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LET IT DIE Sequel Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 07:41:16 Id: 226590 No. 966184
( youtube com/watch?v=hUSLVF2zelY ) New dev log vid just dropped about 11 hours ago, in which they confirm the project is going well. (In other words, it's not vapourware, thank God.) They didn't show much, but we do get to see a screenshot for the very first time. First thing I immediately noticed: Red blood confirmed! Much to my relief, it looks like they're not trying to keep it PG like they did with Deathverse. There's also a character that can be seen in the distance, scaling a wall with a rope. To sum it up: The new game is being designed with the formula of the original LID mostly, and Deathverse to a lesser extent. It's going to be a roguelite that focuses on action and exploration. There will be some multiplayer co-op and PvP content. Maybe it's still a bit too early for this thread, but fuck it. It's been too long since we last had one. Let's discuss all things LID ITT. What do you expect or hope to see in the sequel? What did you like and/or dislike in the original LID and/or Deathverse? Should the new game focus more on melee or ranged combat? Should they abandon the live service model? Do you think they'll show a trailer next month at Summer Game Fest? Will there be last-gen console support and/or crossplay? Will they finally improve their enemy AI?
Can you bootleg an offline version of Let It Die, has anybody done that?
>>966218 Not as far as I know. It's a nice idea, though.
>What did you like and/or dislike in the original LID? I'm interested in hearing this as well, since it seems to be somewhat popular here. Maybe that's just because it was made by Goichi Suda
Here's the same screenshot in 2160p, a.k.a. 4K resolution. >>966256 OP here. I stopped playing the original LID about 2 years ago, but I had a lot of fun with it while it lasted. I loved the game for its satisfying action gameplay. The weapon variety is one of the greatest in any action game ever, and the highly addictive decal equipment system gives the player a lot of freedom to experiment. Suda is credited as "Executive Director" for LID, and sure enough, his distinctly quirky punk-westaboo style is immediately visible in the game. However, the gameplay is lightyears above NMH in quality, so I think it's safe to say Shin is the real hero of the project. Now, as for the cons... LID's biggest flaws, in my opinion, are as follows: -Lots of microtransactions (all optional, but still a lame practice) -Retarded enemy AI -Some combat balance issues (especially in endgame) -The game somewhat reduced its roguelite design philosophy over the years, in favour of more gacha farming The "live service" model can be kind of a double-edged sword. There's no denying there are some innately cancerous things about it, of course, but sometimes it can also help the game grow in good ways, and bring the devs and the community closer together. And that's what happened in LID's case, IMO.
>>966256 I really liked LET IT DIE, I just hated the GaaS and always online aspect. I'd enjoy if it were a paid offline game instead.
>>966184 I posted it in the minor news thread earlier, but I'm happy for you OP

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