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The conspiracy against Asian studios Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 00:43:09 Id: b2df59 No. 963050
The recent sabotage against Stellar Blade by Sony and the localisation drama, along with Asian studios in general getting dealt bad deals or western subversion from the inside. After Hades 2 getting a bunch of praise, and Balding Gay 3 being a massive success, the idea of cracking down on gore, running the localisations and sexual fanservice for Asian games. Really looks like western game devs/publishers, want the games of the Japanese , Koreans and Taiwanese to fail in western markets. They've gone even more masks off then they did in 2017.
>>963050 I do wonder if part of it is not a reaction to the perceived (probably real) bias against western stuff the eastern market seem to also have.
>>963051 Well considering how the west is in self harm mode, can you really blame them for having a bias?
>>963050 They should release on steam first if they cared so much about it.
>>963053 Ah yes, because Steam totally hasn't been censoring games for years now. docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aAbrEDNa2NmgntrKtij0RuxKneiFcTJisGyfMUv2nnM/edit?pli=1
>>963053 I don't trust steam but Steam is not nearly as bad as Sony.
>>963057 Guess they should only sell their games on small marketplaces where only a few thousand people buy it from then.
>>963060 Maybe if people weren't such faggot cucks about centralizing the platform marketplaces, we wouldn't be in this mess.
>>963061 The reason why steam is still around is because the alts aren't great.
>>963063 No, its because of shrewd business strategy, network effects, absurd existing market share, and pareto principle. An alt would have to be backed by an entity of similar size and power to have any tangible effect or meaningful chance at competing with Steam. Grassroots alts have no chance against a heavily centralized and overly concentrated market entity if their goal is to grow in a meaningful way and actually be a viable, financially feasible alternative place for devs to release their games on. Consider this: No single alternative to Youtube (A similarly comparable entity in terms of market share, just in the video marketplace instead) has been able to unseat them, the closest that any platform has come in the last 15 years has been TikTok (and that's mainly for shortform content and memes), which is backed by the chinks and their absurd amounts of money.
>>963057 Steam removing porn for dubious criteria because payment processors are breathing down their necks is not the same as removing M rated content from M rated games for ideological purposes, even if it's still shitty of them when they promised not do so.
>>963057 >sells literal porn This faggot bullshit again huh? This wouldn't be censored on Steam faggot
>>963066 Not every game they removed is a porn game. Maidens of Michael was the canary in the coal mine from years ago that was the sign of censorship to come, and that game was pretty much harmless comparatively speaking to some of the shit already on the platform. Same for shit like Dungeon Travelers 2, which was a game released on consoles. Plus, GoG released some of these games on their own platform to try and pull a "GoG does what Steam don't" type shit (though they ended up failing in other ways).
>>963069 Didn't know there were non porn games in that list, that's more worrisome but if it isn't an accelerating pattern could probably just be either overzealous fagsquad intern or their "ban this" checklist somehow having it's boxes ticked by those non porn games >>963070 There's some wild shit that's not banned, especially /ss/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1455220/Succubus_Farm/
>>963061 If you want to topple steam, you'll have to support something like discuck back when a bunch of games let you join directly inside it. Otherwise I doubt some federated friend/join chat system would ever take off between altstores. >>963065 I'm sure the epig gay store and origin aren't what you're thinking of, but both had just as much effort thrown in as early steam and are equally shit to most altstores currently. I didn't even know gog has an equivalent refund period as steam, although I'm unsure if they allow it after downloading the content.
Stellar Blade will still sell well regardless although if the player base can pressure Sega into removing the censorship that would be an important symbolic victory. Particularly against the hot woman hating bugman at California
>>963076 Sega?
>>963076 Shift up you mean as SEGA has nothing to do with this one.
>>963076 >Sega You are fucking retarded.
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Do we need even more threads like this? Can this kind of rambling not fit in GG or the existing localization drama thread? This pisses me off because my threads get merged or deleted a lot but these argument magnets are never touched
>>963147 Funny how it always devolves into steam vs piracy debates :^)
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>>963147 Why are there so many "complaints" these days about threads and discussions that have been regular on h8chan since the exodus?
>>963166 All control isn't equal. For example, it's bad when wokealyzers ruin games, and good when you're deleted for spamming CP.
>>963090 Wait I just realized stellar blade was made by koreans, nevermind I don't care about gook games.
>>963181 Well, if Stellar Blade does well then I can see gook games becoming more prominent in the industry. Especially since the Japs don't care about their translations being shit, even if the english speaking market is their biggest market.
>>963070 This only flies under the radar because there is no English version, and so when it was approved, there was no English reviewer of its content. It can only get taken down by reporting it, but that requires someone to point out where there's contentious content in the game, and the kind of people who would do that aren't going to buy and play a decently long loli-centric visual novel to find out.
>>963072 >There's some wild shit that's not banned, especially /ss/ >https://store.steampowered.com/app/1455220/Succubus_Farm/ The advertising shows nothing but big titty girls, and the alleged "shota" you claim isn't shown beyond a pixel sprite that's quite nearly as tall as the voluptuous girls.
>>963050 asians are honorary white supremacists because asians actually build civilizations like white people do
>>963076 >Stellar Blade will still sell well Delusional.
>>963190 I can tell you because I've already "played" it Though it's true it's more in line with MGQ's definition of shota. There's https://store.steampowered.com/app/1328890/Succubus_Affection/ as well as a few others I can't remember off the top of my head that are more in line with what you might expect.
>>963244 Anon, it's already sold a million copies, though I bet that the people who bought it will have buyer's remorse once they know of the censorship.
>>963244 It's gotten the two best forms of advertising in the business, word of mouth has been circulating for weeks building up tons of hype pre-release, and hot female characters always sell well. Nier Automata just passed eight million sales with less pre-release hype, You're delusional if you think this isn't cracking at least three million in its lifetime.
>>963283 Who's buying it exactly? Sony or China?
>>963069 I remember Steam removed a VN called Ie no Kagi despite it not having sex scenes just because the artist draws lolis. Then Fakku picked it up to try to be a hero but got rid of it later. >>963050 Tangentially related but yes, it's clear to see that general Western normalfags are beginning to posture against Japan and by extent East Asia. Then again in the case of Stellar Blade, the devs are from South Korea which is one of the most feminist-infected nations in Asia. Plus, pornography is illegal there, so a lot of games (mostly sexy gacha shit) self-censor as to not be scrutinized. So the fact that Stellar Blade got made at all is kind of a wonder, but that they began to crack a little after LITERALLY SAYING IT WOULD NOT BE CENSORED is not surprising. Should just be obvious at this point but just because a game from East Asia is from East Asia doesn't mean they're a bulwark against censorship and injecting stupid shit, they are fully capable and already beginning to make these stupid fucking decisions by themselves.
>>963283 >Anon, it's already sold a million copies And the refunds? And fake sales numbers? Soyny always lie about their sales. >>963285 Where are the sales numbers from trusted (meaning not soyny's false numbers) sources then?
>>963283 1 million for the level of advertising Sony threw at this is nothing.
>>963050 >Baldurs Gate 3 >the idea of cracking down on gore Let's see: - Gore/gib effect - Body mutilations - Cannibalism - Torture (physical and mental) - Sex (sub/dom, straight/gay, tentacles) - Beastiality (not just the bear, but thats cut content) - Mindrape - Incest - Vore (if you count that the victim is a child then add pedophilia too) - Necrophilia - Genitals with jiggle physics - Allowed child abuse and murder I know it's hip to dunk on BG3, but come on nigger! Atleast not lie about it just because its popular and tricked the twatter crowd!
If Japan stops being a right-wing safe haven are you ready to lick China's shoes?
>>963492 Great ad to never play this edgelord junk, thanks.
>>963492 Too bad tt had to take a massive shit to the established lore. >anything involving Viconia in BG3
>>963492 Did you read the post?
>>963514 >anything involving Minsc (canonically went back to his berserker lodge in another country, is still a level 25+ berserker or ranger) or Jaheira (She can solve whatever crisis is threatening the region before breakfast because she's a level 25+ druid)
>>963497 Why would Japan stop being on the side of the winners? The left are losers.
>>963492 >the idea of cracking down on gore, running the localisations and sexual fanservice for Asian games Read.
>>963772 They're individual losers but collective winners as they're more united so their agendas dominate. A group of hyenas can take down a lion.
>>963057 > 99% bottom of the barrel hentai trash and alleged a.i generated image games And nothing of value was lost.
>>963772 Tencent is getting a grip on Japan by offering jobs to anyone who works at the videogame industry, with a worse environment but they pay better, like any other government job: Morals and propaganda first.
>>964481 >No content allowed that depicts great chinese people as something they were not in reality. Can only depict chinks as the worthless slave race they are then.
>>963492 Anon the entire point of this thread is point out the double standard. Only Asian games get hit with these restrictions. In fact your post simply illustrates how western games can get away with whatever they want as long as they make the necessary dei tithes.
>>964481 >No glorification of people who invaded or colonized China Who does that even leave? Abbos and Injuns?

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