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Operation Hard AG Anonymous 04/26/2024 (Fri) 19:40:47 Id: e0bd8a No. 962667
Stellar Blade has been released censored despite Sony's claims it would be uncensored. Rather than just rage blindly about it, why don't we report them to someone who will actually do something about it? In the US every state's Attorney General should have a form for complaints. Why don't US anons all start complaining to their state Attorney General that Sony is engaged in false advertisement (since they are)? As elected officials, the Attorney General of a state wants to do high profile cases against large companies, especially one that is as open and shut as this. It's not partisan to kneecap a giant company for deceptive marketing, and for smaller states its much harder to ignore. As Sony emphasized "all countries", there are likely some counterparts anons in other countries could contact. All of them should have a website (use your search engine of choice to find it) which should either have a webform or a phone number for submitting "Consumer Protection" complaints. Find it and make a complaint. >if calling you'll want your zip code and county handy (its how government phone operators are scripted to verify your location) >use Sony's formal name of Sony Interactive Entertainment >include Sony's address if you're asked for an address of the offending party >clearly note Sony's claim "Stellar Blade offers the same uncensored version in all countries, including the Japanese version" and how it had a dedicated graphic (pic 2) for advertising this fact (so it was not a one time slip of the tongue but a deliberate statement) >make clear there is an uncensored version (the physical disc version) and that Sony's systems will attempt change it to the censored version if the system has an internet connection >state that the outfits were featured in advertisement for the game >emphasize that this advertisement reached into your state >emphasize that this product is sold to residents of your state >emphasize that the budget was in the hundreds of millions and Sony seeks to sell millions of copies <if you don't feel comfortable citing (confirmed by Sony themselves to be true) leaks for budget numbers to the AG, cite the 220 million USD development budget for The Last of Us 2 as that comes from Sony's own FTC filing (their incompetence at redacting it is irrelevant) >skip the Hard R/Crime R thing unless its to emphasize the censorship's late addition meaning it is a bait and switch (you'll be talking to maximum normalfags) >don't copy paste or form letter, it leads to instant dismissal You have nothing to lose. Worst they can do is ignore you.
I'm not American but I'll shill this to my American friends.
Since following the stopkillinggames.com movement it's become apparent that consumers simply don't have any rights whatsoever in the USA when it comes to software. If corporations are allowed to literally destroy software that customers have purchased without reimbursing them I doubt that the FTC or Attorney General will care much about something like lies in ads. Maybe it'll work in some european country.
>>962680 stopkillinggames was always a "might as well try", not based on any actual precedent. False advertisement is very well established.
"The United States federal government regulates advertising through the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) with truth-in-advertising laws" Shouldnt we complain to the FTC? They lied to promote higher sales, its an open and shut case.
>>962683 Go ahead, but state levels are way easier to get to listen to anything than feds.
Looking further the Gov doesn't prosecute unless they continue to advertise, they try to prevent not punish. So if you want to do anything all you can do is a civil suit. You gotta sue them yourself, prolly class action, prolly pennies on the dollar.
>>962687 >source: my ass
>>962688 Wikipedia actually, note I am not a lawyer and nothing I say should be construed as legal advice, which I encourage you to read.
Unless anyone has a subscription to Westlaw?
>>962689 So >source:someone else's ass
>>962693 Yes your feedback has been most constructive, thank you, so unless you magically get a westlaw sub in the next ten minutes, I imagine you are done being useful? Great, thank you very much for your help in this project, I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
>>962695 You really think all the government can do over false advertisement is say "Stop or we'll sue"?
>>962696 Can do? No. Will do? No. A civil case isn't their responsibility, although they may assist if asked by a lawyer. Traditionally they tend to not get involved, but the laws allow civil suits, of which this is a textbook example.
>>962698 >i got this off wikipedia >but I'm 100% confident >this is a textbook example Fuck off retard.
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>>962667 >As elected officials, the Attorney General of a state wants to do high profile cases against large companies As elected officials, they don't want anything to do with "fighting for the right to anime titties". One of the same reasons practically no nips politicians, no matter how free speech they present themselves as, will put forth or support any motion to abolish their retarded sexual censorship laws.
>>962712 >AG isn't going to proudly wear scalp of multi-billion dollar company because their scam involved false promises of tits
>>962713 Yes. It would be career suicide. You can frame it positively if you want, but you're not the one who is going to be attacking them for spending tax payer to fight the good fight for videogame tits.
>>962722 >>962713 Furthermore, because it's a multi-billion dollar company, it's going to be no small sum of taxpayer money either to make that fight.
>>962667 I don't care. If you actually bought a playstation exclusive made in worst korea thinking it wouldn't be censored, I have a very nice bridge you might be interested in purchasing shares in. Stop buying this trash. Stop giving it free marketing on internet forums and then shitting your pants when they stab you in the back like the fucking worthless gooks they are.
>>962727 The physical copies are uncensored, suggesting something went afoul after the release, probably with someone above the developer's head.
>>962734 You bought a Sony game on the promise that it would be uncensored, despite mountains of evidence that Sony is not the kind of entity capable of keeping a promise like that. That was an idiotic decision. I don't actually care where in the hierarchy the issue occurred, because the devs know Sony's history as well as I do and still made the choice to work with them, which was also clearly either a stupid decision or a cynical decision. Just let them die.
OP wants to do something, anons tell him how, he tells them they are retarded. What is the fucking point of this thread? No seriously though. If you don't want to do anything then don't dipshit. Is this about preventing anons from doing something?
>>962674 >do things you KNOW won't matter Why.
>>962667 >Ever trusting any corporate suit >Ever caring about (((soyny))) and it's shitty products You have only yourself to blame. Nobody is raging. Everybody is just doing the rational thing to do: never, ever buy or play or expect anything good from any pozed company. Anything starting with: <soyny said or: <soyny presents is automatically shit and will never be good. There. All problems solved and all disappointment avoided.
>>962760 I don't have a PS5. I just want Sony to burn for pulling this shit so nobody tries it again.
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>>962712 >no JP politician >a manga artist well-known for drawing ecchi harem serializations got elected to the House of Councillors based on fighting for artist rights and expression https://kenakamatsu.jp/ Have you been living under a rock?
>>962796 has he done anything yet in that regard, because I have heard nothing since his election? I was hopeful that he would, but I just have not heard it
>>962796 I did say "practically". I already know about this one single guy, who claims to be for free expression, that I have yet to hear a single thing about the abolishment of JP genital censorship from. And if he does put forth a motion, it's likely to be shot down, because he's the only one remotely interested in such ideals to have obtained a lawmaking position in government.
>>962672 interesting idea, though you will need to think bigger than a single game/instance. As other anons have said, politically this isn't a good look if it's just one specific game and the issue is anime tiddies. Legally, the case to bring action is stronger with a pattern of behavior. Though I will lay this out there, ultimately a company can decide to do whatever it wants and the issue becomes was there fair notice and a offer of refund. The most likely outcome is a settlement of a class action and Sony will change their terms of service to make it clear they can censor games whenever they want and not allow people to makes claims of "uncensored".
>>962667 First of all you would likely need to purchase the game either from PSN or have a physical copy, which I assume most people here don't have because owning a PS5 in 2024 is ISHIGGYDIGGY worthy. Second: Even if an AG gets a hold of the movement, I doubt they'll actually do anything in regards to the corruption in the video games industry since you can argue that GamerGate did the same thing but instead of creating a better gaming industry the people in charge decided to support their shill buddies and continue to get money from big banks because the only thing that matters to these companies at the end of the day is money. Don't depend on the government to do what they need to do as the government hates you, and more people need to realize that big government works against the best interests of its people, not the other way around
>>962680 >it's become apparent that consumers simply don't have any rights whatsoever in the USA when it comes to software That couldn't be farther from the truth. The problem is that people agree to shitty terms when they use software, and then bitch about why they're being treated so poorly when the terms layed out in plain English exactly the kind of experience they should be expecting. >>962831 Anon, if no one ends up buying the shitty games, how will vidya get worse?
>>962826 I'm certain SHIFTUP purposefully had the game uncensored in the v1.000 version before patching in the Sony mandates with the Day 1 patch to cover their asses and play both sides. As demonstrated with their mobile game they'll still get financially rewarded for it because gamers are weak-willed unless they are Asian. Bringing this before a court will only have their attorneys file to dismiss seeing as if you don't update and play the game offline on physical SHIFTUP technically held up what was advertised, and being digital goyim the West have ushered in an age of digital nonownership. https://www.change.org/p/free-stellar-blade/c Mark Kern put out a (((Change.org))) petition which means the console effort is dead in the water. The battle is already lost with (((Soyny))) and we just need them to die on their ESG hill to win in the end. However, I do like that Westerners are slowly starting to follow in the East's footsteps, I do like OP's spirit, and there is one avenue that they can succeed in: a PC port. PC has less restrictions than cucksole and pressuring SHIFTUP to release the game as it was in v1.000 is more likely to succeed as there is much less rationale to censor and the audience would have higher expectations. There is precedent to them bowing to public pressure, again with NIKKE (pics 1-3).
>>962768 >I just want Sony to burn for pulling this shit so nobody tries it again Fair point.
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>>962768 Soyny has always been pushing this shit and gets away with it, no matter if they lose fans and income
I'm having a blast with Stellar Blade! Just like how I was having a BLAST with Dragon's Dogma 2!
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>>962943 You're going to have a blast alright!
>>962943 And everyone else will still not buy either, lmao.
>>962942 blax probably just replacing the "hard" themselves
I was waiting for the PC release, which I heard was a thing, but if they're going to pull shit like this then I'll just pass. It's like ordering food and it comes with a fuzzy spot. Sure I can eat around it because it's "just a little censorshipmold, but it's a red flag for shit going on behind the scenes. And paying for mold means that they'll think serving mold is fine"
>>962943 Honestly, despite its flaws I really enjoyed DD2.
>>963037 >but if they're going to pull shit like this then I'll just pass That's a PS5 thing fatass, that isn't a thing Shift Up came up with
>>962943 >>963223 Neither are that great, but considering your other options are shit like Suicide Squad you take what you can get and enjoy it for what it is. Really the issue here, just as a rising tides raises all ships falling standards bring everything down since there is not really a reason to put out your best when the competition killing themselves in protest of..something.
>>962864 >NBA >MLB >Madden >WWE >Overmeme >Fallout 76 Man, mutts are certainly mentally ill, what the fuck
>>962863 sorry for doubleposting >PC port Unless there's some sketchy shit in their contracts, a Stellar Blade port is basically assured, given the fact that NIKKE has a PC Port too.
>>963246 >that isn't a thing Shift Up came up with They pulled this shit with NIKKE you stupid nigger, stop trying to absolve them of all responsibility.
>>963255 You realize that the publisher for that game is a Tencent subsidiary, right? The developers clearly wanted it one way, and the people above them don't. If the actual developers didn't want it to be lewd, they wouldn't have made it so lewd in the first place.
so you CAN play the game uncensored but ONLY if you turn off automatic updates and turn off internet. the MOMENT you go online, it tries to download the patch. someone told me you could bypass this but I think he's lying. also, YOU NEED THE PATCH TO PLAY NEW GAME+, IT WILL FORCE YOU INTO UPDATING AFTER THE FIRST ELITE NAYTIBA. FUCK SONY.
>>963309 There's also the fact that you will eventually have to connect to the internet as the PS5 will not play any of your games the moment the CMOS battery dies.
Don't know about anyone else, but I'm having fun talking about the games censorship in normalfag forums and watching people fall all over themselves to go: >Changing the graffiti isn't "censorship" because it wasn't intentional >Changing the costumes isn't "censorship" because those costumes were not the final versions >Changing the gore isn 't "censorship" because they need to have CERO approve the games >don't you even know what the definition of "censorship" is Anon?
>>962745 I never got an answer to this, but judging by the pin in the thread I guess I finally just did. This is Mark's idea, no wonder it's poorly thought out and badly executed.
>>963323 Reporting to the FTC would've probably been a better idea tbh, state AGs would heavily disperse the effects unless a lot of people do it, it would have to be a much bigger crowd than just 8chan anons if you wanted tangible effects across multiple state AGs, so this kind of thing would've had to been coordinated across multiple GG hubs and social media platforms if it wanted actual success. Its still possible to do it, but it takes a lot of time and effort. Not to mention that anons are probably the least likely audience, period, to buy a soystation 5 game. It really helps legal cases when you can actually allege damages suffered with actual products purchased, this kind of campaign could be great if you could utilize lots of normalfags who bought the game and are pissed about it. Since Stellar Blade is an AAA game there is a chance of that happening, but I don't expect much unless someone intelligent actually bothers to put in the legwork towards it and really stirs the pot. As it is, its not stated anywhere that the OP even filed a complaint himself (or at least convinced someone that bought the game to file a complaint)
>>963330 I mean thats my problem in a nutshell. I dont mind helping OP file a report or doing it myself, but I didnt even buy a PS5 much less whatever game this is about.
>>963272 They pulled this shit with NIKKE you stupid nigger, stop trying to absolve them of all responsibility. I'm not saying there was no external pressure, two things can be true at once. God, you are a moron.
They've been allowing you to refund the game over this, good luck getting any additional action taken since I'm pretty sure that's what the FTC would make them do anyways if this somehow worked.
>>963368 >"I'm not saying there was no external pressure" Nigger, are you dense? This isn't "external pressure", these are literally their bosses telling them they can't do certain things. Developers can't just openly defy their publishers, and Shiftup seemed to do their best to get what they intended to their customers in spite of that. If you want to ascribe responsibility to them, how about actually showing proof they intended to do this, instead of it just looking like they were fucked by the people above them. >developer releases an uncensored version of the games >their publishers are known for fucking with games and have been doing so for the past several years with other games >the game gets censored after the fact of release <"this must be the developer's fault!" Do you not know how having a job works, or the legal liabilities that can come with shit like potential breaches of contract? What also really doesn't help is in this case, the publisher is also the platform holder.
>>963396 >developer releases an uncensored version of the games >their publishers are known for fucking with games Ah, but I've pointed out twice now, you are missing something in between: the developer themselves fucks with their own games in the exact same way that's on display here. Get that into your skull. Sony facilitates this shit, but regardless of that, they have done this EXACT FORM OF BAIT-AND-SWITCH themselves even before Sony had their fingers in the pie. Fuck off, nigger.
Also, just to further my point that there's some form of collusion going on here, panty shots and the like were left in. If you don't think this was intentionally done to drum up controversy by both Sony and ShiftUp, instead painting the latter as innocent victims who simply had to bend, you are a fucking nigger.
>sticky And now we know the thread is just demoralization propaganda, great.
>>962842 >That couldn't be farther from the truth. As a burger-murrican, I can safely say you are full of shit >The problem is that people agree to shitty terms when they use software, and then bitch about why they're being treated so poorly when the terms layed out in plain English exactly the kind of experience they should be expecting In order to use our systems you must agree to the ToS. Don't say or do any bad goy shit or we will shut your account down. By the way, you need this service or you won't get paid this week since it's the "pay portal" where you get your pay stubs. Want a paper copy? 6 weeks or so, lol. In short, the situation reminds me of that pic of the stickmen lined up against the wall with the security cameras looking at them and one guy going "isn't it great?" or something as another stickman breaks down.
>>963405 >we I don't see you coming up with any better suggestions.
>>963405 >thread promoting taking action against censorship >demoralization what >>963409 I bet he's the same guy who kept arguing "because people agree to the EULAs there's literally nothing they can do about it" in the stop killing games thread.
>>963414 He's one of those sovereign citizen schizo larpers, who doesn't believe in any government institutions cuz muh ZOG or some shit.
>>963414 >because people agree to the EULAs there's literally nothing they can do about it Basically yes. If you don't agree with what these companies are doing, then stop agreeing to their damn terms! No, it doesn't matter how much of an inconvenience it is. The point is to retain control over your life. As I've seen someone point out, the totalitarianism of the future is entirely "Opt-In". And will ONLY "work" if you choose to participate. Therefore the only winning move is to reject participation. You know, like what happened during Corona-chan when the governments were floating around the idea of Vaccine Passports, and people outright refused to get involved with that shit (Or did you guys forget about that?).
>>963418 >and people outright refused to get involved with that shit Sadly, depending on what country we are talking about a lot of people did willingly submit for "the greater good". With that said, you are right, agorism is a good strategy, the biggest problem is finding enough people in your local area, that want to participate in it. >>963414 >because people agree to the EULAs there's literally nothing they can do about it Actually a few years ago, the father of a 12 year old manage to win a lawsuit against Roblox, just because his 12 year old could not legally consent to the EULA and Roblox was fully ware of that. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=dff7sHUzDww
>>963418 >giving yids a free pass to fuck over people by locking them out of "optional" sites that might be nessary for a person's day to day life >allowing cloudflare to hold most of the clearnet hostage >victim blaming You are either a dumbass or a kike playing damage control.
>>963411 <we spammer <JUST GET THE GOVERNMENT–THE GROUP LITERALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS BEHAVIOR–TO BE ON YOUR SIDE INSTEAD OF THEIR OWN LOL <THERE'S NO BETTER SOLUTION HA HA Ignored. >>963414 >taking action But that's not what it's doing. it's saying "Just go ask the people doing this to you to… stop doing it. They'll totally listen!" The premise is fundamentally faulty. >>963418 EULAs aren't law. They can't break the fucking law by writing "lol we do what we want ha ha" in the EULA. They are directly stealing from the customers (note: this is illegal) and violating laws in doing so. A car manufacturer can't sell you a convertible and then send a representative to your house the next day to weld the top into place so you can't put it down ever again. THAT IS KNOWN AS ILLEGAL.
>>963330 >As it is, its not stated anywhere that the OP even filed a complaint himself Does that really need to be made explicit?
>>963426 ><we spammer >anonymity = abdication of individuality Go back to facebook.
>>963456 >anonymity = abdication of individuality Completely and utterly irrelevant to the point being made, fuck off.
>>963457 >theres a we spammer You literally had to make up a boogieman now just because you're in denial how often you get called out EVERYTIME you push your we shit here. No >we are not the world >we are not the children, there is no fucking "we", faggot.
>>962942 "Barbe"R Shop "Nigge"R Shop "8===D"R Shop
>>963461 >oy vey it's a boogeyman <[instantaneously proves that he is personally the one being talked about and explodes into autism that his individualist propaganda is instantly exposed every time] Peak fucking comedy. Enjoy having everything (((you))) try to do utterly ruined every single time because you refuse to comprehend the existence of the idea of collective interests.
Holy shit. Okay, if you say so, schizo.
How the fuck so Many schizos ended in this shithole? Why is this place such a place to schizos to latch on? Why the fuck the fat cunt from here don't just rageban Brasiu altogether? The schizos are just that stupid to set up correctly a VPN, and are so retarded outside their Little bubbles and computers that they don't have money to Buy a VPN already set up
>>963490 >How the fuck so Many schizos ended in this shithole? Why is this place such a place to schizos to latch on? >Dumb countries aren't rangebanned Didn't read the debate, but you answered your own question. >Why the fuck the fat cunt from here don't just rageban Brasiu altogether? The schizos are just that stupid to set up correctly a VPN, and are so retarded outside their Little bubbles and computers that they don't have money to Buy a VPN already set up Look under "top boards" on https://8chan.moe and find >>>/hisparefugio/ at #1. That's why. If Mark bans dumb countries /v/ dies.
>>963418 >And will ONLY "work" if you choose to participate. No, your participation is irrelevant because you are a tiny minority. It works just fine without you and the extremely small amount of people that opt-out. You can preach all you want about how it's anons' fault for opting in, but normalfags are the real problem, and you will always have to live in a world full of normalfags. t. Not niggerpill I swear on me mum, please don't ban me, IP hopping is a hassle when I have a dozen tabs open.
>>963426 >They can't break the fucking law by writing "lol we do what we want ha ha" in the EULA. They don't break the law with EULAs. >They are directly stealing from the customers (note: this is illegal) and violating laws in doing so. How? In the instance of The Crew, it's an online-only game that relies upon Ubisoft's servers, and Ubisoft has it listed everywhere on the packaging that they can shut any part of those servers down for any reason and at any point in time (Provided they give 30 day notice). You go in knowing that the game is, for all intent and purposes, only a rental "In practice" and then are surprised that your rental period is over leaving you with nothing but the "ticket stub" (The game disc) afterwards. >A car manufacturer can't sell you a convertible and then send a representative to your house the next day to weld the top into place so you can't put it down ever again. Yes they can. It's called an electric/smart car. That's why you don't buy that crap in the first place! >>963539 >your participation is irrelevant because you are a tiny minority. And people won't join the individual protesting the "overlords" due to the "overlords" ruining the lives of everyone else just to destroy the one person who refuses to participate? You really don't remember what happened three/four years ago, do you? I mean, I know a lot has happened since then, but don't you remember how governments were losing all support of the public because a bunch of truckers decided to go on one long cross-country drive?
>>963542 >They don't break the law with EULAs. You'd be surprised. A lot of what they put in EULAs are not legally enforceable.
>>963542 Where on the packaging does it say that Ubisoft can brick your game any time they want? And no, stating that the game requires an internet connection isn't the same as saying this.
>>963548 >Where on the packaging does it say that Ubisoft can brick your game any time they want? Aside from the big notice on the front that the game is online only? <The highlighted areas on the back where it says that the game requires an online connection to function, and that Ubisoft can cancel any portion of the online without reason. In same way, I find it rather funny that it's the only portion of the legal area on the box that's listed in all caps.
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Sony offering refunds for Stellar Blade: https://archive.ph/cu6EH >As things stand, if you claim false advertisement as the reason, you will get a refund of the digital copy of Stellar Blade from PlayStation Support.
>>963542 >They don't break the law with EULAs They do, yes. >How? In the instance of The Crew, it's an online-only game that relies upon Ubisoft's servers The single-player game, fully installed on a hard drive, relied upon servers? >and Ubisoft has it listed everywhere on the packaging that they can shut any part of those servers down for any reason and at any point in time They can say whatever they please; it doesn't make what they say legal.
As a NIKKE player this whole shitshow was already predicted, mainly because almost everybody ignored the red flags, like Tencent owning 24% of the company, Shift Up having zero experience in the console game market, NIKKE being censored in more than one occasion and the company becoming public in March. And as for the exclusivity thing is just Sony trying to catch up with Tencent, and Shift Up using SB as a tool to artificially inflate their value and keep selling stock to the highest bidder (Tencent).
>>963552 >starting the game is a "feature"
>>963612 An online feature.
>>963604 We WARNED you nigger, we WARNED you not to go for that gacha! There are much better ones out there
>>963487 >>963490 >>963493 Worse, half the top 10 boards, /hisparefugio/ /mex/, /arepa/, /hisrol/, and /argentina/, are subhuman and leak like a bitch. Mark as a normal Jew is like Joe from Idiocracy here, it's that bad.
So is anybody here actually trying to contact an organization to hold Sony accountable for deceptive marketing or is it just bitching instead of trying to change things here? I got the FTC report fraud page open and I'm not sure which category I should report this as: Online Shopping or Something Else. Which do you guys think I should go for?
>>963746 Sony is offering refunds already, so doing anything is pointless.
>>963747 Sony offering refunds is an admission of guilt. Why offer the refund if they dindu nuffin?
>>963766 Exactly, they admitted guilt and refunded your money, therefore there are no damages to be claimed to the ftc. What are you gonna report? "The falsly advertised" "And you lost your money!" "Well no they gave it back" "Get the fuck out of my office"
>>963604 N..no,they was innocent boys, Sony forced this on them!
>>963767 But then we'd have to come to terms with the fact that most consoomers don't give a shit and won't refund it
>>963767 >>963769 >>963777 >>963747 So these are niggerpill right?
>>963779 Goddamn, you're a fucking retard. Anything that has even remotely negative sentiment is a niggerpill post now? Shove yourself into a woodchipper. I'm mocking the retarded rhetoric that ShiftUp is blameless here.
>>963786 He didn't reply to you, calm your tits.
>>963787 >>963769 is me, now neck yourself too.
>>963769 >>963786 Are you just retarded or something? The developer literally made an uncensored version of the game on release. That's proof against their intent to censor the game. The common denominator of censorship on Sony platforms is usually Sony. If Shiftup censored on multiplatform releases (or releases without Sony or Tencent as a publisher), that would be proof against them, but there is none as of right now. There are only public statements existing that they didn't want censorship on their games. You also can't really control who owns your stock as a public company either for that matter (unless you're both rich and financially shrewd enough to buy out more than half your company's stock before IPO occurs like Zuckerberg but that's only if your company is guaranteed to make a lot of money on IPO even without shareholders being able to have much control over your company, which is rare). There is nothing stopping Tencent from buying up your company if you aren't private and your country's laws don't protect you (and in fact, that's how many western developers were infected by their plague in the last decade)
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>>963598 >The single-player game, fully installed on a hard drive, relied upon servers? Yes it did. Should it have been required? Absolutely not, but that's how Ubisoft programmed the game. >>963612 In DD2, restarting the game is a feature you have to pay for. >>963786 It's an intentional derailment tactic, just report and ignore. >>963813 >The developer literally made an uncensored version of the game on release. That's proof against their intent to censor the game. <They later came out and said that the censorship was "always" intended.
>>963816 Okay then, I did not see that statement. That's some actual proof of their own culpability. I guess they really are untrustworthy then, talk about disappointing.
>>963816 >they can do anything they want as long as they tell you about it No. You're still completely wrong.
>>963816 They are slimy nips but buying anything from Soyny is asking for censorship. It's good that they indirectly said they fucked up by offering refunds but anyone with basic pattern recognition saw this coming a mile away. I assumed it was a multiplat game and assumed it's not a big issue but if it's exclusive to the nogames5 then I can see why people are (rightfully) pissed off.
>>963853 >They are slimy nips Gooks, anon, gooks.
>>963816 How is asking anons to actually stay on topic derailment? Look asshole if anything your accusing me of rerailing the thread. >>963779 No, Im the one who bans niggerpill, I am not him, but that doesnt mean im all happy chipper sunshine dude either. Sometimes shit IS pointless.
>>963854 Oh yeah, Koreans made this. For some reason I thought they were the palworld devs in alll bit name where an indie jap company got china funding.
>>963875 I don't think all demoralizers are niggerpill but demoralization that hinders effective action doesn't need to be niggerpill to justify deletion, /v/'s lax moderation gets exploited by disruptors.
>>963917 Seeing disinformation, and demoralization, in everyone who isn't 1000% gungho or worse, reporting users for disagreeing with you, is the cancer thats killing /v/. I think reporting a company for false advertising when they have already begun refunding games anyway, is a waste of time, but that doesn't mean I would be upset if anyone did it. By all means if you wish to then do. Have fun. I don't need to agree that it's a worthwhile idea in order to stay unbanned, thats fucking retarded. What you are suggesting is that everyone must agree on everything or be banned. Stop being weird, and attempting to limit free speech because you don't like it. If that's what you want then go to fucking plebbit.
>>963917 >Lax moderation This is fucking bait right?
Notice how /v/'s lax moderation is being exploited by the above disruptor, slyly equating deletion of demoralization that hinders effective action to other things it's not. Overeager moderation isn't good, but disruptors equate any moderation to overeager moderation to deter moderators from deleting clear disruption. This lets them hinder effective action by demoralizing those doing it.
>>963952 >anons trying to be proactive >"No, just give up! All is lost!" >anons rightfully shit on you Quit being a defeatist nigger.
Like clockwork, insanely possessive pedofuck skims every thread to false concern horseshit
>>963959 LCP likes pulling Clark Kent shit by dialing up capital letters to concern troll then dropping them on other Tor nodes to agree with himself.
>>963948 Okay /v/ has the most moderation of any single board on 8moe, that's just a fucking fact, and second off, do I fucking know you? No? So why do you keep assigning motives to me beyond the obvious ones I have stated several times. Third, stop being an insane paranoid jackass and use your fucking head.
>>963746 Went ahead and contacted the FTC under "Something Else". Here's the message I came up with if anyone wants to add some input to help get the point across clearer.
>>963948 >>963964 >>963970 Silence the pedophile all the time. The scum has no place anywhere. >>963952 >censorship is okay as long as its against the people I don't like Yes. Get used to it, pedophile scum.
You can fuck off right with him, Luciano.
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>buying any modern online game within the first year Anons I hate to say it, but at this point just fucking wait. You know they're gonna pull some bullshit. Wait the company out, see what they pull, THEN spend your money if the game is still worth buying. Plus you're letting the normalfags playtest the game for you, so if it's a steaming pile of shit you'll know to not bother.
>>964398 >online game >Stellar Blade No, anon. It's much, much worse than you think. Stellar Blade is single player. Not even single player has been safe for a long time now.
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>>962942 So innuendos straight out of Beavis and Butthead are a HARD no?
>>964473 It wasn't censored due to boner jokes, it was censored because some faggot thought it was spelling out "Hard R" which makes faggots think of the word "Nigger" in their head.
>>964487 I thought it meant "hard retard", actually there should be game that brings back slurs, that alone would make their heads explode while pretending they're mature enough to deal with words on a screen.
>>964768 You're not alone, my fellow Game R. "Hard R" is typically referred to a raunchy film very deserving the "R" rating here in the states or the franchise restaurant "Hard Rock Cafe". Some even thought it was a play on the word "harder", which prompted some people to post the lyrics to "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger". No one thought it meant to the "hard 'r'" sound at the end of "nigger" until this happened.
>>964487 >>964768 >>964777 Add me to the list of people who didn't think of "nigger" first either. I thought "hard r" meant retard. I've used it in reference to retard with my friends.
>>964821 strange, because i am definitely sure Hard R entered vernacular as shorthand for "Nigger" after it showed up in a rap verse, and became the go to "word filter bypass," much like "Unaliving myself/Game ending in minecraft"
>>964881 faggot
(20.04 MB 1920x1080 Linus Hard R.mp4)

>>964768 >I thought it meant "hard retard"
>>964777 All this confusion about "Hard R" reminds me of the word "nonplussed". Nonplussed is not a real word, so it means fuck all, everyone has a different meaning in his head, you never know what the other person actually meant. It's one of those fancy Latin sounding words that people use because they think it makes them sound smart.
>>964914 The way my friends and I always made sense of it back when was that calling someone a REtard would get people's attention since that's the word people were on the lookout for and was considered "offensive," but calling someone a 'tard was far less likely to draw undue attention while meaning the same thing. Hence, "hard r."
>>964917 >Nonplussed is not a real word The 1600s say otherwise. You may be thinking of something else. It has one meaning and it hasn't ever changed. https://www.etymonline.com/word/nonplussed#etymonline_v_30295
>>964998 He just means it's pretentious.
>>964914 The best thing about these preachy safe fucks is that they are always completely ignorant about the shit they preach.
Was it a flop?

>>970745 Apparently it sold ok Seems to be getting a PC port as well https://archive.is/McGcc
>>970748 Hopefully it can be easily modded to be uncensored and whatnot.
Small victory today. The devs released two new outfits today that are basically two of the censored outfits restored (though recolored). It's by no means a full victory but I still say this is more than I expected after weeks of silence. It's not nothing and journos are already salty about it.
>>970753 It'll be modded so everyone is nude; don't worry.
>>972108 >JIM WAS FUCKING RIGHT Jim as in Jim Sterling before he transed himself and adopted the name Stephanie?
>>972147 No, he's sperging over Metokur AKA Internet Aristocrat, an early GamerGate e-celeb and later lolcow commentary YouTuber. I don't know why that anon is posting like it's still 2014.
>>972175 Probably a /cow/ard.
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>>972108 "Line up the target and fire at will, no mercy, no quarter" then 1-posters come to ridicule you. Hmmm, (((strange))).
>>972048 >Small victory today. The whole situation may not have been what it seems. ShortFatCommunist speculated that the censorship had more to do with dodging copyright. He claimed to look at all the outfits which were censored, and found damned neared identical versions from established clothing brands. The censorship wasn't intentional - just a lazy way to alter them just enough to get away with it. Probably hewed towards less revealing than more to not have to re-submit for Sony's approval. Now that they have more time post-launch, and because of the blow-up, they've gone back and redone the outfits to make them both more revealing and more distinct from the brands they were copy-pasted from.
>>972455 >ShortFatCommunist wut
>>972588 ShortFatOtaku, some videogame "expert" that tells normalniggers what to think, and would absolutely have it in his agenda to find any reason other "they're attacking sexy again" for the censorship. >>972455 If this was the case, they could've just come out and say they were removed for "copyright reasons" instead of taking way more bad PR by looking like hypocrites.
>>972048 >The devs released two new outfits today that are basically two of the censored outfits restored (though recolored). It looks like, in the process of them doing that, they then procedded to censor OTHER costumes.
>>972628 >>972629 Those costumes weren't actually censored since the more transparent cloth is actually a visual bug from downgrading the game.
>>972628 >>972629 Those were downloaded costumes later the 1.0 versions aren't even accessible in the game and the panties in "1.0" are obviously unfinished and diaper-like compared to being finished in 1.3.
>>972674 >diaper-like how are those anything like a diaper? They look like bogstandard underwear
>>972705 >They look like bogstandard underwear That's the problem. The 1.3 ones actually have a unique design.
>>963604 Hate to ask but when and how was Nikke censored as I wanted to try it out. Was the company that owns/localize it known to do so before? Also is there a de-censor patch?
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More censorship
>>974999 Man, fuck Sony.
>>972048 Man, thank fuck DoA is dead and buried but emulable, and DOA5 is modded as hell and back

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