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Switch Successor Confirmed Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 07:06:49 Id: b05455 No. 966175
https://twitter.com/NintendoCoLtd/status/1787736518762881197 It's being annonced within this financial year, so January. Gives the Switch one more holiday period to sell like hotcakes and hopefully break the PS2's 160M record.
Japans fiscal year extends to March of next year so the announcement will likely be January, February or March as I doubt they'll want to compromise Christmas sales.
>>966175 Its just an announcement, I think its probably going to be this year and its release probably late next year
>>966189 It's not going to be this year
>>966175 I keep saying it every thread regarding this; if they don't AT LEAST bring back Free Online as a show of good faith consumer-wise, they're as dead to me as Sony and Microsoft.
>>966196 Not gonna happen, just like how debased money never re-bases, they saw that people will pay for Nintendo Online despite the pricetag and despite the fact it was free once, and will force their players to buy it again. Maybe in the Iwata era, but Iwata and his ideals are long gone, and so is the Nintendo I once loved.
>>966175 Only thing I care about is what hardware it will be using. Hopefully it's based on Thor or Atlan but if it's gonna be Orin shit is gonna suck, except for emulators.
>>966202 Iwata died in 2015. Xeno started in 1998, 17 years earlier, and Xenoblade started in 2010, 5 years earlier. If you're gonna shitpost about one of the least slop-like series on Switch, at least know the most basic things about it.
>>966175 I'm impressed you noticed the tweet half an hour from it being posted. What can we expect for launch titles?
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I wonder how that anon who kept posting that there will never be a new Nintendo console feels? I've been the guy posting all the leaks about this system, it was reportedly meant to have launched already but they wanted to ensure a good software lineup. >>966206 That's the crazy thing! Almost nothing has leaked about the software. One leaker described Nintendo EDP as Fort Knox, the most we have is a possible BOTW remaster that was shown to devs at GDC running on an early version of the Switch 2, but that might have just been a tech demo. There's been speculation Prime 4 will be there, but it's just that - speculation. We have essentially nothing concrete.
>>966216 >There's been speculation Prime 4 will be there Not a bad guess, they did modernize the engine through the Switch remaster. 4 could be done and they're waiting for the successor if Switch is too underpowered.
>>966216 >BOTW remaster
>>966191 >It's not going to be this year <0.000003 seconds later <WHY THE SWITCH PRO/SWITCH 2 IS COMING OUT IN 2024! <80 million articles from YouTubers and (((journalists))) on how they were never actually wrong about the release date in the last 7 years Just wait.
You'll have Nintendo fags shilling the new specs and praising the better performance despite spending years defending it's god awful performance.
What's your wish list of features? Focus on battery life is top priority. How many hours can 720/800/1080p achieve?
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>>966226 ~Game development is my passion~ Specs are reportedly around the PS4's level, so about as powerful as a Steam Deck perhaps? There claims it's also using AI upscaling.
>>966231 A fucking game I'd want to play.
>>966234 Still more games the cuckbox and nogaems5.
>>966175 I wonder how that anon who kept posting that there will never be a new Nintendo console feels? He'll just ass-pull new lies to continue the circus of insincerity. These people are stuck in a time warp to console wars, seeing "Nintendo" triggers butt-PTSD from years of losing arguments so they dream up exaggerated bullshit to feel better. Just look at this thread.
Forgot to quote. >>966175 >I wonder how that anon who kept posting that there will never be a new Nintendo console feels? He'll just ass-pull new lies to continue the circus of insincerity. These people are stuck in a time warp to console wars, seeing "Nintendo" triggers butt-PTSD from years of losing arguments so they dream up exaggerated bullshit to feel better. Just look at this thread.
And meant >>966216. In a rush.
>>966199 Yeah, I know they won't now that realized they can get away with it. One of a hundred things that makes me pine for the death of every complacent niggercattle normalfag who enabled this. I'd say "they get what they deserve" but all that's really done is drag me down with them when they leap onto something else I love like locusts. >Maybe in the Iwata era, but Iwata and his ideals are long gone, and so is the Nintendo I once loved. God, how was he the lynchpin against Nintendo going to shit? He wasn't THAT high on the totem pole I don't think.
>>966231 >What's your wish list of features? Specs at a level economically rational for 3rd parties to port games, and exclusives as numerous and as fun as the Switch lineup. On the latter the Switch has big shoes to fill. I'm cautiously optimistic. >>966248 >God, how was he the lynchpin against Nintendo going to shit? He wasn't THAT high on the totem pole I don't think. I'm glad you're ignorant enough on Nintendo to think the President and CEO of the whole company "wasn't that high on the totem pole," so the rest of your ill-informed spergout can be put into the garbage.
>>966231 Honestly. I just want them to bring back all the cool portable features from the 3DS. I don't see this being more powerful than the Steam Deck, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if the hardware was done years ago, and Nintendo is just sitting on it in order for them to make some games in advance for the platform. That being said, I hope they make the OS fun to use again rather than what we got with the Switch.
>>966232 >Specs are reportedly around the PS4's level, so about as powerful as a Steam Deck perhaps? Realistically Nintendo will target the same power envelope as the current Switch (15W), so I'd expect it to perform worse than the Deck (25W) which can reach PS4 jet engine levels of noise at peak power usage. To achieve that 15W, the Switch 2 will most likely use dual channel LPDDR5 with 8GB or 16GB of memory depending on how much Nintendo feels like torturing themselves.
Here's your specs bro
>>966231 >What's your wish list of features? • Better performance. (which is a given) • Intelligent performance scaling for improved battery life. • Better display resolution, OLED with high refresh, HDR & freesync. (unlikely) • More ergonomic with analog triggers. (unlikely to get analog triggers back at this point) • Fast-charging. Conform to normal charging standards instead of forcing others to support yours. (unlikely) • Dual USB-C ports so you can charge while also using an accessory. (unlikely) • As close to no bezels as possible. (there are many phones with slimmer bezels, fix it already) • Easy to softmod it & pirate games, but I guess that's an unintended feature. • Make it a foldable for best portability. No good for idiots who can't take care of a soft screen so it'll never happen. • Bring back 3D gimmick for the lulz.
>>966222 To clear something up, the post you arrowed is talking about the successor's announcement, not release. >>966181 said the successor's announcement will likely be next year. >>966189 disagreed, saying the announcement will probably be this year. >>966181 came back in >>966191 to say the announcement won't be this year. The announcement could be later this year, but it's obviously unlikely the successor's released this year, as the time between the Switch's announcement and release was 2 years. If the successor was announced today, that timeframe puts the successor's release mid-2026.
>>966262 >8GB DOA.
>>966263 >folding screen Enjoy having a crease in the middle of your gameplay from the very first second you use the device until the moment it inevitably snaps in half. No. Folding screens are a "Take that, Apple!" meme and nothing more.
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>>966216 >I wonder how that anon who kept posting that there will never be a new Nintendo console feels? I don't remember anyone actually saying that. The "closest" was people joking that Nintendo could release a "Switch 2" with only marginally better performance and nothing more. And going by this Anon's comment, that seems to be the case: >>966255 >>966231 >What's your wish list of features? There's not A SINGLE FUCKING THING Nintendo can do that will make me buy their systems at this point. The problems I have extend far beyond their consoles, which include issues such as, but are not limited to: >The people at Treehouse still exist >Nintendo embracing DEI policies >Majority of the platforms library being the same games that I already own or can already buy >Nintendo telling their legacy fans to essentially "Fuck off and shut up" >>966272 Why is there suddenly a lot of "Get a job" posts floating acting as if "money" is the problem people have and not everything else?
>>966262 Where do these specs come from? I hesitate to take a random PNG of some text at face value.
>>966234 Yep. >>966175 I haven't played the last two jewtendo consoles, and I don't see that changing.
>>966282 but you emulated them, right?
>>966284 Nah. Not the switch or wii u. 3DS was the last I gave a shit about.
>>966274 >Why is there suddenly a lot of "Get a job" posts floating acting as if "money" is the problem people have and not everything else? When a new technology comes out, it's not affordable & it's okay to harp on the shortcomings, but after it has existed on the market for years & those shortcomings are all but ironed out then calling it a meme while exaggerating problems that are mostly in the past is just saying you are too poor to afford it.
>>966222 (checked) Why would they Why would they fuck up their Switch Xmas holidays sales? That would make no sense.
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>>966248 >>966250 >Iwata wasn't THAT high on the totem pole I don't think.
>>966294 Funny thing is that he's still revered almost eight years after his death.
>>966295 He was a hell of a guy. From his mouth: >On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer. It's hard to find that kind of overlap.
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>>966196 It's not even the subscription service. (tbh, the subscription service isn't that bad anyways -- what, 20 bucks a year? that's fine, the expansion pack is bs, though). What do I want for Switch 2? >>966263 >#1: Return to the Virtual Console (let us buy & more importantly own older Nintendo titles -- having them tied to a subscription isn't fun, but at least if anything good has come from it is the online multiplayer). >#2. Give us themes to decorate the background. >#3. Backwards compatibility + allows us to move our digital game library from the Switch to the next console. >#4. Another gimmicky controller design. (because Nintendo's controller design lately is pretty standard and bland -- Nintendo used to make cool controllers). >#5. More USB ports? (for more controllers) >#6. A better battery (I heard the current Switch will break and not turn back on if you don't charge it for 6 months -- so charge your Switches at least once every 6 months).
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>>966231 The only thing I wish for is another Nvidia fuck up so I have a reason to buy the system. If not, I'll just buy steam deck and emulate the super switch a couple years later on my souped up tablet with controllers bolted to it.
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>>966276 >Where do these specs come from? I hesitate to take a random PNG of some text at face value. Those specs come from Anon's imagination. >>966291 >Why would they fuck up their Switch Xmas holidays sales? That would make no sense. To increase the sales of this one while the tail of Switch releases dwindle, but there's still no way it comes out before this Xmas. >>966301 >Why is there suddenly a lot of "Get a job" posts floating acting as if "money" is the problem people have and not everything else? Why might a fat fuck navel-gazing about metabolism be told to lose weight as if "fat" is the problem they have and not everything else? Because "everything else" isn't the problem they have. The actual problem persuades no one while other shit might. He cut to the chase.
>>966307 Backwards compatibility is a good bet with how well Switch games still sell.
>>966276 I dunno, I saw them before. Although it seems realistic enough to be true.
>>966267 The Series S only has 10 GB of memory, with 2GB of it being slow memory for system processes, so 8GB is probably fine.
>>966353 I still think it should be 16GB, but I don't expect Nintendo to release something modern.
>>966175 So what you're saying is, the Switch is going to get cheaper soon.
>>966357 >Which is the best Smash so far in a lot of ways. Project M was better
>the Switch is 9 years old, nearly 10 by now What the fuck, i thought it was introduced in 2017
>>966336 I need more of that lil slut
>>966368 Anon, can you not read? The Switch was announced as the NX in 2015
>>966368 Furukawa tweeted it's been over 9 years since Nintendo announced the Switch, not since they released it. The Switch was released in March 2017, 7 years and 2 months ago.
>>966325 Why make it backward compatible when you can force people to pay forever for a subscription to Nintendo Online Plus (not the base plan) in order to access old games you already own and probably bought three times already?
>>966362 Project M was cool, have you followed PMEX REMIX? King Bob made some stunning trailers, like this for the PMEX reveal of Isaac from Golden Sun. https://youtube.com/watch?v=PgywxZuhvNw
>>966396 >>966387 They won't make a subscription for old games but they will probably re-sell Switch games for the new console, just like how they practically re-released every single fucking Wii-U game on the Switch with the exception of a few shovelware titles and Zombi-U (and Splatoon 1). They are probably seeing how well Skyrim sells despite being the same game every time.
>>966396 You are literally the fucking problem with all modern economic activity. >>966402 They did that because the WiiU didn't sell. The Switch sold like gangbusters. I wouldn't say there's any reason to re-release Switch games Other than Smash Ultimate, releasing the entire game with all DLC as a single purchase on Switch2, then adding even more characters/stages/etc. on top.
>>966391 Yeah, PMEX is also cool although the team did a rebrand recently. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXB0wiRHO1Q
>>966404 The Wii-U didn't sell as much as the Switch but it still sold well, especially after Kerfuffle and Mario Kart 8 released.
>>966408 What are you talking about? Its one of the worst-selling Nintendo consoles ever, in fact it might be the worst selling Nintendo home console, period.
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>>966398 >thought anon was a schizo >turns out I was the schizo fugg
>>966408 >but it still sold well >13 Million Delusional, Nintendo was losing money by the minute the moment they released that piece of shit.
>>966336 >And if you're going to play that game buy going "Look at all the exclusives on the Switch just on raw numbers alone", it still pails in comparison to the amoutn of "exclusives" on Nintendo's previous systems such as the 3DS , NDS, and the Wii. This is a result of a broad trend against exclusivity, not a Nintendo-specific problem. It does decrease the value of the console but it's not clear Nintendo could have done anything about it. They could have made more games, but I don't actually think it's possible for them to get to prior generations' numbers of exclusives without the participation of third parties. Those publishers for the most part are no longer interested in forgoing the extra sales from releasing on PC. That does still mean buying a Switch wasn't a great decision unless you were a hardcore Splatoon or Smash player or something like that, and at least in Splatoon's case Nintendo drove a lot of those people away with the subscription service. >>966408 I liked the Wii U but it was a sales disaster.
>>966408 >The Wii-U didn't sell as much as the Switch but it still sold well >it still sold well God damn, nintendo has you by the balls. The only thing that crashed harder was the fucking virtual boy and that's only because nintendo knew they had a hot mess and dumped it to support their more successful consoles at the time. The wii-u had no safety net to fall back on so I can easily see nintendo try to push it on a lukewarm market.
>>966427 At least the virtual boy wasn't a flagship console, it was basically an experimental side gimmick like the Kinect. They released the 64 less than a year afterwards.
>>966422 >It does decrease the value of the console but it's not clear Nintendo could have done anything about it. There's two very simple things they could have done. First is pay for games to be released exclusively on their systems (Like what Snowy and M$ have been doing for years) , second is pay for third parties to make exclusive games (Like what Sega and Snowy did). >I liked the Wii U but it was a sales disaster. That's actually a big example of what I just said. The system had third part support up the wazoo up through 2014, then...absolutely nothing. No attempts to court or secure third-part support whatsoever. And the only "third-party" games released afterwards were all projects approved personally by Iwata, with the only games to by released unmolested was Platinum's W101 and Bayo 2 (Technically Devil's Third as well, but Treehouse took almost every measure possible to kneecap the release of that).
>>966442 >First is pay for games to be released exclusively on their systems (Like what Snowy and M$ have been doing for years) You're years out of date, Sony and MS don't routinely do this anymore and now even their first-party games come to PC. Xbox Series has literally zero exclusives and PS5 is in the single digits.
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>>966408 >The Wii-U didn't sell as much as the Switch but it still sold well Maybe it didn't hurt them as much their competitors where they sold their consoles at a loss, but the Gamecube sold more units that the Wii U did and that was originally their worst selling console! It explains why they pivoted to a different direction with the Wii.
>>966345 Information is scarce while rumors are plentiful, and most leaks don't pan out, so I take spec reports with a grain of salt.
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>>966481 > contributing to the decline of the game industry Hogwarts Legacy is 85 GB on PC. The Switch elbow drops that bloated mess to a modest 15GB. Nintendo is doing right by me.
>>966508 I think he's a windbag but there is a problem with paid online. Its not necessarily the price, its the milking and what it will continue. Obviously the price will go up over time. You say $20 is no big deal, and you're probably right in the grand scheme of things if you're talking purely in terms of raw money, but what about $60? Then 100$? $140? $200? And so on. All while keeping in mind it used to be completely free and an otherwise basic service (not to mention Nintendo's service itself is pretty terrible). Companies don't just stop milking after they've started, if they see an opportunity, they will run with it until they've extracted as much cash from your wallet as possible.
>>966516 It's actually $50 a year if you get the expansion pack which adds N64 and GBA games, and some other things.
>>966499 >Hogwarts Legacy is 85 GB on PC. The Switch elbow drops that bloated mess to a modest 15GB. Nintendo is doing right by me. That's an astute observation. Most developers nowadays don't optimize for shit and just dump raw uncompressed files on people.
If it has better specs than a Steam Deck and can be hacked or homebrewed, I will buy it. Simple as.
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>>966499 >>966528 This feels relevant, even if the image is actually about 40 kilobytes.
>>966555 Nigger these are my only posts in the thread, who the fuck do you think I am?
>>966541 Homebrew should happen, it's happened for all other Nintendos. What homebrew games or apps on what Nintendos would you recommend?
>>966544 >This imagen is 283 kilobytes <Is actually 38.17 KB Huh
What games do Anons think will be shown off in the Nintendo Direct this June regarding the Nintendo Switch software lineup for the latter half of 2024?
>>966579 Mario
>>966175 i dont own a mobile gaming device and i never will
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>>966579 Pokemon
>>966579 Metroid Prime 2 remaster probably Zelda HD ports maybe A bunch of throwaway games because all the big stuff (like the OOT remake and Metroid Prime 4) is being held back for March next year. >>966584 >i dont own a mobile gaming device and i never will You missed out on the entire Game Boy and DS line ups? sux2bu
>>966175 Assuming this system is just a more powerful Switch, which seems like the most likely outcome, what is the likelihood of backwards compatibility? The longer Nintendo keeps Switch games on store shelves playable on the shiny new console the longer they can keep charging full price for them. The likelihood of someone willingly paying full price for a game on last gen's console is slim, but integrating that game into the new console keeps that demand. They did this back in ye old 2008 when Brawl came out and you could still find Melee on store shelves sitting side by side with the newest installment in the franchise for $60 just because the Wii also played Gamecube games. It also means that the new console has a large library of games at launch. Not "new" games obviously, there will be 1 or 2 of course, but it doesn't mean the console will sit and collect dust like the Wii U. It would also give Nintendo a reason to keep charging for their online subscription service. No need to change it if it just moves over to the Switch 2, you can keep the name and everything. I'm expecting full backwards compatibility on launch, it just makes sense from a business point of view. >>966579 Some kind of Mii game. Either a Tomodachi Life sequel/remake or something entirely new.
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>>966579 >new Mario spinoff, maybe Mario Party >probably another Mario RPG, might not be a remake >Zelda remake, probably either the Oracle games or ALTTP >Metroid Prime 2 Remastered >another classic game revived as a 99 player battle royale >a farming game or two >shovelware >a racing game made by a 3rd party since Mario Kart 9 is being saved for Switch 2 >new Fire Emblem, might be the rumored FE4 remake >>966655 >what is the likelihood of backwards compatibility? Quite high. Starting from the Game Boy, Nintendo's been pretty keen on that, ditching the previous consoles only when the new one has different physical format for their games or if the old console isn't on store shelves anymore like GBA for DSi/3DS and Gamecube for Wii U.
Please give me >Metroid Prime 4 >performance on par with modern flagship smartphones (feels fucking stupid to say this but fuck) >if it's a dockable thing like the Switch, a dock that doesn't scratch the fucking screen and the ability to charge while in tabletop mode, and also a better kickstand >backwards compatible and transfer all digital games no questions asked >if backwards compatible, upgrade performance of older games >have the fucking controller to suck less, clicky split direction buttons sucks so I almost never use joycons Pipe dreams >Streetpass, or a similar feature >Miiverse, or a similar feature >controller layout of Wii U (with two sticks at top) comes back >Virtual Console >actually sane online system with chat messages and online voice chat that doesn't need a FUCKING MOBILE APP
>>966655 >Assuming this system is just a more powerful Switch, which seems like the most likely outcome, what is the likelihood of backwards compatibility? Pretty much guaranteed. I expect it to be fully backwards compatible with no changes to the Nintendo online accounts even. >>966660 >>Streetpass, or a similar feature >>Miiverse, or a similar feature I'd love to see these return too. And in-console messaging and voice chat, not the phone bullshit.
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>>966231 >Backwards compatibility (which is a given, but whether the new hardware will improve the performance on some ports I have, or run them in a specific canveat to match the Switch 1's hardware is up to be seen) >No region-locking (which I hope since Japan is getting scalped to hell by primarily chinese tourists and the yen continuously getting weaker doesn't help. On a personal note, every game is cheap for me) >More Japanese third-party support (such as more EDF titles but also certain publishers and executives no longer having the old preconceptions and biases from the 90's and 2000's to rule their current business decisions) The stronger hardware is also a given but considering that the games I mostly care are Japanese and East Asian, neither require a particularly strong hardware these days and I've been overall satisfied with the current Switch. >>966499 iirc there are similar cases such as the Crash Bandicoot Nsane trilogy costing 5GB on Switch (versus 20~30GB on PC) or the upcoming Ace Combat 7 port being no more than 16GB (versus +60GB on PC). Same for Nier Automata too.
>>966499 >>966528 >>966544 >>966729 >Same for Nier Automata too. NieR:Automata looks optimized to just under 11 GB on the Switch. I don't have the PC version, but pcgamebenchmark and sysrequirements report 50 GB. >The stronger hardware is also a given but considering that the games I mostly care are Japanese and East Asian, neither require a particularly strong hardware these days and I've been overall satisfied with the current Switch. Same for me too. Hardware upgrades have offered diminishing returns each generation. I want fun exclusives the most.
>>966250 >>966294 Right, he was president. I think I had a brainfart and mixed him up with whoever it was that managed to single-handedly do Gamefreak's job for them Gen 2 and managed to squeeze in Kanto while he was at it while they were fucking around. >>966307 >(tbh, the subscription service isn't that bad anyways -- what, 20 bucks a year? that's fine It could be 1 buck a year for all I care, it's not an excuse. Taking a formerly free service and they made it paid without even having the decency to improve its quality is unacceptably anti-consumer.
>>966733 > I don't have the PC version, but pcgamebenchmark and sysrequirements report 50 GB. Weird. My installation (admittedly from 2021 and pirated) is only 40.1.
As a man with a job, who works for a living, has people to support, finds himself on the go, and hasn't much time to screw around with PCs or TVs, I want good battery life and a sleep mode with low power consumption.
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>>966579 CUSTOM ROBO AND CUSTOM ROBO V2 IN ENGLISH I want to believe
>>966312 New EBA never ever
>>966221 >no fucking games <just shovelware on launch or games that everyone including their grannies have played >>966412 Nintendo's own Dreamcast, but not even the first party line up could save the overpriced Wii with a new shell >NSMBWii romhack >WarioWare: 50 USD Tech Demo <Whatever they did with the Miis <Jewbisoft Zombie game >SM3DWorld which felt like an extended Mario Party minigame >Mario Party 10: Yes they're still making more of that Even what it seemed to be the strongest first party games: Super Smash and Mario Kart 8 both fell flat and got forgotten when the Switch arrived, dropped the ball after dropping the other ball due to ego constraints. I guess Splatoon was the only saving grace and Hero 101 existed. >>966427 Even that, Virtual Boy at least had interesting games worthy of piracy, while the Wii U's crap was so fucking lackluster everyone decided to stuck around even longer modifying Wii games.
>>966918 >Nintendo's own Dreamcast, but not even the first party line up could save the overpriced Wii with a new shell Which is rather ironic since people celebrated the Switch's "strong" launch when all it was is just ports of Wii U, Vita, and 3DS games.
>>966924 Switch launch games were awful but were somehow better than pretty much the WiiU had to offer at launch. Only thing the WiiU in it's entire 5 year run that even had me interested was Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate. I just don't understand why they went with that halfway gimmick of a home console with a tablet controller instead of going full handheld which is what sold the most. Maybe the Wiis popularity which also sold gangbusters? I mean, DS and 3DS sales combined shit all over the Wii and both Japs and Muricans were on a mobile craze, they should have seen the interest from the get go.
>>966924 What are you talking about? Zelda BotW was more original than the entire zelda catalog on the Wii U and 3DS. There wasn't a single original zelda game released during that time. Its always comical to me that people bitch about the Switch, but somehow pretend like the 3DS and Wii U weren't just port, remake and remaster machines themselves.
>>966934 >Zelda BotW was more original than the entire zelda catalog on the Wii U and 3DS BotW was more "original" than BotW? >There wasn't a single original zelda game released during that time Except for (Excluding ports) BotW, Hyrule Warriors, ALBW, and Tri-Force Heroes.
>>966946 >using BotW as an example Using the literal last game in the library that was also the launch game of the next console, which was also released at the same time is a terrible fucking argument. >ALBW You mean what was effectively a remake of LttP? >Hyrule Warriors, Triforce heroes <he's arguing the fucking spinoffs are zelda games Oh wait a second, you're that sperg retard from earlier in the thread, never mind.
>>966950 >Using the literal last game in the library that was also the launch game of the next console, which was also released at the same time is a terrible fucking argument. You were the one who brought up BotW as an "example" of how much "better" the Switch is when the game was designed for the Wii U and ported to the Switch. >You mean what was effectively a remake of LttP? If that's your metric, then TotK doesn't count as an "original" Zelda game either since it's just BotW but with more stuff. Which means the only "original" Zelda games released on the system over the past eight years are Age of Calamity and Candence of Hyrule.
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Also, just as a side note, what is the argument trying to prove? None of the Nintendo systems have received more than one or two Zelda games. I think the GC (WW/4SA/TP) and Game Boy (LA/OoS/OoT) are the exceptions.
>>966954 >>966955 No shit, TotK reuses the entire same fucking world and even the same engine, its a massive stretch to call it "original". Its basically like an expansion pack to BotW that they sold as a full game. I never said it was original. >Which means the only "original" Zelda games released on the system over the past eight years are Age of Calamity and Candence of Hyrule. No, you just acknowledged BotW. That was released 7 years ago, but that was still done at the beginning of the console's life, not at the fucking end of it. The original discussion was about launch games, you illiterate retard. Not about the bones they throw to dying dogs. Being an original, positively received flagship game at launch is massively important for consumers looking to buy a console. This is obvious. Not to mention you're still counting those fucking spinoffs as if they were full mainline Zelda games when they aren't. People know the difference between a fucking spinoff and a mainline game, save for those rare occurrences when a spinoff franchise actually overtakes a mainline series in popularity.
>>966657 >new Mario spinoff, maybe Mario Party I would be genuinely interested if they did some kind of ultimate edition that tried to include most of the minigames from older games into one package.
>>966957 Botw was a wii u port. Totk is technically the first zelda game for switch.
I read a conversation on /v/ where someone summed up The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom as "the same setting with a new game's worth of content on top," which was neutral and reasonable. Zelda fans there also summed up how much new content there is, which antis try to hide. I mashed it together into one copypasta. >Tears of the Kingdom doesn't only have new mechanics and story. It has an all-new sky map, with 32 new shrines, where just the Great Sky Island has hours of content, and the Rising Island Chain is one of the most atmospheric introductions to any Zelda dungeon, though the Wellspring Islands do well, not to mention the Thunderhead Isles quest in the Mineru storyline, triple-level mazes, diving challenges, and 20+ island archipelagos, and a new underworld the size of the overworld, with 120 lightroots. The main overworld areas differ so much they feel new; the Rito area is frozen, the Gerudo area is flooded, the Goron area has cooled, you rebuild Lurelin after it's attacked by pirates. There's so much new content, Hyrule Field for example has a village settlement now called Lookout Landing that has such a labyrinth of a cavern beneath it it's longer than two old Zelda dungeons put together. The game's got 152 new shrines in total, 120 being grounded, and 147 new caves and entrances, with Bubbulfrogs to hunt, and 5 new companions, and a bunch of new enemies like the Fire, Ice, Shock, and Rock Likes, Evermeans, Gibdos, Little Froxes, Moth Gibdos, Horriblins, Soldier and Captain Constructs, and ostriches, and 15 to 24 new bosses and mini-bosses like the different Gleeok types, Frox types, boss Bokoblin types, Flux Constructs I through III, Battle Taluses, Colgera, Moragia, Marbled Gohma, Sludge Like, Mucktorok, Queen Gibdo, Seized Construct, Phantom Ganon, Demon King Ganondorf (1 and 2), and the Demon Dragon, and 91 exclusive materials, and 65 new weapons, and 23 new main quests, and 32 new shrine quests, and 60 new side adventures, and 139 new side quests, for a total of 254 new quests, and 1000 Korok seeds, and new armors, and 14 all-new mini games. At least 7 new dungeons with the Wind Temple, Fire Temple, Water Temple, Lightning Temple, Construct Factory, Hyrule Castle, and Gloom's Lair, and areas vast enough to feel like dungeons, like the three multi-level labyrinths, or the cavern system under Lookout Landing. The YouTube channel Gamer's Little Playground has a Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom All Cutscenes video with a runtime of 7 hours, 52 minutes. The new content alone, from Tears of the Kingdom, surpasses other Zelda games in elapsed time. The Depths has major dungeons: the Fire Temple, Gloom's Lair, and the Construct Factory, or Spirit Temple, which gives you a new partner, Mineru. The Light World in ALTTP had 3 dungeons but Depths dungeons are much bigger and longer. There are 120 lightroots, many without a clear line of sight. Finding them is an environment puzzle until you realize they invert shrines, then finding one helps with the other. There's about 10 abandoned mines, most unique, the Central Mine giving you the key mechanic Autobuild. The Master Kohga of the Yiga Clan side adventure takes you to a few and offers multiple boss fights against Kohga, whose unique mechanics in each fight make them feel separate. There's about 43 mines altogether. The Depths has stronger enemies, battle coliseums where you fight them in waves, and many bosses, some only down there, like the Froxes, each Kohga fight, Marbled Gohma, Seized Construct, and Ganondorf. Many first meet Phantom Ganon there in the Deku Tree quest. Yiga fortresses are everywhere, each different from the last, that can be creatively infiltrated for Yiga schematics and other treasures. Chests with armors reward exploration, it's got places to ascend up to the overworld to complete objectives like ascending into the Ancient Tech Lab. It has bargainer statues and rewards for finding them, Zonaite camps, treasures defended by mobs, native items like Bomb Flowers that help blast open caves and Muddle Buds and Puffshrooms that confuse enemies, thousands of Poes that guide you to points of interest and offer minor rewards for nook-and-cranny exploration, forge and smithing and mining constructs, rematches with story bosses in new locations, like 15 groves, and the mini-dungeonish Ancient Underground Fortress. Many differences fundamentally change the gameplay experience. Stop the gameplay at a random moment and your engagement with TOTK's world probably feels novel. For example, in the Gerudo area, the flooding totally changes your navigation strategies and gameplay approach. New caves and shrines are everywhere, so novel discoveries are constant. Ground's broken apart from the Upheaval so terrain is often new. The desert now has quicksand and sinkholes all over (some leading to caves and sprawling undergrounds) that change navigation and affect quests like Sand Seal racing. The whole desert's now shrouded in a sandstorm. The Gerudo took shelter in a new subterranean village to explore. You raise a whole pyramid from the desert sands as a major feature of the landscape, which you explore in full. It's not just the desert either, like I said the Goron area has cooled, you rebuild Lurelin after it's attacked by pirates, the Rito area is frozen, and other changes. Caves have more content than most Zelda games' main stories. There are 147, beyond any Zelda. Some are huge. They're dense in content. They're handcrafted with designs that encourage spelunking. Finding hidden passages and alternate routes to get their Bubbul gems, treasures, items, and armor demands attention to detail, sources of light, and an overall careful exploration of nooks and crannies. Great climbing physics made me feel I'm really exploring caves. They're celebrated in reviews, and they're memorably different, each with identity, a giant leap from OOT grottos reusing the same small room. For examples, in the Southern Mine Cave has a mine cart theme park mini game with 2 difficulties where Link flings arrows at balloons while traversing a multi-lap track. In the Eventide cave, while on a mysterious island you enter a hidden arch via watercraft on the unseen side of Koholit Rock to discover a pirate hideout, complete with pirate ship. After battling these pirates, you use boards to bridge their ship to a hole in the cave wall to discover the Marari-In Shrine. In the Meadela’s Mantle Cave you discover a lore book about a Skyview Tower blocked off on the surface, then raft through a vast underground waterway, drop down a waterfall, and construct a platform so you may ascend from below into the very same mission-critical Skyview Tower foreshadowed before. In the Ancient Tree Stump cave you enter the base of a hollowed out mega-tree to find beneath it a tangled system of gnarled roots to skillfully navigate while Keese bats try knocking you off. Memorable moments take place in caves, like how YunoboCo HQ's cave features a bespoke boss battle with an old friend, now under an evil influence, where the slopes of the arena accommodate the fight mechanics. I beat the game and it has about 10 times the new content of The Champion's Ballad, the biggest Zelda DLC for BotW. I spent more time than the length of most other Zelda games on new content.
>>967020 Good thing I already know that block of text isn't an actual argument, because there was no way I was going to read it without paragraphs.
>>966962 You don't know what a port is.
>>967020 I think you should have pretended it was yours instead of presenting it as a copypasta right away
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>>966962 Allow me to format this for you in an actually readable way. Tears of the Kingdom doesn't only have new mechanics and story. It has an all-new sky map, with 32 new shrines, where just the Great Sky Island has hours of content, and the Rising Island Chain is one of the most atmospheric introductions to any Zelda dungeon, though the Wellspring Islands do well, not to mention the Thunderhead Isles quest in the Mineru storyline, triple-level mazes, diving challenges, and 20+ island archipelagos, and a new underworld the size of the overworld, with 120 lightroots. The main overworld areas differ so much they feel new; the Rito area is frozen, the Gerudo area is flooded, the Goron area has cooled, you rebuild Lurelin after it's attacked by pirates. There's so much new content, Hyrule Field for example has a village settlement now called Lookout Landing that has such a labyrinth of a cavern beneath it it's longer than two old Zelda dungeons put together. The game's got 152 new shrines in total, 120 being grounded, and 147 new caves and entrances, with Bubbulfrogs to hunt, and 5 new companions, and a bunch of new enemies like the Fire, Ice, Shock, and Rock Likes, Evermeans, Gibdos, Little Froxes, Moth Gibdos, Horriblins, Soldier and Captain Constructs, and ostriches, and 15 to 24 new bosses and mini-bosses like the different Gleeok types, Frox types, boss Bokoblin types, Flux Constructs I through III, Battle Taluses, Colgera, Moragia, Marbled Gohma, Sludge Like, Mucktorok, Queen Gibdo, Seized Construct, Phantom Ganon, Demon King Ganondorf (1 and 2), and the Demon Dragon, and 91 exclusive materials, and 65 new weapons, and 23 new main quests, and 32 new shrine quests, and 60 new side adventures, and 139 new side quests, for a total of 254 new quests, and 1000 Korok seeds, and new armors, and 14 all-new mini games. At least 7 new dungeons with the Wind Temple, Fire Temple, Water Temple, Lightning Temple, Construct Factory, Hyrule Castle, and Gloom's Lair, and areas vast enough to feel like dungeons, like the three multi-level labyrinths, or the cavern system under Lookout Landing. The YouTube channel Gamer's Little Playground has a Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom All Cutscenes video with a runtime of 7 hours, 52 minutes. The new content alone, from Tears of the Kingdom, surpasses other Zelda games in elapsed time. The Depths has major dungeons: the Fire Temple, Gloom's Lair, and the Construct Factory, or Spirit Temple, which gives you a new partner, Mineru. The Light World in ALTTP had 3 dungeons but Depths dungeons are much bigger and longer. There are 120 lightroots, many without a clear line of sight. Finding them is an environment puzzle until you realize they invert shrines, then finding one helps with the other. There's about 10 abandoned mines, most unique, the Central Mine giving you the key mechanic Autobuild. The Master Kohga of the Yiga Clan side adventure takes you to a few and offers multiple boss fights against Kohga, whose unique mechanics in each fight make them feel separate. There's about 43 mines altogether. The Depths has stronger enemies, battle coliseums where you fight them in waves, and many bosses, some only down there, like the Froxes, each Kohga fight, Marbled Gohma, Seized Construct, and Ganondorf. Many first meet Phantom Ganon there in the Deku Tree quest. Yiga fortresses are everywhere, each different from the last, that can be creatively infiltrated for Yiga schematics and other treasures. Chests with armors reward exploration, it's got places to ascend up to the overworld to complete objectives like ascending into the Ancient Tech Lab. It has bargainer statues and rewards for finding them, Zonaite camps, treasures defended by mobs, native items like Bomb Flowers that help blast open caves and Muddle Buds and Puffshrooms that confuse enemies, thousands of Poes that guide you to points of interest and offer minor rewards for nook-and-cranny exploration, forge and smithing and mining constructs, rematches with story bosses in new locations, like 15 groves, and the mini-dungeonish Ancient Underground Fortress. There are many differences which fundamentally change the gameplay experience. Stop the gameplay at a random moment and your engagement with TOTK's world probably feels novel. For example, in the Gerudo area, the flooding totally changes your navigation strategies and gameplay approach. New caves and shrines are everywhere, so novel discoveries are constant. Ground's broken apart from the Upheaval so terrain is often new. The desert now has quicksand and sinkholes all over (some leading to caves and sprawling undergrounds) that change navigation and affect quests like Sand Seal racing. The whole desert's now shrouded in a sandstorm. The Gerudo took shelter in a new subterranean village to explore. You raise a whole pyramid from the desert sands as a major feature of the landscape, which you explore in full. It's not just the desert either, like I said the Goron area has cooled, you rebuild Lurelin after it's attacked by pirates, the Rito area is frozen, and other changes. Caves have more content than most Zelda games' main stories. There are 147, beyond any Zelda. Some are huge. They're dense in content. They're handcrafted with designs that encourage spelunking. Finding hidden passages and alternate routes to get their Bubbul gems, treasures, items, and armor demands attention to detail, sources of light, and an overall careful exploration of nooks and crannies. Great climbing physics made me feel I'm really exploring caves. They're celebrated in reviews, and they're memorably different, each with identity, a giant leap from OOT grottos reusing the same small room. For examples, in the Southern Mine Cave has a mine cart theme park mini game with 2 difficulties where Link flings arrows at balloons while traversing a multi-lap track. In the Eventide cave, while on a mysterious island you enter a hidden arch via watercraft on the unseen side of Koholit Rock to discover a pirate hideout, complete with pirate ship. After battling these pirates, you use boards to bridge their ship to a hole in the cave wall to discover the Marari-In Shrine. In the Meadela’s Mantle Cave you discover a lore book about a Skyview Tower blocked off on the surface, then raft through a vast underground waterway, drop down a waterfall, and construct a platform so you may ascend from below into the very same mission-critical Skyview Tower foreshadowed before. In the Ancient Tree Stump cave you enter the base of a hollowed out mega-tree to find beneath it a tangled system of gnarled roots to skillfully navigate while Keese bats try knocking you off. Memorable moments take place in caves, like how YunoboCo HQ's cave features a bespoke boss battle with an old friend, now under an evil influence, where the slopes of the arena accommodate the fight mechanics. I beat the game and it has about 10 times the new content of The Champion's Ballad, the biggest Zelda DLC for BotW. I spent more time than the length of most other Zelda games on new content.
>>967038 >replied to the wrong person FUG Meant for >>967020
>>967043 Doesn't really feel like one dude hating on the switch as much as it is one guy being really anal about Tears of the Kingdom. >>966579 Definitely Metroid Prime 2 remake, maybe even 3 tossed in there as well to form the entire trilogy. If they were to put out a zelda remake I'm not sure what they'd put out. Most of the games are either accessible through their official emulation or already have perfectly playable remakes. Only outliers right now are the DS games and WW+TP (which are both just one console gen behind). So maybe we'll get a remake of one of the DS Zelda games? Odd as that would be. A random new IP put out to die like Ever Oasis was at the 3DS end of life. I don't think >>966589 is right. They're holding off of new Pokemon shit for the release of the new legends game on the switch 2, most likely. Unless it's another detective pikachu sequel or another oddball game like that. Some third party titles, probably a fair bit of indie games. Touhou Mystia's Izakaya might get a slot because they're just putting out their final version and it might not be entirely upcoming releases in the third party section. You're also going to see something about the definitive edition of SMT V and Metaphor:ReFantazio or however you spell that. Assuming that's getting a switch port.
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>>966175 They probably did this just to get people to shut up about the Switch 2 They would never just randomly announce something through a tweet
>>966231 Beefier system. Multiple resolution options for battery life management but AT LEAST 1080p handheld. Option to go up to 4k when docked but doesn't default to it. Better specs on par with high-end modern smartphones or steam deck. At least 6hrs battery life possible. Preferably 8. More new entries across varied IPs. Bring back some of the older ones like Starfox, Ever Oasis, F-zero, and keep the smaller ones like Pikmin, Metroid, and Splatoon going. CONTINUE SELLING PHYSICAL CARTRIDGS THAT DON'T REQUIRE DOWNLOADS. This one is a must. Good third-party support. Kick Irdeto to the fucking curb and don't let them put their shitty DRM on switch 2 games like they tried to do when marketing for switch games. That's about it.
>>966597 What were your highlights in the Game Boy and DS line ups? >>966846 If you mean Elite Beat Agents, do you know about Osu Tatakae Ouendan 1 and 2 by iNiS, who made EBA? They are Japanese games from the same series as EBA. >>967020 >>967038 Thank you for presenting this to us. It is an impressive retelling of what distinguishes the game from its predecessor. What new addition in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom did people like most? >>967043 It has gotten very bad, but won't be fixed by continually feeding the Switch-hating troll. Perhaps write conversation-starters for Switch owners to engage instead.
Tears of the kingdom is an expansion pack even some of the hardcore Nintendo drones I know irl admitted this.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is set in the same world with a new game's worth of content on top. Zelda fans there also summed up how much new content there is, which antis try to hide. It has about 10 times the content of The Champion's Ballad, the biggest Zelda DLC for BotW. >Tears of the Kingdom doesn't only have new mechanics and story. It has an all-new sky map, with 32 new shrines, where just the Great Sky Island has hours of content, and the Rising Island Chain is one of the most atmospheric introductions to any Zelda dungeon, though the Wellspring Islands do well, not to mention the Thunderhead Isles quest in the Mineru storyline, triple-level mazes, diving challenges, and 20+ island archipelagos, and a new underworld the size of the overworld, with 120 lightroots. The main overworld areas differ so much they feel new; the Rito area is frozen, the Gerudo area is flooded, the Goron area has cooled, you rebuild Lurelin after it's attacked by pirates. There's so much new content, Hyrule Field for example has a village settlement now called Lookout Landing that has such a labyrinth of a cavern beneath it it's longer than two old Zelda dungeons put together. The game's got 152 new shrines in total, 120 being grounded, and 147 new caves and entrances, with Bubbulfrogs to hunt, and 5 new companions, and a bunch of new enemies like the Fire, Ice, Shock, and Rock Likes, Evermeans, Gibdos, Little Froxes, Moth Gibdos, Horriblins, Soldier and Captain Constructs, and ostriches, and 15 to 24 new bosses and mini-bosses like the different Gleeok types, Frox types, boss Bokoblin types, Flux Constructs I through III, Battle Taluses, Colgera, Moragia, Marbled Gohma, Sludge Like, Mucktorok, Queen Gibdo, Seized Construct, Phantom Ganon, Demon King Ganondorf (1 and 2), and the Demon Dragon, and 91 exclusive materials, and 65 new weapons, and 23 new main quests, and 32 new shrine quests, and 60 new side adventures, and 139 new side quests, for a total of 254 new quests, and 1000 Korok seeds, and new armors, and 14 all-new mini games. At least 7 new dungeons with the Wind Temple, Fire Temple, Water Temple, Lightning Temple, Construct Factory, Hyrule Castle, and Gloom's Lair, and areas vast enough to feel like dungeons, like the three multi-level labyrinths, or the cavern system under Lookout Landing. >The YouTube channel Gamer's Little Playground has a Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom All Cutscenes video with a runtime of 7 hours, 52 minutes. The new content alone, from Tears of the Kingdom, surpasses other Zelda games in elapsed time. The Depths has major dungeons: the Fire Temple, Gloom's Lair, and the Construct Factory, or Spirit Temple, which gives you a new partner, Mineru. The Light World in ALTTP had 3 dungeons but Depths dungeons are much bigger and longer. There are 120 lightroots, many without a clear line of sight. Finding them is an environment puzzle until you realize they invert shrines, then finding one helps with the other. There's about 10 abandoned mines, most unique, the Central Mine giving you the key mechanic Autobuild. The Master Kohga of the Yiga Clan side adventure takes you to a few and offers multiple boss fights against Kohga, whose unique mechanics in each fight make them feel separate. There's about 43 mines altogether. The Depths has stronger enemies, battle coliseums where you fight them in waves, and many bosses, some only down there, like the Froxes, each Kohga fight, Marbled Gohma, Seized Construct, and Ganondorf. Many first meet Phantom Ganon there in the Deku Tree quest. Yiga fortresses are everywhere, each different from the last, that can be creatively infiltrated for Yiga schematics and other treasures. Chests with armors reward exploration, it's got places to ascend up to the overworld to complete objectives like ascending into the Ancient Tech Lab. It has bargainer statues and rewards for finding them, Zonaite camps, treasures defended by mobs, native items like Bomb Flowers that help blast open caves and Muddle Buds and Puffshrooms that confuse enemies, thousands of Poes that guide you to points of interest and offer minor rewards for nook-and-cranny exploration, forge and smithing and mining constructs, rematches with story bosses in new locations, like 15 groves, and the mini-dungeonish Ancient Underground Fortress. >There are many differences which fundamentally change the gameplay experience. Stop the gameplay at a random moment and your engagement with TOTK's world probably feels novel. For example, in the Gerudo area, the flooding totally changes your navigation strategies and gameplay approach. New caves and shrines are everywhere, so novel discoveries are constant. Ground's broken apart from the Upheaval so terrain is often new. The desert now has quicksand and sinkholes all over (some leading to caves and sprawling undergrounds) that change navigation and affect quests like Sand Seal racing. The whole desert's now shrouded in a sandstorm. The Gerudo took shelter in a new subterranean village to explore. You raise a whole pyramid from the desert sands as a major feature of the landscape, which you explore in full. It's not just the desert either, like I said the Goron area has cooled, you rebuild Lurelin after it's attacked by pirates, the Rito area is frozen, and other changes. Caves have more content than most Zelda games' main stories. There are 147, beyond any Zelda. Some are huge. They're dense in content. They're handcrafted with designs that encourage spelunking. Finding hidden passages and alternate routes to get their Bubbul gems, treasures, items, and armor demands attention to detail, sources of light, and an overall careful exploration of nooks and crannies. >Great climbing physics made me feel I'm really exploring caves. They're celebrated in reviews, and they're memorably different, each with identity, a giant leap from OOT grottos reusing the same small room. For examples, in the Southern Mine Cave has a mine cart theme park mini game with 2 difficulties where Link flings arrows at balloons while traversing a multi-lap track. In the Eventide cave, while on a mysterious island you enter a hidden arch via watercraft on the unseen side of Koholit Rock to discover a pirate hideout, complete with pirate ship. After battling these pirates, you use boards to bridge their ship to a hole in the cave wall to discover the Marari-In Shrine. In the Meadela’s Mantle Cave you discover a lore book about a Skyview Tower blocked off on the surface, then raft through a vast underground waterway, drop down a waterfall, and construct a platform so you may ascend from below into the very same mission-critical Skyview Tower foreshadowed before. In the Ancient Tree Stump cave you enter the base of a hollowed out mega-tree to find beneath it a tangled system of gnarled roots to skillfully navigate while Keese bats try knocking you off. Memorable moments take place in caves, like how YunoboCo HQ's cave features a bespoke boss battle with an old friend, now under an evil influence, where the slopes of the arena accommodate the fight mechanics. I beat the game and it has about 10 times the new content of The Champion's Ballad, the biggest Zelda DLC for BotW. I spent more time than the length of most other Zelda games on new content.
>>967081 It's funny how Majora feels more like a new game just because of the scenario paint.
Doh, I can't into greentext. Once more. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is set in the same world with a new game's worth of content on top. Zelda fans there also summed up how much new content there is, which antis try to hide. It has about 10 times the content of The Champion's Ballad, the biggest Zelda DLC for BotW. >Tears of the Kingdom doesn't only have new mechanics and story. It has an all-new sky map, with 32 new shrines, where just the Great Sky Island has hours of content, and the Rising Island Chain is one of the most atmospheric introductions to any Zelda dungeon, though the Wellspring Islands do well, not to mention the Thunderhead Isles quest in the Mineru storyline, triple-level mazes, diving challenges, and 20+ island archipelagos, and a new underworld the size of the overworld, with 120 lightroots. >The main overworld areas differ so much they feel new; the Rito area is frozen, the Gerudo area is flooded, the Goron area has cooled, you rebuild Lurelin after it's attacked by pirates. There's so much new content, Hyrule Field for example has a village settlement now called Lookout Landing that has such a labyrinth of a cavern beneath it it's longer than two old Zelda dungeons put together. >The game's got 152 new shrines in total, 120 being grounded, and 147 new caves and entrances, with Bubbulfrogs to hunt, and 5 new companions, and a bunch of new enemies like the Fire, Ice, Shock, and Rock Likes, Evermeans, Gibdos, Little Froxes, Moth Gibdos, Horriblins, Soldier and Captain Constructs, and ostriches, and 15 to 24 new bosses and mini-bosses like the different Gleeok types, Frox types, boss Bokoblin types, Flux Constructs I through III, Battle Taluses, Colgera, Moragia, Marbled Gohma, Sludge Like, Mucktorok, Queen Gibdo, Seized Construct, Phantom Ganon, Demon King Ganondorf (1 and 2), and the Demon Dragon, and 91 exclusive materials, and 65 new weapons, and 23 new main quests, and 32 new shrine quests, and 60 new side adventures, and 139 new side quests, for a total of 254 new quests, and 1000 Korok seeds, and new armors, and 14 all-new mini games. At least 7 new dungeons with the Wind Temple, Fire Temple, Water Temple, Lightning Temple, Construct Factory, Hyrule Castle, and Gloom's Lair, and areas vast enough to feel like dungeons, like the three multi-level labyrinths, or the cavern system under Lookout Landing. >The YouTube channel Gamer's Little Playground has a Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom All Cutscenes video with a runtime of 7 hours, 52 minutes. The new content alone, from Tears of the Kingdom, surpasses other Zelda games in elapsed time. >The Depths has major dungeons: the Fire Temple, Gloom's Lair, and the Construct Factory, or Spirit Temple, which gives you a new partner, Mineru. The Light World in ALTTP had 3 dungeons but Depths dungeons are much bigger and longer. >There are 120 lightroots, many without a clear line of sight. Finding them is an environment puzzle until you realize they invert shrines, then finding one helps with the other. There's about 10 abandoned mines, most unique, the Central Mine giving you the key mechanic Autobuild. >The Master Kohga of the Yiga Clan side adventure takes you to a few and offers multiple boss fights against Kohga, whose unique mechanics in each fight make them feel separate. There's about 43 mines altogether. The Depths has stronger enemies, battle coliseums where you fight them in waves, and many bosses, some only down there, like the Froxes, each Kohga fight, Marbled Gohma, Seized Construct, and Ganondorf. Many first meet Phantom Ganon there in the Deku Tree quest. Yiga fortresses are everywhere, each different from the last, that can be creatively infiltrated for Yiga schematics and other treasures. Chests with armors reward exploration, it's got places to ascend up to the overworld to complete objectives like ascending into the Ancient Tech Lab. >It has bargainer statues and rewards for finding them, Zonaite camps, treasures defended by mobs, native items like Bomb Flowers that help blast open caves and Muddle Buds and Puffshrooms that confuse enemies, thousands of Poes that guide you to points of interest and offer minor rewards for nook-and-cranny exploration, forge and smithing and mining constructs, rematches with story bosses in new locations, like 15 groves, and the mini-dungeonish Ancient Underground Fortress. >There are many differences which fundamentally change the gameplay experience. Stop the gameplay at a random moment and your engagement with TOTK's world probably feels novel. >For example, in the Gerudo area, the flooding totally changes your navigation strategies and gameplay approach. New caves and shrines are everywhere, so novel discoveries are constant. Ground's broken apart from the Upheaval so terrain is often new. The desert now has quicksand and sinkholes all over (some leading to caves and sprawling undergrounds) that change navigation and affect quests like Sand Seal racing. The whole desert's now shrouded in a sandstorm. The Gerudo took shelter in a new subterranean village to explore. You raise a whole pyramid from the desert sands as a major feature of the landscape, which you explore in full. It's not just the desert either, like I said the Goron area has cooled, you rebuild Lurelin after it's attacked by pirates, the Rito area is frozen, and other changes. Caves have more content than most Zelda games' main stories. There are 147, beyond any Zelda. Some are huge. They're dense in content. They're handcrafted with designs that encourage spelunking. Finding hidden passages and alternate routes to get their Bubbul gems, treasures, items, and armor demands attention to detail, sources of light, and an overall careful exploration of nooks and crannies. >Great climbing physics made me feel I'm really exploring caves. They're celebrated in reviews, and they're memorably different, each with identity, a giant leap from OOT grottos reusing the same small room. For examples, in the Southern Mine Cave has a mine cart theme park mini game with 2 difficulties where Link flings arrows at balloons while traversing a multi-lap track. In the Eventide cave, while on a mysterious island you enter a hidden arch via watercraft on the unseen side of Koholit Rock to discover a pirate hideout, complete with pirate ship. >After battling these pirates, you use boards to bridge their ship to a hole in the cave wall to discover the Marari-In Shrine. In the Meadela’s Mantle Cave you discover a lore book about a Skyview Tower blocked off on the surface, then raft through a vast underground waterway, drop down a waterfall, and construct a platform so you may ascend from below into the very same mission-critical Skyview Tower foreshadowed before. In the Ancient Tree Stump cave you enter the base of a hollowed out mega-tree to find beneath it a tangled system of gnarled roots to skillfully navigate while Keese bats try knocking you off. >Memorable moments take place in caves, like how YunoboCo HQ's cave features a bespoke boss battle with an old friend, now under an evil influence, where the slopes of the arena accommodate the fight mechanics. >I beat the game and it has about 10 times the new content of The Champion's Ballad, the biggest Zelda DLC for BotW. >I spent more time than the length of most other Zelda games on new content.
Looks like the robot menace is at it again.
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>>967091 Thread theme? I know, I know, it's from halfchan. But it is a good parody.
>>967091 To be frank I couldn't tell the difference between the one sentence statement spam and the copy paste spam.
>>967087 The substance cuts through trolls like a knife through butter, but the disorganized formatting is still low-hanging fruit. Perhaps section paragraphs by theme, then add headings to sections?
>>966729 Switch forcing devs to optimize is quite a blessing. Though you do have to realize a good chunk of that is probably texture decreases. No reason to shove 4K ultra-HD textures in a switch port when smaller ones will suffice and render much faster after all. >>966234 >>966282 Do you two mean the switch library as a whole or just exclusives? There's a ton of good shit on switch but a lot of it is multiplatform, but the advantage of being able to play it on the go is why I prefer the switch versions of quite a few titles like Octopath Traveler 2, Bravely Default 2, Dragon's Dogma, and quite a few other RPGs, even some I already own on PC. System is also very RPG heavy so maybe you two are FPS lovers or RTS lovers who just don't have a ton of entries on the system in the first place. >>967038 I feel like this version is the most readable personally.
>>967037 If I was morally bankrupt maybe but the 2 people who wrote what I turned into the copypasta post on /v/, so it would get me caught. >>967105 Ok, new version based on your constructive criticism. Summary >The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is set in the same world with a new game's worth of content on top. This new content is longer than most Zelda games and about 10 times that of The Champion's Ballad, the biggest Zelda DLC for BotW. New Content >The game's got 152 new shrines in total, 120 being grounded, and 147 new caves and entrances, with Bubbulfrogs to hunt, and 5 new companions, and a bunch of new enemies like the Fire, Ice, Shock, and Rock Likes, Evermeans, Gibdos, Little Froxes, Moth Gibdos, Horriblins, Soldier and Captain Constructs, and ostriches, and 16 to 25 new bosses and mini-bosses like the different Gleeok types, Frox types, boss Bokoblin types, Flux Constructs I through III, Battle Taluses, Colgera, Yunobo, Moragia, Marbled Gohma, Sludge Like, Mucktorok, Queen Gibdo, Seized Construct, Phantom Ganon, Demon King Ganondorf (1 and 2), and the Demon Dragon, and 91 exclusive materials, and 65 new weapons, and 23 new main quests, and 32 new shrine quests, and 60 new side adventures, and 139 new side quests, for a total of 254 new quests, and 1000 Korok seeds, and new armors, and 14 all-new mini games. At least 7 new dungeons with the Wind Temple, Fire Temple, Water Temple, Lightning Temple, Construct Factory, Hyrule Castle, and Gloom's Lair, and areas vast enough to feel like dungeons, like the three multi-level labyrinths, or the cavern system under Lookout Landing. The YouTube channel Gamer's Little Playground has a Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom All Cutscenes video with a runtime of 7 hours, 52 minutes. The new content alone, from Tears of the Kingdom, surpasses other Zelda games in elapsed time. The Depths >The Depths has major dungeons: the Fire Temple, Gloom's Lair, and the Construct Factory, or Spirit Temple, which gives you a new partner, Mineru. The Light World in ALTTP had 3 dungeons but Depths dungeons are much bigger and longer. There are 120 lightroots, many without a clear line of sight. Finding them is an environment puzzle until you realize they invert shrines, then finding one helps with the other. There's about 10 abandoned mines, most unique, the Central Mine giving you the key mechanic Autobuild. The Master Kohga of the Yiga Clan side adventure takes you to a few and offers multiple boss fights against Kohga, whose unique mechanics in each fight make them feel separate. There's about 43 mines altogether. The Depths has stronger enemies, battle coliseums where you fight them in waves, and many bosses, some only down there, like the Froxes, each Kohga fight, Marbled Gohma, Seized Construct, and Ganondorf. Many first meet Phantom Ganon there in the Deku Tree quest. Yiga fortresses are everywhere, each different from the last, that can be creatively infiltrated for Yiga schematics and other treasures. Chests with armors reward exploration, it's got places to ascend up to the overworld to complete objectives like ascending into the Ancient Tech Lab. It has bargainer statues and rewards for finding them, Zonaite camps, treasures defended by mobs, native items like Bomb Flowers that help blast open caves and Muddle Buds and Puffshrooms that confuse enemies, thousands of Poes that guide you to points of interest and offer minor rewards for nook-and-cranny exploration, forge and smithing and mining constructs, rematches with story bosses in new locations, like 15 groves, and the mini-dungeonish Ancient Underground Fortress. The Sky >Tears of the Kingdom has an all-new sky map, with 32 of the 152 new shrines, where just the Great Sky Island has hours of content, and the Rising Island Chain is one of the most atmospheric introductions to any Zelda dungeon, though the Wellspring Islands do well, not to mention the Thunderhead Isles quest in the Mineru storyline, diving challenges, and 20+ island archipelagos, some of which have pretty big areas, like Lightcast Island in the Tabantha sky. Others connect in fun ways like South Eldin Sky archipelago's mine carting. Some small islands feel gratifying, like dive challenge mini-games, which I replayed over and over. The sky now has new mazes that work TOTK's verticality and sky theme into the gameplay as you bob under and weave over aerial gates by skydiving then catching updrafts. When little, I had fantasies to fly with a jetpack and these scratched that itch. Some like the Lomei Sky Labyrinth, in Akkala near the Ancient Tech Lab, were high enough to be fun exercises in Hyrule engineering to even approach. Gameplay Experience >Many differences fundamentally change the gameplay experience. Stop the gameplay at a random moment and your engagement with TOTK's world probably feels novel. For example, in the Gerudo area, the flooding totally changes your navigation strategies and gameplay approach. New caves and shrines are everywhere, so novel discoveries are constant. Ground's broken apart from the Upheaval so terrain is often new. The desert now has quicksand and sinkholes all over (some leading to caves and sprawling undergrounds) that change navigation and affect quests like Sand Seal racing. The whole desert's now shrouded in a sandstorm. The Gerudo took shelter in a new subterranean village to explore. You raise a whole pyramid from the desert sands as a major feature of the landscape, which you explore in full. It's not just the desert either, like I said the Goron area has cooled, you rebuild Lurelin after it's attacked by pirates, the Rito area is frozen, and other changes. The Caves >Caves have more content than most Zelda games' main stories. There are 147, beyond any Zelda. Some are huge. They're dense in content. They're handcrafted with designs that encourage spelunking. Finding hidden passages and alternate routes to get their Bubbul gems, treasures, items, and armor demands attention to detail, sources of light, and an overall careful exploration of nooks and crannies. Great climbing physics made me feel I'm really exploring caves. They're celebrated in reviews, and they're memorably different, each with identity, a giant leap from OOT grottos reusing the same small room. For examples, in the Southern Mine Cave has a mine cart theme park mini game with 2 difficulties where Link flings arrows at balloons while traversing a multi-lap track. In the Eventide cave, while on a mysterious island you enter a hidden arch via watercraft on the unseen side of Koholit Rock to discover a pirate hideout, complete with pirate ship. After battling these pirates, you use boards to bridge their ship to a hole in the cave wall to discover the Marari-In Shrine. In the Meadela’s Mantle Cave you discover a lore book about a Skyview Tower blocked off on the surface, then raft through a vast underground waterway, drop down a waterfall, and construct a platform so you may ascend from below into the very same mission-critical Skyview Tower foreshadowed before. In the Ancient Tree Stump cave you enter the base of a hollowed out mega-tree to find beneath it a tangled system of gnarled roots to skillfully navigate while Keese bats try knocking you off. Memorable moments take place in caves, like how YunoboCo HQ's cave features a bespoke boss battle with an old friend, now under an evil influence, where the slopes of the arena accommodate the fight mechanics. I beat the game and it has about 10 times the new content of The Champion's Ballad, the biggest Zelda DLC for BotW. I spent more time than the length of most other Zelda games on new content.
>>967116 Good job, much improved. Thank you for putting my feedback to work. I would make Gameplay Experience the second section, so location sections like The Depths, The Sky, and The Caves are consecutive, but that's a nitpick. What new addition in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom did people like most?
Post predictions for when Nintendo makes their more formal announcement of the Switch successor. The Japanese fiscal year runs from 1 April to 31 March, and Furukawa tweeted Nintendo will be holding a Nintendo Direct this June that will not mention the Nintendo Switch successor, so the timeframe puts the successor's formal announcement between June 2024 and 31 March 2025.
>>967140 February
>>967140 My bets are on them announcing it during the TGAs.
>>967140 It's going to be in January at the earliest. No way they would tank the switch's last Christmas run when the other big two are hurting and doubling down on what hurt them in the first place.
>>967140 Depends, I think February might work out.
>>967142 Absolutely not going to happen, Nintendo does everything via Direct and the VGAs happen before Christmas. >>967144 Nail in the head >>966291
>>967140 >Post predictions for when Nintendo makes their more formal announcement of the Switch successor. Probs March.
>>967077 >What were your highlights in the Game Boy and DS line ups? Oh man, so many good games to choose from. Off the top of my head I really enjoyed Ninja Cop and Astro Boy Omega Factor on Game Boy Advance. The three Zelda games, Link's Awakening and the two Oracle games, were stellar too.
>>967209 Astro Boy reminds me of Mega Man
lol nintendo has already abandoned the switch
>>967220 Given that it prints money & could topple the PS2 for lifetime sales I imagine they'll keep it around for quite a while longer.
>>967225 I imagine they will for at least 2 years.
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>>967077 >What were your highlights in the Game Boy and DS line ups? Some "highlights" I'll throw out there (Excluding ports) >GB(A/C) <Bomberman (Almost every one is a gem) <Harry Potter (No, seriously, they're actually good JRPG style games, however everything starting with GoF is different genre) <Iridion 3D (A 3D shmup, why not?) <Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (A Mario RPG, it's actually good) <Scooby Doo! Classic Creep Capers (Maniac Mansion style P&C adventure) <The Mummy (Puzzle Platformer) >DS <Contra 4 (With unlockable NES Contra and Super C) <Dementium (Some madmen actually made a horror FPS running at 60 FPS on DS hardware, originally pitched as a Silent Hill game) <From The Abyss (Top-down rogue-like ARPG) <Lux-Pain (High-school dating sim where you're using ESP to solve murders) <Moon (Same guys behind Dementium, except copying Metroid this time) <Scurge: Hive (If Metroid Fusion was an isometric dungeon-crawlers, also on GBA) <Spectrobes (ARPG "Pokemon clone", yes Yidsney actually did something right) <Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction (Unreleased, ROM was leaked, it's basically a PS1 MGS style game with the original plot before they scrapped everything in 2008)
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>>967249 >give those two Oracle games the Link's Awakening treatment <Take all the soul out of my favorite childhood game, and my first dark-skinned waifu, just to replace it with soulless Playmobile abominations AND ANYONE THAT WANTS THAT SHIT CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF TO HELL FOR EVEN SUGGESTION SUCH A GODAMN STUPID IDEA!!!
>>967249 I'm not 967209 but I hope so. Link's Awakening may have had the biggest and best makeover from its 8-bit 2D origins to the modern remake that I've ever seen for any remake. It's the gold standard for remakes and like he said, the two Oracle games were stellar.
>>967209 >>967249 >>967259 It may happen. Grezzo released two Zelda remakes for 3DS, 3 years and 8 months apart, on The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D's engine. Grezzo handled the remake of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, so to remake another GBC Zelda would mirror what Grezzo did with The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D.
>>967263 Which Oracle is best waifu?
>>967266 Kill 1 fuck 2 marry 3
>>967230 Lux-Pain is interesting, it doesn't look like a good game from a glance but the writing and presentation were decent from what I saw (with the undub).
>>967267 good taste
>>967296 Yours too
>>967266 If I convert to Islam can I claim all three?
>>967310 Too late I waifued one
>over 100 replies full of nintendofags and shills >for just an announcement of potential release lel
>>967346 Board had threads for the PS5 and Xbox Series as well you fag. I'm personally waiting for the Steam Deck 2 for a new handheld.
>>967353 All which are relentlessly mocking them and the fags who like them.
>>967355 You weren't in those threads. Mocking was only done at the reveal
I'll get one if it has games I care about. If not, I'll wait. Odyssey got me on the first Switch.
>>967359 i want backwards compatibility and saves migration so i can flip my switch on ebay
>>967313 He converted to Islam. By his ideology he may now slaughter you and take your women without any moral consequence. You didn't think this through.
>>967346 Yeah, Valve's potential offerings are interesting to me since they really seem to be pushing the bar without having to limit themselves in terms of hardware pricing and availability. I just wish they would have them in stores for the normalfags who don't have a Steam account.
>>967357 Mocking is still done to this day. Why do you think people call them the NoGames5 and Sex(less)Box? Even the Switch is endlessly mocked for it's drift (Only "decent" controller this gen has been the Xbox but it still feels like cheap chink shit, 360 controller is STILL considered the best ever created), library consisting of nothing mostly of ports/remakes/compilations (Though not an issue exclusive to the Switch as M$ and Soyny do it too), and Nintendo being incapable of releasing games that can actually run on their own hardware without reducing the frame rate to a PowerPoint presentation. The only thing the Switch has going for it over the other systems is having lewd games, but that's not really much of a compliment when those same games (Like the recently released Bunny Garden) are also available on PC.
>>967396 I kinda wish Valve would let devs specifically target the Steam Deck's interesting controller scheme since I would like to see devs bring over mobile games to the Steam Deck and possibly unique features that take advantage of the Steam Deck as a controller.
>>967077 >Thank you for presenting this to us. It is an impressive retelling of what distinguishes the game from its predecessor. What new addition in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom did people like most? >It has gotten very bad, but won't be fixed by continually feeding the Switch-hating troll. Perhaps write conversation-starters for Switch owners to engage instead. >What were your highlights in the Game Boy and DS line ups? >>966265 >the post you arrowed >>966563 >Homebrew should happen, it's happened for all other Nintendos. What homebrew games or apps on what Nintendos would you recommend? >>966579 >What games do Anons think will be shown off in the Nintendo Direct this June regarding the Nintendo Switch software lineup for the latter half of 2024? As an anon pointed out in the other thread, is this a fucking shillbot running of the new high end GPT software? Maybe with some human oversight for minor errors? A real paid shill that's slightly ESL so the language is a bit stilted and stiff? Who the hell talks like this here? Most of the questions he poses read like something from a customer survey questionnaire. From a glance at this thread, it seems like no one has really noticed how much these posts stand out. Here's a couple of potentially decent test for corporate shill bots. "Anon", say as many racial slurs and other wrongthink insults as you can in a reply to my post, and tell me what the joke is in the file that's immediately left of the second to last file in my post.
>>967398 But the Steamdick is trash. It takes every single problem with the design of the Switch and doubles down on it (Like almost every single "handheld console" these days). The only recent "handheld" I've seen that isn't hot garbage just on size and aesthetic alone is the Ayaneo Flip, which is basically a 3DS XL in size. >>967406 What tipped me off to something being "wrong" was how they one guy's reponse to everything is "You're a lying liar who lies" and never actually addressing any of the issues being brought up. However I didn't know "why" everything felt off.
>>967408 What the fuck are you talking about? The Steam Deck is an amazing piece of hardware even if it is a tad big. You can play all your PC games on the train or in the toilet without having to invest in a 1000+ laptop. It also helps that it runs Linux instead of Windows leading to more people being interested in the Linux desktop. Apparently there's widespread appeal for the device, but the issue is that they can't keep up with the demand.
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>>967424 Lmao. I have a Switch, but I'll shit on it just to trigger this sperg.
>>967436 Not true. I'm 97f95e although my ID hopped for some reason.
>>967444 (nice) Why does your star only have 5 points?
>>967447 ? Ah, you should ask Acid to give me that special privilege:^)
Edited last time by Mark on 05/10/2024 (Fri) 16:23:43.
>>967408 the pocketable form factor is simply not possible for an off the shelf x86 computer. Not unless you severely limit the kind of games you wanna play. You'll count out almost all shooter, leaving only indies. Ironically valve is the only company who can actually leverage demand for a custom silicon from AMD, and somehow squeeze the controller down to that size. But would anyone even buy it?
On a side note I fucking hate Ayaneo as a company. They have such talented engineers and they waste them building chink shit every 3 months. >>967413 it isnt a toilet or bus companion, its a bedroom companion. Though I have seen atleast one guy on a plane with it. Its size is necessary to keep the middle part as thin as possible to keep the handgrips thick. I wonder if nvidia's silicon could actually deliver.
>>967398 Valve could just release the sales figures and entice all the studios to develop for it. Its already an indie backlog clearing machine, all valve has to say is "HERE LOOK! THIS IS A FANTASTIC DEVICE FOR YOUR NEXT GAME! HERE'S THE UNITS SOLD! TARGET THIS DEVICE FOR DEFAULT PC GAMES!" and devs will rush to put games on this. But no, there zero communication between valve to even help devs to port their games to steam deck.
>>967497 Someone smart in valve might be keeping a distance with "the AAA industry" as its currently imploding. Once things settle down I can see valve slowly start to entice devs they might have an eye on. Nintendo also announced an upcoming announcement for the Wahoo2 so I wonder if that plays a role into it. That or valve is dumb and want to keep the numbers obfuscated for dumb reasons, lol.
>>967497 They claim it's sold tens of millions, and we've seen some vague support of Steam Deck from AAA through Proton. Although I agree with you that Valve should release this information publically.
>>967497 >>967500 They're a private company, why would they do it?
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>>967499 <Nintendo also announced an upcoming announcement for the Wahoo2 so I wonder if that plays a role into it >March comes >Nintendo Direct >"Nintendo is proud to present:" THE NINTENDO DECK
>>967501 To entice publishers to support the platform and because statistics are cool
>>967494 >its a bedroom companion L-lewd.
>>967491 >Not unless you severely limit the kind of games you wanna play. You DO realize that every single type of game that has existed under the sun has been playable on portable devices for YEARS right?
>>967542 No, they haven't. <BUT LOOK I CAN RUN THE GAME ON... They're not playable there.
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>>967396 >library consisting of nothing mostly of ports/remakes/compilations To be fair, the Switch is doing more or less the same as the PSP and Playstation Vita were doing back in their days, as portable consoles that could bring the home experience anywhere. The Switch has the extra ability as an hybrid, to both console types at once. I won't deny things were a tad different between the 2000's-early 2010's on PSP (Kenka Bachou, Macross, RGG Kurohyou, Fate Extra, Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3, Super Robot Wars Z2, etc.) and the current state of the Japanese game industry, but I also put the blame a lot on SIE and the retardation of executives in certain Japanese third-parties.
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>>967555 also just to showcase my examples of (sometimes enhanced) ports on the PSP side. Once again, PSP did have its fair share of exclusives but I think the concept of exclusivity amongst third-parties is more or less a thing of the past.
>>967544 >They're not playable there. <Stupid subhuman can't even use YouTube nor has a fucking phone to actually play it for himself Imbecile
>>967544 >They're not playable there. Which games are you talking about? >>967555 >>967558 The experience the PSP, and even the Vita, provides is quite different from that of the Switch when it comes to their "enhance ports". Outside of visual novels, the most "bottom of the barrel" things you can find ported/enhanced on the PSP are things like Princess Crown and Ape Escape: On The Loose, and barely anything older than nines year old with the except of things like the Persona (At-the-time a 13 year old game) and FF4 Complete (A compilation with a remake of an at-the-time 20 year old game). Compare that to the Switch that's digging into DS games (The 13 year old Ghost Trick, and 19 year old Trace Memory), GameCube, (The 20 year old Thousand Year Door, and 21 year old Metroid Prime), GBA games (The 20 year old Mario VS Donkey Kong), and SNES games (The 27 year old Super Mario RPG), and even Famicom games (The 33 year old Famicom Detective Club). And all of these games being treated like big tent-pole releases instead of a ho-hum, "Yeah, this exists." Compare that to something like the entire launch line-up of 3DS games, consisting of ports/remakes/compilations of games that were six (SC:CT, MGS3) to 14 (SF64, AC2) years old, where everything was treated as a glorified tech-demo (Using the "best" of yesteryear's games) and nothing more. Or the original DS (That had things like RR64, SM64, Rayman 2, FF3/4, etc.), or even the GBA (The entire Super Mario Advance series, the Classic NES series, the FF remakes, etc.). The point I'm trying to make, if it's not coming across clear, is that none of these past portables ever seemed desperate to hang their hats upon the fact that they had years-old games on them if you were looking for something to play. The Switch doesn't have that type of impression. Take away all the ports/remakes/compilations, and what are you left with? Now do the same thing with the Vita/3DS/PSP/NDS/GBA. Would you rather pick the Switch or one of those other systems when you reduce everything down to simple that? And, no, I'm not taking backwards compatability into account.**
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>>967564 You mean Youtube videos like this? lol. lmoa even. Anon holy shit. Just unearth yourself into the sun right now. Nobody should pay north of $1000 for this.
>>967564 Congrats on being objectively wrong, dipshit. Enjoy your chink hardware.
>>967595 A CRISPY 9FPS
Seeing Nintendo fags sperg is always a treat.
>>967346 I would buy Valve's console if they figured out how to avoid the drifting joysticks, something that Nintendo fucked up until the OLED launched, no reports of its joycons drifting on that particular edition of the Switch.
>>967827 That's the thing, stick drift has been an issue since the beginning, and was solved years ago with a different type of stick called a "Hall Effect". Third party controllers have hall sticks, but not first party.
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>>967830 Those tech-demo games that require for you to shake the buttplugs will be collecting dust because the alternative 1st party controllers don't have that bullshit implemented, no wonder why the new Mario game doesn't rely on that in comparison to Odyssey, the forced gimmick just kills the product and always been an issue since the Wii era.
>>967871 Hall effect means a stick controlled by magnets rather than friction and was used on the Dreamcast and PS3 controllers. It has nothing to do with motion controls.
>>967905 Still if the game requires you to use the joycons and nothing but the joycons, you're fucked.
This thread is an absolute pleasure to read.
>>967595 9 FPS today will be 1000 FPS tomorrow.
>>967450 That'd be fucking hilarious.
>>967595 Normalfags and their cockstar games.
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>>967572 Well the Switch has already nearly all the third-party Vita games minus the pics related, although this could change a bit if the upcoming Gundam Breaker 4 turns out to be an enhanced sequel of 3 (and not the shitshow of New Breaker). It's missing out the Utawarerumono trilogy and Dungeon Travelers too, but Aquaplus has been awfully silent about fully supporting the Switch and this company is known as one of the last "loyal" Japanese Sony loyalists out there (Nihon Falcom and Compile Heart previously being part of the squad). That essentially leaves the PSP and DS, which I'm more fond of the former than the latter, but my phone already covers these systems with emulation. PPSSPP was mainly fixed with an update patch since last year as my experience with Super Robot Wars Z2 beforehand had its fair share of flashing black screens and crashes. Part of why there have been so many Switch ports on the Japanese side of the game industry is because third-parties are trying to establish a new userbase on Nintendo as Playstation, their hometurf since the late 1990's, is more or less a sinking ship after so many self-sabotages.
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>>967932 It's like the Switch's release was a disaster but everyone had to hold it because it's the company that dindu noffin, this is the equivalent of progs lashing out to their kike overlords.
>>968706 >It's like the Switch's release was a disaster In what reality?
>>968519 >Well the Switch has already nearly all the third-party Vita games What about Army Corp of Hell, Freedom Wars, Bullet Girl, Soul Sacrifice, Monster Monpiece, Uppers, Gravity Daze, Chaos Rings, WipEout 2048, and Shinobido 2? >my phone already covers these systems with emulation. Then why even buy a Switch? Ignoring Android/iOS ports of games, smartphones have been capable of emulating the Switch, itself, since the system released. >Part of why there have been so many Switch ports on the Japanese side of the game industry is because third-parties are trying to establish a new userbase on Nintendo as Playstation And they're wasting their time. One the one hand, it's doing no favors to have the biggest draws of a system be the fact that I can play the same games on the systems that I already own. And on the other hand, Nintendo seems to be heading down the same path as Snowy which means they're going to repeating this same process all over again in a few years on...what, Steam (Wait, they ban Japanese games for tempremental reasons)? GoG (Same problems)? Could I make a suggestion: How about these developers go back and start making video games for the systems that have been available for the past 20 years and that you can still play video games on? The games they're releasing today do not need to be released on the latest platforms as all they're doing creating the very rope that will be used to hang them with.
>>968519 Not really. It doesn't have the Vanillaware trifecta of Muramasa, Dragon's Crown, or Odin Sphere Leifthraisir for example. Nor does it have the OG Caligula, Danganronpa UDG, Trillion: God of Destruction, Bullet Girls 2, the best version of Steins;Gate, a lot of the Neptunia spinoffs including Superdimension Sega hard Girls, Toukiden 1 and 2, Deception IV, J-Stars Victory Vs+, Arcana Hearts 3, Dengeki Bunko, etc. Plus the stuff the autist above me said though a lot of those games he said were published by Sony, saying stuff like Gravity Rush was third party when that's not fully accurate
>>968778 > though a lot of those games he said were published by Sony, saying stuff like Gravity Rush was third party when that's not fully accurate I ignored it because I found it a little odd how the guy was resticing stuff to just third-party exclusives.
>>968996 Guess the Steam Deck 2 is going to get more of its Market Share then.
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>>968778 >Vanillaware trifecta of Muramasa, Dragon's Crown, or Odin Sphere Leifthraisir >Trillion: God of Destruction >the best version of Steins;Gate >Deception IV Kinda forgot those so that's a whoopsie from me. I still somewhat expect the other Vanillaware games to come out on Nintendo even it's just a sorta mess between their respective publishers (GrimGrimoire was under Nippon Ichi Software so it easily came out remastered, Muramasa is from Marvelous and the rest is tied to Atlus). I could have listed the Senran Kagura/Valkyrie Drive too but Takakaki moved on and work for Cygames these days, while Marvelous doesn't seem to involve itself with these franchises any longer. However I wouldn't go back to the Vita as the Switch received the rest of the Japanese game franchises I liked on Playstation back there (such as Atelier, Disgaea and other NIS titles, EDF, Touhou fangames, Ys, Legend of Heroes, Akiba's Trip 2, Memories Off, Samurai Warriors 4, One Piece PW3, Superbeat Xonic) in addition to the new stuff. Nevermind the hybrid format where you can alternate between portable and home uses instead of having two separate dedicated machines like in the past. imo it's the combination between the old spirit of Playstation + the usual Nintendo library that makes the Switch and its game catalog appealing. I do hope again that certain businessmen in the Japanese vidya industry will get over their old preconceptions from the 1990's and 2000's once the Switch successor is out. Masayoshi (the head executive of RGG studio) not wanting to port the Yakuza games because the console doesn't "feel underground enough" was peak Sony fanboyism for instance. >>968996 I wouldn't say "never" considering the PSVita was believed to be an impenetrable fortress until far late into its life. But yeah, do not expect an easy hardware exploit like it happened for the v1 Switch. That said modern pirates absolutely lack of subtlety and self-discipline these days, especially when it comes to anything Nintendo. And autism within the homebrew community can be a double-edged sword.
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>>969076 Don't respond to Willy, you fucking newfag.
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>>969076 Contributing pirates are people who have paid for things in order to share anyway, so this whole "piratefag vs buyfag" slapfight feels frankly silly. My comment on Internet pirates (including emufags to an extent) being not subtle and disciplined was more about their Robin Hood attitude in broad daylight (in social media, websites frequented by normalfags and such). Like actively begging for trouble and ruining things for everyone in the end, but I sorta assume they're third-worlders and massive autists with zero regard to consequences in potentially attracting unwanted attention.

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