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Game of the Month #8 (May Edition): Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure (NDS) Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 10:34:31 Id: eba576 No. 964077
>What is this? This is exactly how it sounds: A game is chosen each month (which will be relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't necessarily to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! or you can forget about it. It's up to you. THIS MONTH: A very quirky mix of platforming and puzzle game, Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure. >Where do I get this? https://cdromance.org/nds-roms/henry-hatsworth-in-the-puzzling-adventure-europe/ Use the workaround from previous GotM threads to figure out how to grab it >How does it play? A mix between Tetris Attack/Panel de Pon shoutout to Lipfag - stay strong, brother and a bog standard platformer with some light combat. It's definitely an unique type of experience and the British Grand Adventure type vibes it gives are something that feels very earnest, especially considering it was released by EA of all publishers. As a sign of how much we've strayed from the path of dudes just wanting to have fun, the company even released the OST for free ( https://soundcloud.com/gene-m-rozenberg/sets/hatsworth-1 though I am not sure if this is the original upload or a reup). GUIDELINES FOR FUTURE GotMs: Poll for MONTH YEAR: https://poal.me/t9blp3 If you do not like any of the games in the poll, you can either add a new entry manually, or reply to the OP with a different suggestion. Don't come crying to me if you don't like the game, blame democracy. If you DO suggest a game though, please, report all relevant information on the game (magnet/dl link, interesting mods, guides, tutorials on tech, speedrun etc.). Feel free to suggest any and every game you can think of, bonus points if it's games that barely anyone has played or talks about in the [Current Year] or that fit the month thematically. However, try and follow these rules: 1) No game that relies on modern hardware. If the game cannot be pirated or emulated properly, or no working emulator for the game exists, most people won't be able to enjoy it, rendering the thread kind of pointless; 2) No always-online games, meaning no live service games or mobile games that are dependent on external servers, unless a backup instance of said servers has been created by its fans or the offline content is significantly larger than the online content; 3) For multiplayer games, provide only free to play games that let players create their own servers, or games with local multiplayer that can be set up to play online (requires someone to be a hostfag, or, and may Allah forgive me for uttering these words, using Parsec); 4) No game that requires gimmicky controls to be enjoyable (guitar pedals, Wiimotes, cameras etc.) unless they can be easily remapped or translated into some other control scheme. Previous Games of the Month: https://rentry.co/p58zse2f OP Copypasta: https://rentry.co/akaqy3oq
Edited last time by Zoom on 05/02/2024 (Thu) 07:53:57.
Oh I'll definitely be sitting this one out, good job on the obscure pick though. >unknown.spam Might want to contact the mods about that filter, OP.
>>964079 Thank you for the heads up on the links. >I'll definitely be sitting this one out Be sure to cast your own vote for next year's, though!
>>964077 >and a bog standard multiplayer with some light combat Platformer, OP. It's a 2D platformer. Fix your autocorrect. >It's definitely an unique type of experience and the British Grand Adventure type vibes it gives are something that feels very earnest, especially considering it was released by EA of all publishers. Can't emphasise this enough. At the time of release, EA were actively trying to seem less evil, pulling stunts like replacing their CEO, buttering up John Carmack (ie. publishing his next game, 'RAGE'), and letting their internal studios work on something other than annual sportsball releases. Hatsworth was a product of that brief window in EA's history, alongside more well-known shit like Mirror's Edge and Brütal Legend. Someone on the dev team must've loved Banjo-Kazooie / classic British videogames, because it absolutely nails the same kind of vibe; campy writing, gibberish noises when characters speak, and 'gently' offensive stereotypes all over the place. Just pay close attention to the lyrics of "Banson's Aria" (OP's 3rd image / soundtrack link), and you'll get what they were going for. The game is generally linear in its stage order, but as you earn or buy new abilities and upgrades, you're encouraged to backtrack and poke around the old stages for new routes / completionist bonuses. You play with d-pad and buttons for the top screen, and touch controls for the lower one, mainly focusing on the former. Once you let a defeated enemy fall off the top screen (ie. you stop juggling them for money and combo points), they land inside the 'puzzle realm', where a quick color-match will fully kill them and grant health / energy / other effects, creating a unique little symbiotic 'loop' between the two gameplay styles. Might still have the original cartridge somewhere; I remember thinking "This is the last EA game I'll ever buy" (it was), and beating it back then, but not going for 100%. This'll be a good excuse to go digging for it.
I fucking love this game. It's also the first game I ever pirated, before saving up enough to buy a used copy at GameStop. Good memories.
>>964077 Definitely one of those titles everyone remembers playing fondly. Presentation and main gimmick aside, the combat is really repetitive and the platforming isn't that challenging either. Wish it had a sequel with more responsive controls and a faster pace, but I presume it was kept on the slower lane because the DS was still quite the novel handheld and the devs figured people would have a hard time switching their attention between the screens too fast.
(102.61 KB 1177x1200 lip-pdp.jpg)

This should've been a Panel de Pon adventure, but the panels would be diegetic and exist in-world, leaving you to solve puzzles by panel swapping blocks in your way.
>>964249 When's lip coming to smash?
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>>964384 Who's lip coming to smash?
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>>964077 >The game where you play as a Rothschild <Right after it was confirmed that the big jew has died
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>>964077 GOOD SHOW! One of my favorite DS action games with TWEWY and the Trauma Center duology, really stellar presentation and music. Especially the first and last bosses. The final boss and twist were silly in good fun but they caught me off guard. The game becomes really tough when you play in hard mode with how fast the bottom screen puzzles play, new enemy placement IIRC and even small mistakes being very punishing but fair. Pic related in hard was the hardest challenge in the game, as hard as Irisu in Rabi-Ribi's hard mode. Absolute banger to speak in zoomer terms, makes you wonder how this game could have been made by EA of all companies. Really made me reconsider my stance about western games being uninspired in general. Just listen to heavy metal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JFGZKU7xwE
It's really sad this game only ever had the one installment, it came out at around the same time and with a similar vibe to stuff like Professor Layton, if EA actually gave a shit they could have made an entire series out of it to dominate the DS market. Then again they're EA so it's more likely a blessing in disguise that this game got made and kindly forgotten about instead of whored out then taken out back behind the shed.
>>964626 >>965303 EA cares what sells, not what's good. Their suits see $$$ and think, "why make a Henry Hatsworth and not a Madden NFL?"
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Before looking it up I thought the game's title was Mr. Domino, and anon had appended the rest as a braggadocious remark. That would have been excellent.
Holy shit I completely forgot I need to make a thread tomorrow Never buy a house, kids

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