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XDefiant launches May 21 Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 22:51:16 Id: db53fe No. 964748
After constant push backs and delays XDefiant will finally be releasing on May 21st 2024. For those not in the know, XDefiant is the most recent attempt by Ubisoft to cash on the Call of Duty audience. It's basically free to play Call of Duty for those that just wanna get back from work and play a few round of team deathmatch without having to buy a 70 dollar game every year. Honestly, I can't believe I'm saying this but I sincerely hope that Ubisoft and the former CoD devs that are working on this are able to put pressure on Activision to actually change up the Call of Duty formula to a point where they're forced to take a more lax approach to moderation. I think this will either be a massive success or a giant shitshow. Either way I decided to make a thread for the game since it'll probably be all over the net when the game launches. I just hope they follow through on their promise to support Linux via Proton.
>>964748 I'm more in awe of the fact you have any degree of hope or faith in a fucking ubishit product. Especially a f2p triple gAAAy game. >maybe this will pressure them to improve CoD It won't.
CoDllers don't play CoD because it's good, they play it because it's CoD. It could legit be the best game ever and totally free and they wouldn't touch it.
>>964753 You're right, although sometimes I just pick up a game, shoot things, use power ups and win/lose depending on how well the team did. I don't wanna think about map sizes or player counts or objectives. I just quickly wanna pick up a game, and fuck around.
>>964756 >I just quickly wanna pick up a game, and fuck around I hear ya. I don't play multiplayer much anymore, but I used to do that every day after work. Maybe this game will magically avoid the modern ubishit touch of death. Maybe it will avoid the worst of the f2p ass cancer I am expecting to see this loaded with. I haven't followed this game at all so I have no idea. Maybe you will be right that they can at least drive some reason for other games like CoD to actually improve since there are competitors positioned to siphon off users if they remain complacent.
>>964758 At the very least people can try it out for the first month and see how it goes. I'm expecting it to turn out to be garbage because Ubisoft hasn't put out a good game in decades. Although I also know they put a lot of money into this project and got a bunch of ex-CoD developers onto this game. We'll see how it turns out, at the very least it'll be fun to shit on come the 21st.
>Installing Ubisoft malware into my computer >A fucking F2P COD clone at that No thanks, how large is this garbage anyway? 100GB?
>>964763 65GB for it.
>>964748 >I sincerely hope that Ubisoft and the former CoD devs that are working on this are able to put pressure on Activision It would need to not be shit, and since it's modern Ubisoft that's not happening.
>>964748 Looking at those characters, I hope it fails.
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>>965015 Seems the specs have changed a bit.
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>Free to Play >Call of Duty >Ubisoft Or, I could just suck on the open valve of a sewage truck if I wanted to drown myself in racid shit that badly.
it should have came out during modern warfare 2 2022, now that the new cod is good nobody cares about "cod killers" or alternatives
>>969965 >now that the new cod is good What universe are you from? MW3 2023 was hated even by IGN.
>>969970 good compared to mw2 2022, not good in general
>>969970 Fuck are you on about? Normalfags despise NuWhorefare3 even more than NuWhorefare2.
<Ubisoft's COD-Like Shooter XDefiant Is Unplayable For Many On Launch Day >Players are reporting that they are unable to join matches in the free-to-play game. Ubisoft said in response, "Please bear with us while we look into servers and matchmaking!" Rubin, for his part, posted a silly GIF on social media with the caption, "Matchmaking servers go boom!" He said the team is working to address the problems >XDefiant is out now and is in the midst of a "preseason" event before Season 1 begins later this year. The preseason includes five factions from various Ubisoft's games. The first four are the Cleaners, Libertad, Echelon, and Phantoms, which will be available to everyone immediately. The fifth faction, Dedsec, will be available to unlock or purchase. The preseason also includes 14 maps, five game modes, and 24 weapons. While most game modes will be 6v6, the preseason will also include a 4v4 ranked practice playlist, which includes the same rules as the real ranked mode coming in Season 1 >As a free-to-play game, XDefiant makes money from microtransactions. Ubisoft recently clarified that while the game allows players to buy all manner of cosmetic items, there are no pay-to-win mechanics https://archive.is/uW5Ld
>>964748 Just played a few rounds now, and yeah, it's certainly F2P CoD. Exactly what I wanted minus Team Deathmatch.
Cool, now delete this thread
>>970971 So is it better or worse than CoD in your opinion. I have no intention of touching anything ubishit related, but I'm just curious if the CoD niggers are going to panic over it.
>>971032 It's hard to say since I haven't spend 60 dollars on a Call of Duty game since 2014, and even then it's missing the stable Team Deathmatch mode that even CoD mobile has.
>>964748 I played it with some friends and had either easy lobbies or got completely destroyed. my thoughts are simple: >ugly women >standard cod gameplay >gamemodes are uninspired
>>971086 Pretty much, I think that for a popcorn shooter that you just wanna put a couple of rounds into it should be fine.
>>964748 Why did you even make this thread? Idiot. As if Jewbisoft is not going to be filled with ugly, androgynous women, niggers, fats, and purple haired troons. Fuck you.

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