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Anonymous 05/05/2024 (Sun) 16:30:51 Id: c0f7fe No. 965638
I'm writing a chronicle of the creation of Snoot Game for its 3rd anniversary in one month. It is practically finished already, but I still haven't been able to find the full outcome of 2 events: 1. Why exactly did Kate Gray leave the GVH dev team? I have only ever read rumours that she was fired after being cancelled the day it was revealed, but I wish I had actual concrete confirmation of the real reason and circumstance. I know she was already out by July, but was she really fired (and was it really due to the twitter drama) or quit on her own or something else entirely? I can't find solid proof on anything. 2. What happened during workanon's marriage counseling? I was able to find his posts up to the point his wife finds his fang stash and they talk it out and decide to go to counseling. As far as I can tell, they were still married in 2022, so there's this gap in his story. Though I do admit that I might be getting a bit lazy here, this is one of the last topics I'm writing and I don't have as much patience to dive in several archived threads to look for info these days as I had a few months ago, so maybe someone can point me directly to where his later posts are. I prefer links and sources that I can check myself rather than just being told what happened, but any information that helps me keep digging is appreciated.
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what the fuck is this thread about lmao
>>965638 You could try the Kiwifarms thread on Goodbye Volcano High, I guess.
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>>965648 You think the guy at Capcom who designed that loli knows as soon as the game launches that models is going to get lewded to high hell, and he's doing everything in his power to try and prevent the inevitable fate of his daughter from getting fucked in porn animations, and that's the main thing delaying the game?
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>>965654 >put a model of your daughter in a game >be offended when rule 34 kicks in Come on, I thought the nips were smarter than that.
>>965648 It seems pretty clearly worded and explained, anon. You might just be retarded.
>>965654 To be fair, the game is most likely canned
>>965638 I don't know enough about all the Snoot e-drama to help you anon. Sorry
>>965638 there's a video made a guy on youtube, i don't know if its all but its somewhat comprehensive
>>966002 >13:18 >Sweet baby latched on the project Wew lad, I didn't even really care too much about snoot game but this video is really interesting. Hell, I might try snoot game out. I don't exactly hate visual novels but it's been forever since I gave a shit about one.
>>966006 >Sweet baby Oh hey, I remember this name from the GamerGate thread I always ignore. What do they do?
>>966224 Honestly they don't do much despite all the claims you hear, they're a useless consulting company. They got a lot of controversy because of things some of their employees said on Twitter.
>>966238 Nice try nigger.
>>966224 They wrote the script after the main writer got fired.
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>>966238 >SBI >Honestly they don't do much despite all the claims you hear JEW, GO HOME
>>966238 Yeah I'm sure pushing the DEI social engineering agenda on games studios is nothing.
Even if Sweet Baby was all talk (I'm not making that argument), crucifying them can still deter people who aren't all talk from ruining games.
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I didn't find answer to those questions I posted on the OP, so I left them unsolved. http://c5dr3kuaz2b4cwi5buojic6xftwipyhou6a3keyvdp22hdq3zbha7tid.onion/archive/texts/snoot.xhtml
>>965648 >>965654 This needs to be updated.

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