reward the retard Math is too ableist.

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