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Xbox console sales reportedly flatlining Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 20:40:36 Id: c19dc6 No. 963232
Does this deserve its own thread? I don't know, but I thought the news was interesting enough for a discussion. https://archive.is/A2pQe The article is only a few paragraphs long but I'll still summarize it. >In Microsoft's recently quarter earnings call they claim Xbox sales are down YOY 30% >It was down 30% YOY last year as well >Xbox Series sales reportedly are only at 25 million, putting it roughly on par with the original Xbox from over 20 years ago >Microsoft is already focusing on their next console, claiming it will be their biggest ever technological leap Is anybody surprised? The system has no games. Even their big one in a generation title, Starfield, was a huge disappointment that vanished from the gaming zeitgeist after two weeks.
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Because no one is buying it or the Noegaemes5, as they can just get the games on PC with free online.
Unlock PC mode and turn it into a desktop.
>>963240 Xbox will become a "gaymer PC" brand in the next gen, while PlayStation will do the same one gen later. Mark my words.
>>963245 Or they'll be a store front.
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>>963245 It's already starting. Sony is having Bluepoint or Nixxies, or whoever does their PC ports, add in trophy support to Ghosts of Sushi - and reportedly they'll start adding it in retroactively to already released titles. This will mean that there's a Playstation Network login front-end coming, similar to the Xbox App - just not baked into the OS.
>>963248 Microsoft already tried that at least 3 times an failed miserably in all of them.
>>963258 Yeah, but Sony, as shit as they are, are still more competent than Microsoft.
>>963268 That's fucking sad.
>>963232 >Is anybody surprised? The system has no games. Even their big one in a generation title, Starfield, was a huge disappointment that vanished from the gaming zeitgeist after two weeks. they are going to regret moving away from disks, most game purchases where spur of the moment when shopping and without disks no parents will buy them s gifts ending the flood of new blood into the hobby but it's all good the publishers saved 2 cents on every game they sell without a disk.
>>963275 Microsoft is way bigger than Sony and gets way more funding from the USA governmment, add to that the pajeet and DIE workforce and you get what we have now. Being big means the management is legendarily terrible filled with cocksuckers who fail upwards and fuck everyone involved with whatever project.
>>963277 I doubt it, for them anything is better than dealing with the kikery that is retailers.
>>963232 >>963280 >I doubt it, for them anything is better than dealing with the kikery that is retailers. >>963280 >>963280 >I doubt it, for them anything is better than dealing with the kikery that is retailers. > just you wait till steam finally puts it's competitors out of business and jacks there rates the publishers will wish they stuck with retail, and once the distributor network is gone it will be stupidly expensive to restore.
>>963232 >terrible name that I still see people confused about occasionally >killed their cash cow vidya series with horrible mismanagement >mediocre/forgettable everything else >you can usually play their games on PC instead Gee how could this have happened? Seriously though, they can't buy their way out of terrible management, and until they clean house, the losses will continue. Only positive thing I've heard about the sexbox brand is the GamePass but even then I like to own not rent games.
>>963306 Remember when people said the same about movies? How many people do you think own UHD BluRay players?
>>963280 >>963360 >Remember when people said the same about movies? How many people do you think own UHD BluRay players? > while true the dvd is good enough and the bluray markup was always the problem to sales but has the move to subscription services been more profitable than just selling dvd's was.
Steam winning by doing absolutely nothing will never not be hilarius to me.
>>963376 Honestly, you can blame that on the industry being run by out of touch marketing people who don't understand the industry and what gamers want. There was a good video on the subject by a guy who made a Fast & Furious who worked with Bandai Namco and said that they forced SJW shit on the game because they legitimately thought that's what people wanted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIkUy9YcDko
>>963568 You're right about one thing, they're just doing what upper management is telling them to do for a paycheck, that doesn't mean that marketing couldn't just be straight up lying in the first place.
How much of this is just the gaming industry flatlining and how much of that is industry in general flatlining? The economy's not doing too good.
>>963932 It's more unique to Xbox, the other consoles aren't doing this bad. Even with the PS5 being the worst preforming PlayStation it's still well above of where Xbox is. I'm not plugged in to consoles enough to give you a good answer as to why, but it's definitely not the standard.
>>963935 >Everything sells worse than before >Everything sells worse than decades old products <"muh this is not the standard" The industry is dying, like it or not.
>>963993 The Switch is doing better than the Wii. They're a AAA level publisher but they deal mostly in AA titles and they're doing fine. It's the fools chasing AAA COD/GTA/Fortnite money that are losing and dying off.
>>963993 That's just wishful thinking, sorry El Brasilero. Vidya is doing better now than it ever has, like it or not :^)
>>963993 Retards are buying microtransactions, not games, that's why. Issue is, outside of mobile, it's on the same annual stagnant games. Only platforms seeing actual growth are PC, Nintendo and Smartphones, but that last one has peaked in terms of hardware sales despite stupid explosive uncontrolled growth, same with Nintendo, though if they produce a similar product to the Switch which has caught the attention of many mobile brains, they'll make bank. Just wonder if they can do it, the price/hardware upgrade along with the third party support need to be just right. Only platform right now with slow/medium steady growth is PC in terms of Hardware and Software.
>>964094 The 2010s has had people without any computer able to game on consoles and work on phones, but ever since 2020 with work from home, people have been playing games on the hardware they bought for work. >>964105 My pocketable handheld will be the replacement :^) >>963993 The game market has a supply oversaturation, on the indie side you have asset flip shovelware or abandoned early access, and on the gAAAy side you have rushed releases and unfun games spurred on by managers and CEOs who play the finance game rather than their own games. At the end of the day making games is a creative job, and large corporations hedging their bets on "big games nobody else can afford to make" is exactly the egocentricness that make most of their games splat rather than bounce. Work from home hopefully sucks up more indie devs who make uninspired games.
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Xbox is now being outsold by the PS5 by 500%. Reminder that the PS5 isn't selling fantastic to begin with and sales are reportedly falling significantly for them as well. >This week, Sony and Microsoft both reporting earnings, and with that, gaming division information. Microsoft only posted financials, not exact figures, with a 31% hardware sales drop, and while Sony had a 29% drop as well, they reported 4.5 million consoles shipped. >Now, using available data and their own calculations, analysts are saying that this past quarter, they believe that PS5 out-shipped Xbox Series X/S close to 5:1. That would put Xbox shipments at around 800,000-900,000 for the quarter. Dismal numbers. Less than a million sales in a quarter. These are Wii U numbers, though the Series X/S had a better initial launch. There are also reports Xbox is already focusing on their next console.
>>970352 > though the Series X/S had a better initial launch Because of COVID/Semiconductor crisis low production and scalpers buying them en masse. Now reality is settling in.
>>970352 they sold 5 PS5s
Fascinating how the only generation where exclusives we're system sellers, and not hardware or features, was 7th one. It was already defilling on the 8th one and now it's just a desert. Once someones sells a cheap PC with Linux to play games at, console is over for good.
>>970832 >Once someones sells a cheap PC with Linux to play games at, console is over for good. What difference would that make? If you're interested in Linux, it's not hard to install it yourself.
>>963997 >>964065 He's not wrong the industry is falling apart.
>>970836 Its not about linux, its about the Deck having really good specs for an afforable price. And you can even tinker with it to improve it yourself.
>>963232 I can't help but wonder if consoles are on their way out, and this is just another sign of things to come. There was a time when plugging up a box to your television and bringing gaming into your house was a significant experience, because computers were for work and couldn't do much beyond typing. Now it's like we keep them alive out of tradition. You no longer need to spend $600 on a console, especially if there's only one game coming up that you care about, because your PC is vital to running your entire existence and already does gaming and more.
>>985253 >necrobumping awful I doubt it honestly. I've heard this line for over ten years now, I still remember when the "WE'RE RUNNING OUT OF SPACE FOR THE INTERNET" people said the PS4 would be the last console because we didn't need hardware better than it or something. The Switch is one of the bestselling consoles ever, I think what will happen is the role of consoles will change. Xbox and PlayStation are posting their worst console sales figures ever, and that's not because of COVID as much as people want to claim it was. Imo Xbox will drop out, Sony will absorb their customer base and console market will split in two: a "high-end" system by Sony, and a "low-end" system by Nintendo. Nintendo's systems will sell better and be more popular with the average gamer while PlayStation will have more AAA games and be popular with "core" gamers. Throughout this PC will become bigger and becomes the Big Tent of gaming. I don't care about mobile but that will probably be huge with casuals also.
>>985255 I think both Xbox and PS have made stupid decisions over what sectors of the market they want. Those sectors can get similar experiences from Steam now. It used to be that you buy a console for the exclusives, but Xbox and Playstation have completely destroyed all their first party studios, and censor third parties, so they have no exclusives. Even the few they technically made, they gave up and are putting them on Steam. So why else would you buy one of these pieces of hardware? Like collecting physical media? The manufacturers don't want you doing that, and even if you buy the disc (when available) you have to download substantial parts of the game after, so you'll never actually own the whole game. Do you want the thing to be plug 'n play? Again, massive downloads ruin that. It's still easier than a lot of PC stuff, but it's not really easier than Steam Deck. So the price is the only factor they have left, but again, certain things like the Steam Deck are starting to become more competitive there. Switch still wins on all these fronts, but the hardware isn't as powerful. So you're left with two markets. People who want the more powerful hardware to run AAA slop, who will just get a Steam Deck or whatever, because if you're gonna do that, at least the Steam Deck is better at it than a PS or Xbox (and does let you do other shit, though you don't need the fancy new hardware for that so it's not as big a factor), and people who want fun games for a cheap price, which are relatively simple to set up, and they'll get a Nintendo, assuming Nintendo doesn't fuck up royally with their next hardware. There probably could be room in the market for more competition, but Sony and Xbox chose badly with how they want to compete. If someone came in and tried to do a plug 'n play with actual fun exclusives for a reasonable price, they could compete with Nintendo, but it's the exclusives that are key. Who could do that? Sega? They're still probably the closest thing to a possibility. They have a lot of big games that might sell, and the biggest brand awareness of anyone left. But they're a fucking retarded company and always have been. I see no reason they wouldn't fuck up again just like they did with their previous four pieces of home console hardware (and I'm a huge fan of those. But obviously they fucked up).
>>985259 >better at it than a PS or Xbox I know its easy to make dumb comparisons, but the Deck is literally 800p and runs on a fucking APU, on top of being nearly the same cost as a PS5/Xbox as its cheapest model with getting basically no storage or accessories (including a dock). The specs are not comparable. Nobody is getting a fucking Steam Deck compared to even a flopped Xbox or PS. You're right about people generally switching to PC (and by extension, Steam) though and your other criticisms about them are otherwise spot-on, but anything regarding the Deck being an actual, relevant competitor to any of the big 3 as of yet is just delusion. Maybe in another 10 years or so it might start to become something of note, but definitely not any time soon.
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>>985259 >Switch still wins on all these fronts, but the hardware isn't as powerful As a personal opinion, anyone who bitches about that being a "legitimate" problem can fuck off for all I care. I'm tired of companies chasing this "endlessly pushing technology" meme when all the games we're getting are just rereleases of games from 10-25 years ago. The Switch is more than powerful enough to play those games. So considering the system to be a "limitation" tells me everything I need to know, that these developers cannot program for shit, which also indicates that they likely won't release a good game worth playing. >Who could do that? The "quiet" part about releasing a game console that very few people consider is the tens of millions that have to spent on R&D. Not in regards to the system specs, but designing things like a functional controller, system UI, and even meeting various government regulations. It doesn't help matters that the EU pushes through regulations in the tech industry at the drop of a hat, intending to harm Apple but wrapping around and kneecapping everyone else from being able to compete.
>>985276 I don't own a Steam Deck and was just being generous. I assume it's more plug n play than most stuff that plays Steam, and that covers basically any game someone would want on PS or Xbox. That's the point. Without exclusives, those brands have nothing. They're chasing third party AAA shit, and even if that's what you want, other options are becoming more normalfag friendly.

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