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Microsoft closes Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, Alpha Dog Studios and more cuts at Bethesda Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 14:17:09 Id: 5b7fb5 No. 966290
Breaking news: Xbox has just closed a number of Bethesda studios including Arkane and Tango Gameworks. This comes after Starfield failed to deliver on expectations, and Microsoft will be cutting down on Bethesda owned studios. Arkane Lyon, Bethesda Game studios, Machine Games, and id Software survived the cull. The full email is as below: >Today I’m sharing changes we are making to our Bethesda and ZeniMax teams. These changes are grounded in prioritizing high-impact titles and further investing in Bethesda’s portfolio of blockbuster games and beloved worlds which you have nurtured over many decades. >To double down on these franchises and invest to build new ones requires us to look across the business to identify the opportunities that are best positioned for success. This reprioritization of titles and resources means a few teams will be realigned to others and that some of our colleagues will be leaving us. >Here are the changes going into effect: >Arkane Austin – This studio will close with some members of the team joining other studios to work on projects across Bethesda. Arkane Austin has a history of making impactful and innovative games and it is a pedigree that >everyone should be proud of. Redfall’s previous update will be its last as we end all development on the game. The game and its servers will remain online for players to enjoy and we will provide make-good offers to players who purchased the Hero DLC. >Alpha Dog Studios – This studio will also close. We appreciate the team’s creativity in bringing Doom to new players. Mighty Doom will be sunset on August 7 and we will be turning off the ability for players to make any purchases in the game. >Tango Gameworks – Tango Gameworks will also close. We are thankful for their contributions to Bethesda and players around the world. Hi-Fi Rush will continue to be available to players on the platforms it is today. >Roundhouse Games – The team at Roundhouse Games will be joining ZeniMax Online Studios (ZOS). Roundhouse has played a key role in many of our recent game launches and bringing them into ZOS to work on The Elder Scrolls Online will mean we can do even more to grow the world that millions of players call home. >With this consolidation of our Bethesda studio teams, so that we can invest more deeply in our portfolio of games and new IP, a small number of roles across select Bethesda publishing and corporate teams will also be eliminated. >Those whose roles will be impacted will be notified today, and we ask that you please treat your departing colleagues with respect and compassion. We will provide our full support to those who are impacted in today’s notifications and through their transitions, including severance benefits informed by local laws. >These changes are not a reflection of the creativity and skill of the talented individuals at these teams or the risks they took to try new things. I acknowledge that these changes are also disruptive to the various support teams across ZeniMax and Bethesda that bring our games to market. We are making these tough decisions to create capacity to increase investment in other parts of our portfolio and focus on our priority games. >Bethesda remains one of the key pillars of Xbox with a strong portfolio of amazing games and thriving communities. As we look to the future, there is an impressive line-up of games on the horizon. In 2024 alone we have Starfield Shattered Space, Fallout 76 Skyline Valley, Indiana Jones and The Great Circle, and The Elder Scrolls Online’s Golden Road. As we align our plans and resources to best set ourselves up for success in this complex and changing industry, our teams across Arkane Lyon, Bethesda Game Studios, id Software, MachineGames, ZeniMax Online Studios and the Bethesda publishing and corporate teams will be well-positioned to build new IP, explore new game concepts, and expand on our existing franchises. >Matt Booty Personally I'm rather surprised that they're killing off Tango Gameworks considering the success of Hi-Fi Rush and how that game was basically a sleeper hit. Personally I'd rather have Machine Games take the hit considering they ruined Wolfenstein and are just a poorly managed studio in general that makes subpar shooters, but sadly Tango got the bullet instead. https://archive.ph/tIQSH
Edited last time by Mark on 05/07/2024 (Tue) 14:18:33.
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>Success It didn't all sell that well, just the last breath of a dying company with it's founder gone. I sure am enjoying watching AAA collapsing into itself though, it's wonderful!
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Out of all the layoffs and studio closures, this one has genuinely shocked me. What the fuck?
>>966290 I see Arkane finally got its long deserved mercy killing. On the rest of this, hopefully MS one day cleans up their terrible management and starts making + supporting better games in the future. I doubt they will, but I try to wish for the best of vidya.
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>>966300 It's Arkane Austin, not Arkane Lyon which is probably who you're thinking of. Why did Microshit even buy ZeniMax? They've shut down half their fucking studios and beaten the shit out of the rest. This is the exact gutting you saw EA do in the 2000s. I HATE CORPORATE CONSOLIDATION
>>966302 >Why did Microshit even buy ZeniMax? Because they can and because they really only wanted Bethesda. The other studios under zenimax were always living on borrowed time. Same reason they bought out Activision, they wanted King and CoD. They do not give a fuck about Blizzard or any of the other studios they got in the deal.
>>966302 Oh right. I hate when devs do those really uninspired naming setups. Thanks for the correction. Must be an especially sour note to end your studio on Redfall. >Why did Microshit even buy ZeniMax? I always just assumed they wanted the next Skyrim from Todd to be their big exclusive since they needed a win.
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RIP Tango Gameworks. Did anyone play The Evil Within 1 and 2? I played Hi-Fi Rush and that was fun, while Ghostwire seemed to have some localization trouble.
>>966308 The first Evil Within was alright. 2nd game I never got into. I've heard good things about Hi-Fi Rush, but I haven't played it. As for Ghostwire, I forgot about it completely.
Get bent, Todd. Should have fired Emil back during the 360 days and declined every diversity hire that clogged the arteries of your precious game studios. Guess Starfield wasn't the childhood dream you thought it was, Mr. Chess Club.
>>966296 According to MS themselves, this isn't true. https://archive.is/2hSSK >dance Tango was hardly AAA, anon. They were a mid-sized Japanese dev.
>>966290 >>966290 Wake me up when Emil and Todd get the boot! Also why you niggers sad? Its fucking Bethesda, not even old Bethesda but the corpse of bethesda filled with pakis and street shitters!
>>966330 It's sad because Tango Gameworks was looking to be very promising.
>>966314 That was in direct response to rumours that it didn't sell well. I guess we know which one was reality now.
>>966351 Maybe if they didn't pull a Sega Saturn with the game it would've sold a bit better.
>>966296 Fuck off, tango didn't deserve to die because of Todd
>>966354 >a Sega Saturn with the game it would've sold a bit better. Qrd? >>966330 The sad thing is tango being a colateral casualty, you retard, arkane Austin deserved his death after Redfall and whatnot, but Tango was delivering pretty well >Also Don't be stupid, this is a wake up call and a pretty subtle form of MS to put presure on Todd and the bastard of Emil, mostly on that fucker than Toddy Todd, since he at least can be the Bethesda Reggie after all, but just a puppet in the practical sense, while Emil surely has his head in the sights right now, and is more disposable than le epic reddit man Toddy Todd
>>966363 >Created by Bethesda >Made mostly trash >Said trash didn't sell Yes it did
>>966308 I played The Evil Within 2. Didn't like how shaky Evil Within 1 was when trying to go back. Wanted to get Ghostwire Tokyo but hesitated because of the shitty subs that were only eventually patched way after the fact. Never played Hi-Fi Rush but apparently that got super popular. I don't understand how they could close the studio.
>>966366 >Qrd? I don't know what that means, but basically Microsoft sent Hi-Fi Rush out to die.
>>966436 quick rundown ESL kun
>>966441 I've never heard that either, and I'm not ESL (though I'm probably retarded enough to pass as one).
>>966436 About the Saturn.
>>966436 >>966441 Clearly he meant >Wrd? Which is short for Word? Which means he wants details.
>>966382 >I don't understand how they could close the studio Investors like it when businesses fire people. One of the things investors use when deciding if they want to invest in a company are ratios, like Debt-to-equity, Earnings per share, Return on Equity as well as other metrics that do nothing to paint an accurate picture of a company standing. One such ratio is >Labor-to-revenue If you fire a bunch of people it improves this ratio which makes investors happy! Jack Welch CEO of GE pioneered the art of closing extremely profitable division to improve stock prices. Investors rely on these metrics because they have literally no understanding of how businesses works and are really just gambling and want to feel like they are making smart decisions and not just gambling.
>>966513 >Jack Welch CEO of GE pioneered the art of closing extremely profitable division to improve stock prices. >Investors rely on these metrics because they have literally no understanding of how businesses works and are really just gambling and want to feel like they are making smart decisions and not just gambling. Meanwhile Warren Buffet's own mentor told him that investing in companies pulling that will never result in him becoming profitable. Yes, you can make a fine bit of money off of companies who are in the decline and have "one last puff" to go before bankruptcy proceedings start, but the people who are doing that will never be successful.
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>>966519 I suppose it depends if they're also invested in liquidation companies.
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>>966550 Hines is gone Todd, Emil is next, you know what comes after that don't you?
>>966373 >The Evil Within 1 >Hi-Fi Rush >Ghostwire <Shit I can understand TEW 2, but the rest are decent to good, and Hi-Fi Rush was really good, so fuck off >>966436 >but basically Microsoft sent Hi-Fi Rush out to die. But how so? Besides the fact of Zero marketing and blablablah the saturn died thanks to a lot of reasons, including miscomunication between muricans and japs, and other autistic and retarded shenanigans, so i was curious about the comparision >>966513 >Labor-to-revenue I fucking hate that with all My guts. >Investors rely on these metrics because they have literally no understanding of how businesses works and are really just gambling and want to feel like they are making smart decisions and not just gambling. Is really sad when this is all true. >>966557 Tbh, hines was the one harder to fire of the Three, so, if they could get Hines to fuck off, with these, there is no doubt that the absolute monkey of emil is next on the chopping block, and a reminder to Todd to get his shit together, or else.
>>966513 >If you fire a bunch of people it improves this ratio which makes investors happy! Jack Welch CEO of GE pioneered the art of closing extremely profitable division to improve stock prices. Investors rely on these metrics because they have literally no understanding of how businesses works and are really just gambling and want to feel like they are making smart decisions and not just gambling. Small investors are like plankton that get devoured en masse by every whale that passes through. >>966519 How do you measure success if making a bunch of money off of small-time rubes doesn't count?
>>966560 I said mostly trash, and outside Hi-Fi rush everything else is mediocre. Regardless, outside of Evil Within 1, none of them sold enough.
>>966513 >>966560 Fuck investors, delete investors, bottom of the barrel leeching retards with too much power. This shit right here is why people hate capitalism, because nobody practices actually rewarding quality work, they chase some autistic numbers that aren't representative of anything good or ride brand loyalty into the fucking gutter. Lobotomized morons with money shouldn't be calling the shots in industries they know nothing about, goddamn it's infuriating.
>>966569 It's not even investors, it's managers, terrible retarded managers that are completely incompetent and unaware what their division or department even does, and Microsoft has the worst of the bunch.
>>966572 And how do managers measure success? I thought it was pure revenue, but stock value keeps coming up in business interviews with CEOs as a primary measurement, which is determined by investors. So really everyone in upper management and financial decision making is retarded and deserve the boot, but as long as managers chase investor numbers nothing's gonna improve.
>>966577 >And how do managers measure success Fun Fact: IIRC Jack Welch also pioneered meaningless volumetrics to gauge employees with as well as regularly reoccurring mass layoffs of 10% of a businesses workfore. Behind The Bastards did a 2 part episode on him, its a good listen if you ever want to be very angery and upset.
>>966564 >How do you measure success if making a bunch of money off of small-time rubes doesn't count? Simple, are you able to quit anytime you want and leave your money to do your work for you? >>966577 >I thought it was pure revenue, but stock value keeps coming up in business interviews with CEOs as a primary measurement, which is determined by investors. That's because they're taking advantage of idiots who think "numbers" actually mean anything. The stock price has almost nothing to do with whether or not a company makes good decisions. The company could be making boku-bucks or having nothing but failures month after month, but that doesn't matter as long as the company survives and revenue comes in. The real reason why stock prices go up is because of inflation. While the "official" calculators all list that $10 in 1984 is worth $30 today, they do not reflect the actually currency in circulation. Assets like stocks, precious metals, and real estate do. <In fact, if you look at this graph, and then compare the stock price of companies that have been around for more than 50 years, you'll see that most of them have a stock price that seems to follow a rather similar trend to the currency in circulation. The more money that exists, the more their stock tends to be worth. Meaning that these companies could be experiencing literally zero growth, and their stock price would go up just by exist. This may come as a surprise but all these "theories" of business are just fantasies created by over-educated college students who think they're God's gift to the word by the very nature of them being so "smart". So how do managers measure success? By how many inches they can shove down your throat and however long you worship them like a God.
>>966569 >This shit right here is why people hate capitalism mh, im sure its because of vids related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfwMpxhrCYE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV0XSPbo1CY although i do think that "perennial investment growth" niggers alongside the "failing upwards with a golden parachute" meta-kikes that are the current crop of CEO's are a scourge upon humanity
>>966608 >think "numbers" actually mean anything Humans are simple creatures, some of us want to optimize shit, and we need some number to demonstrate how optimal we are to the lesser sheeple. Those two metrics I mentioned seemed the most likely numbers that they'd use as barometers for the sheeple to me. >The stock price has almost nothing to do with whether or not a company makes good decisions. Preaching to the choir, all the richest orgs right now are definitely not making good decisions for the common man. >The real reason why stock prices go up is because of inflation >their stock price would go up just by exist Good explanation, makes near-perfect sense. Doesn't stop companies from wanting more than just the green number going up purely because of inflation. >>966611 >mh, im sure its because of vids related Oh I don't doubt that, but CEOs sure love giving lefty preachers and breadtubers ammunition.
>>966577 >And how do managers measure success? By how much money they make and how well they hide the fact that they have no idea what they're doing no matter how many people they fuck over. The best ones fuck over countless projects while sitting on their ass and are never caught. Look how long it took for Microsoft to give the boot to 343 executives.
>Matt Booty Never gets old
>>966302 >Why did Microshit even buy ZeniMax? Fallout and TES; they didn't give a shit about anything else.
>>966302 Because they had ties with them since Morrowind and Altman pushed for it before he died. >Muh consolidate They're consolidating because they're desperate, nobody is buying their shit anymore. Look at Disney, look at Time Warner.
<<966666 (NOT checked and NOT You'd) You can't ">muh" something like corpo consolidation, you dolt.
>>966666 What a waste of numbers
>>966675 What who is he ?
>>966675 >>966682 In this case it's going to bite them in the ass, already is. It's not like they're buying actual good studios like they did 20-30 years ago anyway. Said good studios can actually profit without these gigakikes.
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>>966737 Good riddance hopefully Arkane Lyon and Machine Games follow.
>>966649 Maybe id too.
>>966737 >it can only make oblivion, oblivion with guns, and oblivion in space You did it again, Todd. What a great acquisition, microshit.
>>966740 What the hell did tango do to deserve it?
>>966795 >Have to follow Japanese labor laws >Less complaints by devs living where your HQ is >Games didn't sell that well and are singleplayer only without the relevance of Bethesdatrash Cost effective, less of a PR hit and now resources can be put into live service games
>>966796 The fuck is wrong with single player only games now?
>>966796 >Games didn't sell that well But they did sell well, and they were positively received. It's retarded to expect every game to sell gangbusters and now they're out an entire studio of talent.
>>966800 >The fuck is wrong with single player only games now? Not enough monetization! >hand rubbing intensifies
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>>966800 >Not always online so they can't be shut down to not compete with future titles >No battlepasses >No social pressure to play with friends >PR hit from microtransaction in them AAA shitters want to abandon singleplayer completely despite still being high demand so they can compete with Mobileshit and show investors big numbers. >>966803 >But they did sell well Companies like Micro$hart want blockbuster hits like COD, Skyrim and Fortnite, not moderate successes. Only moderate hits they want are the ones with a live service model they can continue to make money off long term.
>>966803 >But they did sell well, and they were positively received. Gamepass numbers aren't really a good way of measuring it Anon. It costs 1 dollar and sometimes less depending where you live, and with it you had instant access to the game, which could be taken into account as a sale. If we go by this route, the game didn't make shit
>>966800 Fewer transaction opportunities per game. With a single player game, the customer buys it once, maybe also buys a DLC or two, then he's done. Your top end customers are spending maybe a hundred bucks. You can't get a whale to spend $1k+ on a single player game. With live service shit, you can still get the purchase price out of all your customers, but you can also get a lot more money out of your potential whales.
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It's easy to look at a studio like Arkane and think, "these guys aren't profitable, shut them down". But in what universe does it make sense to shut down a profitable company like Tango? Is Microsoft retarded?
>>966840 "It's Shinji Mikami's studio and we don't have Shinji Mikami anymore, may as well shut it down" would maybe be a reasonable line of thought except that as far as I know he didn't work directly on Hi-Fi Rush.
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>>966308 Evil Within 1 had a good story, never interested in the others
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>>966817 Them rejecting any Postal game after years of Gears of War/Dead Space/CoD is rich "nonono we don't want *want* kind of violence!" Postal Redux is pretty tame compared to the original anyway, they even removed the dead baby art.
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>>966845 All things ended up going well in the end anyways, RWS remained on possession of their only IP, and they've let third parties make games with it and thus money. Postal 4 still sucks horseshit, but things could have gone much worse. I know an anon before said that "Funding" is the main reason why publishers still exist but the market is much easier to access now than what it used to be, so I'm quite doubtful on that.
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>>966840 The claimed reason at the moment is completely insane. https://nitter.poast.org/theswweet/status/1788309030638899265 I'm not going to post it, I want you to go there and read it yourself, because you will not believe me even if I did.
>>966862 Fuck you I'll post it here. It's not as bad as you make it out to be. Bad management from Microsoft that decided to focus on ongoing projects instead of new ones, but that happens with most industries once solutions are delivered.
>>966865 >Phill Spenser be like: >New games? bitch i still haven't gone through my backlog i read somewhere that not only are the Xbox management getting a juicy pay raise as studios close down and devs get fired but the Phill spent the majority of the fiscal year just playing vidya to the point where he is ranking among the top 5 xbox players and even platinumed a couple of games
>>966865 >That kike rat trying to damage control Absolutely disgusting, all of it
>>966308 TEW1 had an ok plot but the game felt more like "Shinjy Mikami's greatest hits" album where he wanked all his favorite horror cliches, still fun even if a little bit linear but got monotonous towards the end (it was also a bitch move to lock all the lore in the DLC) TEW2 was more of the same but open world style so it got less repetitive Ghostwire i never cared about as i hate 1st person and Hi-Fi Rush seems fun but i never played it either
>>966308 Aw what those are the guys they're closing? Damn what a shame, Evil Within 2 was a fun third person horror game.
>>966870 He's not wrong, companies go through these periods all the time, the moment a service was brought and the usefulness of a worker has been fulfilled most of the times their contracts end. Then again if it comes from Zenimax and not from Xbox/MS I'm just curious as to how the budget is managed, because clearly something is fishy.
>>966865 >>966876 Phil get off of /v/
>>966876 Of course he's not, he stated the same exact thing he did. >Contract Their contracts weren't over, they shit down the company and fired everyone you fucking rat.
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>>966868 >Phill spent the majority of the fiscal year just playing vidya to the point where he is ranking among the top 5 xbox players and even platinumed a couple of games Damn, and here I hoped that if corporations had a few managers who actually liked to play games - rather than hating games, but loving the money - things would improve somewhat. In theory, if he has a lot of experience playing games and can tell the difference between something fun and well designed vs something that's just DEI and open-world checklists, then he's in a good position to judge the validity of proposed projects and gauge their in-development progress. Though I guess if you just spend all your time playing Xbox games, then it's a classic case of Garbage In, Garbage Out.
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>>966862 >>966865 Didn't the exact same thing happen to the Prototype devs, Radical Entertainment? Where the game was a massive success for Activision, and they congratulated the team by firing each and everyone one of them and handing the sequel off to a team of interns who hated the first game and wanted nothing to do with it? >>966876 >He's not wrong, companies go through these periods all the time, the moment a service was brought and the usefulness of a worker has been fulfilled most of the times their contracts end. Except that's NOT what's going on here. In fact Bloomberg has NOW come out to confirm that M$ is is cancelling the studios because...Microsoft don't have the money: https://archive.ph/ICxmz No, seriously, here are the exact quotes from the article: <Speaking about the closures more broadly, Booty said that the company’s studios had been spread too thin — like “peanut butter on bread” — and that leaders across the division had felt understaffed. They decided to close these studios to free up resources elsewhere, he said. <... <Jill Braff, head of ZeniMax studios, said in the town hall that she hoped the reorganization would allow the division, which also develops Fallout and Doom, to put more focus on fewer projects. “It’s hard to support nine studios all across the world with a lean central team with an ever-growing plate of things to do,” she said, according to audio of the meeting reviewed by Bloomberg. <“I think we were about to topple over,” she added. Let me boil down this entire situation in a nutshell: Over the past five years, Microsoft has spent almost $100 BILLION acquiring dozens of video game developers and publishers across the world, and starts closing them left and right because they suddenly lacks the funds the keep these studios active!!!
>>966882 You can make the argument that Phil is just bad at management and lets Natya roll all over him.
>>966886 Correction, they spend $100 Billion acquiring hundreds of video game IPs. The developers just came as part of the package deal, and are no longer necessary to goal of padding out GamePass and securing leverage over Playstation and Nintendo.
>>966891 >and are no longer necessary to goal of padding out GamePass and securing leverage over Playstation and Nintendo. Anon, Xbox is doing even worse than Snowy. Their GamePass numbers haven't budged since 2021, the entire gaming division is running at a loss, and no one is buying their consoles (As in, the sales are so miniscule that almost every metric has considered Xbox sales to have literally "flatlined").
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>>966817 >Microsoft rejects fanservice games >Sony censors them >Steam is bipolar >Nintendo has too much of a reputation as family friendly and offers actual video games meaning they don't need fanservice games if they don't want them. >>966886 >spent almost $100 BILLION acquiring dozens of video game developers and publishers across the world, and starts closing them left and right because they suddenly lacks the funds the keep these studios active!!! <Microsoft is using fucking Monopoly strats where you mortgage most of your properties to build up one or two areas (in this case Gamepass presumably). >>966899 >no one is buying their consoles <The consoles that have ZERO exclusives because everything gets ported to W10 anyways and has no other leverage over Switch or even the fucking PS5 is not getting bought Dear god this entire industry needs to burn for its retardation, this is bordering on criminal negligence with how many millions are wasted and how much consumer goodwill is being torched.
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>>966308 >The guys who gave a shit <Sinking down with (((them))) So many cases, I'm surprised there's no thread about the good guys getting the shit on the stick and having their dreams shattered. >>966886 What about EA? The ones who started this King Midas strategy and turned everything to shit?
>>966900 I got to say, I only started playing Hi-Fi rush the other day, and before I actually played it I was sure 808 was going to be a Boy cat. I know it's a girl cat now, but it's lacking the female eyelashes that are cartoon shorthand for indicating a design is a girl.
>>966917 Steam sells literal fucking porn, you can't even compare them with the others.
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>>966935 Now THAT is what I'm talking about.
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>>966917 >Sony collapses under the weight of it's own AAA studios, only produces one game a generation >Microsoft fucks off to the cloud so that Xbox can be everywhere and nowhere >Nintendo continues being Nintendo >nVidia gives up on games, produces cards for AI and Buttcoin mining only >Gabe Newell chokes on a hamburger and dies, Valve goes public - majority share bought by TENCENT SEGA MAKES THEIR TRIUMPHANT RETURN TO THE CONSOLE MARKET
>>966939 >SEGA returning to the console market >AGAIN Nah, ill prefer those jap fags to stay dead and irrelevant, they were just proto Xbox, they being again on the market would be the absolute monkey paw wish ever imaginable
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>>966939 Considering some of the faggot shit I've seen them supporting this seems like a bit of a monkey's paw, that being said if we're fantasizing: -Powerstone 3, Dynamite Deka 3 -DOA/Virtua Fighter/Shenmue crossover, you play an escaped J6/MIST joint experiment that shapeshifts into fighters it encounters which is taken in by an aged Ryo Hazuki. You do minigames (taken from both Shenmue and DOAX games) to earn money and build rapport with established fighters letting you take on their appearance and access their moves. -Entire console is modular, just has a cleverly designed plastic shell that makes replacing or adding things idiot-proof. Existing PC parts manufacturers put out compatible versions of their products at a small mark up that easily slot in, large after-market of unofficially converted parts placed in 3D printed cases services lowers price points. Stories about people getting scammed purchasing worn out GPUs that were used for mining clash with people getting much better hardware for cheap because the seller put the wrong card in the case. Extenders let you "add" ports, people buy multiple cheap GPU/CPU modules and stack them 'Game Genie & Knuckles' style creating consoles that are the height of small children. A man can Dreamcast 2...
>>966952 >No Sonic Adventure 3 >No Virtua Tennis 5 >No Virtua Fighter 6 >No cool new IP with 2000s nostalgia aesthetic Shit console, would not buy
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>>966939 Sega would just repeat the same retardness like in the 90s, they hired some delusional DJ dyke just to moderate wrong thinkers in Phantasy Star Online 2.
<Microsoft’s Xbox Is Planning More Cuts After Studio Closings >This week, Xbox began offering voluntary severance agreements to producers, quality assurance testers and other staff at ZeniMax, which it purchased in 2020 for $7.5 billion, according to people familiar with the company’s plans. Others across the Xbox organization have been told that more cuts are on the way https://archive.ph/e7Fgt
>>966967 Hopefully Microsoft and Sony just end up killing each other by seeing who can produce the biggest pile of bloated shit and who can hire the most lawyers while everyone else sits on the sidelines and laughs.
>>966919 >I'm surprised there's no thread about the good guys getting the shit on the stick and having their dreams shattered. Nobody likes to dwell on the bad stuff since it happens so often. It's better to hold up those more uncommon occasions when the bastards enabling this decline actually get a broken nose for once.
>>966290 microsloth continuing to make video games worse with their presence
I will never touch HiFi rush solely for it's awful Tumblr designs. Only salvageable one is Korsica.
>>966886 >Over the past five years, Microsoft has spent almost $100 BILLION acquiring dozens of video game developers and publishers across the world, and starts closing them left and right because they suddenly lacks the funds the keep these studios active!!! Didn't Embracer Group do the exact same thing? How are these companies so fucking stupid? Honest opinion, is a video game market crash going to happen? The last few months make it seem actually possible.
>>966995 >vidya crash You're seeing it happen in real-time anon. What a time to be alive. There'll be more closures in the coming months. Spaced out like this you might not notice it happening all at once, but look at the last few years in aggregate and we've seen more flops than successes and more closures than openings.
>>966995 >>966997 It won't be a crash, a crash would require a reduction of cash flow into the industry. There are plenty of people buying games, games are currently making more money than ever. What you're seeing now is more of a collapse of segments of the industry due to bad business practices. I cannot overstate how bad these business practices are, Embracer bought so many valuable studios and IPs that they literally did not have the funds to support development, leading to them shuttering those same studios that put them into debt. They aren't "just making good games" because they don't have the money to. It's something similar for Microsoft but not as bad. They spent over $100,000,000,000 acquiring studios but now need to see actual growth, so they're cutting back. This is why big companies shouldn't be allowed to go on spending sprees, something similar happened with Nortel over 20 years ago.
>>966995 It's more a factor of the entire economy retracting than a crash so to speak. Disposable income for everyone is drying up, and whispers of 70's-era stagflation are on the rise. The result is going to be even more predatory monetization practices to chase the remaining whales until each game is sustained by only 4-5 people.
>>967003 >due to bad business practices ie. not being massive corporations
>march <microsoft makes the 'how to make game guide' that boils down to no sexy females, always walk on eggshells, & diversity is more important than fun >april <BlizzCon 24 is canceled >this month <now they're shutting down studios similar to EA Felt like making a video with all the monthly news that keeps happening to microsoft
>>967316 Microsoft was known for "embrace, extend, and extinguish" since the 90s.
>>967316 But they apparently made a fortune off of the Fallout live action show
>>966995 Embracer expected a gigantic Saudi paycheck, that's the difference. >>967316 I fucking hate Apple, it's fans and it's influence, but they at least aren't Microsoft or Google. Those two are pure fucking cancer, they have the Midas touch of shit. a big part of it due to all the pajeets
>>967487 It's dead and gone precisely thanks to 80s and 90s early edgy fags who Right now are woke libtards
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>>967480 Personally, I hate apple just as much for pushing that fisher price baby toy look every company uses now.
>>967316 >Comparing shit with diarrhea Nah, Apple can fuck itself and crash harder than mutt economy in 2008, it's fans are just mouthbreathing retards who like to get ripped off every second with bullshit. <An interview with Hack Jobs I'll give it that he was a visionary, but in spirit he was just a really good snake oil seller, and a really good usted car seller with the kind of bullshit and obsolete shit he passed as "New and awesome", for the retards and mutts >>967490 I'll give it that it has it charm nonetheless, still, that shit machine was used only in the US and maybe Premium Peru
>>967490 Yes but like Jobs said, his product is trying to create "culture" Although if anything everyone choosing the sleek and simplistic products have managed to become increasingly soulless
>>967490 >Personally, I hate apple just as much for pushing that fisher price baby toy look every company uses now. I blame everyone else for mindlessly following them. I think that it's a shitty, stupid look but nobody held a gun to the head of M$ or Android and forced them to ape Apple - that's on them and no one else. >>967492 >I'll give it that he was a visionary, but in spirit he was just a really good snake oil seller, and a really good usted car seller with the kind of bullshit and obsolete shit he passed as "New and awesome", for the retards To be fair, most Apple stuff does just werk so long as you bend over and lube up and submit to the walled garden. I've known a number of older people who have happily used macs and iphones because once their kids or grandkids or whoever set it up for them all they have to do is push the big shiny button shaped like a letter to get to their email or the big shiny button shaped like a camera to see the photos that their grandkids have taken and uploaded to a cloud drive. Likewise with people who use macs for A/V stuff because the displays are pretty good, the laptops are very portable, all of the software they need is available and Apple has robust cloud support. For the marginally tech-literate, Apple products have a niche that has gone largely unfilled by other brands. Apple products are hideously overpriced and their business practices are reprehensible across the board but I don't think that "snake oil" is fitting.
>Apple shit Go away It's interesting to see how hard people are turning on Xbox over the last 20 months. If you don't mind me using zoomer slang, it's just one L after another; Redfall was a disaster, Halo Infinite was a dud, Starfield was a disappointment, the Series X|S hasn't been selling well, they're starting to go multiplat, they've closed half their goddamn studios, not even the most ardent console warrior would defend this. There are some famous console warriors on shitter who have totally turned on Xbox and demand Phil be fired. It's starting to look obvious that Microsoft wants to leave the console space, and the only arguments I've seen against this are 360 nostalgia and "I don't want Sony to have a monopoly!", the former being a sentiment more than an argument and the latter being a rather pathetic talking point. If you have to resort to defending a product's existence by saying you don't want its business to go elsewhere; you don't have anything actually positive to say about the product. It's also odd how frequently I hear it, do Xbox fans think the industry is just Xbox vs PlayStation? The Switch alone is bigger than either, when you add mobile and PC into the mix they're only a moderate part of the industry.
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>>967515 >If you don't mind me using zoomer slang You just did
>>966742 He will never rest until all games are skyrim.
>>966920 Its a robot.
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>>967592 And you're a faggot.
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>>967592 Yes, and the game specifically states it's a Girl Robot. I just felt it was slight flaw with the character design that I couldn't tell that just from looking at it. Only the fact it's tail is making a heart in the 2nd pic indicates feminine qualities. Aside from that it's androgynous I suppose, perhaps that was on purpose, but if it was why state 808 is a girl.
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>>967521 You got to give cuckchanners credit when it's due, their retarded babble makes it easier to disregard their opinions.
>>967609 saved
>>967605 Because the designs are disgustingly Tumblr western due to the director being a gaijin.
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This is just boom and bust cycle, in 3-5 years we will be right back where we were.
>>967626 All I care about at this point is that the people right now who thought they were invincible get fucked. They'll be replaced with more jews and leftists, I know, but I at least get schadenfreude from the current crop losing their minds.
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Sorry for posting this halfchan garbage, but it got a chuckle out of me.
>microsoft finally goes Kaboom and retires from gaming <But then Apple enters the game This sounds like a fucking monkey paw, but right now, i can see ir happening, even more with Apple precios adventure with the pippin, and trying out again to (((try to fill))) the vacuum that microsoft will left in case they finally fuck off
>>967761 >It >Previous I fucking hate phoneposting while at work in lunch time
>>967761 >But then Apple enters the game Wait, is that a thing that's still rumored?
>>967761 Apple is already in the game anon, they won't stray from Mobileshit and have Macs, why would they? Plus the fucking Pippin. No point.
>>967764 Retards still think it's 2002 or some shit and think a console when they say stuff like this and not just a streaming service everybody forgets in 3 days.
>>967767 >>967769 Maybe people think they'll want a device to push Apple Arcade or some shit?
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>>967785 >>967769 >>967764 Cool rumor but you can't escape the fact that even if Apple were to enter the triple gAAAy arena what games do they have to show to entice the normalfags to add that to the pile of streaming services that already have them by the balls. I can see the average normalfag passing on another subscription service when they already have netflix, paramount, gamergoypass, online subscriptions, ect.
>>967764 >>967769 >>967767 Not a rumor, it's not game streaming, and they have 1 meh mobile game worth trying out. Sonic is also getting a battle royale game this year D:
>>967801 I wanna try Dream Team but I also don't wanna give up an entire GPU to my VM for the sake of playing Sanic
>>967795 >what games do they have to show to entice the normalfags to add that to the pile of streaming services that already have them by the balls Nothing, and that's the thing, mutts will buy that Apple box because it has a Little Apple logo and that's it, that's why their shitty phones still sell to this day
>>966886 >Microsoft don't have the money Good. The sooner this cancer dies, the better.

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